Updated on 2024/02/02


SUEDA Tomomi
Faculty of Health Sciences Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
External link


  • Master ( 2010.3   Okayama University )

Research Interests

  • breast cancer

  • perioperative nursing

  • resilience

  • Nursing

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Clinical nursing


  • Okayama University   大学院保健学研究科   看護学分野

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  • Okayama University   医学部   保健学科看護学専攻

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Research History

  • Okayama University   Graduate School of Health Sciences   Assistant Professor


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  • Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare   Faculty of Health and Welfare Department of Nursing   Research Assistant

    2018.4 - 2019.3

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  • 岡山大学病院   看護師

    2016.9 - 2017.4

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  • Okayama University   Graduate School of Health Sciences   Assistant Professor

    2010.4 - 2016.7

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  • Sanyo Gakuen University   看護学部看護学科   Research Assistant

    2008.4 - 2010.3

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  • Okayama University Hospital   Nurse

    2004.4 - 2009.3

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Professional Memberships





  • Resilience of women with breast cancer after surgery

    International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.9.29 - 2023.10.2

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


Research Projects

  • Development of a Postoperative Patient Support System for Esophageal Cancer Using Metaverse

    Grant number:23H03197  2023.04 - 2028.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    森 恵子, 野間 和広, 前田 直見, 田邊 俊介, 本家 淳子, 山下 範之, 藤井 宏子, 片山 はるみ, 末田 朋美, 北別府 孝輔

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    Grant amount:\19370000 ( Direct expense: \14900000 、 Indirect expense:\4470000 )


  • レジリエンス促進支援を必要とする早期乳がん患者の特徴の解明

    Grant number:21K10766  2021.04 - 2025.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    末田 朋美, 森 恵子, 芳我 ちより

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    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct expense: \3000000 、 Indirect expense:\900000 )

    レジリエンスは逆境に曝された個人の回復力あるいは回復過程と説明される概念である。本研究は、外来診療が中心であり医療者の介入機会が少なく、乳がん罹患・治療に伴い直面する問題への対処が患者自身に求められる早期乳がん患者を対象に、短期間の入院や外来診療でも確実なケアの提供を目指した看護実践モデルを構築するために、重点的なケアが必要である予測されるレジリエンスの低い早期乳がん患者の特徴を明らかにすることを目的としている。本研究では早期乳がん患者のレジリエンスを測定するために、レジリエンス測定尺The Conner and Davidson Resilience Scale(以下、CD-RISCとする)を使用することとした。CD-RISCは世界で広く使用されており乳がん患者の他にも様々な対象に用いられているレジリエンス尺度であるが、日本での使用はほとんど認められておらず、日本語版CD-RISCとして妥当性を検証した論文は発表されていない。よって、本研究の第一段階として日本語版CD-RISCを作成し、妥当性を検証することとした。


  • The construction of daily life support nursing model to postoperative long-term survivor of thoracic esophagus cancer

    Grant number:18H03081  2018.04 - 2023.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    森 恵子, 雄西 智恵美, 竹内 裕也, 本家 淳子, 白川 靖博, 秋元 典子, 片山 はるみ, 末田 朋美

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    Grant amount:\13390000 ( Direct expense: \10300000 、 Indirect expense:\3090000 )



  • The process of resilience of the female patients who breast cancer was diagnosed for the first time and underwent surgery

    Grant number:24792432  2012.04 - 2015.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    SUEDA Tomomi

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    Grant amount:\2340000 ( Direct expense: \1800000 、 Indirect expense:\540000 )

    I interviewed primary breast cancer women who underwent surgery to clarify resilience which was the process that they went to the adaptation in the face of adversity. I investigated what they thought about distress and difficulty caused by the treatment in the daily life, and how they coped with them to adapt themselves. 11 breast cancer patients participated in this study. I interviewed for one participant four times (as for one person three times) in one year. The investigation continued until September, 2014 and analyzed data.



Class subject in charge

  • Graduation Thesis in Nursing Ⅰ (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金5~6

  • Clinical Nursing Practice in Adult Nursing I I (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Clinical Nursing Practice in Adult Nursing I I (2023academic year) Other  - その他

  • Adult Nursing II (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 火6~7

  • Simulation-based learning in nurse education: Nursing OSCE (2023academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Global Studies 2 (Medical System) (2022academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Exercise of Team Medical Activities (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Clinical Nursing Practice in Adult Nursing I I (2022academic year) Other  - その他

  • Adult Nursing II (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 火6~7

  • Simulation-based learning in nurse education: Nursing OSCE (2022academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Global Studies 2 (Medical System) (2021academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Clinical Nursing Practice in Adult Nursing II (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Clinical Nursing Practice in Adult Nursing I I (2021academic year) Other  - その他

  • Adult Nursing II (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - [第1学期]火6~7, [第2学期]金4~5

  • Simulation-based learning in nurse education: Nursing OSCE (2021academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Evidences of Nursing Cares I (2020academic year) Second semester  - 火5,火6

  • Clinical Nursing Practice in Adult Nursing II (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Adult Nursing II (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - [第1学期]火7,火8, [第2学期]金4,金5

  • Nursing Assessment:case study (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木5,木6

  • Simulation-based learning in nurse education: Nursing OSCE (2020academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

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