2025/03/12 更新


テラトウ ヒロアキ
寺東 宏明
TERATO Hiroaki
自然生命科学研究支援センター 教授


  • 博士(理学) ( 広島大学 )


  • 付加体形成

  • 塩基対合

  • Endo VIII

  • シッフ塩基

  • 損傷乗り越え複製

  • 修復酵素

  • タンパク誘導

  • ストレス応答

  • オキザニン

  • 塩基除去修復

  • 活性酸素

  • チミングリコール

  • ヌクレオチド除去修復

  • 放射線

  • Endo III

  • DNA複製

  • 突然変異

  • ヒストン

  • DNAグリコシラーゼ

  • クロスリンク

  • 窒素酸化物

  • DNA損傷

  • 放射線照射の影響 環境因子の生物に対する影響 酵素学 核酸の生化学

  • Influence of radiation exposure(=irradiation) Influence of environmental factors on organism Enzymology Biochemistry of nucleic acids

  • 一酸化窒素

  • DNA修復

  • 酸化損傷

  • DNA修復酵素

  • 放射線抵抗性

  • DNA

  • 塩基損傷

  • 脱アミノ化


  • 環境・農学 / 化学物質影響

  • 環境・農学 / 放射線影響

  • 環境・農学 / 環境影響評価

  • ライフサイエンス / 分子生物学

  • 環境・農学 / 環境政策、環境配慮型社会


  • 高知大学    

    1987年4月 - 1989年3月


    国名: 日本国


  • 高知大学   Graduate School, Division of Natural Science  

    - 1989年


  • 高知大学    

    1983年4月 - 1987年3月


    国名: 日本国


  • 高知大学   Faculty of Science  

    - 1987年



  • 岡山大学   自然生命科学研究支援センター   教授

    2018年4月 - 現在


  • 佐賀大学   総合分析実験センター   准教授

    2010年5月 - 2018年3月


  • 広島大学   大学院理学研究科   助手・助教

    1994年4月 - 2010年4月


  • 広島大学   アイソトープ中央実験施設   助手

    1991年12月 - 1994年3月





  • 日本原子力学会   中国・四国支部委員  

    2021年4月 - 現在   


  • 日本アイソトープ協会中国・四国支部委員   中国・四国支部委員  

    2019年4月 - 現在   




  • 日本アイソトープ協会   放射線安全取扱部会本部委員  

    2019年4月 - 2024年3月   


  • 佐賀県   佐賀県立図書館協議会委員  

    2016年4月 - 2018年3月   




  • 佐賀市   佐賀市空き家等審議会委員  

    2013年4月 - 2016年3月   




  • 佐賀市   佐賀市環境監査外部委員  

    2008年4月 - 2016年3月   







  • Comparison of mutation spectra induced by gamma-rays and carbon ion beams 査読

    Yuka Tokuyama, Kanae Mori, Midori Isobe, Hiroaki Terato

    Journal of Radiation Research   65 ( 4 )   491 - 499   2024年6月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Oxford University Press (OUP)  


    The ionizing radiation with high linear energy transfer (LET), such as a heavy ion beam, induces more serious biological effects than low LET ones, such as gamma- and X-rays. This indicates a difference in the DNA damage produced by low and high LET radiations and their biological effects. We have been studying the differences in DNA damage produced by gamma-rays and carbon ion beams. Therefore, we analyze mutations induced by both ionizing radiations to discuss the differences in their biological effects in this study. pUC19 plasmid DNA was irradiated by carbon ion beams in the solution containing 1M dimethyl sulfoxide to mimic a cellular condition. The irradiated DNA was cloned in competent cells of Escherichia coli. The clones harboring some mutations in the region of lacZα were selected, and the sequence alterations were analyzed. A one-deletion mutation is significant in the carbon-irradiated DNA, and the C:G↔T:A transition is minor. On the other hand, the gamma-irradiated DNA shows mainly G:C↔T:A transversion. These results suggest that carbon ion beams produce complex DNA damage, and gamma-rays are prone to single oxidative base damage, such as 8-oxoguanine. Carbon ion beams can also introduce oxidative base damage, and the damage species is 5-hydroxycytosine. This was consistent with our previous results of DNA damage caused by heavy ion beams. We confirmed the causal DNA damage by mass spectrometry for these mutations.

    DOI: 10.1093/jrr/rrae050


  • Shielding Ability of a Novel Iron Ceramic Material for Gamma-Rays 査読

    Midori ISOBE, Hiroyuki MORI, Narufumi OKADA, Yuriko MANNAMI, Hiroaki TERATO

    Radiation Safety Management   22   1 - 6   2023年12月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management  

    DOI: 10.12950/rsm.230809


  • 同時使用の制限を行うグループ別管理の導入とその実践のための取り組み 査読

    今田結, 磯辺みどり, 永松知洋, 寺東宏明, 花房直志

    日本放射線安全管理学会誌   21 ( 2 )   64 - 68   2022年11月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • キャビテーション高電圧パルス放電プラズマが示す放射線耐性細菌を含む水混入微生物に対する殺滅効果 招待

    寺東宏明, 德山由佳, 西山博稀, 松永貴志, 吉田祐紀, 猪原哲

    日本防菌防黴学会誌   50 ( 8 )   347 - 348   2022年8月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • Sterilizing Ability of High-Voltage Pulsed Discharge Plasma with Cavitation for Microorganisms Including Radio-Resistant Bacterium in Water 査読


    Biocontrol Science   27 ( 1 )   41 - 46   2022年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:The Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents, Japan  

    DOI: 10.4265/bio.27.41


  • Radon inhalation decreases DNA damage induced by oxidative stress in mouse organs via the activation of antioxidative functions. 査読 国際誌

    Takahiro Kataoka, Hina Shuto, Shota Naoe, Junki Yano, Norie Kanzaki, Akihiro Sakoda, Hiroshi Tanaka, Katsumi Hanamoto, Fumihiro Mitsunobu, Hiroaki Terato, Kiyonori Yamaoka

    Journal of Radiation Research   62 ( 5 )   861 - 867   2021年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Radon inhalation decreases the level of lipid peroxide (LPO); this is attributed to the activation of antioxidative functions. This activation contributes to the beneficial effects of radon therapy, but there are no studies on the risks of radon therapy, such as DNA damage. We evaluated the effect of radon inhalation on DNA damage caused by oxidative stress and explored the underlying mechanisms. Mice were exposed to radon inhalation at concentrations of 2 or 20 kBq/m3 (for one, three, or 10 days). The 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels decreased in the brains of mice that inhaled 20 kBq/m3 radon for three days and in the kidneys of mice that inhaled 2 or 20 kBq/m3 radon for one, three or 10 days. The 8-OHdG levels in the small intestine decreased by approximately 20-40% (2 kBq/m3 for three days or 20 kBq/m3 for one, three or 10 days), but there were no significant differences in the 8-OHdG levels between mice that inhaled a sham treatment and those that inhaled radon. There was no significant change in the levels of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase, which plays an important role in DNA repair. However, the level of Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased by 15-60% and 15-45% in the small intestine and kidney, respectively, following radon inhalation. These results suggest that Mn-SOD probably plays an important role in the inhibition of oxidative DNA damage.

    DOI: 10.1093/jrr/rrab069



  • ラドン吸入によるマウス諸臓器中のDNA酸化損傷抑制の濃度依存に関する検討 査読

    増川 祐伎, 光延 文裕, 寺東 宏明, 山岡 聖典, 片岡 隆浩, 首藤 妃奈, 直江 翔太, 矢野 凖喜, 神崎 訓枝, 迫田 晃弘, 田中 裕史, 花元 克巳

    アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会   1   86 - 86   2021年7月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会  


    DOI: 10.50955/happyokai.1.0_86

    CiNii Article


  • Evaluation of the redox state in mouse organs following radon inhalation. 査読 国際誌

    Takahiro Kataoka, Norie Kanzaki, Akihiro Sakoda, Hina Shuto, Junki Yano, Shota Naoe, Hiroshi Tanaka, Katsumi Hanamoto, Hiroaki Terato, Fumihiro Mitsunobu, Kiyonori Yamaoka

    Journal of radiation research   62 ( 2 )   206 - 216   2021年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Radon inhalation activates antioxidative functions in mouse organs, thereby contributing to inhibition of oxidative stress-induced damage. However, the specific redox state of each organ after radon inhalation has not been reported. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the redox state of various organs in mice following radon inhalation at concentrations of 2 or 20 kBq/m3 for 1, 3 or 10 days. Scatter plots were used to evaluate the relationship between antioxidative function and oxidative stress by principal component analysis (PCA) of data from control mice subjected to sham inhalation. The results of principal component (PC) 1 showed that the liver and kidney had high antioxidant capacity; the results of PC2 showed that the brain, pancreas and stomach had low antioxidant capacities and low lipid peroxide (LPO) content, whereas the lungs, heart, small intestine and large intestine had high LPO content but low antioxidant capacities. Furthermore, using the PCA of each obtained cluster, we observed altered correlation coefficients related to glutathione, hydrogen peroxide and LPO for all groups following radon inhalation. Correlation coefficients related to superoxide dismutase in organs with a low antioxidant capacity were also changed. These findings suggested that radon inhalation could alter the redox state in organs; however, its characteristics were dependent on the total antioxidant capacity of the organs as well as the radon concentration and inhalation time. The insights obtained from this study could be useful for developing therapeutic strategies targeting individual organs.

    DOI: 10.1093/jrr/rraa129



  • A case of Merkel cell carcinoma on the left leg and right cheek 査読

    Naomi YONEKURA, Kotaro NAGASE, Konosuke NAGAE, Shizuka OGAWA, Tomomi IWANAGA, Taro SHINOGI, Takuya INOUE, Masutaka FURUE, Hiroaki TERATO, Yutaka NARISAWA

    Skin Cancer   34 ( 1 )   50 - 56   2019年


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:The Japanese Skin Cancer Society  

    DOI: 10.5227/skincancer.34.50


  • Improving the efficiency of a water-treatment system based on water cavitation and plasma using a nozzle-less reactor 査読

    Ihara, S., Nishiyama, H., Matsunaga, T., Yoshida, Y., Tokuyama, Y., Terato, H.

    AIP Advances   9 ( 4 )   2019年



    DOI: 10.1063/1.5092296



  • Effects of irradiation on bone invasion of breast cancer cells. 査読

    Srimawong P, Sawajiri M, Terato H, Maruyama K, Tanimoto K

    J Thai Assoc Radiat Oncol   23 ( 2 )   23 - 33   2017年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • Effects of carbon ion irradiation via periostin on breast cancer cell invasion of the microenvironment. 査読

    J Radiol Radiat Therapy   4 ( 1 )   1060   2016年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • Oxidative DNA damage caused by pulsed discharge with cavitation on the bactericidal function 査読

    Ken-ichi Kudo, Hironori Ito, Satoshi Ihara, Hiroaki Terato

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS   48 ( 36 )   365401   2015年9月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

    Plasma-based techniques are expected to have practical use for wastewater purification with a potential for killing contaminated microorganisms and degrading recalcitrant materials. In the present study, we analysed oxidative DNA damage in bacterial cells treated by the plasma to unveil its mechanisms in the bactericidal process. Escherichia coli cell suspension was exposed to the plasma induced by applying an alternating-current voltage of about 1 kV with bubbling formed by water-cavitation, termed pulsed discharge with cavitation. Chromosomal DNA damage, such as double strand break (DSB) and oxidative base lesions, increased proportionally with the applied energy, as determined by electrophoretic and mass spectrometric analyses. Among the base lesions identified, the yields of 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OH-G) and 5-hydroxycytosine (5-OH-C) in chromosomal DNA increased by up to 4- and 15-fold, respectively, compared to untreated samples. The progeny DNA sequences, derived from plasmid DNA exposed to the plasma, indicated that the production rate of 5-OH-C exceeded that of 8-OH-G, as G:C to A:T transitions accounted for 65% of all base changes, but only a few G:C to T:A transversions were observed. The cell viabilities of E. coli cells decreased in direct proportion to increases in the applied energy. Therefore, the plasma-induced bactericidal mechanism appears to relate to oxidative damage caused to bacterial DNA. These results were confirmed by observing the generation of hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide molecules following the plasma exposure. We also compared our results with the plasma to those obtained with Cs-137 gamma-rays, as a well-known ROS generator to confirm the DNA-damaging mechanism involved.

    DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/48/36/365401

    Web of Science



  • 水中キャビテーション・放電プラズマ併用方式によるプランクトンおよび大腸菌処理. 査読

    猪原哲, 伊藤博徳, 小林倫宣, 井上侑子, 寺東宏明, 玉川雅章

    電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌)   135 ( 6 )   357 - 365   2015年6月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.135.357



  • Role of isolated and clustered DNA damage and the post-irradiating repair process in the effects of heavy ion beam irradiation 査読 国際誌

    Yuka Tokuyama, Yoshiya Furusawa, Hiroshi Ide, Akira Yasui, Hiroaki Terato

    JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH   56 ( 3 )   446 - 455   2015年5月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Clustered DNA damage is a specific type of DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation. Any type of ionizing radiation traverses the target DNA molecule as a beam, inducing damage along its track. Our previous study showed that clustered DNA damage yields decreased with increased linear energy transfer (LET), leading us to investigate the importance of clustered DNA damage in the biological effects of heavy ion beam radiation. In this study, we analyzed the yield of clustered base damage (comprising multiple base lesions) in cultured cells irradiated with various heavy ion beams, and investigated isolated base damage and the repair process in post-irradiation cultured cells. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were irradiated by carbon, silicon, argon and iron ion beams with LETs of 13, 55, 90 and 200 keV mu m(-1), respectively. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the cells with enzymatic treatments indicated that clustered base damage yields decreased as the LET increased. The aldehyde reactive probe procedure showed that isolated base damage yields in the irradiated cells followed the same pattern. To analyze the cellular base damage process, clustered DNA damage repair was investigated using DNA repair mutant cells. DNA double-strand breaks accumulated in CHO mutant cells lacking Xrcc1 after irradiation, and the cell viability decreased. On the other hand, mouse embryonic fibroblast (Mef) cells lacking both Nth1 and Ogg1 became more resistant than the wild type Mef. Thus, clustered base damage seems to be involved in the expression of heavy ion beam biological effects via the repair process.

    DOI: 10.1093/jrr/rru122

    Web of Science




  • Quantitative analysis of oxidative DNA damage induced by high-voltage pulsed discharge with cavitation 査読

    Ken-ichi Kudo, Hironori Ito, Satoshi Ihara, Hiroaki Terato

    JOURNAL OF ELECTROSTATICS   73   131 - 139   2015年2月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Pulsed discharge is used for sterilization and disinfection, but the details of the molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Since pulsed discharge generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), we analyzed the oxidative DNA damages after pulsed discharge treatment to consider the involvement of ROS in the damaging process. We applied pulsed discharge with cavitation to plasmid DNA molecules and estimated the yields of the damages by agarose gel electrophoresis. The treated DNA contained various oxidative DNA damages, including single and double strand breaks and base lesions. The yields of the damages increased in response to the energy used for pulsed discharge. We also measured the yield of 8hydroxyguanine (8-OH-G), one of the major oxidative base lesions, in the treated plasmid DNA by mass spectrometry quantitatively and found that the yield of the oxidative base lesion corresponded to the increment of the applied energy. In addition, we observed the involvement of mutM gene, which is responsible for repair of 8-OH-G, in the increased sensitivity of Estherichia coil to pulsed discharge. Therefore, ROS seem to mediate the sterilization ability of pulsed discharge. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2014.10.010

    Web of Science



  • Treatments of plankton and Escherichia coli cells using hybrid method with water cavitation and discharge plasma 査読

    Ihara, S., Itoh, H., Kobayashi, N., Inoue, Y., Terato, H., Tamagawa, M.

    IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials   135 ( 6 )   2015年



    DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.135.357



  • 佐賀大学医学部RI実験施設縮小改修および関連する変更について 査読

    伊藤富生, 江崎弘幸, 古川幸子, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線安全管理学会誌   13 ( 1 )   62 - 68   2014年7月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management  

    The Saga Medical School Radiation Facility was founded in 1980, and is now The Division of Radioactive Compound Utility of Analytical Research Center for Experimental Sciences, Saga University. The facility provides laboratories to handle unsealed radioactive materials and gamma- and X-rays irradiating apparatuses for our faculties and students. We reduced the scale of this facility in 2012, because the use of the facility has decreased during the last two decades. The number of users in the last year was only a fifth of the peak one in 1995. The renovated facility has two-thirds of its floor space and some remodelings including removes of the inside lavatories and the disposal for radioactive waste organic solution. We here report detail of this renovation and the related approvals.

    DOI: 10.11269/jjrsm.13.62

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/10037659935?from=CiNii

  • パルスパワー印加における球根の発芽率とグルコース濃度の変化. 査読

    猪原哲, 山口将太, 金子憂樹, 寺東宏明

    電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌)   133 ( 2 )   64 - 65   2013年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.133.64



  • Changes of germination ratio and glucose concentration in Gladiolus bulb on pulsed power application 査読

    Ihara, S., Yamaguchi, S., Kaneko, Y., Terato, H.

    IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials   133 ( 2 )   2013年



    DOI: 10.1541/ieejfms.133.64



  • Characterization and Radio-resistant Function of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase of Rubrobacter radiotolerans 査読 国際誌

    Hiroaki Terato, Katsuyuki Suzuki, Nobuhiro Nishioka, Atsushi Okamoto, Yuka Shimazaki-Tokuyama, Yuko Inoue, Takeshi Saito

    JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH   52 ( 6 )   735 - 742   2011年11月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN RADIATION RESEARCH SOC  

    Rubrobacter radiotolerans is the most radio-resistant eubacterium without spore-formation in the life cycle, and its D(37) is 16,000 Gy against gamma-rays. To understand the molecular mechanism of the high radio-resistance, we purified and characterized superoxide dismutase (SOD) of this organism as enzymatic radical scavenger, and then analyzed its genetic information. The purified SOD protein formed homotetramerization of 24,000 Da-monomer, while maintaining its enzymatic activity against potassium cyanide and hydrogen peroxide. We obtained a partial amino acid sequence of the protein and cloned the gene from it. Sequence analysis of the cloned gene indicated that the protein showed a similarity to other bacterial manganese SODs (Mn-SODs). Sequencing for adjacent regions of the gene showed that the gene had promoter elements with an open reading frame for putative PAS/PAC sensor protein at the 5&apos;-adjacent region. Introduction of the gene into Escherichia coli cells lacking intrinsic SOD genes restored the cellular enzymatic activity and resistance to methyl viologen, indicating the gene at work. A mutant cell harboring this gene also became resistant against gamma-rays. The present results suggest that the protein in question is the Mn-SOD of R. radiotolerans, a good candidate as a radio-protection factor for this bacterial radio-resistance.

    DOI: 10.1269/jrr.11105

    Web of Science




  • Homologous Recombination but Not Nucleotide Excision Repair Plays a Pivotal Role in Tolerance of DNA-Protein Cross-links in Mammalian Cells 査読 国際誌

    Toshiaki Nakano, Atsushi Katafuchi, Mayumi Matsubara, Hiroaki Terato, Tomohiro Tsuboi, Tasuku Masuda, Takahiro Tatsumoto, Seung Pil Pack, Keisuke Makino, Deborah L. Croteau, Bennett Van Houten, Kenta Iijima, Hiroshi Tauchi, Hiroshi Ide

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   284 ( 40 )   27065 - 27076   2009年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    DNA-protein cross-links (DPCs) are unique among DNA lesions in their unusually bulky nature. The steric hindrance imposed by cross-linked proteins (CLPs) will hamper DNA transactions, such as replication and transcription, posing an enormous threat to cells. In bacteria, DPCs with small CLPs are eliminated by nucleotide excision repair (NER), whereas oversized DPCs are processed exclusively by RecBCD-dependent homologous recombination (HR). Here we have assessed the roles of NER and HR for DPCs in mammalian cells. We show that the upper size limit of CLPs amenable to mammalian NER is relatively small (8-10 kDa) so that NER cannot participate in the repair of chromosomal DPCs in mammalian cells. Moreover, CLPs are not polyubiquitinated and hence are not subjected to proteasomal degradation prior to NER. In contrast, HR constitutes the major pathway in tolerance of DPCs as judged from cell survival and RAD51 and gamma-H2AX nuclear foci formation. Induction of DPCs results in the accumulation of DNA double strand breaks in HR-deficient but not HR-proficient cells, suggesting that fork breakage at the DPC site initiates HR and reactivates the stalled fork. DPCs activate both ATR and ATM damage response pathways, but there is a time lag between two responses. These results highlight the differential involvement of NER in the repair of DPCs in bacterial and mammalian cells and demonstrate the versatile and conserved role of HR in tolerance of DPCs among species.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M109.019174

    Web of Science




  • Genetic Analysis of Repair and Damage Tolerance Mechanisms for DNA-Protein Cross-Links in Escherichia coli 査読 国際誌

    Amir M. H. Salem, Toshiaki Nakano, Minako Takuwa, Nagisa Matoba, Tomohiro Tsuboi, Hiroaki Terato, Kazuo Yamamoto, Masami Yamada, Takehiko Nohmi, Hiroshi Ide

    JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY   191 ( 18 )   5657 - 5668   2009年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    DNA-protein cross-links (DPCs) are unique among DNA lesions in their unusually bulky nature. We have recently shown that nucleotide excision repair (NER) and RecBCD-dependent homologous recombination (HR) collaboratively alleviate the lethal effect of DPCs in Escherichia coli. In this study, to gain further insight into the damage-processing mechanism for DPCs, we assessed the sensitivities of a panel of repair-deficient E. coli mutants to DPC-inducing agents, including formaldehyde (FA) and 5-azacytidine (azaC). We show here that the damage tolerance mechanism involving HR and subsequent replication restart (RR) provides the most effective means of cell survival against DPCs. Translesion synthesis does not serve as an alternative damage tolerance mechanism for DPCs in cell survival. Elimination of DPCs from the genome relies primarily on NER, which provides a second and moderately effective means of cell survival against DPCs. Interestingly, Cho rather than UvrC seems to be an effective nuclease for the NER of DPCs. Together with the genes responsible for HR, RR, and NER, the mutation of genes involved in several aspects of DNA repair and transactions, such as recQ, xth nfo, dksA, and topA, rendered cells slightly but significantly sensitive to FA but not azaC, possibly reflecting the complexity of DPCs or cryptic lesions induced by FA. UvrD may have an additional role outside NER, since the uvrD mutation conferred a slight azaC sensitivity on cells. Finally, DNA glycosylases mitigate azaC toxicity, independently of the repair of DPCs, presumably by removing 5-azacytosine or its degradation product from the chromosome.

    DOI: 10.1128/JB.00417-09

    Web of Science




  • Quantitative analysis of isolated and clustered DNA damage induced by gamma-rays, carbon ion beams, and iron ion beams 査読 国際誌

    Hiroaki Terato, Ruri Tanaka, Yusuke Nakaarai, Tomonori Nohara, Yusuke Doi, Shigenori Iwai, Ryoichi Hirayama, Yoshiya Furusawa, Hiroshi Ide

    JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH   49 ( 2 )   133 - 146   2008年3月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN RADIATION RESEARCH SOC  

    Ionizing radiation induces multiple damaged sites (clustered damage) together with isolated lesions in DNA. Clustered damage consists of closely spaced lesions within a few helical turns of DNA and is considered to be crucial for understanding the biological consequences of ionizing radiation. In the present study, two types of DNA, supercoiled plasmid DNA and linear lambda DNA, were irradiated with gamma-rays, carbon ion beams, and iron ion beams, and the spectra and yield of isolated DNA damage and bistranded clustered DNA damage were fully analyzed. Despite using different methods for damage analysis, the experiments with plasmid and lambda DNA gave largely consistent results. The spectra of both isolated and clustered damage were essentially independent of the quality of the ionizing radiation used for irradiation. The yields of clustered damage as well as of isolated damage decreased with the different radiation beams in the order gamma &gt; C &gt; Fe, thus exhibiting an inverse correlation with LET [gamma (0.2 keV/mu m) &lt; C (13 keV/mu m) &lt; Fe (200 keV/mu m)]. Consistent with in vitro data, the yield of chromosomal DNA DSBs decreased with increasing LET in Chinese hamster cells irradiated with carbon ion beams with different LETs, suggesting that the decrease in the yield of clustered damage with increasing LET is not peculiar to in vitro irradiation of DNA, but is common for both in vitro and in vivo irradiation. These results suggest that the adverse biological effect of the ionizing radiation is not simply accounted for by the yield of clustered DNA damage, and that the complexity of the clustered damage needs to be considered to understand the biological consequences of ionizing radiation.

    DOI: 10.1269/jrr.07089

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  • DNA-タンパク質クロスリンク損傷の修復機構. 招待 査読

    井出博, 中野敏彰, 寺東宏明

    放射線生物研究   43 ( 1 )   37 - 53   2008年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:放射線生物研究会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008168543

  • Quantitative analysis of isolated and clustered DNA damage induced by gamma-rays, carbon ion beams, and iron ion beams 査読 国際誌

    Terato, H., Tanaka, R., Nakaarai, Y., Nohara, T., Doi, Y., Iwai, S., Hirayama, R., Furusawa, Y., Ide, H.

    Journal of Radiation Research   49 ( 2 )   133 - 146   2008年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Ionizing radiation induces multiple damaged sites (clustered damage) together with isolated lesions in DNA. Clustered damage consists of closely spaced lesions within a few helical turns of DNA and is considered to be crucial for understanding the biological consequences of ionizing radiation. In the present study, two types of DNA, supercoiled plasmid DNA and linear lambda DNA, were irradiated with gamma-rays, carbon ion beams, and iron ion beams, and the spectra and yield of isolated DNA damage and bistranded clustered DNA damage were fully analyzed. Despite using different methods for damage analysis, the experiments with plasmid and lambda DNA gave largely consistent results. The spectra of both isolated and clustered damage were essentially independent of the quality of the ionizing radiation used for irradiation. The yields of clustered damage as well as of isolated damage decreased with the different radiation beams in the order gamma> C > Fe, thus exhibiting an inverse correlation with LET [gamma (0.2 keV/microm) < C (13 keV/microm) < Fe (200 keV/microm)]. Consistent with in vitro data, the yield of chromosomal DNA DSBs decreased with increasing LET in Chinese hamster cells irradiated with carbon ion beams with different LETs, suggesting that the decrease in the yield of clustered damage with increasing LET is not peculiar to in vitro irradiation of DNA, but is common for both in vitro and in vivo irradiation. These results suggest that the adverse biological effect of the ionizing radiation is not simply accounted for by the yield of clustered DNA damage, and that the complexity of the clustered damage needs to be considered to understand the biological consequences of ionizing radiation.

    DOI: 10.1269/jrr.07089




  • Nucleotide excision repair and homologous recombination systems commit differentially to the repair of DNA-Protein crosslinks 査読 国際誌

    Toshiaki Nakano, Soh Morishita, Atsushi Katafuchi, Mayumi Matsubara, Yusuke Horikawa, Hiroaki Terato, Amir M. H. Salem, Shunsuke Izumi, Seung Pil Pack, Keisuke Makino, Hiroshi Ide

    MOLECULAR CELL   28 ( 1 )   147 - 158   2007年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CELL PRESS  

    DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs)-where proteins are covalently trapped on the DNA strandblock the progression of replication and transcription machineries and hence hamper the faithful transfer of genetic information. However, the repair mechanism of DPCs remains largely elusive. Here we have analyzed the roles of nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination (HR) in the repair of DPCs both in vitro and in vivo using a bacterial system. Several lines of biochemical and genetic evidence show that both NER and HR commit to the repair or tolerance of DPCs, but differentially. NER repairs DPCs with crosslinked proteins of sizes less than 12-14 kDa, whereas oversized DPCs are processed exclusively by RecBCDdependent HR. These results highlight how NER and HR are coordinated when cells need to deal with unusually bulky DNA lesions such as DPCs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2007.07.029

    Web of Science




  • Social Stress Induces Oxidative DNA Damage in Mouse Peripheral Blood Cells 査読

    Yoshimi Nishio, Yumiko Nakano, Yuya Deguchi, Hiroaki Terato, Hiroshi Ide, Chiaki Ito, Hitoshi Ishida, Kuniaki Takagi, Hirohito Tsuboi, Naohide Kinae, Kayoko Shimoi

    Genes and Environment   29 ( 1 )   17 - 22   2007年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    We investigated whether or not social stress (isolation, 1 mouse per cage) increases oxidative DNA damage in mouse peripheral blood cells. Male BALB/c mice (4 weeks old) were housed 5 per cage for 10 days. After acclimatization, mice were exposed to isolation stress for 7 and 30 days. Control mice were housed 5 per cage. Serum levels of corticosterone, which is a well known stress marker, and antioxidant compounds, ascorbic acid and a-tocopherol, were determined by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) and ESACoul Array analysis, respectively. Single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) using formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (FPG) was done to determine oxidative DNA damage in mouse peripheral blood cells. The significant increases of plasma level of corticosterone were observed in mice exposed to isolation stress for 7 days and 30 days. Although no significant differences in plasma concentration of ascorbic acid and a-tocopherol were observed between the control mice and the isolated mice, oxidative DNA damage was induced in the isolated mice for 7 days and 30 days. These results suggest that social stress, isolation, causes mild oxidation in mice. Key words: social stress, isolation, oxidative DNA damage, comet assay. © 2007, The Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.3123/jemsge.29.17



  • Characterization of rat and human CYP2J enzymes as vitamin D 25-hydroxylases 査読 国際誌

    Isamu Aiba, Tomoaki Yamasaki, Toshimasa Shinki, Shunsuke Izumi, Keiko Yamamoto, Sachiko Yamada, Hiroaki Terato, Hiroshi Ide, Yoshihiko Ohyama

    STEROIDS   71 ( 10 )   849 - 856   2006年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Vitamin D is 25-hydroxylated in the liver, before being activated by 1 alpha-hydroxylation in the kidney. Recently, the rat cytochrome P450 2J3 (CYP2J3) has been identified as a principal vitamin D 25-hydroxylase in the rat [Yamasaki T, Izumi S, Ide H, Ohyama Y Identification of a novel rat microsomal vitamin D-3 25-hydroxylase. J Biol Chem 2004;279(22):22848-56]. In this study, we examine whether human CYP2J2 that exhibits 73% amino acid homology to rat CYP2J3 has similar catalytic properties. Recombinant human CYP2J2 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and assayed for vitamin D 25-hydroxylation activity. We found significant 25-hydroxylation activity toward vitamin D-3 (turnover number, 0.087 min(-1)), vitamin D-2 (0.16 min(-1)), and 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D-3 (2.2 min(-1)). Interestingly, human CYP2J2 hydroxylated vitamin D-2, an exogenous vitamin D, at a higher rate than it did vitamin D-3, an endogenous vitamin D, whereas, rat CYP2J3 hydroxylated vitamin D-3 (1.4 min(-1)) more efficiently than vitamin D-2 (0.86 min(-1)). Our study demonstrated that human CYP2J2 exhibits 25-hydroxylation activity as well as rat CYP2J3, although the activity of human CYP2J2 is weaker than rat CYP2J3. CYP2J2 and CYP2J3 exhibit distinct preferences toward vitamin D-3 and D-2. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.steroids.2006.04.009

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  • Assessment of the genotoxic potential of nitric oxide-induced guanine lesions by in vitro reactions with Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I 査読 国際誌

    T Nakano, K Asagoshi, H Terato, T Suzuki, H Ide

    MUTAGENESIS   20 ( 3 )   209 - 216   2005年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    It has been suggested that carcinogenesis associated with chronic inflammation involves DNA damage by nitric oxide ( NO) and other reactive species secreted from macrophages and neutrophils. The guanine moiety of DNA reacts with NO, yielding two major deamination products: xanthine (Xan) and oxanine (Oxa). Oxa reacts further with polyamines and DNA binding proteins to form cross-link adducts. In the present study, we characterized the structure of the cross-link adducts of Oxa with spermine (Oxa-Sp). Spectrometric analysis of Oxa-Sp adducts showed that they are ring-opened adducts of Oxa covalently bonded to the terminal amino ( major product) and internal imino ( minor product) groups of spermine. To assess genotoxic potential, Xan, Oxa, Oxa-Sp and an abasic (AP) site were site specifically incorporated into oligonucleotide templates. These lesions differentially blocked in vitro DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment (Pol I Kf). The relative efficiency of translesion synthesis was G (1) &GT; Oxa (0.19) &GT; Xan (0.12) &GT; AP (0.088) &GT; Oxa-Sp (0.035). Primer extension assays with a single nucleotide and Pol I Kf revealed that non-mutagenic dCMP was inserted most efficiently opposite Xan and Oxa, with the extent of primer elongation being 65% for Xan and 68% for Oxa. However, mutagenic nucleotides were also inserted. The extent of primer elongation for Xan was 16% with dTMP and 14% with dGMP, whereas that for Oxa was 49% with dTMP. For Oxa-Sp, mutagenic dAMP (13%) was preferentially inserted. Accordingly, when generated in vivo, Xan and Oxa would constitute moderate blocks to DNA synthesis and primarily elicit G: C to A: T transitions when bypassed, whereas Oxa-Sp would strongly block DNA synthesis and elicit G: C to T: A transversions.

