Updated on 2024/02/02


TAKASE Atsushi
Faculty of Education Professor
External link


  • 教育学修士 ( 1991.3   広島大学 )

  • Master of Education ( 1991.3   Hiroshima University )

Research Interests

  • 教育行政

  • 教育史

  • 教師教育

  • Educational Administration

  • ロシア

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Family and consumer sciences, and culture and living


  • Hiroshima University   大学院教育学研究科   博士課程後期

    1991.4 - 1994.3

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    Notes: 単位修得満期退学


  • Hiroshima University   大学院教育学研究科   博士課程前期

    1989.4 - 1991.3

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  • Hiroshima University   教育学部   教育学科

    1985.4 - 1989.3

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  • 富山県立富山中部高等学校    

    1982.4 - 1985.3

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Research History

  • Okayama University   Graduate School of Education   Professor


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  • Okayama University   Graduate School of Education   Associate Professor

    2008.4 - 2015.3

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  • Fuji Women's University   Faculty of Human Life Sciences   Associate Professor (as old post name)

    2004.4 - 2008.3

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  • Fuji Women's University   Faculty of Human Life Sciences   Lecturer

    2000.4 - 2004.3

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  • 文部省   専門職員

    1997.5 - 2000.3

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  • Hiroshima University   School of Education   Research Assistant

    1995.4 - 1996.3

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  • レーニン名称国立モスクワ教育大学

    1994.3 - 1995.3

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    Country:Russian Federation


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Professional Memberships

  • Nishi Nippon Society for Educational Administration Research

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  • The Japanese Society for the Study on Teacher Education

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  • The Japan Society for the Study of Education

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  • The Japan Society for Historical Studies of Education

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  • The Japan Society for Educational System and organization

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  • Japan Academic Society of Educational Policy

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  • The Japanese Association for the Study of Educational Administration

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  • The Japan Educational Administration Society

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  • 中国四国教育学会

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  • 教育制度と教育の経営 : 学校-家庭-地域をめぐる教育の営み

    諏訪, 英広, 福本, 昌之( Role: Contributor ,  教育内容・教育課程)

    あいり出版  2021.9  ( ISBN:9784865550900

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    Total pages:ix, 223p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 教職論ハンドブック[改訂版]

    山口, 健二, 高瀬, 淳, 今井, 康好, 森安, 史彦( Role: Joint editor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2020.7  ( ISBN:9784623089819

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    Total pages:ii, 109p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 西洋教育史

    尾上, 雅信( Role: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2018.11  ( ISBN:9784623084166

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    Total pages:v, 197p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 現代教育改革と教育経営

    小川 正人, 本多 正人, 高橋 寛人, 木岡 一明, 仲田 康一, 大谷 奨, 日永 龍彦, 髙谷 哲也, 山崎 清男, 湯藤 定宗, 植田 みどり, 坂野 慎二, 藤井 佐知子, 張 揚, 高瀬 淳, 高橋 望, 佐藤 博志( Role: Contributor ,  政治経済体制の転換に伴う教育改革と教育経営―ロシア― pp.208-218)

    学文社  2018.6  ( ISBN:9784762028113

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    Total pages:v, 246p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 現代教育の制度と行政

    河野, 和清, 山田, 浩之, 山下, 晃一, 松元, 健治, 村上, 祐介, 林, 孝, 大野, 裕己, 古賀, 一博, 織田, 成和, 湯川, 秀樹, 河相, 善雄, 高瀬, 淳, 松原, 勝敏, 末冨, 芳( Role: Contributor)

    福村出版  2017.3  ( ISBN:9784571101793

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    Total pages:233p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 新しい教育行政学

    河野, 和清, 加治佐, 哲也, 松元, 健治, 岡崎, 公典, 三山, 緑, 市田, 敏之, 吉田, 香奈, 滝沢, 潤, 高橋, 正司, 堀田, 哲一郎, 岡本, 徹, 菅井, 直也, 中嶋, 一恵, 上寺, 康司, 古賀, 一博, 住岡, 敏弘, 高妻, 紳二郎, 松原, 勝敏, 前原, 健三, 高瀬, 淳, 福本, みちよ, 渡邊, あや( Role: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2014.4  ( ISBN:9784623070374

