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ナカムラ ダイスケ
中村 大輔
環境生命自然科学学域 准教授


  • 博士(理学) ( 京都大学 )


  • Metamorphic Petrology

  • 変成岩岩石学


  • 自然科学一般 / 固体地球科学


  • 京都大学   Graduate School, Division of Natural Science  

    - 1998年


  • 京都大学    

    - 1998年


    国名: 日本国


  • 京都大学   Faculty of Science  

    - 1993年


  • 京都大学   Faculty of Science  

    - 1993年


    国名: 日本国



  • 岡山大学   学術研究院環境生命自然科学学域

    2023年4月 - 現在




  • Associate Professor,Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology,Okayama University

    2006年 - 2023年3月




  • 岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科 准教授

    2006年 - 2023年3月




  • 京都大学   Graduate School of Science

    2003年 - 2006年


  • Researcher

    2003年 - 2006年


  • 京都大学   Graduate School of Science

    2001年 - 2002年


  • Postdoctoral Fellowships of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    2001年 - 2002年


  • 東京工業大学   Graduate School of Science and Engineering

    1999年 - 2001年


  • Postdoctoral Fellowships of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    1999年 - 2001年






  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア地塊のZrcadlová Hut’採石場に産する珪長質グラニュライトが経験した最高温度圧力条件 査読

    内藤美桜, 山根健輔, 中村大輔

    岩石鉱物科学   53 ( 1 )   n/a - n/a   2024年4月


    担当区分:最終著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.2465/gkk.231216


  • Multiple origins of UHP eclogites in a garnet peridotite block (Nové Dvory, Czech Republic) and short duration of heating 査読 国際共著 国際誌


    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences   117 ( 1 )   n/a - n/a   2022年10月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences  

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.220221


  • Mineralogical heterogeneity of UHP garnet peridotite in the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif (Nové Dvory, Czech Republic) 査読 国際共著 国際誌

    Juliah MURIUKI, Daisuke NAKAMURA, Takao HIRAJIMA, Martin SVOJTKA

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences   115 ( 1 )   1 - 20   2020年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences  

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.190126


  • Amphibole in UHP eclogite from the Sulu region, eastern China 査読

    Satoshi Yamasaki, Daisuke Nakamura, Takao Hirajima

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences   113   135 - 151   2018年


  • A rapid and precise quantitative electron probe chemical mapping technique and its application to an ultrahigh-pressure eclogite from the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif (Nové Dvory, Czech Republic) 査読

    American Mineralogist   103   1690 - 1698   2018年




  • Evidence for partial melting of eclogite from the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic 査読

    Takahiro Miyazaki, Daisuke Nakamura, Akihiro Tamura, Martin Svojtka, Shoji Arai, Takao Hirajima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN ASSOC MINERALOGICAL SCIENCES  

    Eclogites from the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic) have experienced ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphic conditions (P > 4.0 GPa, T > 1000 degrees C). One eclogite sample collected from Nove Dvory, eastern part of Czech Republic, contains leucocratic pockets. The mineral assemblage of the melanocratic part of the eclogite is garnet + omphacite + rutile + later-stage minerals (biotite + amphibole + plagioclase). The leucocratic pockets mainly consist of plagioclase and include moderate amounts of garnet and clinopyroxene + small amounts of biotite and amphibole. Garnet and clinopyroxene grains in the leucocratic pockets display faceted shapes whereas those in the melanocratic part show irregular shapes. These are consistent with the idea that garnet and clinopyroxene grains in the leucocratic pockets had been surrounded by melt, as melt can provide free space for the formation of such faceted shapes. The major and trace element composition of garnet grains in the melanocratic part are the same as those in the leucocratic pockets. Clinopyroxene also shows the same major and trace element composition for irregular shape grains in the melanocratic part as faceted grains in the leucocratic pockets. If the melt had originated from the gneiss surrounding the peridotite body with eclogite lenses or layers, the composition of clinopyroxene in the leucocratic pockets would have been completely different from that in the melanocratic part. In addition, the trace element composition of melt estimated from clinopyroxene composition resembles that of Tonalite Trondjhemite - Granodiorite (TTG), which can be produced by partial melting of eclogite. Thus, these observational and analytical data suggest that the leucocratic pockets were originally melt that was internally produced by partial melting of the eclogite.

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.151029c

    Web of Science


  • Effect of clinopyroxene composition on Fe-Mg distribution coefficient between garnet and clinopyroxene 査読

    Daisuke Nakamura, Madoka Okada, Takao Hirajima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN ASSOC MINERALOGICAL SCIENCES  

    This study examines the effect of jadeite content (Xjd) in omphacite on Fe-Mg distribution coefficient between garnet and clinopyroxene (K-D) by using natural data obtained from ultrahigh-pressure eclogites of the Sulu region, China. A previous study has already pointed out that a negative correlation between lnK(D) and Xjd and a positive correlation between Fe# [=Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)] of omphacite and Xjd are present. On the other hand, this study newly recognized that KD decreases with decreasing Ca + Na + K contents in M2 site of omphacite, indicating that excess Fe2+ may be incorporated into M2 site of omphacite with decreasing Ca + Na + K contents and hence total Fe# values of omphacite may become excessively high. Thus, application of garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometer for omphacite with significant amount of jadeite and/or ferrosilite (and enstatite) components may overestimate the peak metamorphic temperatures in some cases. As a first approximation, it is better to avoid the use of omphacite with Ca + Na + K contents significantly lower than 1.0 a.p.f.u. for the application of garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometer.

