Updated on 2025/03/06


Ansai Satoshi
Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology Professor
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  • 博士 (農学) ( 2016.3   京都大学 )

Research Interests

  • Teleost fishes

  • Genomics

  • Sexual dimorphism

  • Mate preference

  • Speciation

  • Genome editing

  • Sex chromosome

  • Medaka

  • Aquaculture breeding

  • Chromosome evolution

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Genetics

  • Life Science / Genome biology

  • Life Science / Animal physiological chemistry, physiology and behavioral biology

  • Life Science / Aquatic life science

  • Life Science / Evolutionary biology


  • Kyoto University   大学院農学研究科   応用生物科学専攻

    2013.4 - 2016.3

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    Country: Japan

    Notes: 博士後期課程


  • Kyoto University   大学院農学研究科   応用生物科学専攻

    2011.4 - 2013.3

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    Country: Japan

    Notes: 修士課程


  • Kyoto University   農学部   資源生物科学科

    2007.4 - 2011.3

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • Okayama University   Ushimado Marine Institute   Professor


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  • Kyoto University   Laboratory of Genome Editing Breeding, Graduate School of Agriculture   Program-specific Associate Professor

    2023.1 - 2024.3

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  • Tohoku University   Department of Integrative Life Sciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences   Assistant Professor

    2019.11 - 2022.12

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  • National Institute for Basic Biology   Laboratory of Bioresources   Assistant Professor

    2017.11 - 2019.10

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  • JSPS Research Fellow (PD)

    2016.4 - 2017.10

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  • National Institute of Genetics   Division of Ecological Genetics, Department of Population Genetics

    2016.4 - 2017.10

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  • JSPS Research Fellow (DC1)

    2013.4 - 2016.3

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Professional Memberships



  • Rapid body colouration changes in Oryzias celebensis as a social signal influenced by environmental background. Reviewed International journal

    Ryutaro Ueda, Satoshi Ansai, Hideaki Takeuchi

    Biology letters   20 ( 7 )   20240159 - 20240159   2024.7

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Rapid body colouration changes in some animals, such as chameleons and octopuses, serve dual functions: camouflage and intraspecific communication. It has been hypothesized that these colouration changes originally evolved to provide camouflage and subsequently were co-opted as social signals; however, experimental model systems that are suitable for studying such evolutionary processes are limited. Here, we investigated the relationship between rapid colouration changes of the blackened markings and aggressive behaviours in male Oryzias celebensis, an Indonesian medaka fish, under triadic relationships (two males and one female) or three males conditions with two different environmental backgrounds. In an algae-covered tank, mimicking the common laboratory rearing conditions, males with blackened markings exhibited more frequent attacks towards different conspecific individuals compared with non-blackened males and females. The blackened males were seldom attacked by non-blackened males and females. By contrast, neither aggressive behaviours nor black colouration changes were observed in the transparent background condition with a brighter environment. These indicated that the blackened markings in O. celebensis serve as a social signal depending on the environmental backgrounds. Considering that such colouration changes for camouflage are widely conserved among teleost fishes, the traits are likely to be co-opted for displaying social signals in O. celebensis.

    DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2024.0159



  • Repositioning of centromere-associated repeats during karyotype evolution in Oryzias fishes. Reviewed International journal

    Satoshi Ansai, Atsushi Toyoda, Kohta Yoshida, Jun Kitano

    Molecular Ecology   2023.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The karyotype, which is the number and shape of chromosomes, is a fundamental characteristic of all eukaryotes. Karyotypic changes play an important role in many aspects of evolutionary processes, including speciation. In organisms with monocentric chromosomes, it was previously thought that chromosome number changes were mainly caused by centric fusions and fissions, whereas chromosome shape changes, that is, changes in arm numbers, were mainly due to pericentric inversions. However, recent genomic and cytogenetic studies have revealed examples of alternative cases, such as tandem fusions and centromere repositioning, found in the karyotypic changes within and between species. Here, we employed comparative genomic approaches to investigate whether centromere repositioning occurred during karyotype evolution in medaka fishes. In the medaka family (Adrianichthyidae), the three phylogenetic groups differed substantially in their karyotypes. The Oryzias latipes species group has larger numbers of chromosome arms than the other groups, with most chromosomes being metacentric. The O. javanicus species group has similar numbers of chromosomes to the O. latipes species group, but smaller arm numbers, with most chromosomes being acrocentric. The O. celebensis species group has fewer chromosomes than the other two groups and several large metacentric chromosomes that were likely formed by chromosomal fusions. By comparing the genome assemblies of O. latipes, O. javanicus, and O. celebensis, we found that repositioning of centromere-associated repeats might be more common than simple pericentric inversion. Our results demonstrated that centromere repositioning may play a more important role in karyotype evolution than previously appreciated.

    DOI: 10.1111/mec.17222



  • Evolutionary differentiation of androgen receptor is responsible for sexual characteristic development in a teleost fish Reviewed

    Yukiko Ogino, Satoshi Ansai, Eiji Watanabe, Masaki Yasugi, Yukitoshi Katayama, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Keigo Okamoto, Kataaki Okubo, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Ikuyo Hara, Touko Yamazaki, Ai Kato, Yasuhiro Kamei, Kiyoshi Naruse, Kohei Ohta, Hajime Ogino, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Shinichi Miyagawa, Tomomi Sato, Gen Yamada, Michael E. Baker, Taisen Iguchi

    Nature Communications   14 ( 1 )   1428 - 1428   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  


    Teleost fishes exhibit complex sexual characteristics in response to androgens, such as fin enlargement and courtship display. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying their evolutionary acquisition remain largely unknown. To address this question, we analyse medaka (Oryzias latipes) mutants deficient in teleost-specific androgen receptor ohnologs (ara and arb). We discovered that neither ar ohnolog was required for spermatogenesis, whilst they appear to be functionally redundant for the courtship display in males. However, both were required for reproductive success: ara for tooth enlargement and the reproductive behaviour eliciting female receptivity, arb for male-specific fin morphogenesis and sexual motivation. We further showed that differences between the two ar ohnologs in their transcription, cellular localisation of their encoded proteins, and their downstream genetic programmes could be responsible for the phenotypic diversity between the ara and arb mutants. These findings suggest that the ar ohnologs have diverged in two ways: first, through the loss of their roles in spermatogenesis and second, through gene duplication followed by functional differentiation that has likely resolved the pleiotropic roles derived from their ancestral gene. Thus, our results provide insights into how genome duplication impacts the massive diversification of sexual characteristics in the teleost lineage.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37026-6



    Other Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37026-6

  • Diversity of sex chromosomes in Sulawesian medaka fishes. Reviewed International journal

    Satoshi Ansai, Javier Montenegro, Kawilarang W A Masengi, Atsushi J Nagano, Kazunori Yamahira, Jun Kitano

    Journal of Evolutionary Biology   35 ( 12 )   1751 - 1764   2022.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Recent genetic and genomic studies have revealed tremendous diversity in sex chromosomes across diverse taxa. Closely related species with different sex chromosomes provide us excellent opportunities to investigate the driving forces and the consequences of sex chromosome turnover. In the present study, we investigated the diversity of sex chromosomes of 13 Oryzias species from Sulawesi, Indonesia, which diversified during the last 4.86 million years. Using pooled sequencing, we found sex chromosomes in nine species that all had XY systems, with a species being possibly modified by multiple loci. Seven species (O. woworae, O. asinua, O. wolasi, O. matanensis, O. celebensis, O. hadiatyae, and O. dopingdopingensis) share linkage group (LG) 24 as sex chromosomes; however, they differed in the length and magnitude of sequence divergence between the X and Y chromosomes. The sex chromosome of O. eversi was LG4, which has not been reported as a sex chromosome in any other medaka species. In O. sarasinorum, LG16 and LG22 are associated with sex. Although LG16 was found to be sex-linked in another medaka species previously examined, the sex-determining regions did not overlap. No significant signatures for sex chromosomes were identified in the other four species (O. marmoratus, O. nigrimas, O. nebulosus, and O. orthognathus). Frequent turnovers and the great diversity of the sex chromosomes will make Sulawesian medaka species a model system for investigating the driving forces and consequences of sex chromosome turnover.

    DOI: 10.1111/jeb.14076



  • Genome editing reveals fitness effects of a gene for sexual dichromatism in Sulawesian fishes. Reviewed International journal

    Satoshi Ansai, Koji Mochida, Shingo Fujimoto, Daniel F Mokodongan, Bayu Kreshna Adhitya Sumarto, Kawilarang W A Masengi, Renny K Hadiaty, Atsushi J Nagano, Atsushi Toyoda, Kiyoshi Naruse, Kazunori Yamahira, Jun Kitano

    Nature Communications   12 ( 1 )   1350 - 1350   2021.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Sexual selection drives rapid phenotypic diversification of mating traits. However, we know little about the causative genes underlying divergence in sexually selected traits. Here, we investigate the genetic basis of male mating trait diversification in the medaka fishes (genus Oryzias) from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Using linkage mapping, transcriptome analysis, and genome editing, we identify csf1 as a causative gene for red pectoral fins that are unique to male Oryzias woworae. A cis-regulatory mutation enables androgen-induced expression of csf1 in male fins. csf1-knockout males have reduced red coloration and require longer for mating, suggesting that coloration can contribute to male reproductive success. Contrary to expectations, non-red males are more attractive to a predatory fish than are red males. Our results demonstrate that integrating genomics with genome editing enables us to identify causative genes underlying sexually selected traits and provides a new avenue for testing theories of sexual selection.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21697-0



  • Targeted mutagenesis using CRISPR/Cas system in medaka Reviewed

    Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita

    Biology Open   3 ( 5 )   362 - 371   2014.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD  

    Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas) system-based RNA-guided endonuclease (RGEN) has recently emerged as a simple and efficient tool for targeted genome editing. In this study, we showed successful targeted mutagenesis using RGENs in medaka, Oryzias latipes. Somatic and heritable mutations were induced with high efficiency at the targeted genomic sequence on the DJ-1 gene in embryos that had been injected with the single guide RNA (sgRNA) transcribed by a T7 promoter and capped RNA encoding a Cas9 nuclease. The sgRNAs that were designed for the target genomic sequences without the 5' end of GG required by the T7 promoter induced the targeted mutations. This suggests that the RGEN can target any sequence adjacent to an NGG protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) sequence, which occurs once every 8 bp. The off-target alterations at 2 genomic loci harboring double mismatches in the 18-bp targeting sequences were induced in the RGEN-injected embryos. However, we also found that the off-target effects could be reduced by lower dosages of sgRNA. Taken together, our results suggest that CRISPR/Cas-mediated RGENs may be an efficient and flexible tool for genome editing in medaka.

    DOI: 10.1242/bio.20148177

    Web of Science


  • Efficient targeted mutagenesis in medaka using custom-designed transcription activator-like effector nucleases Reviewed

    Satoshi Ansai, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Hiroyoshi Ariga, Norihito Uemura, Ryosuke Takahashi, Masato Kinoshita

    Genetics   193 ( 3 )   739 - 749   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Genetics Society of America  

    Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) have become powerful tools for targeted genome editing. Here we demonstrate efficient targeted mutagenesis in medaka (Oryzias latipes), which serves as an excellent vertebrate model for genetics and genomics. We designed and constructed a pair of TALENs targeting the medaka DJ-1 gene, a homolog of human DJ-1 (PARK7). These TALENs induced a number of insertions and deletions in the injected embryos with extremely high efficiency. This induction of mutations occurred in a dose-dependent manner. All screened G0 fish injected with the TALENs transmitted the TALEN-induced mutations to the next generation with high efficiency (44-100%). We also confirmed that these TALENs induced site-specific mutations because none of the mutations were found at potential off-target sites. In addition, the DJ-1 protein was lost in DJ-1Δ7/Δ7 fish that carried a TALEN-induced frameshift mutation in both alleles. We also investigated the effect of the N- and C-terminal regions of the transcription activator-like (TAL) effector domain on the gene-disrupting activity of DJ1-TALENs and found that 287 amino acids at the N terminus and 63 amino acids at the C terminus of the TAL domain exhibited the highest disrupting activity in the injected embryos. Our results suggest that TALENs enable us to rapidly and efficiently establish knockout medaka strains. This is the first report of targeted mutagenesis in medaka using TALENs. The TALEN technology will expand the potential of medaka as a model system for genetics and genomics. © 2013 by the Genetics Society of America.

    DOI: 10.1534/genetics.112.147645




  • Actinotrichia-independent developmental mechanisms of spiny rays facilitate the morphological diversification of Acanthomorpha fish fins

    Kazuhide Miyamoto, Junpei Kuroda, Satomi Kamimura, Yasuyuki Sasano, Gembu Abe, Satoshi Ansai, Noriko Funayama, Masahiro Uesaka, Koji Tamura


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    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory  

    Skeletal forms in vertebrates have been regarded as good models of morphological diversification. Fish fin forms are greatly diversified, and their bone structure is classified into soft rays and spiny rays. In fish evolution, spiny-ray morphologies are known to be sometimes extremely modified; however, it remains unknown how the developmental mechanisms of spiny-rays have contributed to their morphological diversification. By using the rainbowfishMelanotaenia praecoxfor examination of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell dynamics of spiny-ray development, we demonstrate that spiny-ray developments are independent of the actinotrichia (needle-shaped collagen polymers at the tip of fish fins), which are known as an important ECM in soft-ray morphogenesis. Furthermore, we found that in the thorny spiny-ray of the filefishStephanolepis cirrhifer, the lateral protrusions equip the BMP positive osteoblast condensation, as in the state of the spiny-ray tips inM. praecoxandS. cirrhifer. Taken together, our findings reveal that osteoblast distribution and signaling-molecule intensity would contribute to spiny-ray modification. In comparison to soft rays development, the independence from actinotrichia in spiny-rays would facilitate growth direction change, leading to their morphological diversification. This indicates that the cell distribution and ECM usage would be major factors driving the morphological diversification in animals.

