Updated on 2024/11/28


School of Law Professor
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  • Master of Political Science ( 1990.3   Waseda University )

  • 政治学修士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Social law


  • Sophia University Graduate School of Law    

    1990.4 - 1993.3

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  • Waseda University   大学院政治学研究科政治学専攻   博士前期課程

    1987.4 - 1990.3

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  • Waseda University   政治経済学部   政治学科

    1982.4 - 1987.3

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Research History

  • 岡山大学副理事(法務・コンプライアンス担当)


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  • Okayama University   学術研究院法務学域(大学院法務研究科)

    2019.4 - 2023.3

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  • Okayama University   School of Law

    2015.4 - 2019.3

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  • Okayama University   学術研究院法務学域(大学院法務研究科)   Professor


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  • Okayama University   School of Law   Associate Professor

    2004.4 - 2008.3

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  • 米国カリフォルニア州立大学バークレー校   客員研究員

    1998.4 - 2000.3

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  • Okayama University   Faculty of Law   Associate Professor (as old post name)

    1995.4 - 1998.3

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  • Sophia University   Faculty of Law   Research Assistant

    1993.4 - 1995.3

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Professional Memberships

Committee Memberships

  • 環境省   カーボンフットプリントの表示等の在り方検討会委員  


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  • 厚生労働省岡山労働局   岡山地方最低賃金審議会岡山県鉄鋼業最低賃金専門部会委員  

    2024.8 - 2024.11   

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  • 厚生労働省岡山労働局   岡山地方最低賃金審議会岡山県各種商品小売業最低賃金専門部会委員  

    2024.8 - 2024.11   

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  •   円城浄水場有機フッ素化合物等の検出に関する吉備中央町事務執行適正化に係る第三者委員会委員長  

    2023.12 - 2024.3   

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  • 日本経済法学会   理事  


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  • 消費者庁   アフィリエイト広告等に関する検討会委員  

    2021.6 - 2022.3   

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  • 消費者庁   将来の販売価格を比較対照価格として用いた二重価格表示等に関する意見交換会委員  

    2020.5 - 2020.8   

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  • 公正取引委員会   独占禁止政策協力委員  


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  • 「一般消費者が事業者の表示であることを判別することが困難である表示(案)」に関する公聴会における意見陳述 Invited


    消費者庁「一般消費者が事業者の表示であることを判別することが困難である表示(案)」に関する公聴会  2023.2.17 

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  • 報告「地域の自治体、産業界、法曹界との連携」


    文部科学省中央教育審議会大学分科会法科大学院等特別委員会(第108回)  2022.10.7 

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  • 消費者庁景品表示法検討会ヒアリングにおける意見陳述


    消費者庁 景品表示法検討会  2022.10.5 

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Research Projects

  • Competition Policy for Building a Sustainable healthcare Delivery system in a society with a declining population

    Grant number:20K01330  2020.04 - 2023.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    佐藤 吾郎

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    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct expense: \3000000 、 Indirect expense:\900000 )

    本年度は、前年度の本研究の基礎を整備するための文献調査、ヒアリング調査を基礎に、わが国医療提供体制の現状と課題を競争政策の視点から把握したうえで、わが国法制度及び運用について、課題解決のための政策提言をまとめ、研究成果を公表した。第一に、邦文による研究成果である。本研究申請時点では、新型コロナウイルス対応が問題となっていなかったため、当初の計画においては、新型コロナウイルス対応を想定していなかったが、本研究テーマに関してわが国が直面する課題として、本研究においても、新型コロナウイルス対応に関する文献およびヒアリング調査を行った。以上の調査及び研究をふまえた研究として、新型コロナウイルス対応を契機として明確になった課題を含め、本研究テーマについての政策提言を行った研究成果(「持続可能な医療提供体制の構築と競争政策―新型コロナウイルス感染症対応を契機としてー」(2002年1月))を公表した。第二の研究成果は、新型コロナウイルス対応がもたらす課題を含みつつ、人口減少社会における競争政策の視点から、競争と連携に焦点をあてて、政策提言を行った論文("Competition and Cooperation: Building a Sustainable Healthcare Delivery System in a Society with a Declining Population")(2022)である。


  • Subject of Study : Control of market power in highly oligopolistic industry-Mainly Information and Telecommunication industry

