Updated on 2024/09/12


TADA Naoya
Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology Professor
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  • 工学修士 ( 京都大学 )

  • Doctor of Engineering ( Kyoto University )

Research Interests

  • 固体力学

  • 変形

  • Fracture

  • 損傷

  • 破壊

  • Deformation

  • Damage

  • Solid Mechanics

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Mechanics of materials and materials


  • Kyoto University   大学院工学研究科   物理工学専攻

    - 1992.3

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    Country: Japan

    Notes: 博士後期課程


  • Kyoto University   大学院工学研究科   物理工学専攻

    - 1989.3

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    Country: Japan

    Notes: 修士課程


  • Kyoto University   工学部   物理工学科

    - 1987.3

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • Okayama University   Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology   Professor


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  • Okayama University   学術研究院 自然科学学域   Professor

    2021.4 - 2023.3

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  • Okayama University   Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology   Professor

    2004.4 - 2021.3

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  • Okayama University   Faculty of Engineering   Associate professor

    2000.7 - 2004.3

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  • Kyoto University   Graduate School of Engineering   Lecturer

    1999.8 - 2000.6

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  • Kyoto University   Graduate School of Engineering   Assistant professor

    1992.4 - 1999.7

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Professional Memberships

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Committee Memberships

  • 岡山工学振興会,岡山新材料技術融合フォーラム   幹事  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本機械学会,中国四国支部   支部長  

    2024.3 - 2025.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本材料学会   副会長  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本機械学会,中国四国支部   副支部長  

    2023.3 - 2024.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本塑性加工学会   理事  

    2022.6 - 2024.6   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本機械学会,材料力学部門   部門長  


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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本材料学会,中国支部   支部長  

    2017 - 2019   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本機械学会,材料力学部門   副部門長  


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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本材料学会,中国支部   副支部長  

    2015 - 2017   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本塑性加工学会,中国・四国支部   支部長  

    2013 - 2015   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本塑性加工学会   代議員  

    2012 - 2016   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本機械学会,中国四国支部   商議員  

    2011.3 - 2013.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本機械学会,中国四国支部   地区幹事  

    2011.3 - 2012.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 岡山工学振興会,岡山新材料技術融合フォーラム   代表幹事  

    2008.1 - 2024.5   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本非破壊検査協会,電場情報活用研究会   主査  

    2006 - 2008   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本塑性加工学会,中国・四国支部   商議員,幹事  


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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本材料学会,高温強度部門委員会   幹事  


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    Committee type:Academic society



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  • Fracture Morphology of Ti-6Al-4V Thin Wire under Load-controlled Fatigue Test Reviewed

    Junnji SAKAMOTO, Naoya TADA, Takeshi UEMORI

    Titanium Japan   72 ( 3 )   39 - 43   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Relationship between cyclic tensile properties of cellulose nanofiber reinforced natural rubber and volume fraction of bound rubber obtained from swelling tests Reviewed

    Kento OKUI, Naoya TADA, Takeshi UEMORI, Junji SAKAMOTO, Keita SAKAKIBARA

    Transactions of the JSME   90 ( 932 )   24-00008   2024.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.24-00008


  • Vibration change and crack propagation under bending vibration of aluminum alloy Reviewed

    SAKAMOTO Junji, TADA Naoya, UEMORI Takeshi

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   90 ( 930 )   23-00246   2024.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this study, aluminum alloy specimens were subjected to bending vibrations at different vibration frequencies near the first resonance frequency in order to investigate the vibration changes associated with crack propagation. Bending displacement, crack length, and strains at several parts of the specimen were measured during the bending vibration tests. As a result, it was confirmed that when the vibration frequency was lower than the initial first resonance frequency, the vibration amplitude increased with the crack length, and when the vibration frequency was higher than the initial first resonance frequency, the vibration amplitude decreased with an increase in the crack length. This is due to the decrease in the first resonance frequency due to the material damage. The relationship between the change of bending displacement amplitude and the crack length during vibration of the specimens can be organized using the slope (dΔεx2/dfv) of the relationship between the strain range and the vibration frequency for the undamaged specimen. This might be due to the strong correlation between the decrease in the first resonance frequency and the crack size when the crack initiation location is limited in the material. Moreover, based on the relationship between the change of bending displacement amplitude and the crack length, the stress intensity factor range (ΔK) was estimated by incorporating the load change into the crack length. By using the modified ΔK, the crack growth rate during bending vibration could be predicted.

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.23-00246


  • Finite Element Simulation of Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminized Hot-Stamped Steel Sheets Reviewed

    Manabu Fukumoto, Naoya Tada

    Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan   55 ( 1 )   107 - 112   2024.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11351/jsaeronbun.55.107


  • Prediction of slip activity of crystal grains around semi-circular and semi-elliptical notches in thin-sheet specimens of pure titanium using formulated macroscopic stress distribution and crystal orientation Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori, Junji Sakamoto

    Engineering Failure Analysis   153   107623   2023.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2023.107623


  • A Mathematical Model of Shunting in Resistance Spot Welding Reviewed

    Manabu FUKUMOTO, Naoya TADA

    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society   41 ( 4 )   302 - 310   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2207/qjjws.41.302


  • Prediction of active slip system for commercially pure titanium sheet by crystal plasticity finite element analysis Reviewed

    Takeshi UEMORI, Naoya TADA, Junji SAKAMOTO, Masatoshi DOI

    Extended abstract of The Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics and International DIC Society Joint Conference 2023 (ATEM-iDICs '23)   19-G05   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Effect of artificial defect on tensile properties of thin titanium alloy wire Reviewed

    Koyo OISHI, Junji SAKAMOTO, Naoya TADA, Takeshi UEMORI

    Extended abstract of The Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics and International DIC Society Joint Conference 2023 (ATEM-iDICs '23)   19-G04   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Effect of Surface Roughness and Oxidation Treatment on Joint Strength between Aluminum Alloy and High-Density Polyethylene Reviewed

    N. Tada, T. Uemori, J. Sakamoto

    Extended Abstracts of 17th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics   2023.8

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Microscopic Inhomogeneous Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals in Elastic and Plastic Regions Reviewed

    Naoya Tada

    Abstract of Materials Today Conference 2023   O4C.1   2023.8

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Tensile properties and slip deformation behavior of pure titanium thin wire with a small diameter-to-grain-size ratio Reviewed

    Junji Sakamoto, Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori

    Materials Science and Engineering A   863   144532   2023.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    To investigate the tensile properties and slip deformation behavior of pure titanium thin wires with a small ratio of the diameter to the grain size, tensile tests and a stepwise tensile test were performed using specimens with a diameter of approximately 170 μm and grain sizes of 17 and 87 μm, corresponding to diameter-to-grain-size ratios of 10 and ∼2, respectively. The specimen with a diameter-to-grain-size ratio of 10 fractured through the growth of voids. The fracture morphology was similar to that of the bulk specimens. On the other hand, for specimens with a diameter-to-grain-size ratio of 2, fracture occurs owing to the local deformation, in which primary slip systems are activated in each grain. The stepwise tensile test of the specimen with a diameter-to-grain-size ratio of 2 indicated that the slip deformation tended to occur from the large grains. Moreover, the activities of the slip systems of grains were evaluated using the Schmid factor (SF) and critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) of each slip system. It was noted that slip systems with the highest SF∙CRSS−1 were activated for 30 out of 33 grains.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2022.144532



  • Slip Activity of Crystal Grains around Notch in Thin Sheet Specimen of Pure Titanium Invited Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori, Junji Sakamoto

    19 - 19   2022.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Application of Complex-Step Derivative Approximation Method to Crystal Plasticity Analysis of Commercially Pure Titanium Sheet Reviewed

    Takeshi UEMORI, Naoya TADA, Junji SAKAMOTO

    Titanium Japan   70 ( 2 )   158 - 163   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  



  • Effect of Mechanical Surface Treatment and Post-treatment Polishing on Tensile Strength and Fatigue Life of High-speed Tool Steel Reviewed

    N.Karunathilaka, N.Tada, T.Uemori, J.Sakamoto, R.Hanamitsu, M.Fujii, Y.Omiya, M.Kawano

    International Journal of Peening Science and Technology   2 ( 1 )   35 - 60   2022

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Effect of resin lamination on tensile strength characteristics of SUS304 stainless steel thin film Reviewed

    Junji Sakamoto, Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori

    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology   116 ( 3-4 )   1081 - 1088   2021.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    The objective of this study is to clarify the effect of resin lamination on the tensile strength characteristics of SUS304 stainless steel thin films. We conducted tensile and stepwise tensile tests using several types of specimens prepared with 20-μm- and 40-μm-thick SUS304 films, 25-μm-thick polypropylene (PP) film, and 6-μm-thick polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film. Their macroscopic and microscopic tensile deformation behaviors were observed using an optical microscope and a reflection-configured digital holographic microscope, respectively. As a result, laminating the PP or PET films onto the SUS film did not significantly change the macroscopic and microscopic strain changes against the tensile load or microscopic surface changes in the low-strain region. Laminating the PET film onto the SUS film did not reduce the fracture strain, whereas laminating the PP film onto the SUS film did reduce it. One of the reasons may be that burrs formed on the side surface of the PP/SUS laminate. Polishing the side surface of the PP/SUS laminate may suppress the reduction in its fracture strain. The reduction of the fracture strain due to the PP lamination in the 20 μm thick SUS film was larger than that of the 40-μm-thick SUS film. In thin SUS films, small stress concentrators that have almost no effect on macroscopic and microscopic deformation might significantly reduce the fracture strain.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00170-021-07510-8



    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00170-021-07510-8/fulltext.html

  • Prediction of the Fracture Location by Tensile Tests of Gray Cast Iron Based on the Dimensional Changes of Graphite Flakes Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori, Junji Sakamoto

    Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology   143 ( 2 )   2021.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ASME International  

    Gray cast iron has been used as a component in various mechanical parts, such as the blocks and heads of automobile and marine engines, cylinder liners for internal combustion engines, and machine tool bases. It is desirable because of its good castability and machinability, damping characteristics, and high performance-to-cost ratio. On the other hand, weak graphite flakes present in gray cast iron serve as stress concentrators and adversely affect the material strength. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the relationship between the distribution of graphite flakes and the strength or fracture of gray cast iron. In this study, tensile tests on gray cast iron were carried out using a plate specimen and observed by scanning electron microscopy, and the microscopic deformation was observed on the specimen surface. Particularly, the change in the size of graphite flakes during the tensile tests was examined, and the observed trend was discussed. The experimental results reveal that the dimensional changes in the graphite flakes vary in the observed area and that the final fracture occurs in an area where a large dimensional change is observed, suggesting that the fracture location or critical parts of gray cast iron can be predicted from the dimensional changes of the graphite flakes at an early stage of deformation.

    DOI: 10.1115/1.4048063



  • Microscopic deformation of thin sheet of polycrystalline pure titanium under tension Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Kentaro Kishimoto, Takeshi Uemori, Junji Sakamoto

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP   3   PVP2020-21715   2020.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Copyright © 2020 ASME. Commercial pure titanium has been widely used in aerospace, chemical, and biomedical industries for its lightweight, high corrosion resistance, high strength, high heat resistance and good biocompatible properties. The market of pure titanium thin sheets is expected to increase in medical, dental, civil engineering, and acoustical engineering fields. On the other hand, pure titanium takes hexagonal closed-pack structure with anisotropic elasticity and plasticity. Inhomogeneous microscopic deformation always occurs by mechanical loading from the elastic condition. The inhomogeneity brings about various damages such as localized plastic deformation, microcracking, necking, and so on. Since the inhomogeneity is significant in thin sheets, it is important to investigate its deformation behavior. In this study, a tensile test was carried out using a thin sheet specimen of polycrystalline pure titanium, and the microscopic deformation of grains was measured by the digital holographic microscope. During the test, the height distribution of grains was measured in a fixed area on the front and back surfaces of the specimen at each tensile load step and the results at different load steps were compared. It was found from the measurement results that inhomogeneous deformation began at the small load due to anisotropic elasticity of crystal grains and expanded with the load by their anisotropic plasticity. Grain heights at grain center and those along grain boundaries were related with each other, and the grain heights on the front surface were inversely correlated with those on the back surface.

    DOI: 10.1115/PVP2020-21715



  • Finite element study of the effect of internal cracks on surface profile change due to low loading of turbine blade Reviewed

    Junji Sakamoto, Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori, Hayato Kuniyasu

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   10 ( 14 )   4883   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    © 2020 by the authors. Turbine blades for thermal power plants are exposed to severe environments, making it necessary to ensure safety against damage, such as crack formation. A previous method detected internal cracks by applying a small load to a target member. Changes in the surface properties of the material were detected before and after the load using a digital holographic microscope and a digital height correlation method. In this study, this technique was applied in combination with finite element analysis using a 2D and 3D model simulating the turbine blades. Analysis clarified that the change in the surface properties under a small load varied according to the presence or absence of a crack, and elucidated the strain distribution that caused the difference in the change. In addition, analyses of the 2D model considering the material anisotropy and thermal barrier coating were conducted. The difference in the change in the surface properties and strain distribution according to the presence or absence of cracks was elucidated. The difference in the change in the top surface height distribution of the materials with and without a crack was directly proportional to the crack length. As the value was large with respect to the vertical resolution of 0.2 nm of the digital holographic microscope, the change could be detected by the microscope.

    DOI: 10.3390/app10144883



  • 短繊維強化複合材料の可視化データによる破壊予測技術 Reviewed


    プラスチックエージ   66 ( 799 )   53 - 56   2020.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Analysis of the change of direct current potential difference and diameter distribution of thin pure titanium wire subjected to tensile and fatigue loads for fracture prediction Reviewed

    SAKAMOTO Junji, TAKAGI Yusuke, UEMORI Takeshi, TADA Naoya

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   86 ( 882 )   19-00351   2020.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>Pure titanium thin wires have been used for medical fields. It is important to investigate the possibility of non-destructive inspection of pure titanium thin wires for the safety utilization of them. In order to investigate a fracture prediction method for a pure titanium thin wire, we performed tensile and fatigue tests and a finite element analysis to analyze the changes of direct current potential difference and diameter distribution of the pure titanium thin wire during tensile and fatigue tests. It was found that a direct current potential difference method may be available for evaluating the tensile and fatigue damages of the pure titanium thin wire. In the tensile and fatigue tests, the normalized direct current potential difference increased almost linearly with an increase in the nominal strain, and a sign of an increase of the normalized direct current potential difference was observed when the fatigue crack propagated. Therefore, the nondestructive inspection could be conducted by setting a tolerance value of the normalized direct current potential difference, or detecting a sign of an increase in the normalized direct current potential difference. In addition, a method of predicting the fracture location from the diameter distribution change of the pure titanium thin wire was studied. The method could be applied to tensile and fatigue fractures.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.19-00351

    CiNii Article


  • 積層セラミックコンデンサのプレス変形挙動 Reviewed

    成瀬文雄, 多田直哉

    FCレポート,日本ファインセラミックス協会   38 ( 1 )   30 - 34   2020.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Slip Deformation of Crystal Grains in Semi-Circular Notched Thin Sheet Specimen of Pure Titanium during Tensile Test Reviewed

    Takashi Ishida, Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori, Junji Sakamoto

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2019 (ATEM ‘19)   ( 19-402 )   2019.10

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Effect of Lubrication and Forging Load on Surface Roughness, Residual Stress, and Deformation of Cold Forging Tools Reviewed

    Karunathilaka, Tada, Uemori, Hanamitsu, Fujii, Omiya, Kawano

    Metals   9 ( 7 )   783 - 783   2019.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Cold forging is a metal forming that which uses localized compressive force at room temperature. During the cold forging process, the tool is subjected to extremely high loads and abrasive wear. Lubrication plays an important role in cold forging to improve product quality and tool life by preventing direct metallic contact. Surface roughness and residual stress also greatly affects the service life of a tool. In this study, variations in surface roughness, residual stress, and specimen deformation with the number of cold forging cycles were investigated under different forging conditions. Specimens that were made of heat-treated SKH51 (59–61 HRC), a high-speed tool steel with a polished working surface, were used. The specimens were subjected to an upsetting process. Compressive residual stress, surface roughness, and specimen deformation showed a positive relationship with the number of forging cycles up to a certain limit and became almost constant in most of the forging conditions. A larger change in residual stress and surface roughness was observed at the center of the specimens in all the forging conditions. The effect of the magnitude of the forging load on the above discussed parameters is large when compared to the effect of the lubrication conditions.

    DOI: 10.3390/met9070783


  • Prediction of Fracture Location in Tensile Test of Short-Fiber-Self-Reinforced Polyethylene Composite Plates Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Ming Jin, Takeshi Uemori, Junji Sakamoto

    Conference Papers, ASME 2019 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP2019)   PVP2019-93546   2019.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:American Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Composite materials such as carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) and glass-fiber-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been attracting much attention from the viewpoint of lightweight solution of automobiles and airplanes. However, the recyclability of these composite materials is not sufficient and the environmental load is large. Recently, self-reinforced polymer (SRP), in which similar polymer is used for reinforcing fibers and matrix, has been proposed. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) reinforced with ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers, so-called self-reinforced PE (SRPE), is one of the promising thermoplastic composites. In this study, SRPE plates were made and the tensile tests were carried out. After the effect of reinforcement of UHMWPE fibers was evaluated on the basis of the tensile strength, the relationship between the distribution of UHMWPE fibers and the location of the final fracture line was examined. It was found from these experimental results that the fracture tends to occur along the regions with low area fraction of fibers or along those with low area fraction of fiber/matrix boundaries. This fact suggests that the fracture location of SRPs is predictable from the distribution of reinforcing fibers.

    DOI: 10.1115/pvp2019-93546


  • Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis of Effects of Microscopic Non-Uniform Deformation on Surface Roughness of Pure Titanium Sheet Reviewed

    Takeshi UEMORI, Hiroki KAKIHARA, Naoya TADA

    Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   68 ( 6 )   478 - 484   2019.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.68.478


  • Microscopic Elastic and Plastic Inhomogeneous Deformations and Height Changes on the Surface of a Polycrystalline Pure-Titanium Plate Specimen under Cyclic Tension Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori

    Applied Sciences   8 ( 10 )   1907 - 1907   2018.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    A cyclic tensile test was carried out using a plate specimen of commercial pure titanium on a digital holographic microscope stage. Microscopic deformation of the grains was observed, and their height distribution was measured on the specimen surface. Each grain showed nanoscopic movement up and down, as well as reverse movement corresponding to specimen loading and unloading. We suggest that the different grain-specific changes in height were caused by microscopic inhomogeneities in the material, such as differences in the crystal orientation and geometries of both the surface and subsurface grains. Changes in grain height increased with tensile load, and a strong relationship was found between the height changes that occurred under elastic and plastic conditions. This suggests that microscopic plastic deformation is predictable from microscopic elastic deformation. In order to investigate the plastic deformation of grains in more detail, slip-line angles were measured after the tensile test. We found slip lines with similar angles in neighboring grains, suggesting that the plastic deformation of grains was not independent, but rather was related to that of surrounding grains and influenced by the deformation of subsurface grains.

    DOI: 10.3390/app8101907


  • Effect of Contact Pressure Applied on Tool Surface during Cold Forging on Fatigue Life of Tool Steel Reviewed

    Nuwan Karunathilaka, Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori, Ryota Hanamitsu, Masahiro Kawano

    Procedia Manufacturing   15   488 - 495   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Cyclic Stress Strain Resposes of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet Metal at Elevated Temperature Reviewed

    Takeshi Uemori, Takashi Katahira, Tetsuo Naka, Naoya Tada, Fusahito Yoshida

    Procedia Manufacturing   15   1792 - 1799   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Dimensional Changes of Graphite Flakes and Fracture in Tensile Tests of Gray Cast Iron Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori

    Conference papers, ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference   PVP2018-85214   2018

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Elastic and Plastic Microscopic Undulation on the Surface of Polycrystalline Pure Titanium under Tension Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori, Toshiya Nakata

    Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology   139 ( 6 )   061403   2017.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Evaluation of Thin Copper Wire and Lead-Free Solder Joint Strength by Pullout Tests and Wire Surface Observation Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takuhiro Tanaka, Takeshi Uemori, Toshiya Nakata

    Crystals   7 ( 8 )   255 - 255   2017.8

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    DOI: 10.3390/cryst7080255


  • Springback analysis of aluminum alloy sheet metals by yoshida-uemori model Reviewed

    Takeshi Uemori, Kento Fujii, Toshiya Nakata, Shinobu Narita, Naoya Tada, Tetsuo Naka, Fusahito Yoshida

    Key Engineering Materials   725   566 - 571   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Trans Tech Publications Ltd  

    During the last few decades, the enhancement of prediction capability of the sheet metal forming have been increasing dramatically. High accurate yield criteria and wokhardening model (especially, non-linear kinematic hardening model) have a great importance for the prediction of the final shapes of sheet metal. However, the predicted springback accuracy of aluminum alloy sheet metal is not still good due to their complicated plastic deformation behaviors. In the present research, the springback deformation of aluminum alloy sheet metals were investigated by finite element calculation with consideration of initial anisotropy and the Bauschinger effect. In order to examine the effect of the initial and deformation induced anisotropy on the springback deformation, several types of high accurate yield function and hardening rules are utilized in the present research. The calculated springback by Yoshida 6th yield function [1] and Yoshida-Uemori model [2] shows an excellent agreement with the corresponding experimental data, while the other models underestimate the springback.

    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.725.566



  • Time-Dependent Fracture of Copper-Cored Lead-Free Solder Ball and Nickel Rod Joints in Air, Distilled Water, and NaCl Solution Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori

    IMPACT 2017 Proceedings   319 - 322   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Tensile Test of Copper-Cored Lead-Free Solder Joints Using Non-Contact Type Testing Device with Permanent Magnets Reviewed

    N. Tada, T. Uemori, T. Nakata

    SEM Annual 2017 Proceedings   478 - 478   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Theoretical predictions of fracture and springback for high tensile strength steel sheets under stretch bending Reviewed

    Takeshi Uemori, Tetsuo Naka, Naoya Tada, Hidenori Yoshimura, Takashi Katahira, Fusahito Yoshida

    Procedia Engineering   207   1594 - 1598   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Elsevier Ltd  

    For the last two decades, strong demands for the light weighted structures of automobiles have been increasing in all over the world. In order to satisfy the demands, the high strength steel sheets (hereafter HSSs) have been widely utilized in the various automobile related companies. However, for the companies, it is still one of the hard tasks to apply HSSs for the automobile parts with complex shapes, due to low ductility and large springback of the HSSs. In the present research, we assumed fracture limits in stretch bending are theoretically obtained with the assumption that fracture occurs when stretching force reaches its maximum value. The authors proposed an explicitly theoretical analysis method based on the maximum load criterion that can easily and rapidly allow us to predict the fracture and springback of HSSs by using two no dimensional parameters (limited wall stretch L/L0 (L: limit wall length of a sheet, L0: initial wall length) and bending radius t/R (t: sheet thickness, R: bending radius)). For the evaluations of this method, the comparisons between stretching bending experiments of HSSs and the corresponding theoretical calculations were conducted. From the comparisons, the calculated results by our proposed method have good agreements with the experimental observations.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.10.1054



  • Microscopic Height Change on the Surface of Polycrystalline Pure Titanium Plate Under Cyclic Tension Reviewed

    Naoya Tada


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    A cyclic tensile test was carried out using a plate specimen of commercial pure titanium on the stage of digital holographic microscope. The microscopic deformation of grains was observed and their height distribution was measured on the specimen surface. Each grain showed different height change from small elastic loading due to microscopic inhomogeneity, and the height change increased with the tensile load. It was found that the height change under elastic condition was correlated with that under plastic condition.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51439-0_64

    Web of Science


  • Cracking behavior of thin gold strip deposited on polycarbonate plate under Cyclic and stepwisely-increased tension Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Yafei Hu, Takeshi Uemori, Toshiya Nakata


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:E D P SCIENCES  

    Thin metal films deposited on polymers have been attracting much attention in flexible electronics. Various combinations of film and polymer substrate are expected to be developed. In this paper, deformation and fracture of thin metal film on polymer substrate was briefly analysed and the influencing factors were summarized. After that, focusing on the shape and thickness of thin metal film on polymer substrate, cracking behavior of small rounded-rectangular thin gold films called "strips" with a thickness less than one micrometer was observed under cyclic and stepwisely-increased trapezoidal tensions. The strips were deposited on a polycarbonate plate specimen, and wide and narrow strips with different thickness were prepared for the tests. The cracking behaviour was successfully observed and the increasing rate of crack number with the load or strain was examined. Since most cracks were initiated from the small defects, the crack initiation behavior was correlated with the distribution of defects.

    DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201710801004

    Web of Science


  • Evaluation of bonding strength of thin copper wire and lead-free solder by pullout tests Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takuhiro Tanaka, Hirotsugu Tabata, Takeshi Uemori, Toshiya Nakata

    Proceedings of Technical Papers - International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly, and Circuits Technology Conference, IMPACT   164 - 167   2016.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE Computer Society  

    Recently, copper wires have been attracting much attention for LSI (Large Scale Integration) bonding because of its excellent mechanical and electrical properties, and low material cost. On the other hand, the end of these wires are usually joined to the pads or through-holes on the printed circuit board, and lead-free soldering is one of the popular bonding methods. Since the solders are weaker than copper wires, the stress and strain tend to be concentrated on the interface of solder/wire interface. The fracture frequently occurred there and may influence the quality of product. It is therefore important to evaluate the bonding strength of thin copper wire and lead-free solder. In this paper, pullout tests of thin copper wires from lead-free solder were carried out and the pullout behavior of the wires were observed. A method of bonding strength evaluation was proposed and the results were examined.

    DOI: 10.1109/IMPACT.2016.7799989



  • Elastic and plastic microscopic deformation of polycrystalline pure titanium under tension Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Yuki Doi

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP   3   PVP2016-63268   2016

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  

    Commercial pure titanium has been widely used in aerospace, chemical, and biomedical industries for its lightweight, high corrosion resistance, high strength, high heat resistance and good biocompatible properties. Pure titanium takes hexagonal closed-pack structure with anisotropic elasticity and plasticity, and most of the components are polycrystalline aggregate with different crystal orientations. Therefore, inhomogeneous microscopic deformation always occurs by mechanical loading from the elastic condition and the inhomogeneity brings about various damages such as inhomogeneous plastic deformation, microcracking, necking, and so on. It is therefore important to investigate microscopic inhomogeneous deformation under elastic and plastic conditions. However only a few researches deal with the microscopic inhomogeneity because it is not easy to measure a small deformation of crystal grains under elastic condition or very small load. Recently, digital holographic microscope has been developed and a high-speed measurement of surface height of materials became possible with an accuracy of less than a micron meter in a relatively wide area. In this study, a tensile test of a plate specimen of commercial pure titanium was carried out on the stage of digital holographic microscope, and the microscopic deformation of grains was observed and measured under elastic and plastic conditions. During the test, the distribution of height of grains was measured in a fixed area on the specimen surface at each tensile loading step and the height distributions at different loads were correlated. It was found from the measurement results that each grain shows different deformation even under elastic condition with a small load, and the inhomogeneous deformation expanded with increasing the load to plastic condition. Also, a strong correlation was found in the height distributions under elastic and plastic conditions. This fact suggests that the microscopic deformation under plastic condition is predictable from that under elastic condition.

    DOI: 10.1115/PVP2016-63268



  • Microscopic deformation of polycrystalline pure copper wire during tension Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Yoshitaka Matsukawa, Takeshi Uemori, Toshiya Nakata

    2015 10th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference, IMPACT 2015 - Proceedings   229 - 232   2015.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.  

    In order to clarify the inhomogeneous deformation of thin copper wire, an interrupted tensile test was carried out on the stage of the digital holographic microscope (DHM). The inhomogeneity was evaluated based on the non-uniform change in height distribution on the surface of thin wire specimen during the test. Microscopic plastic deformation by a unit of crystal grain and large gradient in height distribution along grain boundaries were observed. The increase in average height of grain between two earlier loading steps corresponded to that between two later loading steps. This result suggests that the microscopic deformation at the latter stage of tension is predictable from that at the early stage of the tension.

    DOI: 10.1109/IMPACT.2015.7365226



  • Computational simulation of micro- to macroscopic deformation behavior of cavitated rubber blended amorphous polymer using second-order homogenization method Reviewed

    Makoto Uchida, Naoya Tada

    Key Engineering Materials   626   74 - 80   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Trans Tech Publications Ltd  

    To evaluate the effect of the size of the microstructure on the mechanical property of the cavitated rubber blended (voided) amorphous polymer, the FEM simulation based on the rate form second-order homogenization method, in which rates of the macroscopic strain and strain gradient are given to the microstructure, was performed. Computational simulations of micro- to macroscopic deformation behaviors of amorphous polymers including different sizes and volume fractions of the voids were performed. Non-Affine molecular chain network theory was employed to represent the inelastic deformation behavior of the amorphous polymer matrix. With the increase in the volume fraction of the void, decrease and periodical fluctuation of stress and localized deformation in the macroscopic field were observed, and were more emphasized with the increase in the size of the void. These results were closely related to the non-uniform deformation and volume increase of the void in the microscopic field. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.626.74




    Naoya Tada, Masaki Kosaka


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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    The use of a flange joint is a popular method to close the end of pipes or connect pipes in manufacturing industries. As the pipes are often subjected to vibrations and cyclic bending, fatigue cracking may occur at the welded part between the pipe and flange. It is therefore important to detect and monitor the cracking in this part to ensure safety of the whole piping system. The direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM) is known as a suitable non-destructive technique to monitor the initiation and growth of cracks and it has been applied to cracks and wall thinning on the inner surface of pipes. In this study, finite element analyses were carried out to clarify the relationship between the size and location of cracks at the pipe-flange welded part and the potential difference. An evaluation method of circumferential crack length angle by DC-PDM was proposed.

    Web of Science


  • Surface Undulation of Pure Titanium Grains under Elastic and Plastic Tensile Conditions Reviewed

    Naoya Tada

    Extended Abstracts of 10th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics   2015

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Deformation of vehicle body in pole side impact and its experimental modeling by means of rectangular steel tube

    ONO Tadanori, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, TAKUBO Nobuaki

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series A   81 ( 826 )   14 - 00542-14-00542   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Pole side impact is one of the most common types of vehicle collisions. The pole side impact at high vehicle speed induces not only local collapse but also bending of the vehicle body. However, the estimation method of the vehicle speed with consideration of the bending has not been established yet. In the present study, the deformation of the vehicle body at the pole side impact experiment with impact speed of 80 km/h was investigated. The results revealed that the collapse deformation first occurred and then the bending deformation followed. In order to understand the deformation of the vehicle at high-speed pole side impact, lateral local compression test and three-point bending test of rectangular steel tubes were performed. It was found that the deformation of the tube was similar to that of the vehicle at the pole side impact experiment, when the specimen was subjected to the sequential test of lateral local compression and three-point bending. The change in the energy absorbed by the deformation of tube in the sequential test was also found to be similar to that in the vehicle experiment. These similarities are useful to investigate the vehicle collision speed at high-speed pole side impact based on the deformation and the absorbed energy of rectangular metal tubes.

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.14-00542

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    Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Manabu Nohara


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    Local wall thinning is one of serious problems in aged power generating plants and is known to occur mainly by Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) and Liquid Droplet Impingement (LDI) erosion. As the thinning grows inside the pipes, it is difficult to detect and evaluate it from the outer surface of pipe. The direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM) is thought to be a suitable non-destructive technique to monitor the initiation and growth of these damages. In this study, an approximate analysis method of the potential difference around a semi-ellipsoidal thinning on the back surface of flat plate is presented and the accuracy is discussed based on the results obtained by the finite element analyses.

    Web of Science


  • Evaluation of Tensile Strength of Copper-Cored Lead-Free Solder Joints in Air, Distilled Water, and NaCl Solution Using Testing Device with Permanent Magnets

    Naoya Tada, Hiroyasu Masago

    IMPACT-EMAP 2014 Proceedings   237 - 240   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  



    Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Yoshitaka Matsukawa


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    When a mechanical load is given to a cracked material, an undulation appears in surface profile around the crack. The undulation is caused by stress-strain concentration at the crack tip and its release near the crack center. If the load is very small and within the elastic deformation range, the material recovers the original shape after unloading and no damage remains. Therefore, this surface undulation by a small mechanical load can be used for detection of crack on the material surface. In this study, non-destructive crack detection method by nanometric change in surface profile is proposed, and the experiment and related finite element analyses were carried out for notched high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plates. Non-uniform height change by a small mechanical load around the notch on the surface of HDPE plate was measured by a laser scanning microscope. The height change distribution agreed with the analytical result.

