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トミタ アサミ
冨田 朝美
環境生命自然科学学域 助教


  • 博士(農学) ( 2017年3月   筑波大学 )

  • 博士(農学) ( 2017年3月   筑波大学 )


  • 栽培

  • 鉄毒

  • 遺伝解析

  • イネ

  • 還元土壌


  • 環境・農学 / 作物生産科学

  • 環境・農学 / 遺伝育種科学


  • 筑波大学    

    - 2017年3月



  • 日本作物学会   若手・男女共同参画WG  

    2020年4月 - 2024年3月   




  • 日本作物学会中国支部会   編集委員会  

    2019年7月 - 現在   




  • 日本作物学会   広報委員会  

    2019年4月 - 2022年3月   






  • 水稲NERICA品種の農業形質に関する遺伝的要因

    冨田朝美, 秋元唯

    岡山大学農学部学術報告   113   11 - 16   2024年2月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:日本語  


  • Diversity of traits related to panicle architecture and grain size in Cambodian rice germplasm and newly developed mini-core collection. 査読

    Hiroki Saito, Chhourn Orn, Vathany Thun, Ouk Makara, Asami Tomita, Kazuhiro Sasaki, Mitsuhiro Obara, Nobuya Kobayashi, Yoshimichi Fukuta

    JARQ   57 ( 1 )   21 - 35   2023年1月


  • Lines for blast resistance genes with genetic background of Indica Group rice as international differential variety set 査読

    Yoshimichi Fukuta, Yohei Koide, Nobuya Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kato, Hiroki Saito, Mary Jeanie Telebanco‐Yanoria, Leodegario A. Ebron, Doris Mercado‐Escueta, Hiroshi Tsunematsu, Ikuo Ando, Daisuke Fujita, Mitsuhiro Obara, Asami Tomita, Nagao Hayashi, Tokio Imbe

    Plant Breeding   141 ( 5 )   609 - 620   2022年10月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Wiley  

    DOI: 10.1111/pbr.13040


    その他リンク: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/pbr.13040

  • Characterization of Six Partial Resistance Genes and One Quantitative Trait Locus to Blast Disease Using Near Isogenic Lines with a Susceptible Genetic Background of Indica Group Rice (Oryza sativa) 査読

    Hiroki Saito, Asami Tomita, Tomofumi Yoshida, Mitsuru Nakamura, Taro Suzuki, Akihiro Ikeda, Takahiro Kato, Yasunori Nakajima, Ryo Tanimoto, Toshio Tani, Nagao Hayashi, Hideyuki Hirabayashi, Ikuo Ando, Yoshimichi Fukuta

    PhytoFrontiers™   2 ( 3 )   230 - 241   2022年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Scientific Societies  

    Seven near isogenic lines (NILs) for six partial blast-resistance genes— Pi35, pi21, Pi37(t)( Pi37-KRIL17), Pb1, and Pi34 (two: Pi34-Chubu32 and Pi34-Chugoku40, originating from different Japonica Group rice lines, ‘Chubu 32’ and ‘Chugoku 40’, respectively)—and one quantitative trait locus (QTL), PiPHL9, derived from Japonica Group line ‘Hokkai PL9’, were developed in rice ( Oryza sativa L.). These NILs have the genetic background of an Indica Group susceptible line ‘US-2’, which does not harbor complete resistance genes and can clarify the effects of partial resistance genes and the QTL. These NILs and US-2 were used to determine the effects of the partial resistance genes and the QTL based on the results of an inoculation test for leaf blast using international standard differential blast isolates in the young seedling stage and a natural infection test in the mature stage after heading at a blast field. The NILs produced mainly moderate reactions in the inoculation test and rarely exhibited “resistant” and “susceptible” reactions. Each of the partial resistance genes and the QTL had different effects in panicle blast. Two genes, Pi35 and Pb1, were the most effective with respect to resistance, followed by Pi37-KRIL17. Pi34-Chugoku40 was the weakest. The effects of pi21, Pi34-Chubu32, and PiPHL9 varied among cultivation seasons and could be easily affected by environmental conditions. This is the first report clarifying the effects of partial resistance genes without the major complete genes, which will be helpful for advanced genetic and pathological studies and as a source of genes for rice breeding.

