Updated on 2024/03/20


Okayama University Hospital Lecturer
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  • Doctor (Dentistry) ( Okayama University )

Research Interests

  • 顎顔面疼痛

  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群

  • 歯科補綴学

  • 睡眠時ブラキシズム

  • Regenerative medicine

  • Oral implantology

  • Prosthodontics

  • Orofacial pain

  • Sleep apnea syndrome

  • Sleep bruxism

  • 再生医療

  • 口腔インプラント

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Prosthodontics


  • Okayama University   歯学研究科   歯科補綴学第一専攻

    - 1999

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    Country: Japan


  • Okayama University    

    - 1999

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  • Okayama University    

    - 1995

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  • Okayama University   歯学部   歯学科

    - 1995

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • - Senior Assistant Professor,University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry,Okayama University


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  • - 岡山大学岡山大学病院 講師


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  • Assistant Professor,Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Okayama University

    2004 - 2012

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  • 岡山大学医歯薬学総合研究科 助教

    2004 - 2012

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  • - 岡山大学 大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 助教


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  • - Assistant Professor,Okayama Univiersity Graduate School of Medicine , Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences


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  • 南カリフォルニア大学歯学部 臨床指導医

    2003 - 2004

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  • Clinical Instructor,University of Southern California, School of Dentistry

    2003 - 2004

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  • カリフォルニア州立大学ロサンジェルス校歯学部 文部科学省在外研究員(若手長期)

    2002 - 2003

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  • Visiting Scholar,University of California Los Angeles, School of Dentistry

    2002 - 2003

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  • 岡山大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 助手

    2000 - 2004

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  • ベル歯科衛生士専門学校 講師

    1999 - 2000

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  • Research Associate,Okayama Univiersity Dental school hospital

    1999 - 2000

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  • Senior Assistant Professor,Bell dental hygiene professional training college

    1999 - 2000

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  • Okayama University   Dental School

    1999 - 2000

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Professional Memberships

  • 日本老年歯科医学会

  • 日本口腔顔面痛学会

  • 日本口腔インプラント学会

  • 日本歯科医学教育学会

  • 国際歯科研究会日本部会

  • 日本軟骨代謝学会

  • 日本顎頭蓋機能学会

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  • International Association for Dental Research

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  • 日本顎関節学会

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  • 岡山歯学会

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  • 日本補綴歯科学会

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Committee Memberships

  •   日本顎関節学会 病態分類委員会 幹事  


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  •   日本顎関節学会 渉外委員会  


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  •   日本顎関節学会 教育検討委員会  

    2020.8 - 2022.8   

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  •   日本補綴歯科学会 修練医・認定医・専門医認定委員会  

    2020.6 - 2022.6   

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  • 日本顎関節学会   教育検討委員会  

    2020 - 2022   

  • 日本補綴歯科学会   修練医・認定医・専門医認定委員会  

    2020 - 2022   

  • 日本顎関節学会   渉外委員会  

    2020 - 2022   

  • 日本顎関節学会   病態分類委員会  

    2020 - 2022   

  •   日本口腔インプラント学会 研究推進委員会 診療ガイドラインタスクフォース委員  


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  •   日本歯科医学教育学会 代議員  


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  • 日本口腔インプラント学会   診療ガイドラインタスクフォース委員  

    2019 - 2022   

  •   日本顎関節学会 専門医等認定委員会  

    2018.7 - 2022.7   

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  •   日本口腔インプラント学会 教育・研修委員会委員  


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  •   日本口腔顔面痛学会 優秀論文賞委員会  


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  • 日本顎関節学会   専門医等認定委員会  

    2018 - 2022   

  • 日本口腔インプラント学会   治療指針・リスクマネジメント改定作業部会  

    2018 - 2020   

  •   日本顎関節学会 疫学調査委員会  


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  •   1995- Japan Prosthodontic Society Committee of Clinical guideline(2015-2017)  


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  •   日本補綴歯科学会 診療ガイドライン委員会  


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  •   日本顎関節学会 Seeds委員会  

    2013 - 2017   

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  •   日本口腔顔面痛学会 広報委員会  

    2013 - 2015   

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  •   1995- Japan Prosthodontic Society Committee of Clinical guideline(2013-2015)  

    2013 - 2015   

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  •   - Japanese society of oral implantology committee of education and training(2018-)  


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  •   - Japanese Society of Orofacial Pain Committee of excellent reserach article award(2018-)  


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  •   - The Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint Epidemiological research committee(2017-)  


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  •   - Japan Prosthodontic Society Committee of Clinical guideline(2017-)  


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  • Does maintaining the number of present and functional teeth benefit the longevity of life in older people requiring nursing care?: A prospective cohort study

    Eri Koyama, Aya Kimura-Ono, Takuya Mino, Yoko Kurosaki, Kana Tokumoto, Michiyo Yamamoto, Shinsuke Nakagawa, Suguru Osaka, Kumiko Nawachi, Mami Inoue-Minakuchi, Mitsuaki Ono, Hajime Minakuchi, Kenji Maekawa, Takuo Kuboki

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   2024

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Prosthodontic Society  

    DOI: 10.2186/jpr.jpr_d_23_00221


  • Relationship between temporomandibular disorders and oral frailty/frailty in older people Reviewed

    Hajime Minakuchi, Kyou Koyama, Mineka Yoshikawa, Aya Hirooka, Mitsuyoshi Yoshida, Haruna Miki, Akira Nishiyama, Kazuhiro Tsuga, Yoshizo Matsuka

    Journal of the Temporomandibular Joint   35 ( 2 )   2023.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 卒前臨床技術教育でデジタル光学印象を経験させる相互実習の導入

    下村 侑司, 土山 雄司, 窪木 慎野介, 松永 直也, 北川 若奈, 黄野 頂策, 石橋 啓, 田仲 由希恵, 大森 江, 水口 真実, 中川 晋輔, 三木 春奈, 三野 卓哉, 前田 あずさ, 縄稚 久美子, 秋山 謙太郎, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   41 ( 2 )   58 - 59   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • Managements of sleep bruxism in adult: A systematic review Reviewed

    Hajime Minakuchi, Masanori Fujisawa, Yuka Abe, Takashi Iida, Kyosuke Oki, Kazuo Okura, Norimasa Tanabe, Akira Nishiyama

    Japanese Dental Science Review   58   124 - 136   2022.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jdsr.2022.02.004



  • 令和2年度8020研究事業公募課題概要報告4 インプラント治療は高齢者の残存歯を守りQOLを高めるか? Reviewed

    窪木拓男,黒﨑陽子,大野 彩,三野卓哉,荒川 光,小山絵理,中川晋輔,逢坂 卓,佐伯真未子,水口 一,大野充昭,前川賢治,Ha Thi Thu Nguyen,會田英紀,澤瀬 隆,鮎川保則,秋山謙太郎,大島正充,佐藤裕二,佐藤洋平,廣安一彦, 山田陽一,阪本貴司,宮崎 隆

    公益財団法人8020推進財団会誌 8020   21   153 - 155   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Six-year follow-up assessment of prosthesis survival and oral health-related quality of life in individuals with partial edentulism treated with three types of prosthodontic rehabilitation Reviewed

    Kurosaki Y, Kimura-Ono A, Mino T, Arakawa H, Koyama E, Nakagawa S, Nguyen HTT, Osaka S, Saeki M, Minakuchi H, Ono M, Maekawa K, Kuboki T

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   65 ( 3 )   332 - 339   2021.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20

  • 機械学習を応用したブラキシズムの筋電図波形識別の試み

    ホアン・ディンロック, 長崎 光弘, 水口 一, 三木 春奈, 坂本 和基, 下村 侑司, 大森 江, 西村 多寿子, 峯松 信明, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   13 ( 特別号 )   187 - 187   2021.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 機械学習を応用したブラキシズムの筋電図波形識別の試み

    ホアン・ディンロック, 長崎 光弘, 水口 一, 三木 春奈, 坂本 和基, 下村 侑司, 大森 江, 西村 多寿子, 峯松 信明, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   13 ( 特別号 )   187 - 187   2021.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • Six-year follow-up assessment of prosthesis survival and oral health-related quality of life in individuals with partial edentulism treated with three types of prosthodontic rehabilitation.

    Yoko Kurosaki, Aya Kimura-Ono, Takuya Mino, Hikaru Arakawa, Eri Koyama, Shinsuke Nakagawa, Ha Thi Thu Nguyen, Suguru Osaka, Mamiko Saeki, Hajime Minakuchi, Mitsuaki Ono, Kenji Maekawa, Takuo Kuboki

    Journal of prosthodontic research   65 ( 3 )   332 - 339   2020.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to compare the long-term performance of three prostheses for partial edentulism: implant-supported, fixed denture (IFD), fixed partial denture (FPD), and removable partial denture (RPD), in terms of prosthesis survival and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). METHODS: The 138 patients in our previous study (Kimura et al., 2012) received one of the three prosthetic treatments and answered a validated OHRQoL questionnaire before and immediately after treatment. In the present study, the patients were followed up six years after treatment using medical records and OHRQoL examinations to evaluate prosthesis survival and change in OHRQoL. The cumulative survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier analysis. The Steel-Dwass test was used to compare the median OHRQoL scores at the three time points. RESULTS: For the 105 patients (66.8 ± 10.8 years, IFD/FPD/RPD: 58/27/20 patients) who successfully completed the follow-up assessments, the six-year estimated cumulative survival rates of the IFDs, FPDs, and RPDs were 94.7%, 77.4%, and 33.3%, respectively. The log-rank tests indicated that the survival curves were significantly different (IFDs vs. FPDs: p = 0.01; RPDs vs. IFDs, FPDs: p < 0.01). The median OHRQoL scores of the IFD group immediately after treatment and six years after treatment were significantly higher than those observed before treatment (p < 0.01). There was no significant difference in the median OHRQoL scores among the three time points in the RPD or FPD groups. CONCLUSIONS: IFDs showed significantly longer survival rates than FPDs and RPDs in partially edentulous patients. Only in the IFD patients was the OHRQoL level six years after treatment significantly higher than that b efore treatment.

    DOI: 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00095



  • 口腔インプラント治療に対するカダバー外科トレーニングの取り組み

    大野 充昭, 秋山 謙太郎, 三野 卓哉, 大野 彩, 水口 一, 黒崎 陽子, 園山 亘, 窪木 拓男

    日本口腔インプラント学会誌   33 ( 特別号 )   423 - 423   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本口腔インプラント学会  


  • Association of masticatory muscle activity with sleep arousal and other concomitant movements during sleep Reviewed

    Haruna Miki, Hajime Minakuchi, Mayu Miyagi, Emilio Satoshi Hara, Shuji Shigemoto, Yoshitaka Suzuki, Kenji Maekawa, Yoshizo Matsuka, Glenn T. Clark, Takuo Kuboki

    Journal of Oral Rehabilitation   2020.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

    DOI: 10.1111/joor.12913



  • Association of masticatory muscle activity with sleep arousal and other concomitant movements during sleep Reviewed International coauthorship

    Miki H, Minakuchi H, Miyagi M, Hara ES, Shigemoto S, Suzuki Y, Maekawa K, Matsuka Y, Clark GT, Kuboki T

    Jouranal of oral rehabilitation   47 ( 3 )   281 - 288   2020.3

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/joor.12913

  • Vibratory splint therapy for decreasing sleep clenching: A pilot study Reviewed

    Emilio Satoshi Hara, Andrea Lusvarghi Witzel, Hajime Minakuchi, Carlos Eduardo de Pitta, Rosane Tronquin Gallo, Masahiro Okada, Takuya Matsumoto, Takuo Kuboki, Marcelo Costa Bolzan

    CRANIO®   38 ( 1 )   15 - 21   2020.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Informa {UK} Limited  

    DOI: 10.1080/08869634.2018.1488652



  • Loss of oral self-care ability results in a higher risk of pneumonia in older inpatients: A prospective cohort study in a Japanese rural hospital Reviewed

    Fujiwara A, Minakuchi H, Uehara J, Miki H, Inoue-Minakuchi H, Kimura-Ono A, Nawachi K, Maekawa K, Kuboki T

    Gerodontology   36 ( 3 )   236 - 243   2019.9

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/ger.12402

  • Loss of oral self-care ability results in a higher risk of pneumonia in older inpatients: A prospective cohort study in a Japanese rural hospital. International journal

    Aya Fujiwara, Hajime Minakuchi, Junji Uehara, Haruna Miki, Mami Inoue-Minakuchi, Aya Kimura-Ono, Kumiko Nawachi, Kenji Maekawa, Takuo Kuboki

    Gerodontology   36 ( 3 )   236 - 243   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVES: To identify significant risk factors associated with incidence of mortality and pneumonia in whole-community-based older inpatients resident in Japanese rural region. METHODS: Patients older than 65 years admitted between 1 April and 15 April 2010 to a core hospital located in a rural region were exhaustively recruited, and incidence of mortality and pneumonia during the 32-month follow-up period were evaluated. Independent variables at baseline measurement included age, gender, body mass index, Charlson comorbidity index, functional dependency, oral self-care ability index, number of remaining teeth, hyposalivation and nutritional status. Dependent variables were incidence of mortality and pneumonia. Survival and non-pneumonia curves were drawn using Kaplan-Meier analysis. Cox proportional hazards analysis was performed to identify the risk factors related to incidence of mortality and pneumonia. RESULTS: The survival rate of 46 patients (male/female: 11/35; mean age: 83.8 ± 6.8 years) was 52.1%, and the incidence of pneumonia was 60.9%. Malnutrition and gender (male) were identified as significant risk factors for mortality (odds ratio [OR]: 8.18 and 4.90; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.77-37.3 and 1.50-16.0; P < 0.01 and <0.01, respectively). Loss of oral self-care ability and gender (male) were identified as significant risk factors for incidence of pneumonia (OR: 8.97 and 4.58; 95% CI: 1.70-47.4 and 1.50-14.0; P = 0.01 and <0.01, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Malnutrition and loss of oral self-care ability were significant risk factors for incidence of mortality and pneumonia, respectively. In response, supplying nutrition with appropriate diet and personalised oral care might contribute to reduction in mortality and prevention of pneumonia.

    DOI: 10.1111/ger.12402



  • 顎関節核磁気共鳴画像における読影信頼性の検討 長期形態変化の同定に向けた予備的検討

    三木 春奈, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   31 ( Suppl. )   150 - 150   2019.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 保存療法を施行した関節円板転位患者の臨床評価における12年経過後の予後調査

    三木 春奈, 水口 一, 天野 友貴, 小山 絵理, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   11 ( 特別号 )   276 - 276   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 特別養護老人ホーム入所者における顎関節脱臼の実態調査 Reviewed

    松香 芳三, 西山 暁, 湯浅 秀道, 水口 一, 高野 直久, 羽毛田 匡, 鈴木 善貴, Dalanon Junhel C., 久保田 英朗, 杉崎 正志, 木野 孔司, 古谷野 潔, 日本顎関節学会疫学調査委員会

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   30 ( 3 )   249 - 254   2018.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  



  • Reliability and validity of the patient disability-oriented diagnostic nomenclature system for prosthetic dentistry

    Yoshizo Matsuka, Yoshiyuki Hagiwara, Katsushi Tamaki, Hisahiro Takeuchi, Masanori Fujisawa, Takahiro Ono, Yoshihiro Tsukiyama, Kan Nagao, Kazuhiro Tsuga, Hideki Aita, Hisatomo Kondo, Kenji Fueki, Hiroaki Tsukasaki, Keisuke Nishigawa, Shogo Ozawa, Rika Kuwatsuru, Hajime Minakuchi, Toshimitsu Iinuma, Takashi Matsuura, Kanji Ishibashi, Shigehisa Fujii, Toshihiro Hirai, Keiichi Sasaki, Hirofumi Yatani, Yoshimasa Igarashi, Yuji Sato, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Tetsuo Yamamori, Takuo Kuboki, Kazuyoshi Baba, Kiyoshi Koyano, Hironobu Sato, Hideo Matsumura

    JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTIC RESEARCH   61 ( 1 )   20 - 33   2017.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Purpose: The Japan Prosthodontic Society (JPS) has proposed a new diagnostic nomenclature system (DNS), based on pathogenesis and etiology, to facilitate and improve prosthodontic treatment. This systemspecifies patient disability and the causative factor (i.e. "B (disability) caused by A (causative factor)''). The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of this DNS.
    Study selection: The JPS Clinical Guideline Committee assessed mock patient charts and formulated disease names using the new DNS. Fifty validators, comprising prosthodontic specialists and dental residents, made diagnoses using the same patient charts. Reliability was evaluated as the consistency of the disease names among the validators, and validity was evaluated using the concordance rate of the disease names with the reference disease names.
    Results: Krippendorff's a was 0.378 among all validators, 0.370 among prosthodontic specialists, and 0.401 among dental hospital residents. Krippendorff's alpha for 10 validators (3 specialists and 7 residents) with higher concordance rates was 0.524. Two validators (1 specialist and 1 resident) with the highest concordance rates had a Krippendorff's alpha of 0.648. Common disease names had higher concordance rates, while uncommon disease names showed lower concordance rates. These rates did not show correlation with clinical experience of the validator or time taken to devise the disease name.
    Conclusions: High reliability was not found among all validators; however, validators with higher concordance rates showed better reliability. Furthermore, common disease names had higher concordance rates. These findings indicate that the new DNS for prosthodontic dentistry exhibits clinically acceptable reliability and validity. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Japan Prosthodontic Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2016.06.005

    Web of Science


  • 固定性ブリッジおよび部分床義歯患者の口腔関連QOL評価における最小有効差の検討

    中川 晋輔, 大野 彩, 黒崎 陽子, 小山 絵理, 逢坂 卓, 沼本 賢, 三野 卓哉, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   8 ( 特別号 )   173 - 173   2016.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 要支援・要介護高齢者における生命予後および低体重発生のリスク因子の検討

    小山 絵理, 大野 彩, 山本 道代, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 中川 晋輔, 逢坂 卓, 沼本 賢, 縄稚 久美子, 水口 真実, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   8 ( 特別号 )   117 - 117   2016.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • Sleep bruxism frequency and platelet serotonin transporter activities in young adult subjects Reviewed

    Minakuchi, Hajime, Sogawa, Chiharu, Miki, Haruna, Hara, Emilio S., Maekawa, Kenji, Sogawa, Norio, Kitayama, Shigeo, Matsuka, Yoshizo, Clark, Glenn Thomas, Kuboki, Takuo

    Sleep and Breathing   20 ( 1 )   271 - 276   2016

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11325-015-1281-0

    Web of Science



  • A Case Report of a Patient Complaining of Itch Sensation in the Maxillary Molar Gingiva Likely Related to the Myofascial Pain in the Masticatory Muscles