    Web of Science


  • Micro-, meso- to macroscopic modeling of deformation behavior of semi-crystalline polymer Reviewed

    Makoto Uchida, Naoya Tada

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY   49   164 - 184   2013.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    To represent the elasto-viscoplastic deformation behavior of semi-crystalline polymer (SCP), which has a complicated hierarchical structure, a micro-, meso- to macroscopic computational model was developed. A laminar composite model and FE-based homogenization method were used to relate the mechanical behaviors in micro- to mesoscopic and meso- to macroscopic scales of the material. Using the proposed model, elasto-viscoplastic deformation behaviors of high density polyethylene under several macroscopic boundary conditions were computationally investigated. Material's parameters used in the constitutive equations for microstructure of SCP were defined by fitting the calculated stress-strain relation into the experimental data. Then, the effects of deformation mode and crystallinity on deformation behavior of SCP were investigated. Obtained stress-strain relations represented the experimentally observed characteristics such as an anisotropic strain hardening rate depending on the deformation mode and an increase in the Young's modulus and the flow stress with the crystallinity. Then, the neck propagation process in the uniaxial tension with different strain rate was investigated. The present model represented a development of macroscopic non-uniform deformation characterized by the mechanical response of micro- to mesoscopic deformation. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2013.03.007

    Web of Science


  • Remotely-Controlled Tensile Test of Copper-Cored Lead-Free Solder Joint in Liquid Using Permanent Magnet

    Naoya Tada, Hiroyasu Masago

    IMPACT-IAAC 2013 Proceedings   372 - 375   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Investigation of Deformation Mechanism under Indentation Testing of Metastable Beta-type Reviewed

    Ichiro SHIMIZU, Noriaki KIMURA, Naoya TADA, Yoshito TAKEMOTO

    Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics   ( 62 )   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Establishment of Deformation Simulation Procedure by Finite Element Method Based on Second-Order Homogenization Using Characteristic Displacement Function for Macroscopic Strain Gradient

    UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   79 ( 806 )   1486 - 1503   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    To evaluate effect of a relative scale of microstructure to macrostructure, a simulation procedure using second-order homogenization based finite element method was proposed. In this method, a microscopic characteristic displacement function for macroscopic strain gradient was added to the conventional first order homogenization method. Then, a procedure to solve a macroscopic boundary problem was established based on the principle of virtual work in macroscopic scale represented by the microscopic characteristic displacement function. To validate the proposed second-order homogenization method, computational simulations of deformation behavior of cavitated rubber (void) blended amorphous polymer were performed using the proposed second-order homogenization. From the result of bending deformation where tension or compression was given to upper side or lower side of the macroscopic model, the material containing larger void required a larger energy for the bending of the model. With decrease in the void size, the energy converged to that predicted by first-order homogenization method. Basically, the deformation behavior predicted by proposed homogenization model was qualitatively and quantitatively similar to that predicted by full scale model. The proposed model is expected to be applied for computational prediction of the scale-dependent deformation in various cases because the model does not limit the form of constitutive equation, shape of the unit cell and deformation mechanisms and structure of the material.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.79.1486

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  • Microscopic Evaluation of Plastic Deformation during Back-and-Forth Bending of Polycrystalline Pure Titanium Specimen with a Pair of Parallel Grooves Using Arranged Marks at Lattice Points

    TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   79 ( 800 )   420 - 432   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A single-cycle bending test of polycrystalline pure titanium was carried out using a rectangular specimen with a pair of parallel grooves. The plastic deformation in a long part between these grooves was observed at every quarter cycle of back-and-forth bending. Before the test, multiple square marks of gold were made at the lattice points having a mutual distance of 12.5 μm in the region of interest by ion-coater. The strain and rotation during the test were evaluated based on the displacement of these gold marks. The following results were obtained: (1) The region of interest between grooves showed plastic deformation during bending, and the deformation was mainly caused by slips. Twining was also observed in some grains. (2) The strain and rotation during the bending were not uniform grains to grains. The shearing strain was small compared with the normal strains and rotation. (3) The region, which showed a larger normal strain at the first quarter cycle, continued to show a relatively large strain at the following quarter cycles in an opposite direction. Rotation showed a similar behavior. (4) Crystal orientation analysis was performed for grains with clear slip lines. The plastic deformation of these grains seemed to occur mainly by the prismatic slip.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.79.420

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  • Evaluation of Strength of Diesel Engine Cylinder Block by Finite Element Analysis Based on Microstructure of Gray Cast Iron

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   79 ( 799 )   281 - 293   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Stress distribution of gray cast iron was analyzed by the finite element analysis based on the actual distribution of graphite flakes embedded in pearlite. Three types of two-dimensional FE-models were used: (1) "true model" where graphite flakes were distributed in pearlite as observed, (2) "voids model" where graphite flakes were replaced by voids of the same geometries, and (3) "single void model" where one of selected voids which showed higher stress in the vicinity of void tip in the pearlite. As the voids model showed higher stress in the vicinity of each void tip, it was concluded that the voids model was appropriate for the safe-side evaluation of gray cast iron strength. Furthermore, a simplified method of strength evaluation was proposed by comparing the results of the voids model with those of the single void model. Since the maximum ratio of the stress near the void tip was 6.27 between the voids model and the single void model, tensile and fatigue strengths of gray cast iron was evaluated by the stress intensity factor multiplied by 6.27 using the maximum length of graphite flakes, the threshold stress intensity factor range and fracture toughness of pearlite about the tested diesel engine cylinder block. The method validated the safety of cylinder block of the tested diesel engine.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.79.281

    CiNii Article


  • Deformation Behavior of Multi-Layered Ceramic Capacitors Block under Non-Frame Press

    NARUSE Fumio, TADA Naoya

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   79 ( 800 )   442 - 454   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    To investigate the deformation behavior of multi-layered ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) during production press process is very important to reduce over all MLCC size and increase the capacity of the MLCC through the enlargement of the electrode area. In the previous paper, the deformation of MLCC blocks in the uniaxial compression test was observed and the filling mechanism was clarified based on the measurement results. In this study, the non-frame press tests of MLCC blocks were carried out to realize the high precision press, in which the lateral compressive stress was given in addition to the longitudinal one. The deformation process was clarified based on the results of cross-sectional observation. In the edge part of the MLCC block, the interlayer space in Side-Gaps L and W was decreased by longitudinal strain and the lateral strain, whereas, at the central part of the MLCC block, the interlayer space in Side-Gaps L and W was decreased only by longitudinal strain. Since the difference in the deformation behavior between the central part and the edge part generated variations in the thickness of MLCC block, the width of the internal electrode part and the width of the Side-Gap, it was concluded that non-frame press was not suitable for high precision press of MLCC block.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.79.442

    CiNii Article


  • Study on Deformation of Rectangular Metal Tube during Dynamic Three-Point Bending for Modeling of Pole Side Impact of Vehicle

    Tadanori Ono, Ichiro Shimizu, Naoya Tada, Nobuaki Takubo

    Proceedings of Joint International Conference of the 2nd International Symposium on Experimental Mechanics, The 11th Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics and 2012 Society for Experimental Mechanics Fall Conference, 7th International Symposium on ・・・   No.A122   2012

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    Proceedings of Joint International Conference of the 2nd International Symposium on Experimental Mechanics, The 11th Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics and 2012 Society for Experimental Mechanics Fall Conference, 7th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics


  • 625 Compressive Forming Limit of Cast AZ31 Magnesium Alloy during Nonproportional Strain Paths

    AKIYAMA Daisuke, SHIMIZU Ichiro, HIRANO Seiki, TADA Naoya

    61   No.0110 - 382   2012

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  • Tensile Test of Small Lead-Free Solder Joint Using Permanent Magnet Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Ryo Nishihara, Hiroyasu Masago


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Since solder materials are often used for electric connections in various electric devices, the strength of solders and that of interfaces to the other metallic materials are very important. After the restriction of lead solder usage according to the European Union Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directives, various lead-free solders have been developed and their optimized joining condition is being investigated. The mechanical test of solder joints is one of the best ways to check the joining condition and it gives us useful information to secure the safety of electric devices. From the viewpoint of mechanical testing, it is not easy to handle the solder materials because of their very low deformation resistance and small size. In this paper, a new method of tensile test is proposed using permanent magnet, and the results are discussed. By using the permanent magnet, various non-contact tensile tests are going to be possible. The present paper is a basic study to realize the non-contact tensile tests for micro materials.

    Web of Science



    Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Yuki Uenoyama


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    When a material is subjected to a small mechanical load, it shows a small elastic deformation of the order of nanometer. If there is a crack on the surface or underneath the surface, small elastic deformation shows non-uniformity around the crack. In this study, a non-destructive crack detection method by nanometric change in material's surface profile is proposed, and a tensile test of notched plate specimen was carried out. A non-uniform height change by mechanical load appeared near the notch. This fact suggests that the proposed method is available as an NDE method.

    Web of Science


  • Effect of Spherulite Size on Macroscopically Non-Uniform Deformation of Semi-Crystalline Polymer Reviewed

    Makoto Uchida, Naoya Tada

    Proceedings of PLASTICITY '12: The Eighteenth International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications   316 - 318   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Computational Simulation of Polymer RVE Model under Boundary Condition with Macroscopic Strain Gradient Reviewed

    M. Uchida, N. TADA

    Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Computational Methods   ID197   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Sequential evaluation of continuous deformation field of semi-crystalline polymers during tensile deformation accompanied by neck propagation Reviewed

    Makoto Uchida, Naoya Tada

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY   27 ( 12 )   2085 - 2102   2011.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    The localized deformation field of high density polyethylene and polypropylene during a tensile test accompanied by neck propagation was quantitatively evaluated based on the network digital image correlation method. In the proposed method, the continuity of the deformation field around a point of interest was introduced for accurate evaluation of the displacement. The accuracy of the proposed method was verified through test images. Using the proposed method, the development of a non-uniform displacement field during tensile tests was evaluated from sequential digital images. The local strain rate was almost uniform until the nominal stress reached its maximum value. After the maximum stress was reached, non-uniform deformation developed at a part of the gauge region of the specimen. A decrease in nominal stress induced a reduction of the local strain rate at regions other than the necked zone. In this study, the cross section average local true stress, strain, and strain rate can be evaluated from the local displacement field. Thus, the relationship between these quantities was evaluated during the tensile tests. Using the proposed method, the local response under wide ranges of strain and strain rate can be evaluated from a few test conditions of tensile strain rate and a small range of tensile strain. Finally, the relationships between gradients of stress, strain, and strain rate under uniaxial tension are discussed. These non-local quantities deviated from those predicted by constitutive equations when the domain size used to evaluate the local quantities was large. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2011.07.009

    Web of Science


  • Development of Press Machine by Means of Reverse-type Differential Rotary to Linear Conversion Mechanism Reviewed

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, SEKI Masanori, MATSUI Takafumi, TADA Naoya, FUJII Masahiro, YOSHIDA Akira

    Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering   46 ( 1 )   40 - 47   2011.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

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  • 解説 直流電位差法を用いた配管内外表面き裂と肉厚評価の最新技術 Reviewed


    検査技術   16 ( 5 )   21 - 28   2011

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本工業出版  

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  • Influence of Plastic Anisotropy on Compressive Forming Limit of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy

    Ichiro SHIMIZU, Kosuke Okada, Seiki Hirano, Naoya TADA

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (6th ISEM '11-Sendai/Kansai)   121   2011

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  • OS09-4-2 Experimental Modeling of Vehicle Deformation in Pole Side Impact by Means of Lateral Compression of Rectangular Steel Tube

    ONO Tadanori, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, TAKUBO Nobuaki

    Abstracts of ATEM : International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics : Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics   2011 ( 10 )   OS09-4-2 - 4-2-1"   2011

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • Deformation Behavior of Multilayered Ceramic Sheets with Printed Electrodes under Compression

    NARUSE Fumio, TADA Naoya

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering   6 ( 6 )   OS18F003 - 770   2011

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Deformation behavior of multi-layered ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) during production press process is very important to reduce over all MLCC size and increase the capacity of the MLCC through the enlargement of the electrode area. In this study, compression tests of MLCC blocks, which were composed of stacked ceramic dielectric sheets and printed internal electrodes, were carried out, and the deformation process was clarified based on the results of cross-sectional observation. Deformation of MLCC block was modeled and predicted using the area fraction of dielectric sheets, internal electrodes, and internal space. The prediction agreed well with the experimental results and helps the optimization of MLCC design.

    DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.6.760

    CiNii Article


  • Effect of Distribution of Spherulite on the Non-Uniform Plastic Deformation Behaviour of Semi-Crystalline Polymer

    M. Uchida, N. Tada

    Computational Plasticity XI, Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS XI)   2011

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  • Detection of stress corrosion cracking by direct-current potential difference method Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Hiroki Maeda, Atsushi Hozuki

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP   5   217 - 224   2011

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is one of serious damages occurred in power generating plants, petrochemical plants, and gas pipelines. However, it is not easy to detect and evaluate SCCs because their shapes are complex and they are usually initiated in the weldment composed of base metal, weld metal, and heat-affected zone. In this study, the direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM) was applied to SCCs artificially introduced in plate specimens and the applicability of DC-PDM to their detection was discussed. It was found from the measurement results that the potential differences near SCC were higher than those away from SCC. This fact suggests that SCC is detectable by DC-PDM. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.

    DOI: 10.1115/PVP2011-57913



  • A method of crack detection in the turbine blade using digital holographic microscopy (DHM) Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Seiichi Hamada, Tetsuo Teramae, Shin Yoshino, Takehiko Suzuki

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP   5   211 - 216   2011

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    The authors proposed an NDE method of detecting the crack developed in the turbine blade by means of digital holographic microscopy (DHM). UT procedures sometimes have limitations in particular cases of in-service-inspections such as the detection and sizing of a creep crack developed in the air-cooled casting blade of the combined cycle gas turbine. The local displacement at the blade surface near the crack during a mechanical loading is different from that of a noncracked blade. This small different can be detected by DHM. The authors discussed whether this difference affected by the mechanical load between the cracked blade and the noncracked is detectable by means of DHM or not. In this paper, the authors verified the practical validity of the proposed NDE method using the finite element analyses. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.

    DOI: 10.1115/PVP2011-57299



  • 解説 デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡を用いた材料表面特性評価 Reviewed

    多田直哉, 内田真

    非破壊検査   60 ( 10 )   592 - 598   2011

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 解説 直流電位差計測に基づくき裂評価手法の展開

    武尾文雄, 多田直哉

    非破壊検査   60 ( 10 )   572 - 578   2011

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Article


  • Modeling of Micro- to Mesoscopic Deformation Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polymer Based on Laminar Composite Model

    UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya, TOMITA Yoshihiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   77 ( 778 )   902 - 915   2011

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    Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Since semi-crystalline polymer has very complex hierarchical structure, it is essential to construct a suitable multiscale mechanical model for the prediction of its mechanical characteristics. For the establishment of the triple scale mechanical model of semi-crystalline polymer, which can reflect the non-uniform deformations in micro-, meso- and macroscopic scales, computationally efficient model to relate structures and deformations in micro- to mesoscopic scales is indispensable. In this paper, to solve the problems, tangent modulus method was introduced into the constitutive equations for crystalline and amorphous phases consisting of the microstructure of semi-crystalline polymer. Furthermore, we proposed a new laminar composite model connecting deformations in micro- to mesoscopic scales based on the equilibrium of stress acting on the interface between the phases and the compatibility of deformation along the interface. Appropriate time steps for stable simulation and validity of the proposed model were examined through the computational simulation of uniaxial tension of single lamellar and spherulite models of high density polyethylene. It has been clarified that the proposed model could predict an elasto-viscoplastic deformation behavior of semi-crystalline polymer in markedly less computational time and memory.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.77.902

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  • Finite element simulation of deformation behavior of semi-crystalline polymers with multi-spherulitic mesostructure Reviewed

    Makoto Uchida, Tsuruyo Tokuda, Naoya Tada

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES   52 ( 2 )   158 - 167   2010.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Elasto-viscoplastic deformation behavior of semi-crystalline polymer with multi-spherulitic mesostructure was investigated using large deformation finite element homogenization method. Multispherulitic mesostructure was modeled in representation volume element (RVE) by Voronoi polygons, and the deformation behavior during tension in different directions was numerically investigated. Mesoscopic stress strain relations were almost similar for different mesoscopic structures except for a quarter spherulite mesoscopic models, and its anisotropy decreased with increase in the number of spherulites in RVE. Although anisotropy in mesoscopic stress strain relation disappeared for enough number of spherulites, highly heterogeneous distribution of local strain and stress was observed in each spherulite. Distribution of lamellar orientation in the spherulite caused the heterogeneity and played an important role in the local deformation field. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2009.09.002

    Web of Science


  • 解説 直流電位差法を用いたき裂評価技術の現状 Reviewed

    多田直哉, 浜田晴一

    非破壊検査   59 ( 5 )   204 - 208   2010

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • A Study on the Fatigue Life Evaluation of Vibration Insulator Considering the Effect of Creep Reviewed

    Prabhakar Soma, Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Kazunari Nakahara, Tetsuya Miyake

    Conference Proceeding (Programme and Abstracts), International Rubber Conference & Exhibition 2010   426 - 429   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Influence of Initial Texture on Plastic Behavior of Pure Titanium in Biaxial Compression Reviewed

    Ichiro SHIMIZU, Junya IDEI, Naoya TADA

    Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  



    Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Hiroki Maeda


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    Remaining life evaluation has been attracting much attention to secure the safety of aged power generating plants. A crack on the outer surface of pipe is a typical kind of damage observed in aged plants. Accurate information of crack largely helps the remaining life evaluation based on fracture mechanics. The direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM) is known as one of the suitable non-destructive techniques to monitor the initiation and growth of crack in the pipes. Usually, numerical analyses are necessary to evaluate the geometry of crack from the potential difference because no analytical solution was given in most cases. In this study, a solution of the potential difference around a semi-elliptical crack on the outer surface of pipe is presented and the result is compared with that obtained by finite element analysis.

    DOI: 10.1115/PVP2010-25286

    Web of Science


  • Plastic behaviour and forming limit during biaxial compressions of magnesium alloy AZ31 at room temperature

    I. Shimizu, N. Tada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:E D P SCIENCES  

    The plastic behaviour and compressive fracture of AZ31 magnesium alloy were examined at room temperature. The uniaxial compression tests and biaxial compression tests along linear and nonlinear strain paths were carried out until fracture using a unique biaxial compression testing machine developed by author. The results revealed the evolution of plastic anisotropy in biaxial compressions, that is the strain path dependency of work hardening. The adaptability of several forming limit criteria to the compressive fracture of AZ31 alloy was discussed. It was found that the uniform estimation of compressive forming limits by uniaxial and biaxial compressions was difficult by Freudenthal criterion and Oyane criterion. The result of Tresca energy criterion suggested that the criterion based on shear stress has possibility to predict the compressive forming limits at room temperature of AZ31 alloy.

    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20100616001

    Web of Science


  • The Effect of Heterogeneity of Microstructure on the Micro- to Macroscopic Non-Uniform Elasto-Viscoplastic Deformation Behavior of Polymeric Material

    Makoto Uchida, Naoya Tada

    Proceedings of PLASTICITY '10: The Sixteenth International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications   298 - 300   2010

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  • Evaluation of orientation-dependent geometry of micro triangular indentation on grain of polycrystalline alpha-titanium

    I. Shimizu, N. Tada, T. Ishida


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING  

    In microindentation testing, an indentation size is smaller than the average grain size of industrial polycrystalline metals, so that the indentation shape is affected by the crystallographic orientation of grain on which the indentation is imposed. Hence, clarification of the relation between the crystal orientation and the indentation shape leads to the possibility of estimating the crystal orientation by microindentation testing. In the present study, influences of crystal orientations upon indentation shapes on grains of polycrystalline titanium were investigated. The crystal orientations of grains were measured by an electron backscattered diffraction method, and indentation tests with a triangular pyramidal indenter were performed on the grains. The indentation shapes were thus observed by a laser-scanning microscope and an optical microscope. The results revealed that the direction of the most bulged position of edges from the apex of triangular indentation agreed well with an a-axis direction. It was also found that deviation of the indentation edge from the ideal one became smaller with larger angle of inclination of c-axis for the sample surface, owing to the limited slip direction of titanium. Those results suggest the possibility to evaluate the crystal orientation of titanium grain directly from the observed indentation geometry.

    DOI: 10.1117/12.851502

    Web of Science



    Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Hiroki Ishikawa


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    The direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM) is known as one of the promising non-destructive methods to evaluate the crack in the conductors. This method utilizes the change in the current path or the potential difference which is caused by the crack. In the previous study, a method of three-dimensional evaluation of semi-elliptical crack on the back surface of plate was proposed and its theoretical validity and practical utility were shown based on the results of numerical analyses and experiments. In this study, the method is extended to the identification of semi-elliptical crack on the inner surface of pipe and the related electric field analyses are carried out by the finite element method. The results show that the crack on the inner surface of pipe can be evaluated by the proposed method based on the distribution of potential difference measured on the outer surface of pipe. The present extension will be very useful for various practical cases which are often seen in the piping of power-generating and petrochemical plants.

    Web of Science


  • 解説 高温における材料寿命予測法


    検査技術   15 ( 10 )   23 - 29   2010

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本工業出版  

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  • Numerical Study on Reducing Methods of Static Strain along the Fillet on Upper Deck of Diesel Engine Cylinder Block Reviewed

    Katsuyuki Iguchi, Naoya Tada, Ichiro Shimizu, Kouji Iwasaki

    Proc. the 12th International Conference on Fracture   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • A Fracture Mechanics Approach for Evaluating the Effects of Heat Aging on Fatigue Crack Growth of Vulcanized Natural Rubber Reviewed

    Prabhakar Soma, Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Kazunari Nakahara, Yoshifumi Taga

    Proc. of the Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009, The Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers   a138   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Research and Education in the Field of Applied Solid Mechanics Reviewed

    Naoya Tada

    Proc. 2009 International Symposium on Total Engineering Education, East China University of Science and Technology   167 - 174   2009

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Regional Identification by Digital Height Correlation of Nanolevel Surface Profile

    N.Tada, N.Yagi, I.Shimizu, M.Uchida

    Final Program and Abstracts, SEM 2009 Fall Symposium and Workshop, Advanced Image-Based Measurement Methods: Recent Developments and Applications in Engineering and Medicine, The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.   15 - 15   2009

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    CiNii Article


  • Electric Field Analysis of Simultaneous Evaluation of Crack on Inner Surface of Pipe and Pipe Wall Thickness Using Direct-Current Potential Difference Method of Multiple-Probe Type Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida

    Abstract book the 12th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, Korean Society of Pressure Vessels & Piping   563 - 570   2009

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Evaluation of geometry of semi-elliptical crack by direct current potential difference method based on potential difference distribution in two orthogonal directions

    Makoto Uchida, Hiroki Ishikawa, Naoya Tada

    Conference Handbook of the 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on NDT, 2009   248   248 - 248   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    CiNii Article



    Naoya Tada


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    The direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM) is known as one of the best techniques to evaluate the damage initiated in structural materials. However, it is not still very popular and has not yet been widely used. One of its main reasons is that the potential difference measured is not supported based on the physical background and the relationship between the damage and the potential difference is not clarified quantitatively. In this paper, DC-PDM is classified into several categories based on the distribution of defects, the number of potential measurement probes, and the location of current supply probes. Characteristics of all categories are described.

    Web of Science


  • Finite Element Analysis of Static Strain along the Fillet on Upper Deck of Diesel Engine Cylinder Block Produced by Tightening of Cylinder Head Bolts

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   74 ( 744 )   1053 - 1059   2008.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The distribution of static strain along the fillet on an upper deck of cylinder block and its dependency on the depth of thread engagement for cylinder head bolts were evaluated for a diesel engine by the finite element method. Since the fillet on upper deck is one of the critical parts in the cylinder block that may be cracked by stress and strain concentration, the static strain along the fillet was focused on in this study. In the model, the static tightening force of cylinder head bolts balanced with the total force acting on the cylinder block. A uniform surface pressure calculated by the total force divided by the contact area was given to the upper deck. The following results were obtained.<BR>The static strain along the fillet was dependent on the circumferential direction of cylinder and its value was varied with the depth of thread engagement for cylinder head bolts. The optimum depth of thread engagement was determined to be about 100 mm from the viewpoints of the overall magnitude of strain, the circumferential fluctuation of strain, the change rate of strain against the depth of thread engagement, and the length of cylinder head bolt. The calculated circumferential distribution of the static strain and the tightening force were compared with the measurement results under the optimum depth of thread engagement condition. Both results agreed well and this fact suggests that the present analysis is useful for optimizing the structural design of cylinder block for diesel engines.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.74.1053

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00318143567?from=CiNii

  • Tensile Test of Notched Thin Film of Pure Titanium Actuated by Thermal Stress

    TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, UEMORI Kazumasa, TADA Hiroyuki

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   74 ( 737 )   137 - 144   2008.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Tensile tests of notched thin film of pure titanium were carried out on the stage of a digital microscope. Tensile load was generated by the thermal expansion of a pair of polycarbonate loading plates by which the specimen was sandwiched. Since the thermal expansion coefficient of polycarbonate is much larger than that of pure titanium, the specimen was elongated with an increase in the temperature and successfully fractured at the end of the tensile test. The plastic deformation of the notched part of specimen was observed during the test and the stress and strain were evaluated. The obtained stress-strain curve situated between two curves by a commercial tensile testing machine at the room temperature and at 363 K, which approximately corresponds to the maximum temperature of the thermal stress-actuated tensile test. As the mechanism of the proposed tensile test is simple, it is expected to be applicable to much smaller specimens in the future.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.74.137

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00307954976?from=CiNii

  • Influence of Crystallographic Orientation upon Microscopic Indentation Shape on Pure Titanium Reviewed

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials   57 ( 3 )   249 - 254   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    A micro indentation testing has been used to investigate the local mechanical properties of engineering materials. Since the size of indentation becomes much smaller than the average grain size of ordinary metallic materials by that testing, the results must be influenced more or less by the characteristics of each grain in which the indentation is imposed. However, the influences of crystal orientation of the grain upon the indentation results have scarcely been investigated for polycrystalline metals. In the present study, the micro indentation tests were performed on the grains of commercially pure titanium, of which the crystal orientations were evaluated beforehand by an electron back scattering diffraction technique. The relationships between the crystal orientation and the resultant indentation shapes as well as the indentation hardness values were then experimentally investigated. The results showed clear orientation dependences of the indentation shape and indentation hardness for the titanium grains. The anisotropy and the distortion of indentation profile tended to increase, while the obtained indentation hardness tended to decrease with increase in the angle between <0001> direction and the surface normal direction. The distortion of the indentation shape was found to appear due to the pile-up of materials in the limited area around the indentation by the restricted plastic flow with regard to the crystal orientation. These results are supposed to indicate the possibility to use an indentation made on grain's surface for the identification of its crystal orientation in polycrystalline titanium.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.57.249

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00310940850?from=CiNii

  • Effect of Tensile Direction, Strain Rate and Mesostructure on Deformation Behavior of Rubber Blended Semi-Crystalline Polymers Reviewed

    UCHIDA Makoto, KITANORI Yoshiharu, TADA Naoya

    journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials   57 ( 3 )   243 - 248   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    To elucidate the deformation behavior of rubber blended semi-crystalline polymers, the micro- to mesoscopic structure and its mechanical behavior was modeled by using large-deformation finite element homogenization method. In this paper, the effect of direction and strain rate of tensile loading, volume fraction of rubber particle and distance between rubber particles was investigated by numerical simulations of uniaxial tension of semi-crystalline polymer with uniformly distributed rubber particles. A series of computational result clarified the followings. The stress in earlier stage of the deformation, where the stress increases linearly with the strain, is high when the volume fraction of rubber particles is small, when distance between rubber particles is small, and when the load is applied parallel to the nearest neighbor direction. That in following stage, where the stress increases non-linearly with the strain, is high when the volume fraction of rubber particles is small and when tensile strain rate is high. Furthermore, change in the local strain rate and mean stress distribution with the increase in the global tensile strain rate is closely related to the distance between rubber particles and tensile direction.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.57.243

    CiNii Article


  • Effect of Bead Position on Stress Distribution along the Fillet on Upper Deck of Diesel Engine Cylinder Block with Dry Liner Structure Reviewed

    Katsuyuki Iguchi, Naoya Tada, Ichiro Shimizu, Kouji Iwasaki

    Proc. ACMFMS2008, Shimane University, Japan   409 - 412   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Strain Path Dependent Plastic Behavior of Aluminum by Unidirectional and Cyclic Biaxial Compressions Reviewed

    Ichiro Shimizu, Naoya Tada

    Proc. ACMFMS2008, Shimane University, Japan   165 - 168   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Monitoring of Interface Crack between Solder Ball and Copper Plate Subjected to Cyclic Tensile Loading under Fluctuating Temperature by Direct Current Potential Difference Method Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Yusuke Ezaki

    2008 EMAP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS   232 - 235   2008

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Solder materials are often used for electrical connections in various electric devices. In most cases, solders have interfaces with the other metal substrates and their interface strength is more important than the internal strength of solders. Since most of lead solders have been replaced by lead-free solders from the viewpoint of environmental conservation, the evaluation of interface strength between lead-free solders and metal substrates [1, 2] and the continuous monitoring of interface damage [3, 4] have been attracting much attention. However, it is not easy to evaluate the interface strength and damage because of a short-term experience of lead-free soldering in comparison with that of traditional tin-lea soldering, the difficulty in the mechanical analysis of interface based on constitutive equations obtained from macroscopic mechanical tests, and microscopic scatter of the material or structure on the interface arising from the relatively large microstructure in comparison to the volume of solder portion. From these points of view, the authors proposed a non-destructive method to evaluate the interface crack during the mechanical test by direct current potential difference method (DC-PDM). In the previous studies, cyclic tension tests under a constant temperature condition [5] and the related electric field analyses [6] were carried out. In this study, cyclic tension tests were carried out under fluctuating temperature condition and the growth of interface crack was monitored.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMAP.2008.4784271

    Web of Science


  • Experimental study of three-dimensional identification of semi-elliptical crack on the back surface by means of direct-current electrical potential difference method of multiple-point measurement type Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Makoto Uchida, Akira Funakoshi, Hiroki Ishikawa


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    A method for identification of a semi-elliptical crack existing on the back surface of the material by means of direct-current electrical potential difference method of multiple-point measurement type was proposed. The geometry of the crack was given by the two-dimensional location of the crack center, the surface and inward angles of the crack, and the length and depth of the crack. The identification was carried out based on the distribution of potential difference on the surface. The related experiments were carried out using six metal plates with various semi-elliptical cracks made on the back surface by electric discharge machining. The geometry of the crack was successfully identified by the proposed method and the results were discussed.

    Web of Science


  • Computational Simulation of Mechanical Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polymers with Randomly Distributed Rubber Particles Reviewed

    M.Uchida, N.Tada, Y.Tomita

    Proc. International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences ICCES'08, Tech Science Press   405 - 411   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • 解説 マルチスケールで信頼性・健全性評価が可能な直流電位差法 Reviewed


    検査技術   13 ( 9 )   1 - 7   2008

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本工業出版  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Finite Element Analysis of Evaluation of Crack on Back Surface by Direct-Current Potential Difference Method with Two Pairs of Current-Supply Probes

    UCHIDA Makoto, FUNAKOSHI Akira, ISHII Yusuke, TADA Naoya

    Journal of The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection   56 ( 12 )   643 - 648   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection  

    In the conventional direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM), uniform current is supplied by a pair of probes set far from a crack and the change in the potential difference by the crack is measured by another pair of probes near the crack. The identification of the crack is done based on the measurement result. But when the crack exists on the back surface, the change in the potential difference is not large and the identification is usually difficult. In this study, it was assumed that current was supplied by a pair of remote probes and a pair of adjacent probes to a plate with a crack on the back surface. The distribution of electric potential and the potential difference between a pair of potential measurement probes on the surface were analyzed by the finite element method. When the adjacent current-supply probes were set in between the potential measurement probes, larger normalized potential difference was obtained than the case where only the remote current was supplied. Furthermore, it was found that the increase in the potential difference by the adjacent current depends on the distance between adjacent current-supply probes and the crack depth. Based on this characteristic, a method of crack depth evaluation was proposed.

    DOI: 10.11396/jjsndi.56.643

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  • Multiscale Modeling of Deforation Behavior of Rubber Blended Semi-Crystalline Polymer

    UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya, TOMITA Yoshihiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   73 ( 725 )   73 - 79   2007.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    To elucidate the toughening mechanism in rubber particle modified semi-crystalline polymers in which the average matrix ligament thickness plays important roles, the micro-to mesoscopic deformation behavior of rubber/semi-crystalline polymer blends was modeled by using large-deformation finite element homogenization method. In this paper, the deformation behavior of three kinds of models which have different size of rubber particles was investigated. A series of computational simulation clarified that highly localized deformation is induced by the initial orientation of lamellae at interface region for the case of smaller size of rubber particles, and it produces larger strain in the matrix due to localization and propagation of the deformation zone. Furthemore, the microscopic deformation is mainly absorbed by not only a slip along chain direction in the crystalline phase, but also interlamellar shear in the amorphous phase, which must be closely related to the toughening mechanism of the rubber/semi-crystalline polymer blends.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.73.73

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00289895106?from=CiNii

  • Micro-Macro Simulation of Type III and Type IV Creep Damage in 2 1/4Cr-1Mo Steel Welds Reviewed

    KAWASHIMA Fumiko, IGARI Toshihide, TOKIYOSHI Takumi, TADA Naoya

    journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials   56 ( 2 )   106 - 113   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    A simulation method of the creep damage progress combining the random fracture resistance model and FEM elastic-creep analysis was proposed and was applied to the evaluation of Type III and Type IV creep damage respectively in the coarse and fine grain heat affected zone (HAZ) in welded joints of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel. Firstly following the previous work on the fine grain HAZ, parameters for the coarse grain HAZ were identified for simulating the increase of number density of small defects on the basis of the random fracture resistance modeling. Secondly the simultaneous damage simulation for both fine and coarse grain HAZ was applied to both the welded joint model test and the burst test of elbow. A possibility of predicting the final failure time of welded joint was also discussed on the basis of the effective stress against the final failure surface. The proposed simulation successfully reproduced the increase of the number density of small defects in the fine and the coarse grain HAZ, and could predict the failure time of welded joints.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.56.106

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00289912612?from=CiNii

  • Tensile test of notched metal film by means of thermal expansion of plastics Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Ichiro Shimizu, Kazumasa Uemori


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Tensile tests of notched thin film of pure titanium were carried out on the stage of a digital microscope. Tensile load was generated by the thermal expansion of a pair of polycarbonate loading plates which sandwiched the specimen. Since the thermal expansion coefficient of polycarbonate is much larger than that of pure titanium, the specimen was elongated with an increase in the temperature and successfully fractured at the end of the tensile test. The plastic deformation of the notched part of the specimen was observed during the test and the stress and strain were evaluated. The obtained stress-strain curves were compared with those obtained by a tensile testing device with a piezoelectric stage at the room temperature and 363 K which approximately corresponds to the maximum temperature of the thermal stress-actuated tensile test.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMAP.2007.4510292

    Web of Science


  • Plastic behavior of polycrystalline aluminum during biaxial compression with strain path change Reviewed

    Ichiro Shimizu, Naoya Tada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    Biaxial compression tests with an abrupt strain path change have been performed on polycrystalline aluminum to investigate the plastic deformation behavior under complex strain histories. Attentions are paid especially to the rapid change in the normal stresses due to the abrupt strain path change. The influences of the prestrain amplitude and the angular relation of sequential strain paths on the stress changes were also studied. The results showed that the transient increase of the normal stresses related to the latent hardening phenomenon with strain path change as well as the plastic anisotropy increase with the pre-straining amplitude. The transient increase in the stress was also affected by the strain histories in the sequential compression tests with the strain path change. The transient stress increment became large to the maximum then decreases with the angle between the sequential paths,

    Web of Science


  • Finite Element Analysis for Monitoring Interface Crack between Solder Ball and Copper by Direct Current Potential Difference Method

    TADA Naoya, ANDOU Takahiro, KAMITANI Toru

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   73 ( 724 )   1825 - 1831   2006.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In order to validate the applicability of the direct current potential difference method (DC-PDM) to identification of interface cracks, electric field analysis was carried out for a copper plate with a solder ball joined on the surface by the finite element method. The analysis was carried out for different crack depths under the following four conditions; (a) when the shape of interface cracks between solder ball and copper changes, (b) when the radius of solder ball changes, (c) when the distance between the bottom of the copper wire and the interface changes, and (d) when the angle of copper wire changes. It was found from the analysis that the larger crack area ratio gave the larger increase in potential difference and that the effect of the crack shape and the angle of copper wire on the potential difference was small. Finally, the relationship between the crack area ratio and the increase in potential difference was given by a single formulated curve for all the conditions discussed in the present analysis

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.72.1825

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00289043842?from=CiNii

  • Experimental Study of Three-Dimensional Identification of Surface Crack by Means of Direct-Current Electrical Potential Difference Method of Multiple-Point Measurement Type

    TADA Naoya, IWAMOTO Jun, OKADA Masayoshi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   72 ( 715 )   332 - 339   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A method for identification of a crack on the surface of the material by means of direct-current electrical potential difference method of multiple-point measurement type was proposed and related experiments were carried out to verify the proposed method. The geometry of the crack was given by the two-dimensional location of the crack center, the surface and inward angles of the crack, the length and depth of the crack. The experiments were carried out for metal plates with various surface cracks made by electric discharge machining. When most of the area of potential disturbance by a crack was included in the measurement area, the geometry of the crack was successfully identified by the proposed method based on the potential differences measured at multiple locations around the crack.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.72.332

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00277226295?from=CiNii

  • Evaluation of interface crack between solder ball and copper based on the non-destructive monitoring of direct current potential difference Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Takahiro Andou


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    An evaluation method of interface crack between solder ball and copper based on the non-destructive monitoring of direct current potential difference was proposed. The validity of the method was examined based on the results of electric field analysis by the finite element method. In the analysis, it was assumed that a solder ball was simply joined on the surface of a copper plate and the interface crack was evaluated by the potential difference between the top of the wire inserted into the solder ball and the copper plate. It was found from the analysis that the relationship between the crack area ratio and the increase in the potential difference was given by a single formula for all the conditions assumed in this study. As an experimental verification, a cyclic tensile test was carried out for the interface between Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu lead-free solder balls and a plate specimen of pure copper. Similar relationship between the crack area ratio and the increase in the potential difference held for the test. This suggests that the proposed method is applicable to the evaluation of actual interface cracks initiated in the specimens or in various electric packages.

