Updated on 2024/02/01


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor
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  • 博士(経済学) ( 2002.5   京都大学 )

  • 経済学博士

Research Interests

  • 社会保障

  • 介護保険

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy  / 医療経済学


  • Kyoto University   経済学研究科   博士課程

    1999.3 - 2002.3

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  • Kyoto University   経済学研究科   修士課程

    1997.4 - 1999.3

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  • Kyoto University   経済学部   経済学科

    1994.4 - 1997.3

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  • Kyoto University   文学部  

    1993.4 - 1994.3

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Research History

  • Okayama University   社会文化科学研究科   Professor


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  • Okayama University   社会文化科学研究科   Associate Professor

    2007.4 - 2014.3

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  • Okayama University   Faculty of Economics   Associate Professor (as old post name)

    2002.4 - 2007.3

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  • 社会保障と経済 3 社会サービスと地域 7章 介護サービス供給体制(共著)

    東京大学出版会  2010  ( ISBN:9784130541336

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  • 社会保障論

    法律文化社  2007 

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  • 医療介護とは何か

    金原出版  2004 

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  • 登録ヘルパーの労働供給と労働希望時間のミスマッチ

    2009年度日本経済学会秋季大会  2009 

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  • 登録ヘルパーの労働供給と労働希望時間のミスマッチ

    第51回老年社会科学会  2009 

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  • 介護職員が働き続けるには何が必要か?

    第49回日本老年社会科学会  2007 

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  • 介護職員が働き続けるには何が必要か?

    第2回医療経済学会  2007 

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  • 介護保険料の負担感に影響する要因の分析

    第48回日本老年社会科学会  2006 

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  • 介護保険料の負担感に影響する要因の分析

    日本経済学会秋季大会  2006 

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  • 特別養護老人ホームに勤務する介護職員の仕事満足度に影響する要因

    第65回日本公衆衛生学会総会  2006 

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  • 在宅介護継続の阻害要因の分析

    2005年度 日本経済学会春季大会  2005 

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  • Evaluation of the Japanese Long-term Care Community Care Services

    International Health Economic Association, 5th World Congress  2005 

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  • 特別養護老人ホームの質に関する研究

    2004年度 日本経済学会春季大会  2004 

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  • 特別養護老人ホームにおける身体拘束と施設特性の関連についての分析

    第63回日本公衆衛生学会  2004 

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  • 特別養護老人ホームにおける身体拘束と施設特性の関連についての分析

    第52回 日本社会福祉学会  2004 

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  • 在宅サービス 何が足りないのか?

    第4回 医療経済学研究会議  2004 

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  • 時間選好率がタイムトレードオフに及ぼす影響についての研究

    日本経済学会  2003 

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  • ヘドニック賃金アプローチによる医師の非金銭的インセンティブに関する研究

    日本経済学会春季大会  2003 

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  • 国民健康保険の事務費と規模の経済

    日本経済学会  2002 

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  • 景気循環と自殺の関係

    日本経済学会  2002 

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  • 医師需要誘発仮説とアクセスコスト低下仮説

    日本経済学会  2001 

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  • An Estimation of Price Elasticity of Medical Care Demand

    日本経済学会  2001 

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  • 景気循環と自殺の関係

    日本経済学会  2001 

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  • 医療技術の価格指数作成とその利用に関する一つの試み

    日本経済学会  2001 

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  • An Estimation of Price Elasticity of Medical Care Demand Evidnce from Japanese Policy Reform During 40 Years

    日本経済学会  2001 

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  • 国民健康保険の事務費と規模の経済

    日本経済学会  2001 

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  • 社会的入院の統計的分析

    日本公衆衛生学会  2001 

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  • 医療技術の価格指数作成とその利用に関する一つの試み

    日本経済学会  2000 

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  • 医師需要誘発仮説とアクセスコスト低下仮説

    日本経済学会  2000 

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  • 介護サービス市場における情報の非対称性の緩和に関する研究


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  • 介護サービス市場における情報の非対称性の緩和に関する研究


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  • 介護サービス市場における情報の非対称性の緩和に関する研究


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Research Projects

  • 親の介護が未婚の子とその世帯に及ぼす影響

    Grant number:21K01540  2021.04 - 2025.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    岸田 研作, 谷垣 靜子

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    Grant amount:\2080000 ( Direct expense: \1600000 、 Indirect expense:\480000 )



  • 重度療養者のQOLを生み出す訪問看護実践のプロセスとアウトカム指標の開発と検証

    Grant number:18K10571  2018.04 - 2023.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    谷垣 靜子, 長江 弘子, 岸田 研作, 乗越 千枝, 仁科 祐子

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 、 Indirect expense:\960000 )



  • Economic Analysis of Caregiving, Work and Balance

    Grant number:16K03701  2016.10 - 2020.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Kishida Kensaku

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    Grant amount:\2470000 ( Direct expense: \1900000 、 Indirect expense:\570000 )

