Faculty Profiles
Updated on 2024/12/12
教育学 ( 2020.3 広島大学 )
Curriculum study
History of Didactics
general education, Allgemeine Bildung
Humanities & Social Sciences / Education / didactics
Hiroshima University 教育学研究科 博士後期課程(修了)
2017.4 - 2020.3
Hiroshima University 教育学研究科 博士前期課程
2015.4 - 2017.3
Okayama University Graduate School of Education Lecturer
Soka University Division of Correspondence Education
Shujitsu University Faculty of Education
Hiroshima University School of Education
The University of Shimane
Hiroshima University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Assistant Professor
2021.4 - 2023.4
Educational Vision Research Center (EVRI) Research & Project coordinator
2020.5 - 2021.3
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen University 子ども学科
Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University 子ども教育学科
2020.4 - 2020.9
日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC2)
2019.4 - 2021.3
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen University 音楽学科
東京都大田区 生活指導支援員
The Authorship of Teachers Jissen kiroku as the Core of Professionalism in Japanese Jugyo Kenkyu Reviewed International journal
Yuichi Miyamoto
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 13 ( 1 ) 1 - 13 2024.2
Wilhelm von Humboldt’s Bildung theory and educational reform: reconstructing Bildung as a pedagogical concept Reviewed International journal
Yuichi Miyamoto
Journal of Curriculum Studies 54 ( 1 ) 1 - 17 2021.7
Yuichi Miyamoto
Japanese Educational Research Association "The Japanese Journal of Educational Research" 88 ( 2 ) 171 - 183 2021.6
Yuichi Miyamoto, Takahiro Sato, Shohei Fukami
Japanese Educational Research Association "The Japanese Journal of Educational Research" 88 ( 2 ) 223 - 234 2021.6
Intercultural Collaborative Lesson Study between Japan and Germany Reviewed
Nariakira Yoshida, Mitsuru Matsuda, Yuichi Miyamoto
International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies 10 ( 3 ) 245 - 259 2021.5
Dispositioning Natorp's theory in Sukeichi Shinohara's educational theory
Takahiro Sato, Yuichi Miyamoto, Shohei Fukami
69 76 - 89 2024.3
The Rhetoric of Geisteswissenschaft: focusing on spranger's argument on Berufsbildung in 1920s
Yuichi Miyamoto
69 455 - 460 2024.3
Development of a Concept – Based Curriculum and Instruction for Inquiring Human Rights International coauthorship
Yuichi Miyamoto, Yudai Makabe, Shun Sato, Tomochika Oshiro, Mika Matsuyama
Bulletin of Graduate School of Education, Okayama University 185 13 - 36 2024
How did Educational Scholars in Japan Read Neo-Kantian? Bibliographic-Research on Shinohara Library
Yuichi Miyamoto, Shohei Fukami, Takahiro Sato
184 9 - 30 2023.11
シュプランガーとヴント ―精神科学的教育学と心理学の間の批判的対話―
中国四国教育学会編『教育学研究紀要』 68 488 - 493 2023.3
吉田成章, 宮本勇一, 安藤 和久, 市川博文, 大城朝周, 菊池健太
中国四国教育学会編『教育学研究紀要』 68 211 - 222 2023.3
Reconstructive Study of the Relationship between Knowledge and Discipline in Deng’s Curriculum Study
Xing Liu, Yuichi Miyamoto
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University. Studies in education 3 193 - 202 2022.12
Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik in the Rediscovery of Educational Theory by Eduard Spranger: Education that understands
Yuichi Miyamoto
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University 3 183 - 192 2022.12
how does textbooks require active, dialogical and deep learning?