    DOI: 10.1109/EMAP.2006.4430649

    Web of Science


  • 3615 Finite Element Analysis for Identification of Back Surface Crack by Direct Current Potential Difference Method with Auxiliary Current

    TADA Naoya, FUNAKOSHI Akira, ISHII Yusuke

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2006   767 - 768   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In conventional direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM), uniform current is supplied far from a crack and the change in the potential difference by the crack is measured. The identification of the crack is done based on it. But in the case of a crack on the back surface, the change is not large enough and the identification is usually difficult. In this study, auxiliary current is supplied in addition to the remote uniform current and the improvement of identification of the crack existing on the back surface is investigated using the finite element method. Based on the analysis results, effect of the location of the auxiliary current and its strength on the measured potential difference is discussed.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2006.1.0_767

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • P65 Analytical Study of Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Strain on Material's Surface Based on Shape Change of Indentation

    SUGIMOTO Yoshinobu, TADA Naoya, HOSOI Yasunari

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2006   647 - 648   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2006.0_647

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  • Analysis of Surface Roughening with Uniaxial Tension of Polycrystalline Aluminum by Autocorrelation Function

    SONG Hualin, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya

    Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   54 ( 4 )   407 - 413   2005.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    The microscopic plastic deformation and the surface roughening behavior of free surface of polycrystalline aluminum sheet during uniaxial tension were experimentally investigated. The free surface roughness profiles are measured during plastic deformation with a confocal laser-scanning microscope. The surface roughness curve was analyzed employing the autocorrelation function and simplified model of surface roughness curve. It is shown that the average inclination of the surface profile curve increases lineally with increasing applied strain, and the grain rotation out of the surface plane is dominant contributor to the surface roughness. The roughness in grains are less than 30% and the roughness of slip bands are less than 7% , respectively, of the total surface profile roughness. The wavelength of the surface roughness curve is about 5〜9 times the averaged grain size, which increases with the applied tensile strain. Discussions are made on the autocorrelation length, the wavelength of surface profile and the grain boundary position on the surface profile.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.54.407

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00249206751?from=CiNii

  • Change in microscopic surface profile during tensile plastic deformation of high purity aluminum polycrystals Reviewed

    WANG Xiaoqun, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    55 ( 2 )   68 - 74   2005.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

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  • Tensile Test of Thin Titanium Plate Actuated by Thermal Expansion of Polycarbonate Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Ichiro Shimizu, Keigo Kanamura, Hiroyuki Tada

    Proc. the Sixth International Congress on Thermal Stresses (Thermal Stresses 2005), Vienna University of Technology   2005

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Evaluation of Multiple Through-Cracks with Random Angles by Direct Current Electrical Potential Difference Method Reviewed

    Naoya TADA

    Proc. the Third US-Japan Symposium on Advancing Applications and Capabilities, The American Society for Nondestructive and Testing   2005

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Micro-macro damage simulation of low-alloy steel welds subject to type IV creep failure

    T. Igari, F. Kawashima, T. Tokiyoshi, N. Tada

    Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)   17 ( 4 )   393 - 399   2004.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A simulation method for microscopic creep damage at grain boundaries in the fine-grain heat-affected zone of low-alloy steel welds involving high energy piping was proposed on the basis of the combination of elastic-creep FEM (finite element method) analysis and random fracture resistance modeling of the materials. The procedure to determine the initiation and growth-driving forces of small defects were briefly described. Then, a simulation procedure combining the stress distribution from elastic-creep FEM and the random fracture resistance model was proposed, and this procedure was applied to the simulation of the microscopic damage progress in a welded joint model test and in actual power piping. The results in terms of the simulated number density of small defects throughout the wall thickness were in good agreement with the observed results.



  • Evaluation of Microscopic Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Aluminum by Laser-Scanning Microscope

    SONG Hualin, ABE Takeji, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, TORII Tashiyuki

    Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   53 ( 5 )   473 - 480   2004.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    The microscopic plastic deformation behavior of aluminum sheet during uniaxial tension is experimentally investigated by a confocal laser-scanning microscope. The surface roughening is closely related to the inhomogeneity of polycrystalline metals, that is, to the inhomogeneous plastic deformation of respective grains. In order to clarify the deformation behavior of polycrystalline metals, new measuring methods and 4 types of strains of grains are introduced and inhomogeneous of strain of grains are investigated. Digital image processing technique is applied to the surface image taken by the CCD camera for measurement. It is shown that the grain-area strain, the maximum dimension and mean dimension strain, the grain-boundary length strain and the standard deviations of these parameters statistically increase in proportion to the applied strain. Discussions are made on the differences between these measuring methods of strain parameters of grains, variations of measured statistical results including comparison with equilateral polygon model during tensile deformation.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.53.473

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00239810968?from=CiNii

  • Three-dimensional identification of semi-elliptical surface crack by means of direct-current electrical potential difference method with multiple-probe sensor Reviewed

    Naoya Tada, Masayoshi Okada, Jun Iwamoto

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP   471   85 - 92   2004

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    A method of three-dimensional identification of a semi-elliptical surface crack by direct-current electrical potential difference method with a multiple-probe sensor was proposed and its validity was numerically examined. The condition of the surface crack embedded in a conductive plate was specified by the two-dimensional location of the crack center, (yc, z c), length and depth of the crack, c and a, and the surface and inward angles of the crack plane, θsur and θ in. Identification was carried out based on the distribution of the electrical potential difference around the crack measured on the surface of the plate with the "multiple-probe sensor" which is composed of many probes aligned in two orthogonal directions. The location, (yc, zc), and surface angle, θsur, were evaluated using the line and point symmetries of the potential difference distribution. The inward angle, θin, was determined by the magnitude of symmetry of potential difference distribution with reference to the evaluated crack line. Finally, length and depth of the crack, c and a, were determined using the exact solution of potential difference for an inclined inner elliptical crack which yields similar potential difference to that of the inclined semi-elliptical surface crack. The validity of the method was numerically confirmed by carrying out the evaluation based on the result obtained by finite element analysis.

    DOI: 10.1115/PVP2004-2245



  • Microscopic Damage Analysis of Welded Joints under Type III and Type IV Creep Failure Reviewed

    T.Igari, F.Kawashima, T.Tokiyoshi, N.Nishimura, N.Tada

    OMMI (Power Plant: Operation Maintenance and Materials Issues)   2004

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Observation of microscopic plastic deformation of polycrystalline aluminum during uniaxial tension by confocal laser-scanning microscope Reviewed

    H Song, T Abe, Shimizu, I, N Tada, T Torii


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    Microscopic plastic deformation behavior of aluminum sheet during uniaxial tension is experimentally investigated by a confocal laser-scanning microscope. The surface roughening is closely related to the inhomogeneity of polycrystalline metals, that is, to the inhomogeneous plastic deformation of respective grains. Image measuring method of rigid rotation of grain is proposed. It is shown that the averaged grain rotation on the surface plane is much less than the averaged grain rotation out of the surface plane. The averaged grain rotation, the grain-area strain and the mean size strain and the standard deviations of these parameters increase statistically in proportion to the applied strain. The grain rotation in the material is less than that on the surface, thus it is considered that deformation inhomogeneity of grains in the material is less than that of grains on the surface of the material. This fact may indicate that the surface roughness is mainly affected by inhomogeneous deformation of the surface layer. Discussions are made on the grain rotation, the inhomogeneous deformation of the grains and the free surface roughening mechanism.

    Web of Science


  • Evaluation of 3-Dimensional Plastic Strain of Grains in Polycrystalline Copper during Tension by EBSD Method and Digital Image Processing

    KONDOU Ryouji, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   69 ( 682 )   972 - 979   2003.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A method of evaluation of six components of grain strain in polycrystalline metal was proposed. In the present method, the electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) technique and the digital image processing were efficiently combined. Four components of grain strain, εx, εy, εz and γxy were evaluated based on the change in average aspect ratio of the number of pixels inside the grain which was obtained by an optical microscope and digital image analysis, where xy-plane is set on the specimen surface and z-axis is directed perpendicularly to the surface. The other two components, γyz, γzx, were calculated by taking into consideration the restriction of plastic deformation of each grain which was derived on the assumption that the plastic deformation occurred by crystallographic slipping on a single set of slip plane. An angle of the slip planes was 3-dimensionally identified by observation of the slip line by a scanning electron microscope and EBSD technique. Grain strain of polycrystalline copper during tension was evaluated by the proposed method and the results were discussed from the viewpoints of the distribution of grain strains and the deformation restriction by neighboring grains.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.69.972

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00229769016?from=CiNii

  • Estimation of Active Slip Plane in Tensile Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Copper with EBSD Method

    KONDOU Ryouji, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   69 ( 681 )   924 - 931   2003.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Relationship between the slip line and the orientation of grains in polycrystalline copper during tensile plastic deformation is studied. Slip plane of each grain is calculated from the orientation obtained using EBSD technique, and the slip line of specimen surface is observed by SEM image. A method of estimation of active slip plane in each grain of polycrystalline copper during tensile plastic deformation is proposed based on the experimental results. Direction of slip line is calculated from the geometrical relationship between the specimen surface and the slip plane whose orientation is obtained using EBSD method. The estimated results and the observed results are compared by use of their correlation factor. The constraint between grains in the normal direction to the specimen surface is expected to be smaller than that between grains in the surface plane. Namely, the active slip plane is decided from the condition that the component of the specimen inward direction or the direction on the specimen surface of the shearing stress on the slip plane is maximum. It is also shown that the small size grain deforms on the slip plane whose orientation is close to the active slip plane of the neighboring grain with the maximum size. The estimated results are in good agreement with the experimental results.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.69.924

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00208632522?from=CiNii

  • Orientation change measured by the EBSD method and the plastic deformation of grains in polycrystalline copper Reviewed

    T Abe, R Kondou, N Tada, Shimizu, I


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    Change in crystal orientation and strain of individual grains during tensile plastic deformation are studied to clarify on the microscopic deformation behavior of polycrystalline copper. The orientation of grain is measured by electron backscatter diffraction technique in the scanning electron microscope. The principal strain of grain is also measured by obtaining the approximated ellipse of strain distribution. The deformation of grains dependent on their initial orientation and the rotation of the principal strain during uniaxial tension are clarified.

    Web of Science


  • Observation of the tensile deformation behavior of polycrystalline titanium with the scanning probe microscope Reviewed

    T Abe, Y Li, N Tada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    The change in the surface morphology of polycrystalline titanium during tensile plastic deformation is studied mainly using the scanning probe microscope. The observation shows that slip occurs mainly near grain boundary at the strain range of epsilon&lt;0.05. The slip develops with the applied strain, and the slip on the second slip system or the crossing of slip lines appear. The surface roughness increases linearly with the applied strain. The height difference between the grain boundary area and the inner grain area also increases with the applied strain, though the increasing rate decreases after the applied strain of about 0.3. The nano-scale height difference of the surface step between slip lines increases with the applied strain, though it remains almost constant after the applied strain of 0.4.

    Web of Science


  • Advanced Creep Damage Analysis of Low-Alloy Steel Welds Considering the Microscopic Damage Progress Reviewed

    Fumiko Kawashima, Takumi Tokiyoshi, Toshihide Igari, Akira Shibashi, Naoya Tada

    Proc. International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2003, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers   2003

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Observation of creep cavity growth in smooth and notched specimens of low alloy steel in the heat-affected zone Reviewed

    N Tada, H Maruyama, T Igari, F Kawashima


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:EAST CHINA UNIV SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PRESS  

    Creep cavities were observed in smooth bar and notched plate specimens of low alloy steel. The material was specially heat-treated to obtain the fine grain structure in the heat-affected zone adjacent to the weld of actual pipes in fossil power boiler. Creep tests were carried out and the interrupted specimens were made for observation in addition to the ruptured 19 specimens. The distribution of cavities was observed by scanning electron microscope on the cross-section of specimens. The areal density, size, and total length of cavities were measured in each specimen and their increasing rates against time were discussed. Change in the distribution of cavities on the cross-section of notched specimens was compared with the stress distribution obtained by finite element analysis and a method of prediction of cavity distribution was proposed.

    Web of Science


  • Numerical Simulation of the Microscopic Damage progress in Type IV Creep Failure of Low Alloy Steel Welds Reviewed

    T.Igari, F.Kawashima, T.Tokiyoshi, N.Nishimura, N. Tada

    Proc. Seventh Workshop on the Ultra-Steel, "Ultra Steel: Requirements from New Design of Constructions", National Institute for Materials Science   2003

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Prediction of Inner Cracking Behavior in Heat-Resistant Steel under Creep-Fatigue Condition by Means of Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation Reviewed

    Naoya TADA, Ryuichi OHTANI

    Proc. the Fifth IUTAM Symposium on Creep in Structures, “IUTAM Symposium on Creep in Structures”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands   2001

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    CiNii Article


  • Fatigue Fracture of Third Generation Nickel-Base Single Crystal Superalloy CMSX-10 at High Temperature -Acceleration of Cracking by Stress Hold- Reviewed

    Naoya TADA, Ryuichi OHTANI, Masanori SHIBATA, Shigeaki TANIYAMA

    Proc. Fourth Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, The Society of Materials Science, Japan   2001

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Mesurement of cavities and evaluation of creep damage parameters Reviewed

    N Tada, R Ohtani


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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SOC EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS INC  

    Creep-fatigue tests of Type 304 stainless steel were carried out using smooth bar specimens. Cavities, which were initiated on grain boundaries inside the specimens, were observed on the cross-section. From the early stage of creep-fatigue life, cavities were initiated on grain boundaries one after another without reference to the direction of grain boundaries against the stress axis. However, the only cavities that existed on grain boundaries perpendicular to the stress axis grew. Moreover, four kinds of creep damage parameters, area fraction of cavities, areal cavity density, fraction of cavities on grain boundary lines, and A-parameter, were evaluated, and the results were discussed taking into account the physical meaning of each parameter.

    Web of Science


  • Evaluation of Size, Shape and Location of a Semi-Elliptical Surface Crack Using Direct Current Electrical Potential Method Reviewed

    TADA Naoya, NAKAYAMA Eisuke

    48 ( 10 )   697 - 704   1999.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

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  • Initiation and Arrest of Small Cracks of AS4/PEEK in Transverse Tension

    EJIMA Tsuneyuki, KOIZUMI Masahisa, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   48 ( 9 )   1022 - 1028   1999.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    In order to investigate the fracture process of CFRP with high toughness, a plate specimen of a uni-directionally reinforced AS4/PEEK is subjected to transverse tension at room temperature. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; (1)At 83% of fracture stress, small cracks are initiated along the interfaces of fiber and matrix in a group on or near the edge of specimen. (2)The cracks are semi-circular and they are arrested just after the initiation. (3)Although the number of the cracking regions increases as the applied stress increases, the area of each cracking region does not grow due to the crack arrest. (4)The boundary element analysis and the finite element analysis reveal that the arrest is caused by the cylindrical shape of the interface. (5)The cracks restart to grow and make coalescence when the stress field near the crack tip satisfies the condition of crack kinking. (6)The main crack formed brings about the specimen breaks down when the stress intensity factor reaches the macroscopic toughness, which is evaluated by DCB specimen.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.48.1022

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00063348118?from=CiNii

  • Analysis of Direct Current Potential Field around Multiple Spherical Defects

    TADA Naoya, NAKAYAMA Eisuke, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   65 ( 632 )   693 - 700   1999.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A method for evaluating the distribution of electrical potential around multiple spherical defects was proposed. As the method is based on the known solution for a single defect, the electric field can be efficienly analyzed in comparison with the other methods, such as the finite element method. The electric field in a conductive material with multiple spherical defects at random locations is estimated by the method. The analysis shows that the increase in the potential difference normalized by the potential difference without defects, ΔV/V0, is in proportion to the product of the volumetric density of defects and the mean of cubed defect radius, nv [r3]m. The universal relationship is independent of the location of defects and the distribution of defect radius. Thus, the damage due to the multiple defects can be evaluated by the increase in potential difference.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.65.693

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00059919001?from=CiNii

  • Stress Analysis for Small Edge Crack in Transversely Reinforced Composite Laminate

    EJIMA Tsuneyuki, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   65 ( 631 )   538 - 544   1999.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Stress analysis was conducted for a transversely reinforced composite laminate with an edge crack in the matrix or along an interface by the boundary element method (BEM). The laminate is submitted to the tensile stress perpendicular to the laminate in plane strain condition. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; (1) When the laminate is composed of such two materials as don't show the free edge effect, the stress intensity factor (SIF) for a small edge crack coincides with that for a small inner crack. (2) In the case that the free edge effect is remarkable, when a crack is very small (or thort), the change in normalized SIFs, K1 (K1=K1/Klh, Klh is SIF for a crack in a homogeneous orthotropic body) for a matrix crack and K1, K2 and K1 for an interface crack depend on the magnitude of stress singularity by free edge effect. (3) As a crack becomes larger (or longer), K1 for a matrix crack and Ki for an interface crack tends to converge on the constant values. The convergent values are calculated by the energy release rate for a crack in the homogeneous orthotropic body which has the same elastic constants as those of the composite macroscopically. (4) The magnitude of SIF for a small edge crack can be calculated by the stress distribution near the edge without a crack.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.65.538

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00059805069?from=CiNii

  • Fracture of Sintered Silicon Nitride in Tension, Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue at High Temperatures(Special Issue on Strength of Materials at Elevated Temperatures)

    TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi, KIKURA Makoto, TANAKA Toyonobu

    Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   48 ( 2 )   173 - 180   1999.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    In order to investigate the fracture process of a sintered silicon nitride at high temperatures, tensile, static creep, and fatigue tests were carried out at temperatures from room temperature up to 1573K, and the fracture surface of each specimen was carefully observed by means of optical and scanning electron microscopes. Fracture of the silicon nitride can be classified into two types from the viewpoint of cracking morphology. One is"single cracking type"where only a single crack brings about the fracture. As the crack is initiated at the largest pre-existing defect, distribution and size of the defects greatly affect the fracture strength. The other is"multiple cracking type"where several cracks were observed on the fracture surface as well as on the specimen surface. As the cracks are initiated by viscous sliding of grassy phase along grain boundaries, pre-existing defects affest little the fracture strength. The latter type is apt to appear in the tests with lower tensile stress or lower stress rate at higher temperature.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.48.173

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00059446088?from=CiNii

  • Evolution of creep-fatigue damage in type 304 stainless steel and its detection by electrical potential method

    N. Tada, T. Kitamura, R. Ohtani, E. Nakayama

    Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)   11 ( 6 )   463 - 469   1998

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Chin Acad Sci  

    Creep-fatigue test was carried out using smooth round bar specimens of Type 304 stainless steel. Cavities and small cracks on the cross-section of the specimen were carefully observed by a scanning laser microscope. Moreover, direct current electrical potential method (DC-EPM) was applied in order to evaluate non-destructively the distribution of internal cracks. The distribution evaluated by DC-EPM agrees well with the actual one.



  • Transition from Small Crack to Large Crack for Composite Materials (BEM Analysis on Transversely Reinforced Composite Plate with an Interface Crack)

    EJIMA Tsuneyuki, SAKAGUCHI Shohei, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   63 ( 615 )   2338 - 2344   1997.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Stress analysis was conducted for a traversely reinforced composite plate with an interface crack at the center under tension in plane strain condition by the boundary element method (BEM). The results obtained are summarized as follows ; (1) When the normalized crack length, a=a/d, (a : crack length, d : thickness of matrix layer) is much smaller than unity, the magnitude of stress intensity factors (SIFs), K1, K2, and Ki=(K21+K22)1/2, are close to the SIFs for an interface crack in a dissimilar infinite body. The crack is termed as the small crack for composite materials. (2) As a becomes larger, the normalized SIF, Ki decreases and shows the minimum near a=1, where Ki is the SIF, Ki, divided by the SIF for a homogeneous orthotropic body composed of a Mode I crack, K1h. It increases and converges on a constant value as a increases. (3) The energy release rate calculated from the convergent Ki coincides with that of the crack in a homogeneous orthotropic body where the elastic constants are determined by a mixture of those in the matrix and fibers. The crack is termed as the large crack for composite materials. (4) Since the region of oscillated stress distribution is confined in the vicinity of the crack tip, the stress intensity is represented by Ki, of which values are nearly equal to the SIF of the large crack in a homogeneous orthotropic body.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.63.2338

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    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00050234615?from=CiNii

  • Transition from Small Crack to Large Crack for Composite Materials(BEM Analysis on Transversely Reinforced Composite Plate with a Mode I Center Crack in Matrix)

    SAKAGUCHI Shohei, EJIMA Tsuneyuki, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHITANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   63 ( 614 )   2077 - 2083   1997.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Stress analysis is conducted for a traversely reinforced composite with a Model 1 crack in plane strain condition using the boundary element method (BEM). The crack is introduced in the matrix at the center of the layered composite plate. The results obtained are summarized as follows. (1) When the normalized crack length, a*=a/d, (a : crack length, d : thickness of matrix layer) is much smaller than unity, the high stress region near the crack tip is confined to the matrix. The magnitude of stress intensity factor (SIF), K, is close to K0 for a homogeneous body composed of a single matrix material. The crack is called a small crack for composite materials. (2) As a* becomes longer, the normalized SIF, K*=K/K0, decreases due to the constraint by the adjacent fibers. K* shows a minimum near a*=1 and increases when a* increases. (3) K* tends to be saturated as a* exceeds 5. The energy release rate calculated by the asymptotic magnitude of K* coincides with that of the homogeneous orthotropic body where the elastic constants are determined by a mixture of those in the matrix and fibers. The crack is called a large crack for composite materials.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.63.2077

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00049752588?from=CiNii

  • Analysis of Direct Current Potential Difference in a Multiple-Cracked Material

    TADA Naoya, HAYASHI Yoshihiko, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   63 ( 614 )   2235 - 2242   1997.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The electric field in a conductive material with multiple circular cracks is analyzed by means of the crack-flow modification method (CFMM). It is found that the increase in the potential difference of the cracked meterial normalized by the potential difference without cracks, ΔV/V0, is in proportion to the product of the effective volumetric crack density and the mean of the cubed crack radius, neff3]m. This universal relationship is also valid for multiple semi-circular cracks on the surface of the material and gives the physical meaning of damage detected by the direct current electrical potential method.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.63.2235

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00049752779?from=CiNii

  • Relationship between creep damage parameters and distribution of creep cavities on grain boundaries Reviewed

    N. Tada, T. Kitamura, R. Ohtani

    Computer Aided Assessment and Control of Localized Damage - Proceedings of the International Conference   535 - 542   1996

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Characterization of creep-fatigue fracture of type 304 stainless steel based on initiation and growth of small cracks

    T. Kitamura, R. Ohtani, N. Tada, W. Zhou

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP   303   377 - 382   1995

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ASME  

    Creep-fatigue tests were conducted using smooth specimens of a Type 304 stainless steel at 923K through 1073K and the characteristics of small cracks were observed. The morphology of the fracture was classified into three types
    (1) transgranular cracking on the specimen surface, which is similar to that in room temperature fatigue, (2) intergranular cracking on the specimen surface due to creep, and (3) intergranular cracking inside the specimen due to creep. Type (2) was mainly caused by grain boundary sliding at the specimen surface where the constraint was weak, while Type (3) was brought about by cavities due to grain boundary diffusion coupling with creep deformation of grains, which showed the shortest fatigue lives. The creep-fatigue failure map was constructed in terms of three types of cracking in the 3D-expression of tensile strain rate, compressive strain rate and temperature.



  • Inverse Analysis on the Distribution of Internal Small Defects.

    Tada Naoya, Ohtani Ryuichi, Kitamura Takayuki, Yamada Masaya

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   59 ( 558 )   381 - 386   1993

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper deals with a method for predicting the three-dimensional distribution of internal defects from the two-dimensional observation of intercepted defects on an inspection plane by an inverse analysis. At first, the fundamental relationships between them were analytically derived on the basis of a statistical model where multiple penny-shaped cracks in an infinite body were intercepted by an inspection plane. The validity of the method was confirmed by a numerical simulation. It was, moreover, applied to small creep fatigue cracks distributing in a smooth specimen of a Type 304 stainless steel, and the volumetric density and the distribution of crack size were successfully evaluated.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.59.381

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00019660639?from=CiNii

  • Probabilistic Analysis of the Relationships between the Distribution of Creep Cavities and Creep Damage Parameters.

    Tada Naoya, Kitamura Takayuki, Ohtani Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   59 ( 565 )   2074 - 2080   1993

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Analytical discussion was given on the relationships between actual cavity distribution and creep damage parameters such as volume fraction of cavities, effective cross-sectional area and the 'A' parameter. The relationships between cavity distribution and these damage parameters were derived using a very simple probabilistic model where creep cavities on a grain boundary facet were initiated and grew, depending only on the macroscopic stress (or strain rate) acting on the facet. The exact relationships were represented by Eqs. (16), (20) [or (23)] and (26), respectively. These expressions take into account the effect of the size and direction of grain boundary facets. Damage evolution during creep and creep-fatigue can be calculated using these equations.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.59.2074

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00022973115?from=CiNii

  • Characteristics of Fracture Process and Failure Life in Creep Fatigue from the Viewpoint of Difference Between Initiation and Growth Behavior of Grain Boundary Cracks

    TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   41 ( 469 )   1545 - 1550   1992.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    Fracture process of creep fatigue in a Type 304 stainless steel at 923K can be divided into two types ; "crack initiation type" and "crack growth type". The former is characterized by multiple small cracks initiating one after another along grain boundaries on the specimen surface and coalescing each other at the late stage of failure life, when the material is subjected to relatively large strain ranges in slow tension-fast compression (so called c-p type) strain waveforms. This failure is mostly governed by crack initiation. The latter is distinctive of the initiation and growth of little coalescence, which is revealed under small strain ranges and/or in slow-slow (c-c type) or slow very slow (c-s type) strain waveforms. Therefore, the failure life is controlled by the growth rate of small cracks in this case. In this study, a numerical simulation was done based on a model of two kinds of driving forces for crack initiation and crack growth with random fracture resistance of grain boundaries, in order to distinguish between the two types of fracture process and to estimate the failure life in relation to the cracking behavior.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.41.1545

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00017478090?from=CiNii

  • Method for Evaluationof Remaining Life in High Temperature Component Based on Numerical Simulation of Small Crack Initiation and Growth in Creep-Fatigue.

    KITAMURA Takayuki, TADA Naoya, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   57 ( 540 )   1732 - 1737   1991

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In order to achieve the objective of securing the reliability of high-temperature components, it is necessary to establish a method for predicting the remaining life of their materials subjected to severe creep-fatigue damage. It was reported by the authors that multiple small cracks initiated along grain boundaries on the specimen surface at the very early stage of life in creep-fatigue and their growth and coalescence formed the main crack which induced the failure. Moreover, the process of small crack initiation and growth showed random behavior due to microstructural inhomogeneity. A stochastic model was proposed and the failure process was numerically simulated by means of the Monte Carlo method. This paper provides a scheme of the small-crack-simulation-method for the evaluation of remaining life of the materials in high-temperature components, which is an integration of our previous studies and is summarized in a flow chart.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.57.1732

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00010853924?from=CiNii

  • Electric field analysis for determination of shape and size of semi-elliptical surface-crack by means of D.C. potential drop technique.

    TADA Naoya, SAKANOUE Yoshinori, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   56 ( 522 )   259 - 264   1990

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    It is necessary for determination of crack size and shape by means of D.C. potential drop technique to know electric potential distribution at the surface of cracked body beforehand. The potential distribution on a body with semi-elliptical surface-crack is investigated in this paper. The results obtained are summarized as follows. (i) Exact distribution is derived as Eqs. (1)∼(3) for semi-infinite body with a semi-elliptical surface-crack. As it requires numerial integral to evaluate the potential, a simple approximation method (Eqs. (14) and (15)) is proposed for convenience. It is confirmed by numerical analysis that the error of approximation is very small. (ii) We propose an easy method to make a cracked body with an arbitrary crack shape and size for the calibration of electric potential distribution. Plate specimens with a semi-elliptical surface-crack are made of a wood metal, and the potential distribution is examined experimentally. The values measured coincide the solution of infinite body (see (i)) except that the crack depth is nearly equal to the thickness of plate. It implies that specimen's back surface affects fairly little on the potential distribution at the front surface.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.56.259

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00000700672?from=CiNii

  • Distribution of grain-boundary length and inclination of type 304 stainless steel and its effects on small crack initiation and growth under creep-fatigue conditions.

    KITAMURA Takayuki, TADA Naoya, KURIYAMA Yoshihide, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   56 ( 524 )   702 - 707   1990

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In order to elucidate the microstructural effect on initiation and growth of intergranular small cracks under creep-fatigue conditions, we discuss the randomness of grain-boundary length and inclination. This study consists of the following investigations; (1) the length and inclination of grain boundaries of a stainless steel, SUS 304, are measured by means of image analysing system; (2) a numerical generation method of polycrystal grains is developed on the basis of an isotropic grain growth model; and (3) the crack length and inclination are measured by means of an image analysing system under creep-fatigue conditions. The results obtained from each investigation are summarized as follows, respectively. (A) The grain-boundary inclination of the steel is uniformly distributed and the length between adjacent triple points has a wide scatter between 10 and 100 μm. The length and the inclination are independent of each other (B) The simulated length and inclination of grain-boundaries coincides well with the actual grains of the steel. This method is useful for the stochastic simulation of initiation and growth of microstructurally small cracks, which will be reported in the next paper. (C) Cracks preferentially initiate on the grain boundaries perpendicular to the stress axis by a span between adjacent triple points. The crack growth rate shows a little dependence on the crack tip angle.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.56.702

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00002568416?from=CiNii

  • Effect of compression-going strain rate on initiation and growth of small cracks under creep-fatigue condition.

    KITAMURA Takayuki, TADA Naoya, ABE Muneaki, YUMITA Masato, OHTANI Ryuichi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   56 ( 523 )   575 - 581   1990

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In order to clarify the effect of the compressive strain rate on initiation and growth of small cracks under creep-fatigue condition, the following tests were conducted using smooth specimens of Type 304 stainless steel at 650°C in air, (i) slow-tension and fast-compression (c-p type fatigue), (ii) slow-tension and slow-compression (c-c type fatigue), and (iii) slow-tension and very-slow-compression (c-s type fatigue). The results obtained are summarized as follows. (1) Multiple small cracks initiated and grew at random along grain boundaries being nearly perpendicular to the stress axis at each specimen surface. (2) The compression-going strain rate affected the crack initiation life and the crack density. The c-p type fatigue brought about the shortest initiation life and the highest crack density, and the c-s type fatigue did the longest and the lowest. (3) The crack growth rate was not influenced by the compression-going strain rate but was primarily governed by the tension-going strain rate. (4) The difference of life between c-p type and c-s type fatigue was caused by the difference of crack initiation life and crack coalescence. The highest crack density in the c-p type fatigue made the crack coalesce easily to bring about a long crack.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.56.575

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00001677843?from=CiNii

  • Numerical simulation of initiation and early propagation of creep-fatigue small cracks based on a model of random fracture resistance of grain boundaries

    R. Ohtani, T. Kitamura, N. Tada

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP   163   123 - 127   1989

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Publ by ASME  

    A stochastic model and a method of simulation of the initiation and the early propagation of creep-fatigue small cracks along grain boundaries were proposed. In the model, grain boundaries between two adjacent triple points were projected and linked on a straight line perpendicular to the applied stress axis, and their length was given as random variables of a normal distribution. The grain boundaries had their own fracture resistances, the magnitudes of which were given as uniform random numbers. The fracture resistance of each grain boundary decreased by a constant magnitude corresponding to the driving force of one fatigue cycle. When the resistance became zero or a negative value, the grain boundary was assumed to fracture and to yield an intergranular facet of small crack.



  • Simulation of initiation and early propagation of creep-fatigue small cracks based on the model of random fracture resistance of grain boundaries.

    OHTANI Ryuichi, KITAMURA Takayuki, MURAYAMA Hideaki, TADA Naoya

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   54 ( 503 )   1312 - 1316   1988

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A stochastic model and a method of simulation of the initiation and the early propagation of creep-fatigue small cracks along grain boundaries were proposed. In the model, grain boundaries between two adjacent triple points were projected and linked on a straight line perpendicular to the applied stress axis, and their length was given as random variables of a normal distribution. The grain boundaries had their own fracture resistances, the magnitudes of which were given as uniform random numbers. The fracture resistance of each grain boundary decreased by a constant magnitude corresponding to the driving force of one fatigue cycle. When the resistance become zero or a negative value, the grain boundary was assumed to fracture and to yield an intergranular facet of small crack. Based on this model, a numerical calculation was done for a smooth specimen of 304 stainless steel subjected to the slow-fast strain cycle of 1%-total strain range at 923K in a vacuum. The result of simulation on crack density, cumulative probability of crack length, and crack propagation rates coincided with the experimental results.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.54.1312

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00220856098?from=CiNii

  • High-temperature fatigue crack propagation under cyclic temperature.

