Updated on 2024/09/12


Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • Doctor of engineering ( Nagoya University )

Research Interests

  • Polymer Structure and Physics

  • Physical chemistry

  • polymer chemistry

  • crystallization

  • polymeric fiber materials

  • 高分子構造・物性

  • Polymers

  • polymer

  • 物理化学

  • バイオプラスチック

  • 生分解性高分子

  • リサイクル

  • 環状高分子

  • 環境化学

Research Areas

  • Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental materials and recycle technology

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Polymer chemistry

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Polymer materials

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Green sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry


  • Nagoya University   工学研究科   物質化学専攻

    1994.4 - 1999.3

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    Country: Japan


  • Nagoya University   工学部   応用化学・物質化学科

    1990.4 - 1994.3

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • Okayama University   Environmental Management Center   Associate Professor

    2016.4 - 2018.3

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  • Okayama University   The Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology   Associate Professor


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  • State University of New York   Department of chemistry

    2007.6 - 2008.3

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  • Okayama University   Faculty of environmental science   Lecturer

    2004.9 - 2008.11

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  • Hiroshima University   School of Integrated Arts and Sciences

    2003.4 - 2004.8

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  • Hiroshima University   School of Integrated Arts and Sciences   Researcher

    2001.10 - 2003.3

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  • Hiroshima University   ベンチャービジネスラボラトリー   Lecturer

    1999.10 - 2001.9

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Professional Memberships


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  • American Chemical Society

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Committee Memberships

  • 高分子学会   代議員  


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  • 繊維学会   2024年秋季研究発表会実行委員会 実行委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology 2024   現地実行委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization 2024   現地実行委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 繊維学会   2023年秋季研究発表会実行委員会 実行委員  

    2022.11 - 2023.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 高分子学会   第72回高分子討論会 運営委員  

    2022.9 - 2023.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 繊維学会   2022年秋季研究発表会実行委員会 副実行委員長  

    2021.11 - 2022.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • The 16th Asian Textile Conference   技術企画委員  

    2021.7 - 2022.7   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 繊維学会   2021年秋季研究発表会実行委員会 副実行委員長  

    2020.11 - 2021.11   

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  • 繊維学会関西支部   副支部長  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 高分子学会   第66回高分子討論会運営委員  

    2016.9 - 2017.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 高分子学会   第66回高分子討論会特定テーマセッションオーガナイザー  

    2016.9 - 2017.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 高分子学会   中国四国支部幹事(会計担当)  

    2016.4 - 2018.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 高分子学会   中国四国支部幹事(庶務担当)  

    2014.4 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 高分子学会   中国四国支部若手研究会運営委員  

    2012.11 - 2020.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 高分子学会   中国四国支部幹事  


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  • 高分子学会   第60回高分子討論会運営委員  

    2010.9 - 2011.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


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  • Effect of the blend ratio of cyclic and linear polyethylene blends on isothermal crystallization in the quiescent state Reviewed

    Keiko Kobayashi, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Journal   55 ( 12 )   1393 - 1398   2023.8

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  


    The role of entanglements that form between cyclic and linear polymers in crystallization is of particular interest, but it is not fully understood. We investigated the crystallization behaviors of blends of cyclic polyethylene (C-PE) and linear polyethylene (L-PE) in a quiescent state to elucidate the role of this novel entanglement in crystallization. The samples were prepared by mixing the prepared C-PE and L-PE specimens at L-PE weight fraction (ΦL-PE) values of 0–100 wt%, with the weight average molecular weights of C-PE and L-PE being 175 × 103 and 154 × 103, respectively. The isothermal crystallization behaviors were analyzed through polarizing optical microscopy (POM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The morphology observed through POM was similar to that of ΦL-PE. From the time evolution of the heat flow measured via DSC, we obtained the half-crystallization time (t1/2) values as functions of ΦL-PE at different degrees of supercooling (ΔT). The 1/t1/2 values of the C-PE and L-PE homopolymers were approximately the same at ΔT = 25.5 and 26.5 K. At a larger ΔT value, the 1/t1/2 value of C-PE was significantly larger than that of L-PE. In contrast, 1/t1/2 reached a minimum value at ΦL-PE = 30–40 wt%, irrespective of ΔT. As the entanglement density increased with increasing ΦL-PE, the crystallization rate was expected to decrease monotonically. By considering the experimental relationship between 1/t1/2 and ΦL-PE, we speculated that the suppression of crystallization in the blended system was caused by a novel entanglement formed by the penetration of the L-PE chain into the C-PE chain.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41428-023-00833-1


    Other Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41428-023-00833-1

  • Role of entanglement species in the formation of shish-like fibril crystals elucidated by cyclic polyethylene Reviewed

    Keiko Kobayashi, Yuya Saito, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Journal of Fiber Science and Technology   79 ( 8 )   177 - 184   2023.8

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2115/fiberst.2023-0011


  • Influence of Preparation Conditions on Porosity of Aromatic Polyamide Hollow Spheres Reviewed

    Hirofumi Nakayama, Naoto Kibayashi, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Journal of Fiber Science and Technology   79 ( 8 )   185 - 191   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Society of Fiber Science and Technology Japan  

    DOI: 10.2115/fiberst.2023-0017


  • Formation of shish-like fibril crystals from the melt of blends of cyclic and linear polyethylene under shear flow Reviewed

    Keiko Kobayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Journal   54 ( 7 )   913 - 920   2022.4

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41428-022-00643-x


    Other Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41428-022-00643-x

  • Morphology and growth rate of spherulite of cyclic poly(ε-caprolactone) having a triazole group at the closing point Reviewed

    Atsushi Shinya, Ryogo Ono, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer   202   122660 - 122660   2020.5

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    To clarify the effect of triazole (TR) group at the closing point within the cyclic polymer chain on the crystal growth, we studied morphology and the growth rate of spherulite G of cyclic poly(e-caprolactone) with a TR group at the closing point (C-TR-PCL) as a function of the degree of supercooling Delta T using polarizing optical microscopy. We prepared C-TR-PCLs synthesized by the ring-closing reaction from their linear precursors with M-w = 30000 and 50000, and cyclic PCL polymerized by ring expansion reaction (C-PCL) having no TR group with M-w = 26000, and linear PCL with/without a TR group at a chain end (L-TR-PCL-OH and L-PCL) with M-w = 26000 and 36000, where M-w was determined by GPC using linear polystyrene standards.We found that C-TR-PCL and L-TR-PCL-OH show banded spherulites at small Delta T and band-less normal spherulites with maltese cross at large Delta T. Whereas, C-PCL and L-PCL only showed band-less normal spherulites at any Delta T. This speculates that steric hindrance of TR group near the surface of crystals will become significant at small Delta T. G obeyed the equation, G = G(0)exp(-B/T Delta T), for all the samples. B of C-PCL and L-PCL is constant irrespective of T Delta T, however, that of C-TR-PCL and L-TR-PCL-OH showed two values depending on T Delta T. At the region of lower B, i.e., small Delta T, the banded spherulites could be observed. The change of B corresponds to the morphological change of the spherulites. Since the size of the crystalline region closely related to lamellar thickness becomes large at small Delta T, TR groups excluded from the crystals become to assemble near the surface of the crystals. This is the reason why B becomes low at small Delta T. In C-TR-PCL with higher M-w and L-TR-PCL-OH, the decrease of B with decreasing Delta T becomes small compared to that of C-TR-PCL with lower M-w due to relatively small effect of TR group.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2020.122660

    Web of Science


  • Molecular weight dependence of the growth rate of spherulite of cyclic poly(ε-caprolactone) polymerized by ring expansion reaction Reviewed

    Ryogo Ono, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer   194   122403 - 122403   2020.4

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    To elucidate the molecular weight (M-w) dependence of the growth rate of spherulite (G) of cyclic polymers polymerized by the ring expansion reaction, we studied the G of cyclic poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (C-PCL) growing from the melt as a function of the crystallization temperature (T-c) and degree of supercooling (Delta T) using polarizing optical microscopy. We prepared C-PCLs comprising an exclusively repeating unit, excluding other structural units with M-w = 17000, 33000, 41000, 74000 and 85000 and linear PCLs (L-PCL) with M-w = 16000, 35000 and 60000, where M-w was determined by GPC using linear polystyrene standards.G obeyed the equation, G = G(0)exp(-B/T Delta T), for all the samples. The activation energies of secondary nucleation (B) of C-PCL were almost identical except for the C-PCL with the lowest M-w. Since B is proportional to the end surface free energy of the secondary nucleus, it implies that the regularity of the folding surface of C-PCL with high M-w is independent of M-w.Compared to C-PCL and L-PCL having almost the same M-w, G of L-PCL is higher than that of C-PCL at the same T Delta T. This suggests that G of C-PCL and L-PCL is not solely controlled by the entanglement because the entanglement of C-PCL is lower than that of L-PCL. We found the following associations: G(0)alpha M-w(-1.2) for C-PCL and G(0)alpha M-w(-0.67) for L-PCL. The difference in the power of the G(0) dependence on M-w reflects the difficulty of performing sliding diffusion in the secondary nucleus. This strongly supports the hypothesis that the absorption behavior of C-PCL chains in the secondary nucleus on the growth front is significantly different from that of L-PCL.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2020.122403

    Web of Science


  • Size control of aromatic polyamide hollow spheres prepared by reaction-induced phase separation Reviewed

    Hirofumi Nakayama, Naoto Adachi, Hironori Atarashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER   111   239 - 243   2017.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Size control of the poly (1,4-phenylene-5-hydroxyisophthalamide) hollow spheres was examined by tuning the polymerization condition, focusing on concentration, temperature and solvent. Higher concentration lowered the diameter owing to the higher degree of super-saturation for nucleation. Temperature drop during the polymerization just before the nucleation was so effective to make the diameter smaller. Moreover, the diameter was susceptive to the solubility of oligomers in the solvent, and higher content of liquid paraffin in the aromatic solvent lowered the solubility, resulting in the decrease in the diameter. Based on these results, the combination of the temperature drop and the solvent effect was the most desirable to prepare the smallest hollow spheres, and the diameter of hollow spheres could be controlled from 4.4 to 0.7 mu m. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2017.01.060

    Web of Science


  • Preparation of aromatic polyimide particles having clear morphology by polymerization of salt monomers Reviewed

    Daisaku Shojo, Hidekazu Sugimori, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS   28 ( 10 )   1139 - 1150   2016.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    Crystals of salt monomer prepared from aromatic tetracarboxylic acids and aromatic diamines were polymerized at 220 degrees C for 3 h and at 400 degrees C for 3 h under argon flow. Highly crystalline polyimide particles having clear morphology were obtained with good yield. They were lozenge-like crystals, long plate-like crystals, fibrillar crystals, and spherical aggregates of plate-like crystals. The crystals of salt monomer were polymerized in the solid-state with maintaining the morphology, and therefore the morphology of the polyimide particles were the same to that of the crystals of the corresponding salt monomer. Molecular orientation in the lozenge-shaped crystal of poly(p-phenylene pyromelliteimide) was examined by selected area electron diffraction, and the polymer molecules aligned perpendicular to the plate plane which was the direction of the thickness. Obtained particles possessed good thermal stability.

    DOI: 10.1177/0954008315619998

    Web of Science


  • Preparation of poly(ether ketone)s derived from 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid via nucleophilic aromatic substitution polymerization Reviewed

    Yusuke Kanetaka, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY   54 ( 19 )   3094 - 3101   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    From the viewpoint of the suppression of the petroleum consumption, aromatic poly(ether ketone)s (PEKs) were prepared by the nucleophilic aromatic substitution polymerization of 2,5-bis(4-fluorobenzoyl)furan (BFBF) synthesized from biomass and aromatic bisphenols. The model reaction of BFBF and p-methoxyphenol revealed that BFBF possessed enough reactivity for the nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions. The polymerizations of BFBF and aromatic bisphenols afforded high molecular weight polymers with good yields in N-methylpyrrolidone and diphenyl sulfone for several hours. The longer polymerization time brought about the formation of insoluble parts in any solvents and reduction of molecular weight. The obtained PEKs were thermoplastics and exhibited good thermal stability, mechanical properties, and chemical resistance comparable to common high-performance polymers. The thermal properties were tunable with the structure of bisphenols. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2016, 54, 3094-3101

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.28193

    Web of Science


  • Preparation of helical crystals of aromatic poly(ester-imide) and on-off switching of helix formation Reviewed

    Takuya Ohnishi, Miki Nakagawa, Kanji Wakabayashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER   98   378 - 386   2016.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Preparation of poly[4-(5-oxy-1,3-dioxoisoindoline-2-yl)benzoyl] (PODB) crystals, which was an intractable aromatic poly(ester-imide), was examined by means of reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during the polymerization. Highly crystalline PODB helical ribbons were obtained by the polymerization of N-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4-acetoxyphthalimide in aromatic solvent at 280-330 degrees C at a concentration of 0.5-1.0%. The PODB molecules aligned along the long axis of the helical ribbon. The pitch of the helix increased with the polymerization temperature and it could be controlled from 320 nm to 1.3 mu m. Further, the fibrillar PODB crystals comprised of the helical and the non-helical blocks were prepared by the on-off switching of the helical morphology with the changing the temperature and the concentration of the polymerization. These results provided the methodology for the morphology control of polymer crystals. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2016.06.055

    Web of Science


  • Preparation of Poly(ether ketone)s Derived from 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid by Polymerization in Ionic Liquid Reviewed

    Yusuke Kanetaka, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    MACROMOLECULES   49 ( 4 )   1252 - 1258   2016.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Aromatic poly(ether ketone)s were synthesized by the Friedel Crafts polymerization of 2,5-furandicarbonyl dichloride prepared from biomass and petroleum-based aromatic ethers such as diphenyl ether and 1,4-diphenoxybenzene with aluminum chloride (AlCl3). The polymerizations in common molecular solvents such as 1,2-dichloroethane and nitrobenzene did not afford polymers. The Friedel-Crafts polymerization usually undergoes in the swollen gel of the oligomer-AlCl3 complexes; the precipitated physical gels had not been enough swollen. The polymerizations were carried out in various ionic liquids to form swollen gels. The polymerizations proceeded in specific ionic liquid such as 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([C(4)min] CO, and high molecular weight polymers were obtained with good yield. The gels formed in [C(4)mim] Cl were more highly swollen, and additionally the rate constant estimated by the model reaction of 2,5-furandicarbonyl dichloride and anisole was higher in [C4(m)im]Cl than that in 1,2-dichloroethane. The obtained poly(ether ketone)s exhibited good thermal stability and chemical resistance comparable to common poly(ether ketone)s.

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b02788

    Web of Science


  • One-Pot Preparation of Aromatic Poly(ester-imide) Crystals by Crystallization during Polymerization Reviewed

    Takuya Ohnishi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF FIBER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   72 ( 2 )   49 - 53   2016.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC FIBER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY  

    One-pot preparation of poly[ 4-(5-oxy-1,3-dioxoisoindolin-2-yl) benzoyl] (PODB) crystals which was an aromatic poly(ester-imide) was examined by means of the reaction-induced crystallization during polymerization of 4-acetoxyphthalic anhydride (APA) and 4-aminobenzoic acid (AmBA). Two-step heating program was suitable for the formation of PODB crystals. The reaction of APA and AmBA at 150 degrees C, which was much lower than the polymerization temperature, was of importance to synthesize N-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4-acetoxyphthalimide. Even though the amide moiety was incorporated, the PODB crystals were formed as precipitates by heating at 150 degrees C and then at 280-350 degrees C. Morphology of PODB depended on the polymerization conditions and fibrillar crystals, rod-like crystals and ribbon-like crystals were obtained. This result provided a novel one-pot procedure for the control of the PODB morphology.

    DOI: 10.2115/fiberst.2016-0008

    Web of Science


  • High Performance Polyesters Prepared from Bio-Based 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid Reviewed

    Yusuke Kanetaka, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF FIBER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   72 ( 2 )   54 - 60   2016.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC FIBER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY  

    Aromatic polyesters were synthesized by the polymerization of bio-based 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) with petroleum-based 1,3-and 1,4-diacetoxybenzene (DAB) from the viewpoint of the suppression of the petroleum consumption to develop the sustainable development society. Polyesters prepared at the molar ratio of 1,4-DAB in DAB (chi) of less than 60 mol% showed meltability under decomposition temperature. When the value of chi was 20-60 mol%, the polyesters exhibited optical anisotropicity in melt phase, suggesting the thermotropic liquid crystallinity. The phase transition temperature of these polyesters depended on the composition and it was tunable by the. value. The film of the polyesters prepared at. of 20 mol% possessed 1.2 GPa of the modulus, 26.0 MPa and 2.9% of the strength and elongation at break, respectively. Polyesters based on FDCA possessed good thermal stability and mechanical properties comparable to common aromatic polyesters.

    DOI: 10.2115/fiberst.2016-0009

    Web of Science


  • Synthesis of Poly(ether ketone)s from 2,5-Thiophenedicarboxylic Acid Reviewed

    Yusuke Kanetaka, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TECHNICAL ASSOC PHOTOPOLYMERS,JAPAN  

    The Friedel-Crafts polymerization of 2,5-thiophenedicarbonyl dichloride and diphenyl ether in 1,2-dichloroethane afforded only low molecular weight of poly(ether ketone) containing thiophene-ring. In contrast to this, the polymerization in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride-aluminum chloride mixture gave high molecular weight polymers. The polymerizations in ionic liquids were a new approach to expand possibility of polymer synthesis such as preparation of polymer containing heterocyclic rings. The obtained poly(ether ketone) exhibited good thermal stability and chemical resistance comparable to common poly(ether ketone)s.

    DOI: 10.2494/photopolymer.29.243

    Web of Science


  • Preparation of poly(ester-imide) ribbons comprised of helical and non-helical blocks by copolymerization Reviewed

    T. Ohnishi, T. Uchida, S. Yamazaki, K. Kimura

    RSC ADVANCES   6 ( 104 )   101995 - 102002   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

    Helical ribbons of poly[4-(5-oxy-1,3-dioxoisoindoline-2-yl) benzoyl] (PODB) were previously prepared by the homo-polymerization of N-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4-acetoxyphthalimide (CAP) in aromatic solvents. The copolymerization of CAP and p-acetoxybenzoic acid (ABA) was examined to change the helical morphology. The helical morphology was extinguished by the copolymerization of a small amount of ABA at 280 degrees C at a concentration of 1.0% in aromatic solvent. Based on these results, ABA was added stepwise during the homo-polymerization of CAP. When a small amount of ABA was added, copolymer crystals comprised of helical and non-helical blocks were formed. The non-helical blocks grew on the PODB helical ribbons by the precipitation of co-oligomers. This result provides a novel method to control helical morphology by copolymerization.

    DOI: 10.1039/c6ra22494f

    Web of Science


  • Hydrothermal synthesis of aromatic polyimide particles by using reaction-induced crystallization Reviewed

    Daisaku Shojo, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY   53 ( 24 )   2795 - 2799   2015.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.27791

    Web of Science


  • Consideration on formation mechanism of aromatic polyamide hollow spheres prepared by reaction-Induced phase separation Reviewed

    Hirofumi Nakayama, Yuji Fujitsu, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY   53 ( 17 )   1966 - 1974   2015.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Hollow spheres of poly(1,4-phenylene-5-hydroxyisophthalamide) had been obtained by the reaction-induced phase separation during polymerization of 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid and 1,4-phenylene diamine in an aromatic solvent. In this study, formation mechanism of the hollow spheres was considered from the view points of eliminated small molecules, polymer structure, and cross-linking reaction. With respect to the eliminated small molecules, water was the most desirable to form gas-bubbles in droplets compared with methanol and acetic acid, due to the insolubility into the polymerization system. Rigid polymer structure was also needed to prepare hollow spheres owing to the rapid solidification of droplets. Further, phenolic hydroxyl group in 5-hydroxy-1,3-phenylene moiety caused the ester-amide exchange reaction to form cross-linked skin layer in the droplets. The efficient formation of the skin layer was important to encapsulate gas-bubbles in the droplets, resulting in the formation of hollow structure. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2015, 53, 1966-1974

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.27683

    Web of Science


  • Preparation of aromatic polyesters by direct polymerization in the presence of boronic anhydride under non-stoichiometric condition Reviewed

    Masahiro Kihara, Yuma Sakakiyama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER   66   222 - 229   2015.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Direct polymerizations of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (HBA) and 2-hydroxy-6-naphthoic acid (HNA) in the presence of boronic anhydride were examined by using crystallization under non-stoichiometric condition. The polymerizations were carried out with the addition of monofunctional compounds such as an aromatic carboxylic acid and a phenol. High molecular weight poly(p-oxybenzoyl) (PUB) and poly(2-oxy-6-naphthoyl) (PUN) were obtained in the form of precipitates, and their molecular weights were much higher than those calculated according to the stoichiometric imbalance. Oligomers were formed by the direct polymerization with eliminating water in the solution, and then they were precipitated to form the crystals at the initial stage of the polymerization. Oligomers end-capped by monofunctional compounds were also formed in the solution, but the polymerization continued with the elimination of monofunctional compounds by the ester exchange reaction. The end-capped oligomers were precipitated in the middle of the polymerization, and the polymerization proceeded efficiently even in the precipitated crystals by not only the direct polymerization but also the ester exchange polymerization, resulting in the increase in molecular weight. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2015.04.019

    Web of Science


  • バイオベーススーパーエンジニアリングプラスチック : フランジカルボン酸を原料とした芳香族ポリエーテルケトンの合成

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    プラスチックス : 日本プラスチック工業連盟誌   65 ( 7 )   62 - 66   2014.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本工業出版  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • バイオマスを原料としたスーパーエンプラの調製 Invited

    木村邦生, 山崎慎一, 兼高悠輔

    ケミカルエンジニヤリング   59 ( 6 )   39 - 43   2014.6

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  • マテリアルニュース&トピックス バイオ材料由来の「スーパーエンジニアリングプラスチック」の開発

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    Material stage   14 ( 1 )   47 - 51   2014.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:技術情報協会  

    CiNii Article


  • バイオマスから作るスーパーエンプラ Invited

    兼高悠輔, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    コンバーテック   42 ( 2 )   48 - 52   2014.2

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  • Crystallization of Polyethylene and Polydioxanone with Multiple Hydrogen Bonds Between Their Terminal Groups Reviewed

    Mika Uchimura, Kohei Okazaki, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU   71 ( 11 )   562 - 572   2014

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC POLYMER SCIENCE JAPAN  

    In order to clarify the effects of multiple hydrogen bonds between chain ends on the crystal growth of polymers, we studied the growth rate of crystal G of polyethylene (PE) having amino groups and thymine units in the terminal (PE-Thym) and polydioxanone having hydroxy groups and thymine units in the terminal (PDX-Thym) from the melt as a function of the degree of supercooling Delta T by means of polarizing optical microscope, DSC and WAXS. PE-Thym and PDX-Thym have multiple hydrogen bonds between their terminals. We also prepared PE having amino and hydroxy groups in the terminal (PE-OH) and PDX having carboxy and hydroxy groups in the terminal (PDX-OH) as reference samples. Those show weak single hydrogen bond between their terminals. Number average molecular weights M-n of PE-Thym and PE-OH are almost the same (M-n = ca. 2000). M-n of PDX-Thym and PDX-OH are 3000 and 5600, respectively. G of all the samples obeyed the equation, G = G(0) exp(B/Delta T). The exponent B for PE-Thym and PDX-Thym is almost the same as for PE-OH and PDX-OH. Since B is proportional to the surface free energy of the end surface of the nucleus, this indicates that the regularity of folding at the surface is also the same. On the other hand, G(0) of PE-Thym and PDX-Thym is much less than that of PE-OH and PDX-OH. We speculate that the reeling motion from the melt to the nucleus during crystal growth is suppressed due to the formation of a dynamic multiple-hydrogen-bond network between chain ends in the melt. Moreover, in order to shield the multiple hydrogen bonds in the terminal, we studied the Delta T dependence of G for PDX-Thym with added adenine. Compared to PDX-Thym without added adenine, we found that the Delta T dependence of G changed. This indicates that the influence of hydrogen bonds on crystal growth is closely related with the regime of crystal growth.

