Updated on 2024/04/17


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  • 博士(医学) ( 岡山大学 )

Research Interests

  • 学校保健医科学

  • School health care

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Metabolism and endocrinology

  • Life Science / Clinical nursing

Research History

  • 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科教授


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Professional Memberships

Committee Memberships

  •   中央教育審議会 初等中等教育分科会 教員養成部会  

    2019.2 - 2021.2   

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    Committee type:Government



  • 教職員の学びの在り方から見た教職員研修の高度化・体系化・組織化

    梶井一暁, 熊谷愼之輔, 小林万里子, 高瀬淳, 松枝睦美, 三村由香里

    岡山大学教師教育開発センター紀要   12   271 - 285   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:岡山大学教師教育開発センター  

    This paper discusses the issues related to school teachers and staff development towards the future, including matters that how they gradually secure their learning opportunities in each stage of their careers and experiences and how university centers systematically ensure them professional development training programs. NITS Okayama Center has started to provide several training programs, in novelty and requirement distinguished from others: programs by local public bodies, local schools and teaching profession graduate schools. Through an inspection of our pilot programs, we basically point out that, first, the necessity to construct a system of making school teachers and staff’s learning process and outcome visible, and second, the importance to improve an evaluation method for training programs and to design that as an outcome model.

    DOI: 10.18926/cted/63313


  • 小学4年生を対象とした静的ストレッチングの取り組みによる効果検証

    津島 愛子, 三村 由香里, 棟方 百熊

    日本健康相談活動学会誌   16 ( 1-2 )   34 - 44   2021.12

  • Characteristics of Health-related Concepts of Students Who Aim to Work in the Childcare Field before Taking Childcare "Health" Classes

    ( 178 )   1 - 11   2021

  • 学校における運動器検診の現状と課題 A県の養護教諭に対する質問紙調査より

    津島 愛子, 三村 由香里, 上村 弘子, 棟方 百熊

    学校保健研究   59 ( Suppl. )   195 - 195   2017.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本学校保健学会  


  • ヘルスプロモーティングスクールにおけるオーストラリアのSchool Based Youth Health Nurseの現状と課題 School Based Youth Health Nurseへのインタビューをもとに

    山内 愛, 三村 由香里, 上村 弘子, 松枝 睦美, 高橋 香代

    学校保健研究   58 ( 4 )   227 - 239   2016.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本学校保健学会  

    オーストラリアのクイーンズランド州では1999年に、ヘルスプロモーティングスクール(HPS)モデルを手引きとした制度であるSchool Based Youth Health Nurse(SBYHN)プログラムを導入し、看護師免許を保有する看護師をSBYHNとして公立セカンダリスクール全校に派遣している。今回、SBYHN 4名に半構造化面接を行い、SBYHNの主な職務である「健康教育」「健康相談」「ヘルスプロモーション」それぞれの実践や意識についてインタビューし、語られた内容をカテゴリー化した。結果、「健康教育」の実践については【学校全体の取り組みへの参画】【クラスでの授業への参画】【個別の保健指導の実施】というカテゴリーが抽出された。「健康相談」の実践は【健康相談を実施する】【健康課題に対応する】が抽出された。「ヘルスプロモーション」のための啓発活動は【健康についての学校の方針作成への関与】【学校環境改善への取り組み】【個人を尊重する姿勢】【健康意識向上のための実践】が抽出された。


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2016&ichushi_jid=J00253&link_issn=&doc_id=20161110380003&doc_link_id=1603922&url=https%3A%2F%2Fkango-sakuin.nurse.or.jp%2Fnid%2F1603922&type=%8D%C5%90V%8A%C5%8C%EC%8D%F5%88%F8Web&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00014_1.gif

  • 副腎インシデンタローマとして発見された異所性甲状腺腫の一例

    細谷 武史, 稲垣 兼一, 山内 尚子, 三好 智子, 小松原 基志, 原 孝行, 当真 貴志雄, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 和田 淳, 大塚 文男

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   92 ( Suppl.Update )   54 - 56   2016.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  



    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2016&ichushi_jid=J01160&link_issn=&doc_id=20160810370017&doc_link_id=10.1507%2Fendocrine.92.Suppl.Update_54&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.1507%2Fendocrine.92.Suppl.Update_54&type=J-STAGE&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00007_3.gif

  • The Evidence-based Physical Assessment for headache by Yogo Teacher's practices

    ( 161 )   25 - 33   2016

  • 養護教諭の救急処置過程における困難感について 外傷に対しての検討

    細丸 陽加, 三村 由香里, 松枝 睦美, 津島 愛子, 山内 愛, 上村 弘子

    学校保健研究   57 ( 5 )   238 - 245   2015.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本学校保健学会  



    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2015&ichushi_jid=J00253&link_issn=&doc_id=20160112520002&doc_link_id=%2Fej6gahok%2F2015%2F005705%2F003%2F0238-0245%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fej6gahok%2F2015%2F005705%2F003%2F0238-0245%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • How Yogo Teachers of attached schools get involved in student teaching

    5   129 - 138   2015.3

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  • Erdheim-Chester病が強く疑われた下垂体機能低下症の一例

    三好 智子, 大塚 文男, 稲垣 兼一, 田中 康司, 越智 可奈子, 藤井 一恭, 藤井 伸治, 当真 貴志雄, 中村 絵里, 塚本 尚子, 武田 昌也, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 景山 甚郷, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   89 ( Suppl.Update )   21 - 23   2013.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  



    Other Link: https://search-tp.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2013&ichushi_jid=J01160&link_issn=&doc_id=20130626370006&doc_link_id=%2Fcq6naibu%2F2013%2F0089s1%2F007%2F0021-0023%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fcq6naibu%2F2013%2F0089s1%2F007%2F0021-0023%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • Rapid progression of Graves' ophthalmopathy despite the administration of thiamazole.

    Takayuki Katsuyama, Masaya Takeda, Fumio Otsuka, Kishio Toma, Kenichi Inagaki, Ken-Ei Sada, Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Hirofumi Makino

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   52 ( 20 )   2317 - 20   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A 42-year-old female with body weight loss, finger tremors and ocular discomfort was diagnosed with Graves' disease complicated with ophthalmopathy. Thiamazole therapy rapidly improved her hyperthyroidism. However, she was admitted to our hospital because her eye symptoms acutely deteriorated over a period of two weeks. She had ocular immotility, exposure keratitis, conjunctival edema, severe proptosis and visual impairment with a high titer of serum thyroid-stimulating antibody (TSAb). Methylprednisolone pulse therapy at a dose of 500 mg/day improved her eye symptoms. Although the mechanism of the progression of Graves' ophthalmopathy has not yet been elucidated, special attention should be paid to the occurrence of ophthalmopathy even after the initiation of thiamazole therapy.



  • 心的背景を持つ小学生の身体症状の学年変化

    津島 愛子, 三村 由香里, 松枝 睦美

    教育保健研究   ( 17 )   55 - 61   2012.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:中国・四国学校保健学会  



  • ニジェール共和国における健康教育推進のための教員研修の評価 Reviewed

    上村 弘子, 松枝 睦美, 三村由香里, 伊藤 武彦

    学校保健研究   54 ( 4 )   316 - 329   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本学校保健学会  


  • 副腎プレクリニカルクッシング症候群による若年性高血圧の1例

    小倉 可奈子, 大塚 文男, 中村 絵里, 塚本 尚子, 武田 昌也, 稲垣 兼一, 三好 智子, 鈴木 二郎, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   86 ( 3 )   734 - 734   2010.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 抗甲状腺薬により劇症肝炎をきたし肝移植にて救命しえた一例

    塚本 尚子, 大塚 文男, 鈴木 二郎, 武田 昌也, 稲垣 兼一, 小倉 可奈子, 中村 絵里, 三好 智子, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 元木 崇之, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   86 ( 3 )   671 - 671   2010.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 生体部分肝移植により救命しえたpropylthiouracilによる劇症肝炎の一例

    鈴木 二郎, 大塚 文男, 武田 昌也, 稲垣 兼一, 塚本 尚子, 小倉 可奈子, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 元木 崇之, 松岡 順治, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   86 ( 2 )   294 - 294   2010.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 多嚢胞性卵巣症候群を合併し、徐々に顕在化したCushing病の1例

    大塚 文男, 中村 絵里, 武田 昌也, 塚本 尚子, 大谷 寛之, 後藤 順子, 三好 智子, 鈴木 二郎, 稲垣 兼一, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 槇野 博史

    ACTH RELATED PEPTIDES   20   49 - 50   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:間脳・下垂体・副腎系研究会  


  • 頭蓋内の結核病変に続発した下垂体機能低下症・中枢性尿崩症の一例

    大塚 文男, 塚本 尚子, 大谷 寛之, 後藤 順子, 三好 智子, 鈴木 二郎, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 金田 伊史, 安田 雄, 槇野 博史

    ACTH RELATED PEPTIDES   19   75 - 76   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:間脳・下垂体・副腎系研究会  


  • Meigs症候群の術後に難治性の多尿と高Na血症を来した一例

    小倉 可奈子, 大塚 文男, 塚本 尚子, 大谷 寛之, 三好 智子, 鈴木 二郎, 後藤 順子, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   83 ( 3 )   738 - 738   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 骨形成蛋白(BMP)により誘導される骨芽細胞分化に対する炎症性サイトカインTNF-αの抑制作用

    大塚 文男, 向井 知之, 大谷 寛之, 稲垣 兼一, 三好 智子, 後藤 順子, 鈴木 二郎, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   83 ( 1 )   155 - 155   2007.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • Differential glomerular response to continuous infusion of vasopressin in spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wistar–Kyoto rats

    Masayuki Kishida, Fumio Otsuka, Takayoshi Yamauchi, Toshio Ogura, Masami Takahashi, Hideo Kataoka, Yukari Mimura, Hirofumi Makino

    Regulatory Peptides   87 ( 1-3 )   25 - 32   2000.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/s0167-0115(99)00099-3


  • 全身麻酔下手術での内因性バゾプレッシン上昇が尿中AQP2排泄及び尿濃縮能へ与える影響

    小倉 俊郎, 大塚 文男, 山内 崇義, 片岡 秀雄, 三村 由香里, 高橋 雅己, 岸田 雅之, 関根 恭一, 三浦 雅一, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   75 ( 1 )   120 - 120   1999.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • Effects of chronic inhibition of ACE and AT1receptors on glomerular injury in Dahl salt-sensitive rats

    Fumio Otsuka, Takayoshi Yamauchi, Hideo Kataoka, Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Hirofumi Makino

    American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology   274 ( 6 )   R1797 - R1806   1998.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physiological Society  

    To elucidate the contribution of the renin-angiontensin system (RAS) to glomerular injury in salt-sensitive hypertension, we investigated the chronic effects of the angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor cilazapril and the angiotensin II type 1-receptor antagonist (AT1a) TCV-116 in Dahl-Iwai rats. Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rats receiving 8% salt diet for 6 wk were simultaneously treated with cilazapril ( n = 6), TCV-116 ( n = 6), or saline ( n = 14). The 8% salt diet markedly increased systolic blood pressure (SBP), urinary protein, and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase (NAG) excretion compared with 0.3% salt-treated S ( n = 6) or salt-resistant ( n = 6) rats. Although neither cilazapril nor TCV-116 reduced the elevated SBP, TCV-116 significantly lowered urinary protein and NAG excretion. Histologically, 8% salt treatment in S rats induced progressive sclerotic and proliferative glomerular changes, which were ameliorated by both drugs. TCV-116 increased the glomerular diameter. Immunofluorescence demonstrated the increased level of type III collagen in the mesangium of 8% salt-treated S rats, which was completely reversed by TCV-116. Competitive RT-PCR of mRNA extracted from the glomeruli revealed that 8% salt treatment significantly increased the levels of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and platelet-derived growth factor B-chain and that TCV-116 significantly reduced the levels of PCNA and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). Thus, although the chronic RAS-inhibition in salt-sensitive hypertension exerted a histologically renoprotective effect by both ways without lowering blood pressure, the RAS inhibition due to AT1ahad more beneficial advantages of reducing proteinuria and attenuating the levels of glomerular TGF-β1 and extracellular matrix.

    DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.1998.274.6.r1797


  • Effect of continuous infusion of vasopressin on glomerular growth response in spontaneously hypertensive rats

    Kazushi Harada, Toshio Ogura, Takayoshi Yamauchi, Fumio Otsuka, Yukari Mimura, Masami Hashimoto, Tetsuya Oishi, Hirofumi Makino

    Regulatory Peptides   74 ( 1 )   11 - 18   1998.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/s0167-0115(98)00009-3


  • Cushing's Syndrome due to Unilateral Adrenocortical Hyperplasia

    OTSUKA Fumio, OGURA Toshio, NAKAO Kazushi, HAYAKAWA Nobuhiko, MIMURA Yukari, YAMAUCHI Takayoshi, MAKINO Hirofumi

    Japanese Journal of Medicine   37 ( 4 )   385 - 390   1998.4

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine  

    A 49-year-old woman with Cushing's syndrome due to unilateral adrenal hyperplasia is presented. She had developed obesity and menopause for 2 years, but no hypertension or hypertrichosis was observed. Although plasma adrenocorticotropin and serum cortisol levels were within normal ranges, the circadian rhythm has completely disappeared. Free thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels were decreased. Adrenocorticotropin did not respond to corticotropin-releasing hormone, and urinary excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids was not suppressed by dexamethasone. Abdominal computed tomography and 131I-Adosterol scintigraphy demonstrated a unilateral functioning mass in the left adrenal gland. The resected left adrenal mass was pathologically diagnosed as the rare condition of adrenocortical nodular hyperplasia.<br>(Internal Medicine 37: 385-390, 1998)

    DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.37.385

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00084936899?from=CiNii

  • Hypocalcemia due to Spontaneous Infarction of Parathyroid Adenoma and Osteomalacia in a Patient with Primary Hyperparathyroidism.


    Endocrinologia Japonica   45 ( 5 )   617 - 623   1998

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Endocrine Society  

    A 49 year-old Japanese woman had subjected enlargement of a cervical tumor, and also suffered two bone fractures in 2 years. The cervical tumor had enlarged further in the month prior toadmission, becoming warm and tender. Endocrinological examination revealed that the serum intact PTH concentration was remarkably high at 400 pg/mL despite the low serum calcium concentration, and that the serum vitamin Ds concentration was decreased. Bone roentgenograms revealed severe osteolytic changes compatible with osteitis fibrosa cystica and a pathologic fracture of the humerus.Under a diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism, parathyroidectomy was performed, followed by fixation surgery for the pathologic fracture. Histologically, the cervical tumor was a parathyroid chiefcell adenoma with massive necrosis, and the bone pathology by iliac bone biopsy revealed the existence of osteomalacia. She was treated with calcium, vitamins D and K2 and calcitonin after the surgery. This case is a rare condition manifesting hypocalcemia with catastrophic osteoporosis under the coexistence of spontaneous infarction of parathyroid adenoma with osteomalacia, suggesting that the clinical features of hyperparathyroidism are modified by both the autoparathyroidiectomy and the existence of osteomalacia due to vitamin D deficiency.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.45.617

    CiNii Article


  • Effects of OPC-21268, a vasopressin V1-receptor antagonist, on expression of growth factors from glomeruli in spontaneously hypertensive rats

    Fumio Otsuka, Toshio Ogura, Takayoshi Yamauchi, Tetsuya Oishi, Masami Hashimoto, Yukari Mimura, Hirofumi Makino

    Regulatory Peptides   72 ( 2-3 )   87 - 95   1997.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/s0167-0115(97)01041-0


  • Manifestation of Primary Hyperthyroidism after Pituitary Adenomectomy: A Case Report.:A Case Report


    Endocrinologia Japonica   44 ( 6 )   887 - 893   1997

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Endocrine Society  

    We report a 47-year-old Japanese man who presented with visual disturbance due to a pituitary tumor with suprasellar extension. The patient had mild secondary hypothyroidism preoperatively, and was started on administration of levothyroxine sodium immediately before transsphenoidal surgery. After the operation, levothyroxine sodium was continued for several months. Pathological examination of the surgical specimen, together with endocrinological investigation revealed that the suprasellar tumor was a FSH-producing pituitary adenoma. Since 3 months after the operation, he has developed muscle weakness and finger tremor. He was found to be thyrotoxicosis, and levothyroxine sodium was discontinued. Seven weeks after levothyroxine sodium was discontinued, thyrotoxicosis continued, with a positive thyrotropin binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII) and a high diffuse 123I-uptake by the thyroid. He was started on thiamazole 30mg/day. Although his thyroid dysfunction improved within 2 months, hyperthyroidism worsened repeatedly on attempts to discontinue thiamazole, and he required continuous treatment at 2.5mg/day. Patients with occult autoimmune thyroiditis rarely progress to thyrotoxicosis after operations on other endocrine organs such as the adrenal or parathyroid gland. In patients with pituitary adenoma, thyroid function and thyroid-associated autoantibodies should be investigated pre- and post-operatively.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.44.887

    CiNii Article


  • Gestational Thyrotoxicosis Manifesting as Wernicke Encephalopathy: A Case Report.:A Case Report


    Endocrinologia Japonica   44 ( 3 )   447 - 452   1997

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Endocrine Society  

    The thyroid gland is physiologically stimulated in normal early pregnancy. This stimulated thyroid function is occasionally termed "gestational transient thyrotoxicosis". The cause of this thyrotoxicosis has been clarified to closely it associate with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). We encountered a pregnant patient with hyperemesis and thyrotoxicosis, who manifested symptoms of Wernicke encephalopathy. Although her serum hCG concentration transiently increased in accordance with the thyrotoxicosis, it was within normal limits for the gestational week. Both the thyrotoxicosis and a catabolic state due to the hyperemesis were thought to have induced a vitamin B1 deficiency, causing the Wernicke encephalopathy. This case suggests that pregnant patients with hyperemesis should undergo careful endocrinological and neurological evaluations.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.44.447

    CiNii Article


  • A Case of Primary Hyperparathyroidism Accompanying Multiple Myeloma.


