Updated on 2024/05/16


Hiroyuki Nakagawa
Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology Professor
External link


  • 博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )

  • Master (Information science and technology) ( The University of Tokyo )

  • 学士(工学) ( 大阪大学 )

Research Interests

  • Software engineering

  • probabilistic model checking

  • Requirements Engineering

  • エージェント技術

  • 自己適応システム

  • ソフトウェア工学

  • agent technology

  • self-adaptive systems

Research Areas

  • Informatics / Intelligent informatics

  • Informatics / Software


  • The University of Tokyo   情報理工学系研究科   創造情報学専攻 博士課程

    2007.4 - 2008.3

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    Country: Japan


  • The University of Tokyo    

    - 2008

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  • The University of Tokyo   情報理工学系研究科   創造情報学専攻 修士課程

    2005.4 - 2007.3

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    Country: Japan


  • The University of Tokyo    

    - 2007

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  • Osaka University   基礎工学部   情報工学科

    1993.4 - 1997.3

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Research History

  • Osaka University   Graduate School of Information Science and Technology


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  • Okayama University   学術研究院 環境生命自然科学学域   Professor


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  • Osaka University   Graduate School of Information Science and Technology   Associate Professor

    2014.1 - 2024.3

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  • The University of Electro-Communications Graduate School of Information Systems Department of Social Intelligence and Informatics   Assistant Professor

    2008.4 - 2013.12

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Professional Memberships

Committee Memberships

  • 情報処理学会論文誌「ソフトウェア工学」特集号   編集委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2024)   Technical Program committee member  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 36th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2024)   Program committee member  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2023)   ERA track Program committee member  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 19th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS2024)   Program Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 第30回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎 ワークショップ(FOSE2023)   プログラム委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems(MODELS2023)   Tools & Demonstrations Session Program committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Symposium (SES 2023)   General chair  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2023)   Technical Program committee member  

    2022.9 - 2023.4   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 35th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2023)   Program committee member  

    2022.8 - 2023.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • IEICE SIG-KBSE   Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2022)   SEIP track Program committee member  

    2022.4 - 2022.12   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 第29回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎 ワークショップ(FOSE2022)   プログラム委員  

    2022.4 - 2022.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Symposium (SES 2022)   Program committee  

    2022.4 - 2022.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 情報処理学会 ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2022)   WS6: プロセスマイニングの基礎と応用 討論リーダ  

    2022.4 - 2022.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Symposium (SES 2022)   Workshop chair  

    2022.4 - 2022.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2022)   Program committee member  

    2022.3 - 2022.12   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems(MODELS2022)   Tools & Demonstrations Session Program committee  

    2022.1 - 2022.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE2022)   Program committee  

    2021.10 - 2022.8   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2022)   Technical Program committee member  

    2021.9 - 2022.4   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 第28回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎 ワークショップ(FOSE2021)   プログラム委員  

    2021.4 - 2021.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2021)   プログラム委員  

    2021.4 - 2021.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2021)   Program committee member  

    2021.1 - 2021.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems(MODELS2021)   Local Arrangements Chairs  

    2021.1 - 2021.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems(MODELS2021)   Tool Demonstration Program committee  

    2021.1 - 2021.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems(MODELS2021)   Poster Session Program committee  

    2021.1 - 2021.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks(DSN 2021)   Doctoral Symposium program committee member  

    2021.1 - 2021.6   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2021)   Program committee member  

    2020.12 - 2021.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems: Special Section on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering   Guest Editor-in-Chief  

    2020.10 - 2022.5   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2021)   Technical Program committee member  

    2020.9 - 2021.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • IEICE SIG-KBSE   Chairman  

    2020.5 - 2022.5   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 第27回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎 ワークショップ(FOSE2020)   プログラム委員  

    2020.4 - 2020.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2020)   プログラム委員  

    2020.4 - 2020.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2020)   出版委員長  

    2020.4 - 2020.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2020)   Program committee member  

    2020.1 - 2020.12   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2020)   Program committee member  

    2019.12 - 2020.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2020)   Program committee member  

    2019.10 - 2020.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会2020年総合大会   プログラム編成委員  

    2019.10 - 2020.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2020)   Technical Program committee member  

    2019.9 - 2020.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE2020)   Program chair  

    2019.8 - 2020.8   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE2020)   General Chair  

    2019.8 - 2020.8   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2019)   Program committee member  

    2019.7 - 2019.12   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 フォーマルアプローチ小特集(英文論文誌D)   幹事  

    2019.4 - 2020.5   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 第26回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎 ワークショップ(FOSE2019)   プログラム委員  

    2019.4 - 2019.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2019)   プログラム委員  

    2019.4 - 2019.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 31st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2019)   Program committee member  

    2018.12 - 2019.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems: Special Section on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering   Guest Editor  

    2018.11 - 2020.5   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • IEICE SIG-KBSE   Vice Chairman  

    2018.5 - 2020.5   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 フォーマルアプローチ小特集(英文論文誌D)   幹事  

    2018.4 - 2019.8   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2018)   Program committee  

    2018.4 - 2018.12   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 第25回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎 ワークショップ(FOSE2018)   プログラム委員  

    2018.4 - 2018.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2018)   プログラム委員  

    2018.4 - 2018.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本ソフトウェア科学会第35回大会   運営副委員長  

    2017.9 - 2018.8   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 「知能ソフトウェア工学」特集(英文論文誌D)   英文論文誌編集委員(リエゾン)  

    2017.6 - 2018.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 情報処理学会 ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIGSE)   運営委員  

    2017.4 - 2021.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 フォーマルアプローチ小特集(英文論文誌D)   幹事  

    2017.4 - 2018.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2017)   プログラム委員  

    2017.4 - 2017.8   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 30th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2018)   Program committee  

    2017.3 - 2018.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 29th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2017)   Program committee  

    2017.2 - 2017.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (Mobile Cloud2017)   Program committee  

    2016.10 - 2017.4   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 32nd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2017)   Technical Program committee member  

    2016.9 - 2017.4   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIG-KBSE)   専門委員  

    2016.6 - 2018.4   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 フォーマルアプローチ小特集(英文論文誌D)   幹事  

    2016.4 - 2017.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2016)   プログラム委員  

    2016.4 - 2016.8   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 10th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO2016)   Program committee  

    2016.2 - 2016.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 28th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2016)   Program committee  

    2016.1 - 2016.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The Third Asia-Pacific Requirements Engineering Symposium (APRES2016)   Program committee  

    2015.12 - 2016.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER2016)   Poster session chair  

    2015.12 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2016)   Program committee  

    2015.9 - 2016.4   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 英文論文誌D編集委員会   英文論文誌編集委員  

    2015.6 - 2019.5   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 「知能ソフトウェア工学」特集(英文論文誌D)   編集委員会幹事  

    2015.6 - 2016.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIG-KBSE)   幹事  

    2015.6 - 2016.5   

      More details

    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 フォーマルアプローチ小特集(英文論文誌D)   幹事  

    2015.6 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 9th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO2015)   Program committee  

    2015.1 - 2015.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2015)   プログラム委員  

    2015.1 - 2015.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2015)   Program committee  

    2014.10 - 2015.4   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIG-KBSE)   幹事補佐  

    2014.5 - 2015.5   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2014)   プログラム委員  

    2014.1 - 2014.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 8th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO2014)   Program committee  

    2014.1 - 2014.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 7th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO2013)   Program committee  

    2013.1 - 2013.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2013)   プログラム委員  

    2013.1 - 2013.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 情報処理学会 ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIGSE)   運営委員  

    2012.4 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2012)   プログラム委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究専門委員会 (SIG-AI)   幹事補佐  

    2009.5 - 2009.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2009)   プログラム委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム(JAWS2008)   プログラム委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering(ASE2006)   Poster Session Chair  


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    Committee type:Academic society


▼display all



  • Harnessing LLM Conversations for Goal Model Generation from User Reviews.

    Shuaicai Ren, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    ICAART (3)   385 - 392   2024

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.5220/0012352200003636


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/icaart/icaart2024-3.html#RenNT24

  • 強化学習と階層化意思決定法を用いた施設レイアウト自動設計支援システムの提案 Reviewed

    池田光, 中川博之, 赤木宏匡, 関本章, 土屋達弘

    日本経営工学会論文誌   2023.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • KAOS Modeling Editor: A Tool for Semi-Automated Goal Modeling Reviewed

    Keitaro Watanabe, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 42nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2023)   2023.11

     More details

    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • 機械学習プロジェクトアンチパターンの普及モデル

    竹内広宜, 小形真平, 海谷治彦, 中川博之

    情報処理学会 研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE)   2023.11

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • モデル検査によるUMLステートマシン図の多次元的検証支援の検討 Reviewed

    田中友基, 小形真平, 青木善貴, 中川博之, 岡野浩三

    ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2023   2023.11

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Exploring the Potential of LLM for Review-driven Goal Model Generation

    Shuaicai Ren, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    IEICE Technical report   109 - 116   2023.9

     More details

    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Practice-based Collection of Bad Smells in Machine Learning Projects Reviewed

    Hironori Takeuchi, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shinpei Ogata

    Proc. of the 27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2023)   2023.9

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • MAPE-K Loop-based Goal Model Generation Using Generative AI Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shinichi Honiden

    Proc. of the IEEE 31st International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW 2023)   247 - 251   2023.9

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Finding Contributable Activities Using Non-Verb Attributes in Events Reviewed

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shinpei Ogata, Shinobu Saito, Hironori Takeuchi

    Proc. of the 27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2023)   2023.9

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • 時系列データを用いたソフトウェア運用ログのパターン識別手法 Invited

    角田詩門, 斎藤忍, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    情報処理学会 研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE)   2023-SE-214   1 - 8   2023.7

     More details

    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 二種類のモデル検査器を用いたシステムの振る舞いの検証の試み

    青木善貴, 小形真平, 中川博之, 小林一樹

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE)   KBSE2023-31   110 - 115   2023.7

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Expansion Mechanism for Runtime Verification of Self-adaptive Systems Reviewed

    Masaya Fujimoto, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2023)   2023.7

     More details

    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Xtune: An XAI-Based Hyperparameter Tuning Method for Time-series Forecasting Using Deep Learning

    Shimon Sumita, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Research Square   2023.7

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 機械学習プロジェクトアンチパターンの構造化手法

    竹内広宜, 小形真平, 海谷治彦, 中川博之, 山本修一郎

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE)   KBSE2023-4   21 - 26   2023.5

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 対話型システムにおけるユーザの物品取り忘れの発生状況特定に関する検討

    成澤瑠佳, 小形真平, 青木善貴, 中川博之, 小林一樹, 岡野浩三

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE)   KBSE2023-10   59 - 64   2023.5

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • A New Approach to Solving Multiple-floor Facility Layout Problems Using Genetic Programming Reviewed

    Fumi Sekimoto, Hiromasa Akagi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa

    Proc. of the IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2023   ( 135 )   1 - 6   2023.5

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • DeepSortを用いた中密度群衆からのグループ検出手法とその精度向上に関する考察

    植野直次朗, 中川博之, 冨沢哲雄, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE)   KBSE2023-1   1 - 6   2023.5

     More details

    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 機械学習プロジェクトにおけるアンチパターンとその整備

    竹内広宜, 小形真平, 海谷治彦, 中川博之

    情報処理学会 研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE)   2023-SE-213 ( 22 )   1 - 8   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 実行時間の不確実性を考慮した動的検証機能を持つ自己適応システム実装フレームワークの検討

    内藤惇, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 ライフインテリジェンスとオフィス情報システム研究会(LOIS)   LOIS2022-64   120 - 125   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Automatic Facility Layout Design System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Reviewed

    Hikaru Ikeda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023)   2   221 - 230   2023.2

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • ラプラス展開に着目した自己適応システムにおける動的検証の高速化に関する考察

    藤本昌也, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE)   KBSE2022-47   25 - 30   2023.1

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Defect classification in robotic process automation Reviewed

    Soshi Nitta, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    40 ( 1 )   11 - 23   2023.1

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.40.1_11


  • Goal model structuring based on semantic correlation of user reviews Reviewed

    Shuaicai Ren, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Intelligent Decision Technologies Journal   16 ( 4 )   737 - 748   2022.12

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOS Press  

    User review is a crucial component of open mobile app market, such as the Google Play Store. These markets allow users to submit reviews for downloaded apps. By analyzing these reviews, app developers can find new or missing features. However, owing to the huge number of reviews, this manual process is time-consuming and unscalable. An automatic method for user review clustering and goal-model identification has been proposed. However, this method limits the numbers of sub-goals in the goal model. To address this, we propose a comprehensive user review clustering method. This method comprises two components. One is a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model, which clusters user reviews into several topics. The other is a distance-based clustering algorithm, which is an improved version of the existing clustering method.

    DOI: 10.3233/idt-220269


  • 鉄道車両ドアの閉扉タイミングの適正化による駆け込み乗車の抑制

    藤村優太郎, 冨沢哲雄, 中川博之, 多羅尾進

    第23回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2022)   ( 3A2-B02 )   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 機械学習プロジェクトの実施における危険な匂いとその認知度の調査

    竹内広宜, 小形真平, 海谷治彦, 中川博之

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2022.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 確率的モデル検査ツールによるパロンドのパラドックスの分析

    西口尚輝, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2022.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • BotログマイニングによるRPAのデバッグ手法の検討

    新田壮史, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2022.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 文章の方向性に関する質問に基づく仕様書からのゴール抽出手法の提案

    渡辺啓太郎, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2022.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • エポックワードと名詞の重要度を用いたソフトウェア仕様書からのゴール文の抽出 Reviewed

    渡辺啓太郎, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2022   135 - 140   2022.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 深層強化学習を用いた施設レイアウト設計システム

    池田光, 中川博之, 赤木宏匡, 関本章, 土屋達弘

    日本経営工学会2022年秋季大会予稿集   282 - 283   2022.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Optimal Parameter Selection Using Explainable AI for Time-Series Anomaly Detection Reviewed

    Shimon Sumita, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 24th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2022)   281 - 296   2022.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • A note on performance and sensitivity analysis of self-adaptive systems using parametric Markov decision processes

    Junjun Zheng, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Towards Automatic Facility Layout Design Using Reinforcement Learning Reviewed

    Hikaru Ikeda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and intelligent systems (FedCSIS 2022)   11 - 20   2022.9

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.15439/2022F25


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/fedcsis/fedcsis2022c.html#IkedaNT22

  • A Proposal to Find Mutually Contributable Business or Life Activities Using Conformance Checking Reviewed

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Tomoya Misawa, Shinpei Ogata, Shinobu Saito, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Hironori Takeuchi

    Proc. of the 26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2022)   2022.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Hierarchical User Review Clustering Based on Multiple Subgoal Generation Reviewed

    Shuaicai Ren, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE 2022)   2022.8

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • A Study on Analyzing Learner Behaviors in State Machine Modeling Using Process Mining and Statistical Test Reviewed

    Shinpei Ogata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Takeuchi

    Proc. of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE 2022)   2022.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Embedded System Evolution in IoT System Development Based on MAPE-K Loop Mechanism

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shinya Tsuchida, Emiliano Tramontana, Andrea Fornaia, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    arXiv   2205.13375   1 - 17   2022.5

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2205.13375


  • XAIを用いた自己適応異常検知手法の実用化に向けて

    角田詩門, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   KBSE2022-3   13 - 18   2022.5

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 強化学習と階層化意思決定法を用いた施設レイアウト自動設計手法の提案

    池田光, 中川博之, 関本章, 赤木宏匡, 土屋達弘

    日本経営工学会2022年春季大会予稿集   107 - 108   2022.5

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 機械学習プロジェクトに関する知見の活用における意思決定プロセスモデルの利用

    竹内広宜, 小形真平, 海谷治彦, 中川博之

    電子情報通信学会 サービスコンピューティング研究会(SIG-SC) 信学技報   SC2022-6   31 - 36   2022.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Heuristic Minerを用いたパラメータ調整に基づくプロセスモデル抽出手法

    南垣内一輝, 中川博之, 海谷治彦, 小形真平, 竹内広宜, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   KBSE2021-46   30 - 35   2022.3

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Reference Model for Agile Development of Machine Learning-based Service Systems Reviewed

    Hironori Takeuchi, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shinpei Ogata

    Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Machine Learning Systems Engineering (iMLSE2021)   17 - 20   2021.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • RPAにおける不具合発生要因の分類 Reviewed

    新田壮史, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2021   2021.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 異粒度指向反例解析に向けて Reviewed

    小形真平, 大池勇太郎, 中川博之, 青木善貴, 小林一樹, 岡野浩三

    ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2021   45 - 50   2021.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 強化学習に基づいた施設レイアウト自動設計支援システムの実現に向けて

    池田光, 中川博之, 関本章, 赤木宏匡, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   KBSE2021-26   7 - 12   2021.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Preemptive Anomaly Prediction in IoT Components Reviewed

    Alhassan Boner Diallo, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architecture Workshop (CASA 2021)   12 - 17   2021.9

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Graph queries for analyzing the coverage of requirements by test cases Reviewed

    Shingo Ariwaka, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2021)   544 - 549   2021.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:KSI Research Inc.  

    DOI: 10.18293/seke2021-122


  • Adaptation Space Reduction Using an Explainable Framework Reviewed

    Alhassan Boner Diallo, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2021)   1653 - 1660   2021.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/compsac51774.2021.00247


  • 要求仕様に対するテストカバレッジ分析におけるグラフクエリの適用について Reviewed

    有若新悟, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    ソフトウェア・シンポジウム2021   136 - 141   2021.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • エンタープライズアーキテクチャを用いた機械学習サービスシステムのアジャイル開発モデル

    竹内広宜, 小形真平, 海谷治彦, 中川博之

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   KBSE2021-8   44 - 49   2021.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • トレーサビリティリンク生成における自然言語処理モデルの性能比較

    新田壮史, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報KBSE2020-34   1 - 6   2021.3

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 時間制約を実行時に検証可能な自己適応フレームワークに関する研究

    小島英春, 中川博之

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) ,信学技報KBSE2020-31   13 - 18   2021.1

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 要求-テストケース間のカバレッジ分析におけるグラフクエリの応用可能性の検討

    有若新悟, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報KBSE2020-25   53 - 58   2020.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Using simulated annealing for locating array construction Reviewed

    Tatsuya Konishi, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Information and Software Technology   126   106346 - 106346   2020.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2020.106346


  • モデル検査における複雑な検査式に対する反例解析手法の提案 Reviewed


    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2020)   23 - 31   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • グラフ化による制御ループに関する反例の可視化手法の提案 Reviewed

    青木善貴, 小形真平, 小林一樹, 中川博之

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2020)   115 - 124   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • An Explainable Deep Learning Approach for Adaptation Space Reduction Reviewed

    Alhassan Boner Diallo, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C 2020)   2020.8

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/acsos-c51401.2020.00063


  • An Automated Goal Labeling Method Based on User Reviews Reviewed

    Shuaicai Ren, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2020)   141 - 146   2020.7

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Interactive Goal Model Construction Based on a Flow of Questions Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Hironori Shimada, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems   E103-D ( 06 )   1309 - 1318   2020.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Copyright © 2020 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Goal modeling is a method that describes requirements structurally. Goal modeling mainly consists of two tasks: extraction of goals and organization of the extracted goals. Generally, the process of the goal modeling requires intensive manual intervention and higher modeling skills than the process of the usual requirements description. In order to mitigate this problem, we propose a method that provides systematic supports for constructing goal models. In the method, the requirement analyst answers questions and a goal model is semi-automatically constructed based on the answers made. We develop a prototype tool that implements the proposed method and apply it to two systems. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the method.

    DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2019KBP0015



  • Finding Minimum Locating Arrays Using a CSP Solver Reviewed

    Tatsuya Konishi, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Fundamenta Informaticae   174 ( 1 )   27 - 42   2020.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOS Press  

    © 2020 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved. Combinatorial interaction testing is an efficient software testing strategy. If all interactions among test parameters or factors needed to be covered, the size of a required test suite would be prohibitively large. In contrast, this strategy only requires covering t-wise interactions where t is typically very small. As a result, it becomes possible to significantly reduce test suite size. Locating arrays aim to enhance the ability of combinatorial interaction testing. In particular, ( 1 ,t ) -locating arrays can not only execute all t-way interactions but also identify, if any, which of the interactions causes a failure. In spite of this useful property, there is only limited research either on how to generate locating arrays or on their minimum sizes. In this paper, we propose an approach to generating minimum locating arrays. In the approach, the problem of finding a locating array consisting of N tests is represented as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) instance, which is in turn solved by a modern CSP solver. The results of using the proposed approach reveal many ( 1 ,t ) -locating arrays that are smallest known so far. In addition, some of these arrays are proved to be minimum.