    DOI: 10.1295/koron.71.562

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  • アラミドの中空微粒子の新調製法 Invited

    木村邦生, 山崎慎一, 内田哲也, 中山博文

    ケミカルエンジニヤリング   59 ( 12 )   1 - 5   2014

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  • Heterogeneous Polycondensation for Composition Control of Poly(p-mercaptobenzoyl-co-p-benzamide) by Shearing Reviewed

    Toshimitsu Ichimori, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY   51 ( 20 )   4301 - 4308   2013.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Composition control of aromatic poly(thioester-amide) was examined by the reaction-induced phase separation during polymerization of S-acetyl-4-mercaptobenzoic acid (AMBA) and p-acetylaminobenzoic acid (AABA) in aromatic solvent. The poly(thioester-amide)s were obtained as precipitates and their yields became lower at the middle range of the content of AMBA in feed ((f)). The contents of p-mercaptobenzoyl (MB) moiety ((p)) in the precipitates prepared without shearing were in good agreement with the (f) values. In contrast to this, the (p) values of the precipitates prepared at (f) of 50-70 mol % under shearing were much lower than the (f) values. The reaction rate of AMBA increased with shearing, whereas that of AABA was unchanged by shearing. This shearing effect on the reaction rates accelerated to form the homo-oligomers. The solubility of MB oligomers enhanced by shearing, whereas that of p-benzamide oligomers did not enhance owing to the strong interaction through hydrogen bonding. The MB oligomers were inhibited to be precipitated, resulting in the lower (p) values than the (f) values. The composition could be controlled by the application of the shearing to the heterogeneous polymerization. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2013, 51, 4301-4308

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.26839

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  • Synthesis and morphology control of self-condensable naphthalene-containing polyimide by using reaction-induced crystallization Reviewed

    Takashi Sawai, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Yoshimitsu Sakaguchi, Ryouhei Yamane, Kunio Kimura

    European Polymer Journal   49 ( 8 )   2334 - 2343   2013.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Poly(2,6-1H-benzo[f]isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione) (PBID), which was a self-condensable naphthalene-containing polyimide, was synthesized as precipitated crystals from 6-amino-3-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-naphthoic acid and 7-amino-3-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-naphthoic acid by using reaction-induced crystallization during solution polymerization. The obtained PBID crystals possessed high crystallinity, excellent thermal stability and chemical resistance. They neither exhibited Tg nor Tm under the decomposition temperature. The morphology of the PBID crystals depended on not only the polymerization conditions but also the isomeric structure of the monomer, and the wide variety of the morphology appeared such as rods, plates and lathes. The plate-like crystals had fine protuberances on the surface. Copolymerization of PBID and poly(4-phthalimide) were also examined. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2013.05.021



  • Morphological diversity and nanofiber networks of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) generated by phase separation during copolymerization Reviewed

    Toshimitsu Ichimori, Kenta Mizuma, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Journal of Applied Polymer Science   128 ( 2 )   1282 - 1290   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Poly(p-oxybenzoyl) (POB) precipitates prepared by reaction-induced phase separation during copolymerization exhibit wide variety of morphologies such as fibril, needle, slab, spindle, and sphere. The morphology is significantly influenced by the copolymerization conditions of structure of trifunctional comonomers, copolymerization ratio, solvent, concentration, and temperature of the polymerization. Among them, POB nanofiber networks like a texture of nonwoven fabrics are obtained only by the polymerization of 4-acetoxybenzoic acid with 3,5-diacetoxybenzoic acid (DABA) in aromatic solvent at a concentration of 1.0-2.0% at the content of DABA in feed of 10-20 mol % at 320°C. The network is comprised of fibrillar crystals connected each other at spherical nodal points. The diameters of the fibers are 90-129 nm. This network is highly crystalline and the molecules are aligned along the long direction of the fibers. Various parameters characterized the networks can be controlled by the polymerization concentration. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/app.38554



  • Hollow Spheres of Aromatic Polyamide Prepared by Reaction-Induced Phase Separation Reviewed

    Yuji Fujitsu, Hirofumi Nakayama, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Hollow spheres of aromatic polyamide are obtained by the reaction-induced phase separation during polymerization of 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid and 1,4-phenylene diamine in an aromatic solvent at a concentration of 1-2% at 320 degrees C without stirring. The hollow sphere has a dimple hole and the diameters of the hollow spheres are 3-4 mu m. The droplets are initially generated via liquid-liquid phase separation and then rigid crosslinked network structure formed the rigid skin layer on the surface of the droplets. The solidification of the droplets occurred owing to the further polymerization in them with maintaining the morphology to form the hollow spheres. The hollow spheres exhibit outstanding thermal stability. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2013, 51, 780-785

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.26467

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  • Preparation of Novel Naphthalene Polyimide and Its Morphology Reviewed

    Takashi Sawai, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TECHNICAL ASSOC PHOTOPOLYMERS,JAPAN  

    DOI: 10.2494/photopolymer.26.341

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  • Morphosynthesis of poly(ether ketone) by reaction-induced crystallization during polymerization Reviewed

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Naofumi Sumi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL   48 ( 10 )   1787 - 1795   2012.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Morphology control of poly(ether ketone) (PEK) was examined by using the crystallization during the nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction of potassium salt of 4-fluoro-4'-hydroxybenzophenone. Polymerizations were carried out at 290 degrees C. The PEK was obtained as precipitates and its morphology was highly influenced by the polymerization condition such as the solvent, the concentration and the polymerization time. High crystalline spindle-like crystals were obtained by the polymerization in diphenyl sulfone (DPS) at a concentration of 5.0% for 2 h with the yield of 86%. The average length and width were 1.4 mu m and 300 nm respectively, and the maximum thickness was 130 nm. The surface was not smooth and it was hilly. The spindle-like crystal was likely consisted of multilayered lamellae comprised of the microcrystallites. The molecules were oriented perpendicular to the lamella. The polymerization in DPS at a higher concentration of 10.0% afforded the networks of nanofibres, of which the diameter was 100-250 nm. The obtained PEK precipitates possessed excellent thermal properties. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2012.07.004

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  • Morphosynthesis of poly[4-(1,4-phenylene)oxyphthalimide] and copolymers prepared by reaction-induced crystallization during polymerization Reviewed

    Takashi Sawai, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS   50 ( 18 )   1293 - 1303   2012.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Morphosynthesis of poly[4-(1,4-phenylene)oxyphthalimide] (POPI) and poly[4-(1,4-phenylene)oxyphthalimide-co-4-phthalimide] (POPI-PPI) was examined by using the crystallization during the polymerization. The POPI fibrillar crystals were obtained as precipitates with the formation of spherical aggregates of plate-like crystals. Some of the POPI fibrillar crystals were longer than 15 mu m. They possessed high crystallinity and the molecules aligned perpendicular to the long direction of the fibers. On the other hand, one-dimensional structures of POPI-PPI such as ribbon, cone, rod, and fiber were obtained as precipitates by the copolymerization. The copolymer molecules might align along the long direction of the cone-like crystals. The morphology of these poly(ether-imide)s could be controlled by not only the polymerization condition but also with the aid of copolymerization. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys, 2012

    DOI: 10.1002/polb.23122

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  • Selective Synthesis of Poly(p-oxybenzoyl) by Fractional Polycondensation: Enhancement of Selectivity by Shearing Reviewed

    Toshimitsu Ichimori, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY   49 ( 21 )   4613 - 4617   2011.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    The influence of shear flow, especially the timing for the application of shearing, was examined to enhance the selectivity for the preparation of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) (Pp-OB) by using hydrodynamically induced phase separation during polymerization of 4-(4-acetoxybenzoyloxy) benzoic acid (p-ABAD) and m-acetoxybenzoic acid (m-ABA). The polymers containing few m-oxybenzoyl (m-OB) moieties were obtained as precipitates even at high content of m-OB moiety in feed (chi(f)) under shear flow. The content of m-OB moiety in the precipitates (chi(p)) prepared under shearing throughout the polymerization at the shear rate (gamma) of 489 s(-1) was 6.3 mol % even at chi(f) of 60 mol %. Especially, the Pp-OB was obtained as the precipitates at chi(f) of less than 50 mol %. The timing of the application of the shearing influenced the selectivity significantly, and the shearing just after the precipitation of the oligomers started was quite efficient to enhance the selectivity more. The chi(p) of the precipitates prepared with shearing at gamma of 489 s(-1) just after the precipitation was only 3.9 mol % even at chi(f) of 60 mol %. The shear flow reduced the difference in the reactivity between p-ABAD and m-ABA, resulting in the decrease in the selectivity with regard to the formation of p-oxybenzoyl homo-oligomer. However, the shear flow enhanced the difference in the miscibility between homo-oligomers and co-oligomers. This change in the miscibility by shear flow brought about the more rapid precipitation of homo-oligomers, leading to the enhancement of the selectivity. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 49: 4613-4617, 2011

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.24904

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  • Effects of topological constraint and knot entanglement on the crystal growth of polymers proved by growth rate of spherulite of cyclic polyethylene Reviewed

    Tsunaki Kitahara, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Kobunshi Ronbunshu   68 ( 10 )   694 - 701   2011.10

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC POLYMER SCIENCE JAPAN  

    In order to clarity tne effects ot entanglement species on nucleation ot polymers, we stuaiea tne growtn rate ot spneruute G of cyclic ana linear polyethylenes (C-PE and L-PE) from the melt as a function of degree of supercooling A T by means of polarizing optical microscope. We prepared several C-PEs with different weight average molecular weights M w=9300, 43600 and 86500, and L-PE with A/,=44000. G of all the sample were obeyed the equation, G = G 0 exp (-B/△T).BoîC-PE gradually increased with increasingM w. B is proportional to the surface free energy of the end surface of the nucleus, and this indicates that the regularity of folding surface increased with increasing M w. We consider that topological constraint of cyclic polymer becomes large with decreasing M., of the cyclic polymer. On the other hand, for C-PE and L-PE having almost the same M w (=44 k), G 0 of C-PE is much less than that of L-PE. Due to the topological constraint of cyclic polymer, we speculated that the adsorption mode on the crystal surface of C-PE is different than that of L-PE. ©2011, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan.

    DOI: 10.1295/koron.68.694

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  • Morphology Control of Various Aromatic Polyimidazoles-Preparation of Nanofibers Reviewed

    Jin Gong, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE   121 ( 5 )   2851 - 2860   2011.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Morphology of four kinds of aromatic polyimidazoles was examined by using reaction-induced crystallization during solution polymerization at a concentration of 1% at 350 degrees C in liquid paraffin (LPF), dibenzyltoluene (DBT), and the mixture of these solvents. Aggregates of ribbon-like crystals of poly[2,6-(2,6-naphthalene)-benzobisimidazole] were obtained in LPF, and those of plate-like crystals were obtained in DBT/LPF-50 and in DBT. In contrast to this, the network structures of poly[2,2'-(2,6-naphthalene)-5,5'-bibenzimidazole)] (PNT-BBI) nanofibers with the diameter of 25 to 90 nm was mainly obtained in DBT. The network structures of the PNT-BBI nanofibers could be recognized as nonwoven fabrics of the high-performance polymers. Imidazole trimers were precipitated to form the ribbon-like crystals and then they were continuously supplied from solution to grow the crystals. Molecular weight increased by the polymerization on the surface of the crystals when they crystallized and in the crystals. The initially formed aggregates of ribbon-like crystals changed to the nanofibers with time. In the case of poly[2,6-(4,4'-biphenylene)-benzobisimidazole] and poly[2,2'-(4,4'-biphenylene)-5,5'-bibenzimidazole)], they exhibited various morphologies such as spheres, lath-like crystals, and the spherical aggregates of lath-like crystals depending on the solvent, but fibers like PNT-BBI were not formed. The crystals obtained in this study possessed very high crystallinity and the outstanding thermal stability measured by TGA. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 121: 2851-2860, 2011

    DOI: 10.1002/app.33914

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  • Preparation of Poly(p-oxybenzoyl) Crystals Using Direct Polymerization of p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid in the Presence of Boronic Anhydrides Reviewed

    Masahiro Kihara, Shin-Ichiro Kohama, Shota Umezono, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY   49 ( 5 )   1088 - 1096   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Poly(p-oxybenzoyl) (POB) crystals were prepared by reaction-induced crystallization during direct polymerization of p-hydroxybenzoic acid in the presence of boronic anhydrides. Polymerizations were carried out at 300 degrees C in dibenzyltoluene at a concentration of 1% with three kinds of anhydrides of boronic acid such as 3,4,5-trifluorophenylboronic acid (TFB), 4-methoxyphenylboronic acid (MPB) and 4-biphenylboronic acid (BPB). The POB crystals were formed as precipitates in the solution and the morphology was considerably influenced by both the structure of the boronic anhydride and its concentration (C(B)). Needle-like crystals were firmed in the presence of TFB anhydride (TFBA) at C(B)S of 5 and 10 mol % by the spiral growth of lamellae. Spherical aggregates of slab-like crystals were formed at C(B)S from 50 to 100 mol %. The polymerization with MPB anhydride and BPB anhydride (BPBA) also yielded the needle-like crystals at C(B)S of 50 and 5 mol %, respectively. The polymerization with TFBA at lower C(B) was favorable to prepare the needle-like crystal. Molecular weight was also influenced by the structure of the boronic anhydride and C(B). M(n) increased generally with C(B) and BPBA gave the highest M(n) of 14.7 x 10(3) at C(B) of 100 mol %. The loose packing of the molecules in the crystal caused by the bulkiness of the end-groups made the polymerization in the crystals more efficiently. Morphology and molecular weight of the POB crystals could be controlled by the chemical structure and the content of boronic anhydride. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 49: 1088-1096, 2011

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.24521

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  • Micro-flowers of poly(p-phenylene pyromelliteimide) crystals Reviewed

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER   52 ( 3 )   837 - 843   2011.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Morphology control of poly(p-phenylene pyromelliteimide) (PPPI) crystals was examined using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization of self-polymerizable N-(4'-aminophenyl)-3-carboxyl-4-alkoxycarbonylPhthalimide. Micro-flowers of the PPP1 needle-like crystals were formed in which the needle-like crystals grew radially from the center part as petals. The molecules aligned regularly along the long axis of the needle-like crystal. The structure of alkoxy group in the monomer and the monomer concentration influenced the size of the needle-like crystals, and their average length and width were changeable from 640 nm to 1.69 mu m and from 110 nm to 210 nm, respectively. The average thickness was 20 nm. The obtained micro-flowers possessed high crystallinity and exhibited excellent thermal stability. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2010.12.022

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  • Preparation of Poly(p-phenylenepyromelliteimide) Microspheres with Rugged Surfaces Using Crystallization During Isothermal Polymerization Reviewed

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS   212 ( 2 )   159 - 167   2011.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

    Preparation of discrete PPPI microspheres was examined using the crystallization of oligomers during isothermal polymerization of PMDA and p-phenylene diisocyanate, and that of pyromellitic dithioanhydride and PPDA in poor solvents. In contrast to PPPI microspheres with smooth surfaces that were previously prepared by phase-separation during the polymerization of PPDA and PMDA, the microspheres obtained here consisted of flake-like lamellae with rugged surfaces. The diameters of the microspheres ranged from 0.5 to 6.7 mu m. They exhibited excellent thermal stability depending on the monomers. These results provide a new preparative procedure of the PPPI microsphere with a rugged surface.

    DOI: 10.1002/macp.201000510

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  • One-Pot Preparation of Aromatic Poly(azomethine ester) Fibrillar Crystals Using Reaction-Induced Crystallization Reviewed

    Jin Gong, Yasuhide Yakushi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC  

    Polymerizations of 4-(4-acetoxybenzylideneamino)-benzoic acid were performed in dibenzyltoluene (DBT) and a mixture of DBT and liquid paraffin at 350 degrees C for 6 h. Fibrillar crystals of poly[4-(4-oxybenzylideneamino)benzoyl] (POAB) having the width of 50-450 nm and the length of over 15 pm were obtained by the crystallization during the polymerization. The fibrillar crystals possessed high crystallinity and the molecular chains aligned perpendicular to the long axis of the fibrillar crystals. Plate-like crystals were initially formed by the crystallization of oligomers, and then they changed to the fibrillar crystals via the formation of bundle-like crystals after 1 h. Molecular weight increased by the further polymerization in the crystals. Based on these results, one-pot preparation of the fibrillar POAB crystals was examined by the polymerization of 4-acetoxybenzaldehyde and 4-aminobenzoic acid. The polymerization at 180 degrees C for 2 h and then at 350 degrees C for 6 h afforded the fibrillar crystals with a small amount of the ribbon-like crystals. Although the side-reaction to generate the p-benzamide sequences was not completely depressed, the sequence of heating in which 180 degrees C for the formation of the azomethine linkage and then 350 degrees C for the formation of the ester linkage was preferable to prepare the fibrillar POAB crystals. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 49: 127-137, 2011

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.24427

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  • Preparation of poly(2-oxy-6-naphthoyl) and copolymers using reaction-induced phase separation during direct polymerization in the presence of boronic anhydride Reviewed

    Masahiro Kihara, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER CHEMISTRY   2 ( 5 )   1195 - 1202   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

    Poly(2-oxy-6-naphthoyl) (PON) was obtained as precipitates by direct polymerization of 2-hydroxy-6-naphthoic acid (HNA) in the presence of boronic anhydrides such as 2,4,6-tris(3,4,5-trifluorophenyl)-1,3,5,2,4,6-trioxatriborinane (TFBA) and 2,4,6-tri(biphenyl-4-yl)-1,3,5,2,4,6-trioxatriborinane (BPBA). The polymerizations were carried out in an aromatic solvent at 300 degrees C for 24 h. Both morphology and molecular weight of the PON precipitates were considerably influenced by not only the structure of the boronic anhydride but also its concentration (c(B)). Spheres with needles on their surface were formed in the polymerization with TFBA at c(B) of 50-70 mol%, and those having smooth surface were obtained at c(B) of 100 mol%. The M(n) increased with the value of c(B) in the range from 2.7 x 10(3) to 9.0 x 10(3). Aggregates of cone-like crystals were prepared in the polymerization with BPBA at c(B) of 10-30 mol%, and spheres having rugged surface were formed at c(B) of 50-100 mol%. The M(n) also increased with the value of c(B) in the range from 5.4 x 10(3) to 12.9 x 10(3). These PON precipitates possessed high crystallinity in spite of the morphology. The copolymerization of HNA and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (HBA) was also examined in the presence of BPBA at c(B) of 100 mol% with varying the content of HBA in feed (r(f)). Copolymers were obtained as spheres of which the content of 4-oxybenzoyl moiety was lower than the value of r(f) due to the difference in the solubility of the oligomers.

    DOI: 10.1039/c0py00420k

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  • Poly[2,6-(1,4-phenylene)-benzobisimidazole] Nanofiber Networks Reviewed

    Jin Gong, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS   211 ( 20 )   2226 - 2232   2010.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

    The preparation of poly[2,6-(1,4-phenylene)-benzobisimidazole] (PPBI) nanofibers was examined using the crystallization of oligomers during isothermal polymerization of self-polymerizable 2-(1,4-carbophenoxyphenyl)-5,6-diaminobenzimidazole. The polymerization was carried out at 350 degrees C at a concentration of 1w-t.-% for 6 h in three kinds of solvent. The solvent influenced the morphology of PPBI precipitates significantly, and PPBI nanofiber networks were successfully formed in DBT, of which the width ranged from 30 to 110 nm. Molecules were aligned along the long axis of nanofibers. A fibrillar morphology with molecular orientation is ideal for high performance materials such as reinforcements, non-woven fabrics and so on. The nanofiber networks exhibit the highest thermal stability.

    DOI: 10.1002/macp.201000306

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  • Thermally Induced Solid-State Synthesis of Fluorine-Containing Poly(ether oxadiazole) Reviewed

    Yuka Maruyama, Yukihiko Maeda, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE   118 ( 1 )   91 - 98   2010.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC  

    Synthesis of poly[oxy-(2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-phenylene)-(1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)-1,4-phenylene] (F-PEOz) was examined by nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction of 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-pentafluorophenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole (HPOz). Only low molecular weight F-PEOz or crosslinked insoluble polymers were obtained by the solution polymerization with bases. In contrast, thermally induced solid-state polymerization of HPOz potassium salts at 180 degrees C for 1 h gave fully soluble F-PEOz with the yield of 84% and its reduced viscosity was 0.66 dL The longer polymerization time gave insoluble polymers due to the crosslinking reaction even in solid state. The solid-state polymerization did not undergo topochemically and it proceeded in an amorphous state. The crosslinking reaction was slightly inhibited by the solid-state polymerization. F-PEOz exhibited excellent solubility, high T(g) of 246 degrees C and good thermal stability. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 118: 91-98, 2010

    DOI: 10.1002/app.32391

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  • Poly(2,5-benzimidazole) nanofibers prepared by reaction-induced crystallization Reviewed

    Kazuya Kimura, Jin Gong, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER JOURNAL   42 ( 5 )   375 - 382   2010.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Morphological control of poly(2,5-benzimidazole) (PBI) was examined by reaction-induced phase separation of oligomers during polymerization to prepare nanofibers. Three monomers, 3,4-diaminobenzoic acid (DABA), 3,4-diacetoamidebenzoic acid (DAcBA) and phenyl 3,4-diaminobenzoate (PDAB), were used to synthesize PBI. Polymerizations were carried out at 350 degrees C in a mixture of dibenzyltoluene isomers. Polymerization of DABA yielded spheres with plate-like crystals on their surface. Polymerization of DAcBA yielded almost no precipitates because of the high solubility of DAcBA oligomers. By contrast, polymerization of PDAB yielded aggregates of PBI nanofibers (of which the average diameter was similar to 60 nm), which resembled nonwoven fabrics. These fibers were formed by precipitation of (2,5-benzimidazole) oligomers and their subsequent polymerization into a developing crystal structure. The structure of the monomer significantly influenced the morphology of the PBI product, and PDAB was preferable for the preparation of PBI nanofibers. The temperature of 10% N-2 weight loss in these nanofibers was in the range of 634-644 degrees C and they were thermally stable. Polymer Journal (2010) 42, 375-382; doi:10.1038/pj.2010.20; published online 17 March 2010

    DOI: 10.1038/pj.2010.20

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  • Formation and morphology of "shish-like" fibril crystals of aliphatic polyesters from the sheared melt Reviewed

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Manabu Itoh, Takuya Oka, Kunio Kimura

    EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL   46 ( 1 )   58 - 68   2010.1

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    We found the formation of "shish-like" fibril crystals of aliphatic polyesters such as Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA), poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), poly(12-hydroxydodecanoic acid) (PHDA) and poly( 1 6-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid) (PHHA) from the sheared melt with shear rate (gamma) over dot = 5 s(-1) observed by polarizing optical microscope (POM). The melting temperature T(m)s of obtained fibril crystals of PLLA and PCL were higher than those of spherulites and were close to the equilibrium melting temperature T(m)(0). The small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) patterns from the bulk sample including fibril crystals, small amount of unoriented small crystals and amorphous showed no peaks arose from the existence of long periods in fibril crystals. These are the evidence that the observed fibril crystals consist of assemblies of a lot of extended chain crystals (ECCs). We observed the morphology of moderately extracted single strand of fibril crystals at the magnification of POM by means of scanning electron microscope. We found that macroscopic fibril crystals of PLLA with diameter d = 10 mu m consist of the bundle structure of microscopic fibril crystals with d = 2 mu m. From POM observation of the formation of fibril crystals of PLLA and PCL. we showed phase diagrams of molecular weight M and crystallization temperature T(c) for the formation of fibril crystals. From these phase diagrams, we evaluated a critical M and T(c) for the formation of fibril crystals. Moreover, from the sequential melting and crystallization experiments, it was implied that the entanglement and transesterification play an important role on the formation of fibril crystals of aliphatic polyesters. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2009.09.003

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  • ポリエステル類のシシケバブ構造形成におけるエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消の影響 Invited

    山崎 慎一

    Sen’i Gakkaishi   66 ( 7 )   237 - 239   2010

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    DOI: 10.2115/fiber.66.P_237


  • Direct Synthesis of Wholly Aromatic Polyamides by Using Reaction-Induced Crystallization Reviewed

    Kazufumi Kobashi, Kentaro Kobayashi, Haruki Yasuda, Kentaro Arimachi, Testuya Uchida, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    MACROMOLECULES   42 ( 16 )   6128 - 6135   2009.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Direct synthesis of rigid-rod aromatic polyamides was studied without condensation reagents by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization. Polymerizations of p-aminobenzoic acid were carried out in an aromatic solvent at a polymerization concentration of 20% at 350 degrees C. High molecular weight poly(p-benzamide) (PBA) was obtained in the form of plate-like crystals, and the highest molecular weight was 11.6 x 10(3). In this polymerization, the oligomers were formed in the solution by the condensation reaction with the elimination of water. When the molecular weight of oligomers exceeded the critical value, the oligomers were precipitated by crystallization via supersaturated state to form the plate-like crystals. The molecular weight increased by the polymerization between the oligomers on and in the crystals. Poly(p-phenylene isophthalamide) (PPIA) was also obtained in the form of plate-like crystals by the polymerization of p-phenylene diamine (PPDA) and isophthalic acid (IPA) under the same condition as that of PBA. These results exhibited the thermally direct synthesis of infusible aromatic polyamides. Sequential addition of monomers into this heterogeneous polymerization was examined to increase the molecular weight. In the step-growth polymerization, the addition of monomers into the homogeneous polymerization could not increase the molecular weight because it was determined by the extent of reaction and reshuffled by the transamidation reaction. However, the addition of PPDA and IPA during the polymerization resulted in the increase in the molecular weight of PPIA. This result gave possibly a novel procedure for the preparation of high molecular weight condensation-type polymers.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma9009033

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  • Topological Mechanism of Nucleation of Cyclic Polyethylene

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Shouichi Ida, Kunio Kimura

    物性研究   92 ( 1 )   47 - 50   2009.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English  


  • Proof of a Disentanglement Process of Aliphatic Polyesters via Transesterification by Evaluation of the Growth Rate of Spherulites Reviewed

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Takuya Oka, Kunio Kimura

    KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU   66 ( 10 )   475 - 482   2009

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC POLYMER SCIENCE JAPAN  

    In order to proof the existence of a disentangling pathway of condensation polymers via transesterification, we measured the growth rate of spherulites (G) of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) and poly (epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) as a function of melt annealing time (Delta t) before isothermal crystallization. We prepared three PLLA samples by means of reaction induced crystallization of oligomers during polymerization. For the sample with unclear crystal habit, we found that G was almost constant at Delta t < 30 min, and then monotonically decreased with increasing Delta t. On the other hand, for the sample with clear crystal habit, we found that G monotonically decreased with increasing Delta t. For PCL prepared by bulk polymerization, we found that G shows a plateau at Delta t < 30 min for the samples with a melt annealing temperature of T(max) = 100 and 130 degrees C. However, it was found that G monotonically decreased at T(max) = 80 degrees C. From GPC measurements of PLLA and PCL after melt annealing, we confirmed that the molecular weight did not change and molecular weight distribution became broad. These imply that PLLA and PCL have a pathway of disentanglement within the melt via transesterification.