    DOI: 10.1093/mutage/gei027

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  • 特異的挿入配列を用いた食塩および塩製品中に混入する好塩性微生物の検出法についての検討(その1)—高度好塩性古細菌Halobacterium属の検出について— 招待 査読


    日本海水学会誌   59 ( 1 )   61 - 67   2005年2月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本海水学会  

    塩製品の専売廃止により, 私たちは国内外の様々な天然塩由来の塩製品および塩蔵食品を手に入れることができるようになった. 一方, そのような塩製品および塩蔵食品には, 自然界に存在する種々の好塩性微生物が混入している可能性がある. そこでこれら塩製品中に混入する好塩性古細菌の検出法として, 好塩性細菌特異的挿入配列 (Insertion Sequence of Halophile;ISH) を指標としたポリメラーゼ連鎖反応 (Polymerase Chain Reaction;PCR) の応用を検討した.Halobacterium sp. NRC-1株のゲノム中に存在する12種類のISHに対し, 既報の3種類と新規に設計した12種類の計15種類のプライマーセットを作製し, 好塩性古細菌としてHalobacterium sp.NRC-1株およびHalobacterium salinarum, 食品に混入する他の細菌種としてBacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli K12株, Staphylococcus aureusおよびVibrio parahaemolyticusを想定し, そのゲノムDNAをテンプレートにPCRを行った. その結果, 4種類のプライマーセットがHalobacterium特異的な増幅を示し, これらが, 塩製品および塩蔵食品における混入好塩性微生物の検出に応用可能であることが示された.

    DOI: 10.11457/swsj1965.59.61

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/10016688338?from=CiNii

  • Repair activity of base and nucleotide excision repair enzymes for guanine lesions induced by nitrosative stress 査読 国際誌

    T Nakano, A Katafuchi, R Shimizu, H Terato, T Suzuki, H Tauchi, K Makino, M Skorvaga, B Van Houten, H Ide

    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH   33 ( 7 )   2181 - 2191   2005年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Nitric oxide (NO) induces deamination of guanine, yielding xanthine and oxanine (Oxa). Furthermore, Oxa reacts with polyamines and DNA binding proteins to form cross-link adducts. Thus, it is of interest how these lesions are processed by DNA repair enzymes in view of the genotoxic mechanism of NO. In the present study, we have examined the repair capacity for Oxa and Oxa-spermine cross-link adducts (Oxa-Sp) of enzymes involved in base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide excision repair (NER) to delineate the repair mechanism of nitrosative damage to guanine. Oligonucleotide substrates containing Oxa and Oxa-Sp were incubated with purified BER and NER enzymes or cell-free extracts (CFEs), and the damage-excising or DNA-incising activity was compared with that for control (physiological) substrates. The Oxa-excising activities of Escherichia coli and human DNA glycosylases and HeLa CFEs were 0.2-9% relative to control substrates, implying poor processing of Oxa by BER. In contrast, DNA containing Oxa-Sp was incised efficiently by UvrABC nuclease and SOS-induced E.coli CFEs, suggesting a role of NER in ameliorating genotoxic effects associated with nitrosative stress. Analyses of the activity of CFEs from NER-proficient and NER-deficient human cells on Oxa-Sp DNA confirmed further the involvement of NER in the repair of nitrosative DNA damage.

    DOI: 10.1093/nar/gki513

    Web of Science




  • Comparison of vitamin D hydroxylation activities of rat CYP2J3 and human CYP2J2 査読

    Y Ohyama, Aiba, I, T Yamasaki, H Terato, H Ide

    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cytochromes P450: Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Bioinformatics   105 - 108   2005年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:MEDIMOND S R L  

    Recombinant rat CYP2J3 and human CYP2J2 were successfully expressed in the E. coli expression system by co-expression of chaperone proteins. Purified proteins were applied to analysis of catalytic activities toward vitamin D compounds using a reconstituting system containing NADPH-P450 reductase. The CYP2J2 showed significant but about 10 times lower 25-hydroxylation activities than CYP2J3 toward vitamin D-3 and 1 alpha-OH-D-3. Interestingly, CYP2J2 prefers vitamin D-2 to vitamin D-3 as a substrate, whereas CYP2J3 did vitamin D-3 to vitamin D-2, The results suggest involvement of CYP2J subfamily proteins in vitamin D activation through 25-hydroxylation reaction, although they showed distinct preferences and activities toward vitamin D compounds.

    Web of Science


  • Mutational analysis of the damage-recognition and catalytic mechanism of human SMUG1 DNA glycosylase 査読 国際誌

    Matsubara, M, Tanaka, T, Terato, H, Ohmae, E, Izumi, S, Katayanagi, K, Ide, H

    Nucleic Acids Research   32 ( 17 )   5291 - 5302   2004年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    Single-strand selective monofunctional uracil-DNA glycosylase (SMUG1), previously thought to be a backup enzyme for uracil-DNA glycosylase, has recently been shown to excise 5-hydroxyuracil (hoU), 5-hydroxymethyluracil (hmU) and 5-formyluracil (fU) bearing an oxidized group at ring C5 as well as an uracil. In the present study, we used site-directed mutagenesis to construct a series of mutants of human SMUG1 (hSMUG1), and tested their activity for uracil, hoU, hmU, fU and other bases to elucidate the catalytic and damage-recognition mechanism of hSMUG1. The functional analysis of the mutants, together with the homology modeling of the hSMUG1 structure based on that determined recently for Xenopus laevis SMUG1, revealed the crucial residues for the rupture of the N-glycosidic bond (Asn85 and His239), discrimination of pyrimidine rings through pi-pi stacking to the base (Phe98) and specific hydrogen bonds to the Watson-Crick face of the base (Asn163) and exquisite recognition of the C5 substituent through water-bridged (uracil) or direct (hoU, hmU and fU) hydrogen bonds (Gly87-Met91). Integration of the present results and the structural data elucidates how hSMUG1 accepts uracil, hoU, hmU and fU as substrates, but not other oxidized pyrimidines such as 5-hydroxycytosine, 5-formylcytosine and thymine glycol, and intact pyrimidines such as thymine and cytosine.

    DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkh859

    Web of Science



    CiNii Article


  • Detection of endonuclease III- and 8-oxoguanine glycosylase-sensitive base modifications in gamma-irradiated DNA and cells by the aldehyde reactive probe (ARP) assay 査読

    MM Ali, S Kurisu, Y Yoshioka, H Terato, Y Ohyama, K Kubo, H Ide

    JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH   45 ( 2 )   229 - 237   2004年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN RADIATION RESEARCH SOC  

    Ionizing radiation generates diverse DNA lesions that differentially induce cell death and mutations. In the present study, calf thymus DNA (400 mug/ml) and HeLa cells were irradiated by (60)Co gamma-rays, and abasic (AP) sites and endonuclease (Endo)III- and 8-oxoguanine glycosylase (hOGG1)-sensitive base modifications in DNA were quantitated by the aldehyde reactive probe (ARP) assay. The irradiation of calf thymus DNA in phosphate buffer generated 91 Endo III- and 100 hOGG1-sensitive base modifications and 110 AP sites per 10(6) base pairs (bp) per Gy. The yield of the lesions in Tris buffer was 41- to 91-fold lower than that in phosphate, demonstrating a radioprotective effect of Tris. The HeLa cell chromosomal DNA contained 12 Endo III- and 3.8 hOGG1-sensitive base modifications and less than 1 AP sites per 10(6) bp as endogenous damage, and their level was increased by irradiation. The yields of the damage at 1 Gy (roughly equivalent to the lethal dose of HeLa cells [1.6-1.8 Gy]) were 0.13 Endo III, 0.091 hOGG1, and 0.065 AP sites per 10(6) bp, showing that irradiation with a lethal dose brought about only a marginal increase in base damage relative to an endogenous one. A comparison of the present data with those reported for DNA strand breaks supports the primary importance of double-strand breaks and clustered lesions as lethal damages formed by ionizing radiation.

    DOI: 10.1269/jrr.45.229

    Web of Science


    CiNii Article


  • Differential specificity of human and Escherichia coli endonuclease III and VIII homologues for oxidative base lesions. 査読 国際誌

    Atsushi Katafuchi, Toshiaki Nakano, Aya Masaoka, Hiroaki Terato, Shigenori Iwai, Fumio Hanaoka, Hiroshi Ide

    The Journal of Biological Chemistry   279 ( 14 )   14464 - 71   2004年4月



    In human cells, oxidative pyrimidine lesions are restored by the base excision repair pathway initiated by homologues of Endo III (hNTH1) and Endo VIII (hNEIL1 and hNEIL2). In this study we have quantitatively analyzed and compared their activity toward nine oxidative base lesions and an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site using defined oligonucleotide substrates. hNTH1 and hNEIL1 but not hNEIL2 excised the two stereoisomers of thymine glycol (5R-Tg and 5S-Tg), but their isomer specificity was markedly different: the relative activity for 5R-Tg:5S-Tg was 13:1 for hNTH1 and 1.5:1 for hNEIL1. This was also the case for their Escherichia coli homologues: the relative activity for 5R-Tg:5S-Tg was 1:2.5 for Endo III and 3.2:1 for Endo VIII. Among other tested lesions for hNTH1, an AP site was a significantly better substrate than urea, 5-hydroxyuracil (hoU), and guanine-derived formamidopyrimidine (mFapyG), whereas for hNEIL1 these base lesions and an AP site were comparable substrates. In contrast, hNEIL2 recognized an AP site exclusively, and the activity for hoU and mFapyG was marginal. hNEIL1, hNEIL2, and Endo VIII but not hNTH1 and Endo III formed cross-links to oxanine, suggesting conservation of the -fold of the active site of the Endo VIII homologues. The profiles of the excision of the Tg isomers with HeLa and E. coli cell extracts closely resembled those of hNTH1 and Endo III, confirming their major contribution to the repair of Tg isomers in cells. However, detailed analysis of the cellular activity suggests that hNEIL1 has a significant role in the repair of 5S-Tg in human cells.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M400393200


    CiNii Article


  • Clustered DNA damage induced by heavy ion particles. 招待 査読

    Terato, H., Ide, H.

    Biological sciences in space = Uchū seibutsu kagaku   18 ( 4 )   2004年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.2187/bss.18.206



  • DNA-protein cross-link formation mediated by oxanine - A novel genotoxic mechanism of nitric oxide-induced DNA damage 査読 国際誌

    T Nakano, H Terato, K Asagoshi, A Masaoka, M Mukuta, Y Ohyama, T Suzuki, K Makino, H Ide

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   278 ( 27 )   25264 - 25272   2003年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for many human cancers, and nitric oxide ( NO) produced in inflamed tissues has been proposed to cause DNA damage via nitrosation or oxidation of base moieties. Thus, NO-induced DNA damage could be relevant to carcinogenesis associated with chronic inflammation. In this report, we report a novel genotoxic mechanism of NO that involves DNA-protein cross-links (DPCs) induced by oxanine (Oxa), a major NO-induced guanine lesion. When a duplex DNA containing Oxa at the site-specific position was incubated with DNA-binding proteins such as histone, high mobility group (HMG) protein, and DNA glycosylases, DPCs were formed between Oxa and protein. The rate of DPC formation with DNA glycosylases was approximately two orders of magnitude higher than that with histone and HMG protein. Analysis of the reactivity of individual amino acids to Oxa suggested that DPC formation occurred between Oxa and side chains of lysine or arginine in the protein. A HeLa cell extract also gave rise to two major DPCs when incubated with DNA-containing Oxa. These results reveal a dual aspect of Oxa as causal damage of DPC formation and as a suicide substrate of DNA repair enzymes, both of which could pose a threat to the genetic and structural integrity of DNA, hence potentially leading to carcinogenesis.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M212847200

    Web of Science


    CiNii Article


  • Mammalian 5-formyluracil-DNA glycosylase. 1. Identification and characterization of a novel activity that releases 5-formyluracil from DNA 査読

    M Matsubara, A Masaoka, T Tanaka, T Miyano, N Kato, H Terato, Y Ohyama, S Iwai, H Ide

    BIOCHEMISTRY   42 ( 17 )   4993 - 5002   2003年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    5-Formyluracil (fU) is a major oxidative thymine lesion produced by reactive oxygen species and exhibits genotoxic and cytotoxic effects via several mechanisms. In the present study, we have searched for and characterized mammalian fU-DNA glycosylase (FDG) using two approaches. In the first approach, the FDG activity was examined using purified base excision repair enzymes. Human and mouse endonuclease III homologues (NTH1) showed a very weak FDG activity, but the parameter analysis and NaBH4 trapping assays of the Schiff base intermediate revealed that NTH1 was kinetically incompetent for repair of W. In the second approach, FDG was partially purified (160-fold) from rat liver. The enzyme was a monofunctional DNA glycosylase and recognized fU in single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) DNA. The most purified FDG fraction also exhibited monofunctional DNA glycosylase activities for uracil (U), 5-hydroxyuracil (hoU), and 5-hydroxymethyluracil (hmU) in ssDNA and dsDNA. The fU-excising activity of FDG was competitively inhibited by dsDNA containing U-G, hoU(.)G, and hmU(.)A but not by intact dsDNA containing T-A. Furthermore, the activities of FDG for fU, hmU, hoU, and U in ssDNA and dsDNA were neutralized by the antibody raised against SMUG1 uracil-DNA glycosylase, showing that FDG is a rat homologue of SMUG1.

    DOI: 10.1021/bi027322v

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  • Mammalian 5-formyluracil-DNA glycosylase. 2. Role of SMUG1 uracil-DNA glycosylase in repair of 5-formyluracil and other oxidized and deaminated base lesions 査読 国際誌

    Masaoka, A., Matsubara, M., Hasegawa, R., Tanaka, T., Kurisu, S., Terato, H., Ohyama, Y., Karino, N., Matsuda, A., Ide, H.