    DOI: 10.3233/fi-2020-1929



  • Opinion Analysis and Organization of Mobile Application User Reviews Reviewed

    Long Wang, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the Third Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering (NLP4RE 2020)   2584   1 - 9   2020.3

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. User reviews play a vital role in mobile application development. New users can grasp the pros and cons of an app from user reviews, and de- velopers can improve the app by addressing the issues mentioned in the user reviews. However, scanning and analyzing massive user reviews is always a challenging and time-consuming task for both users and de- velopers. This paper proposes a solution to build a tool for analyzing and organizing user reviews. To analyze user reviews, we classify the sentences in the reviews into predefined categories by using a machine learning algorithm; then, we apply text classification techniques to de- termine the review sentence's polarity and finally to mine key phrases from the sentences. We conducted an experiment using user reviews for two messaging apps. The experimental results demonstrate that we can organize the core information of each review and present the information to users and developers in respectively different ways.



  • 安全性解析支援のための状態遷移系に基づくハザード近接状態検出法の提案

    鈴木悠介, 小形真平, 大池勇太郎, 青木善貴, 中川博之, 小林一樹, 岡野浩三

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   KBSE2019-47   7 - 12   2020.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 遺伝的プログラミングを用いた施設レイアウト自動生成の検討

    花田響四郎, 中川博之, 関本章, 赤木宏匡, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   KBSE2019-46   1 - 6   2020.3

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • ゴール指向要求分析に基づくAI・データ分析案件業務の効率化

    奥谷大介, 伊加田恵志, 中川博之

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   KBSE2019-49   19 - 24   2020.3

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • A Model Transformation Approach to Constructing Agent-oriented Design Models for CPS/IoT Systems Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shinpei Ogata, Yoshitaka Aoki, Kazuki Kobayashi

    Proc. of the 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2020)   815 - 822   2020.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1145/3341105.3374033


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/sac/sac2020.html#NakagawaOAK20

  • A proposal of Quantitative Verification of Control Loop Using Probabilistic Model Checker Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Aoki, Shinpei Ogata, Kazuki Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa

    115 - 120   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • word2vecとゴールモデルの階層性を利用した類似ゴール検出方法の提案

    石川公一, 小形真平, 中川博之, 岡野浩三

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 不具合原因特定に向けたNuSMV反例解析手法の試案

    大池勇太郎, 小形真平, 青木善貴, 中川博之, 小林一樹, 岡野浩三

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 文書間の類似度に基づいたトレーサビリティリンクの精度向上手法の検討

    東和幸, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Method of Refining Topic Models Based on Term and Document Frequencies Reviewed

    Kazuyuki Higashi, Hitoshi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    JSSST Journal Compupter Software   36 ( 4 )   25 - 31   2019.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Expression Caching for Runtime Verification Based on Parameterized Probabilistic Models Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Hiromu Toyama, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    The Journal of Systems & Software   156   300 - 311   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Using simulated annealing for locating array construction

    Tatsuya Konishi, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    arXiv   1 - 23   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Finding minimum locating arrays using a CSP solver

    Tatsuya Konishi, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    arXiv   174 ( 1 )   1 - 16   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    © 2020 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved. Combinatorial interaction testing is an efficient software testing strategy. If all interactions among test parameters or factors needed to be covered, the size of a required test suite would be prohibitively large. In contrast, this strategy only requires covering t-wise interactions where t is typically very small. As a result, it becomes possible to significantly reduce test suite size. Locating arrays aim to enhance the ability of combinatorial interaction testing. In particular, ( 1 ,t ) -locating arrays can not only execute all t-way interactions but also identify, if any, which of the interactions causes a failure. In spite of this useful property, there is only limited research either on how to generate locating arrays or on their minimum sizes. In this paper, we propose an approach to generating minimum locating arrays. In the approach, the problem of finding a locating array consisting of N tests is represented as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) instance, which is in turn solved by a modern CSP solver. The results of using the proposed approach reveal many ( 1 ,t ) -locating arrays that are smallest known so far. In addition, some of these arrays are proved to be minimum.

    DOI: 10.3233/FI-2020-1929



  • Applicability of an Agent-oriented Software Design Methodology to the Design of IoT Systems Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shinpei Ogata, Yoshitaka Aoki, Kazuki Kobayashi

    204 - 211   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Towards Real-time Self-adaptation Using a Verification Mechanism Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Hiroki Tsuda, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 31st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2019)   10 - 12   2019.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • NuSMVの反例に対する自動検証による解析支援ツールの試作

    大池勇太郎, 小形真平, 青木善貴, 中川博之, 岡野浩三

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2019.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Self-Adaptation for Heterogeneous Client-Server Online Games Reviewed

    Satoru Yamagata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proc. of the 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2019)   65 - 79   2019.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Springer  

    Outstanding paper

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25213-7_5


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/ACISicis/ACISicis2019b.html#YamagataNSTO19

  • Practice and Evaluation of a Method to Calculate Similarity between Goals Using Word2Vec

    Koichi Ishikawa, Shinpei Ogata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kozo Okano


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Goal Model Construction Based on User Review Classification Reviewed

    Hironori Shimada, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 25th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2019)   2019.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • 自己適応システムの動的検証法の高速化に関する研究

    妙見侑祐, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   KBSE2018-66   75 - 80   2019.3

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • A Prototype Tool to Aid Analysis of Counterexamples Produced by NuSMV Reviewed

    Yutaro Oike, Shinpei Ogata, Yoshitaka Aoki, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kozo Okano


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Report on the 35th JSSST Annual Conference. Reviewed

    MORIHATA Akimasa, INOUE Katsuro, KUSUMOTO Shinji, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, ITO Kei, HASEBE Koji

    Computer Software   36 ( 2 )   2_2 - 2_15   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Software Science and Technology  


    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.36.2_2

    CiNii Article


  • Verification of CPS Based on Control Loop using Model Checking Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Aoki, Shinpei Ogata, Kazuki Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa

    Proc. of the 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2018)   678 - 682   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/APSEC.2018.00089


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/apsec/apsec2018.html#AokiOKN18

  • Verification of CPS Based on Control Loop using Model Checking Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Aoki, Shinpei Ogata, Kazuki Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa

    Proc. of the 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2018)   678 - 682   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/APSEC.2018.00089


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/apsec/apsec2018.html#AokiOKN18

  • Constructing a Goal Model Based on Application User Reviews Reviewed

    Hironori Shimada, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Constructing a Goal Model Based on Application User Reviews Reviewed

    Hironori Shimada, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Document Frequencyと単語類似度に基づいたストップワード自動作成手法の検討

    東和幸, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIG-KBSE) 信学技報   2018.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Template System for Modeling and Verifying Agent Behaviors Reviewed

    Shinpei Ogata, Yoshitaka Aoki, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kazuki Kobayashi

    Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2018)   11224 LNAI   576 - 584   2018.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018. The spread of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) leads developers to embed various agents in a large system. It is a complicated and difficult task to analyze and design such systems from comprehensive specifications such as an architecture document because many behaviors of many components including agents must be dealt with. In such a system, the appropriateness of interactions between components should be ensured. However, no method to efficiently define and verify behaviors in such interactions from such specifications taking into consideration the characteristics of CPSs has been proposed. To improve this situation, this paper preliminarily proposes a stepwise method to define and verify behaviors in interactions between CPS components. More specifically, a template system to stepwise define behaviors from an abstract level to a concrete level is presented based on an existing architecture modeling method. Furthermore, a model transformation tool for verifying such behavior definitions by using the model checking tool NuSMV is introduced.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03098-8_44



  • A Template System for Modeling and Verifying Agent Behaviors Reviewed

    Shinpei Ogata, Yoshitaka Aoki, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kazuki Kobayashi

    Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2018)   11224 LNAI   576 - 584   2018.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018. The spread of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) leads developers to embed various agents in a large system. It is a complicated and difficult task to analyze and design such systems from comprehensive specifications such as an architecture document because many behaviors of many components including agents must be dealt with. In such a system, the appropriateness of interactions between components should be ensured. However, no method to efficiently define and verify behaviors in such interactions from such specifications taking into consideration the characteristics of CPSs has been proposed. To improve this situation, this paper preliminarily proposes a stepwise method to define and verify behaviors in interactions between CPS components. More specifically, a template system to stepwise define behaviors from an abstract level to a concrete level is presented based on an existing architecture modeling method. Furthermore, a model transformation tool for verifying such behavior definitions by using the model checking tool NuSMV is introduced.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03098-8_44



  • 組み込みシステムに対する安全な機能追加手法の考察

    土田真也, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Document-based Parameter Correlation Metric for Test Design Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Nobukazu Ishii, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2018)   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • コントロールループに着目したIoTアーキテクチャモデルの検証に関する一考察

    青木善貴, 小形真平, 小林一樹, 中川博之


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Framework for Updating Functionalities Based on the MAPE Loop Mechanism Reviewed

    Shinya Tsuchida, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Emiliano Tramontana, Andrea Fornaia, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 42nd IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2018)   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Improvement of User Reviews Classification Using Keyword Expansion Reviewed

    Kazuyuki Higashi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2018)   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • サイバーフィジカル統合型モデを用いたフィールドモニタリングシステムの開発

    小林一樹, 小形真平, 青木善貴, 中川博之


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 時間制約を考慮可能な自己適応システム実装フレームワークの検討

    津田宏軌, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 質問フローに基づくゴールモデル構築手法の提案

    島田裕紀, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 焼きなまし法によるロケーティングアレイの生成

    小西達也, 小島英春, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Requirements Coverage Visualization Approach Based on Document Similarities Invited Reviewed

    Shori Matsui, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    JSSST Journal Compupter Software   2018.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.35.1_67


  • TORTEによるIoTシステムモデリングの実践 ~農園画像モニタリングシステムを事例として~

    小形真平, 青木善貴, 小林一樹, 中川博之


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • MAPEループを用いたIoTデバイスの効率的な再利用法の検討

    土田真也, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • MAPEループ構造に基づいた機能更新フレームワークに関する考察

    土田真也, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Constructing a goal model from requirements descriptions based on extraction rules Reviewed

    Hironori Shimada, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Communications in Computer and Information Science   809   175 - 188   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Springer Verlag  

    A goal model, which is one of the common requirements models, has advantages of formalizing and visualizing results of requirements analysis. The model regards a requirement as a goal, and the root goal that is achieved by system execution should be decomposed to precondition goals. Current systems are large and complexed, so that there are a lot of requirements to be implemented. Therefore it is difficult to extract all goals and construct an elaborated goal model manually. In this paper we propose a process to support constructing goal models from requirements descriptions written in a natural language. In the proposed process, extraction rules are used to extract goals from requirements descriptions and then to construct a goal model from the goals. To evaluate our process, we applied the process to two system descriptions to construct goal models. The results show that the proposed process extracted appropriate goals and successfully assembled these goals in a goal hierarchy. We also report preliminary results of automating the proposed process.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-7796-8_14



  • STAMP/STPAを用いたCyber-Physical Systemsの検証

    青木善貴, 小形真平, 中川博之


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • SATソルバを使用したロケーティングアレイの生成手法について

    小西達也, 小島英春, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Requirements Coverage Visualization Viewer Based on a Spring Model Reviewed

    Shori Matsui, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • STAMP/STPAを用いたCyber-Physical Systemsの検証

    青木善貴, 小形真平, 中川博之

    IPA 第2回STAMPワークショップ (Japanese STAMP Workshop)   2017.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Tool to Edit and Verify IoT System Architecture Model Reviewed

    Shinpei Ogata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yoshitaka Aoki, Kazuki Kobayashi, Yuko Fukushima

    Proc. of the ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2017)   2019   571 - 575   2017.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    The spread of IoT (Internet of Things) categorized into a type of cyber-physical system makes future systems larger and more complex than ever. Various components such as cloud services, edges, devices and energy suppliers play important roles when constructing an IoT system. Moreover, components in such systems have various relationships to other components. Hence, a simple and extendable specification notation for grasping such relationships is sought for architectural design of IoT systems. When we design such IoT Systems, effective verification also should be provided so that we can identify critical system faults. We present a tool to edit and verify IoT system architecture models. The tool extends a UML editor to enable easy editing of architectural models, and verifies them using the logic programming language Prolog.



  • Report on ER 2016 Invited Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Shinpei Hayashi, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Naoyasu Ubayashi

    JSSST Journal Compupter Software   34 ( 3 )   75 - 80   2017.8

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  


  • IoTシステムアーキテクチャのモデリング記法によるモデル検査支援手法の試作と評価

    小形真平, 青木善貴, 中川博之, 小林一樹, 福島祐子


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A visualization of specification coverage based on document similarity Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shori Matsui, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion, ICSE-C 2017   136 - 138   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.  

    Code coverage is a metric used to represent how much code is tested when particular test cases are executed. As is code coverage, specification coverage is expected to help us to comprehend how much specification to be implemented is tested. In this study, we propose a visualization process for specification coverage. This process finds traceability links between specifications and test cases using a similarity metric and constructs two views for visualization. We develop a prototype tool for automatically executing the process and evaluate the process in a preliminary experiment on a web application development in industry. This extended abstract explains the overview of our study and the preliminary results.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSE-C.2017.117



  • A visualization of specification coverage based on document similarity Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shori Matsui, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion, ICSE-C 2017   136 - 138   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.  

    Code coverage is a metric used to represent how much code is tested when particular test cases are executed. As is code coverage, specification coverage is expected to help us to comprehend how much specification to be implemented is tested. In this study, we propose a visualization process for specification coverage. This process finds traceability links between specifications and test cases using a similarity metric and constructs two views for visualization. We develop a prototype tool for automatically executing the process and evaluate the process in a preliminary experiment on a web application development in industry. This extended abstract explains the overview of our study and the preliminary results.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSE-C.2017.117



  • キャッシュの効率利用による自己適応システムの動的モデル検査法改善

    外山大夢, 中川博之, 小島英春, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 抽出ルールに基づいた要求記述からのゴールモデルの構築支援

    島田裕紀, 中川博之, 小島英春, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 文書中の単語出現頻度を利用したトピックモデル洗練化

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • システム環境の変化傾向に基づいた効率的な構成切り替え手法

    妙見侑祐, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • IoTシステムの要求分析支援手法の実現に向けた取り組み ~アクタ関係に注目して~

    小形真平, 中川博之, 青木善貴, 小林一樹


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Finding Minimum Locating Arrays Using a SAT Solver Reviewed

    Tatsuya Konishi, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Locating arrays provide combinatorial test suites not only for detecting the presence of an interaction fault but also for locating the fault. Compared with test suites for ordinary combinatorial testing, however, the fault locating capability entails a substantial increase in the size of test suites. In this position paper, we consider the problem: how small can locating arrays be? To answer the question, we develop a method that finds a locating array of a given size using a SAT solver. We report the size of the smallest locating arrays discovered by using our method. This result provides the smallest known upper bound on the size of the minimum locating arrays.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSTW.2017.49

    Web of Science


  • Visualization of Specification Coverage: A Case Study of a Web Application Development in Industry Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Toshinobu Hasegawa, Shori Matsui, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Specifications for a software system are usually verified using test cases in the testing phase. As is code coverage, specification coverage is expected to help comprehend how many specifications to be implemented are tested. In this study, we apply a visualization process for specification coverage to a web application development project in industry. This process provides two views for visualization from different viewpoints. The process also provides a classification of specifications according to the assurance degree of test execution. The results of the case study demonstrate that the process provides effective measures to comprehend how many specifications are covered and discovers trends related to the project.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW.2017.19

    Web of Science


  • Requirements Coverage Visualization for Test Cases Reviewed

    Shori Matsui, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • IoTシステムの安全性検証手法の提案

    青木善貴, 小形真平, 小林一樹, 中川博之


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 要求の類似度に基づいたカバレッジ可視化手法の提案

    松井勝利, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Layard: Model Diagram Centering Actors for Requirements Analysis of IoT System Reviewed

    Shinpei Ogata, Kazuki Kobayashi, Yoshitaka Aoki, Hiroyuki Nakagawa


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Caching Strategies for Run-time Probabilistic Model Checking Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kento Ogawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Models@run.time (MRT 2016)   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • A Search-based Constraint Elicitation in Test Design Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems   2016.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2015KBP0010


  • Towards a Framework for Self-Adaptive Systems Based on a Dynamic Veri cation Mechanism Considering Time Constraint Reviewed

    Hiroki Tsuda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Search-Based Constraint Elicitation in Test Design Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E99D ( 9 )   2229 - 2238   2016.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    Pair-wise testing is an effective test planning technique for finding interaction faults using a small set of test cases. Constraint elicitation is an important process in the pair-wise testing design since constraints determine the test space; however, the constraint elicitation process has not been well studied. It usually requires manual capturing and precise definition of constraints. In this paper, we propose a constraint elicitation process that helps combinatorial test design. Our elicitation process consists of two steps: parameter combination identification and value pair determination. We conduct experiments on some test models, and demonstrate that some extracted rules match constraints and others helps to define constraints.

    DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2015KBP0010

    Web of Science


    Other Link: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/ieicet/ieicet99d.html#journals/ieicet/NakagawaT16

  • トピックモデリングを用いたテストケース記述クラスタリングに関する考察

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Goal Oriented Refinement Pattern Driven Use Case Modelling Reviewed

    Kozo Honda, Hideaki Hirayama, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Ohsuga Akihiko

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 大きな振る舞い変更にも適用可能な自己適応システムの動的モデル検査法

    小川 賢人, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Iterative Improvement of Human Pose Classification Using Guide Ontology Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Tashiro, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    The objective of this paper is to recognize and classify the poses of idols in still images on the web. The poses found in Japanese idol photos are often complicated and their classification is highly challenging. Although advances in computer vision research have made huge contributions to image recognition, it is not enough to estimate human poses accurately. We thus propose a method that refines result of human pose estimation by Pose Guide Ontology (PGO) and a set of energy functions. PGO, which we introduce in this paper, contains useful background knowledge, such as semantic hierarchies and constraints related to the positional relationship between body parts. Energy functions compute the right positions of body parts based on knowledge of the human body. Through experiments, we also refine PGO iteratively for further improvement of classification accuracy. We demonstrate pose classification into 8 classes on a dataset containing 400 idol images on the web. Result of experiments shows the efficiency of PGO and the energy functions; the F-measure of classification is 15% higher than the non-refined results. In addition to this, we confirm the validity of the energy functions.

    DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2015EDP7067

    Web of Science


  • Iterative Improvement of Human Pose Classification Using Guide Ontology Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Tashiro, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    The objective of this paper is to recognize and classify the poses of idols in still images on the web. The poses found in Japanese idol photos are often complicated and their classification is highly challenging. Although advances in computer vision research have made huge contributions to image recognition, it is not enough to estimate human poses accurately. We thus propose a method that refines result of human pose estimation by Pose Guide Ontology (PGO) and a set of energy functions. PGO, which we introduce in this paper, contains useful background knowledge, such as semantic hierarchies and constraints related to the positional relationship between body parts. Energy functions compute the right positions of body parts based on knowledge of the human body. Through experiments, we also refine PGO iteratively for further improvement of classification accuracy. We demonstrate pose classification into 8 classes on a dataset containing 400 idol images on the web. Result of experiments shows the efficiency of PGO and the energy functions; the F-measure of classification is 15% higher than the non-refined results. In addition to this, we confirm the validity of the energy functions.

    DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2015EDP7067

    Web of Science


    Other Link: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/ieicet/ieicet99d.html#journals/ieicet/TashiroKSNTO16

  • Caching Strategies for Run-time Probabilistic Model Checking. Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kento Ogawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Models@run.time co-located with 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2016), Saint Malo, France, October 4, 2016.   18 - 25   2016

  • A Dynamic Verification Mechanism for Real-time Self-adaptive Systems Reviewed

    Hiroki Tsuda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    For systems that have time constraints, an increase of processing time causes a delay of behavior and may result in a system failure. Although it is desirable to implement these systems as self-adaptive systems, there is no programming framework for self-adaptive systems that can deal with time constraints dynamically. In this study, we propose a mechanism for verifying system behaviors against time constraints at runtime. This mechanism uses UPPAAL, a model checking tool, for dynamic verification. We develop a prototype of a programming framework that uses the proposed mechanism. The results of evaluating the framework on a simulation experiment demonstrate the feasibility of our approach.

    DOI: 10.1109/FAS-W.2016.62

    Web of Science


  • A Dynamic Verification Mechanism for Real-time Self-adaptive Systems Reviewed

    Hiroki Tsuda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    For systems that have time constraints, an increase of processing time causes a delay of behavior and may result in a system failure. Although it is desirable to implement these systems as self-adaptive systems, there is no programming framework for self-adaptive systems that can deal with time constraints dynamically. In this study, we propose a mechanism for verifying system behaviors against time constraints at runtime. This mechanism uses UPPAAL, a model checking tool, for dynamic verification. We develop a prototype of a programming framework that uses the proposed mechanism. The results of evaluating the framework on a simulation experiment demonstrate the feasibility of our approach.