    Endocrinologia Japonica   44 ( 1 )   105 - 109   1997

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Endocrine Society  

    We report a case of 77-year-old woman who presented with lumbago and hypercalcemia. Multiple myeloma (MM) was first diagnosed by serum protein electrophoresis and bone marrow aspiration, but intact parathyroid hormone (intactPTH) was also found to be high in the presence of persistent hypercalcemia with anorexia and nausea. After lowering serum calcium with bisphosphonate administration, parathyroidectomy was performed. Upon histologic examination, the tumor was determined to be parathyroidal chief-cell hyperplasia and the patient was treated with melphalan and prednisolone. The relationship between MM and primary hyperparathyroidism (I°HPT) remains unknown. Although the co-existence of MM and I°HPT was reported in 12 reports from various parts of the world, there was only 1 report in Japan. The present case is an example of successful treatment for a complicated disorder, and suggests that patients suffering from bone pain or hypercalcemia need to be examined both endocrinologically and hematologically.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.44.105

    CiNii Article


  • Manifestation of Subclinical Diabetes Insipidus due to Pituitary Tumor during Pregnancy.


    Endocrinologia Japonica   43 ( 5 )   577 - 583   1996

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Endocrine Society  

    We describe a case of diabetes insipidus (DI) due to a pituitary tumor in a 33-year-old pregnant woman who developed a sudden onset of polyuria (over 8l/day) and polydipsia at 30 weeks of gestation. Her plasma concentration of vasopressin (AVP) was low compared with high serum osmolality (298mOsm/kg), and her urine output was well controlled by treatment with desmopressin acetate (DDAVP). Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a 1.8×1.2-cm pituitary tumor, but she did not have any disturbance in the release of anterior pituitary hormones. The serum concentration of cystine aminopeptidase (CAP) was within the normal range for a woman at 34 weeks of gestation. After an uncomplicated delivery of a healthy girl, her polyuria gradually resolved. The size of the pituitary tumor gradually decreased in parallel to a reduction in her urine output, but a silent hemorrhage was detected in her pituitary gland 4 weeks after the delivery. Although pregnancy is sometimes associated with central DI, the occurrence of DI due to pituitary tumor under pregnancy is rare. The basal AVP recovered to within the normal range, but the low response of AVP secretion to high osmolality persisted. In this case, pregnancy may affect the manifestation of subclinical DI. This case may therefore enhance our understanding of the mechanisms of DI during pregnancy.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.43.577

    CiNii Article


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  • 衛藤 隆,岡田加奈子,三村由香里,崎山 弘,近藤 卓,小枝達也,渡邉正樹他(共著)

    南山堂  2010 

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  • 養護教諭のための保健・医療・福祉系実習ハンドブック

    東山書房  2005 

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  • 最新看護学-学校で役立つ看護技術-

    東山書房  2001 

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  • BMI and body dissatisfaction values in Japanese male and female university students:&mdash;Difference in body images according to shilhouette chart&mdash;

    KUNIMOTO Ayumi, YAMASAKI Sakiya, OKAMOTO Hiroshi, ISHII Nobuko, TAGO Takahito, TUTIOKA Daisuke, FUKUDA Takashi, HAYASHI Kyosuke, OGURA Toshio, TOJO Mitsuhiko, MIMURA Yukari, KIKUNAGA Shigeshi, MATSUEDA Mutsumi, KAMIMURA Hiroko, TSUSHIMA Aiko, KAGA Masaru, SAKO Haruko, DOI Mayu, SUZUKI Hisao, OKAZAKI Kanzou, AMALEO Katsuhiro, SAGAWA Kazunori, SHINTAKU Yukinori, TSUMIYAMA Takatsune, INOUE Yumiko, NARIYAMA Kouichi

    Japanese Journal of Health Education and Promotion   25 ( 2 )   74 - 84   2017

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    Objective: We conducted this study to examine the relationships among five ranges of BMI and two types of body dissatisfaction in male and female university students in Japan.&lt;br&gt;Method: We performed a cross sectional study using body composition measurement and questionnaire on body images among Japanese students (4,118 men and 2,677 women), 18 to 22 years old from 14 universities.&lt;br&gt;Results: The significant difference was detected in all five BMI ranges of female students between the degree of ideal dissatisfaction (ideal shape - current shape) and healthy dissatisfaction (healthy shape - current shape) (p<0.001). Among men, however, such a significant difference was not found. In addition, the significant difference was not found in the choice of an attractive man between men and women. Conversely, the average silhouette value of the attractive female shape for men was 4.65, and the silhouette value of the attractive female shape for men from the viewpoint of women was 3.97. The female students showed significantly lower body image score than male students (t=25.08, p<0.001, d=0.70).&lt;br&gt;Conclusion: For female college students, a healthy looking shape was a more plump woman than an ideal shape. As for the attractive shape of men, the difference was not detected between the views from both male and female students. However, for that of women, a slim woman was considered more attractive.

    DOI: 10.11260/kenkokyoiku.25.74

    CiNii Article


  • Results of Musculoskeletal Examinations in Elementary School Students and its Challenges

    ( 164 )   41 - 47   2017

  • 異所性ACTH症候群を呈した胸腺発生大細胞神経内分泌癌の一例

    当真 貴志雄, 稲垣 兼一, 小松原 基志, 原 孝行, 寺坂 友博, 細谷 武史, 越智 可奈子, 山内 尚子, 三村 由香里, 和田 淳, 大塚 文男, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   90 ( 3 )   915 - 915   2014.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 甲状腺乳頭癌を合併した多発性内分泌腫瘍症(MEN)1型の一例

    越智 可奈子, 稲垣 兼一, 小松原 基志, 原 孝行, 寺坂 友博, 細谷 武史, 当真 貴志雄, 山内 尚子, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 和田 淳, 大塚 文男, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   90 ( 3 )   908 - 908   2014.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • Evaluation of Physical Assessment Training Using a Simulated Case for Yogo teacheres

    9 ( 1 )   31 - 46   2014

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  • PRL分泌に対するBMP-4とメラトニン作用の影響:GH3細胞を用いた検討

    越智可奈子, 大塚文男, 当真貴志雄, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 稲垣兼一, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 岩崎泰正, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   90 ( 1 )   2014

  • 若年者の甲状腺疾患 大学新入生健康診断によるスクリーニング

    小倉 俊郎, 岩崎 良章, 古賀 光, 三村 由香里, 稲垣 兼一, 三好 智子, 塚本 尚子, 大塚 文男

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   89 ( 2 )   479 - 479   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • FDG-PETで集積を認めたACTH産生性下垂体腺腫の1例

    越智可奈子, 大塚文男, 細谷武史, 原孝行, 当真貴志雄, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 稲垣兼一, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 山田正三, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   89 ( 3 )   2013

  • 左眼瞼下垂を契機に診断された若年胃癌のトルコ鞍部転移の一例

    稲垣兼一, 当真貴志雄, 中村絵里, 越智可奈子, 塚本尚子, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 大塚文男, 槇野博史

    ACTH Related Peptides   24   2013

  • Rapid progression of Graves' ophthalmopathy despite the administration of thiamazole.

    Katsuyama T, Takeda M, Otsuka F, Toma K, Inagaki K, Sada KE, Mimura Y, Ogura T, Makino H

    Intern Med   52 ( 20 )   2317 - 2320   2013

  • Erdheim-Chester病が強く疑われた下垂体機能低下症の一例

    三好 智子, 大塚 文男, 稲垣 兼一, 田中 康司, 越智 可奈子, 藤井 一恭, 藤井 伸治, 当真 貴志雄, 中村 絵里, 塚本 尚子, 武田 昌也, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 景山 甚郷, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   88 ( 3 )   1017 - 1017   2012.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • KisspeptinによるGnRH発現調節とBMP/Estrogenの関与

    寺坂 友博, 大塚 文男, 稲垣 兼一, 三好 智子, 中村 絵里, 塚本 尚子, 武田 昌也, 越智 可奈子, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   88 ( 1 )   267 - 267   2012.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • Assessment Checklist for Seriously Injured Arms and Legs by Yogo Teacher's First Aid at School : A trial clarifies present conditions and problems

    15 ( 2 )   13 - 22   2012

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  • 術後肝障害を呈したCushing症候群3症例の検討

    当真貴志雄, 大塚文男, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 三好智子, 稲垣兼一, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 影山甚郷, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   88 ( 3 )   2012

  • オクトレオチドが著効した急性発症・原因不明の異所性ACTH症候群の1例

    稲垣兼一, 大塚文男, 当真貴志雄, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 槇野博史

    ACTH RELATED PEPTIDES   23   58 - 60   2012

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  • 重度の吸収障害でLT4投与法に苦慮した甲状腺機能低下症の一例.

    越智可奈子, 大塚文男, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 稲垣兼一, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 名和秀起, 槇野博史

    日本甲状腺学会雑誌 特集1ホルモン作用:作用機序と破綻による疾患   3 ( 1 )   41 - 45   2012

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  • 反復する低血糖より発見された高齢発症の膵Nesidioblastosisの一例

    武田昌也, 大塚文男, 当真貴志雄, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 稲垣兼一, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   88 ( 1 )   2012

  • 局在不明の腫瘍性低リン血症性骨軟化症の一例

    細谷武史, 稲垣兼一, 益田加奈, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 大塚文男, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   88 ( 3 )   2012

  • ペグビソマント少量間欠投与にて肝障害を認めた先端巨大症の1例

    稲垣兼一, 大塚文男, 当真貴志雄, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 山田正三, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   88 ( 3 )   2012

  • 筋強直性ジストロフィー合併原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症の一例

    塚本尚子, 稲垣兼一, 当真貴志雄, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 大塚文男, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   88 ( 3 )   2012

  • 頭痛と脳神経症状にて発見された若年胃癌による下垂体転移の一例

    中村絵里, 稲垣兼一, 当真貴志雄, 越智可奈子, 塚本尚子, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 大塚文男, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   88 ( 3 )   2012

  • GT1-7細胞におけるBMPとEstrogenによるGnRH分泌制御とKisspeptinの関与

    寺坂 友博, 大塚 文男, 稲垣 兼一, 三好 智子, 中村 絵里, 塚本 尚子, 武田 昌也, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   87 ( 1 )   332 - 332   2011.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 抗甲状腺薬により劇症肝炎をきたし肝移植にて救命しえた一例

    塚本尚子, 大塚文男, 鈴木二郎, 武田昌也, 稲垣兼一, 小倉可奈子, 中村絵里, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 元木崇之, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   87 ( Suppl. )   35 - 37   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  



  • Development of case material and evaluation of case-method education for Yogo teacher students

    Journal of Japan Association of Universities of Education   29   249 - 262   2011

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  • 養護教諭養成教育における「教職実践ポートフォリオ」の開発ー岡山大学の取り組みー

    上村弘子, 住野好久, 松枝睦美, 三村由香里, 田嶋八千代, 伊藤武彦, 門田新一郎, 太田泰子, 本田浩江, 番場和恵, 村田亜矢子, 高橋香代

    日本教育大学協会研究年報   29   73 - 90   2011

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  • First Aid Performed by Yogo Teachers : Judgment and Response in Practice

    53 ( 5 )   399 - 410   2011

  • 妊娠・出産の経過中に検出されたマクロプロラクチン血症の一例

    塚本尚子, 大塚文男, 服部尚樹, 鎌田泰彦, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 武田昌也, 三好智子, 稲垣兼一, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   87 ( 3 )   2011

  • 急性膵炎を合併し生検にてIgG4関連下垂体炎と診断し得た1例

    越智可奈子, 大塚文男, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 稲垣兼一, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 石田穣治, 小野成紀, 伊達勲, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   87 ( 3 )   2011

  • 海綿静脈洞サンプリングにて同定しえたクッシング病の一例

    三好智子, 大塚文男, 当真貴志雄, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 稲垣兼一, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 槇野博史, 黒住和彦, 小野成紀, 伊達勲

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   87 ( 3 )   2011

  • 慢性イレウス・吸収不良により経口T4製剤不応性の甲状腺機能低下症の1例

    越智可奈子, 大塚文男, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 稲垣兼一, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 名和秀起, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   87 ( 2 )   2011

  • 重度の吸収障害でLT4投与法に苦慮した甲状腺機能低下症の1例

    越智可奈子, 大塚文男, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 稲垣兼一, 三好智子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 名和秀起, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   87 ( 3 )   2011

  • 血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病を生じたクッシング症候群の1例.

    大塚文男, 瀧上慶一, 氏家はる代, 稲垣兼一, 三好智子, 武田昌也, 塚本尚子, 中村絵里, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 槇野博史

    ACTH Related Peptides   22   80 - 81   2011

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  • 35年前の外傷による視床下部・下垂体機能低下症と診断した一例

    稲垣兼一, 山成俊夫, 難波早耶香, 越智可奈子, 中村絵里, 塚本尚子, 武田昌也, 三好智子, 大塚文男, 三村由香里, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   87 ( 3 )   2011

  • 同時摘出した副甲状腺機能亢進症とパラガングリオーマの合併例

    安田 麻衣子, 稲垣 兼一, 大塚 文男, 小倉 可奈子, 武田 昌也, 塚本 尚子, 中村 絵里, 三好 智子, 鈴木 二郎, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   86 ( 3 )   745 - 745   2010.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • Effects of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-8 on ovarian steroidogenesis: involvement of upregulation of BMP receptor singnaling

    Tomoko Miyoshi, Fumio Otsuka, Misuzu Yamashita, Kenichi Inagaki, Jiro Suzuki, Eri Nakamura, Naoko Tsukamoto, Masaya Takeda, Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Hirofumi Makino

    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL   57   S613 - S614   2010.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:JAPAN ENDOCRINE SOC  

    Web of Science


  • Enhancement of aldosterone-induced catecholamine production by bone morphogenetic protein-4 through activating Rho and SAPK/JNK pathway in adrenomedullar cells

    Junko Goto, Fumio Otsuka, Misuzu Yamashita, Jiro Suzuki, Hiroyuki Otani, Hiroko Takahashi, Tomoko Miyoshi, Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Hirofumi Makino


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    Language:English   Publisher:AMER PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC  

    Goto J, Otsuka F, Yamashita M, Suzuki J, Otani H, Takahashi H, Miyoshi T, Mimura Y, Ogura T, Makino H. Enhancement of aldosterone-induced catecholamine production by bone morphogenetic protein-4 through activating Rho and SAPK/JNK pathway in adrenomedullar cells. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 296: E904-E916, 2009. First published February 9, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.90840.2008.-Here we investigated the effects of mineralocorticoid in the regulation of catecholamine biosynthesis using rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. Expression of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) was confirmed in undifferentiated PC12 cells. Aldosterone stimulated dopamine production by PC12 cells without any increase in cAMP activity. Aldosterone-induced dopamine accumulation was enhanced in accordance with the increase in the rate-limiting enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Blocking MR with eplerenone suppressed aldosterone-induced increases of TH mRNA and dopamine production. A glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist, RU-486, attenuated dexamethasone-but not aldosterone-induced TH expression. Cycloheximide reduced both aldosterone-and dexamethasone-induced TH mRNA. A SAPK/JNK inhibitor, SP600125, suppressed aldosterone-induced TH mRNA expression; however, the aldosterone-induced TH expression was not affected by inhibition of ERK1/2, p38-MAPK, Rho-kinase, PI 3-kinase, and PKC. It was of note that cotreatment with eplerenone and SP600125 restored aldosterone-induced TH mRNA expression to basal levels. To investigate the involvement of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) actions in aldosterone-induced catecholamine production, we examined the effects of BMP-4 and BMP-7, which are expressed in the adrenal medulla, on catecholamine biosynthesis. BMP-4 preferentially enhanced aldosterone-induced TH mRNA and dopamine production, although BMP-4 alone did not affect TH expression. The BMP-4 enhancement of aldosterone-induced TH expression was not observed in cells treated with eplerenone. BMP-4 did not affect MR expression of PC12 cells; however, it did enhance aldosterone-induced SAPK/JNK phosphorylation. Inhibition of SAPK/JNK or Rho suppressed BMP-4 enhancement of aldosterone-induced TH expression. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that aldosterone stimulates catecholamine biosynthesis in adrenomedullar cells via MR through genomic action and partly through nongenomic action by Rho-SAPK/JNK signaling, the latter of which is facilitated by BMP-4. A functional link between MR actions and endogenous BMP may be involved in the catecholamine production.

