Updated on 2024/09/20


Shimayoshi Takao
Center for Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Data Science Special-Appointment Professor
Special-Appointment Professor
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  • 博士(情報学) ( 京都大学 )

Research Interests

  • Numerical analysis

  • Computer Network

  • Information System Design

  • Physiome

  • Computational Physiology

  • Description Language

  • Ontology

  • 細胞モデル

  • Systems Biology

  • Information Security

  • Cardiac Energetics

  • formal methods

  • Cardiovascular System

Research Areas

  • Informatics / High performance computing  / Simulation

  • Informatics / Information security

  • Informatics / Computer system

  • Informatics / Life, health and medical informatics  / Physiome

  • Informatics / Information network

  • Informatics / Software

  • Life Science / Physiology  / Computational Physiology

  • Informatics / Mathematical informatics

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  • Kyoto University   情報学研究科   システム科学専攻

    2008.4 - 2009.3

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  • Kyoto University   工学研究科   情報工学専攻

    1997.4 - 1999.3

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  • Kyoto University   工学部   情報工学科

    1993.4 - 1997.3

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Research History

  • Okayama University   Center for Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Data Science


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  • Kyushu University   Pan-Omics Data-Driven Research Innovation Center   Research Associate Professor

    2022.4 - 2023.3

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  • Kyushu University   Cybersecurity Center   Research Associate Professor

    2021.11 - 2022.3

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  • Kyushu University   Research Institute for Information Technology   Associate Professor

    2015.11 - 2021.10

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  • Kyoto University   Graduate School of Informatics   Assistant Professor

    2013.4 - 2015.10

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  • ASTEM Research Institute of Kyoto   Sub-chief Researcher

    2007.4 - 2013.3

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  • ASTEM Research Institute of Kyoto   Researcher

    2003.4 - 2007.3

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  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

    1999.4 - 2003.3

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Professional Memberships


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  • Association for Computing Machinery

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  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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  • IEEE

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Committee Memberships

  • 九州大学   メールサーバ集約タスクフォース長  


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    Committee type:Other


  • 九州大学   情報共有基盤事業室  


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    Committee type:Other


  • 九州大学   要機密情報の保護方法検討WGリーダー  

    2017.6 - 2018.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 九州大学   情報統括本部Office365運用事業室長  

    2017.4 - 2018.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 九州大学   障害者支援推進専門委員会  

    2017.4 - 2018.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 九州大学   九大CSIRT  


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    Committee type:Other


  • 九州大学   情報統括本部Office365導入タスクフォース  

    2016.4 - 2017.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 九州大学   情報統括本部ネットワーク事業室  


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    Committee type:Other


  • 情報処理学会関西支部   幹事  

    2010.4 - 2012.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


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  • A Preliminary Study on Gathering SMTP Responses for Email Delivery on the Internet

    笠原義晃, 小田知央, 嶋吉隆夫

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2023 ( OS-161 )   2023

  • A Consideration on a Sender-Side Spam Scoring Header of E-mail Messages

    2022   80 - 81   2022.12

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  • Our Design and Implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication Deployment for Microsoft 365 in Kyushu University Reviewed

    Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi

    Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference   56 - 61   2022.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative manages a Microsoft 365 tenant for our university members. We started offering Office 365 in 2016 and migrated our university-wide email service to Microsoft 365 Exchange Online in 2018. Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, off-campus uses of Microsoft 365 have increased, and concerns about account security arose. We discussed how to deploy Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to protect our users. Microsoft 365 comes with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), and it includes built-in MFA functionality. With the basic Azure AD MFA, individual users can register MFA information anytime but have no control to enable or disable MFA. Tenant administrators need to enable MFA for each account. For a gradual deployment, we want to allow users to enroll in MFA and register information at their convenience. In addition to that, we want to prevent malicious attackers from registering their MFA information if an account should be already compromised. Such control was difficult with the basic Azure AD MFA. Since 2020 our tenant subscribes to Azure AD Premium P2 licenses, which provides Azure AD Conditional Access. Conditional Access enables fine controls of MFA and other user access behavior with security groups. We designed an MFA self-enrolling and configuration system, and implemented it with Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, Conditional Access, and in-house web applications. By design, this system prohibits MFA information registration until user's self-enrollment in MFA, and requests the user to register MFA information upon the next sign-in after the self-enrollment. This is supposed to reduce the possible unauthorized registration of MFA information. We extensively discussed implementation of various measures and preparation of documents to counter users' troubles and complaints. We started deploying MFA in April 2021, but we have not yet fully mandated MFA due to a push back from some executives expressing concern about the adverse effects of enforcing MFA too quickly.

    DOI: 10.1145/3501292.3511569



  • 心筋虚血・再灌流の数理モデル解析

    松岡 達, 嶋吉 隆夫, 竹内 綾子

    日本生理学雑誌   84 ( 1 )   7 - 7   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本生理学会  


  • 透過型SMTPプロキシによるメール送信集約とキュー輻輳回避の検討 Reviewed

    小田, 知央, 廣川, 優, 近藤, 宇智朗, 嶋吉, 隆夫, 笠原, 義晃

    マルチメディア,分散協調とモバイルシンポジウム2021論文集   2021 ( 1 )   1479 - 1485   2021.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報処理学会  

    電子メールは古くから用いられているメッセージ交換手段で,依然として世界的に広く利用されている.メールサービスを提供するメールホスティングでは,多数の利用者を同一システムに収容するマルチテナント型によりリソース効率を高め,運用コストを低減している.メールホスティングでは利用可能なグローバル IP アドレス数やメール送信の集中管理のため送信サーバは集約されていることが多いが,大量メール送信や送信先の迷惑メール対策により送信キューの輻輳が発生することで,問題を起こしたテナント以外にも影響が波及し,サービス品質の低下や管理コストの増大をまねいている.本研究では,テナントごとの送信キューの分離と,メール送信の集中管理や送信用グローバル IP アドレスの管理を両立する,メール送信集約用の透過型 SMTP プロキシを提案する.また,送信キューの分離によってキュー輻輳時の影響範囲が限定される効果を確認するための予備実験と,透過型 SMTP プロキシのプロトタイプ実装について述べる.

    CiNii Article


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/2324/4753053

  • A Supplementation Method for Delegation of Address Management on a Cloud Email Service Reviewed

    62 ( 3 )   810 - 817   2021.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In providing organizational email service, the use of cloud email services contributes to reducing operation and management costs, generally. In most cloud email services, the management of a certain part of email addresses is not delegatable to administrators of organizational units, but this causes operational load concentration on organizational service administrators in large-scale organizations. For solving this issue, this study aims to enable delegations of email address management to administrators of organizational units. This article introduces a method for delegation of email address management and a supplemental system onto a cloud email service. The proposed method divides the management of email addresses within internet subdomains for organizational units from account administration and delegates the email address management to subdomain administrators. The present system for email address management is designed based on microservice architecture and configured in serverless. This microservice architecture and serverless configuration reduces operation and management costs and contributes to the maintainability and extensibility of the present system. Furthermore, the use of an identity-as-a-service for authentification, authorization and storing privilege information ensures confidentiality and security of system accounts.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Challenge for Consolidation of Individual Email Services into a Cloud Service Reviewed

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Naomi Fujimura

    Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference   26 - 29   2021.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ACM  

    Email is a traditional but still important global communication tool. An email address is a kind of personal identifier, and email addresses printed on publications require persistent reachability. Kyushu University provides a university-wide email service, Primary Mail Service, and assigns a Primary Mail Address for each member. Divisions of the university additionally operate individual email services for their internet subdomains and administer member email addresses. Since email is a major means of cyberattacks nowadays, the secure operation of an email server demands considerable effort and high skill. This article describes a challenge at Kyushu University for consolidating individual email services. Since 2018, the Primary Mail Service has been operated using Microsoft's cloud service, Exchange Online, which supports multiple internet domains on a tenant. The approach employed is registering divisional subdomains to the tenant and configuring forwarding addresses from addresses of the subdomains to the Primary Mail Addresses or external addresses. A desirable scheme is for each domain administrator to manage forwarding addresses of the domain, but Exchange Online is unable to delegate administration to the domains. To overcome this, a system was designed and developed for domain administrators to create, read, update, and delete forwarding addresses. Beginning in July 2020, a new service to import divisional domains was offered. We are now planning measures for promoting the consolidation of individual email services.

    DOI: 10.1145/3419944.3441170



    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/siguccs/siguccs2021.html#ShimayoshiKF21

  • Renovation of the Office 365 environment in Kyushu University: Integration of account management and authentication Reviewed International journal

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Naomi Fujimura

    Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference   135 - 139   2019.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ACM  

    Office 365 Education is a suite of cloud services for students and educators. Kyushu University has provided Office 365 accounts for all students and staff. The first generation of an environment for Office 365 provisioning in the university had several issues about associating between Office 365 accounts and member identifications of the university. All university members are randomly assigned unique identifiers by the central ID management system for using commonly in university-wide information services. Since the IDs are for internal use only, the first environment authenticated a user with another ID and password specific for Office 365. In addition, processes for assigning licenses and giving privilege to users of Office 365 depending on modifications to member information in the ID management system were not fully automated. This paper shows how we resolved problems integrating Office 365 into the ID management of the university by rebuilding the infrastructure. We configured a federated authentication system and developed a system for processing in events of the account life cycle.

    DOI: 10.1145/3347709.3347819



    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/siguccs/siguccs2019.html#ShimayoshiKF19

  • Migrate legacy email services in Kyushu university to exchange online Reviewed International journal

    Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Tadayuki Miyaguchi, Naomi Fujimura

    Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference   127 - 131   2019.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ACM  

    In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative provides an email service for students and staff members, called “Primary Mail Service”. We had operated an on-premises system for this service, and the lifetime of this system would end in early 2019. We needed to reduce costs for replacing this system because our university had just finished a major campus migration. We compared some options such as building a yet another on-premise system and migrating to a cloud-based email service and finally gave up the on-premise option because we couldn’t afford replacement and operational costs of another on-premises system anymore. We selected Microsoft Exchange Online as the new service mainly because we already had a contract with Microsoft and been operating an Office 365 tenant. We had additional requirements for user provisioning and services which were not available in Exchange Online, so we had to implement and maintain additional systems on top of it. On December 18th, 2018, we successfully migrated the email service to Exchange Online. By coincidence, Kyushu University Administration Bureau decided to migrate their in-house Exchange server to Exchange Online. After some discussions, they concluded to migrate their domain to the same tenant with Primary Mail Service. Other than that, there are more than a hundred legacy email servers inside our campus network operated by various departments as subdomains of kyushu-u.ac.jp. We are designing a plan to consolidate them into our tenant of Exchange Online to reduce a budget and human resource costs, and to improve security. In this presentation, we share our experiences about migrating our campus-wide email services to Exchange Online. We also discuss why we want to consolidate other legacy email servers and how to implement the plan.

    DOI: 10.1145/3347709.3347817



    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/siguccs/siguccs2019.html#KasaharaSMF19

  • Parameter Uncertainty Analysis of a Mathematical Ion Channel Model Reviewed International journal

    Takao Shimayoshi

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2019   1952 - 1955   2019.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In mathematical modeling of cell physiological processes, measurements required for parameter determination are often available only as aggregated data in the literature. Physiological measurements contain relatively large observation errors due to intrinsic variations in physiological processes, and the errors cause uncertainties in parameter values. This paper reports analyses of the uncertainty in parameter estimates of a simple mathematical model of an ion channel from a set of published experimental data. A conventional approach for estimating model parameters from aggregated data is applying the method of least squares to a series of the mean values of measurements. The parameter estimates by the conventional method significantly differed from those by a statistical approach, maximum likelihood estimation considering the standard errors of the means. Exhaustive analyses on the likelihood of parameter values show high parameter uncertainties and wide distribution of parameter values with no significant differences in the likelihood. These results imply the importance of considering variances of observations and uncertainties in parameter estimates.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857142

    Web of Science




    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/conf/embc/2019

  • 個人情報保護と情報セキュリティを考慮したOffice 365 Educationの環境構築方法

    嶋吉隆夫, 笠原義晃, 藤村直美

    2019‐CSEC‐85 ( 5 )   1 - 6   2019.5

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  



  • A Study on Confidential Information Protection in Kyushu University

    嶋吉 隆夫, 久志 昇, 笠原 義晃, 藤村 直美

    IEICE technical report   118 ( 480 )   91 - 98   2019.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:電子情報通信学会  

    CiNii Article


  • Restructuring of Service Infrastructure for Office 365 in Kyushu University

    嶋吉 隆夫, 笠原 義晃, 尾花 昌浩, 藤村 直美

    大学ICT推進協議会年次大会論文集   ( 2018 )   1 - 8   2018.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:大学ICT推進協議会  

    九州大学では2016 年からOffice 365 を全学サービスとして正式に提供してきたが、その基盤システムやテナント運用などについて様々な課題が生じていた。そこで、基盤システムとテナントを含めて環境を新たに再構築し、2018 年4 月から新しいサービス環境の提供を開始した。本稿では、従来の環境における課題とその解決策、さらに、新しい環境の構築過程で生じた問題とその解決方法などについて紹介する。

    CiNii Article


  • A Preliminary Computational Model for Hypoxic Acidosis in Cardiac Myocytes Reviewed International journal

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuta Yamamoto, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2018-July   4540 - 4543   2018.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Intracellular acidosis induced by hypoxia resulted from myocardial ischemia damages myocardium. However, the detailed mechanisms of hypoxic acidosis are not quantitatively explained. The purpose of this study is to create a novel computational model which can reproduce intracellular acidosis caused by myocardial ischemia. We constructed a computational model of myocardium, by using a mathematical ventricular cell model which includes pH regulation and a computational model of myocardial microcirculation for calculating extracellular conditions. The present model reproduced cellular hypoxia in an ischemic condition simulated by a reduced blood flow, and intracellular pH reduction in response to the hypoxia.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8513112




    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/conf/embc/2018

  • The past, current, and future of our email services in Kyushu University Reviewed

    Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Eisuke Ito, Naomi Fujimura

    Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference   103 - 106   2018.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY  

    In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative provides email service for students and staff members. Email services for students and staff members were started separately. For students, an email service was started as Unix accounts of "Computer System for Education" in 1995. On the other hand, an email service for staff members was started in 2009, and eventually the two mail services were merged into the current "Kyushu University Primary Mail Service" in 2014. The designs of these mail systems were affected by various operational issues and political decisions at their times. We think that running an in-house mail system is becoming less feasible due to the initial/operational cost, security issues, and our dwindling budget. For the current system, the planned 5-year lifetime ends in this fiscal year. Therefore, we are forced to migrate to a cloud-based mail service. In this presentation, we want to share our past experiences and future plans about our university email services.

    DOI: 10.1145/3235715.3235737

    Web of Science



    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/siguccs/siguccs2018.html#KasaharaSIF18

  • 精緻に制御可能な恒常性のある高集積マルチアカウント型のメール基盤

    松本亮介, 小田知央, 笠原義晃, 嶋吉隆夫, 金子晃介, 栗林健太郎, 岡村耕二

    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 1 )   1383 - 1389   2018.6

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  • Flexible Hosting/Cloud Platform Based on Light-Weight Containers and its Evaluation and Stress Test Environment

    笠原 義晃, 松本 亮介, 近藤 宇智朗, 小田 知央, 嶋吉 隆夫, 金子 晃介, 岡村 耕二

    IEICE technical report   117 ( 471 )   9 - 14   2018.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:電子情報通信学会  

    As basic components of ever-expanding internet services, hosting services and cloud computing platforms are expected to satisfy various requirements, such as efficiency, fault-tolerance, resiliency against high load, flexibility, and security. We are trying to solve these problems with a light-weight container based architecture (called FastContainer). To improve FastContainer (especially its auto-scaling function), we are creating an environment for performance and stress tests on a public cloud platform. In this paper, we describe the overview of FastContainer and details of the test environment, its current status, and future plans.

    CiNii Article



  • A Design of Elaborately Analyzable Homeostatic E-mail System

    松本 亮介, 小田 知央, 笠原 義晃, 嶋吉 隆夫, 金子 晃介, 栗林 健太郎, 岡村 耕二

    IEICE technical report   117 ( 471 )   97 - 102   2018.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:電子情報通信学会  

    CiNii Article



  • Our experience with introducing microsoft office 365 in Kyushu University Reviewed

    Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Masahiro Obana, Naomi Fujimura

    Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference   Part F131713   109 - 112   2017.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY  

    Information Infrastructure Initiative of Kyushu University started serving Office 365 Education for all students and staff members at Kyushu University in November 2016. Since 2007, the university had signed Microsoft EES (Enrollment for Education Solutions) including licenses for the latest Microsoft Windows and Office suite. The EES agreement includes an advantage to provide Office 365 Education to the university members with minimum investments, and there was a demand for Skype for Business which is included in Office 365. To deploy Office 365 for our users, we first needed to configure our on-premises user authentication infrastructure to coordinate with Office 365. During trials, we had a couple of difficulties attributed to some disagreements between Microsoft's and our policy on whether the user identifier, namely the user principal name in Active Directory, was open or private. Additionally, we had to consider which services should be applied to the users, because we have been operating an on-premises email service which is competing with Microsoft Exchange mail service. In this presentation, we share our experiences in Office 365 deployment.

    DOI: 10.1145/3123458.3123491

    Web of Science



    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/siguccs/siguccs2017.html#KasaharaSOF17

  • A computational model of myocardial microcirculation including interstitial flow Reviewed International journal

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuta Yamamoto, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2017   3668 - 3671   2017.9

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.  

    Contributions of interstitial fluid (ISF) flow within the myocardial microcirculation is not well understood despite its importance due to difficulties in measurements. For analysing a contribution of interstitial fluid flow within myocardial microcirculation, we developed a computational model of myocardial microcirculation by introducing convection by the ISF flow into an existing myocardial microcirculation model, and performed simulations with varied ISF flows in normal and hypoperfusion conditions. Simulation results show that the ISF flow has a contribution only with low capillary flow. This might suggest partial comensation of oxygen supply by the ISF flow under ischemic conditions.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037653

    Web of Science




    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/conf/embc/2017

  • Application of the Kalman Filter for Faster Strong Coupling of Cardiovascular Simulations Reviewed International journal

    Yuki Hasegawa, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics   20 ( 4 )   1100 - 1106   2016.7

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})  

    In this paper, we propose a method for reducing the computational cost of strong coupling for multiscale cardiovascular simulation models. In such a model, individual model modules of myocardial cell, left ventricular structural dynamics, and circulatory hemodynamics are coupled. The strong coupling method enables stable and accurate calculation, but requires iterative calculations which are computationally expensive. The iterative calculations can be reduced, if accurate initial approximations are made available by predictors. The proposed method uses the Kalman filter to estimate accurate predictions by filtering out noise included in past values. The performance of the proposed method was assessed with an application to a previously published multiscale cardiovascular model. The proposed method reduced the number of iterations by 90% and 62% compared with no prediction and Lagrange extrapolation, respectively. Even when the parameters were varied and number of elements of the left ventricular finite-element model increased, the number of iterations required by the proposed method was significantly lower than that without prediction. These results indicate the robustness, scalability, and validity of the proposed method.

    DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2015.2436212

    Web of Science




  • 左心室拍動シミュレーションにおけるメッシュ分割の影響 Reviewed

    嶋吉隆夫, 小川貴史, 松田哲也

    J99-D ( 5 )   571 - 578   2016.5

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)電子情報通信学会  




  • Modeling analysis of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-mediated ca2+ mobilization under the control of glucagon-like peptide-1 in mouse pancreatic β-cells Reviewed International journal

    Yukari Takeda, Takao Shimayoshi, George G. Holz, Akinori Noma

    American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology   310 ( 5 )   C337 - C347   2016.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC  

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is an intestinally derived blood glucose-lowering hormone that potentiates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. The secretagogue action of GLP-1 is explained, at least in part, by its ability to stimulate cAMP production so that cAMP may facilitate the release of Ca from inositol trisphosphate receptor (IP R)-regulated Ca stores. However, a quantitative model has yet to be provided that explains the molecular mechanisms and dynamic processes linking GLP-1-stimulated cAMP production to Ca mobilization. Here, we performed simulation studies to investigate how GLP-1 alters the abilities of Ca and IP to act as coagonists at IP R Ca release channels. A new dynamic model was constructed based on the Kaftan model, which demonstrates dual steady-state allosteric regulation of the IP R by Ca and IP . Data obtained from β-cells were then analyzed to understand how GLP-1 facilitates IP R-mediated Ca mobilization when UV flash photolysis is used to uncage Ca and IP intracellularly. When the dynamic model for IP R activation was incorporated into a minimal cell model, the Ca transients and oscillations induced by GLP-1 were successfully reconstructed. Simulation studies indicated that transient and oscillatory responses to GLP-1 were produced by sequential positive and negative feedback regulation due to fast activation and slow inhibition of the IP R by Ca . The slow rate of Ca -dependent inhibition was revealed to provide a remarkable contribution to the time course of the decay of cytosolic Ca transients. It also served to drive and pace Ca oscillations that are significant when evaluating how GLP-1 stimulates insulin secretion. 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

    DOI: 10.1152/ajpcell.00234.2015

    Web of Science




  • Simulation system for multiscale biological function models that require complex calculation scheme Reviewed

    Akira Amano, Florencio Punzalan Rusty, Takao Shimayoshi, Yoshitoshi Kunieda

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   53 ( 3 )   115 - 122   2015.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    Many biological findings are continuously reported in the life science area. Most of them are reports on the correlations between some proteins, or correlations between some proteins and macroscopic phenomena such as whole body hemodynamics. In order to understand the underlying mechanisms of the biological systems, simulation and analysis of multiscale biological function models are considered useful. Since the complex calculation schemes are necessary to calculate these models efficiently, it is useful to represent both the biological function models and the calculation schemes in descriptive languages which are readable by the computer programs. In this report, we introduce our simulation system which generates simulation programs from biological function models and calculation schemes both described by description languages. Using our system, we were able to generate simulation programs for a hemodynamic simulation model coupling a ventricular myocyte model and a whole body circulation model, a simulation model that evaluates the changes in action potential of a ventricular myocyte model after drug administration, and a program that calculates the changes in action potential of ventricular myocytes by changing specific parameters.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.53.115


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  • Quantitative decomposition of dynamics of mathematical cell models: Method and application to ventricular myocyte models Reviewed International journal

    Takao Shimayoshi, Chae Young Cha, Akira Amano

    PLoS ONE   10 ( 6 )   e0124970   2015.6

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Mathematical cell models are effective tools to understand cellular physiological functions precisely. For detailed analysis of model dynamics in order to investigate how much each component affects cellular behaviour, mathematical approaches are essential. This article presents a numerical analysis technique, which is applicable to any complicated cell model formulated as a system of ordinary differential equations, to quantitatively evaluate contributions of respective model components to the model dynamics in the intact situation. The present technique employs a novel mathematical index for decomposed dynamics with respect to each differential variable, along with a concept named instantaneous equilibrium point, which represents the trend of a model variable at some instant. This article also illustrates applications of the method to comprehensive myocardial cell models for analysing insights into the mechanisms of action potential generation and calcium transient. The analysis results exhibit quantitative contributions of individual channel gating mechanisms and ion exchanger activities to membrane repolarization and of calcium fluxes and buffers to raising and descending of the cytosolic calcium level. These analyses quantitatively explicate principle of the model, which leads to a better understanding of cellular dynamics.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124970

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  • Efficient Algorithm for Extracting the Multiple Loop Structure of the Corresponding Calculation Program from the Complex Recurrence Relation Equation


    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   114 ( 514(MBE2014 116-179) )   111 - 116   2015.3

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  • Nonlinear multiscale circulation model reproducable linear end-systolic pressure-volume relationship Reviewed International journal

    Takao Shimayoshi, Mitsuharu Mishima, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2014   2014   6778 - 6781   2014.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    As a well-known property of the heart, many studies has reported that the left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationship (ESPVR) is linear. However, the reason of the linearity is poorly understood. This article presents a multiscale circulation model to be a tool for theoretical analyses on the mechanism of the linearity of ESPVR. The model is composed of three sub-models; a detailed closed-loop lumped-parameter model for cardiovascular system, geometric left ventricle model, a comprehensive ventricular myocyte model. Although the present model integrates nonlinear sub-models, the model can successfully reproduce highly linear ESPVR without any arbitrary modifications.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6945184

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    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/conf/embc/2014

  • A study on the relationship between electrical transmural heterogeneity and ventricular energetics Reviewed

    Yuki Hasegawa, Mitsuharu Mishima, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   52 ( 3 )   129 - 135   2014.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    Although there are numerous reports on the electrical heterogeneity of the myocardium, little has been given attention to its relation to cardiovascular mechanics, because of difficulties of simultaneously observing multiple effects in vivo. In this research, a multi-scale cardiovascular simulation model, which describes the myocyte physiology, left ventricular structural dynamics, and hemodynamics, was used to theoretically investigate the relationshipbetween the electrical transmural heterogeneity of myocytes and ventricular energetics. The parameters which describe the characteristics of ion channels of an existing myocyte model were changed to create endo-, mid-, and epi-cardium myocyte models. Simulations were performed with electrically heterogeneous and homogeneous models. As a result, the heterogeneous model had lower contractility and higher total mechanical energy generation per ATP consumption. These findings indicate that electrical heterogeneity contribute to cardiac efficiency.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.52.129


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  • An effect of meshing on coupling simulation of left ventricular wall motion Reviewed

    Takafumi Ogawa, Takao Shimayoshi, Naoki Kida, Taiji Adachi, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   52 ( Supplement )   O-186 - O-187   2014.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    In standard finite element analysis in structural dynamics, meshing can affect computation results. However, there have been no detailed report about effects of meshing on results of coupling simulation of left ventricular wall motion which involves myocardial spontaneous contractile force and fiber orientation. In this study, we examined an effect of meshing on simulation of left ventricular wall motion, which couples precise ventricular myocyte model and myocardial fiber orientation. We compared two shape models; spheroid mesh divided along graticule and spheroid mesh subdivided from a semi-regular polyhedron. The comparison results show significant differences between two models around the ventricular apex, which are mainly caused by the contractile force and the fiber orientation.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.52.O-186


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  • A simulation model of myocardial microcirculation for local distribution of oxygen consumption Reviewed

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuuta Kubota, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   51 ( 4 )   248 - 253   2013.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    Detailed analysis of oxygen consumption within the myocardial microcirculation is of importance to understand conditions under ischemic heart disease. However, there are currently difficulties in microscopically precise measurements of local oxygen consumptions in myocardial tissue. In this paper, a simulation model of myocardial microcirculation is proposed for analysis of local distribution of oxygen consumption. The proposed model is composed by integrating a theoretical spatially-distributed model of myocardial tissue and a detailed lumped-parameter model of normal cardiac myocyte. The proposed model was validated for an animal research in reproduction of a linear correlation between myocardial oxygen consumption and myocardial contractility. A simulation result of the model shows that local oxygen consumptions under low myocardial blood flow are spatially partitioned into an arteriolar-side normal area and a venular-side low area. Myocytes in the venular-side area lose normal activity under extremely low oxygen concentration. This result indicates the possibility that cardiac tissue is locally damaged under extreme hypoxia in the venular-side area even in case of a slight reduction of mean oxygen consumption of the myocadial tissue caused by decreased myocardial blood flow.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.51.248


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  • A study on the relationship between electrical transmural heterogeneity and ventricular energetics Reviewed International journal

    Yuki Hasegawa, Mitsuharu Mishima, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2013   6854 - 6857   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this study, we use cardiovascular simulation to gain new insights on the correlation between electrical heterogeneity and ventricular energetics. Although there are numerous in vivo and in vitro studies on the electrical heterogeneity within the ventricular myocardium, not much attention has been directed to its correlation to cardiovascular mechanics, because of difficulties in simultaneously observing and analyzing multiple spatial scales(the cell, the organ, and the system). We performed simulations with two cardiovascular simulation models, one which uses different myocardial cell models for the epicardial, endocardial, and mid-myocardial cells, and another which uses a homogeneous model throughout the entire myocardium. The epicardial, endocardial, and midmyocardial cell models were created by parametrically tuning a homogenous cell model. From the cardiovascular simulation we obtained pressure-volume loops which were used to calculate cardiovascular energetic efficiency and myocardial contractility. We found that energetic efficiency is higher in the electrically heterogeneous model. © 2013 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6611132

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    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/conf/embc/2013

  • Code generator for distributed parameter biological model simulation with PDE numerical schemes Reviewed International journal

    Florencio Rusty Punzalan, Yoshiharu Yamashita, Masanari Kawabata, Takao Shimayoshi, Hiroaki Kuwabara, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Akira Amano

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2013   1494 - 1497   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The physiological simulation at the tissue and organ level typically involves the handling of partial differential equations (PDEs). Boundary conditions and in cases like pharmacokinetics, distributed parameters add to the complexity of the PDE solution. These factors make most PDE solutions and their corresponding program codes tailored for specific problems. We propose a general approach for handling PDEs in computational models using a replacement scheme for discretization. This method allows for the handling of the different PDE types. The replacement scheme involves substituting all the partial differential terms with the numerical solution equations. Once the model equations are discretized with the numerical solution scheme, instances of the equations are generated to undergo dependency analysis. The result of the dependency analysis is then used to determine the simulation loop structure and generate the program code. © 2013 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6609795

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    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/conf/embc/2013

  • Theoretical analysis on the relationship between left ventricular energetic efficiency and acute infarct size Reviewed International journal

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuki Hasegawa, Mitsuharu Mishima, Tetsuya Matsuda

    IET Systems Biology   7 ( 3 )   74 - 78   2013.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET  

    Energetic efficiency is an important indicator of cardiac function in acute myocardial infarction. However, the relationship between cardiac energetic efficiency and infarct size is not perfectly elucidated. In this study, the relationship is analysed by means of simulation using a theoretical model of the guinea pig left ventricle. In simulation with varied ratios of infarct area, pressure-volume area (PVA), which is an index of total mechanical energy by ventricular contraction, and myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO ) are calculated for each infarct ratio. Then, change of PVA when MVO alters (PVA/MVO ) as a well-known index of energy conversion efficiency is evaluated. In addition, PVA/VO , which represents a ratio of PVA change to alteration of mean oxygen consumption of myocytes except for infarct myocytes, is introduced as an index for real energetic efficiency. In simulation results, PVA/MVO increases but PVA/VO decreases as infarct area expands, because with expansion of infarct area PVA decreases but VO remains almost unchanged because of larger shortening of myocytes. This implies that the enlargement of shortening of noninfarcted myocyte to compensate for depression of cardiac output is a potential cause of myocardial remodelling. © The Institution of engineering and technology 2013. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    DOI: 10.1049/iet-syb.2011.0080

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  • 形式的記述された組織・臓器モデルのための汎用シミュレーションシステム


    心電図   33 ( Supplement 2 )   59   2013.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  



  • Implementation of a Ventricular Cell Model to a Cardiovascular Model Regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System

    Yukiko Himeno, Takao Shimayoshi, Akinori Noma, Akira Amano

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   63 ( Suppl 1 )   S234 - S234   2013.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

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  • Distributed Parameter Biological Function Model Simulation with User-Provided PDE Numerical Solution Scheme Reviewed

    Rusty Punzalan Florencio, YAMASHITA Yoshiharu, KAWABATA Masanari, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, KUWABARA Hiroaki, KUNIEDA Yoshitoshi, AMANO Akira

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   50 ( 6 )   666 - 674   2012.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    The coupling of cellular processes at the tissue and organ level usually involves the handling of partial differential equations (PDEs). Since physiological computational models using PDEs have varied greatly in terms of complexity, most solutions are tailored for specific problems. Space-time discretization schemes like FTCS (Forward-Time Centered-Space), BTCS (Backward-Time Centered-Space), Dufort-Frankel, Crank-Nicolson and Lax-Friedrichs exist. We propose a general approach for handling PDEs in computational models using a replacement scheme for discretization. The replacement scheme involves substituting all the partial differential terms with the numerical solution equations. During the replacement algorithm, the time and spatial indices are also appended to the model variables. This method allows for handling of different forms of equation. Once the derivatives are replaced with the discretized terms, the resulting equations are then written in a recurrence relation form. Finally, the equations for solving the unknown variables are generated. The solution to the linear system of equations uses iterative methods like Gauss-Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel algorithm. If the system is explicit, corresponding loop structure is generated as program code to solve the system. We could successfully generate an excitation propagation simulation program for FTCS scheme with a complex cell model.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.50.666

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2013307326

  • A CellML simulation compiler and code generator using ODE solving schemes Reviewed International journal

    Punzalan, F.R., Yamashita, Y., Soejima, N., Kawabata, M., Shimayoshi, T., Kuwabara, H., Kunieda, Y., Amano, A.

    Source Code for Biology and Medicine   7 ( 1 )   11 - 11   2012.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Models written in description languages such as CellML are becoming a popular solution to the handling of complex cellular physiological models in biological function simulations. However, in order to fully simulate a model, boundary conditions and ordinary differential equation (ODE) solving schemes have to be combined with it. Though boundary conditions can be described in CellML, it is difficult to explicitly specify ODE solving schemes using existing tools. In this study, we define an ODE solving scheme description language-based on XML and propose a code generation system for biological function simulations. In the proposed system, biological simulation programs using various ODE solving schemes can be easily generated. We designed a two-stage approach where the system generates the equation set associating the physiological model variable values at a certain time t with values at t + Δt in the first stage. The second stage generates the simulation code for the model. This approach enables the flexible construction of code generation modules that can support complex sets of formulas. We evaluate the relationship between models and their calculation accuracies by simulating complex biological models using various ODE solving schemes. Using the FHN model simulation, results showed good qualitative and quantitative correspondence with the theoretical predictions. Results for the Luo-Rudy 1991 model showed that only first order precision was achieved. In addition, running the generated code in parallel on a GPU made it possible to speed up the calculation time by a factor of 50. The CellML Compiler source code is available for download at http://sourceforge.net/projects/cellmlcompiler. © 2012 Punzalan et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1186/1751-0473-7-11




  • A coupling method for a cardiovascular simulation model which includes the Kalman Filter Reviewed International journal

    Yuki Hasegawa, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2012   1222 - 1225   2012.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Multi-scale models of the cardiovascular system provide new insight that was unavailable with in vivo and in vitro experiments. For the cardiovascular system, multi-scale simulations provide a valuable perspective in analyzing the interaction of three phenomenons occurring at different spatial scales: circulatory hemodynamics, ventricular structural dynamics, and myocardial excitation-contraction. In order to simulate these interactions, multiscale cardiovascular simulation systems couple models that simulate different phenomena. However, coupling methods require a significant amount of calculation, since a system of non-linear equations must be solved for each timestep. Therefore, we proposed a coupling method which decreases the amount of calculation by using the Kalman filter. In our method, the Kalman filter calculates approximations for the solution to the system of non-linear equations at each timestep. The approximations are then used as initial values for solving the system of non-linear equations. The proposed method decreases the number of iterations required by 94.0% compared to the conventional strong coupling method. When compared with a smoothing spline predictor, the proposed method required 49.4% fewer iterations. © 2012 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346157

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  • A program code generator for multiphysics biological simulation using markup languages Reviewed International journal

    Akira Amano, Masanari Kawabata, Yoshiharu Yamashita, Florencio Rusty Punzalan, Takao Shimayoshi, Hiroaki Kuwabara, Yoshitoshi Kunieda

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2012   6624 - 6627   2012.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    To cope with the complexity of the biological function simulation models, model representation with description language is becoming popular. However, simulation software itself becomes complex in these environment, thus, it is difficult to modify the simulation conditions, target computation resources or calculation methods. In the complex biological function simulation software, there are 1) model equations, 2) boundary conditions and 3) calculation schemes. Use of description model file is useful for first point and partly second point, however, third point is difficult to handle for various calculation schemes which is required for simulation models constructed from two or more elementary models. We introduce a simulation software generation system which use description language based description of coupling calculation scheme together with cell model description file. By using this software, we can easily generate biological simulation code with variety of coupling calculation schemes. To show the efficiency of our system, example of coupling calculation scheme with three elementary models are shown. © 2012 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6347513

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  • 連成循環動態シミュレーションモデルにおける数値法

    長谷川 雄基, 嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃, 松田 哲也

    第51回生体医工学会大会   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • A CellML Simulation Code Generator using ODE Solving Scheme Description Reviewed

    YAMASHITA Yoshiharu, SOEJIMA Naoki, KAWABATA Masanari, Punzalan Florencio Rusty, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, KUWABARA Hiroaki, KUNIEDA Yoshitoshi, AMANO Akira

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   50 ( 1 )   68 - 77   2012.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    Physiology models written in a description language such as CellML are becoming a popular method to handle complex cellular physiological models in biological function simulations. However, in order to fully simulate a model, boundary conditions and ordinary differential equation (ODE) solving schemes have to be combined with it. Though the former can be described in CellML, it is difficult to explicitly specify ODE solving schemes using existing tools. In this study, we defined an ODE solving scheme description language based on XML and proposed a code generation system for biological function simulations. By using the proposed system, biological simulation programs using various ODE solving schemes can be easily generated. We designed a two-stage approach where the system generates a set of equation associating with the physiological model variable values at a certain time t with values at t plus delta t in the first stage and generates the programs calculating the time evolution of the model in the second stage. This approach enables the flexible construction of code generation modules that can support complex sets of formulas. We evaluated the relationship between models and their calculation accuracies by simulating complex biological models using various ODE solving schemes. Using the FHN model simulation, results showed good qualitative and quantitative correspondence with the theoretical predictions. Results for the LuoRudy1991 model showed that only first order precision was achieved. In addition, running the generated code in parallel on GPU made it possible to speed up the calculations by a factor of 50.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.50.68

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  • A Computational Model of Infantile Cardiovascular Dynamics for Cardiac Function Assessment Reviewed

    WANG Yuwen, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edetion)   95 ( 2 )   331 - 338   2012.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  


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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2012185963

  • A general CellML simulation code generator using ODE solving scheme description. Reviewed International journal

    Amano, A., Soejima, N., Shimayoshi, T., Kuwabara, H., Kunieda, Y.

    Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference   2011   940 - 944   2011.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    To cope with the complexity of the biological function simulation models, model representation with description language is becoming popular. However, simulation software itself becomes complex in these environment, thus, it is difficult to modify target computation resources or numerical calculation methods or simulation conditions. Typical biological function simulation software consists of 1) model equation, 2) boundary conditions and 3) ODE solving scheme. Introducing the description model file such as CellML is useful for generalizing the first point and partly second point, however, third point is difficult to handle. We introduce a simulation software generation system which use markup language based description of ODE solving scheme together with cell model description file. By using this software, we can easily generate biological simulation program code with different ODE solving schemes. To show the efficiency of our system, experimental results of several simulation models with different ODE scheme and different computation resources are shown.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090212

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  • A study on prediction methods for a cardiovascular strong-coupling simulation. Reviewed International journal

    Hasegawa, Y., Shimayoshi, T., Amano, A., Matsuda, T.

    Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference   2011   137 - 140   2011.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    We investigated numerical methods for predictors in a multiscale cardiovascular simulation model. The proposed method predicts initial approximations for the iterative convergence calculations of the strong coupling method using the smoothing spline to remove errors from values of past timesteps and using the linear and second-order extrapolation. The new coupling algorithm was used for coupling a left ventricular finite element model to a myocardial excitation-contraction model. We performed experiments with different values for the smoothing parameter lambda and with linear and second-order extrapolations. lambda = 1 with the linear extrapolation gave the best results. It reduced computation time by 91% compared to the strong coupling method. With the use of the smoothing spline, distance between the initial approximation and converged solution reduced by 62%, while the average number of iterations reduced by 32%. The smoothing spline can be used to improve the accuracy of predictors and reduce the number of iterations needed for the computation of the convergence procedure.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6089913

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  • Efficient Configuration of Solvable Calculation Condition for Differential Algebraic Equations in Cell Models Reviewed

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃, 松田 哲也

    情報処理学会論文誌   52 ( 8 )   2412 - 2421   2011.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:情報処理学会  

    A model of cellular physiological functions is generally defined as a set of ordinary differential equations and algebraic equations. Some models form semi-explicit differential algebraic equations. Numerical simulation of a declaratively defined model requires a calculation condition by selecting parameter constants, the values of which are extrinsically provided. However, manual configuration of consistent calculation conditions for large-scale complicated models is a difficult task. In this paper, we propose a method for efficient configuration of consistent calculation conditions for declaratively defined models. The present method progressively eliminates invalid calculation conditions from candidates in order to assist interactive configuration of a calculation condition, by applying a method based on graph theory for structural solvability of simultaneous equations.

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    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00075767/

  • Time-dependent changes in membrane excitability during glucose-induced bursting activity in pancreatic beta cells Reviewed International journal

    Chae Young Cha, Enrique Santos, Akira Amano, Takao Shimayoshi, Akinori Noma

    JOURNAL OF GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY   138 ( 1 )   39 - 47   2011.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ROCKEFELLER UNIV PRESS  

    In our companion paper, the physiological functions of pancreatic. cells were analyzed with a new beta-cell model by time-based integration of a set of differential equations that describe individual reaction steps or functional components based on experimental studies. In this study, we calculate steady-state solutions of these differential equations to obtain the limit cycles (LCs) as well as the equilibrium points (EPs) to make all of the time derivatives equal to zero. The sequential transitions from quiescence to burst-interburst oscillations and then to continuous firing with an increasing glucose concentration were defined objectively by the EPs or LCs for the whole set of equations. We also demonstrated that membrane excitability changed between the extremes of a single action potential mode and a stable firing mode during one cycle of bursting rhythm. Membrane excitability was determined by the EPs or LCs of the membrane subsystem, with the slow variables fixed at each time point. Details of the mode changes were expressed as functions of slowly changing variables, such as intracellular [ATP], [Ca2+], and [Na+]. In conclusion, using our model, we could suggest quantitatively the mutual interactions among multiple membrane and cytosolic factors occurring in pancreatic. cells.