    DOI: 10.1295/koron.66.475

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  • Preparation of Poly(4 '-oxy-4-biphenylcarbonyl) Needlelike Crystals with the Aid of Copolymerization Reviewed

    Naomi Yoshida, Yasuhiro Kurihara, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    MACROMOLECULES   41 ( 20 )   7571 - 7578   2008.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Preparation of poly(4'-oxy-4-biphenylcarbonyl) (POBP) needlelike crystals was examined by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during copolymerization of 4-(4-aceloxypheilyl)benzoic acid (APBA) and 4-acetoxybenzoic acid (ABA). Polymerizations were carried out in aromatic solvent at various ABA molar ratios in feed (chi(f)). When they chi(f) was 20-10 mol %, starlike aggregates of needlelike crystals and fibrillated slablike crystals were separately formed, exhibiting similar morphology to poly(4-oxybenzoyl) and POPB crystals. 4-(Oxyphenyl)benzoyl (OPB) homo-oligomers and co-oligomers rich in OPB moiety were more rapidly precipitated due to the lower solubility, and the slablike crystals were formed. Afterward, 4-oxybenzoyl (013) homo-oligomers and the co-oligomers rich in OB moiety were precipitated to form spindlelike crystals. The OPB homo-oligomers and the co-oligomers rich in OPB moiety were continuously crystallized on both crystals due to the high degree of supersaturation. and the spindlelike crystals grew to the needlelike crystals mainly comprised of POBP. Copolymerization of 4-(4-acetoxybenzoyloxy)benzoic acid and APBA at chi(f) of 10 mol % yielded the needlelike crystals without coexisting fibrillated slablike crystals. This result provides a new methodology for morphology control with the aid of copolymerization.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma800029n

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  • Preparation of brush-like crystals of poly[2,6-(1,4-phenylene)-benzobisimidazole] Reviewed

    Jin Gong, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Kazuya Kimura, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER   49 ( 18 )   3928 - 3937   2008.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Poly[2,6-(1,4-phenylene)-benzobisimidazole] (PPBI) crystals were prepared by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization of 1,2,4,5-tetraaminobenzene and diphenyl terephthalate. Polymerizations were carried out at a monomer concentration of 4.3 x 10(-2) mol L-1 at 350 degrees C for 6 h. Brush-like PPBI crystals were obtained in a mixture of structural isomers of dibenzyltoluene, in which many needle-like crystals came out vertically from the surface of the ribbon-like crystals. Average width and thickness of the ribbon-like crystals were 0.75 mu m and 0.11 mu m, respectively. And average length and diameter of the needle-like crystals were 0.36 mu m and 50 nm, respectively. The brush-like crystals possessed high crystallinity and exhibited good thermal resistance. The ribbon-like crystals were formed by the crystallization of imidazole oligomers at an initial stage of polymerization, and then the needle-like crystals grew from the surface of the ribbon-like crystals. Polymerization occurred on the crystals when the oligomers were crystallized, leading to the high molecular weight PPBI crystals. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2008.07.011

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  • Fabrication of rod-like crystals of poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) by hydrodynamically induced crystallization during solution polymerization Reviewed

    Shin-ichiro Kohama, Mayuko Muraoka, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    SEN-I GAKKAISHI   64 ( 8 )   220 - 223   2008.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC FIBER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY  

    Microspheres of poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) (POC) were obtained by the polymerization of (E)-4-acetoxycinnamic acid in aromatic solvent at 320 degrees C and a concentration of 1.5% without stirring via liquid-liquid phase separation of oligomers. In contrast to this, rod-like crystals were formed under shearing with more than 700 rpm. The obtained rod-like crystals were 10-15 mu m in length and 1.0-1.5 mu m in width having many thorns on the surface. The critical stirring speed for the onset of Taylor vortices was in agreement with 700 rpm and the crystallization of oligomers was hydrodynamically induced by the generation of Taylor vortices affording the rod-like crystals. Stirring influenced the morphology of POC significantly and this work provided a new procedure for the fabrication of fine fibers of intractable aromatic polymers.

    DOI: 10.2115/fiber.64.220

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  • Preparation of poly(4-phthalimide) nanoribbon by reaction-induced crystallization Reviewed

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    MACROMOLECULES   41 ( 13 )   4607 - 4614   2008.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    The morphology of poly(4-phthalimide) (PPI) crystals was examined by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization. Polymerizations of alkyl 4-aminophthalates such as I-ethyl 4-aminophthalate (1EAP), 2-ethyl 4-aminophthalate, 1-hexyl 4-aminophthalate, and 2-hexyl 4-aminophthalate were carried out at 330 degrees C in a mixture of isomers of dibenzyltoluene without stirring. Nanoscale PPI ribbons having smooth surface were formed by the polymerizations of these monomers. The ribbons prepared from 1EAP at a concentration of 2.0% for 24 h were averagely 12 mu m in length, 150 urn in width, and 8 nm in thickness, in which the molecular chains aligned along the long axis of the ribbon. The phase-separated oligomers were fully cyclized imide oligomers, and this is of great importance for the formation of the ribbon. The obtained ribbons possessed high crystallinity and exhibited excellent thermal stability.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma800874w

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  • Composition control of aromatic copolyesters by shearing Reviewed

    Kunio Kimura, Toshimitsu Ichimori, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki

    MACROMOLECULES   41 ( 12 )   4193 - 4199   2008.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Composition control of copolyester was examined by using hydrodynamically induced phase separation, during solution polymerization, of p-acetoxybenzoic acid and m-acetoxybenzoic acid (m-ABA). Polymerizations were carried out in liquid paraffin at 1.0% of concentration under shear flow. The polymers were obtained as precipitates formed via phase separation of oligomers and the subsequent polymerization in the precipitates. When the feed ratio of m-ABA (chi(f)) was 20 mol %, the molar ratio of m-oxybenzoyl moiety in the precipitated polymers (chi(p)) was 5.3, 3.1, and 2.3 mol % at a shear rate (gamma) of 0, 147, and 489 s(-1), respectively. The values of chi(p) were much lower than those of chi(f), and shear flow lowered the value of chi(p); thus, controlling shear flow influenced both the reaction rate of the monomers and the miscibility of the oligomers. It especially enhanced the difference on the miscibility between homo-oligomers and co-oligomers. This change in the miscibility by shear flow brought about the more rapid precipitation of homo-oligomers than co-oligomers, leading to the selective formation of poly(p-oxybenzoyl).

    DOI: 10.1021/ma800529d

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  • Improvement of adhesion and long-term adhesive reliability of liquid crystalline polyester film by plasma treatment Reviewed

    Yasuhiro Kurihara, Hiroyuki Ohata, Masahiko Kawaguchi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE   108 ( 1 )   85 - 92   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC  

    Surface modification of thermotropic liquid crystalline aromatic polyester (LCP) films was examined by low-pressure plasma treatment to improve initial adhesion and long-term adhesive reliability between the LCP film and an epoxy bonding sheet for printed circuit boards. Plasma irradiation was carried out in various plasma gases with different plasma modes as reactive-ion-etching (RIE), direct-plasma (DP) with pressures ranging from 4.0 to 26.6 Pa. Although the initial adhesion of the DP-treated film increased, the long-term adhesive reliability estimated by pressure cooker test (PCT) decreased with decreasing the plasma gas pressure in every gas. The higher concentration of the generated polar groups such as phenolic hydroxyl group and carboxyl group enhanced the initial adhesion by the increase in the chemical interaction; however, it damaged the long-term adhesive reliability due to the acceleration of the penetration of water molecules into the interface. The large surface roughness was effective to enhance the initial adhesion and the long-term adhesive reliability. The RIE-treatment generated the polar groups and the larger surface roughness than the DP-treatment. The RIE-treatment in the O-2 atmosphere at the gas pressure of 13.3 Pa was the best plasma condition for both the initial adhesion and the long-term adhesive reliability. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/app.27537

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  • Morphology control of poly(2,2'-phenylene-5,5'-bibenzimidazole) by reaction-induced crystallization during polymerization Reviewed

    Shin-ichiro Kohama, Jin Gong, Kazuya Kimura, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kaoru Shimamura, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER   49 ( 7 )   1783 - 1791   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Morphology control of polybenzimidazoles was examined by reaction-induced phase separation during polymerization. Polymerizations of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine with terephthalic acid or diphenyl terephthalate were carried out in poor solvents. The morphology of the precipitated poly[2,2'-(1,4-phenylene)-5,5'-bibenzimidazole] (PpBBI) was significantly influenced by the polymerization conditions, and the aggregates of nano-scale PpBBl fibers were obtained by the polymerization at a concentration of 3-5% and 320-350 degrees C in dibenzyltoluene. The average diameter of the fibers was ca. 50 mn and inherent viscosities of the precipitates were 0.35-0.58 dL g(-1). They possessed high crystallinity and thermal stability. The oligomers were precipitated first by the reaction-induced crystallization to form the highly crystalline lath-like crystals at an initial stage of polymerization. Then the lath-like crystals were split into disentangled aggregates of fine fibers with maintaining the high crystallinity. The polymerization mainly proceeded when the oligomers were registered into the crystals. The obtained aggregates of nano-scale fibers could be recognized as nonwoven fabrics. Morphology control of poly [2,2'-(1,3-phenylene)-5,5'-bibenzimidazole] was also examined and particles were mainly formed. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2008.02.016

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  • Fluorinated poly(aryl thioether)s and poly(aryl sulfone)s derived from 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoic acid Reviewed

    Shunsuke Masaki, Natsuko Sato, Ai Nishichi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE   108 ( 1 )   498 - 503   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC  

    Poly(aryl thioether)s (F-PTEs) containing 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-phenylene moiety and polar moiety, such as 1,3,4-ozadiazole, ether ketone, and amide groups, were synthesized by nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction of aryl fluorides and 4,4'-thiobisbenzenthiol. F-PTEs were amorphous with good thermal properties including high glass transition temperature (T-g) and thermal stability, solubility, and hydrophobicity. F-PTEs were transformed into poly(aryl sulfone)s (F-PSs) by the oxidation reaction with hydrogen peroxide in acetic acid. Because of the sulfone group, the T(g)s of the F-PSs were 30-40 degrees C higher than those of the corresponding F-PTEs. F-PSs maintained solubility in polar aprotic solvents and exhibited hydrophobicity in spite of the content of polar sulfone groups due to the highly substituted fluorine atoms. These F-PTEs and F-PSs were a new class of high-performance polymers. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/app.27347

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  • Dimer effect on fractional polycondensation of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) Reviewed

    Kunio Kimura, Yasuo Shimizu, Toshimitsu Ichimori, Shin-Ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Yuhiko Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY   46 ( 5 )   1598 - 1606   2008.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC  

    Selective preparation of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) (POB) crystals was examined from the viewpoint of a dimer effect on fractional polycondensation. Four different copolymerization systems were chosen as the combinations of p-acetoxybenzoic acid (p-ABA), m-acetoxybenzoic acid (m-ABA), and their dimers. The crystals obtained from the copolymerization of the dimer of p-ABA (p-ABAD) and m-ABA contained only 3.1 mol % of m-oxybenzoyl moiety even at high content of m-oxybenzoyl moiety in feed (chi(f)) of 40 mol %. p-Oxybenzoyl homo-oligomers were more rapidly formed from p-ABAD in the solution than from p-ABA, and they were crystallized to form the crystals with segregating co-oligomers. While co-oligomers containing more m-oxybenzoyl moiety were formed in the solution, afterward they were unable to be phase-separated because of higher miscibility. The further polycondensation proceeded in the precipitated crystal, and finally the POB crystal was selectively formed. Lower polymerization temperature and concentration enhanced the fractionability, and the POB crystals containing less than 1 mol % m-oxybenzoyl moiety were prepared at chi(f) of 30 mol %, 270 degrees C, and a concentration of 0.5%. The dimer effect on the fractional polycondensation was clearly observed. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.22496

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  • Nonstoichiometric synthesis of poly(4,4 '-oxydiphenylene pyromelliteimide) by reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers Reviewed

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shin-Ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    MACROMOLECULES   41 ( 4 )   1168 - 1174   2008.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Nonstoichiometric synthesis of poly(4,4 '-oxydiphenylene pyromelliteimide) was examined by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization. Polymerizations of pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and 4,4 '-oxydianiline (ODA) were carried out in Barrel Therm 400 at 330 degrees C at various molar ratios of PMDA and ODA in feed Q). Although high molecular weight polymer was usually prepared only under stoichiometric condition by a conventional solution polymerization, it was obtained as the crystals at chi of 0.5-2.0. The polymerization at chi of 0.77 afforded the highest polymer having M-w of 2.81 X 10(5), which was higher than that prepared by the solution polymerization. The oligomers were precipitated to form the crystals due to the low miscibility into the solvent. The precipitated oligomers were end-capped by excess monomers, but the end-capping groups were eliminated by transimidization reaction when they were registered into the crystals. The transimidization reaction also occurred in the crystals, leading to the increase in molecular weight. Since the nucleophilicity of amino end group was higher, the transimidization reaction proceeded more efficiently with eliminating ODA, and thereby the higher molecular weight polyimides were given in the range of chi < 1.0 than the range of chi > 1.0. The polymerization by the reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers was unsusceptible to the stoichiometry.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma702030u

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  • Improvement of Adhesion Between Liquid Crystalline Polyester Films by Plasma Treatment Reviewed

    Yasuhiro Kurihara, Hiroyuki Ohata, Masahiko Kawaguchi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   22 ( 16 )   1985 - 2002   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BRILL ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS  

    Surface modification of thermotropic liquid crystalline aromatic polyester (LCP) films was carried out by low-pressure plasma treatment to improve the initial adhesion as well as the long-term adhesion reliability, a measure of durability between the LCP films used as substrates for printed circuit boards. Plasma irradiation was carried out in various plasma gases with different plasma modes such as reactive-ion-etching, and direct-plasma (DP) with pressures ranging from 6.7 Pa to 26.6 Pa. The introduction of polar groups on the film surface such as phenolic hydroxyl groups and carboxyl groups enhanced the initial adhesion by increased chemical interaction. However, if the concentration of polar groups became too high, the long-term adhesion reliability estimated by the pressure cooker test was degraded due to the acceleration of the penetration of water molecules into the interface. A large surface roughness was also effective in preventing the decrease in the long-term adhesion reliability. However, too much increase in surface roughness decreases the long-term adhesion reliability. The DP-treatment in the O(2) atmosphere at a gas pressure of 6.7 Pa was found to be the best plasma condition for both the initial adhesion as well as the long-term adhesion reliability between the LCP films. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2008

    DOI: 10.1163/156856108X331751

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  • Fabrication of nanoribbon of high-performance polyimide

    K. Wakabayashi, S. Yamazaki, T. Uchida, K. Kimura

    American Chemical Society, Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry   49 ( 1 )   331 - 332   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Polymer Preprints ACS  



  • Synthesis and properties of fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether oxadiazole)s Reviewed

    Natsuko Sato, Ken Tanaka, Shunsuke Masaki, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Al Nishichi

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY   45 ( 14 )   2855 - 2866   2007.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC  

    Fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether 1,3,4-ozadiazole)s were synthesized by the nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction of 2,5-bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole and various bisphenols in the presence of potassium carbonate. The polymerizations were carried out at 30 degrees C in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone to avoid the gelation caused by a crosslinking reaction at para and ortho carbons to the 1,3,4-oxidiazole ring. The obtained polymers were all para-connected linear structures. The obtained fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether 1,3,4-ozadiazole)s showed excellent solubility and afforded tough, transparent films by the solution-casting method. They also exhibited a high glass transition temperature depending on the molecular structure, and the glass transition temperature could be controlled by the bisphenols in the range of 157-257 degrees C. They showed good thermal stability and excellent hydrophobicity due to the incorporation of the 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-phenylene moiety. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.22041

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  • Morphological architecture of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) by modification of oligomer end-group Reviewed

    Kunio Kimura, Yasuhiro Kurihara, Hideki Omori, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Yuhiko Yamashita

    POLYMER   48 ( 12 )   3429 - 3436   2007.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Influence of oligomer end-group on morphology of poly(4-oxybenzoyl) (POB) was examined by polymerizations of 4-acyloxybenzoic acids having different acyl groups. Polymerizations of 4-propionyloxybenzoic acid, 4-hexanoyloxybenzoic acid, 4-octanoyloxybenzoic acid and 4-decanoyloxybenzoic acid in liquid paraffin at 320 degrees C yielded needle-like or pillar-like POB crystals via crystallization of oligomers. On the other hand, the polymerization of 4-perfluorooctanoyloxybenzoic acid (FOBA) afforded microspheres having needle-like crystals on the surfaces. At an initial stage in the polymerization, microspheres having smooth surface were formed via liquid-liquid phase separation of oligomers prepared from FOBA owing to the low miscibility of perfluorooctanoyl end-group. Thereby the phase-separation behaviour of oligomers changed from liquid-liquid phase separation to crystallization at a middle stage in the polymerization and then needle-like crystals were formed on the surface of the microspheres. Chemical structure of the oligomer end-group affected significantly the phase-separation behaviour of oligomers and ultimately the morphology of POB. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2007.04.025

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  • Acceleration of Formation of Shish under Flow by Addition of Irregular Shaped Particles

    12 ( 1 )   157 - 160   2007.3

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  • Efficient Chain Extension Reaction of Poly (butylene terephthalate) by using Crystallization

    12 ( 1 )   167 - 171   2007.3

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  • Morphology control of various aromatic polyimides by using phase separation during polymerization Reviewed

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    POLYMER   48 ( 2 )   458 - 466   2007.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Morphology control of various aromatic polyimides representative as poly(4,4'-oxydiphenylene pyromelliteimide) was examined by using the phase separation during solution polymerization. Polymerizations of aromatic dianhydrides and aromatic diamines to the polyimides were carried out in poor solvents at 240-330 degrees C for 6 h with no stirring. Polymerization concentrations were from 0.25% to 3.0%. The polyimides were obtained as yellow precipitates. Two categorized morphologies were created, which were particles and crystals exhibiting lath-like and plate-like habits. These morphologies of polyimides could be selectively controlled by the polymerization conditions. The higher concentrations, less miscible solvents and lower temperatures were preferable to yield the particles via liquid-liquid phase separation. On the contrary, the lower concentration, miscible solvents and higher temperature were desirable to yield the crystals. The polyimide precipitates showed high crystallinity and possessed excellent thermal stability at which the 10 wt% loss temperatures in N-2 were in the range of 590-694 degrees C. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2006.11.061

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  • Fabrication of particles and crystals of poly(p-phenylene pyromelliteimide) and the study on crystal structure Reviewed

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Kaoru Shimamura

    MACROMOLECULES   40 ( 2 )   239 - 246   2007.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Morphologies of poly(p-phenylene pyromelliteimide) (PPPI) were investigated by using phase separation during polymerization of pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and p-phenylene diamine (PPDA). Polymerizations were carried out at 330 degrees C for 6 h. PPDA was added to the solution of PMDA in an aromatic solvent at various temperatures after PMDA was entirely dissolved. The morphology of the precipitates was drastically changed with the temperature of PPDA addition (Tad). When Tad was 240 degrees C, the fine particles were formed through the formation of droplets via liquid-liquid phase separation. On the contrary, when Tad was higher than 280 degrees C, the mixture of lozenge-shaped crystals and starlike aggregates of needlelike crystals were formed by the crystallization of oligomers. Tad influenced the degree of imidization of oligomers, resulting in the variation in the morphology of PPPI. Crystal structure and molecular chain orientation of the lozenge-shaped crystals were also investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscope.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma062032y

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  • リサイクル性に優れたセルフコンポジット型高強度・高耐熱性プラスチック材料の開発 Invited

    山崎 慎一

    ポリファイル   44 ( 518 )   30 - 34   2007

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  • Two-step formation of entanglement from disentangled polymer melt detected by using nucleation rate Reviewed

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Fangming Gu, Kaori Watanabe, Kiyoka Okada, Akihiko Toda, Masamichi Hikosaka

    POLYMER   47 ( 18 )   6422 - 6428   2006.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    "How do chain molecules spontaneously entangle from completely disentangled polymer melt?" remains the most interesting unsolved problem. In order to solve this problem, we used the concept that the melt of "nascent" polymer crystallized during polymerization just after melting does not include any entanglements. We succeeded in detecting the increase of entanglement density v(e) with the increase of annealing time At above the equilibrium melting temperature before isothermal crystallization. The increase of v(e) was detected by observing the decrease of nucleation rate I from the melt of nascent polymer with different Delta ts. I is a very sensitive detector of entanglements because the nucleation is a rearrangement process of chains to the crystalline lattice through the disentanglement. Therefore, I is significantly suppressed with the increase of v(e). We found a two-step decrease of I with an increase of Delta t for the first time. This should correspond to a two-step increase of v(e) with an increase of Delta t. This indicates that simple entanglements such as twist or knot with lower order (one time knot) were formed within short time and then the complicated ones such as knot with higher order (two or three times knots) or loops (entanglements by loop conformation) were formed. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2006.07.010

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  • Novel fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether amide)s derived from 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoic acid Reviewed

    Ken Tanaka, Natsuko Sato, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Yuhiko Yamashita

    SEN-I GAKKAISHI   62 ( 7 )   155 - 161   2006.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC FIBER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY  

    Various amide-containing aryl fluorides were synthesized from 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoic acid, and novel fifteen AA-BB type and three AB type fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether amide)s (F-PEA) were obtained by nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction. The synthesized aryl fluorides possessed several reactive carbons for the nucleophilic attack and cross-linking reaction occurred at 100 degrees C. Polymerizations were carried out at 80 degrees C to avoid cross-linking and stopped just before gelation occurred. They had all para connected linear structures. The obtained F-PEAs showed excellent solubility and afforded tough transparent films by casting method. They also exhibited high Tg in the range of 179-273 degrees C depending on the molecular structure. They showed good thermal stability, and even though F-PEAs contained amide linkage into the repeating unit of polymer molecule, they exhibited excellent hydrophobicity due to the incorporation of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-phenylene moiety.

    DOI: 10.2115/fiber.62.155

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  • Fabrication of poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) nano-scale particles Reviewed

    Yoshito Hirai, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    SEN-I GAKKAISHI   62 ( 7 )   167 - 174   2006.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC FIBER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY  

    Fabrication of poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) (POC) nano-scale particles was examined by using self-seeding polymerization of (E)-4-acetoxycinnamic acid in liquid paraffin. The diameter of the POC spheres was very susceptible to the polymerization temperature and the temperature drop was very efficient to control the nucleation process by the adjustment of the degree of super saturation leading to the decrease in the diameter. The average diameter of the spheres prepared at 320 degrees C was 3.6 mu m, whereas, the temperature drop from 320 degrees C to 250 degrees C just before the nucleation afforded the POC microspheres having average diameter of 2.2 mu m. In order to prepare the nano-scale particles, only the self-seeding polymerization was not sufficient and the control of the growth process was additionally required. The POC particles having 600 nm of the average diameter were obtained by not only the temperature change from 320 degrees C to 250 degrees C and then 320 degrees C but also the addition of 4-octadecyloxybiphenyl as a coalescence inhibitor. The average diameter was in nano-scale, but the diameter distribution became broader with bimodality.

