岡山大学 農学部 環境生態学コース 国際農村開発学ユニット
研究室HP https://www.cc.okayama-u.ac.jp/~irs/
Faculty Profiles
Updated on 2024/12/23
岡山大学 農学部 環境生態学コース 国際農村開発学ユニット
研究室HP https://www.cc.okayama-u.ac.jp/~irs/
農学 ( 京都大学 )
Irrigation management
Local organization
Humanities & Social Sciences / Agricultural and food economics
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental policy and social systems
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Rural sociology and agricultural structure / 農村社会学、農業経営学、農業経済学
京都大学大学院 農学研究科
2004.4 - 2012.3
Kyoto University 農学部
2000.4 - 2004.3
Okayama University Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science Associate Professor
Okayama University The Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science Assistant Professor
2016.4 - 2018.2
Okayama University The Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science
2012.4 - 2016.3
岡山県水防協議会 委員
Committee type:Municipal
地域農林経済学会 理事
Committee type:Academic society
玉野市 水道事業審議会委員
Committee type:Municipal
農林水産省中国四国農政局 技術提案・交渉方式に関する有識者委員会委員
2020.7 - 2022.3
農村計画学会 評議員
Committee type:Academic society
倉敷市 中央斎場PFI事業選定委員会委員
2019.9 - 2021.3
Committee type:Municipal
地域地理科学会 編集委員
Committee type:Academic society
農林水産省中国四国農政局 業務における企画競争案件等に関する有識者委員会委員
Committee type:Government
農林水産省 食料・農業・農村政策審議会専門委員
2016.1 - 2020.9
Committee type:Government
Effects of Location and Women's Life Stage on Rural Women's Groups: A case of young mothers' groups of Japan Agricultural Cooperatives in Okayama Perfecture Reviewed
Yasuko HONDA, Ayaka OKAMOTO, Doo-Chul Kim
Journal of Systematic Regional Geography 26 ( 2 ) 23 - 43 2022.4
Management strategies for the catfish processing industry under the global economy-A case of Can Tho Province in southern Vietnam- Reviewed
NGUYEN The Hung, HONDA Yasuko, KIM Doo-Chul
Journal of Systematic Regional Geography 26 ( 2 ) 1 - 22 2022
Journal of The Faculty of Regional Innovation, Miyazaki University. ( 4 ) 59 - 69 2021.3
Energizing Communities through Partnership with External Actors: Small-scale Hydropower Projects in Japan Reviewed
Yasuko Honda
Journal of Asian Rural Studies 5 ( 1 ) 63 - 77 2021.1
Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers 67 ( 3 ) 172 - 190 2021
Impacts of Water Source Area Measures in Dam Construction on Local Communities:A case study of the Tomata Dam in Okayama Prefecture
Onishi Tatsuya, KIM Doo-Chul, Honda Yasuko
Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2021 72 - 72 2021
Employee Management on Farms Employing Persons with Disabilities, Based On the Scheme Supporting Continuous Employment:: A Case Study in the Okayama and Oita Prefectures Reviewed
Papers on Environmental Information Science 32 ( 0 ) 257 - 262 2018
Challenges of ESD learning at a high school in mountainous areas:A case study of Okayama prefecture,Japan
Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2018 20 - 20 2018
Shopping Behavior of Elderly People in Hilly and Mountainous Area : A Case in Aba District, Tsuyama city, Okayama Prefecture
本田 恭子, 金 枓哲, 生方 史数
Journal of systematic regional geography 23 ( 2 ) 10 - 15 2017.12
Operation of Small-Scale Hydro Power Plants by Agricultural Cooperatives in the Chugoku Region and the Effects of the Feed-in Tariff on them : Focusing on the Characteristics of Operating Associations Reviewed
本田 恭子, 松岡 崇暢, 岩本 光一郎
Journal of rural planning 36 ( 0 ) 317 - 322 2017.11
地域・産業 農業用水路における小水力発電導入の諸条件分析とまちづくり展開に向けた考察
松岡 崇暢, 岩本 光一郎, 本田 恭子
Chita Peninsula, its history and present 21 ( 21 ) 55 - 67 2017.10
Stakeholders' Role in Small-Scale Hydropower Development by Japan Agricultural Cooperatives in Chugoku Region Reviewed
本田 恭子, 松岡 崇暢, 岩本 光一郎