The Journal of Educational Research 67 483 - 494 2022.3
What is allgemeine Fachdidaktik
Yuichi Miyamoto
The Journal of Educational Research 67 473 - 478 2022.3
宮本勇一, 安藤和久, 金原遼
教育科学 33 37 - 77 2022.3
A narrative Inquiry on Teaching Practice Instruction for School-based Teacher Educators
Yuichi Miyamoto, Yoshiko Awatani, Teruko Ishikawa, Yutaka Nishimura, Tomokazu Fukami, Ryohei Morozumi
28 57 - 68 2022.3
Characteristics and Challenges of Lesson Study and Lesson Analysis of Learning Group Formation (Gakushu Shudan Zukuri)
Nariakira Yoshida, Mitsuru Matsuda, Yuichi Miyamoto, Kazuhisa Ando, Yuka Fujiwara, Yue Ming
2 174 - 185 2021.12
A Methodological Reflection on Historical Approaches to Didaktik
Yuichi Miyamoto
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University 2 185 - 194 2021.12
Yuichi Miyamoto, Mitsuru Matuda, Yuka Fujiwara, Masako Aso, Ryo Kanehara, Yuko Mitobe, Momoka Sawada, Shota Fujii, Nariakira Yoshida
Research Bulletin for the Study of Educational Methods 3 33 - 52 2021.9
The landscape of lesson study: A methodology for teachers' professional development and educational research
Nariakira Yoshida, Mitsuru Matsuda, Yuichi Miyamoto
Lesson Study-based Teacher Education: The Potential of the Japanese Approach in Global Settings 29 - 50 2021.5
Analysis and Evaluation in Lesson Study: Roles and challenges for in-school training
Hiroaki Fukazawa, Yuichi Miyamoto, Kazuhisa Ando, Serina Sakurai, Yuka Fujiwara, Ryo Kanehara
66 526 - 537 2021.3
Disposition and Rhetorical Change of Bildung in the Internationalizing Curriculum Studies: Revision of Bildung as a pedagogical concept that overcomes the moribund state of curriculum studies
Yuichi Miyamoto
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University. Studies in education 1 ( 1 ) 295 - 304 2020.12
深澤広明, 宮本勇一, 安藤和久, 櫻井瀬里奈, 二宮諒, 藤原由佳
中国四国教育学会編『教育学研究紀要』 65 55 - 65 2020.3
Concept and Practice of Educational Reform by Wilhelm von Humboldt: Focusing on the Establishment of the Delegation of Science Reviewed
Yuichi Miyamoto
The Japanese Journal of Curriculum Studies 29 1 - 14 2020.3
Weiterdenken Bildungstheoretische Didaktik im Zusammenhag der Bildung mit Wissenshcaft
Yuichi Miyamoto
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 3, Education and human science 68 91 - 100 2019.12
淀澤真帆, 周心慧, 宮本勇一, 李憶南, 梅田崇広, 早川知宏, 深見奨平
中国四国教育学会編『教育学研究(CD-ROM版)』 64 234 - 239 2019.3
フンボルトにおける陶冶理論の成立と展開 -世界への方法的対峙の多様性とその教授学的基礎-
中国四国教育学会編『教育学研究紀要』 64 489 - 494 2019.3
Der Entwurf und Realisierungsprozess des Lehrer-Weiterbildungsprogramms Wilhelm von Humboldts: Fokussiert auf die Entsendung Ksionzeks nach Yverdun
Yuichi Miyamoto
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 3, Education and human science 67 127 - 136 2018.12
Didactical Reconstruction of Humboldt’s Concept for General Education: Focusing on Specificity and Correlation of Curricular Aspects Reviewed
Yuichi Miyamoto
Research Journal of Educational Methods 43 95 - 106 2018.3
近代教育課程成立期における体育教授の陶冶意義に関する研究 ―ペスタロッチーとの比較からみたフンボルトの身体論―
中国四国教育学会編『教育学研究紀要』 63 430 - 435 2018.3
Rezeption der Bildungstheorie und Bildungsreform Wilhelm von Humboldts nach PISA
Yuichi Miyamoto
66 107 - 116 2017.12
中国四国教育学会編『教育学研究紀要』 62 127 - 132 2017.3
On the Significance of Humboldt’s Bildung Theory for Current Curriculum Reform—From the Series of Studies Based on Humboldt’s Bildung Theory by D. Benner— Reviewed
Yuichi Miyamoto
The Journal of Educational Research 21 23 - 32 2017
教科書は子どもたちにどのような学習を求めているか : 平成26年度検定済み小学校教科書の分析を中心に
深澤広明, 八木秀文, 吉田成章, 松尾奈美, 松田充, 佐藤雄一郎, 小山美香, 早川知宏, 廣中真由美, 宮本勇一
中国四国教育学会編『教育学研究紀要』 61 84 - 94 2016.3
宮本勇一( Role: Sole author)
春風社 2023.2 ( ISBN:486110842X )
Grenzen auflösen - Grenzen ziehen : Grenzbearbeitungen zwischen Erziehungswissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft International journal