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.141020

    Web of Science


  • A new approach to develop the Raman carbonaceous material geothermometer for low-grade metamorphism using peak width 査読

    Yui Kouketsu, Tomoyuki Mizukami, Hiroshi Mori, Shunsuke Endo, Mutsuki Aoya, Hidetoshi Hara, Daisuke Nakamura, Simon Wallis

    ISLAND ARC   23 ( 1 )   33 - 50   2014年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12057

    Web of Science


  • Significant cooling during exhumation of UHP eclogite from the Taohang area in the Sulu region of eastern China and its tectonic significance 査読

    Daisuke Nakamura, Takao Hirajima

    ISLAND ARC   19 ( 4 )   707 - 717   2010年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC  

    The decompressional pressure-temperature (P-T) path was estimated for ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogite from the Sulu region of eastern China by applying geo-thermobarometers to well-preserved equilibrium mineral pairs. The sample studied is a kyanite-bearing eclogite that was collected from the Taohang area of the Sulu region. Garnet is relatively homogeneous in chemical composition, but omphacite has a clear chemical zoning with decreasing jadeite content from core to rim. Assuming that peak-P equilibrium compositions are preserved in the cores of garnet (Grt) and omphacite (Omp), P-T conditions were calculated to be about 700 degrees C and 3.4 GPa. On the other hand, the jadeite content of omphacite rims varies from 0.35 to 0.46 mol.%. Nevertheless, the variation in Fe/Mg ratios of omphacite rims is very small. Temperatures of 566 +/- 54 degrees C were obtained at 1.5 GPa for garnet rim and omphacite rim pairs. These petrological considerations indicate that temperatures should have significantly declined during the early decompression stage of this eclogite. In other areas of the Sulu region, isothermal decompression paths were proposed, and it was concluded that the UHP rocks were exhumed as a large mass tens of kilometers in thickness to avoid thermal effects from the surrounding materials. However, the newly identified decompression path accompanying the significant cooling may indicate that the Taohang outcrop was located at the margin of the Sulu UHP terrane. Thus, the decompressional P-T path is not unique in the Sulu region and varies depending on the location.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2010.00739.x

    Web of Science


  • Extending the applicability of the Raman carbonaceous-material geothermometer using data from contact metamorphic rocks 査読

    M. Aoya, Y. Kouketsu, S. Endo, H. Shimizu, T. Mizukami, D. Nakamura, S. Wallis

    JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY   28 ( 9 )   895 - 914   2010年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC  

    The degree of graphitization of carbonaceous material (CM) has been widely used as an indicator of metamorphic grade. Previous work has demonstrated that peak metamorphic temperature (T) of regional metamorphic rocks can be estimated by an area ratio (R2) of peaks recognized in Raman spectra of CM. The applicability of this method to low-pressure (< 3 kbar) contact metamorphism was tested using Raman spectroscopic analyses of samples from two contact-metamorphic aureoles in Japan (Daimonji and Kasuga areas). A suitable measurement procedure allows the dependence of the geothermometer on sample type (thin section, chip) and incident angle of laser beam relative to the c-axes of CM to be tested. Two important general results are: (i) in addition to standard thin sections, chips are also suitable for spectral analysis; and (ii) the incident angle of the laser beam does not significantly affect the temperature estimation, i.e. spectral measurements for the geothermometer can be carried out irrespective of the crystallographic orientation. A laser wavelength of 532 nm was used in this study compared with 514.5 nm in an independent previous study. A comparison shows that the use of a 532-nm laser results in a slightly, but systematically larger R2 ratio than that of a 514.5-nm laser. Taking this effect into account, our results show that there is a slight but distinct difference between the R2-T correlations shown by contact and regional metamorphic rocks: the former are slightly better-crystallized (have slightly lower R2 values) than the latter at the same temperature. This difference is interpreted as due to the degree of associated deformation. Despite the slight difference, the results of this study coincide within the estimated errors of +/- 50 degrees C with those of the previously proposed Raman CM geothermometer, thus demonstrating the applicability of this method to contact metamorphism. To facilitate more precise temperature estimates in regions of contact metamorphism, a new calibration for analyses using a 532-nm laser is derived. Another important observation is that the R2 ratio of metamorphosed CM in pelitic and psammitic rocks is highly heterogeneous with respect to a single sample. To obtain a reliable temperature estimate, the average R2 value must be determined by using a substantial number of measurements (usually N > 50) that adequately reflects the range of sample heterogeneity. Using this procedure (with 532-nm laser) and adapting our new calibration, the errors of the Raman CM geothermometer for contact metamorphic rocks decrease to similar to +/- 30 degrees C.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2010.00896.x

    Web of Science


  • Sr-sulphate and associated minerals found from kyanite-bearing eclogite in the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic 査読

    Daisuke Nakamura, Tomoyuki Kobayashi, Norimasa Shimobayashi, Martin Svojtka, Takao Hirajima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN ASSOC MINERALOGICAL SCIENCES  

    Sr-sulphate, celestine, was newly found in a kyanite-bearing eclogite associated with the Nove Dvory peridotite mass in the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic. Celestine is closely associated with anhydrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, and those minerals occur in the matrix, where fine-grained omphacite aggregate and kelyphites after garnet develop. A common Sr reservoir in eclogite is known to be epidote, but the maximum pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions of the studied eclogite was estimated as about 1050-1150 degrees C, 4.5-4.9 GPa. In such extremely high P-T conditions, epidote should be unstable. In fact, epidote is absent from most of eclogites in the Moldanubian Zone of Czech Republic. These facts suggest that a Sr-reservoir after the epidote-breakdown in subducting eclogite might be celestine, or its high-P polymorph, although the formation stage of celestine in the study sample and maximum stability limits of celestine are not known. Another idea is that celestine in the study sample was formed at relatively shallow levels after the ascent of the eclogite. In this case, omphacite and apatite would have contained significant amount of Sr under the eclogite-facies conditions. Otherwise, metasomatic infiltration of Sr-rich fluids into the eclogite is necessary for the formation of celestine in order to provide sufficient amount of Sr. A Ba-rich alumino-silicate, probably celsian, was also found as a retrograde product around pyrrhotite in kelyphite and in symplectites mainly composed of augite and plagioclase after omphacite. Several grains of biotite are also present along the margin of garnet and in the symplectites after omphacite. In addition, small amounts of muscovite and amphibole are present in the symplectites after omphacite. These findings suggest that metasomatism with Sr- and Ba-rich fluids may have occurred during decompression of the eclogite and may not be indicative of the UHP history of these rocks.