    OHTANI Ryuichi, KITAMURA Takayuki, TADA Naoya

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B   53 ( 490 )   1030 - 1036   1987

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In order to investigate crack propagation behavior of thermal fatigue on the basis of non-linear fracture mechanics, crack propagation tests were conducted for isothermal fatigue at several temperatures and for cyclic temperature fatigue. The results obtained were summarized as follows. (1) The fracture mechanics laws in isothermal fatigue dl/dN-ΔJf and dl/dN-ΔJc relations where dl/dN was crack propagation rate, ΔJf was fatigue J-integral range and was ΔJc was creep J-integral range) showed little dependence on temperature. (2) A simple evaluation method of the values of ΔJf and ΔJc in thermal fatigue was proposed. (3) Crack propagation under cyclic temperature could be divided into two types which were cycle-dependent and time-dependent. dl/dN had good correlations with ΔJf and ΔJc for each type, respectively. (4) The transient condition between two types was given by a function of ΔJf and ΔJc. (5) The same fracture mechanics laws were obtained in isothermal and cyclic temperature fatigue.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.53.1030

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00215095136?from=CiNii

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  • Creep-Fatigue Fracture: Analysis of Internal Damage

    Weisheng Zhou, Naoya Tada, ·Junji Sakamoto( Role: Joint author)

    Springer Sigapore  2024.4  ( ISBN:9789819718788

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  • 高分子における劣化・破壊現象の写真・データ事例集

    ( Role: Contributor ,  pp.612-618)

    技術情報協会  2014.3  ( ISBN:9784861044960

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  • 機械工学基礎課程 材料力学

    中井善一, 三村耕司, 阪上隆英, 多田直哉, 岩本剛, 田中拓( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2013.11  ( ISBN:9784254237924

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  • Probabilistic Models on Materials Strength

    ( Role: Contributor)

    2012.5  ( ISBN:9784901381390

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  • 日本材料学会高温強度部門委員会50周年記念出版 高温強度の基礎・考え方・応用

    ( Role: Contributor ,  第6章クリープ破損)

    日本材料学会  2008.10  ( ISBN:9784901381314

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  • ものづくり材料学-基礎と応用

    日本材料学会中国支部  2006 

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  • 改訂材料強度学

    ( Role: Contributor ,  5.2高温疲労寿命)

    日本材料学会  2005.3  ( ISBN:4901381261

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  • 純アルミニウム製小型ブロックの加圧試験における接触面の微視的変形

    前田春輝, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本機械学会2024年度年次大会予稿集   S031p-25   2024.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 鍛造によるアルミニウム合金とアルミニウムめっき鋼の接合に関する検討

    千田亮, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, Nuwan Karunathilaka

    日本機械学会2024年度年次大会予稿集   S042p-09   2024.9

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  • 純チタン細線の引張変形に及ぼす結晶粒径の影響

    田中洸多, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武, 川口暢也

    日本金属学会第64回・日本鉄鋼協会第67回中国四国支部講演大会 講演概要集   B05   2024.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • チタン合金の曲げ振動における振幅変化を用いたき裂寸法推定手法の検討

    坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本材料学会第73期学術講演会講演論文集   521   2024.5

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  • 純チタン薄膜試験片の繰返し引張試験における除荷後の結晶方位変化と表面高度変化の関係

    大橋弘晃, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 上森武

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第62期総会・講演会予稿集   02b5   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 純チタン細線の引張特性に及ぼす結晶粒径の影響についての検討

    田中洸多, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武, 大石滉葉

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第62期総会・講演会予稿集   02a4   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 純アルミニウム製小型ブロックの高接触圧加圧試験における表面形状変化の観察と接触面積率の推定

    中村怜司, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 福本学

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第62期総会・講演会予稿集   02c4   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 3Dプリンタで作製したOnyx円孔試験片の引張特性に及ぼす長炭素繊維導入の効果

    田中亮至, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 池田皇士郎

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第62期総会・講演会予稿集   02a5   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 一方向プリプレグの繰返し曲げにおける直流電位差と炭素繊維位置の変化

    中村駿志, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 村田智哉

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第62期総会・講演会予稿集   02c1   2024.3

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  • 異周速圧延を受ける純アルミニウムの集合組織形成に関する結晶塑性均質化有限要素解析

    井木祐輔, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司

    日本塑性加工学会第74回塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集   97 - 98   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 円孔付き純チタン平板試験片の弾性および塑性域引張における結晶粒中心と粒界近傍における表面高度変化

    緒方隆太, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本機械学会M&M2023材料力学カンファレンス講演予稿集   MM0310   2023.9

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  • 純チタン薄膜試験片の段階的荷重増加繰返し引張試験における除荷後の結晶方位と表面高度の変化

    大橋弘晃, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本機械学会M&M2023材料力学カンファレンス講演予稿集   MM0311   2023.9

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  • アルミニウム合金における 曲げ振動時の疲労損傷に関する検討

    坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本材料学会第72期学術講演会講演論文集   504   2023.5

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  • 抵抗スポット溶接における分流理論モデルとその応用

    福本学, 多田直哉

    溶接学会2023年度春季全国大会講演概要集   112   24 - 25   2023.3

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  • Ti-6Al-4V平滑試験片の引張試験における微視的塑性変形から破壊へのプロセス

    丸一紘大, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 緒方隆太

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第61期総会・講演会予稿集   02c1   2023.2

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  • チタン合金の曲げ振動寿命に及ぼす微粒子ピーニングの影響

    畑昂輝, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武, 杉澤拓海

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第61期総会・講演会予稿集   02b3   2023.2

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  • 鍛造で作製したFe-Al接合試験片の界面強度に関する検討

    両保侑希, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 西本泰己, Nuwan Karunathilaka

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第61期総会・講演会予稿集   02b1   2023.2

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  • セルロースナノファイバー強化天然ゴムの繊維/ゴム界面近傍における変形拘束に関する膨潤試験による検討

    奥井健斗, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 増田廉, 榊原圭太

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第61期総会・講演会予稿集   02b2   2023.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 結晶塑性有限要素解析による多結晶純チタン薄膜の活動すべり系予測

    土居雅利, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第61期総会・講演会予稿集   02c2   2023.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 二相組織材料に発生する不均一応力が等塑性仕事曲面に与える影響に関する均質化有限要素解析

    稲毛俊介, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司

    日本塑性加工学会第73回塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集   387 - 388   2022.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 修正シュミット因子による多結晶純チタン薄膜の活動すべり系予測に関する解析的検討

    土居雅利, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司

    軽金属学会中国四国支部第14回講演大会講演概要集   6 - 6   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 純アルミニウム製小型ブロックを用いた高接触圧加圧試験における表面形状変化の観察

    中村怜司, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 福本学

    軽金属学会中国四国支部第14回講演大会講演概要集   9 - 9   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 超高分子量ポリエチレン/酸化チタン複合材料の引張特性に及ぼす酸化チタン粒子添加量の影響

    丸一紘大, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 田中亮至

    日本機械学会M&M2022材料力学カンファレンス講演予稿集   OS1611   2022.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 多結晶純チタン薄膜の引張における各結晶粒のすべり活動条件に関する検討

    多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 石丸恵太

    日本機械学会M&M2022材料力学カンファレンス講演予稿集   OS0615   2022.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 電気抵抗変化と断面観察による疑似等方性CFRP積層板の疲労損傷評価

    櫻井香織, 高梨正祐, 多田直哉

    日本機械学会M&M2022材料力学カンファレンス講演予稿集   OS1617   2022.9

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • アルミニウム合金の曲げ振動におけるき裂進展に伴う曲げ振幅の変化とそのき裂進展寿命への影響

    小林大悟, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本材料学会第71期学術講演会講演論文集   2022.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • 疲労負荷時のTi-6Al-4V合金細線の直径と公称ひずみの変化

    築原京香, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武, 大石滉葉

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第60期総会・講演会予稿集   02c2   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 直流電位差法を用いたCFRP積層板の初期疲労損傷評価

    河本詳平, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 中村駿志, 櫻井香織, 高梨正祐

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第60期総会・講演会予稿集   02a1   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 引張せん断試験による陽極酸化処理を施した純チタンと高密度ポリエチレンの接合強度評価

    萱嶋千紘, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 丸一紘大, 田中亮至

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第60期総会・講演会予稿集   02a2   2022.3

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  • SUS304箔の平滑および切欠き試験片の引張破壊形態

    王子錚, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第60期総会・講演会予稿集   02c3   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 微視的残留ひずみ測定による多結晶純チタンの引張変形挙動の検討

    松本大樹, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 上森武, 石丸恵太

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第60期総会・講演会予稿集   02c5   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 純チタン薄膜試験片の引張における不均一弾性応力分布と活動すべり系の関係

    石丸恵太, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 上森武, 松本大樹

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第60期総会・講演会予稿集   02c4   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • き裂を導入したセルロースナノファイバー強化天然ゴム試験片の引張における繊維の引き抜けと破断挙動の観察

    榊原桃, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 榊原圭太, 奥井健斗

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第60期総会・講演会予稿集   02b2   2022.3

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    Language:Javanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 疲労初期段階の表面高度変化を用いた純チタンの疲労き裂発生箇所の予測の検討

    彭安瑞, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 上森武

    軽金属学会中国四国支部第13回講演大会講演概要集   8   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Observation of slip lines of pure titanium thin wire in stepwise tensile test

    坂本惇司, 島田侑紀, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   70th   317   2021.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • Effect of Cyclic Bending Deformation on Tensile Strength of Aluminum Foil

    田辺太一, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 白神修

    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   70th   132   2021.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • アルミニウム合金の温間二軸引張変形挙動の解析的検討

    村尾侑亮, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司

    日本金属学会講演概要集2021年春期(第168回)講演大会   168th   197   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • 面内応力反転時の6056アルミニウム合金の応力-ひずみ応答に関する数値解析的検討

    酒匂麻帆, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司

    日本金属学会講演概要集2021年春期(第168回)講演大会   168th   198   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • Analytical Study on Evaluation of Bauschinger Effect of Aluminum Sheet by L-bending Test

    NISHIYAMA Daigo, UEMORI Takeshi, TADA Naoya, SAKAMOTO Junji

    The Proceedings of Conference of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch   2021.59   02b5   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmecs.2021.59.02b5

    CiNii Article


  • Study on slip deformation behavior of crystal grains in notched thin sheet specimens of pure titanium during tension

    ISHIDA Takashi, TADA Naoya, UEMORI Takeshi, SAKAMOTO Junji, ISHIMARU Keita

    The Proceedings of Conference of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch   2021.59   02d2   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmecs.2021.59.02d2

    CiNii Article


  • Numerical Investigation on Rolling Texture of Aluminum by Crystal Plasticity Theory

    TANABE Takuya, UEMORI Takeshi, TADA Naoya, SAKAMOTO Junji, MITSUI Kousuke, ONODERA Kouki

    The Proceedings of Conference of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch   2021.59   02d1   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmecs.2021.59.02d1

    CiNii Article


  • 多結晶純チタンの繰返し引張後の微視的残留応力とすべり線の関係

    松本大樹, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本材料学会第6回材料WEEK材料シンポジウム   104   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • リーン型二相ステンレス鋼板の二軸応力状態下における塑性変形挙動の実験的検討

    藤田隼輔, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 石丸詠一朗

    日本塑性加工学会第71回塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集   221 - 222   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Crystal plastic homogenization finite element analysis of Ti-6242 alloy subjected to in-plane reverse loading

    MITSUI Kousuke, UEMORI Takeshi, TADA Naoya, SAKAMOTO Junji

    ( 20-1 )   J03115   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>To investigate effects of dislocation density on microscopic stress distribution and macroscopic stress-strain relation, we conducted crystal plastic homogenization finite element analysis of Ti-6242 alloy subjected to in-plane reverse loading with dislocation density calculation. As a result, Statistically Stored (SS) dislocation density increased with occurrence of slip deformation for all conditions. On the other hand, Geometrically Necessary (GN) dislocation density was less likely to accumulate at the interface in the parallel relationship between primary slip systems of hcp and bcc. Although GN dislocations only develop near the interface, a large increase in GN dislocation density affects the macroscopic stress-strain relation.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2020.J03115

    CiNii Article


  • 引張せん断試験による異なる表面性状の純チタンと高密度ポリエチレンの接合強度評価

    萱嶋千紘, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 西川紘平

    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会論文集   ( 20-1 )   J04202   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 複素数階偏微分法の汎用有限要素法への適用

    上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 早川邦夫, 成田忍

    鋼板のテンションレベラモデリング高度化研究会最終報告会資料   6   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 電流経路に着目したCFRP内部の繊維分布と電位差の関係に関する解析

    河本詳平, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会論文集   ( 20-1 )   J03312   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • セルロースナノファイバー強化天然ゴムの引張変形に伴う表面高度変化

    榊原桃, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 石田諭史

    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会論文集   ( 20-1 )   J03126   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 精密ショットピーニング処理と研磨を施した高速度工具鋼の表面粗さ,残留応力,疲労寿命の関係に関する検討

    川西志朗, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, ヌワンカルナティラカ

    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会論文集   ( 20-1 )   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Ti-6Al-4V合金細線の疲労特性の評価

    築原京香, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会論文集   ( 20-1 )   J03103   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 表面の微視的不均一変形に基づく材料の破壊予測


    2020年度非破壊検査総合シンポジウム概要集   31 - 34   2020.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Evaluation of Stress Reversal Deformation Behavior of 590 MPa High Tensile Strength Steel Sheet by Using L-Bending Analysis


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • Experimental study on strength differential effect of stainless steel sheet

    柴井宏治, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司

    材料とプロセス(CD-ROM)   33 ( 1 )   2020.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • Effect of resin film lamination on tensile deformation characteristics of stainless steel foil

    信定宥杜, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 上森武

    材料とプロセス(CD-ROM)   33 ( 1 )   2020.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • Evaluation of Tensile and Bending Damages of CFRP Laminates by DC Potential Difference Method

    SATO Kazuma, TADA Naoya, UEMORI Takeshi, SAKAMOTO Junji, KOMOTO Shohei, SUZUKI Natsumi, TAKANASHI Masahiro

    02c1   2020.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmecs.2020.58.02c1

    CiNii Article


  • Numerical analysis for inhomogeneous compressive deformation of Multi-Layered Ceramic Capacitor block

    TAMAO Seijiro, TADA Naoya, UEMORI Takeshi, SAKAMOTO Junji

    03b3   2020.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmecs.2020.58.03b3

    CiNii Article


  • SUS304における繰返し押込みを用いた疲労き裂進展速度の簡易評価法の検討

    内海直人, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第48回若手フォーラム   1st14   2020.2

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  • 多軸ランダム振動下のA5056アルミニウム合金の疲労寿命予測

    山田朋佳, 坂本惇司, 多田直哉, 上森武, 花光崚太

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第48回若手フォーラム   1st15   2020.2

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  • 曲げ加工による高張力鋼板のバウシンガ効果の数値的予測の可能性

    松村宗一郎, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 中本浩聖, 西山大吾, 成田忍

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第48回若手フォーラム   2ndt14   2020.2

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  • 非比例負荷を受けるステンレス鋼板の機械的特性の評価

    佐々木克瑞, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 柴井宏治, 藤田隼輔

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第48回若手フォーラム   2nd15   2020.2

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  • 多軸ランダム振動下のアルミニウム合金の疲労強度評価

    坂本惇司, 山田朋佳, 多田直哉, 上森武, 澁谷忠弘

    M&M2019材料力学カンファレンス講演論文集   ( 19-301 )   OS0336   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 純チタン薄膜の引張変形に伴う表面と裏面の微視的高度分布の関係

    岸本健太郎, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本材料学会第5回材料WEEK材料シンポジウム   207   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • チタン合金細線の疲労への直流電位差法の適用に関する検討

    多田直哉, 高木佑輔, 島田侑紀, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本機械学会2019年度年次大会DVD論文集   ( 19-1 )   J04203   2019.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 引抜き試験による超高分子量ポリエチレン繊維と高密度ポリエチレンの界面強度評価

    西川紘平, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 金銘

    日本複合材料学会第44回複合材料シンポジウム予稿集   99 - 100   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 超高分子量短繊維で強化した自己強化ポリエチレンの試験片厚さと引張強さの関係

    金銘, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司, 西川紘平

    日本複合材料学会第44回複合材料シンポジウム予稿集   129 - 130   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 低荷重負荷による表面高度変化を用いた欠陥検出法に関する検討

    坂本惇司, 國安隼人, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本機械学会2019年度年次大会DVD論文集   ( 19-1 )   J40106   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 590MPa級高張力鋼板の繰返し塑性変形挙動の実験観察とそのモデル化

    上森武, 中本浩聖, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司

    日本機械学会2019年度年次大会DVD論文集   ( 19-1 )   J04202   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 590MPa級DP鋼の繰返し引張-圧縮試験とその構成モデル

    中本浩聖, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 早川邦夫

    日本鉄鋼協会第178回秋季講演大会「材料とプロセス」   32 ( 2 )   732 - 732   2019.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 純チタン細線の引張破断位置と結晶粒径分布の関係に関する検討

    島田侑紀, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    軽金属学会中国四国支部第11回講演大会講演概要集   2019.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 表面に微小凹凸を有する材料の弾性特性評価に関する有限要素解析

    小西裕太, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    軽金属学会中国四国支部第11回講演大会講演概要集   11   2019.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 純チタン多孔板の弾塑性変形に関する有限要素解析

    三井孔佑, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    軽金属学会中国四国支部第11回講演大会講演概要集   12   2019.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 低荷重負荷による表面性状変化を用いた内在欠陥の検出

    坂本惇司, 國安隼人, 多田直哉, 上森武

    日本機械学会材料力学部門M&M若手シンポジウム2019講演論文集   ( 19-14 )   79 - 80   2019.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 引張せん断試験によるアルミニウム合金/高密度ポリエチレンの接合強度評価

    多田直哉, 阿部俊太朗, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本材料学会第68期学術講演会講演論文集   173 - 174   2019.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Effect of Surface Treatment on Tensile and Fatigue Properties of High Speed Tool Steel


    217 - 218   2019.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 高張力鋼板の面内繰返し応力-ひずみ応答に与えるひずみ速度の影響

    上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 中本浩聖, 早川邦夫

    日本鉄鋼協会第177回春季講演大会「材料とプロセス」   32 ( 1 )   307 - 307   2019.3

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  • 多結晶純チタンの引張りにおける結晶方位変化を考慮に入れた微視的すべり変形の評価

    佐藤宏樹, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本金属学会講演概要集2019年春期(第164回)講演大会   55 - 55   2019.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 精密ショットピーニング処理と研磨を施した高速度工具鋼の疲労寿命

    花光崚太, ヌワンカルナティラカ, 多田直哉, 上森武, 坂本惇司

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第57期総会・講演会講演論文集   ( 195-1 )   205   2019.2

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  • 高張力鋼板の面内繰返し変形におよぼすひずみ速度の影響

    嶋村大, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 中本浩聖

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第44回若手フォーラム   2019.2

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  • 重ね合わせ継ぎ手を用いた高延性アクリル系構造用接着剤の静的せん断強度と疲労強度に関する検討

    紙田未来, 上森武, 多田直哉, 坂本惇司, 花光崚太

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第44回若手フォーラム   2019.2

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  • Evaluation of Short Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Fiber Effect on Tensile Strenght of Self-Reinforced Polyethylene Composite

    Naoya TADA, Takeshi UEMORI, Shuntaro ABE

    Abstract, iDICs 2017 Conference and Workshop/SEM Fall Conference   2017

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  • 114 Small Height Change on the Surface of PTFE/Metal Fiber Laminated Material during Tension

    DOI Yuki, TADA Naoya, ISHIHARA Syuji, YAGI Nobuaki

    2016 ( 54 )   "114 - 1"-"114-2"   2016.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 116 Effect of Voids and Interlayer Distance of Dielectric Layers on Compressive Deformation of Multi-Layered Electric Component Block

    KAWATA Junya, TADA Naoya, NARUSE Fumio, YAHIRO Toshiaki

    2016 ( 54 )   "116 - 1"-"116-2"   2016.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 1017 Investigation on Required Mechanical Properties of Balloon Expandable Stents by Comparative Testing

    SUZUKI Tatsuya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, IWATA Daiki, TADA Naoya

    2016 ( 54 )   "1017 - 1"-"1017-2"   2016.2

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  • PS0029-417 Evaluation of viscoelastic strain of polymer material during unloading process by digital image correlation method

    YODEN Takayuki, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    2015   "PS0029 - 417-1"-"PS0029-417-2"   2015.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    To evaluate the effect of non-uniform deformation on the elastic and viscous strain during unloading of the polymeric material, strain distribution after loading, unloading were measured by digital image correlation method. Local viscous strain was obtained by removing the elastic strain from total strain cased during unloading. Obtained results clarified that the strain recover in necked region was very small while those caused in necked surrounding region was large.

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  • OS0102-133 Influence of Strain Path Change on Plastic Deformation Behavior of Ti-Nb Alloys under Biaxial Compressions

    ISHIKAWA Shinichi, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TAKEMOTO Yoshito, TADA Naoya

    2015   "OS0102 - 133-1"-"OS0102-133-2"   2015.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this study, biaxial compression tests along proportional and non-proportional strain paths were performed on binary titanium-niobium alloys (Ti-Nb alloys) of different niobium contents, in order to clarify the deformation behaviors of those alloys under biaxial loadings. The influences of strain path and niobium content upon the compressive deformation behavior were then investigated. It was found that there were differences on stress-strain relations of Ti-Nb alloys owing to the different primary plastic deformation mechanisms. The clear influence of strain path change on the compressive behavior of Ti-35Nb alloy was observed, probably because of the activation of new twin systems after the path change.

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  • 118 Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Self-Reinforced Polyethylene with Short Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Fibers

    TABATA Hirotsugu, TADA Naoya, UEMORI Takeshi, NAKATA Toshiya

    Materials and processing conference   2015 ( 23 )   "118 - 1"-"118-4"   2015.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Tensile tests were performed using plate specimens of self-reinforced polyethylene (SRPE) with short ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers. The effect of fiber length on the properties was investigated. The specimens were made by hot-pressing the stacked HDPE films with short UHMWPE fibers distributed between each film at high temperature. The SRPE specimens showed much larger elastic modulus and tensile strength than monolithic HDPE specimens while their fracture took place at smaller strain than the monolithic HDPE specimens. Focusing on the effect of UHMWPE fibers, the specimens reinforced with longer fibers of 120 μm showed larger elastic modulus and tensile strength than those reinforced with shorter fibers of 60 μm. It was considered that the difference was attributed to the shearing force between fibers and matrix or pull-out force of fibers during tension taking into consideration the feet that lots of pulled-out fibers were observed on the fracture surface.

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  • J0410301 Deformation behaviors of sheet metals during stress path changes and its constitutive model

    UEMORI Takeshi, TADA Naoya

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015   "J0410301 - 1"-"J0410301-4"   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The elasto-plastic deformation behaviors of an IF steel sheet during stress path changes were investigated by performing nonproportional tension-compression tests. To evaluate the developed constitutive models in describing nonproportional deformation behaviors, numerical simulations of stress-strain responses were conducted for the same stress paths as the experiments. From the comparisons of experiment and calculations, it was found that the proposed constitutive model can describe well every deformation behaviors of an IF steel sheet during stress path changes.

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  • G0300402 Small Change in Surface Height and Microscopic Deformation in Tension of High-Density Polyethylene

    TADA Naoya, MATSUKAWA Yoshitaka

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015   "G0300402 - 1"-"G0300402-5"   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Tensile test of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) was performed on the stage of digital holographic microscope (DHM) using plate specimen. The surface height of the order of nano meter was evaluated during tensile test and its change was discussed. Microscopic undulations were observed at small load and the undulations became larger at higher load or displacement. As the height distribution in observation area was similar throughout the tensile test, it seemed that the microscopic deformation was predictable from the surface undulation under small loadings.

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  • G0300705 Study on Alloy Composition Dependent Constitutive Relation under Biaxial Compressions of Binary Titanium-Niobium Alloys

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, ISHIKAWA Shinichi, HISADA Kazuki, TADA Naoya, TAKEMOTO Yoshito

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015   "G0300705 - 1"-"G0300705-3"   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Titanium alloys with beta-stabilizing elements have excellent characteristics such as high specific strength, good plastic formability and good corrosion resistance. However, the deformation behaviors of those alloys under biaxial loadings are still not clarified. In this study, uniaxial and biaxial compression tests of binary titanium-niobium alloys (Ti-Nb alloys) of different niobium contents were performed. The influences of niobium contents upon the compressive deformation behavior were then investigated. It was found that the primary plastic deformation mechanism changed with the niobium content and with deformation pattern. As a consequence of that, the different type of anisotropic hardening appeared. The niobium content dependency of constitutive relation of Ti-Nb alloys was then discussed using equivalent stress variation based on an anisotropic yield function and plastic work.

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  • 110 Evaluation of Location and Size of Wall Thinning on the Back Surface of Flat Plate Based on the Potential Difference Distribution

    NOHARA Manabu, TADA Naoya

    2015 ( 53 )   "110 - 1"-"110-2"   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 114 Study on the Effect of Elastic Anisotropy upon Indentation Load-Displacement Relation of Pure Titanium

    IHARA Akihiro, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2015 ( 53 )   "114 - 1"-"114-2"   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 112 Evaluation of Time-Dependent Joint Strength of Copper-Cored Lead-Free Solder Ball in Air, Distilled Water and NaCl Solution by Testing Device Using Permanent Magnet

    MASAGO Hiroyasu, TADA Naoya, TABATA Hirotsugu

    2015 ( 53 )   "112 - 1"-"112-2"   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 113 Influence of Orientation of Copper Mesh on Deformation Response of Copper Mesh/PP Composites

    MISE Takato, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    2015 ( 53 )   "113 - 1"-"113-2"   2015.2

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  • 111 Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of A2024 Aluminum and AZ31 Magnesium Alloys with KURACERA and Sealing Treatments

    MORIFUJI Syun, TADA Naoya, MAKINO Yukinobu, SAKODA Nobuaki, SAKO Sayaka

    2015 ( 53 )   "111 - 1"-"111-2"   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • Polycrystalline finite element analysis of crystal orientation effect on surface roughness of pure titanium sheet

    KAKIHARA Hiroki, UEMORI Takeshi, TADA Naoya

    ( 155-1 )   117   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • Engineering Collaboration in Applied Solid Mechanics

    Naoya Tada

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Total Engineering Education   45 - 46   2015

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  • Report on the 65th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity

    TADA Naoya

    Journal of the JSTP   56 ( 649 )   129 - 130   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity  

    DOI: 10.9773/sosei.56.129

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  • G0310201 Compressive Plastic Deformation in Micro Areas between Parallel Grooves and in V-shaped Cross-Section Groove Fabricated on Polycrystalline Pure Titanium Surface

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, ISOKAWA Katsuhiro, HARA Kousuke, TADA Naoya

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2014   "G0310201 - 1"-"G0310201-3"   2014.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The compressive deformation behavior in micro areas of industrial pure titanium was investigated, by using a new method in which the deformation constraints from the neighboring areas were reduced by fabricating micro parallel grooves or V-shaped cross-section grooves, by focused ion beam machining. Uniaxial compression test was performed in the direction parallel to the grooves, and the deformation behavior in the areas between the grooves was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The parallel grooves were fabricated to across the deformation twin that appeared by pre-compression, and then the influence of deformation constraint on twinning was discussed. Meanwhile, the V-shaped cross-section grooves were fabricated on several grains to examine the crystal orientation dependency of the deformation of the micro areas. In both cases, the possibility was found to change the primary deformation mechanism in the areas by fabricating micro grooves.

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  • OS0118 Alloy Composition Dependency of Equi-Plastic Work Surfaces in Biaxial Compressions of Ti-Nb Alloys

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, HISADA Kazuki, ISHIKAWA Shinichi, TADA Naoya

    2014   "OS0118 - 1"-"OS0118-2"   2014.7

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    Metastable beta type titanium alloys have been attracting attention in various industrial fields because of their special properties such as high specific strength, good formability, high corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. However, plastic deformation characteristics of the titanium alloys have scarcely been clarified especially under biaxial loading conditions, despite of their importance on metal forming processes. In the present study, uniaxial and biaxial compression tests were performed on titanium-niobium (Ti-Nb) alloys with four different niobium contents, in order to investigate the influences of beta stabilizer content upon compressive deformations. The microstructure of Ti-Nb alloys was found to change from α, α' to p structure with increase of the niobium content. With this change of microstructure, the primary plastic deformation mechanisms were revealed to change from slip and stress-induced martensite to deformation twin and coarse slip with increase of the niobium content and thus the change influenced on the uniaxial and biaxial compressive plastic behaviors.

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  • 115 Deformation Analysis during Production Press Process of Laminated Electronic Component Using Finite Element Method

    YAMAJI Ken, TADA Naoya, NARUSE Fumio, YAHIRO Toshiaki

    2014 ( 52 )   "115 - 1"-"115-2"   2014

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  • 114 Evaluation of Absorbed Energy during Lateral Local Compression and Three-Point Bending of Aluminum Alloy Rectangular Tube by Finite Element Method

    ITO Masashi, ONO Tadanori, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2014 ( 52 )   "114 - 1"-"114-2"   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 113 Joint Strength Evaluation of Copper-Cored Lead-Free Solder Ball in Air, Pure Water and 3.5 wt.% NaCl Solution by Testing Device Using Permanent Magnet

    MASAGO Hiroyasu, TADA Naoya

    2014 ( 52 )   "113 - 1"-"113-2"   2014

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  • 1419 Micro-, mezo- to macroscopic modeling of elasto-viscoplastic deformation of polypropylene

    UCHEDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2013 ( 26 )   "1419 - 1"-"1419-2"   2013.11

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  • OS0402 Comparison between Plastic Deformation Behaviors under Equi-Biaxial Compression and Uniaxial Tension of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, NISHIZAKI Seiki, TADA Naoya

    2013   "OS0402 - 1"-"OS0402-3"   2013.10

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    Tension-compression asymmetry of plastic deformation of magnesium alloys has been known to affect plastic formability in several metal forming processes. However, in most of works on the tension-compression asymmetry, the result of uniaxial tension was compared with that of uniaxial compression. In the present study, the plastic deformation behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloys in uniaxial tension was investigated and compared with those in equi-biaxial compression, in which the macroscopic deformation was equivalent to that of uniaxial tension. It was found that the equi-plastic work point obtained by equi-biaxial compression was on the same isotropic yield curve with that by uniaxial tension, in the early stage of plastic deformation. The crystal orientation measurement results also revealed that the twin area fractions as well as active twin systems by uniaxial tension were almost the same with those by equi-biaxial compression. These results imply that the difference between deformation patterns by uniaxial tension and by uniaxial compression is primary cause of the tension-compression asymmetry of magnesium alloys.

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  • OS0408 Nanometric Change in Surface Height and Microscopic Elasto-Plastic Deformation in Tension of Pure Titanium

    TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto, YAGI Nobuaki

    2013   "OS0408 - 1"-"OS0408-3"   2013.10

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    A tensile test of pure titanium plate specimen was performed on the stage of digital holographic microscope, and a change in the height of each grain on the surface was evaluated during the tests. The load was increased stepwise in the tensile test and the distribution of height change of each grain was evaluated at all steps in nanometer order. The identification of region before and after each loading step was done by the Digital Height Correlation Method (DHCM). The height change of each grain between low loading levels corresponded to that between relatively high loading levels, which suggests that the height change in plastic deformation occurred mainly by crystallographic slips can be predicted by that in elastic deformation. Slip lines after the plastic deformation were observed and the correlation of the slip lines and height change of the grain was discussed.

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  • G031031 Direct-Current Electric Potential Field Analysis of Plate with Local Wall Thinning of Semi-Ellipsoidal Shape

    NOHARA Manabu, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "G031031 - 1"-"G031031-4"   2013.9

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    The direct-current potential difference method (DC-PDM) is an inspection technique to evaluate defects in structures. Although the method needs large direct current and relatively large equipment, many studies on the applicability of DC-PDM to non-destructive inspection have been performed because of low cost, cheap, and good reproducibility of results. DC-PDM has been applied to evaluate general wall thinning. But very few papers deal with the application of DC-PDM to local wall thinning. In this study, approximated solution for electric potential field analysis of a semi-ellipsoidal wall thinning existing on the back surface of a conductive plate was proposed and its validity was examined by comparing with the results by finite element method. The approximated solution agreed with the finite element analysis.

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  • G031014 Study on Relationship between Microscopic Change in Surface Height and Slip Line Distribution in Pure Titanium during Tension Using Digital Holographic Microscope

    YAMAMOTO Yudai, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "G031014 - 1"-"G031014-5"   2013.9

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    Polycrystalline metals are composed of grains with different crystal orientations and sizes, and show inhomogeneous elastic-plastic deformation behavior. Especially for grains on the surface, the inhomogeneous deformation appears accompanied by the change in the height distribution. On the other hand, recently, digital holographic microscope is used to measure the height distribution on the materials surface with high accuracy in a short time. In this study, a cyclic tensile test of polycrystalline pure titanium was carried out and the change in the height distribution was studied using the digital height correlation method. Increase in average height of each grain by unit load in elastic region correlated with those in plastic region, which suggests that the plastic deformation is predictable from the elastic deformation.

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  • G031022 Observation of Compressive Deformation inside Pure Titanium Grain with Reduced Deformation Constraint by Parallel Grooves

    ISOKAWA Katsuhiro, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "G031022 - 1"-"G031022-4"   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In the present study, a new method to reduce deformation constraint in a grain of industrial polycrystalline pure titanium was introduced, by fabricating micro parallel grooves in the grain by means of a focused ion beam method. Uniaxial compression test was then performed in the direction parallel to the grooves, and the influence of reduced deformation constraint upon the characteristics of plastic deformation in the area between the grooves was investigated. The comparisons of the plastic deformation of the area with that without grooves revealed that the plastic deformation behavior as well as the deformed feature of the grain clearly changed by the presence and absence of the deformation constraint. The influence of deformation constraint upon the plastic deformation behavior of titanium grain was thus discussed with taking into consideration the crystallographic orientation.

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  • G031016 Influence of Alloy Composition upon Biaxial Compressive Deformation Behavior along Proportional Strain Path of Metastable p-Type Titanium-Niobium Alloys at Room Temperature

    HISADA Kazuki, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TAKEMOTO Yoshito, TADA Naoya

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "G031016 - 1"-"G031016-4"   2013.9

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    Metastable β-type titanium alloys have many features such as high specific strength, good ability of plastic deformation, excellent corrosion resistance, biocompatibility, and low Young's modulus, which are useful in aerospace, biomedical and chemical industries. However, plastic deformation behaviors of metastable β-type titanium alloys under multi-axial compressive conditions have not been clarified. In the present study, four types of Ti-Nb alloys, Ti-20mass%Nb, Ti-30mass%Nb, Ti-35mass%Nb, and Ti-45mass%Nb were prepared. The uniaxial and biaxial compression tests with proportional strain paths were then performed on Ti-Nb alloys by using a biaxial compression testing machine. The results of uniaxial compression tests revealed that stress induced martensite transformation, deformation twin, coarse slip occurred on Ti-20 and 30Nb, Ti-35Nb, and Ti-45Nb, respectively. It was found by biaxial compression tests that the plastic deformation behavior including anisotropic hardening also changes with Nb content.

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  • G011044 Finite Element Analysis on Evaluation of Crack Position and Size in Pipe-Flange Welded Part by Direct-Current Potential Difference Method

    KOSAKA Masaki, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "G011044 - 1"-"G011044-4"   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Detection of cracks initiated at pipe-flange welded part by using direct current potential difference method had been proposed and the related researches have been conducted. However, the evaluation of the position and shape of the crack has not been discussed. In this study, three-dimensional electric potential field analysis was carried out by finite element method assuming that crack was initiated at the interface between flange and weld metal and effect of the circumferential angle and the central position of the crack on change in potential difference at the boundary between weld metal and flange was evaluated. As a result, potential difference along the circumferential direction significantly changed around the both tips of crack and the position where potential difference shows extreme value approximately corresponded to the crack tips.

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  • J042032 Study on Relationship between Area Fraction of Graphite and Inclination and Position of Tensile Fracture Surface of Gray Cast Iron

    INADA Yusuke, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, IGUCHI Katsuyuki

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "J042032 - 1"-"J042032-3"   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Gray cast iron is used as structural materials for many machines. It has been assumed homogeneous when its strength was evaluated. But it has a composite structure of perlite and graphite. It is necessary to consider its microstructure for accurate strength evaluation of reliable products. In this study, the distribution of graphite was observed by SEM and its area ratio A_G was evaluated in equally divided areas of parallel part of specimen. It was found that high A_G region corresponded to the fracture surface of tensile test. This fact suggests that the position of fracture surface is predictable by the distribution of graphite.

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  • G031071 Deformation and Fracture of A5052 Aluminum Alloy Specimens with Hard Anodic Oxidation and KURACERA Treatments under Uniaxial Tension

    MORIFUJI Syun, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, MAKINO Yukinobu, SAKODA Nobuaki, TAJIRI Sayaka

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "G031071 - 1"-"G031071-4"   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Recently, aluminum alloys are important structural materials because of high specific strength, lightweight, excellent in recycling. Various surface treatments for aluminum alloys have been developed for improvement of corrosion and wear resistances. Among them, environment-friendly anodizing in which oxide coating is formed on the material surface with easy process has been applied to a wide range of structural material. Also, plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) treatment was developed. Since KURACERA coating, it is classified PEO coating, is harder than anodic oxide coating, it is expected spacious application. In this study, in order to research the effect of oxide coating on deformation and fracture behavior, hard anodizing and KURACERA treated test specimen were observed with microscope during tensile test and the results were compared. The following results were obtained. With increasing the coating thickness, longitudinal elastic constant of coating, tensile strength and strain at fracture decreased. Longitudinal elastic constant of KURACERA coating was larger than that of hard anodic oxide coating. Also, since surface roughness was large in specimens with thick coating, more stress concentration occurred in thick coating larger and made necking and cracking easy.