    DOI: 10.1152/ajpendo.90840.2008

    Web of Science


  • Usefulness and future problems of moist wound healing in school

    Mimura Y, Kamimura H, Kuroki K, Kinumi Y, Matsueda M, Ogura T, Takahashi K

    Journal of Japanese Association of Yogo Teacher Education   12 ( 1 )   105 - 111   2009

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  • A simple device to measure and record wet bulb globe temperature for prevention of heat disorders.

    Ito T, Mimura Y, Suzuki H

    Bulletin of Graduate School of Education, Okayama University   ( 140 )   7 - 11   2009

  • Usefulness and future problems of moist wound healing in school

    Journal of Japanese Association of Yogo Teacher Education   12 ( 1 )   105 - 111   2009

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  • A simple device to measure and record wet bulb globe temperature for prevention of heat disorders

    Bulletin of Graduate School of Education, Okayama University   ( 140 )   7 - 11   2009

  • 低Na血症を契機に発見された結核性リンパ節炎の1例

    大谷寛之, 大塚文男, 塚本尚子, 中村絵里, 後藤順子, 三好智子, 武田昌也, 鈴木二郎, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   85 ( suppl )   54 - 55   2009

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  • 4年の経過でレニン抑制が顕著となり、腺腫の摘出に至った原発性アルドステロン症の一例

    塚本 尚子, 大塚 文男, 鈴木 二郎, 三好 智子, 大谷 寛之, 後藤 順子, 三村 由香里, 小倉 俊郎, 槇野 博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   83 ( 4 )   1085 - 1085   2008.3

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  • A rare tumor in the adrenal region: Neuron-specific enolase (NSE)-producing leiomyosarcoma in an elderly hypertensive patient

    Junko Goto, Fumio Otsuka, Ryo Kodera, Tomoko Miyoshi, Masaru Kinomura, Hiroyuki Otani, Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Hiroyuki Yanai, Yasutomo Nasu, Hirofumi Makino

    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL   55 ( 1 )   175 - 181   2008.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:JAPAN ENDOCRINE SOC  

    A 73-year-old Japanese woman was referred for examination of right flank pain and progressive hypertension. Abdominal CT incidentally detected a right adrenal mass 8 cm in size. The tumor exhibited isodensity by CT and contained high-intense lesion by T2-weighted MRI. Scintigraphy with I-131-metaiodobenzylguanidine and I-131-adosterol showed no abnormal uptake by whole body scan. Positron emission tomography scan with F-18-2-fluoro-D-deoxyglucose demonstrated an exclusive uptake in the right adrenal mass. Adrenocortical hormone levels and catecholamine secretion were within normal range; however, the level of serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) was found to be markedly high. After controlling systemic blood pressure with an alpha 1-blocker, the right adrenal tumor was surgically removed, along with the right kidney and inferior vena cava which adhered to it. The tumor was pathologically proven to be leiomyosarcoma, which was immunohistochemically positive with a-smooth muscle actin and negative with CD57, S-100 and c-kit proteins. Notably, NSE protein was massively expressed in the resected tumor. After surgery blood pressure was controlled with regular medication and serum NSE levels have since normalized. The possibility of leiomyosarcoma should be kept in mind in adrenal incidentalomas with rapid growth and atypical radiological images. Our findings suggest that circulating NSE levels may be clinically useful for early detection of recurrence.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.K07E-020

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  • 養護教諭の救急処置における困難と今後の課題-記録と研修に着目して-

    武田和子, 三村由香里, 松枝睦美, 河本妙子, 上村弘子, 高橋香代

    日本養護教諭教育学会誌   11 ( 1 )   33 - 43   2008

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  • Study on first aid performed by Yogo teachers in schools: Yogo teachers' duties suggested by precedents

    Japanese journal of school health   50 ( 4 )   221 - 233   2008

  • Checklist proposal for assessing head injury severity in Yogo practice

    Journal of Japanese Association of Yogo Teacher Education   11 ( 1 )   16 - 25   2008

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  • 甲状腺機能低下症により顕在化したApparent Mineralocorticoid Excwss(AME)病態の一例

    稲垣兼一, 大塚文男, 鈴木二郎, 三好智子, 大谷寛之, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 槇野博史

    ホルモンと臨床   56   119 - 123   2008

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  • Effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor activation on gonadotropin transcription and cell mitosis induced by bone morphogenetic proteins in mouse gonadotrope L beta T2 cells

    Masaya Takeda, Fumio Otsuka, Hiroyuki Otani, Kenichi Inagaki, Tomoko Miyoshi, Jiro Suzuki, Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Hirofumi Makino

    JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY   194 ( 1 )   87 - 99   2007.7

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    Language:English   Publisher:SOC ENDOCRINOLOGY  

    Involvement of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) activation and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in regulating cell proliferation and hormonal production of pituitary tumors has been reported, although the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated regulatory roles of PPAR alpha. and PPAR gamma in gonadotropin transcription and cell mitosis modulated by pituitary activin/BMP systems using a mouse gonadotropinoma cell line L beta T2, which expresses activin/BMP receptors, transcription factor Smads, PPAR alpha, and PFARy. In L beta T2 cells, BMP signaling shown by Smad 1/5/8 phosphorylation and Id-1 transcription was readily activated by BMPs. A PPAR gamma agonist, pioglitazone significantly reduced BMP-induced DNA synthesis by L beta T2; whereas the PPARa agonist, fenofibric acid, did not. In accordance with the effects on cell mitosis, pioglitazone but not fenofibric acid significantly decreased BMP-induced Id-1-Luc activation. Neither fenofibric acid nor pioglitazone affected activin signaling detected by (CAGA)(9)-Luc activity. Both PPAR alpha and PPAR gamma ligands directly suppressed transcriptional activities of FSH beta, LH beta, and GnRHR. Activation of PPARg. and PPAK gamma increased mRNA levels of follistatin, but did not affect the expression of follistatin-related gene. Thus, PPAR agonists not only directly suppress gonadotropin transcription and BMP signaling, but also inhibit the biological actions of activins which facilitate gonadotropin transcription through upregulating follistatin expression. In addition, pioglitazone increased BMP ligands mRNA, but decreased activin-beta B mRNA in L beta T2 cells. Collectively, PPAR activation differentially regulates gonadotrope cell proliferation and gonadotropin transcription in a ligand-dependent manner.

    DOI: 10.1677/JOE-07-0138

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  • MDSを合併した先端巨大症に対するオクトレオチドによる1治療例

    三好智子, 大塚文男, 稲垣兼一, 鈴木二郎, 大谷寛之, 後藤順子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 前田嘉信, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   83suppl   79 - 81   2007

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  • リンパ球性漏斗神経葉炎と肺癌脳転移を伴った中枢性尿崩症の一例

    大谷寛之, 大塚文男, 廣田大昌, 三好智子, 稲垣兼一, 鈴木二郎, 後藤順子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 田端雅弘, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   83suppl   208 - 210   2007

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  • 養護診断『心理的な要因が存在する可能性のある状態』の診断名と診断指標の開発

    岡田加奈子, 葛西敦子, 三村由香里, 徳山美智子, 竹鼻ゆかり, 荒木田美香子, 荒川雅子, 井上智恵子, 齋藤理砂子, 西 能代, 冨塚都仁子, 高田しずか, 外間朝子, 岩田美保, 山本 雅

    日本養護教諭教育学会誌   10   1 - 18   2007

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  • 高血圧の精査にて発見されたNSE産生性副腎平滑筋肉腫の一例.

    後藤順子, 大塚文男, 小寺亮, 稲垣兼一, 三好智子, 大谷寛之, 鈴木二郎, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 那須保友, 柳井広之, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   83   242 - 245   2007

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  • 多嚢胞性卵巣症候群を合併した先端巨大症の一例.

    大塚文男, 稲垣兼一, 鈴木二郎, 三好智子, 大谷寛之, 後藤順子, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 槇野博史

    第三回アクロメガリーフォーラム記録集   10   2007

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  • Mutual regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone signaling and bone morphogenetic protein system in human granulosa cells

    T Miyoshi, F Otsuka, Suzuki, I, M Takeda, K Inagaki, Y Kano, H Otani, Y Mimura, T Ogura, H Makino

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   74 ( 6 )   1073 - 1082   2006.6

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    Language:English   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play critical roles in folliculogenesis by modulating the actions of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the ovary. However, the effects of FSH on the BMP system remain unknown. Here, we have investigated the effects of FSH on BMP signaling using the human granulosa-like tumor cell line KGN. KGN cells express BMP type 1 and type II receptors and the BMP signaling molecules SMADs. FSH administration upregulated BMP type IA (BMPR1A) and IB (BMPR1B) receptors, activin type II receptor (ACVR2), and BMP type II receptor (BMPR2). FSH also augmented SMAD1 and SMAD5 expression, and conversely, FSH suppressed the expression of the inhibitory SMADs, SMAD6 and SMAD7. Bioassays revealed that FSH enhances BMP-induced SMAD1/5/8 phosphorylation and cellular DNA synthesis induced by BMP6 and BMP7. Since overexpression of BMPR1A and BMPR1B, but not SMADs, significantly enhanced the BMP responses, these type I receptors were revealed to be limiting factors for BMP signaling in KGN cells. BMPs significantly suppressed progesterone synthesis induced by forskolin and dibutyryl-cAMP (BtcAMP) but had no effect on estradiol induced by the same factors. KGN cAMP levels induced by forskolin were not altered by BMPs, suggesting that BMPs regulate steroidogenesis at a level downstream of cAMP synthesis in KGN cells. In this regard, BMPs specifically reduced the STAR transcription, whereas the levels of CYP11A, HSD3B2, and CYP19 stimulated by forskolin as well as BtcAMP were not altered. Collectively, the two major factors, FSH-cAMP pathway and BMP system, are reciprocally and functionally linked. Given that BMPs downregulate FSH receptors in KGN cells, this interaction may contribute to finetuning of the mutual sensitivity toward BMP ligands and FSH.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.105.047969

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  • Involvement of bone morphogenetic protein-6 in differential regulation of aldosterone production by angiotensin II and potassium in human adrenocortical cells

    Kenichi Inagaki, Fumio Otsuka, Jiro Suzuki, Yoshihiro Kano, Masaya Takeda, Tomoko Miyoshi, Hiroyuki Otani, Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Hirofumi Makino

    ENDOCRINOLOGY   147 ( 6 )   2681 - 2689   2006.6

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    Language:English   Publisher:ENDOCRINE SOC  

    Aldosterone production is modified by several growth factors that reside in the adrenal. We have recently reported the existence of a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) system in human adrenocortical cells, in which BMP-6 augments aldosterone synthesis. Here, we investigated functional roles of BMP-\6, focusing on the differential regulation of aldosterone synthesis induced by angiotensin (Ang) II and potassium (K). In human adrenocortical H295R cells, BMP-6 augmented Ang II-induced CYP11B2 transcription and mRNA and aldosterone roduction but had no effect on K-induced aldosterone production. Inhibition of endogenous BMP-6 action by neutralizing antibodies impaired aldosterone production induced by Ang II but not that induced by K. Blockage of ligand-receptor binding using extracellular domain (ECD) of BMP type I receptors revealed that ECDs to activin receptor-like kinase (ALK)-2 and ALK-3 significantly reduced the aldosterone production induced by Ang II. None of the type I-receptor ECDs tested had any effect on K-induced aldosterone levels. Overexpression of a dominant negative-activin type II receptor construct selectively decreased Ang II-induced aldosterone production without having any effect on K-induced aldosterone production. BMP type II receptor-dominant negative had no effect on aldosterone induced by either Ang II or K. These results infer that BMP-6 acts through ALK-2, ALK-3, and activin type II receptor receptors in adrenocortical cells. BMP-6 pretreatment extends the induction of ERK1/2 phosphorylation by Ang II and treatment with ECDs to ALK-2 and ALK-3 impaired Ang II-induced ERK phosphorylation. The specific inhibitor of ERK activation, U0126, suppressed the activation of CYP11B2 transcription induced by BMP-6 without affecting Smad phosphorylation and Tlx2-Luc activity. Collectively, the endogenous BMP-6 system plays critical roles in aldosterone production between Ang II and K through ERK signaling pathway.

    DOI: 10.1210/en.2005-1250

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  • バセドウ病を合併した甲状腺不応症の1例

    稲垣兼一, 大塚文男, 鈴木二郎, 三好智子, 武田昌也, 大谷寛之, 中村絵里, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   2006

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  • Functional roles of the bone morphogenetic protein system in thyrotropin signaling in porcine thyroid cells

    J Suziki, F Otsuka, M Takeda, K Inagaki, T Miyoshi, Y Mimura, T Ogura, H Doihara, H Makino


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    Language:English   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    We uncovered a new regulation of thyrocyte function by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) under the influence of thyrotropin (TSH) using primary culture of porcine thyrocytes. The BMP type I receptors, ALK-2 (ActRIA), -3 (BMPRIA), and -6 (BMPRIB), were expressed in porcine thyrocytes, while ALK-6 was not detected in human thyroid. Treatment with BMP-2,-4,-6,-7, and TGF-beta1 exhibited a dose-dependent suppression of DNA synthesis by porcine thyrocytes. BMP-2, -4, -6, -7, and TGF-beta1 suppressed TSH receptor mRNA expression on thyrocytes, which was consistent with their suppressive effect on TSH-induced cAMP synthesis and TSH-induced insulin-like growth factor-1 expression. Activin exhibited minimal suppression of thyrocyte DNA synthesis and did not exhibit suppressive effects on TSH receptor mRNA expression. Phosphorylated Smad1/5/8 was detected in the lysates of porcine thyrocytes treated with BMP-2, -4,-6, and -7. However, in the presence of TSH, BMP-6 and -7 failed to activate Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation and 3TP-reporter activity, whereas BMP-2 and -4 maintained clear activation of the BMP signaling regardless of the presence of TSH. This diverged regulation of thyroid BMP system by TSH is most likely due to the reduction of ALK-6 expression caused by TSH. Thus, the thyroid BMP system is functionally linked to TSH actions through modulating TSH receptor expression and TSH, in turn, selectively inhibits BMP signaling. Given that BMP system is present in human thyroid and the expression pattern of ALK-2 and BMPRII is different between follicular adenomas and normal thyroid tissues, the endogenous BMP system may be involved in regulating thyrocyte growth and TSH sensitivity of human thyroid adenomas. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.12.122

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  • 小学生における調節誤差に関する検討-近視進行と読書距離に着目して-

    宝諸昌世, 三村由香里, 大角博子, 長谷部 聡, 高橋香代

    学校保健研究   2005

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  • 副腎偶発腫の経過観察中に両側副腎の腫大を生じ,PETにより原発巣を検出した転移性副腎腫瘍の一例