    We estimated the number of leaves for elderly care who did not restart to work and thier foregone income. The result shows that among 99 thousands of leavers for care, 64 thouthand ones did not restarat to work. The first annual foregone wage was 180 billion yen. The sum of the first and the second is 334 billion yen. We braked down the foregone income by dicrease in employment rate and wage. Accorting to it, 77.7% of decrease of foregone income is due to dicrease in employment


  • Development and adaptation of the cooperation model that community-based integrated care system in visiting nurse

    Grant number:26463486  2014.04 - 2019.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    TANIGAKI Shizuko

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    Grant amount:\4940000 ( Direct expense: \3800000 、 Indirect expense:\1140000 )

    This study was performed with the aim of clarifying the key factors among cooperating skilled nurses in supporting home care. As the study method, we qualitatively analyzed the data of a focus group interview performed with 6 skilled home-care nurses. As a result, we defined the following 5 parameters, “basing decision-making on the majority opinion,” “representing the needs and wishes of the patient/patient’s family,” “organizing a team based on predicted situations,” “meeting and talking with the patient face to face,” and “finding out an appropriate approach after understanding the patient’s needs and personality.” It was determined that nurses consider the future life of a patient and his/her family needs based on the wishes of the patient about home care, organize a team that would plan for the future needs, and establish a collaboration with team members.


  • Temporal Transition in Nationwide Social Hospitalization

    Grant number:24530253  2012.04 - 2016.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Kishida Kensaku, TANIGAKI Shizuko

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    Grant amount:\2730000 ( Direct expense: \2100000 、 Indirect expense:\630000 )

    Social hospitalization is the unnecessary inpatient service use caused by a shortage of long-term care services or family caregivers. The study aim is to clarify the temporal transition in nationwide social hospitalization.
    Inpatients aged 65 or older in general and long-term care beds from 1996 to 2008 were the focus of the study. The cost of social hospitalization increased from 422.8 billion yen in 1996 to 668.4 billion yen in 2002. After this, the cost started to decreased from 599.9 billion yen in 2005 to 391.1 billion yen in 2008. Most of this decrease was in long-term care beds, which was triggered by the reorganization of long-term care beds by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.


  • Modeling of the personnel management in the magnet visiting nursing station and the practical use

    Grant number:23593438  2011 - 2013

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\5200000 ( Direct expense: \4000000 、 Indirect expense:\1200000 )

    The number of the national visiting nursing station stations remains at the same level from the 2000s. Therefore we focus on magnet visiting nursing stations with low retention rates and clarified their characteristics of the personnel/labor management. Our results showed that the magnet visiting nursing station worked on improvement in nursing practice ability. And we gave lectures and seminars about nursing practice improvement and growth of staff to people with six and under experience years as managers. The quantitative outcome evaluation had the business condition of the station and the enforcement situation of the self-aim; before, seminars three months after. Comparing it before and three months after the seminars, business condition was improved by taking the addition for terminal and addition 24 hours. Furthermore, the seminars could have an effect on the individual manager's perceptions.


  • Analysis of mitigation of asymmetric information in the long-term care market

    Grant number:19330051  2007 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    KISHIDA Kensaku, TANIGAKI Shizuko, FUJII Daiji, CHO Seigen

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    Grant amount:\13780000 ( Direct expense: \10600000 、 Indirect expense:\3180000 )

    In the long-term care insurance, users are supposed to choose providers of long-term care. However, the information for choosing the providers is very limited. Hence, it has been said that users don't chose the providers by themselves, instead care managers recommend them the providers. However, the recommendation of care managers has been considered to be impartial due to pecuniary motivation. Hence, we studied how care managers recommend users the providers.


  • 介護保険の制度設計

    2004 - 2006


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    Grant type:Competitive



  • Adequate Incentive Regulation of Institutional Care Services

    Grant number:16330047  2004 - 2006

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    KISHIDA Kensaku, CHINO Tetsuro, FUJII Daiji, TANIGAKI Shizuko

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    Grant amount:\12100000 ( Direct expense: \12100000 )

    This research aims to clarify the basic evidences related to a series of problems about institutional care services. In Chapter 1, we clarify factors in care worker's intention to quit and job satisfactions. To provide good quality care services, we must secure enough care workers. So, it is very important to clarify working conditions to attain it. In Chapter 2, we clarify factors in subjective long-term care insurance premium burden. To introduce the competition into institutional care services, it is inevitable to increase the number of providers, which should lead to increase in the premium. Understanding factors in subjective long-term care insurance premium burden would give us the important basic knowledge needed to provide institutional care services in the future. In Chapter3, we clarify the factors in timing of nursing home placement hoped by caregivers. Although nursing homes are considered to be under excess-demand, in reality, some of the demand is for "reservation", and there are many waiters living outside their own home. Our respondents include those who living outside their own home previous researches exclude. In Chapter 4, we clarify factors in three indicators related to the quality of care services in group home. The indicators are discretion of managers, frequency of family members' visit and line of terminal care.