    DOI: 10.1085/jgp.201110612

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  • イオンチャンネルやトランスポーターの膜電位変化への定量的寄与度;リードポテンシャル解析法 Invited

    車采映, 姫野友紀子, 嶋吉隆夫, 天野晃, 野間昭典

    日本生理学雑誌   72 ( 5 )   146   2010.5

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  • Construction of Myocardial Cell Model Including Glycolysis Model for Reproducing Hypoxic Reaction Reviewed

    AMANO Akira, TOMITA Sachiko, MATSUOKA Satoshi, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, LU Jianyin, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    The IEICE transactions on information and systems   93 ( 3 )   398 - 408   2010.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    心臓は非常に多くのエネルギーを消費して血液を拍出しており,心筋細胞におけるエネルギー代謝と,心筋細胞の興奮収縮連関の関連性の解明は,病態解明等のために重要なテーマである.特に虚血性心疾患は,細胞への酸素供給低下により,細胞に異常を来す疾病であり,このような疾病における心機能の低下は,第1に酸素濃度の低下によって生じるエネルギーバランスの不均衡が原因と考えられている.虚血時の心機能の低下の主たる原因である低酸素に対する心筋細胞の応答を再現するためには,低酸素状態で活性化される解糖系が重要である.しかしながら,現在提案されている心筋細胞モデルは,解糖系が導入されていないために,低酸素状態の再現性に問題がある.本研究では,低酸素に対する心筋細胞の応答を再現するために,モルモットの心筋細胞モデルであるKyoto modelに解糖系を導入した新たな心筋細胞モデルを構築した.構築したモデルを用いて,動物実験の実験条件に従ったシミュレーションを行い,非ペーシング状態の心筋細胞における低酸素に対する応答の再現を試みた.再現結果は,対応する動物実験結果の傾向と高い類似性を示した.

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2010156108

  • A Novel Method to Quantify Contribution of Channels and Transporters to Membrane Potential Dynamics Reviewed International journal

    Chae Young Cha, Yukiko Himeno, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Akinori Noma

    BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL   97 ( 12 )   3086 - 3094   2009.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

    The action potential, once triggered in ventricular or atrial myocytes, automatically proceeds on its time course or is generated spontaneously in sinoatrial node pacemaker cells. It is induced by complex interactions among such cellular components as ion channels, transporters, intracellular ion concentrations, and signaling molecules. We have developed what is, to our knowledge, a new method using a mathematical model to quantify the contribution of each cellular component to the automatic time courses of the action potential. In this method, an equilibrium value, which the membrane potential is approaching at a given moment, is calculated along the time course of the membrane potential. The calculation itself is based on the time-varying conductance and the reversal potentials of individual ion channels and electrogenic ion transporters. Since the equilibrium potential moves in advance of the membrane potential change, we refer to it as the lead potential, V-L. The contribution of an individual current was successfully quantified by comparing dV(L)/dt before and after fixing the time-dependent change of a component of interest, such as the variations in the open probability of a channel or the turnover rate of an ion transporter. In addition to the action potential, the lead-potential analysis should also be applicable in all types of membrane excitation in many different kinds of cells.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2009.08.060

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  • Analysis of the underlying mechanism of frank-starling law of a constructive hemodynamics model Reviewed

    Mitsuharu Mishima, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Asia Simulation Conference 2009, JSST 2009   2009.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Frank-Starling law, which describes a relation between cardiac contraction energy and end-diastolic volume, is of importance, but the detailed mechanism is not quantitatively understood yet. In this paper, the mechanism of a linear relation between end-diastolic volume and end-systolic pressure as a part of Frank-Starling law is analyzed by means of computer simulation. A hemodynamics model, which is constructed by composing a vascular system model, a left ventricular dynamics model and a myocardial cell model, reproduced a linear relation between end-diastolic volume and end-systolic pressure successfully. In this paper, the simulation results and the detailed analysis are reported.



    Other Link: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8187-9915

  • 膵β細胞シミュレーションモデルによる膜電位オシレーション機構の解析

    中村靖彦, 藤本新平, WANG Jian‐Wu, 姫野友紀子, CHA Chae Young, 嶋吉隆夫, 野間昭典, 稲垣暢也

    生化学   ROMBUNNO.4T6A-13   2009.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  



  • Evaluation of Cardiac Oxygen Consumption under Hypoxia with Tissue Model integrating Microcirculation Model and Cell Model Reviewed International journal

    Akira Amano, Yuuta Kubota, Takao Shimayoshi, Tetsuya Matsuda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Analyzing the microscopic energy balance of cardiac tissue is very important for understanding heart diseases. However, such analysis is difficult with animal experiments. Therefore, the accurate simulation model is expected to be an important tool for such research. We propose a cardiac tissue model which can reproduce accurate distribution of oxygen consumption under hypoxia. The model includes blood tissue exchange model of capillary and oxygen consumption model of cells. The capillary model is based on the model proposed by Dash et al. 2006, and the cell model is based on the model proposed by Kuzumoto et al. 2007. By analyzing the oxygen consumption of the proposed model, the relation between the oxygen consumption and the arterial oxygen concentration was found to be largely different from that of single cell model. This implies that the animal experimental data should be carefully used for constructing a biological simulation model, depending on whether the experiment is performed within a cell or a tissue.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5332645

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  • A Method for Analysis of Simultaneous Equations in Cell Models Reviewed International journal

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Some models of cellular physiological functions are formulated as ordinary differential equations that contain multiple systems of simultaneous nonlinear equations. Simulation of such a model described in a declarative representation format requires determination of equations to be simultaneously solved with specification of independent and parameter variables in the model. In this report, a method for extracting systems of simultaneous equations in a cell model is presented. The present method analyzes a graph representation of a model and extracts the subgraphs that represent equation systems to be simultaneously solved, by efficiently interactive selection of independent variables of the model.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5335041

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  • Estimating Contribution Of Individual Ionic Components To The Cardiac Pacemaker Potential

    Yukiko Himeno, Chae Young Cha, Takao Shimayoshi, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Jian-Wu Wang, Akinori Noma, Nobuya Inagaki

    BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL   96 ( 3 )   259A - 259A   2009.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

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    Akira Amano, Yuuta Kubota, Takao Shimayoshi, Tetsuya Matsuda

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   59   261 - 261   2009.1

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    Language:English   Publisher:SPRINGER TOKYO  

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    Yukiko Himeno, Chae Young Cha, Takao Shimayoshi, Akinori Noma, Nobuya Inagaki

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   59   259 - 259   2009.1

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    Language:English   Publisher:SPRINGER TOKYO  

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    Chae Young Cha, Yukiko Himeno, Takao Shimayoshi, Akinori Noma

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   59   260 - 260   2009.1

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    Language:English   Publisher:SPRINGER TOKYO  

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  • An Approximation Model of Myocardial Crossbridge for Weak Coupling Calculation of Left Ventricle Model and Circulation Model Reviewed International journal

    Akira Amano, Yasuhiro Takada, Jianyin Lu, Takao Shimayoshi, Tetsuya Matsuda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    It is necessary to use complicated myocardial cell model and heart model to evaluate the regional energy production and consumption which leads to the unrealistic computational time. In this research, a left ventricle (LV) simulation model was constructed which includes accurate myocardial cell model. In order to simulate the model in realistic time, we introduced an approximation model of the crossbridge model which can be calculated with weak coupling calculation. The LV model was combined with a circulation model to validate the proposed model by calculating the hemodynamics parameters and ventricular energetics indices. The ESPVR (End Systolic Pressure Volume Relation) showed linear relation, and also the PVA - ATP consumption relation showed linear relation which are widely known as the physiological characteristics of mammalian hearts. From these results, we can say that the model can be used as a model for physiological simulation experiments which are related to the ventricular energetics.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2008.4649313

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  • A Model for Simulation of Infant Cardiovascular Response to Orthostatic Stress Reviewed

    AMANO Akira, NOBUAKI Yutaka, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, LU Jianyin, SHIM Eun B., MATSUDA Tetsuya

    The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition)   91 ( 8 )   2177 - 2187   2008.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    循環系を構成する様々な要素の血圧変化に対する反応を再現可能な循環動態シミュレーションモデルは,左心室の圧容積関係を表現する左心室モデルと,血管系の圧容積関係を表現する血管系モデル,更に循環動態の変化に対しフィードバック制御を行う制御系モデルを用いて実現される.本論文では,カテコールアミンβ刺激系モデルを含むモルモットの心筋細胞モデルであるKyoto modelを導入した左心室モデルと,ヒト成人の循環系モデルであるHeldtらの循環系モデルを組み合わせ,パラメータの変更と制御モデルの変更を行うことによりヒト乳児循環動態シミュレーションモデルを実現した.生理学シミュレーション実験により,シミュレーションモデルの妥当性を確認した.安静時循環動態シミュレーション実験により,左心室拡張末期圧,左心室収縮末期圧,心拍出量,最高・最低動脈圧及び中心静脈圧に関して,生理学的な範囲にあることが確認された.また,圧受容体反射機能を確認する起立負荷(HUT)試験についてのシミュレーション実験を行った.HUT開始前と開始後安定状態における,動脈圧パルス幅の変化率は29%の減少,心拍数は13%の増加であった.これは,生理学実験における23%の減少及び14%の増加と同様の傾向であった.

    CiNii Article

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008289360

  • 形式的記述による細胞シミュレーションの効率化

    嶋吉隆夫, 天野晃, 松田哲也

    心電図   28 ( Supplement 1 )   S.1.79   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  



  • A Simulation Method of Cell Physiological Experiments with a Novel Description Language for Experimental Protocols Reviewed

    SHIMAYOSHI Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   46 ( 1 )   77 - 84   2008.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    For computer simulations of physiological experiments by physiological models, a machine-readable description of experimental protocols is useful. Although description formats for cell physiological models are already available, there is no specialized representation format for experimental protocols. Here, we propose an XML-based language, PEPML (Physiological Experimental Protocol Markup Language), and a simulation method of experimental protocols in PEPML. In the PEPML, conditions and procedures of an experimental protocol are procedurally described as a list of events, each of which consists of a condition for execution and an action to be executed. By specifying the references of variables in a protocol using an ontology, the protocol can be applied to various models without editing tasks. The proposed simulation method allows unambiguous numerical calculation of a procedural experimental protocol, which is applied to a declaratively represented model by interpretation of the protocol as a set of boundary conditions for the model variables. PEPML and the proposed method allow applying both multiple protocols to a single model and a single protocol to multiple models. This feature facilitates the efficient simulation for verification, comparison and utilization of physiological models.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.46.77

    CiNii Article

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008208214

  • The Influence of Activation Time on Left Ventricular Wall Motion : Simulation Study of Ring Shape Left Ventricular Model Reviewed

    TAKADA Yasuhiro, AMANO Akira, SONG Inhwan, LU Jianyin, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, ISHIKAWA Satoshi, KOTERA Hidetoshi, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   46 ( 1 )   85 - 92   2008.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    The heart is an organ with highly complex structure and its pump function is affected by various factors. Many reports showed the strong relation between the excitation-propagation phenomenon in the heart and its pump function. But the experimental studies often failed to provide the mechanistic insights due to the complex cross-talks built in these processes. In this study, we focus on the relation between the activation time and the contraction of the tissue. The contraction simulation coupled with the excitation propagation simulation was performed using the finite element model of the ventricular ring. We performed the simulation with 7 types of stimulation with various pacing sites in the tissue, and compared the pump functions by the area ejection fraction. The results showed that when the activation time became long, the area ejection fraction became nonlinearly small. The results of this study showed the excitation propagation is one of the important parameter of the left ventricular wall motion.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.46.85

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008208215

  • DynaBioS : A Platform for Cell/Biodynamics Simulators Reviewed

    SHIMAYOSHI Takao, HORI Kenta, LU Jianyin, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya, NOMA Akinori

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   127 ( 11 )   1928 - 1936   2007.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan  

    Biological simulation has become an important technology for biological research. Though multi-domain simulation technique is required for analysis of complicated biological activities, multi-domain biosimuator system tends to be very complicated and so requires a high developing cost. To improve this situation, we propose a biosimulator development platform, DynaBioS, which can handle complex interactions between phenomena in different domains, such as electrophysiology and mechanics. A biosimulator system is composed of components, each of which is a sub-simulator of a phenomenon, and exchanges event messages to each others as the interaction of the phenomena. This design allows easy replacement of a model for a phenomena by interchanging a corresponding component. This platform reduces costs to develop simulators, by implementation of components by wrapping existing software products, and by reuse of components. Examples of developed simulators are given to show that this platform facilitates the development of biosimulators.

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.127.1928


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  • The cross-bridae dynamics during ventricular contraction predicted by coupling the cardiac cell model with a circulation model Reviewed

    Eun Bo Shim, Akira Amano, Takayuki Takahata, Takao Shimayoshi, Akinori Noma

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   57 ( 5 )   275 - 285   2007.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN  

    The force-velocity (F-V) relationship of filament sliding is traditionally used to define the inotropic condition of striated muscles. A simple circulation model combined with the Laplace heart was developed to get a deeper insight into the relationship between the F-V characteristics and the cardiac ventricular inotropy. The circulation model consists of a preload and an afterload compartments. The linear F-V relationship for filament sliding in the NL model (Negroni and Lascano 1996) was replaced by the exponential F-V relation observed by Piazzesi et al. (2002). We also modified the NL model to a hybrid model to benefit from the Ca2+ cooperativity described by the Robinson model (Robinson et al. 2002). The model was validated by determining the diastolic ventricular pressure-volume relationship of the Laplace heart and the F-V relation of the new hybrid model. The computed parameters of the cardiac cycle agreed well with the physiological data. Computational results showed that the cross-bridge elongation (h in the NL model) temporally undershot the equilibrium h(c) during the ejection period and overshot it during the rapid refilling phase. Thereby the time course of ejection and refilling was retarded. In a simulation where the velocity of the mobile myosin head (dX/dt) was varied, the systolic peak pressure of the ventricle varied from a minimum value at dX/dt = 0 to a saturating value obtained with a constant h, providing in silico evidence for a functional impact of the cross-bridge sliding rate on the ventricular inotropy.

    DOI: 10.2170/physiolsci.RP006007

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008155020

  • A generic representation format of physiological experimental protocols for computer simulation using ontology Reviewed

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings   2007   382 - 385   2007.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    For computer simulations of physiological experiments using physiological models, a machine-readable format of experimental protocols is effective. Here, we propose an XML-based language, PEPML (Physiological Experimental Protocol Markup Language). In the PEPML, conditions and procedures of an experimental protocol are procedurally described as a list of events, each of which consists of a condition for execution and an action to be executed. Since variables used in a protocol can be specified using an ontology, the protocol can be applied to various models without editing tasks. The PEPML allows both application of multiple protocols to a single model and application of a single protocol to multiple models. This feature facilitates the efficient simulation for verifications, comparisons and utilizations of physiological models. © 2007 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4352304

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  • Infant circulation model based on the electrophysiological cell model Reviewed

    Yutaka Nobuaki, Akira Amano, Takao Shimayoshi, Jianyin Lu, Eun B. Shim, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings   2007   1010 - 1013   2007.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    It is important to use a myocardial cell model to evaluate the effects of the drugs to the hemodynamic parameters. We developed an infant circulation model which incorporates an accurate myocardial cell model including a beta adrenergic system. The beta adrenergic system is essential mechanism for reproducing the response of baroreflex control system. The parameters of the published adult human circulation model were modified to fit the infant hemodynamic values. The guinea pig myocardial cell model was introduced to the circulation model whose baseline heart rate is close to that of an infant. The presented model is in good agreement with results obtained in physiological experiments. ©2007 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4352465

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  • A model for simulation of infant cardiovascular response to orthostatic stress Reviewed

    Yutaka Nobuaki, Akira Amano, Takao Shimayoshi, Jianyin Lu, Eun B. Shim, Tetsuya Matsuda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    We developed an infant circulation model which incorporates an accurate myocardial cell model including a beta adrenergic system. The beta adrenergic system is essential for the response reproduction of the baroreflex control system. The proposed model was constructed by modifying the parameters of a human adult circulation model with the aid of a guinea pig myocardial cell model, whose baseline heart rate is close to that of an infant. The presented model is in good agreement with results obtained in physiological experiments.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-72907-5_20

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    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/fimh/fimh2007.html#NobuakiASLSM07

  • Stress Distribution in a Cylinder and a Measurement-based Left Ventricular Shape Model Reviewed

    TAKADA Yasuhiro, LU Jianyin, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, ISHIKAWA Satoshi, AMANO Akira, KOTERA Hidetoshi, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   44 ( 4 )   613 - 620   2006.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    We evaluated the stress distribution in a cylindrical model and a shape model obtained from human heart using two different fiber orientations. For both orientation models, the results showed large differences between the stress distribution in the cylindrical model and the measurement-based shape model. These results suggest that stress distribution is highly dependent on the model geometry, and the usage of a measurement-based shape model is important for evaluating left ventricular (LV) wall stress distribution. This fact may have some influence on the reported homogeneity of stress distribution in an anatomical fiber orientation model that uses a mathematical symmetric shape model.

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.44.613

    CiNii Article

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2007253872

  • A Method to Support Cell Physiological Modelling Using Description Language and Ontology Reviewed

    Shimayoshi Takao, Komurasaki Kazuhiro, Amano Akira, Iwashita Takeshi, Matsuda Tetsuya, Kanazawa Masanori

    IPSJ Digital Courier   2 ( 2 )   726 - 735   2006.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan  

    The development of physiological cell models to support the understanding of biological mechanisms gains increasingly importance. Due to the complexity of biological systems, whole cell models, which are composed of many imported component models of functional elements, get quite complex, making modifications difficult. Here, we propose a method to enhance structural changes of cell models, employing the markup languages of CellML and our original PMSML (Physiological Model Structure Markup Language), in addition to a new ontology for cell physiological modelling, the Cell Model Ontology. In particular, a method to make references from CellML files to the ontology and a method to assist with manipulation of model structures using PMSML together with the Cell Model Ontology are reported. Using these methods two software utilities, an interactive ontology ID assigner, the CellML Ontologizer, and a graphical cell model editor, the Cell Structure Editor, are implemented. Experimental results proved that the proposed method and the implemented software are useful for the modification of physiological models.