Frank, M, Geier, Th, Hornberg, S, Machold,C, Otterspeer, L, Singer-Brodowski, M, Stošić, P( Role: Joint author , Grenzbearbeitungen zwischen Entwicklung und qualitativer Analyse von Unterricht durch Jugyo Kenkyu)
Verlag Barbara Budrich 2022.12 ( ISBN:3847426257 )
Lesson study-based teacher education : the potential of the Japanese approach in global settings International journal
Jongsung Kim, Nariakira Yoshida, Shotaro Iwata, Hiromi Kawaguchi( Role: Joint author , Ch. 3 The Landscape of Lesson Study: A Methodology for Teachers’ Professional Development and Educational Research)
Routledge 2021.5 ( ISBN:0367478455 )
セルフスタディを実践する: 教師教育者による研究と専門性開発のために
齋藤眞宏, 大坂遊, 渡邉巧, 草原和博( Role: Joint author , 学校ベースの教師教育者は教育実習指導経験をいかに意味づけているのか:4名の教師への相互インタビューを通して)
学文社 2024.4 ( ISBN:4762032905 )
広島大学教育ヴィジョン研究センター(EVRI), 草原, 和博, 吉田, 成章( Role: Joint author , 「第8章地域と学校をつなぐ遠隔教育の試み 第4節 オンデマンドと対面・同時双方向のハイブリッド授業 」、「第10章 いま、平和と教育を考える 」(146-156, 176-189))
溪水社 2022.6 ( ISBN:4863275986 )
Unterrichtsforschung und unterrichtspraxis im gespräch : interkulturelle und interprofessionelle perspektiven auf eine unterrichtsstunde Reviewed International journal
Hallitzky, Maria, Kieres, Christine, 木下, 江美, 吉田, 成章( Role: Joint author , Strukturierung des Unterrichts anhand der Lehrer:innenfragen. Perspektiven der Jugyo Kenkyu; Potenziale und Grenzen einer forschungsbasierten, interprofessionellen Unterrichtsentwicklung.)
Julius Klinkhardt 2022.3 ( ISBN:3781525015 )
教育方法と技術・教育課程 (新・教職課程演習)
樋口直宏, 吉田成章( Role: Contributor , 「リードQ1 教育課程の歴史を捉える問いを挙げなさい」、「Q3 学習指導要領の変遷とその特徴について説明しなさい」、「Q6 資質。能力の育成と見方・考え方との関係について述べなさい」、「Q5 児童生徒の情報活用能力の意義と方法について述べなさい」pp.34-35, 44-47, 141-142, 204-205.)
協同出版 2021.6 ( ISBN:4319003446 )
Dialogue between Teaching and Psychology International journal
( Role: Joint translator)
2016.10 ( ISBN:4863273657 )
Dietrich Benner, Rei Tanaka, Yuichi Miyamoto, Shinich Ushida
Bulletin of the Educational Research Society of Soka University 76 339 - 356 2024.4
試訳 コラー『意味構築と陶冶過程』「導入」「意味構築としての学び」
宮本勇一, 大塚達也
Hans-Christoph Koller (2023) Bildung anders denken: Einführung in die Theorie transformatorischer Bildungsprozesse. Kohlhammer.
Yuichi Miyamoto, Tatsuya Otsuka
教育的エロスと教育的アクターの 実践的なコアコンピテンシーに関する問題
ディートリッヒ・ベンナー(Dietrich Benner, 宮本勇一, 牛田伸一, 田中怜
日本教育学会関東地区研究会 報告書 2024.8
Lehren als Praktik der Erziehung
Dietrich Benner, Schinich Ushida, Rei Tanaka, Yuichi Miyamoto
Bulletin of the Educational Research Society of Soka University 76 357 - 374 2024.4
A commentary on the annual meeting "to write a educational practice research paper in the field of educational methods" Invited
Yuichi Miyamoto
36 - 36 2023.10
宮本勇一, 松田充, 安藤和久, 川本吉太郎, 橋本拓夢, 藤原由佳, 澤田百花, 俵龍太朗, 明月, 滝沢潤, 吉田成章
令和3年度広島県立吉田高等学校研究紀要 120 - 130 2022.3
INEI加盟大学と連携した授業研究・平和教育セミナー(2) -「PELSTE2021」の実施計画-
草原和博, 松宮奈賀子, 三好美織, 小山正孝, 川口広美, 金鍾成, 岩田昌太郎, 丸山 恭司, 吉田成章, 桑山尚司, 宮本 勇一, 小松真理子, 草原聡美
広島大学大学院教育学研究科共同研究プロジェクト報告書 19 ( 19 ) 25 - 32 2021.3
ポートフォリオ評価を軸とした教職課程の構造化 : 教職科目・教育実習科目・教職実践演習の連動性と接続性をどう高めるか
竹下俊治, 草原和博, 齊藤一彦, 間瀬茂夫, 松本人志, 森田愛子, 吉田成章, 米沢崇, 佐藤雄一郎, 宮本勇一, 淀澤真帆, 松浦明日香
広島大学大学院教育学研究科共同研究プロジェクト報告書 17 47 - 56 2019.3
教職課程受講生の教職観の形成と変容(2) ―新卒教員の語りに着目して―
淀澤真帆, 宮本勇一, 深見奨平, 早川知宏, 梅田崇広, 李憶南, 周心慧
教職課程担当教員養成プログラム報告書(平成30年度巻) 平成30年度 5 - 16 2019
竹下俊治, 草原和博, 間瀬茂夫, 森田愛子, 吉田成章, 米沢崇, 宮本勇一, 淀沢真帆, 李憶南
広島大学大学院教育学研究科共同研究プロジェクト報告書 16 59 - 68 2018.3
教職課程受講生の教職観の形成と変容 : 平成 29 年度教職実践演習受講生を 対象とした意識調査から
梅田 崇広, 井上 快, 周 心慧, 早川 知宏, 深見 奨平, 宮本 勇一, 淀澤 真帆, 李 憶南
教職課程担当教員養成プログラム報告書(平成29年度巻) 平成29年度 5 - 12 2018
Yuichi Miyamoto
Gastvortrag von Internationalem Bewegegunszentrum (IBZ) an der Technisch Universität Dortmund 2024.7.17 Internationalem Bewegegunszentrum (IBZ) an der Technisch Universität Dortmund
自主企画セッションI「カリッキュラムを通じて「未来」はどのように計画されている/されてきたか―ドイツ教授学のアクチュアリティⅡ― 2024.7.7 日本カリキュラム学会
松尾奈美, 宮本勇一
日本カリキュラム学会第35回筑波大学大会 2024.7.6 日本カリキュラム学会
Being a Cosmopolitan in the age of NationalismNationalistic cosmopolitanism bySpranger and Makiguchiand Humboldtian Geneology International conference
Yuichi Miyamoto