    Haruna Miki, Hajime Minakuchi, Kenji Maekawa, Takuo Kuboki

    Japanese Journal of Orofacial Pain   9 ( 1 )   105 - 111   2016

  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康および摂食と主たる介護者の介護負担感との関連

    山本 道代, 大野 彩, 小山 絵理, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 中川 晋輔, 瀧内 博也, 水口 真実, 水口 一, 縄稚 久美子, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    老年歯科医学   30 ( 2 )   135 - 135   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • 要支援・要介護高齢者における低体重発生のリスク因子の検討

    小山 絵理, 大野 彩, 山本 道代, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 中川 晋輔, 瀧内 博也, 縄稚 久美子, 水口 真実, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    老年歯科医学   30 ( 2 )   105 - 106   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • 顎関節症と類似した症状を呈し鑑別診断に苦慮した頭頸部腫瘍の一例

    三木 春奈, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   27 ( Suppl. )   171 - 171   2015.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 岡山大学歯学部/大学病院勤務者における歯科医師のキャリア形成に関する意識調査

    水口 真実, 川畑 智子, 片岡 仁美, 水口 一, 宮脇 卓也, 窪木 拓男

    日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集   34回   141 - 141   2015.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本歯科医学教育学会  


  • 健常者における睡眠時の覚醒反応と随伴運動との関連

    三木 春奈, 水口 一, 上枝 麻友, 重本 修伺, 鈴木 善貴, 前川 賢治, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   7 ( 特別号 )   248 - 248   2015.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康および摂食と主たる介護者の介護負担感との関連

    山本 道代, 大野 彩, 小山 絵理, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 中川 晋輔, 瀧内 博也, 水口 真実, 水口 一, 縄稚 久美子, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本老年歯科医学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集   26回   138 - 138   2015.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • 口腔インプラント外科手術のための臨床解剖実習の取り組み

    大野 充昭, 園山 亘, 大野 彩, 三野 卓哉, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   7 ( 特別号 )   293 - 293   2015.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 補綴治療介入前の主要な「困りごと」と口腔関連QOLとの関連

    中川 晋輔, 大野 彩, 黒崎 陽子, 小山 絵理, 三野 卓哉, 逢坂 卓, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   7 ( 特別号 )   306 - 306   2015.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康と主たる介護者の介護負担感との関連

    山本 道代, 大野 彩, 小山 絵理, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 中川 晋輔, 瀧内 博也, 水口 真実, 作田 篤代, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   7 ( 特別号 )   272 - 272   2015.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 要支援・要介護高齢者における低体重発生のリスク因子の検討

    小山 絵理, 大野 彩, 山本 道代, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 中川 晋輔, 瀧内 博也, 縄稚 久美子, 水口 真実, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本老年歯科医学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集   26回 ( 2 )   113 - 113   2015.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • The evaluation of dental maintenance care program in University hospital and factor analysis of these patients' satisfaction

    10 ( 1 )   50 - 58   2015

  • A risk factor analysis of accumulated postoperative pain and swelling sensation after dental implant surgery using a cellular phone-based real-time assessment Reviewed

    Kuroi, R., Minakuchi, H., Hara, E.S., Kawakami, A., Maekawa, K., Okada, H., Kuboki, T.

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   59 ( 3 )   194 - 198   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2015.05.003




  • 要介護高齢者の認知症の重症度と口腔内環境およびBody Mass Indexの関連

    小山 絵理, 大野 彩, 山本 道代, 瀧内 博也, 中川 晋輔, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 縄稚 久美子, 水口 真実, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    老年歯科医学   29 ( 2 )   117 - 118   2014.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • 簡易貼付型睡眠時ブラキシズム測定装置の測定精度の検討

    三木 春奈, 水口 一, 上枝 麻友, 重本 修伺, 鈴木 善貴, 前川 賢治, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   26 ( Suppl. )   125 - 125   2014.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 要介護高齢者の認知症の重症度と口腔内環境およびBody Mass Indexの関連

    小山 絵理, 大野 彩, 山本 道代, 瀧内 博也, 中川 晋輔, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 縄稚 久美子, 水口 真実, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本老年歯科医学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集   25回   120 - 120   2014.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • 要介護高齢者の口腔内環境および摂食状態と主たる介護者の介護負担感との関連

    山本 道代, 大野 彩, 瀧内 博也, 小山 絵理, 中川 晋輔, 三野 卓哉, 黒崎 陽子, 水口 真実, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   6 ( 特別号 )   149 - 149   2014.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 入院高齢者の口腔内環境や栄養状態、日常生活動作が生命予後、肺炎発症に及ぼす影響

    藤原 彩, 上原 淳二, 水口 一, 水口 真実, 大野 彩, 縄稚 久美子, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   6 ( 特別号 )   111 - 111   2014.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 入院中の要介護高齢者の残存歯数、栄養状態、日常生活動作が生命予後に及ぼす影響

    藤原 彩, 上原 淳一, 水口 一, 水口 真実, 大野 彩, 縄稚 久美子, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   6 ( 1 )   E4 - E4   2014.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • Comparison of platelet serotonin transporter activity in subjects with severe sleep bruxism and control Reviewed

    Minakuchi, Hajime, Sogawa, Chiharu, Hara, Emilio Satoshi, Miki, Haruna, Maekawa, Kenji, Sogawa, Norio, Kitayama, Shigeo, Matsuka, Yoshizo, Clark, Glenn T., Kuboki, Takuo

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   58 ( 4 )   217 - 222   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2014.06.003

    Web of Science


  • 入院中の要介護高齢者の残存歯数、栄養状態、日常生活動作が生命予後に及ぼす影響

    藤原 彩, 上原 淳二, 水口 一, 水口 真実, 大野 彩, 縄稚 久美子, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本口腔リハビリテーション学会雑誌   26 ( 1 )   63 - 64   2013.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 入院中の要介護高齢者の残存歯数、栄養状態、日常生活動作が生命予後に及ぼす影響

    藤原 彩, 上原 淳二, 水口 一, 水口 真実, 大野 彩, 縄稚 久美子, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    老年歯科医学   28 ( 2 )   103 - 104   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • 固定性架工義歯学技工実習での視覚教材としての動画配信システム Reviewed

    中島 隆, 水口 一, 新川 重彦, 瀧内 博也, 正木 明日香, 三野 卓哉, 笈田 育尚, 木村 彩, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   32 ( 1 )   17 - 23   2013.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  

    Web媒体のデモンストレーション動画配信システム(Web Class)を歯学部学生の固定性架工義歯学基礎実習に導入し、教育効果に与える影響について検討した。対象はWeb Class導入前の歯学部4年次学生59名と導入後の65名である。実習期間にWeb Classを利用した総回数は1132回、総利用時間は207時間28分で、1人当りの平均利用時間は3時間12分であった。Web Class導入前後で、学生の技能習得の向上が認められた。導入後のアンケートにおいて、Web Classは実習を行う上で非常に有益、いくらか有益と回答したのはそれぞれ69%、31%で、予習に活用できた、イメージトレーニングやシミュレーションをするのに役立った、などの意見があった。



  • 入院中の要介護高齢者の残存歯数、栄養状態、日常生活動作が生命予後に及ぼす影響

    藤原 彩, 上原 淳二, 水口 一, 水口 真実, 大野 彩, 縄稚 久美子, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本老年歯科医学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集   24回   105 - 105   2013.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • Identification of risk factors for fracture of veneering materials and screw loosening of implant-supported fixed partial dentures in partially edentulous cases Reviewed

    K. Noda, H. Arakawa, K. Maekawa, E. S. Hara, S. Yamazaki, A. Kimura-Ono, W. Sonoyama, H. Minakuchi, Y. Matsuka, T. Kuboki

    JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION   40 ( 3 )   214 - 220   2013.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    This retrospective study identified the risk factors for fracture of veneering materials and screw loosening of implant-supported fixed partial dentures in partially edentulous cases. The study group included a total of 182 patients who were installed 219 suprastructures at the Fixed Prosthodontic Clinic of Okayama University Dental Hospital between February 1990 and March 2005 and were subdivided in two subgroups: 120 patients (149 facing suprastructures) were included in the subgroup to investigate the risk factors of fracture of veneering materials, and 81 patients (92 suprastructures) were included in the subgroup to identify the risk factors of abutment screw loosening. Each patient was followed up from the day of suprastructure installation until March, 2005. A Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to identify the risk factors related to technical complications, and eight factors were regarded as candidate risk factors. Screw retention was the significant risk factor for fracture of veneering materials, whereas connection of suprastructures with natural tooth was the significant risk factor for screw loosening. It was suggested that screw retention was a significant risk factor for the fracture of veneering materials, and connection of suprastructures with natural tooth was a significant risk factor for screw loosening. Future studies, involving dynamic factors (e.g. bruxism) as predictors as well, are more helpful to discuss the risk factor of fracture of veneering materials and screw loosening.

    DOI: 10.1111/joor.12029

    Web of Science


  • Identification of risk factors for fracture of veneering materials and screw loosening of implant-supported fixed partial dentures in partially edentulous cases Reviewed

    Noda, K., Arakawa, H., Maekawa, K., Hara, E. S., Yamazaki, S., Kimura-Ono, A., Sonoyama, W., Minakuchi, H., Matsuka, Y., Kuboki, T.

    Journal of Oral Rehabilitation   40 ( 3 )   214 - 220   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This retrospective study identified the risk factors for fracture of veneering materials and screw loosening of implant-supported fixed partial dentures in partially edentulous cases. The study group included a total of 182 patients who were installed 219 suprastructures at the Fixed Prosthodontic Clinic of Okayama University Dental Hospital between February 1990 and March 2005 and were subdivided in two subgroups: 120 patients (149 facing suprastructures) were included in the subgroup to investigate the risk factors of fracture of veneering materials, and 81 patients (92 suprastructures) were included in the subgroup to identify the risk factors of abutment screw loosening. Each patient was followed up from the day of suprastructure installation until March, 2005. A Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to identify the risk factors related to technical complications, and eight factors were regarded as candidate risk factors. Screw retention was the significant risk factor for fracture of veneering materials, whereas connection of suprastructures with natural tooth was the significant risk factor for screw loosening. It was suggested that screw retention was a significant risk factor for the fracture of veneering materials, and connection of suprastructures with natural tooth was a significant risk factor for screw loosening. Future studies, involving dynamic factors (e.g. bruxism) as predictors as well, are more helpful to discuss the risk factor of fracture of veneering materials and screw loosening.

    DOI: 10.1111/joor.12029

    Web of Science



  • Retrospective investigation of the remaining teeth status of patients with implant-supported fixed partial dentures in unilateral free-end edentulism Reviewed

    Yamazaki, Seiya, Arakawa, Hikaru, Maekawa, Kenji, Hara, Emilio Satoshi, Noda, Kinji, Minakuchi, Hajime, Sonoyama, Wataru, Matsuka, Yoshizo, Kuboki, Takuo

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   57 ( 4 )   262 - 267   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2013.08.001

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  • A retrospective comparative ten-year study of cumulative survival rates of remaining teeth in large edentulism treated with implant-supported fixed partial dentures or removable partial dentures Reviewed

    Yamazaki, Seiya, Arakawa, Hikaru, Maekawa, Kenji, Hara, Emilio Satoshi, Noda, Kinji, Minakuchi, Hajime, Sonoyama, Wataru, Matsuka, Yoshizo, Kuboki, Takuo

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   57 ( 3 )   156 - 161   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpor.2013.03.003

    Web of Science



  • A Retrospective Comparative 8-Year Study of Cumulative Complications in Teeth Adjacent to Both Natural and Implant-Supported Fixed Partial Dentures Reviewed

    Yamazaki, Seiya, Arakawa, Hikaru, Maekawa, Kenji, Noda, Kinji, Hara, Emilio Satoshi, Minakuchi, Hajime, Sonoyama, Wataru, Matsuka, Yoshizo, Kuboki, Takuo

    International Journal of Prosthodontics   26 ( 3 )   260 - 264   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11607/ijp.3120

    Web of Science



  • 施設に入所している要介護高齢者に関するテュートリアル演習の試み

    縄稚 久美子, 松香 芳三, 中島 隆, 三木 春奈, 木村 彩, 水口 一, 新川 重彦, 瀧内 博也, 窪木 拓男

    日本歯科医師会雑誌   65 ( 5 )   671 - 671   2012.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本歯科医師会  


  • 施設に入所している要介護高齢者の問題点を抽出するテュートリアル演習

    内田 瑶子, 縄稚 久美子, 松香 芳三, 中島 隆, 三木 春奈, 木村 彩, 水口 一, 新川 重彦, 瀧内 博也, 前川 賢治, 園山 亘, 菊谷 武, 窪木 拓男

    日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集   31回   154 - 154   2012.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本歯科医学教育学会  


  • 固定性架工義歯学技工手技実習での視覚教材としての動画配信システム

    中島 隆, 水口 一, 新川 重彦, 瀧内 博也, 正木 明日香, 三野 卓哉, 笈田 育尚, 木村 彩, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   31 ( 1 )   36 - 36   2012.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • 施設に入所している要介護高齢者の問題点を抽出するテュートリアル演習 Reviewed

    松香 芳三, 縄稚 久美子, 中島 隆, 三木 春奈, 木村 彩, 完山 学, 水口 一, 新川 重彦, 瀧内 博也, 前川 賢治, 荒川 光, 藤澤 拓生, 園山 亘, 峯 篤史, 菊谷 武, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   4 ( 特別号 )   279 - 279   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 睡眠時ブラキシズム頻度と末梢セロトニントランスポーター輸送能との関連

    水口 一, 三木 春奈, 十川 千春, Hara Emilio Satoshi, 藤澤 拓生, 前川 賢治, 松香 芳三, 十川 紀夫, 北山 滋雄, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   4 ( 特別号 )   213 - 213   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • Test-retest reliability of MRI-based disk position diagnosis of the temporomandibular joint Reviewed

    Chiyomi Nagamatsu-Sakaguchi, Kenji Maekawa, Tsuyoshi Ono, Yoshinobu Yanagi, Hajime Minakuchi, Shouichi Miyawaki, Junichi Asaumi, Teruko Takano-Yamamoto, Glenn T. Clark, Takuo Kuboki

    CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS   16 ( 1 )   101 - 108   2012.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER HEIDELBERG  

    This study evaluated the test-retest reliability for determining the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disk position, diagnosed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These assessments were done as a base-line measurement for a prospective cohort study, which examines the risk factors for precipitation and progression of temporomandibular disorders. Fifteen subjects (mean age, 24.2 +/- 0.94 years; male/female = 8/7) were recruited from the students of Okayama University Dental School. Sagittal MR TMJ images were taken with a 1.5-T MR scanner (Magneton Vision, Siemens) in close and maximal open positions twice at about 1-week (6-11 days) interval. The images were displayed using 200% magnification on a computer screen with a commercially available image software package (OSIRIS, UIN/HCUG). Three calibrated examiners diagnosed the disk positions using the standardized criteria. The disk position of each joint was classified as normal, anterior disk displacement with or without reduction, and others. The first and second disk position diagnoses were compared, and the test-retest reliability level was calculated using the kappa index. The second disk position diagnosis was consistent with the first in 27 out of 30 joints. The calculated kappa value representing the test-retest reliability level between the first and second disk position diagnosis was 0.812. These results indicated that the test-retest reliability of MRI-based diagnosis of TMJ disk positions at about 1-week interval was substantially high, even though they were not completely consistent.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00784-010-0476-9

    Web of Science



  • Occlusal dysesthesia: a qualitative systematic review of the epidemiology, aetiology and management Reviewed

    Hara, E. S., Matsuka, Y., Minakuchi, H., Clark, G. T., Kuboki, T.

    Journal of Oral Rehabilitation   39 ( 8 )   630 - 638   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Summary Occlusal dysesthesia refers to a persistent complaint of uncomfortable bite sensation with no obvious occlusal discrepancy. This systematic review aimed to draw a picture of such patients, to present an agreement of previously reported diagnostic criteria and to analyse the evidence level of the recommended management approaches. An electronic search for all relevant reports on occlusal dysesthesia was thoroughly performed based on previous nomenclatures (e.g. phantom bite, occlusal hyperawareness) in PubMed and The Cochrane Library in July, 2011. A total of 84 reports were matched, among which only 11 studies were included after a two-step (abstract and detailed full-text revision) screening process. Additionally, a thorough manual review of reference lists of the included reports enabled the inclusion of two additional studies. Data analysis revealed that 37 occlusal dysesthesia patients presented a mean age of 51・7 ± 10・6 years and were predominantly women (male/female: 1/5・1) with symptom duration of more than 6 years (average: 6・3 ± 7・5 years) and with concomitant psychological disturbances (e.g. mood disorders, somatoform disorders, personality disorders). Only four authors presented diagnostic criteria for occlusal dysesthesia, which served as the basis for an agreement in the diagnostic criteria. Treatment approaches included psychotherapy, cognitive/behaviour therapy, splint therapy and prescription of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety drugs. Classification of evidence level of management approaches, however, revealed that most of them were expert opinions with single- or multiple-case report(s). Future studies are necessary for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind the occlusal dysesthesia symptoms, and consequently, for improvements in evidence-based management approaches.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02300.x

    Web of Science



  • A problem-based learning tutorial on elder inpatients in a nursing home in Japan. Reviewed

    Matsuka Y, Nakajima R, Miki H, Kimura A, Kanyama M, Minakuchi H, Shinkawa S, Takiuchi H, Nawachi K, Maekawa K, Arakawa H, Fujisawa T, Sonoyama W, Mine A, Hara ES, Kikutani T, Kuboki T

    Journal of Dental Education   2012

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  • Multiple sleep bruxism data collected using a self-contained EMG detector/analyzer system in asymptomatic healthy subjects Reviewed

    Minakuchi, Hajime, Sakaguchi, Chiyomi, Hara, Emilio S., Maekawa, Kenji, Matsuka, Yoshizo, Clark, Glenn T., Kuboki, Takuo

    Sleep and Breathing   16 ( 4 )   1069 - 1072   2012

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11325-011-0602-1

    Web of Science



  • A Problem-Based Learning Tutorial for Dental Students Regarding Elderly Residents in a Nursing Home in Japan Reviewed

    Matsuka, Yoshizo, Nakajima, Ryu, Miki, Haruna, Kimura, Aya, Kanyama, Manabu, Minakuchi, Hajime, Shinkawa, Shigehiko, Takiuchi, Hiroya, Nawachi, Kumiko, Maekawa, Kenji, Arakawa, Hikaru, Fujisawa, Takuo, Sonoyama, Wataru, Mine, Atsushi, Hara, Emilio Satoshi, Kikutani, Takeshi, Kuboki, Takuo

    Journal of Dental Education   76 ( 12 )   1580 - 1588   2012

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

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  • 睡眠時ブラキシズム発症頻度と末梢セロトニントランスポーター機能

    水口 一, ハラエミリオ, 三木 春奈, 藤澤 拓生, 前川 賢治, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   23 ( Suppl. )   115 - 115   2011.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 口腔インプラント手術後疼痛ならびに腫脹感の経時的変化と関連因子の検討 携帯電話端末を情報入力源としたEcological Momentary Assessmentの応用

    黒井 隆太, 水口 一, 川上 彩, 松香 芳三, 岡田 宏基, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   3 ( 特別号 )   273 - 273   2011.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  



    Minakuchi, H., Hara, E. S., Sogawa, C., Miki, H., Fujisawa, T., Maekawa, K., Matsuka, Y., Sogawa, N., Kitayama, S., Kuboki, T.