    DOI: 10.2115/fiber.62.167

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  • New attempt at preparation of fluorine-containing poly(ether ketone)s in supercritical carbon dioxide

    Kunio Kimura, Shinichi Yamazaki, Patrick E. Cassidy, John W. Fitch, Sreenu R. Venumkbaka

    岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告   11 ( 1 )   93 - 97   2006.3

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  • Acceleration mechanism of growth rates under shear flow due to the oriented melt - The novel morphology of spiral crystal (spiralite) Reviewed

    K Watanabe, K Okada, A Toda, S Yamazaki, T Taniguchi, K Koyama, K Yamada, M Hikosaka

    MACROMOLECULES   39 ( 4 )   1515 - 1524   2006.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Isothermal crystallization of three-dimensional (3D) spherulites from the bulky melt under low shear rate flow was Studied based on new in situ observation along a direction perpendicular to the flow velocity a adient plane (XZ plane) by means Of optical microscope, where X- and Z-axes are perpendicular and parallel to the flow direction, respectively. Spherulites are rotating. A novel "spiral pattern" was found oil the surface of the rotating "half-spherulite" near the surface of the melt for the first time. The half-spherulite is named "spiralite" which enabled us to have a visible image of the rotation of Spherulite. Hence, we could detect the growth rate around the Z-axis V(Z) and that around the X-axis V(X) by using the spiral pattern. We could experimentally obtain V(Z) > V(X) in this study. From kinetic viewpoint. this fact indicates that free energy for formation of a critical nucleus around file Z-axis is smaller than that around the X-axis. From this, it is concluded that the 1 oriented melt" is formed around the 7 axis. We proved it theoretically by showing that micro shear rate (Z) on the interface around the Z-axis significantly increases and chains will be elongated even when macro is low (y < 10 s(-1)). With increase of y(Z), the chain elongation will overcome the entropic relaxation, that results in formation of the "oriented melt". Crystallization mechanism under low shear flow is proposed that file growth rate of spherulite or shish is accelerated around interface, due to formation of the "oriented melt". Finally, we proposed a possible relationship between Inch Structure and crystallization under anisotropic and isotropic external fields.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma050825z

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  • Morphology control of aromatic polymers in concert with polymerization Reviewed

    Kunio Kimura, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki

    POLYMER JOURNAL   38 ( 10 )   1005 - 1022   2006

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    Language:English   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Morphology control methods of aromatic polymers in concert with polymerization reaction are described in this review. Many attractive methods have been developed including reaction-induced phase separation of oligomers, epitaxial polymerization, shear-induced chain orientation during gelation, template-based polymerization, suspension polycondensation, solid-state polycondensation and liquid-liquid interfacial precipitation and so on. Among them, the reaction-induced phase separation of oligomers, in which there are two modes of crystallization and liquid-liquid phase separation, possess practically high potentiality to create novel polymer materials since it can control not only the morphology but also the molecular chain orientation. Ultimate goal is the embodiment of the nature system in a flask, that is, the control of the materials from primary structures to super structures. The morphology control methods by using polymerization reaction afford the valuable methodology for the three-dimensional structure architecture.

    DOI: 10.1295/polymj.PJ2006083

    Web of Science


  • Morphology control of polybenzimidazole by using reaction-induced phase separation of oligomers during solution polymerization

    Shin-Ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Jin Gong, Kaoru Shimamura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 2 )   2852   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper deals with a new finding on the morphology control of poly[2,2′-(p-phenylene)-5,5′-bibenzimidazole] (PBI) by using the reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization. Polymerizations of 3,3′-diaminobenzidine and diphenyl terephthalate or terephthalic acid were carried out at 350°C for 6 hours in poor solvent such as dibenzyl toluene mixture to induce the crystallization of oligomers. Bundle-like aggregates of PBI nanofibers and plate-like PBI crystals were prepared with high yields. The values of inherent viscosity of FBI were 0.49 - 0.58 dL/g. Obtained crystals possessed high crystallinity measured on WAXS and good thermal stability. The morphology of the products was drastically influenced by the end-group structure of phase separated oligomers.



  • Nucleation and entanglement of cyclic polyethylene

    Shouichi Ida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 2 )   3125 - 3126   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Previously, we have shown the hierarchised model of entanglements of polymer chains based on melt annealing time Δt dependence of nucleation rate I of "nascent" linear polyethylene (nascent L-PE). This work showed the validity of above model and role of "knot" entanglement in the nucleation of polymers using cyclic polyethylene (C-PE) which can not form the knot entanglement. We found that I of C-PE was remarkably larger than that of L-PE. Moreover, we found that I of C-PE monotonically decreased with increasing Δt. These imply that the knot entanglement plays an important role in the nucleation.



  • Synthesis of novel fluorine-containing poly(ether sulfone)s by using chemical modification reaction

    Shunsuke Masaki, Ai Nishichi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 1 )   189   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper described the synthesis of novel fluorine-containing aromatic poly(ether sulfone)s (F-PES) by the oxidation of the corresponding fluorine-containing polythioethers (F-PTEs) derived from 2,3,4,5,6- pentafluorobenzoic acid. F-PTEs were synthesized by nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction at relative low temperature in DMF. F-PTEs obtained by stopping just before the gelation were all para connected linear structures. The obtained F-PESs showed higher Tg than that of F-PTEs due to the introduction of sulfone units. They also exhibited excellent solubility and good hydrophobicity due to the incorporation of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-phenylene moiety.



  • Nonstoichiomeric polymerization of polyimide by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Takuya Ito, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 1 )   281   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Nonstoichiometric preparation of poly(4,4'-oxydiphenylene pyromelliteimide)(Kapton) from pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and 4,4'-oxydianiline (ODA) was examined by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers. When the polymerization was carried out under stoichiometric condition, the crystals having ηinh of 1.58 dL/g were obtained. Under the excess ODA, ηinh was insensitive toward the imbalance of stoichiometry, and suprisingly, ηinh became 1.63 dL/g even under 50 mol% excess. In the polymerization under nontoichiometric condition, the terminated oligomers precipitated to form the crystals and the solid-state polymerization proceeded with the elimination of terminated oligomer unit in oligomer crystals resulting in high molecular weight.



  • Improvement of adhesion between liquid crystalline polymer film and epoxy by cold plasma treatment

    Yasuhiro Kurihara, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Hiroyuki Ohata, Masahiko Kawaguchi

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 1 )   2349   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We investigated the surface modification of thermotropic liquid-crystalline polymer (LCP) film made of wholly aromatic copolyester by O2 reactive-ion-etching (RIE) and O2, N2, N 2/H2(7/3) direct-plasma (DP) to improve the adhesion and the long-term reliability of the adhesion between the LCP film and epoxy, which is typically used as bonding sheet for printed circuit boards. About the peel strength before and after Pressure Cooker Test (PCT), which was conducted to determine the long-term reliability, the peel strength before PCT was increased with decreasing pressure in O2, N2 DP, whereas the peel strength after PCT was decreased with decreasing pressure in O2 RIE and O2, N2 DP . The XPS analysis conducted on the LCP film surface treated with O2 RIE and O2 DP implied that a higher number of phenol hydroxyl groups were generated at low-pressure and the peel strength before and after PCT was affected. Moreover, it is speculated that if N functional groups are introduced by the plasma treatment of the gas containing N2, the decrease of the peel strength after PCT will become significant. The surface roughness of the film was increased with increasing pressure in O2 RIE, and it was assumed that the peel strength before and after PCT was based on the synergistic effect of functional groups and the surface roughness.



  • Preparation of polybenzimidazole nanofibers by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization

    Shin-Ichiro Kohama, Jin Gong, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Kaoru Shimamura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 1 )   546   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper deals with our new finding on the fabrication of poly[2,2'-(p-phenylene)-5,5'-bibenzimidazole] (PBI) nanofibers by using the crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization. Polymerizations of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine and diphenyl terephthalate were carried out at 320 and 350°C for 6 hours in poor solvents to induce the crystallization of oligomers. The solvents used in this study were liquid paraffin (LPF) and Barrel Therm 400 (BT4, Matsumura Oil Co., Ltd.), which is the mixture of dibenzyl toluene. In the polymerizations in LPF, plate-like crystals of PBI were obtained and their inherent viscosities (ηinh) were 0.21 - 0.27 dL/g. On the other hand, in the polymerization in BT4, the bundle-like aggregates of PBI nanofibers were prepared with quantitative yields. The diameter of each nanofibers was 20 - 100 nm. The values of ηrinh of PBI nanofibers were 0.35 - 0.58 dL/g and they were higher than those in LPF. These nanofibers possessed extremely high crystallinity measured on WAXS and good thermal stability. The morphology was drastically influenced by the solvent, and the control of miscibility is of great importance for the fabrication of PBI nanofibers.



  • Possibility of disentanglement process of condensation polymer by transesterification proof by growth rate of spherulite

    Takuya Oka, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 1 )   818   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In order to proof of the possibility of disentanglement process of condensation polymers via transesterificartion, we measured the growth rate of spherulite (G) of PLLA as a function of melt annealing time (Δt) before isothermal crystallization. We prepared three PLLA samples by means of reaction induced crystallization of oligomers during polymerization. For the sample with unclear crystal habit, we found that G was almost constant at Δt&lt
    30 min, and then monotonially decreased with increasing Δt. From GPC measurements, we confirmed that molecular weight did not change and molecular weight distribution became broad. This implies that condensation polymers within the melt disentangle via transesterification.



  • Copolymerization effect on morphology of polymer crystals prepared from 4-acetoxybenzoic acid and 4-(4-acetoxyphenyl)benzoic acid

    Naomi Yoshida, Yasuhiro Kurihara, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 1 )   547   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We had been studying a dual self-assembling polycondensation system by means of phase separation of oligomers, which is a novel polycondensation system to prepare separately the two kinds of polymer crystals having different structures. This phenomenon was induced by the difference in the oligomer interaction such as hydrogen bonding. In this study, a dual self-assembling polycondensation was found in the solution polymerization of 4-acetoxybenzoic acid (ABA) and 4-(4-acetoxyphenyl)benzoic acid (APBA). Two different kinds of crystals were simultaneously formed, of which one was needle-like crystal and another was fibrillated slab-like crystals. These morphologies resembled those of corresponding homopolymer crystals. Microscopic FT-IR analysis suggested that these two crystals had different structure. The miscibility of the oligomers prepared from APBA was quite lower than those from ABA, and this large difference in the miscibility may induce the simultaneous formation of two kinds of crystals having different crystal habit.



  • Preparation of aromatic polyesters by using fractional polycondensation under shearing condition

    Chie Iwado, Shin-Ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   55 ( 1 )   545   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We have found that poly(p-oxybenzoyl) (POB) was selectively prepared by the fractional polycondensation of p-acetoxybenzoic(p-ABA) acid and m-acetoxybenzoic acid in poor solvents by using the phase separation of oligomers, and shearing was of importance for the fractionability. In this study, fractional polycondensation of POB was examined in the copolymerization of p-ABA and 3-(4-acetoxyphenyl)propionic acid (p-APPA) to clarify the shearing effect on the fractionability. This copolymerization had also fractionability and the precipitates rich in p-oxybenzoyl moiety were selectively obtained. The shearing enhanced the fractionability and the content of p-oxybenzoyl moiety of the precipitates prepared at the content of ABA in feed of 70mol% was 92.6%, which was almost POB. The shearing increased the solubility of cooligomers and therefore, this provided the suitable circumstance that homo-oligomers were selectively phase-separated.



  • Topological Mechanism of Polymer Nucleation and Growth – The Role of Chain Sliding Diffusion and Entanglement Invited Reviewed

    Masamichi Hikosaka, Kaori Watanabe, Kiyoka Okada, Shinichi Yamazaki

    Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization III   191   137 - 186   2005.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer-Verlag  

    DOI: 10.1007/12_010

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  • Formation mechanism of shish in the oriented melt (II) - two different growth mechanisms along and perpendicular to the flow direction Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, K Watanabe, K Okada, K Yamada, K Tagashira, A Toda, M Hikosaka

    POLYMER   46 ( 5 )   1685 - 1692   2005.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    In part I of this series of paper, we have solved the formation mechanism of shish from the oriented melt based on the kinetic observation. In this work, we have shown for the first time the molecular mechanism of the growth of shish by kinetic study. We found that there are two different type of the growth of shish against the flow direction. The growth rate along the flow direction (U) is proportional to DeltaT, where DeltaT is the degree of supercooling. This indicates that U is mainly controlled by the rearrangement process of the chain near the end surface of the shish. On the other hand, the growth rate perpendicular to the flow direction (V) obeyed a well-known equation Vproportional to exp(-B/DeltaT), where B is a constant proportional to the free energy necessary for forming a critical secondary nucleus DeltaG*. This indicates that V is mainly controlled by the secondary nucleation process on the side surface of shish. Moreover, we also found that there is a critical shear rate gamma (over dot)* for the growth of shish. Below gamma (over dot)*, U and V approached to zero and the growth rate of spherulite, respectively. From this experimental fact, we proposed that the chain conformation near the interface between the melt and shish, i.e. near the end and side surface of shish is elongated and oriented by the shear flow above gamma (over dot)*. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2004.12.010

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  • Electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of polyaniline-ethylene vinyl acetate composites Reviewed

    NC Das, S Yamazaki, M Hikosaka, TK Chaki, D Khastgir, A Chakraborty

    POLYMER INTERNATIONAL   54 ( 2 )   256 - 259   2005.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD  

    Electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding effectiveness at microwave (200-2000 MHz) and X-band (8-12 GHz) frequency range of polyaniline (PAni) composites were studied. It has been observed that EMI shielding of conductive polyaniline (PAni)-ethylene vinyl acetate composites increases with the increase in the loading levels of the conductive polymer doped with dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid. The result indicates that the composites having higher PAni loading (> 23%) can be used for EMI shielding materials and those with lower PAni loading can be used for the dissipation of electrostatic charge. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.

    DOI: 10.1002/pi.1660

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  • Formation mechanism of shish in the oriented melt (I) - bundle nucleus becomes to shish Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, K Watanabe, K Okada, K Yamada, K Tagashira, A Toda, M Hikosaka

    POLYMER   46 ( 5 )   1675 - 1684   2005.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    We have solved the molecular mechanism of the formation of shish of isotactic-polypropylene (iPP) and polyethylene (PE) from the sheared melt based on kinetic study by means of polarizing optical microscope. We found that the rate determining process for the formation of shish is a nucleation process in the most range of degree of supercooling (DeltaT) except for large DeltaT of PE. We have shown a direct evidence of the formation of bundle nucleus from the oriented melt, which is consisted of elongated chains caused by artificial pins. For polymers, a universal mechanism of nucleation from the isotropic or oriented melt was proposed. We also found that there is a critical shear rate for the formation of shish. This experimental fact indicates that the shish will be formed when the elongation of chains will overcome the conformational relaxation of chains and chain conformation within the oriented melt is kept liquid crystal like one. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2004.12.009

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  • Fabrication of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) nanowhisker Reviewed

    K Kimura, S Yamazaki, Y Matsuoka, Y Yamashita

    POLYMER JOURNAL   37 ( 12 )   906 - 912   2005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Fabrication of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) (POB) nanowhiskers was examined by using reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers during the polymerization of p-acetoxybenzoic acid in liquid paraffin. Width of the POB whiskers was susceptible to polymerization temperature and it was efficiently controlled by a change in temperature during the polymerization. Increase in polymerization temperature just after nucleation (Han) reduced the degree of super saturation of oligomers (or) resulting in the depression of the width increase by the crystallization of oligomers on side surface of the whiskers. Temperature drop just before nucleation (Cbn) enhanced the value of a resulting in the generation of much more nuclei having the smaller width. On the basis of these results, the combination of these two methods Han and Cbn afforded the whiskers having the smallest width, and the POB nanowhiskers were prepared of which the width and the length were 190nm and 18.6 mu m, respectively.

    DOI: 10.1295/polymj.37.906

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  • Morphology control of aromatic polyimide by using reaction-induced phase separation of oligomers

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 1 )   599   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We had reported that lozenge-shaped crystals and microspheres of poly(p-phenylene pyromelliteimide) were prepared by means of reaction-induced phase separation of oligomers during solution polymerization. These morphologies could be controlled on the basis of the miscibility between solvent and oligomers. In this paper, we investigated on the morphology control of Kapton by using the phase separation of oligomer during polymerization. Microspheres of Kapton were obtained in an aromatic solvent at a concentration of 3.0 wt/vol%. In contrast to this, lath-like crystals and spheres composed of plate-like crystals were obtained at a concentration of 0.5 wt/vol%. These products exhibited high crystallinity and possessed high heat-resistance. Influences of solvent and polymerization temperature on the morphology were also presented.



  • Morphology control of poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) by direct polycondensation with aromatic anhydride

    Toshimitsu Nakanishi, Shin-Ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 1 )   1824   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Direct polycondensation of p-hydroxycinnamic acid was carried out in the presence of an aromatic anhydride such as benzoic anhydride and p-ethoxybenzoic anhydride by means of reaction-induced phase separation of oligomers. Poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) (POC) spheres were prepared in liquid paraffin in the presence of both aromatic anhydrides at 280 - 320°C. On the other hand, POC crystals having clear habits were prepared in hydrogenated terphenyl mixture in the presence of p-ethoxybenzoic anhydride at 260°C. Especially, POC needle-like crystals were prepared in good yield at 260°C at a concentration of 10.0 %. WAXS patterns of POC plate-like and needle-like crystals showed that these crystals possessed quite high crystallinity compared with POC spheres. It was concluded that the morphology of POC was tunable by not only the solvent but also the aromatic anhydride as condensation reagent.



  • Formation of shish under flow with low shear rate - Effect of addition of irregular shaped particles

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Kanji Wakabayashi, Kenta Mizuma, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 2 )   3157 - 3158   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Previously, we have shown that the shish was formed from the oriented melt composed of the elongated chains caused by dust particles within the melt via bundle typed nucleation under flow with low shear rate ( γ̇
    =5s -1). This implies that dust particles effectively cause the elongation of chains within the melt. In this work, we observed the crystallization of iPP added with irregular shaped particles under shear flow by means of polarizing optical microscope. We prepared various shaped particles such as confetti-like, spherical and rock-like. We found that the size and asymmetric shape of additional particles are important for effective formation of shish.



  • Influence of shearing on fractutional polycondensation of aromatic polyester

    Chie Iwado, Toshimitsu Ichmori, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 2 )   2679   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Selective preparation of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) (POB) in copolymerization system of p-acetoxybenzoic acid (p-ABA) and m-acetoxybenzoic acid (m-ABA) was examined by using reaction-induced crystallization under shearing condition. POB crystals were mainly precipitated in liquid paraffin solution even at the content of m-ABA in feed (χf) of 30 mol% without stirring. In contrast to this, they were formed even at χf of 50 mol% and the fractionability was significantly enhanced by shearing. The mechanism of the fractional polycondensation was attributed to both the reactivity of monomer and the phase separation behavior of oligomer. Under shearing condition, the difference on the reactivity between p-ABA and m-ABA was lowered. However, the shearing induced the crystallization of homo-oligomers of p-oxybenzoyl unit more efficiently and prevented the precipitation of co-oligomers via crystallization. Thereby homo-oligomers were more rapidly and selectively precipitated by crystallization to form the POB crystals.



  • Solid-state polycondensation of aromatic polyimide by means of crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 2 )   2555   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Poly(4,4'-oxydiphenylene pyromelliteimide)(PI(PMDA/DPE)) were prepared from PMDA and DPE as monomers at condition of 0.50% and 280°C in TS10 (mixture of isomers of dibenzyltoluene). Lath-like crystals and particles composed with plate-like crystals were obtained via the crystallization of oligomers during solution polymerization. The products exhibited high crystallinity and high inherent viscosity of 1.17 dig-1. This implies solid-state polymerization effectively progressed in the crystals of oligomer, because the chain ends in the oligomers crystal were advantageously arranged for polycondensation reaction.



  • Fabrication of poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) needle crystals by using hydrodynamically induced crystallization during solution polymerization

    Mayuko Muraoka, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 1 )   600   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Morphology control of poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) (POC) was studied to overcome the poor processability and microspheres were prepared by the self-organizing polycondensation of (E)-4-acetoxycinnamic acid (ACA) in aromatic solvent at 320°C without stirring. The work reported investigated the fabrication of POC needle crystals by hydrodynamically induced crystallization during polymerization of ACA. Polymerizations of ACA were carried out in a cylindrical vessel equipped with a stirring bar at a concentration of 1.5% under stirring with different speed (γ) of 300, 700 and 1100 rpm. Microspheres were obtained at γ of 300 rpm via liquid-liquid phase separation. In contrast to this, morphology was drastically changed from sphere to needle at γ of 700 and 1100 rpm These needle crystals were obtained with the yield of 22-27 %, which were 1.0-1.5 μm in length and 1.0-1.5 μm in width. The purely laminar flow in the cylindrical vessel at low stirring speed changed to Taylor vortices with the increase of γ and this brought about the huge concentration of oligomers along to the circular flow leading to the crystallization to form the needle crystals.



  • Direct synthesis of polyamides by using crystallization during polymerization

    Kentaro Kobayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 1 )   304   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Direct polycondensations of isophthalic acid (IPA) and p-phenylenediamine (PPDA) were carried out by means of reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers. Poly(p-phenylene isophthalamide) (PPIA) plate-like crystals were obtained in good yield. The crystals exhibiting clear habits possessed high crystallinity. PPDA / IPA = 1.4 - 1.5 gave the highest intrinsic viscosity ([η]) of 0.37 dl/g. The yield and [η] of the polymers and the dissolved oligomers were measured in the course of the polymerization in order to examine polycondenastion feature. [η] of the polymers was increased even after the polymer yield was leveled off. On the other hand, [η] of the dissolved oligomers was constant through the polymerization. From these results, it was concluded that the polycondensation of IPA and PPDA proceeded as follows. When the molecular weight of oligomers exceeded the critical value, they were crystallized to form crystals. Solid-state polycondensation subsequently occurred in the crystals. Finally, PPIA were obtained as a form of crystals.



  • Synthesis of novel fluorine-containing poly(oxadiazole-ether)s

    Natsuko Sato, Shunsuke Masaki, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 1 )   287   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We had been studying the synthesis of fluorine-containing polymers derived from 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoic acid. This paper described the synthesis and characterization of novel fluorine-containing poly(arylether 1,3,4-oxadiazole)s(F-PEOs). Monomer was synthesized from hydrazine hydrate and 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoyl chloride. F-PEOs were synthesized by nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction at 30°C in NMP. The polymers obtained by stopping just before the gelation were all para connected linear structures confirmed by NMR. The obtained F-PEOs showed excellent solubility and afforded tough transparent films by solution casting method. They also exhibited high Tg of 157-257°C and good thermal stability, and excellent hydrophobicity due to the incorporation of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-phenylene moiety.



  • Morphology control of poly(azomethine ester) by using reaction-induced oligomer phase separation

    Yasuhide Yakushi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    Polymer Preprints, Japan   54 ( 2 )   4777 - 4778   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Spindle-like crystals of poly(azomethine ester) (PAME) were formed by the polymerization of 4-(4-acetoxybenzylidenamino)benzoic acid (ABBA) in liquid paraffin (LPF) at 300°C via reaction-induced crystallization of oligomers. But the trace of lamellae stacking structure was observed on the surface of crystals due to the lack of post-polymerization between the oligomers in the crystals. In order to induce the crystallization at 350°C to accelerate the post-polymerization, the polymerization of ABBA was carried out in the mixed solvent of LPF and aromatic solvent. This polymerization afforded the fibrillar crystals having smooth surface. One-pot polymerization of 4-acetoxybenzaldehyde and 4-aminobenzoic acid yielded ribbon-like PAME crystals besides spherical precipitates. These ribbon-like crystals showing the larger width than the fibrillar crystals prepared from ABBA were formed by the crystallization of oligomers through the stepwise formation of azomethine linkage and ester linkage during the elevated temperature polymerization. These crystals possessed quite high crystallinity as well as the fibrillar crystals. The morphology of PAME was controllable by means of precipitation during solution polymerization.



  • Equilibrium melting temperature of isotactic polypropylene with high tacticity: 1. Determination by differential scanning calorimetry Reviewed

    K Yamada, M Hikosaka, A Toda, S Yamazaki, K Tagashira

    MACROMOLECULES   36 ( 13 )   4790 - 4801   2003.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    A new method to determine the correct Gibbs-Thomson plot and equilibrium melting temperature (T-m(0)) of polymers was proposed. The Gibbs-Thomson plot method is reliable, because the Gibbs-Thomson equation is directly derived from thermodynamical relations. In this method, the heating rate dependence of melting temperature (T.) was omitted by applying the theory of the "melting kinetics", and the effect of lamellar thickening on T. was also omitted by observing thick lamellae. A differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) was used for observation of T. as a conventional method. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) was used to observe a distribution of lamellar thickness (l). It was shown theoretically that peak temperature of melting endotherm (T.(DSC)) corresponded to averaged reciprocal l (<l(-1)>) for the case of sharp distributions of T-m and l(-1). The Gibbs-Thomson plot, T-m (DSC) vs <l(-1)>, was carried out. A reliable Gibbs-Thomson plot and T-m(0) = 186.2 degreesC were obtained for a fraction of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) with high tacticity ([mmmm] = 99.6%, M-n = 64 x 10(3) and MwMn = 2.4). It was shown that DSC double melting endotherm corresponded to the number-distribution of l(-1), when lamellar thickening did not occur.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma021206i

    Web of Science


  • Equilibrium melting temperature of isotactic polypropylene with high tacticity. 2. Determination by optical microscopy Reviewed

    K Yamada, M Hikosaka, A Toda, S Yamazaki, K Tagashira

    MACROMOLECULES   36 ( 13 )   4802 - 4812   2003.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    In part 1 of this series, we proposed a new method to determine the correct equilibrium melting temperature (T-m(0)). Effects of the "melting kinetics" and lamellar thickening were omitted from T-m. The correct T-m(0) of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) ([mmmm] = 99.6%, M-n = 64 x 10(3), and M-w/M-n = 2.4) was observed to be 186.1 degreesC. In this paper, the rigorous Gibbs-Thomson plot was obtained by using the direct correspondence between maximum melting temperature (T-m,T-max) and maximum lamellar thickness (l(max))- T-m,T-max and l(max) were observed by means of optical microscope and transmission electron microscope (TEM), respectively. The validity of the Gibbs-Thomson plot obtained by means of a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) (part 1 of this series) was confirmed by comparing it with the rigorous Gibbs-Thomson plot in this paper. The Hoffman-Weeks plot is widely used as one of the methods to obtain T-m(0). It was shown that the Hoffman-Weeks plot is correct only when l proportional to 1/DeltaT where DeltaT is the degree of supercooling, is satisfied. However, in the case of iPP, the condition is not satisfied, and so the result obtained by the Gibbs-Thomson plot is not equivalent to that obtained by the Hoffman-Weeks plot. The existence of alpha2' phase was confirmed again by breakings in slopes of l and T-m against T-c at 159 degreesC. Furthermore, the broad bimodal distribution of l was caused by the difference between the lamellar thickening growth rate of isolated mother lamellae and the lamellae thickening rate of stacked daughter lamellae.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma021207a

    Web of Science


  • Direct evidence of nucleation during the induction period of polyethylene crystallization by SAXS Reviewed

    M Hikosaka, S Yamazaki, Wataoka, I, NC Das, K Okada, A Toda, K Inoue

    JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE-PHYSICS   B42 ( 3-4 )   847 - 865   2003

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARCEL DEKKER INC  

    Direct evidence that nuclei are formed during the induction period of crystallization is obtained for the first time by means of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Polyethylene (PE) was used as a model crystalline polymer. The nucleating agent was mixed with PE in order to increase the scattering intensity I-x from nuclei as large as 10(4) times bigger than usual. I-x increased soon after quenching to the crystallization temperature from the melt and saturated after some time. A new theory is proposed to estimate the size of the nuclei N, the number density distribution of nuclei with N at time t, f(t,N), and the induction time tau(i), by analyzing the SAXS scattering intensity. The volume-averaged size of the nuclei nearly the same as that of critical nuclei and does not change so much with time during the induction period. Lamellae start stacking much later than nuclei start forming.

