Updated on 2024/12/23


Okayama University Hospital Lecturer
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  • 医学博士 ( 2010.3   岡山大学 )

  • Dr. of Medical Science ( Okayama University )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Psychiatry


  • 岡山大学大学院    

    2004 - 2010

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  • Okayama University   医学部   医学科

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    2011 - 2023.1

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  • 【精神疾患と神経炎症】自己免疫性精神病総論 精神疾患

    高木 学, 岡久 祐子, 酒本 真次, 河合 弘樹, 樋之津 健二, 和田 菜那美, 山田 了士

    臨床精神医学   53 ( 4 )   525 - 532   2024.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)アークメディア  


  • 【よくわかる! 精神疾患対応 これ1冊-内科医と精神科医の連携のために】(第2部)精神科との連携が特に必要な領域 抗NMDA受容体抗体脳炎等の辺縁系脳炎

    高木 学, 岡久 祐子, 酒本 真次

    診断と治療   112 ( Suppl. )   103 - 107   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)診断と治療社  



    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2024&ichushi_jid=J00697&link_issn=&doc_id=20240410140022&doc_link_id=10.34433%2Fdt.0000000662&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.34433%2Fdt.0000000662&type=%E5%8C%BB%E6%9B%B8.jp_%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BB%E3%82%B9&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00024_2.gif

  • 【抗体介在性自己免疫性脳炎と精神医学】自己免疫性精神病 岡山大学病院における知見を含めて

    高木 学, 岡久 祐子, 酒本 真次, 樋之津 健二, 河合 弘樹, 来住 由樹, 山田 了士

    精神神経学雑誌   126 ( 2 )   114 - 125   2024.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  

    自己免疫性脳炎の存在は,『8年越しの花嫁』『Brain on Fire(脳に棲む魔物)』にて書籍,映画化され,広く知られるようになった.抗NMDAR脳炎は,比較的若年女性に多く,原因となる神経自己抗体のなかで最多頻度であり,次に頻度が高い抗VGKC複合体抗体脳炎は,比較的高齢男性に多い.近年,これら以外にも,精神疾患の病態に関与する神経伝達物質受容体抗体が次々と発見され,検出可能となってきている.さらに,内因性精神病と診断される患者の検討は,血清で行われていたため批判も多かったが,髄液内の神経自己抗体の存在を示唆する報告も増えており,精神疾患の新たな治療法として免疫療法への期待が高まっている.神経細胞膜または核内自己抗体によって,精神症状のみを呈する(神経症状を全く,または微細にしか認めない)患者群は,典型的な自己免疫性脳炎とは区別して,自己免疫性精神病(AP)と呼ばれる.しかし,脳神経内科領域における「自己免疫性脳炎」と精神科領域における「自己免疫性精神病」は概念の違いが大きく,さまざまな診断基準,検体(血清,髄液)の違い,抗体検査法の違いのために,依然として「自己免疫性脳炎」に保険適用がある検査や治療法はない.抗NMDAR脳炎は,早期発見による早期治療介入が有効であり,治療の遅れは予後不良と関係する.そこで,統合失調症,気分障害,てんかん,睡眠障害などさまざまな精神疾患の鑑別診断としてAPを考える必要がある.神経自己抗体を検出し免疫療法の根拠となる確定診断を行うことは重要であるが,実臨床では,確定診断に至らなくともprobable診断のみで免疫療法の積極的な検討が必要となる.本稿では,岡山大学病院での経験症例を交えながら,APの臨床症状,診断,検査法,検査所見,病態機序,治療と予後,精神疾患患者で多くみられる血清抗体の意味を解説し,本分野の将来の展望を考察する.(著者抄録)


  • 【脳画像所見を日常臨床に活かすには】自己免疫性脳炎と脳画像解析

    酒本 真次, 樋之津 健二, 河合 弘樹, 和田 菜那美, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学

    精神科   43 ( 3 )   294 - 303   2023.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(有)科学評論社  


  • Comparison between olanzapine and aripiprazole treatment for 104 weeks after hospital discharge in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a multicenter retrospective cohort study in a real-world setting Reviewed

    Tomonari Hosokawa, Chikara Miyaji, Yusaku Yoshimura, Kenji Washida, Yuji Yada, Shinji Sakamoto, Yuko Okahisa, Soshi Takao, Akira Nomura, Yoshiki Kishi, Toshiki Harada, Manabu Takaki, Toshihiko Takeda, Norihito Yamada

    Psychopharmacology   2023.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-023-06407-6


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-023-06407-6/fulltext.html

  • Initial Outcomes of the Safe and Sound Protocol on Patients with Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder: Exploratory Pilot Study. Reviewed International journal

    Hiroki Kawai, Makiko Kishimoto, Yuko Okahisa, Shinji Sakamoto, Seishi Terada, Manabu Takaki

    International journal of environmental research and public health   20 ( 6 )   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Sensory impairments are common features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and are associated with its social impairments. However, there is no established treatment for these impairments in adults with ASD. The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is a listening program designed to improve social communication skills by reducing auditory hypersensitivity. We investigated the effectiveness of the SSP for adults with ASD. We administered the SSP to six participants with ASD aged 21-44 years old, and the effects were assessed using the Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2). Secondary outcomes were assessed using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), WHO Quality of Life 26 (WHOQOL-BREF), and Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile (A/ASP). In this study, only the Social Awareness scale of the SRS-2 Family-Report showed a significant improvement after the intervention. In addition, it was significantly correlated with physical health of WHOQOL-BREF (r = -0.577, p = 0.012), state and trait anxiety of STAI (r = 0.576, p = 0.012; r = 0.708, p = 0.00009, respectively), and CES-D (r = 0.465, p = 0.05). In conclusion, the SSP has a partial effect on social impairments in adults with ASD, specifically on the Social Awareness subscale of the SRS-2.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20064862



  • The validity of atypical psychosis diagnostic criteria to detect anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis with psychiatric symptoms Reviewed

    Kenji Hinotsu, Chikara Miyaji, Yuji Yada, Hiroki Kawai, Shinji Sakamoto, Yuko Okahisa, Ko Tsutsui, Takashi Kanbayashi, Keiko Tanaka, Soshi Takao, Yoshiki Kishi, Manabu Takaki, Norihito Yamada

    Schizophrenia Research   248   292 - 299   2022.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2022.08.024


  • アルコール依存症に対するナルメフェンの無作為化比較試験における臨床的モデレーターについて 探索的分析

    橋本 望, 土生 裕, 高尾 総司, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 松尾 恵太郎, 高木 学, 来住 由樹, 山田 了士

    日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌   57 ( 4 )   239 - 239   2022.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本アルコール・アディクション医学会  


  • Transdiagnostic comparisons of intellectual abilities and work outcome in patients with mental disorders: multicentre study. Reviewed International journal

    Chika Sumiyoshi, Kazutaka Ohi, Haruo Fujino, Hidenaga Yamamori, Michiko Fujimoto, Yuka Yasuda, Yota Uno, Junichi Takahashi, Kentaro Morita, Asuka Katsuki, Maeri Yamamoto, Yuko Okahisa, Ayumi Sata, Eiichi Katsumoto, Michihiko Koeda, Yoji Hirano, Masahito Nakataki, Junya Matsumoto, Kenichiro Miura, Naoki Hashimoto, Manabu Makinodan, Tsutomu Takahashi, Kiyotaka Nemoto, Toshifumi Kishimoto, Michio Suzuki, Tomiki Sumiyoshi, Ryota Hashimoto

    BJPsych open   8 ( 4 )   e98   2022.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Cognitive impairment is common in people with mental disorders, leading to transdiagnostic classification based on cognitive characteristics. However, few studies have used this approach for intellectual abilities and functional outcomes. AIMS: The present study aimed to classify people with mental disorders based on intellectual abilities and functional outcomes in a data-driven manner. METHOD: Seven hundred and forty-nine patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression disorder or autism spectrum disorder and 1030 healthy control subjects were recruited from facilities in various regions of Japan. Two independent k-means cluster analyses were performed. First, intelligence variables (current estimated IQ, premorbid IQ, and IQ discrepancy) were included. Second, number of work hours per week was included instead of premorbid IQ. RESULTS: Four clusters were identified in the two analyses. These clusters were specifically characterised in terms of IQ discrepancy in the first cluster analysis, whereas the work variable was the most salient feature in the second cluster analysis. Distributions of clinical diagnoses in the two cluster analyses showed that all diagnoses were unevenly represented across the clusters. CONCLUSIONS: Intellectual abilities and work outcomes are effective classifiers in transdiagnostic approaches. The results of our study also suggest the importance of diagnosis-specific strategies to support functional recovery in people with mental disorders.

    DOI: 10.1192/bjo.2022.50



  • Clinical moderators of response to nalmefene in a randomized-controlled trial for alcohol dependence: An exploratory analysis. Reviewed International journal

    Nozomu Hashimoto, Hiroshi Habu, Soshi Takao, Shinji Sakamoto, Yuko Okahisa, Keitaro Matsuo, Manabu Takaki, Yoshiki Kishi, Norihito Yamada

    Drug and alcohol dependence   233   109365 - 109365   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Nalmefene is the only medication marketed to reduce the consumption of alcohol in patients with alcohol dependence, but it remains unclear which patients could most benefit from it. This study aimed to identify clinical moderators that affect treatment response to nalmefene in patients with alcohol dependence. METHODS: In a multicenter, randomized, controlled, double-blind, phase 3 study of nalmefene on Japanese patients with alcohol dependence, the relationship between the reduction of heavy drinking days (HDD) and total alcohol consumption (TAC) at 12 and 24 weeks of treatment and baseline variables of the participants were analyzed in a linear regression and multiple adjusted analysis. RESULTS: Age < 65, no family history of problem drinking, age at onset of problem drinking ≥ 25, and not currently smoking were possible positive moderators. Nalmefene showed a significant HDD reduction in patients with age < 65 or no family history of problem drinking, and a significant TAC reduction in patients with age at onset of problem drinking ≥ 25 or who were not currently smoking. After multiple adjusted analyses, age < 65 (p = .028), no family history of problem drinking (p = .047), and age at onset of problem drinking ≥ 25 (p = .030) were statistically significant. Not currently smoking (p = .071) was marginally significant. In combination, these moderators indicated synergistic effects. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol-dependent patients with favorable prognostic factors such as non-smoking status, no family history of problem drinking, and a late-onset of problem drinking selectively benefit from nalmefene. Further research is needed to validate these exploratory results.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109365



  • 対人関係発達指導法(RDI)による自閉症児への療育 ケースシリーズ

    岸本 真希子, 河合 弘樹, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 山田 了士

    精神神経学雑誌   124 ( 4付録 )   S - 537   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • Association between depression in chronic phase and future clinical outcome of patients with schizophrenia. Reviewed International journal

    Yuto Yamada, Yusuke Yamauchi, Shinji Sakamoto, Masaki Fujiwara, Yuko Okahisa, Soshi Takao, Manabu Takaki, Norihito Yamada

    Psychopharmacology   239 ( 3 )   965 - 975   2022.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    RATIONALE: Depression in schizophrenia is an important symptom. We investigated whether depression and suicidal symptoms in the chronic phase are related to remote future clinical outcomes in patients with schizophrenia and whether psychotropics improved clinical outcomes. OBJECTIVES: The subjects included 462 outpatients of working age (15 to 64 years old) with schizophrenia treated at Okayama University Hospital from January 2010 to December 2011. We investigated the relationship between the Clinical Global Impression-Severity score at the last visit (average 19.2 years) and the existence of previous depression, suicidal ideas, and suicide attempts. We adjusted by several possible confounders including medical history using multiple regression analysis or logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 462 patients, 168 (36.4%) presented with depression 2 years after schizophrenia onset. A history of suicidal ideas and attempts was related to worse clinical outcome. In males, a history of depression was related to worse clinical outcome, but not in females. Lithium carbonate was related to better clinical outcome in all schizophrenia patients with depression, especially in males. Treatment with antidepressants was related to better clinical outcome only in males. CONCLUSIONS: A history of depression or suicidal symptoms in the chronic phase predicted the future worse clinical outcome in patients with schizophrenia. The administration of lithium carbonate or antidepressants might be recommended, especially to male schizophrenia patients with depression.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-022-06099-4



  • A Decrease of Neutrophils After COVID-19 Vaccination in a Treatment-Resistant Patient With Schizophrenia Taking Clozapine. Reviewed International journal

    Manabu Takaki, Yuji Yada, Shinji Sakamoto, Masaki Fujiwara, Yuko Okahisa, Norihito Yamada

    Journal of clinical psychopharmacology   2022.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1097/JCP.0000000000001527



  • Mirtazapine Was Effective for a Patient With Benzodiazepine Dependence. Reviewed International journal

    Manabu Takaki, Ryo Ishikawa, Shinji Sakamoto, Nozomu Hashimoto, Yuko Okahisa, Norihito Yamada

    Clinical neuropharmacology   2021.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE: Benzodiazepine (BZD) dependence has become a social problem and results in poor outcomes. Only a few evidence-based treatments for pharmacotherapy, including antidepressants, are recommended. METHODS: We reported about a 71-year-old man with onset of blindness at 50 years of age due to pigmentary degeneration of the retina developed insomnia at age 59 years, characterized by nocturnal and early morning awakenings. RESULTS: Mirtazapine was effective to not only treat sleep disturbance but also a craving for BZD. CONCLUSIONS: The increases of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin signaling by mirtazapine may be related to the effectiveness in reducing BZD dependence.

    DOI: 10.1097/WNF.0000000000000488



  • Impairment of early neuronal maturation in anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis Reviewed

    Sojiro Okamoto, Manabu Takaki, Kenji Hinotsu, Hiroki Kawai, Shinji Sakamoto, Yuko Okahisa, Soshi Takao, Ko Tsutsui, Takashi Kanbayashi, Keiko Tanaka, Norihito Yamada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Rationale Adequate immunotherapies for anti-NMDAR encephalitis during pregnancy produce a relatively good clinical outcome for pregnant mothers and their infants, but there are no reports about the future growth of their babies. The damage of anti-NMDAR antibodies to early neuronal development is still unknown. Objectives Serum or cerebrospinal fluid from one patient with anti-NMDAR encephalitis (the index patient) and one patient with schizophrenia (the control patient) was administered to primary cultures of dissociated rat cortical neurons, and dendritic outgrowth, centrosome elimination, and branching of dendrites were investigated. For rescue experiments, serum of the index patient was replaced with normal culture media after 3 days' administration of the index patient. Results Serum and cerebrospinal fluid of the index patient statistically significantly impaired dendritic outgrowth of cultured rat cortical primary neurons. Serum of the index patient also statistically significantly delayed centrosome elimination. Impaired dendritic outgrowth and delayed centrosome elimination were not perfectly rescued by changing to normal culture media. Serum of the index patient also statistically significantly reduced the branching of dendrites. Conclusions This is the first demonstration of the damage by anti-NMDAR antibodies on early dendritic development in vitro. As a strategy to protect embryonic neurons, our findings may support the efficacy of early immunotherapy for anti-NMDAR encephalitis in pregnancy.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-021-06036-x

    Web of Science


  • 抗体介在性自己免疫性脳炎と精神疾患 自己免疫性精神病 発症機序と多彩な精神症状

    高木 学, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 山田 了士

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2021特別号 )   S294 - S294   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • The relationship between plasma clozapine concentration and clinical outcome: a cross-sectional study Reviewed

    Yuji Yada, Kohei Kitagawa, Shinji Sakamoto, Atsushi Ozawa, Akihiro Nakada, Hiroko Kashiwagi, Yuko Okahisa, Soshi Takao, Manabu Takaki, Yoshiki Kishi, Norihito Yamada

    ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA   143 ( 3 )   227 - 237   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    Objective There is no report that statistically evaluates the therapeutic reference (350-600 ng/ml) and adverse drug reaction (ADR) range (>1000 ng/ml) of clozapine (CLZ) recommended by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (AGNP) consensus guidelines in an isolated and large sampling study.Methods We administered CLZ to 131 Japanese patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia in a multicenter cross-sectional study. Plasma CLZ concentrations were assayed by high-performance liquid chromatography using trough sampling. The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and severe dose-dependent ADR (sedation, myoclonus, and seizures) were analyzed statistically after adjusting for possible confounders.Results The daily CLZ dosage showed a moderately positive relationship with the plasma concentration (r = 0.49, p 0.001). Every 100 ng/ml increase in plasma CLZ concentration improved the total BPRS score 1.95% (95% CI: 0.89-3.01, p 0.001) and the odds ratio (OR) 1.38 (95% CI: 1.14-1.66, p = 0.001) for BPRS response. Compared with concentrations below 350 ng/ml CLZ, 350-600 ng/ml (11.12%; 95% CI: 2.52-19.72, p = 0.012) and 600-1000 ng/ml (11.05%; 95% CI: 2.40-19.71, p = 0.013) showed significant improvement in the total BPRS score. Dosages above 1000 ng/ml showed greater improvement (25.36%; 95% CI: 13.08-37.64, p 0.001) of the total BPRS score but more severe ADRs than dosages below 1000 ng/ml (OR: 31.72; 95% CI: 1.04-968.81, p = 0.048).Conclusion The AGNP therapeutic reference range (350-600 ng/ml) is useful, and a dose above 1000 ng/ml is potentially more effective but carries the risk of severe ADRs in the central nervous system.