    [Formula: see text] Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license .

    DOI: 10.1094/phytofr-06-21-0042-r


  • Two Novel QTLs for the Harvest Index that Contribute to High-Yield Production in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). 査読 国際誌

    Hiroki Saito, Yoshimichi Fukuta, Mitsuhiro Obara, Asami Tomita, Tsutomu Ishimaru, Kazuhiro Sasaki, Daisuke Fujita, Nobuya Kobayashi

    Rice (New York, N.Y.)   14 ( 1 )   18 - 18   2021年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The harvest index (HI) is a measure of the biological success of forming harvestable products. However, our understanding of the genetic basis of HI in rice (Oryza sativa L.) is limited, because it is a complex trait consisting of various yield-related traits and physiological attributes. YTH183 is a high-yielding line with large panicles and high HI derived from a cross between the Indica Group variety IR 64 and the NPT line IR 69093-41-2-3-2 (YP5). RESULTS: Here, we detected two novel QTLs for HI, designated qHI5.1 on chromosome 5 and qHI8.1 on chromosome 8, by using 155 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross between IR 64 and YTH183. The YTH183 allele at qHI5.1 contributed to a wide grain, resulting in heavy grain weight and panicle weight, and was consistently effective under the different environmental conditions of subtropical (Ishigaki) and temperate (Tsukuba) regions. Genetic polymorphism revealed that qHI5.1 was identical to GSE5/GW5, which is known to control the grain weight. On the other hand, although qHI8.1 functioned additively with qHI5.1 for higher HI, it did not show any significant effect on grain or panicle weight. In addition, its effects on HI were shown only in the first seasons at Ishigaki but not at Tsukuba or in the second season at Ishigaki. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that qHI5.1 controls the grain size, regardless of whether environmental conditions are of subtropical or temperate regions, while qHI8.1 might be involved in controlling the physiological processes of source ability or the translocation of photosynthesis products from vegetative organs to grains depending on environmental conditions during the maturing stage. These QTLs will be useful genetic resources for future breeding programs to break through the ceiling of maximum yield in Indica Group varieties.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12284-021-00456-1



  • Genetic variation of typhoon-induced spikelet sterility in introgression lines with genetic background of Indica group rice (Oryza sativa L.) variety IR 64 査読

    Asami Tomita, Nashir Uddin, Mitsuhiro Obara, Hiroki Saito, Yoshimichi Fukuta

    Plant Production Science   24 ( 1 )   123 - 134   2020年9月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Informa UK Limited  

    DOI: 10.1080/1343943x.2020.1816138


  • QTL analysis for soil‐surface roots originating from a New Plant Type rice (Oryza sativa). 査読

    Plant Breeding   138   1 - 9   2019年




  • Genetic variation of blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cavara) resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) accessions widely used in Kenya 査読

    Yoshimichi Fukuta, Tomohisa Suzuki, Seiji Yanagihara, Mitsuhiro Obara, Asami Tomita, Ryo Ohsawa, Catherine Wanjiku Machungo, Nagao Hayashi, Daigo Makihara

    BREEDING SCIENCE   69 ( 4 )   672 - 679   2019年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPANESE SOC BREEDING  

    A total of 47 rice accessions collected from Kenya were investigated the genetic variations and classified into two cluster groups, A and B, by polymorphism data of 65 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Clusters A and B corresponded to Japonica and Indica Groups, respectively. The number of Japonica Group accessions was limited in comparison with those of the Indica Group. Based on their patterns of reaction to standard differential blast isolates (SDBIs), these accessions and 57 control cultivars including differential varieties and several accessions harboring partial resistance genes were classified again into three cluster groups: Ia (high resistance), Ib (intermediate resistance) and II (susceptible). The rice accessions from Kenya were classified only into groups Ia and Ib. The accessions from Kenya were finally classified into three categories, A-Ia, B-Ia and B-Ib, based on the two classifications of polymorphism of SSR markers and resistance. The Indica Group accessions had wider genetic variation for blast resistance than did the Japonica Group accessions. The three leading cultivars (Basmati 217, Basmati 370 and ITA 310) categorized into Cluster group Ia were susceptible to some SDBIs from Kenya. The genetic variation for blast resistance in Kenya was demonstrated as the first report using SDBIs.