    Grant number:19203004  2007 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    FUNADA Masayuki, SHOUDA Akira, ISHIOKA Katsutoshi, IWAMOTO Satoshi, EGUCHI Kiminori, OKADA Toshihiro, KANAI Takatsugu, KOJYOU Makoto, SATOU Gorou, SHIBATA Junko, TAKAHASHI Iwakazu, TSUCHIDA Kazuhiro, TOUJYOU Yoshizumi, TORIYAMA Kyouichi, MORIDAIRA Akihiko, YAMABE Toshifumi, WATANABE Arisa, KOUTANI Kiyofumi, HAYASHI Syuuya, OOTSUKI Fumitoshi, WATANABE Akinari, TADA Hideaki

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    Grant amount:\28470000 ( Direct expense: \21900000 、 Indirect expense:\6570000 )

    The purposes of this research were to study the status quo of the market which is dominated by a few powerful industries and also to study how the legal control by Business Act and Antitrust Act should be applied.
    The conclusions of this research were as follows.
    (1) Individual Business Act and Antitrust Act can be applied to the same enterprise.
    (2) If action control is not enough, then structural control should be introduced.
    (3) Control against the abuse of the market power should be legalized.


  • On the study of the competition policy issue in the field of local medical services

    Grant number:17530046  2005 - 2007

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SATO Goro

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    Grant amount:\3140000 ( Direct expense: \2900000 、 Indirect expense:\240000 )

    The objective of this study is to make some concrete policy proposal on the legal regulation of medical services in the local area especially in the perspective of competition policy issue with the rapid progress of IT in the medical services. This project starts from the research of the current legal regulations in the field of the medical services. Under the fifth revision of the Medical Service Act in 2006, public announcement system of the information of medical practices has established and conducted the review of the regulation of the advertisement of medical professions including doctors and dentist. As the achievement of this research, I published two thesis on the above institutional changes made by the revision of the Medical Service Act from perspective of preserving the quality of the information of the medical services by correcting the asymmetry of information existing between the medical professions and patients. These articles are of great significance in the sense that they are the first legal analysis of the revised Medical Service Act from the competition policy perspective. In the process of this project, I have made interviews with doctors, the leaders of some patient groups, professors in the field of competition law, micro economics, and the Medical Service Act. I also have made some comparative legal study of the competition policy in the U. S and the United Kingdom. This project was going to research on the competition issue of securing the interoperability of digital patient filing system which was going to promote inthe field of local medical services, but due to the slow pace of adapting of the digital patient filing system, the theme has not been studied sufficiently. This theme is to be discussed continuously as a future academic issue.


  • The legal regulation on professional advertisement in Japan

    Grant number:13620066  2001 - 2003

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SATO Goro

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    Grant amount:\2900000 ( Direct expense: \2900000 )

    The objective of this study is to make an concrete policy on the legal regulation of professions advertisement in Japan, mainly on the field of lawyer's advertisement. I have adopted, comparative, and economic approach in the process.
    As study of current practice of lawyer's advertisement, I made some interview with lawyers and the leaders of consumer organization on the issue of the current restriction.
    Some interviews and some related literature have shown that after liberalization of advertisement rule, quantity of advertisement has not increased so much and that users have complained insufficient information on special field of lawyers.
    As comparative, legal study, I made research on the case law in the U.S. in the field of professional advertisement including the elaborate analysis of the recent leading supreme court case ("California Dental Association case"). On the other hand, the reform in the regulations on the professions is under way in the E.U. I made comprehensive study on the regulation reform in general in the E.U. I also made research on the theoretical ground of the reform, and the current content of regulation in England, Germany, and Italy.
    In addition, in my economic study, I have found that empirical evidence in the U.S. literature, has shown that while certain restrictions on professional advertisement tend to raise prices, the restrictions studied did not generally increase the quality of available goods and services.
    As achievement of this study, I am going to publish some thesis on the current case law in the U.S., the current regulation reform in E.U. and the desirable legal regulation on professional advertisement in Japan (some are in print).


  • Synthetic Research for Establishment of Regional Legal-Network

    Grant number:12420002  2000 - 2003

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    NAKAMURA Makoto, MATSUMURA Kazunori, HATTORI Takahiro, MORIYA Akira, SATO Goro, YAMADA Aya

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    Grant amount:\16000000 ( Direct expense: \16000000 )