    DOI: 10.1111/acps.13264

    Web of Science


  • Mechanisms underlying the comorbidity of schizophrenia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Reviewed International journal

    Yutaka Mizuki, Shinji Sakamoto, Yuko Okahisa, Yuji Yada, Nozomu Hashimoto, Manabu Takaki, Norihito Yamada

    The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology   24 ( 5 )   367 - 382   2020.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The mortality rate of patients with schizophrenia is high, and life expectancy is shorter by 10 to 20 years. Metabolic abnormalities including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are among the main reasons. The prevalence of T2DM in patients with schizophrenia may be epidemiologically frequent because antipsychotics induce weight gain as a side effect and the cognitive dysfunction of patients with schizophrenia relates to a disordered lifestyle, poor diet, and low socioeconomic status. Apart from these common risk factors and risk factors unique to schizophrenia, accumulating evidence suggests the existence of common susceptibility genes between schizophrenia and T2DM. Functional proteins translated from common genetic susceptibility genes are known to regulate neuronal development in the brain and insulin in the pancreas through several common cascades. In this review, we discuss common susceptibility genes, functional cascades, and the relationship between schizophrenia and T2DM. Many genetic and epidemiological studies have reliably associated the comorbidity of schizophrenia and T2DM, and it is probably safe to think that common cascades and mechanisms suspected from common genes' functions are related to the onset of both schizophrenia and T2DM. On the other hand, even when genetic analyses are performed on a relatively large number of comorbid patients, the results are sometimes inconsistent, and susceptibility genes may carry only a low or moderate risk. We anticipate future directions in this field.

    DOI: 10.1093/ijnp/pyaa097



  • Functional characterization of rare NRXN1 variants identified in autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia Reviewed

    Kanako Ishizuka, Tomoyuki Yoshida, Takeshi Kawabata, Ayako Imai, Hisashi Mori, Hiroki Kimura, Toshiya Inada, Yuko Okahisa, Jun Egawa, Masahide Usami, Itaru Kushima, Mako Morikawa, Takashi Okada, Masashi Ikeda, Aleksic Branko, Daisuke Mori, Toshiyuki Someya, Nakao Iwata, Norio Ozaki

    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders   12 ( 1 )   2020.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    Rare genetic variants contribute to the etiology of both autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia (SCZ). Most genetic studies limit their focus to likely gene-disrupting mutations because they are relatively easier to interpret their effects on the gene product. Interpretation of missense variants is also informative to some pathophysiological mechanisms of these neurodevelopmental disorders; however, their contribution has not been elucidated because of relatively small effects. Therefore, we characterized missense variants detected in <italic>NRXN1</italic>, a well-known neurodevelopmental disease-causing gene, from individuals with ASD and SCZ.

    To discover rare variants with large effect size and to evaluate their role in the shared etiopathophysiology of ASD and SCZ, we sequenced <italic>NRXN1</italic> coding exons with a sample comprising 562 Japanese ASD and SCZ patients, followed by a genetic association analysis in 4273 unrelated individuals. Impact of each missense variant detected here on cell surface expression, interaction with NLGN1, and synaptogenic activity was analyzed using an in vitro functional assay and in silico three-dimensional (3D) structural modeling.

    Through mutation screening, we regarded three ultra-rare missense variants (T737M, D772G, and R856W), all of which affected the LNS4 domain of <italic>NRXN1</italic>α isoform<italic>,</italic> as disease-associated variants. Diagnosis of individuals with T737M, D772G, and R856W was 1ASD and 1SCZ, 1ASD, and 1SCZ, respectively. We observed the following phenotypic and functional burden caused by each variant. (i) D772G and R856W carriers had more serious social disabilities than T737M carriers. (ii) In vitro assay showed reduced cell surface expression of NRXN1α by D772G and R856W mutations. In vitro functional analysis showed decreased NRXN1α-NLGN1 interaction of T737M and D772G mutants. (iii) In silico 3D structural modeling indicated that T737M and D772G mutations could destabilize the rod-shaped structure of LNS2-LNS5 domains, and D772G and R856W could disturb N-glycan conformations for the transport signal.

    The combined data suggest that missense variants in <italic>NRXN1</italic> could be associated with phenotypes of neurodevelopmental disorders beyond the diagnosis of ASD and/or SCZ.


    DOI: 10.1186/s11689-020-09325-2


    Other Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s11689-020-09325-2/fulltext.html

  • Rare genetic variants in the gene encoding histone lysine demethylase 4C (KDM4C) and their contributions to susceptibility to schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder Reviewed

    Hidekazu Kato, Itaru Kushima, Daisuke Mori, Akira Yoshimi, Branko Aleksic, Yoshihiro Nawa, Miho Toyama, Sho Furuta, Yanjie Yu, Kanako Ishizuka, Hiroki Kimura, Yuko Arioka, Keita Tsujimura, Mako Morikawa, Takashi Okada, Toshiya Inada, Masahiro Nakatochi, Keiko Shinjo, Yutaka Kondo, Kozo Kaibuchi, Yasuko Funabiki, Ryo Kimura, Toshimitsu Suzuki, Kazuhiro Yamakawa, Masashi Ikeda, Nakao Iwata, Tsutomu Takahashi, Michio Suzuki, Yuko Okahisa, Manabu Takaki, Jun Egawa, Toshiyuki Someya, Norio Ozaki

    Translational Psychiatry   10 ( 1 )   2020.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    <title>Abstract</title>Dysregulation of epigenetic processes involving histone methylation induces neurodevelopmental impairments and has been implicated in schizophrenia (SCZ) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Variants in the gene encoding lysine demethylase 4C (<italic>KDM4C</italic>) have been suggested to confer a risk for such disorders. However, rare genetic variants in <italic>KDM4C</italic> have not been fully evaluated, and the functional impact of the variants has not been studied using patient-derived cells. In this study, we conducted copy number variant (CNV) analysis in a Japanese sample set (2605 SCZ and 1141 ASD cases, and 2310 controls). We found evidence for significant associations between CNVs in <italic>KDM4C</italic> and SCZ (<italic>p</italic> = 0.003) and ASD (<italic>p</italic> = 0.04). We also observed a significant association between deletions in <italic>KDM4C</italic> and SCZ (corrected <italic>p</italic> = 0.04). Next, to explore the contribution of single nucleotide variants in <italic>KDM4C</italic>, we sequenced the coding exons in a second sample set (370 SCZ and 192 ASD cases) and detected 18 rare missense variants, including p.D160N within the JmjC domain of KDM4C. We, then, performed association analysis for p.D160N in a third sample set (1751 SCZ and 377 ASD cases, and 2276 controls), but did not find a statistical association with these disorders. Immunoblotting analysis using lymphoblastoid cell lines from a case with <italic>KDM4C</italic> deletion revealed reduced KDM4C protein expression and altered histone methylation patterns. In conclusion, this study strengthens the evidence for associations between <italic>KDM4C</italic> CNVs and these two disorders and for their potential functional effect on histone methylation patterns.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41398-020-01107-7


    Other Link: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-020-01107-7

  • Rare single-nucleotide DAB1 variants and their contribution to Schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder susceptibility. Reviewed International journal

    Yoshihiro Nawa, Hiroki Kimura, Daisuke Mori, Hidekazu Kato, Miho Toyama, Sho Furuta, Yanjie Yu, Kanako Ishizuka, Itaru Kushima, Branko Aleksic, Yuko Arioka, Mako Morikawa, Takashi Okada, Toshiya Inada, Kozo Kaibuchi, Masashi Ikeda, Nakao Iwata, Michio Suzuki, Yuko Okahisa, Jun Egawa, Toshiyuki Someya, Fumichika Nishimura, Tsukasa Sasaki, Norio Ozaki

    Human genome variation   7 ( 1 )   37 - 37   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Disabled 1 (DAB1) is an intracellular adaptor protein in the Reelin signaling pathway and plays an essential role in correct neuronal migration and layer formation in the developing brain. DAB1 has been repeatedly reported to be associated with neurodevelopmental disorders including schizophrenia (SCZ) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in genetic, animal, and postmortem studies. Recently, increasing attention has been given to rare single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) found by deep sequencing of candidate genes. In this study, we performed exon-targeted resequencing of DAB1 in 370 SCZ and 192 ASD patients using next-generation sequencing technology to identify rare SNVs with a minor allele frequency <1%. We detected two rare missense mutations (G382C, V129I) and then performed a genetic association study in a sample comprising 1763 SCZ, 380 ASD, and 2190 healthy control subjects. Although no statistically significant association with the detected mutations was observed for either SCZ or ASD, G382C was found only in the case group, and in silico analyses and in vitro functional assays suggested that G382C alters the function of the DAB1 protein. The rare variants of DAB1 found in the present study should be studied further to elucidate their potential functional relevance to the pathophysiology of SCZ and ASD.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41439-020-00125-7



  • Switching strategies for antipsychotic monotherapy in schizophrenia: a multi-center cohort study of aripiprazole Reviewed

    Yoshiaki Obayashi, Satoshi Mitsui, Shinji Sakamoto, Nozomu Minao, Bunta Yoshimura, Toshiki Kono, Yuji Yada, Yuko Okahisa, Soshi Takao, Yoshiki Kishi, Toshihiko Takeda, Manabu Takaki, Norihito Yamada

    PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY   237 ( 1 )   167 - 175   2020.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Rationale Changing antipsychotics of patients with chronic schizophrenia involves several risks. Switching to aripiprazole is especially difficult. We investigated switching methods and related factors for successful switching patients with chronic schizophrenia to aripiprazole. Objectives This study was a multi-center historical cohort study and approved by the research ethics committee of Okayama University Hospital and Okayama Psychiatric Medical Center. We compared survival proportions of 178 chronic schizophrenia patients who continued aripiprazole monotherapy for 6 months after non-direct switching (add-on switching (n = 45), cross switching (n = 62)) or direct switching (n = 71). We adjusted possible confounders using a Cox proportional hazards model. Results Of patients with chronic schizophrenia, 56.7% (101/178) were switched to aripiprazole monotherapy, and 55.0% (98/178) showed improvement in symptoms as demonstrated by the Clinical Global Impression Severity score. Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed that non-direct switching had a higher survival proportion than direct switching (log-rank test, p = 0.012). Even after adjusting for several variables using a Cox proportional hazards model, add-on switching had a significantly lower hazard at 6 months than direct switching (hazard ratio 0.42, 95% confidence interval 0.21-0.82, P = 0.01). In cases of switching to aripiprazole for psychiatric symptoms, non-direct switching had a lower hazard than direct switching (hazard ratio 0.41, 95% confidence interval 0.21-0.81, P = 0.01) but was not significant for adverse reaction. When aripiprazole was switched from olanzapine, add-on switch showed the lowest hazard ratio for continuation (hazard ratio 0.29, 95% confidence interval 0.07-1.11, P = 0.07). Conclusions Flexibility in strategies when switching to aripiprazole may induce a better outcome for patients with chronic schizophrenia.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-019-05352-7

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  • Anti-NMDA-receptor antibody in initial diagnosis of mood disorder. Reviewed

    Kawai H, Takaki M, Sakamoto S, Shibata T, Tsuchida A, Yoshimura B, Yada Y, Matsumoto N, Sato K, Abe K, Okahisa Y, Kishi Y, Takao S, Tsutsui K, Kanbayashi T, Tanaka K, Yamada N

    European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology   29 ( 9 )   1041 - 1050   2019.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2019.07.137



  • Genome-Wide Association Study Detected Novel Susceptibility Genes for Schizophrenia and Shared Trans-Populations/Diseases Genetic Effect. Reviewed International journal

    Masashi Ikeda, Atsushi Takahashi, Yoichiro Kamatani, Yukihide Momozawa, Takeo Saito, Kenji Kondo, Ayu Shimasaki, Kohei Kawase, Takaya Sakusabe, Yoshimi Iwayama, Tomoko Toyota, Tomoyasu Wakuda, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Hidenaga Yamamori, Yuka Yasuda, Yuichiro Watanabe, Satoshi Hoya, Branko Aleksic, Itaru Kushima, Heii Arai, Manabu Takaki, Kotaro Hattori, Hiroshi Kunugi, Yuko Okahisa, Tohru Ohnuma, Norio Ozaki, Toshiyuki Someya, Ryota Hashimoto, Takeo Yoshikawa, Michiaki Kubo, Nakao Iwata

    Schizophrenia bulletin   45 ( 4 )   824 - 834   2019.6

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified >100 susceptibility loci for schizophrenia (SCZ) and demonstrated that SCZ is a polygenic disorder determined by numerous genetic variants but with small effect size. We conducted a GWAS in the Japanese (JPN) population (a) to detect novel SCZ-susceptibility genes and (b) to examine the shared genetic risk of SCZ across (East Asian [EAS] and European [EUR]) populations and/or that of trans-diseases (SCZ, bipolar disorder [BD], and major depressive disorder [MDD]) within EAS and between EAS and EUR (trans-diseases/populations). Among the discovery GWAS subjects (JPN-SCZ GWAS: 1940 SCZ cases and 7408 controls) and replication dataset (4071 SCZ cases and 54479 controls), both comprising JPN populations, 3 novel susceptibility loci for SCZ were identified: SPHKAP (Pbest = 4.1 × 10-10), SLC38A3 (Pbest = 5.7 × 10-10), and CABP1-ACADS (Pbest = 9.8 × 10-9). Subsequent meta-analysis between our samples and those of the Psychiatric GWAS Consortium (PGC; EUR samples) and another study detected 12 additional susceptibility loci. Polygenic risk score (PRS) prediction revealed a shared genetic risk of SCZ across populations (Pbest = 4.0 × 10-11) and between SCZ and BD in the JPN population (P ~ 10-40); however, a lower variance-explained was noted between JPN-SCZ GWAS and PGC-BD or MDD within/across populations. Genetic correlation analysis supported the PRS results; the genetic correlation between JPN-SCZ and PGC-SCZ was ρ = 0.58, whereas a similar/lower correlation was observed between the trans-diseases (JPN-SCZ vs JPN-BD/EAS-MDD, rg = 0.56/0.29) or trans-diseases/populations (JPN-SCZ vs PGC-BD/MDD, ρ = 0.38/0.12). In conclusion, (a) Fifteen novel loci are possible susceptibility genes for SCZ and (b) SCZ "risk" effect is shared with other psychiatric disorders even across populations.

    DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sby140



  • Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis in Psychiatry. Reviewed

    Sakamoto S, Kawai H, Okahisa Y, Tsutsui K, Kanbayashi T, Tanaka K, Mizuki Y, Takaki M, Yamada N

    Acta medica Okayama   73 ( 3 )   189 - 195   2019.6

  • Assessment of a glyoxalase I frameshift variant, p.P122fs, in Japanese patients with schizophrenia. Reviewed International journal

    Kanako Ishizuka, Hiroki Kimura, Itaru Kushima, Toshiya Inada, Yuko Okahisa, Masashi Ikeda, Nakao Iwata, Daisuke Mori, Branko Aleksic, Norio Ozaki

    Psychiatric genetics   28 ( 5 )   90 - 93   2018.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Enhanced carbonyl stress has been observed in a subgroup of patients with schizophrenia. Glyoxalase I, which is encoded by GLO1, is an enzyme that protects against carbonyl stress. In this study, we focused on the association between rare genetic variants of GLO1 and schizophrenia. First, we identified one heterozygous frameshift variant, p.P122fs, in 370 Japanese schizophrenia cases with allele frequencies of up to 1% by exon-targeted mutation screening of GLO1. We then performed an association analysis on 1282 cases and 1764 controls with this variant. The variant was found in three cases and eight controls. There was no statistically significant association between p.P122fs in GLO1 and schizophrenia (P=0.25). This frameshift variant in GLO1 might occur at near-polymorphic frequencies in the Japanese population, although further investigations using larger samples and biological analyses are needed to exclude the possibility of a low-penetrance genetic risk associated with this variant.

    DOI: 10.1097/YPG.0000000000000204



  • Effects of the antipsychotics haloperidol, clozapine, and aripiprazole on the dendritic spine Reviewed

    Manabu Takaki, Masafumi Kodama, Yutaka Mizuki, Hiroki Kawai, Bunta Yoshimura, Makiko Kishimoto, Shinji Sakamoto, Yuko Okahisa, Norihito Yamada

    European Neuropsychopharmacology   28 ( 5 )   610 - 619   2018.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier B.V.  

    Three types of antipsychotics, typical (e.g. haloperidol), atypical (e.g. clozapine), and dopamine partial agonist (e.g. aripiprazole), are administered for treatment of schizophrenia. These antipsychotics have different efficacy and side-effect profiles. We investigated whether aripiprazole, clozapine, and haloperidol differentially regulate the dendritic spine through the AKT-GSK-3 beta cascade. Dissociated cortical neurons from Sprague-Dawley rats were prepared and cultured for 28 days. Aripiprazole, clozapine, or haloperidol was administered to the rat cortical neurons. The levels of PSD95 protein and AKT-GSK-3 beta cascade-related proteins were investigated by Western blot. The number of spines and PSD95 puncta were investigated by immunofluorescence cell staining. Aripiprazole (1 µM or 10 µM) and clozapine (1 µM) increased the levels of PSD95 protein, the number of spines, phosphorylated Akt Thr308 and Ser473, and phosphorylated GSK-3 beta Ser9. On the other hand, haloperidol (1 µM or 10 µM) or an inappropriate concentration of clozapine (10 µM) decreased them. A GSK inhibitor also increased the levels of PSD-95 protein and caused the same morphology. Aripiprazole, clozapine, and haloperidol differentially regulate the dendritic spine, and this effect may occur through the AKT-GSK-3 beta cascade. Selection and appropriate dose of these antipsychotics may be important for the protection of dendritic spines in patients with schizophrenia.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2018.03.004




  • Rare loss of function mutations in N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptors and their contributions to schizophrenia susceptibility. Reviewed International journal

    Yanjie Yu, Yingni Lin, Yuto Takasaki, Chenyao Wang, Hiroki Kimura, Jingrui Xing, Kanako Ishizuka, Miho Toyama, Itaru Kushima, Daisuke Mori, Yuko Arioka, Yota Uno, Tomoko Shiino, Yukako Nakamura, Takashi Okada, Mako Morikawa, Masashi Ikeda, Nakao Iwata, Yuko Okahisa, Manabu Takaki, Shinji Sakamoto, Toshiyuki Someya, Jun Egawa, Masahide Usami, Masaki Kodaira, Akira Yoshimi, Tomoko Oya-Ito, Branko Aleksic, Kinji Ohno, Norio Ozaki

    Translational psychiatry   8 ( 1 )   12 - 12   2018.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In schizophrenia (SCZ) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the dysregulation of glutamate transmission through N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) has been implicated as a potential etiological mechanism. Previous studies have accumulated evidence supporting NMDAR-encoding genes' role in etiology of SCZ and ASD. We performed a screening study for exonic regions of GRIN1, GRIN2A, GRIN2C, GRIN2D, GRIN3A, and GRIN3B, which encode NMDAR subunits, in 562 participates (370 SCZ and 192 ASD). Forty rare variants were identified including 38 missense, 1 frameshift mutation in GRIN2C and 1 splice site mutation in GRIN2D. We conducted in silico analysis for all variants and detected seven missense variants with deleterious prediction. De novo analysis was conducted if pedigree samples were available. The splice site mutation in GRIN2D is predicted to result in intron retention by minigene assay. Furthermore, the frameshift mutation in GRIN2C and splice site mutation in GRIN2D were genotyped in an independent sample set comprising 1877 SCZ cases, 382 ASD cases, and 2040 controls. Both of them were revealed to be singleton. Our study gives evidence in support of the view that ultra-rare variants with loss of function (frameshift, nonsense or splice site) in NMDARs genes may contribute to possible risk of SCZ.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41398-017-0061-y




    Yuko Okahisa, Shinji Sakamoto, Manabu Takaki, Norihito Yamada


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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Web of Science


  • Estimated cognitive decline in patients with schizophrenia: A multicenter study Reviewed

    Haruo Fujino, Chika Sumiyoshi, Yuka Yasuda, Hidenaga Yamamori, Michiko Fujimoto, Masaki Fukunaga, Kenichiro Miura, Yuto Takebayashi, Naohiro Okada, Shuichi Isomura, Naoko Kawano, Atsuhito Toyomaki, Hironori Kuga, Masanori Isobe, Kazuto Oya, Yuko Okahisa, Manabu Takaki, Naoki Hashimoto, Masaki Kato, Toshiaki Onitsuka, Takefumi Ueno, Tohru Ohnuma, Kiyoto Kasai, Norio Ozaki, Tomiki Sumiyoshi, Osamu Imura, Ryota Hashimoto

    PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES   71 ( 5 )   294 - 300   2017.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    Aim: Studies have reported that cognitive decline occurs after the onset of schizophrenia despite heterogeneity in cognitive function among patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of estimated cognitive decline in patients with schizophrenia by comparing estimated premorbid intellectual functioning and current intellectual functioning.
    Methods: A total of 446 patients with schizophrenia (228 male, 218 female), consisting of three sample sets obtained from 11 psychiatric facilities, and 686 healthy controls participated in this study. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III) was used to measure the participants' current full-scale IQ (FSIQ). The premorbid IQ was estimated using the Japanese Adult Reading Test-25. Estimated cognitive decline (difference score) was defined as the difference between the estimated premorbid IQ and the current FSIQ.
    Results: Patients with schizophrenia showed greater estimated cognitive decline, a lower FSIQ, and a lower premorbid IQ compared with the healthy controls. The mean difference score, FSIQ, and estimated premorbid IQ were -16.3, 84.2, and 100.5, respectively, in patients with schizophrenia. Furthermore, 39.7% of the patients had a difference score of 20 points or greater decline. A discriminant analysis showed that the difference score accurately predicted 81.6% of the patients and healthy controls.
    Conclusion: These results show the distribution of difference score in patients with schizophrenia. These findings may contribute to assessing the severity of estimated cognitive decline and identifying patients with schizophrenia who suffer from cognitive decline.

    DOI: 10.1111/pcn.12474

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  • Human Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor 11 (ARHGEF11) Regulates Dendritic Morphogenesis Reviewed

    Yutaka Mizuki, Manabu Takaki, Shinji Sakamoto, Sojiro Okamoto, Makiko Kishimoto, Yuko Okahisa, Masahiko Itoh, Norihito Yamada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Disturbances of synaptic connectivity during perinatal and adolescent periods have been hypothesized to be related to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 11 (ARHGEF11) is a specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF) for RhoA, which is a critical regulator of actin cytoskeleton dynamics and organization of dendritic spines and inhibitor of spine maintenance. ARHGEF11 variants are reported to be associated with a higher risk for the onset of schizophrenia in a Japanese population; however, how ARHGEF11 contributes to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia in dendritic spines is unknown. Therefore, we first studied the distribution, binding, and function of ARHGEF11 in the dendritic spines of the rat cerebral cortex. After subcellular fractionation of the rat cerebral cortex, ARHGEF11 was detected with synaptophysin and post-synaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95) in the P2 fractions including synaptosomal fractions containing presynaptic and postsynaptic density proteins. Endogenous ARHGEF11 was coimmunoprecipitated with synaptophysin or PSD-95. In cortical primary neurons at 28 days in vitro, immunostaining revealed that ARHGEF11 located in the dendrites and dendritic spines and colocalized with PSD-95 and synaptophysin. Overexpression of exogenous ARHGEF11 significantly decreased the number of spines (p = 0.008). These results indicate that ARHGEF11 is likely to be associated with synaptic membranes and regulation of spine.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms18010067

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  • A genome-wide association study identifies two novel susceptibility loci and trans population polygenicity associated with bipolar disorder Reviewed

    Ikeda M, Takahashi A, Kamatani Y, Okahisa Y, Kunugi H, Mori N, Sasaki T, Ohmori T, Okamoto Y, Kawasaki H, Shimodera S, Kato T, Yoneda H, Yoshimura R, Iyo M, Matsuda K, Akiyama M, Ashikawa K, Kashiwase K, Tokunaga K, Kondo K, Saito T, Shimasaki A, Kawase K, Kitajima T, Matsuo K, Itokawa M, Someya T, Inada T, Hashimoto R, Inoue T, Akiyama K, Tanii H, Arai H, Kanba S, Ozaki N, Kusumi I, Yoshikawa T, Kubo M, Iwata N

    Mol Psychiatry   23 ( 3 )   639 - 647   2017

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1038/mp.2016.259


    Other Link: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7856-3952

  • Expression Profiles and Neurocognitive/Social Functions as a Predictive Biomarker of Schizophrenia Reviewed

    Okahisa Yuko, Sakamoto Shinji, Kishimoto Makiko, Takaki Manabu, Yamada Norihito


  • The Relationship Between Development of Neuronal and Astrocytic Tau Pathologies in Subcortical Nuclei and Progression of Argyrophilic Grain Disease Reviewed

    Chikako Ikeda, Osamu Yokota, Shigeto Nagao, Hideki Ishizu, Etsuko Oshima, Masato Hasegawa, Yuko Okahisa, Seishi Terada, Norihito Yamada

    BRAIN PATHOLOGY   26 ( 4 )   488 - 505   2016.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) cases frequently have argyrophilic grain disease (AGD). However, the PSP-like tau pathology in AGD cases has not been fully clarified. To address this, we examined tau pathologies in the subcortical nuclei and frontal cortex in 19 AGD cases that did not meet the pathological criteria of PSP or corticobasal degeneration, nine PSP cases and 20 Braak NFT stage-matched controls. Of the 19 AGD cases, five (26.3%) had a few Gallyas-positive tau-positive tufted astrocytes (TAs) and Gallyas-negative tau-positive TA-like astrocytic inclusions (TAIs), and six (31.6%) had only TAIs in the striatum and/or frontal cortex. Subcortical tau pathology was sequentially and significantly greater in AGD cases lacking these tau-positive astrocytic lesions, AGD cases having them, and PSP cases than in controls. There was a significant correlation between three histologic factors, including the AGD stage and the quantities of subcortical neuronal and astrocytic tau pathologies. Tau immunoblotting demonstrated 68- and 64-kDa bands and 33-kDa low-molecular mass tau fragments in PSP cases, and although with lesser intensity, in AGD cases with and without TAs and TAIs also. Given these findings, the progression of AGD may be associated with development of the neuronal and astrocytic tau pathologies characteristic of PSP.

    DOI: 10.1111/bpa.12319

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  • Individual risk alleles of susceptibility to schizophrenia are associated with poor clinical and social outcomes Reviewed

    Shinji Sakamoto, Manabu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Yutaka Mizuki, Masatoshi Inagaki, Hiroshi Ujike, Toshiharu Mitsuhashi, Soshi Takao, Masashi Ikeda, Yosuke Uchitomi, Nakao Iwata, Norihito Yamada

    JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS   61 ( 4 )   329 - 334   2016.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Many patients with schizophrenia have poor clinical and social outcomes. Some risk alleles closely related to the onset of schizophrenia have been reported to be associated with their clinical phenotypes, but the direct relationship between genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia and clinical/social outcomes of schizophrenia, as evaluated by both practical clinical scales and 'real-world' function, has not been investigated. We evaluated the clinical and social outcomes of 455 Japanese patients with schizophrenia by severity of illness according to the Clinical Global Impression-Severity Scale (CGI-S) and social outcomes by social adjustment/maladjustment at 5 years after the first visit. We examined whether 46 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) selected from a Japanese genome-wide association study of susceptibility to schizophrenia were associated with clinical and social outcomes. We also investigated the polygenic risk scores of 46 SNPs. Allele-wise association analysis detected three SNPs, including rs2623659 in the CUB and Sushi multiple domains-1 (CSMD1) gene, associated with severity of illness at end point. The severity of illness at end point was associated with treatment response, but not with the severity of illness at baseline. Three SNPs, including rs2294424 in the C6orf105 gene, were associated with social outcomes. Point estimates of odds ratios showed positive relationships between polygenic risk scores and clinical/social outcomes; however, the results were not statistically significant. Because these results are exploratory, we need to replicate them with a larger sample in a future study.

    DOI: 10.1038/jhg.2015.153

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  • Factors predicting work outcome in Japanese patients with schizophrenia: Role of multiple functioning levels Reviewed

    Chika Sumiyoshi, Philip D. Harvey, Manabu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Taku Sato, Ichiro Sora, Keith H. Nuechterlein, Kenneth L. Subotnik, Tomiki Sumiyoshi

    Schizophrenia Research: Cognition   2 ( 3 )   105 - 112   2015.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier Inc.  

    Functional outcomes in individuals with schizophrenia suggest recovery of cognitive, everyday, and social functioning. Specifically improvement of work status is considered to be most important for their independent living and self-efficacy. The main purposes of the present study were 1) to identify which outcome factors predict occupational functioning, quantified as work hours, and 2) to provide cut-offs on the scales for those factors to attain better work status. Forty-five Japanese patients with schizophrenia and 111 healthy controls entered the study. Cognition, capacity for everyday activities, and social functioning were assessed by the Japanese versions of the MATRICS Cognitive Consensus Battery (MCCB), the UCSD Performance-based Skills Assessment-Brief (UPSA-B), and the Social Functioning Scale Individuals' version modified for the MATRICS-PASS (Modified SFS for PASS), respectively. Potential factors for work outcome were estimated by multiple linear regression analyses (predicting work hours directly) and a multiple logistic regression analyses (predicting dichotomized work status based on work hours). ROC curve analyses were performed to determine cut-off points for differentiating between the better- and poor work status. The results showed that a cognitive component, comprising visual/verbal learning and emotional management, and a social functioning component, comprising independent living and vocational functioning, were potential factors for predicting work hours/status. Cut-off points obtained in ROC analyses indicated that 60-70% achievements on the measures of those factors were expected to maintain the better work status. Our findings suggest that improvement on specific aspects of cognitive and social functioning are important for work outcome in patients with schizophrenia.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.scog.2015.07.003




  • A genome-wide association study of late-onset Alzheimer's disease in a Japanese population Reviewed

    Atsushi Hirano, Tomoyuki Ohara, Atsushi Takahashi, Masayuki Aoki, Yuta Fuyuno, Kyota Ashikawa, Takashi Morihara, Masatoshi Takeda, Kouzin Kamino, Etsuko Oshima, Yuko Okahisa, Nobuto Shibata, Heii Arai, Hiroyasu Akatsu, Masashi Ikeda, Nakao Iwata, Toshiharu Ninomiya, Akira Monji, Takanari Kitazono, Yutaka Kiyohara, Michiaki Kubo, Shigenobu Kanba

    PSYCHIATRIC GENETICS   25 ( 4 )   139 - 146   2015.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    ObjectiveAlthough a number of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) have been carried out, there have been little GWAS data on East Asian populations.DesignTo discover the novel susceptibility loci of LOAD, we carried out a GWAS using 816 LOAD cases and 7992 controls with a replication analysis using an independent panel of 1011 LOAD cases and 7212 controls in a Japanese population. In addition, we carried out a stratified analysis by APOE-epsilon 4 status to eliminate the established effect of APOE region.ResultsOur data indicated that 18p11.32 (rs1992269, P=9.77x10(-7)), CNTNAP2 (rs802571, P=1.26x10(-6)), and 12q24.23 (rs11613092, P=6.85x10(-6)) were suggestive loci for susceptibility to LOAD.ConclusionWe identified three suggestive loci for susceptibility to LOAD in a Japanese population. Among these, rs802571, located at intron 1 of CNTNAP2, was considered to be a plausible candidate locus from a functional perspective.