    Sleep   34   A201 - A202   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science


  • 中核病院における医療連携の重要性

    山本 道代, 水口 真実, 峯 篤史, 縄稚 久美子, 水口 一, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   23 ( 1 )   54 - 54   2010.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 接着剤もう1つの使い方 Cuspid rise technique

    山下 敦, 窪木 拓男, 水口 一

    接着歯学   28 ( 4 )   203 - 203   2010.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本接着歯学会  


  • The relationship between temporomandibular joint pathosis and muscle tenderness in the orofacial and neck/shoulder region. Reviewed

    Eitoku Inoue, Kenji Maekawa, Hajime Minakuchi, Chiyomi Nagamatsu-Sakaguchi, Tsuyoshi Ono, Yoshizo Matsuka, GT Clark, Takuo Kuboki

    Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics   Vol.109 ( No.1 )   86 - 90   2010.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    These results indicated painful disk displacement to possibly be correlated with ipsilateral muscle tenderness.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tripleo.2009.07.050



  • The relationship between temporomandibular joint pathosis and muscle tenderness in the orofacial and neck/shoulder region Reviewed

    Eitoku Inoue, Kenji Maekawa, Hajime Minakuchi, Chiyomi Nagamatsu-Sakaguchi, Tsuyoshi Ono, Yoshizo Matsuka, Glenn T. Clark, Takuo Kuboki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MOSBY-ELSEVIER  

    Objective. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between TMJ pain/disk pathosis and the muscle tenderness pattern in the orofacial and neck/shoulder region.
    Study design. One hundred seventy-one TMD patients were divided into 4 groups, including group 1: patients with painful unilateral TMJ disk displacement (DD); group 2: patients with painless unilateral TMJ DD; group 3: patients with painless bilateral TMJ DD; and group 4: patients with a bilateral normal TMJ disk position (n = 41). Each subject underwent muscle palpation and the side-by-side number of muscle tenderness points was combined as the number of muscle tenderness points on each side. Within each group, DD with and without reduction subjects were separated into subgroups and then were analyzed.
    Results. In group 1, the median muscle tenderness points on the side with painful TMJ DD without reduction was significantly higher than on the normal side (P = .019), whereas the palpation scores for painless DD patients showed no significant difference between the DD and normal sides.
    Conclusions. These results indicated painful disk displacement to possibly be correlated with ipsilateral muscle tenderness. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 86-90)

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tripleo.2009.07.050

    Web of Science



  • A 15-year Clinical Comparative Study of the Cumulative Survival Rate of Cast Metal Core and Resin Core Restorations Luted with Adhesive Resin Cement Reviewed

    Hikasa, Takayuki, Matsuka, Yoshizo, Mine, Atsushi, Minakuchi, Hajime, Hara, Emilio Satoshi, Van Meerbeek, Bart, Yatani, Hirofumi, Kuboki, Takuo

    International Journal of Prosthodontics   23 ( 5 )   397 - 405   2010

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science



  • 全身疾患を有する患者を対象にした問題発見解決型教育法(チュートリアル教育)

    礒兼 衣里, 松香 芳三, 完山 学, 水口 一, 上原 淳二, 縄稚 久美子, 上枝 麻友, 笈田 育尚, 三野 卓哉, 新川 重彦, 前川 賢治, 荒川 光, 園山 亘, 窪木 拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   28 ( 1 )   87 - 88   2009.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • 大学病院補綴科初診患者ならびに顎関節症外来受診患者のブラキシズムレベルに関する研究

    黒井 隆太, 水口 一, 川上 彩, 坂口 千代美, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   21 ( 1 )   70 - 70   2008.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 歯科ターミナル・ケアを試みた仮性球麻痺症例

    山本 道代, 水口 真実, 縄稚 久美子, 川上 彩, 木村 彩, 水口 一, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   21 ( 1 )   66 - 67   2008.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 高齢者の歯列欠損補綴治療法に関するチュートリアル学習とその効果

    前川 賢治, 前田 あずさ, 内部 健太, 北村 洋一, 暈 貴行, 上原 淳二, 完山 学, 縄稚 久美子, 荒川 光, 藤沢 拓生, 水口 一, 峯 篤史, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    日本歯科医学教育学会雑誌   24 ( 2 )   207 - 213   2008.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本歯科医学教育学会  



  • 小型貼付型ブラキシズム検出装置の歯科臨床への応用

    水口 一, 坂口 千代美, 川上 彩, 黒井 隆太, 松香 芳三, Clark Glenn T., 窪木 拓男

    日本歯科医師会雑誌   61 ( 5 )   472 - 472   2008.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本歯科医師会  


  • Relationship between the frequency of sleep bruxism and the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in an adolescent population

    Chiyomi Nagamatsu-Sakaguchi, Hajime Minakuchi, Glenn T. Clark, Takuo Kuboki

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS   21 ( 4 )   292 - 298   2008.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO INC  

    Purpose: The relationship between sleep bruxism (SB) and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is unclear. This study aimed to estimate SB prevalence in an adolescent population and to investigate the relationship between SB frequency and prevalence of TMD signs/symptoms. Materials and Methods: First-year students at a high school in Okayama, Japan, were recruited in 2005, with 195 subjects responding. The SB detection device was a miniature disposable device (BiteStrip, SLP) that indicated the total SB events per night on a 4-grade score. The subjects were divided into severe and nonsevere SB groups with SB frequency cutoffs. The subjects were examined for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) noise during mouth opening/closing, tenderness of the masticatory/cervical muscles, and range of TMJ condylar movement. The presence/absence of headache and shoulder stiffness was also determined by the interview. The odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI) were calculated to test the relationship between SB frequency, gender difference, and presence of the TMD signs/symptoms by multiple regression analysis. Results: Severe SB (more than 125 events per night) was significantly related to the presence of TMJ clicking (OR: 3.74, CI: 1.22-11.49, P =.02), while gender (male) was not related to the presence of TMJ clicking. Severe SB was not related to headache, though gender (male) was significantly related to headache (OR: 2.52, CI: 1.04-6.11, P = .04) in these subjects. Conclusion: These results suggest that the presence of TMJ clicking was closely related to severe SB in an adolescent population.

    Web of Science


  • 被検者の自覚や家族の指摘のみで睡眠時ブラキシズムは診断できるか?

    坂口 千代美[永松], 水口 一, Clark Glenn T., 窪木 拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   27 ( 1 )   68 - 68   2008.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • 専用ホームページならびにインターネット掲示板を利用した補綴スキル教育における学生・教官相互コミュニケーション

    水口 一, 暈 貴行, 内部 健太, 北村 洋一, 前田 あずさ, 永松 千代美, 上原 淳二, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   52 ( 2 )   262 - 262   2008.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 粘膜圧迫により疼痛の軽減がみられた三叉神経に生じた持続性ニューロパシー性疼痛の2例 Reviewed

    Yoshizo Matsuka, 熊田 愛, 前川 賢治, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男

    Japanese Journal of Orofacial Pain   Vol.1 ( No.1 )   55 - 59   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11264/jjop.1.55


  • EBMワークショップと大学院教育の実質化

    松香芳三, 福岡敏雄, 完山 学, 前川賢治, 荒川 光, 水口 一, 園山 亘, 上原淳二, 縄稚久美子, 山崎聖也, 窪木拓男, 滝川正春, 松尾龍二, 田中紀章

    岡山歯学会雑誌   27 ( 1 )   43 - 49   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • 変形性顎関節症に併発した臼歯部開咬による咀嚼障害を接着アンレーにより改善した症例

    水口 一

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   52 ( 4 )   574 - 577   2008

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  • 専用ホームページならびにインターネット掲示板を利用した補綴スキル教育における学生・教官相互コミュニケーション

    暈貴行, 水口一, 内部健太, 北村洋一, 前田あずさ, 永松(坂口, 千代美, 上原淳二, 松香芳三, 窪木拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   27 ( 1 )   23 - 28   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • 顎関節内障と筋痛患者の就寝時ブラキシズム頻度の比較 ブラキシズム頻度の日差変動と至適測定回数について

    水口 一, 坂口 千代美[永松], 川上 彩, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   20 ( 1 )   126 - 127   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 高齢者の歯列欠損回復法に関するチュートリアル教育とその効果

    前川 賢治, 前田 あずさ, 内部 健太, 北村 洋一, 木村 彩, 瀧口 悟, 野田 欣志, 暈 貴行, 上原 淳二, 完山 学, 縄稚 久美子, 荒川 光, 藤沢 拓生, 水口 一, 峯 篤史, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    老年歯科医学   22 ( 2 )   198 - 199   2007.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • 犬歯隣在歯保護のための接着技法によるカスプライズ法

    山下 敦, 窪木 拓男, 近藤 康弘, 今井 誠, 水口 一

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   51 ( 2 )   361 - 361   2007.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 接着性レジンセメントを用いたコアに関する15年間の前向きコホート調査

    暈 貴行, 松香 芳三, 水口 一, 峯 篤史, 荒川 光, 前田 健志, 三輪 隆宏, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   51 ( 2 )   359 - 359   2007.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 咬合感覚異常症患者における歯根膜メカノレセプターの関与

    松香 芳三, 小川 匠, 重田 優子, 平林 里大, 井川 知子, 安藤 栄里子, 前川 賢治, 水口 一, 藤澤 拓生, 小野 剛, 福島 俊士, Clark Glenn T., 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   51 ( 2 )   364 - 364   2007.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • Comparison of inter-twin concordance in symptoms of temporomandibular disorders: A preliminary investigation in an adolescent twin population

    Yoshizo Matsuka, Chiyomi Nagamatsu, Shingo Itoh, Takayuki Tomonari, Ali Makki, Hajime Minakuchi, Kenji Mackawa, Manabu Kanyama, Takuo Kuboki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CHROMA INC  

    There is controversy as to the genetic contribution to the pathogenesis of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Several reports reveal a marked familial aggregation in the signs and symptoms of TMD, while others do not. Therefore, our goal was to investigate the hypothesis using a sophisticated research design, which was a well-known genetic survey inter-twin concordance assessment in the symptoms of TMD. This study is the first step to survey TMD symptoms of a twin group in junior and high schools as a preliminary trial. The 63 twins were asked to participate in this study in junior and senior high schools affiliated with the University of Tokyo, Japan, schools which kept ten twins in each grade for the purpose of several genetic survey programs. After excluding incomplete filling out of questionnaire sheets and data from male-female pairs, 43 monozygotic (MZ) (15.3 +/- 1.7 yrs, male/female = 17/26 pairs) and nine dyzygotic (DZ) (15.2 +/- 1.8 yrs, male/female = 6/3 pairs) twins were studied. Outcomes consisted of a prevaliclated 14-item self-administered questionnaire, which assessed proband- and pair-wise concordance levels in the MZ and DZ twins. These results demonstrated that the MZ twins had a higher tendency of inter-twin concordance than DZ twins in terms of jaw pain in wide mouth opening (proband-wise concordance = 66.7% in MZ, 0% in DZ), difficulty in mouth opening (20% in MZ, 0% in DZ) and difficulty in mouth closing (50.0% in MZ, 33.3% in DZ), while there was no significant difference between the MZ and DZ concordance levels in other general health-related and behavior-related items, except toothache. However, the pair-wise concordance rates of jawpain in wide mouth opening and difficulty in mouth opening in the MZ twins were not significantly higher compared to the DZ rate. Possibly, a genetic factor contributed to the pathogenesis of TMD in an adolescent population. The sample size needs to be increased, and there are plans to survey the next sample in the same schools.

    DOI: 10.1179/crn.2007.005

    Web of Science


  • Responses of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and pain threshold changes in the orofacial region upon cold pressor stimulation in normal volunteers. International journal

    Koji Suzuki, Kenji Maekawa, Hajime Minakuchi, Hirofumi Yatani, Glenn T Clark, Yoshizo Matsuka, Takuo Kuboki

    Archives of oral biology   52 ( 8 )   797 - 802   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    AIM: This study focused on the relationship between the HPA axis function and the heat pain threshold in the orofacial region upon cold pressor (CP) stimulation. METHODS: Ten healthy male individuals participated in this study. CP stimulation was applied to each participant, and their peripheral blood was collected 5 min before, during and 5, 15, 30, 45, 60 min after receiving CP. In addition, 5 of those 10 participants were selected at random and they experienced a mock CP trial on different days. The heat pain thresholds on the facial skin about 10mm anterior to the right external auditory canal (trigeminal V2 region) in each subject were simultaneously recorded 5 min before and 5, 30, 60 min after CP stimulation. The blood pressure and heart rate were continuously monitored throughout the course of the CP and mock trials using an electric blood pressure meter. RESULTS: Significant increases in the plasma concentration of cortisol, beta-endorphin and ACTH were induced by CP stimulation, while no significant increases were observed under the mock trial conditions. The blood pressure and heart rate showed concomitant increases during CP stimulation. In addition, the heat pain threshold in the orofacial region significantly increased after receiving CP stimulation. These results suggest that CP stimulation activated the HPA axis thereby increasing the heat pain threshold in the orofacial region in healthy individuals. CONCLUSIONS: This observed pain threshold increase might be due to the activation of an endogenous opioid system, such as increase in the circulating beta-endorphin levels.



  • 簡易貼付型睡眠時ブラキシズム測定装置のバージョンアップとその効果

    水口 一, 永松 千代美, 前川 賢治, 完山 学, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   19 ( 1 )   46 - 46   2006.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群における口腔アプライアンス療法の主観的効果の検討

    縄稚 久美子, 前川 賢治, 水口 一, 宮脇 卓也, 神 桂二, 太田 圭二, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   50 ( 1 )   125 - 125   2006.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 新規貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置の診断精度に関する研究 Polysomnogramとの比較

    水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男, Clark Glenn T.

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   18 ( 1 )   39 - 40   2005.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 顎関節内障患者および無症状参照群の日常生活障害度

    永松 千代美, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   18 ( 1 )   37 - 37   2005.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 鋳造コアの予後に関する後ろ向きコホート研究 装着15年後の累積生存率に装着材の差が及ぼす影響

    前田 健志, 峯 篤史, 竹北 益生, 山崎 聖也, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   49 ( 114回特別 )   160 - 160   2005.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 当院外来歯科患者の年代別欠損パターンに関する横断調査

    榊 由起子, 荒川 光, 水口 一, 前川 賢治, 完山 学, 窪木 拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   24 ( 1 )   16 - 16   2005.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • 顎関節内障患者における顎関節痛と筋痛発現パターンの関連性

    井上 栄徳, 前川 賢治, 水口 一, 永松 千代美, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   49 ( 113回特別 )   121 - 121   2005.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 新規貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置の診断精度に関する基礎的研究 Polysomnogramとの比較

    水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男, Glenn Clark

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   17 ( 1 )   82 - 83   2005.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 高齢者の日常生活における口腔機能の効用に関する疫学調査

    平野 綾, 縄稚 久美子, 水口 一, 園山 亘, 前川 賢治, 完山 学, 窪木 拓男

    老年歯科医学   19 ( 3 )   185 - 186   2004.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • Self-reported remission, difficulty, and satisfaction with nonsurgical therapy used to treat anterior disc displacement without reduction

    H Minakuchi, T Kuboki, K Maekawa, Y Matsuka, H Yatani


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MOSBY, INC  

    Objective. The purpose of this study was to identify the appropriate treatment element for initial anterior disc displacement without reduction subjects.
    Study design. Sixty-nine consecutive patients with temporomandibular joint disc displacement without reduction confirmed on magnetic resonance images were randomly divided into 3 experimental treatment groups. The treatment of group 1 consisted of short-term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and self-care instructions (palliative care group); group 2, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, self-care instructions, and occlusal appliance and mobilization therapy (physical medicine group); and group 3, no treatment (control group). Outcomes were assessed by means of a 5-item questionnaire that evaluated (1) symptom improvement, (2) difficulty of treatment, and (3) satisfaction with treatment during the 8-week observation period.
    Results. Improvement scores in the palliative care group were significantly better than those in the physical medicine group or the no-treatment group. Satisfaction scores showed no significant difference among the 3 groups. Difficulty from treatment for the physical medicine group was significantly greater than that for other 2 groups.
    Conclusion. These data suggest that palliative care would be more appropriate as the initial therapy to treat painful anterior disc displacement without reduction.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tripleo.2003.11.013

    Web of Science


  • 新規貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置の診断精度に関する研究 Polysomnogramとの比較

    水口 一, 前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男, Clark Glenn T.

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   48 ( 112回特別 )   170 - 170   2004.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 顎関節関節円板転位と肩こりの自覚の関連

    大石 浩司, 前川 賢治, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男, 矢谷 博文

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   16 ( 1 )   72 - 72   2004.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 市販カリエスリスクテストを用いた成人唾液中のう蝕原性細菌数検査の信頼性

    杉山 英樹, 窪木 拓男, 水口 一, 上原 淳二, 峯 篤史, 矢谷 博文, 山下 敦

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   47 ( 5 )   807 - 813   2003.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  

    近年になり開発されたOrion製Dentocult(Dentocult)は,う蝕活動性に関連する複数の因子を効率よく検査することを可能としたが,使用法が若干煩雑であった.これを改善し,より簡便で高い診断精度を得るためにIvoclar Vivadent製CRT(CRT)が開発された.しかし,これらの検査法は幼年期から青年期までの若年層を対象に開発されたものであり,成人における信頼性は明らかではない.そこで,DentocultならびにCRTの刺激唾液中S.mutans菌数及びLactobacilli菌数測定検査の検者内・検者間,ならびに複数回行った検査結果の信頼性を比較し,成人被検者における臨床上の有用性を考察した.両測定法とも,臨床応用可能な信頼性を示すことが示唆された


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2003&ichushi_jid=J01189&link_issn=&doc_id=20031215320010&doc_link_id=%2Fdv5hotet%2F2003%2F004705%2F010%2F0807-0813%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fdv5hotet%2F2003%2F004705%2F010%2F0807-0813%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • 三叉神経領域及び正中神経領域における神経選択的電流知覚閾値 NeurometerRを用いた知覚閾値の性差の検討

    中澤 義人, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男, 矢谷 博文

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   16 ( 1 )   40 - 40   2003.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 有痛性復位性関節円板前方転位患者に対する保存療法の短期的治療効果の比較 ランダム化比較試験による評価

    水口 一, 矢谷 博文, 中澤 義人, 窪木 拓男, 前川 賢治

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   15 ( 1 )   118 - 119   2003.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • Gender differences in neuroselective current perception thresholds of the trigeminal and median nerves.