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  • J012022 Finite Element Analysis on Evaluation of Crack on Joint Interface between Copper-Cored Lead-Free Solder Ball and Copper by DC-PDM

    KAI Tomoki, TADA Naoya

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "J012022 - 1"-"J012022-5"   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this study, Direct-Current Potential Difference Method (DC-PDM) was proposed for quantitative evaluation of crack initiation and propagation on joining between copper-cored lead-free solder ball and copper plate specimen when copper plate specimen was subjected to cyclic tension. Finite element method was used for three dimensional potential analysis to clarify the relationship between change in potential difference and change in crack depth. In addition, influence of crack depth and joint condition on potential difference was considered. It was found that the relationship between crack size and potential difference is represented by a master curve with modification coefficient of core independently of joint condition.

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  • G031015 Study on Compressive Forming Limit of Cast AZ31 Magnesium Alloy by Biaxial Compressions with Proportional and Non-proportional Strain Paths

    AKIYAMA Daisuke, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "G031015 - 1"-"G031015-3"   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Magnesium alloys have special features such as light weight, high specific strength, and good reusability. However, information on the compressive formability of magnesium alloys in multi-axial compressive stress conditions is still limited, nevertheless of their importance in plastic working processes such as forging and extrusion. In the present study, biaxial compression tests of initially isotropic cast AZ31 magnesium alloy were performed along proportional and non-proportional strain paths at room temperature. In the tests, the change of microstructure was observed using a scanning electron microscope. The results revealed that the compressive forming limit of AZ31 magnesium alloy was affected not only by the maximum shear stress but also by the hydrostatic stress. The area fraction of twin, which influences on the compressive flow behavior, was found to vary according to the strain paths.

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  • 207 Deformation Analysis of Gold Thin Film on Polycarbonate Substrate Subjected to Thermal Change and Tensile Load by Finite Element Method

    GERILI Sibuda, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, HU Yafei

    2013 ( 51 )   "207 - 1"-"207-2"   2013.2

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  • 208 Absorbed Energy Evaluation during Lateral Local Compression and Three-Point Bending of Rectangular Steel Tube by Plastic Hinge Theory

    KOHARA Masato, ONO Tadanori, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2013 ( 51 )   "208 - 1"-"208-2"   2013.2

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  • A Fundamental Study on Plastic Deformation of Metastable Beta-Type Ti-Nb Alloys under Uniaxial and Biaxial Compressions

    Ichiro Shimizu, Kazuaki Hisada, Naoya TADA, Yoshito TAKEMOTO

    Abstract Book of the International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2013 & the 12th Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics   48 - 48   2013

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  • Motivation for Scientific Research Reviewed

    TADA Naoya

    Journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials   62 ( 7 )   472 - 472   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.62.472

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  • 924 Study on the periodic boundary condition under macroscopic strain gradient

    UCHEDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2012 ( 25 )   378 - 379   2012.10

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  • OS0302 Plastic Deformation and Forming Limit of Initially Isotropic Cast AZ31 Magnesium Alloy under Biaxial Compressions at Elevated Temperatures

    HIRANO Seiki, SHIMIZU Ichiro, AKIYAMA Daisuke, TADA Naoya

    2012   "OS0302 - 1"-"OS0302-2"   2012.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Magnesium alloys have special features such as light weight, high specific strength and good reusability. However, information on the flow behavior and formability of magnesium alloys in multi-axial compressive stress conditions is highly limited, nevertheless of their importance for plastic working processes such as forging and extrusion. In the present study, the uniaxial and biaxial compression tests along proportional strain paths were conducted at room and at elevated temperatures, and thus the influence of strain paths and temperature upon mechanical properties and compressive forming limit were discussed. The results revealed that the flow stress scarcely changes with the test temperature in the range from 493 K to 523 K. On the other hand, the compressive forming limit was found to be dependent on the temperature as well as the strain paths.

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  • J041025 Basic Study on Crystal Orientation Dependency of Uniaxial Compressive Deformation of Micropillar Fabricated in Grain of Pure Titanium

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, OKANO Shoutaro, TADA Naoya

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2012   "J041025 - 1"-"J041025-3"   2012.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Titanium is one of materials with hexagonal close-packed structure, in which mechanical twinning often occurs and the plastic behavior becomes rather complicated. In recent years, the compression testing technique of a micropillar fablicated in a grain of metallic material has been developed for the purpose to study the deformation properties of a single crystal structure in a polycrystalline aggregate. In the present study, micropillars with rectangular cross section were fablicated in grains of industrial pure titanium by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technique. The micro-compression tests were then performed in order to investigate the compressive behavior of single crystal micropillars. It was found that the load-displacement relations obtained by compression tests varied according to the crystal orientation and dimensions of the micropillars. Several traces of mechanical twinning were found to appear on the side surfaces of micropillars after the compression test, when the compressive force was applied in <0001> direction of the titanium grains.

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  • Non-Destructive Evaluation of Damage at Small Joint Interface Using Direct-Current Potential Difference Method

    61 ( 9 )   452 - 457   2012.9

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  • Three-Dimensional Electric Potential Field Analysis of the Relationship between Cracks Initiated at Pipe-Flange Welded Parts and Change in Potential Difference

    TADA Naoya, TOKUNAGA Kazuya

    61 ( 4 )   175 - 182   2012.4

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  • 107 Change in Surface Profile of Pure Titanium Specimen during Tension Using Digital Holographic Microscope

    TAKAHASHI Kousuke, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto

    2012 ( 50 )   10701 - 10702   2012.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 109 Absorbed Energy Evaluation during Three-Point Bending of Rectangular Steel Tube for Modeling of Vehicle Side Pole Impact

    KOHARA Masato, ONO Tadanori, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2012 ( 50 )   10901 - 10902   2012.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 212 Evaluation of Crack Initiation on Au Thin Film during Monotonic Tensile Loading

    HU Yafei, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, SATO Naoyuki, GERILI Subuda

    2012 ( 50 )   21201 - 21202   2012.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 103 Tensile Test of KURACERA Treated Aluminum Alloys

    FUKUNAGA Keigo, MAKINO Yukinobu, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, SAKODA Nobuaki, TAJIRI Sayaka

    2012 ( 50 )   10301 - 10302   2012.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • "マクロおよびナノポーラス金属の開発最前線":中嶋 英雄 監修(シーエムシー出版発行)

    多田 直哉

    材料   61 ( 2 )   S2   2012

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    Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.61.S2

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  • 110 Tensile Test of Small Solder Joint Using Permanent Magnets


    61   19 - 20   2012

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  • 101 Relationships between Crack Initiation and Flaky Graphite Distribution during Uniaxial Tension of Gray Cast Iron

    INADA Yusuke, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, IGUCHI Katuyuki

    61   1 - 2   2012

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  • 626 A Fundamental Study on Compressive Behavior of Pure Titanium Micropillar Fabricated by FIB Technique

    ISOKAWA Katsuhiro, SHIMIZU Ichiro, OKANO Shotaro, TADA Naoya

    61   383 - 384   2012

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  • 504 Three-dimensional Measurement during Tensile Test of HDPE and PP by Time-series Stereo Image Correlation Method

    KANAGAWA Tomoya, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    61   109 - 110   2012

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  • 529 Absorbed Energy Evaluation by Dynamic Lateral Local Compression of Rectangular Metal Tube Simulating Pole Side Impact of Vehicle

    ONO Tadanori, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, TAKUBO Nobuaki

    61   365 - 366   2012

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  • Monitoring of Crack on Lead-free Solder Ball/Copper Joint Interface under Cyclic Loading at Constant and Varied Temperature by DC-PDM

    51 ( 1 )   284 - 289   2012

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  • 2316 Finite Element Analysis on Influence of Neighboring Graphite on Stress around Flaky Graphite of Cylinder Block of Gray Cast Iron Cylinder Block

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   664 - 666   2011.10

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  • 303 Compressive Behavior of Micropillar Fabricated in Grain of Pure Titanium by FIB Technique

    OKANO Shotaro, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   44 - 45   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 106 Electric Field Analysis of Evaluation Method of Interface Crack under Solder Ball without Influence of Deformation of Copper Plate Specimen


    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   12 - 14   2011.10

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  • 315 Evaluation of Forming Limit in Biaxial Compressions along Proportional Strain Paths of Magnesium Alloys

    OKADA Kousuke, SHIMIZU Ichiro, HIRANO Seiki, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   72 - 73   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 207 Effect of Loading Condition on Crack Initiation in Gold Thin Film on Polycarbonate Substrate

    SATO Naoyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, HU Yafei, GERILI Subuda

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   32 - 33   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 312 Evaluation of microscopic non-uniform deformation of semi-crystalline polymer by means of digital image correlation method

    ZHANG Cui, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   65 - 66   2011.10

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  • 1205 Study on Application of Direct-Current Potential Difference Method to Branched Crack

    HOZUKI Atsushi, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   416 - 417   2011.10

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  • 703 Numerical Simulation of Tensile Deformation Behavior of Semi-crystalline Polymers with Spherulites of Different Sizes

    KOBATA Atsushi, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   166 - 167   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 307 Absorbed Energy Evaluation during Deformation of Rectangular Steel Tube by Using Plastic Hinge Theory for Modeling of Vehicle Pole Side Impact

    ONO Tadanori, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, HAGA Hideto, KOHARA Masato, TAKUBO Nobuaki

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   55 - 57   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 311 Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Surface Deformation during Neck Propagation Process of Polymer

    TANAKA Shohei, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2011 ( 24 )   63 - 64   2011.10

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  • OS2013 Evolution of Plastic Anisotropy and Its Texture Dependency of Industrial Pure Titanium by Biaxial Compression

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, IDEI Junya, TADA Naoya

    2011   "OS2013 - 1"-"OS2013-2"   2011.7

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    The compressive plastic behavior of a commercial grade pure titanium was systematically investigated. Uniaxial and biaxial compression tests with linear strain paths were performed on titanium specimens by means of the original biaxial compression test device. The initial textures of the specimens were controlled using heat-treatment and cold-rolling, in order to investigate the influences of texture and strain paths on the plastic behavior. The results revealed that the initial texture strongly influenced on the yield surface and the anisotropy growth. Area fraction of mechanical twinning was also measured, thus the fraction of twinning was found to vary according to the strain path and then anisotropic hardening was promoted.

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  • GS13 Finite Element Analysis for Stress Distribution around Flaky Graphite of Cylinder Block of Gray Cast Iron

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, IMAZU Tomohiro

    2011   "GS13 - 1"-"GS13-3"   2011.7

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    The stress distribution near the tip of flaky graphite of gray cast iron used for diesel engine cylinder block was calculated by the fmite element method, and compared with results of varied six finite element models, value of theory of stress intensity factor and value of stress concentration factor mutually. The value of stress distribution near the tip of flaky graphite of fmite element model with single hole and value of theory of stress intensity factor and stress concentration factor was almost equal. The ratio of stress distribution near the tip of flaky graphite of fmite element model with single graphite and stress distribution of finite element model with single hole was almost uniform about sampled three graphite. The ratio of stress distribution near the tip of flaky graphite of finite element model with single hole and finite element model with multi holes model was not uniform about sampled three graphite. These results were showed that the stress distribution near the tip of flaky graphite of gray cast iron was influenced by distribution of graphite.

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  • 1716 Life prediction of engine mount considering the effect of creep at high temperatures

    Prabhakar SOMA, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto, SHIGECHIKA Junji, NAKAHARA Kazunari

    2011 ( 49 )   545 - 546   2011.2

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  • 1705 Volume Change and Inhomogeneous Deformation of Multilayer Composite Structurein Compressive Process

    NARUSE Fumio, TADA Naoya

    2011 ( 49 )   523 - 524   2011.2

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  • 1704 Study on Nano-Order Height Change of Grains in Pure Titanium Specimenduring Compression Using Digital Holographic Microscope

    YAGI Nobuaki, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto, TAKAHASHI Kousuke

    2011 ( 49 )   521 - 522   2011.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

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  • 1703 Measurement ofThree Dimensional Displacement during Neck Propagation Process of Polymerby Stereo Digital Image Correlation Method

    TANAKA Shouhei, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    2011 ( 49 )   519 - 520   2011.2

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  • 1503 An Experiment for Static Modeling of Vehicle Deformation by Pole Side Impact

    ONO Tadanori, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TAKUBO Nobuaki

    2011 ( 49 )   449 - 450   2011.2

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  • 1518 Observation of Deformation of Au Thin Film Deposited on Polycarbonate Substrate Subjected to Cyclic Loading

    SATO Naoyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, HU Yafei

    2011 ( 49 )   479 - 480   2011.2

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  • "図解 はじめての固体力学 -弾性,塑性,粘弾性-":有光 隆 著(講談社発行)

    多田 直哉

    材料   60 ( 7 )   S6   2011

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    Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.60.S6

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  • 702 Study on Biaxial Compressive Forming Limit along Linear Strain Paths of Initially Isotropic Cast AZ31 Magnesium Alloy

    HIRANO Seiki, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, OKADA Kousuke

    60   83 - 84   2011

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  • 201 Study on Elastic Modulus Evaluation of Ti-Mo Alloy by Means of Indentation Test with Indenters of Various Shapes

    KOBATAKE Tetsuya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, KIMURA Noriaki, TAKEMOTO Yoshito

    60   135 - 136   2011

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  • 208 Numerical Simulation of Micro, Meso and Macroscopic Non-Uniform Deformation of Semi-Crystalline Polymer

    UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    60   149 - 150   2011

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  • 1709 Effect of Crack Configuration and Electric Conductivity of Solder Ball on Evaluation of Interface Crack between Solder Ball and Copper by DC-PDM

    TADA Naoya, NAKAHARA Ryoichi, YOSHIDA Naoto

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2010 ( 23 )   453 - 454   2010.9

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  • 1105 Effect of development of plastic deformation field on stress-strain relation of the semi-crystalline polymer during tensile test

    UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2010 ( 23 )   127 - 128   2010.9

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  • C204 Detection of Stress Corrosion Cracking on the Surface of Stainless Steel Plate by DC-PDM

    MAEDA Hiroki, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto

    National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems   2010 ( 15 )   329 - 332   2010.6

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    In order to examine the applicability of the direct-current potential difference method to detection of stress corrosion cracking, the potential difference was measured on the surface of stainless steel plates with simulated cracking. Potential difference was measured near the cracking and at the points distant from the crack to evaluate the degree of increase in the potential difference by the crack. The potential difference near the cracking area was higher than that in the other area. The normalized potential difference, which is the ratio of potential difference near the cracking to that far from the area, was 1.03 to 1.50. The result suggests that stress corrosion cracking was able to be detected by direct-current potential difference method.

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  • 106 Evaluation of Deformation Behavior of Multilayer Composite Structure

    NARUSE Fumio, TADA Naoya

    2010 ( 48 )   11 - 12   2010.2

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  • 107 Observation of deformation of Au thin film deposited on polycarbonate substrate subjected to compressive loading and unloading

    HASHIMOTO Kazuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, SATO Naoyuki

    2010 ( 48 )   13 - 14   2010.2

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  • 214 Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of the Effect of Copper Wire Delamination and Voids on Evaluation of Interface Crack between Solder Ball and Copper by Direct Current Potential Difference Method

    YOSHIDA Naoto, NAKAHARA Ryoichi, TADA Naoya

    2010 ( 48 )   59 - 60   2010.2

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  • Prediction of Material's Lives under High Temperature Conditions

    TADA Naoya

    Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers   113 ( 1094 )   8 - 11   2010.1

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  • 239 Effect of Microscopic Heterogeneity on Neck Propagation Behavior of Amorphous Polymers

    UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    59   283 - 284   2010

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  • 226 Indentation Behavior of Grains of Ti-14Mo Alloy Deformed Mainly by Twin

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, KIMURA Noriaki, TADA Naoya, TAKEMOTO Yoshito

    59   257 - 258   2010

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  • G0300-9-3 Deformation Behavior and Density Change of Multilayer Composite Structure during Compression

    NARUSE Fumio, TADA Naoya

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   255 - 256   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A lot of multilayer ceramic electric devices, for example MLCCs, are manufactured by stacking the ceramic sheets with printed internal electrodes and pressing it to make a monolithic structure. However, the pressing process also causes non-uniform deformation in the ceramic block and it hinders the realization of MLCCs' downsizing. Therefore, the development of highly accurate press technology has been desired. In this study, experimental study on the compression of block of stacked ceramic sheets was carried out and the change in density of side-gap and the local deformation in the block were investigated. It was found that the change in density of side-gap begins to increase at the onset of compression and become constant at the compressive strain of 10%.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2010.1.0_255

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  • S0304-1-3 Evaluation of Crystal Orientation of Ti-Mo Alloys Using Micro Indentation Test

    KIMURA Noriaki, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, TAKEMOTO Yoshito

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   265 - 266   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In recent years, β-type Ti alloys have been attracting much attention for industrial applications, not only by its high specific strength and superior formability but also by special features such as low elastic modulus and extraordinary plastic deformation behavior. However, the studies on β-Ti alloys are still less than those on other types of Ti alloys. Hence, the evaluation processes of various properties of β-Ti alloys have still not been established nevertheless of their importance for industrial applications. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the crystal orientation of grains of β-Ti alloys by means of micro indentation technique. Ti-14Mo and Ti-20Mo alloys, whose primary deformation mechanisms are mechanical twin and coarse slip, respectively, were employed as typical β-Ti alloys. The detailed investigations were performed on the relationship between the crystal orientation and the indentation behavior. The results revealed that the lines which appeared around the indentation of Ti-14Mo almost corresponded to twin boundaries, while those of Ti-20Mo were slip lines. The distortion of indentation shapes also appeared on both Ti-Mo alloys. Based on these results, the procedure of crystal orientation evaluation by micro indentation test was discussed.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2010.1.0_265

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  • J0301-1-3 Forming Limit of Extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy in Biaxial Compressions along Proportional Strain Paths

    OKADA Kousuke, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   255 - 256   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The deformation twinning of magnesium alloys is known to induce compressive fracture at room temperature. However, the formability in multi-axial compressive stress conditions has scarcely been investigated, nevertheless their importance for plastic working processes such as forging and extrusion. In the present study, biaxial compressive plastic behavior and compressive forming limit of AZ31 magnesium alloy at room temperature were investigated using a unique biaxial compression testing machine. The uniaxial and biaxial compression tests along proportional strain paths were conducted, and thus the influence of strain path upon the mechanical properties and the forming limit were discussed. The compressive forming limit indicated clear strain path dependency. It was also found that the forming limit was influenced by the plastic anisotropy. The adaptability of the typical forming limit criterion to the compressive forming limit was also discussed.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2010.6.0_255

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  • S0305-3-2 Effect of Carbon Black Fraction on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Vulcanized Natural Rubber Used in Engine Mount Applications

    SOMA Prabhakar, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto, NAKAHARA Kazunari, KATAYAMA Minoru

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   141 - 142   2010

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The effect of carbon black loading on fatigue crack growth rate of vulcanized natural rubber used in automotive applications such as engine mounts was studied using pure shear specimens. Tearing energy was calculated from uncut specimens while crack growth rate was calculated from cyclic tests of cut specimens. Finally the fatigue crack growth rate as a function of tearing energy was determined. The fatigue crack growth rate of natural rubber at a given tearing energy was decreased with the increase in fraction of carbon black.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2010.1.0_141

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  • G0300-6-2 Finite Element Analysis for Strength Evaluation of Cylinder Block of Gray Cast Iron Taking into Consideration the Distribution of Flaky Graphite

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, IMAZU Tomoihro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   225 - 226   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The stress distribution in gray cast iron used for diesel engine cylinder block was calculated by the finite element method. The distribution of flaky graphite on the surface of the gray cast iron was observed by microscope and it was reproduced in the analysis model. Three models, (I) multiple graphite model, (II) multiple hole model, and (III) single hole model, were used and the stress distribution near the tip of flaky graphite was discussed. The stress intensity factor for critical flaky graphite was approximately calculated. The results of the present analysis suggested that the stress intensity factor for the critical flaky graphite was found to be about 3.7 times as high as that of a single crack with the same length. Furthermore, critical graphite length to the fracture of cylinder block of diesel engine was calculated based on the proposed method. The length was much larger than that of actual graphite.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2010.1.0_225

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  • 1511 Effect of Copper Wire Location and Voids on Evaluation of Interface Crack between Solder Ball and Copper by Direct Current Potential Difference Method

    NAKAHARA Ryoichi, YOSHIDA Naoto, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2009 ( 22 )   724 - 725   2009.10

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  • 903 Numerical simulation of mechanical behavior of polycrystalline metals under macroscopic strain gradient

    UCHIDA Makoto, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2009 ( 22 )   330 - 331   2009.10

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  • OS0317 Biaxial Compressive Plastic Behavior of Hexagonal Close-Packed Metals Including Twinning

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, IDEI Junya

    2009   734 - 735   2009.7

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    Uniaxial and biaxial compression tests with proportional strain paths were preformed on industrial pure titanium and AZ31 magnesium alloy, in order to investigate the plastic behavior of hexagonal close-packed metals. Those distinctive features were clarified by comparing with the results of industrial pure iron. The true stress-true strain curves of pure titanium and AZ31 alloy showed constant or increasing strain hardening ratio within a certain range of applied strain, due to deformation twinning. The work contours, namely contours of the equal expenditure of plastic work, were obtained by biaxial compressive stress-strain relations for the study of yielding behavior. The deviation of work contour plots in biaxial compression region became large with the progress of plastic deformation. This fact implies the evolution of anisotropy during biaxial compressions of hexagonal close-packed metals.

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  • 117 Study on Change in Surface Undulation of Pure Titanium Specimen During Compression Using Digital Holographic Microscope

    YAGI Nobuaki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, NAITOU Takayuki

    2009 ( 47 )   33 - 34   2009.2

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  • 205 Effect of Mechanical Properties of Workpieces on Non-axisymmetric Forming by Synchronous Spinning

    TANAKA Shuichi, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2009 ( 47 )   55 - 56   2009.2

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  • 1010 Fatigue crack growth rate of vulcanized natural rubber and effect of heat aging

    SOMA Prabhakar, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto, KATAYAMA Minoru, NAKAHARA Kazunari

    2009 ( 47 )   345 - 346   2009.2

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  • 115 Crystal plasticity analysis of surface undulation of polycrystalline metals occurred by compressive deformation

    ANZAI Hiroaki, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    2009 ( 47 )   29 - 30   2009.2

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  • 534 Crystal Orientation Dependency of Indentation Geometry and Its Surrounding Deformation of Ti-Mo Alloys

    KIMURA Noriaki, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, TAKEMOTO Yoshito, ISHIDA Takahisa

    58   359 - 360   2009

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  • 523 Study on Plastic Behavior of Pure Titanium during Various Biaxial Compression Strain Paths

    IDEI Junya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    58   337 - 338   2009

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  • 533 Evaluation of Local Deformation of Semi-Crystalline Polymer during Neck Propagation by Digital image Correlation Method

    UCHIDA Makoto, KAJIMOTO Tetsuharu, TADA Naoya

    58   357 - 358   2009

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  • Grain-by-grain distribution of plastic strain and rotation in polycrystal pure copper and pure nickel specimens subjected to tensile loading

    Copper and copper alloy   48 ( 1 )   259 - 265   2009

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  • S0301-6-3 Study on Stress along the Fillet on Upper Deck of Cylinder Block during Operation and Fatigue Strength by Finite Element Analysis

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2009   119 - 120   2009

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    The static stress by tightening cylinder head bolts and the stress in operation were calculated by using finite element analysis along the fillet on an upper deck of cylinder block with wet liner structure. The stress was calculated based on dynamic balance of cylinder block and its stiffness ratio to cylinder head bolt. The stress distribution before and during operation evaluated by finite element analysis corresponded to the measurement results. The fatigue strength was examined by plotting the stress amplitude and the mean stress on the fatigue limit diagram. The results corresponded to the presence or absence of crack along the fillet of test and prototype engines well.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.1.0_119

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  • S0302-1-4 A suggestion of evaluation method for crystallographic orientation of pure titanium by means of micro indentation test

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, ISHIDA Takahisa

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2009   133 - 134   2009

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    Most characteristics of metallic materials are influenced by crystallographic orientation of grains. Measurement of crystal orientation is therefore important for effective use of metallic materials. However, the most methods employed for orientation measurement require expensive apparatus and technical skills. Meanwhile, indentation testing is easy to perform and the imposed micro-indentation geometry on a grain is possible to reflect its crystallographic orientation. The present study aims to establish the method to evaluate crystallographic orientation of grain in polycrystalline metal, based on the indentation geometry. The indentation tests with triangular pyramidal indenter were carried out on pure titanium grains, of which crystal orientations were premeasured by electron backscattered diffraction method. Thus, the relationship between the crystallographic orientation and the indentation geometry was discussed. The results indicated that the directions of <0001> axis and <21^^-1^^-0> axis projected on sample surface were well-correlated with the deviation of te indentation shape from the ideal one. This fact suggests the possibility to evaluate crystallographic orientation by the imposed indentation geometry.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.1.0_133

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  • B19 Study on Reducing Method of Static Stress along Fillet of Upper Deck of Cylinder Block for Dry Liner by Non-Linear FEA

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, Iwasaki Kouji

    2008   83 - 84   2008.10

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  • A01 Study on Plastic Deformation in Pure Titanium Grains by EBSD Method and Deposited Marks at Lattice Points

    NAITOU Takayuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2008   1 - 2   2008.10

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  • A07 Continuous Evaluation of Distribution of Local Deformation of Semi-Crystalline Polymers in Tensile Test

    KAJIMOTO Tetsuharu, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    2008   13 - 14   2008.10

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  • A13 Study on Fracture Condition on the Fillet of Upper Deck of Cylinder Block for Diesel Engine

    IMADU Tomohiro, IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, IWASAKI Kouji

    2008   25 - 26   2008.10

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  • A10 Monitoring of Joined Interface Crack between Lead-Free Solder Ball and Copper in High Temperature Cyclic Tension by DC-PDM

    EZAKI Yusuke, TADA Naoya, NAKAHARA Ryoichi

    2008   19 - 20   2008.10

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  • OS0617 Tensile Test of Pure Titanium Thin Films with Different Crystal Grain Size Actuated by Thermal Stress

    HASHIMOTO Kazuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2008   "OS0617 - 1"-"OS0617-2"   2008.9

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  • PS30 Study on Evaluation of Microscopic Property of Pure Titanium by Means of Indentation Shape

    ISHIDA Takahisa, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, UCHIDA Makoto

    2008   "PS30 - 1"-"PS30-2"   2008.9

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  • Electric Field Analysis of the Simultaneous Evaluation of Location, Size, and Shape of a Semi-Elliptical Crack on the Back Surface and Plate Thickness Using Direct-Current Potential Difference Method of Multiple-Probe Type

    TADA Naoya, FUNAKOSHI Akira, UCHIDA Makoto, ISHIKAWA Hiroki

    57 ( 3 )   137 - 141   2008.3

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  • 211 Fundamental study on mechanical properties and microstructure of aluminum sheet with locally heavy-worked area

    OGAWA Mitsumasa, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2008 ( 46 )   61 - 62   2008.2

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  • 910 Evaluation of Static Strain at the Fillet of Cylinder Block and Depth Optimization of Thread Engagement for Cylinder Head Bolts

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2008 ( 46 )   343 - 344   2008.2

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  • 210 Correction of Temperature Effect in Damage Monitoring of Joined Interface between Lead-Free Solder Ball and Copper

    TADA Naoya, EZAKI Yusuke, KOBAYAKAWA Yoshiyuki

    2008 ( 46 )   59 - 60   2008.2

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  • 137 Numerical Simulation of Deformation Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polymer with Spherulitic Morphology Approximated by Voronoi Polygons

    UCHIDA Makoto, KINOSHITA Tsuruyo, TADA Naoya

    57   243 - 244   2008

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  • 131 Influence of Strain Path on Biaxial Compressive Plastic Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, NAKAYAMA Kousuke

    57   231 - 232   2008

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  • 209 Experimental Study on Non-Axisymmetric Forming of Metal Sheet by Synchronous Spinning

    TANAKA Shuichi, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    57 - 58   2008

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  • Trial of three-dimensional evaluation of plastic deformation of Crystal grains in polycrystal pure copper plate subjected to tension

    Copper and copper alloy   47 ( 1 )   137 - 141   2008

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  • P036 Study on Plastic Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy during Various Strain Paths by Means of Biaxial Compression Test Device

    NAKAYAMA Kosuke, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2007   667 - 668   2007.10

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  • Development of Reverse-type Differential Rotary to Linear Conversion Mechanism and Evaluation of Its Fundamental Characteristics

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, SEKI Masanori, TADA Naoya, YOSHIDA Akira

    Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering   42 ( 9 )   495 - 500   2007.9

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  • 211 Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Plastic Deformation on the Surface of Material Based on Shape Change of Indentation

    SUGIMOTO Yoshinobu, Uchida Makoto, TADA Naoya

    2007 ( 45 )   57 - 58   2007.3

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  • 405 Tension of Pure Titanium Film by Piezo Stage and Evaluation Method of Its Mechanical Properties

    UEMORI Kazumasa, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Hiroyuki

    2007 ( 45 )   123 - 124   2007.3

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  • 206 Finite Element Analysis for Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Material's Deformation Based on Shape Change of Indentation

    UCHIDA Makoto, ORITA Takashi, SUGIMOTO Yoshinobu, TADA Naoya

    2007 ( 45 )   47 - 48   2007.3

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  • 315 Plastic Strain Distribution and Slip Lines in Grains of Pure Titanium by Means of Deposited Marks at Lattice Points

    YAMADA Masato, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, NAITO Takayuki

    2007 ( 45 )   103 - 104   2007.3

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  • 719 Effect of Current Supply Direction on Identification of Semi-Elliptical Crack on the Back Surface by Means of DC-PDM of Multiple-Point Measurement Type

    ISHIKAWA Hiroki, FUNAKOSHI Akira, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    56   401 - 402   2007

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  • 334 Quantitative Evaluation of Distribution of Local Deformation in Tensile Test of Semi-Crystalline Polymers

    KAJIMOTO Tetsuharu, UCHIDA Makoto, TADA Naoya

    56   285 - 286   2007

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  • 2437 Plastic Behavior of Aluminum during Cyclic Biaxial Compression

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, FUKUOKA Koji

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2007   447 - 448   2007

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    The plastic behavior of metallic material is known to be influenced by strain paths. In order to improve the metal working products after severe deformation processes, it is necessary to clarify the resulting mechanical properties and establish the estimation procedure after various large plastic deformation. As one of the approaches for that purpose, the cyclic biaxial compression tests were performed on industrial aluminum to investigate the influence of compressive strain histories upon mechanical behavior. The biaxial compression with arbitrary strain path was achieved by a newly developed biaxial compression test device. We selected the five different cyclic strain paths, by which the material ideally returns to its original shape after deformation. The influences of strain paths were clearly observed on the stress-strain relations. Although the equivalent stress at the end of each deformation cycle was found to increase despite the strain paths, the largest increment of the stress for the cumulative strain was obtained by the sequential plane strain compressions.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2007.1.0_447

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  • 1922 Evaluation of Growth of Interface Crack between Solder Ball and Copper

    EZAKI Yusuke, TADA Naoya, ANDOU Takahiro, HORI Kazuhiko

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2007   209 - 210   2007

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    Growth of crack on the interface between lead-free solder ball and copper was monitored by means of the direct current potential difference method. The solder balls were jointed on the surface of a plate specimen of pure copper and cyclic tension test was carried out. The change in the potential difference of the solder ball increased with the number of cycles and the interface crack was initiated and grew. The relationship between the increase in the potential difference and the cracked area was evaluated and the results were compared with those obtained by the previous electric field analysis. Both results agreed with each other and this suggests that the interface crack can be monitored by the proposed method.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2007.7.0_209

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  • 2440 Evaluation of Static Strain at the Fillet of Cylinder Block and the Effect of Tightening Load by Cylinder Head Bolts

    IGUCHI Katsuyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2007   453 - 454   2007

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    The static strain at the fillet of cylinder block was evaluated by the finite element method based on a single model of a cylinder block. The fillet is stress concentration part of a cylinder block that is used internal combustion engine. The strain along the fillet varied depending on the position, which was mainly attributed to the stiffness of the cylinder block and the location of cylinder head bolts. An appropriate range of the tightening force of cylinder head bolts for fixing was also evaluated. The minimum force was determined from the minimum pressure on the head packing not to leak the combustion gas. The maximum force was determined from the maximum static strain at the fillet of cylinder block above which cracks could be initiated. This method can be used for optimum designing of cylinder block.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2007.1.0_453

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  • 253 Computational Simulation of Micro- to Mesoscopic Deformation Behavior of Rubber-toughened Semi-crystalline Polymer Blends

    UCHIDA Makoto, KITANORI Yoshiharu, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2006 ( 19 )   401 - 402   2006.11

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  • 107 Application of direct-current electrical potential difference method to interface damage between solder ball and copper by cyclic loading

    ANDOU Takahiro, TADA Naoya

    2006 ( 44 )   13 - 14   2006.2

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  • 108 Three-dimentional electrical potential analysis for monitoring interface crack between solder ball and copper by direct-current electrical potential difference method

    KAMITANI Toru, TADA Naoya, ANDOU Takahiro

    2006 ( 44 )   15 - 16   2006.2

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  • 402 Evaluation of Crystal Orientation of Pure Titanium by Micro Indentation Shape

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, TERAUCHI Daichi

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2006   199 - 200   2006

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    A crystal orientation is one of important factors that affect the mechanical properties of single- and poly-crystalline metals in deformation processes. X-ray diffraction method and electron back scatter diffraction method are the typical ways to identify the crystal orientation of grains. Although these methods are possible to give accurate results, they need relatively expensive instruments and operation trainings. The present study aims to show the possibility to use an indentation shape made on a grain's surface for the identification of it's crystal orientation in polycrystalline titanium, which is hexagonal close-packed crystal structure. The strong correlation between the indention shape and the crystal orientation was found for the grain of pure titanium. The results also show the possibility to evaluate the direction of c-axis to a fairly good accuracy by introduced procedures.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2006.0_199

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  • 3326 Mechanical Behavior of Industrial Pure Titanium during Biaxial Compressive Plastic Deformation with Strain Path Change

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, SHIBUTANI Kyosuke

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2006   481 - 482   2006

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    The understanding of the multiaxial flow behavior of polycrystalline metals is important not only for the process planning but also for the quality assurance of metal working products. In the present study, the biaxial compression experiments with strain path change were performed on industrial pure titanium using a newly developed testing apparatus. The influences of strain path and abrupt path change upon the mechanical behavior were then investigated. The results show that both the strain level at path change and the directional relation between the sequential paths affect the stress-strain relation of the material. It is also found that the plastic anisotropy has influences on the mechanical behavior with regard to the strain histories.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2006.1.0_481

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  • 506 Study on Deformation Behavior of Polycrystalline Metal during Biaxial Plastic Compression

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    The Computational Mechanics Conference   2005 ( 18 )   827 - 828   2005.11

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  • 715 Microscopic Deformation Behavior of Polycrystalline Metal during Tensile Plastic Deformation

    WANG Xiaoqun, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, TORII Tashiyuki

    2005 ( 80 )   "7 - 29"-"7-30"   2005.3

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    It is well-known that the hardness of material is related to its mechanical characteristics. The microscopic inhomogeneity of polycrystalline pure titanium is evaluated by testing the micro hardness of the grain for various grain orientation. Namely, the change in the hardness associated with plastic deformation, and the relation between the deformation of grain and the change of the hardness are studied, by measuring hardness before and after tensile deformation. The strains of respective grains are also measured and the effect of grain size is discussed.

