Updated on 2024/12/20


Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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  • Doctor (Engineering) ( Tokyo Institute of Technology )

Research Interests

  • Nuclear structure

  • gene expression

  • 核内構造

  • neuronal differentiation

  • 遺伝子発現制御 神経細胞分化

Research Areas

  • Life Science / System genome science

  • Life Science / Genome biology

  • Life Science / Genetics


  • Tokyo Institute of Technology   生命理工学研究科   バイオテクノロジー専攻

    1996.4 - 2001.3

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    Country: Japan


  • Tokyo Institute of Technology   生命理工学部   生体分子工学科

    1992.4 - 1996.3

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • - 岡山大学医歯薬学総合研究科 助教


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  • Teikyo University   Faculty of Pharma-Science   Assistant Professor

    2002.1 - 2005.5

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Professional Memberships


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  • Morphometric Analysis of the Eye by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MGST2-Gene-Deficient Mice Invited Reviewed

    Chaomulige, Toshihiko Matsuo, Kohei Sugimoto, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya, Masashi Ueda, Ryosuke Kobayashi, Takuro Horii, Izuho Hatada

    Biomedicines   12 ( 2 )   370 - 370   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Strabismus, a neuro-ophthalmological condition characterized by misalignment of the eyes, is a common ophthalmic disorder affecting both children and adults. In our previous study, we identified the microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 (MGST2) gene as one of the potential candidates for comitant strabismus susceptibility in a Japanese population. The MGST2 gene belongs to the membrane-associated protein involved in the generation of pro-inflammatory mediators, and it is also found in the protection against oxidative stress by decreasing the reactivity of oxidized lipids. To look for the roles of the MGST2 gene in the development, eye alignment, and overall morphology of the eye as the possible background of strabismus, MGST2 gene knockout (KO) mice were generated by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing with guide RNAs targeting the MGST2 exon 2. The ocular morphology of the KO mice was analyzed through high-resolution images obtained by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine for small animals. The morphometric analyses showed that the height, width, and volume of the eyeballs in MGST2 KO homozygous mice were significantly greater than those of wild-type mice, indicating that the eyes of MGST2 KO homozygous mice were significantly enlarged. There were no significant differences in the axis length and axis angle. These morphological changes may potentially contribute to the development of a subgroup of strabismus.

    DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines12020370


  • Selective DNA-binding of SP120 (rat ortholog of human hnRNP U) is mediated by arginine-glycine rich domain and modulated by RNA Reviewed

    Mary Miyaji, Shinji Kawano, Ryohei Furuta, Emi Murakami, Shogo Ikeda, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui

    PLOS ONE   18 ( 8 )   e0289599 - e0289599   2023.8

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Public Library of Science (PLoS)  

    A human protein heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein U (hnRNP U) also known as Scaffold attachment factor A (SAF-A) and its orthologous rat protein SP120 are abundant and multifunctional nuclear protein that directly binds to both DNA and RNA. The C-terminal region of hnRNP U enriched with arginine and glycine is essential for the interaction with RNA and the N-terminal region of SAF-A termed SAP domain has been ascribed to the DNA binding. We have reported that rat hnRNP U specifically and cooperatively binds to AT-rich DNA called nuclear scaffold/matrix-associated region (S/MAR) although its detailed mechanism remained unclear. In the present study analysis of hnRNP U deletion mutants revealed for the first time that a C-terminal domain enriched with Arg-Gly (defined here as ‘RG domain’) is predominantly important for the S/MAR-selective DNA binding activities. RG domain alone directly bound to S/MAR and coexistence with the SAP domain exerted a synergistic effect. The binding was inhibited by netropsin, a minor groove binder with preference to AT pairs that are enriched in S/MAR, suggesting that RG domain interacts with minor groove of S/MAR DNA. Interestingly, excess amounts of RNA attenuated the RG domain-dependent S/MAR-binding of hnRNP U. Taken together, hnRNP U may be the key element for the RNA-regulated recognition of S/MAR DNA and thus contributing to the dynamic structural changes of chromatin compartments.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289599


  • ATM suppresses c-Myc overexpression in the mammary epithelium in response to estrogen Reviewed

    Rifat Ara Najnin, Md Rasel Al Mahmud, Md Maminur Rahman, Shunichi Takeda, Hiroyuki Sasanuma, Hisashi Tanaka, Yasuhiro Murakawa, Naoto Shimizu, Salma Akter, Masatoshi Takagi, Takuro Sunada, Shusuke Akamatsu, Gang He, Junji Itou, Masakazu Toi, Mary Miyaji, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Scott Keeney, Shintaro Yamada

    Cell Reports   42 ( 1 )   111909 - 111909   2023.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111909


  • Candidate Genes in Testing Strategies for Linkage Analysis and Bioinformatic Sorting of Whole Genome Sequencing Data in Three Small Japanese Families with Idiopathic Superior Oblique Muscle Palsy Reviewed

    Toshihiko Matsuo, Chaomulige, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya, Akira Saito, Kazuyuki Nakazono

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences   23 ( 15 )   8626 - 8626   2022.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Idiopathic superior oblique muscle palsy is a major type of paralytic, non-comitant strabismus and presents vertical and cyclo-torsional deviation of one eye against the other eye, with a large vertical fusion range and abnormal head posture such as head tilt. Genetic background is considered to play a role in its development, as patients with idiopathic superior oblique muscle palsy have varying degrees of muscle hypoplasia and, rarely, the complete absence of the muscle, that is, aplasia. In this study, whole genome sequencing was performed, and single nucleotide variations and short insertions/deletions (SNVs/InDels) were annotated in two patients each in three small families (six patients in total) with idiopathic superior oblique muscle palsy, in addition to three normal individuals in one family. At first, linkage analysis was carried out in the three families and SNVs/InDels in chromosomal loci with negative LOD scores were excluded. Next, SNVs/InDels shared by the six patients, but not by the three normal individuals, were chosen. SNVs/InDels were further narrowed down by choosing low-frequency (<1%) or non-registered SNVs/InDels in four databases for the Japanese population, and then by choosing SNVs/InDels with functional influence, leading to one candidate gene, SSTR5-AS1 in chromosome 16. The six patients were heterozygous for 13-nucleotide deletion in SSTR5-AS1, except for one homozygous patient, while the three normal individuals were wild type. Targeted polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing of PCR products confirmed the 13-nucleotide deletion in SSTR5-AS1. In the face of newly-registered SSTR5-AS1 13-nucleotide deletion at a higher frequency in a latest released database for the Japanese population, the skipping of low-frequency and non-registration sorting still resulted in only 13 candidate genes including SSTR5-AS1 as common variants. The skipping of linkage analysis also led to the same set of 13 candidate genes. Different testing strategies that consisted of linkage analysis and simple unintentional bioinformatics could reach candidate genes in three small families with idiopathic superior oblique muscle palsy.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms23158626

    Web of Science


  • Effect of NK-5962 on Gene Expression Profiling of Retina in a Rat Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa Invited Reviewed

    Shihui Liu, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya, Toshihiko Matsuo

