Updated on 2024/09/18


Okayama University Hospital Special-Appointment Assistant Professor
Special-Appointment Assistant Professor
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  • 医学博士 ( 岡山大学 )



  • Adverse events after different endoscopic resection procedures for small and intermediate-sized colorectal polyps. Reviewed International journal

    Junki Toyosawa, Yasushi Yamasaki, Yuki Aoyama, Kensuke Takei, Shoko Igawa, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Hideaki Kinugasa, Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Hiroyuki Okada, Motoyuki Otsuka

    Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland)   1 - 9   2024.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Cold snare polypectomy (CSP) and underwater endoscopic mucosal resection (UEMR) have been developed recently, in addition to conventional methods, but adverse events of each method have not been fully clarified. We compared outcomes of each method for the appropriate choice. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients who underwent CSP, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR)/hot snare polypectomy (HSP) or UEMR for small and intermediate-sized colorectal polyps between April 2017 and June 2020 were retrospectively examined. The rate of adverse events and recurrences due to each method were determined as main outcomes. Clinical factors related with adverse events were examined. RESULTS: A total of 1,025 patients with 3,163 polyps underwent polypectomy using any of the methods. CSP, EMR/HSP and UEMR were performed for 704 (22.2%), 2,145 (67.8%) and 314 polyps (9.9%), and median size for each method was 4, 6 and 7 mm, respectively. Delayed bleeding for CSP, EMR/HSP and UEMR was 0%, 0.2% and 0.6% (P = 0.15), and perforation was 0%, 0.1% and 0%, respectively (P = 0.62). Recurrence after CSP, EMR/HSP and UEMR was 0.1%, 0.04% and 1.0%, respectively (P < 0.01). Recurrence for UEMR was significantly higher in the early stage of procedure introduction (P = 0.001). Oral anticoagulants were the risk factor for delayed bleeding (P < 0.01, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant difference regarding adverse events among each method for small and intermediate-sized polyps, although recurrence rate after UEMR was higher than other methods.

    DOI: 10.1159/000540365



  • Efficacy and safety of filgotinib for ulcerative colitis: A real-world multicenter retrospective study in Japan. Reviewed International journal

    Shintaro Akiyama, Kaoru Yokoyama, Soichi Yagi, Shinichiro Shinzaki, Kozo Tsuruta, Shinichiro Yoshioka, Minako Sako, Hiromichi Shimizu, Mariko Kobayashi, Toshiyuki Sakurai, Kei Nomura, Tomoyoshi Shibuya, Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Kyohei Sugai, Shunichi Yanai, Atsushi Yoshida, Miki Koroku, Teppei Omori, Masayuki Saruta, Takayuki Matsumoto, Ryuichi Okamoto, Kiichiro Tsuchiya, Toshimitsu Fujii

    Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics   59 ( 11 )   1413 - 1424   2024.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: While filgotinib, an oral Janus kinase (JAK) 1 preferential inhibitor, is approved for moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC), real-world studies assessing its short- and long-term efficacy and safety are limited. METHODS: This is a multicenter, retrospective study of UC patients who started filgotinib between March 2022 and September 2023. The primary outcome was clinical remission, defined as a partial Mayo score ≤1 with a rectal bleeding score of 0, or Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index (SCCAI) ≤2 with a blood-in-stool score of 0. Secondary outcomes included clinical response, corticosteroid-free remission, and endoscopic improvement. Outcomes were assessed at 10, 26, and 58 weeks based on patients with available follow-up. Adverse events were evaluated. RESULTS: We identified 238 UC patients and 54% had prior exposure to biologics/JAK inhibitors. The median baseline partial Mayo score and SCCAI were 5 (IQR 3-6) and 4 (IQR 2-7). Clinical remission rates based on per-protocol analysis at 10, 26, and 58 weeks were 47% (70/149), 55.8% (48/86), and 64.6% (31/48), respectively. At a median follow-up of 28 weeks (IQR 10-54) with a discontinuation rate of 39%, the rates of clinical remission, clinical response, corticosteroid-free remission, and endoscopic improvement were 39.9% (81/203), 54.7% (111/203), and 36.5% (74/203), and 43.5% (10/23), respectively. These rates were comparable between biologic/JAK inhibitor-naïve and -experienced patients. While three patients (1.3%) developed herpes zoster infection, no cases of thrombosis or death were reported. CONCLUSIONS: Real-world data demonstrate favourable clinical and safety outcomes of filgotinib for UC.

    DOI: 10.1111/apt.17961



  • Utility of Combined Use of Transabdominal Ultrasonography and Fecal Immunochemical Test Examinations in Ulcerative Colitis. Reviewed

    Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Masayasu Ohmori, Keiko Takeuchi, Kensuke Takei, Yuki Aoyama, Eriko Yasutomi, Shoko Igawa, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Junki Toyosawa, Yasushi Yamasaki, Hideaki Kinugasa, Keita Harada, Hideki Onishi, Hiroyuki Okada

    Acta medica Okayama   78 ( 1 )   79 - 83   2024.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This study examined the utility of the combined use of transabdominal ultrasonography (TUS) and fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) to detect mucosal inflammation, vis-a-vis the Mayo endoscopic subscore (MES), in ulcerative colitis (UC). Sixty-three UC patients who underwent TUS and FIT were retrospectively enrolled. For TUS, the colon was divided into five segments, and the bowel wall thickness was measured and evaluated. The accuracy of FIT (> 100 ng/ml) in detecting mucosal inflammation (MES>0) was 0.93, whereas that of TUS (BWT>2 mm) in each segment was 0.84-0.97. The combined use of TUS and FIT may be helpful in noninvasive treatment strategies.

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/66674



  • Low Patient Weight and Long Intubation Time Are Key Factors for Pain during Colonoscopy. Reviewed

    Shohei Oka, Keita Harada, Shumpei Yamamoto, Eriko Yasutomi, Shoko Igawa, Masayasu Ohmori, Mami Hirai, Yasushi Yamasaki, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Hideaki Kinugasa, Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Hiroyuki Okada

    Acta medica Okayama   77 ( 5 )   471 - 478   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Although the clinical usefulness of colonoscopy has been established, the procedure remains painful for many patients. This study was designed to clarify the factors predicting colonoscopy-related pain. We evaluated 283 consecutive patients who completed a first-ever, total colonoscopy without sedatives or analgesics. The severity of pain symptoms was evaluated by a numeric rating scale (NRS) in a questionnaire immediately after the colonoscopy. Patient backgrounds and endoscopic findings were analyzed to evaluate their association with pain. Out of 283 patients, 53 scored their pain 0-1 on the NRS while 48 scored it 6-10. We defined the colonoscopies of the former and latter patients as painless and painful, respectively, and compared the two. Multivariate analyses revealed that low body weight (OR 4.95, 95%CI 1.89-12.99) and longer intubation time (OR 3.63, 95%CI 1.46-9.03) were significant risk factors for painful colonoscopy. To identify factors contributing to the increased intubation time, we divided subjects into short- and long-intubation-time groups based on a median insertion time of 7 min. Older age (OR 2.28, 95%CI 1.31-3.98), previous abdominal surgery (OR 1.93, 95%CI 1.13-3.32) and findings of invasive cancer (OR 10.90, 95%CI 1.34-88.90) were significant factors for longer intubation time.

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/65969



  • IBD診療におけるtreat to targetを考える Treat to targetを意識したクローン病におけるsurrogate markerの組み合わせ

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 青山 祐樹, 竹井 健介, 井川 翔子, 高原 政宏, 大塚 基之

    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌   76 ( 9 )   A51 - A51   2023.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本大腸肛門病学会  


  • 血流豊富な粘膜下腫瘍の形態を呈した上行結腸血管周囲類上皮細胞腫の1例

    青山 祐樹, 井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 豊澤 惇希, 竹井 健介, 井川 翔子, 山崎 泰史, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 庄司 良平, 近藤 喜太, 柳井 広之, 大塚 基之

    日本消化器内視鏡学会中国支部例会   130回   81 - 81   2023.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器内視鏡学会-中国支部  


  • 膵癌化学療法における血中自己抗体を用いた治療効果予測の可能性

    松本 和幸, 高木 章乃夫, 高原 政宏, 小幡 泰介, 藤井 佑樹, 山崎 辰洋, 内田 大輔, 堀口 繁, 堤 康一郎, 加藤 博也

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   120 ( 臨増総会 )   A292 - A292   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 【あなたの知らないIBD診療の世界】新規治療法・検査法 IBDに対するバイオマーカーの使い方 血中マーカーと便中マーカー

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 青山 祐樹, 竹井 健介, 井川 翔子, 高原 政宏

    臨床消化器内科   38 ( 4 )   422 - 428   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)日本メディカルセンター  



  • 【IBDの既存治療を最新の知見から見直す!】IBDの5-ASA製剤による治療を見直す

    高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 井口 俊博

    IBD Research   16 ( 4 )   219 - 224   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)先端医学社  



  • 【高齢者潰瘍性大腸炎の現状】高齢者潰瘍性大腸炎の内科的治療とその見極め

    井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   119 ( 11 )   992 - 1003   2022.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  



    Other Link: https://search-tp.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2022&ichushi_jid=J01118&link_issn=&doc_id=20221116250003&doc_link_id=10.11405%2Fnisshoshi.119.992&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.11405%2Fnisshoshi.119.992&type=J-STAGE&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00007_2.gif

  • 【高齢者潰瘍性大腸炎の現状】高齢者潰瘍性大腸炎の内科的治療とその見極め

    井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   119 ( 11 )   992 - 1003   2022.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  



    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2022&ichushi_jid=J01118&link_issn=&doc_id=20221116250003&doc_link_id=%2Fck8syokb%2F2022%2F011911%2F003%2F0992-1003%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fck8syokb%2F2022%2F011911%2F003%2F0992-1003%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • 【潰瘍性大腸炎内科診療の新時代】日常診療に有用な潰瘍性大腸炎のバイオマーカー

    青山 祐樹, 平岡 佐規子, 井口 俊博, 竹井 健介, 井川 翔子, 竹内 桂子, 高原 政宏

    医学と薬学   79 ( 11 )   1461 - 1468   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)自然科学社  


  • クローン病患者の内視鏡活動性と活動性の変化を予測するバイオマーカーは?

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 豊澤 惇希, 竹井 健介, 青山 祐樹, 井川 翔子, 竹内 桂子, 山崎 泰史, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   119 ( 臨増大会 )   A750 - A750   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 生検検体を用いた胆道癌におけるPD-L1発現の検討

    松本 和幸, 高木 章乃夫, 大原 利章, 藤澤 真義, 高原 政宏, 加藤 博也, 吉田 龍一, 楳田 祐三, 八木 孝仁, 松川 昭博

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   119 ( 臨増大会 )   A730 - A730   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • クローン病患者の内視鏡活動性と活動性の変化を予測するバイオマーカーは?

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 豊澤 惇希, 竹井 健介, 青山 祐樹, 井川 翔子, 竹内 桂子, 山崎 泰史, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   119 ( 臨増大会 )   A750 - A750   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 生検検体を用いた胆道癌におけるPD-L1発現の検討

    松本 和幸, 高木 章乃夫, 大原 利章, 藤澤 真義, 高原 政宏, 加藤 博也, 吉田 龍一, 楳田 祐三, 八木 孝仁, 松川 昭博

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   119 ( 臨増大会 )   A730 - A730   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • The Colon Wall Thickness Measured Using Transabdominal Ultrasonography Is Useful for Detecting Mucosal Inflammation in Ulcerative Colitis. Reviewed

    Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Masayasu Ohmori, Keiko Takeuchi, Kensuke Takei, Eriko Yasutomi, Shoko Igawa, Shumpei Yamamoto, Yasushi Yamasaki, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Hideaki Kinugasa, Keita Harada, Hideki Ohnishi, Hiroyuki Okada

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   61 ( 18 )   2703 - 2709   2022.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Objective Transabdominal ultrasonography (TUS) is a non-invasive procedure that is reportedly useful for managing ulcerative colitis (UC) and assessing bowel wall thickness (BWT), the most common measure of mucosal inflammation. However, the exact range of BWT that reflects disease activity remains undetermined. The present study clarified the BWT due to disease activity by comparing the use of TUS in each segment of the colon versus using colonoscopy (CS) and determined the usefulness of TUS in patients with UC. Methods We divided the colon into five segments and measured the BWT using TUS. The results were then compared to the Mayo endoscopic subscore (MES) classification to determine the accuracy of BWT measurement. Patients Eighty patients with UC who underwent TUS within 14 days of CS were retrospectively registered. Results We evaluated a total of 268 images depicting each segment among 80 patients with UC. The BWT was positively correlated with endoscopic activity (0.69, p<0.0001). In each segment, the relationship between a BWT>2 mm and an MES>0 had the highest sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy (0.85-1.00, 0.67-0.92, and 0.81-0.97, respectively). Conclusion This study concluded that TUS was a useful method of detecting an MES>0, which indicates the presence of inflammation and its location among UC patients. MES>0 was found to be highly accurate when a BWT>2 mm was considered positive. This non-invasive method may help control disease activity in patients with UC.

    DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.8827-21



  • 消化管疾患と性差 女性IBD患者における月経周期と腹部症状との関わりを探る

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 青山 祐樹, 竹井 健介, 井川 翔子, 竹内 桂子, 高原 政宏, 近藤 喜太

    日本高齢消化器病学会誌   25 ( 1 )   144 - 144   2022.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(NPO)日本高齢消化器病学会  


  • Usefulness of Intestinal Ultrasound to Detect Small Intestinal Stenosis in Patients with Crohn's Disease. Reviewed International journal

    Keiko Takeuchi, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Masahiro Takahara, Masayasu Ohmori, Eriko Yasutomi, Shohei Oka, Shoko Igawa, Kensuke Takei, Yuki Baba, Seiji Kawano, Yasushi Yamasaki, Hideaki Kinugasa, Keita Harada, Sakiko Hiraoka, Hiroyuki Okada

    Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine   42 ( 2 )   373 - 383   2022.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVES: Double balloon enteroscopy (DBE) with retrograde contrast is useful as a monitoring tool for small intestinal lesions in Crohn's disease (CD), but these are burdensome for patients. Intestinal ultrasound (IUS) can be used with ease in daily clinical practice, but there is less evidence regarding the accuracy of detection of small intestinal stenosis in CD. This study aimed to examine the diagnostic power of IUS for small intestinal stenosis in patients with CD. METHODS: The findings of DBE and IUS in 86 patients with CD with small intestinal lesions were evaluated. Using DBE as the reference standard, we examined the detection rate of IUS for small intestinal stenosis. We evaluated three parameters: luminal narrowing, prestenotic dilation, and to-and-fro movement for determining stenosis using IUS. In addition, we compared the characteristics between the stenosis-detectable and stenosis-undetectable groups by IUS. RESULTS: Of the 86 patients, 30 had small intestinal stenosis. In IUS findings, when lesions that met two or more of the three parameters were judged as stenosis, the detection rate was 70.0% for sensitivity, 98.2% for specificity, and 88.4% for accuracy. Moreover, there were patients with a younger age at diagnosis (P < 0.05) and more ileocolonic disease location (P < 0.05) in the stenosis-detectable group by IUS. The stenoses detected by IUS were significantly longer than those undetected by IUS (14.1 mm versus 5.2 mm, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: IUS delivered reliable results for clinically important small intestinal stenosis of CD with high diagnostic accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1002/jum.16038



  • 人工肛門造設状態で帝王切開による分娩が可能であった難治性クローン病の一例

    安富 有希, 井川 翔子, 青山 祐樹, 竹井 健介, 安富 絵里子, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之, 近藤 喜太

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   117回   69 - 69   2022.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • 消化管の炎症性疾患における超音波の役割 クローン病の活動性評価における経腹超音波検査の有用性

    高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 大森 正泰, 竹内 佳子, 井口 俊博, 大西 秀樹, 岡田 裕之

    超音波医学   49 ( Suppl. )   S243 - S243   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本超音波医学会  


  • UnderwaterとUnder-gelでの大腸腫瘍性病変に対する境界診断能の検討

    豊澤 惇希, 山崎 泰史, 岡田 裕之, 竹井 健介, 青山 祐樹, 井川 翔子, 安富 絵里子, 山本 峻平, 竹内 桂子, 高原 政宏, 衣笠 秀明, 原田 馨太, 平岡 佐規子

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   64 ( Suppl.1 )   761 - 761   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • Diagnostic Utility of the PD-L1 Immunostaining in Biopsy Specimens of Patients with Biliary Tract Neoplasms. Reviewed International journal

    Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Toshiaki Ohara, Masayoshi Fujisawa, Akinobu Takaki, Masahiro Takahara, Hironari Kato, Ryuichi Yoshida, Yuzo Umeda, Takahito Yagi, Akihiro Matsukawa, Hiroyuki Okada

    Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract   26 ( 6 )   1213 - 1223   2022.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Anti-programmed death 1/programmed death ligand 1 (PD1/PD-L1) antibodies have been successfully used as treatment agents for several solid tumors; however, it is difficult to predict their effectiveness. We evaluated whether biopsy specimens could predict the positive status of PD-L1 in surgically resected tissue. METHODS: Among 91 patients who underwent tissue sampling with endoscopic or liver biopsy before surgery for biliary tract neoplasms in an academic center, 45 (49%) patients were selected for retrospective analysis because the quality and quantity of their biopsy specimens were adequate for histologic evaluation. We performed immunohistochemical staining to investigate the PD-L1 expression in both resected and biopsy specimens. The percentage of the positively stained cells was calculated for subsequent use in the correlation investigation. RESULTS: The biopsy methods were endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in 28 cases, percutaneous liver biopsy in 10 cases, and endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle aspiration in 7 cases. Among the 45 patients, when patients with > 10% positive tumor cells in surgically resected tissues were regarded as truly positive PD-L1, the positive and negative concordance rates between surgically resected tissues and biopsy samples were 56% (5/9) and 100% (36/36), respectively. With regard to the use of preoperative biopsy as a diagnostic tool, all (5/5) PD-L1-positive patients had a positive resected specimen. The accuracy of each biopsy method was as follows: ERCP, 89% (25/28); fine-needle aspiration, 86% (6/7); and liver biopsy, 100% (10/10). CONCLUSIONS: Biopsy samples could be a surrogate material for the assessment of the PD-L1 expression with substantial positive and high negative concordance rates.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11605-021-05197-6



  • Metformin ameliorates chronic colitis in a mouse model by regulating interferon-γ-producing lamina propria CD4+ T cells through AMPK activation. Reviewed International journal

    Masahiro Takahara, Akinobu Takaki, Sakiko Hiraoka, Kensuke Takei, Eriko Yasutomi, Shoko Igawa, Shumpei Yamamoto, Shohei Oka, Masayasu Ohmori, Yasushi Yamasaki, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Hideaki Kinugasa, Keita Harada, Heiichiro Udono, Hiroyuki Okada

    FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology   36 ( 2 )   e22139   2022.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Metformin, a commonly prescribed drug for type 2 diabetes mellitus, has been shown to activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Notably, AMPK activation has recently been observed to be associated with anti-inflammatory responses. Metformin is also reported to elicit anti-inflammatory responses in CD4+ T cells, resulting in improvement in experimental chronic inflammatory diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus. To investigate the effect of metformin on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), we developed a T cell-transfer model of chronic colitis in which SCID mice were injected with CD4+ CD45RBhigh T cells to induce colitis. We examined the effects of metformin via in vitro and in vivo experiments on lamina propria (LP) CD4+ T cells. We observed that metformin suppresses the frequency of interferon (IFN) -γ-producing LP CD4+ T cells in vitro, which were regulated by AMPK activation, a process possibly induced by the inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation. Furthermore, we examined the effects of metformin on an in vivo IBD model. Metformin-treated mice showed AMPK activation in LP CD4+ T cells and ameliorated colitis. Our study demonstrates that metformin-induced AMPK activation in mucosal CD4+ T cells contributes to the improvement of IBD by suppressing IFN-γ production. Moreover, our results indicate that AMPK may be a target molecule for the regulation of mucosal immunity and inflammation. Thus, AMPK-activating drugs such as metformin may be potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of IBD.

    DOI: 10.1096/fj.202100831RR



  • [The medical treatment of elderly patients with ulcerative colitis and its limitation].