    DOI: 10.1270/jsbbs.19065

    Web of Science


  • Genetic variation of root angle distribution in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings 査読

    Asami Tomita, Tadashi Sato, Yusaku Uga, Mitsuhiro Obara, Yoshimichi Fukuta

    BREEDING SCIENCE   67 ( 3 )   181 - 190   2017年6月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPANESE SOC BREEDING  

    We developed a new method of using seedling trays to evaluate root angle distribution in rice (Oryza sativa. L), and found a wide genetic variation among cultivars. The seedling tray method can be used to evaluate in detail the growth angles of rice crown roots at the seedling stage by allocating nine scores (10 to 90). Unlike basket methods, it can handle large plant populations over a short growth period (only 14 days). By using the method, we characterized the root angle distributions of 97 accessions into two cluster groups: A and B. The numbers of accessions in group A were limited, and these were categorized as shallow rooting types including soil-surface root. Group B included from shallow to deep rooting types; both included Indica and Japonica Group cultivars, lowland and upland cultivars, and landraces and improved types. No relationship between variation in root vertical angle and total root number was found. The variation in root angle distribution was not related to differentiation between the Japonica and Indica Groups, among ecosystems used for rice cultivation, or among degrees of genetic improvement. The new evaluation method and associated information on genetic variation of rice accessions will be useful in root architecture breeding of rice.

    DOI: 10.1270/jsbbs.16185

    Web of Science


  • Genetic variation in resistance to blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cavara) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasms of Bangladesh 査読

    Mohammad Ashik Iqbal Khan, Mohammad Abdul Latif, Mohammad Khalequzzaman, Asami Tomita, Mohammad Ansar Ali, Yoshimichi Fukuta

    Breeding Science   67 ( 5 )   493 - 499   2017年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Japanese Society of Breeding  

    Genetic variation in blast resistance was clarified in 334 Bangladesh rice accessions from 4 major ecotypes (Aus, Aman, Boro and Jhum). Cluster analysis of polymorphism data of 74 SSR markers separated these accessions into cluster I (corresponding to the Japonica Group) and cluster II (corresponding to the Indica Group). Cluster II accessions were represented with high frequency in all ecotypes. Cluster II was further subdivided into subclusters IIa and IIb. Subcluster IIa accessions were represented with high frequency in only Aus and Jhum ecotypes. Cluster I accessions were more frequent in the Aman ecotype than in other ecotypes. Distinct variations in resistance were found, and accessions were classified into 4 groups (A1, A2, B1 and B2) based on their reactions to standard differential blast isolates. The most susceptible group was A2 (which included susceptible variety Lijiangxintuanheigu, most of the differential varieties, and a few Bangladesh acces-sions), followed in order by A1, B2 and B1 (the most resistant). Accessions from 4 ecotypes fell with different frequencies into each of these resistance groups. These results demonstrated that Japonica Group accessions were found mainly in Aman, and Indica Group accessions were distributed across all ecotypes. Susceptible accessions were limited in Aus and Aman.

    DOI: 10.1270/jsbbs.17039



  • Identification of a low tiller gene from a new plant type cultivar in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 査読

    Md. Nashir Uddin, Asami Tomita, Mitsuhiro Obara, Seiji Yanagihara, Yoshimichi Fukuta

    BREEDING SCIENCE   66 ( 5 )   790 - 796   2016年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPANESE SOC BREEDING  

    We characterized a rice introgression line, YTH34, harboring a chromosome segment from a New Plant Type (NPT) cultivar, IR65600-87-2-2-3, in the genetic background of an Indica Group elite rice cultivar, IR 64, under upland and irrigated lowland conditions in Japan. The number of panicles (as an indicator of tiller number) and number of spikelets per panicle of YTH34 were lower than those of IR 64 under irrigated lowland conditions, but both of those as well as culm length, panicle length, seed fertility, panicle weight, whole plant weight, and harvest index were dramatically reduced under upland conditions. And the low tiller of YTH34 was confirmed to start after the maximum tiller stage. In particular, the decrease of panicle number was remarkable in upland, so we tried to identify the chromosome location of the relevant gene. Through segregation and linkage analyses using F-3 family lines derived from a cross between IR 64 and YTH34, and SSR markers, we found that low tiller number was controlled by a single recessive gene, ltn2, and mapped with the distance of 2.1 cM from SSR marker RM21950, in an introgressed segment on chromosome 7. YTH34 harboring ltn2 and the genetic information for DNA markers linked will be useful for genetic modification of plant architectures of Indica Group rice cultivar.