    DOI: 10.1101/2025.03.01.640274


  • Evolution of Size‐Fecundity Relationship in Medaka Fish From Different Latitudes Reviewed

    Shingo Fujimoto, Bayu K. A. Sumarto, Iki Murase, Daniel F. Mokodongan, Taijun Myosho, Mitsuharu Yagi, Satoshi Ansai, Jun Kitano, Satoshi Takeda, Kazunori Yamahira

    Molecular Ecology   2024.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


    In most fishes, the number of offspring increases with maternal body size. Although this size‐fecundity relationship often varies among species as a result of the coevolution of life‐history traits, the genetic basis of such size‐fecundity relationships remains unclear. We explored the genetic basis underlying this size‐fecundity relationship in two small medaka species, Oryzias latipes and O. sakaizumii. Our findings showed that O. sakaizumii has a higher fecundity than O. latipes, and quantitative trait locus analysis using interspecific F2 hybrids showed that chromosome 23 is linked to the size‐fecundity relationship. In particular, the genes igf1 and lep‐b in this region are known to be associated with life‐history traits, including somatic growth, gonad maturation, and progeny numbers in various taxa. Because O. sakaizumii is distributed at higher latitudes and has a shorter spawning season than O. latipes in the wild, we propose that the relatively high fecundity observed in O. sakaizumii is an adaptation to high latitudes. We also discuss the potential ecological ramifications associated with the evolution of increased fecundity in this species.

    DOI: 10.1111/mec.17578


  • Structural diversity and function of the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in medaka fish Reviewed

    Ayame Ogawa, Shungo Konno, Satoshi Ansai, Kiyoshi Naruse, Takashi Kato

    Experimental Hematology   104672 - 104672   2024.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.exphem.2024.104672


  • Fin elaboration via anterior-posterior constraint by hhip on Hedgehog signaling in teleosts Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Tanaka, Shun Okayama, Kohei Urakawa, Hidehiro Kudoh, Satoshi Ansai, Gembu Abe, Koji Tamura

    Development   151 ( 22 )   dev202526 - dev202526   2024.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Company of Biologists  

    Pectoral fins, the anterior paired fins in fish, have enhanced maneuvering abilities due to morphological changes. Teleosts have fewer radial bones in their pectoral fins than basal species, resulting in more elaborate fins. The mechanism behind this radial constraint change in teleosts is unclear. Here, we found that mutations in hhip, an antagonist of Hedgehog signaling, lead to an increase in radial bones in a localized region. The shh genes, ligands of Hedgehog signaling, were expressed coinciding with notable hhip expression specifically during early development. We suggest that a negative feedback effect of Hedgehog signaling by hhip regulates the constraint of the pectoral fin in zebrafish. Additionally, the expression reanalysis of Hhip-related genes implied that the notable hhip expression during early development was a characteristic of zebrafish, not observed in basal species. Region-specific expression of Hox13 genes indicated that hhip−/- zebrafish expanded the median region of the pectoral fin, analogous to the region with abundant radials in basal species. The data underscore potential morphological evolution through constrained diversity.

    DOI: 10.1242/dev.202526



  • The Medaka Approach to Evolutionary Social Neuroscience Invited Reviewed

    Satoshi ANSAI, Towako HIRAKI-KAJIYAMA, Ryutaro UEDA, Takahide SEKI, Saori YOKOI, Takafumi KATSUMURA, Hideaki TAKEUCHI

    Neuroscience Research   2024.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2024.10.005


  • Unilateral Chasing and Courtship-Like Display as Dominance Signals for Hierarchy Maintenance in Male Medaka Fish

    Yuji Mitsutsuji, Mayuko Suzuki, Ryo Umeda, Satoshi Ansai, Fumitaka Ueoka, Zou Jingyi, Anna Yamaguchi, Towako Hiraki-Kajiyama, Tetsuro Takeuchi, Maho Ogoshi, Takafumi Katsumura, Saori Yokoi, Hideaki Takeuchi

    Research Square   2024.9

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    DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4837620/v1


  • Rediscovery of Oryzias hubbsi with notes on its reproductive isolation with O. javanicus Reviewed

    Daniel F. Mokodongan, Ilham V. Utama, Atsushi J. Nagano, Sau Pinn Woo, Shau Hwai Tan, Satoshi Ansai, Yusuke Takehana, Kazunori Yamahira

    Ichthyological Research   2024.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10228-024-00976-y


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10228-024-00976-y/fulltext.html

  • The dwarf neon rainbowfish Melanotaenia praecox, a small spiny-rayed fish with potential as a new Acanthomorpha model fish: II. Establishment of a microinjection procedure for genetic engineering. Reviewed International journal

    Kazuhide Miyamoto, Gembu Abe, Koichi Kawakami, Koji Tamura, Satoshi Ansai

    Developmental Dynamics   2024.2

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Rainbowfish is a clade of colorful freshwater fish. Melanotaenia praecox is a small rainbowfish species with biological characteristics that make it potentially useful as an experimental model species. We anticipate that M. praecox could become a new model used in various fields, such as ecology, evolution, and developmental biology. However, few previous studies have described experimental set-ups needed to understand the molecular and genetic mechanisms within this species. RESULTS: We describe detailed procedures for genetic engineering in the rainbowfish M. praecox. By using these procedures, we successfully demonstrated CRISPR/Cas-mediated knockout and Tol2 transposon-mediated transgenesis in this species. Regarding the CRISPR/Cas system, we disrupted the tyrosinase gene and then showed that injected embryos lacked pigmentation over much of their body. We also demonstrated that a Tol2 construct, including a GFP gene driven by a ubiquitous promoter, was efficiently integrated into the genome of M. praecox embryos. CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of procedures for genetic engineering in M. praecox enables investigation of the genetic mechanisms behind a broad range of biological phenomena in this species. Thus, we suggest that M. praecox can be used as a new model species in various experimental biology fields.

    DOI: 10.1002/dvdy.698



  • Ran-GTP assembles a specialized spindle structure for accurate chromosome segregation in medaka early embryos. Reviewed International journal

    Ai Kiyomitsu, Toshiya Nishimura, Shiang Jyi Hwang, Satoshi Ansai, Masato T Kanemaki, Minoru Tanaka, Tomomi Kiyomitsu

    Nature Communications   15 ( 1 )   981 - 981   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Despite drastic cellular changes during cleavage, a mitotic spindle assembles in each blastomere to accurately segregate duplicated chromosomes. Mechanisms of mitotic spindle assembly have been extensively studied using small somatic cells. However, mechanisms of spindle assembly in large vertebrate embryos remain little understood. Here, we establish functional assay systems in medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryos by combining CRISPR knock-in with auxin-inducible degron technology. Live imaging reveals several unexpected features of microtubule organization and centrosome positioning that achieve rapid, accurate cleavage. Importantly, Ran-GTP assembles a dense microtubule network at the metaphase spindle center that is essential for chromosome segregation in early embryos. This unique spindle structure is remodeled into a typical short, somatic-like spindle after blastula stages, when Ran-GTP becomes dispensable for chromosome segregation. We propose that despite the presence of centrosomes, the chromosome-derived Ran-GTP pathway has essential roles in functional spindle assembly in large, rapidly dividing vertebrate early embryos, similar to acentrosomal spindle assembly in oocytes.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45251-w



  • Gene Duplication of Androgen Receptor As An Evolutionary Driving Force Underlying the Diversity of Sexual Characteristics in Teleost Fishes. Invited Reviewed

    Tsukasa Ryu, Keigo Okamoto, Satoshi Ansai, Miki Nakao, Anu Kumar, Taisen Iguchi, Yukiko Ogino

    Zoological Science   41 ( 1 )   68 - 76   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Sexual dimorphism allows species to meet their fitness optima based on the physiological availability of each sex. Although intralocus sexual conflict appears to be a genetic constraint for the evolution of sex-specific traits, sex-linked genes and the regulation of sex steroid hormones contribute to resolving this conflict by allowing sex-specific developments. Androgens and their receptor, androgen receptor (Ar), regulate male-biased phenotypes. In teleost fish, ar ohnologs have emerged as a result of teleost-specific whole genome duplication (TSGD). Recent studies have highlighted the evolutionary differentiation of ar ohnologs responsible for the development of sexual characteristics, which sheds light on the need for comparative studies on androgen regulation among different species. In this review, we discuss the importance of ar signaling as a regulator of male-specific traits in teleost species because teleost species are suitable experimental models for comparative studies owing to their great diversity in male-biased morphological and physiological traits. To date, both in vivo and in vitro studies on teleost ar ohnologs have shown a substantial influence of ars as a regulator of male-specific reproductive traits such as fin elongation, courtship behavior, and nuptial coloration. In addition to these sexual characteristics, ar substantially influences immunity, inducing a sex-biased immune response. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of teleost ar studies and emphasizes the potential of teleost fishes, given their availability, to find molecular evidence about what gives rise to the spectacular diversity among fish species.

    DOI: 10.2108/zs230098



  • Rapid body colouration change inOryzias celebensisas a social signal for intraspecific competition

    Ryutaro Ueda, Satoshi Ansai, Hideaki Takeuchi


  • Behavioral photosensitivity of multi-color-blind medaka: enhanced response under ultraviolet light in the absence of short-wavelength-sensitive opsins. Reviewed International journal

    Kiyono Mizoguchi, Mayu Sato, Rina Saito, Mayu Koshikuni, Mana Sakakibara, Ran Manabe, Yumi Harada, Tamaki Uchikawa, Satoshi Ansai, Yasuhiro Kamei, Kiyoshi Naruse, Shoji Fukamachi

    BMC Neuroscience   24 ( 1 )   67 - 67   2023.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The behavioral photosensitivity of animals could be quantified via the optomotor response (OMR), for example, and the luminous efficiency function (the range of visible light) should largely rely on the repertoire and expression of light-absorbing proteins in the retina, i.e., the opsins. In fact, the OMR under red light was suppressed in medaka lacking the red (long-wavelength sensitive [LWS]) opsin. RESULTS: We investigated the ultraviolet (UV)- or blue-light sensitivity of medaka lacking the violet (short-wavelength sensitive 1 [SWS1]) and blue (SWS2) opsins. The sws1/sws2 double or sws1/sws2/lws triple mutants were as viable as the wild type. The remaining green (rhodopsin 2 [RH2]) or red opsins were not upregulated. Interestingly, the OMR of the double or triple mutants was equivalent or even increased under UV or blue light (λ = 350, 365, or 450 nm), which demonstrated that the rotating stripes (i.e., changes in luminance) could fully be recognized under UV light using RH2 alone. The OMR test using dichromatic stripes projected onto an RGB display consistently showed that the presence or absence of SWS1 and SWS2 did not affect the equiluminant conditions. CONCLUSIONS: RH2 and LWS, but not SWS1 and SWS2, should predominantly contribute to the postreceptoral processes leading to the OMR or, possibly, to luminance detection in general, as the medium-wavelength-sensitive and LWS cones, but not the SWS cones, are responsible for luminance detection in humans.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12868-023-00835-y



  • Diversity and Convergence of Sex Determination Mechanisms in Teleost Fish. Invited Reviewed International journal

    Jun Kitano, Satoshi Ansai, Yusuke Takehana, Yoji Yamamoto

    Annual Review of Animal Biosciences   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Sexual reproduction is prevalent across diverse taxa. However, sex-determination mechanisms are so diverse that even closely related species often differ in sex-determination systems. Teleost fish is a taxonomic group with frequent turnovers of sex-determining mechanisms and thus provides us with great opportunities to investigate the molecular and evolutionary mechanisms underlying the turnover of sex-determining systems. Here, we compile recent studies on the diversity of sex-determination mechanisms in fish. We demonstrate that genes in the TGF-β signaling pathway are frequently used for master sex-determining (MSD) genes. MSD genes arise via two main mechanisms, duplication-and-transposition and allelic mutations, with a few exceptions. We also demonstrate that temperature influences sex determination in many fish species, even those with sex chromosomes, with higher temperatures inducing differentiation into males in most cases. Finally, we review theoretical models for the turnover of sex-determining mechanisms and discuss what questions remain elusive. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, Volume 12 is February 2024. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates.