International Symposium on Global Citizenship Education 2022.10.22 Ikeda Research Institute for Soka Education
„Weltansichten“ and „Wissenschaft“: Recapturing Wilhelm von Humboldt’s “Bildungtheorie” as the foundation of his Didactical Concept in 1809 Invited
Yuichi Miyamoto
Zentrum für Bildungs-, Unterrichts-, Schul- und Sozialisationsforschung Mittagsvortrag 2020.3.12
書評報告 「子どもの最善の利益」の代弁者たちへザーラ著『失われた子どもたち』は教育学に何を問うか/タラ・ザーラ著『失われた子どもたち 第二次世界大戦後のヨーロッパの家族再建』 Invited
比較教育社会史研究会2021年秋季例会 2021.11.21
佐藤宗大, 宮本 勇一, 深見 奨平
中国四国教育学会第76回大会 岡山大学大会 教育原理部会 2024.11.23
Die Stelle des Staates im Oblivion? Zeitlich- und geographisch vergleichende Diskursanalyse von japanischen Schulbüchern über Globale Erwärmung Invited International conference
Yuichi Miyamoto
Jahrestagung der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Schulbuch- und Bildungsmedienforschung e.V. Sustainability and Educational Media 2024.9.28
Developing a High School Curriculum with Lesson Study: a Case Study of Inquiry-based curriculum in Japan
Kazuhisa Ando, Nariakira Yoshida, Mitsuru Matsuda, Yuichi Miyamoto, Keisuke Ozawa, Yuka Fujiwara, Yue Ming, Momoka Sawada, Tomochika Oshiro
World Association for Lesson Studies 2024.9.25
ドイツ語圏の各科教授学の動向 Invited International conference
阪上弘彬, 宮本勇一
教科教育学コンソーシアム第4回シンポジウム 2024.3.10 教科教育学コンソーシアム
中国四国教育学会第75回大会 広島大学大会 B-7教育原理部会 2023.11.26 中国四国教育学会
Dispositioning Natorp in Sukeichi Shinohara's educational theory
Takahiro Sato, Yuichi Miyamoto, Shohei Fukami
日本の教育学は新カント派をどう読んだのか ―篠原助市文庫の書誌調査から―
宮本勇一, 深見奨平, 佐藤宗大
日本教育学会第82回東京都立大学・法政大学大会 2023.8.24 日本教育学会
教育魅力化に取り組む 島根県立隠岐島前高校における探究的な学び Invited
松尾奈美, 宮本勇一
日本カリキュラム学会第34回大阪教育大学大会 2023.7.9 日本カリキュラム学会
教育改革省察のための基礎理論の形成 ローザの加速理論を手がかりとして
日本カリキュラム学会第34回大阪教育大学大会 2023.7.8 日本カリキュラム学会
中国四国教育学会第73回大会 香川大学大会 ラウンドテーブル4「ドイツ教授学のアクチュアリティ」 2022.12.4 中国四国教育学会
ドイツにおけるビデオ記録に基づく授業研究に関する一考 察
吉田成章, 市川博文, 大城朝周, 菊池健太, 安藤和久, 宮本勇一
中国四国教育学会第74回大会 香川大学大会 A-8授業研究部会 2022.12.3 中国四国教育学会
シュプランガーとヴント ―精神科学的教育学と心理学の間の批判的対話―
中国四国教育学会第74回大会 香川大学大会 B-7教育思想・学説部会 2022.12.3 中国四国教育学会
『教育方法学研究』はどのような知を生み出しているのか ―教育方法学の解釈学的アプローチにおける研究方法論を考える―
宮本勇一, 田中怜
日本教育方法学会第58回山口大学大会ラウンドテーブル 2022.10.2 日本教育方法学会
松尾奈美, 宮本勇一
日本教育方法学会第58回山口大学大会 2022.10.1 日本教育方法学会
教育魅力化に取り組む 島根県立隠岐島前高校における 探究的な学びを軸とした普通科再編への実践
松尾奈美, 宮本勇一
日本カリキュラム学会第33回大会(名古屋大学大会) 2022.7.9
The Landscape of Researches on Lesson Study: An attempt to develop online research database of LS International conference
Yuichi Miyamoto, Yuka Fujiwara, Kazuhisa Ando, Masako Aso, Yue Ming, Mitsuru Matsuda, Nariakira Yoshida
World Association of Lesson Studies 2021.11.30 World Association of Lesson Studies
What is "general subject didactics"?
Yuichi Miyamoto
2021.11.28 The Chugoku-Shikoku Society for the Study of Education
教科書は「主体的・対話的で深い学び」をいかに求めているか ―2019年度検定済み中学校教科書の分析を中心に―
吉田成章, 宮本勇一, 藤原由佳, 金原遼, 澤田百花, 明月, 松田充, 安藤和久, 阿蘇真早子, 三戸部由幸, 藤井翔太, 唐暁冬
中国四国教育学会第73回大会 山口大学大会(オンライン) B-6カリキュラム部会 2021.11.28
Grenzen auflösen – Grenzen ziehen. Grenzbearbeitungen zwischen Erziehungswissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft, Gemeinsame Grenzen. Perspektiven auf Unterricht aus Hiroshima und Leipzig Invited
Nariakira Yoshida, Mitsuru Matsuda, Yuichi Miyamoto, Kazuhisa Ando, Masako Aso, Maria Hallitzky, Johanna Leicht, Mamadou Mbaye, Karla Spendrin, Emi Kinoshita
Jahrestagung der Sektion Interkulturelle und International Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft, (SIIVE) in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) im Frühjahr 2021 an der TU Dortmund zum Thema 2021.2.22
Analysis and Evaluation in Lesson Study: The roles in in-school training and challenges
Hiroaki Fukazawa, Yuichi Miyamoto, Kazuhisa Ando, Serina Sakurai, Yuka Fujiwara, Ryo Kanehara
"Erziehender Unterricht" as afocal point of educational reform in Prussian educational reform
Yuichi Miyamoto
Lesson Study in Japan International conference
Nariakira Yoshida, Yuichi Miyamoto, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Shotaro Iwata, Schuntaro Iwata