    Nakazawa Y, Yatani H, Minakuchi H, Matsuka Y

    Prosthodont Res Pract   2003

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  • 少数歯欠損患者への治療オプション提示に必要なコミュニケーション能力評価の試み--客観的臨床能力試験(OSCE)を用いた卒前臨床実習評価--.

    荒川 光, 窪木拓男, 水口 一, 前川賢治, 鈴木康司, 藤沢拓生, 園山 亘, 笠井昭夫, 小島俊司, 上原淳二, 完山 学, 矢谷博文

    岡山歯学会雑誌   22 ( 2 )   267 - 276   2003

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  



  • 一般歯科医院の受診患者における顎関節症の症状と徴候の変動

    西村 真紀, 景山 正登, 松香 芳三, 畑中 乾志, 吉田 栄介, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男, 矢谷 博文

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   15 ( 1 )   68 - 68   2002.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 顎関節内障における顎関節痛と筋痛の関連

    吉田 栄介, 矢谷 博文, 水口 一, 西村 真紀, 中澤 義人, 土井 郁世, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   15 ( 1 )   60 - 61   2002.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 非復位性関節円板前方転位症例の予後予測因子 関節空隙分布画像と臨床経過の関連

    水口 一, 畑中 乾志, 西村 真紀, 窪木 拓男, 矢谷 博文

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   14 ( 1 )   115 - 115   2002.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 一般歯科医院の受診患者における顎関節症の症状と兆候の変動

    西村真紀, 景山正登, 松香芳三, 畑中乾志, 吉田栄介, 水口 一, 窪木拓男, 矢谷博文

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会雑誌   2002

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  • 岡山大学歯学部におけるチュートリアル教育(2)5年次生に導入された「Evidence-based medicine(EBM)に基づく歯科医療」の解析と評価

    宮本 学, 窪木拓男, 高務朋将, 西谷佳浩, 鷲尾憲文, 水口 一, 若狭 亨, 多田 徹, 原 哲也, 高木 慎, 福永城司, 真野隆充, 山田庸介, 尾形小霧, 松尾龍二, 永井教之, 矢谷博文, 滝川正春, 山本照子

    岡山歯学会雑誌   21 ( 2 )   247 - 253   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • 一般市民における顎関節症症状の変動に関する疫学的検討 多変量解析によるリスク因子解析

    中澤 義人, 畑中 乾志, 水口 一, 土井 郁世, 西村 真紀, 窪木 拓男, 矢谷 博文

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   45 ( 6 )   803 - 803   2001.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 一般市民における顎関節症症状のリスク要因に関する疫学的検討

    畑中 乾志, 神坂 学, 水口 一, 友成 隆之, 西村 真紀, 窪木 拓男, 矢谷 博文

    岡山歯学会雑誌   20 ( 1 )   156 - 156   2001.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • Randomized controlled evaluation on non-surgical treatments for temporomandibular joint anterior disk displacement without reduction Reviewed

    H Minakuchi, T Kuboki, Y Matsuka, K Maekawa, H Yatani, A Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH   80 ( 3 )   924 - 928   2001.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH  

    The common methods for treating anterior disk displacement without reduction (ADDwor) are not based on randomized controlled clinical trials. Our study evaluated non-surgical treatments in 69 MRI-confirmed ADDwor subjects (m/f = 6/63). Subjects were randomly assigned to a control group and one of two treatment groups. Outcomes included maximum mouth opening, visual analogue scale of pain, and daily activity limitation. Calibrated examiners collected data at the initial interview and at 0, 2, 4, and 8 weeks of treatment. At the eight-week point, within-group improvements were present for all variables, for all groups. Between-group differences were not highly evident, with only mean daily activity limitation for the self-careiNSAID group being significantly lower than that of the occlusal appliance/jaw mobilization + self-care/NSAID group at the two- and four-week time-points. These results suggest that ADDwor subjects will improve with only minimal treatment intervention, and no significant difference was evident for the treatments tested and the control condition.

    Web of Science


  • 一般歯科医院の受診患者における顎関節症の症状と徴候の変動 Reviewed

    西村 真紀, 景山 正登, Yoshizo Matsuka, 畑中 乾志, 吉田 栄介, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男, 矢谷 博文

    The Journal of the Japan Association of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics   Vol.14 ( No.1 )   23 - 31   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Randomized controlled trial on the efficacy of non-surgical treatments for temporomandibular joint disk displacement without Reduction

    H. Minakuchi, T. Kuboki, Y. Matsuka, K. Maekawa, H. Yatani, Y. Yamashita

    12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Soeiety for TMJ   12 ( 特別 )   49 - 67   2001

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  • 市販のカリエスリスクテストを用いた唾液中齲蝕原性細菌に対するクロルヘキシジンの殺菌効果に関する臨床的研究

    杉山 英樹, 水口 一, 上原 淳二, 大西 栄史, 畑中 乾志, 吉田 栄介, 半井 雅昭, 峯 篤史, 縄稚 久美子, 江口 傑徳

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   44 ( 6 )   867 - 867   2000.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 非腹位性関節円板前方転位患者に対する保存療法の短期的治療効果の比較 無作為科比較対照臨床試験による評価

    水口 一, 窪木 拓男, 矢谷 博文, 園山 亘, 前川 賢治, 松香 芳三, 山下 敦

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   12 ( 1 )   172 - 172   2000.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • Four-Year Longitudinal Course of TMD Symptoms in an Adult Population and the Estimation of Risk Factors in Relation to Symptoms

    Manabu Kamisaka, Hirofumi Yatani, Takuo Kuboki, Yoshizo Matsuka, Hajime Minakuchi

    Journal of Orofacial Pain   14 ( 3 )   224 - 232   2000

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Aims: To investigate the natural course of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a non-patient population and to estimate the strength of the relationship between several hypothesized risk factors and precipitation and perpetuation of the symptoms. Methods: A total of 672 randomly selected citizens of Okayama City was requested to answer the same self-administered questionnaire that they had answered 4 years earlier. The mailed questionnaire failed to reach 58 subjects at the second survey, and 367 of the remaining subjects (59.8%) responded. The fluctuation of TMD symptoms was assessed by comparison of 6 pairs of answers for questions regarding temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, limitation of mouth opening, TMJ noise, headache, neck pain, and shoulder stiffness. Six factors (age under 40, female, clenching habit, history of extrinsic trauma, sleep disturbance, and family history of TMD) were tested for their relative risk in precipitating and perpetuating each TMD symptom by the use of its confidence interval to define significance. Results: The incidence of TMD symptoms ranged from 6.1% (TMJ pain) to 12.9% (TMJ noise). More than half of the subjects who had reported TMJ and neck pain at the initial survey no longer reported these symptoms at the second survey, whereas TMJ noise and shoulder stiffness remained in more than 70% of the subjects. Individuals under 40 years old had a 3.3:1 increased risk of precipitating TMJ noise (P &lt
    0.01), individuals with a history of extrinsic trauma had a 2.85:1 increased risk of precipitating limited mouth opening (P &lt
    0.01), and females had a 2.81:1 increased risk of perpetuating TMJ pain (P &lt
    0.01). Conclusion: The possible etiologic significance of these factors in TMD should be validated hv future research.




  • The Long-Term Effect of Occlusal Therapy on Self-Administered Treatment Outcomes of TMD

    Hirofumi Yatani, Hajime Minakuchi, Yoshizo Matsuka, Takuo Fujisawa, Atsushi Yamashita

    Journal of Orofacial Pain   12 ( 1 )   75 - 88   1998

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Because of a lack of substantial scientific data, the efficacy of occlusal therapy for the management of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is still controversial. Of a total of 1405 consecutive TMD patients examined over the last 10 years, 369 (26.3%) were determined to have completed treatment at least 1 year before the present survey. A sample questionnaire was mailed to each patient in this sample population. The questionnaire failed to reach 46 patients
    of the 323 patients who received the questionnaire, 260 (80.5%) responded. The mean duration of time between their last visit and this survey was 3.7 years. The questionnaire elicited information on treatment outcomes, present treatment needs, and current signs and symptoms. Participants were divided into two treatment groups: (a) those who underwent some occlusal therapies (Phase II) following successful reversible therapies (Phase I) (20 men and 114 women)
    and (b) those who underwent reversible therapy only (33 men and 93 women). Participants were further differentially diagnosed into five diagnostic subgroups of TMD, based on the clinical examination at the initial visit, tomography, and, for some patients, magnetic resonance imaging. The subgroups included myalgia, arthralgia, anterior disc displacement with and without reduction, and osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis. Only 12.3% of the total population surveyed reported lack of improvement to an acceptable level and further need for treatment. The remaining patients reported satisfactory results in the reduction of TMD symptomatology and no further need for treatment, because their symptoms had either disappeared or improved to an acceptable level. Regardless of treatment groups and diagnostic subgroups, the current subjective signs and symptoms were negligible in most patients, and mean mouth openings were in the normal range. No particular diagnostic subgroups seemed to have significantly better outcome following Phase II occlusal therapy. These results suggest that the majority of TMD signs and symptoms improve to an acceptable level with only reversible therapy, and the long-term value of additional occlusal therapy following reversible therapy is minimal. Therefore, permanent occlusion-changing therapies apparently are not generally needed to maintain TMD symptom reduction over time.




  • 顎顔面慢性疼痛疾患としてみた顎関節症の診断と治療

    窪木 拓男, 山下 敦, 松香 芳三, 寺田 昌平, 篠田 一樹, 前川 賢治, Orsini Maria G., 水口 一, 藤沢 拓生, 伊藤 真午

    日本顎頭蓋機能学会誌   10 ( 1 )   70 - 71   1997.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本口腔リハビリテーション学会  


  • 質問表を用いた咬合処置の有効性に関する顎関節内障患者の遠隔予後調査 Reviewed

    水口 一, 矢谷 博文, 山下 敦, 窪木 拓男, Yoshizo Matsuka

    Journal of the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint   Vol.9 ( No.2 )   397 - 409   1997

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


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  • 令和3年度岡山医療介護総合確保基金事業「死生学とアドバンスケアプランニングを取り入れた要介護高齢者の尊厳を最期まで守る多職種連携航空栄養関連サービスの推進事業」実施報告書

    窪木拓男,縄稚久美子,水口真実,前田あずさ,菊谷 武,戸原 雄,田代晴基,佐川敬一朗,前川賢治,水口 一,秋山謙太郎,三野卓哉,三木春奈,中川晋輔,小山絵理,櫨原由理,樋口隆晴,田仲由希恵,大森 江,田頭龍二,黄野頂策,石橋 啓( Role: Joint author)

    岡山大学病院  2022 

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    Language:Japanese Book type:Report

  • クラウンブリッジ補綴学

    医歯薬出版,東京  2021  ( ISBN:978-4-263-45856-3

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    Responsible for pages:19-31   Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction

  • The science and art of occlusion and oral rehabilitation

    2016  ( ISBN:9784781205069

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  • 咬合のサイエンスとアート

    クイッテンス出版株式会社  2016  ( ISBN:9784781205069

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  • 2010年の歯科臨床19のトレンド

    ザ・クインテッセンス出版  2010 

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  • The 19 trends of Clinical dentistry in 2010

    The Quintessence Inc.  2010 

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  • クラウンブリッジ補綴学

    医歯薬出版,東京  2009 

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  • プロストドンティックス21

    永末書店,東京  2008 

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  • プロストドンティックス21

    永末書店,東京  2008 

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  • 平成17-18年度 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)実績報告書

    日本学術振興会  2007 

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  • 平成18-19年度 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)実績報告書

    日本学術振興会  2007 

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  • 平成18-19年度 科学研究費補助金(萌芽研究)実績報告書

    日本学術振興会  2007 

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  • 平成16-17年度 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)成果報告書


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  • 平成17-18年度 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)実績報告書


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  • Management of temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion

    医歯薬出版,東京  2006 

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  • Temporomandibular disorders: an evidence-based approach to diagnosis and treatment

    quintessence books,US  2006 

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  • 目で見る咬合の基礎知識 月刊歯科技工別冊

    医歯薬出版,東京  2002 

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  • スプリント療法の実際 第4章各種スプリントの製作と調整法.タッピング運動を利用したスタビリゼーション型スプリントの製作と調整法


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  • 超高齢者の顎関節症とオーラルフレイルとの関連 東京都内の施設調査より

    西山 暁, 日高 玲奈, 水口 一, 湯浅 秀道, 高野 直久, 津賀 一弘, 羽毛田 匡, 川上 哲司, 松香 芳三, 坂本 一郎

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   35 ( Suppl. )   133 - 133   2023.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 機械学習の応用によるブラキシズム/非ブラキシズム時の筋電図波形識別の試み

    三木 春奈, 長崎 光弘, ホアン・ディンロック, 水口 一, 西村 多寿子, 峯松 信明, 窪木 拓男

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   34 ( Suppl. )   133 - 133   2022.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • 機械学習の応用による睡眠時筋電図波形のブラキシズム/非ブラキシズム識別の試み

    三木 春奈, 長崎 光弘, ホアン・ディンロック, 水口 一, 西村 多寿子, 峯松 信明, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   14 ( 特別号 )   257 - 257   2022.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 睡眠時ブラキシズムの管理方法に関する診療ガイドライン

    水口 一

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   14 ( 特別号 )   106 - 106   2022.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 加齢に伴うインプラント治療・管理の変化

    水口 一

    日本口腔インプラント学会誌   35 ( 1 )   E44 - E44   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本口腔インプラント学会  


  • 令和2年度8020研究事業公募課題概要報告 4 インプラント治療は高齢者の残存歯を守りQOLを高めるか?

    窪木拓男, 窪木拓男, 黒崎陽子, 黒崎陽子, 大野彩, 大野彩, 三野卓哉, 荒川光, 小山絵理, 中川晋輔, NGUYEN Ha Thi Thu, 逢坂卓, 佐伯真未子, 水口一, 大野充昭, 大野充昭, 前川賢治, 會田英紀, 澤瀬隆, 鮎川保則, 秋山謙太郎, 大島正充, 佐藤裕二, 佐藤洋平, 廣安一彦, 山田陽一, 阪本貴司, 宮崎隆

    8020   ( 21 )   2022

  • 現在から未来につなぐ顎関節疾患の臨床と研究〜若手臨床家・若手研究者からのメッセージ〜 顎関節疾患において今後取り組んでいくべき研究とは

    水口 一

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   33 ( Suppl. )   56 - 56   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  


  • ブラキシズムの診療ガイドライン  睡眠時ブラキシズムの治療(管理)について Reviewed

    日本補綴歯科学会 診療ガイドライン委員会

    Mindsガイドラインライブラリー   2021

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    Authorship:Corresponding author  

  • 摂食嚥下障害,構音障害に対する舌接触補助床(PAP)の診療ガイドライン2020 Reviewed

    日本補綴歯科学会 診療ガイドライン委員会

    Mindsガイドラインライブラリー   2021

  • Automatic detection of bruxism and pseudo clenching by EMG and acoustic signals

    長崎光弘, HOANG DINH Loc, 西村多寿子, 峯松信明, 水口一, 窪木拓男

    日本生体医工学会大会プログラム・抄録集(Web)   60th   2021

  • Automatic detection of bruxism and pseudo clenching by EMG and acoustic signals

    長崎光弘, LOC Hoang Dinh, 西村多寿子, 峯松信明, 水口一, 窪木拓男

    日本生体医工学会大会プログラム・抄録集(Web)   60th   2021

  • A trial of electromyographic analysis to differentially identify bruxism/non-bruxism by machine learning

    HOANG dinh L, 長崎光弘, 水口一, 三木春奈, 坂本和基, 下村侑司, 大森江, 西村多寿子, 峯松信明, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web)   13   2021

  • 補綴歯科治療過程における感染対策指針2019 Reviewed

    日本補綴歯科学会 診療ガイドライン委員会

    Mindsガイドラインライブラリー   2020

  • インプラント治療は高齢者の残存歯を守りQOLを高めるか?