Journal of systematic regional geography 23 ( 1 ) 18 - 33 2017.6
A Study on the Effect of Residents' Understanding for the Use of Generated Electricity on their Endorsing an Introduction of Small Hydropower Generation:A Cace Study of Ogo Small Village, Kashimo, Nakatsugawa City Reviewed
MATSUOKA Takanobu, IWAMOTO Koichiro, HONDA Yasuko
Papers on Environmental Information Science 31 ( 0 ) 1 - 6 2017
Small-Scale Hydroelectric Power Deployment in Chugoku Region after Introduction of Feed-in Tariff Reviewed
Honda Yasuko, Miura Takeshi, Matsuoka Takanobu, Iwamoto Koichiro
Journal of Rural Problems 52 ( 3 ) 190 - 195 2016
Complementary Relations between Residents' Associations and Individual Voluntary Activities::Community-based Management for Environmental Conservation in a Suburban Area Reviewed
HONDA Yasuko
Journal of Rural Studies 23 ( 1 ) 1 - 12 2016
Changes in Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Facilities in a Hilly and Mountainous Area:: A Case Study in Iga city, Mie Prefecture Reviewed
HONDA Yasuko
Papers on Environmental Information Science 29 ( 0 ) 1 - 6 2015
Reorganization of Rural Communities in Central Coastal Area in Vietnam since Economic Reform : Focusing on Irrigation Water Management and Reorganization of Agricultural Cooperatives Reviewed
本田 恭子, ホアン ゴック ミン チャウ
Journal of systematic regional geography 19 ( 2 ) 14 - 24 2013.12
Yasuko Honda
Ryukoku journal of economic studies 52 ( 3 ) 337 - 353 2013
Requirements of Inhabitants in Hilly and Mountainous Area for City Dwellers Migrating to Rural Area : The Case of K district in Iga-city, Mie prefecture Reviewed
HONDA Yasuko, ITO Hiromasa, ODA Shigeaki
Journal of Rural Problems 47 ( 2 ) 185 - 193 2011.9
Factors Affecting Non-farmers' Participation in Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Canals : Focusing on Styles of Irrigation Water Management and Canal Maintenance Reviewed
HONDA Yasuko
Journal of rural planning 30 ( 1 ) 74 - 82 2011.6
Effect of Farm Scale Expansion on the Maintenance of Irrigation Canals and Wildlife Control Fences in Local Communities : A Case Study of Toba District in Wakasa Town, Fukui Prefecture Reviewed
HONDA Yasuko
Journal of Rural Problems 46 ( 2 ) 207 - 212 2010.9
Tendency of Local Communities to Participate in and Implement "Measures to Conserve and Improve Land, Water, and Environment" : Case study of Fukusaki town, Hyogo Prefecture where farmers and non-farmers maintain irrigation canals Reviewed
地域ぐるみ共同活動への参加意欲の形成要因と組織管理に関する考察 Reviewed
伊庭 治彦, 本田 恭子, 小田 滋晃
農林業問題研究 43 ( 1 ) 107 - 111 2007
「山村の生活」再訪 : 岡山県北部・大地区の70年
加賀, 勝, 青尾, 謙( Role: Contributor , 大地区と富地域の現在―平成の大合併と地域運営組織に焦点をあてて)
吉備人出版 2022.9 ( ISBN:9784860696900 )
農村計画研究レビュー2022 : 10年間の農村計画学を読み解く
中塚, 雅也, 山下, 良平, 斎尾, 直子( Role: Contributor , 再生可能エネルギーと農村)
筑波書房 2022.4 ( ISBN:9784811906225 )
Designing local renewable energy communities
( Role: Contributor)
2020.3 ( ISBN:9784814002689 )
本田 恭子( Role: Contributor , 地域をささえる小水力発電のマネジメント—岡山県を事例に)
昭和堂 2016 ( ISBN:9784812216088 )
Village Community as a Regional Resource Manager : Its Reorganization by Non-farmers' Participation
( Role: Sole author)
2013 ( ISBN:9784541039156 )
小田滋晃, 本田恭子( Role: Contributor , 定住型新規就農に向けたキャリア支援)
(財)農林統計協会 2009 ( ISBN:9784541036568 )
ACADEMIA 193 31 - 40 2023.10
再生可能エネルギーの担い手としての農業協同組合の現状と課題 ──中国地方の小水力発電所を事例に──
生活協同組合研究 569 ( 569 ) 43 - 50 2023.6
再生可能エネルギー発電をマネジメントする―中国地方の農協小水力を事例に― Invited
農業および園芸 98 ( 1 ) 22 - 26 2023.1
コメント (令和2年度研究大会シンポジウム報告 統一課題 農業経営学における組織文化と経営戦略の関係性に関する検討)
本田 恭子
Japanese journal of farm management 59 ( 3 ) 62 - 64 2021.10
中村 貴子, 本田 恭子
農林業問題研究 55 ( 1 ) 30 - 31 2019
生協総研賞・第13回助成事業研究論文集 25 - 41 2017