    DOI: 10.1109/FAS-W.2016.62

    Web of Science


  • Transformation of KAOS Goal Models to BPMN Models Using Re nement Patterns Reviewed

    Hiroki Horita, Kozo Honda, Hideaki Hirayama, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Ohsuga Akihiko

    JSSST Journal Compupter Software   32 ( 4 )   4_141 - 4_160   2015.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society for Software Science and Technology  

    In the software development, modeling business process is important. In constructing business process model appropriately, stakeholder's requirements should be reflected in the model. Therefore, in this research, we propose transformation approach from goal models using refinement pattern to business process models. It is denoted that rules of transformation and algorithm. Using our approach supports constructing business process models by specifying stakeholder's requirements formally using refinement patterns. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach through applying our approach for a number of cases and using model-checking techniques.

    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.32.4_141

    CiNii Article


  • Towards Automatic Constraints Elicitation of Test Cases: Preliminary Evaluation Based on Collective Intelligence Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Testing Techniques for Event Based Software (TESTBEDS 2015)   2015.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • 主要語の変遷に着目した要求トピックの洗練化に関する考察

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 実世界ハードウェアに対する自己適応フレームワークのプロトタイプ実装

    津田宏軌, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Proposal of Recommendation Agents for Surprising Recipes Reviewed

    Kyosuke Ikejiri, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   2015.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Towards Automatic Constraints Elicitation in Pair-wise Testing Based on a Linguistic Approach: Elicitation Support Using Coupling Strength Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Testing (RET 2015), co-located with ICSE 2015   2015.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/RET.2015.14


  • 自己適応システムにおける動的検証法の適用範囲向上に向けて

    小川賢人, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Performance Evaluation of BDD-Based Constraint Handling for Combinatorial Interaction Testing Reviewed

    Hiroki Sakano, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Hideharu Kojima, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Analysis of flaming and its applications in CGM Reviewed

    Yuki Iwasaki, Ryohei Orihara, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   30 ( 1 )   152 - 160   2015.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    Nowadays, anybody can easily express their opinion publicly through Consumer Generated Media. Because of this, a phenomenon of flooding criticism on the Internet, called flaming, frequently occurs. Although there are strong demands for flaming management, a service to reduce damage caused by a flaming after one occurs, it is very difficult to properly do so in practice. We are trying to keep the flaming from happening. It is necessary to identify the situation and the remark which are likely to cause flaming for our goal. Concretely, we propose methods to identify a potential tweet which will be a likely candidate of a flaming on Twitter, considering public opinion among Twitter users. Among three categories of flamings, our main focus is Struggles between Conflicting Values (SBCV), which is defined as a remark that forces one’s own opinion about a topic on others. Forecasting of this type of flamings is potentially desired since most of its victims are celebrities, who need to care one’s own social images. We proceed with a working hypothesis: a SBCV is caused by a gap between the polarity of the remark and that of public opinion. First, we have visualized the process how a remark gets flamed when its content is far from public opinion, by means of our original parameter daily polarity (dp). Second, we have built a highly accurate flaming prediction model with decision tree learning, using cumulative dp as an attribute along with parameters available from Twitter APIs. The experimental result suggests that the hypothesis is correct.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.30.152



  • ソフトウェア進化と自己適応システム Invited


    生産と技術   2015.1

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  • LDAを用いたフィードバックコメントからの要求獲得に関する一考

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Towards Automatic Constraint Elicitation in Test Design: Preliminary Evaluation Based on Collective Intelligence Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshop (ASEW)   58 - 61   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Constraint elicitation is an important process in test design since constraints determine the test space; however, the constraint elicitation process, which is known as a daunting task, has not been well studied. It usually requires manual capturing and precise definition of constraints. In this paper, we try to automate a part of the constraint elicitation process in combinatorial test design. Pair-wise testing, a common combinatorial testing approach, is an effective test planning technique for finding interaction faults using a small set of test cases. We propose a collective intelligence approach to determining which value combinations are potential constraints. We conduct preliminary experiments on two examples, a traditional cross-browser testing example and an ATM system example, and evaluate the feasibility of our approach.

    DOI: 10.1109/ASEW.2015.13

    Web of Science


  • An Experimental Evaluation on Runtime Verification of Self-adaptive Systems in the Presence of Uncertain Transition Probabilities Reviewed

    Kento Ogawa, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND FORMAL METHODS (SEFM 2015)   9509   253 - 265   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG  

    Self-adaptive systems can deal with environmental changes by changing their own behaviors. Since self-adaptive systems modify their own behaviors dynamically, runtime verification is necessary to guarantee the correctness of the systems' behaviors. Discrete time Markov chain model checking is a promising approach for implementing runtime verification; however, the computational cost of the current model checking approach increases as the number of parameterized transition probabilities increases. In this study, we conduct experiments on various instances of Markov chain models and demonstrate that repeated application of Laplace expansion leads to the large computational cost. The results suggest that an approach to reducing the number of times of performing Laplace expansion should be developed.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-49224-6_21

    Web of Science


  • An Experimental Evaluation on Runtime Verification of Self-adaptive Systems in the Presence of Uncertain Transition Probabilities Reviewed

    Kento Ogawa, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND FORMAL METHODS (SEFM 2015)   9509   253 - 265   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG  

    Self-adaptive systems can deal with environmental changes by changing their own behaviors. Since self-adaptive systems modify their own behaviors dynamically, runtime verification is necessary to guarantee the correctness of the systems' behaviors. Discrete time Markov chain model checking is a promising approach for implementing runtime verification; however, the computational cost of the current model checking approach increases as the number of parameterized transition probabilities increases. In this study, we conduct experiments on various instances of Markov chain models and demonstrate that repeated application of Laplace expansion leads to the large computational cost. The results suggest that an approach to reducing the number of times of performing Laplace expansion should be developed.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-49224-6_21

    Web of Science


  • Towards Self-Adaptation on Real-World Hardware: a Preliminary Lightweight Programming Framework Reviewed

    Hiroki Tsuda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Self-adaptive systems can adapt to environmental changes. In spite of many studies of self-adaptive systems, there are few implementations of them on real-world hardware. One of the main reasons for this is that the existing programming frameworks do not pay enough attention to the constraints on real-world hardware. In this study, we focus on an adaptation mechanism for real-world embedded systems and present a preliminary programming framework to implement self-adaptive embedded systems. As a case study we build a self-adaptive system using our framework on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 to demonstrate the feasibility of our framework.

    DOI: 10.1109/SASO.2015.33

    Web of Science


  • Towards automatic requirements elicitation from feedback comments: Extracting requirements topics using LDA Reviewed

    Hitoshi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE   2015-   489 - 494   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School  

    Feedback comments, such as mailing lists and reviews, contain beneficial suggestion for software developers. Recently, developers have received more and more feedback comments
    but it is still difficult to extract beneficial comments from a large amount of e-mail message or reviews. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a promising way of topic modeling, which classifies documents according to implicit multiple topics. In this paper, we tried to apply a requirements elicitation based on LDA to two different sources, i.e., Apache Commons User List and App Store reviews, and discuss the feasibility of this approach. An interesting finding was that some usual stop words indicated requirements description. This suggests that these words should be removed from the stop word list before applying LDA.

    DOI: 10.18293/SEKE2015-103



  • Towards Self-Adaptation on Real-World Hardware: a Preliminary Lightweight Programming Framework Reviewed

    Hiroki Tsuda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Self-adaptive systems can adapt to environmental changes. In spite of many studies of self-adaptive systems, there are few implementations of them on real-world hardware. One of the main reasons for this is that the existing programming frameworks do not pay enough attention to the constraints on real-world hardware. In this study, we focus on an adaptation mechanism for real-world embedded systems and present a preliminary programming framework to implement self-adaptive embedded systems. As a case study we build a self-adaptive system using our framework on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 to demonstrate the feasibility of our framework.

    DOI: 10.1109/SASO.2015.33

    Web of Science


  • Towards automatic requirements elicitation from feedback comments: Extracting requirements topics using LDA Reviewed

    Hitoshi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE   2015-   489 - 494   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School  

    Feedback comments, such as mailing lists and reviews, contain beneficial suggestion for software developers. Recently, developers have received more and more feedback comments
    but it is still difficult to extract beneficial comments from a large amount of e-mail message or reviews. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a promising way of topic modeling, which classifies documents according to implicit multiple topics. In this paper, we tried to apply a requirements elicitation based on LDA to two different sources, i.e., Apache Commons User List and App Store reviews, and discuss the feasibility of this approach. An interesting finding was that some usual stop words indicated requirements description. This suggests that these words should be removed from the stop word list before applying LDA.

    DOI: 10.18293/SEKE2015-103



  • Towards Automatic Constraints Elicitation in Pair-wise Testing Based on a Linguistic Approach: Elicitation Support Using Coupling Strength Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper focuses on the constraints elicitation in the combinatorial test design. Pair-wise testing, a common combinatorial testing approach, is an effective test planning technique to find interaction faults from the relatively small set of test cases. The test space is modeled by a set of parameters, their individual values, and constraints on the value combinations. Constraints reduce the test space; however, little consideration has been given to the process of finding them. The goal of our study is to establish an automatic constraints acquisition from the requirements document. We try to establish a constraints elicitation mechanism that helps to extract constraints from the requirements document based on a linguistic approach. In this paper, as the first step, we attempt to extract the coupling strength between parameters from the requirements document. We conducted a preliminary experiment on an ATM system example and evaluated the feasibility of our approach.

    DOI: 10.1109/RET.2015.14

    Web of Science


  • Locating a faulty interaction in pair-wise testing Reviewed

    Takahiro Nagamoto, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, PRDC   155 - 156   2014.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE Computer Society  

    This article discusses the location of faulty interactions in software testing. We propose an algorithm to generate a test suite that can be used to identify a faulty pair-wise interaction. This approach works as follows. First, a test suite is generated using an existing method for pair-wise testing. Pair-wise testing requires testing all pair-wise interactions but does not guarantee that the faulty interaction can be located. Second, pair-wise interactions that cannot be located by the test suite are enumerated. Finally, test cases are repeatedly added to the test suite until all pair-wise interactions can be located. The results of applying the algorithm to several problem instances show that the test suites obtained using the algorithm are nearly twice as large as those for ordinary pair-wise testing which does not ensure fault locating ability.

    DOI: 10.1109/PRDC.2014.26



  • Innovation in and through Requirements Engineering -A Report on the 22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2014)-

    Shinobu Saito, Masahiro Ide, Shinpei Ogata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Mari Inoki, Takao Okubo, Mikio Aoyama

    IPSJ SIG Technical Report   2014 ( 9 )   1 - 8   2014.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    This paper gives our report on the 22st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2014) held in Karlskrona of Sweden on August 18-22, 2014.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 洗練パターンによるゴール指向ユースケースモデリング Reviewed

    本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Pose Estimation of Still Images using Human Pose Guide Ontology Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Tashiro, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    JSSST Journal Compupter Software   2014.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.31.3_58


  • A MAPE Loop Control Pattern for Heterogeneous Client/Server Online Games Reviewed

    Satoru Yamagata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proc. of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2014)   2014.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • 多様なタスクスケジューリング問題への解集合プログラミングの適用

    小林弘幸, 中川博之, 小島英春, 土屋達弘


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Surprising Ingredient Extraction based on Rarity and Generality Reviewed

    Kyosuke Ikejiri, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    JSSST Journal Compupter Software   2014.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.31.3_70


  • Common Goal Identification for Software Reuse Reviewed

    Yuki Nakamura, Kozo Honda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    JSSST Journal Compupter Software   2014.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.31.2_67


  • Identification of Flaming and Its Applications in CGM: Case Studies toward Ultimate Prevention Reviewed

    Yuki Iwazaki, Ryohei Orihara, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014)   2014.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Surprising Recipe Extraction Based on Rarity and Generality of Ingredients Reviewed

    Kyosuke Ikejiri, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014)   2014.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Identification of Flaming and Its Applications in CGM - Case Studies toward Ultimate Prevention. Reviewed

    Yuki Iwasaki, Ryohei Orihara, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    ICAART 2014 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1, ESEO, Angers, Loire Valley, France, 6-8 March, 2014   639 - 644   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SciTePress  

    DOI: 10.5220/0004916606390644


  • Locating a Faulty Interaction in Pair-Wise Testing Reviewed

    Takahiro Nagamoto, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This article discusses the location of faulty interactions in software testing. We propose an algorithm to generate a test suite that can be used to identify a faulty pair-wise interaction. This approach works as follows. First, a test suite is generated using an existing method for pair-wise testing. Pair-wise testing requires testing all pair-wise interactions but does not guarantee that the faulty interaction can be located. Second, pair-wise interactions that cannot be located by the test suite are enumerated. Finally, test cases are repeatedly added to the test suite until all pair-wise interactions can be located. The results of applying the algorithm to several problem instances show that the test suites obtained using the algorithm are nearly twice as large as those for ordinary pair-wise testing which does not ensure fault locating ability.

    DOI: 10.1109/PRDC.2014.26

    Web of Science


  • Locating a Faulty Interaction in Pair-Wise Testing Reviewed

    Takahiro Nagamoto, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This article discusses the location of faulty interactions in software testing. We propose an algorithm to generate a test suite that can be used to identify a faulty pair-wise interaction. This approach works as follows. First, a test suite is generated using an existing method for pair-wise testing. Pair-wise testing requires testing all pair-wise interactions but does not guarantee that the faulty interaction can be located. Second, pair-wise interactions that cannot be located by the test suite are enumerated. Finally, test cases are repeatedly added to the test suite until all pair-wise interactions can be located. The results of applying the algorithm to several problem instances show that the test suites obtained using the algorithm are nearly twice as large as those for ordinary pair-wise testing which does not ensure fault locating ability.

    DOI: 10.1109/PRDC.2014.26

    Web of Science


  • Applying parameter value weighting to a practical application Reviewed

    Satoshi Fujimoto, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper reports a case study where pair-wise testing was applied to a real-world program. In particular we focus on weighting, an added feature which allows the tester to prioritize particular parameter values. In our previous work we proposed a weighting method that can reflect given weights in the resulting test suite more directly than can existing methods. To asses the effects of weighting in a practical testing process, we compare the number of execution times of the program's methods among three pair-wise test suites, including the test suite generated by our weighting method and those generated by an existing test case generation tool with and without the weighting option. The results show that the effects of weighting were most clearly observed when our weighting method was used.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW.2014.63

    Web of Science


  • Applying parameter value weighting to a practical application Reviewed

    Satoshi Fujimoto, Hideharu Kojima, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper reports a case study where pair-wise testing was applied to a real-world program. In particular we focus on weighting, an added feature which allows the tester to prioritize particular parameter values. In our previous work we proposed a weighting method that can reflect given weights in the resulting test suite more directly than can existing methods. To asses the effects of weighting in a practical testing process, we compare the number of execution times of the program's methods among three pair-wise test suites, including the test suite generated by our weighting method and those generated by an existing test case generation tool with and without the weighting option. The results show that the effects of weighting were most clearly observed when our weighting method was used.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW.2014.63

    Web of Science


  • Towards Software Evolution for Embedded Systems Based on MAPE Loop Encapsulation Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Takumitsu Kudo, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Software evolution is an essential activity that adapts existing software to changes in requirements. Because of recent rapid requirements changes, systems are strongly required to evolve even if the target systems are embedded systems, whose implementation code is generally hard to be changed. This paper discusses the feasibility of applying self-adaptation mechanism for software evolution. We use the MAPE loop mechanism to evolve embedded systems without changing code inside the existing systems. This paper also reports preliminary results that we experimentally evolved a cleaning robot by following our approach. Our demonstrations show a part of additional behaviors as the results of software evolution that makes the cleaning robot possible to move obstacles. We also discuss the future directions of software evolution for embedded systems with the self-adaptive mechanism.

    DOI: 10.1109/SASO.2014.45

    Web of Science


  • Towards Software Evolution for Embedded Systems Based on MAPE Loop Encapsulation Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Takumitsu Kudo, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Software evolution is an essential activity that adapts existing software to changes in requirements. Because of recent rapid requirements changes, systems are strongly required to evolve even if the target systems are embedded systems, whose implementation code is generally hard to be changed. This paper discusses the feasibility of applying self-adaptation mechanism for software evolution. We use the MAPE loop mechanism to evolve embedded systems without changing code inside the existing systems. This paper also reports preliminary results that we experimentally evolved a cleaning robot by following our approach. Our demonstrations show a part of additional behaviors as the results of software evolution that makes the cleaning robot possible to move obstacles. We also discuss the future directions of software evolution for embedded systems with the self-adaptive mechanism.

    DOI: 10.1109/SASO.2014.45

    Web of Science


  • Refinement of Ontology-constrained Human Pose Classification Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Tashiro, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this paper, we propose an image classification method that recognizes several poses of idol photographs. The proposed method takes unannotated idol photos as input, and classifies them according to their poses based on spatial layouts of the idol in the photos. Our method has two phases; the first one is to estimate the spatial layout of ten body parts (head, torso, upper and lower arms and legs) using Eichner's Stickman Pose Estimation. The second one is to classify the poses of the idols using Bayesian Network classifiers. In order to improve accuracy of the classification, we introduce Pose Guide Ontology (PGO). PGO contains useful background knowledge, such as semantic hierarchies and constraints related to the positional relationship between the body parts. The location information of body parts is amended by PGO. We also propose iterative procedures for making further refinements of PGO. Finally, we evaluated our method on a dataset consisting of 400 images in 8 poses, and the final results indicated that F-measure of the classification has become 15% higher than non-amended results.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSC.2014.20

    Web of Science


  • Refinement of Ontology-constrained Human Pose Classification Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Tashiro, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this paper, we propose an image classification method that recognizes several poses of idol photographs. The proposed method takes unannotated idol photos as input, and classifies them according to their poses based on spatial layouts of the idol in the photos. Our method has two phases; the first one is to estimate the spatial layout of ten body parts (head, torso, upper and lower arms and legs) using Eichner's Stickman Pose Estimation. The second one is to classify the poses of the idols using Bayesian Network classifiers. In order to improve accuracy of the classification, we introduce Pose Guide Ontology (PGO). PGO contains useful background knowledge, such as semantic hierarchies and constraints related to the positional relationship between the body parts. The location information of body parts is amended by PGO. We also propose iterative procedures for making further refinements of PGO. Finally, we evaluated our method on a dataset consisting of 400 images in 8 poses, and the final results indicated that F-measure of the classification has become 15% higher than non-amended results.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSC.2014.20

    Web of Science


  • Transformation approach from KAOS goal models to BPMN models using refinement patterns Reviewed

    Hiroki Horita, Kozo Honda, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1023 - 1024   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Association for Computing Machinery  

    It is important to make sure that software satisfies stakeholders' requirements. However, as software has been getting more large-scale and complicated in recent years, it has certainly become more difficult to satisfy requirements. Even if there are goal-oriented requirements analysis approaches as techniques to systematically satisfy stakeholders' requirements, it is still difficult to maintain consistency of goal models and other requirements artifacts. In this paper, we propose a transformation approach that transforms models of KAOS, a well-known goal modeling methodology, into preliminary BPMN models by using refinement pattern of KAOS in a systematic way. It can assure consistency between systematically defined user's requirements and their realization process. Copyright 2014 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2554850.2555119



  • Music recommender adapting implicit context using 'renso' relation among Linked Data Reviewed

    Mian Wang, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Journal of Information Processing   22 ( 2 )   279 - 288   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan  

    The existing music recommendation systems rely on user's contexts or content analysis to satisfy the users' music playing needs. They achieved a certain degree of success and inspired future researches to get more progress. However, a cold start problem and the limitation to the similar music have been pointed out. Therefore, this paper proposes a unique recommendation method using a 'renso' alignment among Linked Data, aiming to realize the music recommendation agent in smartphone. We first collect data from Last.fm, Yahoo! Local, Twitter and LyricWiki, and create a large scale of Linked Open Data (LOD), then create the 'renso' relation on the LOD and select the music according to the context. Finally, we confirmed an evaluation result demonstrating its accuracy and serendipity. © 2014 Information Processing Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.2197/ipsjjip.22.279



  • Transformation approach from KAOS goal models to BPMN models using refinement patterns Reviewed

    Hiroki Horita, Kozo Honda, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1023 - 1024   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Association for Computing Machinery  

    It is important to make sure that software satisfies stakeholders' requirements. However, as software has been getting more large-scale and complicated in recent years, it has certainly become more difficult to satisfy requirements. Even if there are goal-oriented requirements analysis approaches as techniques to systematically satisfy stakeholders' requirements, it is still difficult to maintain consistency of goal models and other requirements artifacts. In this paper, we propose a transformation approach that transforms models of KAOS, a well-known goal modeling methodology, into preliminary BPMN models by using refinement pattern of KAOS in a systematic way. It can assure consistency between systematically defined user's requirements and their realization process. Copyright 2014 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2554850.2555119



    Other Link: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/sac/sac2014.html#conf/sac/HoritaHSNTO14

  • Context-Aware Music Recommendation with Serendipity Using Semantic Relations Reviewed