    窪木拓男, 窪木拓男, 黒崎陽子, 黒崎陽子, 大野彩, 大野彩, 三野卓哉, 荒川光, 小山絵理, 中川晋輔, NGUYEN Ha Thi Thu, 逢坂卓, 佐伯真未子, 水口一, 大野充昭, 大野充昭, 前川賢治, 會田英紀, 澤瀬隆, 鮎川保則, 秋山謙太郎, 大島正充, 佐藤祐二, 佐藤洋平, 廣安一彦, 山田陽一, 阪本貴司, 宮崎隆, 宮崎隆

    8020公募研究報告書抄録(Web)   2020 ( 21 )   153 - 155   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公財)8020推進財団  




  • 下顎右側第一大臼歯中間欠損に対し口腔インプラント治療を行った1症例

    水口 一

    日本口腔インプラント学会誌   32 ( 4 )   E369 - E370   2019.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本口腔インプラント学会  


  • 認知機能の低下を示す高齢者に、口腔清掃の継続管理を行いインプラント周囲炎の進行抑制を図った一症例

    水口 一

    日本老年歯科医学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集   30回   認定P - 15   2019.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本老年歯科医学会  


  • 保存療法を施行した関節円板転位患者の臨床評価における12年経過後の予後調査

    三木春奈, 水口一, 天野友貴, 小山絵理, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web)   11   2019

  • 診療ガイドラインの意義 研究者と臨床医からみた睡眠時ブラキシズムガイドライン

    水口 一

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   10 ( 特別号 )   107 - 107   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • Effect of observer calibration in temporomandibular joint MR imaging diagnosis

    三木春奈, 水口一, 天野友貴, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会プログラム・抄録集(Web)   2018   2018

  • トランスポーター研究の進展と歯科医療 睡眠時ブラキシズム頻度とセロトニントランスポーター機能との関連

    水口 一

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement   2017   152 - 152   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)歯科基礎医学会  


  • 接着ブリッジのガイドライン 改訂版

    佐藤博信, 藤澤政紀

    Mindsガイドラインライブラリー   2017

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  • ブラキシズムの診療ガイドラインー睡眠時ブラキシズム患者に対する各種の検査についてー

    佐藤博信, 藤澤政紀

    Mindsガイドラインライブラリー   2017

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  • 下顎大臼歯欠損に対しインプラント支持固定性補綴装置による治療介入時に付与すべき咬合様式

    近藤 尚知, 尾澤 昌悟, 澤瀬 隆, 横山 敦郎, 関根 秀志, 舞田 健夫, 鮎川 保則, 中野 環, 久保 隆靖, 細川 隆司, 友竹 偉則, 城戸 寛史, 越智 守生, 塩田 真, 尾関 雅彦, 西村 正宏, 前田 芳信, 會田 英紀, 玉置 勝司, 笛木 賢治, 塚崎 弘明, 小野 高裕, 松下 恭之, 松香 芳三, 水口 一, 桑鶴 利香, 山下 秀一郎, 飯塚 知明, 馬場 一美, 藤澤 政紀, 古谷野 潔, 矢谷 博文

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   8 ( 1 )   1 - 9   2016.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


    DOI: 10.2186/ajps.8.1


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2016&ichushi_jid=J05334&link_issn=&doc_id=20160128330001&doc_link_id=%2Fdv5proso%2F2016%2F000801%2F001%2F0001-0009%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fdv5proso%2F2016%2F000801%2F001%2F0001-0009%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • Occlusal consideration for fixed implant prosthesis in mandibular posterior region

    近藤尚知, 近藤尚知, 尾澤昌悟, 尾澤昌悟, 澤瀬隆, 澤瀬隆, 横山敦郎, 横山敦郎, 関根秀志, 関根秀志, 舞田健夫, 舞田健夫, 鮎川保則, 鮎川保則, 中野環, 中野環, 久保隆靖, 久保隆靖, 細川隆司, 細川隆司, 友竹偉則, 友竹偉則, 城戸寛史, 城戸寛史, 越智守生, 越智守生, 塩田真, 塩田真, 尾関雅彦, 尾関雅彦, 西村正宏, 西村正宏, 前田芳信, 前田芳信, 會田英紀, 會田英紀, 玉置勝司, 玉置勝司, 笛木賢治, 笛木賢治

    Ann Jpn Prosthodont Soc   8 ( 1 )   1 - 9   2016

  • 要支援・要介護高齢者における生命予後および低体重発生のリスク因子の検討

    小山絵理, 大野彩, 山本道代, 三野卓哉, 黒崎陽子, 中川晋輔, 逢坂卓, 沼本賢, 縄稚久美子, 水口真実, 水口一, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web)   8   2016

  • 固定性ブリッジおよび部分床義歯患者の口腔関連QOL評価における最小有効差の検討

    中川晋輔, 大野彩, 黒崎陽子, 小山絵理, 逢坂卓, 沼本賢, 三野卓哉, 水口一, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web)   8   2016

  • The miniature all-in-one bruxism detection/analyzing device

    MINAKUCHI Hajime, KUBOKI Takuo

    The journal of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices   34 ( 3 )   199 - 202   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices (JSDMD)  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2015272164

  • 補綴治療介入前の主要な「困りごと」と口腔関連QOLとの関連

    中川晋輔, 大野彩, 黒崎陽子, 小山絵理, 三野卓哉, 逢坂卓, 水口一, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web)   7   2015

  • 健常者における睡眠時の覚醒反応と随伴運動との関連

    三木春奈, 水口一, 上枝麻友, 重本修伺, 重本修伺, 鈴木善貴, 前川賢治, 松香芳三, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web)   7   2015

  • 口腔インプラント外科手術のための臨床解剖実習の取り組み

    大野充昭, 園山亘, 大野彩, 三野卓哉, 水口一, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web)   7   2015

  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康と主たる介護者の介護負担感との関連

    山本道代, 山本道代, 大野彩, 小山絵理, 三野卓哉, 黒崎陽子, 中川晋輔, 瀧内博也, 水口真実, 作田篤代, 水口一, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web)   7   2015

  • Comparison of platelet serotonin transporter activity in subjects with severe sleep bruxism and control

    Minakuchi, Hajime, Sogawa, Chiharu, Hara, Emilio Satoshi, Miki, Haruna, Maekawa, Kenji, Sogawa, Norio, Kitayama, Shigeo, Matsuka, Yoshizo, Clark, Glenn T., Kuboki, Takuo

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   58 ( 4 )   217 - 222   2014

  • ブラキシズム測定装置 「バイオストリップ」(第3世代)の概要とその活用法について

    水口 一, 窪木 拓男

    日本歯科評論   73 ( 7 )   91 - 96   2013.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:ヒョーロン・パブリッシャーズ  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • ブラキシズム測定装置「バイトストリップ」(第3世代)の概要とその活用法について

    水口一, 窪木拓男

    日本歯科評論   ( 849 )   2013

  • Occlusal dysesthesia: a qualitative systematic review of the epidemiology, aetiology and management

    E. S. Hara, Y. Matsuka, H. Minakuchi, G. T. Clark, T. Kuboki

    JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION   39 ( 8 )   630 - 638   2012.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Occlusal dysesthesia refers to a persistent complaint of uncomfortable bite sensation with no obvious occlusal discrepancy. This systematic review aimed to draw a picture of such patients, to present an agreement of previously reported diagnostic criteria and to analyse the evidence level of the recommended management approaches. An electronic search for all relevant reports on occlusal dysesthesia was thoroughly performed based on previous nomenclatures (e.g. phantom bite, occlusal hyperawareness) in PubMed and The Cochrane Library in July, 2011. A total of 84 reports were matched, among which only 11 studies were included after a two-step (abstract and detailed full-text revision) screening process. Additionally, a thorough manual review of reference lists of the included reports enabled the inclusion of two additional studies. Data analysis revealed that 37 occlusal dysesthesia patients presented a mean age of 51.7 +/- 10.6 years and were predominantly women (male/female: 1/5.1) with symptom duration of more than 6 years (average: 6.3 +/- 7.5 years) and with concomitant psychological disturbances (e.g. mood disorders, somatoform disorders, personality disorders). Only four authors presented diagnostic criteria for occlusal dysesthesia, which served as the basis for an agreement in the diagnostic criteria. Treatment approaches included psychotherapy, cognitive/behaviour therapy, splint therapy and prescription of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety drugs. Classification of evidence level of management approaches, however, revealed that most of them were expert opinions with single- or multiple-case report(s). Future studies are necessary for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind the occlusal dysesthesia symptoms, and consequently, for improvements in evidence-based management approaches.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02300.x

    Web of Science


  • コラム「文献と臨床の橋わたし」「生物学的見地から見た睡眠時ブラキシズムの現状と将来展望」.

    水口 一, 窪木拓男

    日本歯科評論   71 ( 11 )   172 - 174   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:ヒョーロン・パブリッシャーズ  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2012029340

  • 固定性架工義歯学技工実習での視覚教材としての動画配信システム

    中島 隆, 水口 一, 新川重彦, 瀧内博也, 正木明日香, 三野卓哉, 笈田育尚, 木村 彩, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   30 ( 2 )   83 - 84   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  


  • 施設に入所している要介護高齢者の問題点を抽出するテュートリアル演習の試み.

    松香芳三, 縄稚久美子, 木村 彩, 完山 学, 水口 一, 三野卓哉, 丸濵功太郎, 前川賢治, 藤澤拓生, 園山 亘, 峯 篤史, 菊谷 武, 窪木拓男

    老年歯科医学   26 ( 1 )   36 - 45   2011

  • 携帯電話を応用したEMAによる口腔インプラント一次手術後急性痛の測定における測定間隔の検討

    黒井 隆太, 水口 一, 川上 彩, 松香 芳三, 岡田 宏基, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   2 ( 1 )   E29 - E29   2010.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • 接着性レジンセメントを用いた支台築造の予後に関する15年間のコホート研究

    暈貴行, 松香芳三, 峯篤志, 水口一, HARA Emillo Satoshi, 荒川光, 矢谷博文, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   119th   2010

  • 携帯電話を用いたEMAシステムの歯科領域への応用の試み

    黒井 隆太, 水口 一, 坂口 千代美, 川上 彩, 松香 芳三, 岡田 宏基, 窪木 拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   28 ( 1 )   87 - 87   2009.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  



  • 携帯電話を用いたEMAシステムの歯科領域への応用の試み

    黒井 隆太, 水口 一, 坂口 千代美, 川上 彩, 松香 芳三, 岡田 宏基, 窪木 拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会誌   1 ( 1 )   E10 - E10   2009.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


  • ポリリン酸処理を用いたチタンインプラントの高機能化

    水口 一, 坂口千代美, 川上 彩, 黒井隆太, 松香芳三, Clark GT, 窪木拓男

    歯界展望特別号「めざせ! 健・口・美 未来に向けた歯科医療 第21回日本歯科医学会総会」   特別号   295   2009

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  • 歯科PBL教育の効果に対するチューターの経験度の影響

    松香芳三, 礒兼衣里, 完山 学, 水口 一, 上原淳二, 縄稚久美子, 上枝麻友, 笈田育尚, 三野卓哉, 新川重彦, 前川賢治, 荒川 光, 園山 亘, 窪木拓男

    岡山歯学会雑誌   28 ( 1 )   11 - 17   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山歯学会  

    歯学部における少人数problem-based learning(PBL)教育において、経験テュータと新人テュータがそれぞれ担当した学生群間で、教育効果に差があるか検討した。グループ発表評価に関しては、「3.患者の問題点を整理し、定形化ができていたか?」、「4.科学的根拠の検索、吟味ができていたか?」、「5、科学的根拠を患者にあてはめる試みができていたか?」、および概略評価の4項目において、経験者の班の方が、新人の班よりも点数が高かった。レポート評価に関しても、グループ発表評価と同様な項目に関して、経験者の班と新人の班の間で有意差を認めた。各学生のEvidence-based Medicine(EBM)の基礎知識に関する自己評価では、経験者の班と新人の班に差は観察しなかった。テュートリアル演習直後と3ヵ月後では、演習前と比較して有意な上昇を観察した。


  • Application of the miniature bruxism detection device for dental field

    Dental View   2009 ( 特別 )   223 - 223   2009

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  • 小型貼付型ブラキシズム検出装置の歯科臨床への応用

    水口 一, 坂口千代美, 川上 彩, 黒井隆太, 松香芳三, Clark GT, 窪木拓男

    歯界展望   2009 ( 特別 )   223 - 223   2009

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  • Relationship between the Precipitation/Perpetuation of TMD Internal Derangement and Sleep Bruxism

    Minakuchi Hajime

    The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function   15 ( 1 )   45 - 47   2008.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Effect of Sleep Bruxism Frequency on Masticatory Muscle Tenderness in an Adolescent Population


    52 ( 117 )   209 - 209   2008.6

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  • Does Self-report and/or Family-report of Sleep Bruxism have Good Ability to Diagnose Real Existence of Sleep Bruxism?


    51 ( 116 )   90 - 90   2007.5

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  • 歯科補綴研究に役立つ統計学―臨床研究における予測・結果因子,統計解析―

    窪木拓男, 水口 一, 荒川 光

    日本補綴歯科学会雑誌   51: 1-10 ( 1 )   1 - 10   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本補綴歯科学会  


    DOI: 10.2186/jjps.51.1


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2007&ichushi_jid=J01189&link_issn=&doc_id=20070220200001&doc_link_id=%2Fdv5hotet%2F2007%2F005101%2F001%2F0001-0010%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fdv5hotet%2F2007%2F005101%2F001%2F0001-0010%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • Planning for Prosthodontic Clinical Researches : Predictor and Outcome Variables and Statistical Analysis

    KUBOKI Takuo, MINAKUCHI Hajime, ARAKAWA Hikaru

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   51 ( 1 )   1 - 10   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Prosthodontic Society  

    The choice of statistic methods and interpretation of these results are annoying issues to accomplish clinical epidemiologic researches. Especially beginners who have less experience in conducting clinical studies would often feel difficulty due to the mental hurdle of these statistical procedures. However, the major principles of clinical epidemiological research were setting of hypothesis and study design, thus predictor variables, outcome variables and related statistical methods would be automatically determined after decision of these steps.<BR>In this article, the essential knowledge to start clinical study such as various type of variables, selection of statistical procedures was reviewed following the previous review article that mainly focused on study designs.

    DOI: 10.2186/jjps.51.1

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2007149365

  • Prevalence of Sleep Bruxism Investigated by a Miniature Bruxism Detection Device in Two Adolescent Samples and Its Relation with Orofacial and Cervical Muscle Pain


    50 ( 115 )   152 - 152   2006.7

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  • Version Upgrade of Miniature Bruxism Detection Device and Its Quantitative Assessment


    50 ( 115 )   153 - 153   2006.7

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  • 歯ぎしりセンサーの評価と使い方.

    水口 一, 窪木拓男

    補綴臨床   39,5,536-541   113 - 116   2006

  • 貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置「BiteStrip?」について.

    水口 一, 窪木拓男

    日本歯科評論   66,6,113-116 ( 6 )   113 - 116   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:ヒョーロン・パブリッシャーズ  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2006246193

  • 補綴基礎実習における学生と教官の意見交換のためのインターネット掲示板

    水口一, 暈貴行, 内部健太, 北村洋一, 前田あずさ, 永松千代美, 上原淳二, 窪木拓男

    日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集   25th   2006

  • The Current Status of Problem-based Learning (PBL) for Prosthodontics at the University of Southern California School of Dentistry

    OGAWA Takumi, YAMANE Akira, BABA Kazuyoshi, HAKEDA Tadasu, MINAKUCHI Hajime, CLARK Glenn T., FUKUSHIMA Shunji

    21 ( 1 )   70 - 76   2005

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  • Observation from West Cooast 日米歯科事情比較-6 歯科衛生士の役割-アメリカの歯科衛生士事情-

    高山リサ, 松香芳三, 水口 一, 小川 匠, 渕端 孟, 浅野倉栄

    歯界展望   2005

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  • Observation from West Cooast 日米歯科事情比較-7 大学病院システム-Orofacial Painの臨床体験から-

    塩見千尋, 小川 匠, 水口 一, 塩見信行, 松香芳三

    歯界展望   2005

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  • Orofacial pain and sensory disorders in the elderly


    Dent Clin North Am   49,2,343-362   343 - 362   2005

  • Commentary

    H. Minakuchi

    International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation   2005

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  • Observation from West Cooast 日米歯科事情比較-3 日米の臨床研究の比較検討から

    水口 一, 小川 匠, 重田優子, 塩見信行, 松香芳三

    歯界展望   2005

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  • 顎関節内障患者における顎関節痛と筋痛発現パターンの関連性

    井上栄徳, 前川賢治, 水口一, 永松千代美, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   113th   2005

  • 鋳造コアの予後に関する後ろ向きコホート研究-装着15年後の累積生存率に装着材の差が及ぼす影響-

    前田健志, 峯篤史, 竹北益生, 山崎聖也, 水口一, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   114th   2005

  • 新規貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置の診断精度に関する研究-Polysomnogramとの比較-

    水口一, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男, CLARK G T

    日本補綴歯科学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   112th   2004

  • Selective electrical Current Perception Threshokds ing the Trigeminal and Medianus Nerves Estimation lf the sex difference of CPT using the Meurometer【○!R】


    46 ( 108 )   143 - 143   2002.10

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  • 卒後臨床研修における顎関節MRI読影トレーニングの一方法

    山下和夫, 宮脇正一, 井上雅秀, 片山朗, 窪木拓男, 前川賢治, 水口一, 矢谷博文, 山本照子

    日本顎関節学会雑誌   14 ( 1 )   129 - 129   2002.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本顎関節学会  



  • Temporomandibular joint space distribution and prognosis of ADDwor patients.

    H Minakuchi, Y Azuma, K Maekawa, T Kuboki, H Yatani

    JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH   81   A212 - A212   2002.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:INT AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCHI A D R/A A D R  

    Web of Science


  • 三叉神経ならびに正中神経領域における神経選択的電流知覚しきい値の性差の検討

    中沢義人, 水口一, 窪木拓男, 矢谷博文

    日本補綴歯科学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   108th   2002

  • Residency program training for proper reading of the results of magnetic resonance imaging of the TMJ

    Yamashita Kazuo, Miyawaki Shouichi, Inoue Masahide, Katayama Akira, Kuboki Takuo, Maekawa Kenji, Minakuchi Hajime, Yatani Hirofumi, Yamamoto Teruko

    Orthodontic waves : journal of the Japanese Orthodontic Society = Orthodontic waves : journal of the Japanese Orthodontic Society   60 ( 4 )   256 - 259   2001

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    There have been few reports with regard to the training method for reading the MRI of TMJ that is useful for the diagnosis of the internal derangement of the TMJ. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the training method that we developed for residency education is effective or not. The subjects were 12 residents and post-doctoral students undertaking a post-graduate course in orthodontics who had not been sufficiently educated in MRI reading methods. Twenty MRIs of TMJs in patients with TMDs at the closed-and maximum open-mouth positions and Orsini's diagnostic criteria, which suggest a high correlationship with TMD symptoms, were used. Each subject was tested for the ability to diagnose TMJ internal derangements without any mutual discussion. The allocated reading time was limited to 30 seconds. After the reading test, the ratio of correct answers and Cohen's Kappa value were calculated, and then each subject was informed of the results. Just after the test, the wrong points were revealed, and the correct reading method was taught to the subjects. The MRI films used in the test were scanned and saved in a computer so that each resident could take the same test again. Using 20 different MRIs of the TMJ, such a test and re-education were performed every 2 weeks, for a total of three times. As a result, the mean ratio of correct answers and kappa value increased over time, with the averages of the third test being significantly larger than those of the first and second mean values and reaching a clinically acceptable level. The total time of the training including the three tests and re-education was about 7 hours. These results suggest that this training method that we developed was useful for increasing the ability of residents to read the MRI of the TMJ efficiently.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=198453

  • Long-Term Clinical Evaluation of Occlusal Porcelain Onlays


    44 ( 104 )   124 - 124   2000.11

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  • Four-year longitudinal study an risk factors of TMD symptoms.

    H Yatani, M Kamisaka, Y Matsuka, K Hatanaka, H Minakuchi, E Yoshida

    JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH   79 ( 特別 )   585 - 585   2000

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH  

    Web of Science


  • RCT of initial therapy for anterior disc displacement without reduction.