    Toshihiro Inokuchi, Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka

    Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai zasshi = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology   119 ( 11 )   992 - 1003   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11405/nisshoshi.119.992



  • 胆嚢良性リンパ性ポリープと胆管lymphoid hyperplasiaが併存した一例

    松原 弘樹, 宮本 和也, 松本 和幸, 神尾 智宏, 原田 圭, 木村 彰吾, 平田 翔一郎, 石田 正也, 岡本 雄貴, 熊原 加奈, 榮 浩行, 高原 政宏, 竹中 龍太, 藤木 茂篤

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会・日本消化器内視鏡学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   116回・127回   110 - 110   2021.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • 診断講座 症例から学ぶIBD鑑別診断のコツ(第50回) 5-ASAアレルギー

    安富 絵里子, 平岡 佐規子, 竹井 健介, 井川 翔子, 岡 昌平, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 岡田 裕之

    IBD Research   15 ( 2 )   109 - 114   2021.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)先端医学社  



  • Leucine-rich alpha-2 glycoprotein as a marker of mucosal healing in inflammatory bowel disease. Reviewed International journal

    Eriko Yasutomi, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Sakiko Hiraoka, Kensuke Takei, Shoko Igawa, Shumpei Yamamoto, Masayasu Ohmori, Shohei Oka, Yasushi Yamasaki, Hideaki Kinugasa, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Masaki Furukawa, Kouichi Itoshima, Ken Okada, Fumio Otsuka, Takehiro Tanaka, Toshiharu Mitsuhashi, Jun Kato, Hiroyuki Okada

    Scientific reports   11 ( 1 )   11086 - 11086   2021.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Leucine-rich alpha-2 glycoprotein (LRG) may be a novel serum biomarker for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The association of LRG with the endoscopic activity and predictability of mucosal healing (MH) was determined and compared with those of C-reactive protein (CRP) and fecal markers (fecal immunochemical test [FIT] and fecal calprotectin [Fcal]) in 166 ulcerative colitis (UC) and 56 Crohn's disease (CD) patients. In UC, LRG was correlated with the endoscopic activity and could predict MH, but the performance was not superior to that of fecal markers (areas under the curve [AUCs] for predicting MH: LRG: 0.61, CRP: 0.59, FIT: 0.75, and Fcal: 0.72). In CD, the performance of LRG was equivalent to that of CRP and Fcal (AUCs for predicting MH: LRG: 0.82, CRP: 0.82, FIT: 0.70, and Fcal: 0.88). LRG was able to discriminate patients with MH from those with endoscopic activity among UC and CD patients with normal CRP levels. LRG was associated with endoscopic activity and could predict MH in both UC and CD patients. It may be particularly useful in CD.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-90441-x



  • IBD診療における超音波の有用性 クローン病小腸狭窄病変に対する経腹壁超音波検査の病変検出率の検討

    竹内 桂子, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 大森 正泰, 竹井 健介, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 大西 秀樹, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之

    超音波医学   48 ( Suppl. )   S309 - S309   2021.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本超音波医学会  


  • Multicenter survey on mesalamine intolerance in patients with ulcerative colitis. Reviewed International journal

    Sakiko Hiraoka, Akiko Fujiwara, Tatsuya Toyokawa, Reiji Higashi, Yuki Moritou, Shinjiro Takagi, Kazuhiro Matsueda, Seiyuu Suzuki, Jiro Miyaike, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Masahiro Takahara, Jun Kato, Hiroyuki Okada

    Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   36 ( 1 )   137 - 143   2021.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Although oral mesalamine is the first-choice drug for treating mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis (UC), some patients show symptoms of intolerance, including exacerbation of diarrhea and abdominal pain. The present study clarified the current state and clinical courses of patients with mesalamine intolerance. METHODS: Patients who were diagnosed with UC and administered oral mesalamine at eight hospitals in Japan with a follow-up period exceeding 1 year were analyzed. RESULTS: Sixty-seven (11%) of 633 patients showed intolerance to at least one formulation of oral mesalamine. The frequency of mesalamine intolerance has increased in recent years, rising from 5.3% in 2007-2010 to 9.1% in 2011-2013 and 16.2% in 2014-2016. The most common complications were the exacerbation of diarrhea (n = 29), a fever (n = 25), and abdominal pain (n = 22). Readministration of mesalamine/sulfasalazine was attempted in 43 patients, mostly with other types of formulation of mesalamine, and more than half of these patients proved to be tolerant. The risk factors for mesalamine intolerance were female gender (odds ratio [OR] = 1.83; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.08-3.12), age < 60 years old (OR = 2.82; CI, 1.19-8.33), and pancolitis (OR = 2.09; 95% CI, 1.23-3.60). There were no significant differences in the use of anti-tumor necrosis factor-α agents, colectomy, or steroid-free remission at the last visit between patients with and without mesalamine intolerance. CONCLUSIONS: Mesalamine intolerance is not rare, and its frequency has been increasing recently. The prognosis of patients with mesalamine intolerance did not differ significantly from that of those without intolerance.

    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.15138



  • Liquid biopsy for patients with IBD-associated neoplasia. Reviewed International journal

    Hideaki Kinugasa, Sakiko Hiraoka, Kazuhiro Nouso, Shumpei Yamamoto, Mami Hirai, Hiroyuki Terasawa, Eriko Yasutomi, Shohei Oka, Masayasu Ohmori, Yasushi Yamasaki, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Takehiro Tanaka, Hiroyuki Okada

    BMC cancer   20 ( 1 )   1188 - 1188   2020.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: It is often difficult to diagnose inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-associated neoplasia endoscopically due to background inflammation. In addition, due to the absence of sensitive tumor biomarkers, countermeasures against IBD-associated neoplasia are crucial. The purpose of this study is to develop a new diagnostic method through the application of liquid biopsy. METHODS: Ten patients with IBD-associated cancers and high-grade dysplasia (HGD) with preserved tumor tissue and blood were included. Tumor and non-tumor tissues were analyzed for 48 cancer-related genes using next-generation sequencing. Simultaneously, circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) was analyzed for mutations in the target genes using digital PCR. RESULTS: Out of 10 patients, seven had IBD-related cancer and three had IBD-related HGD. Two patients had carcinoma in situ; moreover, three had stageII and two had stage III. To avoid false positives, the mutation rate cutoff was set at 5% based on the control results; seven of 10 (70%) tumor tissue samples were mutation-positive. Mutation frequencies for each gene were as follows: TP53 (20.9%; R136H), TP53 (25.0%; C110W), TP53 (8.5%; H140Q), TP53 (31.1%; R150W), TP53 (12.8%; R141H), KRAS (40.0%; G12V), and PIK3CA (34.1%; R 88Q). The same mutations were detected in the blood of these seven patients. However, no mutations were detected in the blood of the remaining three patients with no tumor tissue mutations. The concordance rate between tumor tissue DNA and blood ctDNA was 100%. CONCLUSION: Blood liquid biopsy has the potential to be a new method for non-invasive diagnosis of IBD-associated neoplasia.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12885-020-07699-z



  • Transabdominal ultrasound sonography findings in peritonitis due to the spread of Crohn's disease to the penetration Reviewed International journal

    Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoko, Hiroyuki Okada

    Clinical Case Reports   8 ( 12 )   3561 - 3562   2020.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Blackwell Publishing Ltd  

    In the presence of the clinical signs of peritonitis, transabdominal ultrasound sonography by experienced technicians or physicians could be a fast and reliable imaging tool for confirmation of disease status.

    DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.3215




  • Evaluation of complete cold forceps polypectomy resection rate for 3- to 5-mm colorectal polyps. Reviewed International journal

    Yasushi Yamasaki, Keita Harada, Shumpei Yamamoto, Eriko Yasutomi, Mami Hirai, Masayasu Ohmori, Shohei Oka, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Hideaki Kinugasa, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Takehiro Tanaka, Toshiharu Mitsuhashi, Hiroyuki Okada

    Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society   33 ( 6 )   948 - 954   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: The propriety of cold forceps polypectomy (CFP) using jumbo biopsy forceps for diminutive polyps remains controversial. We conducted a prospective study to evaluate the complete CFP resection rate of 3-5-mm polyps using additional endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) specimens following CFP. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with 3-5-mm protruded or flat elevated colorectal polyps diagnosed endoscopically as adenomas or serrated lesions were prospectively enrolled. CFP using jumbo biopsy forceps was used to remove the eligible polyps and repeated until the absence of residuals were confirmed via image-enhanced endoscopy or chromoendoscopy. After CFP, saline was injected at the defect, and the marginal specimen of the defect was resected using EMR to histologically evaluate the residue. The primary outcome was the complete CFP resection rate, which was defined as no residue at the EMR site. Other outcomes were the number of CFP bites and the complete resection rate by lesion size. RESULTS: Eighty patients with 120 polyps were enrolled. The mean polyp size was 4.1 ± 0.7 mm. The overall complete resection rate was 96.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 91.7-98.7), and the rates for 3-, 4- and 5-mm polyps were 100% (95% CI, 86.7-100), 96.0% (95% CI, 86.5-98.9) and 95.5% (95% CI, 85.1-98.8), respectively. The one-bite CFP rates were 92%, 60% and 31% for the 3-, 4- and 5-mm polyps, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The complete CFP resection rate for 3-5-mm polyps was acceptable, although the one-bite clearance rate decreased as the polyp size increased (UMIN000028841).

    DOI: 10.1111/den.13895



  • 潰瘍性大腸炎における経腹超音波検査の有用性

    高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 大森 正泰, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 平井 麻美, 井口 俊博, 山本 峻平, 山崎 泰史, 衣笠 秀明, 原田 馨太, 大西 秀爾, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   117 ( 臨増大会 )   A706 - A706   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 潰瘍性大腸炎における経腹超音波検査の有用性

    高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 大森 正泰, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 平井 麻美, 井口 俊博, 山本 峻平, 山崎 泰史, 衣笠 秀明, 原田 馨太, 大西 秀爾, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   117 ( 臨増大会 )   A706 - A706   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • Multiple Deep-seated Dentofacial Abscesses Caused by Multidrug-resistant Viridans Group Streptococci. Reviewed

    Shinnosuke Fukushima, Hideharu Hagiya, Yuki Mizuta, Yasuhiro Nakano, Masahiro Takahara, Kayo Okamoto, Yuko Hayashi, Kiyoshi Yamada, Kou Hasegawa, Fumio Otsuka

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   59 ( 16 )   2067 - 2070   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Odontogenic infections, generally caused by dental caries and periodontal disease, can result in fatal illness. We herein report a 71-year-old Japanese woman with type 2 diabetes and hemodialysis who suffered from multiple dentofacial abscesses mainly caused by multidrug-resistant Streptococcus oralis. She complained of pain and swelling of her face, with an extraoral fistula from the left cheek. Following 3 surgical debridement procedures and partial mandibulectomy, in addition to 12 weeks of antimicrobial therapy, the multiple dentofacial abscesses were ameliorated. A combination of surgical and antimicrobial treatments following an early diagnosis is essential for reducing further complications.

    DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.4283-20



  • Factors Predicting a Favorable Disease Course Without Anti-TNF Therapy in Crohn's Disease Patients. Reviewed

    Toshihiro Inokuchi, Sakiko Hiraoka, Eriko Yasutomi, Shohei Oka, Yasushi Yamasaki, Hideaki Kinugasa, Masahiro Takahara, Seiji Kawano, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada, Jun Kato

    Acta medica Okayama   74 ( 4 )   265 - 274   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Determining factors that predict a favorable disease course without anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) agents would help establish a more cost-effective strategy for Crohn's disease (CD). A retrospective chart review was performed for CD patients with disease durations > 10 years who had not received anti-TNF agents as first-line therapy. Patients were divided into 2 groups: those who received neither anti-TNF agents nor bowel resection (G1), and those who had received an anti-TNF agent and/or bowel resection (G2). The patient backgrounds, therapies and clinical courses were compared between the groups. A total of 62 CD patients met the inclusion criteria (males: 71%; median duration of follow-up: 19 years). Six patients were included in G1; they were significantly less likely to have upper gastrointestinal lesions than G2 (p=0.007). A multivariate analysis revealed that the significant factors for avoidance of bowel resection without anti-TNF treatment were non-stricturing and non-penetrating behaviors, and absence of upper gastrointestinal lesions at the diagnosis (hazard ratios 0.41 and 0.52; p=0.004 and 0.04, respectively). In consideration of the long treatment course of CD, patients with non-stricturing and non-penetrating behaviors and no upper gastrointestinal lesions should not be treated with anti-TNF agents as first-line therapy.

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/60363



  • 【分子標的時代のIBD診療-IBDの寛解導入,寛解維持の実践】IBD治療における寛解導入と寛解維持に関するトピック IBD寛解維持期における便中マーカーによるモニタリング

    平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 岡田 裕之

    臨床消化器内科   35 ( 10 )   1256 - 1262   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)日本メディカルセンター  



  • 当院における早期胃癌ESD非治癒切除症例の検討

    山本 高史, 竹中 龍太, 矢杉 賢吾, 平田 翔一郎, 小幡 泰介, 倉岡 紗樹子, 平井 伸典, 高原 政宏, 河合 大介, 堀 圭介, 柘野 浩史, 藤木 茂篤

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   62 ( Suppl.1 )   1249 - 1249   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • ベルベリンによる慢性腸炎マウスの腸内細菌叢の変化

    高原 政宏, 高木 章乃夫, 平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 山本 峻平, 岡 昌平, 平井 麻美, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 衣笠 秀明, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   117 ( 臨増総会 )   A275 - A275   2020.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 【皆で診る!IBD:多職種連携と地域医療】患者中心の医療 shared decision making(SDM)とは? メンタルケアも含めて

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 高原 政宏, 岡田 裕之

    IBD Research   14 ( 2 )   82 - 86   2020.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)先端医学社  

    shared decision making(SDM)は困難な課題に対して医療従事者と患者とのあいだでなされるべき「意思決定の共有」であり、同時に合意形成をおこなうための重要なコミュニケーションツールである。炎症性腸疾患(IBD)は不均一な患者群で構成されているだけでなく、近年、検査や薬剤の開発が進み、診療の選択肢の幅が急激に増加し複雑化しているため、その診療における選択肢は多岐にわたり、SDMの重要性はいっそう増している。SDMを用いて、エビデンスに基づいたデータを患者の希望や価値観に沿った形で提供することで、患者の疾患に対する理解度、満足度は高まり、より良いIBD診療につなげることが可能となる。(著者抄録)


  • 経皮肝腫瘍生検にて診断しえた末梢型T細胞リンパ腫の1例

    大山 淳史, 大西 秀樹, 足立 卓哉, 和田 望, 高原 政宏, 坂田 雅浩, 安中 哲也, 平岡 佐規子, 丹羽 知子, 戸田 由香, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   113回   105 - 105   2020.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • Observer agreement for the diagnosis of intestinal acute graft-vs.-host disease based on the presence of villous atrophy in the terminal ileum. Reviewed International journal

    Yuusaku Sugihara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Eriko Yasutomi, Shohei Oka, Yasushi Yamasaki, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Hideaki Kinugasa, Masahiro Takahara, Yuki Morito, Sakuma Takahashi, Keita Harada, Takehiro Tanaka, Fumio Otsuka, Hiroyuki Okada

    Experimental and therapeutic medicine   19 ( 4 )   3076 - 3080   2020.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Intestinal graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD) is a serious complication of allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). Villous atrophy in the terminal ileum is considered a useful diagnostic indicator for GVHD. However, the inter- and intra-observer agreement regarding the ileocolonoscopic findings indicative of acute intestinal GVHD, i.e., villous atrophy in the terminal ileum, are currently insufficient in multiple institutions. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the incidence of villous atrophy in the terminal ileum to diagnose acute intestinal GVHD and determine the inter- and intra-observer agreement regarding this result for experienced endoscopists from multiple institutions. Consecutive patients who underwent allo-HSCT were referred to our institution between May 2008 and September 2015. A total of 54 patients underwent total ileocolonoscopy after allo-HSCT due to suspected intestinal acute GVHD. Subsequently, three observers from different institutions evaluated the cases for the presence of villous atrophy in the terminal ileum. In this study, the pathology results were a gold standard to evaluate the predictive value of ileocolonoscopy detection. Definitive pathological and non-pathological GVHD was diagnosed in 22 and 32 cases, respectively. The results of examining whether villous atrophy could predict GVHD were as follows. For three observers (A, B and C), the sensitivity of villous atrophy in the terminal ileum was 86.4, 77.3 and 79.2%, respectively, whereas the specificity was 62.5, 62.5 and 86.7%, respectively. The positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of villous atrophy for GVHD were as follows: The PPV of appearance was 61.3, 58.6 and 82.6%, respectively, whereas the NPV was 87.0, 80.0 and 83.9%, respectively. Kappa coefficients for the inter-observer reliability were 0.85, 0.63 and 0.63 for observers A and B, A and C, and B and C, respectively. The intra-observer kappa coefficient was 0.88 for observer A, 0.73 for observer B and 0.75 for observer C. A substantial observer agreement was achieved for the analysis of villous atrophy in the terminal ileum and the agreement for the predictive histological diagnosis was also excellent. Based on the results of the present study, identification of villous atrophy in the terminal ileum was a clinically effective diagnostic parameter, even if different endoscopists were involved in the diagnosis at multiple institutions. The present study was registered as a trial with the University Hospital Medical Information Network (UMIN; registration no. UMIN000025390).

    DOI: 10.3892/etm.2020.8538



  • 潰瘍性大腸炎における経腹超音波検査の有用性

    高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 平井 麻美, 井口 俊博, 竹中 龍太, 藤木 茂篤, 岡田 裕之

    日本内科学会雑誌   109 ( Suppl. )   188 - 188   2020.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内科学会  


  • レーザー内視鏡診療の現状と近未来 浸水下での大腸ポリープ境界診断におけるBLI/LCIの有効性を評価するための後ろ向き観察研究

    山崎 泰史, 原田 馨太, 安富 絵里子, 山本 峻平, 岡 昌平, 平井 麻美, 井口 俊博, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化管学会雑誌   4 ( Suppl. )   223 - 223   2020.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化管学会  


  • 倦怠感で発症し急速な経過で下垂体不全を来した視床下部原発悪性リンパ腫の1例

    高瀬 了輔, 中野 靖浩, 水田 有紀, 安田 美帆, 長谷川 功, 高原 政宏, 萩谷 英大, 大塚 文男

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   95 ( 3 )   1173 - 1173   2020.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • Switching between Three Types of Mesalazine Formulation and Sulfasalazine in Patients with Active Ulcerative Colitis Who Have Already Received High-Dose Treatment with These Agents. Reviewed International journal

    Yasutomi E, Hiraoka S, Yamamoto S, Oka S, Hirai M, Yamasaki Y, Inokuchi T, Kinugasa H, Takahara M, Harada K, Kato J, Okada H

    Journal of clinical medicine   8 ( 12 )   2019.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Oral mesalazine and sulfasalazine (SASP) are key drugs for treating ulcerative colitis (UC). The efficacy of switching from one of the several mesalazine formulations to another is largely unknown. This study assessed the efficacy of switching among three types of mesalazine formulation and SASP for UC therapy. METHODS: UC patients receiving high-dose mesalazine/SASP who switched to other formulations due to disease activity were considered eligible. Efficacy was evaluated 2, 6, and 12 months after switching. RESULTS: A total of 106 switches in 88 UC patients were analyzed. The efficacy at 2 months after switching was observed in 23/39 (59%) cases from any mesalazine formulation to SASP, in 18/55 (33%) cases from one mesalazine to another, and in 2/12 (17%) cases from SASP to any mesalazine formulation. Nine of 43 effective cases showed inefficacy or became intolerant post-switching. Delayed efficacy more than two months after switching was observed in four cases. Steroid-free remission was achieved in 42/106 (39%) cases-within 100 days in 35 of these cases (83%). CONCLUSIONS: Switching from mesalazine to SASP was effective in more than half of cases. The efficacy of switching between mesalazine formulations was lower but may be worth attempting in clinical practice from a safety perspective.