小水力発電とその持続的管理 : 中国地方を事例に (特集 エネルギー転換が拓く農業・農村の針路) -- (農村エネルギー産業の成立条件 : 克服すべき課題とソリューションの提案)
本田 恭子
農業と経済 82 ( 2 ) 71 - 75 2016.3
ブックガイド 建築計画学とフィールドワークの接合を目指して 齋藤雪彦著 農山村の荒廃と空間管理 : 計画学の立場から地域再生を考える
本田 恭子
農業と経済 81 ( 12 ) 108 - 108 2015.12
本田 恭子
山陽放送学術文化財団リポート ( 59 ) 1 - 4 2015.9
Role of Rural Communities and New Residents' Participation in the Maintenance of Irrigation Water Facilities
本田 恭子
環境技術 43 ( 8 ) 468 - 473 2014.8
42 ベトナム中部沿岸地域における「安全野菜」栽培の取り組みと土壌・水質に関する現地調査(関西支部講演会,2012年度各支部会)
茅野 瑛介, 西村 悠史, 前田 守弘, NGUYEN Van Huy, 生方 史数, 駄田井 久, 本田 恭子, 守田 秀則, 金 科哲
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 59 ( 0 ) 2013
福崎町文化 ( 28 ) 5 - 8 2012
農業と経済 76 ( 5 ) 114 - 117 2010.4
ブックガイド 安藤光義編著『集落営農の持続的な発展を目指して--集落営農立ち上げ後』
本田 恭子
農業と経済 73 ( 5 ) 108 - 108 2007.5
ブックガイド 伊庭治彦著『地域農業組織の新たな展開と組織管理』
本田 恭子
農業と経済 72 ( 7 ) 86 - 86 2006.6
A Study on the management of Regional resource and its function of disaster prevention : Case studies of the area hit by the typhoon No.23 in 2004
伊庭 治彦, 本田 恭子
神戸大学都市安全研究センター研究報告 9 335 - 342 2005.3
ブックガイド 迫田登稔著『稲作法人の経営展開と人材育成』
本田 恭子
農業と経済 70 ( 16 ) 101 - 101 2004.12
再生可能エネルギー 発電をマネジメントする―中国地方の農協小水力を事例に
2022年度日本農学会シンポジウム 2022.10.1
JA女性部フレッシュミズ部会からみた地域の女性組織の現状と課題 ―岡山県を事例に―
本田恭子, 岡本彩花, 金 枓哲
2020年度地域地理科学会大会 2020.6.28
Energizing communities by buildings partnerships with external actors: Case studies of small-scale hydropower projects in Japan
Yasuko Honda
83rd annual meeting of RSS (Rural Sociological Society) 2019.8.10
岡本 彩花, 金 枓哲, 本田 恭子
2018年度日本地理学会秋季学術大会 2018.9.23
コミュニティ政策学会第18回犬山大会 2019.7
本田 恭子
平成30年度農業農村工学会大会講演会 2018.9.5
Sustainable Management of Small Scale Hydropower by Local Communities: A Case Study of the Chugoku Region International conference
HONDA Yasuko
The 6th International Conference of ARSA 2018.8.29
本田恭子, 松岡崇暢, 岩本光一郎
農村計画学会2017年度秋期大会学術研究発表会プログラム 2017.11.26 農村計画学会
日本地域学会第53回年次大会 2016.10.10 日本地域学会
Small Hydropower Businesses in Okayama Prefecture after the Introduction of the Feed-in Tariff Scheme International conference
HONDA Yasuko
IRSA XIV 2016.8.13
第29回環境情報科学学術研究論文発表会 2015.12.1 環境情報科学センター
三浦健志, 松岡崇暢, 岩本光一郎
第65回地域農林経済学会大会 2015.11.1 地域農林経済学会
岡山県の小水力発電の現状 ―再生可能エネルギーの固定価格買取制度への対応を中心に―
平成27年度農業農村工学会大会 2015.9.3 農業農村工学会
日本村落研究学会第61回大会 2013
第63回地域農林経済学会大会 2013
2023.6 地域地理科学会
2019.4 農村計画学会 農業用水の多目的利用と地域ぐるみによる水利施設の維持管理に向けた研究
2014.4 山陽放送学術財団 地域コミュニティにおける再生可能エネル ギー・マネジメントの存立条件―中国地方 の小水力発電を事例に―
2013.3 地域農林経済学会 本田恭子著『地域資源保全主体としての集落ー非農家・新住民参加による再編を目指してー』農林統計協会
2010 本田恭子「都市住民の農村への移住に対する中山間地住民の受け入れ条件」
Grant number:23K05444 2023.04 - 2027.03
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
本田 恭子, 木原 奈穂子
Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct expense: \3000000 、 Indirect expense:\900000 )
Energizing communities by buildings partnerships with external actors: Case Studies of small-scale hydropower projects in Japan
2019.05 - 2020.03
公益財団法人ウエスコ学術振興財団 令和元年度学術研究費助成金「海外渡航費助成」
2019.04 - 2022.03
日本学術振興会 若手研究
本田 恭子
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2016.04 - 2018.03
日本学術振興会 若手研究(B)
本田 恭子
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2015.10 - 2016.09
生協総合研究所 2015年度生協総研賞助成事業
本田 恭子
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2014.04 - 2015.03
山陽放送学術文化財団 第51回学術研究助成
本田 恭子
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Exploratory Study on Formation of the 'community walls' in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Areas
Grant number:25570017 2013.04 - 2016.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
FUJII Wasa, OOTAKE Haruka, SUGIMOTO Kumiko, HONDA Yasuko, NANBA Takashi, SUGIMOTO Takashi, TANAKA Satomi, TAKAYA Sachi, EIZAWA Naoko
Grant amount:\3510000 ( Direct expense: \2700000 、 Indirect expense:\810000 )