    BIOCHEMISTRY   42 ( 17 )   5003 - 5012   2003年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    In the accompanying paper [Matsubara, M., et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 4993-5002], we have partially purified and characterized rat 5-formyluracil (fU)-DNA glycosylase (FDG). Several lines of evidence have indicated that FDG is a rat homologue of single-strand-selective monofunctional uracil-DNA glycosylase (SMUG1). We report here that rat and human SMUG1 (rSMUG1 and hSMUG1) expressed from the corresponding cDNAs indeed excise fU in single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) DNA. The enzymes also excised uracil (U) and uracil derivatives bearing an oxidized group at C5 [5-hydroxyuracil (hoU) and 5-hydroxymethyluracil (hmU)] in ssDNA and dsDNA but not analogous cytosine derivatives (5-hydroxycytosine and 5-formylcytosine) and other oxidized damage. The damage specificity and the salt concentration dependence of rSMUG1 (and hSMUG1) agreed well with those of FDG, confirming that FDG is rSMUG1. Consistent with the damage specificity above, hSMUG1 removed damaged bases from Fenton-oxidized calf thymus DNA, generating abasic sites. The amount of resulting abasic sites was about 10% of that generated by endonuclease III or 8-oxoguanine glycosylase in the same substrate. The HeLa cell extract and hSMUG1 exhibited a similar damage preference (hoU.G > hmU.A, fU.A), and the activities for fU, hmU, and hoU in the cell extract were effectively neutralized with hSMUG1 antibodies. These data indicate a dual role of hSMUG1 as a backup enzyme for UNG and a primary repair enzyme for a subset of oxidized pyrimidines such as fU, hmU, and hoU.

    DOI: 10.1021/bi0273213




  • Novel repair activities of AlkA (3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase II) and endonuclease VIII for xanthine and oxanine, guanine lesions induced by nitric oxide and nitrous acid 査読

    H Terato, A Masaoka, K Asagoshi, A Honsho, Y Ohyama, T Suzuki, M Yamada, K Makino, K Yamamoto, H Ide

    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH   30 ( 22 )   4975 - 4984   2002年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Nitrosation of guanine in DNA by nitrogen oxides such as nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous acid leads to formation of xanthine (Xan) and oxanine (Oxa), potentially cytotoxic and mutagenic lesions. In the present study, we have examined the repair capacity of DNA N-glycosylases from Escherichia coli for Xan and Oxa. The nicking assay with the defined substrates containing Xan and Oxa revealed that AlkA [in combination with endonuclease (Endo) IV] and Endo VIII recognized Xan in the tested enzymes. The activity (V-max/K-m) of AlkA for Xan was 5-fold lower than that for 7-methylguanine, and that of Endo VIII was 50-fold lower than that for thymine glycol. The activity of AlkA and Endo VIII for Xan was further substantiated by the release of [H-3]Xan from the substrate. The treatment of E.coli with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine increased the Xan-excising activity in the cell extract from alkA(+) but not alkA(-) strains. The alkA and nei (the Endo VIII gene) double mutant, but not the single mutants, exhibited increased sensitivity to nitrous acid relative to the wild type strain. AlkA and Endo VIII also exhibited excision activity for Oxa, but the activity was much lower than that for Xan.

    DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkf630

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  • 高度好塩性細菌の遺伝情報維持機構-DNA傷害防護と修復機構- 招待 査読

    寺東 宏明

    日本海水学会誌   26   3 - 9   2002年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  


  • Effects of a guanine-derived formamidopyrimidine lesion on DNA replication. Translesion DNA synthesis, nucleotide insertion, and extension kinetics 査読 国際誌

    Asagoshi, K., Terato, H., Ohyama, Y., Ide, H.

    Journal of Biological Chemistry   277 ( 17 )   14589 - 14597   2002年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    2,6-Diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine derived from guanine (FapyG) is a major DNA lesion formed by reactive oxygen species. In this study, a defined oligonucleotide template containing a 5-N-methylated analog of FapyG (mFapyG) was prepared, and its effect on DNA replication was quantitatively assessed in vitro. The results were further compared with those obtained for 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine and an apurinic/apyrimidinic site embedded in the same sequence context. mFapyG constituted a fairly strong but not absolute block to DNA synthesis catalyzed by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment with and without an associated 3'-5' exonuclease activity, thereby permitting translesion synthesis with a limited efficiency. The efficiency of translesion synthesis was G > 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine > mFapyG > apurinic/apyrimidinic site. Analysis of the nucleotide insertion (f(ins) = V(max)/K(m) for insertion) and extension (f(ext) = V(max)/K(m) for extension) efficiencies for mFapyG revealed that the extension step constituted a major kinetic barrier to DNA synthesis. When mFapyG was bypassed, dCMP, a cognate nucleotide, was preferentially inserted opposite the lesion (dCMP (relative f(ins) = 1) dTMP (2.4 x 10(-4)) approximately dAMP (8.1 x 10(-5)) > dGMP (4.5 x 10(-7))), and the primer terminus containing a mFapyG:C pair was most efficiently extended (mFapyG:C (relative f(ext) = 1) > mFapyG:T (4.6 x 10(-3)) mFapyG:A and mFapyG:G (extension not observed)). Thus, mFapyG is a potentially lethal but not premutagenic lesion.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M200316200




  • Oxidative DNA damage induced by high glucose and its suppression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells 査読

    K Shimoi, A Okitsu, MHL Green, JE Lowe, T Ohta, K Kaji, H Terato, H Ide, N Kinae



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    In order to investigate the mechanism of the production of oxidative DNA damage by hyperglycemia, we measured formamidopyrimidine N-glycosylase (FPG)-sensitive sites by the comet assay in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cultured under various conditions including high glucose.
    Mean values of FPG-sensitive sites were higher in HUVECs cultured for 5 days in high glucose (45 mM) compared with normal glucose (5 mM) medium (P &lt; 0.001). FPG-sensitive sites increased in a time-dependent manner under high glucose treatment (3 days: P &lt; 0.05, 5 days: P &lt; 0.001), whereas L-glucose, which is taken up poorly into the cells, gave a slight increase in FPG-sensitive sites (P &lt; 0.05). Flow cytometric analysis using 6-carboxy-2 ' ,7 ' -dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, di(acetoxymethyl ester) showed that incubation with L-glucose produced more reactive oxygen species than incubation with D-glucose. However, these increases were slight (1.22- and 1.12-folds, respectively).
    Incubation of HUVECs with aminoguanidine (100 muM) or pyridoxamine (1 mM), which are inhibitors of glycation, decreased the levels of FPG-sensitive sites (P &lt; 0.001). However, these inhibitors did not suppress the intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species induced by high glucose. These results indicate that FPG-sensitive sites induced by high glucose are not due to intracellular reactive oxygen species.
    In order to clarify what caused the induction of FPG-sensitive sites, we investigated the effect of glyoxal and 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG) on the induction of FPG-sensitive sites and the intracellular production of reactive oxygen species in HUVECs. Glyoxal and 3-DG at a concentration of 100 mug/m induced FPG-sensitive sites (P &lt; 0.001, P &lt; 0.1, respectively). In contrast, glyoxal did not generate reactive oxygen species inside HUVECs. The results shown in this study suggest that glyoxal formed intracellularly or extracellularly during high glucose treatment might induce FPG-sensitive sites by a mechanism not involving reactive oxygen species. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0027-5107(01)00196-8

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  • Oxidation of Thymine to 5-Formyluracil in DNA Promotes Misincorporation of dGMP and Subsequent Elongation of a Mismatched Primer Terminus by DNA Polymerase 査読

    Masaoka, A., Terato, H., Kobayashi, M., Ohyama, Y., Ide, H.

    Journal of Biological Chemistry   276 ( 19 )   16501 - 16510   2001年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    5-Formyluracil (fU) is a major oxidative thymine lesion generated by ionizing radiation and reactive oxygen species. In the present study, we have assessed the influence of fU on DNA replication to elucidate its genotoxic potential. Oligonucleotide templates containing fU at defined sites were replicated in vitro by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment deficient in 3'-5'-exonuclease, Gel electrophoretic analysis of the reaction products showed that fU constituted very weak replication blocks to DNA synthesis, suggesting a weak to negligible cytotoxic effect of this lesion. However, primer extension assays with a single dNTP revealed that fU directed incorporation of not only correct dAMP but also incorrect dGMP, although much less efficiently. No incorporation of dCMP and dTMP was observed. When fU was substituted for T in templates, the incorporation efficiency of dAMP (f(A) = V-max/K-m) decreased to 1/4 to 1/2, depending on the nearest neighbor base pair, and that of dGMP (f(G)) increased 1.1-5.6-fold. Thus, the increase in the replication error frequency (f(G)/f(A) for fU versus T) was 3.1-14.3-fold. The misincorporation rate of dGMP opposite fU (pK(a) = 8.6) but not T (pK(a) = 10.0) increased with pH (7.2-8.6) of the reaction mixture, indicating the participation of the ionized (or enolate) form of fU in the mispairing with G, The resulting mismatched fU:G primer terminus was more efficiently extended than the T:G terminus (8.2-11.3-fold). These results show that when T is oxidized to fU in DNA, fU promotes both misincorporation of dGMP at this site and subsequent elongation of the mismatched primer, hence potentially mutagenic.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M008598200

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  • Distinct repair activities of human 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase and formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase for formamidopyrimidine and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine 査読

    Asagoshi, K., Yamada, T., Terato, H., Ohyama, Y., Monden, Y., Arai, T., Nishimura, S., Aburatani, H., Lindahl, T., Ide, H.

    Journal of Biological Chemistry   275 ( 7 )   4956 - 4964   2000年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) and 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxyformamidopyrimidine (Fapy) are major DNA lesions formed by reactive oxygen species and are involved in mutagenic and/or lethal events in cells. Both lesions are repaired by human 7,8 dihydro-8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (hOGG1) and formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (Fpg) in human and Escherichia coli cells, respectively. In the present study, the repair activities of hOGG1 and Fpg were compared using defined oligonucleotides containing 8-oxoG and a methylated analog of Fapy (me-Fapy) at the same site. The k(cat)/K-m values of hOGG1 for 8-oxoG and me-Fapy were comparable, and this was also the case for Fpg, However, the k(cat)/K-m values of hOGG1 for both lesions were approximately 80-fold lower than those of Fpg, Analysis of the Schiff base intermediate by NaBH4 trapping implied that lower substrate affinity and slower hydrolysis of the intermediate for hOGG1 than Fpg accounted for the difference. hOGG1 and Fpg showed distinct preferences of the base opposite 8-oxoG, with the activity differences being 19.8- (hOGG1) and 12-fold (Fpg) between the most and least preferred bases. Surprisingly, such preferences were almost abolished and less than a-fold for both enzymes when me-Fapy was a substrate, suggesting that, unlike 8-oxoG, me-Fapy is not subjected to paired base-dependent repair. The repair efficiency of me-Fapy randomly incorporated in M13 DNA varied at the sequence level, but orders of preferred and unpreferred repair sites were quite different for hOGG1 and Fpg. The distinctive activities of hOGG1 and Fpg including enzymatic parameters (k(cat)/K-m), paired base, and sequence context effects may originate from the differences in the inherent architecture of the DNA binding domain and catalytic mechanism of the enzymes.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.275.7.4956

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  • Purification and characterization of a novel DNA repair enzyme from the extremely radioresistant bacterium Rubrobacter radiotolerans 査読

    Asgarani, E., Terato, H., Asagoshi, K., Shahmohammadi, H.R., Ohyama, Y., Saito, T., Yamamoto, O., Ide, H.

    Journal of Radiation Research   41 ( 1 )   19 - 34   2000年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN RADIATION RESEARCH SOC  

    Rubrobacter radiotolerans is an extremely radioresistant bacterium. It exhibits higher resistance than the well-known radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, but the molecular mechanisms responsible for the radioresistance of R. radiotolerans remain unknown. In the present study, we have demonstrated the presence of a novel DNA repair enzyme in R. radiotolerans cells that recognizes radiation-induced DNA damages such as thymine glycol, urea residues, and abasic sites. The enzyme was purified from the crude cell extract by a series of chromatography to an apparent physical homogeneity. The purified enzyme showed a single band with a molecular mass of approximately 40 kDa in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and was designated as R-endonuclease. R-Endonuclease exhibited repair activity for thymine glycol, urea residues, and abasic sites present in plasmid DNA, but did not act on intact DNA, UV-irradiated DNA and DNA containing reduced abasic sites. The substrate specificity together with the salt and pH optima suggests that R-endonuclease is a functional homolog of endonuclease III of Escherichia coli.

    DOI: 10.1269/jrr.41.19

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  • Comparison of substrate specificities of Escherichia coli endonuclease III and its mouse homologue (mNTH1) using defined oligonucleotide substrates 査読

    Asagoshi, K., Odawara, H., Nakano, H., Miyano, T., Terato, H., Ohyama, Y., Seki, S., Ide, H.

    Biochemistry   39 ( 37 )   11389 - 11398   2000年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Escherichia coli endonuclease III (Endo III) and its eukaryotic homologues are major repair enzymes for pyrimidine lesions formed by reactive oxygen species and ionizing radiation. In the present study, the activities of Endo III and its mouse homologue (mNTH1) have been compared using defined oligonucleotide substrates containing a urea residue (UR), two cis-thymine glycol (TG) diastereoisomers, 5,6-dihydrothymine (DHT), and 5-hydroxyuracil (HOU). The substrates were incubated with Endo III and mNTH1, and their activities were compared based on the product analysis by gel electrophoresis. Endo III recognized all base lesions tested, but the activity for DHT was extremely lower than other substrates. In contrast, albeit some preference of UR, mNTH1 showed essentially comparable activities for all substrates including DHT. Comparison of the enzymatic parameters for cis-TG and DHT revealed that large decreases in the affinity (K-m, 27-fold) and k(cat) (11-fold) relative to cis-TG made DHT an very poor substrate for Endo III. mNTH1 had comparable affinities and k(cat) for both cis-TG and DHT, though turnover (k(cat)) of mNTH1 was notably slower than Endo III. In view of the reaction mechanism, the paired base effect on the damage recognition by the two enzymes was also examined. The activities of Endo III for UR and HOU were paired base-independent, but those for cis TG and DHT were significantly enhanced when paired with G. With mNTH1, the paired base effect was evident only for DHT. The variations of the repair activity with paired bases and enzymes are discussed in relation to the base flipping mechanism suggested for base excision repair enzymes.

    DOI: 10.1021/bi000422l

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  • Recognition of formamidopyrimidine by Escherichia coli and mammalian thymine glycol glycosylases. Distinctive paired base effects and biological and mechanistic implications 査読

    Asagoshi, K., Yamada, T., Okada, Y., Terato, H., Ohyama, Y., Seki, S., Ide, H.