EVRI seminar for PELSTE (Peace Education and Lesson Study for Teacher Educator) 2020 2020.1.12
中国四国教育学会第71回大会 松山大学大会 B-9カリキュラムII部会 2019.12.1
深澤広明, 宮本勇一, 安藤和久, 櫻井瀬里奈, 二宮諒, 藤原由佳
中国四国教育学会第71回大会 松山大学大会 A-2授業研究I部会 2019.11.30
Reframing the relationship between "Wissenschaft" and "Bildung" in the context of "Bildungstheoretische Didaktik"
Yuichi Miyamoto
Annual Conference of National Association for the Study of Educational Methods 2019.9.29
Lesson Studies in Japan: The students' learning opportunitiesin the focus of lesson analysis Invited International conference
Nariakira Yoshida, Yuichi Miyamoto
Qualitative Approaches to Teaching Research and Development in International Discourse: Disconcertment and Convergence 2019.9.12
Workshop: Joint Work on the data of an exemplary lesson study Invited International conference
Yuichi Miyamoto, Benson Banda
Qualitative Research to Teaching and Development in international Discourse 2019.9.12
Are Students QUESTIONED, or QUESTIONING? Analysis & Results by Hiroshima University International conference
Yuichi Miyamoto
Bridging gaps between teachers and researchers in interprofessional and intercultural Lesson Study at The World Association of Lesson Studies 2019.9.5
Lesson Study-based Training of Teacher Educator: Case Study on Self-Study and Cooperative Lesson Study International conference
Nariakira Yoshida, Yasushi Maruyama, Mitsuru Matsuda, Kazuhiro Kusahara, Shigeo Mase, Kazuya Kageyama, Shotaro Iwata, Yuichiro Sato, Miyuki Okamura, Maho Yodozawa, Yuichi Miyamoto, Aiko Hamamoto, Asuka Matsuura, Yu Yamamoto, Seigi Naganuma, Mayumi Kawamura
The World Association of Lesson Studies 2019.9.3
“Lesson Study” as Preparing Future Faculty Development for Teacher Educator: A Case Study on the Certificate Program for Preparing Future Faculty in Teacher Education in Hiroshima University International conference
Nariakira Yoshida, Yasushi Maruyama, Takuya Hisatune, Ting Ban, Shohei Fukami, Tomohiro Hayakawa, Yuichi Miyamoto, Yinan Li, Takahiro Umeda, Maho Yodozawa, Xinhui Zhou, Asuka Matsuura, Sho Ueda, Yu Yamamoto
The World Association of Lesson Studies, Beijin Normal University, B-11 Teaching Bld 2-117 2018.11.24
フンボルトにおける陶冶理論の成立と展開 ―世界との方法的対峙の多様性の探求と教授学的基礎―
中国四国教育学会 第70回大会島根大学大会 B-6教育方法部会 2018.11.18
(Re-)Konstruktion der Unterrichtsstruktur durch die Analyse der Lehrer-Fragestellung im Unterricht: oder das Spannungsfeld von Individualisierung und Vergemeinschaftung International conference
Nariakira Yoshida, Mitsuru Matsuda, Tomohiro Hayakawa, Yuichi Miyamoto, Asuka Matsuura, Marika Yamane, Kazuhisa Ando
Jahrestagung der Kommission Schulforschung und Didaktik, DGfE (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft), Europa-Universität Flensburg 2018.9.11
W. v. フンボルトの中等教育課程改革の構想と展開 教育課程の規準=カノンの問題との対比の中で
日本カリキュラム学会 第29回大会 北海道教育大学旭川校大会 P202 2018.7.1
梅田崇広, 井上快, 周心慧, 早川知宏, 深見奨平, 宮本勇一, 淀澤真帆, 李憶南
大学教育フォーラム 2018.3.11
Lesson Study based on “Bildung” Theory” International conference
Yuichi Miyamoto
International Joint Conference for Hiroshima University and South China Normal University 2017.12.14
中国四国教育学会 第69回大会 広島女学院大学大会 西洋の教育部会 2017.11.26
Individualism and Collectivism in Classes: Comparative Analysis of Lessons in Germany and Japan International conference
Nariakira Yoshida, Maria Hallitzky, Christian Herfter, Emi Kinoshita, Johanna Leicht, Karla Spendrin, Tomohiro Hayakawa, Yuichi Miyamoto
World Association of Lesson Studies, Nagoya University 2017.11.25
W. v. フンボルトの一般陶冶論の教授学的再構成 ―教科の固有性と相互関連性に着目して―
日本教育方法学会 第53回大会 千葉大学大会 2017.10.7
Curriculum Analysis on 3rd grade Science Class of Elementary school in Japan International conference
International Symposium for Educational Studies in Japan and Leipzig 2017.8
中国四国教育学会 第68回大会 鳴門教育大学大会カリキュラム1部会 2016.11.5
日本教育方法学会 第52回大会 九州大学大会 2016.10.1
深澤広明, 八木秀文, 吉田成章, 松尾奈美, 松田充, 小山美香, 佐藤雄一郎, 早川知宏, 廣中真由美, 宮本勇一