    DOI: 10.3390/jcm8122109



  • 膵癌におけるFNA検体と切除検体とのPD-L1発現の検討

    松本 和幸, 高木 章乃夫, 大原 利章, 藤澤 真義, 高原 政宏, 加藤 博也, 吉田 龍一, 楳田 祐三, 八木 孝仁, 松川 昭博, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   116 ( 臨増大会 )   A826 - A826   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 【これ一冊でわかる 炎症性腸疾患診療のすべて】炎症性腸疾患のバイオマーカー

    平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 衣笠 秀明, 原田 馨太, 近藤 喜太, 加藤 順, 岡田 裕之

    消化器外科   42 ( 12 )   1653 - 1662   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)へるす出版  


  • リンパ節の再生検からHodgkinリンパ腫の診断に至った不明熱の1例

    荒木 晴, 徳増 一樹, 原田 洸, 山本 晃, 高原 政宏, 長谷川 功, 萩谷 英大, 花山 宜久, 大塚 文男

    日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌   15 ( 6 )   602 - 602   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病院総合診療医学会  


  • 直腸顆粒細胞腫(Granular Cell Tumor)の1例

    深田 悠史, 衣笠 秀明, 山本 俊平, 平井 麻美, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 平岡 佐規子, 田中 健大, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   112回   146 - 146   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • 蘇生後にサイトメガロウイルス腸炎を発症し、胃気腫症と腸管偽リポマトーシスを合併した一例

    山内 菜緒, 岩室 雅也, 田中 健大, 中島 有理, 和田 嵩平, 高原 政宏, 川野 誠司, 平岡 佐規子, 河原 祥朗, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   112回   83 - 83   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • Blue laser imaging and linked color imaging improve the color difference value and visibility of colorectal polyps in underwater conditions. Reviewed International journal

    Yamasaki Y, Harada K, Yamamoto S, Yasutomi E, Okanoue S, Hirai M, Oka S, Obayashi Y, Sakae H, Hamada K, Inokuchi T, Kinugasa H, Sugihara Y, Takahara M, Tanaka T, Hiraoka S, Kawahara Y, Okada H

    Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society   32 ( 5 )   791 - 800   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Underwater endoscopic mucosal resection (UEMR) has become widespread for treating colorectal polyps. However, which observational mode is best suited for determining polyp margins underwater remains unclear. To determine the best mode, we analyzed three imaging modes: white light imaging (WLI), blue laser imaging (BLI) and linked color imaging (LCI). METHODS: Images of consecutive colorectal polyps previously examined by these three modes before UEMR were analyzed according to the degree of underwater turbidity (transparent or cloudy). Color differences between the polyps and their surroundings were calculated using the Commission Internationale d'Eclairage Lab color space in which 3-D color parameters were expressed. Eight evaluators, who were blinded to the histology, scored the visibility from one (undetectable) to four (easily detectable) in both underwater conditions. The color differences and visibility scores were compared. RESULTS: Seventy-three polyps were evaluated. Sixty-one polyps (44 adenomatous, 17 serrated) were observed under transparent conditions, and 12 polyps (seven adenomatous, five serrated) were observed under cloudy conditions. Under transparent conditions, color differences for the BLI (8.5) and LCI (7.9) were significantly higher than that of WLI (5.7; P < 0.001). Visibility scores for BLI (3.6) and LCI (3.4) were also higher than that of WLI (3.1; P < 0.0001). Under cloudy conditions, visibility scores for LCI (2.9) and WLI (2.7) were significantly higher than that of BLI (2.2; P < 0.0001 and P = 0.04, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: BLI and LCI were better observational modes in transparent water; however, BLI was unsuitable for cloudy conditions.

    DOI: 10.1111/den.13581



  • 膵癌におけるFNA検体と切除検体とのPD-L1発現の検討 Reviewed

    松本 和幸, 高木 章乃夫, 大原 利章, 藤澤 真義, 高原 政宏, 加藤 博也, 吉田 龍一, 楳田 祐三, 八木 孝仁, 松川 昭博, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   116 ( 臨増大会 )   A826 - A826   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • The relationship between the PD-L1 expression of surgically resected and fine-needle aspiration specimens for patients with pancreatic cancer. Reviewed

    Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Toshiaki Ohara, Masayoshi Fujisawa, Akinobu Takaki, Masahiro Takahara, Noriyuki Tanaka, Hironari Kato, Shigeru Horiguchi, Ryuichi Yoshida, Yuzo Umeda, Soichiro Fushimi, Takahito Yagi, Akihiro Matsukawa, Hiroyuki Okada

    Journal of gastroenterology   54 ( 11 )   1019 - 1028   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Recently, therapeutic antibodies against programmed death-1/programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) have shown promising clinical results for several solid tumors, including pancreatic cancer. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the PD-L1 expression of surgical resected and fine-needle aspiration (FNA) specimens for patients with pancreatic cancer. METHODS: Of 121 patients who underwent endoscopic ultrasound-guided (EUS)-FNA before surgery for pancreatic cancer in an academic center, the 94 (78%) with adequate FNA specimens for a histological evaluation were retrospectively analyzed. All the patients had undergone upfront surgery without any chemotherapy or radiotherapy. We performed immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining to investigate the PD-L1 expression in both resected and FNA specimens. The positive-stained cells were counted, and their percentage was used for the investigation. RESULTS: Of the 94 patients, 16 (17%) and 11 (10%) were defined as positive on resected cancer specimens using cutoff points of 5% and 10% positively stained cancer cell counts, respectively. The concordance rates for the positive frequency of PD-L1 expression between resected and FNA specimens were 44% (7/16) and 55% (6/11) when the positivity was set to ≥ 5% and ≥ 10%, respectively. The concordance rates for the negative frequency of PD-L1 expression between two specimens were 97% (76/78) and 99% (82/83) when the positivity was set to ≥ 5% and ≥ 10%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately, half of the patients with PD-L1 expression positive and almost all the patients with PD-L1 expression negative could be diagnosed on FNA specimens.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-019-01586-6

    Web of Science



  • High-resolution melt analysis enables simple genotyping of complicated polymorphisms of codon 18 rendering the NUDT15 diplotype Reviewed

    Yoichi Kakuta, Yasuhiro Izumiyama, Daisuke Okamoto, Takeru Nakano, Ryo Ichikawa, Takeo Naito, Rintaro Moroi, Masatake Kuroha, Yoshitake Kanazawa, Tomoya Kimura, Hisashi Shiga, Hisaaki Kudo, Naoko Minegishi, Yosuke Kawai, Katsushi Tokunaga, Masao Nagasaki, Yoshitaka Kinouchi, Yasuo Suzuki, Atsushi Masasmune, Tetsuya Takagawa, Shiro Nakamura, Kentaro Ikeya, Hiroyuki Hanai, Hirotake Sakuraba, Atsushi Nishida, Akira Andoh, Shoko Nakagawa, Makoto Sasaki, Miki Miura, Tadakazu Hisamatsu, Takahiko Toyonaga, Taku Kobayashi, Kei Onodera, Hiroshi Nakase, Masaru Shinozaki, Yoh Ishiguro, Shinta Mizuno, Makoto Naganuma, Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Shunichi Yanai, Takayuki Matsumoto, Ryota Hokari, Tomoo Nakagawa, Hiroshi Araki, Satoshi Motoya, Shunji Ishihara, Naoki Oshima, Takehiko Katsurada, Yu Sasaki, Takafumi Otsuka, Mikihiro Fujiya, Motoyuki Onodera, Masakazu Nagahori, Katsuyoshi Matsuoka, Katsuhiro Arai, Yuichiro Sato, Mitsunori Noguchi, Minoru Matsuura, Tomoaki Ishikawa, Hiroki Nakajima, Hiroshi Terasaki, Yukiko Abe, Mai Kato

    JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY   55 ( 1 )   67 - 77   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    Background The genetic variants of NUDT15 have been verified to induce adverse events (AEs) of thiopurines. Codon 139 variants are frequently observed in Asians, while multiple variants are seen in codon 18 which also cause AEs including the European ancestry. The purpose of this study is to establish a technique capable of the simple genotyping of NUDT15 codon 18 and to evaluate its efficacy. Methods A high-resolution melt (HRM) technique is performed to simply determine genotypes. The accuracy of HRM analysis was evaluated with DNAs from 1245 Japanese patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Subsequently, another group of 572 patients was analyzed to verify the method. The diplotypes and the frequency of their AEs were estimated on the basis of codon 18 and 139 genotypes. Results The HRM analysis enabled the correct identification of the three main genotypes, ref/ref, ref/ins, and ref/V18I, in 1236 of 1241 cases. All rare genotypes including ref/del were identified as the impossible-to-determine group, the proper diagnosis rate was 99.6%. In the verification test using other samples, the diagnosis rate was 99.7%. By estimating diplotypes using both codon 18 and 139 genotypes, 2.74% and 2.13% of Japanese patients with Arg/Arg and Arg/Cys of codon 139 have a lower enzymatic activity of NUDT15 and a higher risk for adverse responses than those estimated by codon 139 genotypes alone. Conclusions Our study showed that HRM method enables simple genotyping of complicated codon 18 variants essential to haplotype estimation of the NUDT15.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-019-01638-x

    Web of Science


  • A Granulation Polyp in the Colon Masquerading as Metastatic Cancer. Reviewed

    Iwamuro M, Takahara M, Yamazaki T, Tanaka T, Kondo Y, Hiraoka S, Okada H

    Acta medica Okayama   73 ( 5 )   457 - 461   2019.10

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    A 60-year-old Caucasian male was diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma and multiple metastases to the bone, spleen, and brain. He underwent radiotherapy for the brain and lumbar spine metastases, plus chemotherapy (cisplatin and pemetrexed). The chemotherapy was discontinued due to vomiting and hyponatremia, and nivolumab was then administered. Eight months later, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography showed tracer uptake in the colon. Colonoscopy revealed a reddish multinodular polyp in the sigmoid colon. The polyp showed irregular microvessels. No colonic mucosal surface structures were observed. Colonic metastasis of the lung carcinoma was highly suspected; the polyp was therefore surgically removed. The histological analysis revealed granulation tissue and suppurative inflammation without neoplastic changes. We diagnosed the lesion as a granulation polyp. Despite the difficulty in diagnosing these lesions due to their rarity and similarity to metastatic colon tumors, we suggest that recognizing the endoscopic features of the polyp surface may allow a preoperative diagnosis.

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/57377

    Web of Science



  • 急激に下垂体機能低下を生じた視床下部原発悪性リンパ腫の1例

    高瀬 了輔, 中野 靖浩, 水田 有紀, 安田 美帆, 長谷川 功, 高原 政宏, 萩谷 英大, 大塚 文男

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   95 ( 2 )   716 - 716   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 浸水下での大腸ポリープ境界診断におけるLCI/BLIの有効性を評価するための遡及的研究

    山崎 泰史, 原田 馨太, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 平井 麻美, 井口 俊博, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   61 ( Suppl.2 )   2167 - 2167   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • クローン病の内視鏡スコア変化予測には血清Alb値が有用である

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 平井 麻美, 岡 昌平, 山崎 泰史, 杉原 雄策, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 川野 誠司, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   61 ( Suppl.2 )   2181 - 2181   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • Transabdominal Ultrasonographic Findings of Gastrointestinal Lymphoproliferative Disease. Reviewed

    Takahara M, Hiraoko S, Okada H

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   59 ( 3 )   453 - 454   2019.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.3718-19



  • Berberine improved experimental chronic colitis by regulating interferon-γ- and IL-17A-producing lamina propria CD4+ T cells through AMPK activation. Reviewed International journal

    Takahara M, Takaki A, Hiraoka S, Adachi T, Shimomura Y, Matsushita H, Nguyen TTT, Koike K, Ikeda A, Takashima S, Yamasaki Y, Inokuchi T, Kinugasa H, Sugihara Y, Harada K, Eikawa S, Morita H, Udono H, Okada H

    Scientific reports   9 ( 1 )   11934 - 11934   2019.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The herbal medicine berberine (BBR) has been recently shown to be an AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) productive activator with various properties that induce anti-inflammatory responses. We investigated the effects of BBR on the mechanisms of mucosal CD4+T cell activation in vitro and on the inflammatory responses in T cell transfer mouse models of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We examined the favorable effects of BBR in vitro, using lamina propria (LP) CD4+ T cells in T cell transfer IBD models in which SCID mice had been injected with CD4+CD45RBhigh T cells. BBR suppressed the frequency of IFN-γ- and Il-17A-producing LP CD4+ T cells. This effect was found to be regulated by AMPK activation possibly induced by oxidative phosphorylation inhibition. We then examined the effects of BBR on the same IBD models in vivo. BBR-fed mice showed AMPK activation in the LPCD4+ T cells and an improvement of colitis. Our study newly showed that the BBR-induced AMPK activation of mucosal CD4+ T cells resulted in an improvement of IBD and underscored the importance of AMPK activity in colonic inflammation.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-48331-w

    Web of Science



  • 超拡大内視鏡画像診断における「EC分類」はレクチャーにより初学者にも実行可能となるか

    杉原 雄策, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 榮 浩行, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 河原 祥朗

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   61 ( Suppl.1 )   871 - 871   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • Mesenteric follicular lymphoma. Reviewed International journal

    Nishimura Y, Yamamoto A, Takahara M, Otsuka F

    Clinical case reports   7 ( 5 )   1108 - 1109   2019.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    When you see a patient with solid mesenteric tumors, malignant lymphoma should be considered as an important differential diagnosis. It is essential to include abdominal CT and 18F-FDG PET/CT examinations in these patients for early diagnosis of malignant lymphoma, giving extra weight on patients' complaints.

    DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.2148

    Web of Science



  • 苦痛の少ない大腸内視鏡検査を実現するための患者選択の工夫

    岡 昌平, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之, 安富 絵里子, 平井 麻美, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 衣笠 秀明, 平岡 佐規子

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   61 ( Suppl.1 )   876 - 876   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 潰瘍性大腸炎に合併したMixed Neuroendocrine-Non-Neuroendocrine Neoplasmsの一例

    永原 崇甫, 衣笠 秀明, 岡 昌平, 安富 絵里子, 平井 麻美, 山本 俊平, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 平岡 佐規子, 近藤 喜太, 田中 健大, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   111回   72 - 72   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • インフリキシマブにより臨床的寛解を得たにも関わらず、突然に回腸腸間膜穿通をきたしたクローン病の一例

    安富 絵里子, 井口 俊博, 岡 昌平, 平井 麻美, 山崎 泰史, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 川野 誠司, 原田 馨太, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之, 高橋 一剛, 近藤 善太, 田中 健大

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   111回   86 - 86   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • 中毒性巨大結腸症を合併していた重症潰瘍性大腸炎の一例

    岡 昌平, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 井口 俊博, 平井 麻美, 山崎 泰史, 杉原 雄策, 衣笠 秀明, 原田 馨太, 高橋 一剛, 近藤 喜太, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   111回   87 - 87   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • The novel latex agglutination turbidimetric immunoassay system for simultaneous measurements of calprotectin and hemoglobin in feces. Reviewed International journal

    Hiraoka S, Takashima S, Inokuchi T, Nakarai A, Takahara M, Harada K, Seki Y, Watanabe K, Kato J, Okada H

    Intestinal research   17 ( 2 )   202 - 209   2019.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Fecal calprotectin (Fcal) as well as the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) are useful biomarkers for detecting activity and mucosal healing in inflammatory bowel diseases. Here, we report the performance of simultaneous measurements of Fcal and FIT for ulcerative colitis (UC) patients using the newly-developed latex agglutination turbidimetric immunoassay (LATIA) system. METHODS: Fcal and hemoglobin were measured by the LATIA system in 152 UC patients who underwent colonoscopy. Fcal was also quantified with a conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Fecal markers were evaluated in conjunction with the mucosal status of UC, which was assessed via the Mayo endoscopic subscore (MES) classification. RESULTS: The LATIA system could quantify calprotectin and hemoglobin simultaneously with the same fecal samples within 10 minutes. The values of the Fcal-LATIA closely correlated with those of the Fcal-ELISA (Spearman rank correlation coefficient, r=0.84; P<0.0001). The values of Fcal for each assay and the FIT all significantly correlated with the MESs (Spearman rank correlation coefficient, Fcal-LATIA: r=0.58, Fcal-ELISA: r=0.55, and FIT: r=0.72). The mucosal healing predictability (determined by an MES of 0 alone) of the Fcal-LATIA, Fcal-ELISA, and FIT-LATIA with the cutoffs determined by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was 0.79, 0.78, and 0.92 for sensitivity, respectively, and 0.78, 0.69, and 0.73 for specificity, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The performance of the novel Fcal-LATIA was equivalent to that of the conventional Fcal assay. Simultaneous measurements with FITs would promote the clinical relevance of fecal biomarkers in UC.

    DOI: 10.5217/ir.2018.00086

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  • Paradoxical Roles of Oxidative Stress Response in the Digestive System before and after Carcinogenesis. Reviewed International journal

    Takaki A, Kawano S, Uchida D, Takahara M, Hiraoka S, Okada H

    Cancers   11 ( 2 )   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Oxidative stress is recognized as a cancer-initiating stress response in the digestive system. It is produced through mitochondrial respiration and induces DNA damage, resulting in cancer cell transformation. However, recent findings indicate that oxidative stress is also a necessary anticancer response for destroying cancer cells. The oxidative stress response has also been reported to be an important step in increasing the anticancer response of newly developed molecular targeted agents. Oxidative stress might therefore be a cancer-initiating response that should be downregulated in the precancerous stage in patients at risk of cancer but an anticancer cell response that should not be downregulated in the postcancerous stage when cancer cells are still present. Many commercial antioxidant agents are marketed as "cancer-eliminating agents" or as products to improve one's health, so cancer patients often take these antioxidant agents. However, care should be taken to avoid harming the anticancerous oxidative stress response. In this review, we will highlight the paradoxical effects of oxidative stress and antioxidant agents in the digestive system before and after carcinogenesis.

    DOI: 10.3390/cancers11020213



  • Comparison of Two Electrosurgical Modes for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of Superficial Colorectal Neoplasms: A Prospective Randomized Study. Reviewed

    Sugihara Y, Harada K, Oka S, Yasutomi E, Yamasaki Y, Inokuchi T, Kinugasa H, Takahara M, Hiraoka S, Otsuka F, Okada H

    Acta medica Okayama   73 ( 1 )   81 - 84   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is reportedly one of the standard treatment strategies for large superficial colorectal neoplasms in Japan because of its high en bloc resection rate. A few technical issues regarding ESD should be considered, one of which is the selection of the Endo-cut I mode versus the Swift-coagulation mode as the electrosurgical unit mode setting during submucosal dissection. We seek to determine which of these two modes is more suitable for submucosal dissections of colorectal tumors with regard to procedure time and safety.

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/56463

    Web of Science



  • Cognitive decline due to ectopic primary hyperparathyroidism. Reviewed International journal

    Nishimura Y, Yamamoto A, Takahara M, Otsuka F

    Clinical case reports   6 ( 12 )   2513 - 2514   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    When you see a patient with cognitive dysfunction, hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is an important differential diagnosis. It is important to consider including chest computed tomography and 131I-MIBI SPECT examinations in patients with possible hyperparathyroidism and normal thyroid ultrasound.

    DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.1901



  • 大腸ESD後創部に対する浸水下クリップ縫縮法 単施設実施可能性試験

    山崎 泰史, 原田 馨太, 岡 昌平, 高嶋 志保, 井口 俊博, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   60 ( Suppl.2 )   2074 - 2074   2018.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • CAPの今後の課題、高齢者や妊娠患者などの特殊症例に対するCAPの有効性と安全性 安全性の高いCAP療法をいかに使うか 岡山大学病院の試み

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 高原 政宏, 岡田 裕之

    日本アフェレシス学会雑誌   37 ( Suppl. )   61 - 61   2018.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本アフェレシス学会  


  • NUDT15 codon 139 is the best pharmacogenetic marker for predicting thiopurine-induced severe adverse events in Japanese patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a multicenter study. Reviewed

    Yoichi Kakuta, Yosuke Kawai, Daisuke Okamoto, Tetsuya Takagawa, Kentaro Ikeya, Hirotake Sakuraba, Atsushi Nishida, Shoko Nakagawa, Miki Miura, Takahiko Toyonaga, Kei Onodera, Masaru Shinozaki, Yoh Ishiguro, Shinta Mizuno, Masahiro Takahara, Shunichi Yanai, Ryota Hokari, Tomoo Nakagawa, Hiroshi Araki, Satoshi Motoya, Takeo Naito, Rintaro Moroi, Hisashi Shiga, Katsuya Endo, Taku Kobayashi, Makoto Naganuma, Sakiko Hiraoka, Takayuki Matsumoto, Shiro Nakamura, Hiroshi Nakase, Tadakazu Hisamatsu, Makoto Sasaki, Hiroyuki Hanai, Akira Andoh, Masao Nagasaki, Yoshitaka Kinouchi, Tooru Shimosegawa, Atsushi Masamune, Yasuo Suzuki

    Journal of gastroenterology   53 ( 9 )   1065 - 1078   2018.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Despite NUDT15 variants showing significant association with thiopurine-induced adverse events (AEs) in Asians, it remains unclear which variants of NUDT15 or whether additional genetic variants should be tested to predict AEs. To clarify the best pharmacogenetic test to be used clinically, we performed association studies of NUDT15 variants and haplotypes with AEs, genome-wide association study (GWAS) to discover additional variants, and ROC analysis to select the model to predict severe AEs. METHODS: Overall, 2630 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) were enrolled and genotyped for NUDT15 codon 139; 1291 patients were treated with thiopurines. diplotypes were analyzed in 970 patients, and GWASs of AEs were performed with 1221 patients using population-optimized genotyping array and imputation. RESULTS: We confirmed the association of NUDT15 p.Arg139Cys with leukopenia and alopecia (p = 2.20E-63, 1.32E-69, OR = 6.59, 12.1, respectively), and found a novel association with digestive symptoms (p = 6.39E-04, OR = 1.89). Time to leukopenia was significantly shorter, and when leukopenia was diagnosed, thiopurine doses were significantly lower in Arg/Cys and Cys/Cys than in Arg/Arg. In GWASs, no additional variants were found to be associated with thiopurine-induced AEs. Despite strong correlation of leukopenia frequency with estimated enzyme activities based on the diplotypes (r2 = 0.926, p = 0.0087), there were no significant differences in the AUCs of diplotypes from those of codon 139 to predict severe AEs (AUC = 0.916, 0.921, for acute severe leukopenia, AUC = 0.990, 0.991, for severe alopecia, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Genotyping of NUDT15 codon 139 was sufficient to predict acute severe leukopenia and alopecia in Japanese patients with IBD.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-018-1486-7



  • Feasibility of Underwater Clip Closure for Large Mucosal Defects after Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection. Reviewed International journal

    Yamasaki Y, Harada K, Oka S, Takashima S, Inokuchi T, Sugihara Y, Takahara M, Hiraoka S, Okada H

    Digestion   99 ( 4 )   1 - 6   2018.9

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Clip closure of mucosal defects after colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (C-ESD) may decrease the incidence of delayed adverse events. The size of the defect to be closed by conventional clip is limited, however, and we sometimes encounter incomplete closure when the defect is located at the flexure. As, theoretically, underwater clip closure (UCC) could achieve complete closure despite these difficult cases, we investigated its feasibility. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 21 patients who underwent UCC after C-ESD. The main outcome was the UCC success rate, defined as complete closure of the defect. Other outcomes were procedure time, number of clips, and the delayed adverse event rate. RESULTS: The median resected specimen size was 31 mm (range 18-47 mm). The UCC success rate was 100%. The median procedure time was only 11 min (range 6-21 min). The median number of clips was 9 (range 5-16). No delayed adverse event occurred. CONCLUSION: It is feasible to use UCC to close large mucosal defects, although further studies are warranted to assess its efficacy.

    DOI: 10.1159/000492815



  • 食道アカラシアバルーン拡張術およびHeller-Dor手術施行後の下部食道運動異常に対しPOEM(peroral endoscopic myotomy)が著効した1例

    杉原 雄策, 原田 馨太, 加藤 諒, 山内 健司, 高嶋 志保, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 川野 誠司, 平岡 佐規子, 眞部 紀明, 大塚 文男, 岡田 裕之

    岡山医学会雑誌   130 ( 2 )   67 - 71   2018.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山医学会  



    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2018&ichushi_jid=J00175&link_issn=&doc_id=20180806220002&doc_link_id=10.4044%2Fjoma.130.67&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.4044%2Fjoma.130.67&type=J-STAGE&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00007_3.gif

  • Villous atrophy in the terminal ileum is a specific endoscopic finding correlated with histological evidence and poor prognosis in acute graft-versus-host disease after allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Reviewed International journal

    Sugihara Y, Hiraoka S, Fujii N, Takashima S, Yamasaki Y, Inokuchi T, Takahara M, Kuwaki K, Harada K, Tanaka T, Okada H

    BMC gastroenterology   18 ( 1 )   111 - 111   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication of allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). Endoscopic biopsy can provide a definitive diagnosis, but the optimal endoscopic approach for diagnosis remains uncertain. This study evaluated whether ileocolonoscopic imaging can predict acute GVHD severity after allo-HSCT. METHODS: Consecutive patients who underwent allo-HSCT were referred to our institution, and those diagnosed with acute GVHD by pathology were included in this retrospective study. RESULTS: Fifty-one of 261 patients who underwent ileocolonoscopy were suspected to have acute intestinal GVHD. We performed univariate and multivariate conditional logistic regression with stepwise variable selection; villous atrophy in the terminal ileum remained a statistically significant predictor of GVHD severity (odds ratio, 4.69; 95% confidence interval, 1.07-20.60, P = 0.04). Patients were classified into three groups based on ileal endoscopic findings in the terminal ileum: group S, GVHD with severe villous atrophy; group M, mild atrophy; and group N, no atrophy. Compared with patients in groups M and N, those in group S had significant clinical GVHD at diagnosis (P = 0.03). In group S, three of four, compared with five of 13 patients in groups M and N, required the addition of second-line agents (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that severe atrophy of the terminal ileum predicts severe clinical GVHD that is likely to be refractory to steroid treatment. Thus, the severity of terminal ileum atrophy may serve as a tool in predicting clinically severe GVHD. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Trial Registration Number UMIN 000022805 , Registration date July 1, 2016.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12876-018-0829-4



  • An Elevated Platelet Count Increases the Risk of Relapse in Ulcerative Colitis Patients with Mucosal Healing. Reviewed International journal

    Nakarai A, Kato J, Hiraoka S, Takashima S, Inokuchi T, Takahara M, Sugihara Y, Harada K, Okada H

    Gut and liver   12 ( 4 )   420 - 425   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background/Aims: Although mucosal healing (MH) has been considered a treatment goal for patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), the risk factors predictive of relapse in patients who achieve MH are unknown. Because the platelet count has been shown to be a marker of inflammation in inflammatory bowel diseases, this study aimed to assess whether the platelet count could predict relapse in UC patients with MH. Methods: A prospective observational study was performed. UC patients with MH were consecutively enrolled in the study and monitored for at least 2 years or until relapse. The correlation between the incidence of relapse and the platelet count at the time of study enrollment was examined. Results: In total, 43 patients were enrolled, and 14 patients (33%) relapsed. The median platelet count at the time of enrollment in the patients who relapsed significantly differed from that in the patients who did not relapse (27.2×10⁴/μL vs 23.8×10⁴/μL, respectively; p=0.016). A platelet count >25.0×10⁴/μL was a significant risk factor for relapse based on a multivariate analysis (hazard ratio, 4.85; 95% confidence interval, 1.07 to 25.28), and according to the Kaplan-Meier analysis, this cutoff could identify patients susceptible to relapse (p=0.041, log-rank test). Conclusions: The platelet count could be used as a predictor of relapse in UC patients with MH.

    DOI: 10.5009/gnl17236



  • 血漿中interleukin-1 receptor antagonistは潰瘍性大腸炎の内視鏡的活動性の予測に有用である

    高嶋 志保, 平岡 佐規子, 井口 俊博, 半井 明日香, 稲葉 知己, 吉岡 正雄, 竹本 浩二, 松枝 和宏, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   60 ( Suppl.1 )   801 - 801   2018.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • Evaluation of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract in Ulcerative Colitis Patients. Reviewed

    Kato R, Iwamuro M, Hiraoka S, Takashima S, Inokuchi T, Takahara M, Kondo Y, Tanaka T, Okada H

    Acta medica Okayama   72 ( 2 )   105 - 113   2018.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    To analyze the clinical characteristics of patients with ulcerative colitis who have upper gastrointestinal lesions, we retrospectively reviewed the data of 216 patients with ulcerative colitis who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy at our institute in April 2008-March 2016. We investigated the endoscopic features and compared the clinical characteristics between the patients with and without upper gastrointestinal lesions. Forty-two patients (19.4%) had upper gastrointestinal lesions, including multiple erosions (n=18), bamboo joint-like appearance (n=17), mucosa with white spots (n=4), friable mucosa (n=2), ulcer (n=1), and purulent deposits within the mucosa (n=1) in the stomach and/or duodenum. Compared to the patients without upper gastrointestinal lesions, those with upper gastrointestinal lesions showed significantly more frequent extraintestinal manifestations (19.0% vs. 8.0%, p<0.05) and a significant history of colectomy (33.3% vs. 12.1%, p<0.01). There were no significant differences with regard to the sex ratio, age at esophagogastroduodenoscopy, gastrointestinal symptoms, time since the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, type of colitis at the initial diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, or gastric atrophy between the groups. In conclusion, gastroduodenal lesions were identified in 19.4% of the patients with ulcerative colitis. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is particularly recommended for ulcerative colitis patients who show extraintestinal manifestations and for those who have undergone a colectomy.

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/55850



  • 急性消化管GVHDの診断における上部消化管内視鏡検査と大腸内視鏡検査の比較

    杉原 雄策, 平岡 佐規子, 加藤 諒, 高嶋 志保, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 藤井 伸治, 田中 健大, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   60 ( Suppl.1 )   772 - 772   2018.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 粘膜治癒を達成した潰瘍性大腸炎患者において血小板数は再燃予測マーカーとなる

    半井 明日香, 平岡 佐規子, 高嶋 志保, 岡 昌平, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 加藤 順, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   60 ( Suppl.1 )   801 - 801   2018.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • Ten Initial Cases of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for Treatment of Esophageal Motility Disorders at Okayama University Hospital. Reviewed

    Sugihara Y, Harada K, Kato R, Yamauchi K, Takashima S, Takei D, Yamasaki Y, Inokuchi T, Takahara M, Hiraoka S, Okada H

    Acta medica Okayama   72 ( 2 )   99 - 104   2018.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) for treatment of esophageal motility disorders has recently been reported to be highly effective and less invasive than other treatment. POEM was recently introduced in Okayama University Hospital under the supervision of a physician from a high-volume center. To verify the safety and efficacy of POEM during its introduction in our institution. We examined 10 cases in whom POEM was performed between January 2016 and April 2017. The patients included 7 men and 3 women, with a median age (range) of 49 years (17-74) and median symptom duration of 6 years (1-21). Seven patients had a straight esophagus, and the remaining 3 had a sigmoid esophagus. According to the Chicago classification, 6 patients were diagnosed with type I achalasia, 2 with type II achalasia, and 2 with distal esophagus spasm. Treatment outcomes and adverse events were evaluated. Treatment success was defined as a > 3 decrease in Eckardt score or a score of <3 at the time of discharge. The treatment success rate was 90%, with the average Eckardt score decreasing significantly, from 4.7 to 0.9 (p<0.05). No mucosal perforation, severe infection, mediastinitis, severe bleeding, or gastroesophageal reflux occurred intraoperatively or postoperatively. POEM was introduced to Okayama University Hospital, and the first 10 cases were accomplished safely and effectively under the supervision of an expert physician from a high-volume center.

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/55849



  • パテンシーカプセルが回腸に長期滞留したクローン病の1例

    岩室 雅也, 高嶋 志保, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 川野 誠司, 平岡 佐規子, 近藤 喜太, 田中 健大, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   115 ( 2 )   203 - 210   2018.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  



    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2018&ichushi_jid=J01118&link_issn=&doc_id=20180223480008&doc_link_id=130006379165&url=https%3A%2F%2Fci.nii.ac.jp%2Fnaid%2F130006379165&type=CiNii&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00003_1.gif

  • Simultaneous measurements of faecal calprotectin and the faecal immunochemical test in quiescent ulcerative colitis patients can stratify risk of relapse Reviewed International journal

    Asuka Nakarai, Sakiko Hiraoka, Sakuma Takahashi, Tomoki Inaba, Reiji Higashi, Motowo Mizuno, Shiho Takashima, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Jun Kato, Hiroyuki Okada

    Journal of Crohn's and Colitis   12 ( 1 )   71 - 76   2018.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press  

    Background: Both faecal calprotectin [Fcal] and the faecal immunochemical test [FIT] are useful to predict clinical relapse of ulcerative colitis [UC]. However, the difference between Fcal and FIT in ability to predict relapse has scarcely been reported. Whether the combined use of these two faecal markers increases the predictability is also unknown. Methods: UC patients in clinical remission who underwent colonoscopy were enrolled prospectively, and the Fcal and FIT values were examined at enrolment. Their clinical course was observed for 2 years or until relapse. The correlation between the incidence of relapse and the values of the two markers was examined. Results: A total of 113 patients were enrolled, and 48 [42%] relapsed. Fcal = 75 μg/g and FIT = 110 ng/mL were defined as Fcal-positive and FIT-positive, respectively, according to the receiver operating characteristic curves. Both Fcal-positive and FIT-positive statuses were independent predictive factors of clinical relapse (hazard ratio [HR] 2.29
    95% confidence interval [CI], 1.23-4.49
    p = 0.0086, and HR 2.91
    95% CI, 1.49-5.50
    p = 0.0022, respectively). Categorisation of patients into three groups according to the faecal marker status [FIT-positive, FIT-negative and Fcal-positive, and both negative] can efficiently stratify the risk of relapse with graded increases in risk [FIT-negative and Fcal-positive: HR 2.05
    95% CI, 1.02-4.43
    p = 0.0045, and FIT-positive: HR 5.43
    95% CI, 2.57- 11.76
    p &lt
    0.0001, compared with both negative]. Conclusions: Fcal vs FIT showed distinct properties regarding the prediction of relapse in UC. A risk assessment using both faecal markers could increase the predictability for relapse.

    DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjx118




  • Efficacy of restarting anti-tumor necrosis factor α agents after surgery in patients with Crohn's disease Reviewed International journal

    Sakiko Hiraoka, Shiho Takashima, Yoshitaka Kondo, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Seiji Kawano, Keita Harada, Jun Kato, Hiroyuki Okada

    Intestinal Research   16 ( 1 )   75 - 82   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases  

    Background/Aims: The efficacy of anti-tumor necrosis factor a (anti-TNFα) antibodies for postoperative Crohn's disease (CD) in patients who were treated with these agents prior to surgery is largely unknown. Methods: CD patients who underwent intestinal resection and received anti-TNFα agents after surgery were divided into 2 groups according to the presence or absence of preoperative anti-TNFα treatment: anti-TNFα restart group or anti-TNFα naïve group. Endoscopic recurrence after surgery was examined according to the preoperative conditions, including administration of anti-TNFα agents before surgery. Results: Thirty-six patients received anti-TNFα antibody after surgery: 22 in the anti-TNFα restart group and 14 in the anti- TNFα naïve group. Endoscopic recurrence after surgery was more frequently observed in the anti-TNFα restart group than in the anti-TNFα naïve group (68% vs. 14%, P &lt
    0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed the following significant risk factors of endoscopic recurrence after surgery: anti-TNF restart group (odds ratio [OR], 28.10
    95% CI, 3.08-722.00), age at diagnosis &lt
    23 years (OR, 24.30
    95% CI, 1.67-1,312.00), serum albumin concentration at surgery &lt
    3.3 g/dL (OR, 34.10
    95% CI, 1.72-2,804.00), and presence of inflammation outside of the surgical site (OR, 21.40
    95% CI, 1.02-2,150.00). Treatment intensification for patients with endoscopic recurrence in the anti-TNFα restart group showed limited responses, with only 1 of 12 patients achieving endoscopic remission. Conclusions: The efficacy of restarting anti-TNFα antibody treatment after surgery was limited, and treatment intensification or a change to different classes of biologics should be considered for those patients.

    DOI: 10.5217/ir.2018.16.1.75




  • Retention of patency capsule in a patient with Crohn's disease Reviewed

    Masaya Iwamura, Shiho Takashima, Toshihiro Iguchi, Masahiro Takahara, Seiji Kawano, Satiko Hiraoka, Yuta Kondo, Takehi Tanaka, Hiroyuki Okada

    Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology   115 ( 2 )   203 - 210   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society of Gastroenterology  

    A 40-year-old Japanese man with abdominal pain was referred to our hospital. The patient had been diagnosed with Crohn's disease at the age of 21 years and had since then received treatment with mesalazine and had been advocated an elemental diet. About 30 months before his visit to the hospital, he had swallowed a patency capsule, the retention of which in the ileum was subsequently detected on abdominal ultrasonography. The patient was advised to undergo the evaluation of stenosis, but he refused further investigation at that time. Computed tomography scanning performed at our institution revealed stenosis of the ileum and the presence of a high-density material in the proximal side of the stenosis. Double-balloon enteroscopy and enterography with contrast media revealed multiple stenoses of the ileum. The stenotic ileum was surgically resected, and a foreign body was removed. Electron microscopy analysis revealed that the foreign body was the cellophane wall of the PillCamTM patency capsule. Thus, the retention of the cellophane wall of a patency capsule after consumption was diagnosed for the current case on the basis of the study findings.

    DOI: 10.11405/nisshoshi.115.203




  • Findings of Retrograde Contrast Study Through Double-balloon Enteroscopy Predict the Risk of Bowel Resections in Patients with Crohn's Disease with Small Bowel Stenosis Reviewed International journal

    Noriko Okazaki, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Sakiko Hiraoka, Masayasu Ohmori, Shiho Takashima, Daisuke Takei, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Seiji Kawano, Hiroyuki Okada, Jun Kato

    INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES   23 ( 12 )   2097 - 2103   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    Background: Patients with Crohn's disease (CD) with small bowel strictures are at risk of surgery. Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) can evaluate the status of the small intestine, and retrograde contrast through the scope enables the surgeon to obtain information beyond the reach of the scope. This study aimed to examine whether a retrograde contrast study through DBE could be used as a predictor of subsequent surgery in patients with CD with small intestinal strictures.
    Methods: The findings of DBE with retrograde contrast in 48 patients CD with small bowel strictures were examined.
    Results: Of the 48 patients, 14 (29%) underwent surgery for small intestinal strictures during a median observation period of 2.4 years (interquartile range: 1.4-3.7 yr). According to the results of the multivariate analysis, a maximum length of strictures &gt;= 20 mm and the ratio of the maximum diameter of prestenotic dilations to the diameter of the normal small intestine &gt;= 1.4 were independent risk factors of surgery for small intestinal strictures (risk ratio = 7.6 [95% confidence interval, 1.8-42.0], P = 0.006; and risk ratio = 52.0 [95% confidence interval, 3.5-2485.1], P = 0.002, respectively). The latter predicted subsequent surgery with 92% sensitivity and 88% specificity. Cumulative surgery-free rates were discriminated significantly according to the presence or absence of these 2 risk factors (log-rank test: P &lt; 0.001).
    Conclusions: Findings of retrograde contrast through DBE are helpful to predict risk of surgery in patients with CD with small intestinal strictures.