    大塚文男, 三好智子, 鈴木二郎, 稲垣謙一, 武田昌也, 加納義浩, 岸田雅之, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 橋本浩三, 槇野博史

    ACTH RELATED PEPRIDES   16   223 - 227   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:間脳・下垂体・副腎系研究会  



  • 中枢性尿崩症で発症し,汎下垂体機能低下を来したgerminomaの1例

    稲垣兼一, 大塚文男, 松井利浩, 鈴木二郎, 武田昌也, 三好智子, 加納義浩, 岸田雅之, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 市村浩一, 景山甚郷, 槇野博史

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   2005

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  • Aldosterone regulation for 18 years in a case of primary aldosteronism

    T Miyoshi, F Otsuka, T Ogura, J Suzuki, K Inagaki, M Takeda, M Kishida, Y Mimura, A Nagai, H Makino

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION   17 ( 6 )   546 - 548   2004.6

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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.amjhyper.2004.03.672

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  • Recent trends of hyperuricemia and obesity in Japanese male adolescents, 1991 through 2002

    T Ogura, K Matsuura, Y Matsumoto, Y Mimura, M Kishida, F Otsuka, K Tobe

    METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL   53 ( 4 )   448 - 453   2004.4

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    Language:English   Publisher:W B SAUNDERS CO  

    The aim of the present study was to determine the change of serum uric acid (UA) levels in male adolescents and to characterize the relationship between UA levels and obesity or its related factors. This study was conducted in 17,155 students at enrollment in Okayama University from 1991 through 2002, in which the mean serum UA level as a whole was 5.64 +/- 0.009 mg/dL (mean +/- SEM) and the incidence of hyperuricemia (greater than or equal to7.6 mg/dL) was 4.13%. Serum UA levels were correlated with obesity-related indicators, including body mass index (BMI; r = 0.282, P &lt; .0001) and skin-fold thickness (r = 0.286, P &lt; .0001). The incidence of hyperuricemia was increased in parallel with BMI. In the last 4 years (1999 through 2002) of the study period, serum UA levels (5.76 mg/dL) and the incidence of hyperuricemia (4.5%) were significantly increased compared with those in the earlier period (1991 through 1994: 5.50 mg/dL and 3.5%, respectively). However, BMI has been rather gradually decreased throughout 12-year observation in all the subjects. Hyperuricemia was related to the presence of other risk factors, including hypercholesterolemia, liver function abnormality, and hypertension. The frequencies of such abnormalities were higher than euuricemic subjects and this trend was notable in the most recent students enrolled from 1999 through 2002. Hyperuricemia was even found in the group of non-obese male adolescents. Taking into consideration that hyperuricemia is associated with a high prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases in adults, it is of great importance to prevent hyperuricemia at the early stage in Japanese adolescents. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.metabol.2003.11.017

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  • 妊娠中に顕在化した周期性クッシング病の一例

    大塚文男, 三好智子, 鈴木二郎, 稲垣謙一, 武田昌也, 岸田雅之, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 景山甚郷, 橋本浩三, 槇野博史

    ACTH RELATED PEPRIDES   15   187 - 193   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:間脳・下垂体・副腎系研究会  



  • Languages using in journals concerning judgment/diagnosis doing by Yogo teacher and its objects

    ( 12 )   15 - 26   2004

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  • Issues and Challenges in Yogo Diagnosis for Yogo Teacher : Consideration from Nuesing Diagnosis

    Ksai Atsuko, Okada Kanako, Mimura Yukari, Tokuyama Michiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University   92   167 - 171   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Hirosaki University  

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    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/613

  • 養護教諭の行う養護診断の確立に向けて 医学領域における「診断」から考える

    三村由香里, 岡田加奈子, 葛西敦子, 徳山美智子

    日本保健医療行動科学学会年報   19   217 - 223   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本保健医療行動科学会  

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2005046426

  • 蝶形骨洞内に発生した異所性ACTH産生下垂体腺腫の1例

    鈴木二郎, 大塚文男, 武田昌也, 三好智子, 稲垣謙一, 岸田雅之, 三村由香里, 小倉俊郎, 橋本浩三, 槇野博史

    ホルモンと臨床   52   6 - 10   2004

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  • A lethal complication, acute necrotizing pancreatitis, of Turner's syndrome with primary hyperparathyroidism

    K Masayuki, O Fumio, M Yukari, O Toshio, M Hirofumi

    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL   50 ( 6 )   835 - 836   2003.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN ENDOCRINE SOCIETY  

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.50.835

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  • Hypothyroidism associated with anti-human chorionic gonadotropin antibodies secondarily produced by gonadotropin in a case of idiopathic hypothalamic hypogonadism

    T Ogura, Y Mimura, F Otsuka, M Kishida, K Yokota, J Suzuki, A Nagai, S Hirakawa, H Makino, K Tobe

    JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION   26 ( 11 )   1128 - 1135   2003.11

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    Language:English   Publisher:EDITRICE KURTIS S R L  

    We report a 22-yr-old male patient with idiopathic hypothalamic hypogonadism who showed secondary resistance to gonadotropin (Gn) therapy over 3 yr after successful treatment with hCG combined with human menopausal Gn. The patient simultaneously developed subclinical hypothyroidism. Endocrine examination revealed low levels of testosterone (0.3 ng/ml), free T-4 (0.91 ng/dl), and increased levels of TSH (31.1 muU/ml) in the serum. Serum autoantibodies to thyroid gland were all negative. Interestingly, thyroid function was improved after discontinuation of Gn therapy. In vitro assays by immunoprecipitation using (125)l-hCG or (125)l-TSH elucidated the presence of anti-hCG antibody in the serum 13 months after commencement of Gn therapy but anti-TSH antibody was not detected in the serum. Furthermore, the anti-hCG antibody specifically bound to hCG but not to other glycoproteins including TSH and FSH based on a competitive displacement assay. Bioassays using porcine thyroid cells revealed that the serum gamma-globulin fraction enables the suppression of cyclic AMP (cAMP) synthesis stimulated by TSH. Our findings suggest that anti-hCG and/or anti-idiotypic hCG antibodies induced by hCG therapy impaired TSH-dependent cAMP production through interfering with binding of TSH to its receptor, and this resulted in subclinical hypothyroidism in this patient. (C) 2003, Editrice Kurtis.

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  • Role of bradykinin in renoprotective effects by angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist in salt-sensitive hypertension

    K Yokota, M Kishida, T Ogura, J Suzuki, F Otsuka, Y Mimura, M Takeda, Y Nakamura, H Makino

    HYPERTENSION RESEARCH   26 ( 3 )   265 - 272   2003.3

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    To elucidate whether bradykinin is involved in the renoprotective effect produced by angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist (AT1A) in chronic salt-sensitive hypertension, Dahl salt-sensitive rats receiving a high-salt (8%) diet were treated either with an AT1A (candesartan, 1 mg/kg/day), a bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist (BKB2A; FR172357, 30 mg/kg/day) or a combination of AT1A and BKB2A for 7 weeks. None of the treatments changed the markedly increased systolic blood pressure induced by a high-salt diet. However, chronic treatment with AT1A significantly improved the histological hallmarks of renal damage-i.e., glomerular sclerosis and cell proliferation-despite the presence of severe hypertension. This beneficial action of AT1A was abolished by the concomitant administration of BKB2A. In agreement with these histologically based findings, increases in levels of creatinine clearance induced by AT1A were also reversed back to the basal levels when BKB2A was administered in conjunction with AT1A. Furthermore, urinary excretions of nitrate plus nitrite and prostaglandin E-2 increased moderately in response to the administration of AT1A alone, but not in combination with BKB2A. Thus, the blockade of bradykinin signaling abrogates the renoprotective actions of the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonism. Collectively, these data show that when AT1 action is chronically blocked, endogenous bradykinin plays a pivotal role in preventing the progression of glomerular injury in salt-sensitive hypertension.

    DOI: 10.1291/hypres.26.265

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  • Learning Needs with Respect to Curriculum of Nursing in Yogo teacher Training at Schools of Education

    FUKUDA Hiromi, AMANO Atsuko, OKADA Kanako, HONDA Yuko, MATSUSHIMA Noriko, SHIBAKI Misako, TSUMURA Naoko, KOIDE Yayoi, MIMURA Yukari, NAKAMURA Tomoko, NISHIZAWA Yoshiko

    Japanese journal of school health   45 ( 4 )   331 - 342   2003

  • Relationship between adrenomedullin and vasopressin-aquaporin system under general anesthesia

    T Ogura, K Morita, M Takeuchi, F Otsuka, T Iwasaki, K Oe, K Matsuura, K Tobe, Y Mimura, M Kishida, H Makino, M Hirakawa

    HORMONE RESEARCH   59 ( 1 )   30 - 34   2003

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    Language:English   Publisher:KARGER  

    Aim:The roles of adrenomedullin (AM) in body fluid balance under general anesthesia were investigated. Methods: Time course changes in plasma osmolality, AM, arginine vasopressin (AVP), and urinary aquaporin 2 (AQP2) in 17 patients undergoing abdominal surgery under general anesthesia were examined. Results: Increases in plasma AM levels were observed in parallel with increases in the levels of urinary AQP2/creatinine (Cr) before induction and 90 and 180 min after initiation of anesthesia. Significant correlations between plasma AM and urinary AQP2/Cr (r = 0.62, p &lt; 0.0001) as well as urinary AVP/Cr and AQP2/Cr (r = 0.60, p &lt; 0.0001) were uncovered. Multivariate stepwise analysis identified plasma AM as the critical independent factor affecting urinary AQP2/Cr level. Conclusion: A novel correlation of AM and AQP2 which overlays an AVP-AQP2 system may play a key role in fluid homeostasis during general anesthesia. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.

    DOI: 10.1159/000067933

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  • 岡山大学における養護教諭養成カリキュラムの開発

    高橋香代, 伊藤武彦, 三村由香里, 河内信子, 小出彌生, 門田新一郎

    教科教育学研究   21   145 - 158   2003

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本教育大学協会第二常置委員会  

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  • 学校保健の現場における看護的支援を要する児童・生徒の実態とこれからの支援のあり方

    岡田加奈子, 三村由香里

    リハビリテーション看護研究   2003

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  • Issue and challenge in Yogo diagnosis.

    Atsuko K, Okada K, Mimura Y, Tokuyama M

    Japanease Journal of School Health   2003

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  • Learning Needs with Respect to Curriculum of Nursing in Yogo teacher Training at Schools of Education

    FUKUDA Hiromi, AMANO Atsuko, OKADA Kanako, HONDA Yuko, MATSUSHIMA Noriko, SHIBAKI Misako, TSUMURA Naoko, KOIDE Yayoi, MIMURA Yukari, NAKAMURA Tomoko, NISHIZAWA Yoshiko

    Japanese journal of school health   45 ( 4 )   331 - 342   2003

  • Relationship between reduced serum IGF-I levels and accumulation of visceral fat in Japanese men

    M Kunitomi, J Wada, K Takahashi, Y Tsuchiyama, Y Mimura, K Hida, N Miyatake, M Fujii, S Kira, K Shikata, H Makino

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY   26 ( 3 )   361 - 369   2002.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the changes in IGF-1 concentrations after weight reduction in Japanese overweight men are associated with changes in visceral and subcutaneous fat.
    DESIGN: Cross-sectional and longitudinal clinical intervention study with exercise education.
    SUBJECTS: One-hundred and twelve Japanese overweight men aged 30-59y (body mass index (BMI) 28.4+/-2.5 kg/m(2)) and 33 normal-weight men aged 30-39y (BMI 22.1+/-1.5 kg/m(2)) at baseline. From the participants, 56 randomly selected overweight men (BMI 28.8+/-2.8) were further enrolled into a 1 y exercise program.
    MEASUREMENTS: Fat distribution was evaluated by visceral fat M and subcutaneous fat (S) areas measured with computed tomography scanning at umbilical levels, metabolic parameters and hormones including insulin, leptin and IGF-1 at baseline and after 1 y.
    RESULTS: In 112 overweight subjects at baseline, insulin (10.5+/-5.0 muUl/ml) and leptin (6.4+/-3.7 ng/ml) significantly correlated with both V (r=0.260, P=0.0073; r=0.410, P&lt;0.0001) and S areas (r=0.377, P&lt;0.0001; r=0.613, P&lt;0.0001), respectively. IGF-1 (156.8+/-48.7 muU/ml) significantly and negatively correlated with V area (r= -0.242, P=0.0125)and age (r= - 0.192, P=0.0480). In normal-weight men aged 30-39y (n=33) and age-matched subjects (n=30) selected from the 112 overweight men, the serum IGF-1 further tightly correlated with V area (r= - 0.467, P&lt;0.0001). Visceral fat area and age were independently related to serum IGF-1 levels by multiple regression analysis. By intervention with exercise education, 56 overweight subjects showed an increase in daily steps (6224+/-2781 to 7898+/-4141 steps/day) and reduction of BMI (28.8+/-2.8 to 27.7+/-2.9). DeltaIGF-1 significantly correlated with DeltaV area (r= - 0.432, P = 0.0009) but not with DeltaS area or DeltaBMI.
    CONCLUSION: The present study indicated a negative correlation between IGF-1 levels and visceral fat at baseline as well as an association between the reduction in visceral fat and increase in IGF-1 levels after an exercise intervention.

    DOI: 10.1038/sj/ijo/0801899

    Web of Science


  • Basedow病で発症し中枢性甲状腺機能低下に移行した1型糖尿病の一例

    永瀬 亮, 臼井 仁美, 松田 充浩, 大石 徹也, 四方 賢一, 槇野 博史, 小倉 俊郎, 三村 由香里, 和田 淳

    糖尿病   45 ( 2 )   162 - 162   2002.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本糖尿病学会  


  • Japanese family with glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism diagnosed by long-polymerase chain reaction

    K Yokota, T Ogura, M Kishida, J Suzuki, F Otsuka, Y Mimura, T Oishi, M Hirata, K Tobe, H Makino

    HYPERTENSION RESEARCH   24 ( 5 )   589 - 594   2001.9

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    We report a Japanese family with glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA) in whom gene abnormality was identified by the long-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. The proband was a 21-year-old female incidentally found to have high blood pressure (173/107 mmHg). Laboratory tests showed hypokalemia (3.7 mmol/l), and high plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC, 234 pg/ml) with suppressed plasma renin activity (PRA, &lt; 0.1 ng/ml/h). The circadian rhythm pattern and the results of a rapid adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) test indicated ACTH-dependent changes in PAC. Imaging studies showed no adrenal mass on either side. A dexamethasone (Dexa) suppression test (1.0 mg/day orally for 7 days) showed a marked decrease of PAC 2 days after administration, and this decreased level was maintained throughout Dexa administration. High blood pressure and hypokalemia also improved during Dexa treatment. The proband's younger sister was 19 years old and had hypertension, PAC of 231 pg/ml, and PRA &lt; 0.1 ng/ml/h. The mother was 53 years old and had hypertension, PAC of 98.5 pg/ml, and PRA &lt; 0.1 ng/ml/h. The proband's elder sister was a 22-year-old normotensive with PAC of 110 pg/ml and PRA of 0.1 ng/ml. Long-PCR was performed for detection of the chimeric gene associated with GRA, using DNA samples from all four cases and two normal control subjects. Although the aldosterone synthase gene was expressed among all DNA samples, the chimeric gene was detected only in the proband, her younger sister and her mother. Our clinical data and genetic investigation confirmed the presence of GRA in this Japanese family.