    Mian Wang, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    SEMANTIC TECHNOLOGY   8388   17 - 32   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    A goal for the creation and improvement of music recommendation is to retrieve users' preferences and select the music adapting to the preferences. Although the existing researches achieved a certain degree of success and inspired future researches to get more progress, problem of the cold start recommendation and the limitation to the similar music have been pointed out. Hence we incorporate concept of serendipity using 'renso' alignments over Linked Data to satisfy the users' music playing needs. We first collect music-related data from Last. fm, Yahoo! Local, Twitter and LyricWiki, and then create the 'renso' relation on the Music Linked Data. Our system proposes a way of finding suitable but novel music according to the users' contexts. Finally, preliminary experiments confirm balance of accuracy and serendipity of the music recommendation.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06826-8_2

    Web of Science


  • Music recommender adapting implicit context using 'renso' relation among Linked Data Reviewed

    Mian Wang, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Journal of Information Processing   22 ( 2 )   279 - 288   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan  

    The existing music recommendation systems rely on user's contexts or content analysis to satisfy the users' music playing needs. They achieved a certain degree of success and inspired future researches to get more progress. However, a cold start problem and the limitation to the similar music have been pointed out. Therefore, this paper proposes a unique recommendation method using a 'renso' alignment among Linked Data, aiming to realize the music recommendation agent in smartphone. We first collect data from Last.fm, Yahoo! Local, Twitter and LyricWiki, and create a large scale of Linked Open Data (LOD), then create the 'renso' relation on the LOD and select the music according to the context. Finally, we confirmed an evaluation result demonstrating its accuracy and serendipity. © 2014 Information Processing Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.2197/ipsjjip.22.279



  • A MAPE Loop Control Pattern for Heterogeneous Client/Server Online Games. Reviewed

    Satoru Yamagata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    The 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 1-3, 2013.   742 - 743   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School  


  • Context-Aware Music Recommendation with Serendipity Using Semantic Relations Reviewed

    Mian Wang, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    SEMANTIC TECHNOLOGY   8388   17 - 32   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    A goal for the creation and improvement of music recommendation is to retrieve users' preferences and select the music adapting to the preferences. Although the existing researches achieved a certain degree of success and inspired future researches to get more progress, problem of the cold start recommendation and the limitation to the similar music have been pointed out. Hence we incorporate concept of serendipity using 'renso' alignments over Linked Data to satisfy the users' music playing needs. We first collect music-related data from Last. fm, Yahoo! Local, Twitter and LyricWiki, and then create the 'renso' relation on the Music Linked Data. Our system proposes a way of finding suitable but novel music according to the users' contexts. Finally, preliminary experiments confirm balance of accuracy and serendipity of the music recommendation.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06826-8_2

    Web of Science


  • Surprising Recipe Extraction based on Rarity and Generality of Ingredients. Reviewed

    Kyosuke Ikejiri, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    ICAART 2014 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1, ESEO, Angers, Loire Valley, France, 6-8 March, 2014   428 - 436   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SciTePress  

    DOI: 10.5220/0004817304280436


  • C/S型オンラインゲームの自己適応化に向けたMAPEループ構成パターンの提案 Reviewed

    山縣慧, 中川博之, 清雄一, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 自動掃除ロボットの自己適応化に向けて

    工藤拓光, 中川博之, 清雄一, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Proposal of Social-Mass Media Triplification and Its Use Case Reviewed

    Takahiro Kawamura, Kenji Koshikawa, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   2013.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Classification of Idol Photograpy Based on Pose Guide Ontology Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Tashiro, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proc. of the 3rd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2013)   2013.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Best Poster &amp; Demo Award


  • テンプレートを用いた法的要求抽出のための支援ツールの実装と評価 Reviewed

    吉田豊, 本田耕三, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • リファインメントパターンを利用したKAOSゴールモデルからBPMNモデルへの変換 Reviewed

    堀田大貴, 本田耕三, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Context-aware Music Recommendation with Serendipity Using Semantic Relations Reviewed

    Mian Wang, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proc. The 3rd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2013)   JIST2013   1 - 16   2013.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • A Report on the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2013)

    Shinobu Saito, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Takako Nakatani, Mikio Aoyama

    IPSJ SIG Technical Report   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 動的ソフトウェア進化へのエージェント技術の活用

    中川博之, 大須賀昭彦, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 要求工学の現状と展望 -ソフトウェア進化と自己適応にむけて- Invited



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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • CGMにおける炎上の同定とその応用

    岩崎祐貴, 折原良平, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Context-Based Music Recommendation System Using 'renso' Relation among Linked Data

    Mian Wang, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 食材の希少性に基づいた意外性のあるレシピの抽出エージェント Reviewed

    池尻恭介, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 食材に基づいたレシピの意外度算出手法の提案

    池尻恭介, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Human Pose Guide Ontology を用いたアイドル画像のポーズ分類エージェント Reviewed

    田代和浩, 川村隆浩, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Goal Model Elaboration for Localizing Changes in Software Evolution Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Proc. of the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2013)   155 - 164   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE Computer Society  

    DOI: 10.1109/RE.2013.6636715


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/re/re2013.html#NakagawaOH13

  • Linked Dataを用いたソーシャルメディア×マスメディアの比較実験

    田代和浩, 王冕, 越川兼地, 西村悟史, 森田武史, 長野伸一, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 川村隆浩, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • CGMにおける炎上の同定とその応用

    岩崎祐貴, 折原良平, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Improving Recommendation Novelty based on Tag Cluster Diversification Reviewed

    Makoto FUJIWARA, Hiroyuki NAKAGAWA, Yasuyuki TAHARA, Akihiko OHSUGA

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   96 ( 3 )   531 - 542   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • テンプレートを用いた法的要求抽出・モデリングの実現に向けて

    吉田豊, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  



  • GAを用いた適合度関数と相場変化に着目したシステムトレード

    新井佑弥, 折原良平, 中川博之, 清雄一, 田原 康之, 大須賀 昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • ソフトウェア再利用に向けた共通ゴール判別手法の提案 Reviewed

    中村祐貴, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.31.2_67


  • Verification by model checking for resource contention issues by the Web applications with asynchronous communication

    TOMARU Takuya, HONDA Kozo, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, TAHARA Yasuyuki, OHSUGA Akihiko

    Technical report of IEICE. KBSE   112 ( 419 )   53 - 58   2013.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Client-side usability become more and more important to develop the Web aplication For example, Ajax allows sending requests asynchronously without blocking clients However, server processing is performed in order not anticipated by the asynchronous communication In this paper, we demonstrate the possible problems caused by the asynchronism and how to solve aproblem It has been considered model checking can be used to solve this problem But expertise and effort is a challenge In tins paper, we propose a method for validation that can also be used for general engineer It is necessary only to describe the order of acquisition and release of resources So It can reduce the efforts and be eliminating the need for expertise mitigation.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Towards solving an obstacle problem by the cooperation of UAVs and UGVs Reviewed

    Shigeo Nakamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   77 - 82   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We study a heterogeneous autonomous robot team composed of UAVs (Unmanned Air Vehicles) and UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles) cooperate with each other to carry out global tasks. We introduce the system that UAVs and UGVs remove obstacles cooperatively. In our system, there are multiple type UGVs that have good points and shortcomings, and these UGVs remove a obstacle that block the way. Therefore, our systems can deal with more value of obstacles than existing systems. However our system is more complicated and has many problems to be solved. Therefore, we clarified the problems that our system need to be realized and implemented the robots. The system determines some ways to remove the obstacles using the aerial photograph taken by the UAV and the information of the obstacles by the UGVs, and then outputs a processed aerial photograph and some ways to remove the obstacles. The experimental results reminded us some necessary things for to carry out our goal. Our study has the goal that the autonomous robot team explores under unknown environment such as planetary explorations, or performs search and rescue operations in disaster areas. Copyright 2013 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2480362.2480379



  • Towards semi-automatic identification of functional requirements in legal texts for public administration Reviewed

    Yutaka Yoshida, Kozo Honda, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications   259   175 - 184   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    There is a need for the development of systems that are compliant with laws in public administration, because their administrative activities are based on laws. When new laws are made or existing laws are amended, however, civil servants need to develop or modify the systems in the short time before the laws are issued. Related work in requirements elicitation from the legal texts includes approaches using ontology but there are difficulties in building an ontology for practical use. In this paper we propose pre-defined templates with the expression of functional requirements to identify legal texts, including their functional requirements, and a support tool consisting of two functions, one for automatic summary creation from complicated legal texts and one for the suggestion of the legal texts, including their functional requirements. We have also applied this approach to Japanese laws and have evaluated its accuracy. Our research revealed that using this approach can identify functional requirements with high accuracy. © 2013 The authors and IOS Press.

    DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-359-9-175



  • Designing loss-aware fitness function for ga-based algorithmic trading Reviewed

    Yuya Arai, Ryohei Orihara, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Studies in Computational Intelligence   489   107 - 114   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Verlag  

    In these days, an algorithmic trading in stock or foreign exchange (henceforth forex) market is in fashion, and needs for automatically performing stable asset management are growing. Machine learning techniques are increasingly used to construct trading rules of the algorithmic trading, as researches on the algorithmic trading advance. Our study aims to build an automatic trading agent, and in this paper, we concentrate in designing a module which determines trading rules by machine learning. We use Genetic Algorithm (henceforth GA), and we build trading rules by learning parameters of technical indices. Our contribution in this paper is that we propose new fitness functions in GA, in order to make them robuster to change of market trends. Although profits were used as a fitness function in the previous study, we propose the fitness functions which pay more attention to not making a loss than to gaining profits. As a result of our experiment using real TSE(Tokyo Stock Exchange) data for eight years, the proposed method has outperformed the previous method in terms of gained profits. © 2013 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00651-2_15



  • Towards semi-automatic identification of functional requirements in legal texts for public administration Reviewed

    Yutaka Yoshida, Kozo Honda, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications   259   175 - 184   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IOS Press  

    There is a need for the development of systems that are compliant with laws in public administration, because their administrative activities are based on laws. When new laws are made or existing laws are amended, however, civil servants need to develop or modify the systems in the short time before the laws are issued. Related work in requirements elicitation from the legal texts includes approaches using ontology but there are difficulties in building an ontology for practical use. In this paper we propose pre-defined templates with the expression of functional requirements to identify legal texts, including their functional requirements, and a support tool consisting of two functions, one for automatic summary creation from complicated legal texts and one for the suggestion of the legal texts, including their functional requirements. We have also applied this approach to Japanese laws and have evaluated its accuracy. Our research revealed that using this approach can identify functional requirements with high accuracy. © 2013 The authors and IOS Press.

    DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-359-9-175



  • ゴールモデルの構造に基づいた共通ゴール判別手法の提案 Reviewed

    中村祐貴, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • ゴール指向要求分析に基づく組込みボードエミュレータ開発効率化手法の考察

    ジリエ陽子, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Estimation and Evaluation of User's Favorite Design based on Fashion Ontology Reviewed

    Taiken Zen, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IPSJ Journal   2012.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Support for Video Hosting Service Users Using Folksonomy and Social Annotation Reviewed

    Katsunori Ishino, Ryohei Orihara, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IPSJ Journal   472 - 479   2012.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEEE Computer Society  

    DOI: 10.1109/WI-IAT.2012.178


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/webi/webi2012.html#IshinoONTO12

  • A Software Evolution Method Based on Goal-Oriented Requirements Description Forming Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    IPSJ Journal   2012.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Twitter上のフォロー関係を用いた信頼性の高い未知コンテンツの推薦 Reviewed

    折笠裕樹, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • CRFを用いたメディア情報の抽出とLinked Data化 ~ソーシャルメディアとマスメディアの比較事例~ Reviewed

    越川兼地, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

    学生優秀論文賞受賞: 越川兼地


  • UAVとUGVの協調動作による障害物撤去に向けて Reviewed

    仲村滋夫, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • GAを用いたシステムトレードにおける損失に着目した適合度関数の設定 Reviewed

    新井佑弥, 折原良平, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • プロダクトラインの要求仕様を統合する要求分析モデルの提案

    ジリエ陽子, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • タグクラスタ多様化による未知性を考慮した推薦手法の提案

    藤原誠, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 特定ユーザの作曲ログデータと付加情報を用いた作曲支援

    金子裕司, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Framework for Validating Task Assignment in Multiagent Systems Using Requirements Importance Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    Multi-agent systems (MASs) are one of the effective approaches for dealing with the recent increase in software complexity and their autonomy. In the MAS research community, there has recently been increasing interest in the adoption of requirements engineering techniques to bridge the gap between the system requirements and the system design. One of the most important tasks based on the requirements description in the MAS design activity is the extraction of roles, which are the fundamental components of multi-agent systems, from it. It is also important to comprehend the relative degree of responsibility of the individual roles. The comprehension helps the developer decide the system architecture and discuss the performance and stability of the system. We introduce the concept of importance as a quantitative metric and an evaluation framework for the extraction of a suitable role set for the system and the task assignment to these roles. The importance is propagated from the requirements to the roles through their assigned tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through a case study and show that our metric and evaluation framework help not only to identify the importance of each role, but also to determine the system architecture.

    Web of Science


  • Support for video hosting service users using folksonomy and social annotation Reviewed

    Katsunori Ishino, Ryohei Orihara, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2012   472 - 479   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Recently, the video hosting is one of the most popular services on the Web. The service user can search movies by title, tag, date, and so on. However, the user can hardly obtain information on a particular scene of a movie. Thus, it is very difficult to determine whether a movie contains interesting scenes or not. This research aims to provide information in order to help a user to choose a movie. Concretely, this paper proposes a method for labeling scenes in a movie using a video hosting service called "Nico Nico Douga". The proposed method extracts important scenes in a movie from "Nico Nico Douga" based on the statistics of social annotations attached to them. Also, using the characteristics of folksonomy the authors extract feature words for labeling. Moreover, in order to take advantage of the feature words, the authors estimate their semantic categories. We use the attached comments themselves to label the important scenes. In order to select the comments, the authors take into account the importance of the feature words with semantic categories in a scene. Finally, the authors carry out experiments to evaluate the proposed method and to discuss future works. © 2012 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/WI-IAT.2012.178



  • Towards dynamic evolution of self-Adaptive systems based on dynamic updating of control loops Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASO   59 - 68   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Self-Adaptive systems, which enable runtime adaptation, are promising ways of dealing with environmental changes, including system intrusions or faults. Such software systems must modify themselves to better fit their environment. One of the main approaches to constructing such systems is to introduce multiple control loops. Software evolution is an essential activity for expanding this adaptation capability, and dynamic evolution has been envisaged as a way of systems adapting themselves at runtime. In this paper, we establish a development process to deal with dynamic evolution. We devise a goal model compiler to generate models for designing dynamic evolutions and a programming framework that supports dynamic deployment of control loops. We experimentally applied our approach to a system and discuss how our compiler and framework support dynamic evolution of self-Adaptive systems. © 2012 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/SASO.2012.17



  • Goal-Oriented Robustness Analysis Reviewed

    Kozo Honda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IOS PRESS  

    In the upstream software development processes, from requirements definition to design, one of the most important tasks is to make the requirements completely satisfied in the design process, therefore actually realizing the required system. Thus, a seamless connection between the requirements model and the design model is very effective to completely realize user requirements. KAOS [1] is one of the typical methodologies of Goal-oriented requirements engineering [2]. It elicits and builds up the requirements systematically and exhaustively. ICONIX process [3] designs a system using UML diagrams. In the ICONIX process, requirements are reviewed using use case models, and then designed with class and sequence diagrams to realize the use cases through robustness diagrams. Based on these methodologies, this paper presents an approach to transfer as much information as possible from KAOS requirements models to preliminary design of system behaviors in ICONIX. Our approach allows the use case models and robustness diagrams to reflect the requirements of the KAOS model with the refinement patterns. We also conducted a case study where flight reservations in an international airline were modeled for the requirements definition and the preliminary design. We could find every requirements defined by the KAOS model in the use case models and the robustness diagrams. Our approach was confirmed to be feasible through this case study.

    DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-094-9-171

    Web of Science


  • Dynamic reconfiguration in self-adaptive systems considering non-functional properties Reviewed

    Hisayuki Horikoshi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1144 - 1150   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Self-adaptive systems have recently been receiving much attention because of their ability to cope with the changes of environment, failures, and unanticipated events. These systems need an adaptation mechanism, which automatically computes the possible configurations, and decides the most appropriate configuration to fit the environment. In particular, the satisfaction of non-functional requirements must be considered when selecting the best reconfiguration. However, there are trade-off problems among non-functional requirements. Moreover, the adaptation mechanisms are typically developed separately from the components to be implemented, and it complicates the construction of such systems. We propose (1) a feature-oriented analysis technique, which can identify adaptation points, and calculate the contribution to non-functional goals of the configuration
    (2) a component specification model, which extends an architectural description language for self-adaptation
    (3) a reconfiguration framework aimed to reduce the complexity of the reconfiguration and generate the best configuration at run-time. We evaluate the feasibility of our framework by four different scenarios, and show that our framework reduces the complexity of the reconfiguration, and solves the trade-off problem among non-functional requirements. © 2012 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2245276.2231956



  • Goal-oriented approach to creating class diagrams with OCL constraints Reviewed

    Sombat Chanvilai, Kozo Honda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1051 - 1056   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Consistency between various phases of the software development process is an important aspect in software engineering. Without this aspect, software products may not satisfy users' needs. The cause of the inconsistency is that users' requirements may not be sufficiently reflected in software products. We consider this situation as a gap between the requirements and the products. We focus on the early phases of the software development, because we need to deal with the problem before the inconsistency in the early phases affects the later phases. KAOS has been attracting attentions and UML has been widely adopted, in the early phases, for requirements analysis and design respectively. However, the requirements analysis phase and the design phase are often practiced separately which may cause a gap between them. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach, to reduce the gap between the requirement analysis phase and the design phase, by generating UML class diagram and OCL constraints from the KAOS model. We propose transformation rules between operation models and class diagrams and rules for producing OCL constraints from the KAOS model. In addition, we carried out a case study to confirm the validity of this approach. © 2012 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2245276.2231940



  • 作曲特徴を用いた作曲支援システムの実現に向けて

    金子裕司, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 服飾オントロジーを用いたECサイトにおけるユーザデザイン嗜好の推定と評価

    全泰賢, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Reputation Trend Extraction from Microblogging Using Sentiment Analysis and Topic Extraction Reviewed

    Kazuyuki Hashimoto, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   94 ( 11 )   1762 - 1772   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 非機能特性を考慮した自己適応システムの動的再構成手法の提案 Reviewed

    堀越永幸, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • モデル検査のためのオブジェクト制約言語を用いた外部環境モデルの構築のための考察 Reviewed

    吉池弘樹, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Recommender Agent Providing Novelty and Serendipity on Social Media SNS Reviewed

    Soichiro Sumimoto, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   94 ( 11 )   1800 - 1811   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Support for Generating UML Class Diagrams and OCL Constraints from KAOS Model Reviewed

    Sombat Chanvilai, Kozo Honda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Green-Thumb Phone: Development of Plant Recommendation Agent Using Augmented Reality on Mobile Phone Reviewed

    Norihito Mishiro, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   94 ( 11 )   1791 - 1799   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • System Presenting Primary Opinions Extracted from Blogs about the News Article Being Browsed Reviewed

    Daisuke Sato, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   94 ( 11 )   1773 - 1782   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Development of Web Agent to Extract Product Searching Intention according to Interaction Sequence Reviewed

    Takahiro Kawamura, Kora Va, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   94 ( 11 )   1783 - 1790   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Opinion Extraction Using Supervised Learning for Reputation Analysis System Reviewed

    Toshiyuki Tanaka, The-Minh Nguyen, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   94 ( 11 )   1751 - 1761   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(3)~行動ネットワークを用いた避難行動の推薦~ Reviewed

    伊藤 雅博, グェン ミン テイ, 川村 隆浩, 中川 博之, 田原 康之, 大須賀 昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 服飾系ECサイトにおける商品閲覧履歴に基づいたデザイン嗜好の推定と商品検索システムの提案 Reviewed

    全 泰賢, 川村 隆浩, 中川 博之, 田原 康之, 大須賀 昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • フォークソノミーとソーシャルアノテーションを用いた動画シーンへのラベリング Reviewed

    石野克徳, 折原良平, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(2)~時系列避難行動ネットワークの構築~ Reviewed

    グェン ミン テイ, 越川 兼地, 川村 隆浩, 中川 博之, 田原 康之, 大須賀 昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 震災時の効率的な避難のための行動推薦エージェントReady for 87%の提案(1)~避難計画オントロジーの設計~ Reviewed

    ミヤマエ イワナガ, イサベル シズ, グェン ミン テイ, 川村 隆浩, 中川 博之, 田原 康之, 大須賀 昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Visual-K: A Prototype for a Visualization Tool Modeling Goal-Oriented RE Methodology KAOS Reviewed

    Yoko Girier, Kozo Honda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Measurement and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2011)   2011.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • アーキテクチャ記述言語を用いた自己適応システム設計手法の検討

    堀越永幸, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Visual-K:ゴール指向要求分析手法KAOSのモデリング可視化支援ツールの試作

    ジリエ陽子, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • シーソー型インタフェースを用いた評判比較システムの開発

    田中俊行, グェンミンティ, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 未知性と意外性を考慮したイラスト推薦システムの提案: 3D表示を用いたイラスト推薦インタフェース

    住元宗一朗, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • スマートフォン向け植物推薦サービスGreen-Thumb Phoneの開発 ~モバイルセンサーと拡張現実を用いた植栽環境との調和性推定~

    三代謙仁, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • インタラクション・シーケンスに着目したユーザの商品検索 の目的の抽出に関する検討と実装

    ワコラ, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • An implementation framework for self-adaptive systems based on agent behaviors description Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   26 ( 1 )   1 - 12   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The complexity of current software systems requires the ability to adapt at run-time, and the development of self-adaptive systems is one of the recent challenges for realizing dynamic adaptation. In this paper, we focus on the adaptation based on the components connection as a fundamental adaptation, and present our implementation framework for constructing self-adaptive systems on the basis of an agent platform. We reinforce the agent platform by adding some application program interface for behavior cooperation and its autonomic activation, and connect the behaviors with components in self-adaptive systems. We also introduce an implementation guideline: a way to identify the responsibilities for control loops and implementation patterns for these responsibilities. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and guideline through the results from our implementation experiments and show how they can be used to construct self-adaptive systems by using agent platforms.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.26.1



  • Gocc: A configuration compiler for self-adaptive systems using goal-oriented requirements description Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering   40 - 49   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Self-adaptive systems have recently attracted attention because of their ability to cope with changing environments, including system intrusions or faults. Such software must modify itself to better fit its environment, and one of the approaches by which we expect this capability to be achieved is the introduction of multiple control loops to assess the situation and to determine whether a change in behaviors or configurations is necessary and how to implement the change. Development of such systems with multiple control loops complicates the task of identifying components, and could be greatly aided by appropriate tool support. In this paper, we propose an architectural compiler for self-adaptive systems, which generates architectural configurations from the goal-oriented requirements descriptions. We also present a framework for generating such configurations with this compiler and a pattern in the requirements description. We evaluate the framework experimentally and show that it helps to generate suitable configurations that have high performance, and that the compiler scales well to large input models. © 2011 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/1988008.1988015



  • Automatic extraction and evaluation of human activity using conditional random fields and self-supervised learning Reviewed

    Nguyen Minh, Kawamura Takahiro, Nakagawa Hiroyuki, Tahara Yasuyuki, Ohsuga Akihiko

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   26 ( 1 )   166 - 178   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. Given a small corpus sample as input, it automatically makes its own training data and a feature model. Based on the feature model, it automatically extracts all of the attributes and the transition between the activities in each sentence retrieved from the Web corpus. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. Since it is unnecessary to fix the number of elements in a tuple, this approach can extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities by making only a single pass. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, the approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from the Web. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%).