    DOI: 10.1097/MIB.0000000000001175

    Web of Science



  • 大腸・小腸疾患に対する診断の進歩 ラテックス凝集法を用いた新規便中カルプロテクチン測定法における潰瘍性大腸炎患者の粘膜治癒検出能の検討

    平岡 佐規子, 井口 俊博, 半井 明日香, 高嶋 志保, 山崎 泰史, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 関 泰宏, 渡辺 勝紀, 岡田 裕之

    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌   70 ( 抄録号 )   A68 - A68   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本大腸肛門病学会  


  • 大腸内視鏡を用いた急性GVHDの診断における「回腸末端の絨毛の萎縮」の臨床的意義 後方視的多施設共同研究

    杉原 雄策, 平岡 佐規子, 高嶋 志保, 竹井 大介, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 森藤 由紀, 高橋 索真, 桑木 健志, 原田 馨太, 藤井 伸治, 田中 健大, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   59 ( Suppl.2 )   2238 - 2238   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 術前精査でSM癌と診断した大腸腫瘍の行く末

    原田 馨太, 赤穂 宗一郎, 榮 浩行, 高嶋 志保, 井口 俊博, 竹井 大介, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 河原 祥朗, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   59 ( Suppl.2 )   2174 - 2174   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • POEM(Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy)を施行した食道アカラシアの1例

    杉原 雄策, 原田 馨太, 加藤 諒, 山内 健司, 高嶋 志保, 竹井 大介, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 川野 誠司, 平岡 佐規子, 田辺 俊介, 野間 和宏, 白川 靖博, 眞部 紀明, 井上 晴洋, 岡田 裕之

    岡山医学会雑誌   129 ( 2 )   115 - 121   2017.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:岡山医学会  

    39歳男。食事摂取後の嚥下困難を主訴に近医受診し、上部消化管内視鏡検査で食道アカラシアと診断され、精査加療目的に当院紹介となった。食道X線造影検査(バリウム50ml内服)で食道内に5分間以上のバリウム停滞を認め、異常蠕動を認めた。高解像度食道内圧検査(嚥下試験)で下部食道の収縮圧は24mmHgであり、胃食道接合部の弛緩は認めなかった。これらの所見から、食道アカラシアのシカゴ分類type Iと診断し、POEMを施行した。翌日の食道X線造影検査でバリウムは速やかに胃内へ流入することが確認され、その後の経過も良好で、術後4日目に退院となり、1年後の現在まで症状の再燃は認めていない。


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2017&ichushi_jid=J00175&link_issn=&doc_id=20170817260005&doc_link_id=10.4044%2Fjoma.129.115&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.4044%2Fjoma.129.115&type=J-STAGE&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00007_3.gif

  • Acute Appendicitis Caused by Previous Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for an Adenoma Adjacent to the Appendiceal Orifice. Reviewed International journal

    Kato R, Harada K, Harada K, Takei D, Sugihara Y, Takashima S, Inokuchi T, Takahara M, Hiraoka S, Omura Y, Oda W, Okada H

    Case reports in gastroenterology   11 ( 2 )   271 - 276   2017.5

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    Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a groundbreaking treatment for tumors adjacent to the appendiceal orifice that are difficult to remove by conventional endoscopic mucosal resection, and successful cases are increasingly reported. However, little is known about the subsequent complications, especially long-term complications. A female in her early 70s with a 15-mm cecal tumor adjacent to the appendiceal orifice - discovered incidentally during a screening colonoscopy - underwent hybrid ESD of the lesion. We completely resected the tumor, and she was discharged 5 days later with a pathological diagnosis of high-grade tubular adenoma. Ten months postoperatively, she experienced sudden-onset right lower quadrant pain and was diagnosed with acute appendicitis at another hospital. Due to suspicion that her condition was the result of residual tumor, her surgeon performed an emergency laparoscopic cecectomy. The pathological examination of the resected specimen showed thick scarring adjacent to the appendiceal orifice and no residual tumor. The previous ESD was identified as the cause of the scar, and the scar was the only finding to account for the patient's appendicitis. This case is significant because the patient required additional surgery due to a complication of ESD. Further, it indicates that acute appendicitis may be a late complication of submucosal dissection near the appendiceal orifice. As ESD becomes more widely used, it is likely that more cecal tumors will be treated endoscopically. It is important to be aware of the late complications of ESD for these tumors.

    DOI: 10.1159/000475753



  • Mucosectom2とSB knife Jr.の大腸の粘膜下層剥離術における前向き無作為比較試験

    杉原 雄策, 原田 馨太, 河原 祥朗, 高嶋 志保, 竹井 大介, 井口 俊博, 高原 政宏, 桑木 健志, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   59 ( Suppl.1 )   944 - 944   2017.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • Adenocarcinoma in the jejunum 20 years after surgery for familial adenomatous polyposis

    Sugihara Yuusaku, Kawano Seiji, Harada Keita, Takashima Shiho, Takei Daisuke, Inokuchi Toshihiro, Takahara Masahiro, Hiraoka Sakiko, Mori Yoshiko, Kishimoto Hiroyuki, Nagasaka Takeshi, Okada Hiroyuki

    Okayama Igakkai Zasshi (Journal of Okayama Medical Association)   129 ( 2 )   111 - 114   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Okayama Medical Association  

    &emsp;A 58-year-old Japanese man visited a local clinic for the evaluation of a stomachache. He was diagnosed with intestinal obstruction. His medical history included a proctocolectomy at the age of 38 years, due to familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). He was referred to our institution, where he underwent a computed tomography examination and endoscopy of the small intestine. The pathological diagnosis was adenocarcinoma. No invasive or metastatic lesions were observed. Therefore, partial resection of the ileum with lymphadenectomy and reconstruction of the ileostomy were performed. Pathological examination revealed that the tumor was type 2, pT3 (SS) , pN1, pPM0, pDM0, pRM0, INFb, ly1, v1, pEX0, PN0. Twenty-nine days after the surgery, the patient was diagnosed with lung metastasis and he underwent lung radiofrequency ablation. We suggest that long-term follow-up is necessary for patients after surgery for FAP, because of the risk of malignant disease developing in other organs.

    DOI: 10.4044/joma.129.111

    CiNii Article


  • Achalasia treated with per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM)

    Sugihara Yuusaku, Harada Keita, Kato Ryo, Yamauchi Kenji, Takashima Shiho, Takei Daisuke, Inokuchia Toshihiro, Takahara Masahiro, Kawano Seiji, Hiraoka Sakiko, Tanabe Shunsuke, Noma Kazuhiro, Shirakawa Yasuhiro, Manabe Noriaki, Inoue Haruhiro, Okada Hiroyuki

    Okayama Igakkai Zasshi (Journal of Okayama Medical Association)   129 ( 2 )   115 - 121   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Okayama Medical Association  

    &emsp;Esophageal achalasia is a disorder of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle. Patients present with dysphagia, chest pain, vomiting, and aspiration. Esophageal achalasia had traditionally been treated with esophageal achalasia balloon dilatation and the Heller-Dor method, but in recent years, the use of per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) has increased. Our patient, a 39-yr-old male, began experiencing dysphagia 4 years prior to his referral to our hospital. Based on the results of esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophageal radiography and high-resolution manometry, we made the diagnosis of esophageal achalasia (Chicago classification type I) . After informed consent from the patient and his family and approval from our hospital's ethics committee were obtained, we performed a POEM. The patient was discharged on the 4th day post-surgery. At the 1-year post-operative examination, no worsening of symptoms and no relapse were observed. POEM is an excellent treatment method for esophageal achalasia from the perspective of therapeutic effect and prevention of invasion. We recommend that it be considered as the first-choice treatment for achalasia. However, accessibility to the procedure itself is limited due to the few adequately trained operators worldwide. POEM should thus be performed by an expert operator at a high-volume center.

    DOI: 10.4044/joma.129.115

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2017339773

  • P2-10 慢性腸炎マウスモデルにおけるベルベリンの改善効果と作用機序の検討

    高原 政宏, 高木 章乃夫, 平岡 佐規子, 池田 愛璃, 足立 卓哉, 松下 浩志, 小池 和子, 岡田 裕之

    日本臨床免疫学会会誌   40 ( 4 )   311b - 311b   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床免疫学会  

    <p>【背景】生薬であるベルベリン(BBR)は下痢止めとして臨床応用されているが,抗炎症など多彩な作用も有することが明らかになっている.BBRは細胞のエネルギーの調節因子であるAMPKを活性化させることが知られており,近年,このAMPKがT細胞を含む免疫細胞の応答に関わっていることが報告されている.【目的,方法】慢性腸炎マウスモデルを用いて,大腸炎粘膜のCD4+T細胞(LP CD4+T細胞)におけるBBRの抗炎症作用とその機序についての検証をin vitroおよびIn vivoで行う.1)CD4+CD45RBhighT細胞移入腸炎マウスのLPCD4+T細胞をPMA/Ionomysinで刺激し,IFN-γ産生細胞を誘導,BBRの効果について,AMPKの関与も含めて検討.2)上記腸炎マウスにBBRを含んだ餌を投与し,腸炎の抑制効果について検討.【結果】1)LP CD4+T細胞はBBRと共培養すると,IFN-γ産生細胞が優位に低下し,ウェスタンブロッティングでは,AMPKの活性化を認めた.次に,AMPKのagonistとantagonistを用いた培養系でIFN-γの産生を調べたところ,agonistで抑制,antagonistで増加を認めた.以上から,BBRにより活性化されたAMPKがIFN-γを制御していることが示唆された.2)上記腸炎マウスにBBRを経口投与した結果,腸炎は優位に抑制された.【結論】BBRは,慢性腸炎マウスモデルの腸炎を抑制し,その作用機序の一つとしてAMPKを介した機序が示唆された.</p>

    DOI: 10.2177/jsci.40.311b

    CiNii Article


  • Consecutive Measurements by Faecal Immunochemical Test in Quiescent Ulcerative Colitis Patients Can Detect Clinical Relapse Reviewed International journal

    Sakiko Hiraoka, Jun Kato, Asuka Nakarai, Shiho Takashima, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Daisuke Takei, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada

    JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS   10 ( 6 )   687 - 694   2016.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    We have reported that results of the quantitative faecal immunochemical test (FIT; haemoglobin concentrations in faeces measured using an antibody for human haemoglobin) effectively reflect the mucosal status of ulcerative colitis (UC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictability of flare-up in quiescent UC patients by consecutive FIT evaluation.
    Patients with UC who fulfilled the following criteria by index colonoscopy were enrolled: clinical remission; mucosal healing (Mayo endoscopic subscore 0); and negative FIT (less than 100ng/mL). These patients were followed up prospectively every 1-3 months by monitoring patient symptoms and FIT results between index and subsequent colonoscopies.
    The intervals between 2 colonoscopies (median 2.51 years) of 83 patients (49 males, median age at onset 34 years, median disease duration 9.74 years) were analysed. None of the 43 (52%) patients who maintained negative FIT throughout the observation period exhibited clinical relapse. On the other hand, 25/40 (63%) patients who showed positive conversion of FIT during the period experienced relapse. The cutoff FIT value of 450ng/mL could predict relapse with 73% positive predictive value and 96% negative predictive value. Moreover, positive conversion of FIT preceded occurrence of symptoms by 1 month or more in nearly one-third of patients with relapse.
    Consecutive measurements of FIT in quiescent UC patients who achieved mucosal healing with negative FIT would help identify patients with clinical relapse whose symptoms had not yet presented. Further investigations are required for more precise prediction of relapse with this modality.

    DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjw025

    Web of Science



  • Ulcerative colitis patients in clinical remission demonstrate correlations between fecal immunochemical test results, mucosal healing, and risk of relapse Reviewed International journal

    Asuka Nakarai, Jun Kato, Sakiko Hiraoka, Shiho Takashima, Daisuke Takei, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada

    WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY   22 ( 21 )   5079 - 5087   2016.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BAISHIDENG PUBLISHING GROUP INC  

    AIM: To assess the risk of relapse in ulcerative colitis (UC) patients in clinical remission using mucosal status and fecal immunochemical test (FIT) results.
    METHODS: The clinical outcomes of 194 UC patients in clinical remission who underwent colonoscopy were based on evaluations of Mayo endoscopic subscores (MESs) and FIT results.
    RESULTS: Patients with an MES of 0 (n = 94, 48%) showed a ten-fold lower risk of relapse than those with an MES of 1-3 (n = 100, 52%) (HR = 0.10, 95%CI: 0.05-0.19). A negative FIT result (fecal hemoglobin concentrations &lt;= 100 ng/mL) was predictive of patients with an MES of 0, with a sensitivity of 0.94 and a specific of 0.76. Moreover, patients with a negative FIT score had a six-fold lower risk of clinical relapse than those with a positive score (HR = 0.17, 95%CI: 0.10-0.28). Inclusion of the distinguishing parameter, sustaining clinical remission &gt; 12 mo, resulted in an even stronger correlation between negative FIT results and an MES of 0 with respect to the risk of clinical relapse (HR = 0.11, 95%CI: 0.04-0.23).
    CONCLUSION: Negative FIT results one year or more after remission induction correlate with complete mucosal healing (MES 0) and better prognosis. Performing FIT one year after remission induction may be useful for evaluating relapse risk.

    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i21.5079

    Web of Science



  • Fecal Immunochemical Test Versus Fecal Calprotectin for Prediction of Mucosal Healing in Crohn's Disease Reviewed International journal

    Toshihiro Inokuchi, Jun Kato, Sakiko Hiraoka, Shiho Takashima, Asuka Nakarai, Daisuke Takei, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Seiji Kawano, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada

    INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES   22 ( 5 )   1078 - 1085   2016.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    Background: Mucosal healing (MH) has been proposed as a treatment goal of inflammatory bowel disease patients. We reported recently that not only fecal calprotectin (Fcal) but also the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) can predict MH in ulcerative colitis. However, the predictive power of the fecal markers for MH in Crohn's disease (CD), particularly with small bowel lesions, has not been reported in detail. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictability of FIT versus Fcal for MH in CD.
    Methods: Consecutive CD patients underwent colonoscopy or balloon-assisted enteroscopy according to the disease location. FIT and Fcal were examined using stool samples collected the day before endoscopy.
    Results: Seventy-one CD patients were analyzed, of whom 42 (59%) underwent balloon-assisted enteroscopy because of the presence of affected lesions in the small intestine. Both the Fcal and the FIT results were significantly correlated with endoscopic activity (r = 0.67 and 0.54, respectively). However, the FIT results did not correlate with the activity in patients with small bowel lesions alone, whereas Fcal did (r = 0.42 versus 0.78). Fcal predicted MH in CD with 87% sensitivity and 71% specificity, whereas the values for FIT were 96% and 48%, respectively. The specificity for MH among patients with small bowel lesions alone was low for FIT (40%) compared with Fcal (80%).
    Conclusions: Both FIT and Fcal were correlated with the mucosal status of CD. However, the specificity of FIT was not satisfactory, particularly for small bowel lesions.

    DOI: 10.1097/MIB.0000000000000728

    Web of Science



  • 【IBD治療のcritical point-私ならこうする】潰瘍性大腸炎 ステロイド依存性の見極めと治療方針 チオプリン製剤による寛解維持療法

    井口 俊博, 平岡 佐規子, 高嶋 志保, 半井 明日香, 高原 政宏, 岡田 裕之

    臨床消化器内科   31 ( 6 )   655 - 659   2016.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)日本メディカルセンター  

    チオプリン製剤は潰瘍性大腸炎においてステロイド依存例に対するステロイド減量効果,および寛解維持効果を有する貴重な薬剤である.活性体である6-TGN(6-thioguanine nucleotide)に変換され安定して薬効を発揮するまでに時間が必要であり,しばしば副作用を伴うことから使用に当たり習熟が不可欠である.しかし投与開始後から慎重にモニタリングを行うことで対応可能であり,その有効性,利便性,医療経済の観点から抗TNFα抗体製剤に優先してチオプリン製剤を活用すべきである.(著者抄録)


    Other Link: https://search-tp.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2016&ichushi_jid=J01937&link_issn=&doc_id=20160530220007&doc_link_id=10.19020%2FJ01937.2016299263&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.19020%2FJ01937.2016299263&type=%88%E3%8F%91.jp_%83I%81%5B%83%8B%83A%83N%83Z%83X&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00024_2.gif

  • EMR手技のスキルアップを目指して スネア先端を用いたprecutting EMRのススメ

    原田 馨太, 高嶋 志保, 竹井 大介, 井口 俊博, 半井 明日香, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 河原 祥朗, 岡田 裕之

    日本大腸検査学会雑誌   32 ( 2 )   127 - 127   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本大腸検査学会  


  • 同種造血幹細胞移植施行後GVHD症例の重症度・治療反応性は、回腸末端の内視鏡所見より予測できるか?

    杉原 雄策, 平岡 佐規子, 高嶋 志保, 竹井 大介, 半井 明日香, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之, 山本 和秀, 田中 健大

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   57 ( Suppl.2 )   2132 - 2132   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • Evaluation of Mucosal Healing in Ulcerative Colitis by Fecal Calprotectin Vs. Fecal Immunochemical Test Reviewed International journal

    Shiho Takashima, Jun Kato, Sakiko Hiraoka, Asuka Nakarai, Daisuke Takei, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada, Takehiro Tanaka, Kazuhide Yamamoto

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY   110 ( 6 )   873 - 880   2015.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    OBJECTIVES: We previously showed that a quantitative fecal immunochemical test (FIT) can predict mucosal healing (MH) in ulcerative colitis (UC). Fecal calprotectin (Fcal) has also been reported as an important biomarker of UC activity. The aim of this study was to compare the predictive ability of these two fecal markers for MH in UC.
    METHODS: FIT and Fcal were examined in stool samples from consecutive UC patients who underwent colonoscopy. Mucosal status was assessed via the Mayo endoscopic subscore (MES).
    RESULTS: In total, 105 colonoscopies in 92 UC patients were evaluated in conjunction with the FIT and Fcal results. Both FIT and Fcal results were significantly correlated with MES (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient: 0.61 and 0.58, respectively). The sensitivity and specificity of the FIT values (&lt;100 ng/ml) for predicting MH (MES 0 alone) were 0.95 and 0.62, respectively, whereas those of Fcal (&lt;250 mu g/g) were 0.82 and 0.62, respectively. The sensitivities became similar when MH was defined as MES 0 or 1 (0.86 vs. 0.86). Although the predictability of MH evaluated by the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve was similar for the two fecal markers (FIT 0.83 vs. Fcal 0.82 for MES 0 alone), the FIT results were relatively robust regardless of the cutoff value selected.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both FIT and Fcal can efficiently predict MH in UC, but FIT appears to be more sensitive than Fcal for predicting MES 0 alone.

    DOI: 10.1038/ajg.2015.66

    Web of Science



  • TNFAIP3 promotes survival of CD4 T cells by restricting MTOR and promoting autophagy. Reviewed International journal

    Yu Matsuzawa, Shigeru Oshima, Masahiro Takahara, Chiaki Maeyashiki, Yasuhiro Nemoto, Masanori Kobayashi, Yoichi Nibe, Kengo Nozaki, Takashi Nagaishi, Ryuichi Okamoto, Kiichiro Tsuchiya, Tetsuya Nakamura, Averil Ma, Mamoru Watanabe

    Autophagy   11 ( 7 )   1052 - 1062   2015.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Autophagy plays important roles in metabolism, differentiation, and survival in T cells. TNFAIP3/A20 is a ubiquitin-editing enzyme that is thought to be a negative regulator of autophagy in cell lines. However, the role of TNFAIP3 in autophagy remains unclear. To determine whether TNFAIP3 regulates autophagy in CD4 T cells, we first analyzed Tnfaip3-deficient naïve CD4 T cells in vitro. We demonstrated that Tnfaip3-deficient CD4 T cells exhibited reduced MAP1LC3/LC3 (microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3) puncta formation, increased mitochondrial content, and exaggerated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. These results indicate that TNFAIP3 promotes autophagy after T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation in CD4 T cells. We then investigated the mechanism by which TNFAIP3 promotes autophagy signaling. We found that TNFAIP3 bound to the MTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) complex and that Tnfaip3-deficient cells displayed enhanced ubiquitination of the MTOR complex and MTOR activity. To confirm the effects of enhanced MTOR activity in Tnfaip3-deficient cells, we analyzed cell survival following treatment with Torin1, an MTOR inhibitor. Tnfaip3-deficient CD4 T cells exhibited fewer cell numbers than the control cells in vitro and in vivo. In addition, the impaired survival of Tnfaip3-deficient cells was ameliorated with Torin1 treatment in vitro and in vivo. The effect of Torin1 was abolished by Atg5 deficiency. Thus, enhanced MTOR activity regulates the survival of Tnfaip3-deficient CD4 T cells. Taken together, our findings illustrate that TNFAIP3 restricts MTOR signaling and promotes autophagy, providing new insight into the manner in which MTOR and autophagy regulate survival in CD4 T cells.

    DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1055439



  • 直腸肛門部腫瘍の術後吻合部狭窄に対する、内視鏡的新規治療RIC法応用の試み

    原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之, 高嶋 志保, 竹井 大介, 井口 俊博, 半井 明日香, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 川野 誠司, 平岡 佐規子, 河原 祥朗, 近藤 喜太, 山本 和秀

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   57 ( Suppl.1 )   927 - 927   2015.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(ESD)が施行された大腸T1(SM)癌の治療成績と予後の検討

    榮 浩行, 原田 馨太, 浦岡 俊夫, 高嶋 志保, 井口 俊博, 竹井 大介, 杉原 雄策, 半井 明日香, 高原 政宏, 小林 沙代, 高橋 索真, 齊藤 俊介, 堀井 城一朗, 東 玲治, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之, 山本 和秀

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   57 ( Suppl.1 )   804 - 804   2015.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 潰瘍性大腸炎患者における大腸腫瘍性病変の内視鏡治療 当院の現況

    原田 馨太, 平岡 佐規子, 高嶋 志保, 竹井 大介, 井口 俊博, 半井 明日香, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 衣笠 秀明, 川野 誠司, 河原 祥朗, 岡田 裕之, 山本 和秀

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   112 ( 臨増総会 )   A496 - A496   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • IL-7 promotes long-term in vitro survival of unique long-lived memory subset generated from mucosal effector memory CD4+ T cells in chronic colitis mice. Reviewed International journal

    Masahiro Takahara, Yasuhiro Nemoto, Shigeru Oshima, Yu Matsuzawa, Takanori Kanai, Ryuichi Okamoto, Kiichiro Tsuchiya, Tetsuya Nakamura, Kazuhide Yamamoto, Mamoru Watanabe

    Immunol. Lett.   156 ( 1-2 )   82 - 93   2013.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Colitogenic memory CD4(+) T cells are important in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Although memory stem cells with high survival and self-renewal capacity were recently identified in both mice and humans, it is unclear whether a similar subset is present in chronic colitis mice. We sought to identify and purify a long-lived subset of colitogenic memory CD4(+) T cells, which may be targets for treatment of IBD. A long-lived subset of colitogenic memory CD4(+) T cells was purified using a long-term culture system. The characteristics of these cells were assessed. Interleukin (IL)-7 promoted the in vitro survival for >8 weeks of lamina propria (LP) CD4(+) T cells from colitic SCID mice previously injected with CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells. These cells were in a quiescent state and divided a maximum of 5 times in 4 weeks. LP CD4(+) T cells expressed higher levels of Bcl-2, integrin-α4β7, CXCR3 and CD25 after than before culture, as well as secreting high concentrations of IL-2 and low concentrations of IFN-γ and IL-17 in response to intestinal bacterial antigens. LP CD4(+) T cells from colitic mice cultured with IL-7 for 8 weeks induced more severe colitis than LP CD4(+) T cells cultured for 4 weeks. We developed a novel culture system to purify a long-lived, highly pathogenic memory subset from activated LP CD4(+) T cells. IL-7 promoted long-term in vitro survival of this subset in a quiescent state. This subset will be a novel, effective target for the treatment of IBD.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.imlet.2013.09.001

    Web of Science



  • Bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cells are a major source of interleukin-7 and sustain colitis by forming the niche for colitogenic CD4 memory T cells Reviewed International journal

    Yasuhiro Nemoto, Takanori Kanai, Masahiro Takahara, Shigeru Oshima, Tetsuya Nakamura, Ryuichi Okamoto, Kiichiro Tsuchiya, Mamoru Watanabe

    GUT   62 ( 8 )   1142 - 1152   2013.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Interleukin (IL)-7 is mainly produced in bone marrow (BM) that forms the niche for B cells. We previously demonstrated that BM also retains pathogenic memory CD4 T cells in murine models of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, it remains unknown whether BM-derived IL-7 is sufficient for the development of IBD and which cells form the niche for colitogenic memory CD4 T cells in BM.
    To address these questions, we developed mice in which IL-7 expression was specific for BM, and identified colitis-associated IL-7-expressing mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in the BM.
    IL-7(-/-)xRAG-1(-/-) mice injected with BM cells from IL-7(+/+)xRAG-1(-/-) mice, but not from IL-7(-/-)xRAG-1(-/-) mice, expressed IL-7 in BM, but not in their colon, and developed colitis when injected with CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells. Cultured BM MSC stably expressed a higher level of IL-7 than that of primary BM cells. IL-7-sufficient, but not IL-7-deficient, BM MSC supported upregulation of Bcl-2 in, and homeostatic proliferation of, colitogenic memory CD4 T cells in vitro. Notably, IL-7(-/-)xRAG-1(-/-) mice transplanted with IL-7-sufficient, but not IL-7-deficient, BM MSC expressed IL-7 in BM, but not in their colon, and developed colitis when transplanted with CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells.
    We demonstrate for the first time that BM MSC are a major source of IL-7 and play a pathological role in IBD by forming the niche for colitogenic CD4 memory T cells in BM.

    DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2012-302029

    Web of Science



  • Th1/Th17-Mediated Interstitial Pneumonia in Chronic Colitis Mice Independent of Intestinal Microbiota Reviewed

    Yasuhiro Nemoto, Takanori Kanai, Masahiro Takahara, Shigeru Oshima, Ryuichi Okamoto, Kiichiro Tsuchiya, Satoshi Matsumoto, Mamoru Watanabe

    JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY   190 ( 12 )   6616 - 6625   2013.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC IMMUNOLOGISTS  

    Although intestinal microbiota are essential for the development of T cell-mediated colitis, it remains undetermined whether they enhance or suppress the chronic extraintestinal inflammation that often complicates inflammatory bowel diseases. In this study, we investigate the role of intestinal microbiota in the development of colitis and extraintestinal manifestations in a mouse model in which colitis was induced in SCID mice by adoptive transfer of CD4(+) CD45RB(high) T cells. Under specific pathogen-free conditions, these mice developed both colitis and extraintestinal interstitial pneumonia, whereas mice given a mixture of antibiotics did not develop colitis, but, surprisingly, developed Th1/Th17-mediated IP. Irrespective of antibiotic treatment, cotransfer of CD4(+) CD25(+) regulatory T cells suppressed the development of pneumonitis and colitis, with all local CD4(+) CD45RB(high) T cell-derived cells converted to CD44(high) CD62L(-) IL-7R alpha(high) effector-memory T cells. Retransfer of CD4(+) effector-memory T cells from the lungs of antibiotic-treated mice with IP not only induced IP in both antibiotic-treated and -untreated recipients but also induced colitis in the untreated recipients. In summary, we have established a unique model of Th1/Th17-mediated IP in microbiota-free and antibiotic-treated mice. This model may be valuable in investigating the immunological mechanisms underlying extraintestinal disorders in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

    DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1202930

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  • Peppermint Oil Solution Is Useful as an Antispasmodic Drug for Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, Especially for Elderly Patients Reviewed International journal

    Atsushi Imagawa, Hidenori Hata, Morihito Nakatsu, Yasunari Yoshida, Keiko Takeuchi, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Takayuki Imada, Yoshiyasu Kohno, Masahiro Takahara, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Hirokazu Miyatake, Satoru Yagi, Masaharu Ando, Mamoru Hirohata, Shigeatsu Fujiki, Ryuta Takenaka

    DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES   57 ( 9 )   2379 - 2384   2012.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Although hyoscine butyl bromide (HB) and glucagon (GL) are often used as antispasmodic drugs during esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), these agents may cause adverse effects. Recently, it was reported that peppermint oil solution (PO) was very effective and had few side effects.
    We clarified the efficacy and usefulness of PO as an antispasmodic during upper endoscopy, especially for elderly patients.
    This study was a non-randomized prospective study. The antispasmodic score (1-5, where 5 represents no spasm) was defined according to the degree of spasms of the antrum and difficulty of biopsy. We compared the antispasmodic scores between non-elderly patients (younger than 70) and elderly patients (70 years old or older) according to the antispasmodic agent.
    A total of 8,269 (Group PO: HB: GL: NO (no antispasmodic) = 1,893: 6,063: 157: 156) EGD procedures were performed. There was no significant difference in the antispasmodic score between Group PO (mean score +/- A standard deviation: 4.025 +/- A 0.925) and Group HB (4.063 +/- A 0.887). Among the non-elderly patients, those in Group PO (n = 599, 3.923 +/- A 0.935) had a worse antispasmodic score than those in Group HB (n = 4,583, 4.062 +/- A 0.876, P &lt; 0.001). However, among the elderly patients, those in Group PO (n = 1,294, 4.073 +/- A 0.917) had similar scores to those in Group HB (n = 1,480, 4.064 +/- A 0.921, P = 0.83), and significantly better scores than those in Group GL (n = 69, 3.797 +/- A 0.933, P &lt; 0.05).
    Peppermint oil was useful as an antispasmodic during EGD, especially for elderly patients.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10620-012-2194-4

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  • Partial Splenic Embolization Facilitates the Adherence to Peginterferon in Chronic Hepatitis C with Thrombocytopenia Reviewed

    Masahiro Takahara, Yasuhiro Miyake, Hirokazu Miyatake, Atsushi Imagawa, Morihito Nakatsu, Masaharu Ando, Mamoru Hirohata, Kazuhide Yamamoto

    INTERNAL MEDICINE   50 ( 22 )   2731 - 2736   2011

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC INTERNAL MEDICINE  

    Objective Platelet counts before starting the treatment affect the discontinuation and dose reduction of peginterferon in chronic hepatitis C. Thrombocytopenia leads to failure to achieve sustained virological response. This study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of partial splenic embolization (PSE) prior to starting peginterferon therapy combined with ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C patients showing thrombocytopenia.
    Patients and Methods We compared the clinical features of 11 patients receiving PSE (PSE group) prior to starting the combined therapy with those of 13 patients not receiving PSE (non-PSE group). All of the patients showed platelet counts &lt;= 12x10(4)/mm(3) and serum hepatitis C virus-RNA levels &gt;= 100 KIU/mL at baseline. The end-point of PSE was a volume of splenic infarction over 75%. Peginterferon alpha-2b at a dose of 1.2 mu g/kg was administered by subcutaneous injection once a week. The dose of ribavirin was weight adjusted.
    Results PSE was successfully performed without serious adverse events. The period from PSE to starting the combined therapy was 14 (6-27) days. After PSE, platelet counts were significantly increased. In PSE group, platelet counts during the combined therapy were maintained above those at baseline. In non-PSE group, platelet counts at the 2nd week after the start of the combined therapy significantly decreased to less than those at baseline. Overall, 80% adherence to expected peginterferon dose was not achieved in 5 patients (45%) of PSE group and in 11 (85%) of non-PSE group (p=0.043).
    Conclusion Increased platelet counts after PSE facilitates the adherence to peginterferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients with thrombocytopenia.

    DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.50.6143

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  • Large Waist Circumference Is a Risk Factor for Reflux Esophagitis in Japanese Males Reviewed International journal

    Hisae Yasuhara, Yasuhiro Miyake, Tatsuya Toyokawa, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Masahiro Takahara, Takayuki Imada, Satoru Yagi, Hirokazu Miyatake, Morihito Nakatsu, Masaharu Ando, Mamoru Hirohata

    DIGESTION   81 ( 3 )   181 - 187   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:KARGER  

    Background/Aims: The prevalence of reflux esophagitis, which might lead to development of Barrett&apos;s esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma, has been increasing. The aim of this study was to assess risk factors for reflux esophagitis. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1,495 Japanese subjects undergoing health checkups (822 males and 673 females; median age 50 years) at a tertiary care center. Results: One hundred and twenty-seven subjects (8%) had reflux esophagitis and hiatal hernia was observed in 292 subjects (20%). Reflux esophagitis (13 vs. 3%) and hiatal hernia (28 vs. 9%) were more frequent in males than females. Significant differences in clinical backgrounds were observed between females and males. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that hiatal hernia (OR 6.63, 95% CI 2.47-17.8; p = 0.0002) was associated with reflux esophagitis in females. In males, age (per 1-year increment: OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99; p = 0.007), hiatal hernia (OR 3.16, 95% CI 2.05-4.87; p &lt; 0.0001) and waist circumference (per 1-cm increase: OR 1.09, 95% CI 1.02-1.15; p = 0.006) were associated with reflux esophagitis. Conclusions: Abdominal obesity may be an important risk factor for reflux esophagitis in males compared with females. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel

    DOI: 10.1159/000235919

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  • 当院における胆嚢癌のまとめ

    高原 政宏, 豊川 達也, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   106 ( 臨増大会 )   A910 - A910   2009.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • H.pylori除菌療法は萎縮粘膜を改善し、特に萎縮の進んだ症例では早期に改善する 長期間のprospective cohort studyの結果から

    豊川 達也, 高原 政宏, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   106 ( 臨増大会 )   A771 - A771   2009.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • A case of hepatic angiomyolipoma difficult to distinguish from hepatocellular carcinoma Reviewed International journal

    Masahiro Takahara, Yasuhiro Miyake, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Daisuke Kawai, Eisuke Kaji, Tatsuya Toyokawa, Morihito Nakatsu, Masaharu Ando, Mamoru Hirohata

    WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY   15 ( 23 )   2930 - 2932   2009.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:W J G PRESS  

    We report a case of hepatic angiomyolipoma with uncommon clinical features. A 56-year-old man presented with a hepatic tumor in the caudate lobe. The tumor was hypoechoic on ultrasonography, showed early-phase hyperattenuation on enhanced computed tomography and did not absorb iron on superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Hepatocellular carcinoma was highly suspected, and the patient underwent hepatic resection. Histologically, the tumor was mainly composed of smooth muscle cells and contained small amounts of adipose cells and blood vessels. On immunohistochemical staining, the smooth muscle cells were positive for a melanocytic cell-specific monoclonal antibody. In cases with uncommon features of angiomyolipoma, it is quite difficult to distinguish angiomyolipoma from hepatocellular carcinoma. (C) 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.15.2930

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  • 当院における食道癌化学放射線療法の検討

    松本 和幸, 豊川 達也, 高原 政宏, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    香川県内科医会誌   45   36 - 40   2009.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:香川県内科医会  



  • 当院におけるGIST症例の検討

    河野 吉泰, 豊川 達也, 松本 和幸, 高原 政宏, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    香川県内科医会誌   45   47 - 52   2009.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:香川県内科医会  

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor(以下GIST)は全消化管切除腫瘍の0.5〜1.0%程度を占める稀な腫瘍である。今回我々は当院において病理組織学的にGISTと診断された19例を対象とし、その臨床的および病理学的特徴について検討した。発生部位は胃が14例と最多で、全体的に無症状で発見される例が多かった。手術標本の病理組織で診断されたものが13例と大部分を占めていた。腫瘍の大きさ・核分裂指数により評価した臨床的悪性度に基づきリスク分類を行った。転移・再発に関しては全て高リスク例であり、よく相関していた。予後に関しては、高リスク6例のうち死亡転帰は2例であり、リスク分類のみで予後を推測することは困難であった。予後不良因子として腹膜病変が示唆された。術前・術後化学療法の有効性や術後の適切な経過観察期間など、GISTに関して未だに臨床研究段階の項目は多く、今後さらなる症例数の集積が望まれる。(著者抄録)


  • ALK陰性直腸原発anaplastic large cell lymphomaの1例

    高原 政宏, 豊川 達也, 脇 正人, 小西 順, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   51 ( Suppl.1 )   947 - 947   2009.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 血小板低下を伴うC型慢性肝炎患者における部分的脾動脈塞栓術(PSE)はリバビリン(RBV)併用インターフェロン(IFN)治療効果を改善するか?

    高原 政宏, 三宅 康広, 宮武 宏和, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 豊川 達也, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    肝臓   50 ( Suppl.1 )   A274 - A274   2009.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本肝臓学会  


  • 胃MALTリンパ腫の長期経過 治療後早期にT細胞リンパ腫を発症し予後不良であった症例報告も含めて

    豊川 達也, 今田 貴之, 中津 守人, 高原 政宏, 松本 和幸, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 安東 正晴

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   51 ( Suppl.1 )   899 - 899   2009.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • A combination treatment of entecavir and early-phase corticosteroid in severe exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B Reviewed International journal

    Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Yasuhiro Miyake, Hirokazu Miyatake, Masahiro Takahara, Takayuki Imada, Satoru Yagi, Tatsuya Toyokawa, Morihito Nakatsu, Masaharu Ando, Mamoru Hirohata

    WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY   15 ( 13 )   1650 - 1652   2009.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:W J G PRESS  

    Of patients with severe exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B accompanied by jaundice and coagulopathy, 20%-30% have a fatal outcome. In this report, we describe 2 cases of severe exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B with jaundice and coagulopathy who were successfully treated with a combination of entecavir and corticosteroid. In both cases, rapid reductions in serum hepatitis B virus (HBV)-DNA levels were observed, and corticosteroid was stopped after serum HBV-DNA levels became undetectable. Entecavir treatment was continued. Generally, entecavir treatment reduced serum HBV-DNA levels rapidly, although the improvement in liver function was delayed by a few weeks. During this time lag, liver cell injury continued and the disease progressed. Corticosteroid suppressed the excessive host immune response and was useful for stopping progressive deterioration. A combination of entecavir and early-phase corticosteroid may be a useful treatment in severe exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B. (C) 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.15.1650

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  • 当院における切除不能・再発胃がん症例に対するS-1+CDDP併用療法の検討

    今田 貴之, 豊川 達也, 篠井 尚子, 恒光 美穂, 三宅 智子, 河野 吉泰, 中野 由加里, 氏家 はる代, 竹内 洋平, 小西 順, 堀元 直哉, 松本 和幸, 高原 政宏, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   106 ( 臨増総会 )   A178 - A178   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 当院における食道癌化学放射線治療の検討

    松本 和幸, 豊川 達也, 河野 吉泰, 氏家 はる代, 中野 由加里, 小西 順, 高原 政宏, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 広畑 衛

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   106 ( 臨増総会 )   A185 - A185   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 当院における小腸(十二指腸を含む)腫瘍性疾患の検討

    安原 ひさ恵, 豊川 達也, 高原 政宏, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   106 ( 臨増総会 )   A319 - A319   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 当院におけるGIST症例の検討

    河野 吉泰, 豊川 達也, 松本 和幸, 高原 政宏, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   106 ( 臨増総会 )   A325 - A325   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • B型慢性肝炎急性増悪重症例に対しエンテカビルとステロイドを併用し奏効した2例

    宮武 宏和, 三宅 康広, 松本 和幸, 河野 吉泰, 竹内 洋平, 氏家 はる代, 中野 由加理, 小西 順, 高原 政宏, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 豊川 達也, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   106 ( 臨増総会 )   A465 - A465   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 腹部超音波検査にて経過観察しえた上腸間膜動脈症候群の一例

    宮武 宏和, 豊川 達也, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 竹内 洋平, 森本 尚孝, 高原 政宏, 八木 覚, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴

    超音波医学   36 ( 1 )   103 - 103   2009.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本超音波医学会  


  • A case of primary malignant lymphoma of the liver treated by R-CHOP therapy Reviewed

    Akinori Asagi, Yasuhiro Miyake, Masaharu Ando, Hisae Yasuhara, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Masahiro Takahara, Daisuke Kawai, Eisuke Kaji, Tatsuya Toyokawa, Toru Onishi, Katsuya Miyatani, Morihito Nakatsu

    Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology   106 ( 3 )   389 - 396   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A 75-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of right hypochondralgia. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a large tumor in the right lobe of the liver. Ultrasonography (US) showed vessels in the tumor. Needle biopsy specimens showed malignant lymphoma (Diffuse large B cell lymphoma). Ga scintigraphy and FDG-PET did not demonstrate other lesions and the definitive diagnosis was primary malignant lymphoma of the liver. CHOP with Rituximab therapy (R-CHOP therapy) was performed. After 8 courses of therapy the FDG-PET results were negative and we considered complete remission. We describe a case of primary malignant lymphoma of the liver treated successfully by R-CHOP therapy.