    DOI: 10.2197/ipsjdc.2.726

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  • 実心臓に基づく形状及びリング形状を用いた左心室拍動シミュレーションにおける収縮末期応力分布の比較

    高田 康弘, 陸 建銀, 嶋吉 隆夫, 石川 覚志, 天野 晃, 小寺 秀俊, 松田 哲也

    生体医工学シンポジウム2006予稿集   222   2006.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:日本生体医工学会  

    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.44.613


  • Mechanism of the Frank-Starling law - A simulation study with a novel cardiac muscle contraction model that includes titin and troponin I Reviewed International journal

    Natalie S. Schneider, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY   41 ( 3 )   522 - 536   2006.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    A stretch-induced increase of active tension is one of the most important properties of the heart, known as the Frank-Starling law. Although a variation of myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity with sarcomere length (SL) change was found to be involved, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully clarified. Some recent experimental studies indicate that a reduction of the lattice spacing between thin and thick filaments, through the increase of passive tension caused by the sarcomeric protein titin with an increase in SL within the physiological range, promotes formation of force-generating crossbridges (Xbs). However, the mechanism by which the Xb concentration determines the degree of cooperativity for a given SL has so far evaded experimental elucidation. In this simulation study, a novel, rather simple molecular-based cardiac contraction model, appropriate for integration into a ventricular cell model, was designed, being the first model to introduce experimental data on titin-based radial tension to account for the SL-dependent modulation of the interfilament lattice spacing and to include a conformational change of troponin I (TnI). Simulation results for the isometric twitch contraction time course, the length-tension and the force-[Ca2+] relationships are comparable to experimental data. A complete potential Frank-Starling mechanism was analyzed by this simulation study. The SL-dependent modulation of the myosin binding rate through titin's passive tension determines the Xb concentration which then alters the degree of positive cooperativity affecting the rate of the TnI conformation change and causing the Hill coefficient to be SL-dependent. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2006.06.003

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  • Computer Support for Physiological Cell Modelling using an Ontology on Cell Physiology Reviewed

    Shimayoshi Takao, Komurasaki Kazuhiro, Amano Akira, Iwashita Takeshi, Kanazawa Masanori, Matsuda Tetsuya

    2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society   4171 - 4174   2006.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The development of electrophyslological whole cell models to support the understanding of biological mechanisms Is Increasing rapidly. Due to the complexity of biological systems, comprehensive cell models, which are composed of many Imported sub-models of functional elements, can get quite complicated as well, making computer modification difficult. Here, we propose a computer support to enhance structural changes of cell models, employing the markup languages CellML and our original PMSML (Physiological Model Structure Markup Language), In addition to a new ontology for cell physiological modelling. In particular, a method to make references from CellML files to the ontology and a method to assist manipulation of model structures using markup languages together with the ontology are reported. Using these methods three software utilities, Including a graphical model editor, are Implemented. Experimental results proved that these methods are effective for the modification of electrophyslological models. © 2006 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2006.260282

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  • Reproducing nonlinear force velocity relation of myocardial tissue by a nonlinear parallel elastic component Reviewed

    Yutaka Nobuaki, Yu Kamei, Jianyin Lu, Takao Shimayoshi, Satoshi Ishikawa, Akira Amano, Hidetoshi Kotera, Tetsuya Matsuda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    To realize precise simulation of the left ventricular motion, it is important to utilize an accurate myocardial tissue model which can reproduce various characteristics of myocardial tissue contraction. In this study, we show that the nonlinear characteristics of the passive myocardial tissue property is the essential nature of the nonlinear force-velocity relation and present a formulation for hyperelastic physiological tissue property. Experimental results of our myocardial tissue simulation with the hyperelastic material property proposed are in good agreement with the reported force-velocity relation of real tissue.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.259852

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    Other Link: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8187-9915

  • Stress distribution in a rotationally symmetric and a measurement based left ventricular shape model Reviewed

    Yasuhiro Takada, Akira Amano, Jianyin Lu, Takao Shimayoshi, Satoshi Ishikawa, Tetsuya Matsuda, Hidetoshi Kotera


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    We evaluated the stress distribution in a geometrical shape model and a shape model obtained from human heart using two different fiber orientations. For both orientation models, the results showed large differences of the stress distributions between the mathematical shape model and the maesurement based shape model. These results suggest that stress distribution is highly dependent on the model geometry and the usage of a maesurement based shape model is important for the evaluation of the left ventricular (LV) wall stress distribution. This fact may have some influences on the reported homogeneity of stress distribution with anatomical fiber orientation model that uses mathematical shape model.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.259854

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    Other Link: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8187-9915

  • 心筋組織における非線形張力速度関係再現のための非線形並列弾性要素モデル

    信秋 裕, 瓶井 悠, 陸 建銀, 嶋吉 隆夫, 石川 覚志, 天野 晃, 小寺 秀俊, 松田 哲也

    複合医工学シンポジウム予稿集, pp.172-175, 京都府京都市, 複合医工学インスティテュート   2006.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Design of DynaBioS Architecture for Distributed Biodynamics Simulator Reviewed

    Hori Kenta, Lu Jianyin, Shimayoshi Takao, Nishi Toshifumi, Ashihara Takashi, Terashima Keisuke, Amano Akira, Matsuda Tetsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   5   237 - 238   2005.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers  

    DOI: 10.11509/sci.SCI05.0.133.0

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  • A software environment for simulators suitable for complex biological analysis Reviewed

    T. Shimayoshi, K. Hori, J.Y. Lu, A. Amano, T. Matsuda

    The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society   26   3047 - 3050   2004.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In order to understand the function of biological elements and their interactions, computer analysis and simulation is an essential technique. For higher research efficiency, it is important to provide a system framework for constructing biological simulation systems that handle multiple phenomena. This paper proposes "DynaBioS", a comprehensive system framework for complex biological simulations. This framework consists of three main features, a component-based architecture, a customizable system operation, and an exchangeable model set. The system based on DynaBioS consists of a Simulation Core and System Components. The System Components are sub-simulators for individual functional factors and utility modules corresponding to specific information technologies. The Simulation Core manages and controls all components, in accordance with a Simulation Scenario and a Simulation Model. The DynaBioS makes it possible to implement different simulation systems by combining individual functional components, specific interactions and different simulation models. The versatility of DynaBioS is shown by two examples, a heart pumping simulator and a parameter optimization system for physiological models.

    DOI: 10.1109/iembs.2004.1403862

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  • マルチフィジックス細胞・生体機能シミュレーションのための統合シミュレーション環境

    嶋吉 隆夫, 堀 謙太, 陸 建銀, 皿井 伸明, 天野 晃, 松岡 達, 松田 哲也

    生体医工学   42 ( 特別号 )   437 - 437   2004.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • A software environment for simulators suitable for complex biological analysis

    T. Shimayoshi, K. Hori, J. Y. Lu, A. Amano, T. Matsuda

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings   26 IV   3047 - 3050   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In order to understand the function of biological elements and their interactions, computer analysis and simulation is an essential technique. For higher research efficiency, it is important to provide a system framework for constructing biological simulation systems that handle multiple phenomena. This paper proposes "DynaBioS", a comprehensive system framework for complex biological simulations. This framework consists of three main features, a component-based architecture, a customizable system operation, and an exchangeable model set. The system based on DynaBioS consists of a Simulation Core and System Components. The System Components are sub-simulators for individual functional factors and utility modules corresponding to specific information technologies. The Simulation Core manages and controls all components, in accordance with a Simulation Scenario and a Simulation Model. The DynaBioS makes it possible to implement different simulation systems by combining individual functional components, specific interactions and different simulation models. The versatility of DynaBioS is shown by two examples, a heart pumping simulator and a parameter optimization system for physiological models.



  • 階層符号化を用いた受信能力の異なる複数の受信者に対応できるマルチキャスト ATM上での階層符号化によるQoS選択可能な資源予約方法 (文部省S)


    ATM網におけるインターネット技術を基盤とした多地点・多品質同時伝送方式 平成9-11年度 No.09305027   97 - 98   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  



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  • Flexible Hosting/Cloud Platform Based on Light-Weight Containers and its Evaluation and Stress Test Environment

    IPSJ SIG Technical Reports   2018 ( 2 )   1 - 6   2018.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    As basic components of ever-expanding internet services, hosting services and cloud computing platforms are expected to satisfy various requirements, such as efficiency, fault-tolerance, resiliency against high load, flexibility, and security. We are trying to solve these problems with a light-weight container based architecture (called FastContainer). To improve FastContainer (especially its auto-scaling function), we are creating an environment for performance and stress tests on a public cloud platform. In this paper, we describe the overview of FastContainer and details of the test environment, its current status, and future plans.

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  • Design and Implementation of a Declarative Formal Language for Root-finding Algorithms of Nonlinear Equations

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃

    情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO)   10 ( 6 )   3 - 3   2017.12

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    Numerical algorithms are generally published along with reference implementations in procedural programming languages such as Fortran, C, and MATLAB, and distributed and utilized within libraries with mainly concerning computational performance. However, a necessary algorithm has to be ported onto a target environment if no implementation of the algorithm is available on the environment. Especially in recent years, numerical computations are executed using various computing environments. Therefore, that conventional manner has a problem on availability and productivity. In this presentation, a XML-based formal language is introduced, the domain of which is specialized for root-finding algorithms of nonlinear equations. In the present formal language, a root-finding algorithm is not defined as a procedure but as a set of mathematical recurrence formulas, and declaratively described using Content Markup of MathML independently of any programing languages. By analyzing relationships among mathematical equations in the description and mathematical variables referred in the equations, an abstract calculation procedure of the described algorithm can be obtained as a partial order relation. From the abstract procedure, program codes in concrete programming languages can be generated. A generator of C99 or Fortran 95 source codes is presented, and a performance evaluation of a generated source code compared to a common source code is reported.

    CiNii Article

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  • 膵β細胞におけるGLP‐1受容体刺激による膜興奮性及びカルシウム動態制御機構の理論研究

    竹田有加里, 嶋吉隆夫, HOLZ George

    糖尿病(Web)   60 ( Suppl )   S.466(J‐STAGE)   2017

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  • Design of a Declarative Formal Language for Root-finding Algorithms of Nonlinear Equations

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃

    情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO)   9 ( 3 )   24 - 24   2016.6

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    In recent years, numerical computations are executed using various computing environments such as PC clusters, GPGPU (general-purpose computing on graphics processing units) and cloud computing. Numerical algorithms employed in the numerical computations are generally distributed within libraries implemented in procedural programming languages such as Fortran, C, and MATLAB. This conventional manner has an advantage in computational performance, but also has a problem on availability and productivity that an algorithm has to be ported onto a target environment if any implementations of the algorithm are not available on the environment. In this presentation, a XML-based formal language for root-finding algorithms of nonlinear equations is introduced. In this formal language, a root-finding algorithm is declaratively defined as a set of mathematical recurrence formulas using Content Markup of MathML. This description is independent of any programming languages. By analyzing relationships among mathematical equations and mathematical variables in the description, an abstract calculation procedure of the described algorithm can be obtained. The abstract procedure is convertible into program codes in a concrete programming language. This scheme can reduce costs for implementation of root-finding algorithms on various environments.

    CiNii Article

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  • 膵β細胞におけるGLP-1受容体刺激によるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動員制御機構の理論研究

    竹田 有加里, 嶋吉 隆夫, Holz George, 野間 昭典

    糖尿病   59 ( Suppl.1 )   S - 460   2016.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本糖尿病学会  


  • 膵β細胞におけるGLP‐1受容体刺激によるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動員制御機構の理論研究

    竹田有加里, 嶋吉隆夫, HOLZ George, 野間昭典

    糖尿病(Web)   59 ( Suppl )   S.460(J‐STAGE)   2016

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  • Efficient Algorithm for Extracting the Multiple Loop Structure of the Corresponding Calculation Program from the Complex Recurrence Relation Equation

    KOMIYAMA Shigeru, TATARA Taiki, PUNZALAN Florencio RUSTY, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, KUNIEDA Yoshitoshi, AMANO Akira

    IEICE technical report. ME and bio cybernetics   114 ( 514 )   111 - 116   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    In this paper, we proposed an improved algorithm to derive corresponding loop structure from recurrence relation equation set that are generated by the program code generation system. The system use Ce11ML file as an biological function model, and use TecML file which describes calculation scheme for the model. By using the propoased algorithm, the analysis time improved by 1000 to 10000 fold, and also the limitation of the input recurrence relation equations were relaxed.

    CiNii Article

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  • Efficient Algorithm for Extracting the Multiple Loop Structure of the Corresponding Calculation Program from the Complex Recurrence Relation Equation

    小見山繁, 多々良泰基, PUNZALAN Florencio Rusty, 嶋吉隆夫, 國枝義敏, 天野晃

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   114 ( 514(MBE2014 116-179) )   111 - 116   2015.3

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  • カルシウムシグナル制御研究から見えてきた内分泌・免疫系疾患の新たな創薬標的 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析

    竹田 有加里, 嶋吉 隆夫, Holz George G, 野間 昭典

    日本薬学会年会要旨集   135年会 ( 1 )   192 - 192   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本薬学会  


  • 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析

    竹田 有加里, 嶋吉 隆夫, Holz G.G, 野間 昭典

    日本生理学雑誌   77 ( 1 )   16 - 16   2015.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本生理学会  


  • 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析

    竹田有加里, 嶋吉隆夫, HOLZ G.G, 野間昭典

    日本生理学雑誌   77 ( 1 (Web) )   WEB ONLY   2015

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  • 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析


    日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM)   135th   ROMBUNNO.S31-2   2015

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  • 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析

    竹田有加里, 嶋吉隆夫, HOLZ George G, 野間昭典

    日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM)   135th   ROMBUNNO.S31-2   2015

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    Y. Takeda, T. Shimayoshi, G. Holz, A. Noma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Web of Science


  • メッシュ分割が左心室拍動連成シミュレーションに与える影響の調査

    小川貴史, 嶋吉隆夫, 木田直樹, 安達泰治, 松田哲也

    日本生体医工学会大会プログラム・論文集(CD-ROM)   53rd   ROMBUNNO.O2-03-7   2014

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  • 形式的記述された組織・臓器モデルのための汎用シミュレーションシステム

    天野晃, 嶋吉隆夫, 國枝義敏

    心電図   33 ( Supplement 2 )   59   2013.5

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  • オーガナイズドセッション 形式的記述された組織・臓器モデルのための汎用シミュレーションシステム

    天野 晃, 嶋吉 隆夫, 國枝 義敏

    心電図   33 ( Suppl.2 )   S - 2   2013.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本不整脈心電学会  


  • A parallel CellML simulation program generator with a nonlinear simultaneous equation solver Reviewed

    Yoshiharu Yamashita, Yuichiro Hayashi, Naoki Soejima, Masanari Kawabata, Punzalan Florencio Rusty, Takao Shimayoshi, Hiroaki Kuwabara, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Akira Amano

    International Workshop on Innovative Architecture for Future Generation High-Performance Processors and Systems, Hawaii, US   2012

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  • Study of Risks of Delayed Afterdepolarization in Varying Parameters of a Ventricular Myocyte Model

    武下 大毅, 嶋吉 隆夫, 松田 哲也

    研究報告バイオ情報学(BIO)   2011 ( 18 )   1 - 6   2011.11

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    重大な心臓病態の一つに不整脈がある.特に薬剤投与の副作用による不整脈の発生は大きな問題となっており,未然に副作用の危険性を調べることは重要である.従来では危険性を調べるために動物実験を行われてきたが,近年ではコンピュータシミュレーションにより,比較的低コストで効率的にデータを得ることが有効な手段となっている.本稿では,心筋細胞モデルにパラメタ変化を加えたシミュレーションにより,不整脈の一原因である遅延後脱分極 (DAD) を再現する.DAD に大きく関連するパラメタから,薬剤投与を想定するパラメタと個体別の生理状態を想定するパラメタを選択し,それぞれを変化させたときの DAD 発生の有無を自動判定により調査した.その結果,各パラメタ変化が DAD 発生に与える影響の大きさを解析した.One of serious cardiac diseases is cardiac arrhythmia. It is important to investigate risks of the cardiac arrhythmia by drug side effects before medications. Although animal experminents has been employed to investigate the risks, in recent years, computer simulation is becoming an effective technique to obtain data efficiently at comparatively low cost. In this paper, the delayed afterdepolarization (DAD), which is a cause of arrhythmia, is reproduced by simulation with varying parameters of a ventricular myocyte model. The parameters are selected from model parameter which are deeply relating to DAD, for representing drug dosing and individual physiological conditions. Generations of DAD were evaluated by an automatic DAD detection method introduced in this stydy. From the result, influenced by each parameter change to the risk of DAD was analyzed.

    CiNii Article

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  • Improvement of Convergence Speed using Prediction in a Cardiovascular Strong-coupling Simulation


    IEICE technical report   111 ( 121 )   47 - 52   2011.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Detailed simulation analysis of the cardiovascular system is important because the system is a biological phenomenon indispensable in maintaining life. Since the cardiovascular system is a result of the interaction of myocardial cell physiology, cardiac structural dynamics, and hemodynamics, it is necessary to use multi-physics simulation to couple equations of different scales. For a precise coupling simulation, it is desirable to use the strong coupling method which is computationally expensive. In this paper, a prediction method is proposed for a cardiovascular simulation system using strong coupling calculation. In the proposed method, the smoothing spline and extrapolators are used to predict an approximate solution to the convergence equation, using the predicted value as the initial value to decrease the number of iterations to convergence. Experiments are performed for different values of the smoothing parameter and first to fourth degree extrapolators. Decrease in iterations for the convergence calculation was observed when using the proposed method.

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2012002115

  • Distribution of oxygen consumption in cardiac tissue with microcirculation simulation

    AKAJI Yoshiaki, KUBOTA Yuuta, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    IEICE technical report   110 ( 294 )   87 - 91   2010.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    To understand conditions under cardiac ischemia or hypoxia, it is of importance to evaluate oxygen consumption in the myocardial microcirculation. However, there are difficulties in accurate measurements of the oxygen consumption experimentlly. Therefore, computer simulation is an important methodology to evaluate the oxygen consumption. For simulation of oxygen consumption in a cardiac tissue, a myocardial microcirculation model is proposed in this report. The model couples a tissue microcirculation model and a myocardial cell model. The simulation results under low oxygen conditions of the arterial blood show that oxygen consumptions decrease from the arterial side to the venous side and that cells in the venous side are under hypoxia.

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2011101863

  • Parameter Space Analysis of a Myocardial Cell Model for Drug Effect Estimation

    FUJII Manabu, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, LU Jianyin, ASAKURA Keiichi, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    IEICE technical report   110 ( 294 )   93 - 97   2010.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    It is of importance to estimate the activity ratios of cardiac cellular ion channels for detecting side effects of drugs under development. A myocardial cell model enables the estimation of the activity ratios by reproducing experimental cardiac cellular action potential (AP) recordings with varied parameters. We analized the relationship between parameters and outputs of the model. Results from the analysis of the distribution of similar AP recordings and myocardial contractility in parameter space show the difficulty in estimating activity ratios of ion channels based on AP recordings or myocardial contractility alone. However, they also show the possibility to improve the estimation accuracy by the combined use of AP recordings and myocardial contractility.

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2011101864

  • A method for semantic definition of experimental protocols

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Book of Abstracts of 11th International Conference on Systems Biology, p.184, Edingburgh, UK   2010.10

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  • Analysis of membrane potential oscillation mechanism in the novel pancreatic beta cell simulation model

    Y. Nakamura, S. Fujimoto, J. -W. Wang, Y. Himeno, C. Cha, T. Shimayoshi, A. Noma, N. Inagaki

    DIABETOLOGIA   52   S176 - S177   2009.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

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    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Satoshi Matsuoka, Tetsuya Matsuda

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   59   262 - 262   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:SPRINGER TOKYO  

    Web of Science


  • Excitement propagation simulation by Kyoto model on parallel computer Reviewed

    SONG Inhwan, TAKAHASHI Yasuhito, IWASHITA Takeshi, KANAZAWA Masanori, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    情報処理学会研究報告システム評価(EVA)   26 ( 76 )   9 - 14   2008.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    Although there have been many new advances in biology, quantitative explanation about biological phenomenon is still difficult. In this case, computer simulation with biological model is a good tool for quantitative analysis of heart. Also there have been many new advances of the myocardial cell, and many physiological characteristic has been discovered. Since computational complexity increases in proportion to the size of model, computable size of heart model is restricted by computer ability. In this study we performed the simulation using MPI parallel computing for reducing computing time.

    CiNii Article

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  • A method for efficient execution of cell physiological simulation using graph theory Reviewed

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    6th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. Jan 14-17   2008

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  • A Method to Support Cell Physiological Modelling Using Description Language and Ontology Reviewed

    Shimayoshi Takao, Komurasaki Kazuhiro, Amano Akira, Iwashita Takeshi, Matsuda Tetsuya, Kanazawa Masanori

    Information and Media Technologies   2 ( 1 )   144 - 153   2007

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    Language:English   Publisher:Information and Media Technologies Editorial Board  

    The development of physiological cell models to support the understanding of biological mechanisms gains increasingly importance. Due to the complexity of biological systems, whole cell models, which are composed of many imported component models of functional elements, get quite complex, making modifications difficult. Here, we propose a method to enhance structural changes of cell models, employing the markup languages of CellML and our original PMSML (Physiological Model Structure Markup Language), in addition to a new ontology for cell physiological modelling, the Cell Model Ontology. In particular, a method to make references from CellML files to the ontology and a method to assist with manipulation of model structures using PMSML together with the Cell Model Ontology are reported. Using these methods two software utilities, an interactive ontology ID assigner, the CellML Ontologizer, and a graphical cell model editor, the Cell Structure Editor, are implemented. Experimental results proved that the proposed method and the implemented software are useful for the modification of physiological models.

    DOI: 10.11185/imt.2.144

    CiNii Article



  • Determination of Calculation Procedure for Ordinary Differential Equations of Cell Models using Graph Theoretical Structural Analysis


    IPSJ SIG technical reports   2006 ( 135 )   127 - 133   2006.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    The numerical simulation of whole cell models is important to understand cellular mechanisms. However, implementaion of simulation codes of whole cell models, which can include nonlinear equations, formulated as ordinary differential equations demands high effort. This research intends to enable automatic numerical calculation of initial-value problems of explicit method of whole cell models. For this purpose, using a graph theoretical method to analyze the structure of equation systems, a method to set boundary conditions with analysis of structural solvability, and a method to reduce numerical calculation cost by transforming of equations are introduced.

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  • A Method to Support Cell Physiological Modelling Using Description Language and Ontology Reviewed


    IPSJ Trans Bioinformatics   47 ( 17 )   83 - 92   2006.11

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    Language:English   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    The development of physiological cell models to support the understanding of biological mechanisms gains increasingly importance. Due to the complexity of biological systems, whole cell models, which are composed of many imported component models of functional elements, get quite complex, making modifications difficult. Here, we propose a method to enhance structural changes of cell models, employing the markup languages of CellML and our original PMSML (Physiological Model Structure Markup Language), in addition to a new ontology for cell physiological modelling, the Cell Model Ontology. In particular, a method to make references from CellML files to the ontology and a method to assist with manipulation of model structures using PMSML together with the Cell Model Ontology are reported. Using these methods two software utilities, an interactive ontology ID assigner, the CellML Ontologizer, and a graphical cell model editor, the Cell Structure Editor, are implemented. Experimental results proved that the proposed method and the implemented software are useful for the modification of physiological models.