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences   22 ( 24 )   13276 - 13276   2021.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Purpose: NK-5962 is a key component of photoelectric dye-coupled polyethylene film, designated Okayama University type-retinal prosthesis (OUReP™). Previously, we found that NK-5962 solution could reduce the number of apoptotic photoreceptors in the eyes of the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rats by intravitreal injection under a 12 h light/dark cycle. This study aimed to explore possible molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-apoptotic effect of NK-5962 in the retina of RCS rats. Methods: RCS rats received intravitreal injections of NK-5962 solution in the left eye at the age of 3 and 4 weeks, before the age of 5 weeks when the speed in the apoptotic degeneration of photoreceptors reaches its peak. The vehicle-treated right eyes served as controls. All rats were housed under a 12 h light/dark cycle, and the retinas were dissected out at the age of 5 weeks for RNA sequence (RNA-seq) analysis. For the functional annotation of differentially expressed genes (DEGs), the Metascape and DAVID databases were used. Results: In total, 55 up-regulated DEGs, and one down-regulated gene (LYVE1) were found to be common among samples treated with NK-5962. These DEGs were analyzed using Gene Ontology (GO) term enrichment, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and Reactome pathway analyses. We focused on the up-regulated DEGs that were enriched in extracellular matrix organization, extracellular exosome, and PI3K–Akt signaling pathways. These terms and pathways may relate to mechanisms to protect photoreceptor cells. Moreover, our analyses suggest that SERPINF1, which encodes pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), is one of the key regulatory genes involved in the anti-apoptotic effect of NK-5962 in RCS rat retinas. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that photoelectric dye NK-5962 may delay apoptotic death of photoreceptor cells in RCS rats by up-regulating genes related to extracellular matrix organization, extracellular exosome, and PI3K–Akt signaling pathways. Overall, our RNA-seq and bioinformatics analyses provide insights in the transcriptome responses in the dystrophic RCS rat retinas that were induced by NK-5962 intravitreal injection and offer potential target genes for developing new therapeutic strategies for patients with retinitis pigmentosa.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms222413276


  • A modified Tet-ON system minimizing leaky expression for cell-type specific gene induction in medaka fish. Reviewed

    Osamu Hosoya, Myung Chung, Satoshi Ansai, Hideaki Takeuchi, Mary Miyaji

    Development, growth & differentiation   2021.8

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The Tet-ON system is an important molecular tool for temporally and spatially-controlled inducible gene expression. Here, we developed a Tet-ON system to induce transgene expression specifically in the rod photoreceptors of medaka fish. Our modified reverse tetracycline-controlled transcriptional transactivator (rtTAm) with 5 amino acid substitutions dramatically improved the leakiness of the transgene in medaka fish. We generated a transgenic line carrying a self-reporting vector with the rtTAm gene driven by the Xenopus rhodopsin promoter and a tetracycline response element (TRE) followed by the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. We demonstrated that GFP fluorescence was restricted to the rod photoreceptors in the presence of doxycycline in larval fish (9 days post-fertilization). The GFP fluorescence intensity was enhanced with longer durations of doxycycline treatment up to 72 h and in a dose-dependent manner (5-45 μg/ml). These findings demonstrate that the Tet-ON system using rtTAm allows for spatiotemporal control of transgene expression, at least in the rod photoreceptors, in medaka fish.

    DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12743



  • The Effect of Cyanine Dye NK-4 on Photoreceptor Degeneration in a Rat Model of Early-Stage Retinitis Pigmentosa. Reviewed International journal

    Shihui Liu, Toshihiko Matsuo, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya

    Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland)   14 ( 7 )   2021.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of NK-4 on the apoptosis of photoreceptors in a rat model of retinitis pigmentosa and explore the mechanism underlying anti-apoptosis activity. The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rats received an intravitreous injection of NK-4 solution in the left eye and vehicle control in the right eye. Apoptosis was detected by TUNEL method in frozen sections of the eyes. The retinal tissues of the rats were dissected for RNA-seq analysis. Functional and pathway enrichment analyses of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were performed by using Metascape and DAVID software. The expression levels of DEGs were confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). The number of apoptotic cells decreased in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and the thickness of the ONL was significantly thicker in the retina of NK-4-injected eyes, compared with control eyes. Five DEGs were identified by RNA-seq analysis, and Hmox1, Mt1, Atf5, Slc7a11, and Bdh2 were confirmed to be up-regulated by RT-qPCR. Functional and pathway enrichment analysis of the up-regulated genes showed that anti-apoptosis effects of NK-4 in the retina of RCS rats may be related to the pathways of metal ion homeostasis, negative regulation of neuron death, response to toxic substance, and pigment metabolic process. We found a potential mechanism of NK-4, providing a new viewpoint for the development of more therapeutic uses of NK-4 in the future.

    DOI: 10.3390/ph14070694



  • Topoisomerase IIβ targets DNA crossovers formed between distant homologous sites to induce chromatin opening Reviewed International journal

    Mary Miyaji, Ryohei Furuta, Osamu Hosoya, Kuniaki Sano, Norikazu Hara, Ryozo Kuwano, Jiyoung Kang, Masaru Tateno, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui

    Scientific Reports   10 ( 1 )   18550 - 18550   2020.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    Type II DNA topoisomerases (topo II) flip the spatial positions of two DNA duplexes, called G- and T- segments, by a cleavage-passage-resealing mechanism. In living cells, these DNA segments can be derived from distant sites on the same chromosome. Due to lack of proper methodology, however, no direct evidence has been described so far. The beta isoform of topo II (topo IIβ) is essential for transcriptional regulation of genes expressed in the final stage of neuronal differentiation. Here we devise a genome-wide mapping technique (eTIP-seq) for topo IIβ target sites that can measure the genomic distance between G- and T-segments. It revealed that the enzyme operates in two distinctive modes, termed proximal strand passage (PSP) and distal strand passage (DSP). PSP sites are concentrated around transcription start sites, whereas DSP sites are heavily clustered in small number of hotspots. While PSP represent the conventional topo II targets that remove local torsional stresses, DSP sites have not been described previously. Most remarkably, DSP is driven by the pairing between homologous sequences or repeats located in a large distance. A model-building approach suggested that topo IIβ acts on crossovers to unknot the intertwined DSP sites, leading to chromatin decondensation.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-75004-w



    Other Link: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-75004-w

  • Topoisomerase IIβ targets DNA crossovers formed between distant homologous sites to modulate chromatin structure and gene expression

    Mary Miyaji, Ryohei Furuta, Osamu Hosoya, Kuniaki Sano, Norikazu Hara, Ryozo Kuwano, Jiyoung Kang, Masaru Tateno, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui

    BioRXiV   2018.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory  

    <title>Abstract</title><sec><title>Background</title>Type II DNA topoisomerases (topo II) flip the spatial positions of two DNA duplexes, called G- and T-segments, by a cleavage-passage-resealing mechanism. In living cells, these DNA segments can be placed far from each other on the same chromosome. However, no direct evidence for this to occur has been described so far due to lack of proper methodology.

    </sec><sec><title>Results</title>The beta isoform of topo II (topo IIβ) is essential for transcriptional regulation of genes expressed in the final stage of neuronal differentiation. To elucidate the enzyme’s role in the process, here we devise a genome-wide mapping technique for topo IIβ target sites that can measure the genomic distance between G- and T-segments. It became clear that the enzyme operates in two distinctive modes, termed proximal strand passage (PSP) and distal strand passage (DSP). PSP sites are concentrated around transcription start sites, whereas DSP sites are heavily clustered in small number of hotspots. While PSP represent the conventional topo II targets that remove local torsional stresses, DSP sites have not been described previously. Most remarkably, DSP is driven by the pairing between homologous sequences or repeats located in a large distance. A model-building approach suggested that the DSP sites are intertwined or knotted and topo IIβ is engaged in unknotting reaction that leads to chromatin decondensation and gene regulation.