    DOI: 10.1270/jsbbs.16143

    Web of Science




  • 日本作物学会第253回講演会優秀発表賞(ポスター発表部門)

    2022年3月   塩条件下における高有効茎歩合に作用するイネ New Plant Type 品種由来の染色体領域

    冨田朝美, 水田葉月, 平井儀彦



  • 多様な土壌環境適応性を制御するイネ葉身褐変症状に関する遺伝的メカニズム及び生理的特性の解明


    公益財団法人 八雲環境科学振興財団  環境研究助成 


  • イネの水稲褐変障害に関する遺伝的多様性


    公益財団法人ウエスコ学術振興財団  海外助成事業 


  • 塩害土壌における環境負荷軽減・イネ高収量の両立に寄与する染色体領域および形態的特性の解明


    公益財団法人 八雲環境科学振興財団  環境研究助成 


  • イネの穂数と稔実歩合に関与する耐塩性遺伝子の作用機構と集積効果の解明

    研究課題/領域番号:20H02969  2020年04月 - 2024年03月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    平井 儀彦, 冨田 朝美, 村田 芳行


    配分額:17940000円 ( 直接経費:13800000円 、 間接経費:4140000円 )

    塩害地におけるイネの収量向上のためには,長期塩条件での収量形質に関する耐塩性機構および関連遺伝子の解明が必要である.そこで,コシヒカリの遺伝的背景に第2染色体の一部がIR64 の染色体に置換された系統の SL2007とコシヒカリを交配して得られた後代系統を用いて,長期塩条件下での収量形質に関わるQTL解析を行った.その結果,第2染色体上に精籾重および穂数に対するQTLが検出され,精籾重に関するQTLは2.5Mbの領域に,穂数に関するQTLは0.6Mbの領域に絞り込まれた.さらに精籾重の維持に関わるQTL領域の絞り込みを行ったところ,同領域に出穂期関連遺伝子が含まれ,準同質遺伝子系統間で出穂日のずれが生じ,開花期の稔実に関わる生理的実験,ならびに耐塩性候補遺伝子の検討が困難であった.


  • 異なる光スペクトルによるイネ地表根の重力屈性および乾物生産性への影響


    公益財団法人ウエスコ学術振興財団  研究活動費助成事業 


  • アフリカイネ由来の深根性に寄与する遺伝的要因の特定


    公益財団法人 両備檉(てい)園記念財団  研究助成 生物学研究奨励賞 





  • Laboratory in Applied Plant Science 1 (2024年度) 1・2学期  - 木5~8

  • Laboratory in Applied Plant Science 2 (2024年度) 1・2学期  - 金5~8

  • Laboratory in Applied Plant Science 3 (2024年度) 3・4学期  - 木5~8

  • 応用植物科学コース実験1 (2024年度) 1・2学期  - 木5,木6,木7,木8

  • 応用植物科学コース実験2 (2024年度) 1・2学期  - 金5,金6,金7,金8

  • 応用植物科学コース実験3 (2024年度) 3・4学期  - 木5,木6,木7,木8

  • Laboratory in Applied Plant Science 1 (2023年度) 1・2学期  - 木5~8

  • Laboratory in Applied Plant Science 2 (2023年度) 1・2学期  - 金5~8

  • Laboratory in Applied Plant Science 3 (2023年度) 3・4学期  - 木5~8

  • 応用植物科学コース実験1 (2023年度) 1・2学期  - 木5,木6,木7,木8

  • 応用植物科学コース実験2 (2023年度) 1・2学期  - 金5,金6,金7,金8

  • 応用植物科学コース実験3 (2023年度) 3・4学期  - 木5,木6,木7,木8