    DOI: 10.1291/hypres.24.589

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  • Chronic treatment with amlodipine modulates adrenocortical angiotensin II receptors in spontaneously hypertensive rats

    M Kishida, F Otsuka, T Ogura, H Kataoka, Y Nakamura, T Yamauchi, M Takahashi, K Yokota, Y Mimura, H Makino

    LIFE SCIENCES   69 ( 1 )   113 - 122   2001.5

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    Language:English   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    We investigated the effects of long-term treatment with calcium-antagonist, amlodipine, on angiotensin II receptors in the adrenal cortex of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Seven-week-old male SHR were treated with oral amlodipine (10 mg/kg/day) or vehicle (saline) for four weeks. Age-matched normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were treated with the vehicle similar to control SHR. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) showed time-dependent increase in SHR but not in WKY rats, while amlodipine treatment significantly reduced the high SEP in SHR, Plasma renin activity was serially increased in SHR, which was further enhanced by amlodipine treatment, But the plasma aldosterone level which was increased in SHR was not changed by amlodipine. Competitive reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction showed that the level of adrenocortical angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) mRNA progressively decreased in vehicle-treated SHR compared to WKY rats and that 4-week course of amlodipine treatment significantly increased AT1R mRNA in SHR to levels comparable to those in WKY rats. Amlodipine treatment reduced the level of adrenocortical angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) mRNA in SHR from 8 weeks of age. Thus, chronic amlodipine treatment differently modulates both adrenocortical AT1R and AT2R in SHR in a possibly direct manner, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0024-3205(01)01071-2

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  • Coexistence of Graves' disease and struma ovarii: Case report and literature review

    Y Mimura, M Kishida, H Masuyama, N Suwaki, J Kodama, F Otsuka, H Kataoka, T Yamauchi, T Ogura, T Kudo, H Makino

    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL   48 ( 2 )   255 - 260   2001.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Publisher:JAPAN ENDOCRINE SOCIETY  

    We report a rare case of Graves' disease associated with struma ovarii. A 26-year-old Japanese woman had preexisting Graves' disease and was positive for TSH receptor antibody. She had been on antithyroid medication at presentation. She noted a mass in the lower left abdomen, which was diagnosed as a left struma ovarii by radiological work-up including computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy. The surgically excised teratomatous tumor, containing cystic spaces with thyroid tissue, was histologically proved to be struma ovarii. Since thyroid function tests and TSH receptor antibody did not change after surgery, her hyperthyroidism was considered to be due to Graves' disease. Our case was diagnosed as struma ovarii before surgery using various imaging studies.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.48.255

    Web of Science


  • The role of nitric oxide and the renin-angiotensin system in salt-restricted Dahl rats

    H Kataoka, F Otsuka, T Ogura, T Yamauchi, M Kishida, M Takahashi, Y Mimura, H Makino

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION   14 ( 3 )   276 - 285   2001.3

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    To elucidate the role of nitric oxide (NO) and renin angiotensin system (RAS) in the development of salt-sensitive hypertension, we investigated the presser responses and renal histologic changes after long-term inhibition of endogenous NO synthesis in Dahl-Iwai salt-sensitive (DS) and salt-resistant (DR) rats under salt-restricted conditions that exaggerate RAS activation. Male DS and DR rats (6 weeks old) were fed with a low-salt (0.3%) diet for 5 weeks, N-G-nitro-L-arginine (L-NA: dissolved in 60 mg/L deionized water), an arginine analogue acting as a NO-inhibitor, was also administered for 5 weeks. L-NA administration induced a gradual increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP) in both strains, and the presser response in DS rats was apparently more enhanced relative to that in DR rats. Urinary nitrate plus nitrite (u-NOx) excretion was decreased by L-NA, with a significant negative correlation between SEP and u-NOx excretion in DS rats but not in DR rats. Plasma renin activity and urinary aldosterone level were significantly increased in L-NA-treated DS rats on week 5. Marked histologic changes with glomerular sclerosis and increased protein-uria and urinary N-acetyl-beta -glucosaminidase excretion were found in L-NA-treated DS rats but not DR rats. Competitive RT-PCR of mRNA extracted from the glomeruli revealed that angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)R) mRNA level was significantly lower in DS rats than in DR rats at week 2, and that L-NA administration significantly reduced glomerular AT(1)R level of DS rats at week 5, possibly because of downregulation. Our results showed that, even under sodium restriction, the presser response and renal injury induced by chronic NO inhibition were markedly more enhanced in DS rats than in DR rats, which indicates that depletion of NO participates in both the development of hypertension and glomerular injury in DS rats through a potential activation of RAS irrespective of sodium loading. These data suggest that endogenous NO is an essential determinant of salt-sensitive hypertension in DS rats. (C) 2001 American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0895-7061(00)01255-3

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  • 当大学における10年間の甲状腺疾患ム昨年経験した甲状腺癌3例を中心にー

    小倉俊郎, 松浦一陽, 塚本千秋, 絹見佳子, 内藤恵子, 福森明美, 今井あゆみ, 岸田雅之, 戸部和夫, 三村由香里

    CAMPUS HEALTH   2001

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  • Hyperthyroidism in a patient with TSH-producing pituitary adenoma coexisting with thyroid papillary adenocarcinoma

    M Kishida, F Otsuka, H Kataoka, K Yokota, T Oishi, T Yamauchi, H Doihara, T Tamiya, Y Mimura, T Ogura, H Makino

    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL   47 ( 6 )   731 - 738   2000.12

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    A 27-year-old woman who presented with a left thyroid nodule was found to have hyperthyroidism caused by a syndrome of inappropriate secretion of TSH. The levels of free T-3, free T-4 and TSH were 9.50 pg/mL, 4.05 ng/dL and 2.16 muU/mL, respectively. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head revealed a pituitary macroadenoma. The TSH response to TRH stimulation was normal and responses of other anterior pituitary hormones to stimulation tests were also normally preserved. Administration of octreotide with iodine successfully reversed hyperthyroidism prior to total resection of pituitary adenoma, which was followed by hemithyroidectomy of the left thyroid five months later. Histologically, the resected pituitary adenoma was a TSH-producing adenoma (TSH-oma) and the thyroid nodule was a papillary adenocarcinoma. Serum TSH diminished to undetectable levels immediately following pituitary adenomectomy but gradually normalized over nine months. Coexistence of a TSH-oma with thyroid cancer is very rare and only two similar cases have previously been documented. This combination raises the possibility that TSH may be involved in tumorigenesis in the thyroid gland.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.47.731

    Web of Science


  • Differential effect of chronic inhibition of calcium channel and angiotensin II type 1-receptor on aldosterone synthesis in spontaneously hypertensive rats

    F Otsuka, T Ogura, H Kataoka, M Kishida, M Takahashi, Y Mimura, T Yamauchi, H Makino


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    Language:English   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    We have investigated the in vivo effect of chronic blockade of Ca2+-channels and angiotensin II type I (AT(1))-receptors on aldosterone (Aldo)-synthesis in the adrenal glands of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Male SHR were administered Ca2+-antagonist, amlodipine (10 mg/kg per day) or AT(1)-receptor-antagonist, TCV-116 (1 mg/kg per day) from 7 until 11 weeks of age. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate (HR) were significantly higher in SHR than Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Both treatments resulted in equivalent and significant reduction in SEP in SHR. Aldo-secretion in SHR, which was significantly higher than in WKY rats, was profoundly suppressed by TCV-116 compared with amlodipine. Both treatments resulted in thickening of the tuna glomerulosa, which immunohistochemically contains Aldo, at the end of therapy. Competitive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed that CYP11A (P450scc) mRNA regulating the first step of Aldo-synthesis was significantly reduced from week 9 of age by amlodipine, and that CYP11A (P450aldo) mRNA regulating the last step of Aldo-synthesis was potently suppressed from 9 weeks of age by TCV-116. Our results indicate that chronic treatment with different antihypertensive agents directly modulates adrenocortical aldosterone synthesis in SHR in vivo via different mechanisms. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0960-0760(00)00096-0

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  • Testosterone modulates serum leptin concentrations in a male patient with hypothalamic hypogonadism

    T Ogura, K Tobe, Y Mimura, F Otsuka, T Yamauchi, A Imai, C Tsukamoto, Y Iwasaki, K Matsuura

    JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION   23 ( 4 )   246 - 250   2000.4

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    Language:English   Publisher:EDITRICE KURTIS S R L  

    Serial measurements of body mass index (BMI), serum concentrations of testosterone (T), estradiol (E) and leptin (L) were performed before and after gonadotropin (Gn) therapy in an 18-year-old male subject (BMI 25.4 kg/m(2)) with idiopathic hypothalamic hypogonadism (IHH). We also measured the BMI and serum concentrations of L in 99 age-matched healthy subjects. Serum L correlated significantly with BMI in control subjects (r=0.84, p&lt;0.0001). Baseline serum concentrations of L in our case were markedly high and both T and E were very low, but On therapy resulted in a gradual decrease in L and improvement in T and E, finally reaching the control levels of BMI-matched subjects. Our results demonstrate that T is a powerful negative modulator of serum L independent of BMI in conditions associated with low T levels, such as IHH. (C) 2000, Editrice Kurtis.

    Web of Science


  • Pseudomalabsorption of levothyroxine: A case report

    D Ogawa, F Otsuka, Y Mimura, A Ueno, H Hashimoto, M Kishida, T Ogura, H Makino

    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL   47 ( 1 )   45 - 50   2000.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:JAPAN ENDOCRINE SOCIETY  

    A 51-year-old woman who had been treated with levothyroxine sodium because of hypothyroidism after total thyroidectomy for thyroidal cancer was admitted to our hospital for persistent hypothyroidism despite large dose administration of levothyroxine (600 mu g/day). The patient complained of severe general fatigue and body weight gain. Free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine and thyrotropin levels were 0.97 ng/dl, 1.55 pg/ml and 24.51 mu U/ml, respectively, under oral administration of levothyroxine. Levothyroxine loading test performed by liquid form, pulverized tablets via nasogastric tube and intravenous administration revealed no evidence of malabsorption or metabolic disorder of levothyroxine, although oral intake of tablets was ineffective due to her factitiousness. We report here a possible case of "pseudomalabsorption of levothyroxine" to emphasize the clinical recognition of this disorder in patients with resistant hypothyroidism.

    Web of Science


  • 教育学部養護教諭養成の看護学系授業・臨床実習に対する卒業生のニーズ-フォーカス・グループ法による養護教諭対象調査より-

    松島紀子, 岡田加奈子, 本田優子, 天野敦子, 福田博美, 津村直子, 芝木美沙子, 小出弥生, 三村由香里, 中村朋子, 西沢義子

    日本養護教諭教育学会雑誌   3 ( 1 )   87 - 95   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本養護教諭教育学会誌編集委員会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and α1- adrenoceptor antagonist on hypertension induced in rats by long- term inhibition of nitric oxide production

    M. Takahashi, F. Otsuka, T. Ogura, T. Yamauchi, H. Kataoka, M. Kishida, Y. Mimura, H. Makino

    Clinical and Experimental Nephrology   4 ( 2 )   126 - 132   2000

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    Language:English   Publisher:Springer Japan  

    Background: We aimed to elucidate the involvement of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and sympathetic nervous system in hypertension induced by the long-term inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production. Methods: We compared the effects of 9-week treatment with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), cilazapril (10 mg/kg per day), to that with an α1-adrenoceptor antagonist, doxazosin (10 mg/kg per day), on systemic blood pressure and renal histological changes in Sprague-Dawley rats continuously treated with oral N(G)nitro-L-arginine (L-NA). Results: L-NA induced renal damage associated with a significant fall in urinary nitrate and nitrite (NOx) excretion and a significant rise in systolic blood pressure. Although cilazapril and doxazosin restored urinary NOx to a similar level, only cilazapril treatment significantly suppressed the hypertensive effect of L-NA. Urinary protein excretion in L-NA-treated rats was also significantly reduced by cilazapril treatment. Histologically, treatment with cilazapril, but not doxazosin, significantly inhibited the glomerular injury of mesangial expansion and glomerular sclerosis induced by L-NA treatment. Furthermore, cilazapril significantly reduced urinary aldosterone level. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the hypertension and hypertensive glomerular injury induced by long-term L-NA treatment were abrogated by an ACEI but not by an α1- adrenoceptor antagonist, and that the fall in high blood pressure induced by treatment with the ACEI was independent of urinary NOx excretion in this model.

    DOI: 10.1007/PL00012163



  • Serum leptin correlates with serum uric acid but not serum testosterone in non-obese male adolescents

    T Ogura, K Matsuura, F Otsuka, A Imai, C Tsukamoto, Y Mimura, Y Iwasaki, K Tobe


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    To identify the serum factors that affect circulating leptin levels, we measured the serum concentrations of leptin, testosterone (T), estradiol (E), serum alanine aminotransferase, total cholesterol and uric acid (UA) in healthy male adolescents (age, 18.3 +/- 0.1 years, n=96). We also measured body mass index (BMI), percent body fat and thickness of skin fold to assess the effect of body constitution on serum leptin level. Since serum concentration of leptin significantly correlated with BMI (r=0.820, p&lt;0.001), we analyzed the relation-ship between leptin/BMI ratio (L/BMI) and serum parameters. Analysis of data of subjects with normal serum T level showed a significant inverse correlation between L/BMI and serum T levels (n=96, r=-0.294, p&lt;0.005), but no such correlation was present among non-obese subjects (n=70) with BMI of +/- 20% of normal (22 kg/m(2)). There was no correlation between L/BMI and serum E level. Serum UA level significantly correlated with L/BMI in both the test group (n=96, r=0.520, p&lt;0.001) and non-obese subjects (r=0.369, p&lt;0.005). Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that UA independently and significantly influenced serum leptin levels in both the test and control groups. Our results demonstrate that T weakly influences serum leptin concentration, and that UA concentrations strongly influences serum leptin in healthy male adolescents independent of their obesity level.

    Web of Science


  • Treatment with a Ca2+ channel blocker, barnidipine, reduces platelet-derived growth factor B-chain mRNA in glomeruli of spontaneously hypertensive rats

    M Hashimoto, T Yamauchi, T Ogura, T Oishi, Y Mimura, F Otsuka, N Kashihara, H Makino

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY   19 ( 5 )   615 - 621   1999.9

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    We investigated the effect of barnidipine hydrochloride, a Ca2+ chan nel blocker, on the glomerular level of mRNA expression of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) B-chain and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta(1) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction. Thirteen-week-old SHR were provided with food containing barnidipine (0.6 mg/g of food, average dose during treatment: 53 mg/kg of body mass/day) for 3 weeks. A stable reduction in systolic blood pressure relative to that of age-matched control SHR was recorded after week 1 of therapy. Although no renal histological changes were observed after 3 weeks of treatment with barnidipine, the level of expression of PDGF B-chain mRNA in glomeruli was significantly reduced relative to that in control SHR, The glomerular level of TGF-beta(1) mRNA expression was not affected by the treatment, Treatment with barnidipine significantly reduced the excretion of urinary protein, Thus, the stable reduction in systemic blood pressure by barnidipine is associated with a reduction in PDGF B-chain mRNA expression in the glomerulus and reduction in urinary protein excretion in SHR. Copyright (C) 1999 S. Karger AG, Basel.

    Web of Science


  • Giant insulinoma in a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia-type I: A case report

    H Kataoka, F Otsuka, T Yamauchi, M Kishida, M Takahashi, T Tamiya, Y Mimura, T Ogura, H Makino

    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL   46 ( 3 )   429 - 435   1999.6

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    Language:English   Publisher:JAPAN ENDOCRINE SOCIETY  

    We report a case of giant cystic insulinoma constituting part of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type I. A 29-year-old Japanese man presented with a history of recurrent hypoglycemic attacks. Endocrine examination showed hyperinsulinemia discordant with hypoglycemia, and a giant cystic insulinoma (11 x 10 cm) located in the pancreatic tail was detected radiologically. Hyperprolactinemia due to pituitary adenoma and hyperparathyroidism due to parathyroid hyperplasia were also present. The insulinoma, prolactinoma and hyperplastic parathyroid gland were surgically removed. Fluorescent microsatellite analysis detected loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in chromosome 11q13 in DNA samples from all resected tissues but not from white blood cells. This is a rare case of MEN type I because of the giant cystic insulinoma and the evidence of common LOH detected in all MEN type I tissues.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.46.429

    Web of Science


  • Long-term administration of adrenocorticotropin modulates the expression of IGF-I and TGF-beta(1) mRNAs in the rat adrenal cortex

    F Otsuka, T Ogura, T Yamauchi, H Kataoka, M Kishida, N Miyatake, Y Mimura, J Kageyama, H Makino

    GROWTH HORMONE & IGF RESEARCH   9 ( 1 )   41 - 51   1999.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE  

    The effects of long-term adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) therapy on the expression of IGF-I and TGF-beta(1) on rat adrenal cortex was investigated. ACTH (0.1 mg/kg/day) or saline as control was injected intraperitoneally in 5-week-old Wistar rats every day for 4 weeks. ACTH significantly increased adrenal weight (P&lt;0.05) and serum corticosterone (P&lt;0.05). Competitive RT-PCR analysis on the adrenocortical mRNA showed increased IGF-I (P&lt;0.01) at 4 weeks of ACTH and increased TGF-beta(1) (P&lt;0.01) at 1 week of ACTH compared the control group. ACTH also significantly increased proliferating cell nuclear antigen mRNA level (P&lt;0.01), at 4 weeks of treatment, which correlated with IGF-I level (P&lt;0.01), but correlated negatively with ACTH-stimulated TGF-beta(1) level (P&lt;0.05). There was a weak correlation between IGF-I and serum corticosterone (P&lt;0.05), and between TGF-beta(1) mRNA levels and serum corticosterone concentration (P&lt;0.05). Histologically, ACTH induced hypertrophy in the zona fasciculata cells and increased the clear cells containing lipid deposits. Immunohistochemistry showed that IGF-I peptide was mainly expressed in the periphery of the zona fasciculata at 4 weeks of ACTH therapy, while the same therapy caused a slight increase in TGF-beta(1) expression in the same area. Our results show that an increase in adrenocortical growth resulting from ACTH treatment is associated with an increase in IGF-I mRNA expression but only a transient increase in TGF-beta(1) mRNA expression. (C) 1999 Churchill Livingstone.