    </sec><sec><title>Conclusions</title>When combined with categorized gene expression analysis, the model-based prediction of DSP sites reveals that DSP is one of the key factors for topo IIβ-dependency of neuronal gene regulation.


    DOI: 10.1101/484956


  • Genomic Regions Targeted by DNA Topoisomerase II beta Frequently Interact With a Nuclear Scaffold/Matrix Protein hnRNP U/SAF-A/SP120 Reviewed

    Mary Miyaji, Ryohei Furuta, Kuniaki Sano, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui

    JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY   116 ( 4 )   677 - 685   2015.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Type II DNA topoisomerases (topo II) play critical roles in some cellular events through repeated cleavage/rejoining of nuclear DNA. The isoform (topo II) is essential for the transcriptional induction of neuronal genes in terminal differentiation. Genomic sites targeted by the enzyme are nonrandom. Although previous studies have claimed that topo II cleavage sites are close to the nuclear scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR), it is still unclear whether this view can be generalized. We report here that a library of cloned genomic DNA fragments targeted by topo II in vivo frequently contains S/MAR and binding sites for hnRNP U/SAF-A/SP120. Binding assays in vitro showed that a large proportion of the target DNAs bound to SP120 but their affinity to the nuclear scaffold/matrix varied significantly. Topo II targets were extremely AT-rich and often located in gene-poor long intergenic regions (so-called gene desert) that are juxtaposed to long genes expressed in neurons under differentiation. Sequence analysis revealed that topo II targets are not just AT-rich but are enriched with short tracts of A's and T's (termed A/T-patches). Their affinity to the nuclear scaffold/matrix showed a moderate positive correlation with the coverage rate of A/T-patches. The results suggest that the interaction of topo II/SP120 with target regions modulates their proximity to the nuclear scaffold/matrix in a dynamic fashion and that A/T-patch is a sequence motif assisting this process. J. Cell. Biochem. 116: 677-685, 2015. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/jcb.25024

    Web of Science



  • Retinoic Acid-Induced Epidermal Transdifferentiation in Skin Reviewed

    Yoshihiro Akimoto, Mary Miyaji, Riyo Morimoto-Kamata, Yasuhiro Kosaka, Akiko Obinata

    Journal of Developmental Biology   2 ( 3 )   158 - 173   2014.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    DOI: 10.3390/jdb2030158



  • Nuclear dynamics of topoisomerase II beta reflects its catalytic activity that is regulated by binding of RNA to the C-terminal domain Reviewed

    Akihisa Onoda, Osamu Hosoya, Kuniaki Sano, Kazuko Kiyama, Hiroshi Kimura, Shinji Kawano, Ryohei Furuta, Mary Miyaji, Ken Tsutsui, Kimiko M. Tsutsui

    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH   42 ( 14 )   9005 - 9020   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) changes DNA topology by cleavage/re-ligation cycle(s) and thus contributes to various nuclear DNA transactions. It is largely unknown how the enzyme is controlled in a nuclear context. Several studies have suggested that its C-terminal domain (CTD), which is dispensable for basal relaxation activity, has some regulatory influence. In this work, we examined the impact of nuclear localization on regulation of activity in nuclei. Specifically, human cells were transfected with wild-type and mutant topo II beta tagged with EGFP. Activity attenuation experiments and nuclear localization data reveal that the endogenous activity of topo II beta is correlated with its subnuclear distribution. The enzyme shuttles between an active form in the nucleoplasm and a quiescent form in the nucleolus in a dynamic equilibrium. Mechanistically, the process involves a tethering event with RNA. Isolated RNA inhibits the catalytic activity of topo II beta in vitro through the interaction with a specific 50-residue region of the CTD (termed the CRD). Taken together, these results suggest that both the subnuclear distribution and activity regulation of topo II beta are mediated by the interplay between cellular RNA and the CRD.

    DOI: 10.1093/nar/gku640

    Web of Science



  • Tgm2/Gh, Gbx1 and TGF-beta are involved in retinoic acid-induced transdifferentiation from epidermis to mucosal epithelium Reviewed

    Akiko Obinata, Keitarou Osakabe, Mari Yamaguchi, Riyo Morimoto, Yoshihiro Akimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:U B C PRESS  

    We previously demonstrated that retinoic acid (RA) induces epidermis to transdifferentiate to mucosal epithelium with goblet cells in chick embryonic cultured skin. To characterize the molecular mechanism of this transdifferentiation process, we used rat embryonic cultured skin and immunohistochemistry to confirm that RA-induced epidermal transdifferentiation accompanies the expression of markers of esophagus epithelium. Because Gbx1, TG2/Gh (transglutaminase2) and TGF-beta 2 are reported individually to be induced by RA in cultures of chick embryonic skin, mouse epidermal cells and human hair follicles respectively, here, we investigated whether cooperative interplay of Gbx1, TG2/Gh and TGF-beta 2 is required for the transdifferentiation of epidermal cells to mucosal cells. We have shown that expression of Gbx1, TG2/Gh and TGF-beta proteins were all upregulated in RA-induced transdifferentiated skin and that the former two were expressed in the epidermis, while TGF-beta was expressed in the dermis. Inhibitors of the TGF-beta signal pathway partially inhibited transdifferentiation. Overexpression of both hTG2/Gh and mGbx1 together in the epidermis by electroporation resulted in cuboidal cells in the upper cell layers of the epidermis without keratinized layers, although epidermal keratinization was observed in skin by overexpression of either of them. Labeling DNA with BrdU indicated that RA directly transdifferentiated transient amplifying epidermal cells, not stem cells, to mucosal cells. This study showed that coexpression of TG/2 and Gbx1 in the epidermis was required for esophagus-like mucosal transdifferentiation, and that increase in TGF-beta 2 expression by RA in the dermis was essential to induce transdifferentiation through epithelial-mesenchymal interaction.

    DOI: 10.1387/ijdb.113326ao

    Web of Science


  • Regulation of DNA Topoisomerase II beta through RNA-dependent Association with Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein U (hnRNP U) Reviewed

    Shinji Kawano, Mary Miyaji, Shoko Ichiyasu, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   285 ( 34 )   26451 - 26460   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    Recent studies suggest that DNA topoisomerase II beta (topo II beta) is involved in transcriptional activation of certain genes, which assumes accurate targeting of the enzyme to its action site. The target selection may be achieved by cooperation with unknown regulatory factors. To seek out such factors, we looked for proteins associated with the enzyme in differentiating cerebellar neurons. Antibody against topo II beta co-precipitated RNA-binding proteins including PSF, NonO/p54nrb, as well as hnRNP U/SAF-A/SP120. Reconstitution experiments with tag-purified proteins showed that topo II beta associates stoichiometrically with SP120 in the presence of RNA that was co-purified with SP120. The most effective RNA species for the complex formation was a subset of cellular polyadenylated RNAs. The C-terminal 187-residue domain of SP120 was necessary and sufficient for the association with both topo II beta and the endogenous RNA. The RNA isolated from the tag-purified SP120 inhibited the relaxation of supercoiled DNA by topo II beta. When the enzyme associates with SP120, however, the inhibition was abolished and the catalytic property was modulated to more processive mode, which may prolong its residence time at the genomic target site. Furthermore, the presence of SP120 was required for the stable expression of topo II beta in vivo. Thus, SP120 regulates the enzyme in dual ways.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M110.112979