中国四国教育学会第67回大会 岡山大学大会 2015.11.14
Effects of Bilingual Education in the Philippines: Causes of the Low Performance in Math and Science International conference
Learner Development Special Interest Group of The Japan Association for Language Teaching 2013.11
2024.7 The Japanese Society for Curriculum Studies 研究奨励賞『フンボルトの陶冶理論と教育改革―学問中心カリキュラムの再考』春風社、2023年
Yuichi Miyamoto
Young Scholar Award JERA 2022
2022.8 Japanese Educational Research Association
Yuichi Miyamoto
Award for the Promotion of Educational Research
2019.10 National Association for the Study of Educational Methods
Yuichi Miyamoto
Dortmund Gambrinus Fellowships International coauthorship
2024.07 - 2024.08
Technische Universität Dortmund Dortmund Gambrinus Fellowships Fellowship for renowned academics from abroad as the guest professor
Yuichi Miyamoto
Grant number:24K00017 2024.04 - 2028.03
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
伊藤 貴雄, 福谷 茂, 加藤 泰史, 松井 慎一郎, 芝崎 厚士, 川口 雄一, 山本 恵子, 位田 将司, 宮本 勇一
Grant amount:\14560000 ( Direct expense: \11200000 、 Indirect expense:\3360000 )
Grant number:24K05645 2024.04 - 2028.03
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
熊井 将太, 松田 充, 宮本 勇一, 田中 怜, 市川 和也
Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct expense: \3500000 、 Indirect expense:\1050000 )
The structural Theorization of Spranger's Bildungsideal and his conceptualization of educational reform
Grant number:24K16605 2024.04 - 2028.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
宮本 勇一
Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 、 Indirect expense:\1080000 )
Grant number:23K02061 2023.04 - 2026.03
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
深見 奨平, 宮本 勇一, 佐藤 宗大
Authorship:Coinvestigator(s) Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )
International Cooperative Research on Lesson Study-based Teacher Education between Japan, Germany, and Austria
Grant number:22KK0032 2022.10 - 2026.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
吉田 成章, 宮本 勇一, 福田 敦志, 松田 充
Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct expense: \13200000 、 Indirect expense:\3960000 )
Establishment of an international joint research platform on the advancement of teaching centered on Lesson Study
Grant number:22H00080 2022.04 - 2026.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
吉田 成章, 馬場 卓也, 丸山 恭司, 草原 和博, 岩田 昌太郎, 川口 広美, 金 鍾成, 宮本 勇一
Grant amount:\36790000 ( Direct expense: \28300000 、 Indirect expense:\8490000 )
Bildung Theory and Educational Reform by Wilhelm von Humboldt: Reenvisioning Wissenschaft-centered Curriculum
Grant number:21K13524 2022.04 - 2023.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results
宮本 勇一
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\2990000 ( Direct expense: \2300000 、 Indirect expense:\690000 )
Brenpunkten und ihre Eigentumlichkeit um die Reformdebatte in der preußischen Bildungsreform
Grant number:21K13524 2021.04 - 2024.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists
Yuichi Miyamoto
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\2990000 ( Direct expense: \2300000 、 Indirect expense:\690000 )
Grant number:19J12404 2019.04 - 2021.03
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Yuichi Miyamooto
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\2100000 ( Direct expense: \2100000 )
The Theory of Curriculum A (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 水1~2
The Theory of Curriculum A (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 水1~2
The Theory of Curriculum A (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 水1~2
Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers Ⅰ (2024academic year) 1st semester - 木5,木6
Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers Ⅱ (2024academic year) Second semester - 木5,木6
Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers A (2024academic year) 1st semester - 木5,木6