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.090817

    Web of Science


  • A new formulation of garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometer based on accumulation and statistical analysis of a large experimental data set 査読

    D. Nakamura

    JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY   27 ( 7 )   495 - 508   2009年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Published experimental data including garnet and clinopyroxene as run products were used to develop a new formulation of the garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometer based on 333 garnet-clinopyroxene pairs. Only experiments with graphite capsules were selected because of difficulty in estimating the Fe3+ content of clinopyroxene. For the calibration, a published subregular-solution model was adopted to express the non-ideality of garnet. The magnitude of the Fe-Mg excess interaction parameter for clinopyroxene (W-FeMg(Cpx)), and differences in enthalpy and entropy of the Fe-Mg exchange reaction were regressed from the accumulated experimental data set. As a result, a markedly negative value was obtained for the Fe-Mg excess interaction parameter of clinopyroxene (W-FeMg(Cpx) = - 3843 J mol(-1)). The pressure correction is simply treated as linear, and the difference in volume of the Fe-Mg exchange reaction was calculated from a published thermodynamic data set and fixed to be -120.72 (J kbar(-1) mol(-1)). The regressed and obtained thermometer formulation is as follows: where T = temperature, P = pressure (kbar), A = 0.5 X-grs (X-prp - X-alm - X-sps), B = 0.5 X-grs (X-prp - X-alm + X-sps), C = 0.5 (X-grs + X-sps) (X-prp - X-alm), X-prp = Mg/(Fe2+ + Mn + Mg + Ca)(Grt), X-alm = Fe/(Fe2+ + Mn + Mg + Ca)(Grt), X-sps = Mn/(Fe2+ + Mn + Mg + Ca)(Grt), X-grs = Ca/(Fe2+ + Mn + Mg + Ca)(Grt), X-Mg(Cpx) = Mg/(Al + Fe-total + Mg)(Cpx), X-Fe(Cpx) = Fe2+/(Al + Fe-total + Mg)(Cpx), K-D = (Fe2+/Mg)(Grt)/(Fe2+/Mg)(Cpx), Grt = garnet, Cpx = clinopyroxene. A test of this new formulation to the accumulated data gave results that are concordant with the experimental temperatures over the whole range of the experimental temperatures (800-1820 degrees C), with a standard deviation (1 sigma) of 74 degrees C. Previous formulations of the thermometer are inconsistent with the accumulated data set; they underestimate temperatures by about 100 degrees C at > 1300 degrees C and overestimate by 100-200 degrees C at < 1300 degrees C. In addition, they tend to overestimate temperatures for high-Ca garnet (X-grs approximate to 0.30-0.50). This new formulation has been tested against previous formulations of the thermometer by application to natural eclogites. This gave temperatures some 20-100 degrees C lower than previous formulations.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00828.x

    Web of Science


  • Experimental evaluation of garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometry as applied to eclogites 査読

    D Nakamura, T Hirajima

    CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY   150 ( 6 )   581 - 588   2005年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    This study performed equilibrium experiments in order to evaluate previously proposed formulations of the garnet (Grt)-clinopyroxene (Cpx) thermometer as applied to eclogites. The starting material is fine-grained powder of natural eclogite (< 10 mu m), whose main constituents are Grt (Fe:Mg:Ca similar to 44:28:28), Cpx (Na pfu similar to 0.55-0.60), phengite, quartz and rutile. Experimental conditions are 1,100-1,250 degrees C at 2.5 GPa, and the run duration is 193-334 h. The experimental run products mainly consist of Grt, Cpx, and glass. In a preliminary experiment at 1,000 degrees C for 144 h, Cpx grains are clearly zoned and most Grt grains maintain primary compositions. In the higher T (>= 1,100 degrees C) and longer run (>= 193 h) experiments, Cpx in the run products becomes poorer in Na and higher in Fe/Mg compared with the starting material, and each grain does not show clear chemical zoning. Garnet compositions become poorer in Ca [Ca/(Fe+Mn+Mg+Ca)similar to 0.2-0.25] and lower in Fe/Mg compared with the starting material. The average composition of Cpx and the average of Ca-poor Grt compositions in each run product were used to evaluate previously proposed formulations of the Grt-Cpx thermometer. Temperatures calculated with formulations by Pattison and Newton (1989) and Berman et al. (1995) are much lower than the experimental temperatures, even though these formulations are based on the compositional bracketing-type experiment. One of the reasons for this discrepancy might be uncertainty of solid-solution properties of Al in Cpx, because the value of the excess interaction parameter for Al in the generally low-Al Cpx modeled by Berman et al. (1995) is much higher than those proposed by independent experiments, resulting in the estimated temperatures being significantly lower than the experimental temperatures.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00410-005-0023-x

    Web of Science


  • Very high-pressure (> 4 GPa) eclogite associated with the Moldanubian Zone garnet peridotite (Nove Dvory, Czech Republic) 査読

    D Nakamura, M Svojtka, K Naemura, T Hirajima

    JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY   22 ( 6 )   593 - 603   2004年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD  