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    Total pages:viii, 241p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 新任教頭セミナー : 教頭職に求められる《心得・実務・法令》の総合テキスト

    高瀬, 淳( Role: Edit)

    教育開発研究所  2013.4  ( ISBN:9784873806365

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    Total pages:183p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 最新・教育法規の要点-岡山県版

    髙瀬淳( Role: Sole author)

    オフィスSAKUTA  2012.4 

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  • 教職論ハンドブック

    山口, 健二, 高瀬, 淳( Role: Edit)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2011.4  ( ISBN:9784623060191

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    Total pages:iv, 157p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 「学校力」を培う学校評価 : 矢掛町の挑戦

    武, 泰稔, 梶田, 叡一( Role: Contributor ,  pp.52‐61)

    三省堂  2011.3  ( ISBN:9784385365190

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    Total pages:190p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 教育改革の国際比較

    大桃, 敏行, 上杉, 孝実, 井ノ口, 淳三, 植田, 健男, 堀内, 達夫, 久田, 敏彦, 坂野, 慎二, 澤野, 由紀子, 遠藤, 忠, 平田, 淳, 北野, 秋男, 杉本, 均, 堀井, 啓幸, 高瀬, 淳, 宮崎, 秀一, 小川, 佳万, 末本, 誠, 伊藤, 正純, 赤尾, 勝己, 藤田, 晃之, 牧野, 篤, 服部, 美奈, 前平, 泰志( Role: Contributor ,  pp.164‐178)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2007.9  ( ISBN:9784623049752

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    Total pages:xiv, 360p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 教員人事評価と職能開発 : 日本と諸外国の研究

    八尾坂, 修( Role: Contributor ,  ロシア連邦における教員の人事評価と職能開発 pp.102‐122)

    風間書房  2005.12  ( ISBN:4759915354

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    Total pages:iv, viii, 508p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 地方分権下における自律的学校経営の構築に関する総合的研究

    河野一清( Role: Contributor ,  ロシア連邦の自律的学校経営 pp.89‐101)

    多賀出版  2004.3 

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  • マトリクス人間生活学

    藤女子大学人間生活学研究会( Role: Joint editor ,  EUにおける教育政策の展開―統合と共生のはざまで pp.155‐175)

    溪水社  2002.11  ( ISBN:4874407269

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    Total pages:ii, 266p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 諸外国の教育改革と教育経営

    日本教育経営学会( Role: Contributor ,  ロシア)

    玉川大学出版部  2000.12  ( ISBN:4472402386

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    Total pages:309p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 諸外国の教育改革 : 世界の教育潮流を読む : 主要6か国の最新動向

    本間, 政雄, 高橋, 誠( Role: Contributor ,  ロシア連邦 pp.187‐215 pp.335‐345)

    ぎょうせい  2000.7  ( ISBN:4324061955

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    Total pages:12, 369p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • Education in Japan : a graphic presentation

    Ministry of Education, Sports, Science, Culture( Role: Joint editor)

    Gyosei Pub.  2000.2 

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    Total pages:v.   Language:English


  • 現代教育行政学研究

    上原貞雄( Role: Contributor ,  戦前ロシア共和国における障害学教員養成制度の史的変容 pp.295‐308)

    渓水社  1994.2  ( ISBN:4874403174

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    Total pages:iv,333,xiiip   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


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Research Projects

  • 教員養成に関する国際交流研究:ジャーマン・インパクトを中心に

    Grant number:21K02198  2021.04 - 2025.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    尾上 雅信, 高瀬 淳, 平田 仁胤, 梶井 一暁, 小林 万里子

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )

    本研究の目的は、フランス、イギリス、オーストリア(ハンガリー帝国)、ロシア、そして日本を具体的な研究対象としてとりあげ、各国相互に如何なる影響関係のなかで教員養成の改革を展開してきたか、その具体的な実態を明らかにすることにより、特定モデルの受容パターンを解明し類型化をめざすところにある。本年度は4か年計画の初年度であり、基礎的な作業段階の第1年度である。対象各国における、個別の教員養成発達史の実態解明のため基本的な資料収集を行うとともに、その実態の特質解明に向けての取り組みを、基本的な研究課題とした。具体的には、①教員養成の理念(目的)と思想(ペスタロッチ主義とヘルバルト主義を対象)、②教員養成の制度的な内容(養成機関・教育課程・免許と任用など)、③その時点における改革の動向・経過、課題、などを精査することであった。資料収集については、残念ながらコロナ感染による海外渡航制限、また国内移動の制限もあり、所期の目的を達成することはできなかったが、オンライン購入や国内での刊行文献購入を行なうことはできた。また、共同研究としての取り組みも、簡単な意見・情報交換は定期的に行なうことができたうえに、第1回の研究会(2021年9月13日(月):岡山大学)を実施することができた。研究発表は、「フランスの場合 ─ 七月王政(1830年代)における初等師範学校制度(男子)成立へのドイツ(プロイセン)の影響」(尾上)、「イエナ大学の教育学ゼミナール:ブルツォスカの思想と実践」(小林)、「明治期日本への西洋教育の影響に関する一考察 ─ 一斉教授の伝播と実際」(梶井)、「イギリスにおけるジャーマン・インパクト」(平田)であった。これらのことから、初年度としては当初の目標をおおむね達成することができたと考える。


  • ロシア連邦における教科「生活の安全の基礎」の内容・方法に関する法制と実態

    Grant number:20K02794  2020.04 - 2024.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    高瀬 淳

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    Grant amount:\2990000 ( Direct expense: \2300000 、 Indirect expense:\690000 )



  • A Comparative Study on Thoughts and Systems of Teacher Training

    Grant number:16H03764  2016.04 - 2021.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Onoue Masanobu

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    Grant amount:\15990000 ( Direct expense: \12300000 、 Indirect expense:\3690000 )

    In this study, we tried comparative and historical analysis on the thoughts and systems of teacher training in 19th century Western countries and Japan. Specifically, we analyzed influences or impacts from Germany (Prussia) to France, Russia and Japan in the thoughts and systems of teacher training. The results are follows : France and Russia were influenced in the systems (e.g. teacher system, normal schools ), Japan was influenced in the thoughts (e.g. Herbartianism).


  • Comparative study on the system and curriculum of teacher education in post graduate program for the promotion of teacher education

    Grant number:26301041  2014.04 - 2017.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


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    Grant amount:\9360000 ( Direct expense: \7200000 、 Indirect expense:\2160000 )

    This study has compared the system and curriculum of post graduate program in 9 countries, USA, UK, France, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Rossia, Korea and Thailand based on the reform movement in Japan. The following three are shown as the findings of this study; 1.There are three types on the connection of curriculum between under graduate and postgraduate program, melting type, continuating type and separate type. Each contry runs its system based on this characteristic. 2.Many countries secure the combination between theory and practice in teacher education by the expertise and career of teaching staff of teacher education. 3. It is sure that each country has clear responsibility and stability of system in university and school.


  • Comparative Study on Educational Policy in post-Soviet Central Asian countries

    Grant number:20402059  2008 - 2010

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MINEI Akiko, SEKI Keiko, ENDO Tadashi, IWASAKI Shogo, KAWANOBE Satoshi, MIZUTANI Kuniko, MORIOKA Syuichi, FUKUTA Seiji, MATSUNAGA Yuji, SAWANO Yukiko, OHTANI Minoru, TAKASE Atsushi, INOSHITA Kenichi, TASUTANBEKOVA Kuanysh, DEMEZHAN Adlet, MISOCHKO Grigory, ASKARBEK Kusainov, SERIK Omirbaev, SUGANO Reiko, SAIDA Makhkamova, ITO Hironori, ABDUZHABBOR rahmonov, ZUBAIDULLO Ubaidulloyev