    DOI: 10.1097/YPG.0000000000000090

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  • Difference in determinants of caregiver burden between amnestic mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease Reviewed

    Chikako Ikeda, Seishi Terada, Etsuko Oshima, Satoshi Hayashi, Yuko Okahisa, Manabu Takaki, Masatoshi Inagaki, Osamu Yokota, Yosuke Uchitomi

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH   226 ( 1 )   242 - 246   2015.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Care for the disabled elderly can be stressful and exhausting, especially in cases of dementia. There have been a number of studies on the dementia caregiver burden, but studies focusing on differences by stages of the disease are rare. The caregiver burden of 85 caregivers of patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) and 106 caregivers of patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) was evaluated by the short version of the Japanese version of the Zarit Burden Interview (sZBI). The caregiver burden in mild AD was more severe than that in aMCI. In mild AD, the risk factors of caregiver burden were neurobehavioral symptoms and disturbances instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), whereas the risk factors in aMCI were neurobehavioral symptoms and memory dysfunction. The severity of dementing disease affects the caregiver burden, and somewhat different factors contribute to the burden at different stages. We should pay attention to different factors in evaluating and reducing the caregiver burden in aMCI and mild AD. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.12.055

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  • Human Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 11 gene is associated with schizophrenia in a Japanese population Reviewed

    Yutaka Mizuki, Manabu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Shinji Sakamoto, Masafumi Kodama, Hiroshi Ujike, Yosuke Uchitomi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    ObjectiveThe human Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 11 (ARHGEF11) gene is one of the candidate genes for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). ARHGEF11 is mapped to chromosome 1q21, which has susceptible risk loci for T2DM and schizophrenia. We hypothesized that ARHGEF11 contributes to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.
    MethodWe selected eight single nucleotide polymorphisms of ARHGEF11 that had significant associations with T2DM for a case-control association study of 490 patients with schizophrenia and 500 age-matched and sex-matched controls.
    ResultsWe did not find any differences in allelic, genotypic associations, or minor allele frequencies with schizophrenia. Analysis of the rs6427340-rs6427339 haplotype and the rs822585-rs6427340-rs6427339 haplotype combination provided significant evidence of an association with schizophrenia (global permutations p=0.00047 and 0.0032, respectively). C-C of the rs6427340-rs6427339 haplotype and A-C-C of the rs822585-rs6427340-rs6427339 haplotype carried higher risk factors for schizophrenia (permutation p=0.0010 and 0.0018, respectively). A-C-T of the rs822585-rs6427340-rs6427339 haplotype had a possible protective effect (permutation p=0.031).
    ConclusionThese results provide new evidence that ARHGEF11 may constitute a risk factor for schizophrenia. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1002/hup.2435

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  • Four polymorphisms of the pericentriolar material 1 (PCM1) gene are not associated with schizophrenia in a Japanese population Reviewed

    Shinji Sakamoto, Manabu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Yutaka Mizuki, Masafumi Kodama, Hiroshi Ujike, Yosuke Uchitomi

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH   216 ( 2 )   288 - 289   2014.5

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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.02.006

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  • 非鎮静系抗精神病薬aripiprazole、blonanserinの適応外使用の状況と理由の検討

    高木 学, 北川 航平, 江角 悟, 水木 寛, 酒本 真次, 藤原 雅樹, 岡久 祐子, 井上 真一郎, 児玉 匡史, 岡部 伸幸, 寺田 整司, 内富 庸介

    臨床精神薬理   17 ( 3 )   375 - 388   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)星和書店  

    非鎮静系抗精神病薬aripiprazole(APZ)122例、blonanserin(BNS)46例が、統合失調症以外の疾患に対し適応外使用された背景と理由、半年後の転帰(継続、効果、副作用)を検討した。使用理由は、他の抗精神病薬以外の薬物療法が無効83.9%、1年以上の経過で慢性かつ難治64.3%、他の抗精神病薬が無効64.3%、少ない副作用を期待47.6%、重症の入院症例45.2%、精神病症状31.0%であった。APZは53.3%、BNSは43.5%が有効と判断された。副作用は、APZ 26.2%、BNS 23.9%と高率であった。抗精神病薬のエビデンスレベルの高いF0、F3圏内で有効性は高く、強迫性障害を除くと、エビデンスレベルが低いF4圏内で低い有効性かつ高頻度の副作用となった。非鎮静系抗精神病薬の統合失調症以外での可能性も部分的に示唆されたが、不適切な使用が行われている現状も明らかとなった。(著者抄録)


  • Utility of the UCSD Performance-based Skills Assessment-Brief Japanese version: Discriminative ability and relation to neurocognition Reviewed

    Chika Sumiyoshi, Manbu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Thomas L. Patterson, Philip D. Harvey, Tomiki Sumiyoshi

    Schizophrenia Research: Cognition   1 ( 3 )   137 - 143   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier Inc.  

    The UCSD Performance-based Skills Assessment Brief (the UPSA-B) has been widely used for evaluating functional capacity in patients with schizophrenia. The utility of the battery in a wide range of cultural contexts has been of concern among developers. The current study investigated the validity of the Japanese version of the UPSA-B as a measure of functional capacity and as a co-primary for neurocognion. Sixty-four Japanese patients with schizophrenia and 83 healthy adults entered the study. The Japanese version of the UPSA-B (UPSA-B Japanese version) and the MATRICS Cognitive Consensus Battery Japanese version (MCCB Japanese version) were administered. Normal controls performed significantly better than patients, with large effect sizes for the Total and the subscale scores of the UPSA-B. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis revealed that the optimal cut-off point for the UPSA-B Total score was estimated at around 80. The UPSA-B Total score was significantly correlated with the MCCB Composite score and several domain scores, indicating the relationship between this co-primary measure and overall cognitive functioning in Japanese patients with schizophrenia. The results obtained here suggest that the UPSA-B Japanese version is an effective tool for evaluating disturbances of daily-living skills linked to cognitive functioning in schizophrenia, providing an identifiable cut-off point and relationships to neurocognition. Further research is warranted to evaluate the psychometrical properties and response to treatment of the Japanese version of the UPSA-B.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.scog.2014.08.002




  • Evidence for Shared Genetic Risk Between Methamphetamine-Induced Psychosis and Schizophrenia Reviewed

    Masashi Ikeda, Yuko Okahisa, Branko Aleksic, Mujun Won, Naoki Kondo, Nobuya Naruse, Kumi Aoyama-Uehara, Ichiro Sora, Masaomi Iyo, Ryota Hashimoto, Yoshiya Kawamura, Nao Nishida, Taku Miyagawa, Masatoshi Takeda, Tsukasa Sasaki, Katsushi Tokunaga, Norio Ozaki, Hiroshi Ujike, Nakao Iwata

    NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY   38 ( 10 )   1864 - 1870   2013.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Methamphetamine (METH) use can provoke psychotic reactions requiring immediate treatment, namely METH-induced psychosis. Although the distinction between METH-induced and primary psychosis is important for understanding their clinical courses, we do not have clear diagnostic procedure by their symptoms. Not only are there similarities between the clinical features of METH-induced psychosis and schizophrenia (SCZ), but there is also epidemiological evidence of a shared genetic risk between 'METH-related' disorders and SCZ, which makes the differentiation of these two conditions difficult. In this study, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) targeting METH-dependent patients. The METH sample group, used in the METH-dependence GWAS, included 236 METH-dependent patients and 864 healthy controls. We also included a 'within-case' comparison between 194 METH-induced psychosis patients and 42 METH-dependent patients without psychosis in a METH-induced psychosis GWAS. To investigate the shared genetic components between METH dependence, METH-induced psychosis, and SCZ, data from our previous SCZ GWAS (total N = 1108) were re-analyzed. In the SNP-based analysis, none of the SNPs showed genome-wide significance in either data set. By performing a polygenic component analysis, however, we found that a large number of 'risk' alleles for METH-induced psychosis are over-represented in individuals with SCZ (P-best = 0.0090). Conversely, we did not detect enrichment either between METH dependence and METH-induced psychosis or between METH dependence and SCZ. The results support previous epidemiological and neurobiological evidence for a relationship between METH-induced psychosis and SCZ. These also suggest that the overlap between genes scored as positive in these data sets can have higher probability as susceptibility genes for psychosis.

    DOI: 10.1038/npp.2013.94

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  • MATRICSコンセンサス認知機能評価バッテリー日本語版の計量心理学的特性

    兼田 康宏, 大森 哲郎, 岡久 祐子, 住吉 太幹, 朴 盛弘, 上岡 義典, 高木 学, 西山 志満子, 中込 和幸, Ichiro Sora

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2013特別 )   S - 629   2013.5

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  • Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia Consensus Cognitive Battery: Validation of the Japanese version Reviewed

    Yasuhiro Kaneda, Tetsuro Ohmori, Yuko Okahisa, Tomiki Sumiyoshi, Shenghong Pu, Yoshinori Ueoka, Manabu Takaki, Kazuyuki Nakagome, Ichiro Sora

    PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES   67 ( 3 )   182 - 188   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Aim This preliminary study was performed to test the reliability and validity of the Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS) Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB), developed by the National Institute of Mental Health MATRICS initiative, as an assessment tool in a Japanese-language version (MCCB-J). Methods The subjects for the present study were 37 patients with schizophrenia. Each subject gave written informed consent to participate in the research. In order to examine the validity of the MCCB-J, the correlation between the MCCB-J and the Japanese-language version of the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS) was determined. Results Cronbach's alpha for the MCCB-J was 0.72. The MCCB-J composite score was significantly correlated with all subtests of the MCCB-J. There was a significant correlation between the MCCB-J and the BACS composite score. Conclusion This preliminary study indicates that the MCCB-J has good psychometric properties and validity.

    DOI: 10.1111/pcn.12029

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  • Adjunctive yokukansan treatment improved cognitive functions in a patient with schizophrenia Reviewed

    Shinji Sakamoto, Hiroshi Ujike, Manabu Takaki, Yutaka Mizuki, Yuko Okahisa, Masafumi Kodama, Yosuke Uchitomi

    Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences   25 ( 3 )   E39 - E40   2013

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  • Efficacy and tolerability of blonanserin in 48 patients with intractable schizophrenia Reviewed

    Manabu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Masafumi Kodama, Yutaka Mizuki, Shinji Sakamoto, Hiroshi Ujike, Yosuke Uchitomi

    ACTA NEUROPSYCHIATRICA   24 ( 6 )   380 - 383   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Takaki M, Okahisa Y, Kodama M, Mizuki Y, Sakamoto S, Ujike H, Uchitomi Y. Efficacy and tolerability of blonanserin in 48 patients with intractable schizophrenia. Background: Blonanserin is effective for the treatment of schizophrenia in Korea and Japan. Methods: We administered blonanserin to 48 Japanese patients with schizophrenia for whom other atypical antipsychotics were not sufficiently effective or tolerated. Results: Previous antipsychotics were replaced with blonanserin because of its effectiveness (54.2%; 26/48) or tolerability (45.8%; 22/48). Blonanserin was more effective in 65.4% (17/26) of the and better tolerated in 95.5% (21/22) of the patients. Of 48 patients, 33 continued blonanserin for 1 year. The mean Clinical Global Impression of Severity scores improved from 4.60 to 2.48. The mean Global Assessment of Functioning score improved from 29.8 to 51.7. Nineteen patients (39.6%; 19/48) had a social role. The reasons for discontinuation of blonanserin were ineffectiveness against psychosis (27.1%; 13/48) or intolerability (4.2%; 2/48). The ratio of discontinuation for intolerability versus ineffectiveness was 0.15, which was the lowest among atypical psychotics. Conclusions: Blonanserin may be effective and safe for the treatment of intractable schizophrenia.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1601-5215.2012.00663.x

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  • Association Study of Two Cannabinoid Receptor Genes, CNR1 and CNR2, with Methamphetamine Dependence. Reviewed International journal

    Okahisa Y, Kodama M, Takaki M, Inada T, Uchimura N, Yamada M, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, Ujike H

    Curr Neuropharmacol   9 ( 1 )   183 - 189   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Several studies have suggested that the endocannabinoid system plays significant roles in the vulnerability to psychiatric disorders including drug abuse. To examine the possible association of the CNR1 and CNR2 genes, which encode cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, with methamphetamine dependence, we investigated three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs806379, rs1535255, rs2023239) in intron 2 of the CNR1 gene and a nonsynonymous SNP, Q63R, in the CNR2 gene. The study samples consisted of 223 patients with methamphetamine dependence and 292 age- and sex- matched controls. There were no significant differences between the patients and controls in genotypic or allelic distribution of any SNP of the CNR1 and CNR2 genes. We also analyzed the clinical features of methamphetamine dependence. Rs806379 of the CNR1 gene showed a significant association with the phenotype of latency of psychosis after the first consumption of methamphetamine. Patients with the T allele or T-positive genotypes (T/T or A/T) may develop a rapid onset of psychosis after methamphetamine abuse. The present study suggests a possibility that genetic variants of the CNR1 gene may produce a liability to the complication of psychotic state after abuse of methamphetamine; however, our findings need to be confirmed by future replications.

    DOI: 10.2174/157015911795017191



  • Association study of serine racemase gene with methamphetamine psychosis. Reviewed International journal

    Yokobayashi E, Ujike H, Kotaka T, Okahisa Y, Takaki M, Kodama M, Inada T, Uchimura N, Yamada M, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, Kuroda S

    Curr Neuropharmacol   9 ( 1 )   169 - 175   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Experimental studies have demonstrated that not only dopaminergic signaling but also glutamatergic/NMDA receptor signaling play indispensable roles in the development of methamphetamine psychosis. Our recent genetic studies provided evidence that genetic variants of glutamate-related genes such as DTNBP1, GLYT1, and G72, which are involved in glutamate release and regulation of co-agonists for NMDA receptors, conferred susceptibility to methamphetamine psychosis. Serine racemase converts l-serine to d-serine, which is an endogenous co-agonist for NMDA receptors. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the promoter region of the serine racemase gene (SRR), rs224770, rs3760229, and rs408067, were proven to affect the transcription activity of SRR. Therefore, we examined these SNPs in 225 patients with methamphetamine psychosis and 291 age- and sex-matched controls. There was no significant association between methamphetamine psychosis and any SNP examined or between the disorder and haplotypes comprising the three SNPs. However, rs408067 was significantly associated with the prognosis for methamphetamine psychosis and multi-substance abuse status. The patients with C-positive genotypes (CC or CG) of rs408067 showed better prognosis of psychosis after therapy and less abuse of multiple substances than the patients with GG genotypes. Because the C allele of rs408067 reduces the expression of SRR, a lower d-serine level or reduced NMDA receptor activation may affect the prognosis of methamphetamine psychosis and multiple substance abuse. Our sample size is, however, not large enough to eliminate the possibility of a type I error, our findings must be confirmed by replicate studies with larger samples.