    Equilibrium pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions were estimated for kyanite-bearing eclogite from Nove Dvory, Czech Republic, by using garnet-clinopyroxene thermometry and garnet-clinopyroxene-kyanite-coesite (or quartz) barometry. The estimated P-T conditions are 1050-1150degreesC, 4.5-4.9 GPa, which are mostly the same as previously estimated values for garnet peridotite from Nove Dvory (similar to1100-1250degreesC, 5-6 GPa). Such very high-P conditions, which correspond to about 150-km depth, have been obtained for some garnet peridotites in the Gfohl Unit of the Bohemian Massif, but pressure conditions of eclogites associated with the garnet peridotites have not been so well constrained. This is the first substantial finding of eclogite that gives such very high-P conditions in the Gfohl Unit of the Bohemian Massif. The Gfohl Unit mainly consists of felsic granulite or migmatitic gneiss, but these rock types do not display high-P (>2.5 GPa) evidence. It is unclear whether both the peridotite body and surrounding felsic rocks in the Gfohl Unit were buried to very deep levels, but at least some garnet peridotites and associated eclogites in the Gfohl Unit have ascended from about 150-km depth.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2004.00536.x

    Web of Science


  • 十字石の産状の多様性と化学組成上の特徴 査読


    岩石鉱物科学   33 ( 6 )   233 - 243   2004年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.2465/gkk.33.233



  • Stability of phengite and biotite in eclogites and characteristics of biotite- or orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites 査読

    D Nakamura

    CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY   145 ( 5 )   550 - 567   2003年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER-VERLAG  

    Stability of phengite and biotite in eclogite is discussed using petrological data of natural eclogites, and the observational data are examined by thermodynamic calculations. Generally, phengite is a major K phase in natural eclogite and is stable in wide range of bulk composition. However, in eclogites from several localities of the Caledonides, biotite occurs as a stable eclogite-facies mineral, and is often associated with orthopyroxene. Bulk compositions of such biotite- or orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites are compared with those of eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu region, China, where phengite is a major K phase in eclogite. The biotite- or orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites from the Western Gneiss Region of the Caledonides are rich in MgO (10-15 wt%) and relatively poor in CaO (78 wt%) and Al2O3 (12-16 wt%). The CaO/MgO ratios of the biotite- or orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites are clearly lower than those of eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu region, indicating that MgO-rich and CaO-poor environments should be important for stabilizing of biotite and orthopyroxene in eclogite. Biotite-bearing eclogite from the North-East Greenland Eclogite Province is rich in MgO (approximate to 16 wt%) and CaO (approximate to 15.5 wt%) and extremely poor in Al2O3 (approximate to 8 wt%). To stabilize biotite in eclogite, Al2O3-poor environments are also important. Bulk compositions of these biotite- or orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites are similar to picrite basaltic compositions. To examine these observational data, thermodynamic calculations were carried out in a seven-component system KH2O1.5-Na2O-CaO-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, which includes garnet, kyanite, phengite, biotite, quartz, omphacite, orthopyroxene and olivine in conjunction with mass-balance calculations. Firstly, calculations were performed on the average bulk composition of eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu region to lherzolite (KLB-1). The calculation results confirmed that phengite should be stable in eclogite with 'ordinary' basaltic composition, whereas biotite and orthopyroxene should be stable in picrite basaltic compositions (e.g. MgO > 11.0 wt%, CaO < 9.8 wt%, Al2O3 < 15.2 wt% at 700 degreesC, 2.5 GPa). Further calculations in basaltic system confirmed that increase of MgO content and decrease of CaO and Al2O3 contents were important to stabilize biotite and orthopyroxene in eclogite. Thus, mineral assemblage in picrite basalt system should be completely different from that in normal basaltic system.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00410-003-0469-7

    Web of Science


  • Kinetics of decompressional reactions in eclogitic rocks – formation of plagioclase coronas around kyanite 査読

    Daisuke Nakamura

    Journal of Metamorphic Geology   20 ( 3 )   325 - 333   2002年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1046/j.1525-1314.2002.00370.x

    Web of Science


  • Talc-phengite-albite assemblage in piemontite-quartz schist of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan 査読

    J. Izadyar, T. Hirajima, D. Nakamura

    Island Arc   9 ( 1 )   145 - 158   2000年3月

  • Granulite-facies overprinting of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks, northeastern Su-Lu region, eastern China 査読 国際誌

    D. Nakamura, T. Hirajima

    Journal of Petrology   41 ( 4 )   563 - 582   2000年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Oxford University Press  

    Secondary enstatite is present in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks at two localities of Rongcheng County, in the northeastern Su-Lu region, eastern China. An enstatite-bearing eclogitic rock consists mainly of large grains of garnet and clinopyroxene, and enstatite is present as fine-grained coronas around quartz in the matrix. The enstatite coronas tend to develop near garnet grains, and plagioclase forms between the two minerals. In the second enstatite-bearing eclogite, the assemblage of enstatite + diopside is present as coronas around quartz. Textural relationships indicate that enstatite formed under plagioclase-stable and Si-saturated conditions after the peak-P metamorphism. Several reaction curves constrain the enstatite-forming conditions to be 700-800°C and 0.7-1.2 GPa. Application of thermometers to enstatite coronas also indicates high-T (~700-800°C) conditions. In these rocks, kyanite has been partially replaced by spinel + anorthite symplectites. Similar development of spinel is common in kyanite eclogite from Rongcheng County, suggesting that all share a similar decompressional history. Granulite-facies overprinting of UHP eclogite is probably a common phenomenon in the northeastern Su-Lu region. Equilibrium temperature at the peak-P stage is approximately the same as that recorded at the granulite stage, implying nearly isothermal decompression. Although such an adiabatic path generally requires rapid exhumation of the UHP rocks, the scale of the exhuming body is also important. Calculation of the length scale for thermal conduction indicates that UHP rocks must be greater than ~ 10 km in scale to avoid loss or gain of heat during the exhumation. Individual UHP eclogitic blocks are smaller than required for adiabatic exhumation in Rongcheng County, and hence they probably ascended together with the surrounding orthogneiss.