    Journal of Biological Chemistry   275 ( 32 )   24781 - 24786   2000年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    The activity of prokaryotic and mammalian thymine glycol (Tg) glycosylases including Escherichia coli endonuclease III (Endo III) and endonuclease VIII (Endo VIII) and mouse Endo III homologue (mNth1) for formamidopyrimidine (Fapy) has been investigated using defined oligonucleotide substrates, 2,6-Diamino-4-hydroxy-5-N-methylformamidopyrimidine, a methylated Fapy derived from guanine, was site specifically incorporated in the oligonucleotide, The substrates containing Fapy:N pairs (N = A, G, C, T) as well as a Tg:A pair, a physiological substrate of Endo HI, Endo VIII, and mNth1, were treated by the enzymes and nicked products were quantified by gel electrophoresis. The activity of Endo III and Endo VIII for Fapy varied markedly depending on the paired base, being the highest with G (activity relative to Tg = 0.55 (Endo III) and 0.41 (Endo VIII)) and the lowest with C (0.05 (Endo III) and 0.06 (Endo VIII)). In contrast, mNth1 recognized all Fapy pairs equally well and the activity was comparable to Tg, The results obtained in the nicking assay were further substantiated by the analysis of the Schiff base intermediate using NaBH4 trapping assays. These results indicate that Escherichia coli and mammalian Tg glycosylases have a potential activity to recognize Fapy. However, as demonstrated for Fapy:C pairs, their distinctive activities implicate unequal participation in the repair of Fapy lesions in cells.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M000576200

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  • Enzymatic repair of 5-formyluracil I. Excision of 5-formyluracil site-specifically incorporated into oligonucleotide substrates by AlkA protein (Escherichia coli 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase II) 査読

    A Masaoka, H Terato, M Kobayashi, A Honsho, Y Ohyama, H Ide

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   274 ( 35 )   25136 - 25143   1999年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    5-Formyluracil (fU) is a major thymine lesion produced by reactive oxygen radicals and photosensitized oxidation. We have previously shown that fU is a potentially mutagenic lesion due to its elevated frequency to mispair with guanine. Therefore, fU can exist in DNA as a correctly paired fU:A form or an incorrectly paired fU:G form. In this work, fU was site-specifically incorporated opposite A in oligonucleotide substrates to delineate the cellular repair mechanism of fU paired with A. The repair activity for fU was induced in Escherichia coli upon exposure to N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, and the induction was dependent on the alkA gene, suggesting that AlkA (3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase II) was responsible for the observed activity. Activity assay and determination of kinetic parameters using purified AlkA and defined oligonucleotide substrates containing fU, 5-hydroxymethyluracil (hU), or 7-methylguanine (7mG) revealed that fU was recognized by AlkA with an efficiency comparable to that of 7mG, a good substrate for AlkA, whereas hU, another major thymine methyl oxidation products, was not a substrate. H-1 and C-13 NMR chemical shifts of 5-formyl-2'-deoxyuridine indicated that the 5-formyl group caused base C-6 and sugar C-1' to be electron deficient, which was shown to result in destabilization of the N-glycosidic bond. These features are common in other good substrates for AlkA and are suggested to play key roles in the differential recognition of fU, hU, and intact thymine. Three mammalian repair enzymes for alkylated and oxidized bases cloned so far (MPG, Nth1, and OGG1) did not recognize fU, implying that the mammalian repair activity for fU resided on a yet unidentified protein. In the accompanying paper (Terato, H., Masaoka, A., Robayashi, M., Fukushima, S., Ohyama, Y., Yoshida, M., and Ide, H., J. Biol. Chem. 274, 25144-25150), possible repair mechanisms for fU mispaired with G are reported.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.274.35.25136

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  • Enzymatic repair of 5-formyluracil. II. Mismatch formation between 5- formyluracil and guanine during DNA replication and its recognition by two proteins involved in base excision repair (AlkA) and mismatch repair (MutS) 査読

    Terato, H., Masaoka, A., Kobayashi, M., Fukushima, S., Ohyama, Y., Yoshida, M., Ide, H.

    Journal of Biological Chemistry   274 ( 35 )   25144 - 25150   1999年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    5-Formyluracil (fU), a major methyl oxidation product of thymine, forms correct (fU:A) and incorrect (fU:G) base pairs during DNA replication. In the accompanying paper (Masaoka, A., Terato, H., Kobayashi, M., Honsho, A., Ohyama, Y., and Ide, H. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 25136-25143), it has been shown that fU correctly paired with A is recognized by AlkA protein (Escherichia coli 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase II). In the present work, mispairing frequency of fU with G and cellular repair protein that specifically recognized fU:G mispairs were studied using defined oligonucleotide substrates, Mispairing frequency of fU was determined by incorporation of 2'-deoxyribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate of fU opposite template G using DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment deficient in 3'-5' exonuclease. Mispairing frequency of fU was dependent on the nearest neighbor base pair in the primer terminus and 2-12 times higher than that of thymine at pH 7.8 and 2.6-6.7 times higher at pH 9.0 with an exception of the nearest neighbor T(template):A(primer), AlkA catalyzed the excision of fU placed opposite G, as well as A, and the excision efficiencies of fU for fU:G and fU:A pairs were comparable. In addition, MutS protein involved in methyl-directed mismatch repair also recognized fU:G mispairs and bound them with an efficiency comparable to T:G; mispairs, but it did not recognize fU:A pairs. Prior complex formation between MutS and a heteroduplex containing an fU:G mispair inhibited the activity of AlkA to fU, These results suggest that fU present in DNA can be restored by two independent repair pathways, i.e. the base excision repair pathway initiated by AlkA and the methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway initiated by MutS, Biological relevance of the present results is discussed in light of DNA replication and repair in cells.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.274.35.25144

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  • Mechanisms of DNA protection in Halobacterium salinarium, an extremely halophilic bacterium 査読

    Asgarani, E, Funamizu, H, Saito, T, Terato, H, Ohyama, Y, Yamamoto, O, Ide, H

    Microbiological Research   154 ( 2 )   185 - 190   1999年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:GUSTAV FISCHER VERLAG  

    Halobacterium salinarium exhibits resistance to ultraviolet (UV) and ionizing radiation. This organism contains carotenoids and also accumulates highly concentrated KCl in the cell. In the present study, DNA lesions generated by UV and ionizing radiation were measured in vitro in the presence and absence of bacterioruberin, the major carotenoid of H. salinarium, and KCl to elucidate their influences on DNA damage production. When plasmid DNA (pDEL19) was UV-irradiated, formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) was slightly suppressed by 0.1 mM bacterioruberin. The same concentration of bacterioruberin suppressed the formation of DNA single strand breaks (SSB) by ionizing radiation more efficiently. The formation of CPD by UV and SSB by ionizing radiation was also repressed by 2M KCl but protection against ionizing radiation was extremely efficient.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0944-5013(99)80013-5

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  • DNA strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation on Rubrobacter radiotolerans, an extremely radioresistant bacterium 査読

    Terato, H., Kobayashi, M., Yamamoto, O., Ide, H.

    Microbiological Research   154 ( 2 )   173 - 178   1999年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:GUSTAV FISCHER VERLAG  

    Rubrobacter radiotolerans is the most radioresistant bacterium showing 16 kGy as D-37 against gamma-rays. However mechanisms of the radioresistance have been still unclear. To clarify the post-irradiating events in the cell, we investigated DNA strand breaks which is the most major lesion induced by ionizing radiation. The neutral sucrose density gradient centrifugation analysis showed that size of the chromosomal DNA gradually decreased with irradiation dose. However, the frequency of DNA strand breaks after ionizing irradiation was significantly lower than those reported for other eubacteria. The reduced DNA sizes were not recovered during the post-irradiating cultivation. These results suggest that in this organism DNA protection from damage is mainly involved in the radioresistance, but not DNA repair activities.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0944-5013(99)80011-1

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  • Protective Roles of Bacterioruberin and Intracellular KCl in the Resistance of Halobacterium salinarium against DNA-damaging Agents 査読

    Shahmohammadi, H.R., Asgarani, E., Terato, H., Saito, T., Ohyama, Y., Gekko, K., Yamamoto, O., Ide, H.

    Journal of Radiation Research   39 ( 4 )   251 - 262   1998年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN RADIATION RESEARCH SOC  

    Halobacterium salinarium, a member of the extremely halophilic archaebacteria, contains a C-50-carotenoid namely bacterioruberin. We have previously reported the high resistance of this organism against the lethal actions of DNA-damaging agents including ionizing radiation and ultraviolet light (UV). In this study, we have examined whether bacterioruberin and the highly concentrated salts in this bacterium play protective roles against the lethal actions of ionizing radiation, UV, hydrogen peroxide, and mitomycin-C (MMC).
    The colourless mutant of H. salinarium deficient in bacterioruberin was more sensitive than the red-pigmented wild-type to all tested DNA-damaging agents except MMC. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of H. salinarium chromosomal DNA at various concentrations of KCl (0-3.5 M) were similar to that of B-DNA, indicating that no conformational changes occurred as a result of high salt concentrations. However, DNA strand-breaks induced by ionizing radiation were significantly reduced by the presence of either bacterioruberin or concentrated KCI, presumably due to scavenging of free radicals.
    These results suggest that bacterioruberin and intracellular KCl of H. salinarium protect this organism against the lethal effects of oxidative DNA-damaging agents.

    DOI: 10.1269/jrr.39.251

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  • Novel modification of 5-formyluracil by cysteine derivatives in aqueous solution 査読

    Terato, H., Morita, H., Ohyama, Y., Ide, H.

    Nucleosides and Nucleotides   17 ( 1-3 )   131 - 141   1998年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MARCEL DEKKER INC  

    Reactivities of 5-formyl-2'-deoxyuridine (fdU) and its 5'-monophosphate (fdUMP) to amino acids, amines and thiol compounds in neutral aqueous solution have been studied to elucidate the postmodification of the 5 formyluracil (fU) moiety in cells. fdU and fdUMP specifically reacted with cysteine and its analogs to form thiazolidine derivatives. The reaction involved condensation of the formyl group of fU with both alpha-NH2 (or NH2 at the equevalent position) and SH groups of cysteine derivatives.

    DOI: 10.1080/07328319808005164

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  • Highly sensitive assay of DNA abasic sites in mammalian cells-optimization of the aldehyde reactive probe method 査読

    Asaeda, A., Ide, H., Terato, H., Takamori, Y., Kubo, K.

    Analytica Chimica Acta   365 ( 1-3 )   35 - 41   1998年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    We have recently developed a novel method for detection and quantitation of abasic (AP) sites in DNA, in which the biotinylated reagent, called the aldehyde reactive probe (ARP) specifically reacts with aldehyde groups of AP sites and biotin-tagged damage is detected by an ELISA-like assay. The present study has been carried out to improve the feasibility and the sensitivity of ARP assay. For immobilization of DNA, a protamine sulfate-coated plate was used instead of the conventional UV-irradiated plate to enhance DNA binding. As the result. the time for immobilization was shortened to 1 h without any loss of signal. The amount of [H-3]-labeled DNA bound to the plate was proportional to the DNA concentration employed. When DNA containing AP sites was treated with ARP in solution prior to coating the protamine-plate, the sensitivity of the assay was greatly increased. A linear relationship between the DNA concentration and the signal intensity was also observed. Thus, similar to 0.1 fmol of AP sites (0.5 sites per 10(5) nt) could be detected in DNA isolated from HeLa cells after treatment with a sublethal dose (0.5 mM) of methylmethanesulfonate (MMS). Using this system, the number of total methylpurines generated by MMS in the cellular DNA was estimated after heat treatment, which converted methylated base lesions to AP sites. It was shown that the number of AP sites was about 140 sites per 10(4) nt with 25 mM MMS and 10% of total methylated bases were already released without heat depurination. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0003-2670(97)00648-X

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  • Formation of highly fluorescent adducts between 2'-deoxyguanosine and amino acids by ionizing radiation 査読

    Terato, H., Yoshimura, M., Hayashi, M., Ohyama, Y., Yamamoto, O., Ide, H.

    Analytica Chimica Acta   365 ( 1-3 )   183 - 191   1998年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Gamma-irradiation of aqueous solutions containing DNA and alcohols is known to generate fluorescent products. In this study, aqueous solutions containing 2'-deoxyguanosine (dG) and amino acids with ar. aliphatic hydroxyl group [serine (Ser) or threonine (Thr)] were irradiated and analyzed for fluorescence. Both irradiated solutions showed a similar fluorescence profile with the excitation maximum similar to 310 nm and the emission maximum similar to 370 nm. The fluorescence profiles were very close to that of 2-aminopurine, known as a highly fluorescent base, In the irradiation of dG with Ser, two distinct fluorescent products were observed in liquid chromatographic analysis. The major product was further purified by chromatography. Mass spectrometry (MS) showed that the major fluorescent product was a dG adduct bearing a Ser fragment at the C-6 position, In the case of dG with Thr, only one major fluorescent product was observed. The purified product seemed to be a C-6 adduct of dG with a Thr fragment based on MS and NMR analyses. These structural data for the fluorescent products suggest that C-6 adduct formation of dG was the key to generating fluorescence. This is consistent with our previous finding that the adduct between dG and tert-butanol at C-6 is highly fluorescent. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B,V.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0003-2670(97)00624-7

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  • Cloning and characterization of a mouse homologue (mNthl1) of Escherichia coli endonuclease III 査読

    Sarker, A.H., Ikeda, S., Nakano, H., Terato, H., Ide, H., Imai, K., Akiyama, K., Tsutsui, K., Bo, Z., Kubo, K., Yamamoto, K., Yasui, A., Yoshida, M.C., Seki, S.

    Journal of Molecular Biology   282 ( 4 )   761 - 774   1998年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ACADEMIC PRESS LTD  

    Endonuclease III (endoIII; nth gene product) of Escherichia coli is known to be a DNA repair enzyme having a relatively broad specificity for damaged pyrimidine bases of DNA. Here, we describe the cloning and characterization of the cDNA and the gene for a mouse homologue (mNthl1/mNth1) of endoIII. The cDNA was cloned from a mouse T-cell cDNA library with a probe prepared by PCR using the library and specific PCR primers synthesized based on the reported information of partial amino acid sequences of bovine NTHL1/NTH1 and of EST Data Bases. The cDNA is 1025 nucleotides long and encodes a protein consisting of 300 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 33.6 kDa. The amino acid sequence exhibits significant homologies to those of endoIII and its prokaryotic and eukaryotic homologues. The recombinant mNthl1 with a hexahistidine tag was overexpressed in a nth::cm(r) nei::Km(r) double mutant of E. coli, and purified to apparent homogeneity. The enzyme showed thymine glycol DNA glycosylase, urea DNA glycosylase and AP lyase activities. Northern blot analysis indicated that mNthl1 mRNA is about 1 kb and is expressed ubiquitously. A 15 kb DNA fragment containing the mNthl1 gene was cloned from a mouse genomic library and sequenced. The gene consists of six exons and five introns spanning 6.09 kb. The sequenced 5' flanking region lacks a typical TATA box, but contains a CAAT box and putative binding sites for several transcription factors such as Ets, Spl, AP-1 and AP-2. The mNthl1 gene was shown to lie immediately adjacent to the tuberous sclerosis 2 (Tsc2) gene in a 5'-to-5' orientation by sequence analysis and was assigned to chromosome 17A3 by in situ hybridization. (C) 1998 Academic Press.

    DOI: 10.1006/jmbi.1998.2042

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  • 16S rRNA gene sequence of Rubrobacter radiotolerans and its phylogenetic alignment with members of the genus Arthrobacter, gram-positive bacteria, and members of the family Deinococcaceae 査読

    J Kausar, Y Ohyama, H Terato, H Ide, O Yamamoto



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    The nearly complete sequence of the 16S rRNA gene of an extremely highly radiotolerant bacterium, Rubrobacter radiotolerans (reclassified from Arthrobacter radiotolerans based on chemical characteristics), was determined by PCR amplification of the genomic DNA followed by cloning of the amplified gene and sequencing by the dideoxynucleotide method. The sequence was aligned with the sequences of members of the genus Arthrobacter and also with the sequences of representatives of the gram-positive bacteria having high G+C contents and the family Deinococcaceae (radioresistant micrococci and their relatives), The results of our phylogenetic analysis confirmed that R. radiotolerans is not a member of the Arthrobacter group and thus supported the previous reclassification. Moreover, although it is radioresistant and has a high GS-C content, R. radiotolerans is more closely related to the gram-positive bacteria with high G+C contents than to the radioresistant members of the Deinococcaceae.

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  • Substrate and mispairing properties of 5-formyl-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate assessed by in vitro DNA polymerase reactions 査読

    M Yoshida, K Makino, H Morita, H Terato, Y Ohyama, H Ide

    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH   25 ( 8 )   1570 - 1577   1997年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    5-Formyluracil (fU) is one of the thymine lesions produced by reactive oxygen radicals in DNA and its constituents. In this work, 5-formyl-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate (fdUTP) was chemically synthesized and extensively purified by HPLC. The electron withdrawing 5-formyl group facilitated ionization of fU. Thus, pK(a) of the base unit of fdUTP was 8.6, significantly lower than that of parent thymine (pK(a) = 10.0 as dTMP). fdUTP efficiently replaced dTTP during DNA replication catalyzed by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment), T7 DNA polymerase (3'-5' exonuclease free) and Taq DMA polymerase, fU-specific cleavage of the replication products by piperidine revealed that when incorporated as T, incorporation of fU was virtually uniform, suggesting minor sequence context effects on the incorporation frequency of fdUTP. fdUTP also replaced dCTP, but with much Bower efficiency than that for dTTP, The substitution efficiency for dCTP increased with increasing pH from 7.2 to 9.0, The parallel correlation between ionization of the base unit of fdUTP (pK(a) = 8.6) and the Substitution efficiency for dCTP strongly suggests that the base-ionized form of dFdUTP is involved in mispairing with template G. These data indicate that fU can be specifically introduced into DNA as unique lesions by in vitro DNA polymerase reactions. in addition, fU is potentially mutagenic since this lesion is much more prone to form mispairing with G than parent thymine.