    Web of Science


  • [Regulation of neuronal gene expression by DNA topoisomerase IIbeta]. Reviewed

    Tsutsui K, Tsutsui KM, Miyaji M, Sano K

    Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme   54 ( 11 )   1333 - 1343   2009.9

  • Topoisomerase II beta Activates a Subset of Neuronal Genes that Are Repressed in AT-Rich Genomic Environment Reviewed

    Kuniaki Sano, Mary Miyaji-Yamaguchi, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui

    PLOS ONE   3 ( 12 )   e4103 - 13   2008.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) catalyzes a strand passage reaction in that one duplex is passed through a transient brake or gate in another. Completion of late stages of neuronal development depends on the presence of active beta isoform (topo II beta). The enzyme appears to aid the transcriptional induction of a limited number of genes essential for neuronal maturation. However, this selectivity and underlying molecular mechanism remains unknown. Here we show a strong correlation between the genomic location of topo II beta action sites and the genes it regulates. These genes, termed group A1, are functionally biased towards membrane proteins with ion channel, transporter, or receptor activities. Significant proportions of them encode long transcripts and are juxtaposed to a long AT-rich intergenic region (termed LAIR). We mapped genomic sites directly targeted by topo II beta using a functional immunoprecipitation strategy. These sites can be classified into two distinct classes with discrete local GC contents. One of the classes, termed c2, appears to involve a strand passage event between distant segments of genomic DNA. The c2 sites are concentrated both in A1 gene boundaries and the adjacent LAIR, suggesting a direct link between the action sites and the transcriptional activation. A higher-order chromatin structure associated with AT richness and gene poorness is likely to serve as a silencer of gene expression, which is abrogated by topo II beta releasing nearby genes from repression. Positioning of these genes and their control machinery may have developed recently in vertebrate evolution to support higher functions of central nervous system.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0004103

    Web of Science



  • Histone acetylation-independent transcription stimulation by a histone chaperone Reviewed

    Kohsuke Kato, Mary Miyaji-Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Okuwaki, Kyosuke Nagata

    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH   35 ( 3 )   705 - 707   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Histone chaperones are thought to be important for maintaining the physiological activity of histones; however, their exact roles are not fully understood. The physiological function of template activating factor (TAF)-I, one of the histone chaperones, also remains unclear; however, its biochemical properties have been well studied. By performing microarray analyses, we found that TAF-I stimulates the transcription of a sub-set of genes. The transcription of endogenous genes that was up-regulated by TAF-I was found to be additively stimulated by histone acetylation. On performing an experiment with a cell line containing a model gene integrated into the chromosome, TAF-I was found to stimulate the model gene transcription in a histone chaperone activity-dependent manner additively with histone acetylation. TAF-I bound to the core histones and remodeled the chromatin structure independent of the N-terminal histone tail and its acetylation level in vitro. These results suggest that TAF-I remodel the chromatin structure through its interaction with the core domain of the histones, including the histone fold, and this mechanism is independent of the histone acetylation status.

    DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkl1077

    Web of Science


  • Synergistic action of MLL, a TRX protein with template activating factor-I, a histone chaperone Reviewed

    T Shimoyama, K Kato, M Miyaji-Yamaguchi, K Nagata

    FEBS LETTERS   579 ( 3 )   757 - 762   2005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    MLL is involved in the process of gene activity maintenance. It is shown that the amino-terminal region of MILL (MLLN) interacts with TAF-Ibeta/SET. In this study, using yeast two-hybrid assays, we have found that the acidic region of TAF-Ibeta is essential for its binding to MLLN. Pull-down assays using GST-MLLN demonstrated that TAF-Ibeta and histones interact with GST-MLLN. MLLN and TAF-Ibeta synergistically upregulated the transcription level of Hoxa9 and co-immunoprecipitated in chromatin containing the Hoxa9 promoter region. These results suggest that TAF-Ibeta plays an important role in MLL-mediated transcription and possibly chromatin maintenance. (C) 2005 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2004.12.064

    Web of Science


  • Aberrant intracellular localization of set-can fusion protein, associated with a leukemia, disorganizes nuclear export Reviewed

    S Saito, M Miyaji-Yamaguchi, K Nagata

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER   111 ( 4 )   501 - 507   2004

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-LISS  

    The SET-CAN fusion gene is the product of a chromosomal rearrangement found on 9q34 associated with an acute undifferentiated leukemia. SET-CAN encodes an almost complete SET protein fused to the C-terminal two-thirds of CAN. SET is also known as TAF-Ibeta, a histone chaperone and intracellular inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A, whereas CAN is identical to Nup214, a nucleoporin protein. To obtain insight into the leukemogenic function of SET/TAF-Ibeta-CAN/Nup214, we have examined its subcellular localization. Immunofluorescence analyses showed that SET/TAF-Ibeta and CAN/Nup214 are found in the nucleus and the nuclear envelope, respectively, whereas the majority of SET/TAF-Ibeta-CAN/Nup214 is localized in the nucleus. SET/TAF-Ibeta-CAN/Nup214 interacted with hCRM1, one of the nuclear export factors, and caused aberrant intracellular localization of hCRM1. In cells expressing SET/TAF-Ibeta-CAN/Nup214, a protein containing a nuclear export signal accumulated in the nucleus. The export of this protein was partially restored by overexpression of hCRM1. These results suggest that aberrantly localized molecules associated with SET/TAF-Ibeta-CAN/Nup214 may be involved in oncogenesis. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/ijc.20296

    Web of Science


  • Involvement of nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of yeast Nap1 in mitotic progression Reviewed

    M Miyaji-Yamaguchi, K Kato, R Nakano, T Akashi, A Kikuchi, K Nagata

    MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY   23 ( 18 )   6672 - 6684   2003

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    Nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap1) is widely conserved from yeasts to humans and facilitates nucleosome formation in vitro as a histone chaperone. Nap1 is generally localized in the cytoplasm, except that subcellular localization of Drosophila melanogaster Nap1 is dynamically regulated between the cytoplasm and nucleus during early development. The cytoplasmic localization of Nap1 is seemingly incompatible with the proposed role of Nap1 in nucleosome formation, which should occur in the nucleus. Here, we have examined the roles of a putative nuclear export signal (NES) sequence in yeast Nap1 (yNap1). yNap1 mutants lacking the NES-like sequence were localized predominantly in the nucleus. Deletion of NAP1 in cells harboring a single mitotic cyclin gene is known to cause mitotic delay and temperature-sensitive growth. A wild-type NAP1 complemented these phenotypes while nap1 mutant genes lacking the NES-like sequence or carboxy-terminal region did not. These and other results suggest that yNap1 is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein and that its shuttling is important for yNap1 function during mitotic progression. This study also provides a possible explanation for Nap1's involvement in nucleosome assembly and/or remodeling in the nucleus.

    DOI: 10.1128/MCB.23.18.6672-6684.2003

    Web of Science


  • Molecular function of chromatin chaperones

    Nagata K., Gyurcsik Bela, Haruki H., Miyaji-Yamaguchi M., Okuwaki M., Takahashi T., Mihara H.