    DOI: 10.1093/petrology/41.4.563



  • Winchite from Mt. Hiei contact aureole, Kyoto, Japan 査読 国際誌

    T. Hirajima, D. Nakamura, K. Shirahata

    95 ( 6 )   107 - 11   2000年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:日本鉱物科学会  

    Sodic-calcic amphibole closely associated with aegirine-augite was newly found from a sandy hornfels at Mt. Hiei contact aureole, Kyoto, Japan. The amphibole shows a pleochroism of X=colorless, Y=blue and Z=light blue and is winchite with significant amounts of TiO2 (1.5-2.5 wt.%) and of Mg-Fe-Mn-Li amphibole component at B site (ca. 0.1-0.4 cations for O=23 basis). The chemical composition and the coexisting phases of the winchite in this study are similar to those in the alkaline igneous complex.

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.95.107

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Thermodynamic modelling of sodic pyroxene solid-solution and its application in a garnet-omphacite-kyanite-coesite geothermobarometer for UHP metamorphic rocks 査読

    D Nakamura, S Banno

    CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY   130 ( 1 )   93 - 102   1997年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER VERLAG  

    A garnet-omphacite-kyanite-coesite geothermobarometer is constructed to estimate the peak metamorphic pressure of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogites. For this we use a quaternary regular solution model for garnet, and propose a new model for sodic pyroxene that assumes double site solid-solution (Na,Ca)(M2)(Al,Fe3+,Fe2+,Mg)(Si2O6)-Si-M1, where cations in the M2- and the M1-sites mix randomly but with intersite interactions, not only between nearest neighboring cations but also between next nearest neighboring cations. In the new model, overall excess interaction parameters are quantitatively deduced from the previous experimental data and critical temperature, and the activity of the jadeite component agrees reasonably with that based on the Landau theory. Furthermore, the relations of the calculated order parameter to temperature and composition are consistent with other experimental works. These facts support the usefulness of the new model. Application of our geothermobarometer to kyanite eclogite gave metamorphic conditions around 3.4 GPa and 800 degrees C for both samples from the ora Maira Massif, Western Alps, and from Rongcheng County, in the Su-Lu region of eastern China.

    DOI: 10.1007/s004100050352

    Web of Science


  • Occurrence and field relationships of ultrahigh-pressure metagranitoid and coesite eclogite in the Su-Lu terrane, eastern China 査読

    S.R. Wallis, A. Ishiwatari, T. Hirajima, K. Ye, J. Guo, D. Nakamura, T. Kato, M. Zhai, M. Enami, B. Cong, S. Banno

    Journal of Geological Society, London   154   45 - 54   1997年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • Comparison and interpretation of graphitization in contact and regional metamorphic rocks 査読


    The Island Arc   4   112 - 127   1995年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    CiNii Article




  • 地球大百科事典

    Hancock, Paul L., Skinner, Brian J., 井田, 喜明, 木村, 竜治, 鳥海, 光弘( 範囲: alpine orogenyなど30項目ほどの翻訳)

    朝倉書店  2019年10月  ( ISBN:9784254160543


    総ページ数:2冊   記述言語:日本語

    CiNii Books



  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア山塊に産するザクロ石橄欖岩中のスピネルと温度圧力履歴

    中村 大輔, 福井 康介, 苗村 康輔, 平島 崇男, スフォイッカ マルチン

    日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集   2012   247 - 247   2012年9月


  • チェコ共和国 Nove Dvory ザクロ石橄欖岩体中に産するエクロジャイト中のメルト

    宮崎 貴弘, 中村 大輔, 平島 崇男, スフォイッカ マルチン

    日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集   2012   249 - 249   2012年9月


  • 超高圧変成帯中のザクロ石橄欖岩およびエクロジャイトの温度圧力履歴解析法:地質温度圧力計の概説と適用 査読

    苗村康輔, 中村大輔, 平島崇男

    岩石鉱物科学   41 ( 6 )   225 - 246   2012年



    DOI: 10.2465/gkk.120531



  • 中国東部・蘇魯地域における超高圧変成エクロジャイトの冷却上昇履歴とその意義

    中村 大輔, 平島 崇男

    日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集   2010   180 - 180   2010年9月


  • Review of representative UHPM terranes: The Dabie Shan - Sulu orogen

    Takao Hirajima, Daisuke Nakamura

    EMU Notes in Mineralogy   5   105 - 144   2003年


    出版者・発行元:Eotvos University Press  

    CiNii Article


  • 大陸地殻の沈み込みと上昇:超高圧変成岩からの検証 (総特集 大陸形成場の構造とダイナミクス)

    平島 崇男, 中村 大輔

    月刊地球   21 ( 4 )   220 - 227   1999年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • ザクロ石—黒雲母温度計について —三波川変成帯と大文字接触変成帯への適用とその評価— 査読


    日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌   91   165 - 176   1996年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books




  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア地塊に産する輝石を含む珪長質グラニュライトの変成温度圧力履歴

    内藤美桜, 山根健輔, 中村大輔, 平島崇男, マルチン-スフォイッカ

    日本地質学会第130年学術大会  2023年9月18日 


    開催年月日: 2023年9月17日 - 2023年9月19日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 東五良津岩体のザクロ石グラニュライトの変成温度圧力条件