Our field research on the rights and duties of new and old residents toward the local communities revealed following points: 1) When people of different background try to build relationships with community residents, community walls will be formed. 2) Those walls are supported by the values embedded in the historical and cultural contexts rooted in the place that are shared by the insiders within the walls. 3) Course of time creates walls called ‘generations’. 4) The community identity and the community walls that emphasize the community are the two sides of the same coin. When we look at the community from the perspective of the creation of the community, the way of the inside of the walls will be the issue.
Undergraduate's-level thesis research (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2024academic year) Prophase - その他
Seminar in International Rural Development (2024academic year) Prophase - その他
Seminar in International Rural Development (2024academic year) Late - その他
Advanced Seminar in International Rural Development (2024academic year) Year-round - その他
Advanced Course of Regional Governance (2024academic year) Late - その他
Regional Governance (2024academic year) Late - 木3~4
Practical English for Science and Engineering (2024academic year) Third semester - 月6,木4
Advanced Study (2024academic year) Other - その他
Environment and Geography (2024academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1~2
Seminar on Environment Geography (2024academic year) Fourth semester - 月7~8,木7
Environmental Sociology (2024academic year) 1st semester - 金3,金4
Environmental Sociology (2024academic year) Second semester - 火1~2,木3
Environmental Sociology 1 (2024academic year) 1st semester - 金3,金4
Seminars in Special Field of Study 1 (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - その他
Seminars in Special Field of Study 2 (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - その他
Academic Paper Writing (2024academic year) Late - その他
Rural sociology (2024academic year) Third semester - 水5,水6
Rural Sociology 1 (2024academic year) Third semester - 水5,水6
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2023academic year) Prophase - その他
Seminar in International Rural Studies (2023academic year) Late - その他
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2023academic year) Late - その他
Seminar in International Rural Studies (2023academic year) Prophase - その他
Seminar in International Rural Development (2023academic year) Prophase - その他
Seminar in International Rural Development (2023academic year) Late - その他
Advanced Seminar in International Rural Development (2023academic year) Year-round - その他
Advanced Course of Regional Governance (2023academic year) Late - その他
Regional Governance (2023academic year) Late - 木3~4
Practical English for Science and Engineering (2023academic year) Third semester - 月6,木4
Special Research (2023academic year) Other - その他
Special Research (2023academic year) Year-round - その他
Advanced Study (2023academic year) Other - その他
Environment and Geography (2023academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1~2
Seminar on Environment Geography (2023academic year) Fourth semester - 月7~8,木7
Environmental Sociology (2023academic year) Second semester - 火1~2,木3
Environmental Sociology 1 (2023academic year) 1st semester - 金3,金4
Environmental Sociology 2 (2023academic year) Second semester - 金3,金4
Academic Paper Writing (2023academic year) Late - その他
Rural Sociology (2023academic year) Late - 木2~3
Rural sociology (2023academic year) Third semester - 水5,水6
Advanced Rural Sociology (2023academic year) Late - その他
Rural Sociology 1 (2023academic year) Third semester - 水5,水6