    DOI: 10.1146/annurev-animal-021122-113935



  • Wnt4a Is Indispensable for Genital Duct Elongation but Not for Gonadal Sex Differentiation in the Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Reviewed

    Akira Kanamori, Ryota Kitani, Atsuko Oota, Koudai Hirano, Taijun Myosho, Tohru Kobayashi, Kouichi Kawamura, Naoyuki Kato, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita

    Zoological Science   40 ( 5 )   348 - 359   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In most vertebrates, the oviducts and sperm ducts are derived from the Müllerian ducts and Wolffian ducts, respectively. However, in teleosts, the genital ducts are formed by the posterior extension of gonads in both sexes. Whether the genital ducts of teleosts are newly evolved organs or variants of Müllerian ducts is an important question for understanding evolutionary mechanisms of morphogenesis. One of the genes essential for Müllerian duct formation in mice is Wnt4, which is expressed in the mesenchyme and induces invagination of the coelomic epithelium and its posterior elongation. Here, we addressed the above question by examining genital duct development in mutants of two Wnt4 genes in the medaka (wnt4a is orthologous to mouse Wnt4, and wnt4b is paralogous). The wnt4b mutants had a short body but were fertile with normal genital ducts. In contrast, both male and female wnt4a mutants had their posterior elongation of the gonads stopped within or just outside the coelom. The mutants retained the posterior parts of ovarian cavities or sperm duct primordia, which are potential target tissues of Wnt4a. The gonads of female scl mutants (unable to synthesize sex steroids) lacked these tissues and did not develop genital ducts. Medaka wnt4a was expressed in the mesenchyme ventral to the genital ducts in both sexes. Taken together, the data strongly suggest that the mouse Müllerian ducts and the medaka genital ducts share homologous developmental processes. Additionally, the wnt4a or wnt4b single mutants and the double mutants did not show sex-reversal, implying that both genes are dispensable for gonadal sex differentiation in the medaka.

    DOI: 10.2108/zs230050



  • Ghost introgression in ricefishes of the genus Adrianichthys in an ancient Wallacean lake Reviewed International journal

    Kazunori Yamahira, Hirozumi Kobayashi, Ryo Kakioka, Javier Montenegro, Kawilarang W. A. Masengi, Noboru Okuda, Atsushi J. Nagano, Rieko Tanaka, Kiyoshi Naruse, Shoji Tatsumoto, Yasuhiro Go, Satoshi Ansai, Junko Kusumi

    Journal of Evolutionary Biology   36 ( 10 )   1484 - 1493   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


    Because speciation might have been promoted by ancient introgression from an extinct lineage, it is important to detect the existence of ‘ghost introgression’ in focal taxa and examine its contribution to their diversification. In this study, we examined possible ghost introgression and its contributions to the diversification of ricefishes of the genus Adrianichthys in Lake Poso, an ancient lake on Sulawesi Island, in which some extinctions are known to have occurred. Population‐genomic analysis revealed that two extant Adrianichthys species, A. oophorus and A. poptae are reproductively isolated from each other. Comparisons of demographic models demonstrated that introgression from a ghost population, which diverged from the common ancestor of A. oophorus and A. poptae, is essential for reconstructing the demographic history of Adrianichthys. The best model estimated that the divergence of the ghost population greatly predated the divergence between A. oophorus and A. poptae, and that the ghost population secondarily contacted the two extant species within Lake Poso more recently. Genome scans and simulations detected a greatly divergent locus, which cannot be explained without ghost introgression. This locus was also completely segregated between A. oophorus and A. poptae. These findings suggest that variants that came from a ghost population have contributed to the divergence between A. oophorus and A. poptae, but the large time‐lag between their divergence and ghost introgression indicates that the contribution of introgression may be restricted.

    DOI: 10.1111/jeb.14223



  • Multiple colonizations and hybridization of a freshwater fish group on a satellite island of Sulawesi Reviewed

    Ixchel F. Mandagi, Bayu K. A. Sumarto, Handung Nuryadi, Daniel F. Mokodongan, Sjamsu A. Lawelle, Kawilarang W.A. Masengi, Atsushi J. Nagano, Ryo Kakioka, Jun Kitano, Satoshi Ansai, Junko Kusumi, Kazunori Yamahira

    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution   184   107804 - 107804   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier {BV}  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107804


  • Optogenetic control of medaka behavior with channelrhodopsin. Reviewed

    Takahide Seki, Hideaki Takeuchi, Satoshi Ansai

    Development, Growth & Differentiation   65 ( 6 )   288 - 299   2023.6

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Optogenetics enables the manipulation of neural activity with high spatiotemporal resolution in genetically defined neurons. The method is widely used in various model animals in the neuroscience and physiology fields. Channelrhodopsins are robust tools for optogenetic manipulation, but they have not yet been used for studies in medaka. In the present study, we used the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in approach to establish a transgenic medaka strain expressing the Chloromonas oogama channelrhodopsin (CoChR) in the ISL LIM homeobox 1 (isl1) locus. We demonstrated that light stimuli elicited specific behavioral responses such as bending or turning locomotion in the embryos and pectoral fin movements in the larvae and adults. The response probabilities and intensities of these movements could be controlled by adjusting the intensity, duration, or wavelength of each light stimulus. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the pectoral fin movements in the adult stage could be elicited using a laser pointer to irradiate region including the caudal hind brain and the rostral spinal cord. Our results indicate that CoChR allows for manipulation of medaka behaviors by activating targeted neurons, which will further our understanding of the detailed neural mechanisms of motor control or social behaviors in medaka. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12872



  • Spatio-temporal control of targeted gene expression in combination with CRISPR/Cas and Tet-On systems in Medaka. Reviewed International journal

    Daichi Kayo, Sayaka Kimura, Touko Yamazaki, Kiyoshi Naruse, Hideaki Takeuchi, Satoshi Ansai

    Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)   e23519   2023.5

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Spatial and temporal control of transgene expression is a powerful approach to understand gene functions in specific cells and tissues. The Tet-On system is a robust tool for controlling transgene expression spatially and temporally; however, few studies have examined whether this system can be applied to postembryonic stages of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) or other fishes. Here, we first improved a basal promoter sequence on the donor vector for a nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ)-based knock-in (KI) system. Next, using transgenic Medaka for establishing the Tet-On system by KI, we demonstrated that doxycycline administration for four or more days by feeding can be a stable and efficient method to achieve expression of the transduced reporter gene in adult fish. From these analyses, we propose an optimized approach for a spatio-temporal gene-expression system in the adult stage of Medaka and other small fishes.

    DOI: 10.1002/dvg.23519



  • CT Image-Based Biopsy to Aid Prediction of HOPX Expression Status and Prognosis for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients. Reviewed International journal

    Yu Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, YunHao Cui, Takumi Kodama, Shinichi Mizuno, Satoshi Ansai

    Cancers   15 ( 8 )   2023.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This study aimed to elucidate a computed tomography (CT) image-based biopsy with a radiogenomic signature to predict homeodomain-only protein homeobox (HOPX) gene expression status and prognosis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Patients were labeled as HOPX-negative or positive based on HOPX expression and were separated into training (n = 92) and testing (n = 24) datasets. In correlation analysis between genes and image features extracted by Pyradiomics for 116 patients, eight significant features associated with HOPX expression were selected as radiogenomic signature candidates from the 1218 image features. The final signature was constructed from eight candidates using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator. An imaging biopsy model with radiogenomic signature was built by a stacking ensemble learning model to predict HOPX expression status and prognosis. The model exhibited predictive power for HOPX expression with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.873 and prognostic power in Kaplan-Meier curves (p = 0.0066) in the test dataset. This study's findings implied that the CT image-based biopsy with a radiogenomic signature could aid physicians in predicting HOPX expression status and prognosis in NSCLC.

    DOI: 10.3390/cancers15082220



  • A cryptic sex-linked locus revealed by the elimination of a master sex-determining locus in medaka fish Reviewed

    Jun Kitano, Satoshi Ansai, Shingo Fujimoto, Ryo Kakioka, Mana Sato, Ixchel F. Mandagi, Bayu K.A. Sumarto, Kazunori Yamahira

    The American Naturalist   202 ( 2 )   231 - 240   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:University of Chicago Press  

    DOI: 10.1086/724840


  • Genome Editing of Medaka. International journal

    Rie Hara, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita

    Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.)   2637   325 - 339   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Medaka (Oryzias latipes), along with zebrafish (Danio rerio), is a useful experimental model fish. Here, we describe a simple method for generating medaka gene knockout strains using an automated microchip electrophoresis system. We also describe a method for targeted gene knockin using a plasmid carrying a sequence that does not cause off-target effects in medaka. Additionally, knockin method without plasmid cloning is described.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3016-7_25



  • Mating experiences with the same partner enhanced mating activities of naïve male medaka fish. Reviewed International journal

    Masahiro Daimon, Takafumi Katsumura, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Satoshi Ansai, Hideaki Takeuchi

    Scientific Reports   12 ( 1 )   19665 - 19665   2022.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Mating experience shapes male mating behavior across species, from insects, fish, and birds, to rodents. Here, we investigated the effect of multiple mating experiences on male mating behavior in "naïve" (defined as sexually inexperienced) male medaka fish. The latency to mate with the same female partner significantly decreased after the second encounter, whereas when the partner was changed, the latency to mate was not decreased. These findings suggest that mating experiences enhanced the mating activity of naïve males for the familiar female, but not for an unfamiliar female. In contrast, the mating experiences of "experienced" (defined as those having mated > 7 times) males with the same partner did not influence their latency to mate. Furthermore, we identified 10 highly and differentially expressed genes in the brains of the naïve males after the mating experience and revealed 3 genes that are required for a functional cascade of the thyroid hormone system. Together, these findings suggest that the mating experience of naïve male medaka fish influences their mating behaviors, with neural changes triggered by thyroid hormone activation in the brain.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-23871-w



  • Retinal Cone Mosaic in sws1-Mutant Medaka (Oryzias latipes), A Teleost. Reviewed International journal

    Megumi Matsuo, Makoto Matsuyama, Tomoe Kobayashi, Shinji Kanda, Satoshi Ansai, Taichi Kawakami, Erika Hosokawa, Yutaka Daido, Takehiro G Kusakabe, Kiyoshi Naruse, Shoji Fukamachi

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science   63 ( 11 )   21 - 21   2022.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Ablation of short single cones (SSCs) expressing short-wavelength-sensitive opsin (SWS1) is well analyzed in the field of regenerative retinal cells. In contrast with ablation studies, the phenomena caused by the complete deletion of SWS1 are less well-understood. To assess the effects of SWS1 deficiency on retinal structure, we established and analyzed sws1-mutant medaka. METHODS: To visualize SWS1, a monoclonal anti-SWS1 antibody and transgenic reporter fish (Tg(sws1:mem-egfp)) were generated. We also developed a CRISPR/Cas-driven sws1-mutant line. Retinal structure of sws1 mutant was visualized using anti-SWS1, 1D4, and ZPR1 antibodies and coumarin derivatives and compared with wild type, Tg(sws1:mem-egfp), and another opsin (lws) mutant. RESULTS: Our rat monoclonal antibody specifically recognized medaka SWS1. Sws1 mutant retained regularly arranged cone mosaic as lws mutant and its SSCs had neither SWS1 nor long wavelength sensitive opsin. Depletion of sws1 did not affect the expression of long wavelength sensitive opsin, and vice versa. ZPR1 antibody recognized arrestin spread throughout double cones and long single cones in wild-type, transgenic, and sws1-mutant lines. CONCLUSIONS: Comparative observation of sws1-mutant and wild-type retinas revealed that ZPR1 negativity is not a marker for SSCs with SWS1, but SSCs themselves. Loss of functional sws1 did not cause retinal degeneration, indicating that sws1 is not essential for cone mosaic development in medaka. Our two fish lines, one with visualized SWS1 and the other lacking functional SWS1, offer an opportunity to study neural network synapsing with SSCs and to clarify the role of SWS1 in vision.

    DOI: 10.1167/iovs.63.11.21



  • Speciation and adaptation research meets genome editing. Invited Reviewed International journal

    Satoshi Ansai, Jun Kitano

    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences   377 ( 1855 )   20200516 - 20200516   2022.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Understanding the genetic basis of reproductive isolation and adaptive traits in natural populations is one of the fundamental goals in evolutionary biology. Genome editing technologies based on CRISPR-Cas systems and site-specific recombinases have enabled us to modify a targeted genomic region as desired and thus to conduct functional analyses of target loci, genes and mutations even in non-conventional model organisms. Here, we review the technical properties of genome editing techniques by classifying them into the following applications: targeted gene knock-out for investigating causative gene functions, targeted gene knock-in of marker genes for visualizing expression patterns and protein functions, precise gene replacement for identifying causative alleles and mutations, and targeted chromosomal rearrangement for investigating the functional roles of chromosomal structural variations. We describe examples of their application to demonstrate functional analysis of naturally occurring genetic variations and discuss how these technologies can be applied to speciation and adaptation research. This article is part of the theme issue 'Genetic basis of adaptation and speciation: from loci to causative mutations'.

    DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0516



  • Genetic basis for the evolution of pelvic-fin brooding, a new mode of reproduction, in a Sulawesian fish. Reviewed International journal

    Javier Montenegro, Shingo Fujimoto, Satoshi Ansai, Atsushi J Nagano, Masahiro Sato, Yusuke Maeda, Rieko Tanaka, Kawilarang W A Masengi, Ryosuke Kimura, Jun Kitano, Kazunori Yamahira

    Molecular Ecology   31 ( 14 )   3798 - 3811   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Modes of reproduction in animals are diverse, with different modes having evolved independently in multiple lineages across a variety of taxa. However, an understanding of the genomic change driving the transition between different modes of reproduction is limited. Several ricefishes (Adrianichthyidae) on the island of Sulawesi have a unique mode of reproduction called "pelvic-fin brooding," wherein females carry externally fertilized eggs until hatching using their pelvic fins. Phylogenomic analysis demonstrated pelvic-fin brooders to have evolved at least twice in two distant clades of the Adrianichthyidae. We investigated the genetic architecture of the evolution of this unique mode of reproduction. Morphological analyses and laboratory observations revealed that females of pelvic-fin brooders have longer pelvic fins and a deeper abdominal concavity, and that they can carry an egg clutch for longer than non-brooding adrianichthyids, suggesting that these traits play important roles in this reproductive mode. Quantitative trait locus mapping using a cross between a pelvic-fin brooder Oryzias eversi and a non-brooding O. dopingdopingensis reveals different traits involved in pelvic-fin brooding to be controlled by different loci on different chromosomes. Genomic analyses of admixture detected no signatures of introgression between two lineages with pelvic-fin brooders, indicating that introgression is unlikely to be responsible for repeated evolution of pelvic-fin brooding. These findings suggest that multiple independent mutations may have contributed to the convergent evolution of this novel mode of reproduction.

    DOI: 10.1111/mec.16555



  • Development of a screening system for agents that modulate taste receptor expression with the CRISPR-Cas9 system in medaka. Reviewed International journal

    Kana Beppu, Rie Tsutsumi, Satoshi Ansai, Nana Ochiai, Mai Terakawa, Marie Mori, Masashi Kuroda, Kazuki Horikawa, Takumi Tomoi, Joe Sakamoto, Yasuhiro Kamei, Kiyoshi Naruse, Hiroshi Sakaue

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications   601   65 - 72   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Taste recognition mediated by taste receptors is critical for the survival of animals in nature and is an important determinant of nutritional status and quality of life in humans. However, many factors including aging, diabetes, zinc deficiency, infection with influenza or cold viruses, and chemotherapy can trigger dysgeusia, for which a standard treatment has not been established. We here established an engineered strain of medaka (Oryzias latipes) that expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the endogenous taste 1 receptor 3 (T1R3) gene locus with the use of the CRISPR-Cas9 system. This T1R3-GFP knock-in (KI) strain allows direct visualization of expression from this locus by monitoring of GFP fluorescence. The pattern of GFP expression in the T1R3-GFP KI fish thus mimicked that of endogenous T1R3 gene expression. Furthermore, exposure of T1R3-GFP KI medaka to water containing monosodium glutamate or the anticancer agent 5-fluorouracil resulted in an increase or decrease, respectively, in GFP fluorescence intensity, effects that also recapitulated those on T1R3 mRNA abundance. Finally, screening for agents that affect GFP fluorescence intensity in T1R3-GFP KI medaka identified tryptophan as an amino acid that increases T1R3 gene expression. The establishment of this screening system for taste receptor expression in medaka provides a new tool for the development of potential therapeutic agents for dysgeusia.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.02.082



  • Diversity of lateral line patterns and neuromast numbers in the genus Oryzias. Reviewed International journal

    Ali Seleit, Satoshi Ansai, Kazunori Yamahira, Kawilarang W A Masengi, Kiyoshi Naruse, Lázaro Centanin

    The Journal of Experimental Biology   224 ( 24 )   2021.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A remarkable diversity of lateral line patterns exists in adult teleost fishes, the basis of which is largely unknown. By analysing the lateral line patterns and organ numbers in 29 Oryzias species and strains we report a rapid diversification of the lateral line system within this genus. We show a strong dependence of lateral line elaboration (number of neuromasts per cluster, number of parallel lateral lines) on adult species body size irrespective of phylogenetic relationships. In addition, we report that the degree of elaboration of the anterior lateral line, posterior lateral line and caudal neuromast clusters is tightly linked within species, arguing for a globally coordinated mechanism controlling lateral line organ numbers and patterns. We provide evidence for a polygenic control over neuromast numbers and positioning in the genus Oryzias. Our data also indicate that the diversity in lateral lines can arise as a result of differences in patterning both during embryonic development and post-embryonically, where simpler embryonic patterns generate less complex adult patterns and organ numbers, arguing for a linkage between the two processes.

    DOI: 10.1242/jeb.242490



  • Myosin phosphatase target subunit 1governs integrity of the embryonic gut epithelium to circumvent atresia development in medaka,Oryzias latipes

    Daisuke Kobayashi, Kazuhiko Matsuo, Tetsuaki Kimura, Satoshi Ansai, Hayato Yokoi, Shigeo Takashima, Tadao Kitagawa, Takahiro Kage, Takanori Narita, Tomoko Jindo, Masato Kinoshita, Kiyoshi Naruse, Yoshiro Nakajima, Masaki Shigeta, Shinichiro Sakaki, Satoshi Inoue, Rie Saba, Kei Yamada, Takahiko Yokoyama, Yuji Ishikawa, Kazuo Araki, Yumiko Saga, Hiroyuki Takeda, Kenta Yashiro


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    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory  



    Intestinal atresia (IA) is a congenital gut obstruction caused by the absence of gut opening. Genetic factors are assumed to be critical for the development of IA, in addition to accidental vascular insufficiency or mechanical strangulation. However, the molecular mechanism underlying IA remains poorly understood.


    In this study, to better understand such a mechanism, we isolated a mutant ofOryzias latipes(the Japanese rice fish known as medaka) generated by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis, in which IA develops during embryogenesis. Positional cloning identified a nonsense mutation in themyosin phosphatase target subunit 1(mypt1) gene. Consistent with known Mypt1 function, the active form of myosin regulatory light chain (MRLC), which is essential for actomyosin contraction, and F-actin were ectopically accumulated in the intestinal epithelium of mutant embryos, whereas cell motility, proliferation and cell death were not substantially affected. Corresponding to the accumulation site of F-actin/active MRLC, the intestinal epithelium architecture was disordered. Importantly, blebbistatin, a non-muscle myosin inhibitor, attenuated the development of IA in the mutant.


    Cytoskeletal contraction governed bymypt1regulates the integrity of the embryonic intestinal epithelium. This study provides new insight into our understanding of the mechanism of IA development in humans.

    Bullet Points

    Medakamypt1mutants display intestinal atresia.

    The level of phosphorylated myosin regulatory light chain was higher inmypt1mutant embryos than inwild-typeembryos.

    The levels of F-actin appeared elevated in the intestinal epithelium ofmypt1mutants.

    Blebbistatin, an inhibitor of non-muscle myosin II, rescued intestinal atresia inmypt1mutant embryos.

    DOI: 10.1101/2021.12.10.472183


  • Species divergence and repeated ancient hybridization in a Sulawesian lake system. Reviewed International journal

    Ixchel F Mandagi, Ryo Kakioka, Javier Montenegro, Hirozumi Kobayashi, Kawilarang W A Masengi, Nobuyuki Inomata, Atsushi J Nagano, Atsushi Toyoda, Satoshi Ansai, Masatoshi Matsunami, Ryosuke Kimura, Jun Kitano, Junko Kusumi, Kazunori Yamahira

    Journal of Evolutionary Biology   34 ( 11 )   1767 - 1780   2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    An increasing volume of empirical studies demonstrated that hybridization between distant lineages may have promoted speciation in various taxa. However, the timing, extent and direction of introgressive hybridization remain unknown in many cases. Here, we report a possible case in which repeated hybridization promoted divergence of Oryzias ricefishes (Adrianichthyidae) on Sulawesi, an island of Wallacea. Four Oryzias species are endemic to the Malili Lake system in central Sulawesi, which is composed of five tectonic lakes; of these, one lake is inhabited by two species. Morphological and population genomic analyses of genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms revealed that these two sympatric species are phylogenetically sister to but substantially reproductively isolated from each other. Analyses of admixture and comparison of demographic models revealed that the two sympatric species experienced several substantial introgressions from outgroup populations that probably occurred soon after they had secondary contact with each other in the lake. However, the ratio of migrants from the outgroups was estimated to be different between the two species, which is consistent with the hypothesis that these introgressions aided their divergence or prevented them from forming a hybrid swarm. Repeated lake fragmentations and fusions may have promoted diversification of this freshwater fish species complex that is endemic to this ancient lake system.

    DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13932



  • A modified Tet-ON system minimizing leaky expression for cell-type specific gene induction in medaka fish. Reviewed

    Osamu Hosoya, Myung Chung, Satoshi Ansai, Hideaki Takeuchi, Mary Miyaji

    Development, Growth & Differentiation   2021.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The Tet-ON system is an important molecular tool for temporally and spatially-controlled inducible gene expression. Here, we developed a Tet-ON system to induce transgene expression specifically in the rod photoreceptors of medaka fish. Our modified reverse tetracycline-controlled transcriptional transactivator (rtTAm) with 5 amino acid substitutions dramatically improved the leakiness of the transgene in medaka fish. We generated a transgenic line carrying a self-reporting vector with the rtTAm gene driven by the Xenopus rhodopsin promoter and a tetracycline response element (TRE) followed by the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. We demonstrated that GFP fluorescence was restricted to the rod photoreceptors in the presence of doxycycline in larval fish (9 days post-fertilization). The GFP fluorescence intensity was enhanced with longer durations of doxycycline treatment up to 72 h and in a dose-dependent manner (5-45 μg/ml). These findings demonstrate that the Tet-ON system using rtTAm allows for spatiotemporal control of transgene expression, at least in the rod photoreceptors, in medaka fish.

    DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12743



  • Mesozoic origin and 'out-of-India' radiation of ricefishes (Adrianichthyidae). Reviewed International journal

    Kazunori Yamahira, Satoshi Ansai, Ryo Kakioka, Hajime Yaguchi, Takeshi Kon, Javier Montenegro, Hirozumi Kobayashi, Shingo Fujimoto, Ryosuke Kimura, Yusuke Takehana, Davin H E Setiamarga, Yasuoki Takami, Rieko Tanaka, Ken Maeda, Hau D Tran, Noriyuki Koizumi, Shinsuke Morioka, Vongvichith Bounsong, Katsutoshi Watanabe, Prachya Musikasinthorn, Sein Tun, L K C Yun, Kawilarang W A Masengi, V K Anoop, Rajeev Raghavan, Jun Kitano

    Biology Letters   17 ( 8 )   20210212 - 20210212   2021.8

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    The Indian subcontinent has an origin geologically different from Eurasia, but many terrestrial animal and plant species on it have congeneric or sister species in other parts of Asia, especially in the Southeast. This faunal and floral similarity between India and Southeast Asia is explained by either of the two biogeographic scenarios, 'into-India' or 'out-of-India'. Phylogenies based on complete mitochondrial genomes and five nuclear genes were undertaken for ricefishes (Adrianichthyidae) to examine which of these two biogeographic scenarios fits better. We found that Oryzias setnai, the only adrianichthyid distributed in and endemic to the Western Ghats, a mountain range running parallel to the western coast of the Indian subcontinent, is sister to all other adrianichthyids from eastern India and Southeast-East Asia. Divergence time estimates and ancestral area reconstructions reveal that this western Indian species diverged in the late Mesozoic during the northward drift of the Indian subcontinent. These findings indicate that adrianichthyids dispersed eastward 'out-of-India' after the collision of the Indian subcontinent with Eurasia, and subsequently diversified in Southeast-East Asia. A review of geographic distributions of 'out-of-India' taxa reveals that they may have largely fuelled or modified the biodiversity of Eurasia.

    DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0212



  • Resource partitioning is not coupled with assortative mating in sympatrically divergent ricefish in a Wallacean ancient lake. Reviewed International journal

    Ryo Kakioka, Nobu Sutra, Hirozumi Kobayashi, Satoshi Ansai, Kawilarang W A Masengi, Atsushi J Nagano, Noboru Okuda, Rieko Tanaka, Masahiro Sato, Kazunori Yamahira

    Journal of Evolutionary Biology   34 ( 7 )   1133 - 1143   2021.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Sympatric speciation is considered to be difficult without the coupling between ecological traits that allow resource partitioning and reproductive traits that allow assortative mating. Such "magic traits" are known to be involved in most of the compelling examples of sympatric speciation. In this study, we report a possible case of sympatric speciation without magic traits. Three species of ricefish (genus Oryzias) are suggested to have diverged sympatrically within Lake Poso, an ancient lake in Sulawesi. An analysis of genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms showed that these three species are reproductively isolated from each other throughout the lake. Stable isotope analyses revealed that the three species use different food resources, which reflect differences in their feeding morphologies (gill rakers and digestive tracts) and feeding sites. Field and laboratory observations showed that O. nebulosus and O. orthognathus share a mating habitat of cobbles, where they scatter fertilized eggs, whereas this site is never used by O. nigrimas, indicating that assortative mating is partly achieved by spatial isolation. The small, less-adhesive eggs of O. nebulosus and O. orthognathus probably reflect their adaptation to spawning on cobble beaches. Laboratory mating experiments showed strong prezygotic isolation between O. nebulosus and O. orthognathus, which is achieved by strong species recognition presumably by both sexes based on species-specific mating dances and nuptial coloration. In summary, the assortative mating of O. nebulosus and O. orthognathus is probably not coupled to resource partitioning. We discussed how sympatric speciation among these species might have been achieved even without magic traits.

    DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13874



  • Genetic basis for variation in the number of cephalic pores in a hybrid zone between closely related species of goby, Gymnogobius breunigii and Gymnogobius castaneus Reviewed

    Ryo Kakioka, Manabu Kume, Asano Ishikawa, Satoshi Ansai, Takuya K Hosoki, Yo Y Yamasaki, Atsushi J Nagano, Atsushi Toyoda, Jun Kitano

    Biological Journal of the Linnean Society   133 ( 1 )   143 - 154   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    Populations or species exploiting different habitats can differ in sensory perception as a result of divergent adaptation. In bony fish, the water current is perceived via neuromasts, the end organ of the lateral line system. Although fish in different habitats are known to vary in neuromasts, we know little about the genetic basis for such variation. Here, we investigate the genetic basis for variation in supraorbital neuromasts in a hybrid zone between the Japanese gobies Gymnogobius breunigii and Gymnogobius castaneus. The former has supraorbital canal neuromasts with six cephalic pores, whereas the latter has only superficial neuromasts with no canals or pores in the supraorbital region. Our genomic analysis showed that G. breunigii and G. castaneus occur mainly in the lower and mid/upper reaches, respectively. In a river in northern Japan, hybrids were found at the sites between the habitats of the two species. These hybrids exhibited anomalies of cephalic pores. Using this hybrid zone, we conducted genome-wide association studies and identified one locus significantly associated with the number of pores. Genomic cline analysis in the hybrid zone demonstrated that this locus exhibited a higher introgression rate compared with the genomic background, indicating the possibility of adaptive introgression.

    DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/blab033


  • Genome Sequence of the Euryhaline Javafish Medaka, Oryzias javanicus: A Small Aquarium Fish Model for Studies on Adaptation to Salinity. Reviewed International journal

    Yusuke Takehana, Margot Zahm, Cédric Cabau, Christophe Klopp, Céline Roques, Olivier Bouchez, Cécile Donnadieu, Celia Barrachina, Laurent Journot, Mari Kawaguchi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Satoshi Ansai, Kiyoshi Naruse, Koji Inoue, Chuya Shinzato, Manfred Schartl, Yann Guiguen, Amaury Herpin

    G3 (Bethesda, Md.)   10 ( 3 )   907 - 915   2020.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The genus Oryzias consists of 35 medaka-fish species each exhibiting various ecological, morphological and physiological peculiarities and adaptations. Beyond of being a comprehensive phylogenetic group for studying intra-genus evolution of several traits like sex determination, behavior, morphology or adaptation through comparative genomic approaches, all medaka species share many advantages of experimental model organisms including small size and short generation time, transparent embryos and genome editing tools for reverse and forward genetic studies. The Java medaka, Oryzias javanicus, is one of the two species of medaka perfectly adapted for living in brackish/sea-waters. Being an important component of the mangrove ecosystem, O. javanicus is also used as a valuable marine test-fish for ecotoxicology studies. Here, we sequenced and assembled the whole genome of O. javanicus, and anticipate this resource will be catalytic for a wide range of comparative genomic, phylogenetic and functional studies. Complementary sequencing approaches including long-read technology and data integration with a genetic map allowed the final assembly of 908 Mbp of the O. javanicus genome. Further analyses estimate that the O. javanicus genome contains 33% of repeat sequences and has a heterozygosity of 0.96%. The achieved draft assembly contains 525 scaffolds with a total length of 809.7 Mbp, a N50 of 6,3 Mbp and a L50 of 37 scaffolds. We identified 21454 predicted transcripts for a total transcriptome size of 57, 146, 583 bps. We provide here a high-quality chromosome scale draft genome assembly of the euryhaline Javafish medaka (321 scaffolds anchored on 24 chromosomes (representing 97.7% of the total bases)), and give emphasis on the evolutionary adaptation to salinity.

    DOI: 10.1534/g3.119.400725



  • Sexually dimorphic role of oxytocin in medaka mate choice. Reviewed International journal

    Saori Yokoi, Kiyoshi Naruse, Yasuhiro Kamei, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Mari Mito, Shintaro Iwasaki, Shuntaro Inoue, Teruhiro Okuyama, Shinichi Nakagawa, Larry J Young, Hideaki Takeuchi

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America   117 ( 9 )   4802 - 4808   2020.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Oxytocin is a central neuromodulator required for facilitating mate preferences for familiar individuals in a monogamous rodent (prairie vole), irrespective of sex. While the role of oxytocin in mate choice is only understood in a few monogamous species, its function in nonmonogamous species, comprising the vast majority of vertebrate species, remains unclear. To address this issue, we evaluated the involvement of an oxytocin homolog (isotocin, referred herein as oxt) in mate choice in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Female medaka prefer to choose familiar mates, whereas male medaka court indiscriminately, irrespective of familiarity. We generated mutants of the oxt ligand (oxt) and receptor genes (oxtr1 and oxtr2) and revealed that the oxt-oxtr1 signaling pathway was essential for eliciting female mate preference for familiar males. This pathway was also required for unrestricted and indiscriminate mating strategy in males. That is, either oxt or oxtr1 mutation in males decreased the number of courtship displays toward novel females, but not toward familiar females. Further, males with these mutations exhibited enhanced mate-guarding behaviors toward familiar females, but not toward novel females. In addition, RNA-sequencing (seq) analysis revealed that the transcription of genes involved in gamma-amino butyric acid metabolism as well as those encoding ion-transport ATPase are up-regulated in both oxt and oxtr1 mutants only in female medaka, potentially explaining the sex difference of the mutant phenotype. Our findings provide genetic evidence that oxt-oxtr1 signaling plays a role in the mate choice for familiar individuals in a sex-specific manner in medaka fish.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1921446117



  • Neuropeptide B mediates female sexual receptivity in medaka fish, acting in a female-specific but reversible manner Reviewed

    Towako Hiraki-Kajiyama, Junpei Yamashita, Keiko Yokoyama, Yukiko Kikuchi, Mikoto Nakajo, Daichi Miyazoe, Yuji Nishiike, Kaito Ishikawa, Kohei Hosono, Yukika Kawabata-Sakata, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Yoshitaka Nagahama, Kataaki Okubo

    eLife   8   e39495   2019.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELIFE SCIENCES PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    Male and female animals display innate sex-specific mating behaviors. In teleost fish, altering the adult sex steroid milieu can effectively reverse sex-typical mating behaviors, suggesting remarkable sexual lability of their brains as adults. In the teleost medaka, neuropeptide B (NPB) is expressed female-specifically in the brain nuclei implicated in mating behavior. Here, we demonstrate that NPB is a direct mediator of estrogen action on female mating behavior, acting in a female-specific but reversible manner. Analysis of regulatory mechanisms revealed that the female-specific expression of NPB is dependent on direct transcriptional activation by estrogen via an estrogen-responsive element and is reversed in response to changes in the adult sex steroid milieu. Behavioral studies of NPB knockouts revealed that female-specific NBP mediates female receptivity to male courtship. The female-specific NPB signaling identified herein is presumably a critical element of the neural circuitry underlying sexual dimorphism and lability of mating behaviors in teleosts.

    DOI: 10.7554/eLife.39495

    Web of Science


  • Correction: An efficient system for homology-dependent targeted gene integration in medaka (Oryzias latipes) (Zoological Letters (2017) 3 (10) DOI: 10.1186/s40851-017-0071-x)

    Yu Murakami, Satoshi Ansai, Akari Yonemura, Masato Kinoshita

    Zoological Letters   5 ( 1 )   2019.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd.  

    Please note that there are two errors present in the tables of the published article [1]. Firstly, the value 3 is missing from the 5th row of the GFP+ column of Table 1. Secondly, the gene sequence given for Candidate #28 in Additional file 6: Table S3 is incorrect. The gene sequence should be TCTTCGGCCTAGACTGCGAGG. Please find the corrected tables below for reference: (Table Presented).

    DOI: 10.1186/s40851-019-0139-x



  • A Collection of Transgenic Medaka Strains for Efficient Site-Directed Transgenesis Mediated by phiC31 Integrase Reviewed

    Tokiro Ishikawa, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Kazutoshi Mori

    G3 (Bethesda)   8 ( 8 )   2585 - 2593   2018.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Genetics Society of America  

    DOI: 10.1534/g3.118.200130


  • Deficiency of Serotonin in Raphe Neurons and Altered Behavioral Responses in Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2-Knockout Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Reviewed

    Satoshi Ansai, Hiroshi Hosokawa, Shingo Maegawa, Kiyoshi Naruse, Youhei Washio, Kenji Sato, Masato Kinoshita

    Zebrafish   14 ( 6 )   495 - 507   2017.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC  

    Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) is a bioactive monoamine that acts as a neurotransmitter in the central and peripheral nervous system of animals. Teleost fish species have serotonergic neurons in the raphe nuclei of the brainstem; however, the role of 5-HT in the raphe neurons in teleost fish remains largely unknown. Here, we established a medaka (Oryzias latipes) strain with targeted disruption of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (tph2) gene that is involved in the 5-HT synthesis in the raphe nuclei. Immunohistochemistry and mass spectrometry analysis revealed that the homozygous mutants (tph2(13/13)) lacked the ability to synthesize 5-HT in the raphe neurons. To investigate the effects of 5-HT deficiency in adult behaviors, the mutant fish were subjected to five behavioral paradigms (diving, open-field, light-dark transition, mirror-biting, and two-fish social interaction). The homozygous mutation caused a longer duration of freezing response in all examined paradigms and reduced the number of entries to the top area in the diving test. In addition, the mutants exhibited a decreased number of mirror-biting in the males and an increased contact time in direct social interaction between the females. These results indicate that this tph2-knockout medaka serves as a good model to analyze the effects of 5-HT deficiency in the raphe neurons.

    DOI: 10.1089/zeb.2017.1452

    Web of Science


  • Genotyping-free selection of double allelic gene edited medaka using two different fluorescent proteins. Reviewed

    Yu Murakami, Satoshi Ansai, Akari Yonemura, Masato Kinoshita

    Bio-protocol,   7 ( 24 )   e2665   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Bio-Protocol, LLC  

    DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2665


  • Loss of zinc finger MYND-type containing 10 (zmynd10) affects cilia integrity and axonemal localization of dynein arms, resulting in ciliary dysmotility, polycystic kidney and scoliosis in medaka (Oryzias latipes) Reviewed

    Daisuke Kobayashi, Anshin Asano-Hoshino, Takashi Nakakura, Toshiyuki Nishimaki, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Motoyuki Ogawa, Haruo Hagiwara, Takahiko Yokoyama

    Developmetal Biology   430 ( 1 )   69 - 79   2017.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Cilia and flagella are hair-like organelles that project from the cell surface and play important roles in motility and sensory perception. Motility defects in cilia and flagella lead to primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), a rare human disease. Recently zinc finger MYND-type containing 10 (ZMYND10) was identified in humans as a PCD-associated gene. In this study, we use medaka fish as a model to characterize the precise functions of zmynd10. In medaka, zmynd10 is exclusively expressed in cells with motile cilia. Embryos with zmynd10 Morpholino knockdown exhibited a left-right (LR) defect associated with loss of motility in Kupffer's vesicle (KV) cilia. This immotility was caused by loss of the outer dynein arms, which is a characteristic ultrastructural phenotype in PCD. In addition, KV cilia in zmynd10 knockdown embryos had a swollen and wavy morphology. Together, these results suggest that zmynd10 is a multi-functional protein that has independent roles in axonemal localization of dynein arms and in formation and/or maintenance of cilia. The C-terminal region of zmynd10 has a MYND-type zinc finger domain (zf-MYND) that is important for its function. Our rescue experiment showed that the zmynd10-Delta C truncated protein, which lacks zf-MYND, was still partially functional, suggesting that zmynd10 has another functional domain besides zf-MYND. To analyze the later stages of development, we generated a zmynd10 knockout mutant using transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) technology. Adult mutants exhibited sperm dysmotility, scoliosis and progressive polycystic kidney.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2017.08.016

    Web of Science


  • An efficient system for homology-dependent targeted gene integration in medaka (Oryzias latipes) Reviewed

    Yu Murakami, Satoshi Ansai, Akari Yonemura, Masato Kinoshita

    Zoological Letters   3 ( 1 )   10   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd.  

    Background The CRISPR/Cas system is a powerful genome editing tool that enables targeted genome modifications in various organisms. In medaka (Oryzias latipes), targeted mutagenesis with small insertions and deletions using this system have become a robust technique and are now widely used. However, to date there have been only a small number of reports on targeted gene integration using this system. We thus sought in the present study to identify factors that enhance the efficiency of targeted gene integration events in medaka. Results We show that longer homology arms (ca. 500 bp) and linearization of circular donor plasmids by cleavage with bait sequences enhances the efficiency of targeted integration of plasmids in embryos. A new bait sequence, BaitD, which we designed and selected by in silico screening, achieved the highest efficiency of the targeted gene integration in vivo. Using this system, donor plasmids integrated precisely at target sites and were efficiently transmitted to progeny. We also report that the genotype of F 2 siblings, obtained by mating of individuals harboring two different colors of fluorescent protein genes (e.g. GFP and RFP) in the same locus, can be easily and rapidly determined non-invasively by visual observations alone. Conclusion We report that the efficiency of targeted gene integration can be enhanced by using donor vectors with longer homologous arms and linearization using a highly active bait system in medaka. These findings may contribute to the establishment of more efficient systems for targeted gene integration in medaka and other fish species.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40851-017-0071-x



  • Genome editing of medaka Invited Reviewed

    Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita

    Methods in Molecular Biology   1630   175 - 188   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:Humana Press Inc.  