    DOI: 10.1054/ghir.1998.0086

    Web of Science


  • Present status and problems of visiting nurse station

    MIMURA Yukari, MAKINO Hirofumi, OKA Youko, WATANABE Kimiko, KANAMI Hifumi, MORIWAKI Kazuhiko, KATAYAMA Eriko, FUZIWARA Hiromichi, SADAKANE Takazi, SATOU Yoshiyuki, HAYASHI Ippei, SATOU Kamehiro, OGURA Toshio

    111 ( 3 )   85 - 93   1999

  • Effect of treatment with barnidipine, a calcium channel blocker, on platelet-derived growth factor B chain from glomerulus in spontaneously hypertensive rats.

    Hashimoto M, Yamauchi T, Ogura T, Oishi T, Mimura Y, Otsuka F, Kashihara N, Makino H

    Am J Nephrol   1999

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  • Renal AT(1) receptor: Autoradiographic localization and quantification in rat

    N Asano, T Ogura, Y Mimura, M Kishida, H Kataoka, F Otsuka, T Yamauchi, H Makino


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    Language:English   Publisher:P J D PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    To elucidate the precise localization of angiotensin II (Ang II) type 1 (AT(1)) receptor in the kidney, we utilized in vitro macro- and micro-autoradiography (ARG) of [H-3]-Ang II bindings to the Wistar rat kidney in the presence of L158,809, a specific non-peptide AT(1) receptor antagonist. Besides, we estimated the density of renal AT, receptors using the quantification of macro-ARG. The density of [H-3]-Ang II binding to renal tissue was concentration-dependent in both renal cortex and medulla Although the addition with 500 nM arginine vasopressin and 500 nM atrial natriuretic peptide had no effect on [H-3]-Ang II, the total binding of [H-3] Ang II completely displaced by the addition with 500 nM unlabeled Ang II or L-158,809. Macro-ARG revealed that the amount of both Ang II and AT, receptors in the renal medulla gready exceeded those in the renal cortex In the medulla, the density of these receptors was not localized on the outer medulla but was confirmed mainly to the inner medulla, especially to the inner zone and longitudinal bands. Since the density and localization of AT(1) receptors was consistent with that of total Ang II receptors, it appears that AT(1) receptors comprise most of the Ang II receptors in the kidney. Micro-ARG revealed that Ang II receptors were mainly located in the glomerulus and proximal tubules of the renal cortex, as well as on the circumferences of vessels and the vasa recta of the renal medulla. The present study established a method for ARO of AT(1) receptors in the kidney as well as a method for quantifying the macro-ARG.

    Web of Science


  • Renal AT(1) receptor: Computerized quantification in spontaneously hypertensive rats and DOCA-salt rats

    N Asano, T Ogura, Y Mimura, F Otsuka, M Kishida, M Hashimoto, T Yamauchi, H Makino


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    Language:English   Publisher:P J D PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    To assess the involvement of angiotensin II (Ang II) in the regulation of blood pressure, we investigated the alterations of renal Ang II type 1 (AT(1)) receptors in two different models of hypertension; i.e., in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats by using the method for quantification of in vitro macroautoradiography (ARG). In the SHR model, although the number of cortical AT(1) receptors equaled that of Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats at 4 and 12 weeks of age, the number of medullary AT(1) receptors in the 4-week-old SHR animals was significantly lower than that in age-matched WKY rats, and increased by 12 weeks of age. The renal AT(1) receptor number in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats was significantly higher than that in control rats. The amount of these receptors also increased with age in both DOCA-salt hypertensive rats and control rats. These findings indicate that the development of medullary AT(1) receptors in early stages of hypertension in the SHR model differs from that in WKY rats or DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. This suggests that renal AT(1) receptors may contribute to the hypertension seen in the SHR group. The renal AT(1) receptors appear to be up-regulated in early stages of DOCA-salt-induced hypertension as well.

    Web of Science


  • In vitro Macro-and Microautoradiographic Localization of V1 and V2 Receptors in the Rat Kidney Using OPC-21268 and OPC-31260

    Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Nobuhiko Hayakawa, Fumio Otsuka, Masami Hashimoto, Takayoshi Yamauchi, Hirofumi Makino, Norio Ogawa

    Nephron   76 ( 3 )   331 - 336   1997

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    To elucidate the precise localization of vasopressin(VP) Vj and V2 receptors in the kidney, we utilized in vitro macroautoradiography (macro-ARG) and microautoradiography (micro-ARG) of these receptors in Wistar rat kidneys.This was done by using OPC-21268 and OPC-31260, two newly developed selective Vi (OPC-21268) and V2 (OPC-31260)receptor antagonists. For macro-ARG, 10-μm kidney sections were incubated with Tris-HCl buffer containing [3H]-VP with or without unlabeled ligand (VP, OPC-21268, orOPC-31260) at 20°C for 40 min. These sections were then loaded intoX-ray cassettes with Hyperfilm-[3H] and exposed inthe dark for 2 months. The autoradiograms were quantitativelyanalyzed by using the research analysis system RAS 1,000
    the V1 and V2 receptors were quantitated by inftracting the nonspecific binding (incubatedwith OPC-21268 and OPC-31260, respectively) from the total binding. To assess a more precise localization of the V1and V2 receptors, we also investigated the micro-ARG of the renal V1 and V2 receptorsby dipping the kidney section slides used for macro-ARG into a photographic emulsion and observing the receptors under light microscopy. [3H]-VP binding to the rat kidney was completely displaced by unlabeled excess VP, but not by unlabeled angiotensin II, indicating that [3H]-VP binding was specific for VP receptors. Computerized quantification showed that V2 receptors, visualized by OPC-31260, were the predominant type of VP receptor in the kidney. Conversely, V1receptors, visualized by OPC-21268, werefewer in number. V) receptors were partly localized to the glomerulus, cortical vessels, interstitial cells, and the medullary vessels. The V2receptors localized to the collecting ducts and medullary tubules. Our findings indicated that renal V1 and V2 receptors can be detected by in vitro macro- and micro-ARG by using OPC-21268 and OPC-31260. © 1997 S.Karger AG, Basel.

    DOI: 10.1159/000190200




  • In vitro Macro-and Microautoradiographic Localization of V1 and V2 Receptors in the Rat Kidney Using OPC-21268 and OPC-31260

    Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Nobuhiko Hayakawa, Fumio Otsuka, Masami Hashimoto, Takayoshi Yamauchi, Hirofumi Makino, Norio Ogawa

    Nephron   76 ( 3 )   331 - 336   1997

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    To elucidate the precise localization of vasopressin(VP) Vj and V2 receptors in the kidney, we utilized in vitro macroautoradiography (macro-ARG) and microautoradiography (micro-ARG) of these receptors in Wistar rat kidneys.This was done by using OPC-21268 and OPC-31260, two newly developed selective Vi (OPC-21268) and V2 (OPC-31260)receptor antagonists. For macro-ARG, 10-μm kidney sections were incubated with Tris-HCl buffer containing [3H]-VP with or without unlabeled ligand (VP, OPC-21268, orOPC-31260) at 20°C for 40 min. These sections were then loaded intoX-ray cassettes with Hyperfilm-[3H] and exposed inthe dark for 2 months. The autoradiograms were quantitativelyanalyzed by using the research analysis system RAS 1,000
    the V1 and V2 receptors were quantitated by inftracting the nonspecific binding (incubatedwith OPC-21268 and OPC-31260, respectively) from the total binding. To assess a more precise localization of the V1and V2 receptors, we also investigated the micro-ARG of the renal V1 and V2 receptorsby dipping the kidney section slides used for macro-ARG into a photographic emulsion and observing the receptors under light microscopy. [3H]-VP binding to the rat kidney was completely displaced by unlabeled excess VP, but not by unlabeled angiotensin II, indicating that [3H]-VP binding was specific for VP receptors. Computerized quantification showed that V2 receptors, visualized by OPC-31260, were the predominant type of VP receptor in the kidney. Conversely, V1receptors, visualized by OPC-21268, werefewer in number. V) receptors were partly localized to the glomerulus, cortical vessels, interstitial cells, and the medullary vessels. The V2receptors localized to the collecting ducts and medullary tubules. Our findings indicated that renal V1 and V2 receptors can be detected by in vitro macro- and micro-ARG by using OPC-21268 and OPC-31260. © 1997 S.Karger AG, Basel.

    DOI: 10.1159/000190200




  • Alterations of renal V1 and V2 receptors in spontaneously hypertensive rats and doca-salt hypertensive rats using computerized quantification for macro-autoradiogram

    Yukari Mimura, Toshio Ogura, Hideo Kataoka, Teisuya Oishi, Naoko Asano, Masayuki Kishida, Takayoshi Yamauchi, Norio Ogawa, Hirofumi Makino

    Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology   95 ( 1 )   43 - 56   1997

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    We previously examined the precise localization of vasopressin (VP) V1 and V2 receptors in the rat kidney using in vitro macro- and micro- autoradiography (ARG), and established the methodology of quantification for macro-ARG. In this study, to elucidate the role of VP in hypertension, we investigated the change within V1 and V2 receptors in the kidney of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)- salt hypertensive rats at different hypertensive stages. In SHR, although medullary V1 and V2 receptors decreased compared with age-matched Wistar- Kyoto (WKY) rats at the developmental hypertensive stage, these receptors increased once hypertension was established. Conversely, in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, both renal V1 and V2 receptors decreased with elevated blood pressure. Therefore, expression of renal V1 and V2 receptors proved to be different between two models of hypertension, SHR and DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, when their blood pressure increases. In DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, renal V1 and V2 receptors may be down-regulated secondary to the high blood VP level. In SHR, the increase in renal V1 and V2 receptors may have a role in the development of high blood pressure in this strain of rats.




  • A patient with sarcoidosis associated with recurrent urolithiasis and tubular injury caused by calcium deposition

    Yukari Mimura, Yohei Maeshima, Toshio Ogura, Naoki Kashihara, Kenji Kawabata, Nobuhiko Hayakawa, Yoshio Nagake, Kazue Hironaka, Hirofumi Makino, Zensuke Ota, Jingo Kageyama

    Japanese Journal of Nephrology   38 ( 3 )   141 - 145   1996

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    A 38-year-old woman was hospitalized in January, 1994 with renal dysfunction and hypercalcemia. Before admission, she was diagnosed as having urolithiasis, and had been treated twice with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Ophthalmologically, she exhibited iritis and secondary glaucoma. Hypercalcemia, an extremely low titer of parathyroid hormone (PTH), and elevation of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and lysozyme activity were noted. These findings suggested sarcoidosis, although the chest X-ray showed only fibrotic changes. Hypercalcemia was suspected of having been caused secondarily by sarcoidosis. Since her laboratory data also showed renal dysfunction and abnormal unnalysis, a renal biopsy was performed. The histological findings indicated a tubular and interstitial disorder without glomerular abnormality
    calcium deposition, which was detected by X-ray energy dispersive analysis, was observed in the tubular cytoplasm. Administration of prednisolone alleviated the renal dysfunction and decreased the elevation of ACE activity and lysozyme level of the blood. Sarcoidosis is sometimes associated with hypercalcemia, but rarely with renal dysfunction. These findings suggested that sarcoidosis may be associated with renal dysfunction due to tubular injury caused by calcium deposition in the tubules, and that glucocorticoid therapy was effective for these disorders.

    DOI: 10.14842/jpnjnephrol1959.38.141




  • A patient with sarcoidosis associated with recurrent urolithiasis and tubular injury caused by calcium deposition

    Yukari Mimura, Yohei Maeshima, Toshio Ogura, Naoki Kashihara, Kenji Kawabata, Nobuhiko Hayakawa, Yoshio Nagake, Kazue Hironaka, Hirofumi Makino, Zensuke Ota, Jingo Kageyama

    Japanese Journal of Nephrology   38 ( 3 )   141 - 145   1996

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    A 38-year-old woman was hospitalized in January, 1994 with renal dysfunction and hypercalcemia. Before admission, she was diagnosed as having urolithiasis, and had been treated twice with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Ophthalmologically, she exhibited iritis and secondary glaucoma. Hypercalcemia, an extremely low titer of parathyroid hormone (PTH), and elevation of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and lysozyme activity were noted. These findings suggested sarcoidosis, although the chest X-ray showed only fibrotic changes. Hypercalcemia was suspected of having been caused secondarily by sarcoidosis. Since her laboratory data also showed renal dysfunction and abnormal unnalysis, a renal biopsy was performed. The histological findings indicated a tubular and interstitial disorder without glomerular abnormality
    calcium deposition, which was detected by X-ray energy dispersive analysis, was observed in the tubular cytoplasm. Administration of prednisolone alleviated the renal dysfunction and decreased the elevation of ACE activity and lysozyme level of the blood. Sarcoidosis is sometimes associated with hypercalcemia, but rarely with renal dysfunction. These findings suggested that sarcoidosis may be associated with renal dysfunction due to tubular injury caused by calcium deposition in the tubules, and that glucocorticoid therapy was effective for these disorders.

    DOI: 10.14842/jpnjnephrol1959.38.141




  • Effect of vasopressin V1- and V2-receptor stimulation on blood pressure in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats.

    Mimura Yukari, Ogura Toshio, Yamauchi Takayoshi, Otsuka Fumio, Oishi Tetsuya, Harada Kazushi, Hashimoto Masami, Ota Zensuke

    Acta Medica Okayama   49 ( 4 )   187 - 194   1995.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:Okayama University Medical School  

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/30375

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Effect of vasopressin V1-and V2-receptor stimulation on blood pressure in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. (共著)

    Mimura Yukari, Ogura Toshio, Yamauchi Takayoshi, Otsuka Fumio, Oishi Tetsuya, Harada Kazushi, Hashimoto Masami, Ota Zensuke

    Acta Med Okayama   49 ( 4 )   187 - 194   1995.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:Okayama University Medical School  

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/30375

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • In vitro micro-autoradiography of atrial natriuretic peptide in biopsy specimens from patients with renal diseases. (jointly worked)

    Ogura T, Asano N, Katayama E, Oishi T, Mimura Y, Hironaka K, Kashihara N, Makino H, Ota Z, Ogawa N

    Journal of Medicine   25   203 - 217   1994

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  • 生体部分肝移植により救命しえたpropylthyouracilによる劇症肝炎の一例

    第53回日本甲状腺学会  2010 

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  • 急速に下垂体機能低下を来たし,蝶形骨洞内に副鼻腔炎を伴った下垂体腫瘍の1例

    第70回岡山内分泌同好会  2010 

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  • 養護診断開発の課題と展望

    第57回日本学校保健学会  2010 

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  • 肋骨骨折より明らかになったトルコ鞍内発生形質細胞腫の1例

    第83回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2010 

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  • 破骨細胞活性化に対するBMP−2,RANKLの影響とsimvastatinによるその抑制機序

    第83回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2010 

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  • Cushing病に多嚢胞性卵巣症候群の合併が認められた2例

    第83回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2010 

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  • 流産による大量出血から長期を経て発症したACTH分泌不全の1例

    第83回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2010 

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  • 妊娠初期に低ナトリウム血症と意識障害を来した反復性不育症の1例

    第10回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2010 

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  • 甲状腺癌の脳転移

    第69回岡山内分泌同好会  2010 

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  • 妊娠初期にSIADHを呈した不育症の1例

    第69回岡山内分泌同好会  2010 

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  • どのように見立てるか,どのように繋げるか,そして…

    第5回日本健康相談活動学会学術集会  2009 

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  • 診断・治療に苦慮したインスリノーマの1例

    第67回岡山内分泌同好会  2009 

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  • 「頭が痛い」子どものフィジカルアセスメント−健康相談活動に活かすー

    第5回日本健康相談活動学会学術集会  2009 

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  • Review of the Assessment Framework used by School Teachers as Health Promotion Education Leaders.