    CiNii Article

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  • Elucidation of a potential frank-starling mechanism through modeling and simulation

    Natalie S. Schneider, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Abstract, The 7th International Conference on Systems Biology, p.MV18, Yokohama, Japan   2006.10

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  • DynaBioS.Cell: A new general simulator for cell physiological models to facilitate simulation of experimental protocols

    Takao Shiamayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Abstracts, The 7th International Conference on Systems Biology, p.FI14, Yokohama, Japan   2006.10

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  • A novel cardiac muscle contraction model that includes titin elucidates a potential frank-starling mechanism

    N. S. Schneider, T. Shimayoshi, A. Amano, T. Matsuda

    International Muscle Energetics Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, International Muscle Energetics Conference   2006.7

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  • An Ontology Annotation Method of Cell Electrophsiological Models Reviewed


    IPSJ SIG technical reports   5 ( 64 )   17 - 22   2006.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    The importance of whole cell electrophysiological models to support the understanding of biological mechanisms is increasing rapidly. Due to the complexity of the biological systems, comprehensive cell models, which are composed of many sub-models, get complicated. Therefore, the construction and the modification of these models are very difficult. To solve this problem, we have been developing a graphical editor of cell model structure. The editor has intelligent assistant function for manipulation of model structures using markup languages together with an ontology for cell physiological models. However, to use this function, model files must contain the ontology ID. Here, we propose an ontology annotation method of CellML files. The experimental results proved that the method is effective for the modification of electrophysiological models.

    CiNii Article

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  • Pspml: Physiological simulation protocol markup language

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    The Fourth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, p.P51, Taipei, Taiwan   2006.2

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  • ICSB, Reviewed

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda


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  • Including titin in a simple muscle contraction model suitable for a myocardial cell model

    N. S. Schneider, T. Shimayoshi, A. Amano, T. Matsuda, A Noma

    3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Prague, Czech Republic   2005.11

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  • Design of Description Languages for Cell Physiology Simulation Reviewed

    SHIMAYOSHI Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    IEICE technical report   105 ( 335 )   53 - 56   2005.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    In the development of cell physiological models, it is useful to evaluate simulation results produced by using description files that include a model definition and the information required for the simulation. Although several description languages for the cell physiological models are proposed, they are not sufficient or efficient to describe required information in developing models. In this research, we propose a XML based description language "CPSML" for cell physiology simulation. CPSML describes three contents in different formats : model definition, model structure and experimental protocol. This separated description facilitates efficient simulation of a model with various experimental methods and model improvements.

    CiNii Article

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2006032007

  • A Cell Physiology Ontology for the Authoring of Cell Model Reviewed


    IEICE technical report   105 ( 335 )   57 - 60   2005.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Accuracy of cell model is very important for the realization of the precise biological simulation. However, the construction and authoring of a cell model is complicated work that require both biological and information science knowledge. To realize an efficient authoring of a cell model, we examined the intelligent support function of a cell model authoring tool. We also examined the knowledge required to realize this support function. In this report, we propose the cell physiology ontology suitable for this purpose.

    CiNii Article

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2006032008

  • A description language for cell physiological simulation Reviewed

    T. Shimayoshi, A. Amano, T. Matsuda

    IFMBE Proceedings, 8, pp.PA-3-09, 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering   2005.4

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  • Distributed biological simulation on dynabios Reviewed

    Kenta Hori, Toshifumi Nishi, Jianyin Lu, Takao Shimayoshi, Takashi Ashihara, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    The IUPS Satellite Meeting for the Physiome Project, San Diego, US   2005.3

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  • Design of DynaBioS Architecture for Distributed Biodynamics Simulator

    堀謙太, LU J., 嶋吉隆夫, 西俊文, 芦原貴司, 寺島啓介, 寺島啓介, 天野晃, 松田哲也

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   49th   2005

  • Simulation Environment for Multi-Physics Biological Simulation Reviewed

    SHIMAYOSHI Takao, HORI Kenta, LU Jianyin, SARAI Nobuaki, AMANO Akira

    IEICE technical report. ME and bio cybernetics   103 ( 730 )   97 - 102   2004.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    To understand the complicated mechanism of the biological functions, it is important to analyze the interactions between various phenomena in developing simulation systems. We have been developing a software environment for general biological simulation, which is capable of multi-physics simulation with intensive interaction. The software environment composes of several individual sub-components with common interfaces, and the interactions between such components are described using a simulation scenario. Various simulation systems of different purposes can be easily developed by combining different function components. Using this environment, a simulator of left ventricle motion was implemented, which computes deformation of left ventricle according to a cell physiological model, a 3D shape, and a cell orientation model.

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2004199798

  • Network management ensuring QoS according to contents policies Reviewed

    Kazunori Ueda, Takao Shimayoshi, Toshihiko Hata, Manzoor Hashmani, Kazutoshi Fujikawa, Shinji Shimojo, Hideo Miyahara

    Proceedings of the 2002 SCS Euromedia Conference, pp.96-103   2002.4

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  • The proposal of the framework and the policy definition for the assurances of the contents QoS Reviewed

    UEDA Kazunori, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, HATA Toshihiko, SHIMOJO Shinji, MIYAHARA Hideo

    情報処理学会研究報告. QAI, [高品質インターネット]   1   99 - 106   2001.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    Many architectures which can assure the QoS (quality of service) are already proposed. To apply those architectures to the network, rules for the decision of the allocation of resources are needed. These rules are called "policies". Each network domain has own policies. Therefore, when contents go through many domains, it is very difficult to assure the contents QoS. In this paper, we propose the policy definition and the framework which choose the contents assigned resources according to policies.

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  • The proposal of the framework and the policy definition for the assurances of the contents QoS

    植田 和憲, 嶋吉 隆夫, 秦 淑彦, 下條 真司, 宮原 秀夫

    情報処理学会研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT)   2001 ( 111 )   77 - 82   2001.11

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    現在では,ネットワークの側でデータの帯域保証や優先制御を行うことができるような技術がいくつか提案されている.それらの技術を利用するためにはポリシーと呼ばれるネットワーク内での資源配分ルールが必要であるが,個々のネットワークドメインには独自のポリシーが存在し,さらにはその基準は多岐にわたるため,ドメインをまたぐようなコンテンツのQoSを保証するためにはそれらをとりまとめる必要がある.本論文では,複数のネットワークドメインをまたぐデータ配送の品質を保証することを前提とした,ネットワークドメインのポリシー設計と複数ドメインの持つポリシーを取りまとめるためのフレームワークを提案する.Many architectures which can assure the QoS(quality of service) are already proposed. To apply those architectures to the network, rules for the decision of the allocation of resources are needed. These rules are called "policies". Each network domain has own policies. Therefore, when contents go through many domains, it is very difficult to assure the comtents QoS. In this paper, we propose the policy definition and the framework which choose the contents assigned resources according to policies.

    CiNii Article


  • The proposal of the framework and the policy definition for the assurances of the contents QoS Reviewed

    UEDA Kazunori, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, HATA Toshihiko, SHIMOJO Shinji, MIYAHARA Hideo

    IEICE technical report. Internet Architecture   101 ( 440 )   71 - 78   2001.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Many architectures which can assure the QoS (quality of service) are already proposed. To apply those architectures to the network, rules for the decision of the allocation of resources are needed. These rules are called "policies". Each network domain has own policies. Therefore, when contents go through many domains, it is very difficult to assure the contents QoS. In this paper, we propose the policy definition and the framework which choose the contents assigned resources according to policies.

    CiNii Article

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  • Cooperation of Resource Reservation with QoS-based Routing and Hierarchical Transmission Reviewed


    IPSJ SIG Notes   91 ( 4 )   163 - 168   1999.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    We propose a method to satisfy QoS request by cooperating resource reservation with QoS technology. First, it is discussed to incorporate of resource reservation with QoS-based routing, in order to reserve resource along a suited path for a QoS request for the flow. Issues of the cooperation are discussed, then requirements of QoS-based routing and extensions of RSVP for the cooperation are considered. Next, resource reservation and hierarchical transmission are coordinated, aimed to enable heterogeneous reservations. Schemes of reserving resource for a layered flow are compared, Then extensions of RSVP for the adopted scheme are proposed.

    CiNii Article

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  • A selectable resource reservation method over ATM using Hierachical-Coding Reviewed

    嶋吉 隆夫, 藤川 賢治, 池田 克夫

    全国大会講演論文集   55 ( 0 )   839 - 840   1997.9

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    インターネットを利用してリアルタイムにデータの送受信を行うアプリケーションにおいて要求される通信品質QoSを保証するため, 資源予約を行うプロトコルとしてRSVP (Resource ReSerVation Protocol)が提案されている。また, QoS保証可能なネットワーク技術としてATM (Acynchronous Transfer Mode)があり, 受信側で異なる帯域に応じて, 品質の異なる有効なデータを受け取れる符号化方法として, 階層符号化方式がある。本稿では, まず, RSVPを用いた資源予約をIP over ATM上で行う方法を提案する。ここでは, RSVPを拡張しCSR (Cell Switch Router:セル文換ルータ)を利用することにより, 送受信端末間での継ぎ目のない資源予約を実現する。次に, 階層符号化された実時間データを, 複数のVCを使って, 複数のQoSを選択可能な資源予約を行う方法を提案する。

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  • Estimation of Probability Distributions of Ion Channel Gating Parameters using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method

    Takao Shimayoshi, Toru Kojima, Daisuke Sakurai


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    Event date: 2024.3.28 - 2024.3.30

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Estimation of Parameter Probability Distributions of Ion Channel Models based on Bayesian Inference using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method

    Takao Shimayoshi, Toru Kojima, Daisuke Sakurai

    10th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress  2023.11.3 

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    Event date: 2023.11.1 - 2023.11.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • A simulation study on cardiac mitochondrial energetics during ischemia and reperfusion Invited International conference

    Satoshi Matsuoka, Takao Shimayoshi, Ayako Takeuchi

    The 9th Word Congress of Biomechanics  2022.7.14 

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    Event date: 2022.7.10 - 2022.7.14

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:Hybrid (Taipei)  


  • A simulation analysis of Na+ and Ca2+ dynamics in cardiomyocyte during ischemia and reperfusion

    Satoshi Matsuoka, Takao Shimayoshi, Ayako Takeuchi


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    Event date: 2022.3.16 - 2022.3.18

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 心筋虚血・再灌流の数理モデル解析

    松岡達, 嶋吉隆夫, 竹内綾子

    第68回中部日本生理学会  2021.10.15 

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    Event date: 2021.10.15 - 2021.10.16



  • 透過型SMTPプロキシによるメール送信集約とキュー輻輳回避の検討

    小田, 知央, 廣川, 優, 近藤, 宇智朗, 嶋吉, 隆夫, 笠原, 義晃

    マルチメディア,分散協調とモバイルシンポジウム2021論文集  2021.6.23  情報処理学会

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    Event date: 2021.6.23


    電子メールは古くから用いられているメッセージ交換手段で,依然として世界的に広く利用されている.メールサービスを提供するメールホスティングでは,多数の利用者を同一システムに収容するマルチテナント型によりリソース効率を高め,運用コストを低減している.メールホスティングでは利用可能なグローバル IP アドレス数やメール送信の集中管理のため送信サーバは集約されていることが多いが,大量メール送信や送信先の迷惑メール対策により送信キューの輻輳が発生することで,問題を起こしたテナント以外にも影響が波及し,サービス品質の低下や管理コストの増大をまねいている.本研究では,テナントごとの送信キューの分離と,メール送信の集中管理や送信用グローバル IP アドレスの管理を両立する,メール送信集約用の透過型 SMTP プロキシを提案する.また,送信キューの分離によってキュー輻輳時の影響範囲が限定される効果を確認するための予備実験と,透過型 SMTP プロキシのプロトタイプ実装について述べる.


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/2324/4753053

  • Migrate legacy email services in Kyushu university to exchange online

    Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Tadayuki Miyaguchi, Naomi Fujimura

    47th ACM SIGUCCS Annual User Services Conference, SIGUCCS 2019  2019.10 

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    Event date: 2019.11.3 - 2019.11.6


    Venue:New Orleans  

    In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative provides an email service for students and staff members, called “Primary Mail Service”. We had operated an on-premises system for this service, and the lifetime of this system would end in early 2019. We needed to reduce costs for replacing this system because our university had just finished a major campus migration. We compared some options such as building a yet another on-premise system and migrating to a cloud-based email service and finally gave up the on-premise option because we couldn’t afford replacement and operational costs of another on-premises system anymore. We selected Microsoft Exchange Online as the new service mainly because we already had a contract with Microsoft and been operating an Office 365 tenant. We had additional requirements for user provisioning and services which were not available in Exchange Online, so we had to implement and maintain additional systems on top of it. On December 18th, 2018, we successfully migrated the email service to Exchange Online. By coincidence, Kyushu University Administration Bureau decided to migrate their in-house Exchange server to Exchange Online. After some discussions, they concluded to migrate their domain to the same tenant with Primary Mail Service. Other than that, there are more than a hundred legacy email servers inside our campus network operated by various departments as subdomains of kyushu-u.ac.jp. We are designing a plan to consolidate them into our tenant of Exchange Online to reduce a budget and human resource costs, and to improve security. In this presentation, we share our experiences about migrating our campus-wide email services to Exchange Online. We also discuss why we want to consolidate other legacy email servers and how to implement the plan.


  • Renovation of the Office 365 environment in Kyushu University Integration of account management and authentication

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Naomi Fujimura

    47th ACM SIGUCCS Annual User Services Conference, SIGUCCS 2019  2019.10 

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    Event date: 2019.11.3 - 2019.11.6


    Venue:New Orleans  

    Office 365 Education is a suite of cloud services for students and educators. Kyushu University has provided Office 365 accounts for all students and staff. The first generation of an environment for Office 365 provisioning in the university had several issues about associating between Office 365 accounts and member identifications of the university. All university members are randomly assigned unique identifiers by the central ID management system for using commonly in university-wide information services. Since the IDs are for internal use only, the first environment authenticated a user with another ID and password specific for Office 365. In addition, processes for assigning licenses and giving privilege to users of Office 365 depending on modifications to member information in the ID management system were not fully automated. This paper shows how we resolved problems integrating Office 365 into the ID management of the university by rebuilding the infrastructure. We configured a federated authentication system and developed a system for processing in events of the account life cycle.


  • Parameter Uncertainty Analysis of a Mathematical Ion Channel Model

    Takao Shimayoshi

    41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2019  2019.7 

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    Event date: 2019.7.23 - 2019.7.27



    In mathematical modeling of cell physiological processes, measurements required for parameter determination are often available only as aggregated data in the literature. Physiological measurements contain relatively large observation errors due to intrinsic variations in physiological processes, and the errors cause uncertainties in parameter values. This paper reports analyses of the uncertainty in parameter estimates of a simple mathematical model of an ion channel from a set of published experimental data. A conventional approach for estimating model parameters from aggregated data is applying the method of least squares to a series of the mean values of measurements. The parameter estimates by the conventional method significantly differed from those by a statistical approach, maximum likelihood estimation considering the standard errors of the means. Exhaustive analyses on the likelihood of parameter values show high parameter uncertainties and wide distribution of parameter values with no significant differences in the likelihood. These results imply the importance of considering variances of observations and uncertainties in parameter estimates.


  • 九州大学における要機密情報の保護方法に関する一考察

    嶋吉 隆夫, 久志 昇, 笠原 義晃, 藤村 直美

    情報処理学会インターネットと運用技術研究会  2019.3 

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    Event date: 2019.5





  • 九州大学におけるOffice 365サービス環境の再構築

    嶋吉 隆夫, 笠原 義晃, 尾花 昌浩, 藤村 直美

    大学ICT推進協議会2018年度年次大会  2018.12 

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    Event date: 2019.5




  • 精緻に制御可能な恒常性のある高集積マルチアカウント型のメール基盤

    松本 亮介 小田 知央 笠原 義晃 嶋吉 隆夫 金子 晃介 栗林 健太郎 岡村 耕二

    マルチメディア,分散協調とモバイルシンポジウム2018  2018.6 

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    Event date: 2019.5




  • The past, current, and future of our email services in Kyushu University International conference

    Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Eisuke Ito, Naomi Fujimura

    2018 ACM SIGUCCS Annual User Services Conference, SIGUCCS 2018  2018.10 

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    Event date: 2018.10.7 - 2018.10.10



    In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative provides email service for students and staff members. Email services for students and staff members were started separately. For students, an email service was started as Unix accounts of "Computer System for Education" in 1995. On the other hand, an email service for staff members was started in 2009, and eventually the two mail services were merged into the current "Kyushu University Primary Mail Service" in 2014. The designs of these mail systems were affected by various operational issues and political decisions at their times. We think that running an in-house mail system is becoming less feasible due to the initial/operational cost, security issues, and our dwindling budget. For the current system, the planned 5-year lifetime ends in this fiscal year. Therefore, we are forced to migrate to a cloud-based mail service. In this presentation, we want to share our past experiences and future plans about our university email services.


  • A Preliminary Computational Model for Hypoxic Acidosis in Cardiac Myocytes International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuta Yamamoto, Tetsuya Matsuda

    40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2018  2018.7 

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    Event date: 2018.7.18 - 2018.7.21



    Intracellular acidosis induced by hypoxia resulted from myocardial ischemia damages myocardium. However, the detailed mechanisms of hypoxic acidosis are not quantitatively explained. The purpose of this study is to create a novel computational model which can reproduce intracellular acidosis caused by myocardial ischemia. We constructed a computational model of myocardium, by using a mathematical ventricular cell model which includes pH regulation and a computational model of myocardial microcirculation for calculating extracellular conditions. The present model reproduced cellular hypoxia in an ischemic condition simulated by a reduced blood flow, and intracellular pH reduction in response to the hypoxia.


  • 軽量コンテナに基づく柔軟なホスティング・クラウド基盤の研究開発と大規模・高負荷テスト環境の構築

    笠原 義晃, 松本 亮介, 近藤 宇智朗, 小田 知央, 嶋吉 隆夫, 金子晃介, 岡村 耕二

    情報処理学会インターネットと運用技術研究会  2018.2 

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    Event date: 2018.2



  • 精緻に解析可能な恒常性のあるメール基盤の設計

    松本 亮介, 小田 知央, 笠原 義晃, 嶋吉 隆夫, 金子晃介, 栗林 健太郎, 岡村 耕二

    情報処理学会インターネットと運用技術研究会  2018.2 

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    Event date: 2018.2



  • Design and Implementation of a Declarative Formal Language for Root-finding Algorithms of Nonlinear Equations

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃

    情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO)  2017.12.12 

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    Event date: 2017.12.12


    Numerical algorithms are generally published along with reference implementations in procedural programming languages such as Fortran, C, and MATLAB, and distributed and utilized within libraries with mainly concerning computational performance. However, a necessary algorithm has to be ported onto a target environment if no implementation of the algorithm is available on the environment. Especially in recent years, numerical computations are executed using various computing environments. Therefore, that conventional manner has a problem on availability and productivity. In this presentation, a XML-based formal language is introduced, the domain of which is specialized for root-finding algorithms of nonlinear equations. In the present formal language, a root-finding algorithm is not defined as a procedure but as a set of mathematical recurrence formulas, and declaratively described using Content Markup of MathML independently of any programing languages. By analyzing relationships among mathematical equations in the description and mathematical variables referred in the equations, an abstract calculation procedure of the described algorithm can be obtained as a partial order relation. From the abstract procedure, program codes in concrete programming languages can be generated. A generator of C99 or Fortran 95 source codes is presented, and a performance evaluation of a generated source code compared to a common source code is reported.


  • Effects of Respiratory Acidosis on Myocardial Mitochondrial Functions: A Simulation Study International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuta Nishimura, Ayako Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsuda, Satoshi Matsuoka

    Cardiac Physiome Workshop 2017  2017.11 

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    Event date: 2017.11.7 - 2017.11.9




  • Our Experience with Introducing Microsoft Office 365 in Kyushu University International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Masahiro Obana, Naomi Fujimura

    ACM Annual Conference on SIGUCCS  2017.10.3 

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    Event date: 2017.10.1 - 2017.10.4




  • Our experience with introducing microsoft office 365 in Kyushu University

    Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Masahiro Obana, Naomi Fujimura

    45th ACM Annual SIGUCCS Conference, SIGUCCS 2017  2017.10 

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    Event date: 2017.10.1 - 2017.10.4



    Information Infrastructure Initiative of Kyushu University started serving Office 365 Education for all students and staff members at Kyushu University in November 2016. Since 2007, the university had signed Microsoft EES (Enrollment for Education Solutions) including licenses for the latest Microsoft Windows and Office suite. The EES agreement includes an advantage to provide Office 365 Education to the university members with minimum investments, and there was a demand for Skype for Business which is included in Office 365. To deploy Office 365 for our users, we first needed to configure our on-premises user authentication infrastructure to coordinate with Office 365. During trials, we had a couple of difficulties attributed to some disagreements between Microsoft's and our policy on whether the user identifier, namely the user principal name in Active Directory, was open or private. Additionally, we had to consider which services should be applied to the users, because we have been operating an on-premises email service which is competing with Microsoft Exchange mail service. In this presentation, we share our experiences in Office 365 deployment.