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  • 119 The Effect of Pre-Compression on Mechanical Behavior of Industrial Pure Titanium in Uniaxial and Plane Strain Compressions

    SHIBUTANI Kyosuke, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2005 ( 43 )   37 - 38   2005.2

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  • Microscopic Surface Change of Polycrystalline Aluminum duringTensile Plastic Deformation

    Wang Xiaoqun, Abe Takeji, Tada Naoya, Shimizu Ichiro

    Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University   39 ( 1 )   7 - 15   2005

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  • ひずみ経路可変型二軸圧縮試験機を用いたアルミニウムの交差効果に関する検討 (日本実験力学会講演論文集 2005年度年次講演会) -- (実験力学分野全般(2))

    清水 一郎, 多田 直哉

    日本実験力学会講演論文集   ( 5 )   64 - 66   2005

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  • 234 Changes in Mechanical Properties of Aluminum during Plastic Deformation with Reciprocating Strain Path by Biaxial Compression Test

    FUKUOKA Koji, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2005   155 - 156   2005

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    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2005.0_155

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  • 230 Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Pure Titanium Thin Plate by Tensile Test Method Actuated by Thermal Stress

    TADA Hiroyuki, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, KANAMURA Keigo

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2005   145 - 146   2005

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  • 1755 Relationship between Shape of Indentation by Nanomdenter and Crystal Orientation on Surfaces of Pure Titanium Grains

    Shimizu Ichiro, Tada Naoya, Inoue Takatoshi, Wang Xiaoqun, Hosoi Yasunari

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2005   413 - 414   2005

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    The nanoindentation test has been recently developing to evaluate local mechanical properties in micro areas of various materials. In the present study, the nanoindentation tests were performed to grains in polycrystalline pure titanium, which is hexagonal close-packed crystal structure thus has less slip systems than the other crystalline structures. Then the relationship between the crystal orientation and the resultant indentation shape was investigated. The experimental results show the clear orientation dependence of the indentation shape. The obtained hardness value tends to increase when <0001> direction approaches to the direction normal to the sample surface.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2005.1.0_413

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  • Effect of Strain Path on Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Metal after Large Plastic Deformation by Biaxial Compression Test

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2004   25 - 26   2004.10

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  • Fracture Mechanics 2003に出席して

    多田 直哉

    材料   53 ( 4 )   471 - 471   2004.4

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  • 3D Elasto-Plastic Finite Element Analysis of Deformation Behavior of Sheet Metal in Spinning Process

    ASO Masashi, SHIMIZU Ichiro, NAGAYAMA Noriyuki, TADA Naoya

    2004 ( 42 )   121 - 122   2004.3

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  • Observation of Microscopic Deformation Behavior of Ferritic Stainless Steel during Plastic Deformation

    KOBORI Masashi, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2004 ( 42 )   107 - 108   2004.3

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  • 834 くし型試験片を用いた純銅細棒の引張り塑性変形に関する微視的検討(塑性変形・変形挙動-III,一般セッション,第53期学術講演会)

    細井 康成, 多田 直哉, 王 暁群, 清水 一郎

    学術講演会講演論文集   53   541 - 542   2004

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  • 829 多結晶金属の引張り塑性変形に伴う表面あれの自己相関関数による評価(塑性変形・変形挙動-II,一般セッション,第53期学術講演会)

    宋 華林, 阿部 武治, 多田 直哉

    学術講演会講演論文集   53   531 - 532   2004

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  • 835 熱応力を利用した薄板引張り試験法に関する実験的検討(塑性変形・変形挙動-III,一般セッション,第53期学術講演会)

    金村 恵吾, 多田 直哉, 清水 一郎

    学術講演会講演論文集   53   543 - 544   2004

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  • 718 EBSD法による多結晶銅の引張りにおける結晶粒の3次元的塑性変形の評価(結晶塑性実解析とマルチスケールモデリング,塑性挙動のモデリングとシミュレーション-ナノからマクロまで-,オーガナイスドセッション5,第53期学術講演会)

    近藤 了嗣, 多田 直哉, 阿部 武治

    学術講演会講演論文集   53   472 - 473   2004

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  • 828 多結晶アルミニウムの引張り塑性変形における微小硬さ変化(塑性変形・変形挙動-I,一般セッション,第53期学術講演会)

    王 暁群, 阿部 武治, 多田 直哉, 鳥居 太始之

    学術講演会講演論文集   53   529 - 530   2004

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  • 830 多結晶チタンの繰返し曲げ塑性変形における結晶粒表面形状の定量化に関する検討(塑性変形・変形挙動-II,一般セッション,第53期学術講演会)

    岩崎 公哉, 阿部 武治, 多田 直哉, 清水 一郎

    学術講演会講演論文集   53   533 - 534   2004

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  • Analytical Study on Influence of Mechanical Properties of Workpiece upon Formability in Spinning Process

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya, NAGAYAMA Noriyuki, ASO Masashi

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2004   493 - 494   2004

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    Mechanical properties of workpiece materials are important factors affecting the formability and the accuracy of products in metal forming processes. In the present study, an numerical simulations of the simple spinning process of metal plates were performed by using a 3D elasto-plastic finite element method, and the first attempts to clarify the influences of workpiece properties upon the spinning formability were carried out. The stress-strain relation of the workpiece material was found to affect the final dimensions of the workpiece in spinning process. This result is owing to the different strain distribution based on the different mechanical properties of the workpiece. Meanwhile, the initial thickness anisotropy of the material showed minor influences upon the strain distribution of the final shape of the workpiece.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2004.1.0_493

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  • Tensile Test of Thin Titanium Plate on the Stage of Microscope Using Thermal Stress

    TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro, KANAMURA Keigo

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2004   63 - 64   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Tensile test of a thin notched plate of titanium was conducted on the stage of an optical microscope and the deformation and fracture behavior was observed in situ during the test. In the present study, the notched specimen was sandwiched by two transparent and colorless plates of polycarbonate, which were called "loading plates," and both ends of the specimen were adhered on the inner surfaces of these loading plates. As there is a large difference in linear expansion coefficient between the specimen of titanium and these loading plates of polycarbonate, tensile load is generated by heating them uniformly. Moreover, strain gage was attached on the side of the loading plate and the tensile load was evaluated by the strain and Young's modulus of polycarbonate. As the proposed method of tensile test for thin plates is very simple and, in principle, it is possible to reduce the size of specimen and loading plates, it might be extended to the tensile test for small thin films.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2004.1.0_63

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  • Continuous observation of tensile deformation of polycrystalline pure titanium by scanning probe microscope

    LI Yan, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, KANAZAWA Masanori

    53 ( 7 )   295 - 301   2003.7

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  • Type IV Damage Evaluation of Weldments Considering the Microscopic Creep Damage Progress


    The Thermal and nuclear power   54 ( 7 )   758 - 765   2003.7

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  • Study of Non-uniform Deformation during Tension of Polycrystalline Titanium and Orientation Measurement by EBSD Method

    KAWAMOTO Masashi, ABE Takeji, KONDOU Ryoji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2003 ( 41 )   1 - 2   2003.2

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  • Micro-Hardness Change During Tensile Plastic Deformation of Titanium

    SATO Taketoshi, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2003 ( 41 )   3 - 4   2003.2

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  • Evaluation of Microscopic Creep Damage Progress of Heat Affected Zone of Low-Alloy Steel Welds

    KAWASHIMA Fumiko, TOKIYOSHI Takumi, IGARI Toshihide, TOMINAGA Kimihiko, TADA Naoya

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2003   425 - 426   2003

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2003.0_425

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  • Observation of Microscopic Inhomogeneous Behavior of Titanium During Plastic Deformation by Laser Scanning Microscope

    KANAZAWA Masanori, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2003   241 - 242   2003

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2003.0_241

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  • In-Situ Observation of Thin Plate Specimen of Titanium in Tension by Thermal Stress

    Kanamura Keigo, Tada Naoya, Shimizu Ichiro

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2003   373 - 374   2003

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In the present study, a new method of tensile test for small and/or thin specimens was proposed where tensile force was generated in the specimen by the thermal stress between the specimen and the loading plate. The basic mechanism of the method is as follows. Thin notched plate specimen was set on the loading plate and both ends of the specimen were adhered to the loading plate with quick-drying glue. As the loading plate has much higher linear expansion coefficient than the specimen, tensile stress was generated in the specimen with simultaneous heating of the specimen and the loading plate. A strain gauge was also glued on the loading plate in order to evaluate the load acting on the specimen. As all devices can be set on the stage of a microscope, in-situ observation of the plate specimen during tension was realized.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2003.0_373

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  • Cyclic Tension of Pure Copper Using Small Plate Specimen

    Isaki Masaya, Tada Naoya, Abe Takeji

    2002 ( 40 )   47 - 48   2002.2

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  • Change in Surface Profile during Uniaxial Tension of Polycrystalline Aluminum

    WANG Xiaoqun, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2002 ( 40 )   97 - 98   2002.2

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  • Observation of Microscopic Deformation Behavior of Polycrystalline Iron During Plastic Deformation

    NAKAYAMA Yoshihisa, ABE Takeji, TOMOSADA Satoshi, KONDOU Ryouji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2002 ( 40 )   101 - 102   2002.2

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  • Non-Destructive Evaluation of a Semi-Elliptical Surface Crack by DC-EPM with Multiple-Type Probe

    Okada Masayoshi, Tada Naoya

    2002 ( 40 )   49 - 50   2002.2

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  • Observation of Cyclic Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Copper by Laser Scanning Microscope

    KANZAKI Norihisa, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2002 ( 40 )   127 - 128   2002.2

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  • 313 プローブ顕微鏡による多結晶チタンの塑性変形の微視的連続観察

    李 炎, 阿部 武治, 多田 直哉, 金沢 雅典

    講演論文集   2002 ( 40 )   99 - 100   2002.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人日本機械学会  

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  • Estimation of Plastic Strain of Grains in Tensile Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Copper by Image Processing and EBSD method

    KONDOU Ryouji, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2002   37 - 38   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2002.0_37

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  • SPM Observation of Plastic Deformation during Uniaxial Tension of Polycrystalline Titanium

    Li Yan, Abe Takeji, Tada Naoya

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2002   637 - 638   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2002.0_637

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  • 電位差法による欠陥および材質の非破壊評価


    非破壊検査   51 ( 5 )   258 - 264   2002

  • Change in Microscopic Surface Profile during Tensile Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Aluminum

    WANG Xiao qun, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2002   383 - 384   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2002.0_383

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  • Non-Destructive Evaluation of Location, Size and Angle of a Semi-Elliptical Surface Crack by DC-PDM with Multiple-Type Probe

    TADA Naoya, OKADA Masayoshi

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2002   499 - 500   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2002.0_499

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  • Estimation on Active Slip Plane during Tensile Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Copper by EBSD Method

    KONDOU Ryouji, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD   2002   35 - 36   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2002.0_35

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  • Observation of Orientation Change During Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Copper by EBSD Method

    Kondou Ryouji, Abe Takeji, Tada Naoya, Shimizu Ichiro

    Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University   36 ( 1 )   1 - 6   2001.12

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    Language:English   Publisher:Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University  

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  • 212 Observation of Tensile Deformation of Polycrystalline Titanium by Probe Microscope

    Li Yan, Abe Takeji, Tada Naoya

    2001 ( 39 )   63 - 64   2001.2

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  • 217 Observation of Microscopic Surface Change during Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline metals by Laser-Scanning Microscope

    Song Hualin, ABE Takeji, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    2001 ( 39 )   73 - 74   2001.2

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  • 218 Analysis of Plastic Deformation and Grain Orientation of Polycrystallnine Copper

    KONDOU Ryouji, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    2001 ( 39 )   75 - 76   2001.2

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  • 209 Simulation of Elastic Deformation of Inhomogeneous Materials by Body Force Method

    OKA Hisato, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SAIMOTO Akihide

    2001 ( 39 )   57 - 58   2001.2

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  • K-0413 Microscopic Observation of Tensile Deformation Behavior of Polycrystalline Titanium

    Li Yan, Abe Takeji, Tada Naoya

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1   105 - 106   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The surface morphology of polycrystalline titanium after tensile deformation was investigated by means of scanning probe microscope. It has been shown that the both the free surface roughness and the height different between grain boundaries and inner grain are increased with the increasing strain, and the slip steps in increase linearly with the strain ε for ε<0.3, while remain constant for ε>0.3.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.I.01.1.0_105

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  • K-0414 Analysis of Orientation of Polycrystalline Copper during Plastic Deformation

    KONDOU Ryouji, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1   107 - 108   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Nonuniform deformation of each grain occurs in the plastic deformation of polycrystalline materials. Accordingly, it is necessary to clarity the behavior of deformation of each grain. The characteristics of each grain that constitutes polycrystalline material varies depending on grain orientation. So it is necessary to pay attention to the difference of grain orientation and the effective measurment technique which throw light on complicated grain deformation. In this paper, automatic measurement using electron backscatter difraction techinque in the scanning electronic maicroscope is performed, and the attention is paid on the grain orientation during plastic deformation to analyze relationship between orientation and plastic deformation.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.I.01.1.0_107

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  • 604 連続転位分布を用いた粒界クリープ・キャビティの先端近傍応力場に関する数値解析

    多田 直哉, 大谷 隆一, 生田 裕也

    学術講演会講演論文集   50   149 - 150   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本材料学会  

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  • K-0530 High Temperature Fatigue Strength of Ni-based Single-Crystalline Superalloy, CMSX-2

    OHTANI Ryuichi, TADA Naoya, WADA Atsuhide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1   185 - 186   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A nickel-based single-crystalline superalloy, CMSX-2 was investigated from the standpoint of high temperature fatigue strength. Three kinds of push-pull fatigue tests were conducted at 1000℃: (1) PP-test under a sinusoidal stress waveform of 1 Hz-frequency at stress amplitude of 300MPa, the number of cycles to rupture, N_f=8,234, (2) CC-test under a trapezoidal one with hold time in tension and compression of 600s each at stress amplitude of 250MPa, N_f=93, and (3) PP_<preCC>-test, which is PP-test carried out after removal of surface oxide film and small cracks generating during preceding CC-test for 47 cycles, N_f=4,318. A distinguished microstructural difference between PP and PP_<preCC> is that γ'-phase kept the initial cubic shape in PP but it changed to spherical in PP_<preCC>-Nearly 10%-increase in total strain range and 50%-decrease in fatigue life of PP_<preCC> as compared with pure PP-fatigue is attributable to the collapse of γ'-phase.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.I.01.1.0_185

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  • K-0719 Observation of Microscopic Deformation Behavior of Pure Aluminum using Ultra-Micro Hardness Tester

    TSUBOI Tomoaki, ABE Takeji, TADA Naoya, SHIMIZU Ichiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1   327 - 328   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    It is well-known that the hardness of material is related to its mechanical characteristics. In the present study, the evaluation of the microscopic inhomogeneity of polycrystalline pure aluminum is performed by measuring the hardness of respective grains with the recently developed ultra-micro hardness tester. The relationship between the increase in the hardness caused by the work-hardening of the metal and the deformation of respective grains are studied.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.I.01.1.0_327

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  • K-0415 Observation of Microscopic Surface Change of Polycrystalline Metal During Plastic Deformation

    SONG Hualin, ABE Takeji, SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1   109 - 110   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The surface roughening is closely related to the inhomogeneity of polycrystalline metals, that is, to the inhomogeneous plastic deformation of respective grains. In the present study, inhomogeneous deformation on the free surface of polycrystalline aluminum during uniaxial tension is studied. The inhomogeneous deformation of grains, which is represented by the area of the grain and the grain boundary length in the free surface, is observed by means of the laser-scanning microscope as a nondestructive method. Discussions are made mainly on the evaluation of inhomogeneous deformation of respective grains in polycrystalline aggregate.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.I.01.1.0_109

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  • 304 一方向繊維強化複合材料のモード I 層間マトリックスき裂のき裂先端近傍応力場に関する弾塑性解析

    多田 直哉, 大谷 隆一, 桜井 宏幸

    学術講演会講演論文集   49   73 - 74   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本材料学会  

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  • 315 Ni 基単結晶超合金 CMSX-10 の高温疲労破壊

    柴田 昌宜, 植田 祐介, 多田 直哉, 北村 隆行, 大谷 隆一

    学術講演会講演論文集   48   109 - 110   1999

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  • 129 直流電位差法による多数分布き裂の個数, 長さ, 角度の推定

    里吉 寛之, 多田 直哉, 北村 隆行, 大谷 隆一

    学術講演会講演論文集   48   201 - 202   1999

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  • 一方向繊維強化複合材料のDCB試験片におけるき裂先端近傍の応力場に及ぼす繊維架橋効果に関する解析手法の提案

    多田 直哉, 大谷 隆一

    材料システム   ( 18 )   31 - 36   1999

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:金沢工業大学材料システム研究所  

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  • 520 一方向強化 AS4/PEEK 積層板 90°材の高温クリープにおける微小き裂の観察

    大谷 隆一, 北村 隆行, 多田 直哉, 江嶋 恒行, 小泉 匡永, 桜井 宏幸

    学術講演会講演論文集   47   391 - 392   1998

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本材料学会  

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  • Analysis of Direct Current Potential Field around Doubly-Periodic Through Cracks

    TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki, OHTANI Ryuichi

    46 ( 9 )   681 - 687   1997.9

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  • 105 横方向引張を受ける一方向繊維強化複合材料のマトリックスき裂と界面き裂の BEM 応力解析

    江嶋 恒行, 坂口 昌平, 多田 直哉, 北村 隆行, 大谷 隆一

    学術講演会講演論文集   46   9 - 10   1997

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  • "ULTRA HIGH TEMPERATURE MECHANICAL TESTING", R.D.Lohr and M.Steen(編), 1995年, Woodhead Publishing発行, B5判, 223ページ, 定価18750円

    多田 直哉

    材料   45 ( 3 )   267 - 267   1996.3

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  • 粒界キャビティ分布から決定する各種クリープ損傷パラメータの物理的意味について


    材料   45   110 - 117   1996

  • 208 SUS304 の粒界クリープキャビティ分布の測定

    福田 哲史, 多田 直哉, 北村 隆行, 大谷 隆一

    学術講演会講演論文集   45   49 - 50   1996

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  • SUS304の内部き裂型クリープ疲労粒界破壊-き裂発生 成長の数値シミュレーション


    材料   44   84 - 89   1995

  • 320 粒界キャビティ分布を代表する各種クリープ損傷パラメータの物理的意味について

    多田 直哉, 大谷 隆一, 北村 隆行

    学術講演会講演論文集   44   185 - 186   1995

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  • 110 クリープ・キャビティの分布とキャビティ体積率,粒界面キャビティ占有率およびAパラメータとの関係(高温損傷)

    多田 直哉, 北村 隆行, 大谷 隆一

    学術講演会前刷   42   28 - 30   1993

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  • 130 クリープ疲労き裂成長における小さなき裂から大きなき裂への遷移挙動(高温き裂と損傷力学)

    飯尾 真司, 多田 直哉, 北村 隆行, 大谷 隆一

    学術講演会前刷   40   243 - 245   1991

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  • 三次元粒界破壊抵抗分布モデルによるクリープ疲労微小き裂のモンテカルロ シミュレーション


    機論集(A)   56 ( 524 )   708 - 714   1990

  • 222 SUS304の高温における一方向引張とクリープ疲労の微小き裂発生・成長挙動の相違(高温強度)

    大谷 隆一, 多田 直哉, 橋本 務

    学術講演会前刷   37   250 - 252   1988

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  • 種々のメッシュ,繊維,粉末を挿入あるいは混入したPTFE複合材の摩耗特性評価

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第40回若手フォーラム  2018 

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  • 表面高度分布変化を用いたタービン動翼冷却通路内表面き裂の検出に関する検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第56期総会・講演会講演論文集  2018 

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  • 種々のメッシュ,繊維,粉末を挿入あるいは混入したPTFE複合材の引張り特性評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第56期総会・講演会講演論文集  2018 

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  • Non-destructive Prediction of Deformation and Fracture of Structural Materials based on Elastic and Plastic Inhomogeneities

    BIT’s 6th Annual Conference of AnalytiX-2018  2018 

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  • 圧延・矯正加工がアルミニウム板材の機械的特性に与える影響についての解析的検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第56期総会・講演会講演論文集  2018 

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  • はんだ接合した銅細線の繰返し引き抜き試験による接合界面強度評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第56期総会・講演会講演論文集  2018 

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  • 純アルミニウムと高密度ポリエチレンの接合強度に及ぼす表面粗さの影響

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第56期総会・講演会講演論文集  2018 

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  • 短繊維強化複合材料の強度予測技術

    平成30年度岡山大学産学官融合センター研究協力会 理事会・総会  2018 

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  • CMCを構成するSiC繊維およびマトリクスの電気抵抗率の測定

    日本材料学会第67期学術講演会  2018 

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  • 純チタン細線の引張試験における変形と直流電位差の関係

    日本機械学会2018年度年次大会  2018 

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  • 引張負荷を受けた純チタン試験片の結晶方位変化と表面高度変化の関係

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第40回若手フォーラム  2018 

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  • 表面高度変化を用いたタービン動翼冷却通路内表面き裂の検出に関する基礎的実験

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第40回若手フォーラム  2018 

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  • 高密度ポリエチレンと研磨条件を変化させた純アルミニウムの引張せん断強度

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第40回若手フォーラム  2018 

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  • 純チタン細線の引張変形に伴う直流電位差変化

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第40回若手フォーラム  2018 

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  • 破面解析とボイド分布分析による微小引張試験片の損傷評価

    日本鉄鋼協会第60回・日本金属学会第57回講演大会  2017 

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  • Study on Surface Roughness and Residual Stress Change during Cold Forging

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第55期総会・講演会講演論文集  2017 

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  • 引張り変形を加えた純チタン試験片の粒内不均一変形に関する検討

    日本金属学会2017年(第160回)春期講演大会  2017 

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  • 炭素繊維を充填したPTFE複合材の引張りおよび摩耗特性

    日本機械学会M&M2017材料力学カンファレンス  2017 

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  • 超高分子量短繊維で強化した自己強化ポリエチレンの引張り破壊へ及ぼす繊維長さと繊維分布の影響

    日本機械学会2017年度年次大会  2017 

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  • Evaluation of Short Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Fiber Effect on Tensile Strenght of Self-Reinforced Polyethylene Composite

    iDICs 2017 Conference and Workshop/SEM Fall Conference  2017 

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  • 高張力鋼板の引張変形に伴う直流電位差変化

    第3回材料WEEK材料シンポジウム  2017 

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  • 樹脂フィルムラミネートステンレス箔の引張り試験における巨視的変形と表面微小高度変化に関する検討

    日本鉄鋼協会第60回・日本金属学会第57回講演大会  2017 

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  • はんだ接合した銅細線の引き抜き試験による接合界面強度評価

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第36回若手フォーラム  2017 

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  • 樹脂フィルムラミネートステンレス箔の引張り負荷に伴う表面微小高度変化

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第36回若手フォーラム  2017 

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  • 炭素繊維を充填したPTFE複合材の引張り特性

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第55期総会・講演会講演論文集  2017 

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  • 純アルミニウム/高密度ポリエチレン接合に関する引張りせん断試験

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第55期総会・講演会講演論文集  2017 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いた円管内面半楕円体減肉の寸法推定

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第36回若手フォーラム  2017 

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  • 商用有限要素法への高精度材料構成式導入と深絞り加工解析

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第36回若手フォーラム  2017 

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  • Elastic and Plastic Microscopic Deformation of Polycrystalline Pure Titanium under Tension

    The ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP2016)  2016 

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  • 大ひずみ域における加工発展を考慮したYoshida-Uemoriモデルによる高張力鋼板のスプリングバック解析

    第2回材料WEEK材料シンポジウム  2016 

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  • 純チタン細線の引張り負荷に伴う表面高度変化

    日本機械学会M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス  2016 

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  • 再成形した超高分子量短繊維自己強化ポリエチレンの力学的特性評価

    第2回材料WEEK材料シンポジウム  2016 

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  • 積層型電子部品ブロックの圧縮加工に関する三次元モデル解析

    第2回材料WEEK材料シンポジウム  2016 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いた円管内面減肉の寸法推定

    日本機械学会M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス  2016 

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  • はんだ接合した銅細線の引き抜き試験による接合界面強度評価

    日本機械学会M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス  2016 

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  • 多結晶金属材料の弾性表面凹凸と塑性表面凹凸の関係

    第67回塑性加工連合講演会  2016 

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  • 大ひずみ域での加工硬化挙動を再現するYoshida-Uemoriモデルによるスプリングバック解析

    第67回塑性加工連合講演会  2016 

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  • Microscopic Height Change on the Surface of Polycrystalline Pure Titanium Plate under Cyclic Tension

    iDICs 2016 Conference and Workshop/SEM Fall Conference  2016 

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  • Evaluation of Bonding Strength of Thin Copper Wire and Lead-Free Solder by Pullout Tests

    The 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT-IAAC 2016)  2016 

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  • 積層型電子部品ブロックの圧縮変形に及ぼす誘電体層内空隙及び層間の影響

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第54期総会・講演会  2016 

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  • 比較試験に基づくバルーン拡張型ステントに必要な力学的特性の検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第54期総会・講演会  2016 

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  • PTFE/金属繊維積層材の引張りに伴う表面微小高度変化

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第54期総会・講演会  2016 

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  • 高純度鉄の微視的変形挙動評価

    日本機械学会2016年度年次大会  2016 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いた円管-フランジ溶接部のき裂評価に関する実験的検討

    日本塑性加工学会平成28年度春季講演会  2016 

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  • 片状黒鉛鋳鉄の引張試験における黒鉛部の寸法変化と破断位置

    日本塑性加工学会平成28年度春季講演会  2016 

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  • 異方性を考慮した高延性接着積層板の塑性構成式

    日本機械学会2016年度年次大会  2016 

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  • Springback Analysis of Aluminum Alloy Sheet Metals by Yoshida-Uemori Model

    13th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA2016)  2016 

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  • 均質化結晶塑性有限要素法によるアルミニウム合金の変形解析と成形解析への応用

    第129回秋季大会  2015 

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  • 二軸圧縮下におけるTi-Nb合金の塑性変形挙動に及ぼすひずみ経路変化の影響

    日本機械学会M&M2015材料力学カンファレンス  2015 

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  • 二元系Ti-Nb合金における二軸圧縮時の合金組成依存型構成関係に関する検討

    日本機械学会2015年度年次大会  2015 

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  • 高密度ポリエチレンの引張りにおける表面微小高度変化と微視的変形

    日本機械学会2015年度年次大会  2015 

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  • 片状黒鉛鋳鉄の引張り試験における破断位置と黒鉛分布を考慮した微視的応力集中との相関に関する検討

    第1回材料WEEK材料シンポジウム  2015 

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  • 応力経路変化を伴う金属薄板変形挙動とその材料モデル

    日本機械学会2015年度年次大会  2015 

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  • デジタル画像相関法による高分子材料の除荷過程における粘弾性ひずみの評価

    日本機械学会M&M2015材料力学カンファレンス  2015 

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  • 超高分子量短繊維で強化した自己強化ポリエチレンの力学的特性評価

    日本機械学会M&P2015第23回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会  2015 

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  • Experimental and Finite Element Study on Dynamic Bending Behavior of Rectangular Aluminum Tube for Modeling of Pole Side Impact of Vehicle

    The 10th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (10th ISEM '15-Matsue)  2015 

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  • Microscopic Deformation of Polycrystalline Pure Copper Wire during Tension

    The 10th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2015)  2015 

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  • 釉薬層が瓦強度に及ぼす影響に関する実験的および解析的検討

    日本機械学会M&P2015第23回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会  2015 

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  • Investigation of Bending Flexibility and Longitudinal Integrity of Balloon Expandable Stents by Comparative Testing

    The 10th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (10th ISEM '15-Matsue)  2015 

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  • PP/銅メッシュ複合材の変形応答に及ぼす銅メッシュの配向の影響

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第53期総会・講演会  2015 

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  • 純チタン板材の表面あれに及ぼす結晶方位の影響に関する多結晶有限要素解析

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第53期総会・講演会  2015 

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  • 純チタンの弾性異方性が押込み荷重-変位関係に及ぼす影響に関する検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第53期総会・講演会  2015 

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  • Finite Element Analysis for the Evaluation of Cracks at a Pipe-Flange Welded Part by the Direct-Current Potential Difference Method

    The ASME 2015 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP2015)  2015 

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  • 多結晶有限要素解析による純チタン板材の表面及び内部の不均一変形に関する検討

    中国四国支部第7回講演大会  2015 

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  • Surface Undulation of Pure Titanium Grains under Elastic and Plastic Tensile Conditions

    10th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics  2015 

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  • 直流電流および微小荷重を用いた材料の損傷評価技術

    中国地方非破壊検査技術振興会通常総会  2015 

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  • Engineering Collaboration in Applied Solid Mechanics

    The 3rd International Symposium on Total Engineering Education  2015 

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  • 応力集中部を有する純チタン試験片の引張りに伴う微小高度変化

    軽金属学会中国四国支部第7回講演大会  2015 

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  • 自動車のポール側面衝突を模擬した角形アルミニウム管動的曲げ挙動の有限要素法解析

    軽金属学会中国四国支部第7回講演大会  2015 

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  • Ti-Nb合金の二軸圧縮における塑性挙動に及ぼすひずみ経路の影響

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第31回若手フォーラム  2015 

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  • 屋根用瓦厚さが三点曲げ強度に及ぼす影響に関する有限要素法解析

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第31回若手フォーラム  2015 

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  • 直流電位差分布に基づく平板背面に存在する局部減肉の位置と寸法の推定

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第53期総会・講演会  2015 

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  • 純チタンの微小変形を利用した強度評価

    hcp金属の実験,解析,特性評価技術に関する調査研究分科会  2015 

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  • 永久磁石を使用した試験装置による大気中,蒸留水中およびNaCl溶液中での銅コア鉛フリーはんだボールの時間依存性接合強度評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第53期総会・講演会  2015 

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  • KURACERA処理および封孔処理を施したA2024アルミニウム合金およびAZ31マグネシウム合金の耐食性に関する検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第53期総会・講演会  2015 

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  • PTFEおよび20wt.%ガラス繊維入りPTFE試験片の引張り負荷に伴う表面微小高度変化

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第31回若手フォーラム  2015 

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  • 有限要素解析を用いた片状黒鉛鋳鉄の引張り試験における破断経路と微視的応力分布の関係に関する検討

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第31回若手フォーラム  2015 

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  • 動的三点曲げ試験におけるアルミニウム合金角形管の変形挙動の有限要素解析

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第31回若手フォーラム  2015 

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  • DICとFEMのカップリングによるPPのくびれ領域の応力およびひずみ場の評価

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第31回若手フォーラム  2015 

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  • 結晶塑性解析による純チタン板材の表面あれに及ぼすすべり系活動度に関する検討

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第31回若手フォーラム  2015 

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  • バルーン拡張型AZ31マグネシウム合金製ステントの力学的性質に関する検討

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第31回若手フォーラム  2015 

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  • 純チタン結晶粒の押込み試験における垂直変位に及ぼす弾性異方性の影響に関する基礎的検討

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • Computational Simulation of Micro- to Macroscopic Deformation Behavior of Cavitated Rubber Blended Amorphous Polymer Using Second-Order Homogenization Method

    12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA 2014)  2014 

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  • 直流電流および静的負荷を用いた欠陥の非破壊評価

    第51回X線材料強度に関する討論会  2014 

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  • Alloy Composition Dependency of Plastic Deformation Behavior in Biaxial Compressions of Ti-Nb Alloys

    International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2014 (icEM2014) in conjunction wigh the 13th Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ACEM)  2014 

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  • Finite Element Analysis of Stress and Strain Distribution in Gold Thin Film Deposited on Polycarbonate Substrate Subjected to Tension and Cooling

    The 2014 International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICAET 2014)  2014 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いた円管内面局部減肉の定量評価に関する研究

    圧力容器構造委員会  2014 

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  • Evaluation of Semi-Ellipsoidal Wall Thinning on Back Surface of Plate by Direct-Current Potential Difference Method

    The 2nd International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity  2014 

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  • Evaluation of Tensile Strength of Copper-Cored Lead-Free Solder Joints in Air, Distilled Water, and NaCl Solution Using Testing Device with Permanent Magnets

    The 9th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT-EMAP 2014)  2014 

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  • 2.25Cr-1Mo鋼のHAZ細粒域再現材を用いた平滑および切欠き試験片におけるクリープ・キャビティの成長とその予測法の提案

    第13回余寿命診断技術評価WG  2014 

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  • 永久磁石を使用した試験装置による大気中,純水中および3.5wt.%NaCl溶液中での銅コア鉛フリーはんだボールの接合強度評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期総会・講演会  2014 

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  • 積層型電子部品の圧縮プロセス中における応力分布と第一接触位置に関する検討

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • 有限要素法を用いた積層型電子部品の圧縮プロセス中の変形解析

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期総会・講演会  2014 

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  • 有限要素法を用いたアルミニウム合金角形管の側面局部圧縮および三点曲げにおける吸収エネルギー評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第52期総会・講演会  2014 

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  • 永久磁石を使用した試験装置による大気中および純水中での銅コア鉛フリーはんだボールの接合強度評価

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • 銅細線の引張り負荷に伴う表面高度分布変化の測定

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • 準安定β型Ti-Nb合金の単軸および等二軸圧縮試験における等塑性仕事曲面の変化

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • 銅コア鉛フリーはんだボール/銅接合界面の直流電位差に及ぼす銅線,銅コアの位置の影響

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • Potential Difference Distribution on Flat Plate around Semi-Ellipsoidal Thinning on the Back Surface

    The ASME 2014 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP2014)  2014 

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  • Cracking and Delamination Behavior of Gold Thin Strip Deposited on Polycarbonate Plate under Cyclic and Stepwisely-Increased Trapezoidal Tension

    2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICMSME 2014)  2014 

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  • 電位差変化および微小変形に基づく材料の損傷評価

    第15回プラント保全研究会  2014 

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  • スチールウールを添加した高分子複合材料の引張り試験におけるカップリング剤の影響

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いた円管‐フランジ溶接部に発生したき裂の検知

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • 直流電位差法による平板背面に存在する減肉の推定

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • KURACERA処理を施したAZ31マグネシウム合金の耐食性に及ぼす封孔処理の影響

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第28回若手フォーラム  2014 

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  • デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡を用いた銅細線の引張りにおける表面の半径方向高度分布評価

    第53回日本銅学会講演大会  2013 

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  • 半楕円体状局部減肉を有する平板の直流電位場解析

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • 引張り負荷に伴う高密度ポリエチレン平板の切欠き周辺における高度分布変化の測定

    日本非破壊検査協会平成25年度春季講演大会  2013 

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  • 準安定b型Ti-Nb合金の比例ひずみ経路冷間二軸圧縮変形挙動に及ぼす合金組成の影響