    Seibutsu Butsuri   41   S1   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Biophysical Society of Japan General Incorporated Association  

    DOI: 10.2142/biophys.41.S1_3

    CiNii Article


  • Sperm chromatin decondensation by template activating factor I through direct interaction with basic proteins Reviewed

    K Matsumoto, K Nagata, M Miyaji-Yamaguchi, A Kikuchi, M Tsujimoto

    MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY   19 ( 10 )   6940 - 6952   1999.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    Template activating factor I (TAF-I) was originally identified as a host factor required for DNA replication and transcription of adenovirus genome complexed with viral basic proteins. Purified TAF-I was shown to bind to core histones and stimulate transcription from nucleosomal templates. Human TAF-I consists of two acidic proteins, TAF-I alpha and TAF-I beta, which differ from each other only in their amino-terminal regions. Here, we report that TAF-I decondenses demembraned Xenopus sperm chromatin. Human TAF-I beta has a chromatin decondensation activity comparable to that of NAP-I, another histone binding protein, whereas TAF-I alpha has only a weak activity. Analysis of molecular mechanisms underlying the chromatin decondensation by TAF-I revealed that TAF-I interacts directly with sperm basic proteins. Deletion of the TAF-I carboxyl-terminal acidic region abolishes the decondensation activity. Interestingly, the acidic region itself is not sufficient for decondensation, since an amino acid substitution mutant in the dimerization domain of TAF-I which has the intact acidic region does not support chromatin decondensation. We detected the beta form of TAF-I in Xenopus oocytes and eggs by immunoblotting, and the cloning of its cDNA led us to conclude that Xenopus TAF-I beta also decondenses sperm chromatin. These results suggest that TAF-I plays a role in remodeling higher-order chromatin structure as well as nucleosomal structure through direct interaction with chromatin basic proteins.

    Web of Science


  • Coiled-coil structure-mediated dimerization of template activating factor-I is critical for its chromatin remodeling activity Reviewed

    M Miyaji-Yamaguchi, M Okuwaki, K Nagata

    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY   290 ( 2 )   547 - 557   1999.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS LTD  

    Template activating factor-I (TAF-I)alpha and TAF-I beta have been identified as the host factors that activate DNA replication of the adenovirus genome complexed with viral basic core proteins (Ad core). TAF-I causes a structural change of the Ad core, thereby stimulating not only replication but also transcription from the Ad core DNA in vitro. TAF-I also activates transcription from the reconstituted chromatin consisting of DNA fragments and purified histones through chromatin remodeling. Although the carboxyl-terminal region, which is highly rich in acidic amino acids, is essential for the TAF-I activity, it remains unclear how other parts are involved in its activity. The native TAF-I isolated from HeLa cells exists as either hetero- or homo-oligomer. Here, we have demonstrated by cross-linking assays that most of TAF-I exists as a dimer. Analyses using deletion mutant TAF-I proteins revealed that the amino-terminal region of TAF-I common to both alpha and beta is essential for dimerization. This region is predicted to form a coiled-coil structure. Indeed, mutations disrupting this putative structure abolished the dimerization capability and reduced the TAF-I activity in the Ad core DNA replication assay. Furthermore, we found that TAF-I mutants lacking the acidic tail act in a dominant-negative manner in this assay. These observations strongly suggest that the dimerization of TAF-I is important for its activity. (C) 1999 Academic Press.

    Web of Science


  • Functional domains of template-activating factor-I as a protein phosphatase 2A inhibitor Reviewed

    S Saito, M Miyaji-Yamaguchi, T Shimoyama, K Nagata


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC  

    Template-Activating Factor-1 (TAF-1) alpha and beta, chromatin remodeling factors, were identified as the stimulatory factor for replication of the adenovirus DNA complexed with viral basic core proteins. Recently, two cellular inhibitors for protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) have been isolated. One of these inhibitors, designated I-2(PP2A), is a truncated version of TAF-1 beta. Here, it is shown using recombinant TAF-1 proteins that both TAF-1 alpha and beta have the PP2A inhibitor activity. The N-terminal region but not the C-terminal acidic region, the latter of which is essential for the chromatin remodeling activity, is shown to be required for the PP2A inhibitor activity. Roles of TAF-1 alpha- and beta-specific regions, the C-terminal acidic region, and other regions of TAF-1 for the PP2A inhibitor activity are also discussed. (C) 1999 Academic Press.

    Web of Science


  • NAP-I is a functional homologue of TAF-I that is required for replication and transcription of the adenovirus genome in a chromatin-like structure Reviewed

    H Kawase, M Okuwaki, M Miyaji, R Ohba, H Handa, Y Ishimi, T FujiiNakata, A Kikuchi, K Nagata

    GENES TO CELLS   1 ( 12 )   1045 - 1056   1996.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BLACKWELL SCIENCE LTD  

    Background: For the activation of replication and transcription from DNA in a chromatin structure, a variety of factors are thought to be needed that alter the chromatin structure. Template activating factor-I (TAF-I) has been identified as such a host factor required for replication of the adenovirus (Ad) genome complexed with viral basic core proteins (Ad core). TAF-I also stimulates transcription from the Ad core DNA.
    Results: Using mutant TAF-I proteins, we have demonstrated that the acidic stretch present in the carboxyl terminal region is essential for the stimulation of transcription from the Ad core. A genomic footprinting experiment with restriction endonuclease has revealed that TAF-I causes a structural change in the Ad core. TAP-I has been shown to have significant amino acid similarity to nucleosome assembly protein-I (NAP-I), which is involved in the formation of the chromatin structure. We have shown that TAF-I can be substituted by NAP-I in the activation of the cell-free Ad core transcription system. Two of the tripartite acidic regions and the region homologous to TAF-I in NAP-I are required for the maximal TAF-I activity of NAP-I. Furthermore, TAF-I has been shown to have NAP-I activity, and the acidic region of TAP-I is required for this activity.
    Conclusions: Since TAF-I causes the structural change of the Ad core and thereby activates transcription, TAF-I is thought to be one of the proteins which is involved in chromatin remodeling. NAP-I is structurally related to TAF-I and functionally substitutes for TAF-I. Furthermore, TAF-I has NAP-I activity. These observations suggest that this type of molecule has dual functions, possibly by participating in facilitating the assembly of the chromatin structure as well as perturbing the chromatin structure to allow transcription to proceed.

    Web of Science


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  • mRNAの制御機構の解明と治療薬・ワクチンへの活用

    技術情報協会( Role: Joint author ,  3節 網羅的発現解析(RNA-seq)とタンパク質の因果性)

    技術情報協会  2023.2  ( ISBN:9784861049378

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    Total pages:411p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books



  • Morphometric Analysis of the Eye by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MGST2 Gene-Deficient Mice.

    Chaomulige, Toshihiko Matsuo, Kohei Sugimoto, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya, Masashi Ueda, Ryosuke Kobayashi, Takuro Horii, Izuho Hatada

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, ARVO Annual Meeting Abstract   65 ( 7 )   2024.6

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  • Selective DNA-binding of SP120 (rat ortholog of human hnRNP U) is mediated by arginine-glycine rich domain and modulated by RNA

    Mary Miyaji, Shinji Kawano, Shogo Ikeda, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui


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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 改良型Tet-ONシステムを用いたメダカ網膜桿体特異的な遺伝子発現誘導

    細谷 修, Chung Myung, 安齋 賢, 竹内 秀明, 宮地 まり

    第44回 日本分子生物学会年会   2021.12

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • メダカDNAトポイソメラーゼIIβによる神経系の遺伝子発現制御

    宮地 まり, 河野 真二, 細谷 修, 竹内 秀明, 筒井 公子, 筒井 研

    第44回 日本分子生物学会年会抄録   2021.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Prevention of apoptotic photoreceptor cell death by a Cryptocyanine drug (NK-4) during inherited retinal degeneration in RCS rats