    DOI: 10.2174/157015911795017092



  • Association Between 5HT1b Receptor Gene and Methamphetamine Dependence. Reviewed International journal

    Ujike H, Kishimoto M, Okahisa Y, Kodama M, Takaki M, Inada T, Uchimura N, Yamada M, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N

    Curr Neuropharmacol   9 ( 1 )   163 - 168   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Several lines of evidence implicate serotonergic dysfunction in diverse psychiatric disorders including anxiety, depression, and drug abuse. Mice with a knock-out of the 5HT1b receptor gene (HTR1B) displayed increased locomotor response to cocaine and elevated motivation to self-administer cocaine and alcohol. Previous genetic studies showed significant associations of HTR1B with alcohol dependence and substance abuse, but were followed by inconsistent results. We examined a case-control genetic association study of HTR1B with methamphetamine-dependence patients in a Japanese population. The subjects were 231 patients with methamphetamine dependence, 214 of whom had a co-morbidity of methamphetamine psychosis, and 248 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. The three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs130058 (A-165T), rs1228814 (A-700C) and rs1228814 (A+1180G) of HTR1B were genotyped. There was no significant difference in allelic and genotypic distributions of the SNPs between methamphetamine dependence and the control. Genetic associations of HTR1B were tested with several clinical phenotypes of methamphetamine dependence and/or psychosis, such as age at first abuse, duration of latency from the first abuse to onset of psychosis, prognosis of psychosis after therapy, and complication of spontaneous relapse of psychotic state. There was, however, no asscocation between any SNP and the clinical phenotypes. Haplotype analyses showed the three SNPs examined were within linkage disequilibrium, which implied that the three SNPs covered the whole HTR1B, and distribution of estimated haplotype frequency was not different between the groups. The present findings may indicate that HTR1B does not play a major role in individual susceptibility to methamphetamine dependence or development of methamphetamine-induced psychosis.

    DOI: 10.2174/157015911795017137



  • Association between the Regulator of G-protein Signaling 9 Gene and Patients with Methamphetamine Use Disorder and Schizophrenia. Reviewed International journal

    Okahisa Y, Kodama M, Takaki M, Inada T, Uchimura N, Yamada M, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, Ujike H

    Curr Neuropharmacol   9 ( 1 )   190 - 194   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) modulates the functioning of heterotrimeric G protein. RGS9-2 is highly expressed in the striatum and plays a role in modulating dopaminergic receptor-mediated signaling cascades. Previous studies suggested that the RGS9 gene might contribute to the susceptibility to psychotic diseases. Therefore, we investigated the association between the RGS9 gene and two related dopamine psychoses, schizophrenia and methamphetamine use disorders. The subjects comprised 487 patients of schizophrenia and 464 age- and sex-matched healthy controls and 220 patients of methamphetamine use disorder and 289 controls. We genotyped two nonsynonymous polymorphisms, rs12452285 (Leu225Ser) and rs34797451 (His498Arg), of the RGS9 gene. Rs34797451 showed monomorphism in the present Japanese population, but rs12452285 showed polymorphism. There were no significant differences in genotypic or allelic distributions of rs12452285 between patients with schizophrenia and the corresponding control or between patients with methamphetamine use disorder and the corresponding control. We also analyzed the clinical features of methamphetamine use disorder. We found a significant association in allelic distribution with the phenotypes of age at first consumption (p=0.047). The present study suggested that the RGS9 gene is unlikely to play a major role in schizophrenia and methamphetamine dependence liability and/or the development of methamphetamine induced psychosis, at least in a Japanese population.

    DOI: 10.2174/157015911795017029



  • [Overview of genetics and substance use disorders]. Reviewed

    Takaki M, Okahisa Y, Ujike H

    Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine   68 ( 8 )   1451 - 1456   2010.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A genetic component in etiology of substance dependence is very large, and the estimated hereditary rates by twin and family studies are 70% or more. Extensive classical linkage analyses for alcohol and substance dependence revealed numerous but weak susceptibility loci on every chromosomes. Genetic association studies including whole genome examination showed many shared genomic risks for substance dependence of diverse classes, e.g., alcohol, nicotine, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines and cannabinoids. In contrast, some specific genetic risks or protective factors for individual drug are also found. This paper reviews the current status of research into the genetics of substance dependence.



  • Leukemia inhibitory factor gene is associated with schizophrenia and working memory function Reviewed

    Yuko Okahisa, Hiroshi Ujike, Hiroshi Kunugi, Takeshi Ishihara, Masafumi Kodama, Manabu Takaki, Tatsuya Kotaka, Shigetoshi Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a member of the interleukin-6 cytokine family, regulates the neuronal phenotype and coordinates astrocyte, oligodendrocyte, microglia, and inflammatory cell responses. The LIF gene is located on 22q12.1-q12.2, a hot spot for schizophrenia. Three polymorphisms of the LIF gene (rs929271, rs737812, and rs929273) were examined in a case-control association study of 390 patients with schizophrenia and 410 age- and sex-matched controls. Effects of a risk genotype of LIF on cognitive domains were evaluated by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) in 355 healthy volunteers. The LIF gene showed significant associations with schizophrenia at rs929271 and a haplotype consisting of rs929271-rs737812. After stratification by subtype of schizophrenia, the hebephrenic, but not paranoid, type was associated with the LIF gene at rs929271 (allele, P=0.014) and the haplotype (permutation P=0.013). Having the T-allele and T-carrier genotypes (TT and TG) of rs929271 were risks for hebephrenic schizophrenia, and the odds ratios were 1.38 (95% CI: 1.21-1.56) and 1.54 (95%CI: 1.19-1.98), respectively. Subjects with T-carrier genotypes made significantly more errors on the WCST compared with those without (P=0.04). The present study indicated that the LIF gene variant may produce susceptibility to hebephrenic schizophrenia and deterioration of working memory function. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2009.10.020

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  • Association study of gender identity disorder and sex hormone-related genes Reviewed

    Hiroshi Ujike, Kyohei Otani, Mikiya Nakatsuka, Kazushi Ishii, Aiko Sasaki, Tomoko Oishi, Toshiki Sato, Yuko Okahisa, Yosuke Matsumoto, Yuzaburo Namba, Yoshihiro Kimata, Shigetoshi Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    To investigate the biological mechanism of gender identity disorder (GID), five candidate sex hormone-related genes, encoding androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptors alpha (ER alpha) and beta (ER beta), aromatase (CYP19), and progesterone receptor (PGR) were analyzed by a case-control association study. Subjects were 242 transsexuals (74 male-to-female patients (MTF) and 168 female-to-male patients (FTM)), and 275 healthy age- and geographical origin-matched controls (106 males and 169 females). The distributions of CAG repeat numbers in exon 1 of AR, TA repeat numbers in the promoter region of ER alpha CA repeat numbers in intron 5 of ER beta, TTTA repeat numbers in intron 4 of CYP19, and six polymorphisms (rs2008112, rs508653, V660L, H770H, rs572698 and PROGINS) of PGR were analyzed. No significant difference in allelic or genotypic distribution of any gene examined was found between MTFs and control males or between FTMs and control females. The present findings do not provide any evidence that genetic variants of sex hormone-related genes confer individual susceptibility to MTF or FTM transsexualism. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2009.07.008

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  • G72 gene is associated with susceptibility to methamphetamine psychosis Reviewed

    Tatsuya Kotaka, Hiroshi Ujike, Yuko Okahisa, Manabu Takaki, Kenji Nakata, Masafumi Kodama, Toshiya Inada, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Naohisa Uchimura, Nakao Iwata, Ichiro Sora, Masaomi Iyo, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Methamphetamine psychosis is considered as one of the pharmacological models of schizophrenia, and a hyperdopaminergic one. However, many lines of experimental evidence indicate that glutamatergic signaling is also involved in development of methamphetamine psychosis. Several genes related to glutamate function, e.g. the DTNBP1, G72, and GRM3 genes, were shown to be associated with schizophrenia susceptibility. Recently, we found significant association of the DTNBP1 gene with methamphetamine psychosis. This finding prompted us to examine the G72 gene encoding the d-amino acid oxidase activator (DAOA), which metabolizes cl-serine, an NMIDA co-agonist, in methamphetamine psychosis. Six SNPs of the G72 gene, which previously showed significant association with schizophrenia, were analyzed in 209 patients with methamphetamine psychosis and 291 age- and sex-matched normal controls. One SNP of M22 (Fs778293) showed a significant association with methamphetamine psychosis (genotype: p = 0.00016, allele: p = 0.0015). Two haplotypes G-A of M12 (rs3916965)-M15 (rs2391191) (p = 0.00024) and T-T of M23 (rs947267)-M24 (rs1421292) (p = 0.00085) also showed associations with methamphetamine psychosis. The present findings suggest that the G72 gene may contribute to a predisposition to not only schizophrenia but also to methamphetamine psychosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2009.05.017

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  • Genetic variants of D2 but not D3 or D4 dopamine receptor gene are associated with rapid onset and poor prognosis of methamphetamine psychosis Reviewed

    Hiroshi Ujike, Takeshi Katsu, Yuko Okahisa, Manabu Takaki, Masafumi Kodama, Toshiya Inada, Naohisa Uchimura, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Nakao Iwata, Ichiro Sora, Masaomi Iyo, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    D2-like receptors are key targets for methamphetamine in the CNS, and their activation is an initial and indispensable effect in the induction of dependence and psychosis. It is possible that genetic variants of D2-like receptors may affect individual susceptibility to methamphetamine dependence and psychosis. To test this hypothesis, 6 putatively functional polymorphisms of D2-like receptors, -141C Ins/Del, Ser311Cys and TaqIA of the DRD2 gene, Ser9Gly of the DRD3 gene, and -521C&gt;T and a variable number of tandem repeats in exon 3 of the DRD4 gene, were analyzed in 202 patients with methamphetamine dependence and/or psychosis and 243 healthy controls in a Japanese population. No polymorphism examined showed significant association with methamphetamine dependence, but two polymorphisms of DRD2 were associated with the clinical course and prognosis of methamphetamine psychosis. The A1/A1 homozygote of DRD2 was a negative risk factor for a poorer prognosis of psychosis that continues for more than I month after the discontinuance of methamphetamine abuse and the beginning of treatment with neuroleptics (p=0.04, odds ratio (OR) = 0.42, 95% CI: 0.27-0.65) and the complication of spontaneous relapse of methamphetamine psychosis after remission (p = 0.014, OR = 0.34,95% CI; 0.22-0.54). The genotype of -141C Del positive (Del/Del and Del/Ins) was at risk for rapid onset of methamphetamine psychosis that develops into a psychotic state within 3 years after initiation of methamphetamine abuse (p = 0.00037, OR = 3.62, 95% CI 2.48-5.28). These findings revealed that genetic variants of DRD2, but not DRD3 or DRD4, confer individual risks for rapid onset, prolonged duration, and spontaneous relapse of methamphetamine psychosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2009.02.019

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  • Association between neuropeptide Y gene and its receptor Y1 gene and methamphetamine dependence Reviewed

    Yuko Okahisa, Hiroshi Ujike, Tatsuya Kotaka, Yukitaka Morita, Masafumi Kodama, Toshiya Inada, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Nakao Iwata, Masaomi Iyo, Ichiro Sora, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda

    PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES   63 ( 3 )   417 - 422   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC  

    Aims: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36-amino acid peptide that is widely distributed in the brain, adrenal medulla, and sympathetic nervous system. Several lines of evidence suggest a possible involvement of the NPY system in the physiological effects of several classes of abused substances including alcohol, phencyclidine, cocaine, and marijuana and in endogenous psychosis. Accordingly, it was hypothesized that the NPY system may also be involved in methamphetamine dependence or psychosis.
    Methods: The single nucleotide polymorphisms rs16147 of the NPY gene (-485C&gt;T) and rs7687423 of the NPY receptor Y1 (NPY1R) gene were analyzed in 222 patients with methamphetamine dependence and psychosis and 288 age-and gender-matched controls.
    Results: Genotypic distribution of the NPY1R gene showed a significant association with methamphetamine dependence and psychosis (P = 0.04), whereas the NPY gene had no significant association with them.
    Conclusion: It is possible that genetic variants of the NPY1R gene affect the NPY-NPY receptor type Y1 signaling system in the brain, which may result in susceptibility to methamphetamine dependence or the development of methamphetamine psychosis, but the present findings need to be confirmed on replication.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1819.2009.01961.x

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  • Association study between casein kinase 1 epsilon gene and methamphetamine dependence. Reviewed International journal

    Kotaka T, Ujike H, Morita Y, Kishimoto M, Okahisa Y, Inada T, Harano M, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, Kuroda S

    Ann N Y Acad Sci   1139   43 - 48   2008.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Casein kinase 1 epsilon (CKIepsilon) is a component of the DARPP-32 in second-messenger pathway. CKIepsilon phosphorylates and activates DARPP-32, a key molecule in various complex signaling pathways, including dopamine and glutamine signaling, which have both been demonstrated to be main pathways in substance dependence. A recent clinical study showed that rs135745, a noncoding single nucleotide polymorphism of the 3'-untranslated region of the CSNK1E gene, was associated with the intensity of the subjective response to an oral amphetamine dose in normal volunteers. Differences in sensitivity to the drug should affect development of dependence to it. Hence, we genotyped rs135745 of the CSNK1E (MIM 600863) gene in 215 patients with methamphetamine dependence and 274 age- and gender-matched normal controls. No significant differences in genotype and allele frequencies were observed between the patients with methamphetamine dependence and controls. There was also no significant association between rs135745 and the clinical characteristics of methamphetamine dependence and co-morbid methamphetamine psychosis (e.g., age of first consumption, latency of psychosis, prognosis of psychosis after therapy, spontaneous relapse of psychotic symptoms, and poly-substance abuse status). The present findings suggest that having a genetic variant of the CSNK1E gene did not affect susceptibility to methamphetamine dependence or psychosis, at least in a Japanese population.

    DOI: 10.1196/annals.1432.025



  • Multiple genetic factors in olanzapine-induced weight gain in schizophrenia patients: A cohort study Reviewed

    Hiroshi Ujike, Akira Nomura, Yukitaka Morita, Akiko Morio, Yuko Okahisa, Tatsuya Kotaka, Masafumi Kodama, Takeshi Ishihara, Shigetoshi Kuroda

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY   69 ( 9 )   1416 - 1422   2008.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PHYSICIANS POSTGRADUATE PRESS  

    Objective: One of the clinically significant adverse effects of olanzapine treatment is weight gain, which shows substantial inter-individual differences and may be influenced by genetic variation. The aim of this investigation was identification of genetic risk factors associated with olanzapine-induced weight gain.
    Method: Inpatients with DSM-IV-TR schizophrenia (N = 164) were administered olanzapine for 8 to 24 (mean +/- SD = 17.9 +/- 9.4) weeks. The clinical background, body mass index (BMI), and clinical response to olanzapine were investigated. Twenty-one loci of diverse candidate genes encoding dopamine, serotonin (5-HT), histamine, and adrenergic receptors, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, ghrelin, adiponectin, and peroxisorne proliferator-activated receptor gamma-2, were analyzed. The study was conducted from June 2001 to June 2003 at 4 psychiatric hospitals in Japan.
    Results: BMI increased by a mean +/- SD 4.3 +/- 10.7% after treatment with olanzapine (mean +/- SD dose = 15.5 +/- 5.8 mg/day). Olanzapine-induced weight gain correlated negatively with baseline BMI and positively with clinical global improvement and the length of olanzapine treatment (p &lt; .0001), but it did not correlate with the daily dose of olanzapine, concomitant antipsychotics, sex, age, or smoking. Four genetic variants, the 102T allele of HTR2A, the 825T allele of GNB3, the 23Cys allele of HTR2C, and the 64Arg/Arg genotype of ADRB3, were significantly associated with olanzapine-induced weight gain. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the baseline BMI predicted 12.5% of the weight gain, and the 2 latter genetic factors added 6.8%. The patients with double and triple genetic risk factors showed 5.1% and 8.8% BMI increases, respectively, during olanzapine treatment, whereas the patients with a single or no risk factor showed approximately a 1% BMI increase.
    Conclusions: We identified genetic variants of 5-HT2A and 5-HT,, receptors, the G-protein beta-3 subunit, and the adrenergic receptor beta-3, as genetic risk factors for olanzapine-induced weight gain, and they showed additive genetic effects on weight gain.