    DOI: 10.1081/MB-120021610

    Web of Science


  • Molecular weight dependence of equilibrium melting temperature and lamellar thickening of isotactic polypropylene with high tacticity Reviewed

    K Yamada, M Hikosaka, A Toda, S Yamazaki, K Tagashira

    JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE-PHYSICS   B42 ( 3-4 )   733 - 752   2003

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARCEL DEKKER INC  

    Molecular weight (M) dependence of the equilibrium melting temperature (T-m(o)) of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) with high tacticity ([mmmm] = 99.6%) was studied. Four fractionated iPPs with M-n = 23 x 10(3), 64 x 10(3), 94 x 10(3), and 263 x 10(3) were used. T-m(o) was obtained by using an improved method based on the Gibbs-Thomson plot proposed in previous papers. The effect of "melting kinetics" on melting temperature (T-m) was eliminated by observing isothermal melting of spherulites. The effect of lamellar thickening on Tm during T, measurement at high temperature was also eliminated by observing thick lamellae formed at high crystallization temperatures (T-c = 148 similar to 166 degreesC). With increase of M, T-m(o) increased significantly. The empirical equation, T-m(o) = 119.5 + 23.6 x log M - 2.0 x (log M)(2) (degreesC), was obtained. The molecular weight dependence of the alpha2-alpha2' transition was observed. The transition temperature (Talpha2-alpha2') also increased with increase of M. The DeltaT dependence of lamellar thickness was concluded to be controlled by that of lamellar thickening.

    DOI: 10.1081/MB-120021603

    Web of Science


  • Nucleation and morphology of polyethylene under shear flow Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, M Hikosaka, A Toda, Wataoka, I, K Yamada, K Tagashira

    JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE-PHYSICS   B42 ( 3-4 )   499 - 514   2003

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARCEL DEKKER INC  

    Effect of the shear flow ((gamma)over dot = 0.5 similar to 5 s(-1)) on the nucleation and on the morphology of polyethylene (PE) during crystallization from the melt was studied by means of polarizing optical microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering. In order to analyze the results by the nucleation theory, we observed the effect of shear flow on the equilibrium melting temperature (T-m(0)). The T-m(0) under shear flow and that under quiescent state are almost the same, T-m(0) = 140.2 similar to 140.3degreesC. Therefore, the shear flow does not affect the T-m(0). The "heterogeneous" primary nucleation rate (1) and the induction onset time of nucleation (tau(onset)) of the isolated crystals under shear flow are also almost the same as those under quiescent state. The heterogeneous primary nucleation means that isolated nuclei are sporadically generating from the melt with the aid of heterogeneities such as nucleating agents. After the generation of primary nuclei, the "shish" were generated independent of the primary nucleation. We found that the shish were formed by the chain elongation caused by the velocity difference between polymer chains and dust particles, etc. After that, we observed that the "kebabs" were formed on the shish. It was found that the nucleation from the melt after melting of the "shish-kebabs" (at melt annealing temperature T-max = 160degreesC for 5 min) was accelerated compared with the ordinary melt crystallization after melting of folded chain crystals. This indicates that the "solid memory effect" of the former solid is significant. This is because of the low entanglement density within the melt of shish kebabs.

    DOI: 10.1081/MB-120021578

    Web of Science


  • Role of entanglement in nucleation and 'melt relaxation' of polyethylene Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, M Hikosaka, A Toda, Wataoka, I, FM Gu

    POLYMER   43 ( 24 )   6585 - 6593   2002.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    An experimental formula of the nucleation rate I of polyethylene as a function of number density of entanglement v, within the melt was obtained as I(nu(e)) proportional to exp(-gammanu(e)), where gamma is a constant. In order to obtain a functional form of I(nu(e)), I is determined by changing v, within the melt. The nu(e) within the melt can be changed when crystals with different lamellar thickness I are melted. It is shown that the nu(e) within the melt just after melting is related to I before melting. The v. of folded chain crystals (FCCs) is large, while that of extended chain single crystals (ECSCs) is very small. Therefore, strictly speaking, the experimental formula is a kind of 'semi-experimental' one. Because it is obtained by combining an experimental formula of I as a function of 1 before melting I(l) and a formula between I and v, based on the most probable model. It was found that the v, dependence of I is mainly controlled by the topological diffusion process within the interface between the melt and a nucleus and/or within the nucleus not by the forming process of a critical nucleus. The slope of the plots of log I against DeltaT(-2) was constant, irrespective of morphologies, FCCs and ECSCs, where AT is the degree of supercooling. From this fact, it was concluded that the fold type nucleus are formed from the melt of ECSCs as well as from the melt of FCCs. In our previous study, we found that I decreases exponentially with increase of annealing time At at a temperature above the melting temperature. From these results, we proposed a 'two-stage melt relaxation', i.e. fast conformational and slow topological relaxations. When the ECSCs are melted, extended chains within ECSCs are rapidly changed to random coiled chain conformation and then chains gradually entangle each other. We also proposed a formula, nu(e)(Deltat) proportional to -In{const. + A exp(-Deltat/tau(m))}, where A is a constant and tau(m) is the 'melt relaxation' time. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0032-3861(02)00592-X

    Web of Science


  • Power law of molecular weight of the nucleation rate of folded chain crystals of polyethylene Reviewed

    SK Ghosh, M Hikosaka, A Toda, S Yamazaki, K Yamada

    MACROMOLECULES   35 ( 18 )   6985 - 6991   2002.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    molecular weight (M.) dependence of the primary nucleation rate (I) of folded chain single crystals (FCSCs) of polyethylene (PE) was studied. A power law for the nucleation rate, I proportional to M-n (-2.4), was found. The FCSCs were formed by isothermal crystallization from the melt into an ordered phase (=orthorhombic phase). A new experimental method was established to obtain reliable I, which has been difficult in the case of heterogeneous nucleation for long years. The degree of supercooling (DeltaT) dependence of I fits well with the theoretical I given by classical nucleation theory, I = I-0 exp(-DeltaG*/kT) proportional to D exp(-C/DeltaT(2)), where I-0 is proportional to the topological diffusion coefficient of polymer chains (D), DeltaG* is the free energy for forming a critical nucleus, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is temperature, and C is a constant. It is found that DeltaG* (-C) does not depend on M., while I0 decreases with increase of M., from which it is concluded that formation of a critical nucleus is not controlled by M., while only topological diffusion of polymers is controlled by M-n, i.e., I proportional to D(M-n). Similar power laws of PE were already found by the present authors on I of extended chain single crystals (ECSCs), i.e., I proportional to M-n(-10), and on the lateral growth rates (V) of ECSCs and FCSCs, V proportional to M-n(-0.7) and V proportional to M-n(-1.0), respectively. ECSCs were formed by isothermal crystallization from the melt into a disordered phase (=hexagonal phase). Therefore, it is concluded that a common power law, I, V proportional to D(M-n) proportional to Mn-H of PE is confirmed, irrespective of nucleation or growth and irrespective of crystalline phases, ordered or disordered phases. It is to be noted that the power H depends on the degree of order of the crystalline phase, from which it is concluded that both nucleation and growth are controlled by the "topological" diffusion of polymer chains within interface between a nucleus (or crystal) and the melt and/or within the nucleus. The "topological" diffusion is related to chain sliding diffusion and disentanglements.

    DOI: 10.1021/ma0105901

    Web of Science


  • Second-order phase transition of high isotactic polypropylene at high temperature Reviewed

    FM Gu, M Hikosaka, A Toda, SK Ghosh, S Yamazaki, M Arakaki, K Yamada

    POLYMER   43 ( 4 )   1473 - 1481   2002.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    A second-order phase transition of alpha2 form isotactic polypropylene (iPP) is found at high annealing temperature (T-a = 159.3 degreesC) by means of X-ray diffraction method. Although the lattice shape and the space group keep the same as those of the alpha2 form, i.e. monoclinic and P2(1)/c, with increase of T-a, it has been revealed that there are discontinuous increases in the slopes of the lattice constants a and b against T-a plots, while the c and the beta keep almost constant. As a result, the slope of the unit cell volume V versus T-a plot also shows a discontinuous increase at T-a = 159.3 degreesC, indicatin- the occurrence of the second-order phase transition. In order to distinguish the two phases, the phase above the transition temperature is named alpha2' phase and the transition temperature is denoted Talpha2-alpha2'. These facts suggested that the alpha2' form is a mobile phase where the molecular chains would become loosely packed and mobile, promoting the better chain sliding diffusion. A fast lamellar thickening process has been confirmed in the higher temperature region than Talpha2-alpha2', which was reported in the precedent paper. General significance is proposed that mobile phases possibly exist at high temperature, close to the melting temperature and accelerate lamellar thickening, which improves physical properties of polymers. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0032-3861(01)00667-X

    Web of Science


  • Effect of entanglement on nucleation rate of polyethylene Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, M Hikosaka, FM Gu, SK Ghosh, M Arakaki, A Toda

    POLYMER JOURNAL   33 ( 11 )   906 - 908   2001

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC POLYMER SCIENCE JAPAN  

    DOI: 10.1295/polymj.33.906

    Web of Science


  • C-13 NMR relaxation of poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solution. Effects of charge density on local chain dynamics Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, Noda, I, A Tsutsumi

    POLYMER JOURNAL   32 ( 1 )   87 - 89   2000

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    DOI: 10.1295/polymj.32.87

    Web of Science


  • Persistence lengths of ionenes in methanol Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, Y Muroga, Noda, I

    LANGMUIR   15 ( 12 )   4147 - 4149   1999.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    To characterize the local conformations of ionenes, persistence lengths (P-1) were measured for 4,4-, and 6,6-ionenes (m,m-ionene) and 1,1-oxyethyleneionene (1,1-OEI) in methanol by small-angle X-ray scattering. It was found that P-1's of all the ionenes are almost identical (1.4 +/- 0.2 nm).

    DOI: 10.1021/la981120b

    Web of Science


  • Chain conformation of aliphatic alpha,omega-diamines in aqueous solutions Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, T Yoshida, Y Muroga, Noda, I

    POLYMER JOURNAL   31 ( 12 )   1237 - 1242   1999

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Potentiometric titration of aliphatic alpha,omega-diamines such as 1,3-, 1,3-, and 1,6-diamines was carried out in aqueous solutions with and without added salt to study the effect of electrostatic interactions on the chain conformations. The ratios of first to second association constants of proton K-1/K-2 were larger than 4 indicating the effects of electrostatic interactions on the second association constant in a similar manner as alpha,omega-diacids. These data were analyzed by the theories of Bjerrum and Kirkwood-Westheimer, and the resulting charge distances were compared with the end-to-end distances of various chain models.

    DOI: 10.1295/polymj.31.1237

    Web of Science


  • C-13 NMR relaxation of poly(t-butyl crotonate) in solution. Effects of beta-substitution on local chain motions Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, E Okada, Y Muroga, Noda, I, A Tsutsumi

    POLYMER JOURNAL   31 ( 6 )   542 - 549   1999

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Measurement of C-13 spin-lattice relaxation times, T-1, and nuclear Overhauser effects, NOE, was made as a function of temperature at two magnetic fields for poly(t-butyl crotonate), PTBC, and poly(t-butyl methacrylate), PTBM, in toluene-d(8) to study the effects of beta-substitution on local chain motions. For main chain carbons of MBC and PTBM, experimental T-1 and NOE data were well reproduced by the Dcjean-Laupretre-Monneric (DLM) model in the entire temperature range. The model parameters thus obtained differed between PTBC and PTBM. For methyl carbons in the t-butyl ester group, the experimental data were analyzed by the models combining the DLM model and multiple internal rotations. The model parameters were almost the same for the two polymers. These results indicate that beta-substitution affects the local motion of main chains as well as chain stiffness, but does not significantly affect the local motion of methyl carbons at the ends of side-chains. The correlation between the local dynamics of various polymer chains and chain stiffness is discussed.

    DOI: 10.1295/polymj.31.542

    Web of Science


  • C-13 NMR relaxation of iso-poly(2-vinylpyridinium chloride) in aqueous solution. Effects of electrostatic interactions on local chain dynamics Reviewed

    S Yamazaki, E Okada, Y Muroga, Noda, I, A Tsutsumi

    POLYMER JOURNAL   31 ( 7 )   614 - 620   1999

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Measurements of C-13 spin-lattice relaxation times, T-1, and nuclear Overhauser effects, NOE, were carried out as a function of temperature at two magnetic fields for iso-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (iso-P2VP) in I,4-dioxane-d(8) and iso-poly(2-vinylpyridinium chloride) (iso-P2VPCl), in D2O to investigate the effects of electrostatic interactions on local chain dynamics. For main chain carbons of both polymers, the experimental T-1 and NOE data are in good agreement with the Dejean-Laupretre-Monnerie (DLM) model in the entire temperature range. It was found that the local conformational transitions of main chain and the libration are more restricted for iso-P2VPCl than iso-P2VP. For pyridyl ring carbons, the experimental data were reproduced by the models combining the DLM model and restricted ring rotations. The angular amplitude alpha of ring rotation of iso-P2VPCl is smaller than that of iso-P2VP. These results imply that both local motions of main chain and side chain are affected by the electrostatic interactions.

    DOI: 10.1295/polymj.31.614

    Web of Science


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  • 高分子の結晶化,延伸による高性能化

    斎藤拓監修( Role: Contributor)

    シーエムシー出版  2024.1  ( ISBN:9784781317946

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  • 環状高分子の合成と機能発現

    手塚育志監修( Role: Contributor)

    シーエムシー出版  2018.12  ( ISBN:9784781313993

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    Total pages:ix, 336p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books



  • Primary nucleation and crystal growth of cyclic polyethylene under quiescent state

    Shouichi Ida, Tsunaki Kitahara, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • Preparation of High-Performance Polymer Spheres by Using Phase-Separation During Solution Polymerization

    Kunio Kimura, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida

    Proc. Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering Symposium   44   11   2012

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  • Preparation of Poly(p-phenylene pyromelliteimide) Needle-like Crystal

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 10th Asian Textile Conference Proceedings   2009

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  • POLY 37-Composition control of aromatic copolyester by using shear-induced phase separation

    Kunio Kimura, Toshimitsu Ichimori, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • POLY 507-Fabrication of nanoribbon of high-performance polyimide

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • Nanoribbon of poly(4-phthalimide) prepared by crystallization of oligomers

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    International Symposium on Polymer Crystallization, ISPC07, Proceedings   29   2007

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  • Formation and growth mechanism of shish under shear flow via local elongation.

    S Yamazaki, M Hikosaka, A Toda, K Okada, CN Das, K Watanabe, K Yamada, K Tagashira


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


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  • 重合結晶化法にもとづく三成分共重合系の成分分別効果に及ぼす仕込み組成比の影響

    新 史紀, 鈴木 杏, 宮脇里奈, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    2024年繊維学会年次大会  2024.6.14 

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    Event date: 2024.6.12 - 2024.6.14

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリエチレン、ポリプロピレンならびにそれらのブレンドに関する光劣化挙動

    速水智菜, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生, 小室晴香, 貝原祐一

    2023年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2023.11.27 

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    Event date: 2023.11.27 - 2023.11.28



  • ポリ(p-ジオキサノン)のバンド球晶生成に及ぼすトポロジー効果

    木村茉由子, 大野良悟, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    2023年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2023.11.27 

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    Event date: 2023.11.27 - 2023.11.28



  • 基板を利用した重合結晶化によるポリイミド結晶の配列制御

    兼田洸椰, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    2023年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2023.11.27 

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    Event date: 2023.11.27 - 2023.11.28



  • 重合相変化法を利用したポリエステル樹脂のアップサイクルシステムの開発

    佐伯壮真, 小原達也, 石原広崇, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    2023年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2023.11.27 

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    Event date: 2023.11.27 - 2023.11.28



  • ポリ(ヒドロキシ桂皮酸)類微粒子の形態に及ぼす置換基効果

    小枝正揮, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    第38回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2023.11.2 

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    Event date: 2023.11.1 - 2023.11.2



  • ポリ(p-オキシフェルロイル)微粒子の形状におよぼす共重合の影響

    井内崇人, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    第38回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2023.11.1 

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    Event date: 2023.11.1 - 2023.11.2



  • 重水素化ジイミドを用いた部分重水素化環状及び直鎖状ポリエチレンの合成

    小林尚樹, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    第38回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2023.11.1 

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    Event date: 2023.11.1 - 2023.11.2



  • 環状、星型および直鎖状ポリ(p-ジオキサノン)の球晶成長速度の分子量依存性

    木村茉由子, 大野良悟, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    2023年繊維学会年次大会  2023.6.14 

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    Event date: 2023.6.14 - 2023.6.16

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • カルド構造含有アラミドの合成と特性評価

    垣原 颯斗, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 杉本 雅行, 山田 昌宏

    第37回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2022.12.2 

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    Event date: 2022.12.1 - 2022.12.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環状ポリ(p-ジオキサノン)の球晶成長におけるトポロジー効果

    大野良悟, 木村茉由子, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    2022年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2022.11.10 

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    Event date: 2022.11.9 - 2022.11.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリ(p-オキシフェルロイル)ディンプル型球状微粒子における粒子径とディンプル径の重合濃度依存性

    松田敬裕, 新史紀, 山崎慎一, 木村邦生

    2022年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2022.11.9 

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    Event date: 2022.11.9 - 2022.11.10



  • 環状と直鎖状ポリエチレンブレンドの静置下等温結晶化挙動に及ぼすブレンド比の効果

    小林 慧子, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第71回高分子討論会  2022.9.5 

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    Event date: 2022.9.5 - 2022.9.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状と直鎖状のトポロジーの違いがポリ(p-ジオキサノン)のバンド球晶生成に及ぼす影響

    木村 茉由子, 大野 良悟, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第71回高分子討論会  2022.9.5 

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    Event date: 2022.9.5 - 2022.9.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 鎖の中央または片末端に繰り返し単位とは異なる置換基を有するポリ(ε-カプロラクトン)の合成と結晶化

    安東 眞矢, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第71回高分子討論会  2022.9.5 

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    Event date: 2022.9.5 - 2022.9.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Size and porosity control of aramide hollow spheres prepared by phase separation during polymerization

    Hirofumi Nakayama, Naoto Kibayashi, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 16th Asian Textile Conference  2022.7.29 

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    Event date: 2022.7.27 - 2022.7.29

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Preparation of Bio-based Microsphere with Dimple Morphology

    Hironori Atarashi, Takahiro Matsuda, Masahaya Sugimoto, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 16th Asian Textile Conference  2022.7.29 

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    Event date: 2022.7.27 - 2022.7.29

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Orientation Control of Aromatic Polyester Whiskers by Using Substrates

    Natsumi Nozaki, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    The 16th Asian Textile Conference  2022.7.28 

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    Event date: 2022.7.27 - 2022.7.29

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Development of Novel Upcycle Systems of PET and Polyethylene Invited

    Tatsuya Kohara, Soma Saeki, Hirotaka Ishihara, Masahiro Fukazawa, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    The 16th Asian Textile Conference  2022.7.28 

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    Event date: 2022.7.27 - 2022.7.29

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  • Role of entanglement species in the formation of shish-like fibril crystals - Topological effect of cyclic, linear polyethylene and their blends -

    Keiko Kobayashi, Yuya Saito, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 16th Asian Textile Conference  2022.7.27 

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    Event date: 2022.7.27 - 2022.7.29

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンと直鎖状または星型ポリエチレンのブレンド系における流動場結晶化

    岡田 大輝, 小林 慧子, 山崎 慎一, 新 史紀, 木村 邦生

    2021年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2021.11.19 

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    Event date: 2021.11.18 - 2021.11.19

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利⽤したアラミド中空微粒⼦のサイズと空孔率制御

    中山 博文, 木林 直人, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    2021年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2021.11.18 

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    Event date: 2021.11.18 - 2021.11.19

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化を利⽤したポリバニリン酸針状結晶の調製

    西村 周平, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    2021年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2021.11.18 

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    Event date: 2021.11.18 - 2021.11.19

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ディンプル型球状微粒⼦の形態制御

    新 史紀, 池田 侑季子, 松田 敬裕, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    2021年繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2021.11.18 

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    Event date: 2021.11.18 - 2021.11.19

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環状⾼分⼦の特異な結晶化機構の解明とその原理に⽴脚した⾼分⼦材料開発の新展開 Invited


    第36回関⻄繊維科学講座  2021.11.17 

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    Event date: 2021.11.17

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 環状と直鎖状ポリエチレンブレンド系の引張過程における応力ひずみ挙動の変化

    栗本 将成, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第36回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11.4 - 2021.11.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化によるポリ(p-オキシシンナモイル)の選択的調製

    宮脇 里奈, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第36回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11.4 - 2021.11.5



  • ポリ(p-ジオキサノン)のバンド球晶生成における結晶化温度及び分子量依存性

    木村 茉由子, 山崎 慎一, 新 史紀, 木村 邦生

    第70回高分子討論会  2021.9.7 

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    Event date: 2021.9.6 - 2021.9.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環拡大重合による環状ポリ(p-ジオキサノン)の合成と球晶成長

    大野 良悟, 山崎 慎一, 新 史紀, 木村 邦生

    第70回高分子討論会  2021.9.6 

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    Event date: 2021.9.6 - 2021.9.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリ(ε-カプロラクトン)及びポリ(p-ジオキサノン)でグラフト化されたセルロースナノ結晶の結晶化核剤能の評価

    馬杉 直樹, 小林 慧子, 大村 雅也, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第35回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2020.11.6 

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    Event date: 2020.11.5 - 2020.11.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 側鎖にイソブチル基を有する新規ポリオレフィンの合成と結晶化

    奥泉 陶和, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第35回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2020.11.5 

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    Event date: 2020.11.5 - 2020.11.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 鎖の中央に構造欠陥を有するポリ(ε-カプロラクトン)の合成と結晶化

    安東 眞矢, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第35回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2020.11.5 

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    Event date: 2020.11.5 - 2020.11.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 分子量が異なるパーフルオロデシル基を有するテレケリックポリエチレンの 結晶化及び表面物性

    藤後 友輔, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第35回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2020.11.5 

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    Event date: 2020.11.5 - 2020.11.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ(アミド-イミド)ウィスカーの調製

    藤原 響美, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    2020年度繊維学会年次大会  2020.6.12 

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    Event date: 2020.6.10 - 2020.6.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • AB2型モノマーであるカフェ酸を原料とした高分子合成とその一次構造解析

    新 史紀, 河田 駿也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    2020年度繊維学会年次大会  2020.6.12 

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    Event date: 2020.6.10 - 2020.6.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 分子量が異なる両末端にパーフルオロアルキル基を有するテレケリックポリエチレンの結晶化挙動および表面物性

    藤後 友輔, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第69回高分子学会年次大会  2020.5.27 

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    Event date: 2020.5.27 - 2020.5.29

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子鎖の中央にトリアゾール環を有するポリ(ε-カプロラクトン)の合成と結晶化

    安東 眞矢, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第69回高分子学会年次大会  2020.5.27 

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    Event date: 2020.5.27 - 2020.5.29

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリジオキサノンおよびその共重合体の合成とそれらの流動誘起結晶化と分解挙動

    林 章裕, 木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一, 新 史紀

    日本化学会第100春季年会  2020.3.22 

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    Event date: 2020.3.22 - 2020.3.25

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 介護環境の改善のための介護服に関する意識調査のイメージ分析

    福村 愛美, 久保 友希代, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    2019年度繊維学会年次大会  2019.6.5 

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    Event date: 2019.6.5 - 2019.6.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Preparation of Poly(p-phenylene pyromellitimide) by Phase Separation during Polymerization

    Kunio Kimura, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kanji Wakabayashi

    Korea-Japan Polyimide Conference 2005, New Materials for Electronics and Photonics  2005.11 

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    Event date: 2005.11.10 - 2005.11.11