    We found that the network of legal service providers (including legal professions and others, such as administrative agencies) developed in regions/communities had three features : partiality, informality, and voluntariness. We also found that, in order to deliver higher quality of legal services to the users in regions/communities, each legal profession needed to establish a more comprehensive network of legal services. Under this premise, we tried to design such a comprehensive network model, which aids both legal service providers and users to associate with each other in developing quality of and accessibility to legal services. It required us, at the same time, to re-construct the legal service model itself.
    In our model, legal professions would collaborate with each other more closely on promotion of understanding of each other and on exchanging information between the professions. It would provide the legal professions with the possibility that they response more efficiently to the citizens and businesses within the region, who need comprehensive legal services. It would be accomplished not offered by one kind of profession (such as a legal advice offered by an attorney), but based on multi-disciplinary legal services (such as a cumulated advice by an attorney and a tax lawyer). In this context, it is necessary for the network of legal professions not only to respond the expectations that citizens and businesses apparently raise, but also to dig out their underlying needs and to secure them for their own benefits.
    The academic is included within our model. It is to play a unique role to give the legal service providers long-term solutions and advices on the delivery system of legal services, based on the analysis of kinds of information and data offered by the legal professions, the administrative agencies, and the NGOs.


  • Study on regulation of transaction in corporate groups in Japan

    Grant number:09720037  1997 - 1998

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A)  Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A)

    佐藤 吾郎

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    Grant amount:\1900000 ( Direct expense: \1900000 )



  • A Study on regulation of reciprocal dealing in secondary market in Japan

    Grant number:08720042  1996

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A)  Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A)

    佐藤 吾郎

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    Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct expense: \1000000 )



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Class subject in charge

  • The Theory of Human Care in Community (2024academic year) Late  - 不開講

  • Workshop for Law and Practice on In-house Legal Affairs (2024academic year) Late  - 木2

  • Seminar 2 (2024academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 木3~4

  • Introduction to Bioethics (2024academic year) Fourth semester  - 金5~6

  • Economic Law (2024academic year) Prophase  - 木4

  • Case Study on Economic Law (2024academic year) Late  - 木5

  • Economic Law(Antitrust Law)I (2024academic year) Prophase  - 木4

  • Economic Law (Antitrust Law)II (2024academic year) Late  - 木4

  • Economic Law ab (2024academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金3~4

  • Seminar on Legal Writing (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 水3

  • The Theory of Human Care in Community (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Workshop for Law and Practice on In-house Legal Affairs (2023academic year) Late  - 水1

  • Seminar 2 (2023academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 木3~4

  • Introduction to Bioethics (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 金5~6

  • Economic Law (2023academic year) Prophase  - 木4

  • Case Study on Economic Law (2023academic year) Late  - 木5

  • Economic Law(Antitrust Law)I (2023academic year) Prophase  - 木4

  • Economic Law (Antitrust Law)II (2023academic year) Late  - 木4

  • Economic Law ab (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金3~4

  • Economic Law c (2023academic year) Third semester  - 金3~4

  • Legal Affairs on Health Care Management (2022academic year) Late  - 火3~4

  • The Theory of Human Care in Community (2022academic year) Late  - その他

  • Workshop for Law and Practice on In-house Legal Affairs (2022academic year) Late  - 金4

  • Seminar 2 (2022academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 木3~4

  • Introduction to Bioethics (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 金5~6

  • Case Study on Economic Law (2022academic year) Late  - 木5

  • Economic Law(Antitrust Law)I (2022academic year) Prophase  - 木4

  • Economic Law (Antitrust Law)II (2022academic year) Late  - 木4

  • Economic Law ab (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金3~4

  • The Theory of Human Care in Community (2021academic year) Late  - その他

  • Workshop for Law and Practice on In-house Legal Affairs (2021academic year) Late  - 火1

  • Seminar 2 (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 木3~4

  • Seminar 2 (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 木3~4

  • Seminar 2 (2021academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 木3~4

  • 経済法 (2021academic year) 前期  - 木4

  • Case Study on Economic Law (2021academic year) Late  - 木5

  • Economic Law(Antitrust Law)I (2021academic year) Prophase  - 木4

  • Economic Law (Antitrust Law)II (2021academic year) Late  - 木4

  • Economic Law ab (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 木1~2

  • Economic Law c (2021academic year) Third semester  - 木1~2

  • Legal Affairs on Health Care Management (2020academic year) Late  - 火3,火4

  • The Theory of Human Care in Community (2020academic year) Late  - その他

  • Workshop for Law and Practice on In-house Legal Affairs (2020academic year) Late  - 金4

  • Seminar 1 (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月2

  • Seminar 2 (2020academic year) 1st-4th semester  - 木3,木4

  • Case Study on Economic Law (2020academic year) Late  - 木5

  • Economic Law(Antitrust Law)I (2020academic year) Prophase  - 木4

  • Economic Law (Antitrust Law)II (2020academic year) Late  - 木4

  • Economic Law a (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木1,木2

  • Economic Law b (2020academic year) Second semester  - 木1,木2

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