    DOI: 10.1093/nar/25.8.1570

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  • Effects of Co-60 gamma-rays, ultraviolet light, and mitomycin C on Halobacterium salinarium and Thiobacillus intermedius 査読

    HR Shahmohammadi, E Asgarani, H Terato, H Ide, O Yamamoto

    JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH   38 ( 1 )   37 - 43   1997年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN RADIATION RESEARCH SOC  

    Lethal effects of Co-60 gamma-rays, UV light, and mitomycin C on two kinds of bacteria, Halobacterium salinarium which grows in highly concentrated salt media and Thiobacillus intermedius which requires reduced sulfur compounds, were studied and compared with those on Escherichia coli B/r. D-37 values for H. salinarium, T. intermedius and E. coli B/r were 393, 150, and 92 Gy, respectively, by exposure to Co-60 gamma-rays. They were 212, 38, and 10 J/m(2), respectively, by exposure to UV light and 2.36, 0.25, and 0.53 mu g/ml/h, respectively, by exposure to mitomycin C. Against these agents, H. salinarium was much more resistant than T. intermedius and E. coli B/r.

    DOI: 10.1269/jrr.38.37

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  • Replication bypass and mutagenic effect of alpha-deoxyadenosine site-specifically incorporated into single-stranded vectors 査読

    H Shimizu, R Yagi, Y Kimura, K Makino, H Terato, Y Ohyama, H Ide

    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH   25 ( 3 )   597 - 603   1997年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    alpha-2'-Deoxyadenosine (alpha) is a major adenine lesion produced by gamma-ray irradiation of DNA under anoxic conditions. In this study, single-stranded recombinant M13 vectors containing alpha were constructed and transfected into Escherichia coli to assess lethal and mutagenic effects of this lesion. The data for a were further compared with those obtained with M13 vectors containing normal A or a model abasic site (F) at the same site. The transfection assay revealed that alpha constituted a moderate block to DNA replication. The in vivo replication capacity to pass through alpha was similar to 20% relative to normal A, but 20-fold higher than that of F constituting an almost absolute replication block. Similar data were obtained by in vitro replication of oligonucleotide templates containing alpha or F by E. coli DNA polymerase I. The mutagenic consequence of replicating M13 DNA containing alpha was analyzed by direct DNA sequencing of progeny phage. Mutagenesis was totally targeted at the site of alpha introduced into the vector. Mutation was exclusively a single nucleotide deletion and no base substitutions were detected. The deletion frequency associated alpha was dependent on the 3'-nearest neighbor base: with the 3'-nearest neighbor base T mutation (deletion) frequency was 26%, whereas 1% with the 3'-nearest neighbor base G. A possible mechanism of the single nucleotide deletion associated with alpha is discussed on the basis of the misinsertion-strand slippage model.

    DOI: 10.1093/nar/25.3.597

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    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY   68 ( 1 )   47 - 54   1995年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD LONDON  

    Previously we reported haematopoietic death as an effect of tritiated water (HTO) in drinking water in the concentration range from 5 . 92 X 10(11) to 1 . 85 X 10(10) Bq/dm(3). In the present study the effects of HTO in a lower concentration range from 9 . 25 X 10(9) Bq/dm(3) (0 . 240 Gy/day) to 3 . 70 X 10(8) Bq/dm(3) (0 . 096 Gy/day) are reported. Female (C57BL/6N and C3H/He)F-1 mice were maintained on drinking water containing various levels of HTO. Mice survived for &gt; 150 days with a high incidence of tumour development (70 to 80%). In the dose-rate range from 9 . 25 X 10(9) Bq/dm(3) (0 . 240 Gy/day) to 1 . 85 X 10(9) Bq/dm(3) (0 . 048 Gy/day) the main cause of death was thymic lymphoma. However, at a dose-rate of 9 . 25 X 10(8) Bq/dm(3) (0 . 024 Gy/day) the incidence of thymic lymphoma sharply decreased, while the incidence of other tumours increased. The tumour types became more diverse at lower concentrations of HTO. The latent period of tumour development was shorter and the life-shortening effect was more marked by H-3 beta-irradiation in this study than by X- or gamma-irradiation reported in other investigations.

    DOI: 10.1080/09553009514550911

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    RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY   45 ( 2 )   207 - 216   1995年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    2'-Deoxyguanosine in aqueous solution (5 x 10(-4) mol/dm3) was irradiated with Co-60 gammarays in the presence of t-BuOH (10(-1) mol/dm3) under N2. A very highly fluorescent product was isolated by gel chromatography (Cellulofine GC-15-m) and high performance liquid chromatography (Supelcosil LC-8-DB). A longer wavelength shift of absorption maxima in UV spectrum and no C=O stretching absorption in IR spectrum as compared to the original compound were found. The mass spectra of the product and its TMS derivative suggested that the very highly fluorescent product was 2-amino-6-(t-hydroxybutyl)-9-(2'-deoxyribosyl)-purine. This was confirmed by measurements of H-1 and C-13 NMR and also by elemental analysis. The production yield, G value, was 0.1. The addition of alcohol radical and the elimination of OH group at the C-6 position of guanine base ring is a new finding and an interesting reaction with its very highly fluorescent nature. Therefore, this reaction is important radiochemically rather than radiobiologically.

    Web of Science


  • Very highly fluorescent product from 2′-deoxyguanosine with t-butanol in aqueous solution by exposure to cobalt-60 gamma-rays 査読

    Osamu Yamamoto, Mohsin Ali, Michiko Okazaki, Hiroaki Terato, Yoshihiko Ohyama, Shinji Ohta

    Radiation Physics and Chemistry   45 ( 2 )   207 - 216   1995年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    2′-Deoxyguanosine in aqueous solution (5 × 10-4 mol/dm3) was irradiated with 60Co gamma-rays in the presence of t-BuOH (10-1 mol/dm3) under N2. A very highly fluorescent product was isolated by gel chromatography (Cellulofine GC-15-m) and high performance liquid chromatography (Supelcosil LC-8-DB). A longer wavelength shift of absorption maxima in UV spectrum and no C=O stretching absorption in IR spectrum as compared to the original compound were found. The mass spectra of the product and its TMS derivative suggested that the very highly fluorescent product was 2-amino-6-(t-hydroxybutyl)-9-(2′-deoxyribosyl)-purine. This was confirmed by measurements of 1H and 13C NMR and also by elemental analysis. The production yield, G value, was 0.1. The addition of alcohol radical and the elimination of OH group at the C-6 position of guanine base ring is a new finding and an interesting reaction with its very highly fluorescent nature. Therefore, this reaction is important radiochemically rather than radiobiologically. © 1994.

    DOI: 10.1016/0969-806X(94)00062-X


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    ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY   162 ( 6 )   414 - 421   1994年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER VERLAG  

    The highly radioresistant Rubrobacter radio-tolerans,, contains red pigments. Since the pigments could not be extracted by usual methods, a new method was developed in which the pigments were extracted with organic solvents after addition of 10 N KOH to the intact cells, followed by neutralization. These pigments were also extracted after treatment with achromopeptidase, but not with lysozyme, The extracted pigments separated into two main spots by TLC (48.6% and 22.6%), and were confirmed to be carotenoids by chemical tests. The two major pigments had 13 conjugated double bonds as determined from the main maximum wavelength of the light absorption spectra. Their molecular weights were determined to be 740 and 722 by mass spectrometry. The mass spectra of their TMS-derivatives revealed that they contained four and three tertiary OH groups, respectively. Confirming their identical light and IR spectra, these pigments were determined to be bacterioruberin and monoanhydrobacterioruberin, respectively, the characteristic carotenoids of halophilic bacteria. The existence of these pigments in bacteria other than halobacteria provides interesting new evidence on the distribution of these compounds.

    DOI: 10.1007/s002030050159

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  • Hydrated electron-induced inactivation of tyrosinase in aqueous solution by exposure to cobalt-60 gamma-rays. II. Catecholase activity 査読

    Terato, H., Yamamoto, O.

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International   34 ( 2 )   301 - 307   1994年9月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  



  • Hydrated electron-induced inactivation of tyrosinase in aqueous solution by exposure to cobalt-60 gamma-rays. I. Cresolase activity 査読

    Terato, H., Yamamoto, O.

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International   34 ( 2 )   295 - 300   1994年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  







  • NORM放射線源の212Pb/212Biジェネレーターを用いた非密封放射性同位元素の安全取扱実習

    今田結, 磯辺みどり, 永松知洋, 寺東宏明, 花房直志

    第5回日本放射線安全管理学会・日本保健物理学会合同大会  2024年12月16日 


    開催年月日: 2024年12月16日 - 2024年12月18日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 炭素イオン線を照射したプラスミドDNA上に生じる変異

    寺東宏明, 德山由佳, 磯辺みどり, 森加奈恵

    日本環境変異原ゲノム学会第53回大会  2024年12月8日 


    開催年月日: 2024年12月7日 - 2024年12月8日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • ガンマ線と炭素イオン線による塩基損傷と変異について

    寺東宏明, 磯辺みどり, 森加奈恵, 德山由佳

    日本放射線影響学会第67回大会  2024年9月27日 


    開催年月日: 2024年9月25日 - 2024年9月28日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • ガンマ線と炭素イオン線によって生じる塩基損傷と変異スペクトルの比較

    寺東宏明, 磯辺みどり, 森加奈恵, 德山由佳

    第48回中国地区放射線影響研究会  2024年8月23日 


    開催年月日: 2024年8月23日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • ホウ素化合物を投与したがん細胞内のホウ素の分布および化学状態の 放射光・光電子顕微鏡による解明

    脇田高徳, 井川和代, 池田直, 寺東宏明, 村岡祐治, 横谷尚睦

    日本物理学会 2024年春季大会  2024年3月19日 


    開催年月日: 2024年3月18日 - 2024年3月21日



  • Visualization of boron distributions in cancer cells dosed with a boron delivery drug.

    Takanori Wakita, Kazuyo Igawa, Miyu Kaneda, Naoshi Ikeda, Hiroaki Terato, Yuji Muraoka, Takayoshi Yokoya

    The 28th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation  2024年3月14日 


    開催年月日: 2024年3月14日 - 2024年3月15日



  • 中性子線によって生じるDNA損傷の特異性解析

    寺東宏明, 花房直志, 磯辺みどり, 櫻井良憲, 髙田卓志, 齊藤 毅

    京都大学複合原子力科学研究所第58回学術講演会  2024年1月31日 


    開催年月日: 2024年1月31日 - 2024年2月1日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 体表面汚染の評価精度の向上の取り組み

    今田結, 永松知洋, 磯辺みどり, 寺東宏明, 花房直志

    日本放射線安全管理学会第22回学術大会  2023年11月11日 


    開催年月日: 2023年11月11日 - 2023年11月13日


  • ガンマ線と炭素イオン線による塩基損傷と変異の比較

    寺東宏明, 德山由佳, 森加奈恵, 磯辺みどり

    日本環境変異原ゲノム学会第52回大会  2023年11月11日 


    開催年月日: 2023年11月11日 - 2023年11月12日



  • DNA base damage and mutations induced by carbon ion beams

    Hiroaki Terato, Yuka Tokuyama, Kanae Mori, Midori Isobe

    17th International Congress for Radiation Research  2023年8月27日 


    開催年月日: 2023年8月26日 - 2023年8月30日

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Visualization of boron distributions on inorganic and organic material surfaces by PEEM.

    Takanori Wakita, Kazuyo Igawa, Miyu Kaneda, Naoshi Ikeda, Hiroaki Terato, Yuji Muraoka, Takayoshi Yokoya

    The 27th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation  2023年3月9日 


    開催年月日: 2023年3月9日 - 2023年3月10日



  • 同時使用の制限を行うグループ別管理の導入とその実践のための取り組み

    今田結, 磯辺みどり, 永松知洋, 花房直志, 寺東宏明

    第4回日本保健物理学会・日本安全管理学会合同大会  2022年11月25日 


    開催年月日: 2022年11月24日 - 2022年11月26日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • キャビテーション高電圧パルス放電プラズマによる殺菌効果

    寺東宏明, 德山由佳, 西山博稀, 松永貴志, 吉田祐紀, 猪原哲

    日本防菌防黴学会第49回年次大会  2022年9月27日 


    開催年月日: 2022年9月26日 - 2022年9月27日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 原子炉中性子線によって生じるDNA損傷の特性について

    寺東宏明, 齊藤毅, 松田外志朗

    日本放射線影響学会第65回大会  2022年9月16日 


    開催年月日: 2022年9月15日 - 2022年9月17日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 細胞培養用培地におけるラドンの溶解・散逸特性の時間依存性に関する検討

    村上海斗, 片岡隆浩, 直江翔太, 藤本有希, 雪峰諒平, 田中歩, 神﨑訓枝, 迫田晃弘, 寺東宏明, 山岡聖典

    第46回中国地区放射線影響研究会  2022年9月7日 


    開催年月日: 2022年9月7日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 同時使用の制限を行うグループ別管理の導入とその実践のための取り組み

    花房直志, 永松知洋, 今田結, 磯辺みどり, 寺東宏明

    第3回日本放射線安全管理学会・日本保健物理学会合同大会  2021年12月1日 


    開催年月日: 2021年12月1日 - 2021年12月3日


  • 原子炉中性子線によって生じるDNA損傷の収率とスペクトル

    寺東宏明, 德山由佳, 森加奈恵, 齊藤毅, 松田外志朗

    日本環境変異原ゲノム学会第50回記念大会  2021年11月1日 


    開催年月日: 2021年11月1日 - 2021年11月2日


  • ラドン吸入によるマウス諸臓器中のレドックス状態の変化特性とDNA酸化損傷の抑制効果の検討

    片岡隆浩, 首藤妃奈, 直江翔太, 矢野準喜, 神﨑訓枝, 迫田晃弘, 田中裕史, 花元克巳, 光延文裕, 寺東宏明, 山岡聖典

    本原子力学会中国四国支部研究発表会  2021年10月30日 


    開催年月日: 2021年10月30日


  • 重粒子放射線によって誘発されるDNA損傷と変異

    寺東宏明, 磯辺みどり, 德山由佳, 森加奈恵, 平山亮一

    日本放射線影響学会第64回大会  2021年9月22日 


    開催年月日: 2021年9月22日 - 2021年9月24日


  • ラドン吸入はマウス脳・腎臓・小腸のDNA酸化損傷を抑制する

    片岡隆浩, 首藤妃奈, 直江翔太, 矢野準喜, 神﨑訓枝, 迫田晃弘, 田中裕史, 花元克巳, 光延文裕, 寺東宏明, 山岡聖典

    日本放射線影響学会第64回大会  2021年9月22日 


    開催年月日: 2021年9月22日 - 2021年9月24日


  • Alteration of redox state following radon inhalation depends on the antioxidant capacity of organs

    Takahiro Kataoka, Norie Kanzaki, Akihiro Sakoda, Hina Shuto, Junki Yano, Shota Naoe, Hiroshi Tanaka, Katsumi Hanamoto, Hiroaki Terato, Fumihiro Mitsunobu, Kiyonori Yamaoka