    Medaka (Oryzias latipes), along with zebrafish (Danio rerio), is a useful experimental model fish. Here, we describe a simple method for generating medaka gene knock-out strains using an automated microchip electrophoresis system. We also describe a method for targeted gene knock-in using a plasmid carrying a sequence that does not cause off-target effects in medaka.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7128-2_15




  • ADAM12-deficient zebrafish exhibit retardation in body growth at the juvenile stage without developmental defects Reviewed

    Yudai Tokumasu, Atsuo Iida, Zi Wang, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Atsuko Sehara-Fujisawa

    Development, Growth & Differentiation   58 ( 4 )   409 - 421   2016.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) constitutes a family of multi-domain proteins that are involved in development, homeostasis, and disease. ADAM12 plays important roles in myogenesis and adipogenesis in mice; however, the precise physiological mechanisms are not known, and the function of this gene in other vertebrates has not been examined. In this study, we used a simple model vertebrate, the zebrafish, to investigate the functions of ADAM12 during development. Zebrafish adam12 is conserved with those of mammals in the synteny and the amino-acid sequence. We examined adam12 expression in zebrafish embryos by whole mount insitu hybridization and the promoter activity of the adam12 upstream sequence. We found that adam12 is strongly expressed in the cardiovascular system, erythroid progenitors, brain, and jaw cartilage during zebrafish development, and adam12-knockout zebrafish exhibited reduced body size in the juvenile stage without apparent morphological defects. Taken together, these results suggest that adam12 plays a significant role in the regulation of body growth during juvenile stage in zebrafish, although the precise molecular mechanisms await further study.

    DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12286

    Web of Science


  • Chronic fluoxetine treatment induces anxiolytic responses and altered social behaviors in medaka, Oryzias latipes Reviewed

    Satoshi Ansai, Hiroshi Hosokawa, Shingo Maegawa, Masato Kinoshita

    Behavioural Brain Research   303   126 - 136   2016.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a small freshwater teleost that is an emerging model system for neurobehavioral research and toxicological testing. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor class of antidepressants such as fluoxetine is one of the widely prescribed drugs, but little is known about the effects of these drugs on medaka behaviors. To assess the behavioral effects of fluoxetine, we chronically administrated fluoxetine to medaka adult fish and analyzed the anxiety-related and social behaviors using five behavioral paradigms (diving, open-field, light-dark transition, mirror-biting, and social interaction) with an automated behavioral testing system. Fish chronically treated with fluoxetine exhibited anxiolytic responses such as an overall increased time spent in the top area in the diving test and an increased time spent in center area in the open-field test. Analysis of socially evoked behavior showed that chronic fluoxetine administration decreased the number of mirror biting times in the mirror-biting test and increased latency to first contact in the social interaction test. Additionally, chronic fluoxetine administration reduced the horizontal locomotor activity in the open-field test but not the vertical activity in the diving test. These investigations are mostly consistent with previous reports in the other teleost species and rodent models. These results indicate that behavioral assessment in medaka adult fish will become useful for screening of effects of pharmaceutical and toxicological compounds in animal behaviors. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.01.050

    Web of Science


  • Mate-guarding behavior enhances male reproductive success via familiarization with mating partners in medaka fish. Reviewed International journal

    Saori Yokoi, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Kiyoshi Naruse, Yasuhiro Kamei, Larry J Young, Teruhiro Okuyama, Hideaki Takeuchi

    Frontiers in Zoology   13   21 - 21   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Male-male competition and female mating preference are major mechanisms of sexual selection, which influences individual fitness. How male-male competition affects female preference, however, remains poorly understood. Under laboratory conditions, medaka (Oryzias latipes) males compete to position themselves between a rival male and the female (mate-guarding) in triadic relationships (male, male, and female). In addition, females prefer to mate with visually familiar males. In the present study, to examine whether mate-guarding affects female preference via visual familiarization, we established a novel behavioral test to simultaneously quantify visual familiarization of focal males with females and mate-guarding against rival males. In addition, we investigated the effect of familiarization on male reproductive success in triadic relationships. RESULTS: Three fish (female, male, male) were placed separately in a transparent three-chamber tank, which allowed the male in the center (near male) to maintain closer proximity to the female than the other male (far male). Placement of the wild-type male in the center blocked visual familiarization of the far male by the female via mate-guarding. In contrast, placement of an arginine-vasotocin receptor mutant male, which exhibits mate-guarding deficits, in the center, allowing for maintaining close proximity to the female, did not block familiarization of the far male by the female. We also demonstrated that the reproductive success of males was significantly decreased by depriving females visual familiarization with the males. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicated that, at least in triadic relationships, dominance in mate-guarding, not simply close proximity, allows males to gain familiarity with the female over their rivals, which may enhance female preference for the dominant male. These findings focusing on the triadic relationships of medaka may contribute to our understanding of the adaptive significance of persistent mate-guarding, as well as female preference for familiar mates.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12983-016-0152-2



  • Viable Neuronopathic Gaucher Disease Model in Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Displays Axonal Accumulation of Alpha-Synuclein Reviewed

    Norihito Uemura, Masato Koike, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Tomoko Ishikawa-Fujiwara, Hideaki Matsui, Kiyoshi Naruse, Naoaki Sakamoto, Yasuo Uchiyama, Takeshi Todo, Shunichi Takeda, Hodaka Yamakado, Ryosuke Takahashi

    PLOS Genetics   11 ( 4 )   e1005065   2015.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Homozygous mutations in the glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene result in Gaucher disease (GD), the most common lysosomal storage disease. Recent genetic studies have revealed that GBA mutations confer a strong risk for sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD). To investigate how GBA mutations cause PD, we generated GBA nonsense mutant (GBA-/-) medaka that are completely deficient in glucocerebrosidase (GCase) activity. In contrast to the perinatal death in humans and mice lacking GCase activity, GBA-/- medaka survived for months, enabling analysis of the pathological progression. GBA-/- medaka displayed the pathological phenotypes resembling human neuronopathic GD including infiltration of Gaucher cell-like cells into the brains, progressive neuronal loss, and microgliosis. Detailed pathological findings represented lysosomal abnormalities in neurons and alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn) accumulation in axonal swellings containing autophagosomes. Unexpectedly, disruption of alpha-syn did not improve the life span, formation of axonal swellings, neuronal loss, or neuroinflammation in GBA-/- medaka. Taken together, the present study revealed GBA-/- medaka as a novel neuronopathic GD model, the pahological mechanisms of alpha-syn accumulation caused by GCase deficiency, and the minimal contribution of alpha-syn to the pathogenesis of neuronopathic GD.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005065

    Web of Science


  • An essential role of the arginine vasotocin system in mate-guarding behaviors in triadic relationships of medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Reviewed International journal

    Saori Yokoi, Teruhiro Okuyama, Yasuhiro Kamei, Kiyoshi Naruse, Yoshihito Taniguchi, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Larry J Young, Nobuaki Takemori, Takeo Kubo, Hideaki Takeuchi

    PLOS Genetics   11 ( 2 )   e1005009   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Public Library of Science ({PLoS})  

    To increase individual male fitness, males of various species remain near a (potential) mating partner and repel their rivals (mate-guarding). Mate-guarding is assumed to be mediated by two different types of motivation: sexual motivation toward the opposite sex and competitive motivation toward the same sex. The genetic/molecular mechanisms underlying how mate presence affects male competitive motivation in a triadic relationship has remained largely unknown. Here we showed that male medaka fish prominently exhibit mate-guarding behavior. The presence of a female robustly triggers male-male competition for the female in a triadic relationship (2 males and 1 female). The male-male competition resulted in one male occupying a dominant position near the female while interfering with the other male's approach of the female. Paternity testing revealed that the dominant male had a significantly higher mating success rate than the other male in a triadic relationship. We next generated medaka mutants of arginine-vasotocin (avt) and its receptors (V1a1, V1a2) and revealed that two genes, avt and V1a2, are required for normal mate-guarding behavior. In addition, behavioral analysis of courtship behaviors in a dyadic relationship and aggressive behaviors within a male group revealed that avt mutant males displayed decreased sexual motivation but showed normal aggression. In contrast, heterozygote V1a2 mutant males displayed decreased aggression, but normal mate-guarding and courtship behavior. Thus, impaired mate-guarding in avt and V1a2 homozygote mutants may be due to the loss of sexual motivation toward the opposite sex, and not to the loss of competitive motivation toward rival males. The different behavioral phenotypes between avt, V1a2 heterozygote, and V1a2 homozygote mutants suggest that there are redundant systems to activate V1a2 and that endogenous ligands activating the receptor may differ according to the social context.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005009



  • Design, evaluation, and screening methods for efficient targeted mutagenesis with transcription activator-like effector nucleases in medaka Invited Reviewed

    Satoshi Ansai, Keiji Inohaya, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Manfred Schartl, Norihito Uemura, Ryosuke Takahashi, Masato Kinoshita

    Development, Growth & Differentiation   56 ( 1 )   98 - 107   2014.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    Genome editing using engineered nucleases such as transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) has become a powerful technology for reverse genetics. In this study, we have described efficient detection methods for TALEN-induced mutations at endogenous loci and presented guidelines of TALEN design for efficient targeted mutagenesis in medaka, Oryzias latipes. We performed a heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) using an automated microchip electrophoresis system, which is a simple and high-throughput method for evaluation of in vivo activity of TALENs and for genotyping mutant fish of F1 or later generations. We found that a specific pattern of mutations is dominant for TALENs harboring several base pairs of homologous sequences in target sequence. Furthermore, we found that a 5 T, upstream of each TALEN-binding sequence, is not essential for genomic DNA cleavage. Our findings provide information that expands the potential of TALENs and other engineered nucleases as tools for targeted genome editing in a wide range of organisms, including medaka.

    DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12104

    Web of Science


  • Targeted disruption of exogenous EGFP gene in medaka using zinc-finger nucleases Reviewed

    Satoshi Ansai, Hiroshi Ochiai, Yuta Kanie, Yasuhiro Kamei, Yuki Gou, Takeshi Kitano, Takashi Yamamoto, Masato Kinoshita

    Development, Growth & Differentiation   54 ( 5 )   546 - 556   2012.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) are artificial enzymes that create site-specific double-strand breaks and thereby induce targeted genome editing. Here, we demonstrated successful gene disruption in somatic and germ cells of medaka (Oryzias latipes) using ZFN to target exogenous EGFP genes. Embryos that were injected with an RNA sequence pair coding for ZFNs showed mosaic loss of green fluorescent protein fluorescence in skeletal muscle. A number of mutations that included both deletions and insertions were identified within the ZFN target site in each embryo, whereas no mutations were found at the non-targeted sites. In addition, ZFN-induced mutations were introduced in germ cells and efficiently transmitted to the next generation. The mutation frequency varied (6100%) in the germ cells from each founder, and a founder carried more than two types of mutation in germ cells. Our results have introduced the possibility of targeted gene disruption and reverse genetics in medaka.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.2012.01357.x

    Web of Science


▼display all


  • Medaka : Biology, Management, and Experimental Protocols, Volume 2

    Masato Kinoshita, Satoshi Ansai, Yu Murakami( Role: Contributor ,  Chapter 7 Genome Editing)

    Wiley-Blackwell  2020  ( ISBN:9780813808710

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    Total pages:2 v.   Language:English

    CiNii Books


  • 遺伝子から解き明かす魚の不思議な世界 : 水面下で起きた4億年の進化物語

    安齋 賢( Role: Contributor ,  第5章 ゲノム編集による魚類研究の新展開)

    一色出版  2019  ( ISBN:9784909383075

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    Total pages:iv, 469p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • Targeted genome editing using site-specific nucleases

    Atsuo Kawahara, Taijiro Yabe, Satoshi Ansai, Shinji Takada, Masato Kinoshita( Role: Contributor ,  Genome editing in zebrafish and medaka)

    Springer  2015 

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  • 実験医学別冊 最強のステップUPシリーズ「今すぐ始めるゲノム編集 - TALEN&CRISPR/Cas9の必須知識と実験プロトコール

    木下 政人, 安齋 賢, 久野 悠, 川原 敦雄( Role: Contributor ,  小型魚類におけるTALENおよびCRISPR/Cas9を用いた遺伝子改変)

    羊土社  2014 

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  • Diversity and evolution of ornamental sexually dimorphic traits in Indonesian medaka fishes

    ANSAI Satoshi

    Hikaku seiri seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)   40 ( 2 )   105 - 112   2023.8

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    Sexual dimorphism, the phenotypic differences between males and females, is prevalent but rapidly diversified within and among species. It has been known that sexual selection, an evolutionary process driven by competition for mates with the opposite sex, plays important roles in the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits. However, few studies have identified the genes responsible for the diversification of sexual dimorphism, and thus the detailed genetic mechanisms underlying the sex-biased expression of the responsible genes and the detailed processes by which the novel alleles can be spread within populations remain unknown. In this review, we focus on medaka fishes (the family Adrianichthyidae) endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia, which exhibits a remarkable diversity in sexual dimorphic traits, as an experimental model system for studying the evolution of sexual dimorphism. We present our recent study on the red nuptial coloration found in the male pectoral fins of Oryzias woworae as a practical case study. Furthermore, we highlight the potential advantages of the Sulawesian medaka fishes as a model system for comparative biology and other research fields.