Role of School Education and Professional Development of Teachers B (2024academic year) Second semester - 木5,木6
Lessons for Analytical Skills and its Application A (2024academic year) 1st semester - 火7,火8
Lessons for Analytical Skills and its Application A (2024academic year) 1st semester - 火7,火8
Lessons for Analytical Skills and its Application B (2024academic year) Second semester - 火7,火8
Lessons for Analytical Skills and its Application B (2024academic year) Second semester - 火7,火8
Introductory Seminar for Teaching Profession Practice (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - 火1~2
Teaching method and skill A (2024academic year) Third semester - 月5~6
Foudations for Student Teaching Ⅰ (2024academic year) Fourth semester - 火5~6
Special Teaching Practice of Educational Reserch A (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - その他
Special Teaching Practice of Educational Reserch B (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - その他
Special Teaching Practice of Educational Reserch C (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - その他
Special Teaching Practice of Educational Reserch D (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - その他
Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/Curriculum) (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues) Curriculum (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/Curriculum) (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Practical Studies in Educational Research (Verifying Proposals) Curriculum (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - 金7,金8
Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - 金7,金8
Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - 月3,月4
Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - 月3,月4
Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 金7,金8
Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 金7,金8
Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 月3,月4
Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2024academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 月3,月4
Methodologies of Educational Practical Research Ⅰ (2024academic year) 1st semester - 金1,金2
Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IA (2024academic year) 1st semester - 金1,金2
Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IA (2024academic year) Second semester - 金1,金2
Methodologies of Educational Practical Research Ⅱ (2024academic year) Second semester - 金1,金2
Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(Curriculum) (2024academic year) Third semester - 木7,木8
Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(Curriculum) (2024academic year) Fourth semester - 木7,木8
Theory of Educational Practice Ⅰ(Curriculum) (2024academic year) Third semester - 木7,木8
Theory of Educational Practice Ⅱ(Curriculum) (2024academic year) Fourth semester - 木7,木8
Education Methodology A (2024academic year) Third semester - 月5~6
Special Theory Exercise on Educational Organization (2024academic year) Fourth semester - その他
Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development Ⅰ (2024academic year) 1st semester - 火5,火6
Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development Ⅱ (2024academic year) Second semester - 火5,火6
Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development A (2024academic year) 1st semester - 火5,火6
Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development B (2024academic year) Second semester - 火5,火6
Development of characteristic curriculum Ⅰ (2024academic year) Third semester - 火1,火2
Development of characteristic curriculum Ⅱ (2024academic year) Fourth semester - 火1,火2
Development of characteristic curriculum A (2024academic year) Third semester - 火1,火2
Development of characteristic curriculum B (2024academic year) Fourth semester - 火1,火2
Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Teaching Practice for Inquiry (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Teaching Practice for Verification (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - その他
Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2024academic year) Summer concentration - その他
Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2024academic year) Summer concentration - その他
Development of Teaching-materials and Instructional Design A (2023academic year) Third semester - 水1,水2,水3,水4
Practical Studies in Educational Research (Inquiring Issues/Curriculum) (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Practical Studies in Educational Research(Verifying Proposals/Curriculum) (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Practical Studies in Educational Research I(Analysing Schools) (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - 金7,金8
Practical Studies in Educational Research I (Searching Issues) (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - 月3,月4
Practical Studies in Educational Research II(Proposing Solutions) (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 金7,金8
Practical Studies in Educational Research II (Solving Issues) (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester - 月3,月4
Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIA(Curriculum) (2023academic year) Third semester - 木7,木8
Methodologies of Educational Practical Research IIB(Curriculum) (2023academic year) Fourth semester - 木7,木8
Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development A (2023academic year) 1st semester - 火5,火6
Practice and Problem of Curriculum Development B (2023academic year) Second semester - 火5,火6
Development of characteristic curriculum A (2023academic year) Third semester - 火1,火2
Development of characteristic curriculum B (2023academic year) Fourth semester - 火1,火2
Teaching Practice of Analysing Problems at School for Middle School Leaders (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Teaching Practice for Verification (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester - その他
Teaching Practice for Problem Finding (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester - その他
Teaching Practice for Problem Solving (2023academic year) Summer concentration - その他
岡山県教育委員会津山教育事務所 2024.4.1
Role(s):Lecturer, Advisor, Planner
国立大学法人筑波大学人間総合科学学術院 2021.11.25
Peace Education and Lesson Study for Teacher Educator 2021(PELSTE 2021)
Role(s):Planner, Organizing member
Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) Peace Education and Lesson Study for Teacher Educator 2021(PELSTE 2021) Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) 2021.3.20 - 2021.3.21
広島大学教育ヴィジョン教育研究センター(EVRI) 広島大学教育ヴィジョン教育研究センター(EVRI) 2024.3.9
Creating an International Research Network for Lesson Study-based Teacher Education (3)Learning from Lesson Study Researchers in the Netherlands
Role(s):Panelist, Commentator, Report writing
Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) 2022.12.16
Role(s):Lecturer, Advisor, Planner
国立大学法人筑波大学人間総合科学学術院 2022.11.2 - 2022.11.3
Learn from Lesson Study in Austria
Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) 2022.2.26
Study trip for study on culture and peace education in Hiroshima
Graduate school of education, Tsukuba University 2021.11.25
広島大学教育ヴィジョン教育研究センター(EVRI) 広島大学教育ヴィジョン教育研究センター(EVRI) 2021.5.30
Professional Development Course for Teacher Educators (introductory and advanced)
Role(s):Lecturer, Advisor, Planner, Organizing member, Report writing
Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) Professional Development Course for Teacher Educators (introductory and advanced) 2021.4 - 2022.3
71st Seminar: Lesson Study-Based Teacher Education (6): Multiple Stakeholders in Lesson Study
Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) 2021.3.2
Study trip for study on culture and peace education in Hiroshima
Graduate school of education, Tsukuba University 2020.11.26