  • A computational model of myocardial microcirculation including interstitial flow

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuta Yamamoto, Tetsuya Matsuda

    39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2017  2017.9 

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    Event date: 2017.7.11 - 2017.7.15


    Venue:Jeju Island  

    Contributions of interstitial fluid (ISF) flow within the myocardial microcirculation is not well understood despite its importance due to difficulties in measurements. For analysing a contribution of interstitial fluid flow within myocardial microcirculation, we developed a computational model of myocardial microcirculation by introducing convection by the ISF flow into an existing myocardial microcirculation model, and performed simulations with varied ISF flows in normal and hypoperfusion conditions. Simulation results show that the ISF flow has a contribution only with low capillary flow. This might suggest partial comensation of oxygen supply by the ISF flow under ischemic conditions.


  • A Computational Model of Myocardial Microcirculation including Interstitial Flow International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuta Yamamoto, Tetsuya Matsuda

    IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology  2017.7.14 

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    Event date: 2017.7.11 - 2017.7.15



    Contributions of interstitial fluid (ISF) flow within the myocardial
    microcirculation is not well understood despite its importance due to
    difficulties in measurements. For analysing a contribution of
    interstitial fluid flow within myocardial microcirculation, we
    developed a computational model of myocardial microcirculation by
    introducing convection by the ISF flow into an existing myocardial
    microcirculation model, and performed simulations with varied ISF
    flows in normal and hypoperfusion conditions. Simulation results show
    that the ISF flow has a contribution only with low capillary flow.
    This might suggest partial comensation of oxygen supply by the ISF
    flow under ischemic conditions.


  • 非線形方程式求根アルゴリズムの宣言的形式言語の設計と実装

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃

    情報処理学会プログラミング研究会  2017.6.8 

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    Event date: 2017.6.8 - 2017.6.9




  • 膵β細胞におけるGLP‐1受容体刺激による膜興奮性及びカルシウム動態制御機構の理論研究

    竹田有加里, 嶋吉隆夫, HOLZ George

    糖尿病(Web)  2017 

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    Event date: 2017



  • 心筋細胞の数理モデルによる活動機序の解析

    嶋吉 隆夫

    生理学研究所研究会 「心臓・血管系の包括的な機能統合研究」  2016.10.24 

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    Event date: 2016.10.24 - 2016.10.25




  • 細胞内カルシウム濃度がミトコンドリアエネルギー代謝に与える影響のシミュレーション解析

    西村 優汰, 嶋吉 隆夫, 竹内 綾子, 松田 哲也, 松岡 達

    生体医工学シンポジウム2016  2016.9.18 

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    Event date: 2016.9.17 - 2016.9.18



    心筋細胞ではエネルギー産生の98%以上は細胞内のミトコンドリアにより行われる.単離ミトコンドリアを 用いた実験では,その機能は外液カルシウムイオン濃度に依存することがわかっている.また,心筋細胞への 負荷が高まると細胞内カルシウムイオン濃度は上昇する.しかし,実環境において一心拍中に急激に変化す る細胞内カルシウムイオン濃度がミトコンドリアにどのような影響を与えるかについては,実験で確かめる ことが非常に困難である.そこで本研究では,シミュレーションによりミトコンドリアの機能の変化を解析 することを目的とする.これまでに,実験結果に基づく詳細なミトコンドリアの数理モデルが開発されてお り,クエン酸回路や電子伝達系,ミトコンドリア内外での基質量,イオン濃度の変化などが連立微分方程式と して表現されている.一方,詳細な心筋細胞モデルとしてKyotoモデルがあり,膜興奮,イオン動態,基礎代謝 および筋収縮によるエネルギー消費などを表現する.そこで,詳細なミトコンドリアモデルをKyotoモデルに組 みこむことで,細胞内におけるミトコンドリアの機能をシミュレーションする.このモデルを用いて,細胞 への刺激頻度を変えることで細胞内カルシウム濃度を変化させるシミュレーションを行い,ミトコンドリア の機能がどのように変化するかを解析した結果を報告する.


  • 心筋組織微小循環モデルへの間質液流れの導入

    山本 裕太, 嶋吉 隆夫, 松田 哲也

    生体医工学シンポジウム2016  2016.9.18 

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    Event date: 2016.9.17 - 2016.9.18




  • A Comparison of Recent Human Ventricular Myocyte Models using Mathematical Decomposition of Dynamics International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi

    Cardiac Physiome Workshop 2016  2016.8.24 

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    Event date: 2016.8.23 - 2016.8.26




  • Simulation of Myocardial Microcirculation Considering Interstitial Fluid Flow International conference

    Yuta Yamamoto, Takao Shimayoshi, Tetsuya Matsuda

    38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  2016.8.19 

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    Event date: 2016.8.16 - 2016.8.20


    Venue:Orland, FL  


  • Simulation of Cellular Responses to Myocardial Anoxia and Acidosis International conference

    Yuta Nishimura, Takao Shimayoshi, Ayako Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsuda, Satoshi Matsuoka

    38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  2016.8.19 

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    Event date: 2016.8.16 - 2016.8.20


    Venue:Orland, FL  


  • 非線形方程式求根アルゴリズムの宣言的形式言語の設計

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃

    情報処理学会プログラミング研究会  2016.1.13 

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    Event date: 2016.1.13 - 2016.1.14




  • 膵β細胞におけるGLP‐1受容体刺激によるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動員制御機構の理論研究

    竹田有加里, 嶋吉隆夫, HOLZ George, 野間昭典

    糖尿病(Web)  2016 

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    Event date: 2016



  • Efficient Algorithm for Extracting the Multiple Loop Structure of the Corresponding Calculation Program from the Complex Recurrence Relation Equation

    KOMIYAMA Shigeru, TATARA Taiki, PUNZALAN Florencio RUSTY, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, KUNIEDA Yoshitoshi, AMANO Akira

    IEICE technical report. Neurocomputing  2015.3.16  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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    Event date: 2015.3.16


    In this paper, we proposed an improved algorithm to derive corresponding loop structure from recurrence relation equation set that are generated by the program code generation system. The system use Ce11ML file as an biological function model, and use TecML file which describes calculation scheme for the model. By using the propoased algorithm, the analysis time improved by 1000 to 10000 fold, and also the limitation of the input recurrence relation equations were relaxed.


  • Efficient Algorithm for Extracting the Multiple Loop Structure of the Corresponding Calculation Program from the Complex Recurrence Relation Equation

    KOMIYAMA Shigeru, TATARA Taiki, PUNZALAN Florencio RUSTY, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, KUNIEDA Yoshitoshi, AMANO Akira

    IEICE technical report. ME and bio cybernetics  2015.3.16  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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    Event date: 2015.3.16


    In this paper, we proposed an improved algorithm to derive corresponding loop structure from recurrence relation equation set that are generated by the program code generation system. The system use Ce11ML file as an biological function model, and use TecML file which describes calculation scheme for the model. By using the propoased algorithm, the analysis time improved by 1000 to 10000 fold, and also the limitation of the input recurrence relation equations were relaxed.


  • 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析

    竹田有加里, 嶋吉隆夫, HOLZ George G, 野間昭典

    日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM)  2015 

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    Event date: 2015



  • 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析


    日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM)  2015 

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    Event date: 2015



  • 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析

    竹田有加里, 嶋吉隆夫, HOLZ G.G, 野間昭典

    日本生理学雑誌  2015 

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    Event date: 2015




    Y. Takeda, T. Shimayoshi, G. Holz, A. Noma


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    Event date: 2014.11



  • Nonlinear multiscale circulation model reproducable linear end-systolic pressure-volume relationship

    Takao Shimayoshi, Mitsuharu Mishima, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2014  2014.11 

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    Event date: 2014.8.26 - 2014.8.30



    As a well-known property of the heart, many studies has reported that the left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationship (ESPVR) is linear. However, the reason of the linearity is poorly understood. This article presents a multiscale circulation model to be a tool for theoretical analyses on the mechanism of the linearity of ESPVR. The model is composed of three sub-models; a detailed closed-loop lumped-parameter model for cardiovascular system, geometric left ventricle model, a comprehensive ventricular myocyte model. Although the present model integrates nonlinear sub-models, the model can successfully reproduce highly linear ESPVR without any arbitrary modifications.


  • A study on the relationship between electrical transmural heterogeneity and ventricular energetics

    Yuki Hasegawa, Mitsuharu Mishima, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2013  2013.10 

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    Event date: 2013.7.3 - 2013.7.7



    In this study, we use cardiovascular simulation to gain new insights on the correlation between electrical heterogeneity and ventricular energetics. Although there are numerous in vivo and in vitro studies on the electrical heterogeneity within the ventricular myocardium, not much attention has been directed to its correlation to cardiovascular mechanics, because of difficulties in simultaneously observing and analyzing multiple spatial scales(the cell, the organ, and the system). We performed simulations with two cardiovascular simulation models, one which uses different myocardial cell models for the epicardial, endocardial, and mid-myocardial cells, and another which uses a homogeneous model throughout the entire myocardium. The epicardial, endocardial, and midmyocardial cell models were created by parametrically tuning a homogenous cell model. From the cardiovascular simulation we obtained pressure-volume loops which were used to calculate cardiovascular energetic efficiency and myocardial contractility. We found that energetic efficiency is higher in the electrically heterogeneous model.


  • Code generator for distributed parameter biological model simulation with PDE numerical schemes

    Florencio Rusty Punzalan, Yoshiharu Yamashita, Masanari Kawabata, Takao Shimayoshi, Hiroaki Kuwabara, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Akira Amano

    2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2013  2013.10 

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    Event date: 2013.7.3 - 2013.7.7



    The physiological simulation at the tissue and organ level typically involves the handling of partial differential equations (PDEs). Boundary conditions and in cases like pharmacokinetics, distributed parameters add to the complexity of the PDE solution. These factors make most PDE solutions and their corresponding program codes tailored for specific problems. We propose a general approach for handling PDEs in computational models using a replacement scheme for discretization. This method allows for the handling of the different PDE types. The replacement scheme involves substituting all the partial differential terms with the numerical solution equations. Once the model equations are discretized with the numerical solution scheme, instances of the equations are generated to undergo dependency analysis. The result of the dependency analysis is then used to determine the simulation loop structure and generate the program code.


  • 形式的記述された組織・臓器モデルのための汎用シミュレーションシステム

    天野晃, 嶋吉隆夫, 國枝義敏

    心電図  2013.5.30 

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    Event date: 2013.5.30



  • オーガナイズドセッション 形式的記述された組織・臓器モデルのための汎用シミュレーションシステム

    天野 晃, 嶋吉 隆夫, 國枝 義敏

    心電図  2013.5  (一社)日本不整脈心電学会

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    Event date: 2013.5



  • A program code generator for multiphysics biological simulation using markup languages

    Akira Amano, Masanari Kawabata, Yoshiharu Yamashita, Florencio Rusty Punzalan, Takao Shimayoshi, Hiroaki Kuwabara, Yoshitoshi Kunieda

    34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2012  2012.12 

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    Event date: 2012.8.28 - 2012.9.1


    Venue:San Diego, CA  

    To cope with the complexity of the biological function simulation models, model representation with description language is becoming popular. However, simulation software itself becomes complex in these environment, thus, it is difficult to modify the simulation conditions, target computation resources or calculation methods. In the complex biological function simulation software, there are 1) model equations, 2) boundary conditions and 3) calculation schemes. Use of description model file is useful for first point and partly second point, however, third point is difficult to handle for various calculation schemes which is required for simulation models constructed from two or more elementary models. We introduce a simulation software generation system which use description language based description of coupling calculation scheme together with cell model description file. By using this software, we can easily generate biological simulation code with variety of coupling calculation schemes. To show the efficiency of our system, example of coupling calculation scheme with three elementary models are shown.


  • A coupling method for a cardiovascular simulation model which includes the Kalman Filter

    Yuki Hasegawa, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2012  2012.12 

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    Event date: 2012.8.28 - 2012.9.1


    Venue:San Diego, CA  

    Multi-scale models of the cardiovascular system provide new insight that was unavailable with in vivo and in vitro experiments. For the cardiovascular system, multi-scale simulations provide a valuable perspective in analyzing the interaction of three phenomenons occurring at different spatial scales: circulatory hemodynamics, ventricular structural dynamics, and myocardial excitation-contraction. In order to simulate these interactions, multiscale cardiovascular simulation systems couple models that simulate different phenomena. However, coupling methods require a significant amount of calculation, since a system of non-linear equations must be solved for each timestep. Therefore, we proposed a coupling method which decreases the amount of calculation by using the Kalman filter. In our method, the Kalman filter calculates approximations for the solution to the system of non-linear equations at each timestep. The approximations are then used as initial values for solving the system of non-linear equations. The proposed method decreases the number of iterations required by 94.0% compared to the conventional strong coupling method. When compared with a smoothing spline predictor, the proposed method required 49.4% fewer iterations.


  • A parallel CellML simulation program generator with a nonlinear simultaneous equation solver

    Yoshiharu Yamashita, Yuichiro Hayashi, Naoki Soejima, Masanari Kawabata, Punzalan Florencio Rusty, Takao Shimayoshi, Hiroaki Kuwabara, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Akira Amano

    International Workshop on Innovative Architecture for Future Generation High-Performance Processors and Systems, Hawaii, US  2012 

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    Event date: 2012



  • Study of Risks of Delayed Afterdepolarization in Varying Parameters of a Ventricular Myocyte Model

    武下 大毅, 嶋吉 隆夫, 松田 哲也

    研究報告バイオ情報学(BIO)  2011.11.24 

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    Event date: 2011.11.24


    重大な心臓病態の一つに不整脈がある.特に薬剤投与の副作用による不整脈の発生は大きな問題となっており,未然に副作用の危険性を調べることは重要である.従来では危険性を調べるために動物実験を行われてきたが,近年ではコンピュータシミュレーションにより,比較的低コストで効率的にデータを得ることが有効な手段となっている.本稿では,心筋細胞モデルにパラメタ変化を加えたシミュレーションにより,不整脈の一原因である遅延後脱分極 (DAD) を再現する.DAD に大きく関連するパラメタから,薬剤投与を想定するパラメタと個体別の生理状態を想定するパラメタを選択し,それぞれを変化させたときの DAD 発生の有無を自動判定により調査した.その結果,各パラメタ変化が DAD 発生に与える影響の大きさを解析した.One of serious cardiac diseases is cardiac arrhythmia. It is important to investigate risks of the cardiac arrhythmia by drug side effects before medications. Although animal experminents has been employed to investigate the risks, in recent years, computer simulation is becoming an effective technique to obtain data efficiently at comparatively low cost. In this paper, the delayed afterdepolarization (DAD), which is a cause of arrhythmia, is reproduced by simulation with varying parameters of a ventricular myocyte model. The parameters are selected from model parameter which are deeply relating to DAD, for representing drug dosing and individual physiological conditions. Generations of DAD were evaluated by an automatic DAD detection method introduced in this stydy. From the result, influenced by each parameter change to the risk of DAD was analyzed.


  • Study of Risks of Delayed Afterdepolarization in Varying Parameters of a Ventricular Myocyte Model

    武下 大毅, 嶋吉 隆夫, 松田 哲也

    研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS)  2011.11.24 

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    Event date: 2011.11.24


    重大な心臓病態の一つに不整脈がある.特に薬剤投与の副作用による不整脈の発生は大きな問題となっており,未然に副作用の危険性を調べることは重要である.従来では危険性を調べるために動物実験を行われてきたが,近年ではコンピュータシミュレーションにより,比較的低コストで効率的にデータを得ることが有効な手段となっている.本稿では,心筋細胞モデルにパラメタ変化を加えたシミュレーションにより,不整脈の一原因である遅延後脱分極 (DAD) を再現する.DAD に大きく関連するパラメタから,薬剤投与を想定するパラメタと個体別の生理状態を想定するパラメタを選択し,それぞれを変化させたときの DAD 発生の有無を自動判定により調査した.その結果,各パラメタ変化が DAD 発生に与える影響の大きさを解析した.One of serious cardiac diseases is cardiac arrhythmia. It is important to investigate risks of the cardiac arrhythmia by drug side effects before medications. Although animal experminents has been employed to investigate the risks, in recent years, computer simulation is becoming an effective technique to obtain data efficiently at comparatively low cost. In this paper, the delayed afterdepolarization (DAD), which is a cause of arrhythmia, is reproduced by simulation with varying parameters of a ventricular myocyte model. The parameters are selected from model parameter which are deeply relating to DAD, for representing drug dosing and individual physiological conditions. Generations of DAD were evaluated by an automatic DAD detection method introduced in this stydy. From the result, influenced by each parameter change to the risk of DAD was analyzed.


  • A general CellML simulation code generator using ODE solving scheme description

    Akira Amano, Naoki Soejima, Takao Shimayoshi, Hiroaki Kuwabara, Yoshitoshi Kunieda

    33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2011  2011.12 

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    Event date: 2011.8.30 - 2011.9.3


    Venue:Boston, MA  

    To cope with the complexity of the biological function simulation models, model representation with description language is becoming popular. However, simulation software itself becomes complex in these environment, thus, it is difficult to modify target computation resources or numerical calculation methods or simulation conditions. Typical biological function simulation software consists of 1) model equation, 2) boundary conditions and 3) ODE solving scheme. Introducing the description model file such as CellML is useful for generalizing the first point and partly second point, however, third point is difficult to handle. We introduce a simulation software generation system which use markup language based description of ODE solving scheme together with cell model description file. By using this software, we can easily generate biological simulation program code with different ODE solving schemes. To show the efficiency of our system, experimental results of several simulation models with different ODE scheme and different computation resources are shown.


  • A study on prediction methods for a cardiovascular strong-coupling simulation

    Yuki Hasegawa, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2011  2011.12 

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    Event date: 2011.8.30 - 2011.9.3


    Venue:Boston, MA  

    We investigated numerical methods for predictors in a multiscale cardiovascular simulation model. The proposed method predicts initial approximations for the iterative convergence calculations of the strong coupling method using the smoothing spline to remove errors from values of past timesteps and using the linear and second-order extrapolation. The new coupling algorithm was used for coupling a left ventricular finite element model to a myocardial excitation-contraction model. We performed experiments with different values for the smoothing parameter and with linear and second-order extrapolations. 1 with the linear extrapolation gave the best results. It reduced computation time by 91% compared to the strong coupling method. With the use of the smoothing spline, distance between the initial approximation and converged solution reduced by 62%, while the average number of iterations reduced by 32%. The smoothing spline can be used to improve the accuracy of predictors and reduce the number of iterations needed for the computation of the convergence procedure.


  • Improvement of Convergence Speed using Prediction in a Cardiovascular Strong-coupling Simulation


    IEICE technical report  2011.7.1  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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    Event date: 2011.7.1


    Detailed simulation analysis of the cardiovascular system is important because the system is a biological phenomenon indispensable in maintaining life. Since the cardiovascular system is a result of the interaction of myocardial cell physiology, cardiac structural dynamics, and hemodynamics, it is necessary to use multi-physics simulation to couple equations of different scales. For a precise coupling simulation, it is desirable to use the strong coupling method which is computationally expensive. In this paper, a prediction method is proposed for a cardiovascular simulation system using strong coupling calculation. In the proposed method, the smoothing spline and extrapolators are used to predict an approximate solution to the convergence equation, using the predicted value as the initial value to decrease the number of iterations to convergence. Experiments are performed for different values of the smoothing parameter and first to fourth degree extrapolators. Decrease in iterations for the convergence calculation was observed when using the proposed method.


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2012002115

  • Distribution of oxygen consumption in cardiac tissue with microcirculation simulation

    AKAJI Yoshiaki, KUBOTA Yuuta, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    IEICE technical report  2010.11.11  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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    Event date: 2010.11.11


    To understand conditions under cardiac ischemia or hypoxia, it is of importance to evaluate oxygen consumption in the myocardial microcirculation. However, there are difficulties in accurate measurements of the oxygen consumption experimentlly. Therefore, computer simulation is an important methodology to evaluate the oxygen consumption. For simulation of oxygen consumption in a cardiac tissue, a myocardial microcirculation model is proposed in this report. The model couples a tissue microcirculation model and a myocardial cell model. The simulation results under low oxygen conditions of the arterial blood show that oxygen consumptions decrease from the arterial side to the venous side and that cells in the venous side are under hypoxia.


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2011101863

  • Parameter Space Analysis of a Myocardial Cell Model for Drug Effect Estimation

    FUJII Manabu, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, LU Jianyin, ASAKURA Keiichi, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    IEICE technical report  2010.11.11  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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    Event date: 2010.11.11


    It is of importance to estimate the activity ratios of cardiac cellular ion channels for detecting side effects of drugs under development. A myocardial cell model enables the estimation of the activity ratios by reproducing experimental cardiac cellular action potential (AP) recordings with varied parameters. We analized the relationship between parameters and outputs of the model. Results from the analysis of the distribution of similar AP recordings and myocardial contractility in parameter space show the difficulty in estimating activity ratios of ion channels based on AP recordings or myocardial contractility alone. However, they also show the possibility to improve the estimation accuracy by the combined use of AP recordings and myocardial contractility.