  • インジゴカルミン入りガストログラフィン注腸が診断に有用であったS状結腸膀胱瘻の1例

    高原 政宏, 豊川 達也, 小西 順, 安原 ひさ恵, 松本 和幸, 河合 大介, 加地 英輔, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛, 水田 稔, 宮谷 克也

    三豊総合病院雑誌   29   68 - 72   2008.12

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  • 当院におけるGIST症例の検討

    河野 吉泰, 豊川 達也, 小西 順, 松本 和幸, 高原 政宏, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 宮武 宏和, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    香川県医師会誌   61 ( 特別 )   67 - 67   2008.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)香川県医師会  


  • 腸管アミロイドーシスの2症例

    安原 ひさ恵, 豊川 達也, 小西 順, 高原 政宏, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   105 ( 臨増大会 )   A829 - A829   2008.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 高齢者の膵癌患者に対する低用量gemcitabine療法は有用である

    松本 和幸, 豊川 達也, 三宅 康広, 安原 ひさ恵, 高原 政宏, 今田 貴之, 八木 寛, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   105 ( 臨増大会 )   A903 - A903   2008.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 血小板減少を伴うC型慢性肝炎症例に対する部分的脾動脈塞栓術(PSE)の有効性

    高原 政宏, 三宅 康広, 安原 ひさ恵, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 八木 覚, 豊川 達也, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    肝臓   49 ( Suppl.2 )   A555 - A555   2008.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本肝臓学会  


  • 十二指腸潰瘍に対しHelicobacter pylori除菌を行い、6年後に胃癌が発覚した1例

    八木 覚, 豊川 達也, 安原 ひさ恵, 高原 政宏, 松本 和幸, 今田 貴之, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 宮谷 克也

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   105 ( 臨増大会 )   A775 - A775   2008.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 術前診断が困難であった副脾の一例

    高原 政宏, 豊川 達也, 安原 ひさ恵, 松本 和幸, 河合 大介, 浅木 彰則, 加地 英輔, 三宅 康宏, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    香川県内科医会誌   44   93 - 93   2008.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:香川県内科医会  


  • 当院における低未分化大腸癌の検討

    松本 和幸, 豊川 達也, 安原 ひさ恵, 高原 政宏, 河合 大介, 浅木 彰則, 加地 英輔, 三宅 康宏, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    香川県内科医会誌   44   91 - 91   2008.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:香川県内科医会  


  • Low dose gemcitabine improves the prognosis of elderly patients with unresectable advanced pancreatic cancer Reviewed

    Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Tatsuya Toyokawa, Yasuhiro Miyake, Hisae Yasumara, Masahiro Takahara, Eisuke Kaji, Morihito Nakatsu, Masaharu Ando, Mamoru Hirohata

    GASTROENTEROLOGY   134 ( 4 )   A453 - A454   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publisher:W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC  

    Web of Science


  • 胃腫瘍性病変に対するESDの所要時間による検討

    豊川 達也, 加地 英輔, 松本 和幸, 高原 政宏, 安原 ひさ恵, 河合 大介, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   50 ( Suppl.1 )   792 - 792   2008.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 肝細胞癌との鑑別に苦慮した肝血管筋脂肪腫の2例

    高原 政宏, 三宅 康広, 安原 ひさ恵, 松本 和幸, 河合 大介, 加地 英輔, 豊川 達也, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   105 ( 臨増総会 )   A390 - A390   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 腹腔内リンパ節転移を伴う胃MALTリンパ腫に対しR-CHOP療法が奏功した1例

    河合 大介, 豊川 達也, 安原 ひさ恵, 高原 政宏, 松本 和幸, 加地 英輔, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   105 ( 臨増総会 )   A253 - A253   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 術前診断が困難であった副脾の1例

    高原 政宏, 豊川 達也, 松本 和幸, 安原 ひさ恵, 堀元 直哉, 河合 大介, 加地 英輔, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛, 宇高 徹総, 宮谷 克也

    三豊総合病院雑誌   28   58 - 64   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:三豊総合病院  



  • 高齢者における手術不能膵癌に対する抗腫瘍療法の検討

    松本 和幸, 豊川 達也, 安原 ひさ恵, 高原 政宏, 河合 大介, 加地 英輔, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    三豊総合病院雑誌   28   3 - 7   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:三豊総合病院  

    手術不能膵癌について、特に高齢者における抗腫瘍療法の有用性を検討した。対象は過去約1年間に切除不能と診断された膵癌68症例のうち、75歳以上の32例で、これらを抗腫瘍療法(ACT)が施行された17例(ACT群、平均年齢80.1歳)とACTを施行しなかった15例(BCS群、平均年齢83.0歳)に分け調べた。その結果、1)BCS群はACT群に比べて有意にECOGのPerformance Status(PS)が不良であった。2)全体での検討では、ACT群はBCS群よりも生存期間の延長が認められたが、75歳以上の比較ではACT群はBCS群よりも年齢が若く、PSが良好であり、長期生命予後が望めるにもかかわらず、生存期間の延長を認めなかった。3)有害事象の発現率は、75歳以上群と75歳未満群との間に差異は認められなかったが、詳細に検討すると、75歳以上群では抗腫瘍療法を開始した後に症状が強く発現し、急速に全身状態が不良となる症例を認めており、ACT群17例中4例は80日以内と早期に死亡していた。


  • PSE施行後にリバビリン併用インターフェロン療法を行ったC型慢性肝炎患者10例の検討

    三宅 康広, 安東 正晴, 高原 政宏, 安原 ひさ恵, 松本 和幸, 河合 大介, 豊川 達也, 中津 守人, 広畑 衛

    肝臓   48 ( Suppl3 )   A647 - A647   2007.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本肝臓学会  


  • 高齢者における手術不能膵癌に対する抗腫瘍療法の検討

    松本 和幸, 豊川 達也, 安原 ひさ恵, 高原 政宏, 河合 大介, 加地 英輔, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    香川県医師会誌   60 ( 特別 )   61 - 61   2007.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)香川県医師会  


  • 高齢者の上部消化管腫瘍性病変に対する内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(ESD)の適応と問題点

    豊川 達也, 加地 英輔, 安原 ひさ恵, 松本 和幸, 高原 政宏, 河合 大介, 三宅 康広, 中津 守人, 安東 正晴, 廣畑 衛

    香川県医師会誌   60 ( 特別 )   62 - 62   2007.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)香川県医師会  


  • PSE施行後にリバビリン併用インターフェロン療法を行ったC型慢性肝炎患者10例の検討

    三宅 康広, 安東 正晴, 小西 順, 高原 政宏, 安原 ひさ恵, 松本 和幸, 河合 大介, 加地 英輔, 豊川 達也, 中津 守人, 廣畑 衛

    香川県医師会誌   60 ( 特別 )   60 - 60   2007.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)香川県医師会  


  • Hepatic steatosis correlates with the postoperative recurrence of hepatitis C virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma Reviewed International journal

    Yoshitaka Takuma, Kazuhiro Nouso, Yasuhiro Makino, Shunsuke Saito, Hiroki Takayama, Masahiro Takahara, Hideaki Takahashi, Ichiro Murakami, Hitoshi Takeuchi

    LIVER INTERNATIONAL   27 ( 5 )   620 - 626   2007.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BLACKWELL PUBLISHING  

    Background: Hepatic steatosis is a prominent feature of chronic hepatitis C. Hepatic steatosis was reported recently to be a risk factor for hepatitis C virus (HCV)-associated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
    Aim: To investigate whether hepatic steatosis influences the postoperative recurrence of HCV-associated HCC.
    A retrospective study was conducted in 88 patients undergoing curative resection of HCV-associated HCC. Cumulative tumour recurrence rates were compared between steatosis-positive and steatosis-negative patients, and the factors affecting intrahepatic recurrence were assessed.
    Results: The respective tumour recurrence rates at 1, 3, and 5 years were 19%, 76%, and 92% in the steatosis-positive group, and 12%, 52%, and 60% in the steatosis-negative group. The tumour recurrence rate of the steatosis-positive group was significantly higher than that of the steatosis-negative group (P=0.02). Hepatic steatosis [relative risk (RR)=3.31, 95% confidence intervals (CIs)=1.49-7.41, P=0.003], stage of fibrosis (RR=3.17, 95% CI=1.35-7.47, P=0.008), surgical procedure (RR=0.22, 95% CI=0.076-0.64, P=0.005), number of tumours (RR=5.24, 95% CI=1.63-16.80, P=0.005), size of the largest tumour (RR=3.52, 95% CI=1.28-9.69, P=0.02), and vascular invasion (RR=2.72, 95% CI=1.32-5.59, P=0.007) were independent factors for tumour recurrence rate by multivariate analysis.
    Conclusions: Hepatic steatosis is a useful predictor of postoperative recurrence of HCV-related HCC.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2007.01462.x

    Web of Science



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  • A case of suspected adult-onset autoinflammatory disease with non-specific skin rash, oral aphthae, non-specific enteritis and cytopenia.

    徳増一樹, 本多寛之, 奥延太希, 長岡寛和, 高瀬了輔, 八代将登, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 川上佳夫, 長谷川功, 萩谷英大, 花山宜久, 大塚文男

    日本免疫不全・自己炎症学会雑誌(Web)   2 ( 2 )   2023

  • Usefulness of transabdominal ultrasonography in evaluating the activity of Crohn’s disease

    高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 大森正泰, 竹内佳子, 井口俊博, 大西秀樹, 岡田裕之

    超音波医学 Supplement   49   2022

  • クローン病患者の内視鏡活動性と活動性の変化を予測するバイオマーカーは?

    井口俊博, 平岡佐規子, 豊澤惇希, 竹井健介, 青山祐樹, 井川翔子, 竹内桂子, 山崎泰史, 衣笠秀明, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 岡田裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web)   119   2022

  • 生検検体を用いた胆道癌におけるPD-L1発現の検討

    松本和幸, 高木章乃夫, 大原利章, 藤澤真義, 高原政宏, 加藤博也, 吉田龍一, 楳田祐三, 八木孝仁, 松川昭博

    日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web)   119   2022

  • Effectiveness of transabdominal ultrasonography to detection of small intestinal stenosis in patients with Crohn’s disease

    竹内桂子, 井口俊博, 高原政宏, 高原政宏, 大森正泰, 竹井健介, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 大西秀樹, 平岡佐規子, 岡田裕之

    超音波医学 Supplement   48   2021

  • ベルベリンによる慢性腸炎マウスの腸内細菌叢の変化

    高原政宏, 高原政宏, 高木章乃夫, 平岡佐規子, 安富絵里子, 山本峻平, 岡昌平, 平井麻美, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 衣笠秀明, 原田馨太, 岡田裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web)   117   2020

  • 潰瘍性大腸炎における経腹超音波検査の有用性

    高原政宏, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 大森正泰, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 平井麻美, 井口俊博, 山本峻平, 山崎泰史, 衣笠秀明, 原田馨太, 大西秀爾, 岡田裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web)   117   2020

  • 浸水下での大腸ポリープ境界診断におけるBLI/LCIの有効性を評価するための後ろ向き観察研究

    山崎泰史, 原田馨太, 安富絵里子, 山本峻平, 岡昌平, 平井麻美, 井口俊博, 衣笠秀明, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 岡田裕之

    日本消化管学会雑誌   4 ( Supplement )   2020

  • アザチオプリンによる汎血球減少に感染性心内膜炎を合併した一例

    塩飽孝宏, 山本晃, 長尾聡子, 徳増一樹, 高原政宏, 長谷川功, 三好智子, 小比賀美香子, 花山宜久, 大塚文男

    日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌   15 ( 3 )   260 - 260   2019.5

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  • インフリキシマブにより臨床的寛解を得たにも関わらず、突然に回腸腸間膜穿通をきたしたクローン病の一例

    安富 絵里子, 井口 俊博, 岡 昌平, 平井 麻美, 山崎 泰史, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 川野 誠司, 原田 馨太, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之, 高橋 一剛, 近藤 善太, 田中 健大

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   111回   86 - 86   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • 中毒性巨大結腸症を合併していた重症潰瘍性大腸炎の一例

    岡 昌平, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 井口 俊博, 平井 麻美, 山崎 泰史, 杉原 雄策, 衣笠 秀明, 原田 馨太, 高橋 一剛, 近藤 喜太, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   111回   87 - 87   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • アザチオプリンによる汎血球減少に感染性心内膜炎を合併した一例

    塩飽 孝宏, 山本 晃, 長尾 聡子, 徳増 一樹, 高原 政宏, 長谷川 功, 三好 智子, 小比賀 美香子, 花山 宜久, 大塚 文男

    日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌   15 ( 3 )   260 - 260   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病院総合診療医学会  


  • 超拡大内視鏡画像診断における「EC分類」はレクチャーにより初学者にも実行可能となるか

    杉原 雄策, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 榮 浩行, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 河原 祥朗

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   61 ( Suppl.1 )   871 - 871   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 苦痛の少ない大腸内視鏡検査を実現するための患者選択の工夫

    岡 昌平, 原田 馨太, 岡田 裕之, 安富 絵里子, 平井 麻美, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 衣笠 秀明, 平岡 佐規子

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy   61 ( Suppl.1 )   876 - 876   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会  


  • 潰瘍性大腸炎に合併したMixed Neuroendocrine-Non-Neuroendocrine Neoplasmsの一例

    永原 崇甫, 衣笠 秀明, 岡 昌平, 安富 絵里子, 平井 麻美, 山本 俊平, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 杉原 雄策, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 平岡 佐規子, 近藤 喜太, 田中 健大, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   111回   72 - 72   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • 重症/難治性潰瘍性大腸炎における当院の手術症例から内科と外科の連携を考える

    高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 井口 俊博, 岡 昇平, 安富 絵里子, 山崎 泰史, 杉原 雄策, 衣笠 秀明, 原田 馨太, 近藤 喜太, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   116 ( 臨増総会 )   A330 - A330   2019.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 大腸ESDにおけるクリッピングは術後経過に寄与しているか

    原田 馨太, 平井 麻美, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 杉原 雄策, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   116 ( 臨増総会 )   A362 - A362   2019.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一財)日本消化器病学会  


  • 急性消化管GVHDの診断における上部消化管内視鏡検査および大腸内視鏡検査の生検部位の比較検討

    杉原雄策, 平岡佐規子, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 衣笠秀明, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 小川弘子, 岡田裕之, 大塚文男

    日本内科学会雑誌   108 ( Suppl. )   215 - 215   2019.2

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  • 急性消化管GVHDにおいて回腸末端の内視鏡所見は予後・重症度・治療反応性と関連するか?

    杉原雄策, 平岡佐規子, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 衣笠秀明, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 藤井伸治, 田中健大, 岡田裕之

    日本消化管学会雑誌   3 ( Supplement )   161 - 161   2019.2

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  • 消化管出血(静脈瘤破裂を除く)の予後不良症例の検討 急性消化管GVHDにおいて回腸末端の内視鏡所見は予後・重症度・治療反応性と関連するか?

    杉原 雄策, 平岡 佐規子, 安富 絵里子, 岡 昌平, 山崎 泰史, 井口 俊博, 衣笠 秀明, 高原 政宏, 原田 馨太, 藤井 伸治, 田中 健大, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化管学会雑誌   3 ( Suppl. )   161 - 161   2019.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本消化管学会  



  • ベルベリンは腸管粘膜CD4+T細胞のAMPKの活性化を介して炎症性サイトカインを制御しマウス慢性腸炎を改善させる

    高原政宏, 高木章乃夫, 平岡佐規子, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 平井麻美, 井口俊博, 小池和子, 岡田裕之

    日本臨床免疫学会総会プログラム・抄録集   47th   77 - 77   2019

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  • 浸水下での大腸ポリープ境界診断におけるLCI/BLIの有効性を評価するための遡及的研究

    山崎泰史, 原田馨太, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 平井麻美, 井口俊博, 衣笠秀明, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   61 ( Supplement2 )   2019

  • リンパ節の再生検からHodgkinリンパ腫の診断に至った不明熱の1例

    荒木晴, 徳増一樹, 原田洸, 山本晃, 高原政宏, 長谷川功, 萩谷英大, 花山宜久, 大塚文男

    日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌   15 ( 6 )   2019

  • 膵癌におけるFNA検体と切除検体とのPD-L1発現の検討

    松本和幸, 高木章乃夫, 大原利章, 藤澤真義, 高原政宏, 加藤博也, 吉田龍一, 楳田祐三, 八木孝仁, 松川昭博, 岡田裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web)   116   2019

  • 大腸ESDにおけるクリッピングは術後経過に寄与しているか

    原田馨太, 平井麻美, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 杉原雄策, 杉原雄策, 衣笠秀明, 衣笠秀明, 高原政宏, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 岡田裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web)   116   2019

  • 重症/難治性潰瘍性大腸炎における当院の手術症例から内科と外科の連携を考える

    高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 井口俊博, 岡昇平, 安富絵里子, 山崎泰史, 杉原雄策, 衣笠秀明, 原田馨太, 近藤喜太, 近藤喜太, 岡田裕之

    日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web)   116   2019

  • クローン病の内視鏡スコア変化予測には血清Alb値が有用である

    井口俊博, 平岡佐規子, 安富絵里子, 平井麻美, 岡昌平, 山崎泰史, 杉原雄策, 衣笠秀明, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 川野誠司, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   61 ( Supplement2 )   2019

  • 苦痛の少ない大腸内視鏡検査を実現するための患者選択の工夫

    岡昌平, 原田馨太, 岡田裕之, 安富絵里子, 平井麻美, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 杉原雄策, 杉原雄策, 高原政宏, 高原政宏, 衣笠秀明, 衣笠秀明, 平岡佐規子

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   61 ( Supplement1 )   2019

  • 転移性大腸癌との鑑別に苦慮した大腸の肉芽性ポリープの1例

    山崎 辰洋, 岩室 雅也, 高原 政宏, 杉原 雄策, 原田 馨太, 平岡 佐規子, 近藤 喜太, 市原 英基, 岡田 裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   110回   147 - 147   2018.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本消化器病学会-中国支部  


  • 回腸末端に潰瘍病変を認めた不明熱の1例

    栗山裕, 徳増一樹, 山本紘一郎, 中野靖浩, 大村大輔, 高原政宏, 長谷川功, 小比賀美香子, 花山宜久, 大塚文男

    日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌   14 ( 6 )   663 - 663   2018.11

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  • 転移性大腸癌との鑑別に苦慮した大腸の肉芽性ポリープの1例

    山崎辰洋, 岩室雅也, 高原政宏, 杉原雄策, 原田馨太, 平岡佐規子, 近藤喜太, 市原英基, 岡田裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   110th   147   2018.11

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  • 高度狭窄により腸閉塞を発症したクローン病妊婦の一例

    岡昌平, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 安富絵里子, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 杉原雄策, 衣笠秀明, 原田馨太, 近藤喜太, 岡田裕之

    日本消化器病学会中国支部例会プログラム・抄録集   110th   115   2018.11

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  • 一歩先を行くクローン病診療 女性特有のイベントへの対応

    平岡佐規子, 平岡佐規子, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 杉原雄策, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 川野誠司, 近藤喜太, 近藤喜太, 岡田裕之, 岡田裕之

    月刊消化器・肝臓内科   4 ( 2 )   113‐119 - 119   2018.8

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  • MTF(male to female)性同一性障害患者に対する内視鏡医の関わり

    原田馨太, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 山崎康史, 杉原雄策, 杉原雄策, 衣笠秀明, 高原政宏, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 難波祐三郎, 難波祐三郎, 岡田裕之

    日本高齢消化器病学会誌   21 ( 1 )   97 - 97   2018.7

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  • Fecal Immunochemical Test and Fecal Calprotectin Results Show Different Profiles in Disease Monitoring for Ulcerative Colitis Reviewed International journal

    Sakiko Hiraoka, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Asuka Nakarai, Shiho Takashima, Daisuke Takei, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada, Jun Kato

    Gut and Liver   12 ( 2 )   142 - 148   2018.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Editorial Office of Gut and Liver  

    Background/Aims: Both fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and fecal calprotectin (Fcal) results are useful biomarkers for ulcerative colitis (UC). However, the situations in which each marker should be used are largely unknown. Methods: A total of 110 colonoscopy intervals of UC patients were assessed, and correlations between changes in colonoscopic findings and changes in the two aforementioned fecal markers were examined. Results: Among patients with mucosal healing (MH) and negative FIT or Fcal results at the initial colonoscopy, FIT and Fcal findings exhibited accuracies of 93% (38/41) and 79% (26/33), respectively, for predicting the results of the subsequent examination. Among the 24 patients who showed endoscopic activity at the precedent colonoscopy and MH at the subsequent examination, positive-to-negative conversion of FIT and Fcal findings at the subsequent examination was observed in 92% (12/13) and 62% (8/13) of patients, respectively. Among the 43 patients who showed endoscopic activity at both the precedent and subsequent examinations, Fcal findings reflected the change in endoscopic activity better than FIT results (r=0.59, p&lt
    0.0001 vs r=0.30, p=0.054). Conclusions: The FIT is useful for confirming MH and the occurrence of relapse. In contrast, Fcal is useful for monitoring the mucosal status of patients with active inflammation. (Gut Liver 2018

    DOI: 10.5009/gnl17013

    Web of Science




  • Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy(POEM,経口内視鏡的筋層切開術)の当院導入経緯と治療成績の検討

    杉原雄策, 加藤諒, 山内健司, 原田馨太, 高嶋志保, 山崎泰史, 山口俊博, 高原政宏, 川野誠司, 平岡佐規子, 河原祥朗, 眞部紀明, 岡田裕之

    日本消化管学会雑誌   2 ( Supplement )   136 - 136   2018.2

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  • 安全性の高いCAP療法をいかに使うか~岡山大学病院の試み~

    井口俊博, 平岡佐規子, 平岡佐規子, 安富絵里子, 岡昌平, 高原政宏, 岡田裕之, 岡田裕之

    日本アフェレシス学会雑誌   37 ( Supplement )   2018

  • 血漿中interleukin-1 receptor antagonistは潰瘍性大腸炎の内視鏡的活動性の予測に有用である

    高嶋志保, 平岡佐規子, 井口俊博, 半井明日香, 稲葉知己, 吉岡正雄, 竹本浩二, 松枝和宏, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   60 ( Supplement1 )   2018

  • 粘膜治癒を達成した潰瘍性大腸炎患者において血小板数は再燃予測マーカーとなる

    半井明日香, 平岡佐規子, 高嶋志保, 岡昌平, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 杉原雄策, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 加藤順, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   60 ( Supplement1 )   2018

  • 大腸ESD後創部に対する浸水下クリップ縫縮法-単施設実施可能性試験-

    山崎泰史, 原田馨太, 岡昌平, 高嶋志保, 井口俊博, 杉原雄策, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   60 ( Supplement2 )   2018

  • 急性消化管GVHDの診断における上部消化管内視鏡検査と大腸内視鏡検査の比較

    杉原雄策, 平岡佐規子, 加藤諒, 高嶋志保, 山崎泰史, 井口俊博, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 藤井伸治, 田中健大, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   60 ( Supplement1 )   2018

  • 【IBDの病勢をいかに判断するか?】新しいバイオマーカーによる病勢評価の妥当性と問題点

    平岡 佐規子, 高嶋 志保, 井口 俊博, 半井 明日香, 高原 政宏, 加藤 順, 岡田 裕之

    IBD Research   11 ( 3 )   154 - 161   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)先端医学社  



  • Two electrosurgical endo-knives for endoscopic submucosal dissection of colorectal superficial neoplasms: a prospective randomized study Reviewed International journal

    Yuusaku Sugihara, Keita Harada, Yoshiro Kawahara, Daisuke Takei, Shiho Takashima, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Asuka Nakarai, Masahiro Takahara, Kenji Kuwaki, Sakiko Hiraoka, Hiroyuki Okada

    Endoscopy International Open   05 ( 08 )   E729 - E735   2017.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:Georg Thieme Verlag KG  


    Background and study aims Few studies have directly compared endo-knives for endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) in humans. We compared the performances of the Mucosectom2 and SB knife Jr.