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.26.166



  • IMPULSE: A design framework for multi-agent systems based on model transformation Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1411 - 1418   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    The purpose of this study is to reduce the difficulties encountered when designing multi-agent systems (MAS). Although MAS are one of the more effective approaches for dealing with the recent increase in software complexity, they are themselves difficult to develop. We believe the difficulties in determining agent responsibilities and the organizational structure as the most significant obstacles to MAS development. In this paper, we propose a design framework for MAS, which includes restriction rules in the goal-oriented requirements description and a generator that transforms the restricted requirements description into a general MAS design model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through a case study and show how the framework can be used to construct MAS design models more precisely than conventional methods permit. © 2011 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/1982185.1982491



  • Development of ontology building service ONTOMO: Evaluation of ontology recommendation agent using proper noun extraction Reviewed

    Takahiro Kawamura, I. Shin, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   26 ( 1 )   116 - 126   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Ontology-enabled services are rapidly increasing in the Web. However, those are sort of "lighter" ontologies compared with ontologies used in design and diagnosis. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables internet users to take part in building those ontologies. ONTOMO is designed not for ontology experts, but for general users of the light-weight ontology. So we focused on easy-use, no installation, and cooperative work environment. Also, it has an agent function which recommends instances and properties belong to ontology classes to boost the users' input. In the recommendation agent, we built our own proper noun extraction mechanism based on bootstrapping. Furthermore, ONTOMO provides a ontology-based blog search as a sample application to motivate the users' ontology building. After the ONTOMO overview, we present the instance and property recommendation agent with experimental evaluation.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.26.116



  • An architecture with planning for autonomic systems Reviewed

    Kazuhiko Nishimura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   26 ( 1 )   107 - 115   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Autonomic systems aim to reduce the configuration, operational, and maintenance tasks of large distributed applications. In order to implement autonomic systems, several approaches, such as Self-managed system and Autonomic Computing, have been proposed. This paper describes an architectural approach for autonomic systems, which is based on a three-layered model. In the uppermost layer, the planning function, which is an important part of this model, has to efficiently make an effective sequence of operational services to satisfy goals. In this paper, we propose an automated planning algorithm using hierarchy planning technique. Our planner composes the sequence of operational services in the most abstract space, and then it successively embodies the detail of them. The critical values, which determine the abstract space, are automatically discovered from the knowledge of operational services. We also present the experimental results to show the effectiveness of our method.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.26.107



  • Building an earthquake evacuation ontology from twitter Reviewed

    Isabel Shizu Miyamae Iwanaga, The-Minh Nguyen, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2011   306 - 311   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    During the massive Tohoku earthquake, while landlines and mobile phone lines got stuck, Twitter were used to exchange information about evacuation. On 11 March, the number of tweets from Japan dramatically increased to about 33 million, 1.8 times higher than the average figure. However, since texts on Twitter are unstructured data, are more complex than other text media, it is difficult to find a suitable evacuation center. Not only information in Twitter, people but also need to combine other information such as map information, shop information to find the suitable evacuation center. Since it takes much time to do these tasks, these manual processing are not suitable in the emergency status. Therefore, we need an approach to help computers to understand the meaning of evacuation, and to provide the most suitable evacuation center based on earthquake victims' behaviors in real-time. In this paper, we firstly design an earthquake evacuation ontology. Secondly, we indicate that by using this ontology, computers can provide the most suitable evacuation center based on earthquake victims' behaviors in real-time. © 2011 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/GRC.2011.6122613



  • ケーススタディ:KAOS/UMLモデリング Reviewed

    本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • コンテンツ投稿型SNS における未知性と意外性を考慮した推薦エージェントの提案 Reviewed

    住元宗一朗, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 教師あり学習を用いたレビューサイトからの意見抽出 Reviewed

    田中俊行, グェンミンティ, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

    学生奨励賞受賞: 田中俊行


  • マイクロブログを用いた評判傾向抽出法の提案 Reviewed

    橋本和幸, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 閲覧中のニュース記事に対するブログの主張を提示するシステムの提案 Reviewed

    佐藤大輔, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 携帯端末上での拡張現実を用いた植物推薦エージェントGreen-ThumbPhoneの開発 Reviewed

    三代謙仁, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  



  • Constructing Formal Specifications for Self-adaptive Systems with Handling Conflicts among Processes Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    IPSJ Journal   2010.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • ONTOMO: Web Service for Ontology Building - Evaluation of Ontology Recommendation using Named Entity Extraction Reviewed

    Takahiro Kawamura, I Shin, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proc. of IADIS International Conference WWW/INTERNET 2010 (ICWI 2010)   2010.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Towards Effective Use of Requirements Description in Self-adaptive System Development Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Proc. of the International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2010 (IWMST2010)   2010.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • ニコニコ探検くらぶ:ソーシャルアノテーションとキーワード群に基づく動画要約 Reviewed

    多胡厚津史, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀 昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Webからの自己教師あり学習を用いた人間行動マイニング

    グェン・ミン・ティ, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • モデル検査によるAjax アプリケーション検証 Reviewed

    玉田和洋, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • ONTOMO: Web-based ontology building system - Instance recommendation using bootstrapping Reviewed

    I. Shin, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1442 - 1443   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ACM  

    In the web research, ontologies are widely used these days. However, several difficulties in ontology building have been pointed out so far and its costs are raising problems currently. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables Internet users to take part in building ontologies as a part of collective intelligence. After introducing an overview of ONTOMO, an instance and property recommendation mechanism based on the editing history of multiple users will be presented together with experimental evaluations. © 2010 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/1774088.1774395



    Other Link: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/sac/sac2010.html#conf/sac/ShinKNNTO10

  • Automatic mining of human activity attributes from weblogs Reviewed

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings - 9th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2010   633 - 638   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In this paper, we define an activity by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all attributes in each sentence retrieved from Japanese weblogs. Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes by making only a single pass over its corpus. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, the proposed approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from Japanese weblogs. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.87%, attributes: over 90%). © 2010 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICIS.2010.44



  • NicoScene: Video Scene Search by Keywords Based on Social Annotation Reviewed

    Yasuyuki Tahara, Atsushi Tago, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga

    ACTIVE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY   6335   461 - 474   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    As there are increasing needs to view a huge number of videos on the Web in short time, the video summary technology is actively investigated. However, there exists trade-offs of costs and precision of summaries. In this paper, we propose a system called NicoScene to search desirable scenes from the videos provided in a video hosting service called Nico Nico Douga. We use the feature of the service in which we can attach comments to videos and treat the comments as social annotation. By some experiments, we demonstrate the advantages of NicoScene in particular the search precisions.

    Web of Science



    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SCITEPRESS  

    The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all basic attributes namely actor, action, object, time and location which belong to an activity, and the relationships (transition and cause) between activities in each sentence retrieved from Japanese CGM (consumer generated media). Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes, and inability of extracting causes between activities. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and unnecessary hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes and relationships between activities by making only a single pass over its corpus. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, removing stop words, utilizing html tags, google map api, and wikipedia, the proposed approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from Japanese CGM.

    Web of Science


  • Self-supervised Mining of Human Activity from CGM Reviewed

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all basic attributes namely actor, action, object, time and location which belong to an activity, and the transition between activities in each sentence retrieved from Japanese CGM (consumer generated media). Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper Proposes a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and unnecessary hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes and transitions between activities by making only a single pass over its corpus.

    Web of Science


  • ONTOMO: Web-based ontology building system - Instance recommendation using bootstrapping Reviewed

    I. Shin, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1442 - 1443   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In the web research, ontologies are widely used these days. However, several difficulties in ontology building have been pointed out so far and its costs are raising problems currently. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables Internet users to take part in building ontologies as a part of collective intelligence. After introducing an overview of ONTOMO, an instance and property recommendation mechanism based on the editing history of multiple users will be presented together with experimental evaluations. © 2010 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/1774088.1774395



  • Cooperative Behaviors Description for Self-* Systems Implementation Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    Agent platforms have recently attracted attention for use as a basis for self-* systems development because it provides a mechanism for autonomous functionalities. From among these platforms, JADE allows developers to describe concurrent behaviors on it, and this can be a foundation of constructing the multi-processes on self-* systems. This paper shows an overview of our approach for implementing highly collaborative behaviors by introducing a component style behavior model and its life cycle on the basis of the agent platform.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12384-9_9

    Web of Science


  • Human Activity Mining Using Conditional Radom Fields and Self-Supervised Learning Reviewed

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%).

    Web of Science


  • Human Activity Mining Using Conditional Radom Fields and Self-Supervised Learning Reviewed

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%).

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12145-6_15

    Web of Science


  • モデル検査によるAjaxアプリケーション検証のためのモデルの提案 Reviewed

    玉田和洋, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Constructing Self-adaptive Systems Using Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Information Processing Society of Japan   2009.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • オントロジー構築サービスONTOMOの開発 -固有名詞抽出によるインスタンスとプロパティ自動推薦エージェントの評価- Reviewed

    沈偉, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • サービス合成時におけるプライバシ保護手法

    浜本一知, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • ニコシーン: ソーシャルアノテーションとキーワード群に基づく動画シーン検索 Reviewed

    多胡厚津史, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 条件付確率場と自己教師あり学習を用いた行動属性の自動抽出と評価 Reviewed

    Minh Nguyen The, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 自己適応型セキュリティアーキテクチャの提案 Reviewed

    田原康之, 中川博之, 中山健, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 自律システム実現に向けたアーキテクチャの構築 Reviewed

    西村一彦, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  



  • オントロジー構築サービスONTOMOの開発 -インスタンス自動推薦の試作と評価-

    沈偉, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • ONTOMO: Development of Ontology Building Service Evaluation of Instance Recommendation Using Proper Noun Extraction Reviewed

    I. Shin, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    In the research area of web technologies, ontologies are recently widely used. By using ontologies, We can share common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents and enable reuse of domain knowledge. However. the difficulties in building ontologies have been pointed out and its costs are raising problems currently. To build an ontology, we must determine the domain that the ontology will cover, and define taxonomy, properties, instances of the ontology. It is very difficult and time consuming to build them without any tools. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables Internet users to take part in building ontologies as a part of collective intelligence. In particular, we present an instance recommendation mechanism based on the editing history of multiple users together with experimental evaluations.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11161-7_10

    Web of Science


  • ONTOMO: Development of Ontology Building Service Evaluation of Instance Recommendation Using Proper Noun Extraction Reviewed

    I. Shin, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    In the research area of web technologies, ontologies are recently widely used. By using ontologies, We can share common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents and enable reuse of domain knowledge. However. the difficulties in building ontologies have been pointed out and its costs are raising problems currently. To build an ontology, we must determine the domain that the ontology will cover, and define taxonomy, properties, instances of the ontology. It is very difficult and time consuming to build them without any tools. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables Internet users to take part in building ontologies as a part of collective intelligence. In particular, we present an instance recommendation mechanism based on the editing history of multiple users together with experimental evaluations.

    Web of Science


  • A context sharing message broker architecture to enhance interoperability in changeable environments Reviewed

    Junichi Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    3rd International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services, and Technologies, UBICOMM 2009   31 - 39   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    With the growing number of mobile devices connected to the network, demand for appropriate services according to the situational contexts of users is increasing. However, building such context-aware applications is costly because both the environments of users in the real world and available services on the network are dynamically changing. In this paper, we propose a Context Sharing Message Broker Architecture which supports applications in changeable environments which cooperate with each other. The message broker provides a common context model which applications can share. A context model works not only as a common interface to the real world context, but also as a common interface to the applications which share the context model. Applications only access the context model, and they do not directly communicate with each other. This approach has three advantages
    this architecture reduces the complexity of distributed context-aware systems
    the architecture keeps applications independent from each other
    applications can maintain their common context model cooperatively. These advantages enable applications to cooperate, and yet keep applications independent from each other. © 2009 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/UBICOMM.2009.48



  • A Survey of Application Development in Ubiquitous Computing Reviewed

    Kenji Tei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yojiro Kawamata, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinichi Honiden

    JSSST Journal Compupter Software   2008.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • KAOSモデルを利用したself-adaptive システムの構築 Reviewed

    中川博之, 大須賀昭彦, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • オントロジー構築サービスONTOMOの開発 Reviewed

    沈偉, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • コンポーネントモデルを用いたJADE ビヘイビア実装手法の提案 Reviewed

    中川博之, 大須賀昭彦, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 階層プランニングによるWebサービスの自動合成 Reviewed

    西村一彦, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Constructing Formal Specifications from Requirements Specifications Based on Model Transformation Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kenji Taguchi, Shinichi Honiden

    Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan   2008.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Achievement of Carrying Objects by Small-Sized Humanoid Robot. Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ryohei Nakatsu

    Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2008, 7th International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, September 25-27, 2008. Proceedings   106 - 115   2008

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  • Constructing Self-adaptive Systems Using a KAOS Model Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE COMPUTER SOC  

    Self-adaptive systems have recently attracted attention as flexible software because they can change their own behaviors to react to changes in their environments. Such systems have also attracted attention in the field of pervasive computing. This paper describes our approach to developing self-adaptive systems utilizing a requirements model to build the system architecture. This paper also discusses the implementation style we used using the acquired architecture model, and our evaluation of the feasibility of our development process through a case study.

    DOI: 10.1109/SASOW.2008.35

    Web of Science


  • 保守性に着目したリファクタリング方針の評価メトリクス Reviewed

    川俣洋次郎, 中川博之, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • モデル変換に基づく要求記述を利用した形式仕様記述の構築 Reviewed

    中川博之, 吉岡信和, 田口研治, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • ユビキタスコンピューティングにおけるアプリケーション開発手法に関する研究動向 Reviewed

    鄭顕志, 中川博之, 川俣洋次郎, 吉岡信和, 深澤良彰, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Verification of Analysis Model for Multi-Agent Systems Based on Importance of Requirements Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Shinichi Honiden

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   90 ( 9 )   2281 - 2292   2007.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • IMPULSE: Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems based on KAOS Modeling Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Shinichi Honiden

    Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan   2007.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Formal specification generator for KAOS - Model transformation approach to generate formal specifications from KAOS requirements models Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kenji Taguchi, Shinichi Honiden

    ASE'07 - 2007 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering   531 - 532   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Formal methods and requirements analysis are techniques for developing complex systems. However, there is little research on reconciling the requirements phase with the formal specification phase. To bridge this gap, we propose a formal specification generator based on model transformation techniques. This tool transforms KAOS models (requirements specifications) into VDM++ formal specifications. Our generator enables consistent and effective software development activities.

    DOI: 10.1145/1321631.1321729



  • Formal specification generator for KAOS - Model transformation approach to generate formal specifications from KAOS requirements models Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kenji Taguchi, Shinichi Honiden

    ASE'07 - 2007 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering   531 - 532   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ACM  

    Formal methods and requirements analysis are techniques for developing complex systems. However, there is little research on reconciling the requirements phase with the formal specification phase. To bridge this gap, we propose a formal specification generator based on model transformation techniques. This tool transforms KAOS models (requirements specifications) into VDM++ formal specifications. Our generator enables consistent and effective software development activities.