    岡村知樹, 中村大輔, 青矢睦月

    日本地質学会第130年学術大会  2023年9月18日 


    開催年月日: 2023年9月17日 - 2023年9月19日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア地塊に産する珪長質グラニュライトの最高変成圧力 国際共著

    内藤美桜, 山根健輔, 中村大輔, 平島崇男, マルチン-スフォイッカ

    日本地質学会第129年学術大会  2022年9月5日  日本地質学会


    開催年月日: 2022年9月4日 - 2022年9月6日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



  • 中国蘇魯地域北東部に産するザクロ石カンラン岩の温度圧力履歴の推定

    老川柚, 中村大輔, 平島崇男, 森下知晃, 田村明弘, 山根創

    日本鉱物科学会2019年年会  2019年9月20日 


    開催年月日: 2019年9月20日 - 2019年9月22日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Mineralogical heterogeneity of UHP garnet peridotite in the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic

    日本鉱物科学会2019年年会  2019年9月20日 


    開催年月日: 2019年9月20日 - 2019年9月22日

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 半値幅を用いた炭質物ラマン地質温度計の開発と先行研究との性能比較

    纐纈佑衣, 水上知行, 森宏, 遠藤俊祐, 青矢睦月, 原英俊, 中村大輔, ウォリス サイモン

    日本地質学会第120年学術大会  2013年 


    開催年月日: 2013年9月14日 - 2013年9月16日

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 中国東部・蘇魯地域における超高圧変成エクロジャイトの冷却上昇履歴とその意義

    中村 大輔, 平島 崇男

    日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集  2010年9月23日 


    開催年月日: 2010年9月23日



  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア山塊中に産する珪長質グラニュライト中のザクロ石の化学組成 国際共著


    日本鉱物科学会2021年年会  2021年9月17日  日本鉱物科学会


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

    開催地:オンライン開催   国名:日本国  

  • 中国東部大別山地域Bixiling複合岩体の温度圧力履歴

    日本地質学会第125年学術大会  2018年 


  • Origin of mm-scale layering structure in an ultra-high pressure eclogite from Nové Dvory, Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif

    12th International Eclogite Conference  2017年 


  • モンゴル国・湖水地域の超高圧エクロジャイト

    日本鉱物科学会2017年年会  2017年 


  • 低温超高圧エクロジャイト中のH2O含有量

    日本地質学会第124年学術大会  2017年 


  • 中国東部蘇魯地域・栄成地区に産するエクロジャイトとザクロ石カンラン岩の推定圧力ギャップ

    日本鉱物科学会2017年年会  2017年 


  • Origin of mm-scale layering structure in an ultra-high pressure eclogite from Nové Dvory, Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif

    12th International Eclogite Conference  2017年 


  • 大別山地域に産する低温超高圧エクロジャイト

    日本鉱物科学会  2016年 


  • 中国東部Su-Lu地域の超高圧エクロジャイト中の角閃石の安定性

    日本鉱物科学会  2016年 


  • ボヘミア山塊Moldanubian帯Nove Dvory産エクロジャイトの単一露頭における多様なザクロ石組成累帯構造の解読

    日本鉱物科学会  2016年 


  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア山塊中に産するエクロジャイトの部分溶融の痕跡

    日本鉱物科学会  2015年 


  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア山塊中に産するザクロ石カンラン岩の組織と温度圧力推定

    日本鉱物科学会  2015年 


  • 中国東部Su-Lu地域の超高圧エクロジャイト中の角閃石

    日本鉱物科学会  2015年 


  • ザクロ石と単斜輝石間のFe-Mg分配係数に与えるヒスイ輝石成分の影響

    日本鉱物科学会  2014年 


  • Garnet zonings created under open-system environments and short-lived heating of Nove Dvory UHP-UHT eclogite

    国際エクロジャイト会議  2013年 


  • Conflicting garnet zonings preserved in UHP-UHT eclogite from the Moldanubian Zone (Nové Dvory, Czech Republic)

    9th International Eclogite Conference  2011年 


  • Garnet-clinopyroxene barometry for high-pressure mafic granulites from southern part of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic

    9th International Eclogite Conference  2011年 


  • Missing link between ultra-high pressure (UHP) and ultra-high temperature metamorphism (UHT): A case study in the Bohemian Massif

    日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会  2011年 


  • Conflicting garnet zonings preserved in UHP-UHT eclogite from the Moldanubian Zone (Nové Dvory, Czech Republic)

    国際エクロジャイト会議  2011年 


  • Garnet-clinopyroxene barometry for high-pressure mafic granulites from southern part of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic

    国際エクロジャイト会議  2011年 


  • 接触変成岩への適用を通じて得られたラマン炭質物温度計の実用に関するいくつかの知見

    日本地質学会第118年学術大会・日本鉱物科学会2011年年会合同学術大会  2011年 


  • 炭質物の温度上昇に伴う構造変化とラマンピーク半値幅を用いた低温領域に適用可能な温度計の開発

    日本地質学会第118年学術大会・日本鉱物科学会2011年年会合同学術大会  2011年 


  • ボヘミア岩体・超高圧-超高温変成岩に保持されたザクロ石組成累帯構造

    日本地質学会第118年学術大会・日本鉱物科学会2011年年会合同学術大会  2011年 


  • Missing link between ultra-high pressure (UHP) and ultra-high temperature metamorphism (UHT): A case study in the Bohemian Massif



  • Significant cooling during the exhumation of UHP eclogite from Taohang area in the Sulu region, eastern China, and its tectonic significance.