Community Development in Asia (2022academic year) Fourth semester - 月7~8,木7
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2022academic year) Prophase - その他
Seminar in International Rural Studies (2022academic year) Late - その他
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2022academic year) Late - その他
Seminar in International Rural Studies (2022academic year) Prophase - その他
Practical English for Science and Engineering (2022academic year) Third semester - 月6,木4
Special Research (2022academic year) Year-round - その他
Special Research (2022academic year) Other - その他
Environment and Geography (2022academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1~2
Environment and Geography (2022academic year) 1st semester - その他
Environment Geography (2022academic year) Third semester - 木5~8
Seminar on Environment Geography (2022academic year) Fourth semester - 月7~8,木7
Environmental Sociology (2022academic year) Second semester - 火1~2,木3
Rural Sociology (2022academic year) Late - 木2~3
Advanced Rural Sociology (2022academic year) Late - その他
Rural Sociology 1 (2022academic year) Third semester - 水1,水2
Rural Sociology 2 (2022academic year) Fourth semester - 水1,水2
Community Development in Asia (2021academic year) Fourth semester - 月7,月8,木7
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2021academic year) Prophase - その他
Seminar in International Rural Studies (2021academic year) Late - その他
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2021academic year) Late - その他
Seminar in International Rural Studies (2021academic year) Prophase - その他
Practical English for Science and Engineering (2021academic year) Third semester - 月6,木4
Special Research (2021academic year) Year-round - その他
Environment and Geography (2021academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1~2
Environment and Geography (2021academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1~2
Environment and Geograhy (2021academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1~2
Environmental Sociology (2021academic year) Second semester - 火1~2,木3
Rural Sociology (2021academic year) Late - 木2~3
Advanced Rural Sociology (2021academic year) Late - その他
Community Development in Asia (2020academic year) Fourth semester - 月7,月8,木7,木8
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2020academic year) Prophase - その他
Seminar in International Rural Studies (2020academic year) Late - その他
Seminar on International Rural Studies (2020academic year) Late - その他
Seminar in International Rural Studies (2020academic year) Prophase - その他
Region and Landscape (2020academic year) 1st semester - 火6,火7,金6,金7
Practical English for Science and Engineering (2020academic year) Third semester - 月6,木6
Landscape Management (2020academic year) Second semester - 火1,火2,木3
Special Research (2020academic year) Year-round - その他
Environment and Geography (2020academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1,木2
Environment and Geography (2020academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1,木2
Environment and Geograhy (2020academic year) 1st semester - 月3,木1,木2
Environmental Sociology (2020academic year) Second semester - 火1,火2,木3
Introduction to Environmental Management Technology (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - 水4
Introduction to Environmental Management Technology I (2020academic year) 1st semester - 水4
Introduction to Environmental Management Technology II (2020academic year) Second semester - 水4
Theories on Resource Management (2020academic year) 1st semester - 火6,火7,金6,金7
Rural Sociology (2020academic year) Late - 木2,木3
Advanced Rural Sociology (2020academic year) special - その他