    DOI: 10.1145/1321631.1321729



    Other Link: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/kbse/ase2007.html#conf/kbse/NakagawaTH07

  • 第21回ソフトウェア工学の自動化国際会議(ASE2006)開催および参加報告

    鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 下滝亜里, 中川博之, 林晋平, 丸山勝久, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • KAOSを利用したマルチエージェントシステムの分析モデル構築 Reviewed

    中川博之, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 要求の重要度を用いたロール・組織構造の同定 Reviewed

    中川博之, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • 第28回ソフトウェア工学国際会議(ICSE2006)参加報告

    鷲崎弘宜, 青山幹雄, 中川博之, 角田雅照, 吉村健太郎


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems based on KAOS Modeling Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2006)   2006.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • KAOSを用いたマルチエージェントシステムの分析支援 Reviewed

    中川博之, 苅部卓哉, 本位田真一


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


  • A Goal Model Elaboration for Localizing Changes in Software Evolution Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'13)   2003.7

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▼display all


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2023(SES2023)予稿集

    小形真平, 角田雅照, 中川博之( Role: Joint editor)


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  • The 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE2020)

    Maria Virvou, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Lakhmi C. Jain( Role: Joint editor)

    Springer  2020.8 

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  • Intelligent Software Design and Development Based on Multi-Agent Technology

    Akihiko Ohsuga, Yasuyuki Tahara, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Takahiro Kawamura( Role: Joint author)

    Corona Publishing Co., Ltd.  2017.7  ( ISBN:9784339028188

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    Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book



  • 大規模言語モデルの活用による非機能要件を加味したゴールモデル構築

    城間大幹, 渡辺啓太郎, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web)   123 ( 352(KBSE2023 51-64) )   2024

  • 強化学習と階層化意思決定法を用いた施設レイアウト自動設計支援システムの提案—Automatic Facility Layout Design Using Reinforcement Learning and a Analytic Hierarchy Process

    池田 光, 中川 博之, 赤木 宏匡, 関本 章, 土屋 達弘

    日本経営工学会論文誌 = Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association   74 ( 3 )   142 - 152   2023.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京 : 日本経営工学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 先進的な取り組みとしてのハイブリッド開催の評価 Invited

    菊地伸治, 中川博之, 木村功作, 小形真平, 山登庸次, 中村匡秀, 細野繁, 村上陽平

    電子情報通信学会誌   104 ( 6 )   632 - 636   2021.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • ニューノーマルな研究会に向けた実証評価報告 Invited

    菊地伸治, 中川博之, 木村功作, 小形真平, 中村匡秀, 山登庸次, 細野繁, 村上陽平

    電子情報通信学会 情報・システムソサイエティ誌   25 ( 4 )   19 - 23   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Meeting report  


  • 実時間制約を遵守する適応型ソフトウェアの実装フレームワークに関する研究


    旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告   1 - 9   2019.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  


  • 日本ソフトウェア科学会第35回大会報告 Invited Reviewed

    森畑明昌, 井上克郎, 楠本真二, 中川博之, 伊藤恵, 長谷部浩二, 稲葉一浩

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 学会誌『コンピュータソフトウェア』   36 ( 2 )   2 - 15   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Meeting report  


  • 実世界指向自己適応フレームワークにおける動的検証メカニズムに関する調査研究(継続)


    公益財団法人電気通信普及財団 第33号2018年度 情報通信に関する技術分野における研究調査   ( 33 )   1 - 11   2018.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  


  • 知能ソフトウェア工学の深化(真価) Invited


    電子情報通信学会誌   100 ( 10 )   1085 - 1085   2017.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • Frontiers of Software Engineering - The Era of Software-Defined Everything -:10. Self-adaptive Software in Era of IoT

    58 ( 8 )   702 - 704   2017.7

  • 実世界指向自己適応フレームワークにおける動的検証メカニズムに関する調査研究


    公益財団法人電気通信普及財団 第32号2017年度 情報通信に関する技術分野における研究調査   ( 32 )   1 - 11   2017.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  


  • 抽出ルールに基づいた要求記述からのゴールモデルの構築支援

    島田裕紀, 中川博之, 小島英春, 土屋達弘

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2017 ( SE-195 )   Vol.2017‐SE‐195,No.10,1‐8 (WEB ONLY)   2017.3

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  • 文書中の単語出現頻度を利用したトピックモデル洗練化

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2017 ( SE-195 )   Vol.2017‐SE‐195,No.22,1‐8 (WEB ONLY)   2017.3

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  • An Efficient Configuration Switching Method Based on System Environmental Monitoring

    妙見侑祐, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   116 ( 493(KBSE2016 39-51) )   1‐6   2017.2

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  • Improvement of Efficient Runtime Model Checking for Self-adaptive Systems Using Cashe

    外山大夢, 中川博之, 小島英春, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   116 ( 493(KBSE2016 39-51) )   7‐12   2017.2

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  • An Empirical Study on Topic Model Refinement Based on Stop Word Extraction

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   116 ( 284(KBSE2016 24-30) )   19‐24   2016.10

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  • 時間制約を考慮可能な動的検証機能を備えた自己適応システム実装フレームワーク

    津田宏軌, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集   15th   41‐48   2016.8

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  • An Empirical Study on Test Case Clustering Based on Topic Modeling

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   116 ( 67(KBSE2016 1-6) )   13‐18   2016.5

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  • 大きな振る舞い変更にも適用可能な自己適応システムの動的モデル検査法

    小川賢人, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2016 ( SE-191 )   VOL.2016‐SE‐191,NO.19 (WEB ONLY)   2016.3

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  • ゴール指向洗練パターン駆動によるユースケースモデリング

    本田耕三, 平山秀昭, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D(Web)   J99-D ( 3 )   238‐254 (WEB ONLY)   2016.3

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  • An Empirical Study on Requirements Topic Elaboration Based on Temporal Changes of Top Words

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   115 ( 231(KBSE2015 28-34) )   27 - 31   2015.9

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  • 意外性のあるレシピを推薦するエージェントの提案

    池尻恭介, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D(Web)   J98-D ( 6 )   971-981 (WEB ONLY)   2015.6

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  • A Preliminary Programing Framework for Self-Adaptive Systems on Real-World Hardware

    津田宏軌, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   115 ( 54(KBSE2015 1-8) )   33 - 38   2015.5

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  • 組み合わせインタラクションテストにおけるBDDを用いた制約処理法の性能評価

    坂野宏樹, 中川博之, 小島英春, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D(Web)   J98-D ( 3 )   384-395 (WEB ONLY)   2015.3

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  • Towards Enhancement of Dynamic Verification Applicability for Self-Adaptive Systems

    小川賢人, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   114 ( 501(KBSE2014 52-64) )   65 - 70   2015.2

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  • ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦(1)―システム概要―

    大須賀昭彦, 田原康之, 川村隆浩, 清雄一, 中川博之, 吉岡信和, 松本一教, 一色正男

    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.D-9-24   2015.2

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  • ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦(2)―自己適応システム技術の適用―

    田原康之, 大須賀昭彦, 川村隆浩, 清雄一, 中川博之, 吉岡信和, 松本一教, 一色正男

    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.D-9-25   2015.2

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  • D-9-25 Evacuation Plan Recommendation Using Miniblogs (2) : Application of Self-Adaptive System Approach

    Tahara Yasuyuki, Ohsuga Akihiko, Kawamura Takahiro, Sei Yuichi, Nakagawa Hiroyuki, Yoshioka Nobukazu, Matsumoto Kazunori, Isshiki Masao

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2015 ( 1 )   142 - 142   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

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  • ミニブログを利用した避難行動推薦(3)―プライバシ保護データマイニングの適用―

    清雄一, 大須賀昭彦, 田原康之, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 吉岡信和, 松本一教, 一色正男

    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.D-9-26   2015.2

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  • An Empirical Study on Requirements Elicitation from Feedback Comments Using LDA

    高橋仁, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   114 ( 420(KBSE2014 39-51) )   1 - 6   2015.1

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  • ソフトウェア進化と自己適応ソフトウェア


    生産と技術   67 ( 1 )   73 - 76   2015.1

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  • Analysis of flaming and its applications in CGM

    Yuki Iwasaki, Ryohei Orihara, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   30 ( 1 )   152 - 160   2015.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    Nowadays, anybody can easily express their opinion publicly through Consumer Generated Media. Because of this, a phenomenon of flooding criticism on the Internet, called flaming, frequently occurs. Although there are strong demands for flaming management, a service to reduce damage caused by a flaming after one occurs, it is very difficult to properly do so in practice. We are trying to keep the flaming from happening. It is necessary to identify the situation and the remark which are likely to cause flaming for our goal. Concretely, we propose methods to identify a potential tweet which will be a likely candidate of a flaming on Twitter, considering public opinion among Twitter users. Among three categories of flamings, our main focus is Struggles between Conflicting Values (SBCV), which is defined as a remark that forces one’s own opinion about a topic on others. Forecasting of this type of flamings is potentially desired since most of its victims are celebrities, who need to care one’s own social images. We proceed with a working hypothesis: a SBCV is caused by a gap between the polarity of the remark and that of public opinion. First, we have visualized the process how a remark gets flamed when its content is far from public opinion, by means of our original parameter daily polarity (dp). Second, we have built a highly accurate flaming prediction model with decision tree learning, using cumulative dp as an attribute along with parameters available from Twitter APIs. The experimental result suggests that the hypothesis is correct.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.30.152




  • Transformation of KAOS Goal Models to BPMN Models Using Refinement Patterns

    堀田大貴, 本田耕三, 平山秀昭, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    コンピュータソフトウェア   32 ( 4 )   4.141-4.160 (J-STAGE) - 4_160   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Software Science and Technology  

    In the software development, modeling business process is important. In constructing business process model appropriately, stakeholder's requirements should be reflected in the model. Therefore, in this research, we propose transformation approach from goal models using refinement pattern to business process models. It is denoted that rules of transformation and algorithm. Using our approach supports constructing business process models by specifying stakeholder's requirements formally using refinement patterns. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach through applying our approach for a number of cases and using model-checking techniques.

    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.32.4_141

    CiNii Article



  • Innovation in and through Requirements Engineering - A Report on the 22st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2014) -

    Shinobu Saito, Masahiro Ide, Shinpei Ogata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Mari Inoki, Takao Okubo, Mikio Aoyama

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2014 ( 9 )   1 - 8   2014.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    This paper gives our report on the 22st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2014) held in Karlskrona of Sweden on August 18-22, 2014.

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  • Application of Answer Set Programming to Various Forms of the Task Scheduling Problem

    小林弘幸, 中川博之, 小島英春, 土屋達弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   114 ( 127(SS2014 9-24) )   25 - 30   2014.7

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  • Music Recommender Adapting Implicit Context Using 'renso' Relation among Linked Data

    Mian Wang, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    55 ( 4 )   2014.4

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  • A Requirements Analysis Method for potential customers with Morphological Analysis

    GIRIER Yoko, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2014 ( SE-183 )   WEB ONLY VOL.2014-SE-183,NO.8 - 8   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    This paper proposes a requirements analysis method for high reusable software on Web GUI application widget library development. Assuming short period of development, we make it possible to acquire requirements carefully selecting basic functions necessary as library. Furthermore, with morphological analysis, we extract functions which satisfy requirements not only for explicit customers, but also for target to become customers potentially, that is potential customers. We evaluated our method applying to web GUI application widget library. We verified our method is more valid compared to existing method or simple method which does not consider extract conditions.

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  • Surprising Ingredient Extraction based on Rarity and Generality

    池尻恭介, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    コンピュータソフトウェア   31 ( 3 )   3.70-3.78 (J-STAGE) - 78   2014

  • Pose Estimation of Still Images using Human Pose Guide Ontology

    田代和浩, 川村隆浩, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    コンピュータソフトウェア   31 ( 3 )   3.58-3.69 (J-STAGE) - 69   2014

  • Common Goal Identification for Software Reuse

    中村祐貴, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    コンピュータソフトウェア   31 ( 2 )   2.67-2.83 (J-STAGE)   2014

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  • メディア情報のLinked Data化と活用事例の提案

    川村隆浩, 越川兼地, 中川博之, 清雄一, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J96-D ( 12 )   2987 - 2999   2013.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

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  • C/S型オンラインゲームの自己適応化に向けたMAPEループ構成パターンの提案

    山縣慧, 中川博之, 清雄一, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM)   2013 ( 6 )   ROMBUNNO.11   2013.11

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  • Toward Self-Adaptation of the Automatic Cleaning Robot

    工藤拓光, 中川博之, 清雄一, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2013 ( EMB-31 )   WEB ONLY VOL.2013-EMB-31,NO.5 - 8   2013.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    We study about the self-adaptive systems of the automatic cleaning robot. Our proposed system that moves various objects by the using of our application incorporated into the control mechanism of the Roomba is toward self-adaptation. In order to change the behavior of Roomba to match the characteristics of the object, we have used the MAPE loop methods. MAPE loop is one of the approaches of self-adaptive system. In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of the self-adaptation, by experiment to move various objects using the MAPE loop methods.

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  • A Report on the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2013)


    Technical report of IEICE. SS   113 ( 269 )   123 - 130   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    This paper gives our report on the 21^&lt;st&gt; IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2013) held in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil on July 15-19, 2013.

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  • A Report on the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2013)

    Shinobu Saito, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Takako Nakatani, Mikio Aoyama

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2013 ( 19 )   1 - 8   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    This paper gives our report on the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2013) held in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil on July 15-19, 2013.

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  • A Report on the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2013)

    斎藤忍, 中川博之, 中谷多哉子, 青山幹雄

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   113 ( 269(SS2013 36-47) )   123 - 130   2013.10

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  • A Proposal of Calculation Method of Surprising Value of Recipe Based on Ingredient

    池尻恭介, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   113 ( 214(DE2013 33-48) )   1 - 6   2013.9

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  • Towards Legal Requirements Elicitation and Modeling using Templates

    吉田豊, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM)   2012 ( 6 )   ROMBUNNO.SE-179,NO.27   2013.4

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  • Towards Legal Requirements Elicitation and Modeling using Templates

    吉田 豊, 中川 博之, 田原 康之, 大須賀 昭彦

    研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE)   2013-SE-179 ( 27 )   1 - 8   2013.3

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    行政機関における各種業務システムは,法令に基づいた業務を処理することから,法令を遵守したシステムを開発する必要がある.しかし,法令の条文は自然言語で記述され,曖昧性や複雑性のみならず,関連する規定が膨大で理解が困難となっている.法令からの要求獲得においてはオントロジーを用いる手法等が提案されているが [1],その構築の困難さ等において実用面での課題がある.そこで本稿では,テンプレートを用いた法的要求抽出及び抽出した要求のモデリングを実現するための手法を提案する.There is a need for a system development that must be complied with law in government sectors, because their administrative activities are based on law. However, legal texts are written in natural language with ambiguities, complexities and also have a lot of articles that makes engineers hard to understand. Related work in requirements elicitation from legal texts includes approaches using ontology[1]. However there are difficulties to make ontology on practical use. In this paper we present an initial approach for requirements elicitation from legal texts using templates and a modeling technique from those elicited requirements.

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  • タグクラスタ多様化による未知性を考慮した推薦手法の提案

    藤原誠, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J96-D ( 3 )   531 - 542   2013.3

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  • Considerations on an Embedded Board Emulator Development Efficiency Method Based on Goal-oriented Requirements Analysis

    GIRIER Yoko, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM)   2012 ( 5 )   ROMBUNNO.OS-123,NO.11   2013.2

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  • Verification by model checking for resource contention issues by the Web applications with asynchronous communication

    都丸卓也, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   112 ( 419(KBSE2012 58-68) )   53 - 58   2013.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Client-side usability become more and more important to develop the Web aplication For example, Ajax allows sending requests asynchronously without blocking clients However, server processing is performed in order not anticipated by the asynchronous communication In this paper, we demonstrate the possible problems caused by the asynchronism and how to solve aproblem It has been considered model checking can be used to solve this problem But expertise and effort is a challenge In tins paper, we propose a method for validation that can also be used for general engineer It is necessary only to describe the order of acquisition and release of resources So It can reduce the efforts and be eliminating the need for expertise mitigation.

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  • Towards solving an obstacle problem by the cooperation of UAVs and UGVs

    Shigeo Nakamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   77 - 82   2013

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    We study a heterogeneous autonomous robot team composed of UAVs (Unmanned Air Vehicles) and UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles) cooperate with each other to carry out global tasks. We introduce the system that UAVs and UGVs remove obstacles cooperatively. In our system, there are multiple type UGVs that have good points and shortcomings, and these UGVs remove a obstacle that block the way. Therefore, our systems can deal with more value of obstacles than existing systems. However our system is more complicated and has many problems to be solved. Therefore, we clarified the problems that our system need to be realized and implemented the robots. The system determines some ways to remove the obstacles using the aerial photograph taken by the UAV and the information of the obstacles by the UGVs, and then outputs a processed aerial photograph and some ways to remove the obstacles. The experimental results reminded us some necessary things for to carry out our goal. Our study has the goal that the autonomous robot team explores under unknown environment such as planetary explorations, or performs search and rescue operations in disaster areas. Copyright 2013 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2480362.2480379



  • CGMにおける炎上の同定とその応用

    岩崎祐貴, 折原良平, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM)   27th   ROMBUNNO.1J3-OS-22A-4   2013

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  • Linked Dataを用いたソーシャルメディア×マスメディアの比較実験

    田代和浩, 王冕, 越川兼地, 西村悟史, 森田武史, 長野伸一, 清雄一, 中川博之, 田原康之, 川村隆浩, 大須賀昭彦

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM)   27th   ROMBUNNO.2N1-OS-10D-3   2013

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  • A goal model elaboration for localizing changes in software evolution

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    2013 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2013 - Proceedings   155 - 164   2013

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    Language:English   Publisher:IEEE Computer Society  

    Software evolution is an essential activity that adapts existing software to changes in requirements. Localizing the impact of changes is one of the most efficient strategies for successful evolution. We exploit requirements descriptions in order to extract loosely coupled components and localize changes for evolution. We define a process of elaboration for the goal model that extracts a set of control loops from the requirements descriptions as components that constitute extensible systems. We regard control loops to be independent components that prevent the impact of a change from spreading outside them. To support the elaboration, we introduce two patterns: one to extract control loops from the goal model and another to detect possible conflicts between control loops. We experimentally evaluated our approach in two types of software development and the results demonstrate that our elaboration technique helps us to analyze the impact of changes in the source code and prevent the complexity of the code from increasing. © 2013 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/RE.2013.6636715



  • A goal model elaboration for localizing changes in software evolution

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    2013 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2013 - Proceedings   155 - 164   2013

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    Language:English   Publisher:IEEE Computer Society  

    Software evolution is an essential activity that adapts existing software to changes in requirements. Localizing the impact of changes is one of the most efficient strategies for successful evolution. We exploit requirements descriptions in order to extract loosely coupled components and localize changes for evolution. We define a process of elaboration for the goal model that extracts a set of control loops from the requirements descriptions as components that constitute extensible systems. We regard control loops to be independent components that prevent the impact of a change from spreading outside them. To support the elaboration, we introduce two patterns: one to extract control loops from the goal model and another to detect possible conflicts between control loops. We experimentally evaluated our approach in two types of software development and the results demonstrate that our elaboration technique helps us to analyze the impact of changes in the source code and prevent the complexity of the code from increasing. © 2013 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/RE.2013.6636715



  • Designing loss-aware fitness function for ga-based algorithmic trading

    Yuya Arai, Ryohei Orihara, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Studies in Computational Intelligence   489   107 - 114   2013

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    Language:English   Publisher:Springer Verlag  

    In these days, an algorithmic trading in stock or foreign exchange (henceforth forex) market is in fashion, and needs for automatically performing stable asset management are growing. Machine learning techniques are increasingly used to construct trading rules of the algorithmic trading, as researches on the algorithmic trading advance. Our study aims to build an automatic trading agent, and in this paper, we concentrate in designing a module which determines trading rules by machine learning. We use Genetic Algorithm (henceforth GA), and we build trading rules by learning parameters of technical indices. Our contribution in this paper is that we propose new fitness functions in GA, in order to make them robuster to change of market trends. Although profits were used as a fitness function in the previous study, we propose the fitness functions which pay more attention to not making a loss than to gaining profits. As a result of our experiment using real TSE(Tokyo Stock Exchange) data for eight years, the proposed method has outperformed the previous method in terms of gained profits. © 2013 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00651-2_15



  • Towards solving an obstacle problem by the cooperation of UAVs and UGVs

    Shigeo Nakamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   77 - 82   2013

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    We study a heterogeneous autonomous robot team composed of UAVs (Unmanned Air Vehicles) and UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles) cooperate with each other to carry out global tasks. We introduce the system that UAVs and UGVs remove obstacles cooperatively. In our system, there are multiple type UGVs that have good points and shortcomings, and these UGVs remove a obstacle that block the way. Therefore, our systems can deal with more value of obstacles than existing systems. However our system is more complicated and has many problems to be solved. Therefore, we clarified the problems that our system need to be realized and implemented the robots. The system determines some ways to remove the obstacles using the aerial photograph taken by the UAV and the information of the obstacles by the UGVs, and then outputs a processed aerial photograph and some ways to remove the obstacles. The experimental results reminded us some necessary things for to carry out our goal. Our study has the goal that the autonomous robot team explores under unknown environment such as planetary explorations, or performs search and rescue operations in disaster areas. Copyright 2013 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2480362.2480379



  • Support for Video Hosting Service Users Using Folksonomy and Social Annotation

    石野克徳, 折原良平, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(CD-ROM)   53 ( 11 )   2494 - 2506   2012.11

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  • A Software Evolution Method Based on Goal-oriented Requirements Description Forming

    中川 博之, 大須賀 昭彦, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会論文誌   53 ( 10 )   2328 - 2344   2012.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報処理学会  

    近年,ソフトウェアシステムを取り巻く要求や環境の変化に対応するために,ソフトウェア進化(Software Evolution)の効率的な実現が求められるようになっている.そこで本研究では,進化を考慮したソフトウェアシステム開発プロセスとして,制御モデルとして知られるControl loopをシステムの構成要素とした,機能単位での拡張が容易なソフトウェア開発プロセスを提案する.本開発プロセスにおいては,要求が記述されたゴールモデルに対して整形プロセスを定義することにより,独立した機能提供が可能なControl loopを抽出し,Control loopにより構成されるシステム構成を決定する.本論文では,ゴールモデルの整形プロセスを中心に提案する開発プロセスについて論じ,KAOSモデリングツールであるk-toolを対象としたソフトウェアシステム進化実験の結果を示すことで,提案手法の有効性を評価する.Software evolution has recently attracted attention in order to adapt the changes in their environments or requirements changes. This paper describes our approach to extracting control loops, which constitute extensible systems. Our method is based on the goal-oriented requirements description, and it provides a technique for elaborating the goal model in order to identify the control loops in the target system. We evaluate our method experimentally and show that it helps to evolve software systems through the development process.