    DOI: 10.3330/hikakuseiriseika.40.105


  • Investigation of vector-mediated administration of bacteria to Medaka

    郷龍希, 彦坂悠衣, 亀井保博, 坂本丞, 坂本丞, 安齋賢, 神谷重樹

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   46th   2023

  • メダカのヒレをつくる–ヒレのかたちの雌雄差と遺伝の仕組み–

    安齋 賢

    月刊アクアライフ 11月号   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


  • 骨粗しょう症モデルメダカの確立

    彦坂悠衣, 安齋賢, 浅尾桃子, 青山智絵, 斎田美佐子, 坂本丞, 亀井保博, 神谷重樹

    日本栄養・食糧学会大会講演要旨集   76th   2022

  • 遺伝子から探るウォウォラエメダカにおける赤色ヒレの進化 Invited

    安齋 賢

    月刊アクアライフ 5月号   2021.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


  • 性経験のないオスメダカは初めての性的パートナーに対して配偶者選好性を示す

    大門将寛, 安齋賢, 勝村啓史, 坂本浩隆, 竹内秀明

    日本動物行動学会大会発表要旨集   40th (CD-ROM)   2021

  • 配偶者選択におけるオキシトシンの役割の性的二形性

    横井佐織, 成瀬清, 亀井保博, 安齋賢, 木下政人, 水戸麻理, 岩崎信太郎, 井ノ上俊太郎, 奥山輝大, 中川真一, YOUNG Larry J., 竹内秀明

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   43rd   2020

  • Current status of targeted genome editing technology in fish Invited

    Satoshi Ansai

    49 ( 4 )   196 - 201   2017.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


▼display all


  • メダカ野生由来系統のゲノム情報整備とその活用 Invited

    安齋 賢

    NBRPオンラインワークショップ「データ駆動型研究に有用なバイオリソース」  2024.12.20 

     More details

    Event date: 2024.12.20

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • メダカ科魚類における染色体構造変異の同定とその編集技術の確立

    安齋 賢, 北野 潤

    令和6年度日本水産学会秋季大会  2024.9.26 

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    Event date: 2024.9.24 - 2024.9.27

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Evolutionary mechanisms underlying a significant diversification of sexual dichromatism in Sulawesian medaka fishes

    Satoshi Ansai

    The 95th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan  2024.9.13 

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    Event date: 2024.9.12 - 2024.9.14

    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • Wild-derived medaka strains: a novel resource for unveiling the genetic architecture of phenotypic diversity

    Satoshi Ansai, Masaru Matsuda, Kiyoshi Naruse, Takafumi Katsumura

    18th International Zebrafish Conference  2024.8.19 

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    Event date: 2024.8.17 - 2024.8.21

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Diversity and evolution of sex chromosomes in Sulawesian medaka fishes

    Satoshi Ansai, Kawilarang Masengi, Kazunori Yamahira, Jun Kitano

    EuroEvoDevo 2024  2024.6.27 

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    Event date: 2024.6.25 - 2024.6.28

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Evolutionary and molecular mechanisms underlying diversified sexually selected traits in medaka fishes

    Satoshi Ansai

    EuroEvoDevo2024 - Satellite Symposium "The Evo-Devo of Fish Biodiversity: Past – Present – Future"  2024.6.24 

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    Event date: 2024.6.24 - 2024.6.25

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Genomics in wild-derived strains of medaka and its relatives Invited

    Satoshi Ansai

    NBRP Medaka International workshop 2024 "Medaka as a new model for studies of biological phenomena in fluctuating environments"  2024.4.26 

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    Event date: 2024.4.26 - 2024.4.27

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • セントロメアの再配置よるメダカ属魚類の核型進化

    安齋 賢, 北野 潤

    日本動物学会第94回山形大会  2023.9.8 

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    Event date: 2023.9.7 - 2023.9.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • メダカ属魚類の核型進化におけるセントロメア再配置

    安齋 賢, 北野 潤

    日本進化学会第25回沖縄大会  2023.9.1 

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    Event date: 2023.8.31 - 2023.9.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Toward understanding of the molecular and neuronal basis of diversified sexually selected traits in Sulawesian medaka fishes

    Satoshi Ansai

    EMBO | COB Workshop 'Trans-Scale Biology' using exotic non-model organisms  2023.7.26 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.7.25 - 2023.7.27

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 小型魚類モデルにおけるゲノム編集技術の開発状況とその利用 Invited

    安齋 賢

    日本ゲノム編集学会 第8回大会  2023.6.6 

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    Event date: 2023.6.6 - 2023.6.8



  • ササウシノシタHeteromycteris japonicaの参照ゲノム配列決定

    安齋 賢, 横井 勇人, 鈴木 徹, 宇治 督

    令和5年度日本水産学会春季大会  2023.3.30 

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    Event date: 2023.3.28 - 2023.3.31

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • メダカ科魚類の多様性を司るゲノム基盤の解明に向けて Invited

    安齋 賢

    NGS発生生物学現場の会2022  2022.12.6 

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    Event date: 2022.12.6 - 2022.12.7



  • Toward understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic diversities of Sulawesian and Japanese medaka fishes Invited

    Satoshi Ansai

    EMBL-EBI Virtual Course: Using fish models to explore the impact of Gene by Environment (GxE) 2022  2022.10.17 

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    Event date: 2022.10.17 - 2022.10.18



  • ゲノム編集で明らかにするスラウェシ島メダカ固有種群における性的二型多様化の原因遺伝子 Invited

    安齋 賢

    第56回魚類学会年会  2022.9.20 

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    Event date: 2022.9.17 - 2022.9.20

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • メダカにおける遺伝子ノックイン・染色体編集技術の開発とその利用 Invited

    安齋 賢

    日本動物学会第93回早稲田大会  2022.9.9 

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    Event date: 2022.9.8 - 2022.9.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • The evolutionary basis of diversified sexually selected traits in Indonesian medaka fishes Invited

    55th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists  2022.5.31 

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    Event date: 2022.5.31 - 2022.6.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • インドネシアのメダカ科固有種群における性的二型多様化の分子機構 Invited

    安齋 賢, 山平 寿智, 北野 潤

    第44回日本分子生物学会年会  2021.12.3 

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    Event date: 2021.12.1 - 2021.12.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Sex chromosome turnover in Sulawesian medaka fishes

    Satoshi Ansai, Kawilarang W. A. Masengi, Kazunori Yamahira, Jun Kitano

    ESEB Satellite Symposia 2021 - The remarkable diversity in the rate and mechanisms of sex chromosome evolution  2021.8.31 

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    Event date: 2021.8.30 - 2021.9.1

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • メダカ科魚類におけるセントロメアの転換と染色体進化 Invited

    安齋 賢

    日本進化学会第23回大会  2021.8.18 

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    Event date: 2021.8.18 - 2021.8.21

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Genome editing reveals fitness effects of a gene for sexual dichromatism in Sulawesian fish Invited

    Satoshi Ansai

    Japan-Norway Symposium on Fish Endocrinology and Genomics  2021.6.15 

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    Event date: 2021.6.14 - 2021.6.15

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Fitness effects of a gene for sexual dimorphism revealed by genome editing in a Sulawesian fish

    Satoshi Ansai

    The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan  2021.3.17 

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    Event date: 2021.3.17 - 2021.3.21

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Fitness effects of a gene underlying sexual dichromatism in a tropical fish revealed by genome editing

    Satoshi Ansai

    EMBO|EMBL Symposium: The Molecular Basis and Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism  2020.9.14 

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    Event date: 2020.9.14 - 2020.9.16

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • メダカ近縁種における赤色婚姻色の進化機構

    安齋 賢, 山平 寿智, 北野 潤

    第32回日本行動神経内分泌研究会(JSBN2020)  2020.9.1 

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    Event date: 2020.9.1 - 2020.9.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • スラウェシ島のメダカ科固有種群における性的二型多様化の分子メカニズム

    安齋 賢

    日本動物学会 第90回 大阪大会  2019.9.13 

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    Event date: 2019.9.12 - 2019.9.14

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Improved methods for targeted gene knock-in in medaka

    Satoshi Ansai, Kiyoshi Naruse

    The 25th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  2019.9.4 

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    Event date: 2019.9.4 - 2019.9.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ゲノム編集技術とその進化生物学研究への展開 Invited

    安齋 賢

    日本進化学会第21回大会  2019.8.7 

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    Event date: 2019.8.7 - 2019.8.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Adrianichthyidae in Sulawesi: as a model system to explore the mechanisms underlying diversification in sexual dimorphism Invited

    Satoshi Ansai

    The 14th International Zebrafish Conference  2019.6.13 

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    Event date: 2019.6.12 - 2019.6.16

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • メダカ属における赤色婚姻色の多様化をもたらす遺伝基盤

    安齋 賢

    平成31年度公益社団法人日本水産学会春季大会  2019.3.28 

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    Event date: 2019.3.26 - 2019.3.29

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • スラウェシ島メダカ科固有種群における性的二型の多様化 Invited

    安齋 賢

    新学術領域研究「性スペクトラム」第1回若手研究会  2019.3.4 

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    Event date: 2019.3.4 - 2019.3.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • インドネシア・スラウェシ島のメダカ固有種群から探る婚姻色の多様化メカニズム Invited

    安齋 賢

    第13回バイオイメージングフォーラム&重点共同利用研究合同シンポジウム  2019.2.13 

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    Event date: 2019.2.13 - 2019.2.14

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • メダカから学ぶ性的二型の多様化とその分子基盤 Invited

    安齋 賢

    第29回デジタル進化生物セミナー  2023.2.22 

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  • スラウェシ島のメダカ固有種群における性的二型の多様化メカニズムの解明に向けて

    安齋 賢

    第6回生態進化発生コロキウム  2018.12.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The molecular genetic basis of diversification in sexual dimorphism of medaka species endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia International conference

    Satoshi Ansai

    THE 46th NAITO CONFERENCE ON Mechanisms of Evolution and Biodiversity  2018.10.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Adrianichthyidae species in Sulawesi as a model system to explore the molecular genetic basis of diversification in sexual dimorphism

    Satoshi Ansai

    24th Japanese medaka and zebrafish meeting  2018.8.26 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • メダカ科魚類における性的二型 の多様化をもたらす分子基盤

    安齋賢, 持田浩治, 藤本真悟, Daniel Mokodongan, 永野惇, 豊田敦, 成瀬清, 山平寿智, 北野潤

    日本進化学会第20回大会  2018.8.23 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The molecular genetic basis of diversification in sexual dimorphism of medaka species endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia International conference

    Satoshi Ansai

    9th International Conference on Stickleback Behavior and Evolution  2018.7.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • The molecular genetic basis of diversification in sexual dimorphism of medaka species endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia International conference

    Satoshi Ansai

    2018 International Zebrafish Conference  2018.6.21 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • The molecular genetic basis of diversified sexually dimorphic traits in Oryzias species endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia International conference

    Satoshi Ansai

    4th Strategic Meeting for Medaka Research  2018.4.17 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ウォウォールメダカにおける体色の性的二型の遺伝基盤

    安齋 賢, 持田浩治, 藤本真悟, Daniel F. Mokodongan, 永野惇, 山平寿智, 北野潤

    第88回日本動物学会大会  2017.9.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • メダカ科魚類における性的二型の多様化をもたらす遺伝基盤

    安齋 賢

    第10回Evo-devo青年の会  2017.6.17 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • メダカ科魚類における性的二型の多様化をもたらす遺伝基盤

    安齋 賢, 持田浩治, 藤本真悟, Daniel F. Mokodongan, 永野惇, 山平寿智, 北野潤

    第64回日本生態学会大会  2017.3.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Current status of genetic engineering technologies in fish Invited International conference

    Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita

    Adaptation to Marine Environments ~Contributions of advanced technologies and comparative approaches to the understanding of adaptation strategies in marine organisms~  2016.9.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • The genetic basis of sexually dimorphic traits in Oryzias woworae: Toward the understanding of the genetic basis for phenotypic diversification in Indonesian medakas

    Satoshi Ansai, Koji Mochida, Shingo Fujimoto, Daniel F. Mokodongan, Atsushi J. Nagano, Kazunori Yamahira, Jun Kitano

    22th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  2016.8.21 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • スラウェシ島のメダカ科魚類における表現型多様化の遺伝基盤—新たな進化遺伝学モデルとしてのメダカについて考える

    安齋 賢

    第2回ユニークな少数派実験動物を扱う若手が最先端アプローチを勉強する会  2016.8.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Behavioral alterations in medaka caused by serotonin deficiency in the raphe neurons International conference

    Satoshi Ansai, Hiroshi Hosokawa, Shingo Maegawa, Youhei Washio, Kenji Sato, Masato Kinoshita