    H Minakuchi, T Kuboki, Y Matsuka, K Maekawa, H Yatani, Y Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH   79 ( 特別 )   587 - 587   2000

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH  

    Web of Science


  • Analgesic and Side Effects of Amitriptyline Hydrochroride for Chronic Orofacial Pain Patients

    MAKI Shiori, MAEKAWA Kenji, MINAKUCHI Hajime, KUBOKI Takuo, MATSUKA Yoshizo, YAMASHITA Atsushi

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   43 ( 3 )   451 - 456   1999.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Prosthodontic Society  

    The analgesic effects of amitriptyline was evaluated in 11 patients with chronic orofacial pain. The patients visited Fixed Prosthodontic Clinic, Okayama University Dental Hospital with the complaint ofchronic orofacial pain. They had been treated for more than six months with occlusal appliance or physicaltherapy before this study was started, and did not have good treatment results. Ten mg per day ofamitriptyline was started, and the amount was increased gradually depending on the patient's symptoms. Themaximum dose in this study was 70 mg in one patient and most of them were receiving under 50 mg/day. Theresults indicated that amitriptyline was effective in 9 of 11 patients. Two patients showed severe side effectsand stopped receiving it. It was concluded that amitriptyline is effective in the treatment of severe chronicorofacial pain. However, there were side effects with this medicine, so it is necessary to know the effects andside effects when administering it to orofacial pain patients.

    DOI: 10.2186/jjps.43.451

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2000000110

  • Comparison of treatment outcomes for TMJ disk displacement without reduction.

    H Minakuchi, W Sonoyama, M Kamisaka, H Fukuda, K Maekawa, Y Matsuka, T Kuboki, H Yatahi, A Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH   77 ( SpecialIssue )   748 - 748   1998

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH  

    Web of Science


  • Effect of Occlusal Treatment on TMD Patient's Self-reported Treatment Outcomes : Part 1. Effect of Occlusal Treatment for TMD Patients

    MINAKUCHI Hazime, KUBOKI Takuo, MATSUKA Yoshizo, YATANI Hirofumi, YAMASHITA Atsushi

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   41 ( 4 )   552 - 559   1997.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Prosthodontic Society  

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of occlusal treatment on the symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) by questionnaire. Three hundred sixty-nine consecutive TMD patients who had finished treatment in our TMD clinic from April 1985 to March 1995 were included in this study. Questionnaires were sent to the patients, and 260 (80.5%) patients returned them. These patients were divided into two groups. One was the occlusal treatment (OT) group (mean age: 49.3±16.3, male/female=20/114) who received occlusal treatment. The other was a non-occlusal treatment (n-OT) group (mean age: 36.3±16.1, male/female=34/92) who did not receive occlusal treatment. The prevalence of pain in theorofacial region at the first visit was 66.9% in the OT group, and 73.3% in the n-OT group. The questionnaire included a visual analogue scale of pain (VAS), maximum range of opening (MRO), patient's estimation of treatment outcome (TO score), and daily activity limitation attributable to TMD symptoms (DAL score). As a result, no statistically significant difference could be found between the two groups for the three variables (Mann-Whiteney U-test). However, the TO score showed statistically significant difference for the three variables (Mann-Whiteney U-test).

    DOI: 10.2186/jjps.41.552

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/1998003783

  • Effect of Occlusal Treatment on TMD Patient''s Self-Reported Treatment Outcomes. Part 1 Effect of Occlusal Treatment for TMD patients.

    MINAKUCHI Hazime, KUBOKI Takuo, MATSUKA Yoshizo, YATANI Hirofumi, YAMASHITA Atsushi

    Journal of The Japan Prosthodontic Society   41 ( 4 )   552 - 559   1997.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Prosthodontic Society  

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of occlusal treatment on the symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) by questionnaire. Three hundred sixty-nine consecutive TMD patients who had finished treatment in our TMD clinic from April 1985 to March 1995 were included in this study. Questionnaires were sent to the patients, and 260 (80.5%) patients returned them. These patients were divided into two groups. One was the occlusal treatment (OT) group (mean age: 49.3±16.3, male/female=20/114) who received occlusal treatment. The other was a non-occlusal treatment (n-OT) group (mean age: 36.3±16.1, male/female=34/92) who did not receive occlusal treatment. The prevalence of pain in theorofacial region at the first visit was 66.9% in the OT group, and 73.3% in the n-OT group. The questionnaire included a visual analogue scale of pain (VAS), maximum range of opening (MRO), patient's estimation of treatment outcome (TO score), and daily activity limitation attributable to TMD symptoms (DAL score). As a result, no statistically significant difference could be found between the two groups for the three variables (Mann-Whiteney U-test). However, the TO score showed statistically significant difference for the three variables (Mann-Whiteney U-test).

    DOI: 10.2186/jjps.41.552

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/1998003783

  • Effect of Occlusal Treatment on TMD Patient's Self-reported Treatment Outcomes : Part 1. Effect of Occlusal Treatment for TMD Patients

    MINAKUCHI Hazime, KUBOKI Takuo, MATSUKA Yoshizo, YATANI Hirofumi, YAMASHITA Atsushi

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research   41 ( 4 )   552 - 559   1997.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Prosthodontic Society  

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of occlusal treatment on the symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) by questionnaire. Three hundred sixty-nine consecutive TMD patients who had finished treatment in our TMD clinic from April 1985 to March 1995 were included in this study. Questionnaires were sent to the patients, and 260 (80.5%) patients returned them. These patients were divided into two groups. One was the occlusal treatment (OT) group (mean age: 49.3±16.3, male/female=20/114) who received occlusal treatment. The other was a non-occlusal treatment (n-OT) group (mean age: 36.3±16.1, male/female=34/92) who did not receive occlusal treatment. The prevalence of pain in theorofacial region at the first visit was 66.9% in the OT group, and 73.3% in the n-OT group. The questionnaire included a visual analogue scale of pain (VAS), maximum range of opening (MRO), patient's estimation of treatment outcome (TO score), and daily activity limitation attributable to TMD symptoms (DAL score). As a result, no statistically significant difference could be found between the two groups for the three variables (Mann-Whiteney U-test). However, the TO score showed statistically significant difference for the three variables (Mann-Whiteney U-test).

    DOI: 10.2186/jjps.41.552

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/1998003783

  • Effect of occlusal interventions on TMD patient's self-reported treatment outcomes.

    H Minakuchi, H Yatani, T Fujisawa, Y Matsuka, T Kuboki, A Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH   75   3332 - 3332   1996

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH  

    Web of Science


  • Reliability of the Assisted Maximum Jaw Opening Measurement. Part 1. Development of a Measuring Device with a Computer-aided Passive Stretch Mechanism.

    篠田一樹, 山下敦, 水口一, 前川賢治, 寺田昌平, 窪木拓男

    日本補綴歯科学会学術大会論文集   40 ( 96回特別 )   98   1996

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  • Introduction of mutual practical training to experience digital optical impression in preclinical skill education


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    Event date: 2022.12.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ブラキシズムから歯の喪失を予防する Invited

    水口 一

    ブラキシズムから歯の喪失を予防する  2022.8.28  令和4年度 公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会 中国四国支部学術大会

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    Event date: 2022.8.27 - 2022.8.28

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

    Venue:高松   Country:Japan  

  • 機械学習の応用による睡眠時筋電図波形のブラキシズム/非ブラキシズム識別の試み

    三木春奈,長崎光弘,ホアンディンロック,水口 一,西村多寿子,峯松信明,窪木拓男

    公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第131回学術大会  2022.7.16  公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第131回学術大会

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    Event date: 2022.7.15 - 2022.7.17

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:大阪   Country:Japan  

  • 診療ガイドライン委員会セミナー「知っておきたい感染対策、睡眠時ブラキシズム治療」 Invited

    水口 一

    公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第131回学術大会  2022.7.15  公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第131回学術大会

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    Event date: 2022.7.15 - 2022.7.17

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

    Venue:大阪   Country:Japan  

  • 機械学習の応用によるブラキシズム/非ブラキシズム時の筋電図波形識別の試み

    三木春奈,長崎光弘,ホアンディンロック,水口 一,西村多寿子,峯松信明,窪木拓男

    第35回一般社団法人日本顎関節学会総会・学術大会  2022.7.2  第35回一般社団法人日本顎関節学会総会・学術大会

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    Event date: 2022.7.2 - 2022.7.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:札幌   Country:Japan  

  • 加齢に伴うインプラント治療・管理の変化 Invited

    水口 一

    日本口腔インプラント学会第41回近畿・北陸支部学術大会  2022.2.11  日本口腔インプラント学会第41回近畿・北陸支部学術大会

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    Event date: 2022.2.11 - 2022.3.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

    Venue:大阪   Country:Japan  

  • 顎関節疾患において今後取り組んでいくべき研究とは Invited

    第34回日本顎関節学会学術大会  2021  日本顎関節学会

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    Event date: 2021.10.23 - 2021.11.23

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

  • 機械学習を応用したブラキシズムの筋電図波形識別の試み

    Hoang Dinh Loc,長崎光弘,水口 一,三木春奈,坂本和基,下村侑司,大森 江,西村多寿子,峯松信明,窪木拓男

    公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第130回学術大会  2021  日本補綴歯科学会

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    Event date: 2021.6.18 - 2021.6.20

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 筋電図波形と音響信号を用いたブラキシズム及び擬似クレンチングの自動検出

    長崎光弘,Hoang Loc,西村多寿子,峯松信明,水口 一,窪木拓男

    第60回日本生体医工学大会  2021  日本補綴歯科学会

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    Event date: 2021.6.15 - 2021.6.17

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 日本人無歯顎患者におけるCAD/CAM技術を用いて作成した総義歯の有効性の検討.

    第38回岡山歯学会総会・学術集会.  2017 

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  • 睡眠時ブラキシズム頻度とセロトニントランスポーター機能との関連

    第59回歯科基礎医学会学術大会  2017 

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  • 下顎第一大臼歯中間欠損に対し口腔インプラント治療を行った1症例.

    第47回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会  2017 

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  • 筋・筋膜痛に関連して生じたと考えられる上顎臼歯部歯肉の掻痒感の一例

    International Congress on Orofacial Pain (ICOP)-3学会共同開催-第21回日本口腔顔面痛学会学術大会,第16回アジア頭蓋下顎障害学会学術大会,2016年国際疼痛学会口腔顔面痛Special Interest Group学術大会  2016 

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  • 要支援・要介護高齢者における生命予後および低体重のリスク因子の検討

    公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第125回学術大会  2016 

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  • 固定性ブリッジおよび部分床義歯患者の口腔関連QOL評価における最小有効差の検討.

    公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第125回学術大会  2016 

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  • 健常者における睡眠時の覚醒反応と随伴運動との関連

    日本補綴歯科学会第124回学術大会  2015 

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  • 補綴治療介入前の主要な「困りごと」と口腔関連QOLとの関連

    日本補綴歯科学会第124回学術大会  2015 

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  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康および摂食と主たる介護者の介護負担感との関連

    老年歯科医学会  2015 

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  • 要支援・要介護高齢者における低体重発生のリスク因子の検討

    老年歯科医学会  2015 

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  • 顎関節症と類似した症状を呈し鑑別診断に苦慮した頭頸部腫瘍の1例

    第28回日本顎関節学会・学術大会 第20回日本口腔顔面痛学会  2015 

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  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康の変化が主たる介護者の介護負担感に与える影響

    平成27年度日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会  2015 

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  • 部分床義歯患者の口腔関連QOL評価における最小有効差の検討

    平成27年度日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学術大会  2015 

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  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康の変化が主たる介護者の介護負担感に与える影響

    平成27年度長寿医療研究開発費「高齢者の口腔機能の維持・向上法に関する研究」班会議  2015 

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  • Sleep Arousal-related Comorbid Motor Activities Recorded Comcomitantly with Sleep Bruxism

    The 63rd Annual Meeting of JADR  2015 

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  • Validation Study of a Modified Miniature Bruxism Detection/analyzing Device

    93rd General Session and Exhibition of the IADR  2015 

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  • 要介護高齢者の死亡リスクと残存歯数,主たる介護者の介護負担感の関係

    第4回補綴若手研究会  2015 

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  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康と主たる介護者の介護負担感との関係

    日本補綴歯科学会第124回学術大会  2015 

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  • 歯冠補綴模型実習

    日本補綴歯科学会第124回学術大会  2015 

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  • ブラキシズムの評価とマネージメント —現状と将来展望—

    第123回 日本補綴歯科学会学術大会  2014 

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  • 簡易貼付型睡眠時ブラキシズム測定装置の臨床試用について

    第27回日本顎関節学会  2014 

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  • ーバイアス・交絡ー

    第8回EBMセミナー臨床研究デザインワークショップ  2014 

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  • 簡易貼付型睡眠時ブラキシズム測定装置の測定精度の検討

    平成26年度公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国,関西支部合同学術大会.  2014 

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  • 要介護高齢者の口腔健康と主たる介護者の介護負担感との関連

    平成26年度長寿医療研究開発費「高齢者の口腔機能の維持・向上法に関する研究」班会議  2014 

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  • The miniature all-in-one bruxism detection/analyzing device

    42nd Indian Prosthodontic Society conference  2014 

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  • 岡山大学 歯科補綴学第一講座に残って

    岡山大学歯学部10期生同窓会  2014 

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  • 入院高齢者の口腔内環境や栄養状態,日常生活動作が生命予後,肺炎発症に及ぼす影響

    公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第123回学術大会  2014 

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  • 研究デザインの種類

    第6回EBMセミナー臨床研究デザインワークショップ  2012 

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  • 研究デザインの種類

    第7回EBMセミナー臨床研究デザインワークショップ  2012 

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  • 研究デザインの種類

    第5回EBMセミナー臨床研究デザインワークショップ  2011 

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  • Sequential measurement and factor analysis of pain and swelling in postoperative dental implant surgery

    The 6th Congress of the Asian Academy of Osseointegration  2010 

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  • 接着性レジンセメントを用いた支台築造の予後に関する15年間のコホート研究-支台築造のトラブルに関するリスク因子の検討-

    第119回 日本補綴歯科学会学術大会  2010 

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  • 施設に入所している要介護高齢者に関するテュ-トリアル演習の試み

    日本歯科医学教育学会  2010 

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  • A novel vibratory stimulation-based occlusal splint for management of chronic masticatory myofascial pain – a preliminary study

    アジア顎関節学会総会-学術大会  2010 

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  • 研究デザインの種類

    第4回EBMセミナー臨床研究デザインワークショップ  2010 

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  • 携帯電話を応用したEMAによる口腔インプラント一次手術後急性痛の測定における測定間隔の検討

    平成21年度(社)日本補綴歯科学会関西支部, 中国・四国支部総会ならびに合同学術大会  2009 

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  • 「睡眠呼吸障害に関わる各領域の現状と課題」睡眠呼吸障害のリスク因子と戦う-歯科的アプローチ-

    第6回岡山臨床睡眠研究会  2009 

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  • 身体化の概念と身体表現性障害

    平成20年度 顎関節症・口腔顔面痛治療学セミナー  2009 

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  • Validation of Dental Pain/Anxiety Assessment using Cellular Phone-based EMA System

    第87回 国際歯科研究学会  2009 

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  • 顎関節症, 口腔顔面痛の診査, 診断法

    平成21年度 顎関節症・口腔顔面痛治療学セミナー  2009 

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  • Aggravating factor evaluation of self-estimated trapezius muscle pain in an adolescent population

    第2回岡山国際シンポジウム  2009 

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  • 顎関節症の治療

    平成21年度 顎関節症・口腔顔面痛治療学セミナー  2009 

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  • 睡眠時ブラキシズムの臨床的評価と痛みとの関連

    第22回日本顎関節学会総会・学術大会 第14回日本口腔顔面痛学会総会・学術大会  2009 

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  • 研究デザインの種類

    第3回EBMセミナー臨床研究デザインワークショップ  2009 

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  • 研究デザイン アウトカムの設定,研究デザインの種類

    東京歯科大学臨床研究デザインワークショップ  2009 

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  • 簡易貼付型睡眠時ブラキシズム測定器を用いた補綴科外来ならびに顎関節外来受診患者のブラキシズムレベルに関する記述的研究

    第2回日本口腔検査学会 総会・学術大会  2009 

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  • 要介護高齢者施設におけるチュートリアル演習の試み

    第30回岡山歯学会総会・学術集会  2009 

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  • 顎関節症,口腔顔面痛の診査,診断法

    2008年度顎関節症,口腔顔面痛セミナー  2008 

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  • 顎関節症の診査,診断,治療

    2008年度顎関節症,口腔顔面痛セミナー  2008 

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  • 若年における咀嚼筋の圧痛に及ぼす睡眠時ブラキシズム頻度の影響

    日本補綴歯科学会  2008 

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  • Does sleep bruxism relate to the precipitation of TMJ clicking?

    86th General Session & Exhibition the International Association for Dental Research  2008 

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  • RCT (ランダム化比較試験) を考える

    2008 歯科補綴サマースクール in 別府  2008 

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  • 携帯電話を用いたEMAシステムの歯科領域への応用の試み

    平成20年度社団法人日本補綴歯科学会九州・中国・四国支部合同学術大会  2008 

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  • 歯科ターミナルケアを試みた仮性球麻痺症例

    第22回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2008 

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  • 大学病院補綴科初診患者ならびに顎関節外来受診患者の ブラキシズムレベルに関する研究

    第22回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2008 

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  • 身体化の概念と身体表現性障害

    2008年度顎関節症,口腔顔面痛セミナー  2008 

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  • 小型貼付型ブラキシズム検出装置の歯科臨床への応用

    第21回日本歯科医学会総会  2008 

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  • 携帯電話を用いたEMAシステムの歯科領域への応用の試み

    第29回岡山歯学会総会・学術集会  2008 

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  • 全身疾患を有する患者を対象とした問題発見解決型教育法-PBLチュートリアル教育-

    第29回岡山歯学会総会・学術集会  2008 

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  • Relationship between the frequency of sleep bruxism and the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in an adolescent population.

    AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OROFACIAL PAIN, 32nd Scientific Meeting  2008 

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  • 口腔顔面痛(Orofacial pain)としてみた顎関節症の診断と治療

    三豊歯科医師会 学術講演会  2008 

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  • シンポジウム 「顎機能障害の寄与因子を測る ―顎関節内障の症状発症,継続と睡眠時ブラキシズムとの関連について」

    日本顎口腔機能学会第40回記念学術大会  2008 

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  • 顎関節内障と筋痛患者の就寝時ブラキシズム頻度の比較

    第21回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2007 

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  • 被験者の自覚や家族の指摘のみで睡眠時ブラキシズムは診断できるか?

    社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第116回学術大会第5回アジア補綴歯科学会  2007 

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  • 高齢者の歯列欠損回復法に関するチュートリアル教育とその効果

    第18回日本老年歯科医学会  2007 

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  • 被検者の自覚や家族の指摘のみで睡眠時ブラキシズムは診断できるか?