    2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting  2010年 


  • 中国東部、蘇魯Taohang地域の超高圧エクロジャイトの上昇時の冷却とそのテクトニクスにおける意義

    2010西太平洋地球物理会議  2010年 


  • Missing link between ultra-high pressure (UHP) and ultra-high temperature (UHT) metamorphism: A case study in the Bohemian Massif

    8th International Eclogite Conference  2009年 


  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア山塊の藍晶石エクロジャイト中のSr硫酸化物

    日本地質学会第116年学術大会  2009年 


  • A new formulation of garnet-clinopyroxene thermometer using large number of experimental data with graphite capsules

    19th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association  2006年 


  • Missing link between ultra-high pressure (UHP) and ultra-high temperature metamorphism (UHT): A case study in the Bohemian Massif

    19th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association  2006年 


  • ザクロ石ー単斜輝石地質温度計の再構築:グラファイトカプセルを用いた実験データを使用して

    日本地質学会  2006年 


  • 超高温(UHT)変成作用と超高圧(UHP)変成作用のMissingLink探し;ボヘミア山地の実例

    日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会(三鉱シンポジウム)  2005年 


  • Variety in chemical zonation of garnet in eclogite from Nové Dvory, Czech Republic

    7th International Eclogite Conference  2005年 


  • ボヘミア岩体南部・ザクロ石カンラン岩を伴うエクロジャイト中のザクロ石組成累帯構造

    日本地質学会  2005年 


  • ザクロ石ー単斜輝石温度計の歴史と実験的評価:超高圧変成岩の定量的温度圧力推定の必要性

    日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会(三鉱シンポジウム)  2005年 


  • Pseudosection on stability of hydrous phases and examples in natural eclogite

    2nd KAGI21 International Symposium  2004年 


  • Very high-pressure (> 4 GPa) eclogite associated with garnet peridotite body in Nové Dvory, the Moldanubian zone, Czech Republic

    32nd International Geological Congress  2004年 


  • Concordant and discordant UHP conditions obtained from Yangkou Ultra-high pressure (UHP) unit, Sulu belt, China

    32nd International Geological Congress  2004年 


  • Newly found Mn-reverse zoning of garnet and its implications to the tectonics of the Sanbagawa belt, Japan

    32nd International Geological Congress  2004年 


  • ザクロ石―単斜輝石温度計の実験的評価と新たなキャリブレーション

    日本地質学会  2004年 


  • チェコ共和国・ノブドボリーザクロ石カンラン岩体に伴う藍晶石エクロジャイトについて

    日本地質学会  2003年 


  • Characteristics of biotite- or orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites from the Caledonides - thermodynamic evaluation on stability of phengite and biotite in eclogites

    Norway Eclogite Field Symposium  2003年 


  • エクロジャイトにおけるフェンジャイトと黒雲母の安定性

    日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会  2002年 


  • エクロジャイトーペリドタイト系におけるフェンジャイトと黒雲母の安定性

    地球惑星科学関連学会  2002年 




  • 2015年度日本地質学会論文賞





  • 日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会研究奨励賞






  • ザクロ石-単斜輝石地質温度計の再構築

    研究課題/領域番号:16K05610  2016年04月 - 2019年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    中村 大輔, 平島 崇男, 藤瀬 武尊


    配分額:4680000円 ( 直接経費:3600000円 、 間接経費:1080000円 )

    大陸衝突帯には3 GPa以上の圧力下(地下100 km以深)まで沈み込んだ岩石が広く地表に露出している。そうした大陸衝突帯で起きている現象を解明することが大きな課題である。それには、そういった岩石が到達した温度圧力条件を精確に推定することが重要となる。ザクロ石-単斜輝石温度計はそうした推定手法の一つであるが、単斜輝石の熱力学的特性がまだよく知られていない。そこで、天然の岩石の解析や実験データの統計学的処理からより高精度の温度計の構築を目指した。また、それと並行して、中国東部に産する同様の岩石の分析から、それらは800℃、5 GPa程の温度圧力条件まで到達していたことを明らかにした。


  • 超高圧変成岩の進化履歴の解明

    研究課題/領域番号:23540557  2011年 - 2013年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    中村 大輔, 平島 崇男


    配分額:5200000円 ( 直接経費:4000000円 、 間接経費:1200000円 )



  • 大陸衝突帯の地下深部ダイナミクス-高温高圧下での流体活動とその役割の解明-

    研究課題/領域番号:17204047  2005年 - 2008年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)  基盤研究(A)

    平島 崇男, 北村 雅夫, 下林 典正, 中村 大輔, 大沢 信二, 三宅 亮, 小畑 正明, 山本 順二


    配分額:50700000円 ( 直接経費:39000000円 、 間接経費:11700000円 )

    地下深部流体活動の実態解明を目指し、顕微ラマン分光分析器を導入し、流体包有物の同定システムを構築した。この機器を用いて、日本や海外の地下深部岩石中の流体包有物の研究を展開した。その結果、三波川変成岩中の石英脈から地下25km付近で岩石中にトラップされた地下深部初生流体を初めて見出すことに成功した(Nishimura et al., 2008)。また、Pseudosection法とモード測定から、塩基性変成岩において、ローソン石の出現・消滅に伴う含水量変化(Matsumoto & Hirajima, 2007)や、硅質変成岩中の含水量を明らかにした(Ubukawa et al., 2007)。