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • 比例・非比例ひずみ経路の二軸圧縮試験によるAZ31マグネシウム合金鋳造材の圧縮成形限界に関する検討

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • 塑性ヒンジ理論を用いた角形鋼管の側面局部圧縮および三点曲げにおける変形吸収エネルギー評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第51期総会・講演会  2013 

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  • 温度変化と引張り負荷を受けるポリカーボネート基板上金薄膜の有限要素法による変形解析

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第51期総会・講演会  2013 

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  • ひずみ勾配を導入した均質化法による変形解析法の検討

    日本材料学会第62期学術講演会  2013 

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  • 準安定bチタン合金の押込み試験による機械的性質評価に関する検討

    日本材料学会第62期学術講演会  2013 

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  • 平行溝によって変形拘束を低減させた純チタン結晶粒内領域の圧縮変形の観察

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡を用いた純チタンの引張りにおける微視的表面高度変化とすべり線分布の関係に関する検討

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • FIBにより平行溝を設けた純チタン結晶粒の単軸圧縮に伴う変形の観察

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第26回若手フォーラム  2013 

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  • 純チタンの繰返し引張りにおけるナノスケールの表面凹凸変化

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第26回若手フォーラム  2013 

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  • サイズの違う球晶を有するPPフィルムの変形過程のひずみ評価

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第26回若手フォーラム  2013 

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  • AZ31マグネシウム合金鋳造材の非比例ひずみ経路二軸圧縮による圧縮成形限界評価

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第26回若手フォーラム  2013 

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  • 準安定bチタン合金の多軸塑性挙動に及ぼす変形機構の影響に関する基礎的検討

    第44回応力・ひずみ測定と強度評価シンポジウム  2013 

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  • 側面局部圧縮を受ける角形鋼管の変形挙動の有限要素解析

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第26回若手フォーラム  2013 

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  • 片状黒鉛鋳鉄の引張りにおける破断面と黒鉛面積分率との関係

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第26回若手フォーラム  2013 

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  • 時系列ステレオデジタル画像相関法を用いたポリプロピレンの3次元ひずみ場評価

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部第26回若手フォーラム  2013 

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  • 背面に半楕円体状局部減肉を有する平板の直流電位差分布解析

    日本非破壊検査協会平成25年度秋季講演大会  2013 

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  • 寸法の異なる球晶を有するPPフィルムの引張り試験における微視的変形の定量評価

    第57回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会  2013 

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  • A Fundamental Study on Plastic Deformation of Metastable b-Type Ti-Nb Alloys under Uniaxial and Biaxial Compressions

    The International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2013 & the 12th Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM2013 & ACEM-12th)  2013 

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  • スチールウールを含ませたポリプロピレンの引張り変形に及ぼす繊維の配向と密度の影響

    第57回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会  2013 

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  • 硬質アルマイト処理およびKURACERA処理を施したA5052アルミニウム合金試験片の単軸引張りに伴う変形と破壊

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • 直流電位差法による円管-フランジ溶接部のき裂の位置および寸法の評価に関する有限要素解析

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • 純チタンの引張りにおけるナノレベルの表面高度変化と微視的弾塑性変形に関する検討

    日本機械学会M&M2013材料力学カンファレンス  2013 

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  • AZ31マグネシウム合金の等二軸圧縮と単軸引張りにおける塑性変形挙動の比較

    日本機械学会M&M2013材料力学カンファレンス  2013 

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  • 直流電位差法による銅コア鉛フリーはんだボール/銅接合界面き裂の評価に関する有限要素解析

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • 片状黒鉛鋳鉄の黒鉛面積分率と引張り破断面の角度・位置の関係に関する検討

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会  2013 

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  • Investigation of Deformation Mechanism under Indentation Testing of Metastable Beta-type

    The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (8th ISEM’13-Sendai)  2013 

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  • ポリプロピレンの弾粘塑性変形に関するミクロ・メゾ・マクロスケールモデリング

    日本機械学会第26回計算力学講演会  2013 

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  • 時系列ステレオ画像相関法を用いたポリプロピレンにおける局所ひずみ場の評価

    第57回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会  2013 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたはんだボール/銅界面き裂のモニタリングと銅板変形の影響

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • 永久磁石を使用した銅コアはんだボールの接合強度評価試験

    第52回日本銅学会講演大会  2012 

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  • モデル実験によるポール側面衝突の車両速度推定法に関する検討

    日本法科学技術学会第18回学術集会  2012 

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  • 非比例ひずみ経路における鋳造AZ31マグネシウム合金の圧縮限界

    日本材料学会第61期学術講演会  2012 

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  • 自動車ポール側面衝突を想定した角形金属管の動的側面局部圧縮による吸収エネルギー評価

    日本材料学会第61期学術講演会  2012 

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  • ポリプロピレンフィルムの引張り試験における微視的な変形過程の観察

    日本材料学会第61期学術講演会  2012 

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  • FIB加工により製作した純チタンマイクロピラーの圧縮挙動に関する基礎的検討

    日本材料学会第61期学術講演会  2012 

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  • デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡より取得した高度分布の傾斜合成に関する検討

    日本材料学会第61期学術講演会  2012 

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  • 時系列ステレオ画像相関法によるHDPEおよびPPの引張り変形の3次元測定

    日本材料学会第61期学術講演会  2012 

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  • 純チタン結晶粒内マイクロピラーの単軸圧縮変形の結晶方位依存性に関する基礎的検討

    日本機械学会2012年度年次大会  2012 

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  • 予加工と時効硬化を利用したアルミニウム合金の局所強化の試み

    日本実験力学会2012年度年次講演会  2012 

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  • 巨視的ひずみ勾配下の周期境界条件に関する検討

    日本機械学会第25回計算力学講演会  2012 

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  • 温間二軸圧縮における初期等方性AZ31マグネシウム合金鋳造材の塑性変形と成形限界

    日本機械学会M&M2012材料力学カンファレンス  2012 

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  • 直流電位差法による円管-フランジ溶接部に発生したき裂の評価に関する有限要素解析

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • 直流電位差法の分岐き裂への適用に関する2次元モデル解析

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡を用いた純チタン試験片の引張りに伴う表面形状変化

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第50期総会・講演会  2012 

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  • KURACERA処理を施したアルミニウム合金の引張り試験

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第50期総会・講演会  2012 

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  • 押込み試験による縦弾性係数評価に及ぼすTi-Mo合金の変形挙動の影響

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • 永久磁石を用いた微小はんだ接合部の引張り試験

    日本材料学会第61期学術講演会  2012 

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  • ポリカーボネート基板上金薄膜の引張り負荷に伴うき裂発生の評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第50期総会・講演会  2012 

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  • 車体側面ポール衝突モデル化を目的とした角形鋼管の三点曲げにおける吸収エネルギー評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第50期総会・講演会  2012 

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  • 片状黒鉛鋳鉄の単軸引張りに伴うき裂発生と黒鉛分布の関係

    日本材料学会第61期学術講演会  2012 

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  • 傾斜合成による材料表面プロファイルの評価精度向上に関するシミュレーション

    日本非破壊検査協会平成24年度春季講演大会  2012 

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  • AZ31マグネシウム合金鋳造材の比例ひずみ経路二軸圧縮成形限界

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • 塑性ヒンジ理論による角形鋼管の三点曲げにおける吸収エネルギー評価

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • KURACERA®処理を施したアルミニウム合金の引張り変形と破壊の観察

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • 複数の球晶を有する結晶性高分子材料の単軸引張り試験におけるくびれ伝播過程の数値シミュレーション

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • ポリカーボネート基板上金薄膜の引張り変形に関する有限要素解析

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡における高度測定結果の精度向上方法に関する検討

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • 磁力を使用した微小はんだ接合強度試験法に関する研究

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • 熱処理条件が結晶性高分子材料の微視的な不均一変形に及ぼす影響の評価

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第24回若手フォーラム  2012 

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  • 初期等方性AZ31マグネシウム合金鋳造材の比例ひずみ経路二軸圧縮成形限界に関する検討

    日本材料学会第60期学術講演会  2011 

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  • 高密度ポリエチレンの引張り変形過程における面外変位の非接触測定に関する検討

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第22回若手フォーラム  2011 

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  • AZ31マグネシウム合金押出し材の圧縮成形限界評価に関する検討

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第22回若手フォーラム  2011 

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  • 円管内面き裂と肉厚の推定結果に及ぼす端子間電位差のばらつきの影響

    日本非破壊検査協会平成23年度第2回電界計測に基づく非破壊評価応用研究会  2011 

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  • 車体側面ポール衝突モデル化を目的とした角形鋼管変形の塑性ヒンジ理論による吸収エネルギー評価

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • デジタル画像相関法を用いた微小領域における結晶性高分子材料の不均一変形の評価

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • 高分子材料のくびれ伝ぱ過程における表面変形の3次元評価

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法を用いた円管内面き裂と肉厚推定に及ぼす電位差のばらつきの影響

    日本非破壊検査協会平成23年度秋季講演大会  2011 

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  • 直流電位差法の分岐き裂への適用に関する検討

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いた鉛フリーはんだボール/銅接合界面割れと銅板変形の同時評価に関する検討

    第51回銅及び銅合金技術研究会講演大会  2011 

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  • 異なる寸法の球晶を有する結晶性高分子材料の引張り変形挙動の数値シミュレーション

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • マグネシウム合金の比例ひずみ経路二軸圧縮における成形限界評価

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • ポリカーボネート基板上金薄膜のき裂発生に及ぼす荷重負荷条件の影響

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • 鋳鉄製シリンダブロック表面の片状黒鉛近傍応力に対する隣接黒鉛の影響に関する有限要素解析

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • 結晶性高分子材料のミクロ・メゾ・マクロスケールにおける不均一変形の数値シミュレーション

    日本材料学会第60期学術講演会  2011 

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  • 種々の圧子を用いた押込み試験によるTi-Mo合金の縦弾性係数評価に関する検討

    日本材料学会第60期学術講演会  2011 

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  • 自動車側面ポール衝突を想定した角形鋼管の側面圧縮による吸収エネルギー評価

    日本機械学会2011年度年次大会  2011 

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  • 直流電位差法によるSCCラウンドロビン試験体の計測結果

    日本保全学会平成23年度第1回非破壊検査技術高度化研究調査分科会  2011 

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  • FIBによって純チタン結晶粒内に設けたマイクロピラーの圧縮挙動

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • 基板変形の影響を受けないはんだボール/銅基板接合界面き裂の評価法に関する電位場解析

    日本機械学会第24回計算力学講演会  2011 

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  • 直流電位差法による円管-フランジ溶接部材のき裂と溶接部厚さの評価

    日本非破壊検査協会平成23年度第1回電界計測に基づく非破壊評価応用研究会  2011 

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  • リバース式差動回転直動変換機構を用いた二軸圧縮試験装置の開発

    日本設計工学会中国支部研究発表講演会  2011 

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  • 鋳鉄製シリンダブロックにおける片状黒鉛近傍の応力分布に関する有限要素解析

    M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス  2011 

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  • 工業用純チタンの二軸圧縮に伴う塑性異方性成長とその集合組織依存性

    M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス  2011 

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  • ポリカーボネート基板上に蒸着した長円形微小金薄膜の引張り負荷に伴うき裂発生

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第22回若手フォーラム  2011 

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  • 高温下でのクリープによる影響を考慮したエンジンマウントの寿命予測に関する研究

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第49期総会・講演会  2011 

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  • 異種材料積層構造体の圧縮プロセスにおける体積変化と不均一変形

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第49期総会・講演会  2011 

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  • 直流電位差法による円管-フランジ溶接部材の溶接部厚さ評価

    日本非破壊検査協会平成23年度春季講演大会  2011 

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  • デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡を用いた引張りに伴う切欠き周辺の表面高度の測定

    日本非破壊検査協会平成23年度春季講演大会  2011 

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  • ポリカーボネート基板上に蒸着した金薄膜の繰返し負荷に伴う変形の観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第49期総会・講演会  2011 

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  • 自動車の側面ポール衝突における車体変形の静的モデル化実験価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第49期総会・講演会  2011 

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  • デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡を用いた純チタン試験片の引張りに伴う結晶粒のナノオーダー高度変化に関する検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第49期総会・講演会  2011 

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  • ステレオ画像相関法を用いた高分子材料のくびれ伝ぱ過程の3次元変位測定

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第49期総会・講演会  2011 

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  • FIBによる圧縮試験のための純チタンマイクロピラーの作製

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第22回若手フォーラム  2011 

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  • 切欠き試験片の引張りに伴う表面高度とその変化に関する検討

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第22回若手フォーラム  2011 

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  • 自動車事故解析における鋼管を用いた簡易モデル化の検討

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第22回若手フォーラム  2011 

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  • ポリカーボネート基板上に蒸着した微小金薄膜ストリップの繰返し引張り負荷におけるき裂発生

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第22回若手フォーラム  2011 

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  • 円管表面に存在する半楕円き裂周辺の電位分布解析

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第20回若手フォーラム  2010 

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  • 自動車の側面ポール衝突に関する車体変形の静的モデル化の検討

    日本法科学技術学会第16回学術集会  2010 

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  • 異種材料積層構造体の圧縮における変形挙動と密度変化

    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会  2010 

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  • 片状黒鉛の分布を考慮した鋳鉄製シリンダブロックの強度評価に関する有限要素解析

    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会  2010 

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  • AZ31マグネシウム合金押出し材の比例ひずみ経路二軸圧縮における成形限界

    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会  2010 

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  • 微小押込み試験によるTi-Mo合金の結晶方位評価

    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会  2010 

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  • Potential Difference around Semi-Elliptical Crack on the Outer Surface of Pipe for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Crack by DC-PDM

    ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference  2010 

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  • 加硫天然ゴムの亀裂進展速度に与えるカーボンブラック含有量の影響

    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会  2010 

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  • Multiscale Computational Evaluation of Elasto-Viscoplastic Deformation Behavior of Amorphous Polymer Containing Microscopic Heterogeneity during Uniaxial Tensile Test

    International Conference on Multiscale Modelling  2010 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたはんだボール/銅接合界面き裂評価に及ぼすき裂形状とはんだボールの導電率の影響

    日本機械学会第23回計算力学講演会  2010 

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  • 引張試験中における塑性変形場の発展が結晶性高分子材料の応力ひずみ関係に及ぼす影響

    日本機械学会第23回計算力学講演会  2010 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたステンレス鋼の応力腐食割れ評価

    日本非破壊検査協会平成22年度秋季講演大会  2010 

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  • 円管-フランジ溶接部に発生したき裂と電位差変化の関係に関する3次元直流電位場解析

    日本非破壊検査協会平成22年度春季講演大会  2010 

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  • 非晶性高分子材料の微視的な不均質性がくびれ伝ぱ挙動に及ぼす影響

    日本材料学会第59期学術講演会  2010 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたステンレス鋼平板表面に存在する応力腐食割れの検知

    日本機械学会第15回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  2010 

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  • ゴム充填結晶性ポリマーの弾粘塑性変形に及ぼす母材の結晶化率の影響

    日本計算工学会第15回計算工学講演会  2010 

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  • ポリカーボネート基板上に蒸着した金薄膜試験片の圧縮負荷と除荷に伴う変形の観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第48期総会・講演会  2010 

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  • 異種材料積層構造体の変形挙動評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第48期総会・講演会  2010 

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  • 双晶主体で変形するTi-14Mo合金結晶粒の押込み挙動

    日本材料学会第59期学術講演会  2010 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたはんだボール/銅接合界面き裂評価に及ぼす銅線はく離とボイドの影響に関する3次元有限要素解析

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第48期総会・講演会  2010 

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  • Plastic Behavior and Forming Limit during Biaxial Compressions of Magnesium Alloy AZ31 at Room Temperature

    14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics  2010 

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  • セラミックコンデンサの変形評価

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第20回若手フォーラム  2010 

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  • 二軸圧縮試験法によるマグネシウム合金の圧縮塑性挙動および圧縮成形限界評価

    第41回応力・ひずみ測定と強度評価シンポジウム  2010 

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  • Ti-14Mo結晶粒における圧痕形状およびその周囲の変形と結晶方位依存性

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第20回若手フォーラム  2010 

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  • 純チタン試験片の圧縮に伴う局所的な表面凹凸変化の評価に関する検討

    第20回若手フォーラム  2010 

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  • The Effect of Heterogeneity of Microstructure on the Micro- to Macroscopic Non-Uniform Elasto-Viscoplastic Deformation Behavior of Polymeric Material

    The Sixteenth International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications  2010 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたはんだボール/銅界面き裂のモニタリング

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第20回若手フォーラム  2010 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いた円管-フランジ溶接き裂の評価における最適端子位置に関する検討

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第20回若手フォーラム  2010 

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  • A Study on the Fatigue Life Evaluation of Vibration Insulator Considering the Effect of Creep

    International Rubber Conference & Exhibition 2010  2010 

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  • Influence of Initial Texture on Plastic Behavior of Pure Titanium in Biaxial Compression

    The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics  2010 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いた鉛フリーはんだボール/銅接合界面割れ評価におけるはんだボールと銅板の変形の影響

    第50回銅及び銅合金技術研究会講演大会  2010 

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  • デジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡を用いた純チタン試験片の圧縮に伴う表面凹凸変化に関する検討

    第47期総会・講演会  2009 

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  • ナノレベルのデジタル高度相関法を用いた材料表面の同一領域認証

    平成21年度春季大会  2009 

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  • Fatigue crack growth rate of vulcanized natural rubber and effect of heat aging

    第47期総会・講演会  2009 

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  • 加硫天然ゴムにおける熱劣化の影響による疲労き裂進展速度に関する研究

    第17回若手フォーラム  2009 

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  • 同期型スピニング加工による非軸対称成形に及ぼす被加工材性質の影響

    第47期総会・講演会  2009 

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  • アルミニウム合金の時効硬化を利用した局所機械的性質制御に関する基礎的検討

    第117回秋季大会  2009 

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  • Evaluation of Geometry of Semi-Elliptical Crack by Direct Current Potential Difference Method Based on Potential Difference Distribution in Two Orthogonal Directions

    The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing  2009 

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  • Evaluation of Orientation-Dependent Geometry of Micro Triangular Indentation on Grain of Polycrystalline α-Titanium

    4th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics in conjunction with 8th Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics  2009 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたはんだボール/銅接合界面き裂評価における銅線位置とボイドの影響

    第22回計算力学講演会  2009 

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  • 巨視的ひずみ勾配下にある多結晶金属材料の力学的挙動に関する数値シミュレーション

    第22回計算力学講演会  2009 

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  • 金属材料の評価試験法-微小押込み・二軸圧縮・材料試験機用負荷装置-

    応力・ひずみ測定分科会  2009 

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  • 鋳鉄製シリンダブロックトップデッキ隅部における片状黒鉛を考慮した応力分布に関する検討

    第53回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会  2009 

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  • 微小押込み試験による純チタン結晶方位評価法の提案

    2009年度年次大会  2009 

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  • Regional Identification by Digital Height Correlation of Nanolevel Surface Profile

    SEM 2009 Fall Symposium and Workshop, Advanced Image-Based Measurement Methods  2009 

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  • Electric Field Analysis of Simultaneous Evaluation of Crack on Inner Surface of Pipe and Pipe Wall Thickness Using Direct-Current Potential Difference Method of Multiple-Probe Type

    The 12th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology  2009 

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  • 鉛フリーはんだボール/銅接合界面割れの連続定量評価法

    第49回銅及び銅合金技術研究会講演大会  2009 

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  • Research and Education in the Field of Applied Solid Mechanics

    2009 International Symposium on Total Engineering Education  2009 

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  • A Fracture Mechanics Approach for Evaluating the Effects of Heat Aging on Fatigue Crack Growth of Vulcanized Natural Rubber

    The Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009  2009 

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  • デジタル画像相関法を用いた結晶性高分子材料のくびれ伝ぱ過程における局所変形の評価

    第58期学術講演会  2009 

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  • 種々の二軸圧縮ひずみ経路における純チタンの塑性挙動に関する検討

    第58期学術講演会  2009 

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  • Numerical Study on Reducing Methods of Static Strain along the Fillet on Upper Deck of Diesel Engine Cylinder Block

    The 12th International Conference on Fracture  2009 

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  • Ti-Mo合金における圧痕形状およびその周囲の変形とそれらの結晶方位依存性

    第58期学術講演会  2009 

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  • Study of heat-aging effects on fatigue crack growth rate of vulcanized natural rubber used in engine mounts

    第58期学術講演会  2009 

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  • 精密卓上型3軸ロボットを用いた多点測定型直流電位差法による平板背面き裂の同定

    平成21年度春季大会  2009 

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  • Numerical Simulation for Identification of Semi-Elliptical Crack on the Inner Surface of Pipe by Means of Direct-Current Electrical Potential Difference Method with Multiple-Probe Sensor

    ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference  2009 

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  • 双晶変形を伴う最密六方晶金属の二軸圧縮塑性挙動

    M&M2009材料力学カンファレンス  2009 

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  • 有限要素法による機関運転中のシリンダブロックトップデッキ隅部の応力と疲労強度に関する検討

    2009年度年次大会  2009 

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  • デジタル高度相関法に基づく材料表面の同一領域認証

    第6回学術講演会  2009 

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  • ポリカーボネート基板上の金薄膜の強度試験

    第17回若手フォーラム  2009 

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  • ディーゼルエンジンシリンダブロックのトップデッキ隅部における片状黒鉛長さと破壊に関する検討

    第17回若手フォーラム  2009 

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  • 多結晶金属材料の圧縮変形により生じる表面凹凸に関する結晶塑性解析

    第47期総会・講演会  2009 

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  • アルミニウム板材に対する局所機械的性質制御法に関する基礎的検討

    第17回若手フォーラム  2009 

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  • 引張りに伴う多結晶純ニッケルの隣接結晶粒間の塑性ひずみと回転の検討

    第17回若手フォーラム  2009 

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  • 直流電位差法による円管-フランジ溶接部に生じたき裂の深さ評価に関する有限要素解析

    平成21年度春季大会  2009 

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  • ディーゼルエンジンのシリンダブロックトップデッキ隅部における破壊条件の検討

    日本機械学会岡山講演会  2008 

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  • 高温繰返し引張りにおける鉛フリーはんだボール/銅接合界面き裂の直流電位差法によるモニタリング

    日本機械学会岡山講演会  2008 

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  • The Influence of Strain Path on Biaxial Compressive Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy

    Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA 2008)  2008 

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  • 非線形FEAを用いたドライライナ構造シリンダブロックのトップデッキ隅部における静応力低減に関する検討

    日本機械学会岡山講演会  2008 

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  • 引張りに伴う多結晶純銅および純ニッケルの結晶粒塑性ひずみと回転

    第48回銅及び銅合金技術研究会講演大会  2008 

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  • 高分子材料の引張り試験における局所変形の連続評価

    第52回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会  2008 

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  • Monitoring of Interface Crack between Solder Ball and Copper Plate Subjected to Cyclic Tensile Loading under Fluctuating Temperature by Direct Current Potential Difference Method

    The 3rd IMPACT and the 10th EMAP Joint Conference  2008 

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  • Effect of Bead Position on Stress Distribution along the Fillet on Upper Deck of Diesel Engine Cylinder Block with Dry Liner Structure

    The Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS2008)  2008 

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  • Strain Path Dependent Plastic Behavior of Aluminum by Unidirectional and Cyclic Biaxial Compressions

    The Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS2008)  2008 

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  • Voronoi多角形により近似した球晶組織を有する結晶性高分子材料の変形解析

    日本材料学会第57期学術講演会  2008 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による円管内面き裂の同定手法の開発

    日本非破壊検査協会第1回電界計測を基盤とする非破壊評価高度化研究会  2008 

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  • 電位差法により捉えられるき裂の様相

    日本材料学会第262回腐食防食部門委員会例会  2008 

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  • 純チタンの二軸圧縮塑性挙動に及ぼす集合組織の影響

    日本機械学会岡山講演会  2008 

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  • EBSD法と格子点配列マークを用いた純チタン結晶粒内の塑性変形に関する検討

    日本機械学会岡山講演会  2008 

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  • 結晶性高分子材料の引張り試験における局所変形分布の連続評価

    日本機械学会岡山講演会  2008 

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  • 圧痕形状を利用した純チタンの微視的性質評価に関する検討

    日本機械学会M&M2008材料力学カンファレンス  2008 

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  • Application of Direct-Current Potential Difference Method to Evaluation of Various Damages in Conductive Materials

    ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP2008)  2008 

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  • 岡山新材料技術融合フォーラムの発足と目指すもの

    山陽技術振興会第3回技術交流会  2008 

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  • 結晶粒径の異なる純チタン薄膜の熱応力駆動型引張り試験

    日本機械学会M&M2008材料力学カンファレンス  2008 

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  • 局所圧縮加工による工業用純アルミニウム板材の機械的性質変化

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第15回若手フォーラム  2008 

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  • アルミニウム板材の非軸対称スピニング成形

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第15回若手フォーラム  2008 

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  • Computational Simulation of Mechanical Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polymers with Randomly Distributed Rubber Particles

    International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences ICCES'08  2008 

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  • シリンダブロック隅部の静ひずみ評価とヘッドボルトはめあい深さの最適化

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第46期総会・講演会  2008 

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  • AZ31マグネシウム合金の二軸圧縮塑性挙動に対するひずみ経路の影響

    日本材料学会第57期学術講演会  2008 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による円管内面き裂の同定手法の開発

    日本非破壊検査協会平成20年度春季大会講演概要集,pp.171-172(2008-5-21)  2008 

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  • 同期型スピニングによる金属板材の非軸対称成形に関する実験的検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第46期総会・講演会  2008 

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  • 純チタンの繰返し塑性変形に伴う微視的ひずみ分布とすべり挙動に関する検討

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第15回若手フォーラム  2008 

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  • 局所強加工域を有するアルミニウム板材の機械的性質と組織状態に関する基礎的検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第46期総会・講演会  2008 

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  • 鉛フリーはんだボール/銅接合界面の損傷モニタリングにおける温度補正に関する検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第46期総会・講演会  2008 

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  • ディーゼルエンジンの主体部設計とFEM

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第15回若手フォーラム  2008 

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  • シリンダブロック隅部の静ひずみ評価とヘッドボルト締付荷重の影響

    日本機械学会創立110周年記念2007年度年次大会  2007 

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  • 部材背面および接合部界面損傷のオンライン/オンチップ・モニタリング

    岡山大学新技術説明会  2007 

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  • EBSDを用いた多結晶純銅の引張りにおける結晶粒塑性変形の3次元的評価

    銅及び銅合金技術研究会第47回講演大会  2007 

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  • 格子点配列マークを用いた純チタン結晶粒の微視的塑性変形に関する検討

    第51回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会  2007 

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  • Tensile Test of Notched Metal Film by Means of Thermal Expansion of Plastics

    The 9th International Symposium on Electronic Materials and Packaging EMAP2007  2007 

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  • 高分子材料の熱膨張を利用した金属薄膜の引張り試験

    日本材料学会第56期第38回マイクロマテリアル部門委員会  2007 

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  • はんだボール/銅接合界面き裂の成長とその評価

    日本機械学会創立110周年記念2007年度年次大会  2007 

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  • 二軸圧縮試験機を用いた種々のひずみ経路におけるAZ31マグネシウム合金の塑性挙動に関する検討

    日本機械学会M&M2007材料力学カンファレンス  2007 

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  • 電子デバイスからプラント配管までマルチスケールで信頼性・健全性評価が可能な直流電位差法

    日本非破壊検査協会平成19年度秋季大会  2007 

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  • 表面に設けた微小圧痕の形状変化に基づく材料変形の3次元評価に関する検討

    日本非破壊検査協会平成19年度春季大会  2007 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法を用いた半楕円背面き裂の位置・寸法・方向と板厚の同時推定

    日本非破壊検査協会平成19年度春季大会  2007 

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  • Experimental Study of Three-Dimensional Identification of Semi-Elliptical Crack on the Back Surface by Means of Direct-Current Electrical Potential Difference Method of Multiple-Point Measurement Type

    ASME PVP 2007 and CREEP8 Conference  2007 

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  • 金属結晶体の塑性変形評価に関する最近の展開

    第226回材料力学談話会  2007 

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  • 結晶性高分子材料の引張り試験における局所変形分布の定量的評価

    日本材料学会第56期学術講演会  2007 

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  • 鉛フリーはんだボール/銅接合界面き裂の検知と評価

    日本材料学会第122回破壊力学部門委員会  2007 

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  • 遠方および近傍電流を利用した直流電位差法による背面き裂の評価に関する有限要素シミュレーション

    日本非破壊検査協会平成19年度春季大会  2007 

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  • 多点測定型直流電位差法による半楕円背面き裂の同定における電流供給方向の影響

    日本材料学会第56期学術講演会  2007 

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  • 繰返し二軸圧縮に伴うアルミニウムの塑性挙動

    日本機械学会創立110周年記念2007年度年次大会  2007 

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  • 純チタンに設けた微小圧痕形状の結晶方位依存性

    日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会・中国四国支部 2007年鉄鋼第50回・金属第47回大会  2007 

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  • 圧痕空間の形状変化による材料変形の3次元的評価に関する有限要素解析

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第13回若手フォーラム  2007 

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  • 格子点配列マークを用いた純チタンの結晶粒内塑性ひずみ分布とすべり線に関する検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第45期総会・講演会  2007 

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  • 圧痕の形状変化に基づく材料表面における塑性変形の3次元評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第45期総会・講演会  2007 

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  • 電位差法およびその最近の展開

    日本非破壊検査協会関西支部第3回技術サロン  2007 

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  • ピエゾステージを用いた純チタン薄膜の引張りと力学的性質評価法に関する検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第45期総会・講演会  2007 

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  • ピエゾステージを用いた純チタン切欠き薄膜試験片の引張りと力学的性質評価

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第13回若手フォーラム  2007 

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  • 圧痕の形状変化に基づく材料の変形の3次元評価法に関する有限要素解析

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第45期総会・講演会  2007 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたはんだボール/銅接合界面き裂のモニタリングに関する3次元有限要素法解析

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第44期総会・講演会  2006 

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  • 電位差法を用いた欠陥の非破壊評価の現状

    第1回原子力構造物の高経年化に関わる維持技術の高度化に関する調査委員会  2006 

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  • 補助電流を付加した直流電位差法による背面き裂の同定に関する有限要素法解析

    日本機械学会2006年度年次大会  2006 

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  • 金属材料

    日本材料学会中国支部 講習会「ものづくり材料学-基礎と応用」  2006 

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  • Plastic Behavior of Polycrystalline Aluminum during Biaxial Compression with Strain Path Change

    The 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications  2006 

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  • 工業用純チタンのひずみ経路変化を伴う二軸圧縮塑性変形における力学的挙動

    日本機械学会2006年度年次大会  2006 

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  • Three-Dimensional Identification of Semi-Elliptical Crack on the Back Surface by Means of Direct-Current Electrical Potential Difference Method with Multiple-Probe Sensor

    ASME PVP 2006 and ICPVT-11 Conference  2006 

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  • リバース式差動回転直動変換機構の設計と基礎的特性評価

    日本設計工学会中国支部平成18年度研究発表講演会  2006 

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  • 圧痕の形状変化に基づく材料表面の3次元的ひずみ評価に関する解析的検討

    日本機械学会M&M2006材料力学カンファレンス  2006 

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  • 微小圧痕形状を用いた純チタンの結晶学的方位評価

    日本機械学会M&M2006材料力学カンファレンス  2006 

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  • リバース式差動回転直動変換機構の動作特性に関する検討

    日本設計工学会平成18年度秋季大会研究発表講演会  2006 

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  • Evaluation of Interface Crack between Solder Ball and Copper Based on the Non-Destructive Monitoring of Direct Current Potential Difference

    8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging EMAP2006  2006 

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  • ゴム強化型結晶性ポリマーブレンド材の微視およびメゾ領域における変形挙動の数値シミュレーション

    日本機械学会第19回計算力学講演会  2006 

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  • 繰返し負荷によって生じたはんだボール/銅接合界面損傷への直流電位差法の適用

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第44期総会・講演会  2006 

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  • 純チタンにおける結晶学的方位と微小圧痕形状の相関性

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第11回若手フォーラム,ポスターセッション  2006 

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  • 多結晶金属の引張り塑性変形に伴う微視的変形挙動

    日本機械学会関西支部第80期定時総会講演会  2005 

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  • 熱応力を利用した引張り試験法による純チタン薄板の力学的性質評価

    日本機械学会M&M2005材料力学カンファレンス  2005 

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  • 純チタン結晶粒表面における超微小硬度計の圧痕形状と結晶方位の関係に関する検討

    日本機械学会2005年度年次大会  2005 

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  • 二軸圧縮塑性変形に伴う多結晶金属材の変形挙動に関する検討

    日本機械学会第18回計算力学講演会  2005 

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  • 二軸圧縮試験による往復ひずみ経路の塑性変形に伴うアルミニウム材の力学的性質変化

    日本機械学会M&M2005材料力学カンファレンス  2005 

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  • Evaluation of Multiple Through-Cracks with Random Angles by Direct Current Electrical Potential Difference Method

    The Third US-Japan Symposium on Advancing Applications and Capabilities  2005 

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  • Tensile Test of Thin Titanium Plate Actuated by Thermal Expansion of Polycarbonate

    The Sixth International Congress on Thermal Stresses (Thermal Stresses 2005)  2005 

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  • 多点測定型直流電位差法による半円背面き裂の同定に関する実験的検討

    第49回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会  2005 

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  • 直流電位差法を用いたはんだボールと銅の接合界面き裂の非破壊的同定に関する有限要素法解析

    第49回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会  2005 

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  • 工業用純チタンの単軸および平面ひずみ圧縮に伴う機械的性質変化に対する予圧縮の影響

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第43期総会・講演会  2005 

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  • 耐熱鋼のクリープ支配型破壊に関するモデリングとシミュレーション

    日本鉄鋼協会平成16年度第3回高温強度基準値検討委員会  2005 

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  • ひずみ経路可変型二軸圧縮試験機を用いたアルミニウムの交差効果に関する検討

    日本実験力学会2005年度年次講演会  2005 

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  • スピニング加工における金属板材成形過程の3次元弾塑性有限要素法解析

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第42期総会・講演会  2004 

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  • くし型試験片を用いた純銅細棒の引張り塑性変形に関する微視的検討

    日本材料学会第53期学術講演会  2004 

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  • 多結晶チタンの繰返し曲げ塑性変形における結晶粒表面形状の定量化に関する検討

    日本材料学会第53期学術講演会  2004 

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  • Three-Dimensional Identification of Semi-Elliptical Surface Crack by Means of Direct-Current Electrical Potential Difference Method with Multiple-Probe Sensor

    The 2004 ASME/JSME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP-2004)  2004 

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  • 熱応力を利用した薄板引張り試験法に関する実験的検討

    日本材料学会第53期学術講演会  2004 

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  • 多結晶金属の引張り塑性変形に伴う表面あれの自己相関関数による評価

    日本材料学会第53期学術講演会  2004 

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  • 多結晶アルミニウムの引張り塑性変形における微小硬さ変化

    日本材料学会第53期学術講演会  2004 

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  • 熱応力を用いた顕微鏡下のチタン薄板引張り試験

    日本機械学会2004年度年次大会  2004 

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  • Micro-Macro Damage Simulation of Low-Alloy Steel Welds Subjected to Type IV Creep Failure

    Fifth China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials  2004 

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  • Microscopic Damage Analysis of Welded Joints under Type III and Type IV Creep Failure