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    Grant amount:\16770000 ( Direct expense: \12900000 、 Indirect expense:\3870000 )

    After gaining independence four Central Asian countries have become members of UN and UNESCO and started educational reforms which aimed to get out of socialism and to establish constitutional democratic state. Educational reforms in these countries have been urged under conflict between outside impact (cooperation and assistance of UNESCO, international donors, foreign governments such as Russia and others) and internal situation (multi-ethnic people, Islamic traditions, gap between urban and rural areas, economy demanding new human resources etc.). The high rates of general education enrollment, secularity of education, consideration of multi-ethnicity are inherited from Soviet time and developing further. At the same time, principles of free market were imported into education and the environment of intense competition is getting even tenser. In the higher education area reforms corresponding Bologna Process are progressing, and system of free higher education has retreated.


  • The Evaluation System which Contributes to the Improvement of School and Curriculum

    Grant number:18530623  2006 - 2008

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    TAKASE Atsushi

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    Grant amount:\2790000 ( Direct expense: \2400000 、 Indirect expense:\390000 )



  • ロシア連邦における学校評価と校長・教員に対する人事評価に関する研究

    Grant number:16730396  2004 - 2005

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)  若手研究(B)

    高瀬 淳

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    Grant amount:\1800000 ( Direct expense: \1800000 )



  • ロシア連邦における学校評価と教員人事評価に関する研究

    2004 - 2005


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • ロシア連邦における学校の管理運営体制に関する研究

    Grant number:13710168  2001 - 2002

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)  若手研究(B)

    高瀬 淳

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    Grant amount:\1200000 ( Direct expense: \1200000 )



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Class subject in charge

  • International Challenge (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • School leader and organizational development A (2023academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • Education connected with the communit (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study Ⅰ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study A (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study B (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork A (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork B (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅱ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅲ (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Educational administration in community A (2023academic year) Third semester  - 月1~2

  • Educational administration in community B (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1~2

  • Lifelong Studies in Education (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - その他

  • Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers A (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 木5,木6

  • Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers B (2023academic year) Second semester  - 木5,木6

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2023academic year) Third semester  - 水1,水2,水3,水4

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2023academic year) Third semester  - 金1,金2

  • Design for Interdisciplinary Learning (ESD) (2023academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Educational System and Society A (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 火3~4

  • Educational System and Society AⅠ (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 火3~4

  • Educational System and Society BⅡ (2023academic year) Second semester  - 火3~4

  • Educational System and Society C (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 火3,火4

  • Educational Research (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7~8

  • Educational Research (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月7~8

  • Special Educational Research A (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Special Educational Research B (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch A (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch C (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch D (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/Curriculum) (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/Curriculum) (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月3,月4

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月3,月4

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(Curriculum) (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(Curriculum) (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 木7,木8

  • Education Law I (2023academic year) Third semester  - 月1~2

  • Theory and Seminor of Educational Law A (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木3,木4

  • Theory and Seminor of Educational Law B (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3,木4

  • Research Methods in Eduational Science(Research Ethics, Law and Regulations, Adm (2023academic year) Second semester  - 火3,火4

  • Special Lecture on Educational Organization (2023academic year) Third semester  - その他

  • Special Theory Exercise on Educational Organization (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational AdministrationⅠ (2023academic year) 1st semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational AdministrationⅡ (2023academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development A (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 火5,火6

  • Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development B (2023academic year) Second semester  - 火5,火6

  • School organizations for next generation A (2023academic year) Second semester  - 木3~4

  • School organizations for next generation B (2023academic year) Second semester  - 木3~4

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月5~6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2023academic year) Third semester  - 月5~6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月5~6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2023academic year) Second semester  - 月5~6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5~6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2023academic year) Second semester  - 月5~6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology BⅠ (2023academic year) Third semester  - 月5~6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology BⅡ (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5~6

  • Methodology of Special Activities and Integrated Studies CⅠ (2023academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Methodology of Special Activities and Integrated Studies CⅡ (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Curriculum opened to society A (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 木3~4

  • Curriculum opened to society B (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 木3~4

  • Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Verification (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2023academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • Theory and Practice of Special Subject Moral A (2023academic year) Third semester  - 火5,火6

  • Theory and Practice of Special Subject Moral B (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 火5,火6

  • International challenge (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • International Challenge (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • School leader and organizational development A (2022academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • Education connected with the communit (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study A (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy A (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study B (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy B (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork A (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork A (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork B (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork B (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy I (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅱ (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy II (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education III (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅲ (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Educational administration in community A (2022academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community A (2022academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community B (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community B (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community C (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Lifelong Studies in Education (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - その他

  • Approaches to Education (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 火1~2

  • Approaches to Education (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 火1~2

  • History and System of School Education (2022academic year) Third semester  - 月5~6

  • Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 木5,木6

  • Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers B (2022academic year) Second semester  - 木5,木6

  • Studies on scholastic educational practice (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2022academic year) Third semester  - 金1,金2

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2022academic year) Third semester  - 水1,水2,水3,水4

  • Educational System and Society AⅡ (2022academic year) Second semester  - 火3~4

  • Special Studies in Educational System and Organization B (2022academic year) Second semester  - 水3,水4

  • Educational Research (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research IIA (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Educational Research IIB (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Special Educational Research A (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Special Educational Research B (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Educational Research I (1) (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research I (2) (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月7,月8

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch A (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch C (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch D (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/Curriculum) (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/Curriculum) (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月3,月4

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月3,月4

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(Curriculum) (2022academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(Curriculum) (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 木7,木8

  • Education Law I (2022academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Education Law II (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Theory and Seminor of Educational Law A (2022academic year) Third semester  - 木3,木4

  • Theory and Seminor of Educational Law B (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3,木4

  • Special Lecture on Educational Organization (2022academic year) Third semester  - その他

  • Special Theory Exercise on Educational Organization (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational Administration I (1) (2022academic year) 1st semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational Administration I (2) (2022academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational AdministrationⅠ (2022academic year) 1st semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational AdministrationⅡ (2022academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 火5,火6

  • Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development B (2022academic year) Second semester  - 火5,火6

  • School organizations for next generation A (2022academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • School organizations for next generation A (2022academic year) Second semester  - 木3~4

  • School organizations for next generation B (2022academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • School organizations for next generation B (2022academic year) Second semester  - 木3~4

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2022academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2022academic year) Second semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2022academic year) Second semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology BⅠ (2022academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology BⅡ (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Methodology of Special Activities and Integrated Studies CⅠ (2022academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Methodology of Special Activities and Integrated Studies CⅡ (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Curriculum open to society A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 木3,木4

  • Curriculum opened to society A (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 木3~4

  • Curriculum open to society B (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 木3,木4

  • Curriculum opened to society B (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 木3~4

  • Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Verification (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2022academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • International challenge (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • International Challenge (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • School leader and organizational development A (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • Education connected with the communit (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study A (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy A (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study B (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy B (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork A (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork A (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork B (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork B (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy I (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅱ (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy II (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education III (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅲ (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Educational administration in community A (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community A (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community B (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community B (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community C (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Lifelong Studies in Education (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - その他

  • Approaches to Education (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 火1~2

  • Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers A (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木5,木6

  • Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木5,木6

  • Studies on scholastic educational practice (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2021academic year) Third semester  - 水1,水2,水3,水4

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2021academic year) Third semester  - 金1,金2

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (Secondary school A) (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 水7~8

  • Seminar in Teaching Profession Practice (Elementary school) (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 水7~8

  • Special Studies in Educational System and Organization B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 水3,水4

  • Educational Research (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research IIA (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Educational Research IIB (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Special Educational Research A (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Special Educational Research B (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Educational Research I (1) (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research I (2) (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月7,月8

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch A (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch C (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch D (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/Curriculum) (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/Curriculum) (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月3,月4

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月3,月4

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(Curriculum) (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(Curriculum) (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 木7,木8