  • 地殻物質反応論 (2023年度) 後期  - 月3~4

  • 地殻物質反応論 (2023年度) 後期  - 月3~4

  • 地殻進化論 (2023年度) 後期  - その他

  • 地球の歴史と現在 (2023年度) 第2学期  - 金1~2

  • 地球の歴史と現在 (2023年度) 第2学期  - 金3~4

  • 地球システム基礎科学 (2023年度) 前期  - 金7~8

  • 地球惑星科学特別演習 (2023年度) 通年  - その他

  • 地球物質反応論1 (2023年度) 第3学期  - 火3~4

  • 地球物質反応論2 (2023年度) 第4学期  - 火3~4

  • 地球物質科学 (2023年度) 後期  - その他

  • 地球科学ゼミナール3 (2023年度) 第1学期  - 水1~2

  • 地球科学ゼミナール8 (2023年度) 第2学期  - 木1~2

  • 地球科学入門 (2023年度) 第1学期  - 火5~6

  • 地球科学特別講義Ia (2023年度) 集中  - その他

  • 地球科学特別講義Ⅰa (2023年度) 集中  - その他

  • 基礎地球科学実習 (2023年度) 第1学期  - 火5~6

  • 変成岩成因論 (2023年度) 第2学期  - 火3~4

  • 岩石圏科学演習 (2023年度) その他  - その他

  • 岩石学演習 (2023年度) 通年  - その他

  • 岩石学演習 (2023年度) その他  - その他

  • 岩石鉱物学巡検 (2023年度) 特別  - その他

  • 顕微鏡岩石学実験1 (2023年度) 第3学期  - 月5~8

  • 地殻物質反応論 (2022年度) 後期  - 月3~4

  • 地殻進化論 (2022年度) 後期  - その他

  • 地球の歴史と現在 (2022年度) 第2学期  - 金1~2

  • 地球の歴史と現在 (2022年度) 第2学期  - 金3~4

  • 地球システム基礎科学 (2022年度) 前期  - 金7~8

  • 地球物質反応論1 (2022年度) 第3学期  - 火3~4

  • 地球物質反応論2 (2022年度) 第4学期  - 火3~4

  • 地球科学ゼミナール3 (2022年度) 第1学期  - 水1~2

  • 地球科学ゼミナール8 (2022年度) 第2学期  - 木1~2

  • 地球科学入門 (2022年度) 第1学期  - 火5~6

  • 基礎地球科学実習 (2022年度) 第1学期  - 火5~6

  • 変成岩成因論 (2022年度) 第2学期  - 火3~4

  • 岩石学演習 (2022年度) 通年  - その他

  • 岩石鉱物学巡検 (2022年度) 特別  - その他

  • 顕微鏡岩石学実験1 (2022年度) 第3学期  - 月5~8

  • 地殻物質反応論 (2021年度) 後期  - 月3,月4

  • 地殻進化論 (2021年度) 後期  - その他

  • 地球の歴史と現在 (2021年度) 第2学期  - 金1~2

  • 地球の歴史と現在 (2021年度) 第2学期  - 金3~4

  • 地球システム基礎科学 (2021年度) 前期  - 金7,金8

  • 地球物質反応論 (2021年度) 3・4学期  - 火3,火4

  • 地球物質反応論1 (2021年度) 第3学期  - 火3,火4

  • 地球物質反応論2 (2021年度) 第4学期  - 火3,火4

  • 地球科学ゼミナール3 (2021年度) 第1学期  - 水1,水2

  • 地球科学ゼミナール8 (2021年度) 第2学期  - 木1,木2

  • 地球科学ゼミナールII (2021年度) 1・2学期  - 水1,水2

  • 地球科学ゼミナールIV (2021年度) 1・2学期  - 木1,木2

  • 地球科学入門 (2021年度) 第1学期  - その他

  • 地球科学巡検B (2021年度) 特別  - その他

  • 地球科学特講3 (2021年度) 夏季集中  - その他

  • 基礎地球科学実習 (2021年度) 第1学期  - その他

  • 変成岩成因論 (2021年度) 第2学期  - 火3,火4

  • 変成論 (2021年度) 第2学期  - 火3,火4

  • 岩石圏科学演習 (2021年度) 通年  - その他

  • 岩石鉱物学巡検 (2021年度) 特別  - その他

  • 顕微鏡岩石学実験1 (2021年度) 第3学期  - 月5,月6,月7,月8

  • 顕微鏡岩石学実験I (2021年度) 第3学期  - 月5,月6,月7,月8

  • 地殻物質反応論 (2020年度) 後期  - 月3,月4

  • 地殻進化論 (2020年度) 後期  - その他

  • 地球の歴史と現在 (2020年度) 第1学期  - 金1,金2

  • 地球の歴史と現在 (2020年度) 第2学期  - 金1,金2

  • 地球システム基礎科学 (2020年度) 前期  - 金7,金8

  • 地球物質反応論 (2020年度) 3・4学期  - 火3,火4

  • 地球物質反応論1 (2020年度) 第3学期  - 火3,火4

  • 地球物質反応論2 (2020年度) 第4学期  - 火3,火4

  • 地球科学ゼミナール3 (2020年度) 第1学期  - 水1,水2

  • 地球科学ゼミナール8 (2020年度) 第2学期  - 木1,木2

  • 地球科学ゼミナールII (2020年度) 1・2学期  - 水1,水2

  • 地球科学ゼミナールIV (2020年度) 1・2学期  - 木1,木2

  • 地球科学巡検B (2020年度) 特別  - その他

  • 地球科学特講1 (2020年度) 夏季集中  - その他

  • 変成岩成因論 (2020年度) 第2学期  - 火3,火4

  • 変成論 (2020年度) 第2学期  - 火3,火4

  • 岩石圏科学演習 (2020年度) 前期

  • 岩石圏科学演習 (2020年度) 通年  - その他

  • 岩石圏科学演習 (2020年度) その他  - その他

  • 岩石鉱物学巡検 (2020年度) 1~4学期  - その他

  • 顕微鏡岩石学実験1 (2020年度) 第3学期  - 月5,月6,月7,月8

  • 顕微鏡岩石学実験I (2020年度) 第3学期  - 月5,月6,月7,月8