    Web of Science



  • The Frizzled 3 gene is associated with methamphetamine psychosis in the Japanese population Reviewed

    Makiko Kishimoto, Hiroshi Ujike, Yuko Okahisa, Tatsuya Kotaka, Manabu Takaki, Masafumi Kodama, Toshiya Inada, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Naohisa Uchimura, Nakao Iwata, Ichiro Sora, Masaomi Iyo, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: Frizzled 3 (Fzd3) is a receptor required for the Wnt-signaling pathway, which has been implicated in the development of the central nervous system, including synaptogenesis and structural plasticity. We previously found a significant association between the FZD3 gene and susceptibility to schizophrenia, but subsequent studies showed inconsistent findings. To understand the roles of the FZD3 gene in psychotic disorders further, it should be useful to examine FZD3 in patients with methamphetamine psychosis because the clinical features of methamphetamine psychosis are similar to those of schizophrenia.
    Methods: Six SNPs of FZD3, rs3757888 in the 3&apos; flanking region, rs960914 in the intron 3, rs2241802, a synonymous SNP in the exon5, rs2323019 and rs352203 in the intron 5, and rs880481 in the intron 7, were selected based on the previous schizophrenic studies and analyzed in 188 patients with methamphetamine psychosis and 240 age- and gender-matched controls.
    Results: A case-control association analyses revealed that two kinds of FZD3 haplotypes showed strong associations with methamphetamine psychosis (p &lt; 0.00001). Having the G-A-T-G or A-G-C-A haplotype of rs2241802-rs2323019rs352203- rs880481 was a potent negative risk factor (odds ratios were 0.13 and 0.086, respectively) for methamphetamine psychosis.
    Conclusion: Our present and previous findings indicate that genetic variants of the FZD3 gene affect susceptibility to two analogous but distinct dopamine-related psychoses, endogenous and substance-induced psychosis.

    DOI: 10.1186/1744-9081-4-37

    Web of Science



  • Reduced CYP2D6 activity is a negative risk factor for methamphetamine dependence Reviewed

    Kyohei Otani, Hiroshi Ujike, Ayumu Sakai, Yuko Okahisa, Tatsuya Kotaka, Toshiya Inada, Mutsuo Harano, Tokutaro Komiyama, Toru Hori, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Yoshimoto Sekine, Nakao Iwata, Masaomi Iyo, Ichiro Sora, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   434 ( 1 )   88 - 92   2008.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Because methamphetamine (METH) is metabolized by CYP2D6 at the first step of hydroxylation and demethylation, it is possible that functional variants of CYP2D6 alter susceptibility to methamphetamine-induced dependence. We genotyped CYP2D6*1, *4, *5, *10, and *14 for 202 patients with METH dependence and 337 controls in a Japanese population and found a significant association of the CYP2D6 gene with METH dependence (p = 0.0299). The patients had fewer *10 and *14 alleles, which are hypofunction alleles, than the controls. CYP2D6 genotypes were divided into three phenotypes: extensive metabolizers, intermediate metabolizers, and poor metabolizers. There was no poor metabolizer among our Japanese subjects, and intermediate metabolizers of CYP2D6 were significantly fewer in methamphetamine-dependent subjects than in controls (p = 0.0212), with an odds ratio of 0.62 (95% confidence interval: 0.51-0.76). The present study demonstrated that reduced CYP2D6 activity was a negative risk factor for methamphetamine dependence. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2008.01.033

    Web of Science



  • The Glycine Transporter 1 Gene (GLYT1) Is Associated With Methamphetamine-Use Disorder Reviewed

    Yukitaka Morita, Hiroshi Ujike, Yuji Tanaka, Makiko Kishimoto, Yuko Okahisa, Tatsuya Kotaka, Mutsuo Harano, Toshiya Inada, Tokutaro Komiyama, Toru Hori, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Yoshimoto Sekine, Nakao Iwata, Masaomi Iyo, Ichiro Sora, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-LISS  

    Glycine transporter (GlyT)-1 plays a pivotal role in maintaining the glycine level at the glutamatergic synapse. Glycine is an allosteric agonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Because activation of NAIDA receptors is an essential step for induction of methamphetamine dependence and psychosis, differences in the functioning of GlyT-l due to genetic variants of the GlyT-1 gene (GLYT1) may influence susceptibility. A case-control genetic association study of the GLYT1 gene examined 204 patients with methamphetamine-use disorder and 210 healthy controls. We examined three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), SNP1, IVS3 + 411C &gt; T, rs2486001; SNP2, 1056G &gt; A, rs2248829; and SNP3, IVS11 + 22G &gt; A rs2248632, of the GLYT1 gene and found that SNP1 showed a significant association in both genotype (P = 0.0086) and allele (P = 0.0019) with methamphetamine-use disorder. The T-G haplotype at SNP1 and SNP2 was a significant risk factor for the disorder (P = 0.000039, odds ratio: 2.04). The present findings indicate that genetic variation of the GLYT1 gene may contribute to individual vulnerability to methamphetamine dependence and psychosis. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.b.30565

    Web of Science



  • The dysbindin gene (DTNBP1) is associated with methamphetamine psychosis Reviewed

    Makiko Kishimoto, Hiroshi Ujike, Yasuko Motohashi, Yuji Tanaka, Yuko Kahisa, Tatsuya Kotaka, Mutsuo Harano, Toshiya Inada, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Tokutaro Komiyama, Toru Hori, Yoshimoto Sekine, Nakao Iwata, Ichiro Sora, Masaomi Iyo, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda

    BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY   63 ( 2 )   191 - 196   2008.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Background: The dysbindin (DTNBP1 [dystrobrevin-binding protein 1])gene has repeatedly been shown to be associated with schizophrenia across diverse populations. One study also showed that risk haplotypes were shared with a bipolar disorder subgroup with psychotic episodes, but not with all cases. DTNBP1 may confer susceptibility to psychotic symptoms in various psychiatric disorders besides schizophrenia.
    Methods: Methamphetamine psychosis, the psychotic symptoms of which are close to those observed in schizophrenia, was investigated through a case (n = 197)-control (n = 243) association analyses of DTNBP1.
    Results: DTNBP1 showed significant associations with methamphetamine psychosis at polymorphisms of P1635 (rs3213207, p = .00003) and SNPA (rs2619538, p = .049) and the three-locus haplotype of P1655 (rs2619539)-P1635-SNPA (permutation p = .0005). The C-A-A haplotype, which was identical to the protective haplotype previously reported for schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorders, was a protective factor (p = .0013, odds ratio [OR] = .62, 95% confidence interval [CI] .51-.77) for methamphetamine psychosis. The C-G-T haplotype was a risk for methamphetamine psychosis (p = .0012, OR = 14.9, 95% CI 3.5-64.2).
    Conclusions: Our genetic evidence suggests that DTNBP1 is involved in psychotic liability not only for schizophrenia but also for other psychotic disorders, including substance-induced psychosis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2007.03.019

    Web of Science



  • A genetic variant of the serine racemase gene is associated with schizophrenia Reviewed

    Yukitaka Morita, Hiroshi Ujike, Yuji Tanaka, Kyohei Otani, Makiko Kishimoto, Akiko Morio, Tatsuya Kotaka, Yuko Okahisa, Masayuki Matsushita, Akiko Morikawa, Kenji Hamase, Kiyoshi Zaitsu, Shigetoshi Kuroda

    BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY   61 ( 10 )   1200 - 1203   2007.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Background: Serine racemase (SRR) is a brain-enriched enzyme that converts L-serine to D-serine, which acts as an endogenous ligand of N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Dysfunction of SRR may reduce the function of NMDA receptors and susceptibility to schizophrenia.
    Methods: We genotyped three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the 5' region of the SRR gene in 525 patients with schizophrenia and 524 healthy controls. Effects of SNPs on the promoter activity and on serum levels of total and D-serine were examined.
    Results: We found a significant excess of the IVS1 a+465C allele of the SRR gene in schizophrenia, especially in the paranoid subtype (p=.0028). A reporter assay showed that the IVS1a+465C allele had 60% lower promoter activity than did the IVS1a+465G allele.
    Conclusions: The IVS1 a+465C allele of the SRR gene, which reduces expression of the gene, is a risk factor for schizophrenia, especially the paranoid subtype.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.07.025

    Web of Science



  • Association study of the dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 2 gene and methamphetamine psychosis. Reviewed International journal

    Ujike H, Sakai A, Nakata K, Tanaka Y, Kodaka T, Okahisa Y, Harano M, Inada T, Yamada M, Komiyama T, Hori T, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Sora I, Iyo M, Ozaki N, Kuroda S

    Ann N Y Acad Sci   1074   90 - 96   2006.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 2 (DRP-2 or DPYSL-2)mediates the intracellular response to collapsin, a repulsive extracellular guidance cue or axonal outgrowth. DRP-2 is also referred to as collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP-2). We have previously demonstrated that the DRP-2 gene is associated with susceptibility to schizophrenia, but not to bipolar disorders. In addition, a genetic association was observed with paranoid-type schizophrenia, but not with hebephrenic-type schizophrenia. It has been well documented that repeated abuse of methamphetamine (METH) for a long period frequently produces psychotic symptoms, such as auditory hallucinations and delusions that are hardly distinguishable from those of paranoid-type schizophrenia. Therefore, we hypothesized that a certain genetic variant of the DRP-2 gene may affect individual vulnerability to the development of METH-induced psychosis. We examined the genetic association by a case-control method. The polymorphism *2236T>C in the 3' untranslated region of the DRP-2 gene, which has been shown to be a negative genetic risk factor for paranoid-type schizophrenia, was analyzed in 198 patients with METH psychosis and 221 corresponding healthy controls in a Japanese population. No significant association of the DRP-2 gene with METH psychosis was found. Neither did we find an association with the clinical phenotype of METH psychosis, such as the age of first consumption of METH, latency to development of psychosis after METH abuse, prognosis of psychosis after detoxification from METH use, complication of spontaneous relapse of psychosis without reconsumption of the drug, or multisubstance abuse status. These findings indicate that a genetic variant of the DRP-2 gene may not affect the risk of METH psychosis or any clinical phenotype of the disorder.

    DOI: 10.1196/annals.1369.008



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  • 【さまざまな治療アプローチをどのように使い分けるか】統合失調症における抗精神病薬の使い分け

    高木 学, 矢田 勇慈, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 児玉 匡史, 来住 由樹, 武田 俊彦, 山田 了士

    精神科   40 ( 3 )   283 - 290   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(有)科学評論社  


  • 抗体介在性自己免疫性脳炎と精神疾患 自己免疫性精神病 発症機序と多彩な精神症状

    高木 学, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 山田 了士

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2021特別号 )   S294 - S294   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 【NMDA受容体と精神疾患】精神疾患の病因における抗NMDA受容体抗体

    高木 学, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 山田 了士

    医学のあゆみ   277 ( 11 )   964 - 969   2021.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:医歯薬出版(株)  

    自己免疫性脳炎のなかで最も頻度が高い抗N-methyl-D-aspartic acid受容体(NMDAR)抗体脳炎は、精神症状が初発症状、早期の免疫療法が奏効する、抗精神病薬による副作用を生じやすいなどの特徴を持ち、精神疾患との鑑別が非常に重要な疾患である。神経細胞膜自己抗体によって、精神症状のみを呈する(神経症状をまったく、または微細にしか認めない)患者群は、典型的な自己免疫性脳炎とは区別して自己免疫性精神病(autoimmune psychosis)とよばれる。抗NMDAR抗体脳炎の疫学、診断と臨床症状、検査法と検査所見、発症機序、治療について概説する。加えて、抗NMDAR抗体を中心とした神経細胞膜自己抗体が精神疾患に与える影響についての知見をまとめ、本分野の将来の展望を考察する。(著者抄録)


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  • 神経免疫学と精神医学の狭間で 自己抗体を通した精神疾患のディメンショナルアプローチ

    高木 学, 河合 弘樹, 樋之津 健二, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 山田 了士

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2020特別号 )   S358 - S358   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 初期診断が気分障害であった患者における抗NMDA受容体抗体保有率の検討

    河合 弘樹, 高木 学, 酒本 真次, 土田 彩加, 吉村 文太, 矢田 勇慈, 岡久 祐子, 来住 由樹, 筒井 幸, 神林 崇, 田中 惠子, 山田 了士

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2020特別号 )   S429 - S429   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 慢性統合失調症患者におけるアリピプラゾール単剤治療への切替方法についての検討(多施設コホート研究)

    大林 芳明, 光井 聡, 酒本 真次, 皆尾 望, 吉村 文太, 耕野 敏樹, 矢田 勇慈, 岡久 祐子, 高尾 総司, 来住 由樹, 武田 俊彦, 高木 学, 山田 了士

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2020特別号 )   S426 - S426   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 非定型精神病患者における抗NMDA受容体抗体の陽性率の検討

    樋之津 健二, 高木 学, 河合 弘樹, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 山田 了士

    日本神経精神薬理学会年会・日本生物学的精神医学会年会・日本精神薬学会総会・学術集会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   50回・42回・4回   186 - 186   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本神経精神薬理学会・日本生物学的精神医学会・日本精神薬学会  


  • パーキンソン病あるいはレビー小体型認知症に伴う精神症状に対してECTを行った9例

    藤井 裕美子, 山田 裕士, 藤原 雅樹, 流王 雄太, 岡久 祐子, 酒本 真次, 山田 了士

    総合病院精神医学   31 ( Suppl. )   S - 151   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本総合病院精神医学会  


  • 【精神科で見落とされやすい身体疾患】自己免疫性脳炎・脳症と精神症状

    山田 了士, 高木 学, 岡久 祐子, 酒本 真次

    精神科治療学   34 ( 11 )   1239 - 1245   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)星和書店  



  • Genome-wide association study detected novel susceptibility genes for schizophrenia and shared trans-populations/diseases genetic effect(和訳中)

    池田 匡志, 高橋 篤, 鎌谷 洋一郎, 桃沢 幸秀, 齋藤 竹生, 近藤 健治, 島崎 愛夕, 川瀬 康平, 作佐部 太也, 岩山 佳美, 豊田 倫子, 和久田 智靖, 菊池 充, 金原 信久, 山森 英長, 安田 由華, 渡部 雄一郎, 保谷 智史, アレクシッチ ブランコ, 久島 周, 新井 平伊, 高木 学, 服部 功太郎, 功刀 浩, 岡久 祐子, 大沼 徹, 尾崎 紀夫, 染矢 俊幸, 橋本 亮太, 吉川 武男, 久保 充明, 岩田 仲生

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   29回・49回   124 - 124   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • 精神疾患における抗NMDA受容体抗体保有率の検討

    酒本 真次, 河合 弘樹, 岸本 真希子, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 筒井 幸, 神林 崇, 田中 惠子, 山田 了士

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2018特別号 )   S648 - S648   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • アウトリーチ支援の導入により自宅療養が可能になった統合失調症急性増悪の1例

    植田真司, 植田真司, 岡久祐子, 川田清宏, 藤田大輔, 山田了士

    精神神経学雑誌   120 ( 4 )   343‐344 - 344   2018.4

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  • 統合失調症に強い関連を示した稀な遺伝子変異に基づく精神疾患の分子病態解明

    木村 大樹, 藤田 幸, 川端 猛, 森 大輔, 岩山 佳美, 岡久 祐子, 池田 匡志, 岩田 仲生, 吉川 武男, 山下 俊英, 中村 春木, 尾崎 紀夫

    先進医薬研究振興財団研究成果報告集   2017年度   80 - 81   2018.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公財)先進医薬研究振興財団  


  • 統合失調症に強い関連を示した稀な遺伝子変異に基づく精神疾患の分子病態解明

    木村 大樹, 藤田 幸, 川端 猛, 森 大輔, 岩山 佳美, 岡久 祐子, 池田 匡志, 岩田 仲生, 吉川 武男, 山下 俊英, 中村 春木, 尾崎 紀夫

    先進医薬研究振興財団研究成果報告集   2017年度   80 - 81   2018.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公財)先進医薬研究振興財団  


  • Clozapineによる無顆粒球症の改善後に薬剤性過敏症症候群(DIHS)をきたした1例

    原紘志, 岡久祐子, 酒本真次, 川田清宏, 高木学, 山田了士

    精神神経学雑誌   120 ( 2 )   149 - 149   2018.2

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  • ストレスチェック制度の有効活用に向けた勤労者の精神疾患発症リスクに関連する神経心理学的特性の検討