  • Education Law I (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Theory and Seminor of Educational Law A (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木3,木4

  • Theory and Seminor of Educational Law B (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3,木4

  • Research Methods in Eduational Science(Research Ethics, Law and Regulations, Adm (2021academic year) Second semester  - 火3,火4

  • Seminar: Educational Administration I (1) (2021academic year) 1st semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational Administration I (2) (2021academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational AdministrationⅠ (2021academic year) 1st semester  - その他

  • Seminar: Educational AdministrationⅡ (2021academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development A (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 火5,火6

  • Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 火5,火6

  • School organizations for next generation A (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • School organizations for next generation A (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木3~4

  • School organizations for next generation B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • School organizations for next generation B (2021academic year) Second semester  - 木3~4

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2021academic year) Second semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2021academic year) Second semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology BⅠ (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology BⅡ (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Methodology of Special Activities and Integrated Studies CⅠ (2021academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Methodology of Special Activities and Integrated Studies CⅡ (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Curriculum open to society A (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木3,木4

  • Curriculum opened to society A (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木3~4

  • Curriculum open to society B (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木3,木4

  • Curriculum opened to society B (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 木3~4

  • Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Verification (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2021academic year) Summer concentration  - その他

  • International Challenge (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • International challenge (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • School leader and organizational development A (2020academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • Dowa(Human Rights) Education AI (2020academic year) Third semester  - 水5,水6

  • Dowa(Human Rights) Education AII (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 水5,水6

  • Dowa(Human Rights) Education BI (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 水5,水6

  • Education connected with the communit (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study A (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy A (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Collaborative schools in community: active study B (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: activeuseistudy B (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork A (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork A (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education: fieldwork B (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of collaborative schools in community: fieldwork B (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy I (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅰ (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Regional School Collaborative Research Ⅱ (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and educationy II (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Research of community cooperation for learning and education III (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Educational administration in community A (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community A (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community B (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community B (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Educational administration in community C (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Lifelong Studies in Education (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - その他

  • Approaches to Education (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 火1,火2

  • History and System of School Education (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers A (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木5,木6

  • Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers B (2020academic year) Second semester  - 木5,木6

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2020academic year) Third semester  - 水1,水2,水3,水4

  • Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2020academic year) Third semester  - 金1,金2

  • Special Studies in Educational System and Organization A (2020academic year) Second semester  - 水3,水4

  • Educational Research (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research IIA (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Educational Research IIB (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Educational Research I (1) (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7,月8

  • Educational Research I (2) (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月7,月8

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch A (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch C (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Seminar of Educational Reserch D (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/Curriculum) (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/Curriculum) (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月3,月4

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 金7,金8

  • Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月3,月4

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(Curriculum) (2020academic year) Third semester  - 木7,木8

  • Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(Curriculum) (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 木7,木8

  • Education Law I (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月1,月2

  • Education Law II (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月1,月2

  • Theory and Seminor of Educational Law A (2020academic year) Third semester  - 木3,木4

  • Theory and Seminor of Educational Law B (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3,木4

  • Seminar: Educational Administration I (1) (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木7,木8

  • Seminar: Educational Administration I (2) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 木7,木8

  • Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development A (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 火5,火6

  • Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development B (2020academic year) Second semester  - 火5,火6

  • School organizations for next generation A (2020academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • School organizations for next generation B (2020academic year) Second semester  - 木3,木4

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2020academic year) Second semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology AI (2020academic year) Second semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology BⅠ (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Special Activities and Integrated Studies Methodology BⅡ (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Methodology of Special Activities and Integrated Studies CⅠ (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Methodology of Special Activities and Integrated Studies CⅡ (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities A(1) (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities A(1) (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities A(1) (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities A(2) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities A(2) (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities A(2) (2020academic year) Second semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities B(1) (2020academic year) Third semester  - 月5,月6

  • Studies in Extra-curricular Activities B(2) (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月5,月6

  • Curriculum open to society A (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木3,木4

  • Curriculum open to society B (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木3,木4

  • Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Verification (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

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