    第28回岡山歯学会総会・学術大会  2007 

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  • 簡易貼付型ブラキシズム測定装置の現状と今後

    補綴歯科サマースクール2007鳴門  2007 

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  • 専用ホームページならびにインターネット掲示板を利用した補綴スキル教育における学生・教官相互コミュニケーション

    平成19年度(社)日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部総会並びに学術大会  2007 

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  • Relationship between severity of sleep bruxism and prevalence of TMD signs and symptoms in an adolescent population

    The 1st International and the 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint  2006 

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  • 接着性レジンセメントを用いた支台築造に関する15年間の前向きコホート調査

    平成18年度日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部  2006 

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  • 咬合感覚異常症患者における歯根膜メカノレセプターの関与

    平成18年度日本補綴歯科学会 中国・四国支部  2006 

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  • Test-retest reliability of MRI-based disk position diagnosis of the TMJ

    35th General Session of the AADR  2006 

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  • 15-Year follow-up study on cumulative survival rates of post-and-core build-ups

    84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR  2006 

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  • Version-up of miniature bruxism detection device and its clinical effectiveness

    The 1st International and the 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint  2006 

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  • 貼付型歯ぎしり測定装置(BiteStrip)の臨床応用

    第27回岡山歯学会総会・学術集会  2006 

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  • 簡易貼付型睡眠時ブラキシズム測定装置のバージョンアップとその効果

    第20回日本顎頭蓋機能学会記念学術集会  2006 

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  • 補綴基礎実習における学生と教官の意見交換のためのインターネット掲示板

    第25回日本歯科医学教育学会総会および記念大会  2006 

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  • 簡易貼付型睡眠時ブラキシズム測定装置のバージョンアップとその効果

    第115回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会  2006 

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  • 貼付型ブラキシズム測定装置により計測したブラキシズム頻度と頭頸背部の筋痛の関連性

    第115回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会  2006 

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  • 鋳造コアの予後に関する後ろ向きコホート研究. -装着15年後の累積生存率に装着材の差が及ぼす影響 -

    日本補綴歯科学会第114回学術大会  2005 

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  • An epidemiological study on daily-life preference among japanese elderly

    83rd IADR General Session  2005 

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  • The sensitivity and specificity of miniature bruxism detection device

    The 2005 joint Meeting of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain and the American Academy of Oral Medicine  2005 

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  • 顎関節内障における顎関節痛と顎顔面領域の筋痛の関連

    日本補綴歯科学会第113回学術大会  2005 

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  • 新規貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置の診断精度に関する研究 -Polusomnogramとの比較 -

    第6回口腔顔面痛懇談会 第10回The Japan Academy of Orofacial Pain共催学術集会  2005 

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  • ブラキシズム研究の現状-簡易型診断装置の臨床応用-

    鶴見大学歯学部補綴学教室  2005 

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  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群における口腔アプライアンス療法の主観的効果の検討

    日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部 九州支部合同学術大会  2005 

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  • 新規貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置の診断精度に関する研究 - Polysomnogramとの比較 -

    第19回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2005 

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  • 顎関節内障患者および無症状参照群の日常生活障害度

    第19回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2005 

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  • 変形性顎関節症に併発した及支部開咬による咀嚼障害を接着アンレーにより改善した症例

    日本補綴歯科学会第114回学術大会  2005 

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  • 新規貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置の診断精度に関する基礎的研究 -Polysomnographyとの比較 -

    第17回日本顎関節学会総会・学術大会  2004 

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  • 高齢者の日常生活における口腔機能の効用に関する疫学調査

    第15回日本老年歯科医学会総会・学術大会  2004 

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  • 新規貼付型ブラキシズム診断装置の診断精度に関する研究 -Polysomnogramとの比較 -

    日本補綴歯科学会平成16年度第112回学術大会  2004 

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  • The sensitivity and specificity of a Miniature Bruxism Detection Device

    IADR 82nd General Session  2004 

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  • 顎関節内障の細病態分類と日常生活障害度

    第5回日本顔面痛懇談会学術集会  2004 

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  • 顎関節関節円板転位と肩こりの自覚の関連

    第16回日本顎関節学会総会・学術大会  2003 

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  • RCT of tratments for painful anterior disk displacement with reduction

    32nd American Association for Dental Research  2003 

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  • Temporomandibular joint space distribution and prognosis of ADDwor patients

    80th General Session and Exhibition of the IADR  2002 

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  • 有痛性復位性関節円板前方転位症例に対する保存療法の短期的治療効果の比較ーランダム化比較試験による評価ー

    第15回日本顎関節学会・学術大会  2002 

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  • 三叉神経および正中神経領域における神経選択的電流知覚閾値(CPT)の性差

    第16回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2002 

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  • 三叉神経および正中神経領域における神経選択的電流知覚閾値の性差の検討

    第108回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会  2002 

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  • 一般市民における顎関節症症状変動に関する疫学的検討

    平成13年度第27回日本補綴歯科学会中国・四国支部学会  2001 

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  • 一般歯科医院の受診患者における顎関節症の症状徴候の変動

    第15回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2001 

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  • 顎関節内障における顎関節痛と筋痛の関連

    第15回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2001 

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  • Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial on Efficacy of Initial Treatments for Temporomandibular Joint Disk Displacement Without Reduction

    AAOP 26th Annual Scientific Meeting  2001 

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  • Multivariate analysis of risk factors in relation to TMD symptoms.

    22nd Conference Society of Oral Physiology  2001 

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  • 卒後臨床研修医のための顎関節MRI読影トレーニング

    第14回日本顎関節学会総会、学術大会  2001 

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  • Contralateral Joint Disc Pathology in Symptomatically Unilaretal TMJ ADDwor Patients

    79th General Session of the IADR  2001 

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  • Prevalence of Signs and Symptoms in Patients with Internal Derangements

    79th General session of the IADR  2001 

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  • TMD Signs and Symptoms Fluctuation among Recall Patients in Clinic

    79th General session of the IADR  2001 

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  • Long-term Clinical Evaluation of Occlusal Porcelain Onlays

    79th General session of th IADR  2001 

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  • 非復位性関節円板前方転位症例の予後予測因子-関節空隙分布画像と臨床経過の関連

    第14回日本学関節学会総会・学術大会  2001 

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  • 非復位性関節円板前方転位症例における予後予測因子の検討

    第4回日本頭蓋下顎障害学会  2000 

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  • 一般市民における顎関節症のリスク因子に関する疫学的研究

    第21回岡山歯学会  2000 

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  • オクルーザルポーセレンアンレーの臨床成績

    第104回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会  2000 

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  • RCT of Initial Therapy for Anterior Disc Displacement without Reduction.

    79th General session of tha IADR  2000 

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  • Four-year Longitudinal Study on Risk Factors of TMD Symptoms.

    78th General session of the IADR  2000 

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  • 顎関節リモデリングの寄与因子とリモデリングの長期予後に及ぼす影響

    第13回日本顎関節学会総会・学術大会  2000 

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  • 非復位性関節円板前方転位症例の予後予測因子に関する研究—初診時画像診断所見と臨床経過の関連についてー

    第14回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2000 

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  • 慢性僧帽筋痛患者における筋組織内血流動態に関する研究—安静時の血流動態特性とそれに対するストレッチ刺激の効果—

    第14回日本顎頭蓋機能学会学術大会  2000 

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  • 市販のカリエスリスクテストを用いた唾液中齲蝕原性細菌に対するクロルヘキシジンの殺菌効果に関する臨床的研究

    第26回日本補綴歯科学会中国四国支部学術大会  2000 

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  • 第125回日本補綴歯科学会 課題口演優秀賞


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  • 第124回日本補綴歯科学会 優秀ポスター賞


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  • 9th International Dental Collaboration of the Mekong River Region 1st Winner


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  • 第123回日本補綴歯科学会 課題口演優秀賞


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  • 第121回日本補綴歯科学会 優秀ポスター賞


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  • 第119回日本補綴歯科学会 課題発表優秀賞


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  • 第35回日本顎関節学会総会学術大会 ポスター発表優秀賞

    2022.7   日本顎関節学会   機械学習の応用によるブラキシズム/非ブラキシズム時の筋電図波形識別の試み

    三木春奈,長崎光弘,Hoang Dinh Loc,水口 一,西村多寿子,峯松信明,窪木拓男

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  • Lion award

    2020.11   Loss of oral self-care ability results in a higher risk of pneumonia in older inpatients: A prospective cohort study in a Japanese rural hospital

    Aya Fujiwara, Hajime Minakuchi, Junji Uehara, Haruna Miki, Mami Inoue-Minakuchi, Aya Kimura-Ono, Kumiko Nawachi, Kenji Maekawa, Takuo Kuboki

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  • 第32回日本顎関節学会総会学術大会 ポスター発表優秀賞

    2019.7   日本顎関節学会   顎関節核磁気共鳴画像における読影信頼性の検討 ―長期形態変化の同定に向けた予備的検討―

    三木春奈, 水口 一, 前川賢治, 窪木拓男

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  • 楷の木賞(岡山大学病院長賞)

    2017.1   岡山大学病院  


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  • 楷の木賞(岡山大学病院長賞)

    2017.1   岡山大学病院  


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  • 日本補綴歯科学会 課題口演優秀賞


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  • 日本補綴歯科学会 第124回学術大会 優秀ポスター賞


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  • 日本補綴歯科学会 課題口演優秀賞


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  • The 9th International Dental Collaboration of the Mekong River Region Congress 2014. 優秀ポスター賞


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  • 第121回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会 優秀ポスター賞

    2012   日本補綴歯科学会  

    水口 一

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  • 3rd place winner of poster presentation award

    2011   The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics  

    MINAKUCHI Hajime

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  • 奨励論文賞

    2011   日本補綴歯科学会  

    水口 一

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  • 第24回日本顎関節学会学術大会ポスター発表優秀賞

    2011   日本顎関節学会  

    水口 一

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  • 日本補綴歯科学会 課題講演優秀賞


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  • 日本顎関節学会 優秀ポスター賞


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Research Projects

  • 新規センシング技術と機械学習による歯への機械的負荷を定量化する評価システムの構築

    Grant number:23K09294  2023.04 - 2027.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    水口 一, 窪木 拓男, 水口 真実, 三木 春奈

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 、 Indirect expense:\1080000 )


  • MR画像による長期予後調査より関節円板後部結合組織の偽円板化と予後との関連を探る

    Grant number:23K09295  2023.04 - 2026.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    三木 春奈, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 、 Indirect expense:\1080000 )


  • IoTセンサーを利用した高齢者の口腔関連日常生活動作の測定と要介護後期介入転換

    Grant number:22K10076  2022.04 - 2025.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    藤原 彩, 窪木 拓男, 大野 彩, 水口 一

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 、 Indirect expense:\960000 )


  • 機械学習を応用した咀嚼機能低下を精度高く検出する新規検査方法,評価基準の開発

    Grant number:21K09977  2021.04 - 2024.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    水口 真実, 窪木 拓男, 水口 一, 三木 春奈, 小山 絵理

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 、 Indirect expense:\960000 )



  • 筋電図波形と音響信号を用いたブラキシズム及び擬似クレンチングの自動検出


    水口 一,窪木拓男

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  • オーラルフレイル回避を目指した筋機能訓練の有効性検討と新規個別スキームの開発

    Grant number:19K10225  2019.04 - 2023.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    水口 一, 三木 春奈, 水口 真実, 窪木 拓男

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )



  • 下顎骨後方移動術に伴う睡眠呼吸障害の発症リスクおよび施術基準の確立

    Grant number:19K10382  2019.04 - 2023.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    中村 政裕, 川邉 紀章, 片岡 伴記, 鬼頭 慎司, 森本 泰宏, 水口 一, 窪木 拓男, 宮脇 卓也

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )

    骨格性下顎前突患者に対し安全に下顎骨後方移動術を施行するためには、術後の上気道の狭窄やそれに伴う睡眠呼吸状態への影響に配慮しなければならない。過去の研究においても、下顎骨後方移動術を行った患者の上気道形態の変化は調べられているが、これらは覚醒時に撮影したセファログラムやコンピューター断層撮影画像を解析した静態評価であった。そのため、本研究は、上気道の動態および三次元解析が可能であるMRI movieおよびvolumetric MRIを用いて下顎骨後方移動術前後の睡眠時における上気道形態の変化を観察し、下顎骨の後方移動量と睡眠時の上気道の容量との関連を解明し、睡眠時の上気道形態変化と睡眠時呼吸状態との関連を調べることで睡眠呼吸障害の発症リスクを明らかにすることを目的としている。
    研究を開始するにあたり、臨床研究審査専門委員会の承認が得られたため、患者への同意説明を開始していたが、一時期の新型コロナウイルス感染症感染拡大に伴う手術の延期や患者の同意拒否が続いていた。新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響は薄れたものの睡眠誘導時のMRI撮影は患者同意の取得が困難であったため、覚醒時における下顎骨後方移動術前後のMRI movieおよびvolumetric MRIを用いて術前後の上気道形態の変化を観察し、下顎骨の後方移動量と上気道の容量との関連を解明することとした。現在まで14名の同意を取得できており、すでに3名の術後のMRIの撮影が終了している。


  • Evaluation of upper airway size using Magnet Resonance Imaging

    Grant number:16K11787  2016.04 - 2020.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    KATAOKA Tomoki

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 、 Indirect expense:\1080000 )

    MRI movie and volumetric MRI, that could evaluate a soft tissue kinetically and three-dimensionally, were used to evaluate upper airway size. While the original aim to make a treatment standard of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome was not accomplished, we established the evaluation method of the upper airway using MRI movie and volumetric MRI, and clarified the usefulness of MRI movie that could evaluate a state of upper airway kinetically. As a result, mandibular body length and anteroposterior position were correlated with upper airway size, although the anteroposterior length and position of maxillary bone, and the vertical position and length of mandible were not correlated.


  • Chronic muscle pain pathophysiology from the viewpoint of mitochondria dysfunction

    Grant number:16K15801  2016.04 - 2018.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research


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    Grant amount:\3510000 ( Direct expense: \2700000 、 Indirect expense:\810000 )

    We made an attempt to elucidate the relationship between vitamin D function and muscle pain. This hypothesis was established based on the several previous reports, which describe the positive relationship between taking antilipemic and muscle pain onset, especially seen in hyperlipidemia patients with vitamin D deficiency.
    As the results, gene expression levels of vitamin D receptor was significantly higher in trapezius and masseter muscles, which are easily affected by muscle pain than limb muscles, which are not very sensitive to muscle pain. These results suggest the possible relationship between vitamin D function and muscle pain. In addition, expression levels of positive cell number of pain sensitivity marker (c-fos) in central nervous system under noxious stimulus application in masseter muscle tended to be higher in vitamin D deficiency rats than those in rats without vitamin D deficiency.


  • Do severe sleep bruxism subjects have the cardiovascular risk due to sleep hypertension?

    Grant number:25670819  2013.04 - 2016.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Minakuchi Hajime, KUBOKI Takuo, MAEKAWA Kenji

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    Grant amount:\3640000 ( Direct expense: \2800000 、 Indirect expense:\840000 )

    Validation of the miniature sleep bruxism (SB) detection/analyzing device has not been evaluated. This study determined the validity of device compared to polysomnogram puls AV recording (PSG). Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy between device and PSG assessment were 1.00,0.88 and 0.93 in case cut-off criteria was set at score 1 to 2. These results suggested that this modified miniature detection/analyzing device would obtain the moderate to high validity in clinical use.
    Association between SB and simultaneous comorbid motor activites is unclear. This study aimed to compare the the incidences of body motions between sleep arousal (SA) with SB (SAwSB) and SA without SB (SAw/oSB). Motor activities in SAwSB was significantly higher than that in SAw/oSB (t-test, p<0.01, 95.1+/-6.6 %, 69.2+/-19.5 %). Leg movement and swallowing were significantly frequent among the comorbidities. This suggested that SB can be cocomitantly activated with leg movemnet and swallowing in relation to SA.


  • Verification study of sleep bruxism pathogenesis focused on the serotonin nerve activities as neuromodulator

    Grant number:23390442  2011.04 - 2015.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MINAKUCHI Hajime, KUBOKI Takuo, SOGAWA Chiharu, MAEKAWA Kenji, SOGAWA Norio, KITAYAMA Shigeo

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    Grant amount:\18200000 ( Direct expense: \14000000 、 Indirect expense:\4200000 )

    This aimed to evaluate the correlation between SERT uptake ability in human peripheral platelets and SB frequency. Subjects were consecutively recruited from sixth-year students. SB frequency was determined as the summary score of 3-consecutive night assessments using a self-contained EMG detector/analyzer in their home environment. Fasting peripheral venous blood samples were collected in the morning following the final SB assessment. Amount of SERTs and platelets were quantified by ELISA assay. Functional characterization of SERT, 5-HT uptake, maximum velocity (Vmax) and affinity constant (Km) were assessed by [3H] 5-HT uptake assay. The correlation between these aforementioned variables and SB level was evaluated.
    A small but significant negative correlation between SB level and [3H] 5-HT uptake was observed (p<0.05, R2=0.063, Spearman correlation). Platelet serotonin uptake is significantly correlated to SB frequency, although it only explains a small amount of SB variability.


  • 分子イメージングとバイオマーカー探索による慢性筋痛の局所病態解析

    Grant number:22592151  2010 - 2012

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    小野 剛, 前川 賢治, 水口 一, 松香 芳三, 窪木 拓男

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    Grant amount:\2990000 ( Direct expense: \2300000 、 Indirect expense:\690000 )

    我々は,以前,近赤外線分光法を用いて慢性筋痛を訴える被験者の有痛筋組織内では,筋作業や交感神経活動亢進時の筋組織内の血管拡張機能が低下している所見を得た.さらに分子イメージング技術であるPositron emission tomography (PET)を用いて,筋組織のエネルギー源であるグルコースの取り込み量を僧帽筋に慢性筋痛を訴える被験者の僧帽筋と,非筋痛者の僧帽筋内とで比較した結果,筋痛者の僧帽筋組織内のグルコース取り込み量が非筋痛者のそれに比較して有意に抑制されることを明らかとした.これらの知見から更に慢性筋痛の病態を明らかとすることを目的に,筋組織内代謝と組織内血流の相互関係に着目した.相互関係を明らかとするためには,グルコース代謝の指標となる18F-FDGと,血流の指標となる150の筋組織内取り込み量をPETでダイレクトに測定することが有効と考え,150ガスをプローブとして実験に用いる手法の確立を目指して予備的検討を行っている.その一方で,150ガスを用いた血流動態評価が技術的な問題等で困難な場合に備え,血流の絶対量が測定可能な近赤外線分光計(オメガモニターBOM-L1 TR W)を用いて測定する血流動態測定の予備的検討も同時進行させている.加えて,最近,PETを用いた実験的研究で虚血のマーカーとして最近着目されている64Cu-ATSMを研究に用いることが可能かどうかも含めて検討中である.さらに,動物を対象としてPETを用いた基礎研究を開始することも考慮にいれ,理研分子イメージングセンターの研究者にコンタクトを取り準備を開始した.採択決定が11月となり,今年度の実質的な研究期間が3ヶ月と短かったため,実際の研究データの採取は来年度行う予定である


  • Molecular Genetic Studies of bruxism during sleep from the Point of predisposition genetic polymorphism of monoamine

    Grant number:20592265  2008 - 2010

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    MINAKUCHI Hajime, KUBOKI Takuo, MATSUKA Yoshizo, SOGAWA Norio, KITAYAMA Shigeo, UEHARA Junji

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct expense: \3500000 、 Indirect expense:\1050000 )

    (1) This project evaluated the night-to-night variability and examine for a systematic alteration on the first night in EMG levels. The results suggested that recordings should be at least 5-6 nights duration to establish a reasonable measure of an individual's average nightly masseter EMG level.
    (2) The aim of this study was to compare the uptake ability of serotonin transporter (SERT) from peripheral platelets between severe and non-bruxism human subjects. In response, the SERT ability would be related to sleep bruxism frequency.