  • Novel Morphology of Aromatic Polyimide prepared by Phase Separation during Solution Polymerization

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 8th SPSJ international Polymer Conference (IPC2005)  2005.7 

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    Event date: 2005.7.26 - 2005.7.29

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Fabrication of poly(p-oxycinnamoyl) Needle Crystals by using Hydrodynamically Induced Crystallization during Solution Polymerization

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Mayuko Muraoka, Kunio Kimura

    The 8th SPSJ international Polymer Conference (IPC2005)  2005.7 

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    Event date: 2005.7.26 - 2005.7.29

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Formation and Growth Mechanism of Shish under Shear Flow via Local Elongation

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Masamichi Hikosaka, Akihiko Toda, Kiyoka Okada, C. N. Das, Kaori Watanabe, Koji Yamada, Katsuharu Tagashira

    American Chemical Society National Meeting  2004.8 

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    Event date: 2004.8.22 - 2004.8.26

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Equilibrium Melting Temperature and Growth Rate of Isotactic Polypropylene

    Koji Yamada, Masamichi Hikosaka, Akihiko Toda, Shinichi Yamazaki, Isao Wataoka, Katsuharu Tagashira

    International Symposium on Polymer Crystallization  2002.6 

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    Event date: 2002.6.9 - 2002.6.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Nucleation and Morphology of Polyethylene under Shear Flow

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Masamichi Hikosaka, Isao Wataoka, Akihiko Toda, Koji Yamada, Katsuharu Tagashira

    International Symposium on Polymer Crystallization  2002.6 

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    Event date: 2002.6.9 - 2002.6.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Induction Period of Polyethylene-ΔT dependence and Evidence of Nucleation

    Masamichi Hikosaka, Motoki Arakaki, Shinichi Yamazaki, Isao Wataoka, Akihiko Toda

    International Symposium on Polymer Crystallization  2002.6 

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    Event date: 2002.6.9 - 2002.6.12



  • Topological Mechanism in Melt Memory Effect on Polymer Crystallization

    Masamichi Hikosaka, Shinichi Yamazaki

    International Conference on Flow Induced Crystallization of Polymer  2001.10 

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    Event date: 2001.10.14 - 2001.10.17

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Experimental Evidence of Important Role of Entanglements in Nucleation of Polymers

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Masamichi Hikosaka, Motoki Arakaki, Akihiko Toda

    European Conference on Macromolecular Physics  2001.9 

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    Event date: 2001.9.2 - 2001.9.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of Polymers – Effect of Molecular Weight and “the Memory Effect”

    Masamichi Hikosaka, Swapan Ghosh, Fangming Gu, Shinichi Yamazaki

    Latin American Symposium on Polymers (SLAP2000)  2000.11 

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    Event date: 2000.11.20 - 2000.11.24

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Melt Memory Effect in Crystallization of Polymers – Role of Disentanglement and Chain Sliding Diffusion

    Masamichi Hikosaka, Fangming Gu, Shinichi Yamazaki

    International Conference of the European Physical Society (EPS2000)  2000.9 

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    Event date: 2000.9.24 - 2000.9.28

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Local Conformation of Ionenes in Solution

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Takahiro Yoshida, Mitsuhiro Fukunaga, Yoshio Muroga, Ichiro Noda

    50th Yamada Conference and Second International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes  1998.5 

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    Event date: 1998.5.31 - 1998.6.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Morphology and growth rate of spherulite of cyclic poly(ε-caprolactone) having a triazole group at closing point International conference

    Atsushi Shinya, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization 2019  2019.10.22 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Molecular weight dependence of growth rate of spherulite of cyclic poly(ε-caprolactone) polymerized by ring expansion reaction International conference

    Ryogo Ono, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization 2019  2019.10.22 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Morphology control of ladder-type polyimidazopyrrolone by phase separation during polymerization International conference

    Naoya Inoue, Mizuki Anabuki, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 15th Asian Textile Conference  2019.9.27 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Preparation of wholly aromatic polyester microspheres having functional groups by reaction-induced phase separation International conference

    Taiki Ando, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 15th Asian Textile Conference  2019.9.27 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • セルロースナノ結晶およびそのアセチル誘導体の高分子に対する結晶化核剤効果 -核生成速度の過冷却度依存性による評価-

    山崎 俊弥, 山崎 慎一, 新 史紀, 木村 邦生, 小林 慧子, 大森 雅也

    2019年度繊維学会年次大会  2019.6.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化により調製したポリエステルイミド共重合体の仕込み比と高次構造の関係

    小坂 一輝, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    2019年度繊維学会年次大会  2019.6.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化による芳香族ポリアミドイミド結晶の高次構造形成 -定序的連鎖配列の影響の解明-

    藤原 響美, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    2019年度繊維学会年次大会  2019.6.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環状と直鎖状ポリエチレンブレンドの延伸結晶化過程から探る絡み合い状態の変化

    松川 大悟, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第68回高分子学会年次大会  2019.5.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 自然界の仕組みに学ぶ高性能高分子材料の形態制御

    野崎 菜摘, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第68回高分子学会年次大会  2019.5.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 環拡大反応を用いて合成した環状ポリ(ε-カプロラクトン)の球晶成長速度の分子量依存性

    大野 良悟, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第68回高分子学会年次大会  2019.5.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 閉環部にトリアゾール環を有する環状ポリ(ε-カプロラクトン)のモルフォロジーと球晶成長速度

    新家 敦史, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第68回高分子学会年次大会  2019.5.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ディンプル型バイオベース高性能高分子微粒子の調製

    新 史紀, 杉本 正迅, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第20回高分子ミクロスフェア討論会  2018.11.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • エチレン-プロピレン完全交互共重合体の合成

    冠 桂人, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第33回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2018.11.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエステルのエステル交換反応による分子量変化と環状ポリエステルの直鎖状ポリエステルに対する核生成の促進と抑制効果の分子量依存性

    吉田 沙央莉, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成30年度 繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2018.11.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化により調製した芳香族ポリアミドイミドの結晶形態に及ぼすアミド結合の影響

    藤原 響美, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成30年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2018.11.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状高分子と直鎖状高分子のブレンド系における大変形を伴う流動場での結晶化挙動

    松川 大悟, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 新 史紀

    第33回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2018.11.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンと星型ポリエチレンのブレンド系における結晶化挙動

    江田 千紘, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成30年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2018.11.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ガラス基板を利用したポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)ウィスカーの調製と配列制御

    野崎 菜摘, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 野崎 浩二

    平成30年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2018.11.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 生分解性ポリエステル類に対するセルロースナノ結晶およびその誘導体の結晶化核剤としての有用性

    山崎 俊弥, 小林 慧子, 大村 雅也, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成30年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2018.11.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化により合成したポリ(3,4-ジオキシカフェロイル)の形態と主鎖の分岐構造

    河田 駿也, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成30年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2018.11.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化により調製したポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)ウィスカーの基板上での成長

    野崎 菜摘, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 野崎 浩二

    第67回高分子討論会  2018.9.13 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエステルのエステル交換反応による分子量変化と直鎖状ポリエステルに対する核生成の促進と抑制効果の分子量依存性

    吉田 沙央莉, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第67回高分子討論会  2018.9.13 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ乳酸に対するセルロースナノ結晶およびその誘導体の結晶化核剤としての有用性

    山崎 俊弥, 小林 慧子, 大村 雅也, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第67回高分子討論会  2018.9.13 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 両末端基のかさ高さが互いに異なるテレケリ ックポリエチレンのブレンドによる結晶化制御

    東海 真央, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成30年度繊維学会年次大会  2018.6.13 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Preparation of Poly(1,4-phenylene terephthalamide) from Poly(ethylene terephthalate) by means of Reaction-induced Crystallization International conference

    Tatsuya Kohara, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    The Fiber Society's Spring 2018 Conference  2018.6.12 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Microspheres with Dimple Morphology of Poly(p-oxyferuloyl) Prepared by Reaction-induced Phase Separation International conference

    Hironori Atarashi, Masahaya Sugimoto, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The Fiber Society's Spring 2018 Conference  2018.6.12 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 両末端基のかさ高さが異なるテレケリックポリエチレンの合成とそのブレンド系の結晶化挙動

    東海 真央, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第32回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2017.11.22 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環化法が異なる環状ポリ(ε-カプロラクトン)の球晶モルフォロジーと球晶成長速度の比較

    新家 敦史, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第32回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2017.11.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化による基板に垂直に配向したポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)ウィスカーの調製

    野崎 菜摘, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第32回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2017.11.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 芳香族ポリ(アミド-イミド)の針状結晶の調製

    藤原 響美, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第66回高分子討論会  2017.9.22 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 直鎖状ポリ乳酸に星型ポリ乳酸を添加した系の流動場結晶化における分岐点と腕の長さの役割

    日和佐 剛, 山崎 慎一, 新 史紀, 木村 邦生

    第66回高分子討論会  2017.9.22 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化による置換基型ポリ(4-オキシベンゾイ ル)の高次構造制御

    新 史紀, 和田 信平, 檜垣 泰士, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第66回高分子討論会  2017.9.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環状PLLAのエステル交換反応による分子量変化と直鎖状PLLAに対する核生成促進効果の分子量依存性

    吉田 沙央莉, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第66回高分子討論会  2017.9.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化によるディンプル型ポリ(p-オキシフェルロイル)球状微粒子の調製

    杉本 正迅, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成29年度 第47回繊維学会夏季セミナー  2017.8.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • エステル‐アミド交換反応誘起型結晶化を利用したポリエチレンテレフタレートからポリ(1,4-フェニレンテレフタルアミド)の調製

    小原 達矢, 石原 広崇, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    平成29年度 第47回繊維学会夏季セミナー  2017.8.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 連結点にヘテロ原子を含まない両末端にパーフルオロアルキル基を有するポリエチレンの合成と結晶化

    大川 雅弘, 山崎 慎一, 新 史紀, 木村 邦生

    平成29年度繊維学会年次大会  2017.6.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • フラン系ポリケトンの合成

    小山 亮, 兼高 祐輔, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成29年度繊維学会年次大会  2017.6.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 直鎖状ポリエチレンに環状ポリエチレンを添加した系の流動場結晶化に両成分分子量が及ぼす影響

    齊藤 純希, 山崎 慎一, 新 史紀, 木村 邦生

    第66回高分子学会年次大会  2017.5.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Particles of Polyimide and Polyamide Containing Benzobisthiazole Unit Prepared by Using Reaction-induced Phase Separation International conference

    Ikumi Sanda, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    IPC2016  2016.12.13 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Effect of branched point and arm length in the formation of shish of linear and star poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) blend International conference

    Go Hiwasa, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    IPC2016  2016.12.13 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Change of molecular weight of cyclic PLLA via transesterification and its availability as nucleating agents for linear PLLA International conference

    Saori Yoshida, Noritaka Yuki, Hironori Atarashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    IPC2016  2016.12.13 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Preparation of Kapton-type Polyimide Crystals by Phase Separation during Polymerization International conference

    Anna Nozaki, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    IPC2016  2016.12.13 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用した選択的ポリL-乳酸の調製

    岡本 衛, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第31回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2016.11.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 2,5-フランジカルボン酸をモノマーとしたカルド型芳香族ポリエステルの合成と評価

    波越 史香, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第65回高分子討論会  2016.9.14 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環状ポリ乳酸のエステル交換反応による分子量の変化と結晶化核材としての有用性の検討

    吉田 沙央莉, 幸 則孝, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第65回高分子討論会  2016.9.14 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化により調製したアラミド中空微粒子の粒径制御

    安達 尚人, 新 史紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第65回高分子討論会  2016.9.14 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 低分子量環状ポリエチレンの結晶化に及ぼすトポロジー効果

    吉井 智哉, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成28年度繊維学会年次大会  2016.6.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 直鎖状ポリエチレンと環状ポリエチレンブレンド系の流動場結晶化挙動-両成分の分子量の効果-

    齊藤 純希, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第65回高分子学会年次大会  2016.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Role of entanglement species in the formation of shish-kebab - effect of blend ratio and molecular weight in cyclic and linear polyethylene blend Invited International conference

    Pacifichem 2015  2015.12.20 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリ(ベンゾビスチアゾール-イミド)微粒子の調製

    三田 育実, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第23回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2015.11.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したカプトン型ポリイミド結晶の調製

    野崎 杏奈, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第23回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2015.11.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 低分子量環状ポリエチレンの結晶化における折りたたみの効果

    吉井 智哉, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第30回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2015.11.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 直鎖状PLLAに対する3本腕星型PLLAの添加が流動場結晶化に及ぼすトポロジー的効果

    日和佐 剛, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第30回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2015.11.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 直鎖状ポリエチレンに環状ポリエチレンを添加したときの添加量の違いがshish生成に及ぼす影響

    齊藤 純希, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第30回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2015.11.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)結晶の形態に及ぼす置換基の効果

    和田 信平, 檜垣 泰士, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第30回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2015.11.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用した芳香族ポリエステルイミドのらせん結晶の調製と形態制御

    大西 拓也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    平成27年度繊維学会年次大会  2015.6.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • PET樹脂のアップグレード型リサイクルを目指した高性能高分子の調製

    石原 広崇, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第64回高分子学会年次大会  2015.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状及び直鎖状ポリメチレンの側鎖が核生成と成長に及ぼすトポロジー的効果

    水町 有晴, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第64回高分子学会年次大会  2015.5.27 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリエステルイミドのらせん状リボン結晶の調製-モノマー構造の違いがらせん形態に与える影響-

    大西 拓也, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第64回高分子学会年次大会  2015.5.27 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • フッ素含有ポリエステルウィスカーの調製

    檜垣 泰士, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第64回高分子学会年次大会  2015.5.27 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 芳香族求核置換重合による 2,5-フランジカルボン酸系ポリエーテルケトンの合成と評価

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第64回高分子学会年次大会  2015.5.27 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリエステルイミドのらせん‐非らせん形態ブロック結晶の調製

    大西 拓也, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第22回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2014.12.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 2,5-フランジカルボン酸を原料とするポリエーテルケトンのイオン液体中での合成

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第22回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2014.12.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環拡大重合法によって合成した環状ポリ乳酸の流動場結晶化

    幸 則孝, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第29回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2014.10.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 2,5-フランジカルボン酸を用いた芳香族ポリアミドの調製

    渡邉 李香, 兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第29回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2014.10.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用したバニリン酸とシリンガ酸の共重合における成分分別効果

    兼高 悠輔, 赤木 翔太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第29回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2014.10.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Shear induced crystallization of cyclic and linear polyethylene blend -Role of entanglement formed by combination of cyclic and linear polymer- Invited International conference

    ICR Symposium on Polymer Crystals 2014  2014.10.2 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ホウ酸触媒を用いた非等モル条件下での芳香族ポリエステルの調製 -重合機構の考察-

    木原 正博, 榊山 由馬, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子討論会  2014.9.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化により調製した芳香族ポリアミドイミド結晶の高次構造に及ぼす定序配列の影響

    足立 亮太, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子討論会  2014.9.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を用いた高性能アラミド中空微粒子の調製法

    中山 博文, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子討論会  2014.9.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 複合材料化を目指したポリエチレン中でのポリイミド結晶の調製

    辻本 地輝, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子討論会  2014.9.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • PET樹脂のアップグレード型リサイクル法の開発‐重合相変化によるアラミドの調製‐

    石原 広崇, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子討論会  2014.9.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 繊維状ポリイミダゾピロロンの調製

    穴吹 瑞樹, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成26年度繊維学会年次大会  2014.6.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 2,5-フランジカルボン酸系芳香族ポリエーテルケトンのイオン液体中での合成

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子学会年次大会  2014.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリイミダゾピロロン針状結晶の調製

    穴吹 瑞樹, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子学会年次大会  2014.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリオキサゾールエステルのらせん状リボン結晶の調製

    大西 拓也, 矢田 真也, 真木 祐子, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子学会年次大会  2014.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 共重合を利用した芳香族ポリエステルイミド結晶のらせん‐非らせん形態制御

    大西 拓也, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第63回高分子学会年次大会  2014.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 自己縮合型ナフタレンポリイミドの調製 ~高次構造に及ぼすモノマー構造の影響~

    澤居 隆史, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2013.12.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 芳香族ポリエステルイミド結晶のらせん‐非らせん形態制御

    大西 拓也, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2013.12.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)の成分分別重縮合 -フッ素モノマーが成分分別効果に及ぼす影響-

    檜垣 泰士, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2013.12.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • イオン液体を用いたフラン環含有ポリエーテルケトンの合成と評価

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2013.12.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ホウ酸触媒を用いた非等モル条件下での芳香族ポリエステルの調製 ―相変化における重合反応挙動の検討―

    榊山由馬, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2013.12.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリアミドイミド結晶の調製‐高次構造に及ぼす定序配列の影響‐

    足立 亮太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2013.12.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を用いたラダー型ポリベンゾイミダゾピロロンの高次構造形成

    穴吹 瑞樹, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2013.12.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化により調製されるアラミド中空微粒子の生成機構

    中山 博文, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2013.12.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状高分子を構成要素とするトポロジカルブレンド高分子の結晶化制御を鍵とした高性能繊維材料の開発 Invited

    山崎 慎一

    第35回関西繊維科学講座  2013.11.22 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • ポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)の成分分別重縮合-成分分別効果に及ぼすフッ素モノマーの影響-

    檜垣 泰士, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第28回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2013.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 共重合による芳香族ポリエステルイミド結晶のらせん‐非らせん形態制御

    大西 拓也, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第28回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2013.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの静置下等温・非等温結晶化挙動に及ぼす直鎖状ポリエチレンの添加効果

    小林 慧子, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第28回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2013.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリエチレンの再生利用を志向した長鎖ナイロンの調製

    深澤 正寛, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第28回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2013.11.14 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したラダー型ポリイミダゾピロロンの高次構造形成

    穴吹 瑞樹, 杉下 智則, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第28回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2013.11.14 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用した自己縮合型ナフタレンポリイミドの調製と高次構造に及ぼすモノマー構造の影響

    澤居 隆史, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第28回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2013.11.14 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • イオン液体中での重合によるハーフバイオマスポリエーテルケトンの調製

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第28回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2013.11.14 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリエチレンを原料とした長鎖ナイロンの調製と評価

    深澤 正寛, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    プラスチック成形加工学会秋季大会「成形加工シンポジア」  2013.11.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を利用した高性能アラミド中空微粒子の創製

    中山 博文, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    プラスチック成形加工学会秋季大会「成形加工シンポジア」  2013.11.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Preparation of High-performance Aramide Hollow Spheres International conference

    Hirofumi Nakayama, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 12th Asian Textile Conference (ATC-12)  2013.10.23 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Synthesis and Morphology Control of Self-Condensable Naphthalene-containing Polyimide by Using Reaction-induced Crystallization International conference

    Takashi Sawai, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    The 12th Asian Textile Conference (ATC-12)  2013.10.23 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • シシケバブ構造形成に及ぼす絡み合い種類の役割―環状・直鎖状高分子ブレンド系における両成分の分子量の効果―

    小林 慧子, 斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第62回高分子討論会  2013.9.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • エステル結合間の長さの異なる脂肪族ポリエステル類のシシケバブ構造形成におけるエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消と鎖の硬さの影響

    田井 哲朗, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第62回高分子討論会  2013.9.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を利用したラダー型ポリイミダゾピロロンの合成と高次構造形成

    穴吹 瑞樹, 杉下 智則, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成25年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2013.9.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化により調製した芳香族ポリアミドイミド結晶の高次構造に及ぼす定序配列の影響を利用した芳香族ポリエーテルオキサジアゾールの形態制御

    足立 亮太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    平成25年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2013.9.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • フランジカルボン酸を原料とした芳香族ポリエーテルケトンの合成と評価

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成25年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2013.9.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Effects of entanglement species and topological constraint on polymer crystallization proved by cyclic polyethylene International conference

    Shinichi Yamazaki

    International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization 2013  2013.6.30 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Synthesis and characterization of half-biomass poly(ether ketone) derived from 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid International conference

    Yusuke Kanetaka, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    EPF2013  2013.6.16 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Novel helical block crystal of poly(ester-imide) prepared by crystallization during polymerization International conference

    Takuya Ohnishi, Testuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    EPF2013  2013.6.16 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 自己縮合型ナフタレン環ポリイミドの調製

    澤居 隆史, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    平成25年度繊維学会年次大会  2013.6.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 末端に多重水素結合性官能基を有する脂肪族ポリエーテルエステルの結晶化

    岡崎 康平, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成25年度繊維学会年次大会  2013.6.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化を利用して調製したポリアミドイミド結晶の形態に及ぼす定序配列の効果

    足立 亮太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第62回高分子学会年次大会  2013.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの静置下結晶化挙動に及ぼす直鎖状ポリエチレンの添加効果

    小林 慧子, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第62回高分子学会年次大会  2013.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • バイオマスを原料としたポリエーテルケトンの合成と評価

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第62回高分子学会年次大会  2013.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したアラミド中空微粒子の調製 -脱離分子が中空形成に及ぼす影響-

    中山 博文, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第62回高分子学会年次大会  2013.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Primary nucleation and crystal growth of cyclic polyethylene under quiescent state International conference

    Shouichi Ida, Tsunaki Kitahara, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    245th American Chemical Society National Meeting  2013.4.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 2,5-フランジカルボン酸を原料としたハーフバイオマス新規ポリエーテルケトンの調製

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第20回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2012.12.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 共重合を利用した芳香族ポリエステルイミド結晶のらせん形態制御

    大西 拓也, 内田, 哲也, 山崎, 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第20回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2012.12.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 芳香族ポリアミドイミドの高次構造に及ぼす連鎖配列の影響

    足立 亮太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第27回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2012.11.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 結晶格子中でらせん形態をとる環状高分子の一次核生成と結晶成長

    川上 剛史, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第27回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2012.11.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 脂肪族ポリエステル類のシシケバブ構造形成に及ぼすエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消と鎖の硬さの影響

    田井 哲朗, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第27回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2012.11.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Preparation of High-Performance Polymer Spheres by Using Phase-Separation during Solution Polymerization International conference

    Kunio Kimura, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida

    SAMPE  2012.10.22 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 2,5-フランジカルボン酸を原料としたハーフバイオマス高性能ポリエステルの調製

    兼高 悠輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子討論会  2012.9.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • シシケバブ構造形成に及ぼす絡み合い種類の役割-環状・直鎖状高分子ブレンド系における直鎖状高分子の添加量および分子量の効果-

    小林 慧子, 斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子討論会  2012.9.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ホウ酸触媒を用いた非等モル条件下での芳香族ポリエステルの調製 ー重合相変化における反応挙動の検討ー

    榊山 由馬, 木原 正博, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子討論会  2012.9.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)三次元ネットワーク構造体の創製

    市森 俊充, 水間 健太, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子討論会  2012.9.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状高分子のトポロジー的拘束と絡み合い種の制限が結晶成長速度とモルフォロジーに及ぼす影響

    北原 綱樹, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子討論会  2012.9.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状高分子の静置場および流動場における結晶化 Invited

    山崎 慎一

    第141回東海高分子研究会講演会(夏期合宿)  2012.8.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 重合相変化を利用したアラミド中空微粒子の調製

    藤津 裕士, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成24年度繊維学会夏季セミナー  2012.8.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用した芳香族ポリエーテルオキサジアゾールの形態制御

    大西 潤, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成24年度繊維学会夏季セミナー  2012.8.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用した芳香族ポリエステルの不織布の調製

    市森 俊充, 水間 健太, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成24年度繊維学会夏季セミナー  2012.8.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用した芳香族ポリエステルイミド結晶のらせん形態制御

    大西 拓也, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成24年度繊維学会夏季セミナー  2012.8.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)ネットワーク構造体の創製-非紡糸調製法による高性能不織布の開発-

    市森 俊充, 水間 健太, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成24年度繊維学会年次大会  2012.6.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 末端にパーフルオロアルキル基を導入したテレケリック高分子の結晶化

    鍵本 修司, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成24年度繊維学会年次大会  2012.6.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • エステル交換反応による絡み合い解消がポリ乳酸のシシケバブ構造形成に及ぼす影響

    橋本 啓太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成24年度繊維学会年次大会  2012.6.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を利用した芳香族ポリアミドの中空微粒子の調製

    藤津 裕士, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子学会年次大会  2012.5.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • エステル結合間の長さの異なる脂肪族ポリエステル類の流動誘起結晶化におけるシシケバブ生成速度とモルフォロジー

    田井 哲朗, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子学会年次大会  2012.5.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 共重合を利用したポリエステルイミド結晶のらせん構造制御

    大西 拓也, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子学会年次大会  2012.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリイミダゾピロロン微粒子の調製

    杉下 智則, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子学会年次大会  2012.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したフッ素含有ポリエーテルオキサジアゾール微粒子の調製

    大西 潤, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第61回高分子学会年次大会  2012.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Morphosynthesis of Aromatic Polyester Crystals Using Direct Polycondensation in the Presence of Boronic Anhydrides International conference

    Kunio Kimura, Masahiro Kihara, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki

    BIT‘s 3rd Annual World Congress of Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis  2012.5.12 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Crystallization of Cyclic Polyethylene Under Quiescent State and Flow Invited International conference

    Shinichi Yamazaki

    Annual Meeting of Polymer Society of Korea 2012  2012.4.12 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリエーテルオキサジアゾールの高次構造制御-高次構造形成に与えるフッ素原子の影響-