    岸本真希子, 酒本真次, 岡久祐子, 高木学, 山田了士

    日本精神神経学会総会プログラム・抄録集   114th ( 2018特別号 )   S.568 - S568   2018

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  • 精神医学のフロンティア 統合失調症患者における認知機能障害の推定 : 多施設共同研究

    藤野 陽生, 住吉 チカ, 安田 由華, 山森 英長, 藤本 美智子, 福永 雅喜, 三浦 健一郎, 竹林 佑人, 岡田 直大, 磯村 周一, 河野 直子, 豊巻 敦人, 久我 弘典, 磯部 昌憲, 大矢 一登, 岡久 祐子, 髙木 学, 橋本 直樹, 加藤 正樹, 鬼塚 俊明, 上野 雄文, 大沼 徹, 笠井 清登, 尾崎 紀夫, 住吉 太幹, 井村 修, 橋本 亮太, COCORO

    精神神経学雑誌 = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica   120 ( 4 )   255 - 261   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本精神神経学会  


    CiNii Article


  • 統合失調症発症に強い影響を及ぼす、頻度の低い稀な遺伝子変異を22q11.2欠失領域に存在するミエリン関連遺伝子のRTN4Rに同定した

    木村 大樹, 藤田 幸, 川端 猛, 石塚 佳奈子, Wang Chenyao, 岩山 佳美, 岡久 祐子, 久島 周, 宇野 洋太, 岡田 俊, 森川 真子, 森 大輔, 池田 匡志, 稲田 俊也, Aleksic Branko, 吉川 武男, 岩田 仲生, 中村 春木, 山下 俊英, 尾崎 紀夫

    日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   39回・47回   190 - 190   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • A novel rare variant R292H in RTN4R affects growth cone formation and possibly contributes to schizophrenia susceptibility

    Kimura H, Fujita Y, Kawabata T, Ishizuka K, Wang C, Iwayama Y, Okahisa Y, Kushima I, Morikawa M, Uno Y, Okada T, Ikeda M, Inada T, Branko A, Mori D, Yoshikawa T, Iwata N, Nakamura H, Yamashita T, Ozaki N


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/tp.2017.170


  • Rare genetic variants in CX3CR1 and their contribution to the increased risk of schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders

    Ishizuka K, Fujita Y, Kawabata T, Kimura H, Iwayama Y, Inada T, Okahisa Y, Egawa J, Usami M, Kushima I, Uno Y, Okada T, Ikeda M, Aleksic B, Mori D, Someya To, Yoshikawa T, Iwata N, Nakamura H, Yamashita T, Ozaki N


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/tp.2017.173


  • 日中の過眠と易怒性が初期症状であり早期診断が困難であった神経梅毒の1例

    寒川尚登, 岸本真希子, 岡久祐子, 大島悦子, 川田清宏, 山田了士, 田所功, 幡中典子, 太田康之, 阿部康二

    精神神経学雑誌   119 ( 6 )   445 - 445   2017.6

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  • 統合失調症発症に強い影響を及ぼす、頻度の低い稀な遺伝子変異を22q11.2欠失領域に存在するミエリン関連遺伝子のRTN4Rに同定した

    木村 大樹, 尾崎 紀夫, 藤田 幸, 川端 猛, 石塚 佳奈子, Wang Chenyao, 岩山 佳美, 岡久 祐子, 久島 周, 森川 真子, 宇野 洋太, 岡田 俊, 森 大輔, 池田 匡志, 稲田 俊也, Aleksic Branko, 吉川 武男, 岩田 仲生, 中村 春木, 山下 俊英

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2017特別号 )   S622 - S622   2017.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • clozapineによる無顆粒球症の改善後に薬剤性過敏症症候群(DIHS)を来した一例

    原紘志, 原紘志, 岡久祐子, 酒本真次, 川田清宏, 高木学, 山田了士

    林精神医学研究所報   24 ( 1 )   25‐26   2017.3

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  • アルツハイマー病における言語性記憶または視覚性記憶と局所脳血流の関連

    林聡, 寺田整司, 佐藤修平, 大島悦子, 栗栖海吏, 池田智香子, 岡久祐子, 高木学, 横田修, 山田了士

    老年精神医学雑誌   27 ( 増刊II )   229 - 229   2016.6

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  • 性同一性障害全ゲノム関連解析による病態解明

    岡久祐子, 酒本真次, 高木学, 松本洋輔, 山田了士

    先進医薬研究振興財団研究成果報告集   2015   60‐61 - 61   2016.3

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  • 電気痙攣療法における発作の質に麻酔薬が与える影響の検討

    酒本真次, 藤原雅樹, 岸本真希子, 岡久祐子, 高木学, 山田了士

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会プログラム・抄録集   26th   120   2016

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  • PDE4B遺伝子が統合失調症の発症脆弱性と認知機能に与える影響

    酒本真次, 高木学, 岡本宗次郎, 岸本真希子, 岡久祐子, 大井一高, 大井一高, 橋本亮太, 山田了士

    日本生物学的精神医学会(Web)   38th   169 (WEB ONLY)   2016

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  • 抗NMDA受容体抗体が神経発達に及ぼす影響の検討

    岡本宗次郎, 酒本真次, 岸本真希子, 岡久祐子, 高木学, 山田了士

    日本生物学的精神医学会(Web)   38th   121 (WEB ONLY)   2016

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  • 統合失調症患者において,アリピプラゾールへの切替え方法が継続率に与える影響の検討

    大林芳明, 吉村文太, 吉村文太, 酒本真次, 岸本真希子, 岡久祐子, 武田俊彦, 高木学, 山田了士

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会プログラム・抄録集   26th   116   2016

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  • アルツハイマー病における言語性記憶または視覚性記憶と局所脳血流の関連

    林聡, 寺田整司, 佐藤修平, 大島悦子, 栗栖海吏, 池田智香子, 岡久祐子, 高木学, 横田修, 山田了士

    Dement Jpn   29 ( 3 )   382 - 382   2015.9

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  • NMDA受容体機能関連遺伝子と統合失調症患者の臨床的・社会的転帰との関連研究

    酒本 真次, 高木 学, 岡久 祐子, 水木 寛, 山田 了士

    日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   37回・45回   201 - 201   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  



    Chika Sumiyoshi, Manabu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Taku Sato, Ichiro Sora, Keith H. Nuechterlein, Kenneth N. Subotnik, Philip D. Harvey, Tomiki Sumiyoshi

    SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN   41   S192 - S192   2015.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Web of Science


  • 統合失調症と2型糖尿病における共通機序の解明

    高木 学, 水木 寛, 岡久 祐子, 酒本 真次

    先進医薬研究振興財団研究成果報告集   2014年度   26 - 27   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公財)先進医薬研究振興財団  


  • 岡山大学病院における『心のリスク外来』の取り組み

    酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学

    総合病院精神医学   27 ( 1 )   58 - 58   2015.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本総合病院精神医学会  


  • 統合失調症患者の認知機能障害に対するクロザピンの有効性の検討

    酒本真次, 水木寛, 岡久祐子, 高木学, 山田了士

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会プログラム・抄録集   25th   2015

  • 統合失調症に対する、アリピプラゾールの用量による有用度の検討 タイプの違う大学病院、精神科単科救急病院での比較

    高木 学, 耕野 敏樹, 吉村 文太, 酒本 真次, 水木 寛, 岡久 祐子, 児玉 匡史, 来住 由樹, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   24回・44回   161 - 161   2014.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • 統合失調症における抑うつ症状の臨床的検討 予測因子、薬物治療、社会的転帰について

    酒本 真次, 水木 寛, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   24回・44回   188 - 188   2014.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • UCSD日常生活技能簡易評価尺度(UPSA-B)の開発 日本語版統合失調症と健常者の比較

    住吉 チカ, 高木 学, 岡久 祐子, 住吉 太幹

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   78回   404 - 404   2014.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本心理学会  



    Chika Sumiyoshi, Manabu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Thomas Patterson, Philip D. Harvey, Tomiki Sumiyoshi

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH   153   S266 - S266   2014.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Web of Science


  • 統合失調症患者の臨床経過と転帰に関与する遺伝要因の検討

    酒本真次, 高木学, 岡久祐子, 水木寛, 稲垣正俊, 氏家寛, 池田匡志, 岩田仲生, 内富庸介

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   2014

  • 統合失調症発症前駆期におけるバイオマーカーの検索

    岡久祐子, 池田匡志, 酒本真次, 高木学, 氏家寛, 岩田仲生, 内富庸介

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   2014

  • Human Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 11の統合失調症患者における遺伝子関連解析と機能解析

    水木寛, 高木学, 岡久祐子, 酒本真次, 氏家寛, 内富庸介

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   2014

  • 統合失調症に併発する抑うつが、社会的転帰、薬物療法に与える影響

    高木 学, 水木 寛, 酒本 真次, 岡久 祐子, 児玉 匡史, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   23回・43回   218 - 218   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • 重度の2型糖尿病にクロザピンを使用した治療抵抗性統合失調症の2症例

    酒本 真次, 馬庭 真利子, 竹之下 慎太郎, 水木 寛, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   23回・43回   180 - 180   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • 薬の使い方シリーズ Blonanserinを使いこなす(第9回) 統合失調症治療におけるblonanserinへの期待 高プロラクチン血症を中心に

    岡久 祐子, 高木 学

    臨床精神薬理   16 ( 9 )   1385 - 1391   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)星和書店  


  • 依存のゲノム科学 テーラーメイド依存治療に向けて 覚せい剤依存症のゲノム解析

    岡久 祐子

    日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌   48 ( 4 )   95 - 95   2013.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本アルコール・アディクション医学会  


  • 遷延した意識障害が体重増加とともに改善した神経性無食欲症の1例

    光井 祐子, 藤原 雅樹, 岡久 祐子, 児玉 匡史, 岡部 伸幸, 内富 庸介

    精神神経学雑誌   115 ( 6 )   684 - 684   2013.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 統合失調症以外における、非鎮静系AripiprazoleとBlonanserinの有用性

    高木 学, 水木 寛, 酒本 真次, 藤原 雅樹, 岡久 祐子, 井上 真一郎, 児玉 匡史, 内富 庸介

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2013特別 )   S - 363   2013.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 統合失調症に併発する抑うつが、社会性、薬物療法に与える影響

    高木 学, 水木 寛, 酒本 真次, 藤原 雅樹, 岡久 祐子, 児玉 匡史, 内富 庸介

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2013特別 )   S - 525   2013.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 統合失調症認知機能簡易評価尺度日本語版(BACS-J)標準化の試み

    兼田 康宏, 住吉 太幹, 中込 和幸, 池澤 聰, 大森 哲郎, 古郡 規雄, 功刀 浩, 松尾 淳子, 宮本 聖也, 中村 純, 久住 一郎, 岡久 祐子, 小林 正義, 岡村 愛子, 鈴木 雄太郎, 管 心, 尾崎 紀夫, 吉田 泰介, 長田 泉美, 加藤 淳一, 浦田 暁菜, 佐久間 寛之, 永嶌 朋久, 石郷岡 純, 船橋 英樹, 羽下 路子, 赤澤 将文, 芳賀 大輔, 羽鳥 乃路, 原田 俊樹, 中谷 真樹, 児嶋 亮, 上原 優子, 松本 香子

    精神医学   55 ( 2 )   167 - 175   2013.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)医学書院  

    認知機能障害は統合失調症の中核症状であり,患者の社会機能予後に対して精神病症状以上に大きな影響を及ぼすと考えられている。我々は簡便で鋭敏な認知機能評価のため,統合失調症認知機能簡易評価尺度(Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia;BACS)の日本語版(BACS-J)を作成した。このたび,BACS-J標準化のため健常者709名のデータを収集し,その内,性別および学歴を考慮した292名のデータを解析したので報告する。平均年齢(標準偏差)は36.7(13.5)歳,平均教育年数は14.6(2.2)年であった。結果として,年齢とすべてのBACS-J各下位検査およびcomposite scoreとの間に統計学的に有意な相関を認めた。また,言語性記憶課題においてのみ,女性のほうが男性よりも得点が統計学的に有意に高かった。さらに,教育年数と言語性記憶課題,言語流暢性,ロンドン塔検査,そしてcomposite scoreとの間に統計学的に有意な相関を認めた。本研究結果に基づき,年代および性別を考慮したz-score/T-scoreの算出が可能である。(著者抄録)


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2013&ichushi_jid=J00749&link_issn=&doc_id=20130225060011&doc_link_id=10.11477%2Fmf.1405102387&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.11477%2Fmf.1405102387&type=%88%E3%8F%91.jp_%83I%81%5B%83%8B%83A%83N%83Z%83X&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00024_2.gif

  • Association between the tyrosine hydroxylase gene and patients with methamphetamine dependence

    Y. Okahisa, M. Kishimoto, S. Sakamoto, Y. Mizuki, M. Takaki, M. Kodama, H. Ujike, Y. Uchitomi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Web of Science


  • Association between the fyn kinase gene and patients with methamphetamine psychosis

    Y. Okahisa, S. Sakamoto, M. Kodama, M. Takaki, Y. Mizuki, H. Ujike, Y. Uchitomi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Web of Science


  • 統合失調症維持期を中心とした、非鎮静系抗精神病薬aripiprazole、blonanserinの比較 薬理学的特性から使い分けを考える

    高木 学, 岡久 祐子, 児玉 匡史, 北川 航平, 水木 寛, 酒本 真次, 氏家 寛, 内富 庸介

    臨床精神薬理   15 ( 6 )   949 - 959   2012.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)星和書店  



  • 統合失調症と覚醒剤誘発性精神病の遺伝学的共通性

    池田 匡志, 岡久 祐子, 福生 泰久, アレクシッチ・ブランコ, Gida J, 尾崎 紀夫, 岩田 仲生

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2012特別 )   S - 488   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 薬物依存の基礎から臨床、そして日常診療との関わりについて 薬物乱用・依存の遺伝子研究

    岡久 祐子

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2012特別 )   S - 392   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


  • 重度深部静脈血栓症を併発した悪性カタトニアに下大静脈フィルターを留置しmECTを施行しえた一例

    酒本 真次, 水木 寛, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 児玉 匡史, 内富 庸介

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2012特別 )   S - 457   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  



    Yutaka Mizuki, Manabu Takaki, Yuko Okahisa, Masafumi Kodama, Hiroshi Ujike, Yosuke Uchitomi

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH   136   S227 - S227   2012.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Web of Science


  • うつ状態に対するlamotrigineの急性効果の検討

    藤原 雅樹, 児玉 匡史, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 水木 寛, 酒本 真次, 松本 洋輔, 内富 庸介

    臨床精神薬理   15 ( 4 )   551 - 559   2012.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)星和書店  

    Lamotrigineは新規の気分安定薬であるが、特にうつ病相の予防効果を有する薬剤として期待されている。我々は、lamotrigineのうつ状態への急性効果を調べるため、当院におけるlamotrigineの使用状況を調査した。対象は2008年12月上市後から2011年8月の間にうつ状態に対してlamotrigineが処方された全36例とし、診療録から後ろ向きに調査した。投与開始後8週間の改善度をClinical Global Impression-Improvement scale(CGI-I)を用いて評価した。Lamotrigineは双極性障害、単極性うつ病、その他の疾患において処方されており、うつ状態に対する急性効果を持つことが示唆された。また、双極I型&gt;双極II型&gt;単極性うつ病&gt;その他の疾患の順で有効性の高い結果が得られた。Lamotrigineは双極性の強い疾患において、よりうつ状態に対する効果の高い可能性が示唆された。(著者抄録)



    Yuko Okahisa, Hiroshi Ujike, Masafumi Kodama, Manabu Takaki, Yutaka Mizuki, Shinji Sakamoto, Nao Imai, Yosuke Uchitomi, Makoto Arai, Masanari Itokawa

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH   136   S228 - S228   2012.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Web of Science