    International 'HIDA-4' Conference  2004 

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  • 被加工材性質がスピニング成形性に及ぼす影響に関する解析的検討

    日本機械学会2004年度年次大会  2004 

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  • EBSD法による多結晶銅の引張りにおける結晶粒の3次元的塑性変形の評価

    日本材料学会第53期学術講演会  2004 

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  • フェライト系ステンレス鋼の塑性変形に伴う微視的変形挙動の観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第42期総会・講演会  2004 

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  • 繰返し引張りにおけるはんだボールと銅の接合界面の直流電位差法によるモニタリング

    日本材料学会第53期学術講演会  2004 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による表面き裂の3次元的同定

    日本非破壊検査協会平成16年度第2回電場計測非破壊評価研究会  2004 

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  • 多結晶純チタンの引張り塑性変形に伴う微小硬さ変化と結晶方位

    日本塑性加工学会第55回塑性加工連合講演会  2004 

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  • 電位差法の分類と種々の欠陥への適用

    日本材料学会第53期第3回高温強度部門委員会  2004 

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  • 多結晶純チタンの繰返し曲げにおける結晶粒塑性変形挙動の定量化

    日本金属学会中国四国支部第9回若手フォーラム  2004 

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  • Observation of Microscopic Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Aluminum During Uniaxial Tension by Confocal Laser-Scanning Microscope

    The Seventh Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA 2004)  2004 

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  • 大ひずみ二軸圧縮に伴う多結晶金属の力学的性質変化に対するひずみ経路の影響

    日本機械学会中国四国支部山口地方講演会  2004 

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  • Ni基単結晶超合金の高温疲労に及ぼす組織変化と表面酸化膜の影響

    日本塑性加工学会中国四国支部研究会  2003 

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  • 走査型レーザ顕微鏡による多結晶アルミニウムの微視的塑性変形挙動の評価

    日本塑性加工学会第54回塑性加工連合講演会  2003 

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  • 多結晶アルミニウムの引張り塑性変形に伴う微視的表面性状変化

    日本塑性加工学会第54回塑性加工連合講演会  2003 

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  • 熱応力を利用した純チタン薄板試験片の引張りとその場観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第6回若手フォーラム  2003 

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  • くし型試験片を用いた純銅細棒の引張り塑性変形に関する微視的検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第6回若手フォーラム  2003 

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  • 低合金鋼溶接熱影響部の微視クリープ損傷進展の評価

    日本機械学会M&M2003材料力学部門講演会  2003 

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  • 多軸圧縮試験機の開発と予ひずみおよび熱処理による純銅の機械的性質変化に関する検討

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第6回若手フォーラム  2003 

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  • 微視クリープ損傷進展を考慮した高温配管Type Ⅳ損傷評価

    現場に密着した最新の運転・予防保全に関する講習会(火力原子力発電技術協会)  2003 

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  • レーザ顕微鏡によるチタン系材料の塑性変形に伴う微視的不均質性の観察

    日本機械学会M&M2003材料力学部門講演会  2003 

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  • 熱応力による純チタン薄板試験片の引張りとその場観察

    日本機械学会M&M2003材料力学部門講演会  2003 

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  • チタンの引張り塑性変形に伴う微小硬さ変化

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第41期総会・講演会  2003 

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  • 多結晶チタンの引張塑性変形における不均一変形とEBSD法による方位測定について

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第41期総会・講演会  2003 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による半楕円表面き裂の同定に関する実験的検討

    日本機械学会2003年度年次大会  2003 

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  • 多結晶アルミニウムの引張塑性変形に伴う表面形状変化

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第40期総会・講演会  2002 

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  • Orientation Change Measured by the EBSD Method and the Plastic Deformation of Grains in Polycrystalline Copper

    The Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA)  2002 

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  • Observation of the Tensile Deformation Behavior of Polycrystalline Titanium with the Scanning Probe Microscope

    The Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA)  2002 

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  • 高温配管溶接部の微視クリープ損傷進展評価法の検討

    日本材料学会第40回高温強度シンポジウム  2002 

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  • 多結晶鉄の塑性変形における微視的変形挙動の観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第40期総会・講演会  2002 

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  • 直流電位差法による表面き裂の非破壊的同定手法の提案

    日本非破壊検査協会第1回電場計測法実用研究会  2002 

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  • レーザ顕微鏡による多結晶銅の繰返し塑性変形の観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第40期総会・講演会  2002 

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  • 多結晶アルミニウムの引張塑性変形に伴う微視的表面形状変化

    日本機械学会平成14年度材料力学部門講演会  2002 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による半楕円表面き裂の位置と大きさと角度の非破壊評価

    日本機械学会平成14年度材料力学部門講演会  2002 

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  • 単軸引張りに伴う多結晶チタンの微視的変形挙動のSPM観察

    日本機械学会平成14年度材料力学部門講演会  2002 

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  • EBSD法による多結晶銅の引張塑性変形における活動すべり面に関する検討

    日本機械学会平成14年度材料力学部門講演会  2002 

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  • 材料の変形・破壊試験と直流電位差法による損傷評価

    第201回材料力学談話会  2002 

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  • Ni基単結晶超合金CMSX-2の高温酸化層割れと高温疲労き裂の発生に関する検討

    日本機械学会平成14年度材料力学部門講演会  2002 

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  • 画像処理およびEBSD法による多結晶銅の引張塑性変形における結晶粒塑性ひずみの評価

    日本機械学会平成14年度材料力学部門講演会  2002 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による半楕円表面き裂の非破壊評価

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第40期総会・講演会  2002 

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  • 微小平板試験片を用いた純銅の繰返し引張り

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第40期総会・講演会  2002 

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  • プローブ顕微鏡による多結晶チタンの塑性変形の微視的連続観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第40期総会・講演会  2002 

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  • 多結晶金属の塑性変形に伴う微視的変形挙動の観察

    日本機械学会2001年度年次大会  2001 

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  • Ni基単結晶超合金CMSX-2の高温疲労強度

    日本機械学会2001年度年次大会  2001 

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  • 規則的に配列した六角形セルとその結合層からなる弾性材料の変形に関するFEM解析

    日本機械学会2001年度年次大会  2001 

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  • 2.25Cr-1Mo鋼HAZ細粒域再現材のクリープにおけるキャビティの観察

    日本材料学会第39回高温強度シンポジウム  2001 

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  • Ni基単結晶超合金CMSX-2の高温疲労強度

    日本材料学会第39回高温強度シンポジウム  2001 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による半楕円表面き裂の寸法と位置の推定

    日本材料学会第39回高温強度シンポジウム  2001 

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  • 微視損傷進展を考慮した溶接継手のクリープ寿命評価法の検討

    日本材料学会第39回高温強度シンポジウム  2001 

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  • 超微小硬度計によるアルミニウムの微視的変形挙動の観察

    日本機械学会2001年度年次大会  2001 

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  • 連続転位分布を用いた粒界クリープ・キャビティの先端近傍応力場に関する数値解析

    日本材料学会第50期学術講演会  2001 

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  • 多結晶銅の塑性変形に伴う結晶方位の観察

    日本機械学会2001年度年次大会  2001 

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  • 多結晶チタンの引張り変形挙動の微視的観察

    日本機械学会2001年度年次大会  2001 

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  • プローブ顕微鏡による多結晶チタンの変形挙動の観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第39期総会講演会  2001 

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  • 体積力法による不均質材料の弾性変形シミュレーション

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第39期総会講演会  2001 

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  • 多結晶銅の結晶方位と微視的塑性変形解析

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第39期総会講演会  2001 

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  • レーザ顕微鏡による多結晶金属の微視的塑性変形の観察

    日本機械学会中国四国支部第39期総会講演会  2001 

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  • 一方向繊維強化複合材料のモードⅠ層間マトリックスき裂のき裂先端近傍応力場に関する弾塑性解析

    日本材料学会第49期学術講演会  2000 

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  • 微視損傷進展を考慮した低合金鋼溶接部のクリープ寿命評価法の検討

    日本材料学会第38回高温強度シンポジウム  2000 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法によるき裂分布の非破壊評価

    日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会  2000 

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  • 粒界クリープキャビティの先端近傍応力場に関する数値解析

    第44回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会  2000 

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  • 多数分布き裂型高温疲労損傷の直流電位差法による非破壊定量評価

    日本材料学会第38回高温強度シンポジウム  2000 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による多数き裂の分布評価

    日本非破壊検査協会平成12年度春季大会  2000 

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  • 一方向繊維強化複合材料の層間き裂における繊維架橋の力学的モデリング

    日本機械学会2000年度年次大会  2000 

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  • 電位差法によるキャビティあるいはき裂の連続モニタリングに基づく高温機器の余寿命予測

    日本機械学会第12回計算力学講演会  1999 

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  • Ni基単結晶超合金CMSX-10の高温疲労破壊プロセス

    日本材料学会第37回高温強度シンポジウム  1999 

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  • 実験観察・破壊力学の立場から見た変形と破壊 -クリープ支配型破壊の場合-

    日本機械学会1999年度年次大会  1999 

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  • 直流電位差法による多数分布き裂の個数,長さ,角度の推定

    日本材料学会第48期学術講演会  1999 

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  • CFRPのDCB試験片における繊維架橋を伴うき裂の先端近傍応力場に関するモデル解析

    日本材料学会第10回破壊力学シンポジウム  1999 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による多数き裂分布の逆推定

    第7回メゾ材料シンポジウム  1999 

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  • Ni基単結晶超合金CMSX-10の高温疲労破壊

    日本材料学会第48期学術講演会  1999 

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  • 多端子型直流電位差法による多数き裂分布の逆推定

    日本機械学会平成11年度材料力学部門講演会  1999 

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  • き裂の集団現象の解析

    日本機械学会第12回計算力学講演会  1999 

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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市


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  • 平成29年度岡山大学研究シーズ発信会


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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市


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  • 岡山大学 新技術説明会


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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市


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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市


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  • nano tech 2014 International Nanotechnology Exhibition & Conference


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  • nano tech 2014 第13回国際ナノテクノロジー総合展・技術会議


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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市


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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市


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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市


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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市


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  • 岡山大学 新技術説明会


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  • 岡山大学 知恵の見本市2006


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  • イノベーション・ジャパン2006-大学見本市


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  • 令和3年度支部功労賞

    2022.5   日本材料学会   材料の微視的不均一変形に関する研究推進と中国支部における学術活動活性化への貢献

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  • 2020(令和2)年度材料力学部門賞,第29回業績賞

    2020.4   日本機械学会   固体力学に基づく材料の微視的変形挙動と損傷評価に関する先駆的研究

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  • 平成28年度学術貢献賞

    2017.5   日本材料学会   材料の微視的変形と損傷の評価・予測技術に関する研究

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  • フェロー

    2016   日本機械学会  

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  • Outstanding Paper Award

    2012.10   The 7th IMPACT Conference   Tensile Test of Small Lead-Free Solder Joint Using Permanent Magnet

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  • Bayer Teaching Excellence Award

    2009.10   International Symposium on Total Engineering Education   Research and Education in the Field of Applied Solid Mechanics

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  • 平成19年度論文賞

    2008.5   日本非破壊検査協会   複数の電流供給端子を用いた直流電位差法による背面き裂の評価に関する有限要素解析

    内田真, 船越亮, 石井祐介, 多田直哉

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  • 平成16年度(第26回)奨励賞

    2005.5   日本非破壊検査協会   多端子型直流電位差法による表面き裂の3次元的同定

    多田直哉, 岩本淳, 岡田眞禎

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  • 平成9年度学術奨励賞

    1998.5   日本材料学会   解析,数値シミュレーションによる耐熱鋼のクリープ疲労破壊に関する多面的研究

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  • 第6回躍進賞(平成7年)

    1995.12   日本材料学会,高温強度部門委員会  

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  • 平成6年度研究奨励賞

    1995.4   日本機械学会   内部微小欠陥分布に関する確率論的解析

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Research Projects

  • Prediction of deformation localization and fracture in polycrystalline titanium alloy based on 3D measurement of ultra-small inhomogeneous deformation

    Grant number:21H01214  2021.04 - 2024.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    多田 直哉, 上森 武, 坂本 惇司

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    Grant amount:\17810000 ( Direct expense: \13700000 、 Indirect expense:\4110000 )



  • Prediction of Development of Inhomogeneous Plastic Deformation and Fracture Based on Change in Elastic Height Distribution in Polycrystalline Metals

    Grant number:18H01337  2018.04 - 2021.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Tada Naoya

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    Grant amount:\17940000 ( Direct expense: \13800000 、 Indirect expense:\4140000 )

    Tensile tests were carried out using plate and thin sheet specimens of polycrystalline pure titanium. Microscopic inhomogeneous deformations under elastic and plastic conditions were discussed focusing on the deformation of thin sheet specimens where the effect of interior crystal grains was week. The following resutls were obtained. Height changes at the center of grains were correlated with those near the grain boundaries. Correlation between the height changes on the front and back surfaces changed when the deformation changed from elastic to plastic. The initiation of slip lines near the notch could be predicted by slip activity.


  • Investigation of Deformation Mechanism Dependent Elastic-plastic Multi-axial Compressive Behavior and Constitutive Modeling of Metastable Beta-type Titanium Alloys

    Grant number:24560101  2012.04 - 2015.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TAKEMOTO Yoshito, TADA Naoya

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    Grant amount:\5330000 ( Direct expense: \4100000 、 Indirect expense:\1230000 )

    In this study, influences of the deformation mechanisms on the mechanical behavior of metastable beta-type titanium alloys have been investigated. Titanium-niobium alloys with different contents of niobium were prepared. The uniaxial and biaxial compression tests of those alloys were then conducted by using the original testing machine. The electron microscopic analyses were also performed to check the activity of plastic deformation mechanisms in order to investigate the relationship between the mechanism change and the mechanical behavior. The results revealed that special characteristics during compressive deformation such as variation of strain hardening rate and anisotropic hardening developed due to the change of dominant deformation mechanism with the niobium content. Based on the results, the constitutive modeling that is possible to express the niobium content dependency of compressive plastic behavior of titanium-niobium alloys was introduced.


  • Investigation of Forming Limit Criterion of Magnesium Alloys under Multiaxial Compressive Deformation at Cold and Elevated Temperatures

    Grant number:21560094  2009 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 、 Indirect expense:\1080000 )

    Elucidation of compressive forming limit of magnesium alloys is quite important to enlarge their applications to wider industrial products. In the present study, forming limits of magnesium alloys under cold/warm multiaxial compressive conditions were investigated by using a unique strain-path controllable biaxial compression apparatus. The compressive forming limit criterion was almost successfully formulated by taking fracture conditions into consideration. The new research findings, such as influences of initial anisotropy and strain paths upon the compressive forming limit, were also acquired.


  • 弾性表面凹凸に基づく変形および破壊のクリティカル・ポイントの予測

    Grant number:20656021  2008 - 2009

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的萌芽研究

    多田 直哉

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    Grant amount:\3300000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 )

    ・ 前年度に実施した予備的実験を基に,表面を電解研磨等により平滑化した純チタン直方体試験片の圧縮中断試験を実施し,その表面をデジタルホログラフィック顕微鏡(以下DHM)で観察した.その結果,平滑化した試験片であっても,その表面に存在するナノオーダーの凹凸により,変形前後における同一場所の同定が可能であるとともに,その凹凸の度合いが圧縮負荷とともに増加していることが明らかとなった.'・局所塑性変形の開始を示すすべり線の発生およびその方向を,材料表面凹凸の方向性を示すパラメータで定量化することが可能であった.
    ・ 圧縮負荷に伴う高度分布の方向性パラメータの変化から局所塑性変形の開始を予測できる可能性が示された.
    ・ 純チタン試験片の引張試験を実施し,圧縮試験と同様にDHMで表面高度測定を実施した.その結果,圧縮試験と同様にナノオーダーの凹凸から材料表面上での位置同定が可能であり,また,局所塑性変形が観察された.


  • Twin-dominated Hardening Behavior of Titanium Materials during Cold/Warm Non-Proportional Biaxial Compressions

    Grant number:19560092  2007 - 2008

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SHIMIZU Ichiro, TADA Naoya

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 、 Indirect expense:\1080000 )



  • Plastic Deformation Behavior of Grains in Small Thin Specimen under Tension

    Grant number:16560071  2004 - 2005

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    TADA Naoya

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    Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct expense: \3600000 )

    Recently, researches on the mechanical behavior of small-sized material, such as thin wires and films, have been actively done in the field of micro machines and electronic devices. In general, deformation of the small-sized materials is greatly affected by microstructures such as grain boundaries and crystal orientations of grains. The smaller the size of the material becomes in comparison with that of the microstructures, the larger the magnitude of the effect becomes. In this study, tensile tests of metal film or thin plate were carried out on the stage of microscope, and the deformation of grains was observed in situ. The followings were discussed here.
    I.Tensile test of thin plate of pure titanium using thermal expansion of polycarbonate.
    II.Tensile tests of pure titanium and polycarbonate by conventional fatigue testing machine for small specimens.
    III.Tensile tests of thin plate of pure titanium using piezo stage.
    In the above I, it was confirmed that the tensile test of thin plate of pure titanium was possible using thermal expansion of polycarbonate. The plastic deformation behavior and mechanical properties were discussed. In II, mechanical properties for pure titanium and polycarbonate were obtained by conventional fatigue testing machine for small specimen. The results of I were discussed based on these results. In III, tensile tests of thin plate of pure titanium were carried out on the stage of microscope using piezo stage, and the tensile plastic behavior was observed. The results were compared with those of I and II.


  • Quantitative Evaluation of Multiple Cracking Damage by Means of Direct Current Potential Difference Method with Multiple-Type Probe

    Grant number:12650086  2000 - 2001

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    TADA Naoya

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    Grant amount:\4100000 ( Direct expense: \4100000 )

    The objective of the present research is to establish a method of quantitative evaluation of crack distribution from two-dimensional distribution of potential difference which can be measured by means of multiple-type probe. The multiple-type probe is composed of a lot of probes which are aligned in two rectangular directions. Although a conventional method, where only a pair of probes are used for measuring potential difference, has been applied to multiple cracking damage, it was impossible to determine whether relatively small number of large cracks exist or relatively large number of small cracks exist. In this study, electric field analysis and experiment were carried out and the following results were obtained.
    1. The distribution of potential difference between two adjacent probes in multiple-type probe was calculated for known distribution of cracks and the relationship between the distribution of potential difference and that of cracks was formulated.
    2. Using the formula, a method of quantitative evaluation of areal density (i. e. , the number of cracks in unit area) and mean length of cracks from mean and standard deviation of potential difference was proposed. The validity of the method was assured by numerical experiment.
    3. A new evaluation method of the distribution of microscopic strain on the surface of specimen was proposed. In this method, micro-grid at intervals of about 10μm was described in advance on the surface of specimen using roughness tester, and a change in the shape of each grid was measured to evaluate the strain. This method was applied to small fatigued plate specimens of pure copper. Strain showed a relatively large scatter in microscopic scale and this seemed to be caused by microstructural inhomogeneity such as the difference in crystallographic orientations among neighboring grains. It was thought that the non-uniform strain of grains brought about crack initiation on the surface of specimen.


  • Development of an Apparatus for Measuring Submicroscopic Current Distribution and Evaluation of Interface Delamination and Atom Migration irr Electronic Devices

    Grant number:10305010  1998 - 2000

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A).

    OTHANI Ryuichi, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki

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    Grant amount:\40400000 ( Direct expense: \40400000 )

    1. Electric field analysis for predicting the distribution of multiple cracks by means of direct current electrical potential method
    Crack-current modification method was proposed for analyzing the electric field around multiple cracks. Electric field analysis was carried out for randomly distributed disk-shaped cracks in a three-dimensional conductor and for distributed through-cracks in a two-dimensional one. Based on the results of the analysis, a procedure was proposed for predicting the distribution of multiple cracks by direct current electrical potential method.
    2. Evaluation of a small defect existing right under the surface of conductive materials
    A small defect existing right under the surface of the conductive material was evaluated by means of a scanning probe microscone with current measuring system where electric current was supplied through a cantilever to the conductor and the defect was evaluated by the change in the current. Electric analysis was carried out for discussing the basis of this apparatus by the crack-current modification method which was used for the electric field analysis around multiple cracks. It was clarified by actual current measurement that contact condition or contact electric resistance between the cantilever and the specimen has a great influence on the amount of current. In order to find the best measuring condition, electric analysis was carried out simulating the apparatus in which the contact area was fluctuated intentionally. The following results were obtained. Modification of the shape of a cantilever tip is necessary. Further development is needed on the servomechanism of cantilever.


  • Systematic Research on Hig-Strength and High Performance Ni-Base Superalloy Coatings for Advanced Gas Turbines.

    Grant number:10555027  1998 - 2000

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).

    OKAZAKI Masakazu, KAKEI Koji, SAKANE Masao, KITAMURA Takayuki, YAMADA Yasuhiro, TADA Yaoya

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    Grant amount:\12500000 ( Direct expense: \12500000 )

    Collaborative research, which cover the themo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) and isothermal low-cycle fatigue (ILCF) strengths of Ni-Base superalloys and the protective coatings at elevated temperatures, has been carried out. Based on the observations of the crack initiation, the fracture surface and the dislocation structures, the effects of the substrate alloy and the coating on the TMF and ILCF lives are presented in this paper. The correlation between the TMF and ILCF are also discussed.
    The results obtained by the collaborative research are summarized as follows :
    (1) The TMF lives, as well as the ILCF, were strongly dependent of the substrate alloys. The single crystal and directionally-solidified alloys and their coatings generally exhibited the most excellent properties, compared with those of the traditional pollycrystalline alloy.
    (2) The observation of dislocation structures indicated that the controlling and deformation mechanisms were intrinsically different between TMF and ILCF in the Ni-base superalloys. Accordingly, it must be unreasonable in principle to reproduce and to estimate the TMF failure of the Ni-base superalloys by the ILCF tests.
    (3) Remarkable reductions in the TMF life of the Ni-base superalloy coatings under the out-of-phase condition was found to occur, compared with that of the substrate. It was shown by the investigation of the crack density that this was due to the low ductility of the coating film at the temperatures at which the maximum tensile strain was reached in the TMF tests, resulting in severe crackings. Hence, it is essential for the TMF life prediction of Ni-base superalloy coatings to get understandings not only on the substrate but also the coating film.
    (4) Regarding as the TMF failure of the coatings, attention should be paid to the results by ILCF tests which can provide us a somewhat misleading information : e.g., the TMF lives under the out-of-phase condition were significantly reduced by the coating, although the ILCF one at 900℃ was improved.


  • 直流電位差法による耐熱材料内部ミクロ欠陥のマクロスコピック評価

    Grant number:10750066  1998 - 1999

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  奨励研究(A)

    多田 直哉

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    Grant amount:\2100000 ( Direct expense: \2100000 )



  • Fracture mechanism of LSI conductor due to atom migration induced by electri current and stress

    Grant number:09450049  1997 - 1998

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    KITAMURA Takayuki, TADA Naoya, OHTANI Ryuichi

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    Grant amount:\9300000 ( Direct expense: \9300000 )

    It is well known that, atoms are transported by thermal stress as well as electric current in an LSI conductor. The interacted migration brings about cavities and the failure of conductor takes place by their growth. The results obtained from this study is summarized as follows. (1) An FEM of diffusion along grain boundaries is developed in order to analyze the cavity growth under the stress-induced migration. The simulation reveals that the diffusion along the interface between the conductor and the insulator strongly affects the atom flow and change the growth rate of cavity. (2) The movement of cavity is analyzed on the basis of atom migration along the surface due to electric current. (3) The analyzing method of cavity growth under interacted migration is discussed on the basis of the results (I) and (2). The method is implanted to the advanced FEM (1), which allows us to analyze the cavity growth in a polycrystalline conductor under the interaction. (4) The cavity grows little under migration induced by only electric current. However, it brings about the stress distribution along the grain boundaries near the cavity and the cavity growth is governed by the atom migration due to the stress gradient.


  • Resistance against Creep-Fatigue Realized by Anisotropic and Composite Structure

    Grant number:08455059  1996 - 1997

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OHTANI Ryuichi, TSUTSUMI Mitsuyoshi, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki

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    Grant amount:\8300000 ( Direct expense: \8300000 )

    In order to examine a method for attaining higher resistance of heat-resisting alloys against fatigue and creep-fatigue at high temperatures, fatigue and creep-fatigue tests were carried out for an intermetallic compound TiAl and a unidirectianally solidified Ni-based superalloy Mar-M247LC.Both alloys are composed of anisotropic structure, such as lamellate structure of gamma and alpha2 phases, and columnar(or elongated)grains. The followings are the results obtainde for TiAl. (1)In the early stage of fatigue at high temperature, microcracks were initiated on the surface of the specimen both at casting defects and at lamellar interfaces in the grain. (2)As most of the microcracks initiated at lamellar interfaces were arrested, the main crack was formed by one of the cracks initiated at relatively large casting defects. (3)While the growth rate of the microcracs was scattered widely, the aberage rate agreed with the fracture mechanics law which was obtained by propagation tests of macrorack using notched specimens. It is therefore possible to estimate the fatigue life of TiAl by fracture mechanics.
    The followings were clarified by the creep-fatigue tests for unidirectionally solidified Mar-M247LC.(1)In creep-fatigue with uniaxial loading parallel to the solidification direction(i.e., O degree-specimen), microcracks were initiated at small segments of wavy grain boundary where the grain boundary was locally perpendicular to the stress axis direction. (2)Most of the cracks were arrested when the crack tips reached the end of the perpendicular segment. The crack, which grew into the grain out of the grain boundary, became one of the largest cracks and brought about the final fracture of the specimen. (3)Creep-fatigue tests were also carried out changing the loading direction against solidification direction(i.e., using 45 degree-and 90 degree-specimens). Independent of the loading direction, microcracks were always initiated at the perpendicular segments. As the proportion of the perpendicular segments becomes the largest, the number of cracks was maximum in 90 degree-specimen, and this specimen showed the minimum life among three specimens under the same creep-fatigue condition.


  • Development of Simplified Simulation Method of Diffusion Based on Monte Carlo Analysis

    Grant number:08555025  1996 - 1997

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    KITAMURA Takayuki, TADA Naoya, OHTANI Ryuichi

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    Grant amount:\5100000 ( Direct expense: \5100000 )

    The failure of microelement such as conductors in a LSI is caused mostly by the atomic scale defects. The defect mucleation often takes place by diffusion along boundaries. The molecular dynamics simulation, however, can not be applied to the process in a real component because it can simulate the behavior of atoms in a very short period. A Monte Carlo method to simulate the process of defect nucleation in a longer period is proposed focusing on the jumps of atoms along the surface. In this study, the nucleation process of grain boundary grooving in an aluminum conductor is analyzed in terms of atomic mechanics. The formation of grooving is successfully simulated by the method. Then, the motion of atoms near an intersection between grain boundary and surface near the melting temperature is simulated by a molecular dynamics and the formation of grooving can be recognized for low SIGMA boundaries. The validity of new method is examined by the molecular dynamics result.


  • Proposal of Numerical Experiment for Discrete Fracture of Fiber Reinforced Composites

    Grant number:07555030  1995 - 1996

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    OHTANI Ryuichi, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki

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    Grant amount:\13100000 ( Direct expense: \13100000 )

    In order to evaluate the strength and toughness of composite materials, the following studies were carried out.
    1.Tensile tests of unidirectionally-carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic using smooth specimens, and the observation of fracture process.
    2.Stress analysis at the crack tip of Double Cantilever Beam specimen by means of Finite Element Method.
    3.Atomic and probabilistic analyzes on microcroaking.
    4.Numerical simulation of discrete fracture due to multiple microcracks.
    In the first study, transverse tensile tests of unidirectionally-carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic were carried out using smooth specimens, and the multiple small cracks initiated at the interface of carbon fiber and matrix were observed by means of microscope. The fracture process was discussed based on the observation results.
    In the second study, finite element analysis of the stress at the crack tip of Double Cantilever Beam specimen of unidirectionally-carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic was carried out. The effect of fibers on the stress distribution was examined and the applicability of conventional fracture mechanics to the composite material was discussed.
    In the third study, atomic and probabilistic analyzes on the microcrack were carrid out. The definition of microcrack was clarified and a method for determination of the distribution of internal microcracks from their cross-sectional distribution was proposed.
    In the last study, numerical simulation of the initiation and propagation of microcracks was carried out. The discrete fracture by microcracking was successfully simulated.


  • 欠陥に敏感な先進材料の確率論的健全性逆解析

    Grant number:07750109  1995

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  奨励研究(A)

    多田 直哉

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    Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct expense: \1000000 )



  • Development of Fatigue Testing Method for Thin Films and Fine Wires and SEM In-Situ-Observation of Their Failure Process

    Grant number:05555032  1993 - 1994

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research (B)

    OHTANI Ryuich, HORIKAWA Jun, YASUMARU Naoki, TANAKA Keisuke, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki

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    Grant amount:\13300000 ( Direct expense: \13300000 )

    The primary purpose of this research work is to prepare a fatigue testing equipment for thin filma and fine wires. The electric chucking equipment enables ua to grip firmly the specimen and to prevent the failure at the chucking part of specimen. The electric-pneumatic servocontrolled system is applied to attain precise load control at the very light load. It can perform the fatigue tests of films with the thickness of 10-100mum and of wires with the diameter of 10-100mum. The secondary purpose is to combine the fatigue testing machine with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in order to provide an in-situ observation of the failure process during the test. The third is to investigate the strength of thin films and thin wires using the system developed.
    Tensile test and fatigue test for pure copper wire with the diameter of 70 mu m are successfully conducted and the fracture surface is examined for discussing the failure process. The tests are also carried out for pure aluminum film with the thickness of 15 mu m and the failure process is observed in-situ by means of the SEM.These experiments prove the validity of the system dsveloped.


  • クリープ疲労微小き裂にフラクタル破壊力学

    Grant number:05750087  1993

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  奨励研究(A)

    多田 直哉

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    Grant amount:\900000 ( Direct expense: \900000 )



  • Observation on Failure Process of Fiber-Reinforced-Composites in High Temperature Fatigue

    Grant number:04452114  1992 - 1993

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)

    OHTANI Ryuichi, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki

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    Grant amount:\6800000 ( Direct expense: \6800000 )

    Delamination behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymer at high temperatures was investigated in order to elucidate the effect of matrix creep using double cantilever beam specimens of CF/PEEK and CF/PMR-15 laminates. The propagation of delamination crack was observed by means of optical microscope and it revealed that the creep accelerated the propagation rate of CF/PEEK in fatigue at 473K while the creep scarcely took place in the tests of CF/PMR-15 at 573K.The experimental results was successfully analyzed on the basis of linear fracture mechanics concept. The tests were also conducted under constant stress intensity factor range in order to examine the shielding effect of fiber bridging. The propagation rate was decelerated as the crack propagated because of the fiber bridging. The micro-morphology of bridging was observed by means of microscopes.
    The fatigue tests of SiC-whisker reinforced aluminum alloy were carried out at 573K.The focus of this study was put on the observation on the failure life and the cracking morphology in high temperature fatigue. The fatigue life was shortened by creep deformation. Few cracks were observed during the fatigue and one of them, which initiated at the middle stage of life, brought about the failure. As the tensile strength and the creep life of the material at high temperatures was examined by a joint research project (Report on High Temperature Strength of SiC-whisker reinforced aluminum alloy, Society of Materials Science, Japan, 1993), the results obtained in this study were analyzed on the basis of the fundamental data.


  • Development of Simulation Software for the Evaluation of Small Defects to Build a Remaining Life Assessment if High-Temperature Structures

    Grant number:03555015  1991 - 1992

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research (B)

    OHTANI Ryuichi, NITTA Akito, TOKIMASA Katsuyuki, KITAGAWA Masaki, TADA Naoya, KITAMURA Takayuki

      More details

    Grant amount:\12200000 ( Direct expense: \12200000 )

    In this research, a system and its software were newly developed for predicting remaining life of such high-temperature components as boilers and turbines, which comprise a fossil power plant. Results obtained here are summarized as follows :
    1. To predict the initiation and propagation behavior of small creep-fatigue cracks, numerical simulation was carried out using a model of random fracture resistance of grain boundaries. A new system estimates components remaining lives based on the simulation results.
    2. An inverse method of determining the simulation conditions, uiz. fracture driving force, from the actual distribution of small cracks was presented. This inverse method enabled us to introduce the simulation into the remaining life prediction system.
    3. The validity of the inverse method was proved by applying this to the results for prescribed conditions. The method was valid even when driving force changed abruptly on the way.
    4. To examine the applicability of the present system, numerical simulation for cracks under multi-axial loading or the on for cracks on a superalloy were investigated. Damage mechanics and creep deformation analysis were also discussed as a fundamental study in this research project.


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Class subject in charge

  • SDGs:Social Life and Materials Engineering (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 月7~8

  • Fundamentals of Mechanical Design (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木5~7

  • Solid Mechanics (2023academic year) Prophase  - 火1~2,金3~4

  • Solid Engineering (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Solid Engineering (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Applied Solid Mechanics (2023academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Seminar in Applied Solid Mechanics (2023academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Applied Solid Mechanics (2023academic year) Prophase  - 火1~2,金3~4

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,水1~2

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,水1~2

  • Research Works for Mechanical and Systems Engineering 1 (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Research Works for Mechanical and Systems Engineering 2 (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar on Mechanical Engineering 1 (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar on Mechanical Engineering 2 (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Machine Design and Drawing (2023academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木5~7

  • Advanced Study (2023academic year) Other  - その他

  • SDGs:Social Life and Materials Engineering (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 月7~8

  • Solid Mechanics (2022academic year) Prophase  - 火1~2,金3~4

  • Solid Engineering (2022academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Applied Solid Mechanics (2022academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,水1~2

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,水1~2

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2022academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,水1~2

  • Research Works for Mechanical and Systems Engineering 1 (2022academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Research Works for Mechanical and Systems Engineering 2 (2022academic year) Late  - その他

  • Machine Design and Drawing (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木5~7

  • SDGs:Social Life and Materials Engineering (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 月7~8

  • Solid Mechanics (2021academic year) Prophase  - 火1~2,金3~4

  • Solid Engineering (2021academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Applied Solid Mechanics (2021academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 月1,月2,水1,水2

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2021academic year) 1st semester  - 月1,月2,水1,水2

  • Introduction to Mechanical and Systems Engineering (2021academic year) Prophase  - 金1,金2

  • Research Works for Mechanical and Systems Engineering 1 (2021academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Research Works for Mechanical and Systems Engineering 2 (2021academic year) Late  - その他

  • Machine Design and Drawing (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木5,木6,木7

  • Seminar on Industrial Technologies (2021academic year) Late  - 水5,水6,水7,水8

  • Solid Mechanics (2020academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Solid Engineering (2020academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Applied Solid Mechanics (2020academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 月1,月2,水1,水2

  • Mechanics of Materials I (2020academic year) 1st semester  - 月1,月2,水1,水2

  • Research Works for Mechanical and Systems Engineering 1 (2020academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Research Works for Mechanical and Systems Engineering 2 (2020academic year) Late  - その他

  • Machine Design and Drawing (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木5,木6,木7

  • Machine Design and Drawing (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木5,木6,木7

  • Seminar on Industrial Technologies (2020academic year) Late  - 水5,水6,水7,水8

  • Social Life and Materials Engineering (2020academic year) Third semester  - 火3,火4

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