    Patients and methods Two trainee endoscopists performed ESD of 36 lesions in this prospective, randomized controlled trial. Mucosal incision with a 1.5-mm Dual knife and submucosal dissection using the Mucosectom2 were performed in 1 group. Mucosal incision with a 1.5-mm Dual knife and submucosal dissection with a SB knife Jr. were performed in the other group. The primary outcome was the ESD procedure time. Secondary outcomes were total procedure time, self-completion rates, and adverse events.

    Results ESD time in Mucosectom2 patients was not significantly shorter than in SB knife Jr. patients (57 ± 32 min vs. 61 ± 44 min, respectively; P = 0.94). Total procedure time in Mucosectom2 patients was not significantly shorter than in SB knife Jr. patients (81 ± 42 min vs. 82 ± 51 min, respectively; P = 0.85). The trainee self-completion rate was slightly higher in SB knife Jr. patients than in Mucosectom2 patients, although the difference was not significant (94 % vs. 100 %, respectively; P = 0.959). Fewer hemostatic procedures using the Coagrasper were performed in Mucosectom2 patients than in SB knife Jr. patients, although the difference was not significant (0.62 vs. 0.7, respectively; P = 0.432).

    Conclusions Mucosectom2 and SB knife Jr. did not significantly differ in performance for colorectal ESD to safely and reliably enhance ESD. Knife selection is not as important for learning colorectal ESD as patient- and lesion-related factors.

    DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-111792

    Web of Science



  • 術前精査でSM癌と診断した大腸腫瘍の行く末

    原田馨太, 赤穂宗一郎, 榮浩行, 高嶋志保, 井口俊博, 竹井大介, 杉原雄策, 高原政宏, 平岡佐規子, 河原祥朗, 岡田裕之, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   59 ( Supplement2 )   2017

  • 大腸内視鏡を用いた急性GVHDの診断における「回腸末端の絨毛の萎縮」の臨床的意義-後方視的多施設共同研究-

    杉原雄策, 平岡佐規子, 高嶋志保, 竹井大介, 井口俊博, 高原政宏, 森藤由紀, 高橋索真, 桑木健志, 原田馨太, 藤井伸治, 田中健大, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   59 ( Supplement2 )   2017

  • Mucosectom2とSB knife Jr.の大腸の粘膜下層剥離術における前向き無作為比較試験

    杉原雄策, 原田馨太, 河原祥朗, 高嶋志保, 竹井大介, 井口俊博, 高原政宏, 桑木健志, 平岡佐規子, 岡田裕之

    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web)   59 ( Supplement1 )   2017

  • ラテックス凝集法を用いた新規便中カルプロテクチン測定法における潰瘍性大腸炎患者の粘膜治癒検出能の検討

    平野佐規子, 井口俊博, 半井明日香, 高嶋志保, 山崎泰史, 杉原雄策, 高原政宏, 原田馨太, 関泰宏, 渡辺勝紀, 岡田裕之

    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌(Web)   70   2017

  • Fecal Immunochemical Test Versus Fecal Calprotectin for Prediction of Mucosal Healing in Crohn's Disease Reviewed

    Inflammatory bowel diseases : highlights from the official journal of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc   7 ( 2 )   13 - 21   2016.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Blackwell Publishing  

    CiNii Article


  • 症例 増大傾向を示し術前診断が困難であった虫垂子宮内膜症の1例

    加藤 諒, 杉原 雄策, 原田 馨太, 高嶋 志保, 竹井 大介, 井口 俊博, 半井 明日香, 高原 政宏, 平岡 佐規子, 田中 健大, 岡田 裕之

    消化器の臨床   19 ( 3 )   258 - 262   2016.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:ヴァンメディカル  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2016319938

  • Metachronous Neoplasia and Local Recurrence After Colorectal ESD Reviewed

    Daisuke Takei, Keita Harada, Shiho Takashima, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Yuusaku Sugihara, Asuka Nakarai, Masahiro Takahara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Hiroyuki Okada

    GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY   83 ( 5 )   AB409 - AB409   2016.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:MOSBY-ELSEVIER  

    Web of Science


  • Terminal Ileum Imaging With Colonoscopy Is Marker for Evaluation of Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease Severity After Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation Reviewed

    Yuusaku Sugihara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Shiho Takashima, Daisuke Takei, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Asuka Nakarai, Masahiro Takahara, Kenji Kuwaki, Keita Harada, Nobuharu Fujii, Takehiro Tanaka, Hiroyuki Okada

    GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY   83 ( 5 )   AB325 - AB325   2016.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:MOSBY-ELSEVIER  

    Web of Science


  • Fecal Immunochemical Test Versus Fecal Calprotectin for Prediction of Mucosal Healing in Crohn's Disease Reviewed

    Toshihiro Inokuchi, Jun Kato, Sakiko Hiraoka, Shiho Takashima, Daisuke Takei, Asuka Nakarai, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Seiji Kawano, Hiroyuki Okada

    GASTROENTEROLOGY   150 ( 4 )   S991 - S991   2016.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC  

    Web of Science


  • Fecal Immunochemical Test Versus Fecal Calprotectin for the Predictive Ability of the Prognosis of Ulcerative Colitis Reviewed

    Asuka Nakarai, Sakiko Hiraoka, Jun Kato, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Shiho Takashima, Daisuke Takei, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada

    GASTROENTEROLOGY   150 ( 4 )   S444 - S444   2016.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC  

    Web of Science


  • Consecutive Measurements by Fecal Immunochemical Test in Quiescent Ulcerative Colitis Patients Can Detect Subclinical Relapse Reviewed

    Sakiko Hiraoka, Jun Kato, Asuka Nakarai, Shiho Takashima, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Daisuke Takei, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada

    GASTROENTEROLOGY   150 ( 4 )   S213 - S213   2016.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC  

    Web of Science


  • Terminal ileum imaging with colonoscopy to evaluate acute graft-versus-host disease severity after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation Reviewed

    Yuusaku Sugihara, Sakiko Hiraoka, Shiho Takashima, Daisuke Takei, Inokuchi Toshihiro, Asuka Nakarai, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada, Nobuharu Fujii


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Web of Science


  • Evaluation of Mucosal Healing in Ulcerative Colitis by Fecal Calprotectin Versus Fecal Immunochemical Test Reviewed

    Shiho Takashima, Jun Kato, Sakiko Hiraoka, Asuka Nakarai, Daisuke Takei, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada, Kazuhide Yamamoto

    GASTROENTEROLOGY   148 ( 4 )   S207 - S207   2015.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC  

    Web of Science


  • Ulcerative Colitis Patients in Clinical Remission Demonstrate Correlations Between Fecal Immunochemical Test Results, Mucosal Healing, and Risk of Relapse Reviewed

    Asuka Nakarai, Jun Kato, Sakiko Hiraoka, Shiho Takashima, Daisuke Takei, Toshihiro Inokuchi, Yuusaku Sugihara, Masahiro Takahara, Keita Harada, Hiroyuki Okada, Kazuhide Yamamoto

    GASTROENTEROLOGY   148 ( 4 )   S194 - S194   2015.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC  

    Web of Science


  • P3-02&emsp;&emsp;炎症性腸疾患マウスモデルにおける腸炎惹起性memory stem cell同定の試み

    高原 政宏, 根本 泰宏, 松沢 優, 小林 正典, 前屋舗 千明, 仁部 洋一, 大島 茂, 渡辺 守

    日本臨床免疫学会会誌   36 ( 5 )   380a - 380a   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床免疫学会  


    DOI: 10.2177/jsci.36.380a

    CiNii Article


  • W1-4&emsp;&emsp;炎症性腸疾患マウスモデルにおける腸炎惹起性memory stem cell同定の試み

    高原 政宏, 根本 泰宏, 松沢 優, 小林 正典, 前屋舗 千明, 仁部 洋一, 大島 茂, 渡辺 守

    日本臨床免疫学会会誌   36 ( 5 )   330b - 330b   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床免疫学会  

    【背景】我々は緩解期においても生体内に長期生存する腸炎惹起性メモリーCD4&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;T細胞が炎症性腸疾患難治性の要因であり,真の治療標的であることを報告してきた.メモリーT細胞には複数の分画があり,近年,幹細胞様の性質を有するMemory Stem Cell (T&lt;sub&gt;SCM&lt;/sub&gt;)が同定されている.【目的,方法】炎症性腸疾患モデルマウスにおける既存のメモリーT細胞分画の役割を明確にすると共に&amp;ldquo;腸炎惹起性memory stem cell&amp;rdquo;の存在を検証した.【結果】CD4&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;CD45RB&lt;sup&gt;high&lt;/sup&gt;T細胞移入腸炎マウスでは脾臓,リンパ節において数%のCentral memory (T&lt;sub&gt;CM&lt;/sub&gt;)と多数のEffector memory (T&lt;sub&gt;EM&lt;/sub&gt;)を認め,T&lt;sub&gt;SCM&lt;/sub&gt;の分画は認めなかった.このためT&lt;sub&gt;EM&lt;/sub&gt;/T&lt;sub&gt;CM&lt;/sub&gt;を分取し,腸炎誘導能を検証したところ,同等な腸炎を発症した.以上からこの腸炎モデルマウスでは,T&lt;sub&gt;EM&lt;/sub&gt;は長期生存能を有する分画を含むと考えた.次に,我々はメモリーT細胞維持因子のIL-7に着目し,&lt;i&gt;in vitro&lt;/i&gt;で,T&lt;sub&gt;EM&lt;/sub&gt;細胞から生存能の高い細胞集団の同定を試みた.腸炎マウス大腸炎粘膜のCD4+T細胞をIL-7単独添加で培養したところ,4週間培養可能であった.培養後の細胞は,Bcl-2,CD25,腸管へのhoming markerを高発現し,&lt;i&gt;in vitro&lt;/i&gt;におけるサイトカイン産生能はT&lt;sub&gt;CM&lt;/sub&gt;に類似していた.IL-7単独で4週培養した細胞と8週培養した細胞では後者の方が,腸炎誘導能が強かった.【結語】IL-7単独添加による新規培養法を樹立し,生存能/腸炎誘導能の高い新たなメモリーサブセットを同定した.&lt;br&gt;

    DOI: 10.2177/jsci.36.330b

    CiNii Article



    TAKAHARA Masahiro, IMAGAWA Atsushi, KOUNO Yoshiyasu, IMADA Takayuki, YAGI Satoru, MIYATAKE Hirokazu, NAKATSU Morihito, ANDO Masaharu, HIROHATA Mamoru, MIYATANI Katsuya

    GASTROENTEROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY   54 ( 9 )   3172 - 3177   2012.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society  

    An 80-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for the work-up of bloody stool. Colonoscopy showed a protruding brownish lesion of 15-mm diameter in her rectum. Furthermore, narrow-band imaging (NBI) showed regular and partial-pitting structures with abnormal corkscrew vessels on the surface of the lesion. We suspected a malignant melanoma on the basis of the above endoscopic findings. The lesion was treated by endoscopic mucosal resection ; it was pathologically diagnosed as a malignant melanoma. Nine years earlier, she had been treated by local excision for an anorectal malignant melanoma. However, the resection was incomplete because the vertical margin of the biopsy was positive for tumor cells. Additional surgery had not been performed as follow-up at the request of the patient and her family. Therefore, we considered this lesion to be a recurrence. The 5-year survival rate of anorectal malignant melanoma was reported to be 5.2%. This is the first reported case in which NBI was used to observe an anorectal malignant melanoma in a patient who experienced long-term survival.

    DOI: 10.11280/gee.54.3172

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • A case of primary malignant lymphoma of the liver treated by R-CHOP therapy

    Akinori Asagi, Yasuhiro Miyake, Masaharu Ando, Hisae Yasuhara, Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Masahiro Takahara, Daisuke Kawai, Eisuke Kaji, Tatsuya Toyokawa, Toru Onishi, Katsuya Miyatani, Morihito Nakatsu

    Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology   106 ( 3 )   389 - 396   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology  

    A 75-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of right hypochondralgia. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a large tumor in the right lobe of the liver. Ultrasonography (US) showed vessels in the tumor. Needle biopsy specimens showed malignant lymphoma (Diffuse large B cell lymphoma). Ga scintigraphy and FDG-PET did not demonstrate other lesions and the definitive diagnosis was primary malignant lymphoma of the liver. CHOP with Rituximab therapy (R-CHOP therapy) was performed. After 8 courses of therapy the FDG-PET results were negative and we considered complete remission. We describe a case of primary malignant lymphoma of the liver treated successfully by R-CHOP therapy.



    CiNii Article


  • 168)当院におけるSirorimus-eluting stent fractureによるステント内再狭窄症例(第88回日本循環器学会中国・四国合同地方会)

    高原 政宏, 片山 祐介, 河野 晋久, 湯本 晃久, 佐藤 慎二, 高橋 夏来, 田中屋 真智子, 白木 照夫, 斉藤 大治

    Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society   70 ( 0 )   1167 - 1167   2006.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:社団法人日本循環器学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 臨床経験 特発性縦隔気腫の一例

    岩室 雅也, 高山 裕基, 高原 政宏

    治療   88 ( 8 )   2225 - 2227   2006.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:南山堂  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


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  • The Best Presenter Award in International Session

    2018.11   JDDW 2018   Berberine improved experimental chronic colitis via regulating interferon-γ productive lamina propria CD4+T cells through AMPK activation

    Takahara Masahiro

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Research Projects

  • Construction of a home fecal immunochemical test for self-management in patients with ulcerative colitis

    Grant number:23K11871  2023.04 - 2027.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    平岡 佐規子, 高原 政宏, 井口 俊博

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    Grant amount:\3250000 ( Direct expense: \2500000 、 Indirect expense:\750000 )


  • 潰瘍性大腸炎患者における直腸リンパ球の表面発現に基づいた治療効果予測法の確立

    Grant number:22K07962  2022.04 - 2025.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    岩室 雅也, 白羽 英則, 高原 政宏

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )


  • Development of novel therapeutic agent for inflammatory bowel disease targeting the regulation of CD4 T cell metabolism

    Grant number:20K16957  2020.04 - 2024.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

    高原 政宏

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct expense: \3200000 、 Indirect expense:\960000 )

    本研究は、AMPK活性化作用を有する化合物をDrug repositioningの観点から見出し、有効性、安全性を確認し、IBDの新たな作用機序による治療薬開発を目的としている。
    今年度も引き続き、AMPK活性化の代表的な薬剤であるメトホルミンを用いた研究の継続を行なった。昨年度までに、In vitroのアッセイでメトホルミンが、慢性腸炎マウスの腸管粘膜CD4T 細胞(LPCD4T細胞)内の炎症性サイトカイン(IFN-γ)を抑制すること、細胞代謝アッセイから、メトホルミンは、LPCD4T細胞内の酸化的リン酸化を抑制し、AMPKを活性化させることで、IFN-γを抑制することを明らかにしていた。
    今年度は、In vivoの実験を行い、慢性腸炎マウスにメトホルミを投与し、腸炎が抑制するかどうかを確認した。慢性腸炎マウスにメトホルミを投与したところ、コントロール群に比べて、臨床スコアにおいて、腸炎は抑制され、また、病理スコア、LPCD4T細胞数、LPCD4T細胞内のIFN-γも抑制することを認めた。また、LPCD4T細胞内のAMPKの活性化も認めた。腸内細菌叢を比べたところ、属レベルでアッカーマンシアの増加をメトホルミ投与群で認め、β多様性も両群間で違いを認めた。


  • 潰瘍性大腸炎患者における免疫学的便潜血検査自宅測定の有用性の検討

    Grant number:20K12669  2020.04 - 2023.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    平岡 佐規子, 高原 政宏

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    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct expense: \3000000 、 Indirect expense:\900000 )



  • Investigating intestinal environments as risks for pancreatico-biliary cancers

    Grant number:17K09462  2017.04 - 2020.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Takaki Akinobu

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct expense: \3500000 、 Indirect expense:\1050000 )

    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate microbiome analysis of the stool and saliva in pancreatic cancer patients and high risk patients defining the high risk microbiome for the prevention of the pancreatic cancer development. Methods: We collected 24 cases of pancreatic cancer (PK), 16 cases of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN). Results: From the stool analysis, the diversity of the PK showed low and there was a reduced genus, Lachnospira, which has been reported to be favorable for guarding patients from side effects under chemotherapy. There was another genus which showed increased frequency in PK group, Mogibacterium, which is known as risk bacteria for colon cancer development. From the saliva analysis, a gingival cancer risk periodontitis related bacteria, Atopobium genus was predominant. Conclusion: The risk bacteria genus were determined from both saliva and stool. To control these microbiome is the next step to decrease the development of PK.


  • Can the cell surface marker detected by our new culture system be a therapeutic target for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)?

    Grant number:15K21179  2015.04 - 2018.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Takahara Masahiro, Takaki Akinobu, Hiraoka Sakiko

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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct expense: \3100000 、 Indirect expense:\930000 )

    We investigated whether CD25, which was detected by our new culture system, could be a therapeutic target on inflammatory bowel disease. The lamina propria (LP) CD4+ T cells of colitis mice were cultured under standard mitogen stimulation and collected. The collected LPCD4+T cells were compared to the inflammatory cytokines productions by flow cytometric analysis. Additionally, we sorted CD25 positive and negative cells from LPCD4+ T cells of colitis mice and transferred each fractions separately into new immunodeficiency mice and compared the severity of colitis.
    As the CD25 positive cells contain CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg cells), we excluded the Treg cells fraction and compared the inflammatory cytokines production with the CD25 negative cells. The cytokines production was not different between the Treg negative CD25 positive cells and the CD25 negative cells fraction.We are now investigating the in vivo experiments.


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Class subject in charge

  • Oriental Medicine (2023academic year) special  - その他

  • Clinical Reasoning (2023academic year) special  - その他