    CiNii Article

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  • A Software Evolution Method Based on Goal-oriented Requirements Description Forming

    中川博之, 大須賀昭彦, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(CD-ROM)   53 ( 10 )   2328 - 2344   2012.10

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  • Requirements Analysis Models to Integrate Requirements Specifications for Software Product Lines

    GIRIER Yoko, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM)   2012 ( 2 )   ROMBUNNO.SE-177,NO.1   2012.8

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  • Improving Recommendation Novelty based on Tag Cluster Diversification

    藤原誠, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM)   2011 ( 6 )   ROMBUNNO.ICS-167,NO.4   2012.4

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  • 特定ユーザの作曲ログデータと付加情報を用いた作曲支援

    金子裕司, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2012 ( 3 (CD-ROM) )   ROMBUNNO.3EXB-36   2012.3

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  • Goal-oriented approach to creating class diagrams with OCL constraints

    Sombat Chanvilai, Kozo Honda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1051 - 1056   2012

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    Consistency between various phases of the software development process is an important aspect in software engineering. Without this aspect, software products may not satisfy users' needs. The cause of the inconsistency is that users' requirements may not be sufficiently reflected in software products. We consider this situation as a gap between the requirements and the products. We focus on the early phases of the software development, because we need to deal with the problem before the inconsistency in the early phases affects the later phases. KAOS has been attracting attentions and UML has been widely adopted, in the early phases, for requirements analysis and design respectively. However, the requirements analysis phase and the design phase are often practiced separately which may cause a gap between them. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach, to reduce the gap between the requirement analysis phase and the design phase, by generating UML class diagram and OCL constraints from the KAOS model. We propose transformation rules between operation models and class diagrams and rules for producing OCL constraints from the KAOS model. In addition, we carried out a case study to confirm the validity of this approach. © 2012 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2245276.2231940



  • Support for video hosting service users using folksonomy and social annotation

    Katsunori Ishino, Ryohei Orihara, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2012   472 - 479   2012

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    Recently, the video hosting is one of the most popular services on the Web. The service user can search movies by title, tag, date, and so on. However, the user can hardly obtain information on a particular scene of a movie. Thus, it is very difficult to determine whether a movie contains interesting scenes or not. This research aims to provide information in order to help a user to choose a movie. Concretely, this paper proposes a method for labeling scenes in a movie using a video hosting service called "Nico Nico Douga". The proposed method extracts important scenes in a movie from "Nico Nico Douga" based on the statistics of social annotations attached to them. Also, using the characteristics of folksonomy the authors extract feature words for labeling. Moreover, in order to take advantage of the feature words, the authors estimate their semantic categories. We use the attached comments themselves to label the important scenes. In order to select the comments, the authors take into account the importance of the feature words with semantic categories in a scene. Finally, the authors carry out experiments to evaluate the proposed method and to discuss future works. © 2012 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/WI-IAT.2012.178



  • Goal-Oriented Robustness Analysis

    Kozo Honda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publisher:IOS PRESS  

    In the upstream software development processes, from requirements definition to design, one of the most important tasks is to make the requirements completely satisfied in the design process, therefore actually realizing the required system. Thus, a seamless connection between the requirements model and the design model is very effective to completely realize user requirements. KAOS [1] is one of the typical methodologies of Goal-oriented requirements engineering [2]. It elicits and builds up the requirements systematically and exhaustively. ICONIX process [3] designs a system using UML diagrams. In the ICONIX process, requirements are reviewed using use case models, and then designed with class and sequence diagrams to realize the use cases through robustness diagrams. Based on these methodologies, this paper presents an approach to transfer as much information as possible from KAOS requirements models to preliminary design of system behaviors in ICONIX. Our approach allows the use case models and robustness diagrams to reflect the requirements of the KAOS model with the refinement patterns. We also conducted a case study where flight reservations in an international airline were modeled for the requirements definition and the preliminary design. We could find every requirements defined by the KAOS model in the use case models and the robustness diagrams. Our approach was confirmed to be feasible through this case study.

    DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-094-9-171

    Web of Science


  • Dynamic reconfiguration in self-adaptive systems considering non-functional properties

    Hisayuki Horikoshi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1144 - 1150   2012

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    Self-adaptive systems have recently been receiving much attention because of their ability to cope with the changes of environment, failures, and unanticipated events. These systems need an adaptation mechanism, which automatically computes the possible configurations, and decides the most appropriate configuration to fit the environment. In particular, the satisfaction of non-functional requirements must be considered when selecting the best reconfiguration. However, there are trade-off problems among non-functional requirements. Moreover, the adaptation mechanisms are typically developed separately from the components to be implemented, and it complicates the construction of such systems. We propose (1) a feature-oriented analysis technique, which can identify adaptation points, and calculate the contribution to non-functional goals of the configuration
    (2) a component specification model, which extends an architectural description language for self-adaptation
    (3) a reconfiguration framework aimed to reduce the complexity of the reconfiguration and generate the best configuration at run-time. We evaluate the feasibility of our framework by four different scenarios, and show that our framework reduces the complexity of the reconfiguration, and solves the trade-off problem among non-functional requirements. © 2012 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2245276.2231956



  • Dynamic reconfiguration in self-adaptive systems considering non-functional properties

    Hisayuki Horikoshi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1144 - 1150   2012

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    Self-adaptive systems have recently been receiving much attention because of their ability to cope with the changes of environment, failures, and unanticipated events. These systems need an adaptation mechanism, which automatically computes the possible configurations, and decides the most appropriate configuration to fit the environment. In particular, the satisfaction of non-functional requirements must be considered when selecting the best reconfiguration. However, there are trade-off problems among non-functional requirements. Moreover, the adaptation mechanisms are typically developed separately from the components to be implemented, and it complicates the construction of such systems. We propose (1) a feature-oriented analysis technique, which can identify adaptation points, and calculate the contribution to non-functional goals of the configuration
    (2) a component specification model, which extends an architectural description language for self-adaptation
    (3) a reconfiguration framework aimed to reduce the complexity of the reconfiguration and generate the best configuration at run-time. We evaluate the feasibility of our framework by four different scenarios, and show that our framework reduces the complexity of the reconfiguration, and solves the trade-off problem among non-functional requirements. © 2012 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2245276.2231956



  • Goal-oriented approach to creating class diagrams with OCL constraints

    Sombat Chanvilai, Kozo Honda, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   1051 - 1056   2012

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    Consistency between various phases of the software development process is an important aspect in software engineering. Without this aspect, software products may not satisfy users' needs. The cause of the inconsistency is that users' requirements may not be sufficiently reflected in software products. We consider this situation as a gap between the requirements and the products. We focus on the early phases of the software development, because we need to deal with the problem before the inconsistency in the early phases affects the later phases. KAOS has been attracting attentions and UML has been widely adopted, in the early phases, for requirements analysis and design respectively. However, the requirements analysis phase and the design phase are often practiced separately which may cause a gap between them. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach, to reduce the gap between the requirement analysis phase and the design phase, by generating UML class diagram and OCL constraints from the KAOS model. We propose transformation rules between operation models and class diagrams and rules for producing OCL constraints from the KAOS model. In addition, we carried out a case study to confirm the validity of this approach. © 2012 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2245276.2231940



  • コンテンツ投稿型SNSにおける未知性と意外性を考慮した推薦エージェントの提案

    住元宗一朗, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J94-D ( 11 )   1800 - 1811   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books



  • 携帯端末上での拡張現実を用いた植物推薦エージェントGreen‐Thumb Phoneの開発

    三代謙仁, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J94-D ( 11 )   1791 - 1799   2011.11

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  • 閲覧中のニュース記事に対するブログ記事から主張を抽出して提示するシステムの提案

    佐藤大輔, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J94-D ( 11 )   1773 - 1782   2011.11

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  • 評判分析システムのための教師あり学習を用いた意見抽出

    田中俊行, NGUYEN The‐Minh, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J94-D ( 11 )   1751 - 1761   2011.11

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  • センチメント分析とトピック抽出によるマイクロブログからの評判傾向抽出

    橋本和幸, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J94-D ( 11 )   1762 - 1772   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books



  • インタラクションシーケンスに着目した商品検索目的抽出エージェントの開発

    川村隆浩, VA Kora, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J94-D ( 11 )   1783 - 1790   2011.11

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  • Design Technique for Self-adaptive Systems Using Architecture Description Language

    堀越永幸, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM)   2011 ( 1 )   ROMBUNNO.SE-172,NO.8   2011.6

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  • Visual-K: a prototype for a visualization tool modeling goal-oriented RE methodology KAOS

    ジリエ陽子, 本田耕三, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM)   2010 ( 6 )   ROMBUNNO.SE-171,NO.29   2011.4

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  • Tribology in Escalator

    NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki

    Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists   56 ( 4 )   211 - 216   2011.4

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  • インタラクション・シーケンスに着目したユーザの商品検索の目的の抽出に関する検討と実装

    VA Kora, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2011 ( 3 )   577 - 580   2011.3

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  • シーソー型インタフェースを用いた評判比較システムの開発

    田中俊行, NGUYEN The‐Minh, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2011 ( 3 )   479 - 482   2011.3

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  • スマートフォン向け植物推薦サービスGreen‐Thumb Phoneの開発~モバイルセンサーと拡張現実を用いた植栽環境との調和性推定~

    三代謙仁, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2011 ( 3 )   449 - 452   2011.3

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  • 未知性と意外性を考慮したイラスト推薦システムの提案:3D表示を用いたイラスト推薦インターフェース

    住元宗一朗, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2011 ( 3 )   519 - 522   2011.3

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  • An implementation framework for self-adaptive systems based on agent behaviors description

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   26 ( 1 )   1 - 12   2011

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    The complexity of current software systems requires the ability to adapt at run-time, and the development of self-adaptive systems is one of the recent challenges for realizing dynamic adaptation. In this paper, we focus on the adaptation based on the components connection as a fundamental adaptation, and present our implementation framework for constructing self-adaptive systems on the basis of an agent platform. We reinforce the agent platform by adding some application program interface for behavior cooperation and its autonomic activation, and connect the behaviors with components in self-adaptive systems. We also introduce an implementation guideline: a way to identify the responsibilities for control loops and implementation patterns for these responsibilities. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and guideline through the results from our implementation experiments and show how they can be used to construct self-adaptive systems by using agent platforms.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.26.1


    CiNii Article



  • Building an earthquake evacuation ontology from twitter

    Isabel Shizu Miyamae Iwanaga, The-Minh Nguyen, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2011   306 - 311   2011

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    During the massive Tohoku earthquake, while landlines and mobile phone lines got stuck, Twitter were used to exchange information about evacuation. On 11 March, the number of tweets from Japan dramatically increased to about 33 million, 1.8 times higher than the average figure. However, since texts on Twitter are unstructured data, are more complex than other text media, it is difficult to find a suitable evacuation center. Not only information in Twitter, people but also need to combine other information such as map information, shop information to find the suitable evacuation center. Since it takes much time to do these tasks, these manual processing are not suitable in the emergency status. Therefore, we need an approach to help computers to understand the meaning of evacuation, and to provide the most suitable evacuation center based on earthquake victims' behaviors in real-time. In this paper, we firstly design an earthquake evacuation ontology. Secondly, we indicate that by using this ontology, computers can provide the most suitable evacuation center based on earthquake victims' behaviors in real-time. © 2011 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/GRC.2011.6122613



  • Building an earthquake evacuation ontology from twitter

    Isabel Shizu Miyamae Iwanaga, The-Minh Nguyen, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2011   306 - 311   2011

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    During the massive Tohoku earthquake, while landlines and mobile phone lines got stuck, Twitter were used to exchange information about evacuation. On 11 March, the number of tweets from Japan dramatically increased to about 33 million, 1.8 times higher than the average figure. However, since texts on Twitter are unstructured data, are more complex than other text media, it is difficult to find a suitable evacuation center. Not only information in Twitter, people but also need to combine other information such as map information, shop information to find the suitable evacuation center. Since it takes much time to do these tasks, these manual processing are not suitable in the emergency status. Therefore, we need an approach to help computers to understand the meaning of evacuation, and to provide the most suitable evacuation center based on earthquake victims' behaviors in real-time. In this paper, we firstly design an earthquake evacuation ontology. Secondly, we indicate that by using this ontology, computers can provide the most suitable evacuation center based on earthquake victims' behaviors in real-time. © 2011 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/GRC.2011.6122613



  • Automatic extraction and evaluation of human activity using conditional random fields and self-supervised learning

    Nguyen Minh, Kawamura Takahiro, Nakagawa Hiroyuki, Tahara Yasuyuki, Ohsuga Akihiko

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   26 ( 1 )   166 - 178   2011

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    In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. Given a small corpus sample as input, it automatically makes its own training data and a feature model. Based on the feature model, it automatically extracts all of the attributes and the transition between the activities in each sentence retrieved from the Web corpus. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. Since it is unnecessary to fix the number of elements in a tuple, this approach can extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities by making only a single pass. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, the approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from the Web. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%).

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.26.166


    CiNii Article



  • Development of ontology building service ONTOMO: Evaluation of ontology recommendation agent using proper noun extraction

    Takahiro Kawamura, I. Shin, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   26 ( 1 )   116 - 126   2011

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    Ontology-enabled services are rapidly increasing in the Web. However, those are sort of "lighter" ontologies compared with ontologies used in design and diagnosis. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables internet users to take part in building those ontologies. ONTOMO is designed not for ontology experts, but for general users of the light-weight ontology. So we focused on easy-use, no installation, and cooperative work environment. Also, it has an agent function which recommends instances and properties belong to ontology classes to boost the users' input. In the recommendation agent, we built our own proper noun extraction mechanism based on bootstrapping. Furthermore, ONTOMO provides a ontology-based blog search as a sample application to motivate the users' ontology building. After the ONTOMO overview, we present the instance and property recommendation agent with experimental evaluation.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.26.116


    CiNii Article



  • An architecture with planning for autonomic systems

    Kazuhiko Nishimura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   26 ( 1 )   107 - 115   2011

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    Autonomic systems aim to reduce the configuration, operational, and maintenance tasks of large distributed applications. In order to implement autonomic systems, several approaches, such as Self-managed system and Autonomic Computing, have been proposed. This paper describes an architectural approach for autonomic systems, which is based on a three-layered model. In the uppermost layer, the planning function, which is an important part of this model, has to efficiently make an effective sequence of operational services to satisfy goals. In this paper, we propose an automated planning algorithm using hierarchy planning technique. Our planner composes the sequence of operational services in the most abstract space, and then it successively embodies the detail of them. The critical values, which determine the abstract space, are automatically discovered from the knowledge of operational services. We also present the experimental results to show the effectiveness of our method.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.26.107


    CiNii Article



  • Constructing Formal Specifications for Self-adaptive Systems with Handling Conflicts among Processes

    中川 博之, 大須賀 昭彦, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会論文誌   51 ( 9 )   1751 - 1764   2010.9

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    近年,ソフトウェアの利用環境が広がり,状況の変化に応じて自発的に振舞いや構成を変化させる自己適応システムの実現に対する期待が高まっている.自己適応システムは様々な関心事に対応するための並行プロセスにより構成されるが,状況によって振舞いやそれを構成するプロセス群が変わる可能性があることから,プロセス間で発生する競合に対しては,対処法の検討だけでなくその検出さえも困難である.そこで本研究では,システム開発の早期段階における分析・検証技術に着目し,自己適応システムに対する要求モデルと形式仕様を用いた競合検出法と,競合を検出するための形式仕様構築法を提案する.また,提案手法の有効性を仕様構築実験の実験結果から評価する.本提案手法により,自己適応システム構築に対する早期段階での競合への対応が期待できる.Self-adaptive systems have recently attracted attention as flexible software because they can change their own behaviors to react to changes in their environments. However, these systems usually have multi-processes within them and developers are forced to design and construct these processes deliberately not to induce conflicts. This paper describes our approach to developing self-adaptive systems utilizing a requirements model and formal specification to detect conflicts and design the behavior keeping away the conflicts. The paper also discusses our evaluation of the effectiveness of our development process through a case study.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Constructing Formal Specifications for Self-adaptive Systems with Handling Conflicts among Processes

    中川博之, 大須賀昭彦, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(CD-ROM)   51 ( 9 )   1751 - 1764   2010.9

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  • ニコニコ探検くらぶ:ソーシャルアノテーションとキーワード群に基づく動画要約

    多胡厚津史, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2010 ( 4 )   47 - 50   2010.2

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  • モデル検査によるAjaxアプリケーション検証

    玉田和洋, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2010 ( 3 )   139 - 140   2010.1

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  • Self-Supervised Mining Human Activity from the Web

    MINH THE Nguyen, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   109 ( 386(AI2009 19-29) )   19 - 24   2010.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes : actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a novel method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. Since it is unnecessary to fix the number of elements in a tuple, this approach can extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities by making only a simgle pass. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity : 88.9%, attributes : over 90%, transition : over 87%).

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books



  • Automatic mining of human activity attributes from weblogs

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Proceedings - 9th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2010   633 - 638   2010

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    In this paper, we define an activity by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all attributes in each sentence retrieved from Japanese weblogs. Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes by making only a single pass over its corpus. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, the proposed approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from Japanese weblogs. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.87%, attributes: over 90%). © 2010 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICIS.2010.44



  • Human activity mining using conditional radom fields and self-supervised learning

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   5990 ( 1 )   140 - 149   2010

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    In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%). © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12145-6_15



  • CGMからの自己教師あり学習と条件付確率場を用いた人間行動マイニング

    THE Nguyen Minh, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM)   24th   ROMBUNNO.1D1-3   2010

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  • NicoScene: Video Scene Search by Keywords Based on Social Annotation

    Yasuyuki Tahara, Atsushi Tago, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga

    ACTIVE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY   6335   461 - 474   2010

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    Language:English   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    As there are increasing needs to view a huge number of videos on the Web in short time, the video summary technology is actively investigated. However, there exists trade-offs of costs and precision of summaries. In this paper, we propose a system called NicoScene to search desirable scenes from the videos provided in a video hosting service called Nico Nico Douga. We use the feature of the service in which we can attach comments to videos and treat the comments as social annotation. By some experiments, we demonstrate the advantages of NicoScene in particular the search precisions.

    Web of Science


  • Self-supervised mining of human activity from CGM

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   6232   61 - 72   2010

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    The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all basic attributes namely actor, action, object, time and location which belong to an activity, and the transition between activities in each sentence retrieved from Japanese CGM (consumer generated media). Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and unnecessary hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes and transitions between activities by making only a single pass over its corpus. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15037-1_6



  • Self-supervised mining of human activity from CGM

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   6232   61 - 72   2010

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    The goal of this paper is to describe a method to automatically extract all basic attributes namely actor, action, object, time and location which belong to an activity, and the transition between activities in each sentence retrieved from Japanese CGM (consumer generated media). Previous work had some limitations, such as high setup cost, inability of extracting all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration of interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that treats the activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and automatically makes its own training data. This approach has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and unnecessary hand-tagged data. Since it is unnecessary to fix the positions and the number of the attributes in activity sentences, this approach can extract all attributes and transitions between activities by making only a single pass over its corpus. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15037-1_6



  • NicoScene: Video scene search by keywords based on social annotation

    Yasuyuki Tahara, Atsushi Tago, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   6335   461 - 474   2010

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    As there are increasing needs to view a huge number of videos on the Web in short time, the video summary technology is actively investigated. However, there exists trade-offs of costs and precision of summaries. In this paper, we propose a system called NicoScene to search desirable scenes from the videos provided in a video hosting service called Nico Nico Douga. We use the feature of the service in which we can attach comments to videos and treat the comments as social annotation. By some experiments, we demonstrate the advantages of NicoScene in particular the search precisions. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15470-6_47



  • Human activity mining using conditional radom fields and self-supervised learning

    Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   5990 ( 1 )   140 - 149   2010

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    In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%). © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12145-6_15



  • Constructing Self-adaptive Systems Using Goal-oriented Requirements Analysis

    中川 博之, 大須賀 昭彦, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会論文誌   50 ( 10 )   2500 - 2513   2009.10

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    近年,環境の変化に応じて柔軟に振舞いを変えることのできるself-adaptiveシステムに対する期待が高まっている.しかし,その統一的な開発方法はいまだ確立されておらず,システムに対する要求に応じた柔軟なシステムアーキテクチャの構築が研究課題となっている.そこで本研究では,要求分析モデルを利用したself-adaptiveシステムのアーキテクチャモデル構築法を提案し,あわせて,本モデルを利用したマルチスレッド・プログラミングによるプログラム実装方針を示す.本提案手法により,要求に柔軟に対応できるself-adaptiveシステムの構築が可能となる.Self-adaptive systems have recently attracted attention as flexible software because they can change their own behaviors to react to changes in their environments. This paper describes our approach to developing self-adaptive systems utilizing a requirements model to build the system architecture. This paper also discusses the implementation style using the acquired architecture model, and our evaluation of the effectiveness of our development process through a case study.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Constructing Self-adaptive Systems Using Goal-oriented Requirements Analysis

    中川博之, 大須賀昭彦, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(CD-ROM)   50 ( 10 )   2500 - 2513   2009.10

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  • Development of Ontology Building Service ONTOMO Evaluation of instance recommendation prototype

    SHIN I, 川村隆浩, 中川博之, 中山健, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   108 ( 382(AI2008 41-44) )   13 - 19   2009.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    In the field of web research, use of ontology is now popular. However, the difficulty of its construction has been pointed out so far, and the cost of ontology making is now a problem. In this paper, we propose an ONTOMO where internet users would be able to draw up the ontologies as collection intelligence. We first introduce the overview of the ONTOMO, and then the instance recommendation mechanism which is based on the editing history of multiple users will be presented together with experimental evaluation.