    大西 潤, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第19回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2011.11.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリ(4-ベンズフタルイミド)の調製と共重合が高次構造に及ぼす影響

    澤居 隆史, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第19回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2011.11.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したAA-BB型芳香族ポリエステルの高次構造形成 -ホウ酸触媒濃度が及ぼす高次構造への影響-

    田中 修平, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第26回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2011.11.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状高分子のトポロジカルな拘束が高分子の結晶成長とモルフォロジーに与える影響

    北原 綱樹, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第26回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2011.11.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 流動誘起結晶化におけるエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消の有無がシシケバブ構造形成に及ぼす効果~ポリ乳酸とポリプロプレンの比較~

    橋本 啓太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第26回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2011.11.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Selective Synthesis of Aromatic Polyester under Shearing International conference

    Toshimitsu Ichimori, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 11th Asian Textile Conference  2011.11.1 

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  • Preparation of Polybenzimidazole Nanofibers International conference

    Jin Gong, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 11th Asian Textile Conference  2011.11.1 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Preparation of Helical Poly(ester-imide) Fibers by Crystallization during Polymerization International conference

    Takuya Ohnishi, Miki Nakagawa, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 11th Asian Textile Conference  2011.11.1 

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  • エステル結合間の長さの異なる脂肪族ポリエステル類のシシケバブ構造形成に及ぼすエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消の役割

    田井 哲朗, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子討論会  2011.9.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ乳酸の流動誘起結晶化におけるエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消の効果

    山崎 慎一, 橋本 啓太, 太田 晃仁, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子討論会  2011.9.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化を利用したらせん形態ブロックを有するポリエステルイミドの繊維状結晶の調製

    大西 拓也, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子討論会  2011.9.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 化学変換を利用したポリエチレンの再資源化-新規高分子材料の開発

    野村 隆治, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子討論会  2011.9.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ナフタレン環を含む自己縮合型ポリイミドの合成と重合相変化を利用した高次構造形成

    澤居 隆史, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子討論会  2011.9.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリアミドのケモセレクティブ重縮合

    藤津 裕士, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子討論会  2011.9.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 絡み合い解消と滑り拡散に密接に関連する末端基のかさ高さが高分子核生成に及ぼす影響

    林 大佑, 白柳 真紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子討論会  2011.9.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Morphology control of poly(p-oxybenzoyl) crystals using direct polymerization of p-hydroxybenzoic acid in the presence of boronic anhydrides International conference

    Masahiro Kihara, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shota Umezono, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    European Polymer Congress EPF 2011, XII GEP Congress  2011.6.26 

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  • Nanofiber networks of aromatic polybenzimidazole International conference

    Jing Gong, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    European Polymer Congress EPF 2011, XII GEP Congress  2011.6.26 

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  • Selective synthesis of aromatic copolyester using reaction-induced crystallization under shear flow - Influence of shearing on composition of copolyester International conference

    Toshimitsu Ichimori, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    European Polymer Congress EPF 2011, XII GEP Congress  2011.6.26 

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  • 剪断流動を用いた芳香族ポリエステルの共重合組成制御~剪断流動の印加時間や速度が共重合組成に及ぼす影響~

    市森 俊充, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成23年度繊維学会年次大会  2011.6.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 再資源化を指向したポリエチレンからの新規高分子材料の開発

    野村 隆治, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成23年度繊維学会年次大会  2011.6.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ乳酸の流動誘起結晶化で見られるrow nucleation構造の生成・成長メカニズム

    太田 晃仁, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成23年度繊維学会年次大会  2011.6.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Micro‐flowers of Poly(p‐phenylene pyromelliteimide) Crystals International conference

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Frontiers in Polymer Science: 2nd International Symposium  2011.5.29 

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  • ポリエチレンを原料とした長鎖ナイロンの調製

    野村 隆治, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子学会年次大会  2011.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合誘起オリゴマー相分離を利用したポリイミダゾピロロンの高次醸造制御

    杉下 智則, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子学会年次大会  2011.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリウレアの高次構造形成

    齊藤 里紗, 若林 完爾, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子学会年次大会  2011.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化により調製したポリ[4-(1,4-フェニレン)オキシフタルイミド]のモルホロジーと共重合がモルホロジーに与える影響

    澤居 隆史, 若林 完爾, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子学会年次大会  2011.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 非等モル条件下でのホウ酸触媒重合によるポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)の調製

    木原 正博, 田中 脩平, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子学会年次大会  2011.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 成分分別重縮合による芳香族ポリエステルの選択的合成-剪断流動の印加時間が共重合組成に及ぼす影響

    市森 俊充, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子学会年次大会  2011.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ乳酸のrow nucleation構造の生成メカニズム

    太田 晃仁, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第60回高分子学会年次大会  2011.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • シシケバブ構造形成におけるエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消の影響 Invited

    山崎 慎一

    プラスチック成形加工学会 伸長プロセス専門委員会第39回委員会  2010.11.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 重合相変化を利用した芳香族ポリエステル共重合体の調製-せん断流動速度と印加時間が共重合組成に及ぼす影響-

    市森 俊充, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第18回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2010.11.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリアゾメチンエステルナノファイバーのワンポット調製

    宮 瑾, 薬師 康英, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第18回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2010.11.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • らせん状芳香族ポリエステルイミドの調製-重合濃度が形態に及ぼす影響-

    大西 拓也, 中川 美紀, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第18回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議  2010.11.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 新規フッ素含有芳香族ポリオキサジアゾールチオエステルの合成

    前田 幸彦, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第25回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2010.11.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ホウ酸触媒を用いたp-ヒドロキシ安息香酸の非等モル重縮合

    木原 正博, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第25回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2010.11.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリ乳酸の流動誘起結晶化におけるrow nucleationの生成メカニズム

    太田 晃仁, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第25回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2010.11.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Composition Control of Aromatic Copolyester by means of Controlling Shear Flow International conference

    Toshimitsu Ichimori, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The Ninth Proceedings of China-Japan Seminar On Advanced Aromatic Polymers  2010.10.20 

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  • Solid-state Synthesis of Fluorine-containing Poly(ether oxadiazole) International conference

    Yuka Maruyama, Yukihiko Maeda, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The Ninth Proceedings of China-Japan Seminar On Advanced Aromatic Polymers  2010.10.20 

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  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリアミドのケモセレクティブ重縮合への試み

    藤津 裕士, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子討論会  2010.9.17 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンのトポロジカルな拘束が核生成と成長に与える影響

    北原 綱樹, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子討論会  2010.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用した芳香族ポリエステルの成分分別重縮合に与える剪断流動場の影響

    市森 俊充, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子討論会  2010.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 絡み合い種類が環状ポリエチレンのシシケバブ構造形成に及ぼす影響

    斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子討論会  2010.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • エステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消がポリ乳酸の流動誘起結晶化に及ぼす影響

    橋本 啓太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子討論会  2010.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 片末端のみにかさ高い置換基を有するポリエチレンの核生成

    林 大佑, 木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一

    第59回高分子討論会  2010.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリベンズイミダゾールナノファイバーネットワークの調製

    宮 瑾, 杉下 智則, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子討論会  2010.9.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化を利用したアラミドパルプの調製と精密重合法への展開

    有待 健太朗, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    平成22年度繊維学会年次大会  2010.6.18 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • らせん状ポリエステルイミド繊維の調製

    中川 美紀, 真木 祐子, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    平成22年度繊維学会年次大会  2010.6.18 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの流動誘起結晶化から探るシシケバブ構造形成に及ぼす絡み合い種類の効果

    斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成22年度繊維学会年次大会  2010.6.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Thermally Induced Solid-state Synthesis of Fluorine-containing Poly(ether oxadiazole) International conference

    Yuka Maruyama, Yukihiko Maeda, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Fluoropolymer 2010  2010.6.13 

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  • 重合結晶化を利用したポリエーテルケトンの高次構造制御

    須見 尚史, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子学会年次大会  2010.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用したらせん状ポリエステルイミド結晶の調製

    中川 美紀, 若林 完爾, 真木 祐子, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子学会年次大会  2010.5.27 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ホウ酸触媒を用いたポリ(4-オキシベンゾイル-co-2-オキシ-6-ナフトイル)の調製

    木原 正博, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子学会年次大会  2010.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 回収ポリエチレンを原料とした易リサイクル性代替樹脂の調製

    野村 隆治, 浅海 美弥, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第59回高分子学会年次大会  2010.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 多重水素結合性官能基を末端に有するポリエチレンの結晶化

    内村 美香, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第24回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2009.11.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 両末端基のかさ高さが支配する絡み合い生成・解消と滑り拡散が高分子核生成に及ぼす影響

    白柳 真紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子討論会  2009.9.17 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリ(p-フェニレンピロメリットイミド)のモルホロジー制御

    若林 完爾, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子討論会  2009.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの流動誘起結晶化でみられるshish-kebab 構造形成における絡み合い種類の役割

    斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子討論会  2009.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリ[4-(1,4-フェニレン)オキシフタルイミド]の繊維状結晶の調製と共重合が形態に及ぼす影響

    澤居 隆史, 若林 完爾, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子討論会  2009.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Poly(2,5-benzimidazole) Nanofibers Prepared by Reaction-induced Crystallization International conference

    Kazuya Kimura, Jin Gong, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    The 10th Asian Textile Conference  2009.9.7 

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  • Environmentally Benign Synthesis of Fluorinated Aromatic Polyether International conference

    Yuka Maruyama, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 10th Asian Textile Conference  2009.9.7 

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  • Preparation of Poly(p-phenylene pyromelliteimide) Needle-like Crystal International conference

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Tetsuya Uchida, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    The 10th Asian Textile Conference  2009.9.7 

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  • 脂肪族ポリエステル類の流動誘起結晶化における分子量と絡み合いの役割 Invited

    山崎 慎一

    第2回次世代ポリエステル材料設計研究会  2009.6.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 脂肪族ポリエステルの流動誘起結晶化における構造形成に及ぼす分子量と絡み合いの役割

    山崎 慎一, 太田 晃仁, 木村 邦生

    平成21年度繊維学会年次大会  2009.6.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 芳香族求核置換反応を利用したフッ素含有ポリオキサジアゾール類の固相合成

    丸山 友加, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成21年度繊維学会年次大会  2009.6.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 繊維状ポリ(p-フェニレンピロメリットイミド)の調製

    若林 完爾, 澤居 隆史, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    平成21年度繊維学会年次大会  2009.6.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 片末端のみにかさ高い置換基を有するポリエチレンの結び目絡み合いと核生成

    林 大佑, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子学会年次大会  2009.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ(p-フェニレンピロメリットイミド)針状結晶の調製

    若林 完爾, 澤居 隆史, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子学会年次大会  2009.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 両末端基のかさ高さに着目した高分子の絡み合い生成・解消と核生成・成長の関係

    白柳 真紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子学会年次大会  2009.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの流動誘起結晶化で見られるshish-kebab構造の成長に及ぼす絡み合いの役割

    斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子学会年次大会  2009.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ乳酸の流動誘起結晶化におけるrow nucleation現象のキネティクス

    太田 晃仁, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子学会年次大会  2009.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • フッ素含有ポリエーテルオキサジアゾールの固相合成

    丸山 友加, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子学会年次大会  2009.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ(2,5-ベンズイミダゾール)の高次構造に及ぼすモノマー構造の影響

    木村 和也, 宮 瑾, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子学会年次大会  2009.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を利用した芳香族ポリエーテルイミドの高次構造制御

    澤居 隆史, 若林 完爾, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第58回高分子学会年次大会  2009.5.27 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Relation between disentangling and entangling process of polymer chain and nucleation and growth focused to the bulkiness of both end groups International conference

    Shinichi Yamazaki, Maki Shirayanagi, Kunio Kimura


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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子の流動場結晶化における構造形成メカニズム〜ポリプロピレンやポリ乳酸などのシシケバブ構造形成過程のその場観察〜 Invited

    山崎 慎一

    平成20年度周南地区高分子懇話会  2009.2.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 重合誘起型オリゴマー相分離を利用した[4-(1,4-フェニレン)オキシフタルイミド]の高次構造制御

    澤居 隆史, 若林 完爾, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第23回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2008.11.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子の核生成・成長過程に及ぼす両末端基のかさ高さの影響IV

    白柳 真紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第23回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2008.11.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの流動誘起結晶化におけるshish-kebab構造形成に及ぼす分子量と絡み合いの効果

    斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第23回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2008.11.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 芳香族求核置換反応によるフッ素含有芳香族ポリマーの固相調製

    丸山 友加, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第23回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2008.11.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリ乳酸の流動誘起結晶化〜放射光を用いた結晶化過程の時分割その場観察〜 Invited

    山崎 慎一, 岡 卓也, 木村 邦生, B. S. Hsiao

    第23回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2008.11.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 重合結晶化を利用したポリ(p-フェニレンピロメリットイミド)の結晶性微粒子の調製とその結晶構造解析

    若林 完爾, 内田 哲也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第23回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2008.11.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリイミド材料の開発

    若林 完爾, 澤居 隆史, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子討論会  2008.9.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子の核生成・結晶成長過程に及ぼす両末端基のかさ高さの影響 III

    白柳 真紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子討論会  2008.9.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ホウ酸触媒を用いた直接脱水重縮合によるポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)のモルフォロジー形成

    楳園 翔大, 小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子討論会  2008.9.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの流動場結晶化によるシシケバブ構造形成

    斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子討論会  2008.9.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合誘起型オリゴマー結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリアミドの調製と連鎖的重合様式への変換

    安田 晴紀, 小橋 和文, 小林 健太郎, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子討論会  2008.9.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリ乳酸の流動誘起結晶化-シシケバブ構造形成に及ぼす分子量と絡み合いの役割

    山崎 慎一, 岡 卓也, 木村 邦生, Benjamin S. Hsiao

    第57回高分子討論会  2008.9.17 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリ[2,6-(1,4-フェニレン)-ジイミダゾベンゼン]のモルフォロジー制御

    宮 瑾, 木村 和也, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第39回繊維学会夏期セミナー  2008.9.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの流動誘起結晶化を利用したシシ構造形成に及ぼす絡み合いの役割

    斉藤 裕也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第39回繊維学会夏期セミナー  2008.9.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Topological mechanism of nucleation of cyclic polyethylene Invited International conference

    Shinichi Yamazaki

    Knots and soft-matter physics  2008.8.26 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • ポリ(p-フェニレンピロメリットイミド)の高結晶性微粒子の調製

    若林 完爾, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子学会年次大会  2008.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの核生成・結晶化挙動の分子量依存性

    井田 祥一, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子学会年次大会  2008.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子の核生成・結晶成長過程に及ぼす両末端基のかさ高さの影響 II

    白柳 真紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子学会年次大会  2008.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリ(2,5-ベンズイミダゾール)の高次構造形成

    木村 和也, 小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第57回高分子学会年次大会  2008.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Composition control of aromatic copolyester by using shear-induced phase separation International conference

    Kunio Kimura, Toshimitsu Ichimori, Kanji Wakabayashi, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki

    American Chemical Society, Annual meeting 2008  2008.4.6 

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  • Fabrication of nanoribbon of high-performance polyamide International conference

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    American Chemical Society, Annual meeting 2008  2008.4.6 

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  • Fabrication of Poly(4-phthalimide) Nanoribbons International conference

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    The 10th Pacific Polymer Conference (PPC10)  2007.12.4 

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  • ホウ酸を触媒とした直接重縮合反応場でのポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)の高次構造制御

    楳園 翔大, 小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第22回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2007.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリアミドの環境低負荷型重縮合法の開発

    安田 晴紀, 小林 健太郎, 小橋 和文, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第22回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2007.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 縮合系高分子鎖のエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消過程の可能性〜球晶成長速度による検証〜

    岡 卓也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第22回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2007.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 共重合過程における重合結晶化を利用したポリ[4-(4-オキシフェニル)ベンゾイル] のモルフォロジー制御

    吉田 尚美, 栗原 康浩, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 内田 哲也

    第22回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2007.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 異形微粒子添加による高分子流動場結晶化の制御

    守安 政人, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第22回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2007.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ポリカーボネートの環境低負荷型重合法の開発

    上原 悠, 浦部 鈴加, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第22回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2007.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • キラル化合物を用いたポリ(4-オキシベンゾイル)の選択的重縮合

    内藤 貴士, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第22回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2007.11.15 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • オリゴマー相分離を利用したポリ[2,6-(p-フェニレン)-ジイミダゾベンゼン]の高次構造形成

    宮 瑾, 木村 和也, 小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    2007年日本化学会西日本大会  2007.11.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリベンズイミダゾールのモルフォロジー制御

    宮 瑾, 木村 和也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成19年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2007.10.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した共重合ポリエステルのモルフォロジー形成

    吉田 尚美, 栗原 康浩, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    平成19年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会  2007.10.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Nanoribbon of Poly(4-phthalimide) Prepared by Crystallization of Oligomers International conference

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Tetsuya Uchida, Kunio Kimura

    International Symposium of Polymer Crystallization 2007  2007.9.22 

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  • 非等モル環境下でのポリイミドの合成

    若林 完爾, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子討論会  2007.9.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 剛直性ポリイミドの高次構造制御-繊維状結晶の調製

    若林 完爾, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子討論会  2007.9.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 剪断流動場を利用した共重合ポリエステルの成分分別重縮合

    木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一

    第56回高分子討論会  2007.9.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 二重自己組織化重縮合を利用した共重合ポリエステルのモルフォロジー制御

    吉田 尚美, 栗原 康浩, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子討論会  2007.9.19 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 脂肪族ポリエステル類の流動場結晶化によるshish-kebab構造形成

    伊藤 学, 岡 卓也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成19年度繊維学会年次大会  2007.6.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • フッ素含有芳香族ポリチオエーテルの合成と無溶媒重合への展開

    正木 俊輔, 丸山 友加, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    平成19年度繊維学会年次大会  2007.6.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリベンズイミダゾールの重合相変化を利用した繊維状集合体の調製

    小浜 慎一郎, 宮 瑾, 木村 和也, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生, 島村 薫

    平成19年度繊維学会年次大会  2007.6.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ポリ(4-フタルイミド)繊維状結晶の調製

    若林 完爾, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    平成19年度繊維学会年次大会  2007.6.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 低温プラズマ処理による液晶ポリマーフィルム間の接着性改善

    栗原 康浩, 大畑 裕之, 河口 雅彦, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子の核生成過程に及ぼす両末端基のかさ高さの影響-テレケリックポリエチレンの核生成・成長速度による検証-

    白柳 真紀, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 脂肪族ポリエステルのshish-kebab構造形成とその構造観察

    伊藤 学, 岡 卓也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 環状ポリエチレンの核生成速度の分子量依存性

    井田 祥一, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.30 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリベンズイミダゾールの高次構造形成

    小浜 慎一郎, 宮 瑾, 木村 和也, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生, 島村 薫

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 繊維状ポリ(4-フタルイミド)結晶の調製

    若林 完爾, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ホウ酸を用いた直接重縮合反応場での芳香族ポリエステルの高次構造制御

    小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 芳香族ポリエステルの二重自己組織化重縮合

    吉田 尚美, 栗原 康浩, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合相変化を利用したポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)不織布の調製

    水間 健太, 小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第56回高分子学会年次大会  2007.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子の流動場結晶化機構の解明を目指して -互いに逆回転する平行円盤ジオメトリを有する顕微鏡用ホットステージの試作-

    山崎 慎一, 守安 政人, 伊藤 学, 木村 邦生

    第21回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2006.11.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 芳香族ポリエステルの三次元ネットワーク構造の構築

    水間 健太, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第21回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2006.11.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Fabrication of Poly[2,2’-(1,4-phenylene)-5,5’-bibenzimidazole] Nanofibers by Using Crystallization during Polymerization International conference

    Shin-ichiro Kohama, Jin Gong, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Kaoru Shimamura

    The 2006 Sino-Japanese Fiber Symposium  2006.10.23 

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  • 環状ポリエチレンの核生成と絡み合い

    井田 祥一, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第55回高分子討論会  2006.9.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重合誘起オリゴマー相分離を利用したポリベンズイミダゾールの高次構造制御

    小浜 慎一郎, 宮 瑾, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 島村 薫

    第55回高分子討論会  2006.9.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Polymerization of 4-Acetoxybenzoic Acid and 4-(4-Acetoxyphenyl)benzoic Acid via Reaction-induced Crystallization of Oligomers International conference

    Naomi Yoshida, Yasuhiro Kurihara, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Asian Conference and 7th Japan-China Seminar on Polyimides and Advanced Aromatic Polymers 2006  2006.9.12 

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  • Morphology Control of Poly[2,2’-(p-phenylene)-5,5’-bibenzimidazole] by Using Crystallization of Oligomers during Solution Polymerization International conference

    Shin-ichiro Kohama, Jin Gong, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Kaoru Shimamura

    Polycondensation 2006  2006.8.27 

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  • Nonstoichiometric Polymerization of Polyimide by means of Reaction-induced Crystallization of Oligomers International conference

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polycondensation 2006  2006.8.27 

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  • 環状ポリエチレンの核生成メカニズム

    井田 祥一, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第52回高分子研究発表会(神戸)  2006.7.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高次構造をテンプレートとしたポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル-p-メルカプトベンゾイル)共重合体の固液相間での成分組み換え

    藤原 由起夫, 小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第55回高分子学会年次大会  2006.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子反応を利用したフッ素含有芳香族ポリエーテルスルホン類の合成

    正木 俊輔, 西地 愛, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第55回高分子学会年次大会  2006.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 低温プラズマ処理による液晶ポリマーフィルムとエポキシ樹脂との接着性の改善

    栗原 康浩, 大畑 裕之, 河口 雅彦, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第55回高分子学会年次大会  2006.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • せん断流動場下での成分分別重合による芳香族ポリエステルの調製

    岩藤 千英, 小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第55回高分子学会年次大会  2006.5.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合誘起オリゴマー結晶化を利用したポリベンズイミダゾールナノファイバーの調製

    小浜 慎一郎, 宮 瑾, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 島村 薫

    第55回高分子学会年次大会  2006.5.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 4-アセトキシ安息香酸と4-(4-アセトキシフェニル)安息香酸との重合結晶化で生成する共重合体の形態に及ぼす共重合組成の影響

    吉田 尚美, 栗原 康浩, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第55回高分子学会年次大会  2006.5.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 縮合系高分子鎖のエステル交換反応を介した絡み合い解消過程の可能性-球晶成長速度による検証-

    岡 卓也, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第55回高分子学会年次大会  2006.5.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用したポリイミドの非等モル環境下での調製

    若林 完爾, 伊藤 拓哉, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第55回高分子学会年次大会  2006.5.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Morphology Architecture of Poly(p-oxybenzoyl) by Modifing Oligomer End-group International conference

    Kunio Kimura, Yasuhiro Kurihara, Hideki Omori, Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki

    Polychar 14  2006.4.17 

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  • Preparation of Poly(4,4’-oxydiphenylene pyromelliteimide) by Using Crystallization of Oligomers under Nonstoichiometric Condition International conference

    Kanji Wakabayashi, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Polychar 14  2006.4.17 

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  • Fabrication of Poly[2,2’-(p-phenylene)-5,5’-bibenzimidazolke] Nanofibers by Using Reaction-induced Crystallization of Oligomers International conference

    Shin-ichiro Kohama, Jing Gong, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura, Kaoru Shimamura

    Polychar 14  2006.4.17 

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  • Direct Synthesis of Aromatic Polyesters under Nonstoichiometric Condition International conference

    Shin-ichiro Kohama, Shinichi Yamazaki, Kunio Kimura

    Pacific Polymer Conference IX  2005.12.11 

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  • リサイクル効率の向上を目指したポリエステル複合体の調製

    正木 辰典, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第20回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2005.11.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 流動場結晶化におけるshish構造形成に及ぼす異形微粒子添加効果

    山崎 慎一, 若林 完爾, 水間 健太, 木村 邦生

    第20回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2005.11.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 温度ジャンプ法を利用したポリ(p-オキシシンナモイル)微粒子の粒径制御

    平井 義人, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第20回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2005.11.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 低ずり速度の流動場結晶化におけるshish生成の起源-異形微粒子添加効果-

    山崎 慎一, 若林 完爾, 水間 健太, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子討論会  2005.9.22 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 芳香族ポリエステルの成分分別重縮合に及ぼす剪断流動場の影響

    岩藤 千英, 市森 俊充, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子討論会  2005.9.22 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合誘起型オリゴマー相分離により調製した芳香族ポリイミドの固相重合挙動

    若林 完爾, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子討論会  2005.9.21 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • オリゴマー相分離を利用した重縮合によるポリアゾメチンエステルの高次構造制御

    薬師 康英, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子討論会  2005.9.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 酸無水物を縮合剤とした直接重合によるポリ(p-オキシシンナモイル)のモルホロジー制御

    中西 利光, 小浜 慎一郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子学会年次大会  2005.5.26 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合結晶化を利用した芳香族ポリアミドの直接重縮合

    小林 健太郎, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子学会年次大会  2005.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合誘起型オリゴマー相分離を経由した芳香族ポリイミドのモルホロジー制御

    若林 完爾, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子学会年次大会  2005.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 剪断流動場における重合誘起型オリゴマー相分離を利用したポリ(p-オキシシンナモイル)針状結晶の調製