    20th Biennial Meeting of SFRR International  2021年3月15日 


    開催年月日: 2021年3月15日 - 2021年3月18日


  • ラドン吸入による諸臓器中のレドックス状態の変化特性に関する比較検討

    矢野準喜, 片岡隆浩, 神﨑訓枝, 迫田晃弘, 首藤妃奈, 直江翔太, 田中裕史, 花元克巳, 寺東宏明, 光延文裕, 山岡聖典

    日本原子力学会中国・四国支部第14回研究発表会・令和2年度第1回講演会  2020年12月12日 


    開催年月日: 2020年12月12日


  • 放射線によって生じるDNA損傷の特徴について〜ガンマ線、粒子線、中性子線を使った実験結果から 招待


    日本原子力学会中国・四国支部第14回研究発表会・令和2年度第1回講演会  2020年12月12日 


    開催年月日: 2020年12月12日


  • セラミックス遮へい材のガンマ線遮へい能力評価について

    寺東宏明, 磯辺みどり, 岡田成史, 森宏行

    日本放射線安全管理学会 第19回学術大会  2020年12月9日 


    開催年月日: 2020年12月9日 - 2020年12月11日


  • 自然起源放射性物質を利用した非密封放射性同位元素の安全取扱実習の実践

    花房直志, 永松知洋, 今田結, 磯辺みどり, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線安全管理学会第19回学術大会  2020年12月9日 


    開催年月日: 2020年12月9日 - 2020年12月11日


  • 重粒子放射線によって生じるDNA損傷と変異スペクトルの解析

    寺東宏明, 磯辺みどり, 瀧川真帆, 德山由佳, 森加奈恵, 平山亮一

    日本環境変異原学会第49回大会  2020年11月26日 


    開催年月日: 2020年11月26日 - 2020年11月27日


  • 岡山大学における新型コロナウイルス対策を踏まえた放射線管理について

    寺東宏明, 花房直志, 永松知洋, 磯辺みどり, 今田結, 寺田輝子

    日本アイソトープ協会令和2年度放射線安全取扱部会年次大会  2020年11月2日 


    開催年月日: 2020年11月2日 - 2020年11月30日


  • 重粒子線によって生じるDNA 損傷と変異スペクトル

    寺東宏明, 磯辺みどり, 瀧川真帆, 德山由佳, 森加奈恵

    第45回中国地区放射線影響研究会  2020年8月7日 


    開催年月日: 2020年8月7日


  • 主成分分析を用いたラドン吸入によるマウス諸臓器中の酸化ストレスの評価

    片岡隆浩, 神﨑訓枝, 迫田晃弘, 首藤妃奈, 矢野準喜, 直江翔太, 田中裕史, 花元克巳, 寺東宏明, 光延文裕, 山岡聖典

    第45回中国地区放射線影響研究会  2020年8月7日 


    開催年月日: 2020年8月7日


  • Functional interaction between mitotic kinases and p53 family proteins

    瀧川真帆, 笹井香織, 寺東宏明, 片山博志

    第45回中国地区放射線影響研究会  2020年8月7日 


    開催年月日: 2020年8月7日


  • 企画シンポジウム 放射線防護の喫緊課題への提案〜職業被ばくの個人線量管理と緊急時対応人材の確保~第1部 職業被ばくの個人線量管理~流動性の高い現場の問題~大学の実状と課題 招待


    日本保健物理学会第53回研究発表会  2020年6月29日 


    開催年月日: 2020年6月29日 - 2020年6月30日



  • Chromosomal DNA Damage Induced by Low Dose Rate Gamma-Rays.

    Hiroaki TERATO, Hiroshi YASUDA

    The 4th International Symposium of the Network-type Joint Usage/Research Center for Radiation Disaster Medical Science  2020年2月12日 


    開催年月日: 2020年2月12日 - 2020年2月13日


  • The DNA damage and mutations induced by heavy ion beam.

    Hiroaki Terato, Yuka Tokuyama, Kanae Mori, Ryoichi Hirayama

    ACEM/JEMS 2019  2019年11月18日 


    開催年月日: 2019年11月18日 - 2019年11月20日


  • 原子炉中性子によって生じるDNA損傷とその生物影響

    寺東宏明, 磯辺みどり, 花房直志, 德山由佳, 森加奈恵, 齊藤剛, 松田外志朗, 山西弘城

    日本放射線影響学会第62回大会  2019年11月14日 


    開催年月日: 2019年11月14日 - 2019年11月16日


  • マウス諸臓器におけるラドン吸入による過酸化水素の産生に伴う酸化ストレスの評価

    片岡隆浩, 神崎訓枝, 迫田晃弘, 石田毅, 首藤妃奈, 矢野準喜, 田中裕史, 花元克巳, 寺東宏明, 光延文裕, 山岡聖典

    日本放射線影響学会第62回大会  2019年11月14日 


    開催年月日: 2019年11月14日 - 2019年11月16日


  • シンポジウムⅢ 改正RI法令への対応事例, 1 予防規程および関連規則改定の実例 招待


    令和元年度日本アイソトープ協会放射線安全取扱部会年次大会  2019年10月24日 


    開催年月日: 2019年10月24日 - 2019年10月25日



  • 水中放電プラズマ殺菌におけるDNA傷害機構の関与

    寺東宏明, 德山由佳, 工藤健一, 境智弘, 伊藤博則, 猪原哲

    日本防菌防黴学会第46回年次大会  2019年9月25日 


    開催年月日: 2019年9月25日 - 2019年9月26日



  • ラドン吸入による抗酸化機能の亢進がマウス諸臓器中の過酸化水素産生に及ぼす作用

    片岡隆浩, 神﨑訓枝, 迫田晃弘, 石田毅, 首藤妃奈, 矢野準喜, 田中裕史, 花元克巳, 寺東宏明, 光延文裕, 山岡聖典

    日本原子力学会中国・四国支部第13回研究発表会  2019年9月20日 


    開催年月日: 2019年9月20日



  • Yields of DNA damage in the cells irradiated with low dose rate gamma-rays.

    Hiroaki Terato, Yuka Tokuyama, Kanae Mori, Hiroshi Yasuda

    16th International Congress of Radiation Research  2019年8月25日 


    開催年月日: 2019年8月25日 - 2019年8月29日



  • Basic study on suppression effects of active oxygen diseases by radon inhalation and its mechanism.

    Takahiro Kataoka, Norie Kanzaki, Akihiro Sakoda, Tsuyoshi Ishida, Hiroshi Tanaka, Katsumi Hanamoto, Hiroaki Terato, Fumihiro Mitsunobu, Kiyonori Yamaoka

    16th International Congress of Radiation Research  2019年8月25日 


    開催年月日: 2019年8月25日 - 2019年8月29日



  • ラドン吸入によるマウス諸臓器中の過酸化水素産生に関する基礎的検討

    片岡隆浩, 神崎訓枝, 迫田晃弘, 石田毅, 首藤妃奈, 矢野準喜, 花元克巳, 寺東宏明, 光延文裕, 山岡聖典

    第44回中国地区放射線影響研究会  2019年8月2日 


    開催年月日: 2019年8月2日


  • 1Mジメチルスルホキシド存在下で重粒子放射線によって生じるDNA損傷と変異

    德山由佳, 森加奈恵, 平山亮一, 古澤佳也, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線影響学会第61回大会  2018年11月8日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 水中放電プラズマによる殺菌応用について

    寺東宏明, 徳山由佳, 猪原哲, 西山博稀, 吉田祐紀, 松永貴志

    プラズマ核融合学会  2017年12月16日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 重粒子放射線の直接作用により生じる変異解析とDNA損傷分析

    徳山由佳, 森加奈恵, 平山亮一, 古澤佳也, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線影響学会第60回大会  2017年10月26日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 低線量率放射線によって生じる細胞内DNA損傷の動態

    寺東宏明, 徳山由佳, 澤尻昌彦, 保田浩志

    日本放射線影響学会第60回大会  2017年10月26日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 水中放電プラズマによる酸化DNA損傷と突然変異.

    德山由佳, 工藤健一, 境智弘, 伊藤博則, 猪原哲, 寺東宏明

    日本環境変異原学会第45回大会  2016年11月17日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Repair for clustered DNA damage induced by heavy ion beam irradiation.

    The 10th 3R Symposium  2016年11月14日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 重粒子放射線により生じるクラスターDNA損傷の修復動態と変異解析.

    德山由佳, 平山亮一, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線影響学会第59回大会  2016年10月27日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Clustered and isolated oxidative DNA damages induced by atomic reactor neutron radiations.

    15th International Congress of Radiation Research  2015年5月26日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Clustered DNA damage by heavy ion beams irradiation and the post-irradiating repair process.

    15th International Congress of Radiation Research  2015年5月26日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Mass spectrometric analysis or oxidative DNA damages induced by high LET ionizing radiations.

    The 41st International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry  2014年11月6日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 水中放電プラズマによる大腸菌殺菌へのDNA酸化損傷の寄与.

    工藤健一, 伊藤博徳, 猪原 哲, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線影響学会第57回大会  2014年10月2日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 重粒子線照射によるクラスターDNA損傷の生成とその修復.

    徳山由佳, 平山亮一, 古澤佳也, 井出博, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線影響学会第57回大会  2014年10月2日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 放電プラズマにより生成する酸化DNA損傷の分析.

    工藤健一, 伊藤博徳, 猪原哲, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線影響学会第56回大会  2013年10月19日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 中等度放射線耐性菌Kocuria rosea のゲノム解析.

    鈴木克之, 寺田峻, 吉本一至, 工藤健一, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線影響学会第56回大会  2013年10月19日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 重粒子線照射された細胞のクラスターDNA損傷および孤立DNA損傷生成収率.

    徳山由佳, 古澤佳也, 寺東宏明

    日本放射線影響学会第56回大会  2013年10月18日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 放射線の種類によるDNA損傷生成収率の変化-実験データを元に 招待

    寺東 宏明

    第23回日本数理生物学会大会  2013年9月14日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  


  • Quantitative characteristics of clustered DNA damage in irradiated cells by heavy ion beams.

    Heavy Ion in Therapy and Space Radiation Symposium  2013年5月16日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  




  • 細胞内酸化的塩基損傷の検出系の確立



  • 酸化プリン損傷修復酵素OGG1の酵素特性の研究



  • Characterization of oxoguanine DNA glycosylase, OGG1



  • 脱塩基損傷高感度検出系の開発



  • 酸化的ピリミジン損傷の哺乳類修復酵素の研究



  • 酸化的DNA損傷の生物影響の研究





  • 寺島論文賞

    2010年11月   日本放射線影響学会  

    寺東 宏明



  • 重粒子線、BNCT、アルファ線内用療法におけるDNA損傷と変異の関与

    研究課題/領域番号:22K12372  2022年04月 - 2025年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    寺東 宏明


    配分額:4160000円 ( 直接経費:3200000円 、 間接経費:960000円 )


  • キャビテーション放電プラズマ方式を使った水質浄化装置の実用化のための研究

    研究課題/領域番号:20K04446  2020年04月 - 2023年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    猪原 哲, 寺東 宏明


    配分額:4420000円 ( 直接経費:3400000円 、 間接経費:1020000円 )



  • パルス高電圧印加を利用した温帯果樹の休眠打破技術の構築

    研究課題/領域番号:17K06305  2017年04月 - 2020年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    猪原 哲, 寺東 宏明, 山根 久代


    配分額:4810000円 ( 直接経費:3700000円 、 間接経費:1110000円 )



  • 水中キャビテーション放電を用いた大容量・高速水処理装置に関する基礎的研究

    研究課題/領域番号:26420238  2014年04月 - 2017年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    猪原 哲, 寺東 宏明


    配分額:4420000円 ( 直接経費:3400000円 、 間接経費:1020000円 )

    本研究は、プラズマを用いて、大容量の排水を高速で処理する技術を構築するための基礎的研究である。特に水中キャビテーションとプラズマを併用する点が特長である。特に本研究では,処理容器を1度通過させるだけで殺菌処理するための方法,基礎的知見を得ることを目標とした。水中の初期密度2×1015 m-3の大腸菌を用い,6秒の処理時間で約83%の殺菌率が得られ,このリアクタの通過回数は1回に相当する。また18秒の処理時間では3.3%の生存率が得られ、この処理時間はパス数が3回に相当する。したがって、15対(=5×3)の電極を用いればパス数1回で90%以上の殺菌率が得られ、投入電力は約150Wと推測できる。


  • 放射線誘発塩基損傷クラスターの量的・質的解析による放射線生物効果の機構解明

    研究課題/領域番号:25340034  2013年04月 - 2016年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    寺東 宏明, 近藤 敏広, 徳山 由佳


    配分額:4030000円 ( 直接経費:3100000円 、 間接経費:930000円 )

    この研究は、放射線特異的損傷として知られるクラスターDNA損傷の質的・量的解析と、その照射後の修復プロセスを解析し、重粒子放射線生物影響の分子機構を解明することを目的とする。CHO細胞を炭素、ケイ素、アルゴン、鉄の各イオン線で照射し、細胞ごと電気泳動を行い、染色体に生じたクラスターDNA損傷を分析した。各イオン線のLETは13、55、90、200 keV/μmである。電気泳動の結果、LETの増加に応じて、クラスターDNA損傷の収率が低下することがわかった。一方、照射後培養実験の結果から塩基除去修復酵素遺伝子の欠損が重粒子線の生物効果表出に関わっていることが示唆された。


  • シックハウス症候群に対する高感度プローブとしてのDNA付加体損傷の解析

    研究課題/領域番号:24655143  2012年04月 - 2016年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的萌芽研究

    近藤 敏弘, 寺東 宏明, 徳山 由佳, 市場 正良


    配分額:2080000円 ( 直接経費:1600000円 、 間接経費:480000円 )



  • パルス高電圧印加による温帯果樹の生育制御に関する基礎的研究

    研究課題/領域番号:24656191  2012年04月 - 2014年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的萌芽研究

    猪原 哲, 寺東 宏明, 山根 久代


    配分額:3510000円 ( 直接経費:2700000円 、 間接経費:810000円 )



  • チミン酸化損傷5-ホルミルウラシルに対する生体内修復機構FOシステムの全容解明

    研究課題/領域番号:22510062  2010年 - 2012年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    寺東 宏明, 近藤 敏弘, 徳山 由佳


    配分額:3120000円 ( 直接経費:2400000円 、 間接経費:720000円 )

    本研究は主要なチミン酸化損傷5-ホルミルウラシル(5-foU)の生体内修復機構の全容解明を目的として行った。ここで想定する5-foU修復システム(FOシステム)は(1)非誤対合性5-foU の除去修復、(2)誤対合5-foU 誘発突然変異の抑制機構、(3)5-fodUTP分解によるヌクレオチドプール浄化である。本研究の結果、5-foU修復機構の全貌解明の端緒が開かれるとともに、関連した損傷分析技術の開発による分析化学的成果が得られた。


  • ATP依存性プロテアーゼ系と共役したDNAータンパク質クロスリンク修復機構

    研究課題/領域番号:18310039  2006年 - 2008年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    井出 博, 田内 広, 寺東 宏明


    配分額:18330000円 ( 直接経費:15600000円 、 間接経費:2730000円 )

    したがって,DPCのHRはRecBCD依存的経路のみで進行し,これはゲノム損傷のHRにおいてDPCに特徴的な応答であることが示された。HRのpostsynaptic stageで働く因子を調べた結果,ruvAB,ruvC,recG欠損株がDPC誘発剤に高感受性を示した。RuvABおよびRuvCは,Holliday構造の移動と解消に関わっていると考えられるが,RecGの役割についてはさらに検討が必要である。HR後の複製再開に関わる因子を明らかにするため,priA,priB,priC,rep欠損株の感受性を調べた。priA欠損株は高感受性を示したが,priBおよびpriC欠損株は弱い感受性で,rep欠損株は感受性を示さなかった。したがって,複製再開はPriA-PriBあるいはPriA-Pric経路で進行し,両経路は相補的に働いていると考えた。