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2011101864

  • 薬物作用推定を目的とした心筋細胞モデルのパラメタ空間解析

    藤井 学, 嶋吉 隆夫, 陸 建銀, 朝倉 圭一, 天野 晃, 松田 哲也

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(MEとバイオサイバネティックス)  2010.11  (一社)電子情報通信学会

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    Event date: 2010.11




  • 心筋組織微小循環シミュレーションを用いた酸素消費分布の評価

    赤路 慶朗, 久保田 悠太, 嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃, 松田 哲也

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(MEとバイオサイバネティックス)  2010.11  (一社)電子情報通信学会

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    Event date: 2010.11




  • A method for semantic definition of experimental protocols

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Book of Abstracts of 11th International Conference on Systems Biology, p.184, Edingburgh, UK  2010.10 

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    Event date: 2010.10



  • Analysis of the underlying mechanism of frank-starling law of a constructive hemodynamics model

    Mitsuharu Mishima, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Asia Simulation Conference 2009, JSST 2009 

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    Event date: 2009.10.7 - 2009.10.9



    Frank-Starling law, which describes a relation between cardiac contraction energy and end-diastolic volume, is of importance, but the detailed mechanism is not quantitatively understood yet. In this paper, the mechanism of a linear relation between end-diastolic volume and end-systolic pressure as a part of Frank-Starling law is analyzed by means of computer simulation. A hemodynamics model, which is constructed by composing a vascular system model, a left ventricular dynamics model and a myocardial cell model, reproduced a linear relation between end-diastolic volume and end-systolic pressure successfully. In this paper, the simulation results and the detailed analysis are reported.


  • A method for analysis of simultaneous equations in cell models

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009  2009.1 

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    Event date: 2009.9.2 - 2009.9.6


    Venue:Minneapolis, MN  

    Some models of cellular physiological functions are formulated as ordinary differential equations that contain multiple systems of simultaneous nonlinear equations. Simulation of such a model described in a declarative representation format requires determination of equations to be simultaneously solved with specification of independent and parameter variables in the model. In this report, a method for extracting systems of simultaneous equations in a cell model is presented. The present method analyzes a graph representation of a model and extracts the subgraphs that represent equation systems to be simultaneously solved, by efficiently interactive selection of independent variables of the model.


  • Evaluation of cardiac oxygen consumption under hypoxia with tissue model integrating microcirculation model and cell model

    Akira Amano, Yuuta Kubota, Takao Shimayoshi, Tetsuya Matsuda

    31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009  2009.1 

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    Event date: 2009.9.2 - 2009.9.6


    Venue:Minneapolis, MN  

    Analyzing the microscopic energy balance of cardiac tissue is very important for understanding heart diseases. However, such analysis is difficult with animal experiments. Therefore, the accurate simulation model is expected to be an important tool for such research. We propose a cardiac tissue model which can reproduce accurate distribution of oxygen consumption under hypoxia. The model includes blood tissue exchange model of capillary and oxygen consumption model of cells. The capillary model is based on the model proposed by Dash et al. 2006, and the cell model is based on the model proposed by Kuzumoto et al. 2007. By analyzing the oxygen consumption of the proposed model, the relation between the oxygen consumption and the arterial oxygen concentration was found to be largely different from that of single cell model. This implies that the animal experimental data should be carefully used for constructing a biological simulation model, depending on whether the experiment is performed within a cell or a tissue.


  • Analysis of membrane potential oscillation mechanism in the novel pancreatic beta cell simulation model

    Y. Nakamura, S. Fujimoto, J. -W. Wang, Y. Himeno, C. Cha, T. Shimayoshi, A. Noma, N. Inagaki


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    Event date: 2009.9




    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Satoshi Matsuoka, Tetsuya Matsuda


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    Event date: 2009



  • An approximation model of myocardial crossbridge for weak coupling calculation of left ventricle model and circulation model

    Akira Amano, Yasuhiro Takada, Jianyin Lu, Takao Shimayoshi, Tetsuya Matsuda

    30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08  2008.12 

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    Event date: 2008.8.20 - 2008.8.25


    Venue:Vancouver, BC  

    It is necessary to use complicated myocardial cell model and heart model to evaluate the regional energy production and consumption which leads to the unrealistic computational time. In this research, a left ventricle (LV) simulation model was constructed which includes accurate myocardial cell model. In order to simulate the model in realistic time, we introduced an approximation model of the crossbridge model which can be calculated with weak coupling calculation. The LV model was combined with a circulation model to validate the proposed model by calculating the hemodynamics parameters and ventricular energetics indices. The ESPVR (End Systolic Pressure Volume Relation) showed linear relation, and also the PVA - ATP consumption relation showed linear relation which are widely known as the physiological characteristics of mammalian hearts. From these results, we can say that the model can be used as a model for physiological simulation experiments which are related to the ventricular energetics.


  • Excitement propagation simulation by Kyoto model on parallel computer

    SONG Inhwan, TAKAHASHI Yasuhito, IWASHITA Takeshi, KANAZAWA Masanori, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    情報処理学会研究報告システム評価(EVA)  2008.8.6  Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)

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    Event date: 2008.8.6


    Although there have been many new advances in biology, quantitative explanation about biological phenomenon is still difficult. In this case, computer simulation with biological model is a good tool for quantitative analysis of heart. Also there have been many new advances of the myocardial cell, and many physiological characteristic has been discovered. Since computational complexity increases in proportion to the size of model, computable size of heart model is restricted by computer ability. In this study we performed the simulation using MPI parallel computing for reducing computing time.


  • A method for efficient execution of cell physiological simulation using graph theory

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    6th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. Jan 14-17  2008 

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    Event date: 2008



  • A generic representation format of physiological experimental protocols for computer simulation using ontology

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    29th Annual International Conference of IEEE-EMBS, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'07  2007.12 

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    Event date: 2007.8.23 - 2007.8.26



    For computer simulations of physiological experiments using physiological models, a machine-readable format of experimental protocols is effective. Here, we propose an XML-based language, PEPML (Physiological Experimental Protocol Markup Language). In the PEPML, conditions and procedures of an experimental protocol are procedurally described as a list of events, each of which consists of a condition for execution and an action to be executed. Since variables used in a protocol can be specified using an ontology, the protocol can be applied to various models without editing tasks. The PEPML allows both application of multiple protocols to a single model and application of a single protocol to multiple models. This feature facilitates the efficient simulation for verifications, comparisons and utilizations of physiological models.


  • Infant circulation model based on the electrophysiological cell model

    Yutaka Nobuaki, Akira Amano, Takao Shimayoshi, Jianyin Lu, Eun B. Shim, Tetsuya Matsuda

    29th Annual International Conference of IEEE-EMBS, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'07  2007.12 

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    Event date: 2007.8.23 - 2007.8.26



    It is important to use a myocardial cell model to evaluate the effects of the drugs to the hemodynamic parameters. We developed an infant circulation model which incorporates an accurate myocardial cell model including a beta adrenergic system. The beta adrenergic system is essential mechanism for reproducing the response of baroreflex control system. The parameters of the published adult human circulation model were modified to fit the infant hemodynamic values. The guinea pig myocardial cell model was introduced to the circulation model whose baseline heart rate is close to that of an infant. The presented model is in good agreement with results obtained in physiological experiments.


  • A model for simulation of infant cardiovascular response to orthostatic stress

    Yutaka Nobuaki, Akira Amano, Takao Shimayoshi, Lu Jianyin, Eun B. Shim, Tetsuya Matsuda

    4th International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, FIMH 2007  2007.8 

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    Event date: 2007.6.7 - 2007.6.9


    Venue:Salt Lake City, UT  

    We developed an infant circulation model which incorporates an accurate myocardial cell model including a beta adrenergic system. The beta adrenergic system is essential for the response reproduction of the baroreflex control system. The proposed model was constructed by modifying the parameters of a human adult circulation model with the aid of a guinea pig myocardial cell model, whose baseline heart rate is close to that of an infant. The presented model is in good agreement with results obtained in physiological experiments.


  • A Method to Support Cell Physiological Modelling Using Description Language and Ontology

    Shimayoshi Takao, Komurasaki Kazuhiro, Amano Akira, Iwashita Takeshi, Matsuda Tetsuya, Kanazawa Masanori

    Information and Media Technologies  2007  Information and Media Technologies Editorial Board

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    Event date: 2007


    The development of physiological cell models to support the understanding of biological mechanisms gains increasingly importance. Due to the complexity of biological systems, whole cell models, which are composed of many imported component models of functional elements, get quite complex, making modifications difficult. Here, we propose a method to enhance structural changes of cell models, employing the markup languages of CellML and our original PMSML (Physiological Model Structure Markup Language), in addition to a new ontology for cell physiological modelling, the Cell Model Ontology. In particular, a method to make references from CellML files to the ontology and a method to assist with manipulation of model structures using PMSML together with the Cell Model Ontology are reported. Using these methods two software utilities, an interactive ontology ID assigner, the CellML Ontologizer, and a graphical cell model editor, the Cell Structure Editor, are implemented. Experimental results proved that the proposed method and the implemented software are useful for the modification of physiological models.


  • Determination of Calculation Procedure for Ordinary Differential Equations of Cell Models using Graph Theoretical Structural Analysis


    IPSJ SIG Notes  2006.12.21  Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)

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    Event date: 2006.12.21


    The numerical simulation of whole cell models is important to understand cellular mechanisms. However, implementaion of simulation codes of whole cell models, which can include nonlinear equations, formulated as ordinary differential equations demands high effort. This research intends to enable automatic numerical calculation of initial-value problems of explicit method of whole cell models. For this purpose, using a graph theoretical method to analyze the structure of equation systems, a method to set boundary conditions with analysis of structural solvability, and a method to reduce numerical calculation cost by transforming of equations are introduced.


  • Determination of Calculation Procedure for Ordinary Differential Equations of Cell Models using Graph Theoretical Structural Analysis


    IPSJ SIG technical reports  2006.12.21  Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)

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    Event date: 2006.12.21


    The numerical simulation of whole cell models is important to understand cellular mechanisms. However, implementaion of simulation codes of whole cell models, which can include nonlinear equations, formulated as ordinary differential equations demands high effort. This research intends to enable automatic numerical calculation of initial-value problems of explicit method of whole cell models. For this purpose, using a graph theoretical method to analyze the structure of equation systems, a method to set boundary conditions with analysis of structural solvability, and a method to reduce numerical calculation cost by transforming of equations are introduced.


  • Elucidation of a potential frank-starling mechanism through modeling and simulation

    Natalie S. Schneider, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Abstract, The 7th International Conference on Systems Biology, p.MV18, Yokohama, Japan  2006.10 

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    Event date: 2006.10



  • DynaBioS.Cell: A new general simulator for cell physiological models to facilitate simulation of experimental protocols

    Takao Shiamayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Abstracts, The 7th International Conference on Systems Biology, p.FI14, Yokohama, Japan  2006.10 

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    Event date: 2006.10



  • Stress distribution in a rotationally symmetric and a measurement based left ventricular shape model

    Yasuhiro Takada, Akira Amano, Jianyin Lu, Takao Shimayoshi, Satoshi Ishikawa, Tetsuya Matsuda, Hidetoshi Kotera

    28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'06  2006.12 

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    Event date: 2006.8.30 - 2006.9.3


    Venue:New York, NY  

    We evaluated the stress distribution in a geometrical shape model and a shape model obtained from human heart using two different fiber orientations. For both orientation models, the results showed large differences of the stress distributions between the mathematical shape model and the maesurement based shape model. These results suggest that stress distribution is highly dependent on the model geometry and the usage of a maesurement based shape model is important for the evaluation of the left ventricular (LV) wall stress distribution. This fact may have some influences on the reported homogeneity of stress distribution with anatomical fiber orientation model that uses mathematical shape model.


  • Reproducing nonlinear force velocity relation of myocardial tissue by a nonlinear parallel elastic component

    Yutaka Nobuaki, Yu Kamei, Jianyin Lu, Takao Shimayoshi, Satoshi Ishikawa, Akira Amano, Hidetoshi Kotera, Tetsuya Matsuda

    28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'06  2006.12 

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    Event date: 2006.8.30 - 2006.9.3


    Venue:New York, NY  

    To realize precise simulation of the left ventricular motion, it is important to utilize an accurate myocardial tissue model which can reproduce various characteristics of myocardial tissue contraction. In this study, we show that the nonlinear characteristics of the passive myocardial tissue property is the essential nature of the nonlinear force-velocity relation and present a formulation for hyperelastic physiological tissue property. Experimental results of our myocardial tissue simulation with the hyperelastic material property proposed are in good agreement with the reported force-velocity relation of real tissue.


  • Computer support for physiological cell modelling using an ontology on cell physiology

    Takao Shimayoshi, Kazuhiro Komurasaki, Akira Amano, Takeshi Iwashita, Masanori Kanazawa, Tetsuya Matsuda

    28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'06 

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    Event date: 2006.8.30 - 2006.9.3


    Venue:New York, NY  

    The development of electrophyslological whole cell models to support the understanding of biological mechanisms Is Increasing rapidly. Due to the complexity of biological systems, comprehensive cell models, which are composed of many Imported sub-models of functional elements, can get quite complicated as well, making computer modification difficult. Here, we propose a computer support to enhance structural changes of cell models, employing the markup languages CellML and our original PMSML (Physiological Model Structure Markup Language), In addition to a new ontology for cell physiological modelling. In particular, a method to make references from CellML files to the ontology and a method to assist manipulation of model structures using markup languages together with the ontology are reported. Using these methods three software utilities, Including a graphical model editor, are Implemented. Experimental results proved that these methods are effective for the modification of electrophyslological models.


  • A novel cardiac muscle contraction model that includes titin elucidates a potential frank-starling mechanism

    N. S. Schneider, T. Shimayoshi, A. Amano, T. Matsuda

    International Muscle Energetics Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, International Muscle Energetics Conference  2006.7 

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    Event date: 2006.7



  • An Ontology Annotation Method of Cell Electrophsiological Models


    IPSJ SIG technical reports  2006.6.15  Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)

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    Event date: 2006.6.15


    The importance of whole cell electrophysiological models to support the understanding of biological mechanisms is increasing rapidly. Due to the complexity of the biological systems, comprehensive cell models, which are composed of many sub-models, get complicated. Therefore, the construction and the modification of these models are very difficult. To solve this problem, we have been developing a graphical editor of cell model structure. The editor has intelligent assistant function for manipulation of model structures using markup languages together with an ontology for cell physiological models. However, to use this function, model files must contain the ontology ID. Here, we propose an ontology annotation method of CellML files. The experimental results proved that the method is effective for the modification of electrophysiological models.


  • Pspml: Physiological simulation protocol markup language

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    The Fourth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, p.P51, Taipei, Taiwan  2006.2 

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    Event date: 2006.2



  • ICSB,

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda


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    Event date: 2006



  • Including titin in a simple muscle contraction model suitable for a myocardial cell model

    N. S. Schneider, T. Shimayoshi, A. Amano, T. Matsuda, A Noma

    3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Prague, Czech Republic  2005.11 

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    Event date: 2005.11



  • A Cell Physiology Ontology for the Authoring of Cell Model


    IEICE technical report  2005.10.14  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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    Event date: 2005.10.14


    Accuracy of cell model is very important for the realization of the precise biological simulation. However, the construction and authoring of a cell model is complicated work that require both biological and information science knowledge. To realize an efficient authoring of a cell model, we examined the intelligent support function of a cell model authoring tool. We also examined the knowledge required to realize this support function. In this report, we propose the cell physiology ontology suitable for this purpose.


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2006032008

  • Design of Description Languages for Cell Physiology Simulation

    SHIMAYOSHI Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    IEICE technical report  2005.10.14  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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    Event date: 2005.10.14


    In the development of cell physiological models, it is useful to evaluate simulation results produced by using description files that include a model definition and the information required for the simulation. Although several description languages for the cell physiological models are proposed, they are not sufficient or efficient to describe required information in developing models. In this research, we propose a XML based description language "CPSML" for cell physiology simulation. CPSML describes three contents in different formats : model definition, model structure and experimental protocol. This separated description facilitates efficient simulation of a model with various experimental methods and model improvements.


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2006032007

  • A description language for cell physiological simulation

    T. Shimayoshi, A. Amano, T. Matsuda

    IFMBE Proceedings, 8, pp.PA-3-09, 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering  2005.4 

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    Event date: 2005.4



  • Distributed biological simulation on dynabios

    Kenta Hori, Toshifumi Nishi, Jianyin Lu, Takao Shimayoshi, Takashi Ashihara, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    The IUPS Satellite Meeting for the Physiome Project, San Diego, US  2005.3 

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    Event date: 2005.3



  • A software environment for simulators suitable for complex biological analysis

    Takao Shimayoshi, K. Hori, J. Y. Lu, A. Amano, T. Matsuda

    Conference Proceedings - 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2004  2004.12 

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    Event date: 2004.9.1 - 2004.9.5


    Venue:San Francisco, CA  

    In order to understand the function of biological elements and their interactions, computer analysis and simulation is an essential technique. For higher research efficiency, it is important to provide a system framework for constructing biological simulation systems that handle multiple phenomena. This paper proposes "DynaBioS", a comprehensive system framework for complex biological simulations. This framework consists of three main features, a component-based architecture, a customizable system operation, and an exchangeable model set. The system based on DynaBioS consists of a Simulation Core and System Components. The System Components are sub-simulators for individual functional factors and utility modules corresponding to specific information technologies. The Simulation Core manages and controls all components, in accordance with a Simulation Scenario and a Simulation Model. The DynaBioS makes it possible to implement different simulation systems by combining individual functional components, specific interactions and different simulation models. The versatility of DynaBioS is shown by two examples, a heart pumping simulator and a parameter optimization system for physiological models.


  • Simulation Environment for Multi-Physics Biological Simulation

    SHIMAYOSHI Takao, HORI Kenta, LU Jianyin, SARAI Nobuaki, AMANO Akira

    IEICE technical report. ME and bio cybernetics  2004.3.10  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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    Event date: 2004.3.10


    To understand the complicated mechanism of the biological functions, it is important to analyze the interactions between various phenomena in developing simulation systems. We have been developing a software environment for general biological simulation, which is capable of multi-physics simulation with intensive interaction. The software environment composes of several individual sub-components with common interfaces, and the interactions between such components are described using a simulation scenario. Various simulation systems of different purposes can be easily developed by combining different function components. Using this environment, a simulator of left ventricle motion was implemented, which computes deformation of left ventricle according to a cell physiological model, a 3D shape, and a cell orientation model.


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2004199798

  • Network management ensuring QoS according to contents policies

    Kazunori Ueda, Takao Shimayoshi, Toshihiko Hata, Manzoor Hashmani, Kazutoshi Fujikawa, Shinji Shimojo, Hideo Miyahara

    Proceedings of the 2002 SCS Euromedia Conference, pp.96-103  2002.4 

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    Event date: 2002.4



  • A simulation study of cardiac ischemia and reperfusion International conference

    Satoshi Matsuoka, Takao Shimayoshi, Ayako Takeuchi

    2021 Cardiac Physiome Workshop  2021.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  



  • Design of a Declarative Formal Language for Root-finding Algorithms of Nonlinear Equations

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃

    情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO)  2016.6.6 

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  • 膵β細胞におけるGLP-1受容体刺激によるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動員制御機構の理論研究

    竹田 有加里, 嶋吉 隆夫, Holz George, 野間 昭典

    糖尿病  2016.4 

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  • Influence of Meshing on Simulation of Left Ventricular Wall Motion International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi, Takafumi Ogawa, Tetsuya Matsuda

    37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  2015.8.29 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Influence of cellular level transmural heterogeneity on left ventricular energetic efficiency: A theoretical study International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi, Yuki Hasegawa, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Cardiac Physiome Workshop 2015  2015.4.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Auckland, New Zealand  


  • CellCompiler: Multiscale biological function model simulator which can use complex calculation schemes

    Yohei Suzuki, Takeru Arita, Shigeru Komiyama, Punzalan Florencio Rusty, Takao Shimayoshi, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Akira Amano

    第92回日本生理学会大会  2015.3.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  



  • Efficient Algorithm for Extracting the Multiple Loop Structure of the Corresponding Calculation Program from the Complex Recurrence Relation Equation


    電子情報通信学会MBE研究会  2015.3.17 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • Efficient Algorithm for Extracting the Multiple Loop Structure of the Corresponding Calculation Program from the Complex Recurrence Relation Equation

    小見山繁, 多々良泰基, PUNZALAN Florencio Rusty, 嶋吉隆夫, 國枝義敏, 天野晃

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告  2015.3.9 

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  • カルシウムシグナル制御研究から見えてきた内分泌・免疫系疾患の新たな創薬標的 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析

    竹田 有加里, 嶋吉 隆夫, Holz George G, 野間 昭典

    日本薬学会年会  2015.3 

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  • 膵β細胞におけるイノシトール三リン酸受容体(IP3R)を介するCa2+動態の数理モデル化及びそのメカニズム解析

    竹田 有加里, 嶋吉 隆夫, Holz G.G, 野間 昭典

    日本生理学大会  2015.1 

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  • Nonlinear Multiscale Circulation Model Reproducable Linear End-Systolic Pressure-Volume Relationship International conference

    SHIMAYOSHI Takao, MISHIMA Mitsuharu, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  2014.8.30  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Chicago, IL, USA  


  • メッシュ分割が左心室拍動連成シミュレーションに与える影響の調査

    小川 貴史, 嶋吉 隆夫, 木田 直樹, 安達 泰治, 松田 哲也

    第53回日本生体医工学会大会  2014.6.25  日本生体医工学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • An effect of Meshing on Coupling Simulation of Left Ventricular Wall Motion

    Ogawa Takafumi, Shimayoshi Takao, Kida Naoki, Adachi Taiji, Matsuda Tetsuya

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  2014.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    In standard finite element analysis in structural dynamics, meshing can affect computation results. However, there have been no detailed report about effects of meshing on results of coupling simulation of left ventricular wall motion which involves myocardial spontaneous contractile force and fiber orientation. In this study, we examined an effect of meshing on simulation of left ventricular wall motion, which couples precise ventricular myocyte model and myocardial fiber orientation. We compared two shape models; spheroid mesh divided along graticule and spheroid mesh subdivided from a semi-regular polyhedron. The comparison results show significant differences between two models around the ventricular apex, which are mainly caused by the contractile force and the fiber orientation.