    CiNii Article

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  • ONTOMO: Development of ontology building service evaluation of instance recommendation using proper noun extraction

    I. Shin, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   5925   143 - 158   2009

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    In the research area of web technologies, ontologies are recently widely used. By using ontologies, we can share common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents and enable reuse of domain knowledge. However, the difficulties in building ontologies have been pointed out and its costs are raising problems currently. To build an ontology, we must determine the domain that the ontology will cover, and define taxonomy, properties, instances of the ontology. It is very difficult and time consuming to build them without any tools. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables Internet users to take part in building ontologies as a part of collective intelligence. In particular, we present an instance recommendation mechanism based on the editing history of multiple users together with experimental evaluations. © 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11161-7_10



  • ONTOMO: Development of Ontology Building Service Evaluation of Instance Recommendation Using Proper Noun Extraction

    I. Shin, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga


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    Language:English   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    In the research area of web technologies, ontologies are recently widely used. By using ontologies, We can share common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents and enable reuse of domain knowledge. However. the difficulties in building ontologies have been pointed out and its costs are raising problems currently. To build an ontology, we must determine the domain that the ontology will cover, and define taxonomy, properties, instances of the ontology. It is very difficult and time consuming to build them without any tools. In this paper, we propose ONTOMO that enables Internet users to take part in building ontologies as a part of collective intelligence. In particular, we present an instance recommendation mechanism based on the editing history of multiple users together with experimental evaluations.

    Web of Science


  • A context sharing message broker architecture to enhance interoperability in changeable environments

    Junichi Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    3rd International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services, and Technologies, UBICOMM 2009   31 - 39   2009

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    With the growing number of mobile devices connected to the network, demand for appropriate services according to the situational contexts of users is increasing. However, building such context-aware applications is costly because both the environments of users in the real world and available services on the network are dynamically changing. In this paper, we propose a Context Sharing Message Broker Architecture which supports applications in changeable environments which cooperate with each other. The message broker provides a common context model which applications can share. A context model works not only as a common interface to the real world context, but also as a common interface to the applications which share the context model. Applications only access the context model, and they do not directly communicate with each other. This approach has three advantages
    this architecture reduces the complexity of distributed context-aware systems
    the architecture keeps applications independent from each other
    applications can maintain their common context model cooperatively. These advantages enable applications to cooperate, and yet keep applications independent from each other. © 2009 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/UBICOMM.2009.48



  • A context sharing message broker architecture to enhance interoperability in changeable environments

    Junichi Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga

    3rd International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services, and Technologies, UBICOMM 2009   31 - 39   2009

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    With the growing number of mobile devices connected to the network, demand for appropriate services according to the situational contexts of users is increasing. However, building such context-aware applications is costly because both the environments of users in the real world and available services on the network are dynamically changing. In this paper, we propose a Context Sharing Message Broker Architecture which supports applications in changeable environments which cooperate with each other. The message broker provides a common context model which applications can share. A context model works not only as a common interface to the real world context, but also as a common interface to the applications which share the context model. Applications only access the context model, and they do not directly communicate with each other. This approach has three advantages
    this architecture reduces the complexity of distributed context-aware systems
    the architecture keeps applications independent from each other
    applications can maintain their common context model cooperatively. These advantages enable applications to cooperate, and yet keep applications independent from each other. © 2009 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/UBICOMM.2009.48



  • Constructing Formal Specifications from Requirements Specifications Based on Model Transformation

    中川 博之, 田口 研治, 本位田真一

    Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan   49 ( 7 )   2304 - 2318   2008.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報処理学会  

    近年,ソフトウェアの複雑化により,要求分析の重要性が認識されるとともに形式手法によるモデルの詳細化が注目されている.しかし,形式手法による仕様の記述は開発者にとって容易ではなく,要求を満足するソフトウェア構築は依然として容易ではない.そこで本研究では,要求分析法KAOSにより記述された要求記述を形式仕様言語VDM++の形式仕様へと自動変換する手法と,本手法を用いた開発プロセスを提案する.本研究により,形式仕様の構築が容易になるとともに,要求記述と形式仕様間の整合性が保証され,モデル詳細化によるソフトウェア開発が実現される.Requirements analysis and formal methods are techniques for developing complex systems. However, there is little research on reconciling the requirements phase with the formal specification phase. To bridge this gap, we propose a model transformation method which utilizes the KAOS, as a requirement analysis method, into VDM++ formal specifications, and provide developers with a formal specification generator for model transformation. This method and generator enable consistent and effective software development activities.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Constructing Formal Specifications from Requirements Specifications Based on Model Transformation

    中川博之, 田口研治, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(CD-ROM)   49 ( 7 )   2304 - 2318   2008.7

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  • Constructing self-adaptive systems using a KAOS model

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, SASOW 2008   132 - 137   2008

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    Self-adaptive systems have recently attracted attention as flexible software because they can change their own behaviors to react to changes in their environments. Such systems have also attracted attention in the field of pervasive computing. This paper describes our approach to developing self-adaptive systems utilizing a requirements model to build the system architecture. This paper also discusses the implementation style we used using the acquired architecture model, and our evaluation ofthe feasibility ofour development process through a case study. © 2008 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/SASOW.2008.35



  • Constructing self-adaptive systems using a KAOS model

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden

    Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, SASOW 2008   132 - 137   2008

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    Self-adaptive systems have recently attracted attention as flexible software because they can change their own behaviors to react to changes in their environments. Such systems have also attracted attention in the field of pervasive computing. This paper describes our approach to developing self-adaptive systems utilizing a requirements model to build the system architecture. This paper also discusses the implementation style we used using the acquired architecture model, and our evaluation ofthe feasibility ofour development process through a case study. © 2008 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/SASOW.2008.35



  • Influence of Sliding on Contact Resistance of Electrical Contacts

    SHIMADZU Hideaki, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 272 )   13 - 18   2007.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Contact resistance of electric contacts sometimes ascends, when such contacts are subjected to sliding. We determined the degradation of contact resistance caused changes of surface profile and formation by sliding and performed the sliding tests with Ag-plated electrical contacts under two kinds of grease lubricated condition. As the result, we understood that contact resistance was ascended on Ag-plated contacts under one grease which is worse than another in tribological properties lubricated condition. So we observed each sliding surface of the fixed contact and the moving contact by using electron probe X-ray microanalyzer. We understood the contact resistance ascended by initial under material transfer of Al on sliding surface of the fixed contact and material transfer of Cu on surface of the moving contact. We understood that material transfer of Al and Cu were related to an ascent of contact resistance.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Verification of Analysis Model for Multi-Agent Systems Based on Importance of Requirements

    NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, YOSHIOKA Nobukazu, HONIDEN Shinichi

    The IEICE transactions on information and systems   J90-D ( 9 )   2281 - 2292   2007.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人電子情報通信学会  


    CiNii Article

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  • 要求の重要度を用いたマルチエージェントシステムの分析モデル検証

    中川博之, 吉岡信和, 本位田真一

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J90-D ( 9 )   2281 - 2292   2007.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Article

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  • IMPULSE: Analysis of Multi-agent Systems Based on KAOS Modeling


    IPSJ journal   48 ( 8 )   2551 - 2565   2007.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  

    Agent technology offers a solution for producing complex software systems characterized by autonomous behavior and a high degree of distribution, however, development of multi-agent systems (MAS) needs a more feasible methodology for requirements analysis because of the difficulty in generating an analysis model. The purpose of this study is to reduce the gap between the requirement analysis and analysis phases of developing multi-agent systems. This paper describes the IMPULSE methodology, which utilizes the KAOS, goal-oriented analysis method as a requirement analysis method, and provides developers with a tool for model translation into an analysis model of multi-agent systems. This paper also shows the result of evaluating IMPULSE through analysis experiments. IMPULSE enables simple and effective development of multi-agent systems.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • IMPULSE: Analysis of Multi-agent Systems Based on KAOS Modeling

    中川博之, 吉岡信和, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会論文誌   48 ( 8 )   2551 - 2565   2007.8

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  • Report on the 21st IEEE / ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2006)

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, KUBO Atsuto, SHIMOTAKI Asato, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, HAYASHI Shinpei, MARUYAMA Katsuhisa, HONIDEN Shinichi

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2006 ( 125 )   81 - 88   2006.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  

    This paper reports major topics of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering held at September 2006 in Tokyo. There were many presentations on program analysis/verification and pattern/aspect mining.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Report on the 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2006)

    鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 下滝亜里, 中川博之, 林晋平, 丸山勝久, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会研究報告   2006 ( 125(SE-154) )   81 - 88   2006.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    This paper reports major topics of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering held at September 2006 in Tokyo. There were many presentations on program analysis/verification and pattern/aspect mining.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books



  • Report on the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2006)

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, AOYAMA Mikio, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, TSUNODA Masateru, YOSHIMURA Kentaro

    Information Processing Society of Japan   2006 ( 75 )   55 - 62   2006.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  

    This paper reports major topics of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering at May 2006. There are many presentations on testing, architecture and design. Moreover, we saw the wide spread of software engineering applied to various domains such as pervasive/embedded systems and distributed/web/DB systems.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Report on the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2006)

    鷲崎弘宜, 青山幹雄, 中川博之, 角田雅照, 吉村健太郎

    情報処理学会研究報告   2006 ( 75(SE-153) )   55 - 62   2006.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    This paper reports major topics of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering at May 2006. There are many presentations on testing, architecture and design. Moreover, we saw the wide spread of software engineering applied to various domains such as pervasive/embedded systems and distributed/web/DB systems.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books



  • 空間と搬送経路を考慮したレイアウト設計支援システム

    中川博之, 寺師元裕, 佐々木孝行, 上田尊史, 高橋輝男

    IMS研究成果講演論文集   2000   57 - 60   2000.7

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  • Efficiency of Packing Pattern Creation with Genetic Programming by introduced Module Acquisition.

    中川博之, 渡辺克彦

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   12th   209 - 210   1998.6

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  • Acquiring the Incomplete Knowledge with Inductive Logic Programming.

    大原剛三, 中川博之, 北橋忠宏

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   11th   159 - 162   1997.6

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  • (Journal presentation) Expression caching for runtime verification based on parameterized probabilistic models

    Hiroyuki Nakagawa, HiromuToyama, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

    The 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020)  2020.12.3 

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    Event date: 2020.12.1 - 2020.12.4



  • 効率的な動的検証のためのパラメータ化確率モデルに基づいた検証式キャッシュ Invited

    中川博之, 外山大夢, 土屋達弘

    情報処理学会 ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2020)  2020.9.11 

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    Event date: 2020.9.10 - 2020.9.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • RPA不具合検出のためのプロセスマイニング技術の応用


    情報処理学会 第68回 要求工学ワークショップ in 弘前  2023.5.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 確率的モデル検査とその応用 Invited


    大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科2022年度ランチセミナー  2023.3.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 確率的モデル検査と要求工学


    情報処理学会 第67回 要求工学ワークショップ in 那覇  2023.2.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • プロセスマイニングを用いたRPAの不具合要因検出手法の検討

    新田壮史, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    情報処理学会/ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2023・イン・富山  2023.1.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • キャリアトーク(座長兼パネリスト) Invited


    情報処理学会 ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2022(SES2022)  2022.9.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


  • RPAにおけるログマイニング手法の比較

    新田壮史, 中川博之, 土屋達弘

    情報処理学会 ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム(SES2022) 併設ワークショップ「プロセスマイニングの基礎と応用」  2022.9.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • doc2vecによる類似ゴール検出における一考察

    小形真平, 中川博之

    情報処理学会 第65回 要求工学ワークショップ in 富山  2022.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 要求駆動のプロセスモデル抽出に向けて


    情報処理学会 第64回 要求工学ワークショップ in 鹿児島  2022.3.17 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 人の期待とシステムの振る舞いの乖離をモデル検査により検証する手法の提案

    青木善貴, 小形真平, 中川博之, 小林一樹

    ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2021  2021.11.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • モデル検査の基礎と自己適応システムへの応用-[第2部]自己適応システムとモデル検査の応用 Invited


    IT連携フォーラムOACIS 第64回技術座談会  2021.2.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 自己適応システムはなぜ動くのか:自己適応化技術とその応用 Invited


    大阪大学情報科学研究科2019年度第5回ランチセミナー  2020.1.23 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 自ら考え適応するソフトウェアの実現に向けて Invited


    大阪大学基礎工学部 第38回公開講座「未来を拓く先端科学技術」  2016.8.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 自己適応システムはなぜ動くのか Invited


    電子情報技術産業協会 (JEITA) ソフトウェアエンジニアリング技術ワークショップ2015 ~ソフトウェアエンジニアリング 基盤と革新/理論と実践~  2015.12.17 

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • ソフトウェア工学の最新動向 -要求駆動型開発のすすめ- Invited


    株式会社 カジマアイシーティ 招待講演  2015.9.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 要求工学の最新動向 Invited


    IT連携フォーラムOACIS 第47回技術座談会  2015.1.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 自己適応システムの研究動向 Invited


    平成26年度 SSR(産学戦略的研究フォーラム):大規模複雑な自己適応システムの適応進化制御手法に関する調査研究  2014.7.18 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  • 要求工学の現状と展望 -ソフトウェア進化と自己適応にむけて- Invited


    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIG-KBSE)  2013.9.13 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


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  • JAWS Encouragement Award

    2023.9   Exploring the Potential of LLM for Review-driven Goal Model Generation

    Shuaicai Ren・Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya

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  • 経済産業省産業技術環境局長賞

    2023.6   日本工学教育協会   スマートエスイー:スマートシステム&サービス技術の産学連携イノベーティブ人材育成

    鷲崎 弘宜, 上田 賀一, 中村 賢治, 櫨山 淳雄, 西崎 真也, 中川 博之, 鵜林 尚靖, 平石 邦彦, 飯田 元, 位野木 万里, 亀田 弘之, 野中 誠, 田辺 良則, 吉岡 信和, 岡崎 正一

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  • 貢献賞

    2023.3   スマートエスイー:スマートシステム&サービスおよびDX推進を担う人材の産学連携育成  


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  • 貢献賞

    2022.3   文部科学省 平成29年度「成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成(enPiT)」 enPiT-Proスマートエスイー:スマートシステム&サービス技術の産学連携イノベーティブ人材育成  


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  • 学生論文特集秀逸論文

    2016.3   電子情報通信学会論文誌  


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  • Best Poster & Demo Award

    2013.11   The 3rd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2013)  

    Nakagawa Hiroyuki

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  • 研究会推薦博士論文

    2013.5   情報処理学会  

    中川 博之

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  • 第9回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010(JAWS10)学生奨励賞


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  • 第9回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010(JAWS10)学生奨励賞


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  • 第9回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010(JAWS10)ベストポスター賞


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  • 第8回 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2009(JAWS2009)優秀論文賞


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Research Projects

  • A Study on Self-adaptation Mechanism Under Time Constraints

    Grant number:20H04167  2020.04 - 2024.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    中川 博之, 鵜林 尚靖, 土屋 達弘, 冨沢 哲雄

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\17290000 ( Direct expense: \13300000 、 Indirect expense:\3990000 )


  • Research on autonomous cooperative self-adaptation mechanisms and formal verification of them

    Grant number:18H03229  2018.04 - 2022.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Tahara Yasuyuki

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    Grant amount:\17290000 ( Direct expense: \13300000 、 Indirect expense:\3990000 )

    The results of this research are as follows: (1) development of a cooperative method for other devices to notice environmental changes that cannot be detected by individual devices after careful consultation among them, (2) development of a method for cooperative adaptation to environmental changes that cannot be handled by individual devices, (3) development of a method for verifying whether cooperative behavior works correctly by applying formal verification, (4) development of a mechanism for preventing privacy violations in IoT systems, including those caused by self-adaptive mechanisms for cooperative behavior,and (5) Development, experimentation, and evaluation of autonomous cooperative self-adaptive middleware and applications for IoT that integrate the mechanisms and methods in (1) through (4).


  • A Study on Super Active CPS for Enhancing Adaptability of Artifacts

    Grant number:17KT0043  2017.07 - 2021.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Nakagawa Hiroyuki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\18720000 ( Direct expense: \14400000 、 Indirect expense:\4320000 )

    In this study, we aimed to improve the adaptability of artificial systems. In particular, we have studied the construction method of a super-active CPS (Cyber-Physical System) that actively acts in real space. We assume that various robots acting in real space is incorporated in the super active CPS. This study was conducted from the viewpoints of software engineering, development environment, programming framework, system development, and robotics. W are able to construct a super active CPS easily and reliably by integrating the results of this study.


  • 変更に硬いソフトウェアに対する自己適応メカニズムを利用した可変性向上に関する研究

    2015 - 2017

    科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 

    中川 博之

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • アスペクト指向 models@run.time システムの効率的な実行時形式検証

    2014 - 2016

    科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 

    田原 康之

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • A development process and middleware for dealing with requirements changes after software release based on dynamic evolution

    Grant number:25730038  2013.04 - 2015.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 、 Indirect expense:\960000 )

    This project aimed to establish a development process for dynamic evolution after the system release. In particular, we define a goal-elaboration process that enable to localize code changes in the requirements description by refactoring in terms of control loops. We also implement prototype software systems for evaluate the feasibility of the middleware for the dynamic evolution. The results of our experiments demonstrate that our approach can support the dynamic evolution by providing useful APIs for implementing components constituting control loops and replacing them at runtime.


  • Research on cloud middleware for systems recommending evacuation activities from disasters using miniblogs

    Grant number:24300005  2012.04 - 2016.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Ohsuga Akihiko, Tahara Yasuyuki, Nakagawa Hiroyuki, Kawamura Takahiro, Yoshioka Nobukazu, Matsumoto Kazunori, Isshiki Masao

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    Grant amount:\17680000 ( Direct expense: \13600000 、 Indirect expense:\4080000 )

    In this research, as we paid attention to the fact that people post a lot of useful information to miniblogs such as Twitter in real time, we developed middleware that enables to build evacuation activity recommendation systems for actual general disasters such as earthquake. Specifically, we took account of the variety of disasters, the situations about evacuation activities, and the variety of available information infrastructure. For this purpose, we improved the technologies we had established to develop the existing prototype and established new technologies. After that, we developed middleware on which we can build systems satisfying various requirements by using a cloud computing environment that is operating in practice. Finally, we built practical applications on the middleware and conducted experiments and evaluations.


  • Research on verification of self-adaptive systems using goal-oriented requirements specifications

    Grant number:23500039  2011 - 2013

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    TAHARA Yasuyuki, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, OHSUGA Akihiko

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    Grant amount:\5200000 ( Direct expense: \4000000 、 Indirect expense:\1200000 )

    We established an approach to verification of self-adaptive systems with which we can intuitively confirm the verification results with the system requirements by using not only UML models such as statemachine diagrams but also goal-oriented requirements specifications. We implemented tools for transformation and verification. We also established an approach to implementing self-adaptive systems on the basis of the verification results.


  • A requirements-driven programming framework for developing self-adaptive systems

    Grant number:22700025  2010 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki

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    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct expense: \3000000 、 Indirect expense:\900000 )

    This project aimed to establish a development framework for constructing self-adaptive systems. In particular I focused on a programming framework for considering requirements models that self-adaptive systems should manage during run-time, and implemented a prototype of the programming framework. I also conducted construction of two self-adaptive systems as case studies, and evaluated that the framework supported self-adaptive systems construction by providing useful APIs for implementing components constituting control loops.


  • Methodologies for developing self-adaptive systems

    2008 - 2011

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • An extension of component-based software development based on agent technologies

    Grant number:20800020  2008 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up)

    NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki

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    Grant amount:\3276000 ( Direct expense: \2520000 、 Indirect expense:\756000 )



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Social Activities

  • スマートエスイー : スマートシステム&サービス技術の産学連携イノベーティブ人材育成 第5期


    早稲田大学  2022.4

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    Type:Research consultation


  • スマートエスイー : スマートシステム&サービス技術の産学連携イノベーティブ人材育成 第4期


    文部科学省 平成29年度「成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成(enPiT)」 enPiT-Pro  2021.4 - 2021.10

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    Type:Research consultation


  • スマートエスイー : スマートシステム&サービス技術の産学連携イノベーティブ人材育成 第3期


    文部科学省 平成29年度「成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成(enPiT)」 enPiT-Pro  2020.4 - 2020.10

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    Type:Research consultation


  • スマートエスイー : スマートシステム&サービス技術の産学連携イノベーティブ人材育成 第2期


    文部科学省 平成29年度「成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成(enPiT)」 enPiT-Pro  2019.4 - 2019.10

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    Type:Research consultation


  • スマートエスイー : スマートシステム&サービス技術の産学連携イノベーティブ人材育成 第1期


    文部科学省 平成29年度「成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成(enPiT)」 enPiT-Pro  2018.4 - 2018.10

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    Type:Research consultation