    Shihui Liu, Toshihiko Matsuo, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya

    ARVO Annual Meeting   2020.5

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  • A new knock-out mouse model (MGST2 gene knock-out) for strabismus

    Chaomulige, Toshihiko Matsuo, Shihui Liu, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya, Izuho Hatada, Takuro Horii

    ARVO Annual Meeting   2020.5

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  • 精神・神経疾患に関連する長大遺伝子の発現制御機構

    宮地まり, 佐野訓明, 古田良平, 細谷修, 筒井公子, 筒井研

    月刊細胞   47 ( 5 )   25 - 28   2015

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  


  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβによる神経関連遺伝子の発現制御

    筒井 研, 筒井公子, 宮地まり, 佐野訓明

    蛋白質核酸酵素   54 ( 11 )   1333 - 1343   2009

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  • DNA topoisomerase II beta (topo II beta) activates a subset of neuronal genes

    Kuniaki Sano, Mary Miyaji-Yamaguchi, Kimiko Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   65   S89 - S89   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2009.09.363

    Web of Science


  • The 2008 Okayama Medical Association Awards: DNA topoisomerase 2β activates a subset of neuronal genes

    Journal of Okayama Medical Association   121 ( 3 )   143 - 147   2009

  • 酸性分子シャペロンNap1の細胞内機能


    生化学   77,3,206-212   2005

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  • Regulation of replication and transcription from viral genome-protein complexes by acidic molecular chaperones

    NAGATA Kyosuke, OKUWAKI Mitsuru, MIYAJI Mary, MOMOSE Fumitaka

    21   228 - 228   1998.12

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  • クロマチン様構造をとった鋳型からの複製・転写の活性化因子TAF-1の機能と多量体形成の相関

    宮地 まり, 半田 宏, 永田 恭介

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集   19   292 - 292   1996.8

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  • Morphometric Analysis of the Eye by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MGST2 Gene-Deficient Mice.

    Chaomulige, Toshihiko Matsuo, Kohei Sugimoto, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya, Masashi Ueda, Ryosuke Kobayashi, Takuro Horii, Izuho Hatada

    ARVO Annual Meeting 2024  2024.6 

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    Event date: 2024.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Selective DNA-binding of SP120 (rat ortholog of human hnRNP U) is mediated by arginine-glycine rich domain and modulated by RNA

    Mary MIyaji, Shinji Kawano, Shogo Ikeda, Kimiko M Tsustui, Ken Tsustui


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    Event date: 2023.12.6 - 2023.12.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • A modified Tet-ON system minimizing leaky expression for cell-type specific gene induction in medaka fish.


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    Event date: 2021.12.1 - 2021.12.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Regulation of neuronal gene expressions by Medaka DNA topoisomerase IIβ

    Mary Miyaji, Shinji Kawano, Osamu Hosoya, Hideaki Takeuchi, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui


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    Event date: 2021.12.1 - 2021.12.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Prevention of photoreceptor apoptosis by a Cryptocyanine drug (NK-4), in RCS rats

    Shihui Liu, Toshihiko matsuo, Mari Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya

    ARVO Annual Meeting 2020  2020.6 

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    Event date: 2020.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • A new knock-out mouse model (MGST2 gene knock-out) of strabismus

    Chaomulige Chaomulige, Toshihiko matsuo, Shihui Liu, Mari Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya, Hatada Izuho, Horii Takuro

    ARVO Annual Meeting 2020  2020.6 

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    Event date: 2020.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • トポイソメラーゼIIβは遠隔ゲノム部位の相同配列間に働いてクロマチンを脱凝縮し神経関連遺伝子の発現に関与する

    宮地 まり, 古田 良平, 細谷 修, 佐野 訓明, 筒井 公子, 筒井 研

    第42回日本分子生物学会年会  2019.12.6 

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    Event date: 2019.12.3 - 2019.12.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • トポイソメラーゼIIβの遠隔ゲノム部位間での働きを解析するeTIP-seq法の検証

    古田 良平, 宮地 まり, 細谷 修, 佐野 訓明, 筒井 公子, 筒井 研

    第42回日本分子生物学会年会  2019.12.6 

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    Event date: 2019.12.3 - 2019.12.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Key pathways and genes influenced by a drug, NK-4(Lumin), in Royal College Surgeon Rats

    Shihui Liu, Toshihiko Matsuo, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya

    ARVO 2019 Annual Meeting 

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    Event date: 2019.4.28 - 2019.5.2

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • トポイソメラーゼIIβは神経細胞終末分化において遠隔ゲノム部位の相同配列間に働きクロマチン脱凝縮を誘導する

    宮地まり, 古田良平, 細谷 修, 佐野訓明, 筒井公子, 筒井 研

    第36回染色体ワークショップ, 第17回核ダイナミクス研究会  2019.1.24 

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    Event date: 2019.1.23 - 2019.1.25

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • MAR-selective binding of hnRNPU/ SAF-A/ SP120 in the presence of RNA

    Mary Miyaji, Ryohei Furuta, Shinji Kawano, Emi Murakami, Shogo Ikeda, Kimiko M. Tsutsui, Ken Tsutsui


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    Event date: 2018.11.28 - 2018.11.30

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Key pathways and genes influenced by a drug, NK-­‐4(Lumin), in human neurons and Royal College Surgeon Rats

    Shihui Liu, Toshihiko Matsuo, Mary Miyaji, Osamu Hosoya

    ARVO Annual Meeting 2018 

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    Event date: 2018.4.29 - 2018.5.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 神経細胞終末分化過程でのD N A トポイソメラーゼI Iβによる グローバルなクロマチン構造変換を介した遺伝子発現制御機構

    第33 回染色体ワークショップ第14 回核ダイナミクス研究会  2016 

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  • Global changes of chromatin structure during terminal differentiation of neurons are regulated by DNA topoisomerase IIβ complexed with hnRNPU/SAF-A/SP120


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  • レチノイン酸によるラット胎仔表皮の粘膜上皮への分化転換

    日本顕微鏡学会第71回学術講演会  2015 

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  • 神経細胞核の3次元DNA配置と遺伝子発現制御

    バイオイメージ・インフォマティクスワークショップ2015  2015 

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  • Retinoic acid-induced transformation of epidermis to mucous epithelium in cultured rat embryonic skin


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  • DNA topoisomerase IIβ mediates interactions between distal genomic sites within intergenic regions


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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβは遺伝子間領域に作用し遠隔 ゲノム部位間の相互作用を媒介する

    BMB2015  2015 

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  • hnRNPU/SAF-A/SP120とDNAトポイソメラーゼIIβ複合体による神経細胞核のグローバルなクロマチン構造変換

    BMB2015  2015 

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  • II型DNAトポイソメラーゼによる神経特異的遺伝子の発現制御機構

    第31回染色体ワークショップ・第12回 細胞核ダイナミクス研究会  2013 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβによる遺伝子制御と核構造

    第36回 日本分子生物学会  2013 

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  • RG-domain of hnRNP U/SAF-A/SP120 is Essential for Its MAR-specific DNA-binding Activity.

    BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk-2012.  2012 

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  • Induced Expression of Neuronal Genes in Terminal Differentiation: Essential Roles of DNA Topoisomerase IIbeta.

    BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk-2012.  2012 

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  • 遠隔ゲノム部位間の相互作用におけるII型DNAトポイソメラーゼの役割

    文部科学省科学研究費新学術領域研究「生命科学系3分野支援活動」“ゲノム支援”2012年度拡大班会議  2012 

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  • DNA Topoisomerase IIbeta Mediates Distal Genomic Interactions in Terminal differentiation of Neurons.

    BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk-2012.  2012 

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  • SP120/SAF-A/hnRNP UのMAR認識機構とDNA構造変化

    第35回 日本分子生物学会年会  2012 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβによる遠隔ゲノム部位間の相互作用と遺伝子発現制御

    第35回 日本分子生物学会年会  2012 

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  • II型トポイソメラーゼによる核内構造変化と遺伝子発現制御

    第30回染色体ワークショップ・第11回 細胞核ダイナミクス研究会  2012 

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  • II型トポイソメラーゼによる遠隔ゲノム部位間の相互作用

    第30回染色体ワークショップ・第11回 細胞核ダイナミクス研究会  2012 

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  • 核マトリックスタンパク質SP120/SAF-A/hnRNP Uの新たなMAR特異的DNA結合領域の同定

    第34回 日本分子生物学会年会  2011 

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  • トポイソメラーゼIIβは離れたゲノム部位の間ではたらくか。

    第10回 細胞核ダイナミクス研究会  2011 

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  • From topology to topography: Regulation of Neuronal genes by targeted action of DNA topoisomerase IIβ.

    International Symposium ‘Physicochemical Field for genetic activities’  2011 

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  • Transcriptional Induction of Neuronal Genes by Targeted Action of DNA Topoisomerase IIβ.

    Advances in DNA Topoisomerase and Chromosome Dynamics.  2011 

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  • Regulatory roles of DNA topoisomerase IIβ in the developing cerebellar neurons.

    Fourth International Congress of the Society for Research on the Cerebellum.  2011 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβによる遠隔ゲノム部位間の相互作用

    第34回 日本分子生物学会年会  2011 

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  • トポIIβはいかにして神経関連遺伝子の発現を誘導するか?

    第9回 細胞核ダイナミクス研究会  2010 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβの神経関連遺伝子へのターゲット機構

    第33回 日本分子生物学会年会 第83回 日本生化学会大会 合同大会  2010 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβ-SP120複合体形成におけるRNAの役割

    第33回 日本分子生物学会年会 第83回 日本生化学会大会 合同大会  2010 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβの遠位通過部位マッピング法(eTIP-HiC)の開発

    第33回 日本分子生物学会年会 第83回 日本生化学会大会 合同大会  2010 

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  • LA 遺伝子の活性化機構と精神疾患

    日本解剖学会第64回中国・四国支部学術集会  2009 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβとSP120/hnRNP U/SAF-Aの複合体形成が酵素活性に及ぼす影響

    第82回 日本生化学会大会  2009 

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  • トポイソメラーゼIIβとSP120/hnRNP U/SAF-Aの複合体形成機構

    第32回 日本分子生物学会年会  2009 

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  • DNA recognition mechanism of SP120/hnRNP U/SAF-A


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  • Mechanism of complex formation between topoisomerase IIb and SP120/hnRNP U/SAF-A


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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβによる神経関連遺伝子の発現制御機構

    第32回 日本神経科学大会  2009 

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  • トポIIβによる神経関連遺伝子の発現制御におけるSP120/hnRNP U/SAF-Aの役割

    第8回 細胞核ダイナミクス研究会  2009 

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  • 核マトリックスタンパク質SP120/SAF-A/hnRNP UのDNA認識機構

    第32回 日本分子生物学会年会  2009 

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  • RNAに依存したSP120/hnRNP U/SAF-AとDNAトポイソメラーゼIIβの複合体形成

    RNAフロンティアミーティング2008  2008 

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  • 転写活性クロマチン領域へのHIV-1 DNA挿入を制御するLEDGF/p75/SBP75のクロマチン認識機構

    第31回日本分子生物学会年会・第81回日本生化学会大会 合同大会  2008 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβと核マトリックスタンパク質SP120/hnRNP U/SAF-Aの複合体形成

    第31回日本分子生物学会年会・第81回日本生化学会大会 合同大会  2008 

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  • SP120/SAF-A/hnRNP Uが結合するDNA部位とトポイソメラーゼIIβの核マトリックス指向性

    第31回日本分子生物学会年会・第81回日本生化学会大会 合同大会  2008 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβと核マトリックスタンパク質SP120のRNAに依存した複合体形成

    第30回日本分生生物学会年会第80回日本生化学会大会合同大会  2007 

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  • 神経細胞分化過程におけるDNAトポイソメラーゼIIβ作用点の網羅的解析

    第30回日本分生生物学会年会第80回日本生化学会大会合同大会  2007 

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  • クロマチン高次構造による遺伝子発現制御

    第30回日本分生生物学会年会第80回日本生化学会大会合同大会  2007 

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  • 出芽酵母の形態チェックポイントによる増殖阻害を回復する遺伝子の解析

    第30回日本分生生物学会年会第80回日本生化学会大会合同大会  2007 

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  • 神経細胞におけるDNAトポイソメラーゼIIβ複合体の解析

    染色体ワークショップ  2007 

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  • DNA topoisomerase IIbeta changes chromatin structure that is essential for transcriptional induction in the terminally differentiating neuron.

    国際生化学・分子生物学会議  2006 

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  • 哺乳類II型トポイソメラーゼアイソフォームの動態と機能分担

    染色体ワークショップ  2006 

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  • DNAトポイソメラーゼIIβとSP120/hnRNP U/SAF-Aの結合領域の解析

    分子生物学会2006フォーラム  2006 

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  • Etoposideを用いたTopoisomerase IIβの細胞内標的配列の解析

    クロマチンダイナミクスとゲノム機能制御  2006 

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  • 酸性分子シャペロンNap1によるM期制御機構の解析

    第28回日本分子生物学会年会  2005 

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  • 細胞分化に伴う転写誘導を可能にする染色体構造変換のメカニズム

    第28回日本分子生物学会年会  2005 

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  • レチノイン酸によるラット胎仔表皮の粘膜上皮への分化転換機構の解析

    分子生物学会  2004 

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  • 酸性分子シャペロンNap1の核-細胞質間輸送による細胞周期の制御

    第26回日本分子生物学会年会  2003 

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  • 表皮が粘液上皮へ分化転換する分子機構の解析

    日本レチノイド研究会14回学術集会  2003 

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Research Projects

  • 核内構造を介した神経特異的遺伝子クラスターの共制御発現機構

    Grant number:21K06122  2021.04 - 2024.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Miyaji Mary

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 、 Indirect expense:\960000 )

    DNAトポイソメラーゼ (トポ )IIβはDNAの高次構造を変換する酵素で,私たちはトポIIβが一群の神経特異的遺伝子の発現を誘導,または抑制することを明らかにした.本研究では,トポIIβとゲノム上で共局在する因子であるhnRNP-U (SP120), CTCFに着目し, トポIIβによる神経特異的遺伝子の発現制御機構を明らかにすることを目的とする.トポIIβ,SP120,CTCFは,いずれもDNAにもRNAにも結合する活性がある.SP120は,試験管内で,AT-richなDNAに選択的に結合する.しかしChIP-seq法で同定したSP120結合配列の大部分は,GC-richな配列であった.細胞核内には,RNAも存在することから,RNA存在下でSP120のDNA結合活性を調べたところ,RNA量依存的にDNA結合が阻害された.ポリリボヌクレオチドで調べた結果,poly-Gが最も抑制活性が高かった.SP120結合配列の一部には明確にCTCF結合配列が存在する領域,Satellite I,LINE-1などのRepeat配列,Quad-ruplex配列が存在することが示唆されるが,今回の結果からSP120のChIP-seqで同定されたGC-richな領域において,RNA (または一本鎖DNA)が関与する可能性が示唆された.トポIIβの遺伝子発現制御に対するこれらの領域の機能を今後明らかにする予定である.