  • 生活習慣病を予防する定期的な運動習慣の形成要因を経済学の手法を用いて明らかにする

    Grant number:15653016  2003 - 2004

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  萌芽研究

    岸田 研作, 柿原 浩明

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    Grant amount:\3400000 ( Direct expense: \3400000 )

    目的:生活習慣病は、運動不足や喫煙、栄養バランスを欠いた食事などの悪い生活習慣が長年続くことによって引き起こされる。生活習慣病は一度発病すると完治することが難しく、医療費や介護費に対する影響も大きい。従って、生活習慣病にならないように、良い生活習慣を守る一次予防が医学、経済学の両面から注目され、健康行動の促進・普及が重要な政策課題となっている。健康信念モデルは、Rosenstock(1966)によって提唱された健康行動の最も代表的な説明モデルである。健康信念モデル(Health Belief Model)では、人がある健康行動を行うか否かは、その行動を行うことによってもたらされる利益と損失の比較判断に基づくと仮定する。このモデルの特徴は、健康行動が人々の合理的な判断に基づくと仮定している点であり、それは標準的な経済学の合理的経済人の仮定と完全に一致する。経済学のモデル(Grossman model)の枠組みで考えると、健康行動は健康資本に対する投資と考えることができる。本稿の目的は、健康信念モデル或いは経済学のモデルに基づいて、健康行動を分析することである。方法:対象は、調査会社と契約したモニター世帯の登録者本人とその配偶者である。本人の年齢が35歳以上60歳未満の世帯から無作為抽出した。調査は、2005年2月〜3月に行った。分析対象となる健康行動は、運動、良い食事、節酒飲酒、非喫煙の4種類である。健康知識の指標は、項目反応理論(Item Response Theory)に基づいて作成した。結果:節酒を除いて、健康行動の効果を高く評価するほど、健康行動を取る。また、健康行動の費用が高くなるほど健康行動を取らなくなる。予防に関する健康知識は、良い食事習慣と非喫煙習慣を促進した。考察:健康行動は、合理性を仮定したモデルによって説明することができる。従って、健康行動を促進するには、健康行動の費用を減らしたり、正しい健康知識の普及が重要である。


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Class subject in charge

  • Graduation Research Seminar (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他7~8

  • Graduation Research Seminar (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他7~8

  • Seminar (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 木7~8

  • Seminar (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木7~8

  • Basic Seminar (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 金7~8

  • Economics of Social Security (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminor on Economics of Social Security 1 (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminor on Economics of Social Security 2 (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Social Security (2023academic year) Prophase  - 金5

  • Social Security (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木10

  • Social Security (2023academic year) Prophase  - 金5

  • Social Security I (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月5~6

  • Social Security II (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月5~6

  • Seminar on Social Security (2023academic year) Late  - 火3

  • Challenge Seminar 1(Division of Economic Theory and Policy) (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Challenge Seminar 2(Division of Economic Theory and Policy) (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Challenge Seminar3(Division of Economic Theory and Policy) (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Challenge Seminar4(Division of Economic Theory and Policy) (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Graduation Research Seminar (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Graduation Research Seminar (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

  • Seminar (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 木7~8

  • Seminar (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木7~8

  • Basic Seminar (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 金7~8

  • Economics of Social Security (2022academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminor on Economics of Social Security 1 (2022academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminor on Economics of Social Security 2 (2022academic year) Late  - その他

  • System of Social Security (2022academic year) Late  - 火3

  • Social Security (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月9

  • Social Security(Common Subject) (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月9

  • Social Security I (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 水3~4

  • Challenge Seminar 1(Division of Economic Theory and Policy) (2022academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Graduation Research Seminar (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Graduation Research Seminar (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

  • Seminar (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 木7~8

  • Seminar (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木7~8

  • Seminar (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木7~8

  • Basic Seminar (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 金7~8

  • Seminar (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木10

  • Seminar (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木10

  • Economics of Social Security (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminor on Economics of Social Security 1 (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminor on Economics of Social Security 2 (2021academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminar on the System of Social Security (2021academic year) Late  - 月3

  • Social Security (2021academic year) Prophase  - 金5

  • Social Security I (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月5~6

  • Social Security II (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 月5~6

  • Seminar on Social Security (2021academic year) Prophase  - 金5

  • Graduation Research Seminar (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - その他

  • Graduation Research Seminar (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - その他

  • Seminar (2020academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 金7,金8

  • Seminar (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木7,木8

  • Basic Seminar (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 木7,木8

  • Basic Seminar (2020academic year) Third semester  - 金7,金8

  • Basic Seminar (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 金7,金8

  • Economics of Social Security (2020academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminor on Economics of Social Security 1 (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • Seminor on Economics of Social Security 2 (2020academic year) special  - その他

  • System of Social Security (2020academic year) Late  - 月3

  • Social Security (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 火1,火2

  • Social Security (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木10

  • Social Security (2020academic year) Prophase  - 水5

  • Social Security (2020academic year) Prophase  - 水5

  • Social Policy (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 月3,月4

  • Challenge Seminar 1(Division of Economic Theory and Policy) (2020academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Challenge Seminar 2(Division of Economic Theory and Policy) (2020academic year) Late  - その他

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