  • PCM1遺伝子と統合失調症の関連解析

    酒本真次, 高木学, 岡久祐子, 水木寛, 児玉匡史, 氏家寛, 内富庸介

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   23 ( Supplement )   2012

  • 統合失調症における社会生活機能障害の評価・支援-MATRICS-CCB日本語版による認知機能障害の評価と治療計画への応用-MATRICSコンセンサス認知機能評価バッテリー日本語版の計量心理学的特性の検討

    兼田康宏, 大森哲郎, 岡久祐子, 住吉太幹, 朴盛弘, 高木学, 中込和幸, 曽良一郎

    統合失調症における社会生活機能障害の評価・支援-MATRICS-CCB日本語版による認知機能障害の評価と治療計画への応用 平成23年度 総括・分担研究報告書   2012

  • 統合失調症における社会生活機能障害の評価・支援-MATRICS-CCB日本語版による認知機能障害の評価と治療計画への応用-MATRICSコンセンサス認知機能評価バッテリー日本語版の計量心理学的特性に関する研究

    兼田康宏, 大森哲郎, 岡久祐子, 住吉太幹, 朴盛弘, 高木学, 中込和幸, 曽良一郎

    統合失調症における社会生活機能障害の評価・支援-MATRICS-CCB日本語版による認知機能障害の評価と治療計画への応用 平成21-23年度 総合研究報告書   2012

  • 2型糖尿病疾患候補遺伝子ARHGEF11の統合失調症における相関解析

    水木寛, 高木学, 酒本真次, 岡久祐子, 児玉匡史, 氏家寛, 内富庸介

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   23 ( Supplement )   2012

  • 気分障害へのラモトリギンの効果の検討

    児玉 匡史, 酒本 真次, 水木 寛, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   21回・41回   202 - 202   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • 統合失調症の認知機能障害に対し抑肝散が有効であった1例

    酒本 真次, 氏家 寛, 高木 学, 今井 奈緒, 水木 寛, 岡久 祐子, 児玉 匡史, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   21回・41回   154 - 154   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  



  • 統合失調症維持期における、非鎮静系抗精神病薬アリピプラゾールとブロナンセリンの比較

    高木 学, 児玉 匡史, 岡久 祐子, 氏家 寛, 水木 寛, 酒本 真次, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   21回・41回   163 - 163   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  



  • 統合失調症以外の疾患に対する、非鎮静系抗精神病薬アリピプラゾールとブロナンセリンの使用状況と有用性の検討

    高木 学, 児玉 匡史, 岡久 祐子, 氏家 寛, 水木 寛, 酒本 真次, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   21回・41回   163 - 163   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • Blonanserinへの切り替えによりRisperidoneによる高プロラクチン血症が改善した統合失調症の4例

    岡久 祐子, 酒本 真次, 水木 寛, 高木 学, 和気 洋介, 児玉 匡史, 氏家 寛, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   21回・41回   175 - 175   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  



  • RisperidoneからBlonanserineへの切り替えにより、統合失調症の陽性症状に加え、ジスキネジア、ジストニア、過食、QT延長に改善が見られた一例

    水木 寛, 高木 学, 児玉 匡史, 岡久 祐子, 氏家 寛, 酒本 真次, 内富 庸介

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   21回・41回   193 - 193   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  



  • Improvement of serum prolactin after switching to blonanserin from risperidone in patients with schizophrenia: report of four cases

    Y. Okahisa, M. Takaki, Y. Wake, M. Kodama, H. Ujike


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Web of Science


  • Mirtazapineにより早期にうつ状態が改善し併せてベンゾジアゼピン系睡眠薬と抗不安薬を減量することが可能となった3症例

    高木 学, 折田 暁尚, 岡久 祐子, 水木 寛, 高橋 茂, 児玉 匡史, 内富 庸介

    臨床精神薬理   14 ( 9 )   1561 - 1565   2011.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)星和書店  



  • 高齢者うつ病にmirtazapine使用後、せん妄を来した4例

    井上 真一郎, 岡部 伸幸, 矢野 智宣, 中村 真之, 牧 安紀, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 児玉 匡史, 松本 洋輔, 寺田 整司, 内富 庸介

    臨床精神薬理   14 ( 6 )   1057 - 1062   2011.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)星和書店  

    Mirtazapine(MIR)は、Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressant(NaSSA)と呼ばれる新規抗うつ薬である。今回、我々はMIRによるせん妄が強く疑われた4例を経験した。全例、身体疾患の治療を目的として入院中の高齢女性であり、不眠を伴ううつ状態に対してMIR15mg/日が処方された。4例中3例では、MIR内服開始から3日以内にせん妄が出現した。中止後の経過は良好であり、4例全例において速やかにせん妄は改善した。せん妄が惹起された機序としては、前頭前野におけるドーパミン量の増大が関与している可能性を指摘した。身体合併症を有する高齢患者にMIRを使用する場合には、十分な注意が必要である。(著者抄録)


  • 非鎮静系抗精神病薬aripiprazole、blonanserinの可能性 急性期、維持期における改善例を通じて見えてくるもの

    高木 学, 折田 暁尚, 五島 淳, 児玉 匡史, 岡久 祐子, 高橋 茂, 中島 豊爾, 内富 庸介

    臨床精神薬理   13 ( 9 )   1771 - 1777   2010.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)星和書店  



  • 【薬物依存症 薬物依存症のトレンド】薬物依存症の関連遺伝子

    高木 学, 岡久 祐子, 氏家 寛

    日本臨床   68 ( 8 )   1451 - 1456   2010.8


    Yuko Okahisa, Eriko Yokobayashi, Takeshi Lshihara, Masafumi Kodama, Manabu Takaki, Hiroshi Ujike

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH   117 ( 2-3 )   450 - 450   2010.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2010.02.836

    Web of Science


  • 【関連遺伝子と精神疾患 全ゲノム解析はどこまでわかったか】薬物依存

    氏家 寛, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学

    精神科   16 ( 2 )   161 - 166   2010.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(有)科学評論社  



  • 覚せい剤精神病におけるグルタミン酸神経伝達関連遺伝子解析

    氏家 寛, 小高 辰也, 岸本 真希子, 岡久 祐子, 高木 学, 児玉 匡史, 稲田 俊也, 山田 光彦, 内村 直尚, 岩田 仲生, 曽良 一郎, 伊豫 雅臣, 尾崎 紀夫, 黒田 重利

    精神薬療研究年報   ( 41 )   25 - 26   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公財)先進医薬研究振興財団  


  • 【覚せい剤依存症】覚せい剤依存症・精神病ゲノム因子の最新知見

    氏家 寛, 岡久 祐子

    最新精神医学   14 ( 2 )   127 - 132   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)世論時報社  


  • Analyses of genetic factors in olanzapine-induced weight gain in schizophrenic patients

    H. Ujike, A. Nomura, Y. Morita, Y. Okahisa, T. Kotaka, M. Kodama, T. Ishiahara, S. Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Web of Science


  • 依存性薬物および未規制薬物による神経毒性と精神病の発現機序」3年間のまとめ 多剤乱用の実態と物質誘発性精神病の遺伝子リスクファクターの解明

    氏家寛, 森田幸孝, 大谷恭平, 岡久祐子, 岸本真希子, 小高辰也, 森尾亜希子, 稲田俊也, 原野陸正, 小宮山徳太郎, 堀達, 山田光彦, 関根吉統, 曽良一郎, 岩田仲生, 伊豫雅臣, 尾崎紀夫, 黒田重利

    依存性薬物および未規制薬物による神経毒性と精神病の発現機序 平成18年度 総括研究報告書 平成16-18年度 総合研究報告書   2007

  • The frizzled 3 (FZD3) gene is associated with methamphetamine psychosis

    Makiko Kishimoto, Hiroshi Ujike, Yuji Tanaka, Kyohei Otani, Yukitaka Morita, Akiko Morio, Yuko Okahisa, Tatsuya Kotaka, Mutsuo Harano, Toshiya Inada, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Tokutaro Komiyama, Toru Hori, Yoshimoto Sekine, Nakao Iwata, Ichiro Sora, Masaomi Iyo, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Web of Science


  • Association study between the NrCAM gene and patients with methamphetamine use disorders

    Yuko Okahisa, Hiroshi Ujike, Yuji Tanaka, Kyohei Otani, Yukitaka Morita, Makiko Kishimoto, Akiko Morio, Toshiya Inada, Mutsuo Harano, Tokutaro Komiyama, Toru Hori, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Yoshimoto Sekine, Nakao Iwata, Masaomi Iyo, Ichiro Sora, Norio Ozaki, Shigetoshi Kuroda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:WILEY-LISS  

    Web of Science


  • NrCAM遺伝子多型と覚醒剤精神病の関連研究

    岡久 祐子, 氏家 寛, 田中 有史, 大谷 恭平, 森田 幸孝, 岸本 真希子, 森尾 亜希子, 小高 辰也, 稲田 俊也, 原野 睦生, 小宮山 徳太郎, 堀 達, 山田 光彦, 関根 吉統, 岩田 仲生, 伊豫 雅臣, 曽良 一郎, 尾崎 紀夫, 黒田 重利

    神経化学   45 ( 2-3 )   398 - 398   2006.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本神経化学会  



  • Association study between the serotonin 1B receptor gene and methamphetamine psychosis


    神経化学   45 ( 2-3 )   397 - 397   2006.8

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  • 更年期の全般性不安障害

    岡久 祐子, 岡部 健雄

    倉敷中央病院年報   68   81 - 85   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公財)大原記念倉敷中央医療機構倉敷中央病院  



  • 依存性薬物および未規制薬物による神経毒性と精神病の発現機序 多剤乱用の実態と物質誘発性精神病の遺伝子リスクファクターの解明 FZD-3,XBP-1およびFAAH遺伝子の検討

    氏家寛, 岸本真希子, 森田幸孝, 大谷恭平, 岡久祐子, 森尾亜希子, 稲田俊也, 原野陸正, 小宮山徳太郎, 堀達, 山田光彦, 関根吉統, 曽良一郎, 岩田仲生, 伊豫雅臣, 尾崎紀夫, 黒田重利

    依存性薬物および未規制薬物による神経毒性と精神病の発現機序 平成17年度 総括研究報告書   2006

  • 水頭症治療後に統合失調症を発症した症例

    氏福 健太, 平尾 朋仁, 山下 弘己, 岡久 祐子

    山口県医学会誌   ( 38 )   100 - 100   2004.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)山口県医師会  


  • 統合失調症様症状を呈した22q11.2欠失症候群の1例

    門家 千穂, 氏家 寛, 和気 洋介, 岡久 祐子, 黒田 重利

    精神医学   46 ( 2 )   187 - 190   2004.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)医学書院  



    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2004&ichushi_jid=J00749&link_issn=&doc_id=20040217080014&doc_link_id=10.11477%2Fmf.1405100438&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.11477%2Fmf.1405100438&type=%88%E3%8F%91.jp_%83I%81%5B%83%8B%83A%83N%83Z%83X&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00024_2.gif

  • 友人の自殺をきっかけに二人でリストカットを繰り返した女子高校生

    岡久 祐子, 藤本 明

    総合病院精神医学   15 ( Suppl. )   S164 - S164   2003.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本総合病院精神医学会  


  • 思春期行為障害の入院治療

    岡久 祐子, 大西 勝, 佐藤 俊樹, 黒田 重利

    精神神経学雑誌   104 ( 7 )   612 - 613   2002.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本精神神経学会  


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Research Projects

  • 腸内細菌叢のマルチオミクス解析による統合失調症の病態解明

    Grant number:21K07481  2021.04 - 2024.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    岡久 祐子

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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct expense: \3100000 、 Indirect expense:\930000 )

    統合失調症の病態に免疫学的な機序が関わることがこれまでの遺伝子解析や疫学研究で示唆されている。腸内細菌叢は宿主免疫系を制御することで様々な生理機能や病態形成に関わっているが、腸内細菌叢とその代謝産物はbrain-gut-microbiota axis (脳-腸-腸内細菌軸)を介して中枢神経系の活動に影響し、統合失調症の病態にも関与するとして、近年注目を集めている。本研究では、日本人統合失調症患者を対象として腸内細菌叢のメタボローム解析を行い、患者で変化している個々の細菌種と代謝物質との相関について解析し、統合失調症の病態解明の手掛かりを得ることを目的とする。
    解析の対象は、岡山大学病院精神科神経科を受診した外来または入院患者で、DSM-5及ICD-10を用いて統合失調症と診断された18歳~65歳までの患者と年齢、性を一致させた健常対照者で、研究の趣旨を説明し同意の得られた対象者から糞便採取を行う。統合失調症患者の臨床症状や重症度、認知機能との関連も検討する。検討に用いる評価尺度である陽性・陰性症状評価尺度(PANSS)、全般的機能評価尺度(GAF)、臨床的全般改善度(CGI)、統合失調症認知機能簡易評価尺度(BACS)、Wisconsin Card Sorted Test、前頭葉機能検査(FAB)、Japanese Adult Reading Test 、Wecheler Adult Intelligence Scale -Reviced (WAIS-R)等を統合失調症患者に施行した。


  • 腸内細菌叢の網羅的解析による統合失調症の病態解明

    Grant number:18K07601  2018.04 - 2023.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    岡久 祐子

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )

    (BACS)、Wisconsin Card Sorted Test、前頭葉機能検査(FAB)、Japanese Adult Reading Test 、Wecheler Adult Intelligence Scale -Reviced (WAIS-R)等を統合失調症患者に施行した。


  • Analysis of molecular pathophysiology of gender identity disorder using microarray method

    Grant number:15K09806  2015.04 - 2019.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Okahisa Yuko

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    Grant amount:\4810000 ( Direct expense: \3700000 、 Indirect expense:\1110000 )

    The purpose of this study is to reveal the molecular pathophysiology of gender identity disorder. We conducted whole-genome analysis of 206 female-to-male trans-sexual individuals and 1557 control subjects using Japonica array but failed to identify pathogenesis of gender identity disorder. We intend to perform further research using larger samples.


  • Analysis of molecular pathophysiology of gender identity disorder using microarray method

    Grant number:25861007  2013.04 - 2015.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)


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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct expense: \3100000 、 Indirect expense:\930000 )

    The purpose of this study is to reveal the molecular pathophysiology of gender identity disorder. We conducted whole-genome analysis of 96 female-to-male trans-sexual individuals using Japonica array but failed to identify pathogenesis of gender identity disorder. We intend to perform genotype imputation analysis in further study.


  • Development of a method for diagnosis of the prodromal stage of schizophrenia

    Grant number:23791334  2011 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    OKAHISA Yuko

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct expense: \3500000 、 Indirect expense:\1050000 )

    The purpose of this study was to develop a method for diagnosisof schizophrenia in the prodromal stage. We evaluated the symptoms of eight subjects who were at risk of developing schizophrenia for one year. Then, we analyzed their whole-gene expression profiles using a microarray but failed to find any significant genome-wide difference between the groups that developed of schizophrenia and those who did not. A larger sample should be investigated in further studies.



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  • Neuropsychiatry (Core Clinical Practice) (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Neuropsychiatry (2024academic year) Fourth semester  - 水6

  • Practicals: Neuropsychiatry (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Project: Neuropsychiatry (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Neuropsychiatry I (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Neuropsychiatry I (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Neuropsychiatry II (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Neuropsychiatry II (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Mental Disorder (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Elective Clinical Practice (Neuropsychiatry) (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Neuropsychiatry (Core Clinical Practice) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Neuropsychiatry (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 水6

  • Practicals: Neuropsychiatry (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Project: Neuropsychiatry (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Neuropsychiatry I (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Neuropsychiatry I (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Neuropsychiatry II (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Neuropsychiatry II (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Mental Disorder (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Elective Clinical Practice (Neuropsychiatry) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Neuropsychiatry (Core Clinical Practice) (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Neuropsychiatry I (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Neuropsychiatry I (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Neuropsychiatry II (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Neuropsychiatry II (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Mental Disorder (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Elective Clinical Practice (Neuropsychiatry) (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Neuropsychiatry (Core Clinical Practice) (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Mental Disorder (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Neuropsychiatry (Core Clinical Practice) (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Mental Disorder (2020academic year) special  - その他

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