    第1回アジア太平洋ヘルスプロモーション・健康教育学会  2009 

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  • エンドセリンによる副腎皮質細胞でのアルドステロン分泌への影響

    第82回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2009 

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  • スーテント(sunitinib)投与中に甲状腺機能異常が認められた3症例

    第52回日本甲状腺学会  2009 

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  • 小脳血管芽腫手術時に再発褐色細胞腫の取り扱いに苦慮したVon Hippel Lindau病の1例

    第68回岡山内分泌同好会  2009 

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  • 頭蓋咽頭腫による汎下垂体機能低下症にBudd-Chiari症候群を合併した1例

    第82回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2009 

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  • アルドステロンと食塩負荷による腎組織障害と腎BMP発言の変化

    第82回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2009 

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  • BMP-6,-7による乳癌細胞の増殖抑制作用とその機序の検討

    第82回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2009 

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  • 多発性嚢胞腎による長期血液透析中に著明な高血圧を認めた褐色細胞腫の1例

    第82回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2009 

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  • コルチコトロープ細胞でのBMP-4によるACTH分泌の抑制とソマトスタチンアナログ作用への関与

    第82回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2009 

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  • 底Na血症を景気に発見された結核性リンパ節炎の1例

    第19回臨床内分泌Update  2009 

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  • 頭蓋型骨Paget病の経過中に認めた難治性てんかんの一例

    第19回臨床内分泌Update  2009 

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  • 若年発症のCushing症候群により多発する骨盤骨折を認めた1例

    第19回臨床内分泌Update  2009 

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  • SLEの経過中に腎・肝・副腎腫瘍で発見されたCushing症候群の1例

    第19回臨床内分泌Update  2009 

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  • 乳癌の治療経過中に下垂体腫大・下垂体機能低下症を来した一例

    第19回臨床内分泌Update  2009 

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  • Octreotide-scで腸閉塞を呈したGH/TSH腺腫にLARを導入しえた一例

    第19回臨床内分泌Update  2009 

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  • ネフローゼ症候群を呈した腎血管性高血圧に対するアルドステロン拮抗薬の効果

    第9回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2009 

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  • 脊椎多発圧迫骨折により発見されたCushing症候群の1例

    第9回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2009 

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  • 腎不全の加療中に判明したアルドステロン症・甲状腺癌を伴う原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症の一例

    第9回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2009 

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  • 血液透析中の高血圧を契機に発見された褐色細胞腫の1例

    第9回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2009 

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  • Marine-Lenhart Syndromeの1例

    第65回岡山内分泌同好会  2008 

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  • 頭蓋内結核病変に合併した視床下部・下垂体機能低下症の1例

    第65回岡山内分泌同好会  2008 

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  • TNF-αによる骨芽細胞の分化抑制に対するsimvastatinの拮抗作用とその機序

    第81回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2008 

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  • 治療に難渋しているGH/TSH産生下垂体腺腫の一例

    第81回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2008 

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  • 養護教諭の行う救急判断のためのエビデンス構築に向けての研究-頭部外傷時の救急判断において-

    第16回日本養護教諭教育学会学術集会  2008 

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  • 国体代表候補選手に対するアンチ・ドーピング活動

    第55回日本学校保健学会  2008 

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  • 卵巣顆粒膜細胞でのステロイド合成調節におけるp38-MAPKの役割とBMP-2,-4作用の関与

    第81回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2008 

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  • オクトレオチドLARにて治療中に悪性リンパ腫を合併した先端巨大症の一例

    第81回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2008 

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  • アルドステロンによるカテコラミン分泌調節への影響とその分子機序の検討

    第81回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2008 

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  • 偽性アルドステロン症と副腎PCSによる高血圧・低K血症の一例

    第18回臨床内分泌Update  2008 

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  • 視床下部下垂体障害の2年後に顕在化したサルコイドーシスの一例

    第18回臨床内分泌Update  2008 

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  • 視床下部GT1細胞におけるEstrogen・BMPによるGnRH発現制御の検討

    第81回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2008 

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  • カテコラミン分泌を伴う副腎神経節神経腫による高血圧の一例

    第18回臨床内分泌Update  2008 

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  • Meigs症候群の術後に難治性の多尿と高Na血症を来した一例

    第18回 臨床内分泌Update  2008 

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  • 4年の経過でレニン抑制が顕著となり,腺腫の摘出に至った原発性アルドステロン症の一例

    第8回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2008 

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  • 甲状腺腺腫と甲状腺乳頭癌を合併したTSH産生下垂体腺腫の一例

    第18回臨床内分泌Update  2008 

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  • 重症不整脈を伴う先端巨大症に対しオクトレオチドが奏功した一例

    第18回臨床内分泌Update  2008 

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  • 嚢胞性甲状腺腫の形態を呈した原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症の一例

    第8回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2008 

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  • 甲状腺濾胞癌による多発骨転移を合併した先端巨大症の一例

    第8回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2008 

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  • 原発性アルドステロン症術後に高k血症を来した2症例

    第63回岡山内分泌同好会  2007 

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  • 養護教諭のためのフィジカルアセスメントの実際

    第54回日本学校保健学会  2007 

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  • 下垂体GH3細胞を用いたオクトレオチドとドパミン作動薬併用によるGH抑制効果の検討

    第80回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2007 

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  • 甲状腺乳頭癌術後のSITSHにて発見されたTSH産生性下垂体腺腫の1例

    第64回岡山内分泌同好会  2007 

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  • 高アルドステロン血症の精査中に多嚢胞性卵巣症候群の存在が明らかとなった4例

    第80回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2007 

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  • 原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症21例における病型と臨床パラメーターの比較検討

    第80回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2007 

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  • バセドウ病眼症に対する少量ステロイドパルス療法の効果:続報

    第80回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2007 

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  • 骨形成蛋白(BMP)により誘導される骨芽細胞分化に対する炎症性サイトカインTNF-αの抑制作用

    第80回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2007 

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  • 副腎皮質細胞でのアルドステロンブレイクスルー現象とBMP-6の関与

    第80回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2007 

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  • Ebstein奇形と肝障害を合併した原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症の1例

    第66回岡山内分泌同好会  2007 

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  • 高血圧の精査にて発見されたNSE産生性副腎平滑筋肉腫の1例

    第17回 臨床内分泌update  2007 

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  • 高Ca血症を契機に診断された筋限局サルコイドーシスの1例

    第17回臨床内分泌代謝Update  2007 

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  • MDSを合併した先端巨大症に対するオクトレオチドによる1治療例

    第17回臨床内分泌代謝Update  2007 

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  • リンパ球性漏斗神経葉炎と肺癌脳転移を伴った中枢性尿崩症の1例

    第17回 臨床内分泌Update  2007 

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  • 多嚢胞性卵巣症候群を合併した先端巨大症の1例

    第17回 臨床内分泌Update  2007 

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  • 心奇形の治療経過において発見された異所性甲状腺による甲状腺機能低下症の1例

    第7回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2007 

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  • 「保健室を居場所にする子どもたち」-実践知を支援に生かす- 「居場所」の概念から見た保健室と,養護教諭養成教育の課題から見えてくるもの

    第3回日本健康相談活動学会学術集会  2007 

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  • コルチゾールの自律分泌を伴う原発性アルドステロン症の1例:副腎腺腫における17α-hydroxylase](CYP17)発現レベルの検討から

    第7回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2007 

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  • バセドウ病に1型糖尿病を合併し,抗甲状腺薬により顆粒球減少を来した1男性例

    第7回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2007 

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  • 甲状腺機能亢進症の治療経過において甲状腺不応症の診断に至った1例

    第49回 日本甲状腺学会  2006 

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  • ウイリス動脈輪閉鎖(モヤモヤ病)による脳梗塞を発症した1型糖尿病合併バセドウ病の1例

    第49回日本甲状腺学会  2006 

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  • PPARリガンドによる下垂体ゴナドトロピン転写の抑制とBMP・フォリスタチンの関与

    第79回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2006 

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  • 先端巨大症における難治性頭痛の2例とオクトレオチドLARの効果:続報

    第79回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2006 

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  • 高齢発症のACTH単独欠損症の一男性例

    第62回岡山内分泌同好会  2006 

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  • オクトレオチドとドパミン作動薬の併用による先端巨大症の治療効果

    第79回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2006 

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  • バセドウ病を合併した甲状腺ホルモン不応症の1例

    第16回 臨床内分泌Update  2006 

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  • アルドステロンによる腎メサンギウム細胞増殖への影響とBMPによる拮抗作用

    第79回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2006 

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  • 甲状腺機能低下症により顕在化したApparent Mineralcorticoid Exsess病態の1例

    第79回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2006 

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  • メルカゾール・プロパジールの両薬剤にて急速な顆粒球減少を来たしたバセドウ病の1例

    第16回臨床内分泌代謝Update  2006 

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  • コルチゾールの自律分泌を伴った原発性アルドステロン症の1例

    第16回 臨床内分泌Update  2006 

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  • 下垂体腺腫の術後に関節リウマチを発症した先端巨大症の1例

    第16回臨床内分泌代謝Update  2006 

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  • 副腎皮質細胞におけるBMP-6を介したアルドステロン分泌調節の検討

    第78回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2005 

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  • 中枢性尿崩症で発症し汎下垂体機能低下を来したgerminomaの1例

    第15回臨床内分泌代謝Update  2005 

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  • 異所性ACTH症候群を発症した腹部傍神経節腫の1例

    第60回岡山内分泌同好会  2005 

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  • 左腎下部に発生したparagangliomaによる異所性ACTH症候群の1例

    第15回臨床内分泌代謝Update  2005 

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  • 甲状腺機能低下症により顕在化した高齢発症の二次性Apparent Mineralcorticoid Excessの1例

    第5回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2005 

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  • 甲状腺ホルモン補充により低カリウム血症の改善を認めた高齢者AMEの1例

    第48回日本甲状腺学会  2005 

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  • ヒト卵巣顆粒膜細胞を用いたBMPとFSHの作用協調メカニズムの検討

    第10回日本生殖内分泌学会  2005 

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  • 小学生における近視進行に関する検討-調節誤差,近見視力測定を通して-

    第52回日本学校保健学会  2005 

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  • バセドウ眼症に対する少量ステロイドパルス療法の効果

    第48回日本甲状腺学会  2005 

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  • 副腎髄質カテコラミン産生におけるBMP・アクチビンの作用とその意義について:ラット褐色細胞腫PC12細胞を用いた検討

    第9回日本心血管内分泌代謝学会  2005 

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  • 中枢性尿崩症と汎下垂体機能低下症を生じた高齢発症サルコイドーシスの1例

    第61回岡山内分泌同好会  2005 

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  • 原発性肺高血圧症の肺血管平滑筋細胞の増殖におけるBMP1B型レセプター(ALK-6)の役割の検討

    第78回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2005 

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  • 甲状腺濾胞細胞における骨形成蛋白(BMP)の作用とその臨床的意義

    第47回日本甲状腺学会  2004 

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  • 副腎皮質のBMP・アクチビンによるアルドステロン分泌調節の検討

    第77回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2004 

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  • カベルゴリンが有効なマクロアデノーマによるクッシング病の一例

    第14回臨床内分泌代謝Update  2004 

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  • 両側副腎の急速な増大を呈し,PETにて原発巣を検出した転移性副腎腫瘍の1例

    第59回岡山内分泌同好会  2004 

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  • 下垂体FSH産生腺腫と非機能性腺腫におけるフォリスタチンの役割

    第77回日本内分泌学会学術集会  2004 

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  • 診断に苦慮した原発性アルドステロン症の2例

    第58回岡山内分泌同好会  2004 

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  • 妊娠末期より顕在化し,ACTHの周期性変動を呈したクッシング病の一例

    第4回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2004 

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  • 学校における視力検査の意義に関する研究(第1報)-視力検査と屈折異常の比較-

    第50回日本学校保健学会  2003 

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  • 蝶形骨洞内に発生した異所性ACTH産生下垂体腺腫の一例

    第76回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2003 

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  • 慢性甲状腺炎の経過中に発症した甲状腺原発T lymphomaの一例

    第13回臨床内分泌代謝Update  2003 

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  • 幼稚園の養護教諭に対する保護者の意識

    第50回日本学校保健学会  2003 

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  • 下垂体機能異常を呈したプレクリニカルクッシング症候群の1例

    第57回岡山内分泌同好会  2003 

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  • バセドウ病におけるTSHレセプター抗体のアッセイ法の有用性に関する検討

    第56回岡山内分泌同好会  2003 

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  • 蝶形骨洞内に認められた異所性ACTH産生下垂体腺腫の1例

    第54回 岡山内分泌同好会  2002 

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  • AT1受容体拮抗剤の腎保護作用におけるbradykininの関与について

    第75回 日本内分泌学会学術総会  2002 

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  • Basedow病で発症し中枢性甲状腺機能低下症に移行した1型糖尿病の一例

    第39回 日本糖尿病学会中国四国地方会  2002 

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  • 養護診断に関する問題点とその課題

    第49回日本学校保健学会  2002 

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  • 眼窩内偽腫瘍を呈した甲状腺機能低下症の1例-Hypothyroid Graves' disease?-

    第55回 岡山内分泌同好会  2002 

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  • 身長の伸びと生活習慣との関連についての一考察

    第48回日本学校保健学会  2001 

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  • ACE阻害薬およびAII受容体拮抗薬はOLETFラットの骨格筋でIRS-1のセリンリン酸化を抑制する

    第24回日本高血圧学会総会  2001 

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  • 養護実習のあり方に関する研究-カリキュラム改革と学制自己評価-

    日本養護教諭教育学会第9回学術集会  2001 

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  • Basedow病にslowly progressive insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(SPIDDM)を合併し、中枢性甲状腺機能低下症に移行した一例

    第44回日本甲状腺学会  2001 

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  • Gn療法の二次無効と潜在性甲状腺機能低下症を同時に呈した中枢性性腺機能低下症の一例

    第44回日本甲状腺学会  2001 

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  • ゴナドトロピン療法の二次無効と潜在性甲状腺機能低下症を呈した中枢性性腺機能低下症の一例

    第53回岡山内分泌同好会  2001 

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  • 高血圧自然発症ラットにおけるアムロジピンの慢性投与による副腎皮質のアンギオテンシンII受容体発現の調節

    第74回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2001 

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  • Long-PCR法にてキメラ遺伝子を証明しえたGlucocorticoid-Remediable Aldosteronism(GRA)の1家系

    第74回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2001 

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  • Basedow病から中枢性甲状腺機能低下症に移行したSPIDDMの一例

    第1回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2001 

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  • 非機能性下垂体腺腫手術例の臨床的検討-下垂体機能検査を中心に-

    第1回日本内分泌学会中国支部学術集会  2001 

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  • 健康教育に耳鼻咽喉科検診を生かすために

    第47回日本学校保健学会  2000 

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  • 遺伝子解析にてキメラ遺伝子を証明しえたGlucocorticoid-Remediable Aldosteronism(GRA)の1家系

    第52回岡山内分泌同好会  2000 

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  • 甲状腺乳頭癌を合併したTSH産生性下垂体腺腫の一例

    第73回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2000 

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  • TSH産生性下垂体腺腫の1例

    第51回岡山内分泌同好会  2000 

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  • 巨大インスリノーマを伴ったMEN 1型の1例

    第72回日本内分泌学会学術集会  1999 

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  • 高血圧ラットの腎におけるc-fos発現とAT1拮抗薬による抑制

    第72回日本内分泌学会学術集会  1999 

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  • 卵巣甲状腺腫を合併したバセドウ病の一例

    第72回日本内分泌学会学術集会  1999 

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  • 全身麻酔下手術での内因性バゾプレッシン上昇が尿中AQP2排泄および尿濃縮能へ与える影響

    第72回日本内分泌学会学術集会  1999 

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  • 慢性ACTH投与によるラット副腎皮質IGF-1とTGFβ1の発現の変化

    第72回日本内分泌学会学術集会  1999 

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  • 補充療法に困難を極めた術後甲状腺機能低下症の一例

    第49回岡山内分泌同好会  1999 

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  • 内因性バゾプレッシンによる水チャンネルおよび尿濃縮能への影響-全身麻酔下手術症例における検討-

    第49回岡山内分泌同好会  1999 

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  • 岡山市文化奨励賞

    2008   岡山市教育委員会  

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  • 砂田賞


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Research Projects

  • Accelerating Japan's school reform through an analysis of IB education

    Grant number:19H01676  2019.04 - 2023.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    高塚 成信, 三村 由香里, MAHMOOD SABINA, 桑原 敏典, 稲田 佳彦

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    Grant amount:\17420000 ( Direct expense: \13400000 、 Indirect expense:\4020000 )



  • Educational program for school accidents and disasters by simulation training on the map

    Grant number:17K12566  2017.04 - 2020.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Matsueda Mutsumi

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    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct expense: \3000000 、 Indirect expense:\900000 )

    Simulation training on the map was usually an effective method for training for crisis management under school management. The process by which participants understand the goals and issues and introduce them for debriefing through the introduction will be better understood, which will also help raise awareness of crisis management.However, in order for the crisis management system to be usable, there is a step of ①technology provision, ②group work, ③simulation training on the map, ④practical simulation training. Based on the above results, a text and evaluation table were created.