  • アドレナリンレプターの遺伝子多型からみた慢性筋痛の病態解明と症型分類

    Grant number:18659572  2006 - 2007

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  萌芽研究

    前川 賢治, 窪木 拓男, 水口 一, 松香 芳三, 小野 剛

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    Grant amount:\3200000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 )

    1) 頭頸部筋症状とβ2アドレナリン受容体多型の関連性の検討
    2) 頚部慢性筋痛者における筋組織内代謝特性に関する疫学的検討
    岡山画像センターをがん検診を目的としてPET(Positron Emission Tomography)検査を受診した患者の中で,研究参加に同意の得られたものを対象とした.各被験者からはPET撮像前に頭頸部の慢性筋痛に関するアンケートに回答してもらい,筋痛に有無や場所,疼痛の強さに関するデータを得た.PET画像は,両側僧帽筋上部の規格化された部位にROI (region of interest)を設定し,その部位におけるFDG(F-18フルオロデオキシグルコース)の集積値を求めた.各被験者の基礎データ(年齢,性別,頭頸部慢性筋痛の有無,疼痛強度等)と僧帽筋部のFDGの集積値を予測因子とした多変量解析を行った.その結果,慢性筋痛を訴える被験者ではFDGの集積は有意に低下している結果が得られた.さらに,疼痛強度が強いほど,FDGの集積値は低い傾向にあった.これらの結果は,慢性筋痛者においては筋組織内の代謝が抑制されて可能性を示すものと思われた.


  • Genetic analysis of monoamine transporter and relation to the frequency of the nocturnal bruxism.

    Grant number:18592122  2006 - 2007

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\3920000 ( Direct expense: \3500000 、 Indirect expense:\420000 )

    Purpose: The relationship between sleep bruxism (SB) and temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) is unclear. This study aimed to estimate SB prevalence in an adolescent population and investigate the relationship between SB frequency and prevalence of the TMD signs/symptoms. Materials and Methods: First year high school students were recruited, and 195 subjects responded in this study. The subjects were divided into severe and non-severe SB groups with SB frequency and were received clinical examinations and interview. The odd-ratio (OR) were calculated to test the relationship between SB frequency gender difference and presence of the TMD signs/symptoms by multiple regression analysis. Results: Severe SB was significantly related to the presence of TMJ click (OR: 3.74, P= 02), while gender(male) was not related to that In contrast, severe SB was not related to headache, while gender (male)was significantly related to headache(OR: 2.52, P= 04). Conclusion: These results suggested that the presence of a TMJ click was closely related to the severe SB in an adolescent population.
    Objective: Novel miniature EMG analyzer (BiteStripR, S.L.P. Israel) occasionally showed error message when applied in Asian subjects. In response, the version-up model has been developed, and this study verified this modification. Methods: Six severe bruxism volunteers who had been diagnosed by portable electromyography and video recording participated this continuous 5-nights BiteStrip recording. The incidence rates of error message were compared. Results: The incidence of error message in the version-up systems (1/30, 3.3%) was significantly lower than that in the conventional system (14/30, 46.7%, p<0.01, Chi-square test). Conclusion: This modification was able to reduce the incidence of the error message.
    Objective: No research has been achieved regarding to the validity of bruxism assessment considering the daily fluctuation. This study aimed to verify the 1-night, 2-night and 3-night assessment of bruxism compared to the result of 10-straght night assessment. Methods: Fifteen TMD clinic patients were asked to measure individual bruxism level by means of using BiteStrip for 10 straight nights. The mode value of the result of 10-straight night was set as gold standard. The validity of 1-night test, 2-night test and 3-night test was calculated compared to prior gold standard. Result and summary: Totally 8 patients participated this study. The sensitivity, specificity and validity of 1-night test were 0.87-0.90, 0.74-0.80 and 0.82-0.88, respectively. This indicated the 1-night test could demonstrate the moderated diagnostic accuracy.


  • The practice of anti-cytokine treatment for temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis

    Grant number:17592024  2005 - 2006

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\3400000 ( Direct expense: \3400000 )

    We examined in vitro and in vivo for achievement of "The practice of anti-cytokine treatment for temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis".
    Confluent cultured cells of rat primary articular chondrocytes were stimulated with TNFα, IL-1β or both cytokines for 24 hours. The anti-TNFα biological drug (etanercept) was added after stimulation with cytokines 6 and18 hours later. The gene expressions of mmp3, 9 and 13 in chondrocytes were evaluated by real-time RT-PCR.
    1) Compared with control condition, cytokine stimulation significantly up-regulate the gene expression of each mmps at 24h. Under both cytokines stimulation condition, the gene expression of each mmps was more up-regulation than under TNFα or IL-1β stimulation condition.
    2) Etanercept addition inhibited the up-regulation of mmp3, 9 and 13 gene expressions under TNFα or both cytokines stimulation condition. But each mmps gene expressions were not inhibited by etanercept at any time points under IL-1β stimulation condition.
    3) The up-regulation of the gene expression of mmp3 or mmp9 stimulated by TNFα was significantly inhibited by etanercept at 24 h, at 12 and 24 h, respectively.
    Etanercept was injected into the knee joint of the monoiodoacetic acid (MIA) induced experimental rat osteoarthritis model to histologically evaluate the effect on inhibition of damaged cartilage.
    1) All of rats injected etanercept were not inhibited their articular cartilage damage.
    These results indicated that etanercept had the inhibitory effect on the expression of MMP3, 9 and 13 induced TNFα in OA-like condition. Though mmp3, 9 and 13 gene expressions were not inhibited in the IL-1β addition, each mmps gene expressions were inhibited by etanercept in the both TNFα and IL-1β addition. Therefore it may be hopeful that etanercept is effective on the treatment of osteoarthritis with severe inflammation such as synovial tissue inflammation. Unfortunately the effectiveness of etanercept was not positive in vivo. We should evaluate the validity of this investigation in the future study.
    In this investigation, we could not achieve the final objective of "The practice of anti-cytokine treatment for temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis". But present results are needful data for us to accomplish the purpose of this study.


  • Epidemiological and clinical research by a miniature bruxism detection device - Verify the prevalence, proportionate contribution for TMD and efficacy of oral appliance therapy -

    Grant number:16591949  2004 - 2005

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 )

    Objective : Sleep bruxism (SB) has been assessed by a self-estimated questionnaire and/or degree of tooth attrition. However these reliabilities were recognized insufficient to detect on-going SB events. One solution can be a miniature self-contained EMG detector-analyzer (BiteStrip○!R, S.L.P. Israel) that can be applied directly to the masseter muscle. Our previous study demonstrated this device has sufficient reliability to detect bruxism events with polysomnography as a golden standard (sensitivity : 0.92, specificity : 0.91); however, this device occasionally showed error message when applied in Asian subjects. This would be potentially due to skin resistance difference between Asian and Caucasians. In response, the version-up model has been developed recently to solve this problem. This study verified the improvement of this device. SB also has been hypothesized as a precipitating/perpetuating factor in TMD signs and symptoms. However, the direct relationship between the SB level and prevalence of the TMD signs and symptoms were still unclear, because of the difficulty in measuring the SB severity epidemiologically. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship in an adolescent population by using a miniature SB detection device (BiteStrip○!R, S.L.P. Israel).
    Methods : Six healthy volunteers (1 female and 5 males, mean age 24.5+/-0.55) who had been diagnosed as bruxisers by means of portable electromyography assessment and concomitant video recording and participated continuous 10-nights BiteStrip recordings. Each subject was applied both conventional and version-up BiteStrip on their bilateral buccal skin surface individually during continuous 5-nights. The incidence rates of error message were compared. The 1st degree students of a high school were exhaustively recruited, and 195 students (male/female : 86/109, mean age 15.4±0.5 yr) among them participated in this survey. They received clinical examination and were explained the usage of BiteStrip. Bruxism episodes were detected at their 30% MVC threshold, and total number of SB episodes was classified into 0-3 (<40, 41-74, 75-124 and ≦ 125, respectively). Relationship between their SB levels and presence/absence of the TMD signs and symptoms (clicking, limitation of mouth opening (LMO), headache, shoulder stiffness) were calculated, and odd-ratio and confidence interval (CI) were estimated by a simple regression analysis.
    Results : The incidence (rates) of error message in the conventional and version-up systems were 14/30 (46.7%) and 1/30 (3.3%) and the incidence in the version-up system was significantly lower than that in the conventional systems (p<0.01, Chi-square test). Of which 195 responders, 29 subjects didn't return BiteStrip and 40 BiteStrip showed error or no indication. Severe bruxier (≧score 3) had 3.58 times higher prevalence of TMJ clicking (95% CI : 1.21-10.39, P=0.02), whereas other signs and symptoms showed no significant relation.
    Conclusion : This modification made in the version-up BiteStrip was able to reduce the incidence of the error message in this system. The device appears to be clinically applicable even for Asian population. These results supported TMJ clicking can be associated with severe bruxism. However this study measured SB in one night, multiple SB recordings should be included in a further research.


  • MMP-3転写調節部位遺伝子多型からみた顎関節症の予後に関する分子遺伝学的研究

    Grant number:13672033  2001 - 2002

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    水口 一, 滝川 正春, 矢谷 博文, 窪木 拓男, 藤澤 拓生

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    Grant amount:\4000000 ( Direct expense: \4000000 )

    現在,抽出されたDNAから、MMP-3プロモーター領域の対立遺伝子の多型(variable number of tandem repeat : VNTR)ならびにIX型コラーゲンα3鎖の遺伝子多型(SNPs)を検討すべく,Ye et al.(1995)の方法ならびにPaassiltaらの方法に従い、PCR産物に対してTthlllI酵素処理を応用し,被検者個々の対立遺伝子の多型を明らかにした.
    その結果,現在集積された被検者数では,遺伝子多型と関節疾患感受性との間に統計学的に有為な関連性を見いだすことはできなかった.しかしながら,現段階では被検者数が少なくtype II errorが生じている可能性があり,今後も被検者数の継続的蓄積が必要となると考えられた.


  • Molecular biological study on pithophysiology of chronic muscle pain from the view of abnormal beta2-adrenergic receptor function.

    Grant number:12671883  2000 - 2001

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    MAEKAWA Kenji, MINAKUCHI Hajime, SUZUKI Kouji, KUBOKI Takuo, YATANI Hirofumi

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    Grant amount:\3400000 ( Direct expense: \3400000 )

    The purpose of this study was to investigate alteration of the beta-adrenergic receptor (BAR) in fibromyalgia and chronic localized myalgia patients. Since the BARs are present on circulating lymphocytes and activation of the G-protein coupled receptors like BAR leads to an increase in the intracellular level of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), we measured cAMP levels to assess indirectly the functional status of the receptor. Thirty cc peripheral blood samples were drawn from subjects' anterocubital vein. Lymphocyte cells were isolated from the total blood by using the Ficoll-Hypaque gradient technique. Basal and stimulated intracellular cAMP levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay using a commercially available kit (cAMP EIA system, Amersham, England). Aliquots of even amount of cells were incubated with or without stimulation of beta-agonist isoproterenol (ISO) for 5min. Results : Basal intracellular cAMP levels were not significantly different between FM patients and healthy controls and between localized myalgia and healthy controls. However, beta-agonist induced mean intracellular cAMP increase was significantly reduced in FM patients compared with controls. Regarding the localized myalgia patients, beta-agonist induced mean intracellular cAMP increase was almost identical with that of controls (p=0.806). These results suggest that diminished βAR function might be related to FM pathophysiology. In addition, these findings indirectly support the notion that the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia and localized myalgia are different.


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  • Research Projects and Practicals: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine I (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine I (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine II (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine II (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Crown) (2023academic year) Second semester  - 水4

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice of Digital Dentistry and Dental (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Bridge and Dental Implant) (2023academic year) Third semester  - 水1

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice with Bridge (2023academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Clinical Training: Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Oral Rehabilitation Medicine (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Oral Rehabilitation Medicine (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Skill Training for Occlusal Reconstruction by Fixed Partial Denture (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Training for dental visiting care (2023academic year) special  - 水

  • Training for dental visiting care (2023academic year) special  - 水

  • Venture adventure with multidiscipline (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 月3~4

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 金

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2023academic year) Second semester  - 火5,火6,火7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work and Adhesive Dentistry (2023academic year) Second semester  - 火6,火7,火8

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work and Adhesive Dentistry (2023academic year) Second semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Functional Occlusion System and Temporomandibular Disorders (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 水4

  • Practica A for Clinical Specialties in Dentistry(Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Practica A for Clinical Specialties in Dentistry(Oral Rehabilitation Medicine) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Practica A for Clinical Specialties in Dentistry(Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Practica A for Clinical Specialties in Dentistry(Advanced Prosthodontics) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Practica B for Clinical Specialties in Dentistry(Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Practica B for Clinical Specialties in Dentistry(Oral Rehabilitation Medicine) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Practica B for Clinical Specialties in Dentistry(Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Practica B for Clinical Specialties in Dentistry(Advanced Prosthodontics) (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Advanced Prosthodontics (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Advanced Prosthodontics (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Implant) (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 水1

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine I (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine I (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine II (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine II (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Crown) (2022academic year) Second semester  - 水4

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice of Digital Dentistry and Dental (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Bridge and Dental Implant) (2022academic year) Third semester  - 水1

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice with Bridge (2022academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • 口の機能と健康管理 (2022academic year) 第2学期  - 月3, 4

  • Clinical Training: Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Oral Rehabilitation Medicine (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Oral Rehabilitation Medicine (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Skill Training for Occlusal Reconstruction by Fixed Partial Denture (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Training for dental visiting care (2022academic year) special  - 水

  • 学際的研究と臨床 (2022academic year) 第3学期  - 月2, 3

  • 学際領域ベンチャー探索 (2022academic year) 第4学期  - 月3, 4

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2022academic year) Second semester  - 火5,火6,火7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work and Adhesive Dentistry (2022academic year) Second semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Functional Occlusion System and Temporomandibular Disorders (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 水4

  • Clinical Training: Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Advanced Prosthodontics (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Advanced Prosthodontics (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Implant) (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 水1

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine I (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine I (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine II (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine II (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Crown) (2021academic year) Second semester  - 水4

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Crown) (2021academic year) Second semester  - 水4

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice of Digital Dentistry and Dental (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Bridge and Dental Implant) (2021academic year) Third semester  - 水1

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice with Bridge (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Bridge and Dental Implant) (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 水1

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice with Bridge and Dental Implant (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice with Bridge and Dental Implant (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work with Bridge and Dental Implant (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work with Bridge and Dental Implant (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • 口の機能と健康管理 (2021academic year) 第2学期  - 月3, 4

  • Clinical Training: Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Oral Rehabilitation Medicine (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Oral Rehabilitation Medicine (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Skill Training for Occlusal Reconstruction by Fixed Partial Denture (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Training for dental visiting care (2021academic year) special  - 水

  • 学際的研究と臨床 (2021academic year) 第3学期  - 月2, 3

  • 学際領域ベンチャー探索 (2021academic year) 第4学期  - 月3, 4

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2021academic year) Second semester  - 火5,火6,火7,火8

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work and Adhesive Dentistry (2021academic year) Second semester  - 火6,火7,火8

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work and Adhesive Dentistry (2021academic year) Second semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Functional Occlusion System and Temporomandibular Disorders (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 水4

  • Functional Occlusion System and Temporomandibular Disorders (Orofacial Pain) (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 水4

  • Prosthodontics for Teeth Loss based on Clinical Epidemiology (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 水5

  • Clinical Training: Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Advanced Prosthodontics (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Advanced Prosthodontics (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Implant) (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 水1

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine I (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine I (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine II (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine II (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Crown) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 水4

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Crown) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 水4

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice of Digital Dentistry and Dental (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Bridge and Dental Implant) (2020academic year) Third semester  - 水1

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice with Bridge (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Occlusal Rehabilitation with Fixed Prosthodontics (Bridge and Dental Implant) (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 水1

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice with Bridge and Dental Implant (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice with Bridge and Dental Implant (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work with Bridge and Dental Implant (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work with Bridge and Dental Implant (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Clinical Training: Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Oral Implantology and Regenerative Medicine (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Oral Rehabilitation Medicine (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Oral Rehabilitation Medicine (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Skill Training for Occlusal Reconstruction by Fixed Partial Denture (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Training for dental visiting care (2020academic year) special  - 水

  • Interdisciplinary Research and Clinic (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2020academic year) Second semester  - 火6,火7,火8

  • Skill Training for Fixed Prosthodontic Practice and Adhesive Dentistry (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work and Adhesive Dentistry (2020academic year) Second semester  - 火6,火7,火8

  • Skill Training for Fixed Dental Laboratory Work and Adhesive Dentistry (2020academic year) Second semester  - 金5,金6,金7

  • Functional Occlusion System and Temporomandibular Disorders (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 水4

  • Functional Occlusion System and Temporomandibular Disorders (Orofacial Pain) (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 水4

  • Fixed Prosthodontics and EBM workshop (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6,月7

  • Prosthodontics for Teeth Loss based on Clinical Epidemiology (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 水5

  • Clinical Training: Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Training: Advanced Prosthodontics (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Project: Advanced Prosthodontics (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Prosthodontics for Teeth Loss based on Clinical Epidemiology (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 水5

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