  • クラスター損傷の直接検出に基づく新規定量法の開発

    研究課題/領域番号:17651029  2005年 - 2006年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  萌芽研究

    井出 博, 寺東 宏明, 古澤 佳也


    配分額:3400000円 ( 直接経費:3400000円 )

    照射にはAA8細胞(修復野生型)と塩基除去修復経路の最終段階で働くXRCC1を欠損したEM9細胞を用い,γ線(0.2keV/mm),Cイオン(13keV/mm),Feイオン(200keV/mm)で照射した。照射した細胞の一部は,コロニー形成により生存率を調べ,残りはクラスター損傷(DNA二重鎖切断)を評価するため,アガロースプラグに包埋しスタティックフィールドゲル電気泳動により分析した。AA8細胞の生存率は,いずれの放射線でも照射線量の増加とともに対数的に減少したが,同一線量ではLET上昇とともに低下した。また,EM9細胞(XRCC1-)とAA8C細胞(野生株)のCイオンに対する生存率を比較し,EM9細胞の感受性が高いことを見出した。DNA二重鎖切断発生量は,プラグからリリースされたDNAバンドの強度を指標とした。二重鎖切断発生量はLET増加とともに減少し,細胞生存率のLET依存性とは逆の関係を示すことが分かった。in vitroにおけるDNA照射でもクラスター損傷生成効率とLETの問には逆相関認められた。以上のin vivoおよびin vitroの結果は,放射線によるクラスター損傷の生成量と生物効果の重篤度が単純な相関関係にはないことを示す。さらに,放射線の生物効果の重篤度には,クラスター損傷の構造と細胞内プロセシングが関わっている可能性を示唆する。今後,細胞レベルでより詳細なクラスター損傷の解析を行い,クラスター損傷の実態と生物効果の関連を明らかにしていく。


  • 酸化DNA損傷を認識する塩基除去修復酵素の網羅的同定と機能解析

    研究課題/領域番号:15310038  2003年 - 2005年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    井出 博, 寺東 宏明, 久保 喜平


    配分額:15300000円 ( 直接経費:15300000円 )

    (1)oxanineを含むDNAを酵素トラッププローブとして,HeLa細胞のDNA損傷認識タンパク質探索を行った。トラップ生成物のSDS-PAGE分析では,28〜69kDaの間に14のバンドが確認された。mass fingerprintingで同定されたタンパク質には,ヒストンの外にDNA修復に関与が推測されるがタンパク質複数含まれており,現在,修復への関与を調べている。
    (4)大腸菌および酵母には,新規な塩基損傷修復機構としてEndo IVおよびApn1により開始されるヌクレオチド切断修復機構がありは,細胞内おいてこれまでに知られている塩基除去修復機構と相補的に働いている可能性が示唆した。


  • 窒素酸化物によって誘発されるDNA塩基損傷の突然変異発生機構とその修復機構の解明

    研究課題/領域番号:15510054  2003年 - 2004年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    寺東 宏明


    配分額:3200000円 ( 直接経費:3200000円 )

    1.窒素酸化物によって生じるグアニン脱アミノ生成物の複製エラー誘発活性(Nakano et al.,Mutagenesis,20,209-216)
    2.オキザニンおよびその付加体損傷に対する修復活性(Nakano et al.,Nucleic Acids Res.,33,2181-2191)


  • 生物の遺伝情報維持機構に関する研究





  • Molecular mechanism of genetic integrity in biological systems





  • NOにより形成されるDNA-タンパク質クロスリンクの遺伝的影響と修復

    研究課題/領域番号:14026033  2002年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特定領域研究

    井出 博, 寺東 宏明


    配分額:4300000円 ( 直接経費:4300000円 )

    本研究では,細胞内におけるオキザニンのクロスリンク標的分子を探索するとともに,クロスリンク生成物のDNA複製に対する影響と修復機構を検討した。その結果,HeLa細胞内の主要クロスリンク標的分子として,41kDaおよび69kDaのタンパクの存在が確認された。前者の候補としては8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase (hOGG1)が考えられたが,hOGG1抗体を用いたクロスリンク阻害実験から,同タンパクはhOGG1ではないことが明らかとなった。DNA複製については,オキザニン-スペルミンクロスリンク生成物の影響を調べた。同クロスリンク損傷は強いDNA複製阻害効果を示したが,損傷乗り越え合成(translesion synthesis)も起こることが明らかとなった。オキザニン-スペルミンクロスリンク生成物では,塩基対形成に必要な水素結合部位が修飾を受けていることから,損傷乗り越え合成では,本来取り込まれるべきdCMP以外のヌクレオチドの取込が予想される。クロスリンク生成物の修復については,UvrABC酵素のオキザニン-スペルミンクロスリンク生成物に対する反応を検討した。UvrABCは損傷特異的なDNA切断活性を示したことから,クロスリンク生成物修復に対するヌクレオチド除去修復の関与が明らかとなった。真核生物においても同様な結果が予想されることから,ヒトのヌクレオチド除去修復再構成系を用いて同修復機構の関与を確認するとともに修復効率の定量的な解析を行う必要がある。


  • NOにより形成されるDNA-タンパク質クロスリンクの遺伝的影響と修復

    研究課題/領域番号:13214071  2001年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特定領域研究(C)

    井出 博, 寺東 宏明


    配分額:4400000円 ( 直接経費:4400000円 )



  • DNAアレイを用いた遺伝子損傷のゲノムマッピング法の開発

    研究課題/領域番号:12558060  2000年 - 2002年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    井出 博, 久保 喜平, 寺東 宏明, 大山 義彦, 佐々本 一美


    配分額:13500000円 ( 直接経費:13500000円 )

    ゲノム中の遺伝子単位で損傷を検出するためには,従来用いてきた発色法よりさらに高感度な検出法が必要である。ペルオキシダーゼ基質として化学発光試薬を用いることにより,10^6ヌクレオチドあたり1-2個の脱塩基部位が検出可能となった。次に,損傷塩基をARP検出可能な脱塩基部位に定量的に変換するためのDNAグリコシラーゼ処理条件を検討した。その結果,10^4ヌクレオチドあたりそれぞれ2.5個の酸化ピリミジン損傷及び酸化プリン損傷を含むDNA(10μg)では,Endo III(酸化ピリミジン損傷を認識),hOGG1(酸化プリン損傷を認識)共に,1μgの酵素と37℃で1時間インキュベートすることにより,損傷塩基を定量的に脱塩基部位に変換できることが分かった。さらに,ARP法とDNAアレイを組み合わせた損傷検出を行った。FASL, c-myc, XPB遺伝子(約1kb)をメンブレンに固定化しDNAアレイを作製した。10^4ヌクレオチドあたり1個の脱塩基部位を含むc-mycDNAを調製し,脱塩基部位をARP標識することにより,プローブDNAを作製した。条件IIを用いてプローブをDNAアレイにハイブリダイゼーションし,化学発光を検出した。DNAアレイのc-myc遺伝子に対しては強い化学発光が認められたが,FASL及びXPB遺伝子では認められなかった。以上の研究により。ARP法,DNAグリコシラーゼ処理,及びDNAアレイを組み合わせた遺伝子特異的なDNA損傷検出のための基礎技術が確立された。


  • NOにより形成されるDNA-タンパク質クロスリンクの遺伝的影響と修復

    研究課題/領域番号:12213091  2000年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特定領域研究(C)

    井出 博, 寺東 宏明, 大山 義彦


    配分額:3100000円 ( 直接経費:3100000円 )



  • 酸化的ピリミジン塩基損傷を修復する新規酵素の探索

    研究課題/領域番号:10780331  1998年 - 1999年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  奨励研究(A)

    寺東 宏明


    配分額:2300000円 ( 直接経費:2300000円 )



  • 高等真核生物の遺伝情報維持に関わるDNA修復酵素の同定と機能解析

    研究課題/領域番号:10044087  1998年 - 1999年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    井出 博, 久保 喜平, 寺東 宏明, 大山 義彦, MITRA Sankar, VAN Houten B, KOW Yoke W.


    配分額:3900000円 ( 直接経費:3900000円 )

    チミン損傷[チミングリコール(TG)・ウレア・ホルミルウラシル(FU)]およびシトシン損傷[ヒドロキシウラシル]を含むDNA基質を合成し,マウスEndo IIIホモログ(mNTH1)の酵素特性を検討した.標識したTGを含むDNAとmNTH1をインキュペートすると,TGがDNAからリリースされた.さらに,オリゴヌクレオチド基質をmNTH1とインキュベート後,生成物をポリアクリルアミド電気泳動で分析した.メチル基の酸化損傷FUを含む基質は酵素により切断されなかったが,他の損傷を含む基質は損傷部位で特異的に切断された.したがって,mNTH1は,大腸菌のendo IIIと同様な基質特異性をもち,N-グリコシラーゼとして作用することが明らかとなった.


  • 酸化的DNA障害を認識する高等真核生物由来の修復酵素

    研究課題/領域番号:10151233  1998年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特定領域研究(A)

    井出 博, 寺東 宏明


    配分額:2000000円 ( 直接経費:2000000円 )

    1. 8-oxoGおよびme-Fapyを含むオリゴヌクレオチドを基質として,hOGG1およびFpgの両基質に対する活性と酵素パラメーターを調べた.8-oxoG,me-Fapyはともに両酵素の基質となることが示されたが,切断生成物は,hOGG1ではβ-脱離生成物であるのに対し,Fpgではβ,δ-脱離生成物であった.hOGG1の8-oxoGおよびme-Fapyに対するkcat,Kmは数倍程度異なったが,反応効率(kcat/Km)は同程度であった.Fpgでも同様な検討を行ったところ,hOGG1に比べ高いkcatが得られたが,基質特異性に関してはhOGG1と同様な結果が得られた.NaBH_4存在下,8-oxoGあるいはme-Fapyを含む基質とhOGG1,Fpgをインキュベートし,生成物をSDS-PAGEで分析した.その結果,両酵素で基質-酵素間のクロスリンク複合体の存在が確認された.これは,反応中間体として,酵素-基質間でSchiff baseが形成されることを示している.
    2. 様々な損傷を含むオリゴヌクレオチド基質を用いてmNthl1と大腸菌ホモローグ(EndoIII)の基質認識の差を検討した.TGの立体異性体(5S,6R体と5R,6S体)に対する活性は,両酵素の間で有為な差は認められなかった.また,EndoIIIではTGとURに対する活性は同程度であったが,DHTに対する活性は著しく低く,TGの約1/15であった.mNthl1でもTGとURに対する活性は同程度であったが,DHTでは低かった.しかし,DHTに対する活性はEndoIIIの場合ほどの大きな差はなく,TGの1/2程度であった.


  • 損傷特異的プローブ分子を用いたDNA損傷の高感度定量法の開発と応用

    研究課題/領域番号:09558070  1997年 - 1999年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    井出 博, 久保 喜平, 寺東 宏明, 大山 義彦, 佐々本 一美, 佐々木 一美


    配分額:8100000円 ( 直接経費:8100000円 )

    脱塩基部位(AP site)は,最も普遍的なDNA損傷であり,生物の遺伝情報変異機構を解明する上で極めて重要な損傷である.本研究では、プローブ分子(ARP)を用いたAP siteの高感度定量法の確立とDNA修復研究への応用を行った.
    DNAの固相化に用いるプレートの検討では,従来のUV照射プレートに比べアミノプレートは約10倍のDNA結合能を有していること,さらに、プロタミンプレートでは固相化時間が短縮できることが明らかとなった。また,微量なAP siteを定量するために、スタンダードDNAを異なる濃度で固相化し,シグナルとの相関性を調べた結果,異なったDNA濃度で固相化しても測定値が比較可能であることが示された.
    生存率に影響を与えない濃度のMMSで処理したRC355細胞のDNA中に生じるAP siteの定量を試みた結果,100%生存濃度(0.5mM)のMMS処理細胞のDNAにおいても,10^5ヌクレオチドあたり約0.5個のAP siteを検出した.
    hMPGの損傷に対する活性を,ARP法および従来の酵素プローブ法を用いて比較検討した.酵素活性の測定は,3-mA,7-mG,Hx,εAを含むDNAとhMPGを反応後,AP siteをARPを用いて直接的に,あるいは,Endo IV処理により鎖切断に変換して定量した.その結果,メチルプリン(3-mAおよび7-mGを含む)に対するhMPG活性は,他の基質に村する活性の約5倍高いことが明らかとなった.


  • 酸化的DNA障害を認識する高等真核生物由来の修復酵素

    研究課題/領域番号:09253238  1997年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  重点領域研究

    井出 博, 寺東 宏明


    配分額:2300000円 ( 直接経費:2300000円 )

    1 酵素基質合成
    thymine glycol(TG)は、チミンを1ケ所だけ含むオリゴヌクレオチドを過マンガン酸カリウムで酸化することにより導入した。目的とする生成物(19TG)は、逆相HPLC及びゲル濾過により精製した。次に、19TGのアルカリ処理により、ureaを含むオリゴヌクレオチド(19UREA)を調製した。
    2 酵素特性の解析
    methylpurine DNA glycosylase(hMPG)は、ヒト細胞における主要なアルキル化塩基修復酵素であり、基質特異性も大腸菌のAlkAと多くの部分でオーバーラップしている。hMPGを大腸菌で発現しタンパク質を精製後、アルキル化及び酸化損傷塩基を含むオリゴヌクレオチド基質を用いて基質特異性を検討した。hMPGは、7-methylguanine,ethenoadenine,hypoxanthineを認識したが、同様な条件下で酸化損傷5-formyluracil及び8-oxoguanineは認識しなかった。


  • 放射線抵抗性細菌における放射線抵抗性の誘導機構の解明

    研究課題/領域番号:06780440  1994年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  奨励研究(A)

    寺東 宏明


    配分額:900000円 ( 直接経費:900000円 )

    本年度の研究実績をまとめると放射線抵抗性細菌Rubrobacter radiotoleransで放射線によって誘導される蛋白質を二次元電気泳動ゲル上で3つのスポットとして検出することが出来た.
    まず本種の可溶性画分の抽出方法を検討した.本種はAchromopeptidaseによって細胞壁を破壊することが必要であるが,試料中へのその混入を避けるため,0.2M sucroseによる高張溶液での処理を確立した.次にradioisotope(RI)を使わずに二次元電気泳動ゲルの銀染色でスポットの変化をみたが確認できなかった.よって^<35>S-methionineの取り込みにより蛋白質の新規合成をみるために,ラベル条件の検討を行った.この結果からRI濃度1.85 MBq/ml.ラベル時間1hで行うこととした.次に照射条件の検討を行った.放射線照射誘導蛋白質においては,低線量と高線量では誘導されてくるものが異なることが考えられるが,本研究においては高線量での照射誘導を目的とした.その結果8kGyでD_<37>である16kGyと同様の,誘導が起こることがわかった.次に泳動条件の検討を行った.一次元目をpH4.5-6の等電点電気泳動,二次元目を7.5%アクリルアミドゲル電気泳動で行うこととした.それによりpI5付近,分子量40kDa付近に,放射線照射時のみに現れる3つのスポットが検出された.これをシークエンス対象物として現在大量調製中である.


  • Study on DNA repair enzymes




  • DNA修復酵素に関する研究




  • 環境変異原の生物影響に関する研究




  • Study on biological effects of envionmental mutagens







  • 基礎放射線学 (2024年度) 特別  - その他

  • 安全衛生入門 (2024年度) 第4学期  - 金5~6

  • 基礎放射線学 (2023年度) 特別  - その他

  • 安全衛生入門 (2023年度) 第4学期  - 金5~6

  • 基礎放射線学 (2022年度) 特別  - その他

  • 安全衛生入門 (2022年度) 第4学期  - 金5~6

  • 基礎放射線学 (2021年度) 特別  - その他

  • 安全衛生入門 (2021年度) 第4学期  - 金5~6

  • 基礎放射線学 (2020年度) 特別  - その他