    村岡 真由子, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子学会年次大会  2005.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • フッ素含有ポリ(オキサジアゾールーエーテル)の合成

    佐藤 奈津子, 正木 俊輔, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第54回高分子学会年次大会  2005.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 直接重縮合過程におけるオリゴマー結晶化を利用したポリグリコール酸の高次構造制御

    荘所 大策, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第19回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2004.11.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子鎖はいかに絡み合いを構築するか? 核生成速度を絡み合い密度検出のプローブにして

    山崎 慎一

    第19回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2004.11.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 温度ジャンプ法を利用したポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)ナノウイスカーの調製

    松岡 佳明, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第19回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2004.11.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 重合誘起型オリゴマー結晶化を利用したポリ(p-オキシベンゾイル)の成分分別重縮合

    市森 俊充, 山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生

    第19回中国四国地区高分子若手研究会  2004.11.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子鎖はいかに絡み合いを構築するか?核生成速度を絡み合い密度検出のプローブとして

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 岡田聖香, 渡邉香織, 戸田昭彦

    第53回高分子学会討論会  2004.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子核生成誘導期における核の数分布の時間発展と温度変化

    岡田聖香, Das Narayan Ch, 山崎慎一, 渡辺香織, 戸田昭彦, 井上勝晶, 彦坂正道

    第53回高分子学会討論会  2004.9.16 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子の核生成誘導期における信頼できる核生成速度と誘導時間測定法の確立

    岡田聖香, 彦坂正道, 山崎慎一, Das Narayan Ch, 戸田昭彦

    第53回高分子学会年次大会  2004.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • shish生成と成長における臨界ずり速度とshish界面分子鎖の形態

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 戸田昭彦, DAS Narayan C, 山田浩司, 田頭克春

    第53回高分子学会年次大会  2004.5.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 流動場結晶化におけるshish生成メカニズム – ピンなどによる伸長分子鎖がbundle核を経てshishとなる

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 戸田昭彦, 山田浩司, 田頭克春

    第52回高分子学会討論会  2003.9.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子の核生成誘導期における核生成メカニズム

    彦坂正道, Das Narayan Chandra, 山崎慎一, 越智玲恵, 岡田聖香, 戸田昭彦

    第52回高分子学会討論会  2003.9.24 

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  • Experimental Evidence of Nucleation During the Induction Period of Polyethylene Crystallization by SAXS

    Das Narayan Chandra, 彦坂正道, 山崎慎一, 戸田昭彦, 越智玲恵, 岡田聖香, 井上勝晶

    第52回高分子学会討論会  2003.9.24 

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  • 流動場によって形成された配向融液からのbundle型核の生成

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 戸田昭彦, 山田浩司, 田頭克春

    第52回高分子学会年次大会  2003.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子の核生成誘導期のメカニズム 核生成の直接的証拠

    彦坂正道, 山崎慎一, 戸田昭彦, ナラヤンダス, 井上勝晶

    第52回高分子学会年次大会  2003.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 流動場で高分子核生成速度は変化せず融液中の速度勾配によりshish-kebabが発生する

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 戸田昭彦, 山田浩司, 田頭克春

    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・特定領域(B)(2)「高分子の結晶化機構」研究会  2002.10.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 流動場における高分子の核生成

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 戸田昭彦, 山田浩司, 田頭克春

    第51回高分子学会討論会  2002.10.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Gibbs-Thomsonプロットによる平衡融点の決定法

    山田浩司, 彦坂正道, 戸田昭彦, 山崎慎一, 田頭克春

    第51回高分子学会討論会  2002.10.4 

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  • 高分子核生成「誘導期」における核生成のX線的直接観察

    彦坂正道, 山崎慎一, 戸田昭彦, 井上勝晶

    第51回高分子学会討論会  2002.10.3 

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  • 流動場におけるポリエチレンの核生成-morphologyとの関連

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 新垣元樹, 戸田昭彦, 綿岡勲, 田頭克春, 山田浩司

    第51回高分子学会年次大会  2002.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 高分子結晶化誘導期のメカニズム解明-微小核生成の実験的証明

    綿岡勲, 彦坂正道, 山崎慎一, 新垣元樹, 戸田昭彦, 井上勝晶

    第51回高分子学会年次大会  2002.5.29 

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  • 高分子の臨界一次核は多くの場合、「monolayer二次元核」である

    彦坂正道, 山崎慎一, 新垣元樹, 戸田昭彦, 綿岡勲

    第51回高分子学会年次大会  2002.5.29 

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  • 高分子の核生成速度と絡み合い数密度の関係および融液緩和のメカニズム

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 綿岡勲, 新垣元樹, 戸田昭彦

    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・特定領域(B)(2)「高分子の結晶化機構」研究会  2001.10.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子の核生成誘導時間の分子量べき乗則とすべり拡散理論

    新垣元樹, 彦坂正道, 山崎慎一, 綿岡勲, 戸田昭彦

    第50回高分子学会討論会  2001.9.13 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子の核生成速度は融液中の絡み合い数密度にどのように依存するのか?

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, 綿岡勲, 新垣元樹, 戸田昭彦

    第50回高分子学会討論会  2001.9.13 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • アイソタクチックポリプロピレンの平衡融点とその分子量依存性

    山田浩司, 彦坂正道, 戸田昭彦, 山崎慎一, 新垣元樹

    第50回高分子学会討論会  2001.9.13 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子核生成誘導期のトポロジー的核生成理論[II]実験的検証

    新垣元樹, 彦坂正道, Ghosh Swapan, 山崎慎一, Gu Fangming, 戸田昭彦

    第50回高分子学会年次大会  2001.5.23 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子核生成誘導期のトポロジー的核生成理論[I]

    彦坂正道, 新垣元樹, 山崎慎一, 戸田昭彦

    第50回高分子学会年次大会  2001.5.23 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子の核生成における融液の構造と融解緩和の効果

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, Gu Fangming, Ghosh Swapan, 新垣元樹, 戸田昭彦

    第50回高分子学会年次大会  2001.5.23 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 核生成におけるメルト・メモリー効果の融解前結晶形態依存性

    山崎慎一, 彦坂正道, Gu Fangming, 戸田昭彦

    第49回高分子学会年次大会  2000.5.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 13C NMRによる水溶液中におけるポリアクリル酸の局所ダイナミックス

    山崎慎一, 室賀嘉夫, 野田一郎

    第48回高分子学会討論会  1999.10.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • X線小角散乱法による高分子電解質のコンフォメーション変化の研究

    吉田敬宏, 清水聡二, 山崎慎一, 室賀嘉夫, 野田一郎, 川口正剛

    第47回高分子学会討論会  1998.10.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 13C核磁気緩和法による溶液中でのアイソタクチックポリ2-ビニルピリジンとそのイオン化物の局所ダイナミクスの比較

    岡田栄作, 山崎慎一, 室賀嘉夫, 野田一郎, 堤耀広

    第47回高分子学会討論会  1998.10.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 溶液中におけるアイオネンの局所コンフォメーション

    山崎慎一, 吉田敬宏, 室賀嘉夫, 野田一郎

    第46回高分子学会討論会  1997.10.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高分子鎖の剛さとNMRから見たセグメント運動との関係

    岡田栄作, 山崎慎一, 室賀嘉夫, 野田一郎

    第46回高分子学会年次大会  1997.5.24 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 溶液中のポリエーテル同族体の局所コンフォメーション

    山崎慎一, 亀田充俊, 栗田典之, 室賀嘉夫, 野田一郎

    第45回高分子学会討論会  1996.10.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 溶液中におけるアイオネン型高分子電解質の局所コンフォメーション

    山崎慎一, 室賀嘉夫, 野田一郎

    第45回高分子学会年次大会  1996.5.28 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • アイオネンの局所コンフォメーション

    山崎慎一, 室賀嘉夫, 野田一郎

    第26回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会  1995.9.27 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


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Industrial property rights

  • ポリエステル樹脂とその製造方法並びにその用途

    山田 昌宏, 木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一, 波越 史香

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    Application no:特願2016-161306  Date applied:2016.8.19

    Announcement no:特開2018-28036  Date announced:2018.2.22

    Patent/Registration no:特許6892648  Date registered:2021.6.1 

    Rights holder:大阪瓦斯株式会社


  • 高結晶ポリイミド微粒子およびその製造方法

    荘所 大策, 佐藤 正洋, 杉森 秀一, 木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一

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    Application no:特願2014-88964  Date applied:2014.4.23

    Announcement no:特開2015-98573  Date announced:2015.5.28


  • ポリエーテルケトン及びその製造方法

    木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 兼高 悠輔

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    Application no:特願2012-238242  Date applied:2012.10.29

    Announcement no:特開2014-088480  Date announced:2014.5.15

    Patent/Registration no:特許6021002  Date issued:2016.10.14

    Rights holder:国立大学法人岡山大学


  • フッ素含有芳香族系重合体

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    Application no:特願2011-127634  Date applied:2011.6.7

    Announcement no:特開2012-255057 


  • ポリエステル及びその製造方法

    木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也, 兼高悠輔

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    Application no:特願2012-175655 

    Announcement no:特開2014-034611 

    Patent/Registration no:特許6004258  Date registered:2016.9.16 

    Rights holder:国立大学法人岡山大学


  • ポリアリールスルホン系共重合体及びその製造方法

    西地 愛, 正木 俊輔, 木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一

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    Application no:特願2006-156519 

    Announcement no:特開2007-321134 

    Patent/Registration no:特許4991185  Date registered:2012.5.11 

    Rights holder:株式会社日本触媒


  • ポリイミドの製造方法

    木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一

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    Application no:特願2007-119196 

    Announcement no:特開2008-274103 

    Patent/Registration no:特許4863292  Date registered:2011.11.18 

    Rights holder:国立大学法人岡山大学


  • ポリエステルイミドの製造方法

    木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一, 井上 敏夫

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    Application no:特願2010-107938 

    Announcement no:特開2011-236301 

    Patent/Registration no:特許5408625  Date registered:2013.11.15 

    Rights holder:国立大学法人岡山大学


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  • 関西繊維科学賞

    2021.11   繊維学会関西支部   環状⾼分⼦の特異な結晶化機構の解明とその原理に⽴脚した⾼分⼦材料開発の新展開


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  • 関西繊維科学研究奨励賞

    2013.11   繊維学会関西支部   環状高分子を構成要素とするトポロジカルブレンド高分子の結晶化制御を鍵とした高性能繊維材料の開発

    山崎 慎一

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  • 岡山工学振興会奨励研究賞

    2007.7   岡山工学振興会   伸びきり鎖結晶を高密度に発生させることによるポリ乳酸の高強度・高耐熱性化に関する研究


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  • 高分子学会研究奨励賞

    2007.5   高分子学会   高分子鎖の絡み合いの形成・解消過程に着目した結晶化メカニズムの分子論的解明と高次構造制御


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Research Projects

  • 結晶格子中の分子鎖形態に焦点を当てた環状高分子群による結晶化機構の解明

    Grant number:24K01556  2024.04 - 2027.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    山崎 慎一, 新 史紀

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    Grant amount:\18330000 ( Direct expense: \14100000 、 Indirect expense:\4230000 )


  • 環状と直鎖状高分子のトポロジカルブレンドの延伸過程の絡み合いと結晶高次構造変化

    Grant number:21K05186  2021.04 - 2024.03

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    山崎 慎一, 木村 邦生, 新 史紀

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )



  • Development of novel chemical recycling system of aromatic polymers by using equilibrium exchange reaction between polymer molecules and cyclic oligomers

    Grant number:18K19877  2018.06 - 2021.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    Kimura Kunio

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct expense: \3300000 、 Indirect expense:\990000 )

    In order to establish the sustainable society, chemical recycling system of super-engineering plastics which are comprised of aromatic moieties is important. However, usual chemical recycling of plastics converting to monomers by chemical reaction contained many steps, leading to cost demerit and high energy consumption. From these circumstances, novel chemical recycling system was developed in this study, by using equilibrium exchange reaction between polymer molecules and cyclic oligomers. Bio-base aromatic polymers possessing high-performance were synthesized from biomass and cardo-type compounds extracted from tar. Although aromatic polyesters were difficult to convert cyclic oligomers so far, it was clarified that the aromatic polyamide was better for this system. Now, the optimization of conditions to convert cyclic oligomers and their ring-opening polymerization of aromatic polyamides is examined to establish the novel chemical recycling system.


  • 直鎖状高分子だけでは実現できない絡み合いトポロジーを利用した高分子結晶化制御

    2017.04 - 2020.03

    日本学術振興会  科研費 基盤研究(C) 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • Development of built-up synthesis of high-performance polymer hollow spheres and their usages

    Grant number:16H04205  2016.04 - 2019.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


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    Grant amount:\15210000 ( Direct expense: \11700000 、 Indirect expense:\3510000 )

    Poly(p-phenylene-5-isophtalamide)(PPHIA) hollow spheres were prepared by the direct polycondensation in aromatic solvent. In order to use these spheres as industrial materials, the methods for size control and porosity control are required. Temperature jump during polymerization and polymerization in poorer solvent were efficient to control the size and it could be changed from 0.7 to 4.3 micrometer by these methods. Further, it was found that the polymerization at 280 degree C at the beginning of the polymerization and then at 320 degree C increased the porosity. Poly(imidazole-amide) did not provide the hollow spheres, even though the microspheres having dimples on the surface were formed.


  • 環状ポリエステルの流動誘起エステル交換反応を用いた分子量制御と結晶化核剤への応用

    2015.04 - 2017.03

    日本学術振興会  科研費 挑戦的萌芽研究 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • Development of Optical Resolution Polymerization of Polylactide

    Grant number:15K12245  2015.04 - 2017.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    KIMURA Kunio

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    Grant amount:\2600000 ( Direct expense: \2000000 、 Indirect expense:\600000 )

    Poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) is a top runner of biodegradable plastics and the properties iss highly related to the content of unit off D-lactic acid (D-unit) in PLLA. Therefore, the content of D-unit should be strictly controlled. In this study, the new control method of D-unit in PLA was examined by the crystallization during ring-opening cationic polymerization of partial racemic lactide in solution under shearing. The content of D-unit of the precipitated polymer crystals was much lower than the content of D-unit in feed. Further, it was found that the shearing rate influenced on the content of D-unit and higher rate made the content of D-unit lower.


  • Development of eco-preparation procedure of aramide from wasted PET

    Grant number:25550070  2013.04 - 2015.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    KIMURA Kunio, YAMAZAKI Shinichi, UCHIDA Tetsuya

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    Grant amount:\2860000 ( Direct expense: \2200000 、 Indirect expense:\660000 )

    In order to develop the sustainable society, aramides were prepared by reaction-induced crystallization during ester-amide exchange reaction between PET and aromatic diamines. Further, aromatic polybenzimidazoles were also obtained by the similar procedure between PET and aromatic tetramines. This procedure provides a novel upgrade recycle of PET.


  • 環状高分子を構成要素とするトポロジカルブレンド高分子の結晶化制御と高性能化

    2012.04 - 2015.03

    日本学術振興会  科研費 基盤研究(C) 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • Role of disentanglement via transesterification in the formation of shish structure of polyesters

    2011.04 - 2012.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

    YAMAZAKI Shinichi

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    In order to clarify the effect of disentanglement via transesterification on the formation of shish structure, we studied the mechanism using several polyesters having different spacer length between ester groups such as poly(L-lactic acid); PLLA, poly(12-hydroxydodecanoic acid); PHDA and poly(16-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid); PHHA. We found that the saturated formation density of shish v_<sh> decreased with increasing frequency of transesterification. On the other hand, we also found that the formation rate of shish I of PHDA was smaller than that of PHHA. This indicates that frequency of transesterification of the former is higher than that of the latter. We concluded that disentanglement via transesterification of polyesters significantly suppresses the formation of shish structure.


  • Preparation of super-engineering plastics from cellulose

    Grant number:23651084  2011 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    KIMURA Kunio, YAMAZAKI Shinichi, UCHIDA Tetsuya

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    Grant amount:\2730000 ( Direct expense: \2100000 、 Indirect expense:\630000 )

    Aromatic polyesters and poly(ether-ketone)s were successfully prepared by the polymerization of 2,5-furanedicarboxylic acid which was derived from biomass. They exhibited excellent thermal stability and chemical resistance comparable with conventional super-engineering plastics derived from the monomers synthesized from petroleum. They possess a great potential to replace the super-engineering plastics.


  • Role of disentanglement via transesterification in the formation of shish structure of polyesters

    Grant number:22750206  2010.04 - 2012.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    YAMAZAKI Shinichi

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    In order to clarify the effect of disentanglement via transesterification on the formation of shish structure, we studied the mechanism using several polyesters having different spacer length between ester groups such as poly(L-lactic acid); PLLA, poly(12-hydroxydodecanoic acid); PHDA and poly(16-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid); PHHA. We found that the saturated formation density of shish v_<sh> decreased with increasing frequency of transesterification. On the other hand, we also found that the formation rate of shish I of PHDA was smaller than that of PHHA. This indicates that frequency of transesterification of the former is higher than that of the latter. We concluded that disentanglement via transesterification of polyesters significantly suppresses the formation of shish structure.


  • Built-up synthesis of nanofiber networks of high-performance polymers

    Grant number:21350127  2009 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    KIMURA Kunio, YAMAZAKI Shinichi, UCHIDA Tetsuya

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    Grant amount:\12740000 ( Direct expense: \9800000 、 Indirect expense:\2940000 )

    Rigid-rod aromatic polymers are expected to possess many excellent properties. However, many of them do not exhibit processability such as solubility and fusibility because of their rigid-rod structure and they had been given up to use as materials. We examined the reaction-induced phase separation during polymerization in order to overcome the antagonistic problem between the high performance and the less processability. The network structures of polyester, polyimides, polybenzimidazoles and poly(ether ketone) were successfully prepared. And further, helical ribbon of poly(ester-imide) and nanofibers of polyazomethine and polyimidazopyrrolone which is a perfect ladder polymer were also obtained.


  • 回収ポリエチレンを原料とした易リサイクル性・自己修復性樹脂の開発

    Grant number:21651041  2009 - 2010

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的萌芽研究

    木村 邦生, 山崎 慎一, 内田 哲也

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    Grant amount:\2200000 ( Direct expense: \2200000 )



  • Role of knot entanglement on the formation of shish structure proved by shear induced crystallization of cyclic polymer

    Grant number:20750180  2008.04 - 2010.03

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    YAMAZAKI Shinichi

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    We found that the formation of shish-kebab structure of cyclic polyethylene is more difficult than that of liner polyethylene (L-PE). This indicates that most entanglement species of C-PE are simpler than that of L-PE. In this work, for C-PE, we attempted to introduce more complicated entanglements by blending of C-PE matrix and small amount of L-PE. We clarified that knot entanglements play an important role in the formation of shish-kebab structure of C-PE.


  • 放射光による生分解性高分子の構造形成観察(National Synchrotron Light Sourceにおける流動下X線散乱実験)

    2007.04 - 2008.03

    文部科学省  大学教育の国際化推進プログラム(海外先進研究実践支援) 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 伸びきり鎖結晶を高密度に発生させることによるポリ乳酸の高強度・高耐熱性化に関する研究

    2007.04 - 2008.03

    財団法人 岡山工学振興会 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 伸びきり鎖結晶(シシ構造)の高密度生成によるポリ乳酸の高強度・高耐熱性化

    2007.04 - 2008.03

    科学技術振興機構  シーズ発掘試験 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • シシ構造を高度に含有した高強度・高耐熱性セルフコンポジット高分子材料の創製

    Grant number:18750192  2006.04 - 2008.03

    文部科学省  科研費  若手研究(B)

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive



  • リサイクル性に優れたセルフコンポジット型高強度・高耐熱性プラスチック材料の開発

    2006.04 - 2007.03

    八雲環境科学振興財団  環境研究助成 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 高分子の流動場結晶化における異形微粒子の添加による結晶化挙動の制御と高強度化に関する研究

    2005.04 - 2006.03

    岡山県産業振興財団  大学発新事業創出促進事業 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • トポロジー的本性を鍵とした高分子の核生成メカニズムの実体解明

    2003.04 - 2005.03

    文部科学省  科研費 特別研究員奨励費 

    山崎 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


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Class subject in charge

  • Synthetic Chemistry Experiment 3 (2023academic year) Third semester  - 火5~8,金5~8

  • Applied Chemistry Experiment 2 (2023academic year) Third semester  - 火5~8,金5~8

  • Seminar in Advanced Chemistry (2023academic year) Other  - その他

  • Design of Organic Materials (2023academic year) Late  - 月1~2

  • Material Process Experiment 3 (2023academic year) Third semester  - 火5~8,金5~8

  • Functional Polymer Chemistry 1 (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Functional Polymer Chemistry 2 (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Special Research (2023academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Advanced Study (2023academic year) Other  - その他

  • Basic Experiments in Analytical Chemistry (2023academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月5~8,木5~8

  • Experiments and Exercises in Environmental Chemistry B (2023academic year) 1-3 semesters  - [第1学期]月7~8,木7~8, [第2学期]その他, [第3学期]火7~8,金7~8

  • Environmental Polymer Design (2023academic year) Prophase  - 水1~2

  • Science of Environmental Polymers (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Structural Properties of Environmental Polymers (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2023academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2023academic year) Late  - その他

  • Polymer Chemistry (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,木3~4

  • Polymer Chemistry (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,木3~4

  • Polymer Chemistry 1 (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,木3~4

  • Polymer Chemistry 1 (2023academic year) 1st semester  - 月1~2,木3~4

  • Polymer Chemistry 2 (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木1~2

  • Polymer Chemistry 2 (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木1~2

  • Polymer Chemistry 3 (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 木1~2

  • Polymer Chemistry 3 (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 木1~2

  • Solid State Science of Polymer (2023academic year) Fourth semester  - 木1~2

  • Thermodynamics of Polymer Solution (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木1~2

  • Polymer Physical Chemistry (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木1~2

  • Polymer Physical Chemistry (2023academic year) Third semester  - 木1~2

  • Kinetic theory of gases (2022academic year) Third semester  - 金3~4

  • Special Research (2022academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Basic Experiments in Analytical Chemistry (2022academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月5~8,木5~8

  • Experiments and Exercises in Environmental Chemistry B (2022academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木5~7

  • Environmental Polymer Design (2022academic year) Prophase  - 水1~2

  • Structural Properties of Environmental Polymers (2022academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2022academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2022academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2022academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2022academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Solid State Science of Polymer (2022academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3~4

  • Thermodynamics of Polymer Solution (2022academic year) Second semester  - 月1~2

  • Structure and Properties of Biodegradable Polymer (2021academic year) Second semester  - 火3,火4

  • Kinetic theory of gases (2021academic year) Third semester  - 金3~4

  • Physiacal Chemistry A (2021academic year) 1-3 semesters  - [第1学期]水3~4, [第2学期]その他, [第3学期]金3~4

  • Physiacal Chemistry A (2021academic year) 1-3 semesters  - [第1学期]水3~4, [第2学期]その他, [第3学期]金3~4

  • Special Research (2021academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Basic Experiments in Analytical Chemistry (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7~9,木7~9

  • Basic Experiments in Analytical Chemistry (2021academic year) 1st and 2nd semester  - 月7~9,木7~9

  • Experiments and Exercises in Environmental Chemistry B (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - [第3学期]木7~9, [第4学期]木5~7

  • Experiments in Environmental Chemistry Ⅱ (2021academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - [第3学期]木7~9, [第4学期]木5~7

  • Environmental Polymer Design (2021academic year) Prophase  - 水1~2

  • Structural Properties of Environmental Polymers (2021academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2021academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2021academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2021academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2021academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Structure and Properties of Biodegradable Polymer (2021academic year) Second semester  - 火3~4

  • Polymer Chemistry Ⅱ (2021academic year) 2-4 semesters  - [第2学期]月1~2, [第3学期]その他, [第4学期]木3~4

  • Polymer Chemistry Ⅱ (2021academic year) 2-4 semesters  - [第2学期]月1~2, [第3学期]その他, [第4学期]木3~4

  • Solid State Science of Polymer (2021academic year) Fourth semester  - 木3~4

  • Thermodynamics of Polymer Solution (2021academic year) Second semester  - 月1~2

  • Kinetic theory of gases (2020academic year) Third semester  - 金2,金3

  • Thermodynamics I (2020academic year) Second semester  - 火4,火5

  • Physiacal Chemistry A (2020academic year) 2nd and 3rd semester  - [第2学期]火4,火5, [第3学期]金2,金3

  • Special Research (2020academic year) Year-round  - その他

  • Experiments and Exercises in Environmental Chemistry B (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木6,木7,木8

  • Experiments in Environmental Chemistry Ⅱ (2020academic year) 3rd and 4th semester  - 木6,木7,木8

  • Environmental Polymer Design (2020academic year) Prophase  - 水1,水2

  • Structural Properties of Environmental Polymers (2020academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2020academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2020academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2020academic year) Late  - その他

  • Seminar in Environmental Polymer Chemistry (2020academic year) Prophase  - その他

  • Polymer Chemistry Ⅱ (2020academic year) 2-4 semesters  - [第2学期]月2,月3, [第3学期]その他, [第4学期]月2,月3

  • Solid State Science of Polymer (2020academic year) Fourth semester  - 月2,月3

  • Thermodynamics of Polymer Solution (2020academic year) Second semester  - 月2,月3

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