  • Neuroepigenetic regulation of gene expression by DNA topooisomesase IIbeta

    Grant number:18K06349  2018.04 - 2021.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Miyaji Mary

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct expense: \3400000 、 Indirect expense:\1020000 )

    We established three lines in which mutations were introduced into the topo IIβ gene by genome editing. The topo IIβ homozygous mutants were found to be lethal within a week after hatching. We performed mRNA-seq analyses using heads of homozygous, heterozygous, and wild-type individuals immediately after hatching, and revealed that the expression of many neuron-specific long genes was decreased in the homozygous mutants. Similar decreases were observed in the heterozygotes, though the decrease was lower in the heterozygotes than in the homozygotes. We are trying to discover behavioral abnormalities of heterozygous mutants with a focus on social behaviors.


  • Regulation of gene expressions by juxtaposed long intergenic regions

    Grant number:26650125  2014.04 - 2016.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Miyaji Mary

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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct expense: \3100000 、 Indirect expense:\930000 )

    Vertebrate genomes contain a higher proportion of long genes compared to other organisms. Long genes are often located in AT-rich genomic environments and juxtaposed to long intergenic regions. Long genes are enriched in neuronal genes that are often mutated in psychic disorders like autism and schizophrenia. We hypothesized that the genomic environment of long genes are important for transcriptional regulation of long genes. In this study, we showed that topoisomerase IIbeta, in association with its partner protein (hnRNPU/SAF-A/SP120) is likely to be involved in the regulation of long gene expression. To test our model we utilized an immortalized neuronal cell line, RN33B, that is derived from brain stem raphe and transformed in vitro with a temperature-sensitive mutant of SV40 large T antigen. We obtained promising results indicating that this system is worthy of further analysis using genome-editing techniques.


  • Roles of type II DNA topoisomerase in the interaction of distant genomic sites

    Grant number:23310133  2011.04 - 2014.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


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    Grant amount:\20410000 ( Direct expense: \15700000 、 Indirect expense:\4710000 )

    We analyzed the characteristic gene regulation mechanism in terminally differentiating neuronal cells by identifying the genomic region targeted by DNA topoisomerase IIbeta (topo IIb) and its partner protein SP120/hnRNP U through massive sequencing on new generation sequencers. Results are summarized as follows: 1) Topo IIb regulates the transcription of groups of genes in both directions (up- and down-regulation). 2) Genes controlled by topo IIb are positioned non-randomly on the genome. 3) Analysis of the topo IIb action sites (toposites) suggested that the toposite enriched in intergenic regions (termed Ts3) has an important role in the gene expression of terminal differentiation. 4) The SP120-binding sites overlapping with Ts3 toposites appear to be the target of topo IIb-SP120 complex, which was also demonstrated by cytological methods as nuclear colocalization spots. 5) Ts3 toposites represent the topo IIb-mediated distant interaction sites involved.


  • Regulation of nuclear architecture of neuronal cells by nuclear matrix protein SP120

    Grant number:23710216  2011 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    MIYAJI Mari

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct expense: \3400000 、 Indirect expense:\1020000 )

    Several neuron-specific genes placed in the AT-rich genomic environment are regulated by DNA topoisomerase (topo) IIβ. We have identified hnRNP U/SAF-A/SP120 as a protein associated with topo IIβ in differentiating cerebellar neurons. SP120 is a multifunctional nuclear protein that directly binds to DNA and RNA. SP120 specifically and cooperatively binds AT-rich matrix attachment regions (MAR). It was the reported that the N-terminal domain termed SAF-box was required for DNA binding and the C-terminal domain called RGG-box was essential for the interaction with RNA. We showed that a C-terminal domain enriched with Arg-Gly (RG domain) encompassing the RGG-box was important for the MAR-specific binding activity.


  • MARcode : a prediction program for nuclear matrix attachment regions

    Grant number:21710197  2009 - 2010

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    MIYAJI Mari

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct expense: \3400000 、 Indirect expense:\1020000 )

    We focused on SP120, one of the nuclear matrix-associated proteins to develop MARcode, a prediction program for matrix attachment regions (MAR). It is suggested that SP120 is involved in the neuronal differentiation through its binding to DNA topoisomerase (topo) IIβ. We showed that SP120 specifically bound to AT-rich topoIIβ action sites. We performed a domain analysis for MAR-binding activity of SP120 and found that RG-domain had the activity. We showed the evidence that SP120 directly bound to AT patches (short stretches of consecutive A and T bases). We performed a genome-wide analysis to identify in vivo SP120 binding sites. We will further analyze the identified regions to develop the MARcode program.


  • ヌクレオソーム形成因子Naplの細胞機能の解析

    Grant number:16770156  2004 - 2005

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)  若手研究(B)

    山口 まり

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    Grant amount:\3700000 ( Direct expense: \3700000 )

    Nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap1)は、試験管内でヒストンとDNAからヌクレオソームを形成する反応を促進する因子として同定された。Nap1は、酵母からヒトまで高度に保存されており、真核生物にとって重要な働きをしていると考えられるが、その細胞内機能は不明な点が多い。出芽酵母Nap1は適切な細胞分裂に必要で、nap1欠失株では温度感受性を示すとともに、非常に伸びた形態を示す。細胞分裂が適切に進行するために、Nap1が核-細胞質間をシャトリングすることが必要で、特に、Nap1が核外輸送される際に、何らかの標的因子の核外輸送を介助している可能性が高い。しかし、その標的因子に関しては、未知のままだった。


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Class subject in charge

  • Primary Anatomy (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Medical Research Internship (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Neuroanatomy (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Practice in Neuroanatomy (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Practicals: Medical Neurobiology (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology I (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology I (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology II (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology II (2024academic year) special  - その他

  • Primary Anatomy (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Medical Research Internship (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Project-based Learning in Molecular Pathogenesis (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • 神経構造学 (2023academic year) 特別  - その他

  • Practice in Neuroanatomy (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Practicals: Medical Neurobiology (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology I (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology I (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology II (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology II (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Primary Anatomy (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Human Anatomy (2022academic year) Concentration  - その他

  • Medical Research Internship (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Project-based Learning in Molecular Pathogenesis (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • 神経構造学 (2022academic year) 特別  - その他

  • 神経構造学実習 (2022academic year) 特別  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology I (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology I (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology II (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology II (2022academic year) special  - その他

  • Primary Anatomy (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Human Anatomy (2021academic year) Concentration  - その他

  • Medical Research Internship (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Project-based Learning in Molecular Pathogenesis (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Neuroanatomy (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Practice in Neuroanatomy (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology I (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology I (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology II (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology II (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Primary Anatomy (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Human Anatomy (2020academic year) Concentration  - その他

  • Neuroanatomy (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Practice in Neuroanatomy (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology I (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology I (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Research Projects and Practicals: Medical Neurobiology II (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Lecture and Research Projects: Medical Neurobiology II (2020academic year) special  - その他

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Academic Activities

  • Molecular Neurobiology

    Role(s):Peer review

    2021.5.16 - 2021.9.11

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    Type:Peer review 