  • Construction of the "Yogo teacher" in the yogo teacher educational program

    Grant number:15K04209  2015.04 - 2018.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    hirohara toshie

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 、 Indirect expense:\1080000 )

    Under the license law of the university where can acquire superior grade license of Yogo teacher, the subject established as "Nursing (A beside teaching and first aid are included.)" is classified into 4 domains of [basic knowledge about nursing] [knowledge and skill of school nursing] etc., and is different in educational backgrounds. From view point of a syllabus of an education university, it evolves 3 contents of [basic nursing in school] [development method to school nursing practice] [first aid], and the construction of contents of the learning for school nursing practices was summarized in "acceptance of child's health issue" and "support for adaptation to school life and activity for child’s support of development and nourishment of child vitality" etc. Moreover instructed nursing skill is proposed to 13 items and 42 units for example "environmental adjustment skill", "the symptom and vital function management skill" and "infection prevention skill".


  • Development of a Master's level model and education program for Yogo teachers in the light of the qualities required

    Grant number:25590258  2013.04 - 2016.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    okada kanako, MIMURA Yukari, TAKEHANA Yukari, NAKASHITA Tomiko, KUDO Noriko, KAMAZUKA Yuko, MATSUEDA Mutsumi, KAMIMURA Hiroko, SAITO Risako, TAKAYAGI Satomi, KUROKO Ayako, HASUMI Satsuki

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    Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct expense: \2900000 、 Indirect expense:\870000 )

    In this study, we developed and structured a master's level model and education program of Yogo teachers , as well as a typical program, aimed at the development and evaluation of a model training program. As a result, we were able to propose a structured plan of a master's level model and education program for Yogo teachers . We developed a model training program about the representative programs such as physical assessment and the case method. Through these the effects on each age-group became clear.


  • School first aid disposal education by triage evidence and building of a training program

    Grant number:24593439  2012.04 - 2015.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    MATSUEDA mutsumi, MIMURA Yukari, KAMIMURA Hiroko

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 、 Indirect expense:\960000 )

    The advice which observed the present post training program and maneuvered by 2 stages of the case development, and is after that was important to the practice power in the first aid disposal and acquisition of a confidence. The contents which made the practice power of ko the center were a basis for the present post training program. Next I maneuvered using Emergo Train System(ETS) using student's experience and imitation case by a schoolteaching practice of education education. As a result, it became possible to estimate own experience objectively. Vicarious experience could influence the practice power and last to the angle of the cooperation in the school an imitation case's can practice a serious illness example. The program which leads to the respective judgement in conformity with needs and acquisition of ability to respond could be built in the present post and education education from the above, and it was possible to get an outcome of this research.


  • Developing a Physical Assessment Education Program for Yogo Teachers

    Grant number:23593366  2011 - 2013

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\5200000 ( Direct expense: \4000000 、 Indirect expense:\1200000 )

    For yogo teachers, acquiring the knowledge and techniques to carry out physical assessment expertly is an absolute necessity. The object of this research was to develop a physical assessment education program suitable for yogo teacher training courses and training courses for in-service yogo teachers. This was achieved via a three-pronged approach: 1. A survey of faculty at yogo teacher training colleges regarding the physical assessment education of students (comparisons between education, interdisciplinary, and nursing departments); 2. An evaluation of a physical assessment education program for yogo teachers, using simulated cases; 3. An evaluation of a physical assessment education program for yogo teachers in which it is observed how easily children can complain of headaches to students of a Yogo Teacher Training Course.


  • Fundamental study about systematization of the diagnosis which a yogo teacher performs - A definition and classification of a yogo diagnostic framework

    Grant number:23593407  2011 - 2013

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\5330000 ( Direct expense: \4100000 、 Indirect expense:\1230000 )

    "Yogo-diagnosis" is a practice used to identify and define student health issues typically encountered by school healthcare teachers (hereafter, yogo teacher).These diagnoses should be based on scientific evidence in order to provide effective support for addressing health problems. However, most student health issues that have been increasingly observed in recent years do not yet have official consensus-based definitions ( such as medical diagnosis). This has therefore delayed the development and systematization of Yogo diagnosis. We conducted a survey of yogo teachers at 3800 randomly-selected schools comprising 10% of Japan's elementary, junior high, and high schools, to investigate the nature and incidence of student psychological and health issues. Using the Delphi method, we defined and diagnosed 78 health issues identified by the survey, and proposed a set of criteria to aid Yogo-diagnosis based on our findings.


  • Construction of the triage evidence which connects emergency care and a school

    Grant number:21592308  2009 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\2470000 ( Direct expense: \1900000 、 Indirect expense:\570000 )

    The school first aid organization based on the evidence of emergency medicine was built, and the school first aid check sheet which gave the triage function was created. First, the present condition of a school accident has been grasped and the questionnaire of the enforcement degree, the degree of required, and the degree of confidence of analysis of the school accident by a judicial precedent and the observation item of the check sheet created by this research to Yogo teacher was carried out.
    Furthermore, it tried in order to raise the accuracy of a check sheet, and sensitivity and the degree of singularity were checked, and the method utilizable by practice was built. The degree of satisfaction of the study session held based on the result was a high result.


  • Development and evaluation of Yogo diagnosis by Yogo teacher at Health Room

    Grant number:20592622  2008 - 2010

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    OKADA Kanako, MIMURA Yukari, KASAI Atsuko, TAKEHANA Yukari, MUTSUMI Matueda

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 、 Indirect expense:\1080000 )

    The purpose of this study is to develop the Yogo diagnosis. We found out he Yogo diagnosis of "probability situation of the existence of children's mental problem" and estimate the validity of it. The research of development stage was conducted on Yogo teachers and teachers by group interviews , This study makes it clear that the clue of the Yogo diagnosis of "Probability situation of the existence of children's mental problems" has 11 viewpoints. From this research, regular teachers and Yogo teachers have common viewpoints as well as different viewpoints reflecting their type of work. Yogo teachers and teachers verified by questionnaires and group interviews that the result of this study was relevant. We also found out the Yogo diagnosis of "probability situation of the existence of children's pain". And estimate the structure of Yogo diagnosis.



    Grant number:17592288  2005 - 2007

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    OKADA Kanako, MIMURA Yukari, KASAI Atuko, TOKUYAMA Michiko, ARAKIDA Michiko, TAKEHANA Yukari

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    Grant amount:\3400000 ( Direct expense: \3100000 、 Indirect expense:\300000 )

    The purpose of this study is to develop the Yogo diagnosis. We found out he Yogo diagnosis of "probability situation of the existence of children's mental problem" and estimate the validity of it. And also to develop and estimate the validity of the defining characteristicss about Yogo diagnosis 'health management and behaviour formation The research of development stage was conducted 1) on 17 children's case studies of limb aching by case analysis, 2) on 24 Yogo teachers by group interviews , 3) on 11 Yogo teachers who present children's cases by semi- structured interviews and 4) on 17 children's additional case studies of limb aching by case analysis. The research of evaluation stage was conducted 1) on 117 Yogo teachers (S city) by questionnaires, and 2) on 23 Yogo teachers by group interviews (nominated sampling method ) . The result of the research is as follows: This study makes it clear that the clue of the Yogo diagnosis of "probability situation of the existence of children's mental problems" has 27 defining characteristics at last. (Method 1 develops 8 defining characteristics and method 2 adds 3 defining characteristics. And method 3 divides/adds the defining characteristics they are 21. Method 4 adds 6 defining characteristics.)
    Yogo teachers verified by questionnaires and group interviews that the result of this study was relevant.


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Class subject in charge

  • International Challenge (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Preventive Medicine (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木3~4

  • Preventive Medicine (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木3~4

  • Practices of Health Counseling A (Practice) (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月3~4

  • Practices of Health Counseling B (Practice) (2023academic year) Second semester  - 月3~4

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study A (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study B (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork A (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork B (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅱ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅲ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Design and Practice of School Health (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 金1,金2

  • School Health / School Safety and Risk Management A (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 火1,火2

  • School Health / School Safety and Risk Management B (2023academic year) Second semester  - 火1,火2

  • Seminar in School Health A (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 木7~8

  • Seminar in School Health B (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - [第1学期]その他7~8, [第2学期]その他, [第3学期]その他, [第4学期]その他

  • Child Health A (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 木1~2

  • Child Health B (2023academic year) Second semester  - 木1~2

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2023academic year) Third semester  - 水1,水2,水3,水4

  • Teaching Introduction A (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Teaching Introduction A (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Teaching Introduction B (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (Secondary school) (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 火1~2

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice?(Yogo teacher) (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 水7~8

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (2) (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (2023academic year) Second semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession B (2023academic year) Second semester  - 金1~2

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/School Health Care E (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/School Health Care (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月3,月4

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月3,月4

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(School Health Care Education (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(School Health Care Education (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 木7,木8

  • Developmental Studies and Support I(Fundamental science in development B) (2023academic year) Second semester  - 金3,金4

  • Nursing (Coordination and cooperation) (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金1~2

  • Nursing Practice in Hospital (2023academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Verification (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2023academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Seminar in School Health Care and Education (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • School Health Care diagnosis A (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • School Health Care diagnosis B (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • International challenge (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • International Challenge (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Preventive Medicine (2022academic year) Third semester  - 木3~4

  • Preventive Medicine (2022academic year) Third semester  - 木3~4

  • Preventive Medicine (1) (2022academic year) Third semester  - 木3,木4

  • Preventive Medicine (2) (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3,木4

  • Practices of Health Counseling A (Practice) (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 月3~4

  • Practices of Health Counseling B (Practice) (2022academic year) Second semester  - 月3~4

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study A (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy A (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study B (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy B (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork A (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork A (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork B (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork B (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy I (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅱ (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy II (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education III (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅲ (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Approaches to Education (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 火1~2

  • Approaches to Education (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 火1~2

  • Design and Practice of School Health (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金1,金2

  • School Health / School Safety and Risk Management A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 火1,火2

  • School Health / School Safety and Risk Management B (2022academic year) Second semester  - 火1,火2

  • Child Health (1) (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health (2) (2022academic year) Second semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health B (2022academic year) Second semester  - 木1,木2

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2022academic year) Third semester  - 水1,水2,水3,水4

  • Teaching Introduction A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金1,金2

  • Teaching Introduction A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Teaching Introduction B (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (Secondary school) (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (Secondary school B) (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 月5~8

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice?(Yogo teacher) (2022academic year) special  - 月5~8

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (1) (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (1) (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (2) (2022academic year) Second semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (2) (2022academic year) Second semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession B (1) (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession B (2) (2022academic year) Second semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (2022academic year) Second semester  - 金1~2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession B (2022academic year) Second semester  - 金1~2

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/School Health Care E (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/School Health Care (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月3,月4

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月3,月4

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(School Health Care Education (2022academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(School Health Care Education (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 木7,木8

  • Growth and Development (2022academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Growth and Development (2022academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Nursing III (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金1,金2

  • Nursing (Coordination and cooperation) (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金1~2

  • Nursing Practice in Hospital (2022academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Nursing Practice in Hospital (2022academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Verification (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2022academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Seminar in School Health Care and Education (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Yogo Diagnosis (1) (2022academic year) special

  • Yogo Diagnosis (2) (2022academic year) special

  • School Health Care diagnosis A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - [第1学期]その他, [第2学期], [第3学期], [第4学期]

  • School Health Care diagnosis B (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • International challenge (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • International Challenge (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Preventive Medicine (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木3~4

  • Preventive Medicine (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木3~4

  • Preventive Medicine (1) (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木3,木4

  • Preventive Medicine (2) (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3,木4

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study A (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy A (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study B (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy B (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork A (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork A (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork B (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork B (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy I (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅱ (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy II (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education III (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅲ (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Approaches to Education (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 火1~2

  • Approaches to Education (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 火1~2

  • School Health II (1) (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木7~8

  • School Health II (2) (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木7~8

  • Design and Practice of School Health (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 金1,金2

  • School Health / School Safety and Risk Management A (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 火1,火2

  • School Health / School Safety and Risk Management B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 火1,火2

  • Seminar in School Health A (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木7~8

  • Seminar in School Health B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木7~8

  • Child Health (1) (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health (2) (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health A (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木1,木2

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2021academic year) Third semester  - 水1,水2,水3,水4

  • Teaching Introduction B (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 金1~2

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (Secondary school B) (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 金1~2

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/School Health Care E (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/School Health Care (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月3,月4

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月3,月4

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(School Health Care Education (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(School Health Care Education (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 木7,木8

  • Growth and Development (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Growth and Development (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Developmental Studies and Support I(Fundamental science in development B) (2021academic year) Second semester  - 金3,金4

  • Nursing III (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金1,金2

  • Nursing (Coordination and cooperation) (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金1~2

  • Nursing Practice in Hospital (2021academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Nursing Practice in Hospital (2021academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Verification (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2021academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Seminar in School Health Care and Education (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Yogo Diagnosis (1) (2021academic year) special

  • Yogo Diagnosis (2) (2021academic year) special

  • School Health Care diagnosis A (2021academic year) special

  • School Health Care diagnosis B (2021academic year) special

  • International Challenge (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • International challenge (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Preventive Medicine (1) (2020academic year) Third semester  - 木3,木4

  • Preventive Medicine (2) (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3,木4

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study A (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy A (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study B (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy B (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork A (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork A (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork B (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork B (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy I (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅱ (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy II (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education III (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Approaches to Education (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 火1,火2

  • Design and Practice of School Health (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 金1,金2

  • School Health / School Safety and Risk Management A (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 火1,火2

  • Child Health (1) (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health (2) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health A (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木1,木2

  • Child Health B (2020academic year) Second semester  - 木1,木2

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2020academic year) Third semester  - 水1,水2,水3,水4

  • Teaching Introduction A (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 金1,金2

  • Teaching Introduction A (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 金1,金2

  • Teaching Introduction B (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 金1,金2

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (Secondary school B) (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 月5,月6,月7,月8

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (2) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 金1,金2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (2) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 金1,金2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession B (2) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 金1,金2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession A (2020academic year) Second semester  - 金1,金2

  • Introduction of Teaching Profession B (2020academic year) Second semester  - 金1,金2

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/School Health Care E (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/School Health Care (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月3,月4

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月3,月4

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(School Health Care Education (2020academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(School Health Care Education (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 木7,木8

  • Growth and Development (2020academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Growth and Development (2020academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Developmental Studies and Support I(Fundamental science in development B) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 金3,金4

  • Nursing III (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金1,金2

  • Introduction to Studies in Art Ⅰ (2020academic year) Third semester  - 火5,火6

  • Introduction to Studies in Art Ⅱ (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 火5,火6

  • Nursing Practice in Hospital (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Verification (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

  • Seminar in School Health Care and Education (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Yogo Diagnosis (1) (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木5,木6

  • Yogo Diagnosis (2) (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木7,木8

▼display all