  • 多階層数理モデリングによる心エネルギー効率の解析 Invited

    嶋吉 隆夫

    第72回バイオメクフォーラム21研究会  2014.4.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 左心室連成シミュレーションに有限要素モデルのメッシュ分割が与える影響の検討

    小川 貴史, 嶋吉 隆夫, 松田 哲也

    生体工学シンポジウム2013講演予稿集, pp.395-404, 福岡市, 日本生体医工学会  2013.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 貫壁性不均一性が心エネルギー効率に与える影響に関する理論的解析

    長谷川 雄基, 三島 充晴, 嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃, 松田 哲也

    生体工学シンポジウム2013講演予稿集, p.405, 福岡市, 日本生体医工学会  2013.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 漸化式形式で記述されたODE解法に基づく生体機能シミュレーションプログラム生成システム

    川端 真成, 鷲尾 直大, 荒川 真帆, プンザラン フロレンシオ ラスティ, 嶋吉 隆夫, 桑原 寛明, 國枝 義敏, 天野 晃

    生体工学シンポジウム2013講演予稿集, pp.385-390, 福岡市, 日本生体医工学会  2013.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Theoretical Analysis on Cardiac Energetic Efficiency using a Simple Multiscale Model International conference

    Shimayoshi Takao, AMANO Akira, MATSUDA Tetsuya

    Cardiac Physiome Workshop 2013  2013.10.18 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

    Venue:Bar Harbor, ME, USA  


  • Implementation of a Ventricular Cell Model to a Cardiovascular Model Regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System

    Himeno Yukiko, Shimayoshi Takao, Noma Akinori, Amano Akira


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  • A Multiscale Cardiovascular Model on Energetic Efficiency International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi

    2012 Cardiac Physiome Workshop  2012.11.1 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

    Venue:San Diego, CA, USA  


  • 形式的に記述されたPDE解法スキームに基づく臓器モデルシミュレーションコード生成システム

    プンザラン フロレンシオ ラスティ, 山下 義陽, 川端 真成, 嶋吉 隆夫, 桑原 寛明, 國枝 義敏, 天野 晃

    生体医工学シンポジウム2012予稿集, 大阪府吹田市, 生体医工学会  2012.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 形式的記述された組織・臓器モデルのための汎用シミュレーションシステム


    第28回心電情報処理ワークショップ  2012.10.28 

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  • Software environment and technologies for cell physiological modelling International conference

    Takao Shimayoshi

    6th International CellML Workshop  2012.3.12 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

    Venue:Auckland, New Zealand  


  • Study of Risks of Delayed Afterdepolarization in Varying Parameters of a Ventricular Myocyte Model


    情報処理学会バイオ情報学(BIO)研究報告  2011.12.1 

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    重大な心臓病態の一つに不整脈がある.特に薬剤投与の副作用による不整脈の発生は大きな問題となっており,未然に副作用の危険性を調べることは重要である.従来では危険性を調べるために動物実験を行われてきたが,近年ではコンピュータシミュレーションにより,比較的低コストで効率的にデータを得ることが有効な手段となっている.本稿では,心筋細胞モデルにパラメタ変化を加えたシミュレーションにより,不整脈の一原因である遅延後脱分極 (DAD) を再現する.DAD に大きく関連するパラメタから,薬剤投与を想定するパラメタと個体別の生理状態を想定するパラメタを選択し,それぞれを変化させたときの DAD 発生の有無を自動判定により調査した.その結果,各パラメタ変化が DAD 発生に与える影響の大きさを解析した.One of serious cardiac diseases is cardiac arrhythmia. It is important to investigate risks of the cardiac arrhythmia by drug side effects before medications. Although animal experminents has been employed to investigate the risks, in recent years, computer simulation is becoming an effective technique to obtain data efficiently at comparatively low cost. In this paper, the delayed afterdepolarization (DAD), which is a cause of arrhythmia, is reproduced by simulation with varying parameters of a ventricular myocyte model. The parameters are selected from model parameter which are deeply relating to DAD, for representing drug dosing and individual physiological conditions. Generations of DAD were evaluated by an automatic DAD detection method introduced in this stydy. From the result, influenced by each parameter change to the risk of DAD was analyzed.


  • 局所酸素消費量分布解析のための心筋組織微小循環シミュレーションモデル

    嶋吉 隆夫, 赤路 慶朗, 久保田 悠太, 天野 晃, 松田 哲也

    生体医工学シンポジウム2011予稿集, 長野県長野市, 日本生体医工学会  2011.9 

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  • 形式的に記述されたODE解法スキームに基づくCellMLシミュレーションコード生成システム

    山下 義陽, 副島 直樹, 川端 真成, プンザラン フロレンシオ ラスティ, 嶋吉 隆夫, 桑原 寛明, 國枝 義敏, 天野 晃

    生体医工学シンポジウム2011予稿集, 長野県長野市, 日本生体医工学会  2011.9 

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  • Numerical approach to analyze cellular mechanisms in computational models

    Takao Shimayoshi

    BBSRC UK-Japan Collaboration Meeting  2010.9.6 

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    Venue:Oxford, UK  


  • Cybow modeller: Yet another cell modelling environment

    Takao Shimayoshi

    4th International CellML Workshop  2010.2.25 

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    Venue:Auckland, New Zealand  


  • 情報工学を活用した細胞モデル構築支援技術とソフトウェア環境 Invited

    嶋吉 隆夫

    グローバルCOE「医・工・情報学の融合による予測医学基盤創成」セミナー  2009.11.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • Analysis of the underlying mechanism of frank-starling law of a constructive hemodynamics model

    Mitsuharu Mishima, Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Asia Simulation Conference 2009, JSST 2009  2009.10.9 

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    Venue:Shiga, Japan  

    Frank-Starling law, which describes a relation between cardiac contraction energy and end-diastolic volume, is of importance, but the detailed mechanism is not quantitatively understood yet. In this paper, the mechanism of a linear relation between end-diastolic volume and end-systolic pressure as a part of Frank-Starling law is analyzed by means of computer simulation. A hemodynamics model, which is constructed by composing a vascular system model, a left ventricular dynamics model and a myocardial cell model, reproduced a linear relation between end-diastolic volume and end-systolic pressure successfully. In this paper, the simulation results and the detailed analysis are reported.



    Amano Akira, Kubota Yuuta, Shimayoshi Takao, Matsuda Tetsuya


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    Cha Chae Young, Himeno Yukiko, Shimayoshi Takao, Noma Akinori


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    Himeno Yukiko, Cha Chae Young, Shimayoshi Takao, Noma Akinori, Inagaki Nobuya


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  • Methods for semantic cell modelling and convenient simulation

    Takao Shimayoshi

    2nd International CellML Workshop, Auckland  2008.3.26 

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    Venue:Auckland, New Zealand  


  • 記述言語を用いた細胞生理学実験シミュレーション手法

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃, 松田 哲也

    生体医工学シンポジウム2007予稿集, 北海道札幌市, 日本生体医工学会  2007.9 

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  • Software tools & techniques, cell/biodynamics simulation project of kyoto university

    Takao Shimayoshi

    1st International CellML Workshop  2007.4.4 

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    Venue:Auckland, New Zealand  


  • A description language for cell physiology simulation

    Takao Shimayoshi, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    2nd Kyoto University International Symposium of “Leading Project for Biosimulation”  2004.11.26 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • A software environment for simulators suitable for complex biological analysis

    T. Shimayoshi, K. Hori, J.Y. Lu, A. Amano, T. Matsuda

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology  2004.9.3 

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    Venue:San Francisco, CA, USA  

    In order to understand the function of biological elements and their interactions, computer analysis and simulation is an essential technique. For higher research efficiency, it is important to provide a system framework for constructing biological simulation systems that handle multiple phenomena. This paper proposes "DynaBioS", a comprehensive system framework for complex biological simulations. This framework consists of three main features, a component-based architecture, a customizable system operation, and an exchangeable model set. The system based on DynaBioS consists of a Simulation Core and System Components. The System Components are sub-simulators for individual functional factors and utility modules corresponding to specific information technologies. The Simulation Core manages and controls all components, in accordance with a Simulation Scenario and a Simulation Model. The DynaBioS makes it possible to implement different simulation systems by combining individual functional components, specific interactions and different simulation models. The versatility of DynaBioS is shown by two examples, a heart pumping simulator and a parameter optimization system for physiological models.


  • DynaBioS: System architecture of biological simulation platform

    Takao Shimayoshi, Kenta Hori, JianYin Lu, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda

    Kyoto University International Symposium on “Leading Project for Biosimulation”  2004.2.27 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • The proposal of the framework and the policy definition for the assurances of the contents QoS

    UEDA Kazunori, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, HATA Toshihiko, SHIMOJO Shinji, MIYAHARA Hideo

    情報処理学会インターネットと運用技術(IOT)研究会  2001.11.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    Many architectures which can assure the QoS (quality of service) are already proposed. To apply those architectures to the network, rules for the decision of the allocation of resources are needed. These rules are called "policies". Each network domain has own policies. Therefore, when contents go through many domains, it is very difficult to assure the contents QoS. In this paper, we propose the policy definition and the framework which choose the contents assigned resources according to policies.


  • Cooperation of Resource Reservation with QoS - based Routing and Hierarchical Transmission

    嶋吉 隆夫, 藤川 賢治, 池田 克夫

    情報処理学会マルチメディア通信と分散処理(DPS)研究会  1999.1.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    本稿では,資源予約とその周辺技術とを連携して,受信者のQoS要求を満たすことを考える.まず,フローが必要とするQoSに適した経路で資源予約するために,QoSルーティング技術と資源予約を連携することを考える.その場合の問題点を明らかにし,QoSルーティングに求められる条件とRSVPに必要となる変更について考察する.次に,受信者によってQoS要求が異なる場合に対応するために,階層伝送との連携を考える.階層伝送されるフローをRSVPを用いて予約する場合の手法について比較した後,そのために必要となる拡張方法を提案する.We propose a method to satisfy QoS request by cooperating resource reservation with QoS technology. First, it is discussed to incorporate of resource reservation with QoS-based routing, in order to reserve resource along a suited path for a QoS request for the flow. Issues of the cooperation are discussed, then requirements of QoS-based routing and extensions of RSVP for the cooperation are considered. Next, resource reservation and hierarchical transmission are coordinated, aimed to enable heterogeneous reservations. Schemes of reserving resource for a layered flow are compared. Then extensions of RSVP for the adopted scheme are proposed.


  • A selectable resource reservation method over ATM using Hierachical-Coding

    嶋吉 隆夫, 藤川 賢治, 池田 克夫

    情報処理学会全国大会  1997.9.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    インターネットを利用してリアルタイムにデータの送受信を行うアプリケーションにおいて要求される通信品質QoSを保証するため, 資源予約を行うプロトコルとしてRSVP (Resource ReSerVation Protocol)が提案されている。また, QoS保証可能なネットワーク技術としてATM (Acynchronous Transfer Mode)があり, 受信側で異なる帯域に応じて, 品質の異なる有効なデータを受け取れる符号化方法として, 階層符号化方式がある。本稿では, まず, RSVPを用いた資源予約をIP over ATM上で行う方法を提案する。ここでは, RSVPを拡張しCSR (Cell Switch Router:セル文換ルータ)を利用することにより, 送受信端末間での継ぎ目のない資源予約を実現する。次に, 階層符号化された実時間データを, 複数のVCを使って, 複数のQoSを選択可能な資源予約を行う方法を提案する。


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Industrial property rights

  • 計算コード生成装置、方法及びプログラム

    嶋吉 隆夫, 天野 晃

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    Application no:特願2015-247693  Date applied:2015.12.18

    Announcement no:特開2017-111749  Date announced:2017.6.22



  • 生体シミュレーション装置およびプログラム

    松田 哲也, 天野 晃, 小寺 秀俊, 堀 謙太, 陸 建銀, 皿井 伸明, 松岡 達, 野間 昭典, 嶋吉 隆夫

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    Application no:JP2005002138  Date applied:2005.2.14

    Announcement no:WO2005-083615  Date announced:2005.9.9

    Publication no:WO2005-083615  Date published:200599



  • パノラマ画像生成装置

    桑原 直樹, 秦 淑彦, 嶋吉 隆夫

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    Application no:特願2003-176171  Date applied:2003.6.20

    Announcement no:特開2005-012619  Date announced:2005.1.13



  • トランスコーダ

    秦 淑彦, 桑原 直樹, 嶋吉 隆夫

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    Application no:特願2003-140030  Date applied:2003.5.19

    Announcement no:特開2004-343592  Date announced:2004.12.2

    Patent/Registration no:特許第4188139号  Date registered:2008.9.19  Date issued:2008.9.19



  • ネットワークシステム

    嶋吉 隆夫, 秦 淑彦, 平 謙二, 坪井 尚登

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    Application no:特願2001-328939  Date applied:2001.10.26

    Announcement no:特開2003-134155  Date announced:2003.5.9



  • 自動機器設定装置及びプログラム

    嶋吉 隆夫, 秦 淑彦

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    Application no:特願2001-135269  Date applied:2001.5.2

    Announcement no:特開2002-330134  Date announced:2002.11.15



  • データ表示システム

    桑原 直樹, 秦 淑彦, 嶋吉 隆夫

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    Application no:特願2001-135261  Date applied:2001.5.2

    Announcement no:特開2002-328668  Date announced:2002.11.15



  • ネットワーク設定管理装置及びネットワークシステム並びにネットワーク設定管理方法

    塚田 晶宇, 嶋吉 隆夫, 秦 淑彦, 下條 真司, 植田 和憲

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    Application no:特願2000-402777  Date applied:2000.12.28

    Announcement no:特開2002-204254  Date announced:2002.7.19

    Patent/Registration no:特許第4346815号  Date registered:2009.7.24  Date issued:2009.7.24



  • データ伝送システムおよびネットワークシステム

    塚田 晶宇, 秦 淑彦, 嶋吉 隆夫

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    Application no:特願2000-257849  Date applied:2000.8.28

    Announcement no:特開2002-077249  Date announced:2002.3.15

    Patent/Registration no:特許第4316123号  Date registered:2009.5.29  Date issued:2009.5.29



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  • 山下記念研究賞

    2019.8   情報処理学会   九州大学における要機密情報の保護方法に関する一考察

    嶋吉 隆夫

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 


  • マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイルシンポジウム2018 優秀論文賞

    2018.9   情報処理学会   精緻に制御可能な恒常性のある高集積マルチアカウント型のメール基盤

    松本 亮介, 小田 知央, 笠原 義晃, 嶋吉 隆夫, 金子 晃介, 栗林 健太郎, 岡村 耕二

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  • 生体医工学シンポジウム2016ポスターアワード

    2016.9   生体医工学シンポジウム2016  

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  • Best Research Award

    2007.9   Japanese Biomedical Engineering Symposium 2007   A Simulation Method of Cell Physiological Experiments with a Novel Description Language for Experimental Protocols


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Research Projects

  • Enhancement of a Highly Integrated Large Scale Mail Hosting Platform on the Sending Functionality using Lightweight Containers

    Grant number:20K11791  2020.04 - 2023.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    笠原 義晃, 嶋吉 隆夫

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )



  • Development of a Method for Mathematical Cell Modeling with Consideration of Individual Variability

    Grant number:20K12064  2020.04 - 2023.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    嶋吉 隆夫, 竹田 有加里

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )



  • Physiological role of mitochondrial heterogeneity in ventricular myocytes

    Grant number:18K06869  2018.04 - 2021.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Takeuchi Ayako

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )

    The purpose of the study was to clarify physiological roles of functional heterogeneity of mitochondria in ventricular myocytes. We obtained following results. 1. mitochondrial Na-Ca exchanger (NCLX) was localized near sarcoplasmic reticulum SERCA2>sarcoplasmic reticulum RyR>sarcolemmal Na-K ATPase, 2. NCLX was electrogenic, and reverse mode of Na-Ca exchange activity was much slower than forward mode, 3. mitochondrial membrane was more depolarized and response to uncoupler FCCP was slower at cellular edge than those at central part. Then we constructed a new mathematical model of ventricular myocyte which can calculate pH and mitochondrial ion dynamics, to analyze mechanisms explaining experimental data.


  • Study on regulation mechanisms of cardiac rhythm and energy metabolism via mitochondria-sarcoplasmic reticulum coupling

    Grant number:15H04674  2015.04 - 2018.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Matsuoka Satoshi, HIKIDA Masaki, SHIMAYOSHI Takao, IINO Satoshi, HORIGUCHI Kazuhide, FUKAZAWA Yugo

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    Grant amount:\17290000 ( Direct expense: \13300000 、 Indirect expense:\3990000 )

    NCLX-knockout mice were created using the CRISPR-Cas9 method. Some of the homo-knockout mice show phenotypes different form wild type mice, such as low body weight, and abnormalities of heart and kidney. The Langendorff perfusion of mouse heart with a NCLX blocker (CGP-37157) tended to have decreased heart rate. In isolated mouse ventricular myocytes, CGP-37157 prolonged the 30 and 50% duration of action potential, and augmented the amplitude of Ca2+ transient probably due to the increase of SR Ca2+ content. A new comprehensive mathematical model of cardiac mitochondria was developed and published. A new mathematical model of sinoatrial cell, which contains the Ca2+ interaction between mitochondria and SR, was developed.


  • A formal method for iterative numerical algorithms using declarative descriptions

    Grant number:26540028  2014.04 - 2017.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Shimayoshi Takao

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\3640000 ( Direct expense: \2800000 、 Indirect expense:\840000 )

    A framework to generate program source codes using formal languages for numerical algorithms which solve problems with iterative processing were introduced. In these formal language, an algorithm is not defined as a procedure but as a set of mathematical recurrence formulas, and declaratively described as mathematical equations independently of any programing languages. By analyzing relationships among mathematical equations in the description and mathematical variables referred in the equations, an abstract calculation procedure of the described algorithm can be obtained as a partial order relation. From the abstract procedure, program codes in concrete programming languages can be generated.


  • Parallel Simulation System for Description Language based Organ Model using Detailed Cell Model

    Grant number:22136004  2010.04 - 2015.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)

    AMANO Akira, KUNIEDA Yoshitoshi, SHIMAYOSHI Takao

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\62660000 ( Direct expense: \48200000 、 Indirect expense:\14460000 )

    In this project, we have first proposed an organ level description language which can describe organ level model consists of multiple cell models. We also proposed a description language with which complex calculation schemes for PDE can be described. Finally, we have constructed a simulation program generation system which use organ model which is described by the proposed language and calculation scheme which is described by the proposed description language.


  • A Model Development Support Method using Semantic Information

    Grant number:21700481  2009 - 2010

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct expense: \3000000 、 Indirect expense:\900000 )

    It is of importance to facilitate modeling of cell-physiological dynamical functions for pharmaceutical and clinical applications. In this research, Cell Physiology Ontology was firstly designed and constructed for defining a set of vocabularies of terms referred in cell-physiology models. Next, a method for annotation of semantic metadata to cell models in formal description was proposed. Finally, a model development support method using semantic information annotated on cell models was developed.


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Academic Activities

  • 大学ICT推進協議会2019年度年次大会 実行委員(広報・Web担当責任者)

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc.

    大学ICT推進協議会  ( 福岡県福岡市 Japan ) 2019.12.12 - 2019.12.14

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 


  • Examiner of Master of Engineering in Bioengineering

    The University of Auckland  2016.5

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