    17th Australia and New Zealand Zebrafish Meeting  2016.2.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Behavioral alterations in medaka caused by serotonin deficiency in the raphe neurons International conference

    Satoshi Ansai, Hiroshi Hosokawa, Shingo Maegawa, Youhei Washio, Kenji Sato, Masato Kinoshita

    3rd Medaka Strategic Meeting  2016.2.1 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 小型魚類におけるゲノム編集技術の現状 Invited

    川原 敦雄, 安齋 賢, 大道 裕

    21th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  2015.9.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • PhiC31インテグレースによる高効率遺伝子導入に用いるLanding site (attP) 導入メダカ系統の樹立

    石川 時郎, 安齋 賢°, 岡田 徹也, 木下 政人, 森 和俊

    21th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  2015.9.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Behavioral phenotyping test battery for genetically modified fish

    Satoshi Ansai, Shingo Maegawa, Masato Kinoshita, Hiroshi Hosokawa

    20th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  2014.9.22 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 遺伝子改変メダカの行動特性解析のための行動テストバッテリーの開発

    安齋 賢, 前川 真吾, 木下 政人, 細川 浩

    日本動物学会第85回仙台大会  2014.9.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Efficient method for targeted mutagenesis in medaka using TALENs and CRISPR/Cas system International conference

    Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita

    11th International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics  2014.6.24 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Efficient and simple method for targeted mutagenesis in medaka using TALENs and CRISPR/Cas system International conference

    Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita

    2nd Strategical Meeting for Medaka Research  2014.4.10 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • CRISPR/Casシステムを利用したメダカにおける簡便・高効率な標的遺伝子破壊

    安齋 賢, 木下 政人

    第36回日本分子生物学会年会  2013.12.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • TALEN及びCRISPR/Casを用いた標的遺伝子破壊メダカ作出技術の確立

    安齋 賢, 木下 政人

    第10回水生動物の行動と神経系シンポジウム  2013.11.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • CRISPR/Casシステムによる遺伝子破壊メダカの作出

    安齋 賢, 木下 政人

    日本動物学会第84回岡山大会  2013.9.27 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • CRISPR/Cas system - an efficient and simple tool for targeted genome editing in medaka

    Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita

    19th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  2013.9.20 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Targeted disruption endogenous genes in medaka using TALENs

    Satoshi Ansai, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Norihito Uemura, Ryosuke Takahashi, Masato Kinoshita


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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Targeted mutagenesis in medaka using custom-designed TALENs

    Satoshi Ansai, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Norihito Uemura, Ryosuke Takahashi, Masato Kinoshita

    18th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  2012.9.22 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Current status of gene knockout in medaka

    Satoshi Ansai, Hiroshi Ochiai, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Masato Kinoshita

    18th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  2012.9.22 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • TALENを用いたメダカ内在性遺伝子の破壊

    安齋 賢, 上村 紀仁, 高橋 良輔, 木下 政人

    第2回ゲノム編集研究会  2012.9.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • メダカでのZFN, TALENの最適化を目指して

    安齋 賢, 谷口 善仁, 北野 健, 木下 政人

    第1回ゲノム編集研究会  2012.2.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Targeted gene disruption in medaka using zinc-finger nucleases

    Satoshi Ansai, Yuki Gou, Takeshi Kitano, Hiroshi Ochiai, Yasuhiro Kamei, Takashi Yamamoto, Masato Kinoshita


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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


▼display all


  • Best Poster Award

    2016.2   17th Australia and New Zealand Zebrafish Meeting  

    Satoshi Ansai

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  • Best Poster Award

    2013.9   19th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  

    Satoshi Ansai

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  • Best Poster Award

    2012.9   18th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting  

    Satoshi Ansai

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Research Projects

  • 視覚シグナルを介した種内コミュニケーションの脳の分子神経基盤の解明

    Grant number:24K21957  2024.06 - 2026.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    竹内 秀明, 安齋 賢

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    Grant amount:\6500000 ( Direct expense: \5000000 、 Indirect expense:\1500000 )


  • ゲノム情報を活用した次世代水産物育種技術の確立

    2024.06 - 2025.02

    岡山県  特別電源所在県科学技術振興事業における大学等委託研究  グリーン成長分野に関する基盤技術開発

    安齋 賢

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 種間比較から紐解く形態的な二次性徴形質の多様化機構の解明

    Grant number:24K02063  2024.04 - 2027.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    荻野 由紀子, 福田 尚代, 安齋 賢, 渡辺 英治

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    Grant amount:\18460000 ( Direct expense: \14200000 、 Indirect expense:\4260000 )


  • 色素細胞の創出と喪失の進化発生メカニズム

    Grant number:24K09468  2024.04 - 2027.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    橋本 寿史, 安齋 賢, 合田 真, 日比 正彦

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct expense: \3500000 、 Indirect expense:\1050000 )


  • 品種特異的なゲノム解析によるゲノム編集水産品種の育種効果の向上

    2023.07 - 2024.02

    NEDO  官民による若手研究者発掘支援事  スタートアップ課題解決支援型

    安齋 賢

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • Evolutionary mechanisms leading to a transition of the sex determination systems.

    Grant number:23H02524  2023.04 - 2027.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    竹花 佑介, 安齋 賢

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    Grant amount:\18720000 ( Direct expense: \14400000 、 Indirect expense:\4320000 )


  • A neural mechanism underlying female mate preference using a ornamental signal

    Grant number:23K27205  2023.04 - 2026.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    安齋 賢, 竹内 秀明, 梶山 十和子

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    Grant amount:\18850000 ( Direct expense: \14500000 、 Indirect expense:\4350000 )


  • メダカ野生由来系統のゲノム多型情報整備

    2022.07 - 2024.03

    文部科学省  ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト(中核的拠点整備プログラム)  ゲノム情報等整備

    成瀬 清, 松田 勝, 工樂 樹洋, 安齋 賢

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  • Molecular/genetic basis underlying the fish social vision

    Grant number:21H04773  2021.04 - 2025.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    竹内 秀明, 安齋 賢

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    Grant amount:\42900000 ( Direct expense: \33000000 、 Indirect expense:\9900000 )


  • 熱帯の多様性創出における急速な性染色体置換の役割

    Grant number:21H04782  2021.04 - 2024.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)  基盤研究(A)

    山平 寿智, 北野 潤, 安齋 賢

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    Grant amount:\42120000 ( Direct expense: \32400000 、 Indirect expense:\9720000 )


  • メダカ黒色婚姻色の多様化をもたらす性的葛藤遺伝子の同定

    Grant number:21K15143  2021.04 - 2023.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究  若手研究

    安齋 賢

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct expense: \3500000 、 Indirect expense:\1050000 )



  • Genomic basis of speciation

    2020.11 - 2026.03

    JST  CREST  Large-scale genome synthesis and cell programming

    Jun Kitano, Kazunori Yamahira, Satoshi Ansai

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  • XY型からZW型への性決定システムの進化

    Grant number:19H03269  2019.04 - 2023.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)  基盤研究(B)

    竹花 佑介, 安齋 賢

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    Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct expense: \13200000 、 Indirect expense:\3960000 )



  • Elucidation of flexible homeostasis regulation that are lost during domestication

    Grant number:18K19323  2018.06 - 2021.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    Kanda Shinji

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    Grant amount:\6370000 ( Direct expense: \4900000 、 Indirect expense:\1470000 )

    Generally, wild and domesticated strains have different behavioral and physiological properties in animals. Here, by using wild and pet strains of medaka, we performed QTL analysis to identify the genomic loci that are responsible to the differences of phenotypes in wild and laboratory strains. From the two rounds of QTL analysis using 209 and 77 F2 hybrids, we identified multiple loci that showed correlation to phenotypes of stress response and reproduction.


  • The evolutionary genetic basis of diversified sexual dimorphism in Adrianichthyidae fishes

    Grant number:18K14769  2018.04 - 2020.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists


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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 、 Indirect expense:\960000 )

    To elucidate the evolutionary and genetic mechanisms underlying diversification in sexual dimorphism, we studied on the male nuptial coloration (red pectoral fins) of a medaka fish, Oryzias woworae, endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia. A candidate gene on an autosome, identified by QTL analysis and RNA-seq, was disrupted by CRISPR/Cas system, and the mutant exhibited loss of red pigment cells. Then, androgen administration showed that the differential expression of the gene between two sexes is caused by androgen signaling. Furthermore, a mating experiment and a predator experiment using the knockout fish indicated that loss of the red coloration decreased the female mate preference but increased the preference by the predator.


  • メダカ科魚類における性的葛藤遺伝子の同定と機能解析

    Grant number:16J05534  2016.04 - 2019.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費  特別研究員奨励費

    安齋 賢

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct expense: \3400000 、 Indirect expense:\1020000 )

    本研究は、性的二型の多様化に関わる分子機構を解明し、雌雄の適応度に与える影響を含めて実験的に証明することを目的として、インドネシア・スラウェシ島のメダカ科魚類固有種における体色の性的二型をモデルとした研究を進めている。前年度までに、ウォウォールメダカ (Oryzias woworae) の雄が発現する鮮やかな体色(赤い胸鰭と青い体側)について、種間交雑家系を用いたQTL解析を行い、原因遺伝子座の同定を試みた。その結果、赤い胸鰭の有無が常染色体上の1遺伝子座によって制御されている可能性を見出した。本年度はまず、(1)胸鰭におけるRNA-seqによる網羅的遺伝子発現解析により、胸鰭で発現に雌雄差のある遺伝子を計735個同定した。この内、18個がQTL解析により同定した原因遺伝子座内に含まれており、その中から有力な候補遺伝子を同定した。続いて同定した候補遺伝子について、(2)F2雑種個体を用いたアリル特異的発現解析を行った所、雌雄どちらにおいてもウォウォールメダカ由来アリルの発現量が有意に高い事が明らかとなった。このことは、原因遺伝子のシス調節領域の変異が胸鰭の高発現に重要であることを示唆している。さらに(3)雌の配偶者選択行動に対する胸鰭色彩の影響を解析するため、予備的な行動実験を行った。赤色フィルター下の行動実験で、赤い胸鰭を持つ種への選好性が低下する傾向が見られたことから、胸鰭の色彩が配偶者選好に重要である可能性が示された。


  • Genetic and neural basis of social behaviors in vertebrates

    Grant number:16H04819  2016.04 - 2019.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Naruse Kiyoshi, Takeuchi Hideaki, Yokoi Saori, Fukamachi Shoji

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    Grant amount:\16770000 ( Direct expense: \12900000 、 Indirect expense:\3870000 )

    We have established the KI(c-fos/egr1: DD_mClover3) lines and analyzed the up regulation of DD_mClover3 by TMP(epilepsy inducer). We have detected DD_mClover3 expression 1.5-6 times higher than untreated medaka in KI(c-fos: DD_mClover3) line and 1.9 times higher than untreated medaka in KI(egr1: DD_mClover3) line. These two lines may be useful for visualization of neural networks based on the specific behavior using DD_mClover3 expression.
    We successfully established KO individuals of the SWS1, SWS2 and LWS genes by CRISPR-Cas9. In addition, we could obtaine SWS1 specific monoclonal antibody.


  • 人工ヌクレアーゼを用いた標的遺伝子組換えメダカ作出技術の確立

    Grant number:13J01682  2013.04 - 2016.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費  特別研究員奨励費

    安齋 賢

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    Grant amount:\3000000 ( Direct expense: \3000000 )



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Class subject in charge

  • Seminar in Environmental Biology and Chronobiology (2024academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Neurobiology IIB (2024academic year) Second semester  - 月3~4

  • Marine Course 3 (2024academic year) Second semester  - その他

  • Evolutionary Genomics (2024academic year) Late  - その他

  • Evolutionary Genetics (2024academic year) Late  - 火1~2


Social Activities

  • 遺伝子から探るメダカの世界


    道新文化センター  2024.12.1

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    Type:Seminar, workshop


  • The 9th NIBB International Practical Course and The 4rd NIBB-TLL Joint International Practical Course, Genetics and Imaging of Medaka and Zebrafish,


    2016.8.18 - 2016.8.30

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    Type:Research consultation


  • 2015 メダカベーシックトレーニングコース


    基礎生物学研究所  2015.8.6 - 2015.8.7

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    Type:Research consultation


  • The 8th NIBB International Practical Course and The 3rd NIBB-TLL-DBS/NUS Joint International Practical Course, Experimental Techniques using Medaka and Xenopus – The Merits of using both –


    2014.9.22 - 2014.10.1

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    Type:Research consultation


  • 人工ヌクレアーゼによる小型魚類の遺伝子破壊法 (TALEN講習会)


    基礎生物学研究所  2013.2.25 - 2013.3.1

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    Type:Research consultation


Media Coverage

  • 体色変え意思疎通か メダカの一種 カムフラージュ能力転用 Newspaper, magazine

    山陽新聞  2024.9.17

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Academic Activities

  • 18th International Zebrafish Conference

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc., Panel moderator, session chair, etc.

    The International Zebrafish Society  2024.8.17 - 2024.8.21

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    Type:Academic society, research group, etc. 


  • The 26th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc.

    2020.11.20 - 2020.11.21

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    Type:Academic society, research group, etc. 
